Ошибка 789 pptp

Repair L2TP VPN error using our practical solutions or VPN pick

by Milan Stanojevic

Milan has been enthusiastic about technology ever since his childhood days, and this led him to take interest in all PC-related technologies. He’s a PC enthusiast and he… read more

Updated on

  • VPN error 789 appears when a Windows system isn’t configured properly while using the L2TP protocol.
  • This error can be fixed with a quick network adapter reset from Device Manager.
  • IPSec configuration should be changed as well as a fallback solution, so tweak the services as shown in our guide.

Using a VPN is a great way to protect your online privacy, but sometimes you might experience issues with it. Many Windows 10/11 users reported VPN error 789 which states the following message:

The L2TP connection attempt failed because the security layer encountered a processing error during initial negotiations with the remote computer

This issue will prevent you from achieving a safe connection on your PC, so it’s crucial that you fix it. So keep on reading to find out how to fix this problem once and for all.

Why does VPN error 789 appear?

This error pops up when your system is not properly set up to connect to an L2TP server, thus the connection attempt fails even before you establish a connection with the server.

It is also linked to the incorrect configuration of your operating system like Windows 10 in this case. This generic error is thrown when the IPSec negotiation fails for the L2TP/IPSec connections.

Other possible causes include:

  • L2TP-based VPN client (or VPN server) is behind NAT
  • The wrong certificate or pre-shared key is set on the VPN server or client
  • A machine certificate or trusted root machine certificate is not present on the VPN server
  • Machine Certificate on VPN Server does not have Server Authentication as the EKU

Before trying any of these solutions, ensure that L2TP and IPSec pass-through options are enabled from your router.

If you configured your VPN service manually, then make sure you use the preshared key 12345678. If this doesn’t work, here are more solutions you can use to fix this problem on your PC.

How do I fix the VPN error 789 on Windows 10 & 11?

  1. Reset network adapter
  2. Check the certificate
  3. Use a reliable VPN service
  4. Re-enable IPSec on your computer

1. Reset network adapter

  1. Press the Windows key + X and select Device Manager.
  2. Identify your network adapter and right-click on it then select Uninstall device.
  3. Click on Uninstall to confirm.
  4. Restart your computer. The device will reinstall and should reset it to default settings.

Refreshing the network adapter driver can make this problem go away quickly so make sure you try it out by performing the steps above.

2. Check the certificate

It is very important to ensure the correct certificate is used both on the client and the server side.

In case the two don’t match, you won’t be able to use the virtual private network. You might need to renew the certificate with your provider.

If you are using a Pre Shared Key (PSK), ensure that the same PSK is configured on the client-side, and the VPN server machine.

3. Use a reliable VPN service

It is very likely that the root of this problem is that the servers you use are not very optimal for your connection. For this reason, it is recommended to use a top-level VPN service.

To make sure you will not encounter this kind of issue in the future, look for a VPN service that has a large number of servers worldwide. That guarantees an increased chance of server availability and functionality.

We used and tested ExpressVPN with 3,000 servers across the globe and multiple locations in the US to access restricted content like streaming shows or sports from overseas.

Plus, it is easy to use, you don’t need any level of proficiency to get an optimal connection.

To get started, select the subscription plan of your choice, create an account and install it. When the app is ready to open, connect to a secure server with just one click.

This VPN is amongst the most secure services out there, with a verified no-logs policy. It provides a remarkably fast connection and free content access for geo-blocked content globally.


Overcome the VPN error 789 and enjoy secure and fast browsing across the whole globe.

4. Re-enable IPSec on your computer

  1. Press the Windows key + R keyboard shortcut to start Run.
  2. Type services.msc and press Enter or click OK.
  3. Double-click the IKE and AuthIP IPSec Keying Modules service.
  4. Set the Startup type to Automatic. If the service is running, click Stop and then Start. If it’s disabled, just click Start.
  5. Find IPSec Policy Agent and double-click it.
  6. Set the Startup type to Automatic. If the service is running, stop it and start it again. If it’s not running, start it.
  7. Save the changes.
  8. Restart your VPN service.

Once you have done all the steps above carefully, the VPN should work smoothly as the protocol settings have been reset to default.

If, however, it doesn’t work, you have to manually set the encryption method both for the server and the client-side, in order for them to be compatible.

In case you have a user-specific issue on your computer yet you still get the L2TP connection attempt failed error, you can also contact the customer care or tech support team for your specific VPN provider.

Read more about this topic

  • 3 Ways to Block Internet Access for Specific Apps in Windows 11
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  • Windows 11 23H2: Top Features, coming September 26

How do I fix Windows 11’s VPN error 789?

The following guide presents a useful method to resolve the VPN 789 error on Windows 11 PC.

Before starting this system process, be sure you understood it correctly and apply the steps as shown below to avoid potential registry damages.

Note icon

This method works only if your system is behind a NAT.

  1. Press Windows key + R and enter regedit.
  2. Navigate to the following path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\PolicyAgent
  3. Right-click the space in the right pane and expand the New section. Select DWORD (32-bit) Value.
  4. Enter AssumeUDPEncapsulationContextOnSendRule as the name of the DWORD and double-click it.
  5. Set the Value data to 2 and click OK to save changes.

How does L2TP work?

Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol, also known as L2TP, is a tunneling protocol used by many VPN software.

It combines the features of other protocols including PPTP and L2F and establishes a safe connection between the VPN client and the server.

It’s important to mention that L2TP doesn’t offer encryption, and this is why it’s always paired with IPSec in order to provide the necessary security.

L2TP is also considered better than PPTP. It secures the traffic passing by it in an IPsec tunnel. If you have issues with it, we have an excellent guide on how to fix L2TP problems.

In addition, the ports you need to open are 500 and 4500 for UDP. You have the complete guide on unblocking L2TP for other ports and more.

Which is better, paid or free VPN?

While free VPNs are useful, they usually come with major limitations. In most cases, you’ll have a daily bandwidth cap. Other restrictions include the number of servers or the maximum speed that you can achieve.

With a reliable and paid VPN, you’ll have unlimited access to any server and no data restrictions, which makes it a superior choice for most users.

Fixing VPN error 789 is relatively simple, and we hope that this guide helped you solve the issue on your PC.

If the issue is still there, you can change your software completely. Just check our list including the best VPNs for Windows 10 and pick the one that suits your needs.

Do let us know if any of these solutions fixed VPN error 789 by leaving a comment in the section below.

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Сбои в ОС Windows не редкость, возникают они по разным причинам и некоторые из них могут препятствовать доступу к сети. Так, например, при наличии подключения, использующего протокол L2TP, иногда встречается ошибка с кодом 789, появляющаяся у абонентов при попытке запуска VPN с компьютера напрямую. Пользователям не впервой самостоятельно решать подобные задачи, тем более, когда речь идёт о сбоях в программной части, с аппаратными проблемами уже сложнее и чаще всего без специалиста не обойтись. Ошибка 789 VPN сообщает о сбое, случившемся на уровне безопасности в момент согласований с удалённым устройством, но попытки решить проблему путём реализации ещё одного подключения в такой ситуации безуспешны. Чаще всего сбой возникает на Windows 7 или 8, но возможен и в других версиях операционки. Если ошибок в настройке сетевого подключения нет, и система не поражена вирусами, проблема кроется в реестре. Ошибка связана с недостатком необходимых для полноценного функционирования файлов и потребуется редактирование параметров.

Как исправить ошибку 789 при подключении VPN

Исправление ошибки 789 при подключении VPN.

Что значат эти записи в реестре

Если попытка L2TP-подключения не удалась вследствие появления сбоя с кодом 789, источник проблемы сокрыт в некорректной аутентификации на базе предварительного ключа, обеспечивающего соединение по L2TP/IPSec. Для реализации функционирования процесса требуются ключи «ProhibitIpSec» и «AllowL2TPWeakCrypto». ОС Windows стандартно не может создать соединение по L2TP в отсутствии IPSec. Так, если в реестре параметр ProhibitIpSec имеет значение 1, то на устройстве с операционкой Windows 7, 8, 10 не будет осуществляться создание фильтра, который на автомате применяет проверку подлинности ЦС, тогда будет проверяться локальный либо политики IP Security. Параметр AllowL2TPWeakCrypto применяется для активации алгоритмов шифрования MD5 (Message Digest 5 шифрует любые сведения в формате 128-битного хэширования) и DES (Data Encryption Standard – стандарт симметричного шифрования, осуществляет преобразование 64-битовых блоков данных посредством 56-битового ключа). Так, ошибка 789 при соединении с L2TP внезапно появляется при удалении ключей, обеспечивающих корректность функционирования VPN-канала. Они могут пропасть после инсталляции обновлений драйверов, приложений или удаления вирусами.

VPN подключение по L2TP

Бесполезные советы по ошибке 789

Как водится, пользователи при появлении сбоев в работе Windows, в поиске решений возникшей проблемы перечитывают всю существующую информацию из сети и достаточно часто сталкиваются с совершенно безрезультатными, а иногда абсурдными способами. Один из вариантов – ошибка 789 при подключении к L2TP спровоцирована выбором неверного типа VPN. Решение предлагается гениальное:

  • Перейти к настройкам VPN соединения и во вкладке «Сеть» — «Тип VPN» выбрать «Автоматически» или «PPTP».

Советы по решению проблемы

Но ведь у нас не стоит задача, чтобы заработало подключение L2TP, и цель не заключается в поиске альтернатив, а включение PPTP не имеет никакого отношения к настройке функционирования нужного нам канала. Ещё одно из нелепых решений – обращение к провайдеру. Хотя, звонок и может быть эффективен, ведь обычно поставщик связи всегда готов поспособствовать налаживанию соединения. В данном случае он тоже поможет справиться с задачей, организовав приход мастера.

Как исправить ошибку 789 l2tp в Windows

Мы уже выяснили, что при нормально настроенной сети и исправном функционировании Windows, где, в том числе отсутствует вирусное ПО – проблема в реестре. Редактирование его вручную без имеющихся навыков не рекомендуется, поскольку при неправильных действиях вмешательство пользователя может привести к неработоспособности компьютера и повлечь за собой непоправимые последствия для операционной системы. В любом случае перед работой с реестром лучше будет создать резервную копию. Если вы являетесь опытным юзером, то ничто не мешает самостоятельно внести необходимые изменения в записи реестра, чтобы тем самым устранить ошибку 789 и затем беспрепятственно подключиться к L2TP-соединению. Выполняем такие манипуляции:

  • Открываем реестр любым удобным способом (например, нажатием клавиш Win+R вызываем консоль «Выполнить», где вводим команду regedit – метод универсален. При работе с Windows 7 и более ранними версиями ОС можно открыть реестр через Пуск, запросив в поле поиска regedit).
  • Реестр имеет древовидную структуру в любой из версий ОС. Так, для устранения ошибки VPN-соединения с кодом 789 идём в ветку HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Rasman\Parameters. Изменение VPN-параметров в реестре
  • Создаём или корректируем имеющиеся параметры (в строки прописываем значение 1)
    • «ProhibitIpSec»=dword:00000001
    • «AllowL2TPWeakCrypto»=dword:00000001.
  • Подтверждаем действие.
  • После выполненных манипуляций перезагружаю устройство, что необходимо для вступления в силу изменений и подключаюсь к интернету.

Испробовав этот метод для устранения ошибки 789, многие пользователи отмечают, что на Windows 10, 8, 7 проблема больше не возникает.

If you are a frequent computer user, you probably have encountered VPN Error 789. This is a common problem and error that occurs on single-user computers.

The error occurs when the PC user attempts to use a VPN solution while utilizing the Microsoft Windows functionality. The VPN Error 789 is common in Windows 7 and Windows 10 Operating Systems. As the error is common, one might be prompted to ask why one would go through the struggle and process of solving the error.

Why use a VPN?

A VPN is a Virtual Private Network. As the name suggests, it allows one to have online privacy. The VPN achieves privacy and anonymity by creating a private network operating on Public Internet Connectivity. This means that despite being on the Wide Web, one is on a scaled-down network. 

As technology advances, different VPNs have been designed. They come with different functionalities, depending on the desired results. Some are free, while others are paid. In most cases, the efficiency of the VPN depends on its type, design, and nature of availability to the public.

It can be argued that is probably, without a doubt, a paid-for VPN is more effective and efficient compared to a free one. As mentioned, some VPNs are free, with some limitations, whereas others come with a small fee giving the full suite of features.


Different users attest to the challenge of getting errors using the VPNs mentioned above. Different reasons lead to these errors and will be mentioned in the following sections. The common error is VPN Error 789.

When using a personal computer, the error reads, “VPN Error 789: The L2TP Connection Attempt Failed.”

This is one error that should not send shivers down your spine, as I will be providing the best solutions for the error. The solutions are effective and work in a minute of troubleshooting. Even though solving it is easy, it is important to understand some of the causes of Error 789. 

Possible Causes of VPN Error 789 in Windows 7/10

As previously mentioned, Error 789 occurs when a computer user tries to initiate a connection to a Layer 2 Tunnelling Protocol (L2TP). If the error occurs while trying to establish a connection, it should be obvious that there is a problem with the computer system or the VPN itself.

On one side, it could indicate that your computer is wrongly configured to connect to the VPN. On the other side, it could indicate that the VPN being used is not functioning correctly and, therefore, rejects connections from the PC.

When the computer is configured wrongly, any attempts meant to connect to the VPN are dropped before they reach any server, for instance.

Existence of NAT in the Network

This is the first cause of Error 789. It occurs when the PC, the VPN client, or the PC server is logically behind a Network Address Translation. If the correcting NAT is not implemented, requests are blocked, and network addresses are not resolved as they should be translated.

Machine Certificate Error

When the Machine or PC certificate or that of the root machine is not visible in the network or does not have the right authentication protocols, a machine error occurs, which could lead to Error 789, it is important to note that when a machine certificate is not visible, it is unavailable in the network.

Missing Registry keys

When Registry keys are missing, then it means that your machine will keep losing its connection to the VPN, prompting the occurrence of Error 789. When Registry keys are missing, it is possible to key them in using the Registry Editor.

Disabled IPsec Keying Modules and Policy Agents

When these two entities are disabled or stopped, the VPN does not function. This is because they are necessary for the functioning of the self-hosted VPNs. Therefore, when the two entities are unavailable for utilization, Error 789 occurs.

Fixing VPN Error 789

The solutions to the error are easy if the right troubleshooting instructions are followed. In the Information technology world and Computer networking, most solutions are found through the restarting of computer systems.

This is the first solution; to some people, it might sound like a non-solution, but it has been found to work. Therefore, when faced with VPN Error 789, you first want to restart your computer and try to connect to the VPN again. If the error does not appear, you have solved the problem there.

If the problem persists even after the restart, the following troubleshooting guidelines should help you solve the problem. It is important to note that one can try only some solutions, as the first could be enough to settle your headache.

Solution-1: Resetting Network Adaptors

Error 789 can occur in the Computing World due to an unstable network. This can arise as a result of computer Network Adaptors. When the network adaptors are not working correctly, the computer’s initiated communication with the VPN will not flow smoothly. This causes interruptions that will lead to VPN Error 789.

One needs to readjust the network adaptor to ensure that the problem is not with the network adaptors. The device manager of the computer does this.

Once you are there, all you need to do is uninstall and reinstall the drivers. Make sure that the drivers you reinstall are compatible with your computer.

Guide to Uninstall and Reinstall Network Drivers on Your Computer

  1. Right, Click on the Start Menu. Then select Device Manager. Or Press Windows key Plus R. This opens the run command > In the Pop-Up window, type devmgmt.msc and press ENTER.
  2. A User Account Control Prompt might appear. Click YES to proceed.
  3. After the above steps, The Device Management Screen will appear. Using the Scroll up and Down keys, Scroll down to Network Adaptor. Click it to extend the drop-down Menu.
  4. Right Click on Network Adaptor and select Uninstall from the options presented. 
  5. Click OK and wait for the initiated process to Complete.
  6. Once completed, restart your computer to reinstall the Uninstalled Network Adaptor.

Once completed, see if VPN Error 789 still occurs. If the problem still exists, move on to Solution 2 below.

Solution 2: Certificate Verification

When there is a misconfiguration of certificates or the pre-shared key from the client or server, VPN error 789 might occur. To ensure this does not happen, confirm proper configuration and that the right certificate is utilized on both the client and server sides. If a pre-shared key is used, ensure the correct one is utilized on both sides.

Solution-3: UDPE Encapsulation Registry Key

This solution is needed when the server and client are situated behind NAT. in this case, you must build and construct the AssumeUDPEncapsulationContextOnSendRule Registry Key. 

Getting Started with AssumeUDPEncapsulationContextOnSendRule Registry Key

  1. Press Windows Key + R. This will open Run Dialog Box. Type Regedit and press ENTER. This will open the Registry Editor.
  2. Once the Registry Editor Appears, use the following path as shown below;

HKEY_LOCAL MACHINE > SYSTEM > CurrentControlSet > Services > PolicyAgent

  • Once at Policy Agent as directed in the above path, Right-click on the space and select New-DWORD (32-Bit).
  • Name the now-created DWORD as AssumeUDPEncapsulationContextOnSendRule. Press Enter to create it as the new Registry value.
  • Double Click on the created value and set its value to 2 and the base of the same to hexadecimal. Then click OK.

Now Restart Your System to check if VPN ERROR 789 is resolved.

Solution-4: Enabling IPsec and Policy Agent Services

In most cases, VPN Error 789 occurs due to disabled IPsec and Policy Agent Services. The guide below directs you to enable IPsec and Policy Agent Services.

Guide on Enabling IPsec and Policy Agent Services

  1. Press Windows Button + R. This will open RUN Dialog Box. Type services.msc and press ENTER.
  2. The Services screen will appear. Scroll down to look for IKE and AuthIP IPsec Keying Modules. Double-click on each to see if they are enabled or disabled.
  • On the General tab of the IPsec and Policy Agent Services, Enable Automatic Start-Up Type. 
  • Restart your PC and check if VPN Error 789 is resolved.


VPN Error 789 can be resolved by following the four methods outlined above. It is important to note that troubleshooting can be stopped once the problem is solved. For instance, if solution-1 works, you can go only some way to solution-4.

You might face a similar error:VPN error 809; here’s how to fix this issue. 

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Which has failed when the error code returned on failure is 789?

VPN error 789 appears when a Windows system isn’t configured properly using the L2TP protocol. This error can be fixed with a quick network adapter reset from Device Manager, and as a fallback solution, the IPSec configuration should be changed.

2. How do I fix the L2TP connection attempt that failed because of security?

  • Method 1: Uninstall the latest security updates.
  • Method 2: Turn on the Microsoft CHAP v2 Protocol.
  • Method 3: Turn on the LCP Protocol Extensions.
  • Method 4: By Restarting IPSec Service.
  • Method 5: By Reinstalling the Network Adapter.

3. What does it mean when the L2TP connection fails?

If the PPP settings are incorrect, you can see this error when deactivating the Microsoft CHAP v2 protocol.

4. What ports need to be open for L2TP VPN?

L2TP, by default, utilizes ESP IP Protocol 50 and IPSec, which both need UDP ports 500 and 4500. Mobile VPN with L2TP needs only UDP port 1701 if IPSec is off.

5. What is L2TP in networking?

Internet service providers (ISPs) employ Layer Two Tunneling Protocol (L2TP), an extension of Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP), to allow virtual private networks (VPNs). L2TP has to use an encryption protocol to communicate within the tunnel to maintain security and privacy.

Check out also:

  • How to fix VPN Error 691
  • How to fix VPN Error 720
  • How to fix VPN Error 809

Do you value your privacy online?

Use VPN Surf and surf safely and securely in the open waters of the internet.

Опубликовано: 19 ноября 2013 / Обновлено: 14 февраля 2018
Раздел(ы): Windows
Просмотры: 111236
Комментарии: 8

Последние 5 лет подключался дома к интернету с помощью маршрутизаторов разных моделей. После того как провайдер предоставил доступ на скорости 100 Мбит решил проверить реальный трафик и подключил компьютер напрямую. И каково же было мое разочарование, когда на экране вылезла ошибка 789:

Дело даже не доходило до проверки логина и пароля пользователя.
Сразу скажу, что никаких ошибок в настройке не было, косяк был явно в винде.

Как исправить ошибку 789

Если Windows здорова и не побита вирусами, то скорее всего проблема в реестре. Мне победить ошибку 789 при установлении L2TP соединения помогли следующие изменения в реестре Windows 7:


Что значат эти записи в реестре

Как оказалось, операционная система Windows по-умолчанию не умеет создавать подключения по L2TP без IpSec. То есть Windows хочет создавать L2TP тоннель только в зашифрованном соединении. Поэтому необходим ключ ProhibitIpSec. Если параметр реестра ProhibitIpSec равен 1, на компьютере под управлением Windows не создается автоматический фильтр, использующий проверку подлинности ЦС. Вместо этого оно проверяет локальный или политики IPSEC.
Запись реестра AllowL2TPWeakCrypto можно использовать для включения уровня шифрования Message Digest 5 (MD5) и уровень шифрования данных DES (Encryption Standard) для Layer Two Tunneling Protocol с туннелей IPsec (L2TP/IPsec). Взято с microsoft.com
Как я понял отсутствие данных ключей в реестре, причем, как ни странно, не у всех пользователей, тянется еще с Windows XP. И судя по сообщениям в интернете проблема с ошибкой 789 появляется иногда и в Windows 8 тоже.

Бесполезные советы по ошибке 789 от «Гуру»

В процессе поиска решений в интернете нашел несколько бесполезных советов:

Ошибка 789
Причина: выбран неверный тип vpn
решение: в настройках vpn на вкладке Сеть выберите тип PPTP

То есть у меня не работает L2TP, а мне говорят, у вас не работает L2TP потому что, чтобы работало L2TP надо включить PPTP.
Второй по популярности совет — это обратиться к провайдеру. Как в анекдоте про программиста в армии на стрельбище:
— рядовой, Петров, Вы не попали в мишень;
— у меня все отлично, пули вылетели из автомата — проблема на вашей стороне.

  • Windows users connect and install a VPN service on their Windows 10 computers to optimize privacy and security features when connecting to the Internet.
  • When you connect to a server using the L2TP protocol, the connection processing ends with error 789, followed by error 791.
  • It’s possible that the client you’re using isn’t configured to connect to the VPN server.

Are you frustrated with encountering VPN Error 789 on your Windows PC? Fear not, as this article will guide you through troubleshooting this issue, ensuring a seamless and secure virtual private network (VPN) connection.

Understanding VPN Error 789 on Windows PC

First, make sure your VPN client software is up to date. If not, update it to the latest version. Next, check your network connection between the VPN client and server. Ensure that there are no interruptions or network errors.

If the problem persists, try disabling your firewall temporarily. Sometimes, firewalls can interfere with the VPN connection. If this resolves the issue, you may need to adjust your firewall settings to allow the VPN traffic.

Additionally, double-check your VPN server settings and make sure they are correct. Ensure that your identifier and pre-shared key (PSK) are accurate.

By following these steps, you should be able to resolve VPN Error 789 and establish a successful connection. Remember, if you need further assistance, our support team is here to help.

Troubleshooting Methods for VPN Error 789

  • Check network connectivity: Ensure that your Windows PC is connected to a stable internet connection. Verify if other websites or applications are accessible to rule out any network issues.
  • Verify VPN server address: Double-check the server address and ensure that it is correctly entered. Pay attention to any typos or missing characters.
  • Adjust firewall settings: Temporarily disable the firewall on your Windows PC and attempt to connect to the VPN again. If successful, adjust the firewall settings to allow VPN traffic.
  • Update VPN client software: Ensure that you have the latest version of the VPN client software installed on your Windows PC. Check the official website of your VPN provider for any available updates.
  • Restart VPN services: Restart the VPN services on your Windows PC. Open the “Services” application, locate the VPN service, right-click on it, and choose the “Restart” option.
  • Reset VPN configuration: Reset the VPN configuration on your Windows PC. Remove the existing VPN connection and recreate it with the correct settings.
  • Check VPN protocols: Verify that the correct VPN protocol is selected. Try switching between different protocols (e.g., PPTP, L2TP, SSTP) to see if the error persists.
  • Disable third-party security software: Temporarily disable any third-party security software (e.g., antivirus, anti-malware) on your Windows PC. Sometimes, these programs can interfere with VPN connections.
    Check VPN protocols: Verify that the correct VPN protocol is selected. Try switching between different protocols (e.g., PPTP, L2TP, SSTP) to see if the error persists.
Disable third-party security software: Temporarily disable any third-party security software (e.g., antivirus, anti-malware) on your Windows PC. Sometimes, these programs can interfere with VPN connections.
  • Update network drivers: Ensure that the network drivers on your Windows PC are up to date. Visit the manufacturer’s website or use Windows Update to check for any available driver updates.
  • Perform a clean boot: Perform a clean boot on your Windows PC to eliminate any software conflicts that may be causing the VPN error. Follow the instructions provided by Microsoft to perform a clean boot.
    Update network drivers: Ensure that the network drivers on your Windows PC are up to date. Visit the manufacturer's website or use Windows Update to check for any available driver updates.
Perform a clean boot: Perform a clean boot on your Windows PC to eliminate any software conflicts that may be causing the VPN error. Follow the instructions provided by Microsoft to perform a clean boot.

Resolving VPN Error 789 on Windows 10 & 11

If you’re encountering VPN Error 789 on your Windows PC, here’s how to troubleshoot it:

1. Check your internet connection: Make sure you have a stable and reliable internet connection.

2. Verify VPN settings: Ensure that the VPN settings are correctly configured on your device.

3. Update Windows: Keep your Windows operating system up to date to ensure compatibility with VPN technologies.

4. Check firewall settings: Disable any third-party firewalls and antivirus software temporarily to see if they are causing the issue.

5. Restart your device: Sometimes, a simple restart can fix connection problems.

6. Use a different VPN protocol: Try using a different VPN protocol, such as L2TP/IPsec, to see if that resolves the error.

7. Contact your VPN provider: If the issue persists, reach out to your VPN provider for further assistance.

Remember, troubleshooting VPN errors can vary depending on the specific circumstances, so these steps may not solve every problem.

Enhancing VPN Connection for Error 789 Prevention

To enhance your VPN connection and prevent Error 789, follow these steps:

1. Check your network connection: Ensure that you have a stable and reliable internet connection. Connect to a trusted wireless network or use a wired connection for better stability.

2. Verify your VPN settings: Double-check your VPN settings to make sure they are correct. Ensure that the server address, username, and password are entered correctly.

3. Update your Windows: Make sure your Windows PC is up to date with the latest updates and patches. This can help resolve any compatibility issues that may be causing the error.

4. Disable firewall and antivirus: Temporarily disable your firewall and antivirus software to see if they are blocking the VPN connection. If the error is resolved, add the VPN client as an exception to your security software.

5. Try a different VPN protocol: If you are using L2TP/IPSec, try switching to a different protocol like OpenVPN or SSTP. Sometimes, certain protocols can encounter errors.

By following these steps, you can troubleshoot and fix VPN Error 789 on your Windows PC. If you still encounter issues, reach out to our support team for further assistance.

Mark Ginter

Mark Ginter is a tech blogger with a passion for all things gadgets and gizmos. A self-proclaimed «geek», Mark has been blogging about technology for over 15 years. His blog, techquack.com, covers a wide range of topics including new product releases, industry news, and tips and tricks for getting the most out of your devices. If you’re looking for someone who can keep you up-to-date with all the latest tech news and developments, then be sure to follow him over at Microsoft.

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