Ошибка 823 102

Summary: SQL server error 823 occurs due to an operating system or an I/O error. It may impact database integrity and needs to be fixed immediately. This blog explains in detail about the error and how you can fix it. You may try using a SQL repair tool to fix consistency errors against the database that reported 823 error.

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  • What is SQL error 823?
  • What problems are associated with the 823 IO error?
  • What is a torn page?
  • What is Bad Page ID?
  • Conclusion

What is SQL error 823?

A SQL Server database encounters error 823 when an I/O operation (read or write request) fails. This usually happens due to issues with the operating system, drivers, or hardware issues. The SQL error 823 may also occur due to inconsistencies in the file system or a corrupted database file.

The complete text of the SQL 823 error message looks similar to:

Error: 823, Severity: 24, State: 2.
2010-03-06 22:41:19.55 spid58 The operating system returned error 38 (Reached the end of the file.) to SQL Server during a read at offset 0x000000a72c0000 in file ‘C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\ MSSQL\DATA\db.mdf’. Additional messages in the SQL Server error log and system event log may provide more detail. This is a severe, system-level error condition that threatens database integrity and must be corrected immediately. It is recommended to complete a full database consistency check (DBCC CHECKDB). This error can be caused by many factors; for more information, see SQL Server Books Online

In the error message, 823 is the error code. The severity level 24 means that the error occurred due to problems with the hardware or software. The state 2 is used to differentiate the error from other errors with the same number but in a different state.

Further, the error provides the following information:

  • The data file (usually a .MDF file) against which the I/O (read or write) operation was performed.
  • The offset, i.e., the physical byte offset from the start of the file, dividing it by 8192 will help you find the logical page number that is corrupted due to the error.
  • Identifies whether a read or write request was made to a device.

What problems are associated with the 823 IO error?

This problem can be related to the following problems:

  1. A Torn Page
  2. Bad Page ID
  3. Insufficient bytes transferred

What is a torn page?

It is a page that was incorrectly written. We could say Torn Page Detection writes a bit for every 512 bytes on the page. It helps detect a page that is not successfully written to disk. But, it does not tell if the data stored to disk is actually correct as a couple of bytes may have been written incorrectly.

What is the error message for the torn page error?

The error will be like this one:

2015-08-05 16:51:18.90 spid17 Error: 823, Severity: 24, State: 2
2015-08-05 16:51:18.90 spid17 I/O errors (torn page) detected during read at offset 0x00000094004000 in file ‘c:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\data\tempdb.mdf’

How can I detect torn page IO error?

You can detect these errors when you run the CHECKDB command in your database.

What is Bad Page ID?

It is when the header page ID is not the same as the expended one when reading in the disk.

Why is the error insufficient bytes transferred produced in SQL Server?

It means that the API call was invoked successfully, but the bytes transferred are not the expected ones.

How to solve SQL Server error 823 ?

The first step would be to run a DBCC CHECKDB command and check if it returns consistency errors. If it does, try to restore your database from a backup. Once the database is restored, run a CHECKDB to verify that the problem is solved.

If the problem persists or backup is not available, try to repair the database using the following T-SQL statement:


To repair the database, you must restrict its usage to a single user. This requires changing the database state to Single-user mode. To do so, run the following T-SQL query:


You can also set the database to a Single-user using the point-in-click interface in SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS). For this, right-click on the database in SSMS and go to the Options page. On the ‘Options’ page, choose the SINGLE USER option from the Restrict Access drop-down box, then click OK.

SQL Server error 823

After setting the database to Single_user mode, repair the database, and run ‘DBCC CHECKDB’ again to verify that the database was repaired.

Note: If the error persists, an issue with the hardware might have caused SQL error 823. In that case, you will need to repair your hard disk. Contact the IT members in charge of the hardware. Check also if there are fragmentation problems in the hard disk.

If you have a Torn page error, you can use the CHECKSUM and the torn page detection to repair and verify the errors.

What Else You Can Do to Resolve SQL Error 823?

Use Stellar Repair for MS SQL to fix database consistency errors reported by DBCC CHECKDB and preview the recoverable data. This SQL repair tool  can be downloaded from the link below.

free download

This software will repair the .MDF/.NDF files of SQL Server database. Before using the software, make sure to stop the SQL Server Service first. It is recommended to stop the service using the SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) or the SQL Server Configuration Manager.

stop SQL server service

Now follow these steps to repair and recover your SQL database file:

  • Browse or search the corrupt .MDF file.
  • Once the .MDF file is uploaded, press the Repair button.

select corrupt mdf file

Note: If you have one or multiple secondary data files (.NDF file) associated with your database, then put all the NDF files at the location of the MDF file. Once everything is done, you can restart the SQL Server Service and rerun the CHECKDB command.

  • Run standard scan to repair the selected database file quickly.

select scan mode

  • Preview the repairable database objects and select all or specific objects you want to restore. Next, press the Save button from the File menu.

repaired database file preview

  • Enter the details as shown in the following screen to complete the file saving process.

repaired file saving options

Once the software repairs the .MDF file, you will no longer see the SQL Server error 823.


This blog discussed the reasons that could result in SQL Server database error 823. It can be caused by hardware (disk errors, hardware or software failures) or system problems. Also, the blog explained how to fix the SQL 823 error by restoring the database from backup, running DBCC CHECKDB with a repair option, or using Stellar Repair for MS SQL software. Stellar Repair for MS SQL is a simple SQL repair tool. If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to write your questions and comments.

About The Author

Priyanka Chauhan

Priyanka is a technology expert working for key technology domains that revolve around Data Recovery and related software’s. She got expertise on related subjects like SQL Database, Access Database, QuickBooks, and Microsoft Excel. Loves to write on different technology and data recovery subjects on regular basis. Technology freak who always found exploring neo-tech subjects, when not writing, research is something that keeps her going in life.

Блог посвящен обсуждению одной из распространенных ошибок SQL Server с кодом ошибки 823. Обсуждение будет включать введение ошибки, причины этой ошибки и методы решения для исправления ошибки SQL Server 823.

Код ошибки SQL Server 823 — наиболее распространенная ошибка, с которой сталкиваются пользователи SQL Server. Эта ошибка прерывает бесперебойную работу SQL Server. Ошибка отображается так –

Эта ошибка может быть ошибкой операционной системы или Ввод, вывод ошибка. 823 это номер ошибки, 24 серьезность, указывающая на возможный сбой носителя, необходимость восстановления базы данных и 2 состоит в том, чтобы различать состояния ошибок с одинаковым номером.


Эта ошибка может вызвать несогласованность в файлах SQL-сервера, переданное недостаточное количество байтов (при успешно вызванном вызове API, но требуемые байты не передаются), неверный идентификатор страницы, т.е. идентификатор страницы заголовка отличается от расширенного при чтении диска и разрыва страница, неправильно записанная страница на диск и недостаточная передача байтов.


Общие причины, которые могут быть причиной этой ошибки SQL Server:

  • Несоответствие в файлах сервера
  • Ошибка координации API с ОС
  • Несоответствие в API
  • Аппаратные ошибки
  • Обновление и переустановка SQL Server
  • Вирусные инфекции
  • Ручные ошибки
  • Отправлено по почте «Логическая проверка ввода/вывода»
  • Нестабильность файловой системы
  • Повреждение базы данных SQL Server.

Исправьте код ошибки SQL Server 823 с помощью этих решений

Сначала проверьте «Журнал событий приложений Windows», чтобы проанализировать ошибки и журналы драйвера устройства, операционной системы, файловой системы и т. д., а затем перейдите к следующим исправлениям.

Использование инструкции DBCC CHECKDB

Пользователи SQL Server могут использовать несколько инструкций в SQL Server Management Studio, чтобы исправить эту ошибку сервера. Оператор DBCC CHECKDB помогает восстановить файл базы данных SQL Server. Заявление –


Здесь введите имя базы данных SQL Server вместо DB_NAME.
Кроме того, администратор SQL должен убедиться, что база данных находится в однопользовательском режиме. Если это не так, то он может запустить этот оператор, чтобы включить его в однопользовательский режим:


Вы можете воспользоваться помощью Студия управления SQL Server изменить режим пользователя. Просто перейдите к базе данных и щелкните ее правой кнопкой мыши. Выберите Параметры особенность и в Ограничить доступ раздел, выберите ОДИН ПОЛЬЗОВАТЕЛЬ режим и нажмите ХОРОШО.

Теперь, чтобы убедиться, что база данных восстановлена, запустите ‘DBCC CHECKDBзаявление еще раз.

Использование резервного копирования

Восстановление базы данных SQL Server с помощью доступных резервных копий может быть еще одним способом исправить код ошибки SQL Server 823, если резервная копия доступна. После успешного восстановления базы данных с помощью резервной копии администратор SQL может попробовать выполнить инструкцию DBCC CHECKDB, чтобы убедиться, что ошибка устранена.

Если вы столкнулись с ошибкой порванной страницы, вам следует использовать команду КОНТРОЛЬНАЯ СУММА, чтобы устранить проблему и подтвердить ее с помощью средства обнаружения порванной страницы.

Ремонт жесткого диска

Могут возникнуть такие проблемы, как фрагментация жесткого диска системы. Таким образом, прямой контакт с ответственным за оборудование или ответственными членами является мудрым действием в данный момент времени, чтобы вовремя отремонтировать неисправное оборудование.

Попробуйте расширенный инструмент восстановления базы данных SQL Server

SQL Server известен своим сложным интерфейсом и операторами. Таким образом, попытки ручных решений в SQL Server могут быть нервными, и такие методы предполагают высокую вероятность конечных результатов без удовлетворения. Сначала следует попробовать эти решения для их удовлетворения, но не расстраивайтесь, если не получите желаемых результатов, потому что мы представляем передовое программное обеспечение, инструмент восстановления SQL Server для всех пользователей SQL Server. Он исправляет все виды повреждений в базе данных SQL Server и возвращает их обратно в Live SQL Server для бесперебойной работы файлов сервера. Исправление кода ошибки SQL Server и устранение всех последствий, которые произошли из-за этой ошибки, займет минимальное время. Некоторые привлекательные особенности этого программного обеспечения упомянуты здесь:

  • Простой интерактивный графический пользовательский интерфейс
  • Восстановление базы данных всего за 3-4 шага
  • Опция расширенного сканирования для файла SQL Server
  • Генерация предварительного просмотра для восстановленных файлов
  • Простой и интерактивный пользовательский интерфейс
  • Совместимость со всеми версиями SQL Server
  • Сохранение данных на Live SQL Server
  • Оригинальность данных сохраняется
  • Доступна демо-версия

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Итак, мы поняли, что с помощью этого надежного инструмента довольно легко исправить все виды ошибок SQL Server. Надеюсь, что этот блог принес некоторое облегчение пользователям, столкнувшимся с такими ошибками SQL. Пожалуйста, напишите нам по любому вопросу, связанному с этой статьей.

SQL Server Error 823 and 825: Find a Feasible Solution

Microsoft SQL server is the most popular database management system in nowadays. It provides the flexibility to the database administrator to manage the database. But, sometimes users may face numerous errors in different stages while working with the SQL Server. Microsoft SQL Server Error 823 and 825 is some of them, which create hurdle in SQL transaction and its working. Most of the users have faced this type of error.

If you are also getting errors while accessing your SQL Server database and you are unable to perform any Input/output operation in your database. Then, you need to know how to fix SQL fatal error 823 and 825. First, let’s know about these Microsoft SQL Server errors and reasons behind SQL database corruption that leads to these errors.

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Reasons Behind SQL Database Corruption

There are following reasons due to which SQL database may be corrupt or damaged and shows various types of the error message. Let’s discuss some of them as given below:

  • More than 95% of corruption issue occurs due to hardware failure
  • Sudden system shutdown while opening the MS SQL Server database
  • Corruption can cause by software bugs & any natural disaster
  • If any modifications are done in the SQL Server account
  • If database infected by virus, worms, Trojan, Spyware
  • Upgrading the SQL Server from previous to latest versions

What is SQL Server Error 823?

SQL Server database uses Windows API like ReadFile, WriteFile, ReadFileScatter etc. to execute the input/output operations. In case, if these API calls fail to perform the operation with an operating system error, then SQL Server alerts for error 823. Generally, SQL fatal error 823 message specifies problem in the storage system or in the hardware, which is in the path of the input or output request. A user may come across this SQL error 823, when there are inconsistencies in the file system or if the database file is corrupted.

How to Resolve Microsoft SQL Server Error 823?

In order to fix SQL Fatal error 823, there are two manual methods available.

Solution # 1:

To resolve error 823, run the DBCC CHECKDB command & try to recover the SQL database by using the following sentence:


If you want to use single user mode, then change the mode. For this purpose, you can use the following T-SQL sentence:


Solution # 2:

Another way to resolve the SQL server error 823 is discussed below. To execute this method, perform the following steps:

  • First of all, scan the MS SQL database to find out the suspected pages.
  • Then, verify the consistency of the SQL Server database.
  • If the error occurs, then run “DBCC CHECKDB” command.
  • Further, restore the SQL Server database from the backup file.
  • Finally, check the “Windows Application Event Log” to analyze the issues.

Microsoft SQL Server Error 825 – Know What It is

When SQL server displays an SQL Server alert error 825, it means that the read operation had to be reissued at least one time. It also shows a major problem with the hardware or hard disk. However, SQL error 825 does not mean that the problem found in SQL Server. But, if this error is not resolved, then the disk problem could cause data loss or data corruption. Hence, let’s discuss a method to fix the SQL Server fatal error 825.

How to Resolve SQL Server Alert Error 825?

The following steps may help you identify and resolve SQL Server error 825 message:

  • At first, review the SQL error log & the variable text in this message for clues that explain the problem.
  • After that, check your disk system. The problem may be related to the disks, the disk controllers, array cards, or disk drivers.
  • Now, contact the disk manufacturer for the latest utilities for checking the status of your disk system.
  • Finally, contact the disk manufacturer for the latest driver updates.

A Professional Tool to Fix SQL Server Error 823 and 825

If the above methods fail to perform SQL Server recovery and still shows the SQL Server alerts errors 823 and 825. Then, you can go with a professional solution like SQL Database Repair Program. The software can easily restore damaged database files, tables, functions, views, indexes, keys, triggers, etc. However, it is designed to eliminate the errors, repair corrupt files, and to create a new file. In addition, this utility is user-friendly and offers ingenious features to remove MS SQL server database errors including 823 and 825 and restore the database. Moreover, this software is designed to fix the corrupt databases of Microsoft SQL Server 2008, 2005, 2000, and other versions.

The Final Thoughts

In MS SQL Server, corruption is the major issue due to which database becomes inaccessible and result in SQL Server error 823 and 825. We have described the reasons behind these problems and the solutions to resolve these errors. Also, there is recommended alternate approach i.e. SQL Recovery Tool that helps to repair SQL database and fix SQL Server alert error 825 & 823.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I DBCC CHECKDB to resolve both SQL Server error 823 and 825?

Yes, you can use the DBCC CHECKDB repair command to resolve the database corruption.

Does SQL recovery tool allow me to recover my corrupted and deleted data?

Yes, the SQL database repair tool will help you recover damaged databases and restore them to the SQL Server database. You can also restore deleted stored procedures, tables, views, triggers, etc.

Are you seeking for a solution of SQL error 823? We can help you fix it.

Often, the SQL server error 823 occurs when there is a problem in SQL Server. It can either due to fault in the operating system error or an IO error.

Here at Bobcares, we have seen several such SQL errors as part of our Server Management Services for web hosts, Linux/Windows users, and online service providers.

Today, we’ll take a look at the cause for this error and see how to fix it.

Reasons for SQL Error 823?

SQL Server uses Windows APIs (ReadFile, WriteFile, ReadFileScatter, WriteFileGather) to perform file I/O operations.

Further, the SQL Server uses Application Programming Interface or API to perform file I/O operations in Windows OS. Once finishes I/O operations, SQL Server tests any error conditions related to these API calls

However, if an API calls fail with an Operating System error results in SQL Error 823. Mostly, it happens due to operating system error or an IO error.

Further, the 823 error message contains the following information:

1. A database file that was used for the I / O process.

2. The offset within the file where you tried the I / O process.

3. Indicates if the I/O operation is a read or write request.

4. The Operating System error code and error description.

Also, other reasons behind the API-Server incompatibility are;

1. User errors in the system.

2. System corruption.

3. Database corruption.

4. SQL Server update or reinstallation.

5. Hardware corruption.

How to fix SQL Error 823

Here, let’s see the different solutions provided by our Support Engineers to fix this error.

Operating system error

SQL Server reports an operating system error if a read or write Windows API call is not successful.

And, the error message looks like,

Error: 823, Severity: 24, State: 2.
2010-03-06 22:41:19.55 spid58 The operating system returned error 1117 (The request could not be performed because of an I/O device error.) to SQL Server during a read at offset 0x0000002d460000 in file 'e:\program files\Microsoft SQL Server\mssql\data\mydb.MDF'. Additional messages in the SQL Server error log and system event log may provide more detail. This is a severe, system-level error condition that threatens database integrity and must be corrected immediately. It is recommended to complete a full database consistency check (DBCC CHECKDB). This error can be caused by many factors; for more information, see SQL Server Books Online.

In order to fix the error, our Support Engineers check the suspect_pages table in MSDB for other pages that having this problem.

Also, verify the consistency of databases located on the same volume using DBCC CHECKDB command. Otherwise, the consistency errors can be eliminated by restoring data from a good backup.

An IO error

Frequently, this error can be related to the following problems,

1. A Torn Page.
2. Bad Page ID.
3. Insufficient bytes transferred.

So, our Support Engineers initially run a DBCC CHECKDB command. then, we try to repair the database using the below command.


Again, we run “DBCC CHECKDB” to verify whether the database is repaired.

If repairing ends in failure, we restore the database with a backup. Once the database is restored, run a CHECKDB to verify that the problem is solved.

Sometimes, the problem can persist after the restoration or repairing. Mostly, this happens due to a hardware problem, then the customer may need to repair the hard disk.  Or, they need to contact the hardware vendor or device manufacturer to ensure the following,

1.  Firstly, check whether the hardware devices and the configuration conforms to the I/O requirements of SQL Server.

2. Then, the device drivers and other supporting software components for devices in the I/O path are not outdated.

[Need assistance to SQL error 823? We’ll help you.]


In this article, we learned different reasons that produced the SQL Server error 823. Mostly, this problem can be caused by hardware (disk errors, power failures) or system problems. Today, we saw how our Support Engineers provide a work-around for this error.


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Insights Solution for Microsoft SQL Server Error 823


SQL Server application is a commonly used database management program and is part of many organizations. Microsoft SQL Server error 823, mostly occur due to hardware problems and other system issues. It indicates that storage system, hardware, any driver, which is in the path of the I/O operation path, has some problem.

This problem can be severe as the data entities and databases are important for users. The error can be caused due to several reasons and if you too are getting this error issue, then the most obvious reason for it is hardware or system errors while reading or writing data into the database files.

Table of Content

  • Causes of Error 823
  • Solution for Type 1
  • Solution for Type 2
  • Conclusion

What Causes Microsoft SQL Server 823 Occurs?

SQL Server utilizes Windows API’s like ReadFile, ReadFileScatter, WriteFile, WriteFileGather etc. in order to perform the I/O operations. Once these operations are performed the server application will check if there is any error issues allied to these API calls.

In case these API operations are failed throwing an OS error, then the SQL Server will display SQL Error 823. The details of the 823 error message are like below;

SQL Error 823:

Error 823

This error is explained and elaborated below;

  • Error: It can be either OS error or I/O check failure error. For OS error, error number follows the I/O error.
  • In case the error is related to I/O operation, then the failure message in the parentheses can be one amongst the below mentioned message;
    • bad page ID: This message indicates that pageID on the header of page is not the page which was supposed to be read from disk.
    • torn page: If the page is torn and has corruption issues in it then this message is displayed.
    • insufficient bytes transferred: Such message refers to Windows API was done well but incorrect or insufficient bytes were transferred.
  • Operation for SQL Server Error 823: Operation made is Write operation or Read.
  • Offset: This represents the physical byte offset. You can divide this number by 8192 which will give the logical page number which is corrupted.
  • File: This represents the name of the file which is having the problem.

Note: Different versions of SQL Server can have different error message formats. But the reasons and troubleshooting methods are same for all the versions.

Resolution Type 1 for OS Error

Operating System Error: If any read/write Windows API call is failed, SQL server comes across this OS error. This can lead to another Microsoft SQL server error 823 for the Operating system. This error message appears like this:

SQL Page Error

Resolution: The Operating System issue reported as SQL Error 823 is associated with the system problem. In case OS operation is the root cause for error, DBCC CHECKDB statement execution will not report any problem. In that case it is suggested to contact the hardware vendor, Microsoft Support Service, or System Administrator in order to sort out the problem.

It is advised to run the DBCC CHECKDB on the SQL Server databases and if it doesn’t report any problem, then it is quite evident that the system or disk has some issues with it & users need to quickly fix fatal error 823 in SQL server by checking corruption as well.

Resolution Type 2 for Logical Check Failed Error

I/O Logical Check Failed: In case a read/write Windows API call for database is done without any issue, but a particular logic checks on data in unsuccessful due to any index corruption or torn page this error 823 in SQL server can occur. Below mentioned error is an example for the I/O logical error.

SQL Error Msg 1

Resolution: If any such error comes across, run DBCC CHECKDB statement on that databases which is mentioned in the error message. If the statement displays any error then you can rectify those errors.

In case the error still occurs on accessing the SQL database or if any error is not reported by DBCC CHECDB statement, then users can analyze the event log of the system to check for any disk errors occurred prior running the server. One can also contact the hardware vendor for diagnosing the problem.


SQL Server has this inbuilt integrity check tool DBCC CHECKDB to check in the integrity of the databases. It is highly recommended to run this tool whenever any error message occurs while accessing the database. Moreover, users can also use the advance utility in case they have corruption in files as that can easily solve errors like 916, 233, 823. etc.

In case any report is displayed, you can resolve the error and if none of such report is generated you can go for other resolutions or you can try SQL MDF recovery tool to get rid of this I/O logical error. Microsoft SQL Server Error 823 represents that either the problem is with the Operating System or the problem is with the I/O operation.

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