Ошибка 87 неизвестный параметр add package

Глобальные параметры DISM НЕ чувствительны к регистру.

DISM имен компонентов чувствительны к регистру.

Я заметил, что вы делаете это онлайн. Есть ли конкретная причина, по которой вы используете DISM вместо WUSA?

wusa path\to\file.msu /quiet /norestart

Ошибка 87 действительно является проблемой параметров (проверено net helpmsg 87 и подтверждено здесь), но я не вижу конкретно, что не так с синтаксисом.

Вы копировали / вставляли из Интернета или печатали вручную? Если первое, попробуйте второе, просто чтобы убедиться, что в нем не использовался какой-то странный символ типа em-dash.

Я никогда не сталкивался с проблемой кейса, за исключением случаев с FeatureNames, так что это будет первым. Таким образом, чтобы успокоить тех, кто одержим над делом (они, вероятно, происходят от * n?х фон ^ _ ^) , вы можете попробовать сделать это именно так , как Microsoft была она документирована и окружать его на двойные кавычки , просто чтобы убедиться:

DISM.exe /Online /Add-Package /PackagePath:"C:\tmp\tmp\Windows8.1-kb2999226-x64.cab"

Кроме того, просто чтобы избавить нас от головной боли: вы уверены, что это правильный путь?

Я на Windows 10, поэтому пакет не относится ко мне, но после вытягивания.CAB от.МГУ, команда работает просто отлично:

Попробуйте WUSA с.МГУ — вы делаете больше работы для себя.

Solution 1

Check «Windows Modules Installer» Service (TrustedInstaller.exe) is not disabled.
It solves my similar problem

Solution 2

DISM global options are NOT case sensitive.

DISM feature names ARE case sensitive.

enter image description here

I noticed you’re doing this online. Is there a particular reason you’re using DISM instead of WUSA?

wusa path\to\file.msu /quiet /norestart

Error 87 is indeed a parameter problem (verified by net helpmsg 87 and confirmed here) but I’m not seeing specifically what’s wrong with the syntax.

Did you copy/paste from the web or manually type it? If the former, try the latter just to be sure it didn’t use some strange em-dash type character.

I’ve never run into a case issue, except when dealing with FeatureNames, so this would be a first. So to appease those who obsess over case (they likely come from a *n?x background ^_^) you could try doing it exactly as Microsoft has it documented and surround it on double quotes just to be sure:

DISM.exe /Online /Add-Package /PackagePath:"C:\tmp\tmp\Windows8.1-kb2999226-x64.cab"

Also, just to save us a bit of headache: You sure that’s the proper path?

I’m on Windows 10 so the package doesn’t apply to me but after pulling the .CAB from the .MSU, the command works just fine:
enter image description here

Try WUSA with the .MSU — you’re making more work for yourself.

Related videos on Youtube

DISM /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth & SFC /ScanNow not Working Windows 10, 8 & 7 | Fix All Errors

08 : 01

DISM /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth & SFC /ScanNow not Working Windows 10, 8 & 7 | Fix All Errors

[SOLVED] How to Fix Error 87 Code Problem (100% Working)

05 : 02

[SOLVED] How to Fix Error 87 Code Problem (100% Working)

How to Fix DISM Error 87 on Windows 10?

04 : 17

How to Fix DISM Error 87 on Windows 10?

Fix DISM Errors 87, 112, 11, 50, 2, 3, 87,1726, 1392, 1393, 1910, 0x800f081f

01 : 57

Fix DISM Errors 87, 112, 11, 50, 2, 3, 87,1726, 1392, 1393, 1910, 0x800f081f

DISM error 87 the add-package option is unknown (5 Solutions!!)

03 : 29

DISM error 87 the add-package option is unknown (5 Solutions!!)


  • I am attempting to manually install Windows update KB2999226. I have extracted the msu file, but when attempting to install the .cab file through dism, I get the following error.

    Error Message Screenshot

    • Screenshot does not work. Which is the reason your encourage to upload images to our imgur instead.

    • Screenshot should be working now.

    • @Ramhound Makes no difference. Cmd is not case sensitive.

    • Have you tried? Those applets in my experience are case sensitive. What version of Windows?

    • Yes I have tried. I’m on Windows 8.1

  • Welcome to Super User! Could you improve your answer by explaining how/where to check if the service is disabled?

  • Burgi, how does it not? It just worked for me. DISM indeed shows this unrelated error when TrustedInstaller is disabled.

  • Run (win+r) services.msc and on my Windows 7 enabling «Windows Modules Installer» fixed this issue.

  • thx for very cool trick with: net helpmsg 87.

  • No Windows commands are case-sensitive, as Windows is a case-insensitive OS. Windows commands and parameters are often presented with the first letter of each word capitalized since it makes it easier for readers, similar to how the first character words within a hashtag is capitalized.

  • Dism in Windows ≥8 isn’t the same as Dism in Windows ≤7 — have you verified if you can use Dism from Windows ≥8 in Windows 7 (I’m assuming you’re not using Windows 7 since it’s EoL)?



Если при запуске встроенного средства DISM в Windows 10 вы получаете коды сообщений об ошибках, такие как 87, 112, 11, 50, 2, 3, 87,1726, 1393, 1910, 0x800f081f, то эти общие рекомендации по устранению неполадок могут помочь вам решить проблему. Код ошибки может сопровождаться сообщением:

  • Если сопровождающее сообщение – Параметр восстановления работоспособности не распознается в этом контексте или Произошла ошибка при обработке команды , это может указывать на то, что используемая вами команда DISM имеет вид не поддерживается версией операционной системы.
  • Если сопровождающее сообщение – Опция add-package неизвестна , это может означать, что используемая опция не поддерживается версией операционной системы.

Если образ Windows становится неработоспособным, вы можете использовать средство управления развертыванием образов и обслуживанием (DISM) для обновления файлов и устранения проблемы. В случае системных несоответствий и повреждений, поврежденных файлов Центра обновления Windows и т. Д. Вы можете запустить инструмент DISM, используя функциональность Cleanup-Image вместе с доступными переключателями. Но если усилия не увенчаются успехом, вам может понадобиться выяснить, почему это произошло. Такие ошибки обычно возникают при использовании параметра /restorehealth , но могут появляться и при использовании других параметров.

Исправить ошибку DISM

1] Откройте окно командной строки с повышенными правами и выполните следующую команду, чтобы обновить инструмент DISM:

 dism.exe/image: C:/cleanup-image/revertpendingactions 

Это вернет все отложенные задачи, включая обновления Windows. Рекомендуется загрузиться в автономном режиме, а затем запустить его из командной строки восстановления.

2] Затем выполните следующую команду:


Это очистит хранилище компонентов, чтобы все снова могло нормально работать.

3] Перезапустите, а затем запустите sfc/scannow в безопасном режиме.

Перезагрузите систему и посмотрите, можете ли вы сейчас запустить следующую команду:


Это должно помочь!


  1. Исправьте ошибку DISM 0x800f0906.
  2. Сбой DISM в Windows 10. Исходные файлы не найдены.

What is the DISM? Why you receive the DISM error 87 when running DISM tool in Command Line Windows? How to fix the error 87 DISM? This post shows how to fix the DISM error 87 Windows 10/8/7. After solving this CMD error 87, it is recommended to use MiniTool software to keep your data safe.

What Is DISM?

DISM, whose full name is the Deployment Image Service and Management, is a built-in tool of Windows, first introduced in Windows 7 and Windows Server R2. It can perform servicing tasks on a Windows installation image, on an online or offline image within a folder, or on WIM files.

The DISM tool can be available from the Command Line or the Windows PowerShell. DISM tool can be used to update files and fix problems when a Windows image becomes unserviceable. However, when running the DISM tool, you may receive the error code 87 or some other codes like DISM error 50, DISM error 2, DISM error 3, DISM error 1639 and so on, as shown in the following picture:

DISM error 87

These DISM error codes mean that you cannot proceed. Therefore, do you know what may cause the DISM error 87 or other DISM error codes?

What Causes DISM Error 87?

As a matter of fact, there are several reasons leading to the DISM error 87 Windows 10/8/7.

1. The command is not correct.

This is the common reason that leads to the DISM error 87 the parameter is incorrect. In most situations, users may forget to type a space before the slash when they type the command.

2. The command does not run into an elevated prompt.

The second cause for the DISM error 87 is that the command does not run into an elevated Command Prompt window. If users run this command in a regular Command Line window, they may receive the error 87 DISM.

3. The machine uses the wrong DISM version.

You may encounter the DISM error 87 if you use the wrong version of DISM when applying a Windows 10 image. Thus, to fix this problem, you need to use the correct DISM version.

Having known what may lead to the DISM restorehealth error 87, how to fix this DISM error?

How to Fix Dism Error 87?

  1. Use Correct DISM Command.
  2. Run this command using an elevated command prompt.
  3. Run Windows update.
  4. Run System File Checker.
  5. Use correct DISM version.
  6. Reinstall Windows.

6 Solutions to DISM Error 87 Windows 7/8/10

In the following section, we will list several solutions to DISM error 87. If you have the same trouble, try these solutions.

Solution 1. Use Correct DISM Command

As we have mentioned in the above section, the DISM error 87 may be caused by the incorrect command. For example, if you input the command without space before the slash like this DISM/online/cleanup-image/checkhealth, you will encounter the DISM/online/cleanup-image/restorehealth error 87.

So, in order to solve this DISM error code, please type the correct command. Please add the space before the slash, like these:

  • DISM /Online /Cleanup-image /Scanhealth
  • DISM /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth

After that, you can check whether you still encounter the DISM error 87.

See what you can do if DISM /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth is stuck.

Solution 2. Run This Command Using an Elevated Command Prompt

Some people say that they encounter the DISM error 87 when they do not run Command Prompt as administrator.

So in order to solve the error 87 DISM Windows 10, try to run Command Prompt as administrator.

Step 1: Type command prompt in the search box of Windows 10 and choose the best matched one.

Step 2: Right-click it to choose Run as administrator to continue.

choose run as administrator to continue

You can also refer to the post Command Prompt Windows 10: Tell Your Windows to Take Actions to know more ways to run Command Prompt as administrator.

After running Command Prompt as administrator, type the command to continue and check whether the issue DISM error 87 is solved.

Solution 3. Run Windows Update

The DISM restorehealth error 87 may be caused by the pending Windows update. So in order to solve this error 87 DISM, you need to install all pending updates.

Now, here is the tutorial.

Step 1: Open Windows Update

  1. Press Windows and I keys together to open Settings.
  2. In the pop-up window, choose Update & Security to continue.

Step 2: Check for updates

  1. In the pop-up window, go to Windows Update tab.
  2. Then choose Check for Updates to continue.

choose Check for updates

Tip: During the Windows Update process, you may need to restart your computer.

When the process is finished, you can run Command Prompt as administrator and input the command again to check whether the error 87 DISM is solved.

Solution 4. Run System File Checker

If there are corrupted system files on your computer, you may also encounter the error 87 DISM Windows 10/8/7. Thus, to fix this problem, you need to check and repair the corrupted system files firstly.

Hence, the Windows built-in tool System File Checker is a good choice to repair the corrupted system files.

Now, here is the tutorial on how to fix the corrupted system files so as to fix the DISM error 87 Windows 7/8/10.

Step 1: Open Command Prompt

  1. Type command prompt in the search box of Windows 10 and choose the best matched one.
  2. Right-click it to choose Run as administrator to continue.

Step 2: Type the command to continue

  1. In the pop-up window, type the command sfc /scannow and hit Enter to continue.
  2. Please do not close the command line windows until you see the message verification 100% completed.

type the command

When the process is finished, you will successfully repair the corrupted system files if there exists. Then open Command Prompt and run as administrator, type the command again, and check whether the DISM error 87 is solved.

If this sfc command does not work, you can refer to the post Quickly Fix – SFC Scannow Not Working (Focus on 2 Cases) to look for solutions.

Note: In addition to checking and repairing corrupted system files, you can also check whether there are bad sectors on hard drive and repair them.

Solution 5. Use the Correct DISM Version

Here, we will walk you through the fifth solution to fix the DISM error 87 Windows 10. If you are a Windows user, you need to run the Windows 10 version of DISM because this version requires the Wofadk.sys filter driver.

Note: The Wofadk.sys filter is contained in the Windows 10 Assessment and Deployment Kit. The driver must be installed and configured with Windows 10 DISM when the command runs on an earlier version of Windows host or Windows Preinstallation Environment.

So, in order to solve DISM error 87 Windows 10, you need to use the Windows 10 Version of DISM with the wofadk.sys filter driver. For more detailed information, you can see the DISM Supported Platforms and Install Windows 10 using a Previous version of Windows PE.

After that, you can reboot your computer and run Command Prompt as administrator again, then type the command to check whether the DISM error 87 Windows 10 is solved.

Solution 6. Reinstall Windows

Now, we will show you the last solution to DISM error 87. If none of the above methods works, there is no other choice for you except reinstalling Windows. Hence, you can reinstall the operating system to fix the DISM error 87and other system problems.

But one important thing is that reinstalling the operating system will lead to data loss. So before continuing, please back up all important files firstly.

After ensuring data safe, you can continue to reinstall the operating system.

I encountered the DISM error 87 when running DISM, but I successfully fixed this DISM error code after I read this post. Click to Tweet

What to Do After Solving DISM Error 87?

After you have fixed the DISM restorehealth error 87, what can you do?

It is strongly recommended to create a system image after fixing this issue. In this way, you can restore your computer to the normal state if you encounter the error 87 DISM again in later.

In addition, if you encounter some other OS problems during the using process, you can also restore your computer to a previous state with the system image created before.

Thus, do you know how to back up computer or create system image easily? To easily keep data safe, MiniTool ShadowMaker would be a good choice.

MiniTool ShadowMaker is a piece of professional Windows backup software which is specializing in backing up disks, partitions, files, folders and the operating system.

Besides backup feature, it is also a clone tool which can clone OS from HDD to SSD without data loss.

So, with so many features, download MiniTool ShadowMaker Trial from the following button immediately or choose to purchase an advanced edition.

MiniTool ShadowMaker TrialClick to Download100%Clean & Safe

Now, we will show you how to back up computer with the step-by-step guide.

Step 1: Launch MiniTool ShadowMaker

  1. Download MiniTool ShadowMaker and install it on your computer.
  2. Launch it.
  3. Click Keep Trial to continue.

Step 2: Select the backup source

  1. MiniTool ShadowMaker chooses the operating system as the backup source by default. So, there is no need for you to choose it again.
  2. However, if you want to select a backup source by yourself. Please go to the Backup page, click the Source module, and choose Disk and Partitions to select the system disk to continue. (If you want to back up files, choose Folders and Files.)

choose Disk and Partitions

Step 3: Select the backup destination

  1. After returning to the backup page, please click the DESTINATION module to choose a backup destination.
  2. Here are four available paths which are User, Computer, Libraries, and Shared. It is suggested to save the backup images on an external hard drive. So, click Computer, choose an external hard drive, and click OK to continue.

choose backup destination

Here are three points you should pay attention to.

  • MiniTool ShadowMaker enables you to create a regular backup. Just go to Options > Schedule Settings.
  • MiniTool ShadowMaker provides three different backup schemes. Go to Options > Scheme Settings to change.
  • You can also set some advanced backup parameters during the backup process, such as encrypting backup files, etc.

Step 4: Start to backup

  1. After selecting the backup source and destination, click Back Up Now to perform the backup task immediately.
  2. Or click Back Up Later to postpone the backup task and restart it on the Manage page.

click Back up Now to continue

When all steps have been finished, you have successfully created a system image. With this system image, you can feel relax even though you encounter the DISM error 87 again or some other system problems because you can restore computer to a previous state.

MiniTool ShadowMaker TrialClick to Download100%Clean & Safe

MiniTool ShadowMaker is a powerful tool. With this software, I am assured as it can keep my computer and data safe.Click to Tweet

Bottom Line

To sum up, this post has introduced what the DISM is and what may cause the DISM error 87. Apart from that, this post has walked through 6 solutions to DISM error 87 Windows 7/8/10.

If you have any better solution to error 87 Windows 10, you can share it on the comment zone. Or if you have any problem with this post or MiniTool ShadowMaker, please contact us via the email [email protected] and we will reply to you as soon as possible.

DISM Error 87 FAQ

How do I fix error 87 DISM?

  1. Use Correct DISM Command.
  2. Run this command using an elevated command prompt.
  3. Run Windows update.
  4. Run System File Checker.
  5. Use correct DISM version.
  6. Reinstall Windows.

What is the DISM?

DISM, also called Deployment Image Service and Management, is a Windows built-in tool that can be used to service and prepare Windows image including the online or offline image within a folder or WIM file. Its features include mounting and unmounting images, querying installed device drivers in an offline image and adding a device driver to an offline image.

What does dism online cleanup image RestoreHealth do?

Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth attempts to scan and repair corrupted system files that found on your computer.

How do I fix corrupted files on Windows 10?

  1. Type Command Prompt in the search box of Windows and choose the best matched one.
  2. Right-click it to choose Run as administrator.
  3. Type the command sfc /scannow and hit Enter to continue.
  4. Wait for the process to be finished.

DISM global options are NOT case sensitive.

DISM feature names ARE case sensitive.

enter image description here

I noticed you’re doing this online. Is there a particular reason you’re using DISM instead of WUSA?

wusa pathtofile.msu /quiet /norestart

Error 87 is indeed a parameter problem (verified by net helpmsg 87 and confirmed here) but I’m not seeing specifically what’s wrong with the syntax.

Did you copy/paste from the web or manually type it? If the former, try the latter just to be sure it didn’t use some strange em-dash type character.

I’ve never run into a case issue, except when dealing with FeatureNames, so this would be a first. So to appease those who obsess over case (they likely come from a *n?x background ^_^) you could try doing it exactly as Microsoft has it documented and surround it on double quotes just to be sure:

DISM.exe /Online /Add-Package /PackagePath:"C:tmptmpWindows8.1-kb2999226-x64.cab"

Also, just to save us a bit of headache: You sure that’s the proper path?

I’m on Windows 10 so the package doesn’t apply to me but after pulling the .CAB from the .MSU, the command works just fine:
enter image description here

Try WUSA with the .MSU — you’re making more work for yourself.

Как исправить ошибку 87 в DISMИспользуя DISM в командной строке для проверки хранилища компонентов Windows или других целей, некоторые пользователи могут столкнуться с ошибкой 87: «Неизвестный параметр» или «Параметр не распознан в этом контексте».

В этой инструкции подробно о причинах ошибки 87 в командной строке при использовании DISM в Windows 11, Windows 10 и 7 и о возможных способах её исправления.

Самая распространенная причина ошибки 87, особенно если речь идёт не о старых ОС, а о Windows 11 и Windows 10 — синтаксические ошибки при вводе команды.

Ошибка 87 в командной строке при использовании DISM и синтаксических ошибках

Чаще всего это бывают следующие варианты ошибок:

  1. Отсутствие пробелов перед знаком «/» в указанных параметрах команды DISM.
  2. Неправильный порядок указания параметров (например, если изменить порядок параметров checkhealth и cleanup-image, вы получите указанную ошибку).
  3. Также русскоязычные пользователи, случается, путают латинские буквы C и S, U и Y.

Даже если вы копируете команду с какого-то сайта, следует учитывать, что ошибки могут быть и там — опечатки, копирование кода с ошибками, никто от этого не застрахован.

Версия DISM

Версии DISM и набор поддерживаемых команд отличаются. Не все команды, которые работают в DISM из Windows 11/10 будут работать в Windows 7 и 8.1. К примеру, если в современной ОС с DISM 10-й версии использовать команду

DISM /online /cleanup-image /checkhealth

она будет исправно работать.

Если ту же команду ввести в Windows 7, с DISM версии 6.1, результатом будет ошибка 87:

Ошибка 87 в DISM старой версии

Возможные варианты решения:

  • Не использовать неподдерживаемые команды, если они не критичны для получения нужного результата.
  • Установить последнюю версию DISM, это можно сделать даже в старой версии системы, что будет рассмотрено далее.

Установка последней версии DISM в Windows старых версий

При необходимости использовать последнюю версию DISM в предыдущей версии Windows, вы можете скачать и установить Windows ADK (Комплект средств для развертывания и оценки Windows) нужной версии (например, мы можем установить ADK для Windows 10 в Windows 7) и выбрать пункт «средства развертывания» при установке:

Установить Windows ADK и последнюю версию DISM

Установщики последних версий Windows ADK доступны на официальной странице https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/get-started/adk-install при этом следует учитывать:

  • Для установки последних версий требуется наличие .NET Framework 5 на компьютере.
  • Это онлайн-установщики и загрузка необходимых компонентов из РФ без VPN не работает.
  • Новая версия DISM не заменяет имеющуюся, а устанавливается отдельно, по умолчанию — в папке C:Program Files (x86)Windows Kits10Assessment and Deployment KitDeployment Toolsamd64DISM и потребуется запускать её из этого расположения, либо добавлять в переменные среды.

Если ошибка сохраняется, можно учесть следующие нюансы и попробовать некоторые дополнительные варианты действий:

  1. Для работы некоторых параметров DISM, например, /spsuperseded требуется, чтобы служба «Установщик модулей Windows» была включена. Включить службу можно в Win+Rservices.msc. Находим «Установщик модулей Windows» в списке, дважды нажимаем по службе и устанавливаем тип запуска «Вручную» — значение по умолчанию для этой службы.
  2. Выполнить проверку целостности системных файлов с помощью команды sfc /scannow
  3. Если ранее ошибка не возникала, попробовать использовать точки восстановления системы.
  4. Если есть обновления Windows — попробуйте установить их, однажды в очередном обновлении Windows 10 ошибка 87 была вызвана проблемами в самом обновлении и уже в следующем она была исправлена.

Если проблема сохраняется, опишите в комментариях, при каких обстоятельствах она возникает, а также укажите версию Windows, DISM (отображается после запуска команды), какую именно команду вы пробуете ввести — я постараюсь помочь.

What is the DISM? Why you receive the DISM error 87 when running DISM tool in Command Line Windows? How to fix the error 87 DISM? This post shows how to fix the DISM error 87 Windows 10/8/7. After solving this CMD error 87, it is recommended to use MiniTool software to keep your data safe.

What Is DISM?

DISM, whose full name is the Deployment Image Service and Management, is a built-in tool of Windows, first introduced in Windows 7 and Windows Server R2. It can perform servicing tasks on a Windows installation image, on an online or offline image within a folder, or on WIM files.

The DISM tool can be available from the Command Line or the Windows PowerShell. DISM tool can be used to update files and fix problems when a Windows image becomes unserviceable. However, when running the DISM tool, you may receive the error code 87 or some other codes like DISM error 50, DISM error 2, DISM error 3, DISM error 1639 and so on, as shown in the following picture:

DISM error 87

These DISM error codes mean that you cannot proceed. Therefore, do you know what may cause the DISM error 87 or other DISM error codes?

What Causes DISM Error 87?

As a matter of fact, there are several reasons leading to the DISM error 87 Windows 10/8/7.

1. The command is not correct.

This is the common reason that leads to the DISM error 87 the parameter is incorrect. In most situations, users may forget to type a space before the slash when they type the command.

2. The command does not run into an elevated prompt.

The second cause for the DISM error 87 is that the command does not run into an elevated Command Prompt window. If users run this command in a regular Command Line window, they may receive the error 87 DISM.

3. The machine uses the wrong DISM version.

You may encounter the DISM error 87 if you use the wrong version of DISM when applying a Windows 10 image. Thus, to fix this problem, you need to use the correct DISM version.

Having known what may lead to the DISM restorehealth error 87, how to fix this DISM error?

How to Fix Dism Error 87?

  1. Use Correct DISM Command.
  2. Run this command using an elevated command prompt.
  3. Run Windows update.
  4. Run System File Checker.
  5. Use correct DISM version.
  6. Reinstall Windows.

6 Solutions to DISM Error 87 Windows 7/8/10

In the following section, we will list several solutions to DISM error 87. If you have the same trouble, try these solutions.

Solution 1. Use Correct DISM Command

As we have mentioned in the above section, the DISM error 87 may be caused by the incorrect command. For example, if you input the command without space before the slash like this DISM/online/cleanup-image/checkhealth, you will encounter the DISM/online/cleanup-image/restorehealth error 87.

So, in order to solve this DISM error code, please type the correct command. Please add the space before the slash, like these:

  • DISM /Online /Cleanup-image /Scanhealth
  • DISM /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth

After that, you can check whether you still encounter the DISM error 87.

See what you can do if DISM /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth is stuck.

Solution 2. Run This Command Using an Elevated Command Prompt

Some people say that they encounter the DISM error 87 when they do not run Command Prompt as administrator.

So in order to solve the error 87 DISM Windows 10, try to run Command Prompt as administrator.

Step 1: Type command prompt in the search box of Windows 10 and choose the best matched one.

Step 2: Right-click it to choose Run as administrator to continue.

choose run as administrator to continue

You can also refer to the post Command Prompt Windows 10: Tell Your Windows to Take Actions to know more ways to run Command Prompt as administrator.

After running Command Prompt as administrator, type the command to continue and check whether the issue DISM error 87 is solved.

Solution 3. Run Windows Update

The DISM restorehealth error 87 may be caused by the pending Windows update. So in order to solve this error 87 DISM, you need to install all pending updates.

Now, here is the tutorial.

Step 1: Open Windows Update

  1. Press Windows and I keys together to open Settings.
  2. In the pop-up window, choose Update & Security to continue.

Step 2: Check for updates

  1. In the pop-up window, go to Windows Update tab.
  2. Then choose Check for Updates to continue.

choose Check for updates

Tip: During the Windows Update process, you may need to restart your computer.

When the process is finished, you can run Command Prompt as administrator and input the command again to check whether the error 87 DISM is solved.

Solution 4. Run System File Checker

If there are corrupted system files on your computer, you may also encounter the error 87 DISM Windows 10/8/7. Thus, to fix this problem, you need to check and repair the corrupted system files firstly.

Hence, the Windows built-in tool System File Checker is a good choice to repair the corrupted system files.

Now, here is the tutorial on how to fix the corrupted system files so as to fix the DISM error 87 Windows 7/8/10.

Step 1: Open Command Prompt

  1. Type command prompt in the search box of Windows 10 and choose the best matched one.
  2. Right-click it to choose Run as administrator to continue.

Step 2: Type the command to continue

  1. In the pop-up window, type the command sfc /scannow and hit Enter to continue.
  2. Please do not close the command line windows until you see the message verification 100% completed.

type the command

When the process is finished, you will successfully repair the corrupted system files if there exists. Then open Command Prompt and run as administrator, type the command again, and check whether the DISM error 87 is solved.

If this sfc command does not work, you can refer to the post Quickly Fix – SFC Scannow Not Working (Focus on 2 Cases) to look for solutions.

Note: In addition to checking and repairing corrupted system files, you can also check whether there are bad sectors on hard drive and repair them.

Solution 5. Use the Correct DISM Version

Here, we will walk you through the fifth solution to fix the DISM error 87 Windows 10. If you are a Windows user, you need to run the Windows 10 version of DISM because this version requires the Wofadk.sys filter driver.

Note: The Wofadk.sys filter is contained in the Windows 10 Assessment and Deployment Kit. The driver must be installed and configured with Windows 10 DISM when the command runs on an earlier version of Windows host or Windows Preinstallation Environment.

So, in order to solve DISM error 87 Windows 10, you need to use the Windows 10 Version of DISM with the wofadk.sys filter driver. For more detailed information, you can see the DISM Supported Platforms and Install Windows 10 using a Previous version of Windows PE.

After that, you can reboot your computer and run Command Prompt as administrator again, then type the command to check whether the DISM error 87 Windows 10 is solved.

Solution 6. Reinstall Windows

Now, we will show you the last solution to DISM error 87. If none of the above methods works, there is no other choice for you except reinstalling Windows. Hence, you can reinstall the operating system to fix the DISM error 87and other system problems.

But one important thing is that reinstalling the operating system will lead to data loss. So before continuing, please back up all important files firstly.

After ensuring data safe, you can continue to reinstall the operating system.

I encountered the DISM error 87 when running DISM, but I successfully fixed this DISM error code after I read this post. Click to Tweet

What to Do After Solving DISM Error 87?

After you have fixed the DISM restorehealth error 87, what can you do?

It is strongly recommended to create a system image after fixing this issue. In this way, you can restore your computer to the normal state if you encounter the error 87 DISM again in later.

In addition, if you encounter some other OS problems during the using process, you can also restore your computer to a previous state with the system image created before.

Thus, do you know how to back up computer or create system image easily? To easily keep data safe, MiniTool ShadowMaker would be a good choice.

MiniTool ShadowMaker is a piece of professional Windows backup software which is specializing in backing up disks, partitions, files, folders and the operating system.

Besides backup feature, it is also a clone tool which can clone OS from HDD to SSD without data loss.

So, with so many features, download MiniTool ShadowMaker Trial from the following button immediately or choose to purchase an advanced edition.

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Now, we will show you how to back up computer with the step-by-step guide.

Step 1: Launch MiniTool ShadowMaker

  1. Download MiniTool ShadowMaker and install it on your computer.
  2. Launch it.
  3. Click Keep Trial to continue.

Step 2: Select the backup source

  1. MiniTool ShadowMaker chooses the operating system as the backup source by default. So, there is no need for you to choose it again.
  2. However, if you want to select a backup source by yourself. Please go to the Backup page, click the Source module, and choose Disk and Partitions to select the system disk to continue. (If you want to back up files, choose Folders and Files.)

choose Disk and Partitions

Step 3: Select the backup destination

  1. After returning to the backup page, please click the DESTINATION module to choose a backup destination.
  2. Here are four available paths which are User, Computer, Libraries, and Shared. It is suggested to save the backup images on an external hard drive. So, click Computer, choose an external hard drive, and click OK to continue.

choose backup destination

Here are three points you should pay attention to.

  • MiniTool ShadowMaker enables you to create a regular backup. Just go to Options > Schedule Settings.
  • MiniTool ShadowMaker provides three different backup schemes. Go to Options > Scheme Settings to change.
  • You can also set some advanced backup parameters during the backup process, such as encrypting backup files, etc.

Step 4: Start to backup

  1. After selecting the backup source and destination, click Back Up Now to perform the backup task immediately.
  2. Or click Back Up Later to postpone the backup task and restart it on the Manage page.

click Back up Now to continue

When all steps have been finished, you have successfully created a system image. With this system image, you can feel relax even though you encounter the DISM error 87 again or some other system problems because you can restore computer to a previous state.

Free Download

MiniTool ShadowMaker is a powerful tool. With this software, I am assured as it can keep my computer and data safe.Click to Tweet

Bottom Line

To sum up, this post has introduced what the DISM is and what may cause the DISM error 87. Apart from that, this post has walked through 6 solutions to DISM error 87 Windows 7/8/10.

If you have any better solution to error 87 Windows 10, you can share it on the comment zone. Or if you have any problem with this post or MiniTool ShadowMaker, please contact us via the email [email protected] and we will reply to you as soon as possible.

DISM Error 87 FAQ

How do I fix error 87 DISM?

  1. Use Correct DISM Command.
  2. Run this command using an elevated command prompt.
  3. Run Windows update.
  4. Run System File Checker.
  5. Use correct DISM version.
  6. Reinstall Windows.

What is the DISM?

DISM, also called Deployment Image Service and Management, is a Windows built-in tool that can be used to service and prepare Windows image including the online or offline image within a folder or WIM file. Its features include mounting and unmounting images, querying installed device drivers in an offline image and adding a device driver to an offline image.

What does dism online cleanup image RestoreHealth do?

Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth attempts to scan and repair corrupted system files that found on your computer.

How do I fix corrupted files on Windows 10?

  1. Type Command Prompt in the search box of Windows and choose the best matched one.
  2. Right-click it to choose Run as administrator.
  3. Type the command sfc /scannow and hit Enter to continue.
  4. Wait for the process to be finished.

Глобальные параметры DISM НЕ чувствительны к регистру.

DISM имен компонентов чувствительны к регистру.

Я заметил, что вы делаете это онлайн. Есть ли конкретная причина, по которой вы используете DISM вместо WUSA?

wusa pathtofile.msu /quiet /norestart

Ошибка 87 действительно является проблемой параметров (проверено net helpmsg 87 и подтверждено здесь), но я не вижу конкретно, что не так с синтаксисом.

Вы копировали / вставляли из Интернета или печатали вручную? Если первое, попробуйте второе, просто чтобы убедиться, что в нем не использовался какой-то странный символ типа em-dash.

Я никогда не сталкивался с проблемой кейса, за исключением случаев с FeatureNames, так что это будет первым. Таким образом, чтобы успокоить тех, кто одержим над делом (они, вероятно, происходят от * n?х фон ^ _ ^) , вы можете попробовать сделать это именно так , как Microsoft была она документирована и окружать его на двойные кавычки , просто чтобы убедиться:

DISM.exe /Online /Add-Package /PackagePath:"C:tmptmpWindows8.1-kb2999226-x64.cab"

Кроме того, просто чтобы избавить нас от головной боли: вы уверены, что это правильный путь?

Я на Windows 10, поэтому пакет не относится ко мне, но после вытягивания.CAB от.МГУ, команда работает просто отлично:

Попробуйте WUSA с.МГУ — вы делаете больше работы для себя.

Learn to fix this error on Windows 10 & Windows 11

by Vladimir Popescu

Being an artist his entire life while also playing handball at a professional level, Vladimir has also developed a passion for all things computer-related. With an innate fascination… read more

Updated on December 19, 2022

Reviewed by
Vlad Turiceanu

Vlad Turiceanu

Passionate about technology, Windows, and everything that has a power button, he spent most of his time developing new skills and learning more about the tech world. Coming… read more

  • Most instances of Error 87 arise due to poor typing and spacing of commands.
  • DISM is installed with Windows 11 and is helpful in maintenance and restoration practices.
  • Updating the OS and eliminating any corruption with the system files can fix the error.


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Windows users have a problem dealing with many error codes caused by different issues. For example, DISM Error 87 is a command-line error that appears on Windows 11 and Windows 10.

This article will look at what causes and several ways of fixing the DISM Error 87.

Why am I getting Error 87 when trying to run DISM?

There are several causes of this error when you input any DISM command in the Command Prompt. These are some of the common ones:

  • Mistype when entering the DISM command line, especially spellings and spacing. Most users perform simple mistakes like incorrect spacing between the commands, which raises the error.
  • Improper installation of Windows causes this error due to problems with the Command Prompt.
  • Users tend to block some essential updates when performing Windows updates, which raises bugs that throw that error.
  • When using the wrong versions of DISM, it raises an error since the DISM version is old.
  • You get an error if you use the standard Command Prompt (without administrative privileges). This is because it limits the user from accessing the administrative parts of the prompt.

Here are some of the related issues you might come across:

  • Error 87 The parameter is incorrect
  • DISM Error 87 The restorehealth option is not recognized in this context
  • Error 87 the cleanup-image option is unknown

Now that you have a basic understanding of the DISM Error 87 problem in Windows 11 & Windows 10, let’s head to the solutions.

 How can I fix the DISM Error 87?

In this article

  • Why am I getting Error 87 when trying to run DISM?
  •  How can I fix the DISM Error 87?
  • 1. Type the DISM command correctly
  • 2. Update your Windows
  • 3. Use a third-party tool
  • 4. Run the command line as an administrator
  • 5. Use the correct DISM version
  • 6. Check for corrupt system files
  • 7. Perform a disk check
  • 8. Clear component store and revert the Windows update
  • 9. Reinstall Windows
  • How do I use DISM to repair an image in Windows 11?
  • What is DISM?

1. Type the DISM command correctly

The first thing you have to verify is whether to commands are correct. For example, if you input the wrong command, make a spelling mistake, or add a space at the wrong point, DISM Error 87 might appear in Windows.

Here are the correct commands for the DISM tool:

DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /CheckHealth DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /ScanHealth DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth

There are other DISM commands as well, but these should provide you with a basic understanding of how to use them.

2. Update your Windows

  1. Press Windows + I to open Settings and select Windows Update from the tabs on the left. Windows Update
  2. Now, click on Check for updates.check for updates to fix dism error 87 windows 11
  3. If an update is listed after the scan, click on Download & install to get it.download & install to fix dism error 87 windows 11

After updating the OS, verify if the DISM Error 87 is fixed in Windows 11. If it still appears while running the tool, head to the following method.

3. Use a third-party tool

Some system problems, such as TLS, can be highly frustrating, and the reason for these errors is often unknown.

The ideal solution is to use a reliable third-party application like Restoro. It searches your entire computer for flaws and fixes or removes them. Before starting, the software can create a restore point. This allows you to revert to earlier versions if something goes wrong.

Some PC issues are hard to tackle, especially when it comes to missing or corrupted system files and repositories of your Windows.
Be sure to use a dedicated tool, such as Fortect, which will scan and replace your broken files with their fresh versions from its repository.

Restoro offers a complete package the user can use to fix errors and optimize his PC. It will check the integrity of all system files and replace them with the original undamaged file if something is wrong.

It also finds all missing DLL files and restores them to the required locations. Your PC performance may even improve after a full scan.


A great tool that provides convenient repair at any time.

4. Run the command line as an administrator

  1. Press Windows + S to open the Search menu, enter Command Prompt in the text field, and click on Run as administrator on the right.Run as administrator to fix dism error 87 windows 11
  2. Click Yes in the UAC prompt that appears.Yes
  3. Now, try running the DISM tool.

Launching Command Prompt as an administrator will provide all the administrative rights to run the DISM tool and should fix Error 87 in Windows 11.

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  • Screen Goes Black When Connected to External Monitor [Fix]
  • Error Code 0x80041010: How to Quickly Fix It
  • How to Fix Work Folder Sync Error 0x8007017c

5. Use the correct DISM version

  1. Head to the official Windows Assessment and Deployment Kit(WADK) website and click Download the Windows ADK.
  2. Click Run to install the downloaded executable file. It has deployment tools that create the Deployment and Imaging Tools environment to make the running of DSIM commands successful.
  3. Click Next and follow the prompts to finish the installation.

6. Check for corrupt system files

  1. Press Windows + R to open the Run command, enter cmd in the text field, press the Ctrl + Shift keys, and then click OK.cmd to fix dism error 87 windows 11
  2. Click Yes in the UAC prompt.
  3. Type this command and hit Enter: sfc /scannow
  4. Wait for the verification process, and check if any violations were found and resolved.

While it’s recommended that you first run the DISM tool and then SFC (System File Checker) scan, in this case, using just the latter might help. After completing the SFC scan, check if DISM Error 87 is fixed in Windows 11.

Read more about this topic

  • Screen Goes Black When Connected to External Monitor [Fix]
  • Error Code 0x80041010: How to Quickly Fix It
  • How to Fix Work Folder Sync Error 0x8007017c
  • Autopilot Error 0x81036502: How to Fix It in 4 Steps
  • USB Drive Showing as Unallocated? 2 Ways to Fix It

7. Perform a disk check

  1. Press Windows + S, enter Command Prompt in the text field, right-click on the relevant search result, and select Run as administrator.run as administrator to fix dism error 87 windows 11
  2. Click Yes in the UAC prompt.
  3. Type/paste the following command and press Enter:chkdsk C:/rcheck disk
  4. If you are asked to schedule the scan the next time the computer restarts, press Y, and then hit Enter.schedule scan to fix dism error 87 windows 11

Let the Check Disk process run uninterrupted until it’s completed, and then verify if the DISM Error 87 is fixed in Windows 11.

8. Clear component store and revert the Windows update

  1. Launch Command Prompt as an administrator.
  2. Type the following command and hit Enter:dism.exe /image:C: /cleanup-image /revertpendingactions
  3. Once done, restart the computer.
  4. Again, launch Command Prompt with administrative privileges, paste the following command, and hit Enter:dism.exe /online /cleanup-image /startcomponentcleanup
  5. After the two commands are run, restart the computer for the changes to effect.

9. Reinstall Windows

If none of the solutions listed previously fixed DISM Error 87, you are left with no option but to reinstall Windows.

There are two options: reset Windows 11 to factory settings or perform a clean install. Both are equally effective, though the latter requires much more effort, and you would need to create a bootable USB drive.

How do I use DISM to repair an image in Windows 11?

  1. Press Windows + S to open the Search menu, type Command Prompt, and click on Run as administrator.command prompt
  2. Click Yes in the UAC prompt.yes
  3. Now, paste the first of the following three commands, hit Enter, and after one is done running, execute the next until done with all three:DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /CheckHealth DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /ScanHealth DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealthdism
  4. Once done, restart the computer for the changes to effect, and the Windows 11 image will be repaired.

What is DISM?

DISM stands for Deployment Image Servicing and Management, and its main work is to help organize virtual disks. It manages split Windows Imaging Format (WIM) files, Full Flash Utility Files, Virtual Hard Disks(VHD), and other vital information.

You can access the tool from the Command Prompt or Windows PowerShell, which is used to fix problems with the Windows image.

Fixing the DISM error 87 in Windows 11 will correct all the system file errors and problems. It also helps in making the modification to the OS more seamless. If you have issues with Windows 11, fixing it addresses all the problems the user faces.

Also, please find out how to make Windows 11 faster and more responsive and boost its performance.

Most DSIM errors are temporary and quick to fix. Try all the methods, and let us know which one worked for you in the comments section.

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This article show the fixes of dism error 87. DISM, whose full name is the Deployment Image Service and Management, is a built-in tool of Windows, first presented in Windows 7 and Windows Server R2. It can carry out servicing jobs on a Windows installation image, on an online or offline image within a folder, or on WIM files.

The DISM tool can be available from the Command Line or the Windows PowerShell. DISM tool can be used to update files and fix problems when a Windows image ends up being unserviceable.

Nevertheless, when running the DISM tool, you might get the mistake code 87 or some other codes like DISM error 50, DISM mistake 2, DISM error 3, DISM error 1639, and so on, as shown in the following photo: These DISM error codes imply that you can not proceed. Therefore, do you understand what may cause the DISM error 87 or other DISM mistake codes?

In this article, you can know about dism error 87 solution here are the details below;

What Causes DISM Error 87?

As a matter of fact, there are several factors resulting in the DISM error 87 Windows 10/8/7.

  1. The command is not correct.

This is the typical reason that results in the DISM error 87. The criterion is incorrect. In the majority of situations, users might forget to type a space before the slash when they type the command.

  1. The command does not face an elevated time.

The second cause for the DISM error 87 is that the command does not run into a raised Command Prompt window. If users run this command in a regular Command Line window, they may get the mistake 87 DISM.

  1. The machine utilizes the wrong DISM variation.

You might encounter the DISM error 87 if you utilize the wrong version of DISM when using a Windows 10 image. Hence, to repair this problem, you need to use the right DISM version.

We are having known what may result in the DISM restore health error 87. How to fix this DISM error?

6 Ways to Fix Scanning and Repairing Drive Stuck in Windows 10

In the following area, we will list several options to DISM error 87. If you have the very same problem, attempt these services.

Solution 1. Usage Correct DISM Command

As we have actually discussed in the above section, the DISM error 87 might be caused by the inaccurate command. For example, if you input the command without space before the slash like this DISM/online/cleanup-image/ check health, you will come across the DISM/online/cleanup-image/ restorehealth error 87.

So, in order to solve this DISM mistake code, please type the correct command. Please add the space before the slash, like these:

DISM/ Online/ Cleanup-image/ Scanhealth.

– DISM/ Online/ Cleanup-image/ Restorehealth.

After that, you can inspect whether you still come across the DISM error 87.

Solution 2. Run This Command Using an Elevated Command Prompt.

Some people say that they experience the DISM error 87 when they do not run Command Prompt as administrator.

So in order to solve the mistake 87 DISM Windows 10, attempt to run Command Prompt as administrator.

Step 1: Type the command trigger in the search box of Windows 10 and pick the best-matched one.

Step 2: Right-click it to select Run as administrator to continue.

dism error 87

You can likewise describe the post Command Prompt Windows 10: Tell Your Windows to Take Actions to understand more ways to run Command Prompt as administrator.

After running Command Prompt as an administrator, type the command to continue and check whether the issue DISM error 87 is resolved.

Solution 3. Run Windows Update.

The DISM restore health error 87 might be triggered by the pending Windows upgrade. So in order to fix this mistake 87 DISM, you need to install all pending updates.

Now, here is the tutorial.

Step 1: Open Windows Update.

  1. Press Windows and I keys together to open Settings.
  2. In the pop-up window, pick Update & Security to continue.

Action 2: Check for updates.

  1. In the pop-up window, go to the Windows Update tab.
  2. Then choose to Check for Updates to continue.

dism error 87

Suggestion: During the Windows Update process, you might require to restart your computer.

When the process is finished, you can run Command Prompt as administrator and input the command again to inspect whether the mistake 87 DISM is fixed.

Solution 4. Run System File Checker.

If there are corrupted system files on your computer, you might likewise come across the mistake 87 DISM Windows 10/8/7. Thus, to fix this problem, you need to check and fix the corrupted system submits first of all.

For this reason, the Windows built-in tool System File Checker is a great choice to fix the corrupted system files.

Now, here is the tutorial on how to fix the corrupted system submits so as to repair the DISM error 87 Windows 7/8/10.

Step 1: Open Command Prompt.

  1. Type the command prompt in the search box of Windows 10 and choose the best matched one.

2.Right-click it to select Run as administrator to continue.

Step 2: Type the command to continue.

  1. In the pop-up window, type the command SFC/ scannow and hit Enter to continue.
  2. Please do not close the command line windows till you see the message verification 100% finished.

When the process is finished, you will effectively repair the damaged system files if there exists. Then open Command Prompt and run as administrator, type the command once again, and inspect whether the DISM error 87 is resolved.

If this SFC command does not work, you can describe the post Quickly Fix– SFC Scannow Not Working (Focus on 2 Cases) to try to find options.

Note: In addition to monitoring and fixing corrupted system files, you can likewise inspect whether there are bad sectors on a disk drive and fix them.

Solution 5. Utilize the Correct DISM Version.

Here, we will walk you through the fifth solution to fix the DISM error 87 Windows 10. If you are a Windows user, you need to run the Windows 10 variation of DISM because this variation needs the Wofadk.sys filter chauffeur.

Keep in mind: The Wofadk.sys filter is included in the Windows 10 Assessment and Deployment Kit. The chauffeur needs to be set up and configured with Windows 10 DISM when the command works on an earlier version of Windows host or Windows Preinstallation Environment.

So, in order to resolve DISM error 87 Windows 10, you require to use the Windows 10 Version of DISM with the wofadk.sys filter chauffeur. For more comprehensive information, you can see the DISM Supported Platforms and Install Windows 10 using a Previous version of Windows PE.

After that, you can reboot your computer and run Command Prompt as administrator once again, then type the command to check whether the DISM error 87 Windows 10 is resolved.

Solution 6. Reinstall Windows.

Now, we will reveal to you the last solution to DISM error 87. If none of the above approaches works, there is no other option for you except reinstalling Windows. For this reason, you can reinstall the os to repair the DISM error 87and other system issues.

But one important thing is that reinstalling the operating system will result in data loss. So before continuing, please back up very important files to start with.

After ensuring data safe, you can continue to reinstall the os.

I came across the DISM error 87 when running DISM, but I effectively fixed this DISM error code after I read this post. Click to tweet.

What to Do After Solving DISM Error 87?

After you have fixed the DISM restore health mistake 87, what can you do? It is highly suggested to develop a system image after fixing this issue. In this way, you can restore your Computer to the normal state if you encounter the mistake 87 DISM again later on.

In addition, if you come across some other OS problems during the utilizing process, you can also restore your Computer to a previous state with the system image created prior to.

Conclusion :

To sum up, this post has actually introduced what the DISM is and what might trigger the DISM error 87. Apart from that, this post has actually walked through 6 solutions to DISM error 87 Windows 7/8/10.

 How do I repair mistake 87 DISM?

  1. Usage Correct DISM Command.
  2. Run this command utilizing a raised command prompt.
  3. Then Run Windows update.
  4. Run System File Checker.
  5. Use proper DISM version.
  6. Reinstall Windows.

What is the DISM?

DISM, likewise called Deployment Image Service and Management, is a Windows built-in tool that can be utilized to service and prepare Windows image, including the online or offline image within a folder or WIM file. Its functions consist of mounting and unmounting images, querying installed device drivers in an offline image, and adding a device driver to an offline image.

What does dism online cleanup-image RestoreHealth do?

Dism/ Online/ Cleanup-Image/ restorehealth tries to scan and fix damaged system submits that discovered on your Computer.

How do I fix damaged files on Windows 10?

  1. Type Command Prompt in the search box of Windows and pick the best matched one.
  2. Right-click it to pick Run as administrator.
  3. Type the command SFC/ scannow and struck Enter to continue.
  4. Wait for the procedure to be finished.

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