Ошибка 7410 sinamics

  • Ремонт и ошибки SINAMICS
  • Ошибки SINAMICS S120
  • Руководства по эксплуатации SINAMICS
  • Схемы соединений управляющих модулей CU230P для SINAMICS G120
  • Ремонт SINAMICS
  • Оставить заявку на ремонт и сброс ошибок SINAMICS

Ремонт и ошибки SINAMICS

Ошибки SINAMICSЧастотный преобразователь SINAMICS, как и другие его собратья оснащен информационной панелью, призванной сделать общение оператора и преобразователя максимально легким и комфортным. При вводе в эксплуатацию оборудования с помощью данной панели устройство программируется и настраивается, а в случае непредвиденной ситуации на панель частотного преобразователя выводится ошибка, вызвавшая аварийную остановку оборудования. Все возможные ошибки SINAMICS вы можете найти в руководстве пользователя (мануал) в формате PDF, скачать которые можно с нашего сайта. Устранение причины ошибки и ее сброс на преобразователе позволит в кратчайшие сроки возобновить работу. К сожалению не все ошибки можно исправить самостоятельно, некоторые ошибки SINAMICS возможно исправить только в специализированных сервисных центрах.

Если на вашем производстве появились проблемы с частотным преобразователем, от есть ошибка SINAMICS является критичной, и вы не можете сбросить ее самостоятельно, мы всегда рады вам помочь. Ошибки SINAMICSОбращайтесь в сервисный центр «Кернел». Специалисты нашей компании в минимальные сроки проведут глубокую диагностику преобразователя частоты и последующий ремонт SINAMICS в . Оставьте заказ на ремонт частотника используя форму на сайте.

Компания «Кернел» производит ремонт частотных преобразователей в с 2002 года. За это время мы накопили колоссальный опыт в том числе опыт в ремонте и сбросе ошибок SINAMICS такого известного производителя как SIEMENS. Ремонт подобной промышленной электроники ответственное и сложное занятие, требующие максимальной отдачи, профессионализма и максимально полной материальной базе.

Специалисты нашего сервисного центра уделяют максимальное внимание к качеству исполнения ремонта (сброс ошибок), программирования и настройке частотных преобразователей, не зависимо от производителя данного промышленного оборудования. Именно поэтому мы смело даем гарантию на ремонт SINAMICS и замененные в процессе ремонта компоненты шесть месяцев.

Ошибки SINAMICS S120

В таблице ниже приведены все возможные ошибки SINAMICS S120




Infeed: Power unit EP 24 V missing in operation

Ошибка в блоке питания, проблема в том, что он не выдаёт сигнал разрешения.


Infeed: Line voltage too high at power on

Напряжение сети слишком высокое. Ошибка возникла в блоке питания.


Drive: Current controller output limited

Ошибка в измерении актуального тока. Возможные причины: неисправен привод, неисправен двигатель.


Drive: Commutation angle incorrect (motor model)

Движение вала двигателя отличается от ожидаемого. Возможно неисправен привод или двигатель. Существует вероятность что неисправен или не настроен энкодер.


Drive: Commutation angle incorrect (pole position identification)

Движение вала двигателя отличается от ожидаемого более чем на 45 градусов. Возможно неисправен привод или двигатель. А также, возможно неисправен или не настроен энкодер.


(A) LR: Following error too high

Различие между заданным и актуальным значением позиции вала электродвигателя. Необходима диагностика электродвигателя или ремонт SINAMICS S120.


LR: Position actual value conditioning error

Ошибка обработки актуального значения позиции. Возможно неисправен энкодер. Необходима диагностика или ремонт энкодера.


EPOS: Enable signal withdrawn while traversing

Привод находится в состоянии «запрет включения» (стандартное применение). Проверьте все разрешающие сигналы.


(N, A) Drive: Motor locked/speed controller at its limit

Электродвигатель работал на пределе крутящего момента дольше, чем указано в p2177, и ниже порога скорости, установленного в p2175. Проверьте инверсию фактического значения. Проверьте подключение датчика двигателя.


Drive: Motor overspeed

Превышено максимально допустимое значение скорости электродвигателя. Допустимые пороги можно настроить в параметрах. Возможна неисправность в приводе или электродвигателе SIMOTICS S.


(N, A) Drive: Motor stalled

Код ошибки означает что двигатель остановлен. Это могло произойти из-за некорректного параметрирования или неисправности электродвигателя, возможна проблема с силовой платой SINAMICS S120.


Power unit: DC link overvoltage

Превышение допустимого напряжения звена постоянного тока. Проверьте напряжение сети и корректность подключения входных фаз. Мотор регенерирует слишком много энергии, проверьте тормозной резистор.


Power unit: DC link undervoltage

Напряжение звена постоянного тока слишком мало. Необходимо проверить напряжение сети и правильность фазировки клемм. Возможна неисправность в модуле подачи. Необходима диагностика Infeed Module.


Power unit: Over temperature heatsink AC inverter

Температура радиатора блока питания превысила допустимое значение. Необходимо проверить систему охлаждения, возможно вышел из строя вентилятор. Также необходимо проверить нагрузку двигателя (механическую часть).


Power unit: Ground fault

Произошло замыкание на землю. Следует проверить силовые кабели и обмотки двигателя. Например, прозвонить на корпус при помощи мегомметра.


Power unit: Hardware current limiting, phase U

Аппаратное ограничение тока. Фаза «U». Достигнут аппаратный предел тока по этой фазе. Следует проверить положение энкодера, кабели двигателя и нагрузку на двигатель.


Power unit: Hardware current limiting, phase V

Аппаратное ограничение тока. Фаза «V». Достигнут аппаратный предел тока по этой фазе. Следует проверить положение энкодера, кабели двигателя и нагрузку на двигатель.


Power unit: Hardware current limiting, phase W

Аппаратное ограничение тока. Фаза «W». Достигнут аппаратный предел тока по этой фазе. Следует проверить положение энкодера, кабели двигателя и нагрузку на двигатель.


Power unit: Air intake over temperature

Перегрев. Температура воздуха на входе в блок питания превысила допустимое предельное значение. Для силовых установок с воздушным охлаждением предел составляет 55 градусов по Цельсию. Проверьте, находится ли температура окружающей среды в допустимом диапазоне.


Power unit: Undervolt 24 V

Сбой источника питания 24 В. Порог 16 Вольт опустился ниже более чем на 3 мс. Проверьте напряжение питания 24 В постоянного тока на блоке питания.


Power unit: Supply undervoltage

Пониженное напряжение питания. Контроль напряжения на плате ЦАП сигнализирует о сбое пониженного напряжения на модуле. Нужно измерить питание 24 В постоянного тока на питающих клеммах блока питания.


CU DRIVE-CLiQ: Cyclic data transfer error

Нет связи с одним из силовых модулей Drive-Cliq системы, хотя он сконфигурирован. Произошла ошибка связи DRIVE-CLiQ между управляющим модулем и задействованным силовым модулем. Проверьте питание на соответствующем модуле.


(N, A) Encoder 1: Amplitude error track A or B (A^2 + B^2)

Ошибка амплитуды сигнала A или B. Амплитуда (A ^ 2 + B ^ 2) не лежит в пределах допустимого диапазона (функция программного мониторинга). Возможно оборвана одна из обмоток резольвера.


(N, A) Encoder 1: Amplitude error, monitoring track A + B

Ошибка амплитуды контроля сигналов A + B. Амплитуда выпрямленных сигналов энкодера A и B не находится в пределах допустимого диапазона (аппаратный мониторинг). Возможно требуется ремонт энкодера.


(N, A) Encoder 1: Power supply voltage

Сбой напряжения питания энкодера. Измеренное напряжение питания энкодера слишком мало. Проверьте кабель энкодера.


(F, N) Encoder 1: Alarm threshold, zero mark distance error

Измеренное количество импульсов между нулевыми метками не соответствует правильному значению. Такая неисправность может проявиться, например, из-за загрязнённого стекла энкодера.


(F, N) Encoder 1: EnDat encoder signals alarms

Сигнал предупреждения EnDat энкодера. В принятом пакете от EnDat энкодера установлены биты ошибки. Энкодер неисправен.


(N, A) CU DRIVE-CLiQ: Cyclic data transfer error

Ошибка связи DRIVE-CLiQ между модулем управления и задействованным энкодером. Проверьте питание на соответствующем энкодере.

Руководства по эксплуатации SINAMICS


  • Скачать руководство по эксплуатации SINAMICS G 120 manual- PDF
  • Скачать руководство по эксплуатации SINAMICS S 120 manual- PDF
  • Скачать руководство по эксплуатации SINAMICS V 20 manual- PDF
  • Скачать руководство по эксплуатации SINAMICS G 120c manual- PDF
  • Скачать руководство по эксплуатации SINAMICS G 110 manual- PDF
  • Скачать руководство по эксплуатации SINAMICS G 150 manual- PDF
  • Скачать руководство по эксплуатации SINAMICS V 90 manual- PDF
  • Скачать руководство по эксплуатации SINAMICS G 120p manual- PDF
  • Скачать руководство по эксплуатации SINAMICS S 150 manual- PDF
  • Скачать руководство по эксплуатации SINAMICS G 130 manual- PDF
  • Скачать руководство по эксплуатации SINAMICS V 70 manual- PDF
  • Скачать руководство по эксплуатации SINAMICS G 180 manual- PDF
  • Скачать руководство по эксплуатации SINAMICS Gh180 manual- PDF
  • Скачать руководство по эксплуатации SINAMICS G 120x manual- PDF
  • Скачать руководство по эксплуатации SINAMICS G 110m manual- PDF

Специалисты сервисного центра исправляют ошибки SINAMICS как частотных преобразователей, так и сервоприводов (SERVODRIVE), силовых модулей (POWER MODULE) и модулей управления (CONTROL UNIT).

силовые модули (POWER MODULE) Sinamics

модули управления (CONTROL UNIT) Sinamics



Схемы соединений управляющих модулей CU230P для SINAMICS G120

Схема соединений управляющего модуля CU230P−2 HVAC

Схема соединений управляющего модуля CU230P−2 DP

Схема соединений управляющего модуля CU230P−2 HVAC

Схема соединений управляющего модуля CU230P−2 DP

Схема соединений управляющего модуля CU230P−2 CAN

Схема соединений управляющего модуля CU230P−2 CAN


Ошибки SINAMICSСпециалисты сервисного центра Кернел выполнят ремонт и сброс ошибок SINAMICS в максимально сжатые сроки. При ремонте преобразователя частоты SINAMICS вы гарантированно получаете:

  • Глубокую диагностику неисправного преобразователя с выявлением неисправных компонентов;
  • Замену неисправных компонентов на новые;
  • Ремонт в максимально сжатые сроки;
  • Сброс ошибок SINAMICS
  • Проверку отремонтированного частотника на специальном стенде;
  • Оригинальные запасные части;
  • Гарантию на ремонт SINAMICS 6 месяцев;
  • Гарантию на запасные части 6 месяцев.

Компания «Кернел» предлагает квалифицированный ремонт частотный преобразователей в сжатые сроки по цене 20% — 40% от стоимости нового частотника. За время существования компании, наши инженеры отремонтировали не одну тысячу единиц промышленного оборудования, постоянно повышая свою квалификацию.

Ремонт SINAMICS в производится исключительно с использованием оригинальных запасных частей, на компонентном уровне с применением высокотехнологичного оборудования, квалифицированным персоналом с инженерным образованием.

Ошибки SINAMICSК сожалению, от поломок дорогостоящего оборудования никто не застрахован. В зависимости от разных факторов, рано или поздно, любое, даже самое надежное промышленное оборудование выходит из строя, преобразователи частоты SINAMICS не исключение. В данной ситуации на помощь придет наша компания, и инженеры, профессионализм которых не ставится под сомнение.

Благодаря новейшему инновационному диагностическому оборудованию инженеры сервисного центра в кратчайшие сроки проведут глубокую диагностику вышедшего из строя частотного преобразователя SINAMICS найдут неисправный компонент и заменят его на новый.

Еще раз хочется подчеркнуть тот факт, что, производя ремонт и сбрасывая ошибку SINAMICS мы используем только оригинальные запасные части и даем гарантию не только на проведенные ремонтно-восстановительные работы, но и на запасные части, которые были заменены в процессе восстановления частотного преобразователя шесть месяцев.

Менеджеры и специалисты сервисного центра всегда стараются входить в положение заказчика и выполнить ремонт SINAMICS в максимально кратчайшие сроки тем самым минимизировать простой оборудования.

Мы ценим своих клиентов и делаем упор на качество выполненных работ, а также время его выполнения. Сберегите свой бюджет, обратитесь за ремонтом SINAMICS S120 в нашу компанию.

Оставить заявку на ремонт и сброс ошибок SINAMICS

Оставить заявку на ремонт и сброс ошибок SINAMICS в можно с помощью специальной формы, которая вызывается нажатием одноименной кнопки в верхней части страницы. Все вопросы, связанные с ремонтом и ошибками SINAMICS в , вы можете задать нашим менеджерам. Связаться с ними можно несколькими способами:

Наши контакты

  • Заказав обратный звонок (кнопка в правом нижнем углу сайта)
  • Посредством чата (кнопка расположена с левой стороны сайта)
  • Позвонив по номеру телефона:
    • +7(8482) 79-78-54;
    • +7(8482) 55-96-39;
    • +7(917) 121-53-01
  • Написав на электронную почту: 89171215301@mail.ru

Вот далеко не полный список производителей промышленной электроники и оборудования, ремонтируемой в нашей компании.

Diagnosis / Faults and Alarms

Alarm value

9: DI/DO 9 (X122.8)


10: DI/DO 10 (X122.10)

11: DI/DO 11 (X122.11)

13: DI/DO 13 (X132.8)

14: DI/DO 14 (X132.10)

15: DI/DO 15 (X132.11)


— Set terminal as input (p0728).

— Deselect probe (p0488, p0489).


Drive:: DC link voltage maximum controller active


DC-link voltage controller has been activated because the voltage has exceeded the upper

activation threshold (r1242).

Ramp down times are increased automatically to keep the DC link voltage (r0026) within the

permissible limit. Control deviation between set and actual speed. The output of the RFG is

therefore set to the actual speed on deactivation of the DC link voltage controller.

See also: p1240




Drive: DC link voltage maximum controller deactivated


The Vdc max controller could not hold the DC Link voltage (r0026) below the limit (r1242)

and was therefore deactivated.

— Line voltage is permanently higher than specified for the power section.

— Motor is permanently in regenerative mode (driven by a load).


— Check whether the input voltage lies inside the permissible range.

— Check whether the load cycle and load limits lie inside the permissible ranges.


Drive: Link minimum controller active


The DC-link voltage controller has been activated because the voltage has dropped below

the lower activation limit (r1246). The motor’s kinetic energy is used to buffer the DC link.

This decelerates the drive.

See also: p1240


Warning disappears when power supply returns.


Drive: Current controller output limited




— Motor not corrected or motor contactor open.

— No DC link voltage present.

— Motor module defective.


— Connect motor or check motor contactor.

— Check DC link voltage (r0070).

— Check motor module.




Drive: Flux controller output limited




Unable to achieve specified flux setpoint, although 90 % of maximum current is specified.

— Wrong motor data.

— Motor data and motor switching mode (star/delta) do not match.

— Current limit set too low for motor.

— Motor module too small.


— Correct motor data.

— Check switching mode of motor.

— Correct current limits (p0640, p0323).

— If necessary, use a larger motor module.




Drive: Current setpoint filter natural frequency > Shannon frequency






Operating Manual

  • Page 1
    SINAMICS G150 Converter cabinet units 75 kW to 1500 kW Operating instructions · 03/2012 SINAMICS…
  • Page 3
    ___________________ Converter cabinet units Foreword ___________________ Safety information ___________________ Device Overview SINAMICS ___________________ Mechanical installation SINAMICS G150 ___________________ Converter cabinet units Electrical installation ___________________ Commissioning Operating Instructions ___________________ Operation ___________________ Setpoint channel and closed- loop control ___________________ Output terminals ___________________…
  • Page 4
    Note the following: WARNING Siemens products may only be used for the applications described in the catalog and in the relevant technical documentation. If products and components from other manufacturers are used, these must be recommended or approved by Siemens. Proper transport, storage, installation, assembly, commissioning, operation and maintenance are required to ensure that the products operate safely and without any problems.
  • Page 5: Foreword

    Foreword User documentation WARNING Before installing and commissioning the converter, make sure that you read all the safety notes and warnings carefully, including the warning labels on the equipment itself. The warning labels must always be legible. Missing or damaged labels must be replaced. Structure of this documentation The customer documentation comprises general and individual documentation.

  • Page 6
    ● Additional operating instructions The instructions for OEM components installed in the ordered cabinet unit are supplied as OEM documentation. Documentation in the Internet The documentation for SINAMICS G150 can be found on the Internet at: http://support.automation.siemens.com/WW/view/en/11735760/133300 Technical support Time zone Europe/Africa…
  • Page 7
    Foreword Spare parts You will find spare parts on the Internet at: http://support.automation.siemens.com/WW/view/en/16612315. Internet address Information about SINAMICS can be found on the Internet at the following address: http://www.siemens.com/sinamics EMC limit values for South Korea The EMC limit values that have to be observed for Korea correspond to the limit values of the EMC product standard for variable-speed electric drives EN 61800-3 of category C2 or the limit value class A, Group 1 according to EN 55011.
  • Page 8
    Foreword Converter cabinet units Operating Instructions, 03/2012, A5E03263466A…
  • Page 9: Table Of Contents

    Table of contents Foreword …………………………3 Safety information………………………. 15 Warnings ……………………….15 Safety and operating instructions………………..16 Components that can be destroyed by electrostatic discharge (ESD) ……..17 Residual risks of power drive systems………………18 Warning about electromagnetic fields………………19 Device Overview……………………….21 Chapter content ………………………21 Applications, features……………………21 2.2.1 Field of applications ……………………21…

  • Page 10
    Table of contents Electrical installation ……………………..61 Chapter content……………………… 61 Checklist for electrical installation ………………..62 Insulation test ……………………..68 Important safety precautions………………….. 70 Introduction to EMC ……………………71 EMC compliant design …………………… 73 Electrical connection of units that are connected in parallel …………75 4.7.1 Connecting the PE busbars ………………….
  • Page 11
    Table of contents 4.11.18 Insulation Monitor (Option L87)………………..152 4.11.19 CBC10 CAN Communication Board (option G20) …………..154 4.11.20 Communication Board Ethernet CBE20 (Option G33) …………..157 4.11.21 TM150 temperature sensor module (option G51)…………..160 Description ……………………..160 Connecting……………………..161 Connection examples ………………….164 4.11.22 SMC30 Sensor Module Cabinet-Mounted (option K50) …………166 Description ……………………..166…
  • Page 12
    Table of contents 6.3.2 Drive objects ……………………..262 6.3.3 Data Sets……………………… 264 6.3.4 BICO technology: interconnecting signals …………….269 Command sources ……………………275 6.4.1 «PROFIdrive» default setting ………………… 275 6.4.2 «TM31 terminals» default setting ………………..277 6.4.3 «NAMUR» default setting ………………….279 6.4.4 «PROFIdrive NAMUR»…
  • Page 13
    Table of contents Communication via PROFIBUS DP ……………….336 6.8.1 PROFIBUS connection ………………….336 6.8.2 Control via PROFIBUS ………………….341 6.8.3 Monitoring: Telegram failure ………………….343 6.8.4 Further information about communication via PROFIBUS DP ……….343 Communication via PROFINET IO ………………..344 6.9.1 Activating online operation: STARTER via PROFINET IO …………344 6.9.2 General information about PROFINET IO ……………..348…
  • Page 14
    Table of contents Output terminals ………………………. 413 Chapter content……………………. 413 Analog outputs …………………….. 414 8.2.1 List of signals for the analog signals ………………415 Digital outputs ……………………… 417 Functions, Monitoring, and Protective Functions ………………. 419 Chapter content……………………. 419 Drive Functions ……………………. 420 9.2.1 Motor identification and automatic speed controller optimization ……….
  • Page 15
    Table of contents Changing the know-how protection password …………….474 OEM exception list ……………………475 Memory card copy protection…………………475 Replacing devices for know-how protection with copy protection ……….476 Overview of important parameters…………………477 Extended functions ……………………478 9.3.1 Technology controller…………………….478 9.3.2 Bypass function……………………..481…
  • Page 16
    Table of contents Maintenance and servicing ……………………531 11.1 Chapter content……………………. 531 11.2 Maintenance……………………..532 11.2.1 Cleaning ………………………. 532 11.3 Maintenance……………………..533 11.3.1 Installation device……………………534 11.3.2 Using crane lifting lugs to transport power blocks …………..535 11.4 Replacing components………………….537 11.4.1 Replacing the filter mats………………….
  • Page 17: Safety Information

    Safety information Warnings WARNING Hazardous voltages are present when electrical equipment is in operation. Severe personal injury or substantial material damage may result if these warnings are not observed. Only qualified personnel are permitted to work on or around the equipment. This personnel must be thoroughly familiar with all the warnings and maintenance procedures described in these operating instructions.

  • Page 18: Safety And Operating Instructions

    The operating manual and machine documentation are written in different languages as specified in the delivery contracts. Note We recommend engaging the support and services of your local Siemens service center for all planning, installation, commissioning and maintenance work. Converter cabinet units…

  • Page 19: Components That Can Be Destroyed By Electrostatic Discharge (Esd)

    Safety information 1.3 Components that can be destroyed by electrostatic discharge (ESD) Components that can be destroyed by electrostatic discharge (ESD) CAUTION The board contains components that can be destroyed by electrostatic discharge. These components can be easily destroyed if not handled properly. If you do have to use electronic boards, however, please observe the following: •…

  • Page 20: Residual Risks Of Power Drive Systems

    Safety information 1.4 Residual risks of power drive systems Residual risks of power drive systems When carrying out a risk assessment of the machine/plant in accordance with the EU Machinery Directive, the machine manufacturer/plant operator must consider the following residual risks associated with the control and drive components of a power drive system (PDS).

  • Page 21: Warning About Electromagnetic Fields

    Safety information 1.5 Warning about electromagnetic fields Warning about electromagnetic fields WARNING Electromagnetic fields «electro smog» Electromagnetic fields are generated by the operation of electrical power engineering installations such as transformers, converters or motors. Electromagnetic fields can interfere with electronic devices, which could cause them to malfunction.

  • Page 22
    Safety information 1.5 Warning about electromagnetic fields Converter cabinet units Operating Instructions, 03/2012, A5E03263466A…
  • Page 23: Device Overview

    Applications, features 2.2.1 Field of applications SINAMICS G150 drive converter cabinet units are specially designed to meet the requirements of drives with a quadratic and constant load characteristic, medium performance requirements, and no regenerative feedback. Applications include: ● Pumps and fans ●…

  • Page 24: Characteristics, Quality, Service

    Optionally, applications with system-specific requirements for an encoder can use an encoder evaluator. SINAMICS G150 takes this into account and, as a result, offers a low-cost drive solution tailored to actual requirements. In addition, factors have been considered to ensure easy handling of the drive from the planning and design phase through to operation.

  • Page 25: Design

    Device Overview 2.3 Design Quality The SINAMICS G150 drive converter cabinet units are manufactured to meet high standards of quality and exacting demands. This results in a high level of reliability, availability, and functionality for our products. The development, design, and manufacturing processes, as well as order processing and the logistics supply center have been certified to DIN ISO 9001 by an independent authority.

  • Page 26: Version A

    Device Overview 2.3 Design 2.3.1 Version A All the required power supply connection components, such as the main circuit breaker, circuit breakers, main contactor, line fuses, radio interference suppression filter, motor components, and additional protection and monitoring devices, can be installed as required. The cabinet unit comprises up to two cabinet panels with a total width of between 800 and 1600 mm, depending on the output, and 3200 mm for units connected in parallel.

  • Page 27
    Device Overview 2.3 Design Version A, units connected in parallel For very high power ratings, the cabinet drive comprises two cabinet units that combined drive a motor in a parallel connection: ● For 3 AC 380 to 480 V: 6SL3710-2GE41-1AAx, 6SL3710-2GE41-4AAx, 6SL3710-2GE41-6AAx ●…
  • Page 28
    Device Overview 2.3 Design Special features when connecting-up and operating units connected in parallel The DC links of the sub-cabinets connected in parallel must always be interconnected and the connecting cables between the two sub-cabinets (cable numbers -W001 and -W002) must be connected.
  • Page 29: Version C

    Device Overview 2.3 Design 2.3.2 Version C This version is particularly compact in design with an in-built line reactor. This version can be used, for example, when the power supply connection components, such as the main contactor and main circuit-breaker with fuses for conductor protection and semi-conductor protection, are installed in an existing central low-voltage distribution unit.

  • Page 30: Wiring Principle

    Device Overview 2.4 Wiring Principle Wiring Principle Circuit principle, versions A and C Figure 2-4 Circuit principle, versions A and C Converter cabinet units Operating Instructions, 03/2012, A5E03263466A…

  • Page 31
    Device Overview 2.4 Wiring Principle Circuit principle for version A, units that are connected in parallel with 6-pulse infeed, motor with one winding system DCPS DCPS -W001 DCNS -W002 DCNS Figure 2-5 Circuit principle for version A, parallel connection, 6-pulse infeed, connected to one motor with one winding system.
  • Page 32
    Device Overview 2.4 Wiring Principle Circuit principle for version A, parallel connection with 6-pulse infeed, motor with separate winding systems DCPS DCPS -W001 DCNS -W002 DCNS 1 U 2 2 U 2 1 V 2 2 V 2 1 W 2 2 W 2 Figure 2-6 Circuit principle for version A, parallel connection, 6-pulse infeed, connected to one…
  • Page 33
    Device Overview 2.4 Wiring Principle Circuit principle for version A, parallel connection with 12-pulse infeed, motor with one winding system -W001 DCPS DCPS DCNS DCNS -W002 Figure 2-7 Circuit principle for version A, parallel connection, 12-pulse infeed, connected to one motor with one winding system.
  • Page 34
    Device Overview 2.4 Wiring Principle Circuit principle for version A, parallel connection with 12-pulse infeed, motor with separate winding systems -W001 DCPS DCPS DCNS DCNS -W002 Figure 2-8 Circuit principle for version A, parallel connection, 12-pulse infeed, connected to one motor with separate winding systems.
  • Page 35: Type Plate

    2.5 Type plate NOTICE The PE connection at the motor must be fed back directly to the cabinet unit. Type plate Specifications on the type plate FREQUENZUMRICHTER / AC DRIVE SINAMICS G150 Input: Eingang: Output: Ausgang: Temperature range : Duty class: + 40 °C…

  • Page 36
    Device Overview 2.5 Type plate Type plate specifications (from type plate above) Position Specification Value Explanation ① Input 3 AC Three-phase connection 380 … 480 V Rated input voltage 519 A Rated input current ② Output 3 AC Three-phase connection 0 …
  • Page 37
    Device Overview 2.5 Type plate Explanation of the option short codes Table 2- 2 Explanation of the option short codes Version Version Input options Line filter for use in the first environment to EN 61800-3, category C2 (TN/TT ✓ − systems with grounded neutral point) Clean Power version with integrated Line Harmonics Filter compact ✓…
  • Page 38
    Device Overview 2.5 Type plate Version Version Other options CBC10 Communication Board ✓ ✓ CBE20 Communication Board ✓ ✓ Temperature sensor module TM150 ✓ ✓ TM31 customer terminal block ✓ ✓ TM31 additional customer terminal block ✓ − Sensor Module Cabinet-Mounted SMC30 ✓…
  • Page 39
    Device Overview 2.5 Type plate Version Version Converter acceptance on customer absence (not shown on the type plate) Visual acceptance ✓ ✓ Function test of the converter without motor connected ✓ ✓ Function test of the converter with test bay motor (no load) ✓…
  • Page 40
    Device Overview 2.5 Type plate Converter cabinet units Operating Instructions, 03/2012, A5E03263466A…
  • Page 41: Mechanical Installation

    Mechanical installation Chapter content This chapter provides information on the following: ● The conditions for transporting, storing, and installing the cabinet unit ● Preparing and installing the cabinet unit Converter cabinet units Operating Instructions, 03/2012, A5E03263466A…

  • Page 42: Transportation And Storage

    Mechanical installation 3.2 Transportation and storage Transportation and storage Transportation WARNING The following must be taken into account when the devices are transported: • The devices are heavy or generally top heavy. The center of gravity is marked on the devices.

  • Page 43
    • If you fail to contact them immediately, you may lose your right to claim compensation for the defects and damage. • If necessary, you can request the support of your local Siemens office. WARNING Damage in transit indicates that the device was subject to unreasonable stress. The electrical safety of the device can no longer be ensured.
  • Page 44: Assembly

    Mechanical installation 3.3 Assembly Assembly WARNING To ensure that the devices operate safely and reliably, they must be properly installed and commissioned by qualified personnel, taking into account the warnings provided in these operating instructions. In particular, the general and national installation and safety guidelines for high-voltage installations (e.g.

  • Page 45: Mechanical Installation: Checklist

    Mechanical installation 3.3 Assembly 3.3.1 Mechanical installation: checklist Use the following checklist to guide you through the mechanical installation procedure for the cabinet unit. Read the «Safety instructions» section at the start of these Operating Instructions before you start working on the device. Note Check the boxes accordingly in the right-hand column if the activity applies to the cabinet unit in your scope of supply.

  • Page 46: Preparation

    Mechanical installation 3.3 Assembly 3.3.2 Preparation Requirements on the installation location The cabinet units are designed for installation in closed, electrical operating areas in compliance with EN 61800-5-1. A closed electrical operating area is a room or area containing electrical equipment that can be accessed by trained personnel only. Access is controlled by a door or other form of barrier that can be opened only by means of a key or other tool.

  • Page 47: Requirements On The Levelness Of The Floor

    Mechanical installation 3.3 Assembly Requirements on the levelness of the floor The foundation at the installation location of the cabinet devices must be level to ensure proper functioning of the cabinet units. ● Care must be taken to ensure that the doors can be opened and closed and that the locking systems work properly.

  • Page 48: Shipping And Handling Monitors

    Mechanical installation 3.3 Assembly Shipping and handling monitors The cabinet units are equipped with tilt and shock indicators to monitor for damage during transit. Figure 3-2 Tilt indicator Figure 3-3 Shock indicator Position of the shipping and handling monitors The tilt indicators are affixed to the top of the cabinet unit inside the doors.

  • Page 49
    Mechanical installation 3.3 Assembly Checking the shipping and handling monitors prior to commissioning It is essential to check the shipping and handling monitors prior to commissioning the converter. Figure 3-4 Tilt indicator tripped The tilt indicator provides immediate visible evidence of whether the cabinet units have been handled and stored upright.
  • Page 50: Unpacking

    Mechanical installation 3.3 Assembly Removing the shipping and handling monitors prior to commissioning CAUTION The shipping and handling monitors must be removed before commissioning the converter. Failure to observe the transport indicators during operation of the converter may cause damage to the equipment. Unpacking Unpacking…

  • Page 51: Installation

    Mechanical installation 3.3 Assembly 3.3.3 Installation Lifting the cabinet off the transport pallet Lifting the cabinet off the transport pallet The applicable local guidelines regarding the transportation of the cabinet from the transport palette to the installation location must be observed. A crane transport assembly (option M90) can also be fitted on the top of the cabinet.

  • Page 52: Removing The Crane Transport Aids

    Mechanical installation 3.3 Assembly Center of gravity of cabinet The diagram below shows the center of gravity of the cabinet (for all sizes), which must always be taken into account when lifting and installing the cabinet. Figure 3-7 Center of gravity of the cabinet Note A label with the precise position of the center of gravity of the cabinet is attached to each cabinet or each transport unit.

  • Page 53
    Mechanical installation 3.3 Assembly Removal The transport eyebolts can be unscrewed and removed. Depending on the length of the cabinet or transport unit, the support rails can have a varying number of fastening screws. These must be unscrewed and removed before the rails can be removed. WARNING The support rails are heavy and must be removed very carefully.
  • Page 54: Installation

    Mechanical installation 3.3 Assembly Installation Installation Four holes for M12 screws are provided on each cabinet panel to secure the cabinet to the ground. The fixing dimensions are specified on the dimension drawings enclosed. Two wall supports for attaching the top of the cabinet to the wall are also supplied for 400 mm-wide cabinets to provide extra security.

  • Page 55
    Mechanical installation 3.3 Assembly Mounting 1. Attach the sealing strip to the cabinet frames of the cabinets to be connected. 2. Push the cabinets together, they must completely come together at the front and the rear sides. The distance between the cabinets must be approximately 3 mm. 3.
  • Page 56
    Mechanical installation 3.3 Assembly Figure 3-12 Cabinet connectors at the inside at the lower cabinet frame Figure 3-13 Cabinet connectors at the inside at the upper cabinet frame Converter cabinet units Operating Instructions, 03/2012, A5E03263466A…
  • Page 57
    Mechanical installation 3.3 Assembly Figure 3-14 Outer cabinet connector Converter cabinet units Operating Instructions, 03/2012, A5E03263466A…
  • Page 58: Fitting Additional Canopies (Option M21) Or Hoods (Option M23, M43, M54)

    Mechanical installation 3.3 Assembly 3.3.5 Fitting additional canopies (option M21) or hoods (option M23, M43, M54) To increase the degree of protection of the cabinets from IP20 (standard) to IP21, IP23, IP43, or IP54, additional canopies or hoods are supplied. These must be fitted once the cabinets have been installed.

  • Page 59
    Mechanical installation 3.3 Assembly Attaching a canopy to increase the degree of protection to IP21 (option M21) Figure 3-15 Fitting a canopy ② The canopy can be mounted variably in both directions (on the side and, to the front and back) on the top of the cabinet.
  • Page 60
    Mechanical installation 3.3 Assembly NOTICE There are overlaps on the sides of the canopies to prevent water dripping into the spaces between cabinet units connected in series. When fitting the canopies, make sure these overlaps interlock. Fitting a hood to increase the degree of protection to IP23/IP43/IP54 (option M23/M43/M54) Figure 3-16 Attaching a hood 1.
  • Page 61: Line Connection From Above (Option M13), Motor Connection From Above (Option M78)

    Mechanical installation 3.3 Assembly 3.3.6 Line connection from above (option M13), motor connection from above (option M78) Description With options M13 and M78, the cabinet unit is equipped with an additional hood. The connection straps for the power cables, the clamping bar for mechanically securing the cables, an EMC shield bus, and a PE busbar are located within the hood.

  • Page 62
    Mechanical installation 3.3 Assembly Figure 3-17 Attaching the hood with M13 / M78 Converter cabinet units Operating Instructions, 03/2012, A5E03263466A…
  • Page 63: Electrical Installation

    Electrical installation Chapter content This chapter provides information on the following: ● Establishing the electrical connections for the cabinet unit ● Adjusting the fan voltage and the internal power supply to local conditions (supply voltage) ● The customer terminal block and its interfaces ●…

  • Page 64: Checklist For Electrical Installation

    Electrical installation 4.2 Checklist for electrical installation Checklist for electrical installation Use the following checklist to guide you through the electrical installation procedure for the cabinet unit. Read the «Safety instructions» section at the start of these Operating Instructions before you start working on the device. Note Check the boxes accordingly in the right-hand column if the activity applies to the cabinet unit in your scope of supply.

  • Page 65
    Electrical installation 4.2 Checklist for electrical installation Item Activity Completed The cable shields must be properly applied and the cabinet properly grounded at the appropriate points (see «Electrical installation / EMC-compliant installation»). The voltage for the fan transformer (-T1-T10) for versions A and C, and the internal power supply (-T10) for version A (only for option L13, L26, L83, L84, L86, L87) must be adapted to the supply voltage for the cabinet unit.
  • Page 66
    Electrical installation 4.2 Checklist for electrical installation Item Activity Completed Option L19 To supply auxiliary equipment (e.g. separately-driven fan for motor), the drive must be properly connected to terminals -X155:1 Connection for (L1) … -X155:3 (L3). The supply voltage of the auxiliary external equipment must match the input voltage of the cabinet unit.
  • Page 67
    (-A60)»). Option K50 The SMC30 Sensor Module is used for determining the actual motor speed. Sensor Module Cabinet- In conjunction with SINAMICS G150, the following encoders are Mounted supported by the SMC30 Sensor Module: SMC30 TTL encoder •…
  • Page 68
    Electrical installation 4.2 Checklist for electrical installation Item Activity Completed Option L59 EMERGENCY STOP category 1 stops the drive in a controlled manner. With this option, braking units (brake chopper and EMERGENCY external braking resistors) may need to be fitted due to the load STOP category characteristic and to achieve the required shutdown times.
  • Page 69
    Electrical installation 4.2 Checklist for electrical installation Item Activity Completed Option L87 The insulation monitor can only be operated on an ungrounded line supply (IT system). Only one insulation monitor can be used Insulation in an electrically-connected network. For line-side control, the monitoring signaling relays must be connected accordingly or, with individual drives (the cabinet unit is fed via a converter transformer…
  • Page 70: Insulation Test

    Electrical installation 4.3 Insulation test Insulation test Insulation test In accordance with EN 60204-1, an insulation test must be performed on the machine/system. The test may be done with one of the following tests: ● Insulation resistance test ● Voltage test WARNING Disconnect the machine/system from the line supply prior to testing.

  • Page 71
    Electrical installation 4.3 Insulation test Components and devices that have been voltage tested according to their product standard may be disconnected during testing. The SINAMICS cabinet units are voltage tested in accordance with EN 61800-5-1 and are to be disconnected during this test. If they cannot be disconnected, input and output terminals must be short-circuited and a bypass installed.
  • Page 72: Important Safety Precautions

    Electrical installation 4.4 Important safety precautions Important safety precautions WARNING The cabinet units are operated with high voltages. All connection procedures must be carried out when the cabinet is de-energized. All work on the device must be carried out by trained personnel only. Non-observance of these warning notices can result in death, severe personal injury or substantial property damage.

  • Page 73: Introduction To Emc

    Electrical installation 4.5 Introduction to EMC CAUTION Only original DRIVE-CLiQ cables may be used for wiring the DRIVE-CLiQ nodes. Introduction to EMC What is meant by EMC? Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) describes the capability of an electrical device to function satisfactorily in an electromagnetic environment without itself causing interference unacceptable for other devices in the environment.

  • Page 74
    Electrical installation 4.5 Introduction to EMC Noise emissions Product standard EN 61800–3 outlines the EMC requirements for variable-speed drive systems. It specifies requirements for converters with operating voltages of less than 1000 V. Different environments and categories are defined depending on where the drive system is installed.
  • Page 75: Emc Compliant Design

    Electrical installation 4.6 EMC compliant design Table 4- 2 Definition of categories C1 … C4 Definition of categories C1 … C4 Category C1 Rated voltage <1000 V; unrestricted use in the first environment. Category C2 Rated voltage for stationary drive systems <1000 V; for use in the second environment.

  • Page 76
    Electrical installation 4.6 EMC compliant design Use anti-interference elements ● If relays, contactors, and inductive or capacitive loads are connected, the switching relays or contactors must be provided with anti-interference elements. Cable installation ● Cables that are subject to or sensitive to interference should be laid as far apart from each other as possible.
  • Page 77: Electrical Connection Of Units That Are Connected In Parallel

    Electrical installation 4.7 Electrical connection of units that are connected in parallel I/O interfacing ● Create a low-impedance ground connection for additional cabinets, system components, and distributed devices with the largest possible cross-section (at least 16 mm²). ● Ground unused lines at one end in the cabinet. ●…

  • Page 78: Connecting The Pe Busbars

    Electrical installation 4.7 Electrical connection of units that are connected in parallel 4.7.1 Connecting the PE busbars A connector jumper is provided loose to connect the PE buses of the two sub-cabinets. Figure 4-3 Connecting the PE busbars Establishing the connection 1.

  • Page 79: Establishing The Dc Link Connections

    Electrical installation 4.7 Electrical connection of units that are connected in parallel 4.7.2 Establishing the DC link connections Connecting the DC link connections The DC link connection of the two sub-cabinets must be made using preassembled cables; these must be connected from the right-hand sub-cabinet (+H.A25/50) to the left-hand sub- cabinet (+H.A49).

  • Page 80: Connecting The Power Supply And Signal Cables

    Electrical installation 4.8 Power connections 4.7.3 Connecting the power supply and signal cables Connecting-up the power supply and signal cables The connecting cables for 24 V DC and 230 V AC to supply the left-hand sub-cabinet with power and for the signal cables must be connected. Depending on the installed options, this will involve up to 3 connecting cables that must be connected from the right-hand sub- cabinet (cabinet panel +H.A25) to the lower connector sections in the left-hand sub-cabinet (cabinet panel +H.A24):…

  • Page 81: Cable Lugs

    Electrical installation 4.8 Power connections 4.8.1 Cable lugs Cable lugs The cable connections on the devices are designed for cable lugs according to DIN 46234 or DIN 46235. For connection of alternative cable lugs, the maximum dimensions are listed in the table below.

  • Page 82: Connection Cross-Sections, Cable Lengths

    Cable lengths The maximum permissible cable lengths are specified for standard cable types or cable types recommended by SIEMENS. Longer cables can only be used after consultation. The listed cable length represents the actual distance between the converter and the motor, taking account factors such as parallel laying, current-carrying capacity, and the laying factor.

  • Page 83: Connecting The Motor And Power Cables

    Electrical installation 4.8 Power connections Minimum cable lengths for motor connection to a motor with one-winding system for units connected in parallel For units connected in parallel for connection to a motor with one-winding system, the following minimum cable lengths must be adhered to, if a motor reactor (option L08) is not being used.

  • Page 84
    Electrical installation 4.8 Power connections 4. Connect the motor cables to the connections. Make sure that you connect the conductors in the correct sequence: U2/T1, V2/T2, W2/T3 and U1/L1, V1/L2, W1/L3! CAUTION Tighten the screws with the appropriate torque (50 Nm for M12), otherwise the terminal contacts could catch fire during operation.
  • Page 85
    Electrical installation 4.8 Power connections Note If an incorrect phase sequence was connected when the motor was connected, p1821 (phase sequence direction reversal) can be used to correct the incorrect phase sequence without physically changing it over (see «Functions, monitoring and protective functions/direction reversal»).
  • Page 86: Adjusting The Fan Voltage (-T1-T10)

    Electrical installation 4.8 Power connections 4.8.4 Adjusting the fan voltage (-T1-T10) The power supply for the device fan (230 V 1 AC) in the Power Module (-T1- T10) is taken from the main supply system using a transformer. The location of the transformer is indicated in the layout diagrams supplied. The transformer is fitted with primary taps so that it can be fine-tuned to the line voltage.

  • Page 87
    Electrical installation 4.8 Power connections CAUTION If the terminals are not reconnected to the actual line voltage: • The required cooling capacity cannot be provided because the fan rotates too slowly. • The fan fuses may blow due to an overcurrent. Note The order numbers for fan fuses that have blown can be found in the spare parts list.
  • Page 88: Adapting The Internal Power Supply (-T10, Version A Only)

    Electrical installation 4.8 Power connections 4.8.5 Adapting the internal power supply (-T10, version A only) A transformer (-T10) is installed in the Line Connection Module for the internal 230 V AC power supply for the cabinet unit. The location of the transformer is indicated in the layout diagrams supplied.

  • Page 89: Removing The Connection Clip To The Interference Suppression Capacitor For Operation On An Ungrounded Line Supply (It System)

    Electrical installation 4.8 Power connections 4.8.6 Removing the connection clip to the interference suppression capacitor for operation on an ungrounded line supply (IT system) If the cabinet unit is operated on an ungrounded line supply (IT system), the connection clip to the interference suppression capacitor of the converter (-T1) must be removed.

  • Page 90
    Electrical installation 4.8 Power connections Figure 4-7 Removing the connection clip to the interference suppression capacitor, frame size FX Converter cabinet units Operating Instructions, 03/2012, A5E03263466A…
  • Page 91
    Electrical installation 4.8 Power connections Figure 4-8 Removing the connection clip to the interference suppression capacitor, frame size GX Converter cabinet units Operating Instructions, 03/2012, A5E03263466A…
  • Page 92
    Electrical installation 4.8 Power connections Figure 4-9 Removing the connection clip to the interference suppression capacitor, frame size HX Converter cabinet units Operating Instructions, 03/2012, A5E03263466A…
  • Page 93
    Electrical installation 4.8 Power connections Figure 4-10 Removing the connection clip to the interference suppression capacitor, frame size JX Converter cabinet units Operating Instructions, 03/2012, A5E03263466A…
  • Page 94: External Supply Of The Auxiliary Supply From A Secure Line

    Electrical installation 4.9 External Supply of the Auxiliary Supply from a Secure Line External Supply of the Auxiliary Supply from a Secure Line Description An external auxiliary supply is always recommended if communication and closed-loop control are to be independent of the supply system. An external auxiliary supply is particularly recommended for low-power lines susceptible to short-time voltage dips or power failures.

  • Page 95: 230 V Ac Auxiliary Supply

    Electrical installation 4.10 Signal connections 4.9.1 230 V AC auxiliary supply The fuse must not exceed 16 A. The connection is protected inside the cabinet with 3 A or 5 A. Connection ● On terminal block -X40, remove the jumpers between terminals 1 and 2 as well as 5 and ●…

  • Page 96
    Electrical installation 4.10 Signal connections Connection overview Figure 4-11 Connection overview of the CU320-2 DP Control Unit (without cover) Converter cabinet units Operating Instructions, 03/2012, A5E03263466A…
  • Page 97
    Electrical installation 4.10 Signal connections Figure 4-12 Interface X140 and measuring sockets T0 to T2 — CU320-2 DP (view from below) CAUTION The CompactFlash card may only be inserted or removed when the Control Unit is in a no- voltage condition. Non-compliance can result in a loss of data during operation and possibly a plant standstill.
  • Page 98
    Electrical installation 4.10 Signal connections CAUTION The CompactFlash card is an electrostatic sensitive component. ESD regulations must be observed when inserting and removing the card. CAUTION The Option Board may only be inserted and removed when the Control Unit and Option Board are disconnected from the power supply.
  • Page 99
    Electrical installation 4.10 Signal connections Connection example Figure 4-13 Connection example of CU320-2 DP Converter cabinet units Operating Instructions, 03/2012, A5E03263466A…
  • Page 100
    Electrical installation 4.10 Signal connections Note In the circuit example, the power for the digital inputs (terminals -X122 and -X132) is supplied from the internal 24 V supply of the control unit (terminal -X124). The two groups of digital inputs (optocoupler inputs) each have a common reference potential (ground reference M1 or M2).
  • Page 101
    Electrical installation 4.10 Signal connections X122: Digital inputs/outputs Table 4- 14 Terminal block X122 Designation Technical data DI 0 Voltage: -30 … 30 V Current drain, typical: 9 mA at 24 V DC DI 1 Electrical isolation: reference potential is terminal M1 DI 2 Level (incl.
  • Page 102
    Electrical installation 4.10 Signal connections X132: Digital inputs/outputs Table 4- 15 Terminal block X132 Designation Technical data DI 4 Voltage: -30 … 30 V Current drain, typical: 9 mA at 24 V DC DI 5 Electrical isolation: The reference potential is terminal M2 DI 6 Level (incl.
  • Page 103
    Electrical installation 4.10 Signal connections X126: PROFIBUS connection The PROFIBUS is connected by means of a 9-pin SUB D socket (X126). The connections are electrically isolated. Table 4- 16 PROFIBUS interface X126 Signal name Meaning Range Not assigned M24_SERV Power supply for teleservice, ground RxD/TxD–P Receive/transmit data P (B) RS485…
  • Page 104
    Electrical installation 4.10 Signal connections Connectors The cables must be connected via PROFIBUS connectors as they contain the necessary terminating resistors. The figure below shows suitable PROFIBUS connectors with/without a PG/PC connector. PROFIBUS connector PROFIBUS connector without PG/PC connection with PG/PC connection 6ES7972-0BA42-0XA0 6ES7972-0BB42-0XA0 Bus terminating resistor…
  • Page 105
    Electrical installation 4.10 Signal connections PROFIBUS address switches The PROFIBUS address is set as a hexadecimal value via two rotary coding switches. Values between 0 ) and 127 ) can be set as the address. The upper rotary coding switch (H) is used to set the hexadecimal value for 16 and the lower rotary coding switch (L) is used to set the hexadecimal value for 16 Table 4- 17…
  • Page 106
    Electrical installation 4.10 Signal connections X127: LAN (Ethernet) Table 4- 18 X127 LAN (Ethernet) Designation Technical data Ethernet transmit data + Ethernet transmit data — Ethernet receive data + Reserved, do not use Reserved, do not use Ethernet receive data — Reserved, do not use Reserved, do not use Connector type: RJ45 socket…
  • Page 107
    Electrical installation 4.10 Signal connections X140: serial interface (RS232) The AOP30 operator panel for operating/parameterizing the device can be connected via the serial interface. The interface is located on the underside of the Control Unit. Table 4- 20 Serial interface (RS232) X140 Designation Technical data Receive data…
  • Page 108
    This is important otherwise the data on the CompactFlash card (parameters, firmware, licenses, and so on) may be lost. Note Please note that only SIEMENS CompactFlash cards can be used to operate the Control Unit. Converter cabinet units…
  • Page 109: Customer Terminal Module Tm31 (-A60) (Option G60)

    Electrical installation 4.10 Signal connections 4.10.2 Customer terminal module TM31 (-A60) (option G60) Note The factory setting and description of the customer terminal blocks can be found in the circuit diagrams. The location of the customer terminal block in the cabinet unit is indicated in the layout diagram.

  • Page 110
    Electrical installation 4.10 Signal connections Overview Figure 4-17 Customer terminal block TM31 Converter cabinet units Operating Instructions, 03/2012, A5E03263466A…
  • Page 111
    Electrical installation 4.10 Signal connections Figure 4-18 Connection overview of TM31 customer terminal block Converter cabinet units Operating Instructions, 03/2012, A5E03263466A…
  • Page 112
    Electrical installation 4.10 Signal connections Note The digital inputs (terminals -X520 and -X530) in the example are powered by the internal 24 V supply of the customer terminal block (terminal -X540). The two groups of digital inputs (optocoupler inputs) have a common reference potential for each group (ground reference M1 or M2).
  • Page 113
    Electrical installation 4.10 Signal connections X530: 4 digital inputs Table 4- 23 Terminal block X530 Terminal Designation Technical data DI 4 Voltage: — 3 … 30 V Current drain, typical: 10 mA at 24 V DI 5 Reference potential is always terminal M2 DI 6 Level: DI 7…
  • Page 114
    Electrical installation 4.10 Signal connections S5: Selector for voltage/current AI0, AI1 Table 4- 25 Selector for voltage/current S5 Switch Function S5.0 Selector voltage (V) / current (I) Al0 S5.1 Selector voltage (V) / current (I) Al1 Note When delivered, both switches are set to current measurement (switch set to «I»). X522: 2 analog outputs, temperature sensor connection Table 4- 26 Terminal block X522…
  • Page 115
    Electrical installation 4.10 Signal connections NOTICE The KTY temperature sensor must be connected with the correct polarity. If the polarity is reversed, the sensor will not be able to detect if the motor overheats. CAUTION The permissible back EMF at the outputs is ±15 V. X540: Joint auxiliary voltage for the digital inputs Table 4- 27 Terminal block X540…
  • Page 116
    Electrical installation 4.10 Signal connections X541: 4 non-floating digital inputs/outputs Table 4- 28 Terminal strip X541 Terminal Designation Technical data Electronics ground DI/DO 11 As input: Voltage: -3 … 30 V DI/DO 10 Current drain, typical: 10 mA at 24 V DC DI/DO 9 As output: DI/DO 8…
  • Page 117: Other Connections

    Electrical installation 4.11 Other connections X542: 2 relay outputs (two-way contact) Table 4- 29 Terminal block X542 Terminal Designation Technical specifications DO 0.NC Contact type: Changeover contact max. load current: 8 A Max. switching voltage: 250 V AC, 30 V DC DO 0.COM Max.

  • Page 118: Clean Power Version With Integrated Line Harmonics Filter Compact (Option L01)

    Electrical installation 4.11 Other connections 4.11.1 Clean Power version with integrated Line Harmonics Filter compact (Option L01) Description Line Harmonics Filter compact reduce the converter’s low-frequency line harmonic to a level that complies with standard EN 61000-2-4, Class 2 and correspond to IEEE 519:1992. Installation location, total width and total weight for Option L01 The Line Harmonics Filter compact is installed fully wired in an auxiliary cabinet.

  • Page 119
    Electrical installation 4.11 Other connections Order number Unit rating of the Overall width Total weight converter [kW] [mm] [kg] Line voltage 500 V -10 % … 600 V +10 % 3 AC at 50 Hz 500 V -10 % … 600 V +10 % 3 AC at 60 Hz 6SL3710-1GF31-8AAx 1200 6SL3710-1GF32-2AAx…
  • Page 120
    Electrical installation 4.11 Other connections Restrictions Note The relative short-circuit power (RSC) of the supply system must be at least equal to the value of RSC = 10. Note On systems with a grounded phase conductor and a line voltage >600 V AC, line-side components should be installed to limit overvoltages to overvoltage category II in accordance with IEC 61800-5-1.
  • Page 121: Dv/Dt Filter Compact Plus Voltage Peak Limiter (Option L07)

    Electrical installation 4.11 Other connections Temperature evaluation The Line Harmonics Filter compact is forced cooled via fans. In the event of fan failure, the integrated temperature sensors protect the Line Harmonics Filter compact against overheating. ● The temperature sensor for triggering the warning level is interconnected to digital input DI0 of the Control Unit.

  • Page 122
    Electrical installation 4.11 Other connections WARNING When a dV/dt filter compact plus Voltage Peak Limiter is used, the drive must not be continuously operated with an output frequency lower than 10 Hz. A maximum load duration of 5 minutes at an output frequency lower than 10 Hz is permissible, provided that the drive is operated with an output frequency higher than 10 Hz for a period of 5 minutes thereafter, or deactivated..
  • Page 123
    Electrical installation 4.11 Other connections Table 4- 32 Max. pulse frequency when a dV/dt filter compact plus Voltage Peak Limiter is used in units with a rated pulse frequency of 1.25 kHz Order no. Unit rating [kW] Output current for a Max.
  • Page 124: Dv/Dt Filter Plus Voltage Peak Limiter (Option L10)

    Electrical installation 4.11 Other connections Commissioning During commissioning, the dV/dt filter compact plus Voltage Peak Limiter must be logged on using STARTER or the AOP30 operator panel (p0230 = 2). Note When the factory settings are restored, parameter p0230 is reset. The parameter must be reset if the system is commissioned again.

  • Page 125
    Electrical installation 4.11 Other connections Table 4- 33 Accommodating the voltage limiting network in the cabinet or in an additional cabinet Voltage range Installation of the dv/dt filter plus Installation of the VPL in an Voltage Peak Limiter within the additional cabinet converter cabinet unit 3 AC 380 …
  • Page 126
    Electrical installation 4.11 Other connections CAUTION When a dV/dt filter plus Voltage Peak Limiter is used, the drive must not be operated without a connected motor, otherwise the filter can be destroyed. Note It is permissible to set pulse frequencies in the range between the rated pulse frequency and the relevant maximum pulse frequency when a dV/dt filter plus Voltage Peak Limiter is used.
  • Page 127
    Electrical installation 4.11 Other connections Order no. Unit rating [kW] Output current for a Max. pulse frequency when a dV/dt filter 6SL3710-… pulse frequency of 1.25 kHz plus Voltage Peak Limiter is used Supply voltage 500 … 600 V AC 1GF31-8AAx 2.5 kHz 1GF32-2AAx…
  • Page 128: Main Contactor (Option L13)

    Electrical installation 4.11 Other connections 4.11.4 Main Contactor (Option L13) Description The cabinet unit is designed as standard without a line contactor. Option L13 (main contactor) is needed if a switching element is required for disconnecting the cabinet from the supply (necessary with EMERGENCY OFF).

  • Page 129
    If a filter cannot be parameterized (p0230 ≠ 3), this means that a filter has not been provided for the cabinet unit. In this case, the cabinet unit must not be operated with a sine-wave filter. Table 4- 37 Technical data for sine-wave filters with SINAMICS G150 Order no. Voltage Pulse frequency…
  • Page 130
    When commissioning using the STARTER or AOP30, the sine-wave filter must be activated by means of appropriate selection screenforms or dialog boxes (p0230 = 3), see section «Commissioning». The following parameters are changed automatically during commissioning. Table 4- 38 Parameter settings for sine-wave filters with SINAMICS G150 Parameter Name Setting p0230…
  • Page 131: Connection For External Auxiliary Equipment (Option L19)

    Electrical installation 4.11 Other connections 4.11.6 Connection for External Auxiliary Equipment (Option L19) Description This option includes an outgoing circuit fused at max. 10 A for external auxiliary equipment (e.g. separately-driven fan for motor). The voltage is tapped at the converter input upstream of the main contactor/circuit-breaker and, therefore, has the same level as the supply voltage.

  • Page 132
    Electrical installation 4.11 Other connections Figure 4-19 Circuit proposal for control via the Control Unit Circuit proposal with customer terminal module TM31 (option G60) The following circuit proposal can be used to control the auxiliary contactor for example. The «Pulses enabled» signal at terminal-X542 of the TM31 is then no longer available for other purposes.
  • Page 133: Operation In The It System (Option L21)

    Electrical installation 4.11 Other connections 4.11.7 Operation in the IT system (option L21) Description The option includes the installation of surge arresters and upstream fuses for every phase. The signaling contacts of the surge arrester and fuse monitoring are connected in series and connected to a customer interface.

  • Page 134: Main Switch Incl. Fuses Or Circuit Breaker (Option L26)

    Electrical installation 4.11 Other connections Replacement of the surge arresters In the event of a fault, the surge arresters must be replaced: ● Cabinet units 3 AC 380 — 480 V: Remove the insert (protection module) by withdrawing the defective insert and inserting the replacement part.

  • Page 135
    Electrical installation 4.11 Other connections DANGER For rated currents of more than 800 A (single units) and above 1380 A (units that are connected in parallel) and with a live line voltage, dangerous voltages are present in the cabinet unit even when the circuit breaker is open. The cabinet unit must be completely deenergized when carry out work (observe the 5 safety rules).
  • Page 136: Emergency Off Pushbutton Installed In The Cabinet Door (Option L45)

    Electrical installation 4.11 Other connections 4.11.9 EMERGENCY OFF pushbutton installed in the cabinet door (option L45) Description The EMERGENCY OFF pushbutton with protective collar is integrated in the door of the cabinet unit. The contacts of the pushbutton are connected to terminal block –X120. In conjunction with options L57, L59, and L60, EMERGENCY OFF of category 0 and EMERGENCY STOP of category 1 can be activated.

  • Page 137: Cabinet Illumination With Service Socket (Option L50)

    Electrical installation 4.11 Other connections 4.11.10 Cabinet illumination with service socket (option L50) Description Option L50 includes a universal lamp with integrated service socket for grounding socket- outlet (connector type F) according to CEE 7/4. The power supply for the cabinet illumination and socket must be provided externally and fused at max.

  • Page 138: Emergency Off Category 0; 230 V Ac Or 24 V Dc (Option L57)

    Electrical installation 4.11 Other connections Connecting Table 4- 45 Terminal block X240 – connection for cabinet anti-condensation heating Terminal Designation Technical data 110 … 230 V AC Power supply Protective conductor Max. connectable cross-section: 4 mm 4.11.12 EMERGENCY OFF category 0; 230 V AC or 24 V DC (option L57) Description EMERGENCY OFF category 0 for uncontrolled stop according to EN 60204-1.

  • Page 139
    Electrical installation 4.11 Other connections Connecting Table 4- 46 Terminal block X120 – connection for EMERGENCY OFF category 0, 230 V AC and 24 V DC Terminal 230 V AC and 24 V DC button circuit Jumper wired in the factory Loop in EMERGENCY OFF button from line side, remove jumpers 7-8 and connect button Jumper wired in the factory…
  • Page 140: Emergency Stop Category 1; 230 V Ac (Option L59)

    Electrical installation 4.11 Other connections 4.11.13 EMERGENCY STOP category 1; 230 V AC (option L59) Description EMERGENCY STOP category 1 for controlled stopping according to EN 60204-1. This function stops the drive by means of a quick stop along a deceleration ramp that must be parameterized.

  • Page 141: Emergency Stop Category 1; 24 V Dc (Option L60)

    Electrical installation 4.11 Other connections 4.11.14 EMERGENCY STOP category 1; 24 V DC (option L60) Description EMERGENCY STOP category 1 for controlled stopping according to EN 60204-1. This function stops the drive by means of a quick stop along a deceleration ramp that must be parameterized.

  • Page 142: Kw Braking Unit (Option L61); 50 Kw Braking Unit (Option L62)

    Electrical installation 4.11 Other connections 4.11.15 25 kW Braking Unit (Option L61); 50 kW Braking Unit (Option L62) Description Braking units are used when regenerative energy occurs occasionally and briefly, for example when the brake is applied to the drive (emergency stop). The braking units comprise a chopper power unit and a load resistor, which must be attached externally.

  • Page 143
    Electrical installation 4.11 Other connections CAUTION The surface temperature of the braking resistors may exceed 80 °C. Table 4- 50 Dimensions of the braking resistors Unit 25 kW resistor (option L61) 50 kW resistor (option L62) Width Height 1325 Depth Figure 4-21 Dimension drawing for braking resistor (25 kW) Figure 4-22…
  • Page 144
    Electrical installation 4.11 Other connections Connecting the braking resistor WARNING The cables must only be connected to terminal block -X5 when the cabinet unit is switched off and the DC link capacitors are discharged. CAUTION The cables for the braking resistor must be routed to prevent short-circuiting and ground faults in accordance with IEC 61800-5-2:2007, Table D.1.
  • Page 145: Commissioning

    Electrical installation 4.11 Other connections Table 4- 53 Installing the thermostatic switch for the external braking resistor in the monitoring circuit of the cabinet unit by connecting to the TM31 (with option G60) Terminal Description of function Thermostatic switch connection: connection with terminal X541:1 (P24 V) Thermostatic switch connection: connection with terminal X541:5 (DI11) Max.

  • Page 146
    Electrical installation 4.11 Other connections Cabinet unit settings If the thermostatic switch for the braking resistor is connected, appropriate settings have to be made so that the drive is brought to a standstill if a fault occurs. Once the device has been successfully commissioned, you have to make the following changes: Connect the thermostatic switch of the braking resistor to DI 16 of the Control Unit Set the «Expert»…
  • Page 147: Diagnosis And Duty Cycles

    Electrical installation 4.11 Other connections Diagnosis and duty cycles Diagnosis If the thermostat is opened due to a thermal overload on the braking resistor, fault F7861 («External Fault 2») is triggered and the drive is switched off with OFF2. If the brake chopper triggers a fault, fault F7862 «External fault 3″…

  • Page 148: Threshold Switch

    Electrical installation 4.11 Other connections Threshold switch The response threshold at which the braking unit is activated and the DC link voltage generated during braking are specified in the following table. WARNING The threshold switch must only be used when the cabinet unit is switched off and the DC link capacitors are discharged.

  • Page 149
    Electrical installation 4.11 Other connections Position of the threshold switch The Braking Module is located in the top section of the cabinet unit in the discharged air duct of the Power Module. The position of the threshold switch can be taken from the figures below.
  • Page 150
    Electrical installation 4.11 Other connections Figure 4-25 Braking Modules for frame size GX Converter cabinet units Operating Instructions, 03/2012, A5E03263466A…
  • Page 151
    Electrical installation 4.11 Other connections Figure 4-26 Braking Modules for frame sizes HX and JX Position of the threshold switch Note The threshold switches for the Braking Modules are positioned on the panel as follows: • Braking Modules for frame sizes FX and GX: position «1» is up; position «2» is down •…
  • Page 152: Thermistor Motor Protection Unit (Option L83/L84)

    Electrical installation 4.11 Other connections 4.11.16 Thermistor Motor Protection Unit (Option L83/L84) Description This option includes the thermistor motor protection unit (with PTB approval) for PTC thermistor sensors (PTC resistor type A) for warning and shutdown. The power supply for the thermistor motor protection unit is provided inside the converter where the evaluation is also performed.

  • Page 153: Pt100 Evaluation Unit (Option L86)

    Electrical installation 4.11 Other connections 4.11.17 PT100 Evaluation Unit (Option L86) Description Note The PT100 evaluation unit and the parameters for the measurement channels are described in the «Additional Operating Instructions». The PT100 evaluation unit can monitor up to six sensors. The sensors can be connected in a two or three-wire system.

  • Page 154: Insulation Monitor (Option L87)

    Electrical installation 4.11 Other connections 4.11.18 Insulation Monitor (Option L87) Description In non-grounded systems (IT systems), the insulation monitor checks the entire electrically- connected circuit for insulation faults. The insulation resistance as well as all the insulation faults from the mains supply to the motor in the cabinet are detected. Two response values (between 1 kΩ…

  • Page 155
    Electrical installation 4.11 Other connections Table 4- 58 Meaning of the controls and displays on the insulation monitor Position Meaning INFO key: To request standard information/ ESC key: Back menu function TEST key: Call up self-test Arrow key up: Parameter change, scroll RESET button: Delete insulation and fault messages Arrow key down: Parameter change, scroll Menu key: Call up menu system…
  • Page 156: Cbc10 Can Communication Board (Option G20)

    Electrical installation 4.11 Other connections Diagnostics For a description of messages output during operation and in the event of faults (meaning of LEDs on -B101), consult the Operating Instructions in the customer DVD supplied with the device. 4.11.19 CBC10 CAN Communication Board (option G20) Description Figure 4-28 CAN CBC10 Communication Board…

  • Page 157
    Electrical installation 4.11 Other connections Interface overview Figure 4-29 CAN CBC10 Communication Board Converter cabinet units Operating Instructions, 03/2012, A5E03263466A…
  • Page 158
    Electrical installation 4.11 Other connections CAN bus interface -X451 Table 4- 60 CAN bus interface -X451 Designation Technical data Reserved, do not use CAN_L CAN signal (dominant low) CAN_GND CAN ground Reserved, do not use CAN_SHLD Optional shield CAN ground CAN_H CAN signal Reserved, do not use…
  • Page 159: Communication Board Ethernet Cbe20 (Option G33)

    Electrical installation 4.11 Other connections 4.11.20 Communication Board Ethernet CBE20 (Option G33) Description Figure 4-30 Communication Board Ethernet CBE20 Interface module CBE20 is used for communication via PROFINET. The module is inserted in the option slot of the Control Unit at the factory. 4 Ethernet interfaces are available on the module.

  • Page 160
    Electrical installation 4.11 Other connections Interface overview Figure 4-31 Communication Board Ethernet CBE20 MAC address The MAC address of the Ethernet interfaces is indicated on the upper side of the CBE20. The plate is not visible when the module is installed. Note Remove the module from the option slot of the Control Unit and note down the MAC address so that it is available during subsequent commissioning.
  • Page 161
    Electrical installation 4.11 Other connections Removal/installation CAUTION The Option Board may only be inserted and removed when the Control Unit and Option Board are disconnected from the power supply. Figure 4-32 Removing the CBE20 from the option slot on the Control Unit X1400 Ethernet interface Table 4- 62 Connector X1400, port 1 — 4…
  • Page 162: Tm150 Temperature Sensor Module (Option G51)

    Electrical installation 4.11 Other connections 4.11.21 TM150 temperature sensor module (option G51) Description Terminal Module TM150 is used for sensing and evaluating several temperature sensors. The temperature is measured in a temperature range from -99 °C to +250 °C for the following temperature sensors: ●…

  • Page 163: Connecting

    Electrical installation 4.11 Other connections Connecting Temperature sensor connections Table 4- 63 X531-X536 temperature sensor inputs Terminal Function Function Technical data 1×2- / 2×2-wire 3 and 4-wire + Temp Temperature sensor connection for sensors with (channel x) (channel x) 1×2 wires Connection of the 2nd measurement cable for sensors with 4-wires…

  • Page 164
    Electrical installation 4.11 Other connections NOTICE The KTY temperature sensor must be connected with the correct polarity. A sensor connected up with the incorrect polarity cannot detect if the motor overheats. NOTICE When connecting several temperature sensors, the individual sensors must be separately connected to «+ Temp»…
  • Page 165
    Electrical installation 4.11 Other connections Protective conductor connection and shield support The following diagram shows a typical Weidmüller shield connection clamp for the shield supports. ① Protective conductor connection M4/1.8 Nm ② Shield connection terminal, Weidmüller company, type: KLBÜ CO1, order number: 1753311001 Figure 4-34 Shield support and protective conductor connection of the TM150…
  • Page 166: Connection Examples

    Electrical installation 4.11 Other connections Connection examples X53x X53x X53x Figure 4-35 Connecting a PT100/PT1000 with 2×2, 3 and 4-wires to the temperature sensor inputs X53x of Terminal Module TM150 Converter cabinet units Operating Instructions, 03/2012, A5E03263466A…

  • Page 167
    Electrical installation 4.11 Other connections Figure 4-36 Connection example for a Terminal Module TM150 Converter cabinet units Operating Instructions, 03/2012, A5E03263466A…
  • Page 168: Smc30 Sensor Module Cabinet-Mounted (Option K50)

    DRIVE-CLiQ interface for evaluation purposes. In conjunction with SINAMICS G150 the following sensors can be connected to the SMC30 Sensor Module: ●…

  • Page 169
    Electrical installation 4.11 Other connections Table 4- 67 Specification of measuring systems that can be connected Parameter Designation Threshold Min. Max. Unit High signal level Hdiff (TTL bipolar at X520 or X521/X531) Low signal level Ldiff (TTL bipolar at X520 or X521/X531) High signal level High H 4)
  • Page 170
    Electrical installation 4.11 Other connections Figure 4-38 Position of the zero pulse to the track signals For encoders with a 5 V supply at X521/X531, the cable length is dependent on the encoder current (this applies cable cross-sections of 0.5 mm²): Figure 4-39 Signal cable length as a function of the sensor current consumption Converter cabinet units…
  • Page 171
    Electrical installation 4.11 Other connections For encoders without Remote Sense the permissible cable length is restricted to 100 m (reason: the voltage drop depends on the cable length and the encoder current). Figure 4-40 SMC30 Sensor Module Converter cabinet units Operating Instructions, 03/2012, A5E03263466A…
  • Page 172: Connection

    Electrical installation 4.11 Other connections Connection X520: Encoder connection 1 for HTL/TTL encoder with open-circuit monitoring Table 4- 68 Encoder connection X520 Signal name Technical data +Temp Temperature sensor connection KTY84-1C130/PTC Reserved, do not use Reserved, do not use P encoder 5 V/24 V Encoder supply P encoder 5 V/24 V…

  • Page 173
    Electrical installation 4.11 Other connections X521 / X531: Encoder connection 2 for HTL/TTL encoder with open-circuit monitoring Table 4- 69 Encoder connection X521 Terminal Signal name Technical data Incremental signal A Inverse incremental signal A Incremental signal B Inverse incremental signal B Reference signal R Inverse reference signal R CTRL…
  • Page 174: Connection Examples

    Electrical installation 4.11 Other connections NOTICE The KTY temperature sensor must be connected with the correct polarity. If the polarity is reversed, the sensor will not be able to detect if the motor overheats. Connection examples Connection example 1: HTL encoder, bipolar, without zero marker -> p0405 = 9 (hex) Figure 4-41 Connection example 1: HTL encoder, bipolar, without zero marker Connection example 2: TTL encoder, unipolar, without zero marker ->…

  • Page 175: Voltage Sensing Module For Determining The Actual Motor Speed And The Phase Angle (Option K51)

    Electrical installation 4.11 Other connections 4.11.23 Voltage Sensing Module for determining the actual motor speed and the phase angle (option K51) Voltage recording module VSM10 is used to operate a permanent-field synchronous machine without encoder with the requirement for switching to a machine which is already running (capture function).

  • Page 176: Additional Customer Terminal Block Tm31 (Option G61)

    Electrical installation 4.11 Other connections 4.11.25 Additional customer terminal block TM31 (option G61) Description With option G60, a TM31 interface module (customer terminal block –A60) is already installed in the cabinet unit. A second module (–A61) provides the following additional digital and analog inputs/outputs in the drive system: ●…

  • Page 177
    Electrical installation 4.11 Other connections The TB30 Terminal Board supports the addition of digital inputs/digital outputs and analog inputs/analog outputs to the Control Unit. The following are located on the TB30 Terminal Board: ● Power supply for digital inputs/digital outputs ●…
  • Page 178
    Electrical installation 4.11 Other connections Connection overview Figure 4-45 Connection overview TB30 Terminal Board Converter cabinet units Operating Instructions, 03/2012, A5E03263466A…
  • Page 179
    Electrical installation 4.11 Other connections X424 power supply, digital outputs Table 4- 71 Terminal block X424 Terminal Function Technical data Power supply Voltage: 24 V DC (20.4 … 28.8 V) Current consumption: Max. 4 A (per digital output max. 0.5 A) Power supply Ground Max.
  • Page 180
    Electrical installation 4.11 Other connections X481 Digital inputs/outputs Table 4- 72 Terminal block X481 Terminal Designation Technical data DI 0 Voltage: — 3 … 30 V Current drain, typical: 10 mA at 24 VDC DI 1 Ground reference: X424. M DI 2 Input delay: DI 3…
  • Page 181
    Electrical installation 4.11 Other connections X482 Analog inputs/outputs Table 4- 73 Terminal block X482 Terminal Designation Technical data AI 0+ Analog inputs (AI) Voltage: -10 … +10 V AI 0- internal resistance: 65 kΩ AI 1+ Resolution: 13 bits + sign AI 1- AO 0+ Analog outputs (AO)
  • Page 182: Terminal Module For Activation Of «Safe Torque Off» And «Safe Stop 1» (Option K82)

    Electrical installation 4.11 Other connections Shield connection of the TB30 on the Control Unit Figure 4-46 TB30 shield connection The permissible bending radii for the cables must not be exceeded when the cables are being installed. 4.11.27 Terminal module for activation of «Safe Torque Off» and «Safe STOP 1» (option K82) Description Option K82 (terminal module for activating «Safe Torque Off»…

  • Page 183: Safe Brake Adapter Sba 230 V Ac (Option K88)

    Electrical installation 4.11 Other connections Note The integrated safety functions, starting from the Safety Integrated (SI) input terminals of the SINAMICS components (Control Unit, Motor Module), satisfy the requirements according to EN 61800-5-2, EN 60204-1, EN ISO 13849-1 Category 3 (formerly EN 954-1) for Performance Level (PL) d and EN 61508 SIL 2.

  • Page 184
    Electrical installation 4.11 Other connections WARNING Maximum cable length of the brake control The maximum permissible cable length of 300 m between the Safe Brake Adapter 230 V AC and the brake must be observed. To accurately calculate the maximum cable length, see the SINAMICS Low Voltage Engineering Manual on the customer DVD supplied with the device.
  • Page 185: Safe Brake Adapter Sba 24 V Dc (Option K89)

    Electrical installation 4.11 Other connections 4.11.29 Safe Brake Adapter SBA 24 V DC (option K89) Description Safe Brake Control (SBC) is a safety function that is used in safety-related applications. In the no-current state, the brake acts on the motor of the drive using spring force. The brake is released (opened) when current flows through it (=low active).

  • Page 186
    Electrical installation 4.11 Other connections Note Safety Integrated Function Manual Detailed and comprehensive instructions and information for the Safety Integrated functions can be found in the accompanying Function Manual. This manual is available as additional documentation on the customer DVD supplied with the device. Converter cabinet units Operating Instructions, 03/2012, A5E03263466A…
  • Page 187: Control Unit Cu320-2 Pn (Option K95)

    Electrical installation 4.11 Other connections 4.11.30 Control Unit CU320-2 PN (option K95) With Option K95, the cabinet unit contains a CU320-2 PN control unit, which handles the communication and open-loop/closed-loop control functions. A PROFINET interface is available for higher-level communication. Connection overview Figure 4-47 Connection overview of CU320-2 PN Control Unit (without cover)

  • Page 188
    Electrical installation 4.11 Other connections Figure 4-48 Interface X140 and measuring sockets T0 to T2 — CU320-2 PN (view from below) CAUTION The CompactFlash card may only be inserted or removed when the Control Unit is in a no- voltage condition. Non-compliance can result in a loss of data during operation and possibly a plant standstill.
  • Page 189
    Electrical installation 4.11 Other connections CAUTION The CompactFlash card is an electrostatic sensitive component. ESD regulations must be observed when inserting and removing the card. CAUTION The Option Board may only be inserted and removed when the Control Unit and Option Board are disconnected from the power supply.
  • Page 190
    Electrical installation 4.11 Other connections Connection example Figure 4-49 Connection example, CU320-2 PN Converter cabinet units Operating Instructions, 03/2012, A5E03263466A…
  • Page 191
    Electrical installation 4.11 Other connections Note In the circuit example, the power for the digital inputs (terminals -X122 and -X132) is supplied from the internal 24 V supply of the Control Unit (terminal -X124). The two groups of digital inputs (optocoupler inputs) each have a common reference potential (ground reference M1 or M2).
  • Page 192
    Electrical installation 4.11 Other connections X122: Digital inputs/outputs Table 4- 75 Terminal block X122 Designation Technical data DI 0 Voltage: -30 … 30 V Current drain, typical: 9 mA at 24 V DC DI 1 Electrical isolation: reference potential is terminal M1 DI 2 Level (incl.
  • Page 193
    Electrical installation 4.11 Other connections X132: Digital inputs/outputs Table 4- 76 Terminal block X132 Designation Technical data DI 4 Voltage: -30 … 30 V Current drain, typical: 9 mA at 24 V DC DI 5 Electrical isolation: The reference potential is terminal M2 DI 6 Level (incl.
  • Page 194
    Electrical installation 4.11 Other connections X127: LAN (Ethernet) Table 4- 77 X127 LAN (Ethernet) Designation Technical data Ethernet transmit data + Ethernet transmit data — Ethernet receive data + Reserved, do not use Reserved, do not use Ethernet receive data — Reserved, do not use Reserved, do not use Connector type: RJ45 socket…
  • Page 195
    Electrical installation 4.11 Other connections X140: serial interface (RS232) The AOP30 operator panel for operating/parameterizing the device can be connected via the serial interface. The interface is located on the underside of the Control Unit. Table 4- 79 Serial interface (RS232) X140 Designation Technical data Receive data…
  • Page 196
    Electrical installation 4.11 Other connections For diagnostic purposes, the two PROFINET interfaces are each equipped with a green and a yellow LED. These LEDs indicate the following status information: Table 4- 81 LED states on the X150 P1/P2 PROFINET interface Color State Description…
  • Page 197
    This is important otherwise the data on the CompactFlash card (parameters, firmware, licenses, and so on) may be lost. Note Please note that only SIEMENS CompactFlash cards can be used to operate the Control Unit. Converter cabinet units…
  • Page 198: Namur Terminal Block (Option B00)

    Electrical installation 4.11 Other connections 4.11.31 NAMUR terminal block (option B00) Description The terminal block is designed in accordance with the requirements and guidelines defined by the standards association for measurement and control systems in the chemical industry (NAMUR – recommendation NE37), that is, certain device functions are assigned to fixed terminals.

  • Page 199
    Electrical installation 4.11 Other connections Table 4- 84 Terminal block -X2 – connection NAMUR control terminal block Terminal Designation Default Comment ON/OFF (dynamic)/ Effective operation can be coded by a wire ON/OFF (static) jumper on terminal -X400:9;10 (delivery condition: jumper inserted): jumper inserted: ON/OFF (dynamic)/ jumper removed: ON/OFF (static) OFF (dynamic)
  • Page 200: Separate 24 V Dc Power Supply For Namur (Option B02)

    Electrical installation 4.11 Other connections Adapting the analog inputs and outputs If the setting ranges of the analog inputs and outputs are to be changed, the associated interface converters (-T401 / -T402 / -T403) must be set. The corresponding interface converter must be removed for this purpose and the rotary switch on the side («S1») turned to the corresponding position.

  • Page 201: Commissioning

    Commissioning Chapter content This chapter provides information on the following: ● An overview of the operator panel functions ● Initial commissioning of the cabinet unit (initialization) with STARTER and AOP30 – Entering the motor data (drive commissioning) – Entering the most important parameters (basic commissioning), concluding with motor identification ●…

  • Page 202: Starter Commissioning Tool

    Commissioning 5.2 STARTER commissioning tool Important information prior to commissioning The cabinet unit offers a varying number of internal signal interconnections depending on the delivery condition and the options installed. For the converter control to be able to process the signals correctly, several software settings must be made. During initial power-up of the Control Unit and during first commissioning, parameter macros are executed and the necessary settings made.

  • Page 203: Installing The Starter Commissioning Tool

    Commissioning 5.2 STARTER commissioning tool Software The following minimum prerequisites must be observed when using STARTER without an existing STEP-7 installation: ● Microsoft Internet Explorer V6.0 or higher 32-bit operating systems: ● Microsoft Windows 2003 Server SP2 ● Microsoft Windows Server 2008 ●…

  • Page 204: Layout Of The Starter User Interface

    Commissioning 5.2 STARTER commissioning tool 5.2.2 Layout of the STARTER user interface STARTER features four operating areas: Figure 5-1 STARTER operating areas Operating area Explanation 1: Toolbars In this area, you can access frequently used functions via the icons. 2: Project navigator The elements and projects available in the project are displayed here.

  • Page 205: Procedure For Commissioning Via Starter

    Commissioning 5.3 Procedure for commissioning via STARTER Procedure for commissioning via STARTER Basic procedure using STARTER STARTER uses a sequence of dialog screens for entering the required drive unit data. NOTICE These dialog screens contain default settings, which you may have to change according to your application and configuration.

  • Page 206
    Commissioning 5.3 Procedure for commissioning via STARTER Accessing the STARTER project wizard Figure 5-2 Main screen of the STARTER parameterization and commissioning tool ⇒ Close the «STARTER Getting Started Drive Commissioning» screen by choosing HTML Help > Close. Note When you deactivate the Display wizard during start checkbox, the project wizard is no longer displayed the next time you start STARTER.
  • Page 207
    Commissioning 5.3 Procedure for commissioning via STARTER The STARTER project wizard Figure 5-3 STARTER project wizard ⇒ Click Arrange drive units offline… in the STARTER project wizard. Figure 5-4 Create new project ⇒ Enter a project name and, if necessary, the author, memory location and a comment. ⇒…
  • Page 208
    Commissioning 5.3 Procedure for commissioning via STARTER Figure 5-5 Set up interface ⇒ Under Access point: select the interface corresponding to your device configuration from: ● Select the S7ONLINE access (STEP7), if the connection to the drive unit is established via PROFINET or PROFIBUS.
  • Page 209
    Commissioning 5.3 Procedure for commissioning via STARTER Figure 5-6 Setting the interface Note To parameterize the interface, you must install the appropriate interface card (e.g., PC Adapter (PROFIBUS)) Converter cabinet units Operating Instructions, 03/2012, A5E03263466A…
  • Page 210
    Commissioning 5.3 Procedure for commissioning via STARTER Figure 5-7 Setting the interface — properties NOTICE You must activate PG/PC is the only master on bus if no other master (PC, S7, etc.) is available on the bus. Note Projects can be created and PROFIBUS addresses for the drive objects assigned even if a PROFIBUS interface has not been installed on the PC.
  • Page 211
    Commissioning 5.3 Procedure for commissioning via STARTER Figure 5-8 Setting the interface ⇒ Click Continue > to set up a drive unit in the project wizard. Figure 5-9 Inserting the drive unit ⇒ Choose the following data from the list fields: Device: Sinamics Type: G150 CU320-2 DP or G150 CU320-2 PN with option K95 Version: 4.5…
  • Page 212
    Commissioning 5.3 Procedure for commissioning via STARTER Figure 5-10 Inserting the drive unit ⇒ Click Continue > A project summary is displayed. Figure 5-11 Summary ⇒ Click Complete to finish creating a new drive unit project. Converter cabinet units Operating Instructions, 03/2012, A5E03263466A…
  • Page 213: Configure The Drive Unit

    Commissioning 5.3 Procedure for commissioning via STARTER 5.3.2 Configure the drive unit In the project navigator, open the component that contains your drive unit. Figure 5-12 Project navigator – Configure drive unit ⇒ In the project navigator, click the plus sign next to the drive unit that you want to configure. The plus sign becomes a minus sign and the drive unit configuration options are displayed as a tree below the drive unit.

  • Page 214
    Commissioning 5.3 Procedure for commissioning via STARTER Configuring the drive unit Figure 5-13 Configuring the drive unit ⇒ Under Connection voltage, choose the correct voltage. Under Cooling method: choose the correct cooling method for your drive unit. Note In this step, you make a preliminary selection of the cabinet units. You do not define the line voltage and cooling method yet.
  • Page 215
    Commissioning 5.3 Procedure for commissioning via STARTER Selecting options Figure 5-14 Selecting options ⇒ From the combination box Options selection: select the options belonging to your drive unit by clicking on the corresponding check box (see type plate). CAUTION If a sine-wave filter (option L15) is connected, it must be activated when the options are selected to prevent the filter from being destroyed.
  • Page 216
    Commissioning 5.3 Procedure for commissioning via STARTER Note Check your options carefully against the options specified on the type plate. Since the wizard establishes internal interconnections on the basis of the options selected, you cannot change the selected options by clicking < Back. If you make an incorrect entry, delete the entire drive unit from the project navigator and create a new one.
  • Page 217
    Commissioning 5.3 Procedure for commissioning via STARTER ⇒ Select the corresponding settings for the closed-loop control structure: ● Function modules: – Technology controller – Extended messages/monitoring ● Control: – n/M control + U/f control, I/f control – U/f control ● Control mode: Depending on the selected control, you can select from one of the following open- loop/closed-loop control modes: –…
  • Page 218
    Commissioning 5.3 Procedure for commissioning via STARTER Configuring the drive unit properties Figure 5-16 Configuring the drive unit properties ⇒ Under Standard:, choose the appropriate standard for your motor, whereby the following is defined: ● IEC motor (50 Hz, SI unit): Line frequency 50 Hz, motor data in kW ●…
  • Page 219
    Commissioning 5.3 Procedure for commissioning via STARTER Configuring the motor – Selecting the motor type Figure 5-17 Configuring the motor – Selecting the motor type ⇒ Under Motor name: enter a name for the motor. ⇒ From the selection box next to Motor type: select the appropriate motor for your application.
  • Page 220
    Commissioning 5.3 Procedure for commissioning via STARTER Configuring the motor – Entering motor data Figure 5-18 Configuring the motor – Entering motor data ⇒ Enter the motor data (see motor type plate). ⇒ If necessary, check Do you want to enter the optional data? ⇒…
  • Page 221
    Commissioning 5.3 Procedure for commissioning via STARTER NOTICE You should only check the «Do you want to enter equivalent circuit diagram data?» box if the data sheet with equivalent circuit diagram data is available. If any data is missing, an error message will be output when the system attempts to load the drive project to the target system.
  • Page 222
    Commissioning 5.3 Procedure for commissioning via STARTER Configuring the motor – Entering the equivalent circuit diagram data Figure 5-20 Entering equivalent circuit diagram data ⇒ Select one of the equivalent circuit diagram data representations: ● Physical system of units The physical system of units is used in the equivalent circuit diagram data. ●…
  • Page 223
    Commissioning 5.3 Procedure for commissioning via STARTER Calculating the motor/controller data Figure 5-21 Calculating the motor/controller data ⇒ In Calculation of the motor/controller data, select the appropriate default settings for your device configuration. Note If the equivalent circuit diagram data was entered manually (see «Entering the equivalent circuit diagram data»), then the motor/controller data should be calculated without calculating the equivalent circuit diagram data.
  • Page 224
    Commissioning 5.3 Procedure for commissioning via STARTER Configuring the motor holding brake Figure 5-22 Configuring the motor holding brake ⇒ Under Holding brake configuration: choose the appropriate setting for your device configuration: ● 0: No motor holding brake being used ●…
  • Page 225
    Commissioning 5.3 Procedure for commissioning via STARTER Entering the encoder data (option K50) Note If you have specified option K50 (SMC30 Sensor Module), the following screen is displayed in which you can enter the encoder data. Figure 5-23 Entering the encoder data ⇒…
  • Page 226
    Figure 5-24 Entering encoder data – User-defined encoder data ⇒ Select the measuring system. In conjunction with SINAMICS G150, the following encoders can be selected: ● HTL ● TTL ⇒ Enter the required encoder data. ⇒ Under the Details tab, special encoder properties can be set, for example, gear ratio, fine resolution, inversion, load gear position tracking.
  • Page 227
    Commissioning 5.3 Procedure for commissioning via STARTER Default settings for setpoints/command sources Figure 5-25 Default settings for setpoints/command sources ⇒ Under Command sources:, choose and Setpoint sources: choose the appropriate settings for your device configuration. The following command and setpoint source options are available: Command sources: PROFIdrive (default) TM31 terminals…
  • Page 228
    Commissioning 5.3 Procedure for commissioning via STARTER Note With SINAMICS G150, only CDS0 is normally used as a default setting for the command and setpoint sources. Make sure that the selected default setting is compatible with the actual system configuration.
  • Page 229
    Commissioning 5.3 Procedure for commissioning via STARTER ⇒ Select the required data: ● Technological application: – «(0) Standard drive (VECTOR)» Edge modulation is not enabled. The dynamic voltage reserve is increased (10 V), which reduces the maximum output voltage. – «(1) Pumps and fans»(default setting) Edge modulation is enabled.
  • Page 230
    ● 3: Standard telegram 3 ● 4: Standard telegram 4 ● 20: SIEMENS telegram 20 (VIK-NAMUR) ● 220: SIEMENS telegram 220 (metal industry) ● 352: SIEMENS telegram 352 (PCS7) ● 999: Free telegram configuration with BICO (default setting) ⇒ Click Continue >…
  • Page 231
    Commissioning 5.3 Procedure for commissioning via STARTER Entering important parameters Figure 5-28 Important parameters ⇒ Enter the required parameter values. Note STARTER provides tool tips if you position your cursor on the required field without clicking in the field. ⇒ Click Continue > Converter cabinet units Operating Instructions, 03/2012, A5E03263466A…
  • Page 232
    Commissioning 5.3 Procedure for commissioning via STARTER Summary of the drive unit data Figure 5-29 Summary of the drive unit data ⇒ You can use the Copy to clipboard function to copy the summary of the drive unit data displayed on the screen to a word processing program for further use. ⇒…
  • Page 233: Additional Settings Required For Units That Are Connected In Parallel

    Commissioning 5.3 Procedure for commissioning via STARTER 5.3.3 Additional settings required for units that are connected in parallel After commissioning with STARTER, for the (parallel) units listed below, in addition, the following settings must be made: ● For 3 AC 380 to 480 V: 6SL3710-2GE41-1AAx, 6SL3710-2GE41-4AAx, 6SL3710-2GE41-6AAx ●…

  • Page 234: Transferring The Drive Project

    Commissioning 5.3 Procedure for commissioning via STARTER 5.3.4 Transferring the drive project You have created a project and saved it to your hard disk. You now have to transfer your project configuration data to the drive unit. Specifying the online access point To connect to the target system, the chosen access point must be specified.

  • Page 235
    Commissioning 5.3 Procedure for commissioning via STARTER Specify access point: ● Select S7ONLINE access for a device, if the connection to the programming device or PC is established via PROFINET or PROFIBUS. ● Select DEVICE access for a device if the connection to the programming device or PC is established via the Ethernet interface.
  • Page 236: Commissioning With Starter Via Ethernet

    Commissioning 5.3 Procedure for commissioning via STARTER Results of the previous steps ● You have created a drive unit project offline using STARTER. ● You have saved the project data to the hard disk on your PC. ● You have transferred the project data to the drive unit. ●…

  • Page 237
    Commissioning 5.3 Procedure for commissioning via STARTER Procedure for establishing online operation via Ethernet 1. Installing the Ethernet interface in the PG/PC according to the manufacturer’s specifications 2. Setting the IP address in Windows XP. The PG/PC is assigned a free IP address (e.g. The factory setting of the internal Ethernet interface -X127 of the Control Unit is
  • Page 238
    Commissioning 5.3 Procedure for commissioning via STARTER Assigning the IP address and the name via STARTER, «Accessible nodes» function Use the STARTER to assign an IP address and a name to the Ethernet interface. ● Connect the PG/PC and the Control Unit using an Ethernet cable. ●…
  • Page 239
    Commissioning 5.3 Procedure for commissioning via STARTER Note ST (Structured Text) conventions must be satisfied for the name assignment of IO devices in Ethernet (SINAMICS components). The names must be unique within Ethernet. The characters «-» and «.» are not permitted in the name of an IO device. Figure 5-34 Edit Ethernet Node ●…
  • Page 240
    Commissioning 5.3 Procedure for commissioning via STARTER Parameter Parameters can also be used to modify and/or display the properties of the Ethernet interface. IE name of the station • p8900 IE IP address of the station • p8901 IE default gateway of station •…
  • Page 241: The Aop30 Operator Panel

    Commissioning 5.4 The AOP30 operator panel The AOP30 operator panel Description An operator panel is located in the cabinet door of the cabinet unit for operating, monitoring, and commissioning tasks. It has the following features: ● Graphic-capable, back-lit LCD for plain-text display and a «bar-type display» for process variables ●…

  • Page 242: First Commissioning With The Aop30

    Commissioning 5.5 First commissioning with the AOP30 First commissioning with the AOP30 5.5.1 Initial ramp-up Start screen When the system is switched on for the first time, the Control Unit is initialized automatically. The following screen is displayed: Figure 5-36 Initial screen When the system boots up, the parameter descriptions are loaded into the operating field from the CompactFlash card.

  • Page 243
    Commissioning 5.5 First commissioning with the AOP30 Selecting the language When the system is first booted up, a screen for selecting the language appears. You can select the language in the dialog screen. To change the language, choose <F2> or <F3>.
  • Page 244: Basic Commissioning

    Commissioning 5.5 First commissioning with the AOP30 5.5.2 Basic Commissioning Entering the motor data During initial commissioning, you have to enter motor data using the operator panel. Use the data shown on the motor type plate. Figure 5-38 Example of a motor type plate Table 5- 1 Motor data Parameter no.

  • Page 245
    Commissioning 5.5 First commissioning with the AOP30 Basic commissioning: Selecting the motor type and entering the motor data For the following cabinet units, possible additional settings must be made before the following sequence (see «Additional settings for cabinet units with high power rating»): ●…
  • Page 246
    Commissioning 5.5 First commissioning with the AOP30 You can select the motor standard and type in the dialog screen. The following is defined for the motor standard: 0: Line frequency 50 Hz, motor data in kW 1: line frequency 60 Hz, motor data in hp The following selection options are available for the motor type: 1: Induction motor…
  • Page 247
    Commissioning 5.5 First commissioning with the AOP30 Note The steps described below also apply to commissioning an induction motor. When commissioning a permanent-magnet synchronous motor (p0300 = 2), there are a few special conditions that apply, which are detailed in a separate chapter (see «Setpoint channel and closed-loop control/Permanent-magnet synchronous motors»).
  • Page 248
    Commissioning 5.5 First commissioning with the AOP30 Note The delivery condition is a bipolar HTL encoder with 1024 pulses per revolution and a 24 V power supply. The section («Electrical Installation») contains two connection examples for HTL and TTL encoders. Note If a predefined encoder type is selected using p0400, then the settings of the following parameters p0404, p0405 and p0408 cannot be changed.
  • Page 249
    Commissioning 5.5 First commissioning with the AOP30 Basic commissioning: Entering the basic parameters Entering the basic commissioning parameters: If a sine-wave filter (option L15) is connected, it must be activated in p0230 (p0230 = 3) otherwise it could be destroyed. p0700: Preset command source 5: PROFIdrive 6: TM31 terminals…
  • Page 250
    Commissioning 5.5 First commissioning with the AOP30 NOTICE A filter on the motor side must be entered in p0230: • Option L07 – dV/dt filter compact plus Voltage Peak Limiter: p0230 = 2 • Option L08 – motor reactor: p0230 = 1 •…
  • Page 251
    Commissioning 5.5 First commissioning with the AOP30 Basic commissioning: Motor identification Selecting motor identification To navigate through the selection fields, choose <F2> or <F3>. To activate a selection, choose <F5>. Stationary measurement increases the control performance, as this minimizes deviations in the electrical characteristic values due to variations in material properties and manufacturing tolerances.
  • Page 252: Additional Settings Required For Units That Are Connected In Parallel

    Commissioning 5.5 First commissioning with the AOP30 Note Make sure that the necessary enable signals have been assigned; otherwise motor identification cannot be carried out. Note If a fault is present when selecting the stationary or rotary measurement, motor identification cannot be carried out.

  • Page 253
    Commissioning 5.5 First commissioning with the AOP30 Settings to monitor the checkback signal from the main contactor or circuit breaker for 12-pulse infeed The checkback contacts of the main contactors and the circuit breakers are connected in series in the factory and wired to digital input 5 of the Control Unit. After the drive unit has been commissioned, the checkback signal monitoring function must be activated.
  • Page 254
    Commissioning 5.5 First commissioning with the AOP30 Settings for motor connection to a motor with one-winding system Before the commissioning, a motor with several winding systems is automatically defined. The setting for a one-winding system is made during commissioning by setting parameter p7003 to 0.
  • Page 255: Status After Commissioning

    Commissioning 5.6 Status after commissioning Status after commissioning LOCAL mode (control via operator panel) ● You switch to LOCAL mode by pressing the «LOCAL/REMOTE» key. ● Control (ON/OFF) is carried out via the «ON» and «OFF» keys. ● You can specify the setpoint using the «increase» and «decrease» keys or by entering the appropriate numbers using the numeric keypad.

  • Page 256: Parameter Reset To Factory Settings

    Commissioning 5.7 Parameter reset to factory settings Parameter reset to factory settings The factory settings represent the defined original status of the device on delivery. Resetting the parameters to the factory settings means that all the parameter settings made since the system was delivered are reset. Resetting Parameters via AOP30 Table 5- 4 Procedure for resetting parameters to the factory settings with AOP30…

  • Page 257
    Commissioning 5.7 Parameter reset to factory settings Step Selection in toolbar To confirm, click OK. Choose Target system > Copy from RAM to ROM Note The Copy from RAM to ROM icon is only active when the drive unit is selected in the project navigator.
  • Page 258
    Commissioning 5.7 Parameter reset to factory settings Converter cabinet units Operating Instructions, 03/2012, A5E03263466A…
  • Page 259: Operation

    Operation Chapter content This chapter provides information on the following: ● Basic information about the drive system ● Command source selection via — PROFIdrive — terminal block — NAMUR terminal block ● Setpoint input via — PROFIdrive — analog inputs — motorized potentiometer — fixed setpoints ●…

  • Page 260: General Information About Command And Setpoint Sources

    Four default settings are available for selecting the command sources and four for selecting the setpoint sources for the SINAMICS G150 cabinet unit. The choice «no selection» is also available; if selected, no default settings are applied for the command and setpoint sources.

  • Page 261: Basic Information About The Drive System

    Operation 6.3 Basic information about the drive system Basic information about the drive system 6.3.1 Parameters Overview The drive is adapted to the relevant drive task by means of parameters. Each parameter is identified by a unique parameter number and by specific attributes (e.g. read, write, BICO attribute, group attribute, and so on).

  • Page 262
    Operation 6.3 Basic information about the drive system Parameter categories The parameters for the individual drive objects (see «Drive objects») are categorized according to data sets as follows (see «Operation/data sets»): ● Data-set-independent parameters These parameters exist only once per drive object. ●…
  • Page 263
    Operation 6.3 Basic information about the drive system Figure 6-2 Parameter categories Converter cabinet units Operating Instructions, 03/2012, A5E03263466A…
  • Page 264: Drive Objects

    Operation 6.3 Basic information about the drive system 6.3.2 Drive objects A drive object is a self-contained software function with its own parameters and, if necessary, its own faults and alarms. Drive objects can be provided as standard (e.g. I/O evaluation), or you can add single (e.g.

  • Page 265
    Operation 6.3 Basic information about the drive system Properties of a drive object ● Separate parameter space ● Separate window in STARTER ● Separate fault/alarm system ● Separate PROFIdrive telegram for process data Configuring drive objects When you commission the system for the first time using the STARTER tool, you will use configuration parameters to set up the software-based «drive objects»…
  • Page 266: Data Sets

    Operation 6.3 Basic information about the drive system 6.3.3 Data Sets Description For many applications, it is beneficial if more than one parameter can be changed simultaneously by means of one external signal during operation/when the system is ready for operation. This can be carried out using indexed parameters, whereby the parameters are grouped together in a data set according to their functionality and indexed.

  • Page 267
    Operation 6.3 Basic information about the drive system Table 6- 1 Command data set: selection and display Select bit 1 Select bit 0 Display p0811 p0810 selected (r0836) active (r0050) If a command data set, which does not exist, is selected, the current data set remains active. Figure 6-4 Example: Switching between command data set 0 and 1 DDS: Drive data set…
  • Page 268
    Operation 6.3 Basic information about the drive system Binector inputs p0820 to p0824 are used to select a drive data set. They represent the number of the drive data set (0 to 31) in binary format (where p0824 is the most significant bit).
  • Page 269
    Operation 6.3 Basic information about the drive system MDS: Motor data set A motor data set contains various adjustable parameters describing the connected motor for the purpose of configuring the drive. It also contains certain display parameters with calculated data. ●…
  • Page 270
    Operation 6.3 Basic information about the drive system Copying the command data set (CDS) Set parameter p0809 as follows: 1. p0809[0] = number of the command data set to be copied (source) 2. p0809[1] = number of the command data to which the data is to be copied (target) 3.
  • Page 271: Bico Technology: Interconnecting Signals

    Operation 6.3 Basic information about the drive system Parameters Power Module data sets (PDS) number • p0120 Motor data sets (MDS) number • p0130 Copy motor data set (MDS) • p0139[0…2] Encoder data sets (EDS) number • p0140 Command data set (CDS) number •…

  • Page 272
    Operation 6.3 Basic information about the drive system Digital signals, which can be connected freely by means of BICO parameters, are identified by the prefix BI, BO, CI or CO in their parameter name. These parameters are identified accordingly in the parameter list or in the function diagrams. Note The STARTER parameterization and commissioning tool is recommended when using BICO technology.
  • Page 273
    Operation 6.3 Basic information about the drive system Interconnecting signals using BICO technology To interconnect two signals, a BICO input parameter (signal sink) must be assigned to the desired BICO output parameter (signal source). The following information is required in order to connect a binector/connector input to a binector/connector output: Parameter number, bit number, and drive object ID •…
  • Page 274
    Operation 6.3 Basic information about the drive system The BICO parameter interconnection can be implemented in different data sets (CDS, DDS, MDS, etc.). The different interconnections in the data sets are activated by switching the data sets. Interconnections across drive objects are also possible. Internal encoding of the binector/connector output parameters The internal codes are needed, for example, to write BICO input parameters via PROFIdrive.
  • Page 275
    Operation 6.3 Basic information about the drive system Example 2: connection of OC/OFF3 to several drives The OFF3 signal is to be connected to two drives via terminal DI 2 on the Control Unit. Each drive has a binector input 1. OFF3 and 2. OFF3. The two signals are processed via an AND gate to STW1.2 (OFF3).
  • Page 276
    Operation 6.3 Basic information about the drive system Fixed values for interconnection using BICO technology The following connector outputs are available for interconnecting any fixed value settings: CO: Fixed value_%_1 • p2900[0…n] CO: Fixed value_%_2 • p2901[0…n] CO: Fixed Value_M_1 •…
  • Page 277: Command Sources

    Operation 6.4 Command sources Command sources 6.4.1 «PROFIdrive» default setting Prerequisites The «PROFIdrive» default setting was chosen during commissioning: «PROFIdrive» • STARTER: «5: PROFIdrive» • AOP30: Command sources Figure 6-9 Command sources — AOP30 ←→ PROFIdrive Priority The command source priorities are shown in the diagram «Command sources — AOP30←→PROFIdrive».

  • Page 278
    Operation 6.4 Command sources TM31 terminal assignment with «PROFIdrive» default setting (if option G60 is present) When you choose the «PROFIdrive» default setting, use the following terminal assignment for TM31: Figure 6-10 TM31 terminal assignment with «PROFIdrive» default setting Control word 1 The bit assignment for control word 1 is described in «Description of the control words and setpoints».
  • Page 279: Tm31 Terminals» Default Setting

    Operation 6.4 Command sources 6.4.2 «TM31 terminals» default setting Prerequisites The customer terminal module option (G60) is installed in the cabinet unit. The «TM31 Terminals» default setting was chosen during commissioning: «TM31 Terminals» • STARTER: «6: TM31 terminals • AOP30: Command sources Figure 6-11 Command sources — AOP30 ←→…

  • Page 280
    Operation 6.4 Command sources TM31 terminal assignment with «TM31 Terminals» default setting When you choose the «TM31 Terminals» default setting, the terminal assignment for TM31 is as follows: Figure 6-12 TM31 terminal assignment with «TM31 Terminals» default setting Switching the command source The command source can be switched using the LOCAL/REMOTE key on the AOP30.
  • Page 281: Namur» Default Setting

    Operation 6.4 Command sources 6.4.3 «NAMUR» default setting Prerequisites The NAMUR terminal block (option B00) is installed in the cabinet unit. The «NAMUR» default setting was chosen during commissioning: «NAMUR» • STARTER: «7: NAMUR» • AOP30: Command sources Figure 6-13 Command sources — AOP30←→NAMUR terminal block Priority The priority of the command sources is shown in the diagram «Command sources -…

  • Page 282
    Operation 6.4 Command sources Terminal Assignment with the «NAMUR» Default Setting When you choose the «NAMUR» default setting, the terminal assignment is as follows (as with option B00): Figure 6-14 Terminal assignment with «NAMUR terminal block» default setting Switching the command source The command source can be switched using the LOCAL/REMOTE key on the AOP30.
  • Page 283: Profidrive Namur» Default Setting

    Operation 6.4 Command sources 6.4.4 «PROFIdrive NAMUR» default setting Prerequisites The NAMUR terminal block (option B00) is installed in the cabinet unit. The «PROFIdrive» default setting was chosen during commissioning: «PROFIdrive Namur» • STARTER: «10: PROFIdrive Namur» • AOP30: Command sources Figure 6-15 Command sources — AOP30←→PROFIdrive NAMUR Priority…

  • Page 284
    Operation 6.4 Command sources Terminal assignment for the «PROFIdrive NAMUR» default setting When you choose the «PROFIdrive NAMUR» default setting, the terminal assignment is as follows (as with option B00): Figure 6-16 Terminal assignment for the «PROFIdrive NAMUR» default setting Control word 1 The bit assignment for control word 1 is described in «Description of the control words and setpoints».
  • Page 285: Setpoint Sources

    Operation 6.5 Setpoint sources Setpoint sources 6.5.1 Analog inputs Description The customer terminal block TM31 features two analog inputs for specifying setpoints for current or voltage signals. In the factory setting, analog input 0 (terminal X521:1/2) is used as a current input in the range 0 to 20 mA.

  • Page 286
    Operation 6.5 Setpoint sources Parameter Actual input voltage/current • r4052 Analog inputs smoothing time constant • p4053 Current referenced input value • r4055 Analog inputs type • p4056 Analog inputs, characteristic value x1 • p4057 Analog inputs, characteristic value y1 •…
  • Page 287: Motorized Potentiometer

    Operation 6.5 Setpoint sources F3505 – Fault: «Analog input wire break» This fault is triggered when the analog input type (p4056) is set to 3 (4 … 20 mA with open- circuit monitoring) and the input current of 2 mA has been undershot. The fault value can be used to determine the analog input in question.

  • Page 288
    Operation 6.5 Setpoint sources Signal flow diagram Figure 6-18 Signal flow diagram: Motorized potentiometer Function diagram FD 3020 Motorized potentiometer Parameters Motorized potentiometer, configuration • p1030 Motorized potentiometer, maximum speed • p1037 Motorized potentiometer, minimum speed • p1038 Motorized potentiometer, ramp-up time •…
  • Page 289: Fixed Speed Setpoints

    Operation 6.5 Setpoint sources 6.5.3 Fixed speed setpoints Description A total of 15 variable fixed speed setpoints are available. The default setting specified for the setpoint sources during commissioning via STARTER or the operating panel makes 3 fixed speed setpoints available. They can be selected via terminals or PROFIBUS.

  • Page 290: Control Via The Operator Panel

    Operation 6.6 Control via the operator panel Note Other fixed speed setpoints are available using p1004 to p1015. They can be selected using p1020 to p1023. Control via the operator panel 6.6.1 Operator panel (AOP30) overview and menu structure Description The operator panel can be used for the following activities: ●…

  • Page 291
    Operation 6.6 Control via the operator panel Menu structure of the operator panel Figure 6-20 Menu structure of the operator panel Converter cabinet units Operating Instructions, 03/2012, A5E03263466A…
  • Page 292: Operation Screen Menu

    Operation 6.6 Control via the operator panel 6.6.2 Operation screen menu Description The operation screen displays the most important status variables for the drive unit: In the delivery condition, it displays the operating state of the drive, the direction of rotation, the time, as well as four drive variables (parameters) numerically and two in the form of a bar display for continuous monitoring.

  • Page 293: Parameterization Menu

    You can adjust the device settings in the Parameterization menu. The drive software is modular. The individual modules are called DOs («drive objects»). The following DOs are available in the SINAMICS G150: General parameters for the Control Unit • CU: Drive control •…

  • Page 294
    Operation 6.6 Control via the operator panel Figure 6-22 Data set selection Explanation of the operator control dialog ● «Max» shows the maximum number of data sets parameterized (and thereby available for selection) in the drive. ● «Drive» indicates which data set is currently active in the drive. ●…
  • Page 295: Menu: Fault/Alarm Memory

    Operation 6.6 Control via the operator panel 6.6.4 Menu: Fault/alarm memory When you select the menu, a screen appears containing an overview of faults and alarms that are present. For each drive object, the system indicates whether any faults or alarms are present. («Fault» or «Alarm»…

  • Page 296: Menu Commissioning / Service

    Operation 6.6 Control via the operator panel 6.6.5 Menu commissioning / service Drive commissioning This option enables you to re-commission the drive from the main menu. Basic Commissioning Only the basic commissioning parameters are queried and stored permanently. Complete commissioning Complete commissioning with motor and encoder data entry is carried out.

  • Page 297: Drive Diagnostics

    Operation 6.6 Control via the operator panel Drive diagnostics Curve recorder The curve recorder provides a slow trace function, which can be used to monitor a signal trend. A signal selected by parameter is displayed in the form of a curve. Figure 6-23 Curve recorder The parameters to be displayed are selected and the graphic interpolation set via the menu…

  • Page 298
    Operation 6.6 Control via the operator panel Display settings In this menu, you set the lighting, brightness, and contrast for the display. Defining the operation screen In this menu, you can switch between five operation screens. You can set the parameters that are to be displayed.
  • Page 299
    Operation 6.6 Control via the operator panel VECTOR object Table 6- 7 List of signals for the operation screen — VECTOR object Signal Parameters Short name Unit Scaling (100 %=…) See table below Factory setting (entry no.) Speed setpoint upstream of ramp-function r1114 NSETP 1/min…
  • Page 300
    Operation 6.6 Control via the operator panel Normalization for VECTOR object Table 6- 8 Normalization for VECTOR object Size Scaling parameter Default for quick commissioning Reference speed 100% = p2000 p2000 = Maximum speed (p1082) Reference voltage 100% = p2001 p2001 = 1000 V Reference current 100% = p2002…
  • Page 301
    Operation 6.6 Control via the operator panel Setting for the synchronization: ● None (factory setting) The times for the AOP and drive unit are not synchronized. ● AOP -> Drive – If you activate this option, the AOP and drive unit are synchronized immediately whereby the current AOP time is transferred to the drive unit.
  • Page 302
    Operation 6.6 Control via the operator panel Normalization to motor current In this menu, the reference variable for the bar-type display of parameter r0027 (absolute current actual value smoothed) can be changed over in the operating screen forms. Normalization to motor current (factory setting: NO) ●…
  • Page 303: Aop30 Diagnosis

    Operation 6.6 Control via the operator panel AOP30 diagnosis Software/database version You can use this menu to display the firmware and database versions. The database version must be compatible with the drive software status (you can check this in parameter r0018). Battery status In this menu, you can display the battery voltage numerically (in Volts) or as a bar display.

  • Page 304: Sprachauswahl/Language Selection

    Operation 6.6 Control via the operator panel 6.6.6 Sprachauswahl/Language selection The operator panel downloads the texts for the different languages from the drive. You can change the language of the operator panel via the «Sprachauswahl/Language selection» menu. Note Additional languages for the display Languages in addition to the current available languages in the display are available on request.

  • Page 305: On Key / Off Key

    Operation 6.6 Control via the operator panel Settings: MENU – Commissioning/Service – AOP Settings – Control Settings Save LOCAL mode (factory setting: yes) ● Yes: The «LOCAL» or «REMOTE» operating mode is saved when the power supply is switched off and restored when the power supply is switched back on. ●…

  • Page 306: Jog

    Operation 6.6 Control via the operator panel For safety reasons, the CW/CCW key is disabled in the factory setting (pumps and fans must normally only be operated in one direction). In the operation status in LOCAL mode, the current direction of rotation is indicated by an arrow next to the operating mode.

  • Page 307: Aop Setpoint

    Operation 6.6 Control via the operator panel AOP setpoint Settings: MENU – Commissioning/Service – AOP Settings – Control Settings Save AOP setpoint (factory setting: no) ● Yes: In LOCAL mode, the last setpoint (once you have released the INCREASE or DECREASE key or confirmed a numeric entry) is saved.

  • Page 308: Timeout Monitoring

    Operation 6.6 Control via the operator panel Settings: MENU – Commissioning/Service – AOP Settings – Control Settings Acknowledge error from the AOP (factory setting: yes) ● Yes: Errors can be acknowledged via the AOP. ● No: Errors cannot be acknowledged via the AOP. Settings: MENU –…

  • Page 309
    Operation 6.6 Control via the operator panel Settings Figure 6-26 Set inhibit functions The «Operator input inhibit» setting can be changed directly via <F5> «Change» once you have selected the selection field. When «Parameterization inhibit» is activated, you have to enter a numeric password (repeat this entry).
  • Page 310: Faults And Alarms

    Operation 6.6 Control via the operator panel 6.6.8 Faults and alarms Indicating faults and alarms If a fault occurs, the drive displays the fault and/or alarm on the operator panel. Faults are indicated by the red «FAULT» LED and a fault screen is automatically displayed. You can use the F1 Help function to call up information about the cause of the fault and how to remedy it.

  • Page 311: Saving The Parameters Permanently

    Operation 6.6 Control via the operator panel Figure 6-27 Fault screen You can use F5 Ack. to acknowledge a stored fault. Figure 6-28 Alarm screen Alarms that are no longer active are removed from the alarm memory with F5 Clear. 6.6.9 Saving the parameters permanently Description…

  • Page 312: Parameterization Errors

    Operation 6.7 Communication according to PROFIdrive 6.6.10 Parameterization errors If a fault occurs when reading or writing parameters, a popup window containing the cause of the problem is displayed. The system displays: Parameter write error (d)pxxxx.yy:0xnn and a plain-text explanation of the type of parameterization error. Communication according to PROFIdrive 6.7.1 General information…

  • Page 313
    Operation 6.7 Communication according to PROFIdrive ● Controller (PROFIBUS: Master Class 1, PROFINET IO: IO controller) This is typically a higher-level controller in which the automation program runs. Example: SIMATIC S7 and SIMOTION ● Supervisor (PROFIBUS: Master Class 2, PROFINET IO: IO Supervisor) Devices for configuration, commissioning, and operator control and monitoring during bus operation.
  • Page 314: Application Classes

    Operation 6.7 Communication according to PROFIdrive 6.7.2 Application classes Description There are different application classes for PROFIdrive according to the scope and type of the application processes. PROFIdrive features a total of 6 application classes, 4 of which are discussed here. Application class 1 (standard drive) In the most basic case, the drive is controlled via a speed setpoint by means of PROFIBUS/PROFINET.

  • Page 315
    Operation 6.7 Communication according to PROFIdrive Application class 2 (standard drive with technology function) The overall process is subdivided into a number of small subprocesses and distributed among the drives. This means that the automation functions no longer reside exclusively in the central automation device but are also distributed in the drive controllers.
  • Page 316
    Operation 6.7 Communication according to PROFIdrive Application class 3 (positioning drive) In addition to the drive control, the drive also includes a positioning control, which means that it operates as a self-contained single-axis positioning drive while the higher-level technological processes are performed in the controller. Positioning requests are transmitted to the drive controller via PROFIBUS/PROFINET and launched.
  • Page 317
    Operation 6.7 Communication according to PROFIdrive Application class 4 (central motion control) This application class defines a speed setpoint interface, where the speed control is realized in the drive and the positioning control in the control system, such as is required for robotics and machine tool applications with coordinated motion sequences on multiple drives.
  • Page 318
    Operation 6.7 Communication according to PROFIdrive Telegram Description Class 1 Class 2 Class 3 Class 4 (p0922 = x) Positioning, telegram 9 (basic positioner with direct input) Speed setpoint, 16 bit VIK-NAMUR Encoder telegram, 1 encoder channel Extended encoder telegram, 1 encoder channel + speed actual value 16 bits Extended encoder telegram, 1 encoder channel + speed actual value 32 bits…
  • Page 319: Cyclic Communication

    Operation 6.7 Communication according to PROFIdrive 6.7.3 Cyclic communication Cyclic communication is used to exchange time-critical process data. Telegrams and process data General information Selecting a telegram via CU parameter p0922 determines which process data is transferred between the master and slave. From the perspective of the slave (SINAMICS), the received process data comprises the receive words and the process data to be sent the send words.

  • Page 320
    Operation 6.7 Communication according to PROFIdrive User-defined telegram selection a. Standard telegrams Standard telegrams are structured in accordance with PROFIdrive profile or internal company specifications. The internal process data links are established automatically in accordance with the telegram number setting in parameter p0922. The following standard telegrams can be set via parameter p0922: ->…
  • Page 321: Structure Of The Telegrams

    Operation 6.7 Communication according to PROFIdrive Telegram interconnections After changing p0922 = 999 (factory setting) to p0922 ≠ 999, the telegrams are interconnected and blocked automatically. Note Telegrams 20 and 352 are the exceptions. Here, the PZD06 in the send telegram and PZD03 to PZD06 in the receive telegram can be interconnected as required.

  • Page 322: Overview Of Control Words And Setpoints

    Operation 6.7 Communication according to PROFIdrive Overview of control words and setpoints Table 6- 15 Overview of control words and setpoints Abbreviation Description Parameter Function diagram STW1 Control word 1 (interface mode See table «Control word 1 (interface mode FP2442 SINAMICS, p2038 = 0) SINAMICS, p2038 = 0)»…

  • Page 323: Acyclic Communication

    Operation 6.7 Communication according to PROFIdrive Abbreviation Description Parameter Function diagram IAIST_GLATT Current actual value, smoothed r0068[1] FP6714 MIST_GLATT Torque actual value, smoothed r0080[1] FP6714 PIST_GLATT Power actual value, smoothed r0082[1] FP6714 MELD_NAMUR VIK-NAMUR message bit bar r3113, see table «NAMUR message bit bar»…

  • Page 324
    Operation 6.7 Communication according to PROFIdrive Figure 6-33 Reading and writing data Characteristics of the parameter channel ● One 16-bit address each for parameter number and subindex. ● Simultaneous access by several additional PROFIBUS masters (master class 2) or PROFINET IO Supervisor (e.g., commissioning tool). ●…
  • Page 325: Structure Of Requests And Responses

    Operation 6.7 Communication according to PROFIdrive Structure of requests and responses Structure of parameter request and parameter response Table 6- 17 Structure of the parameter request Parameter request Offset Values for Request header Request reference Request ID write access Axis Number of parameters only…

  • Page 326
    Operation 6.7 Communication according to PROFIdrive Description of fields in DPV1 parameter request and response Table 6- 19 Fields in DPV1 parameter request and response Field Data type Values Comment Request reference Unsigned8 0x01 … 0xFF Unique identification of the request/response pair for the master. The master changes the request reference with each new request.
  • Page 327
    Operation 6.7 Communication according to PROFIdrive Field Data type Values Comment Format Unsigned8 0x02 Data type integer8 0x03 Data type integer16 0x04 Data type integer32 0x05 Data type unsigned8 0x06 Data type unsigned16 0x07 Data type unsigned32 0x08 Data type floating point Other values See PROFIdrive profile V3.1 0x40…
  • Page 328
    Operation 6.7 Communication according to PROFIdrive Error Meaning Comment Additional value info 0x06 Illegal set operation (only reset Modification access with a value not equal to 0 in a case Subindex allowed) where this is not allowed. 0x07 Description element cannot be Modification access to a description element that cannot Subindex changed…
  • Page 329
    Operation 6.7 Communication according to PROFIdrive Error Meaning Comment Additional value info 0x72 Parameter %s [%s]: write access only – – in the commissioning state, parameter reset (p0010 = 30). 0x73 Parameter %s [%s]: write access only – – in the commissioning state, safety (p0010 = 95).
  • Page 330
    Operation 6.7 Communication according to PROFIdrive Error Meaning Comment Additional value info 0x82 Transfer of the control authority is – – inhibited by BI: p0806. 0x83 Parameter %s [%s]: requested BICO BICO output does not supply float values, however the –…
  • Page 331: Determining The Drive Object Numbers

    Operation 6.7 Communication according to PROFIdrive Determining the drive object numbers Further information about the drive system (e.g., drive object numbers) can be determined as follows from parameters p0101, r0102 and p0107/r0107: 1. The value of parameter r0102 («Number of drive objects») is read via a read request from drive object 1.

  • Page 332
    Operation 6.7 Communication according to PROFIdrive Basic procedure 1. Create a request to read the parameters. 2. Initiate the parameter request. 3. Evaluate the parameter response. Execution 1. Create a request to read the parameters Table 6- 21 Parameter request Parameter request Offset Request header…
  • Page 333: Example 2: Writing Parameters (Multi-Parameter Request)

    Operation 6.7 Communication according to PROFIdrive Table 6- 22 Parameter response Parameter response Offset Response header Request reference mirrored Response ID = 01 hex 0 + 1 = 25 hex Axis mirrored = 02 hex Number of parameters = 01 hex 2 + 3 Parameter value Format = 06 hex…

  • Page 334
    Operation 6.7 Communication according to PROFIdrive Task description Jog 1 and 2 are to be set up for drive 2 (also drive object number 2) via the input terminals of the control unit. A parameter request is to be used to write the corresponding parameters as follows: Jog bit 0 •…
  • Page 335
    Operation 6.7 Communication according to PROFIdrive Execution 1. Create a request to write the parameters Table 6- 23 Parameter request Parameter request Offset Request header Request reference = 40 hex Request ID = 02 hex 0 + 1 Axis = 02 hex Number of parameters = 04 hex 2 + 3 1.
  • Page 336
    Operation 6.7 Communication according to PROFIdrive 1st parameter address … 4th parameter address ● Attribute: 10 hex → The parameter values are to be written. ● Number of elements 01 hex → 1 array element is written. ● Parameter number Specifies the number of the parameter to be written (p1055, p1056, p1058, p1059).
  • Page 337: Further Information About Profidrive Communication

    Operation 6.7 Communication according to PROFIdrive 6.7.5 Further information about PROFIdrive communication Further information about PROFIdrive communication For more information about PROFIdrive communication, refer to «PROFIdrive communication» in the accompanying «SINAMICS S120 Function Manual». Converter cabinet units Operating Instructions, 03/2012, A5E03263466A…

  • Page 338: Communication Via Profibus Dp

    Operation 6.8 Communication via PROFIBUS DP Communication via PROFIBUS DP 6.8.1 PROFIBUS connection Positions of PROFIBUS connection, address switch, and diagnostics LED The PROFIBUS connection, address switch, and diagnostics LED are located on the Control Unit CU320-2 DP. Figure 6-35 View of the Control Unit with PROFIBUS interface Converter cabinet units Operating Instructions, 03/2012, A5E03263466A…

  • Page 339
    Operation 6.8 Communication via PROFIBUS DP PROFIBUS connection The PROFIBUS is connected by means of a 9-pin SUB D socket (X126). The connections are electrically isolated. Table 6- 25 X126 — PROFIBUS connection Signal name Meaning Range SHIELD Ground connection M24_SERV Power supply for teleservice, ground RxD/TxD-P…
  • Page 340
    Operation 6.8 Communication via PROFIBUS DP Bus terminating resistor The bus terminating resistor must be switched on or off depending on its position in the bus, otherwise the data will not be transmitted properly. The terminating resistors for the first and last nodes in a line must be switched on; the resistors must be switched off at all other connectors.
  • Page 341: Cable Routing

    Operation 6.8 Communication via PROFIBUS DP Cable routing Figure 6-37 Cable routing for type A cabinets Converter cabinet units Operating Instructions, 03/2012, A5E03263466A…

  • Page 342
    Operation 6.8 Communication via PROFIBUS DP Figure 6-38 Cable routing for type C cabinets Converter cabinet units Operating Instructions, 03/2012, A5E03263466A…
  • Page 343: Control Via Profibus

    Operation 6.8 Communication via PROFIBUS DP 6.8.2 Control via PROFIBUS «DP1 (PROFIBUS)» diagnostics LED The PROFIBUS diagnostics LED is located on the front of the Control Unit. Its states are described in the following table. Table 6- 26 Description of the LEDs Color State Description…

  • Page 344
    Operation 6.8 Communication via PROFIBUS DP PROFIBUS address switches The PROFIBUS address is set as a hexadecimal value via two rotary coding switches. Values between 0 ) and 127 ) can be set as the address. The upper rotary coding switch (H) is used to set the hexadecimal value for 16 and the lower rotary coding switch (L) is used to set the hexadecimal value for 16 Table 6- 27…
  • Page 345: Monitoring: Telegram Failure

    Operation 6.8 Communication via PROFIBUS DP 6.8.3 Monitoring: Telegram failure Description Following a telegram failure and after a monitoring time has elapsed (t_An), bit r2043.0 is set to «1» and alarm A01920 is output. Binector output r2043.0 can be used for an emergency stop, for example.

  • Page 346: Communication Via Profinet Io

    Operation 6.9 Communication via PROFINET IO Communication via PROFINET IO 6.9.1 Activating online operation: STARTER via PROFINET IO Description Online operation with PROFINET IO is implemented using TCP/IP. Prerequisites ● STARTER Version 4.2 or higher ● Control unit CU320-2 PN or CBE20 STARTER via PROFINET IO (example) Figure 6-40 STARTER via PROFINET (example)

  • Page 347
    Operation 6.9 Communication via PROFINET IO Set the IP address in Windows XP On the desktop, right-click on «Network environment» -> Properties -> double-click on Network card and choose -> Properties -> Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) -> Properties -> Enter the freely-assignable addresses. Figure 6-41 Properties of the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Converter cabinet units…
  • Page 348
    Operation 6.9 Communication via PROFINET IO Settings in STARTER The following settings are required in STARTER for communication via PROFINET: ● Extras -> Set PG/PC interface Figure 6-42 Set the PG/PC interface ● Right-click Drive unit -> Target device -> Online access -> Module address Figure 6-43 Activating online operation Converter cabinet units…
  • Page 349
    Operation 6.9 Communication via PROFINET IO Assigning the IP address and the name Note ST (Structured Text) conventions must be satisfied for the name assignment of IO devices in PROFINET (SINAMICS components). The names must be unique within PROFINET. The characters «-» and «.» are not permitted in the name of an IO device. «Accessible nodes»…
  • Page 350: General Information About Profinet Io

    IO devices: Drive units with PROFINET interface ● SINAMICS G150 with CU320-2 DP and inserted CBE20 ● SINAMICS G150 with CU320-2 PN With SINAMICS G150 and CBE20 or with CU320-2 PN, communication via PROFINET IO with RT is possible. Converter cabinet units…

  • Page 351: Real-Time (Rt) And Isochronous Real-Time (Irt) Communication

    Operation 6.9 Communication via PROFINET IO Note PROFINET for drive technology is standardized and described in the following document: PROFIBUS profile PROFIdrive – Profile Drive Technology Version V4.1, May 2006, PROFIBUS User Organization e. V. Haid-und-Neu-Straße 7, D-76131 Karlsruhe http://www.profibus.com, Order Number 3.172, spec.

  • Page 352: Addresses

    Operation 6.9 Communication via PROFINET IO PROFINET IO with IRT (Isochronous Real Time) Isochronous Real Time Ethernet: Real time property of PROFINET IO where IRT telegrams are transmitted deterministically via planned communication paths in a defined sequence to achieve the best possible synchronism and performance between the IO controller and IO device (drive unit).

  • Page 353
    Operation 6.9 Communication via PROFINET IO IP address The TCP/IP protocol is a prerequisite for establishing a connection and parameterization. To allow a PROFINET device to be addressed as a node on Industrial Ethernet, this device also requires an IP address that is unique within the network. The IP address is made up of 4 decimal numbers with a range of values from 0 through 255.
  • Page 354: Data Transmission

    Operation 6.9 Communication via PROFINET IO Note The address data for the internal PROFINET ports X150 P1 and P2 in STARTER can be entered into the expert list using parameters p8920, p8921, p8922 and p8923. The address data for the ports of the CBE20 can be entered in STARTER into the expert list using parameters p8940, p8941, p8942 and p8943.

  • Page 355: Communication Channels

    Operation 6.9 Communication via PROFINET IO When you create the configuration on the master side (e.g. HW Config), the process-data- capable drive objects for the application are added to the telegram in this sequence. The structure of the telegram depends on the drive objects taken into account during configuration.

  • Page 356: Communication Via Sinamics Link

    Operation 6.10 Communication via SINAMICS Link 6.10 Communication via SINAMICS Link 6.10.1 Basic principles of SINAMICS Link SINAMICS Link allows data to be directly exchanged between several control units (CU320- 2 PN and CU320-2 DP). The participating Control Units must be equipped with the CBE20 supplementary module.

  • Page 357
    Operation 6.10 Communication via SINAMICS Link Limitations: ● Within a telegram, it is not permissible that a PZD is sent or received twice; otherwise alarm A50002 or A50003 is output. ● It is not possible to read in its own send date, otherwise alarm A50006 is output. ●…
  • Page 358: Topology

    Operation 6.10 Communication via SINAMICS Link 6.10.2 Topology Only a line topology with the following structure is permitted for SINAMICS Link. Figure 6-45 Maximum topology The following entries must be made in the expert list of the Control Units: ● The numbers of the various nodes are entered into parameter p8836 in ascending order, starting at «1».

  • Page 359: Configuring And Commissioning

    Operation 6.10 Communication via SINAMICS Link 6.10.3 Configuring and commissioning Commissioning When commissioning, proceed as follows for the Control Unit: ● Set parameter p8835 to 3 (SINAMICS Link). ● Using parameter p8836, assign node numbers to the nodes (the first Control Unit is always assigned the number 1).

  • Page 360: Example

    Operation 6.10 Communication via SINAMICS Link Activation To activate SINAMICS Link connections, perform a POWER ON for all nodes. The assignments of p2051[x]/2061[x] and the links of the read parameters r2050[x]/2060[x] can be changed without a POWER ON. Settings for cabinet units with rated pulse frequency 1.25 kHz For the following cabinet units with a rated pulse frequency of 1.25 kHz, in addition parameter p0115[0] must be set from 400 µs to 250 µs or 500 µs: ●…

  • Page 361
    Operation 6.10 Communication via SINAMICS Link 4. For both nodes p0009 = 0, carry out «Copy RAM to ROM» followed by a POWER ON. 5. Set all CBE20 to the isochronous mode by setting p8812[0] = 1. 6. Limit the maximum number of nodes with p8811 = 16. 7.
  • Page 362
    Operation 6.10 Communication via SINAMICS Link 11. Define the receive data for node 1 – Specify the data that should be placed in the receive buffer p8872 of node 1 in location 0, received from node 2: p8872[0] = 2 –…
  • Page 363: Communication Failure When Booting Or In Cyclic Operation

    Operation 6.10 Communication via SINAMICS Link 6.10.5 Communication failure when booting or in cyclic operation If at least one SINAMICS link node does not correctly boot after commissioning or fails in cyclic operation, then alarm A50005 «Sender was not found on the SINAMICS Link» is output to the other nodes.

  • Page 364: Parallel Operation Of Communication Interfaces

    Operation 6.11 Parallel operation of communication interfaces 6.11 Parallel operation of communication interfaces General information Cyclic process data (setpoints/actual values) are processed using interfaces IF1 and IF2. The following interfaces are used: ● Onboard interfaces for PROFIBUS DP or PROFINET ●…

  • Page 365
    Operation 6.11 Parallel operation of communication interfaces Table 6- 28 Properties of the cyclic interfaces IF1 and IF2 Feature Setpoint (BICO signal source) r2050, r2060 r8850, r8860 Actual value (BICO signal sink) p2051, p2061 p8851, p8861 PROFIdrive conformance PROFIdrive telegram selection (p0922) Clock cycle synchronization (isochronous mode) possible (p8815[0]) PROFIsafe possible (p8815[1])
  • Page 366
    Operation 6.11 Parallel operation of communication interfaces Note Parallel operation of PROFIBUS and PROFINET The data of isochronous applications can only be processed via one of the two interfaces IF1 or IF2 (p8815). Two parameterization options are possible if additionally the PROFINET module CBE20 is inserted in the CU320-2 DP: •…
  • Page 367
    Operation 6.11 Parallel operation of communication interfaces Table 6- 30 Versions for isochronous mode, PROFIsafe, and SINAMICS Link Variant Interface Isochronous mode PROFIsafe SINAMICS Link possible (p08815[0]) (p08815[1]) Yes (for CBE20 as IF2) Yes (for CBE20 as IF2) Yes (for CBE20 as IF1) Yes (for CBE20 as IF1) Parameter IF1 PROFIdrive telegram selection…
  • Page 368: Engineering Software Drive Control Chart (Dcc)

    Operation 6.12 Engineering Software Drive Control Chart (DCC) 6.12 Engineering Software Drive Control Chart (DCC) Graphical configuring and expansion of the device functionality by means of available closed-loop control, arithmetic, and logic function blocks Drive Control Chart (DCC) expands the facility for the simplest possible configuring of technological functions for both the SIMOTION motion control system and the SINAMICS drive system.

  • Page 369: Setpoint Channel And Closed-Loop Control

    Setpoint channel and closed-loop control Chapter content This chapter provides information on the setpoint channel and closed-loop control functions. ● Setpoint channel – Direction reversal – Skip speed – Minimum speed – Speed limitation – Ramp-function generator ● U/f control ●…

  • Page 370: Setpoint Channel

    Setpoint channel and closed-loop control 7.2 Setpoint channel Function diagrams At certain points in this chapter, reference is made to function diagrams. These can be found on the customer DVD in the «SINAMICS G130/G150 List Manual», which provides experienced users with detailed descriptions of all the functions. Setpoint channel 7.2.1 Setpoint addition…

  • Page 371: Direction Reversal

    Setpoint channel and closed-loop control 7.2 Setpoint channel 7.2.2 Direction reversal Description Due to the direction reversal in the setpoint channel the drive can be operated in both directions with the same setpoint polarity. Use the p1110 or p1111 parameter to block negative or positive direction of rotation. Note If an incorrect rotating field was connected when the cables were installed, and the cabling cannot be changed, the rotating field can be corrected during drive commissioning via p1821…

  • Page 372: Skip Frequency Bands And Minimum Speed

    Setpoint channel and closed-loop control 7.2 Setpoint channel 7.2.3 Skip frequency bands and minimum speed Description In the case of variable-speed drives, it is possible for the control range of the overall drive train to contain bending-critical speeds that the drive must not be be operated at or the vicinity of in steady-state condition.

  • Page 373: Speed Limitation

    Setpoint channel and closed-loop control 7.2 Setpoint channel Parameter Minimum speed • p1080 Skip frequency speed 1 • p1091 Skip frequency speed 2 • p1092 Skip frequency speed 3 • p1093 Skip frequency speed 4 • p1094 Skip frequency speed bandwidth •…

  • Page 374: Ramp-Function Generator

    Setpoint channel and closed-loop control 7.2 Setpoint channel Parameters Maximum speed • p1082 CO: Speed limit in positive direction of rotation • p1083 CO: Speed limit positive effective • r1084 CI: Speed limit in positive direction of rotation • p1085 CO: Speed limit in negative direction of rotation •…

  • Page 375
    Setpoint channel and closed-loop control 7.2 Setpoint channel Note The effective ramp-up time increases when you enter initial and final rounding times. Effective ramp-up time = p1120 + (0.5 x p1130) + (0.5 x p1131) Signal flow diagram Figure 7-3 Signal flow diagram: Ramp-function generator Ramp-function generator tracking If the drive is in range of the torque limits, the actual speed value moves away from the…
  • Page 376
    Setpoint channel and closed-loop control 7.2 Setpoint channel Without ramp-function generator tracking ● p1145 = 0 ● Drive accelerates to t2, although the setpoint after t1 is smaller than the actual value With ramp-function generator tracking ● At p1145 > 1 (values between 0 and 1 are not applicable), ramp-function generator tracking is activated when the torque limit is approached.
  • Page 377: V/F Control

    Setpoint channel and closed-loop control 7.3 V/f control V/f control Description The simplest solution for a control procedure is the V/f characteristic, whereby the stator voltage for the induction motor or synchronous motor is controlled proportionately to the stator frequency. This method has proved successful in a wide range of applications with low dynamic requirements, such as: ●…

  • Page 378
    Setpoint channel and closed-loop control 7.3 V/f control Table 7- 1 p1300 V/f characteristics Parameter Meaning Application / property value Linear characteristic Standard with variable voltage boost Linear characteristic Characteristic that compensates for voltage with flux current losses in the stator resistance for static / control (FCC) dynamic loads (flux current control FCC).
  • Page 379
    Setpoint channel and closed-loop control 7.3 V/f control Parameter Meaning Application / property value Precise frequency Characteristic (see parameter value 0) that takes into account the specific drives (textiles) technological features of an application (e.g. textile applications). The current limitation (Imax controller) only affects the output voltage and not the •…
  • Page 380: Voltage Boost

    Setpoint channel and closed-loop control 7.3 V/f control 7.3.1 Voltage Boost Description With low output frequencies, the V/f characteristics yield only a small output voltage. With low frequencies, too, the ohmic resistance of the stator windings has an effect and can no longer be ignored vis-à-vis the machine reactance.

  • Page 381
    Setpoint channel and closed-loop control 7.3 V/f control NOTICE If the voltage boost value is too high, this can result in a thermal overload of the motor winding. Permanent voltage boost (p1310) The voltage boost is active across the entire frequency range up to the rated frequency f ;…
  • Page 382
    Setpoint channel and closed-loop control 7.3 V/f control Voltage boost during acceleration (p1311) The voltage boost is only effective for one acceleration operation and only until the setpoint is reached. Voltage boost is only effective if the signal «ramp-up active» (r1199.0 = 1) is present. You can use parameter r0056.6 to observe whether the voltage boost is active during acceleration.
  • Page 383
    Setpoint channel and closed-loop control 7.3 V/f control Parameters Voltage boost at startup active/inactive • r0056.5 Acceleration voltage active/inactive • r0056.6 Rated motor voltage • p0304 Rated motor current • p0305 Stator resistance, actual • r0395 Permanent voltage boost • p1310 Voltage boost during acceleration •…
  • Page 384: Resonance Damping

    Setpoint channel and closed-loop control 7.3 V/f control 7.3.2 Resonance damping Description Resonance damping damps oscillations in the active current, which often occur during no- load operation. Resonance damping is active in the range between approximately 5% and 90% of the rated motor frequency (p0310), up to 45 Hz at most, however. Figure 7-9 Resonance damping Note…

  • Page 385: Slip Compensation

    Setpoint channel and closed-loop control 7.3 V/f control 7.3.3 Slip compensation Description Slip compensation essentially keeps the speed of induction motors constant irrespective of the load (M or M For an increase in the load from M to M , the setpoint frequency is automatically increased so that the resulting frequency and therefore the motor speed remains constant.

  • Page 386: Vector Speed/Torque Control With/Without Encoder

    Setpoint channel and closed-loop control 7.4 Vector speed/torque control with/without encoder Vector speed/torque control with/without encoder Description Compared with V/f control, vector control offers the following benefits: ● Stability vis-à-vis load and setpoint changes ● Short rise times with setpoint changes (–> better command behavior) ●…

  • Page 387: Vector Control Without Encoder

    Setpoint channel and closed-loop control 7.4 Vector speed/torque control with/without encoder 7.4.1 Vector control without encoder Description For sensorless vector control only (SLVC: Sensorless Vector Control), the position of the flux and actual speed must be determined via the electric motor model. The model is buffered by the incoming currents and voltages.

  • Page 388
    Setpoint channel and closed-loop control 7.4 Vector speed/torque control with/without encoder For permanent-magnet synchronous motors, at p1610 = 0%, a pre-control absolute value derived from the supplementary torque r1515 remains instead of the magnetizing current for induction motors. To ensure that the drive does not stall during acceleration, p1611 can be increased or acceleration pre-control for the speed controller can be used.
  • Page 389
    Setpoint channel and closed-loop control 7.4 Vector speed/torque control with/without encoder NOTICE Operation in encoderless torque control only makes sense if, in the speed range below the changeover speed of the motor model (p1755), the setpoint torque is greater than the load torque.
  • Page 390
    Setpoint channel and closed-loop control 7.4 Vector speed/torque control with/without encoder Active loads Active loads, which can reverse the drive, e.g. hoisting gear, must be started in the open- loop speed control mode. In this case, bit p1750.6 must be set to 0 (open-loop controlled operation when the motor is blocked).
  • Page 391
    (standstill). 1FW4 and 1PH8 series Siemens torque motors can be started from standstill with any load up to the rated torque or even hold the load at standstill.
  • Page 392
    Setpoint channel and closed-loop control 7.4 Vector speed/torque control with/without encoder Figure 7-13 Zero crossing in closed-loop controlled operation to zero speed Converter cabinet units Operating Instructions, 03/2012, A5E03263466A…
  • Page 393
    Setpoint channel and closed-loop control 7.4 Vector speed/torque control with/without encoder Function diagram FP 6730 Interface to Motor Module (ASM), p0300 = 1) FP 6731 Interface to Motor Module (PEM), p0300 = 2) Parameter Rated motor current • p0305 Motor magnetizing current/short-circuit current •…
  • Page 394: Vector Control With Encoder

    Setpoint channel and closed-loop control 7.4 Vector speed/torque control with/without encoder 7.4.2 Vector control with encoder Description Benefits of vector control with an encoder: ● The speed can be controlled right down to 0 Hz (standstill) ● Stable control response throughout the entire speed range ●…

  • Page 395: Speed Controller

    Setpoint channel and closed-loop control 7.4 Vector speed/torque control with/without encoder 7.4.3 Speed controller Description Both closed-loop control techniques with and without encoder (SLVC, VC) have the same speed controller structure that contains the following components as kernel: ● PI controller ●…

  • Page 396
    Setpoint channel and closed-loop control 7.4 Vector speed/torque control with/without encoder If vibrations occur with these settings, the speed controller gain (Kp) will need to be reduced manually. Actual-speed-value smoothing can also be increased (standard procedure for gearless or high-frequency torsion vibrations) and the controller calculation performed again because this value is also used to calculate Kp and Tn.
  • Page 397
    Setpoint channel and closed-loop control 7.4 Vector speed/torque control with/without encoder Speed controller encoderless operation P gain • p1470 Speed controller encoderless operation integral time • p1472 CO: Torque output I speed controller • r1482 CO: Torque setpoint before supplementary torque •…
  • Page 398: Speed Controller Pre-Control (Integrated Pre-Control With Balancing)

    Setpoint channel and closed-loop control 7.4 Vector speed/torque control with/without encoder Speed controller pre-control (integrated pre-control with balancing) Description The command behavior of the speed control loop can be improved by calculating the accelerating torque from the speed setpoint and connecting it on the line side of the speed controller.

  • Page 399
    Setpoint channel and closed-loop control 7.4 Vector speed/torque control with/without encoder The effect of the pre-control variable can be adapted according to the application using the weighting factor p1496. For p1496 = 100%, pre-control is calculated according to the motor and load moment of inertia (p0341, p0342).
  • Page 400
    Setpoint channel and closed-loop control 7.4 Vector speed/torque control with/without encoder Parameter Rated motor speed • p0311 Rated motor torque • r0333 Motor moment of inertia • p0341 Ratio between the total and motor moment of inertia • p0342 Rated motor startup time •…
  • Page 401: Reference Model

    Setpoint channel and closed-loop control 7.4 Vector speed/torque control with/without encoder Reference model Description The reference model is activated with p1400.3 = 1. The reference model is used to emulate the speed control loop with a P speed controller. The loop emulation can be set in p1433 to p1435.

  • Page 402: Speed Controller Adaptation

    Setpoint channel and closed-loop control 7.4 Vector speed/torque control with/without encoder Speed controller adaptation Description Two adaptation methods are available, namely free Kp_n adaptation and speed-dependent Kp_n/Tn_n adaptation. Free Kp_n adaptation is also active in «operation without encoder» mode and is used in «operation with encoder»…

  • Page 403
    Setpoint channel and closed-loop control 7.4 Vector speed/torque control with/without encoder p _ n n _ n p 1463 x p 1462 p 1460 p _ n p 1461 x p 1460 p 1462 n _ n p 1464 p 1465 (n <…
  • Page 404: Droop Function

    Setpoint channel and closed-loop control 7.4 Vector speed/torque control with/without encoder Droop Function Description Droop (enabled via p1492) ensures that the speed setpoint is reduced proportionally as the load torque increases. The droop function has a torque limiting effect on a drive that is mechanically coupled to a different speed (e.g.

  • Page 405: Open Actual Speed Value

    Setpoint channel and closed-loop control 7.4 Vector speed/torque control with/without encoder Function diagram FP 6030 Speed setpoint, droop Parameter Total speed setpoint • r0079 Speed controller I torque output • r1482 Droop input source • p1488 Droop feedback scaling • p1489 Droop feedback speed reduction •…

  • Page 406
    Setpoint channel and closed-loop control 7.4 Vector speed/torque control with/without encoder Behavior for speed control without an encoder (p1300 = 20) Depending on the transmission path of the external speed signal, dead times will occur; these dead times must be taken into account in the speed controller’s parameter assignment (p1470, p1472) and can lead to corresponding losses in the dynamic performance.
  • Page 407: Closed-Loop Torque Control

    Setpoint channel and closed-loop control 7.4 Vector speed/torque control with/without encoder 7.4.4 Closed-loop torque control Description For sensorless closed-loop speed control (p1300 = 20) or closed-loop speed control with encoder VC (p1300 = 21), it is possible to change over to closed-loop torque control using BICO parameter p1501.

  • Page 408
    Setpoint channel and closed-loop control 7.4 Vector speed/torque control with/without encoder A «real» closed-loop torque control (with a speed that automatically sets itself) is only possible in the closed-loop control range but not in the open-loop control range of the sensorless closed-loop vector control.
  • Page 409
    Setpoint channel and closed-loop control 7.4 Vector speed/torque control with/without encoder Parameters Motor moment of inertia • p0341 Ratio between the total and motor moment of inertia • p0342 Open-loop/closed-loop control mode • p1300 Accelerating for torque control, scaling • p1499 Change over between closed-loop speed/torque control •…
  • Page 410: Torque Limiting

    Setpoint channel and closed-loop control 7.4 Vector speed/torque control with/without encoder 7.4.5 Torque limiting Description p 1520 r 1526 p 1521 r 1527 r 1538 r 1407 . 8 p 0640 r 1407 . 9 r 1539 p 1530 p 1531 Figure 7-22 Torque limiting The value specifies the maximum permissible torque whereby different limits can be…

  • Page 411: Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Motors

    Typical applications include direct drives with torque motors which are characterized by high torque at low speeds, e.g. Siemens complete torque motors of the 1FW3 series. When these drives are used, gear units and mechanical parts subject to wear can be dispensed with if the application allows this.

  • Page 412
    Setpoint channel and closed-loop control 7.4 Vector speed/torque control with/without encoder Supplementary conditions ● Maximum speed or maximum torque depend on the converter output voltage available and the back EMF of the motor (calculation specifications: EMF must not exceed U rated, converter ●…
  • Page 413
    Setpoint channel and closed-loop control 7.4 Vector speed/torque control with/without encoder If the torque constant k is not stamped on the rating plate or specified in the data sheet, you can calculate this value from the rated motor data or from the stall current I and stall torque as follows: ×…
  • Page 414
    Setpoint channel and closed-loop control 7.4 Vector speed/torque control with/without encoder Function diagram FP 6721 Current control — Id setpoint (PEM, p0300 = 2) FP 6724 Current control – field weakening controller (PEM, p0300 = 2) FP 6731 Current control — interface to Motor Module (PEM, p0300 = 2) Converter cabinet units Operating Instructions, 03/2012, A5E03263466A…
  • Page 415: Output Terminals

    Output terminals Chapter content This chapter provides information on: ● Analog outputs ● Digital outputs The analog/digital outputs described are located on the TM31 customer terminal block, which is available only with option G60. As an alternative to the analog/digital outputs of the TM31, it is possible to use the terminals on the Control Unit or on the Terminal Board TB30 (option G62).

  • Page 416: Analog Outputs

    Output terminals 8.2 Analog outputs Analog outputs Description The Customer Terminal Block features two analog outputs for outputting setpoints via current or voltage signals. Delivery condition: ● AO0: Actual speed value 0 to 20 mA ● AO1: Actual motor current, 0 to 20 mA Signal flow diagram Figure 8-1 Signal flow diagram: analog output 0…

  • Page 417: List Of Signals For The Analog Signals

    Output terminals 8.2 Analog outputs 8.2.1 List of signals for the analog signals List of signals for the analog outputs Table 8- 1 List of signals for the analog outputs Signal Parameters Unit Scaling (100 %=…) See table below Speed setpoint before the setpoint filter r0060 p2000 Motor speed unsmoothed…

  • Page 418
    Output terminals 8.2 Analog outputs Changing analog output 0 from current to voltage output –10 V … +10 V (example) Voltage output present at terminal 1, ground is at terminal 2 Set analog output type 0 to -10 … +10 V. Changing the analog output 0 from current to voltage output –10 …
  • Page 419: Digital Outputs

    Output terminals 8.3 Digital outputs Digital outputs Description Four bi-directional digital outputs (terminal X541) and two relay outputs (terminal X542) are available. These outputs are, for the most part, freely parameterizable. Signal flow diagram Figure 8-2 Signal flow diagram: Digital outputs Delivery condition Table 8- 3 Digital outputs, delivery condition…

  • Page 420
    Output terminals 8.3 Digital outputs Selection of possible connections for the digital outputs Table 8- 4 Selection of possible connections for the digital outputs Signal Bit in status Parameter word 1 1 = Ready to start r0899.0 1 = Ready r0899.1 1 = Operation enabled r0899.2…
  • Page 421: Functions, Monitoring, And Protective Functions

    Functions, Monitoring, and Protective Functions Chapter content This chapter provides information on: ● Drive functions: Motor identification, efficiency optimization, quick magnetization for induction motors, Vdc control, automatic restart, flying restart, motor changeover, friction characteristic, armature short-circuit braking, DC braking, increase in the output frequency, pulse frequency wobbling, runtime, simulation operation, direction reversal, unit changeover, derating behavior with increased pulse frequency, simple brake control, energy savings indicator for fluid-flow machines…

  • Page 422: Drive Functions

    Functions, Monitoring, and Protective Functions 9.2 Drive Functions Function diagrams At certain points in this chapter, reference is made to function diagrams. These can be found on the customer DVD in the «SINAMICS G130/G150 List Manual», which provides experienced users with detailed descriptions of all the functions. Drive Functions 9.2.1 Motor identification and automatic speed controller optimization…

  • Page 423: Standstill Measurement

    Functions, Monitoring, and Protective Functions 9.2 Drive Functions DANGER During motor identification, the drive might set the motor in motion. The EMERGENCY OFF functions must be fully operational during commissioning. To protect the machines and personnel, the relevant safety regulations must be observed. Standstill measurement Description…

  • Page 424
    Functions, Monitoring, and Protective Functions 9.2 Drive Functions Since the type plate data provides the initialization values for identification, you must ensure that it is entered correctly and consistently (taking into account the connection type (star/delta)) so that the above data can be determined. It is advisable to enter the motor supply cable resistance (p0352) before the standstill measurement (p1910) is performed, so that it can be subtracted from the total measured resistance when the stator resistance is calculated (p0350).
  • Page 425
    Functions, Monitoring, and Protective Functions 9.2 Drive Functions In addition to the equivalent circuit diagram data, motor data identification (p1910 = 3) can be used for induction motors to determine the magnetization characteristic of the motor. Due to the higher accuracy, the magnetization characteristic should, if possible, be determined during rotating measurement (without encoder: p1960 = 1, 3;…
  • Page 426: Rotating Measurement And Speed Controller Optimization

    Functions, Monitoring, and Protective Functions 9.2 Drive Functions WARNING During motor identification, the drive might set the motor in motion. The EMERGENCY OFF functions must be fully operational during commissioning. To protect the machines and personnel, the relevant safety regulations must be observed. Rotating measurement and speed controller optimization Description…

  • Page 427
    Functions, Monitoring, and Protective Functions 9.2 Drive Functions Carrying out the rotating measurement (p1960 > 0) The following measurements are carried out when the enable signals are set and a switch- on command is issued in accordance with the settings in p1959 and p1960. ●…
  • Page 428
    Functions, Monitoring, and Protective Functions 9.2 Drive Functions Parameter Status identification • r0047 Open-loop/closed-loop control operating mode • p1300 Motor data identification and rotating measurement • p1900 Speed controller optimization configuration • p1959 Speed controller optimization selection • p1960 Saturation characteristic speed to determine •…
  • Page 429: Efficiency Optimization

    Functions, Monitoring, and Protective Functions 9.2 Drive Functions 9.2.2 Efficiency optimization Description The following can be achieved when optimizing efficiency using p1580: ● Lower motor losses in the partial load range ● Minimization of noise in the motor Figure 9-3 Efficiency optimization It only makes sense to activate this function if the dynamic response requirements of the speed controller are low (e.g.

  • Page 430: Fast Magnetization For Induction Motors

    Functions, Monitoring, and Protective Functions 9.2 Drive Functions 9.2.3 Fast magnetization for induction motors Description Fast magnetization for induction motors is used to reduce delay time during magnetization. Features ● Rapid flux build-up by impressing a field-producing current at the current limit, which considerably reduces the magnetization time.

  • Page 431
    Functions, Monitoring, and Protective Functions 9.2 Drive Functions The parameter does not work when combined with the «flying restart» function (see p1200), i.e. flying restart is performed without quick magnetization. Function diagram FP 6491 Flux control configuration FP 6722 Field weakening characteristic, Id setpoint (ASM, p0300 = 1) FP 6723 Field weakening controller, flux controller (ASM, p0300 = 1) Parameter…
  • Page 432: Vdc Control

    Functions, Monitoring, and Protective Functions 9.2 Drive Functions 9.2.4 Vdc control Description The “Vdc control” function can be activated using the appropriate measures if an overvoltage or undervoltage is present in the DC link. ● Overvoltage in the DC link –…

  • Page 433
    Functions, Monitoring, and Protective Functions 9.2 Drive Functions Characteristics ● Vdc control – This comprises Vdc_max control and Vdc_min control (kinetic buffering), which are independent of each other. – It contains a joint PI controller. The dynamic factor is used to set Vdc_min and Vdc_max control independently of each other.
  • Page 434
    Functions, Monitoring, and Protective Functions 9.2 Drive Functions Note Kinetic buffering must only be activated in version A in conjunction with an external power supply. When Vdc_min control is enabled with p1240 = 2.3 (p1280), it is activated if the power fails when the Vdc_min switch-in level (r1246 (r1286)) is undershot.
  • Page 435
    Functions, Monitoring, and Protective Functions 9.2 Drive Functions If a shutdown with undervoltage in the DC link (F30003) occurs without the drive coming to a standstill despite the fact that Vdc_min control is active, the controller may have to be optimized via dynamic factor p1247 (p1287).
  • Page 436
    Functions, Monitoring, and Protective Functions 9.2 Drive Functions Function diagram FP 6220 (FP 6320) Vdc_max controller and Vdc_min controller Parameters Vdc controller configuration • p1240 (p1280) Vdc_min controller switch-in level • r1242 (r1282) Vdc_max controller dynamic factor • p1243 (p1283) Vdc_min controller switch-in level •…
  • Page 437: Automatic Restart Function

    Functions, Monitoring, and Protective Functions 9.2 Drive Functions 9.2.5 Automatic restart function Description The automatic restart function automatically restarts the cabinet unit after an undervoltage or a power failure. The alarms present are acknowledged and the drive is restarted automatically. The drive can be restarted using: ●…

  • Page 438
    Functions, Monitoring, and Protective Functions 9.2 Drive Functions Automatic restart mode Table 9- 2 Automatic restart mode p1210 Mode Meaning Disables automatic restart Automatic restart inactive Acknowledges all faults If p1210 = 1, pending faults will be acknowledged without restarting automatically once their cause has been rectified.
  • Page 439
    Functions, Monitoring, and Protective Functions 9.2 Drive Functions Note A startup attempt starts immediately when the fault occurs. The faults are acknowledged automatically at intervals of half the waiting time p1212. Following successful acknowledgement and restoration of the voltage, the system is automatically powered up again.
  • Page 440
    Functions, Monitoring, and Protective Functions 9.2 Drive Functions Faults without automatic restart (p1206) Up to 10 fault numbers for which the automatic restart should not be effective can be selected via p1206[0…9]. The parameter is only effective if p1210 = 6 and p1210 = 16. Parameter Faults without automatic restart •…
  • Page 441: Flying Restart

    Functions, Monitoring, and Protective Functions 9.2 Drive Functions 9.2.6 Flying restart Description The «Flying restart» function (enabled via p1200) allows the converter to switch to a motor that is still rotating. Switching on the converter without the flying restart function would not allow any flux to build up in the motor while it is rotating.

  • Page 442: Flying Restart Without Encoder

    Functions, Monitoring, and Protective Functions 9.2 Drive Functions Flying restart without encoder Description Depending on parameter p1200, the flying restart function is started with the maximum search speed n once the de-excitation time (p0347) has elapsed (see diagram search,max «Flying restart»).

  • Page 443: Flying Restart With Encoder

    Functions, Monitoring, and Protective Functions 9.2 Drive Functions WARNING When the flying restart (p1200) function is active, the drive may still be accelerated by the detection current despite the fact that it is at standstill and the setpoint is 0! For this reason, entering the area around the drive when it is in this condition can cause death, serious injury, or considerable material damage.

  • Page 444: Parameters

    Functions, Monitoring, and Protective Functions 9.2 Drive Functions Parameters Cable resistance • p0352 Flying restart operating mode • p1200 • 0: Flying restart inactive • 1: Flying restart always active (start in setpoint direction) • 2: Flying restart active after On, error, OFF2 (start in setpoint direction) •…

  • Page 445: Motor Changeover/Selection

    Functions, Monitoring, and Protective Functions 9.2 Drive Functions 9.2.7 Motor changeover/selection Description The motor data set changeover is, for example, used for: ● Changing over between different motors ● Motor data adaptation Note To switch to a rotating motor, the «flying restart» function must be activated. Example of changing over between two motors Preconditions…

  • Page 446: Function Diagram

    Functions, Monitoring, and Protective Functions 9.2 Drive Functions Table 9- 3 Settings for the motor changeover example Parameter Settings Comment p0130 Configure 2 MDS p0180 Configure 2 DDS p0186[0..1] 0, 1 The MDS are assigned to the DDS. p0820 Digital input, DDS selection The digital input to change over the motor is selected via the DDS.

  • Page 447: Parameters

    Functions, Monitoring, and Protective Functions 9.2 Drive Functions Parameters Drive data set DDS effective • r0051 Motor data sets (MDS) number • p0130 Drive data set (DDS) number • p0180 Motor data sets (MDS) number • p0186 Copy drive data set DDS •…

  • Page 448
    Functions, Monitoring, and Protective Functions 9.2 Drive Functions Commissioning Speeds for making measurements as a function of the maximum speed p1082 are pre- assigned in p382x when commissioning the drive system for the first time. These can be appropriately changed corresponding to the actual requirements. The automatic friction characteristic plot can be activated using p3845.
  • Page 449: Armature Short-Circuit Braking, Dc Braking

    Functions, Monitoring, and Protective Functions 9.2 Drive Functions Parameter Friction characteristic, value n0 • p3820 • … Friction characteristic, value M9 • p3839 Friction characteristic status word • r3840 Friction characteristic, output • r3841 Activate friction characteristic • p3842 Activate friction characteristic plot •…

  • Page 450
    Functions, Monitoring, and Protective Functions 9.2 Drive Functions A prerequisite for the use of the external armature short circuit is the use of a permanent- magnet synchronous motor (p0300 = 2xx). CAUTION Only short-circuit proof motors may be used, or suitable resistances must be used for short- circuiting the motor.
  • Page 451: Internal Armature Short-Circuit Braking

    Functions, Monitoring, and Protective Functions 9.2 Drive Functions Internal armature short-circuit braking Description Internal armature short-circuit braking is only available for synchronous motors. It is used preferably when braking in a hazardous situation, if controlled braking via the drive is no longer possible (for example, in the event of a power failure, an EMERGENCY OFF, etc.) or if no regenerative infeed is used.

  • Page 452: Dc Braking

    Functions, Monitoring, and Protective Functions 9.2 Drive Functions DC braking Description DC braking is only available for induction motors. It is used preferably when braking in a hazardous situation, if controlled braking via the drive is no longer possible (for example, in the event of a power failure, an EMERGENCY OFF, etc.) or if no regenerative infeed is used.

  • Page 453
    Functions, Monitoring, and Protective Functions 9.2 Drive Functions DC braking as a fault response Activation via p0491 = 4, p2101 = 6 (armature short-circuit, internal/DC braking) If DC braking is activated as a fault response, the motor is initially braked in field-oriented mode along the braking ramp up to the threshold set in p1234 (speed at the start of DC braking).
  • Page 454: Increasing The Output Frequency

    Functions, Monitoring, and Protective Functions 9.2 Drive Functions Parameter Mot type selection • p0300: Motor encoder fault response: ENCODER • p0491 Standstill recognition speed threshold • p1226 BI: Armature short-circuit/DC braking activation • p1230 Armature short-circuit/DC braking configuration • p1231 •…

  • Page 455: Default Pulse Frequencies

    Functions, Monitoring, and Protective Functions 9.2 Drive Functions Default pulse frequencies The specified maximum output frequencies can be achieved with the default pulse frequencies listed below. Table 9- 4 Maximum output frequency with default pulse frequency Converter rating Default pulse frequency Maximum output frequency [kW] [kHz]…

  • Page 456: Maximum Output Frequency Achieved By Increasing The Pulse Frequency

    Functions, Monitoring, and Protective Functions 9.2 Drive Functions 6. After entering the frequency in p0113, parameter p0009 on the Control Unit must be set to 0 «Ready» again. 7. The Control Unit re-initializes. After booting, the pulse frequencies recommended in r0114[i] (i = 1, 2, …) can be entered in parameter p1800 «Pulse frequency»…

  • Page 457: Derating Behavior At Increased Pulse Frequency

    Functions, Monitoring, and Protective Functions 9.2 Drive Functions 9.2.11 Derating behavior at increased pulse frequency Description To reduce motor noise or to increase output frequency, the pulse frequency can be increased relative to the factory setting. The increase in the pulse frequency normally results in a reduction of the maximum output current (see «Technical data/current derating depending on the pulse frequency»).

  • Page 458: Pulse Frequency Wobbling

    Functions, Monitoring, and Protective Functions 9.2 Drive Functions Function diagram FP 8014 Signals and monitoring functions — thermal monitoring power unit Parameter Power unit overload I2t • r0036 CO: Power unit temperatures • r0037 Sampling times for internal control loops •…

  • Page 459
    Functions, Monitoring, and Protective Functions 9.2 Drive Functions Restrictions ● Pulse frequency wobbling can only be activated under the following conditions (p1810.2 = 1): – The drive is pulse suppressed. – p1800 < 2 x 1000 / p0115[0] ● p1811 (Pulse frequency wobbling amplitude) can only be set under the following conditions: –…
  • Page 460: Runtime (Operating Hours Counter)

    Functions, Monitoring, and Protective Functions 9.2 Drive Functions 9.2.13 Runtime (operating hours counter) Total system runtime The entire system runtime is displayed in r2114 (Control Unit); it is made up of r2114[0] (milliseconds) and r2114[1] (days). Index 0 indicates the system runtime in milliseconds; after reaching 86.400.000 ms (24 hours), the value is reset.

  • Page 461: Simulation Operation

    Functions, Monitoring, and Protective Functions 9.2 Drive Functions 9.2.14 Simulation operation Description The simulation function is predominantly used to simulate the drive without a motor being connected and without a DC link voltage. In this case, it should be noted that the simulation mode can only be activated under an actual DC link voltage of 40 V.

  • Page 462: Direction Reversal

    Functions, Monitoring, and Protective Functions 9.2 Drive Functions Parameters Simulation operation • p1272 9.2.15 Direction reversal Description The direction of rotation of the motor can be reversed using direction reversal via p1821 without having to change the motor rotating field by interchanging two phases on the motor and inverting the encoder signals using p0410.

  • Page 463: Unit Changeover

    Functions, Monitoring, and Protective Functions 9.2 Drive Functions 9.2.16 Unit changeover Description Parameters and process variables for input and output can be switched to a suitable units system (SI units, US units or referenced variables (%)) with the help of the unit changeover function.

  • Page 464
    Functions, Monitoring, and Protective Functions 9.2 Drive Functions Changing over the units The units can be changed over via the AOP30 and via STARTER. ● Unit changeover via AOP30 is always carried out immediately. Once the corresponding parameters have been changed, the values affected are displayed in the new selected unit.
  • Page 465: Simple Brake Control

    Functions, Monitoring, and Protective Functions 9.2 Drive Functions 9.2.17 Simple brake control Description The «Simple brake control» is used exclusively for the control of holding brakes. The holding brake is used to secure drives against unwanted motion when deactivated. The control command for releasing and applying the holding brake is transmitted directly to the converter via DRIVE-CLiQ from the control unit, which logically combines the signals with the system-internal processes and monitors these signals.

  • Page 466
    Functions, Monitoring, and Protective Functions 9.2 Drive Functions Features ● Automatic activation by means of sequence control ● Standstill (zero-speed) monitoring ● Forced brake release (p0855, p1215) ● Application of brake for a 1 signal «unconditionally close holding brake» (p0858) ●…
  • Page 467
    Functions, Monitoring, and Protective Functions 9.2 Drive Functions Function diagram FP 2701 Simple brake control (r0108.14 = 0) Parameter Magnetizing completed • r0056.4 CO: Speed setpoint before the setpoint filter • r0060 CO: Speed actual value • r0063[0…2] Extended brake control •…
  • Page 468: Energy Saving Indicator For Pumps, Fans, And Compressors

    Functions, Monitoring, and Protective Functions 9.2 Drive Functions 9.2.18 Energy saving indicator for pumps, fans, and compressors Function of the energy savings indicator This function determines the amount of energy used by pumps, fans, and compressors and compares it with the interpolated energy requirement for similar equipment controlled using conventional throttle control.

  • Page 469
    Functions, Monitoring, and Protective Functions 9.2 Drive Functions Figure 9-9 Potential for energy savings Legend for top characteristic: H[%] = Head, P[%] = Flow pressure, Q[%] = Flow rate, V[%] = Volumetric flow Legend for bottom characteristic: P[%] = Power drawn by the conveyor motor, n[%] = Speed of conveyor motor Interpolation points p3320 to p3329 for system characteristic with n = 100%: P1…P5 = Power drawn, n1…n5 = Speed in accordance with variable speed motor Converter cabinet units…
  • Page 470
    Functions, Monitoring, and Protective Functions 9.2 Drive Functions Adapting the pump, fan, or compressor characteristic The 5 interpolation points of the pump, fan, or compressor characteristic are entered using parameters p3320 to p3329. This characteristic can be configured individually for each drive data set.
  • Page 471: Write Protection

    Functions, Monitoring, and Protective Functions 9.2 Drive Functions 9.2.19 Write protection Description Write protection is used to prevent setting parameters from being accidentally changed. No password is required for write protection. Activating write protection Write protection can be activated as follows: ●…

  • Page 472
    Functions, Monitoring, and Protective Functions 9.2 Drive Functions Exceptions when write protection is active The following functions or adjustable parameters are excluded from the write protection: ● Changing the access level (p0003) ● Commissioning the parameter filter (p0009) ● Module detection via LED (p0124, p0144, p0154) ●…
  • Page 473: Know-How Protection

    Functions, Monitoring, and Protective Functions 9.2 Drive Functions 9.2.20 Know-how protection Description The know-how protection is used, for example, so that a machine manufacturer can encrypt his configuration know-how and protect it against changes and copying. For know-how protection, a password is required; saved data is encrypted. When know-how protection is activated, most of the setting parameters cannot be changed and cannot be read out.

  • Page 474: Activating Know-How Protection

    Functions, Monitoring, and Protective Functions 9.2 Drive Functions Functions, which cannot be executed when know-how protection is active The following functions cannot be executed when know-how protection is active: ● Download ● Export/import ● Trace function ● Function generator ● Measuring functions ●…

  • Page 475
    Functions, Monitoring, and Protective Functions 9.2 Drive Functions Activating know-how protection Know-how protection is activated via STARTER in the online mode as follows: ● Select the drive unit via Project > Know-how protection drive unit > Activate. ● A dialog appears in which the following settings can be made: –…
  • Page 476: Deactivating Know-How Protection

    Functions, Monitoring, and Protective Functions 9.2 Drive Functions Deactivating know-how protection Know-how protection can be deactivated via STARTER in the online mode. Deactivating know-how protection Know-how protection is deactivated via STARTER in the online mode as follows: ● Select the drive unit via Project > Know-how protection drive unit > Deactivate. ●…

  • Page 477: Oem Exception List

    Functions, Monitoring, and Protective Functions 9.2 Drive Functions ● A dialog appears in which the following entries can be made: – Enter the old password – Enter the new password The password must comprise at least one character, it may not exceed a length of 30 characters, all characters are permissible.

  • Page 478: Replacing Devices For Know-How Protection With Copy Protection

    Functions, Monitoring, and Protective Functions 9.2 Drive Functions When know-how protection is activated and the memory card copy protection is activated, data (parameters and DCC) is encrypted, taking into account the serial number of the memory card (r7843) and the Control Unit (r7758). When the drive unit is powered up, the serial numbers saved on the memory card and the Control Unit are compared to the actual serial numbers.

  • Page 479: Overview Of Important Parameters

    Functions, Monitoring, and Protective Functions 9.2 Drive Functions Overview of important parameters KHP Control Unit serial number • r7758[0…19] KHP Control Unit reference serial number • p7759[0…19] Write protection/know-how protection status • r7760 Write protection • p7761 Write protection multi-master fieldbus system access behavior •…

  • Page 480: Extended Functions

    Functions, Monitoring, and Protective Functions 9.3 Extended functions Extended functions 9.3.1 Technology controller Description The «technology controller» function module allows simple control functions to be implemented, e.g.: ● Liquid level control ● Temperature control ● Dancer position control ● Pressure control ●…

  • Page 481
    Functions, Monitoring, and Protective Functions 9.3 Extended functions The output can be scaled via parameter p2295 and the control direction reversed. It can be limited via parameters p2291 and p2292 and interconnected as required via a connector output (r2294). The actual value can be integrated, for example, via an analog input on the TM31. If a PID controller has to be used for control reasons, the D component is switched to the setpoint/actual value difference (p2263 = 1) unlike in the factory setting.
  • Page 482
    Functions, Monitoring, and Protective Functions 9.3 Extended functions Figure 9-10 Level control: Application Figure 9-11 Level control: Controller structure Key control parameters CI: Speed controller speed setpoint 1 [FP 3080] • p1155 = r2294 Technology controller setpoint effective via fixed setpoint [FD 7950] •…
  • Page 483: Bypass Function

    Functions, Monitoring, and Protective Functions 9.3 Extended functions 9.3.2 Bypass function The bypass function uses digital drive outputs to activate two contactors and uses digital inputs to evaluate the contactor’s feedback (e.g., via TM31). This circuit allows the motor to be operated using the converter or directly on the supply line.

  • Page 484: Bypass With Synchronizer With Degree Of Overlapping (P1260 = 1)

    Functions, Monitoring, and Protective Functions 9.3 Extended functions Establishing the bypass function The bypass function is part of the «technology controller» function module that can be activated by running the commissioning Wizard. Parameter r0108.16 indicates whether the function module has been activated. Bypass with synchronizer with degree of overlapping (p1260 = 1) Description…

  • Page 485
    Functions, Monitoring, and Protective Functions 9.3 Extended functions Parameterization Once the bypass with synchronizer with degree of overlapping (p1260 = 1) function has been activated, the following parameters must be set: Table 9- 7 Parameter settings for bypass function with synchronizer with degree of overlapping Parameters Description p1266 =…
  • Page 486
    Functions, Monitoring, and Protective Functions 9.3 Extended functions ● Since the bit is set while the converter is running, the «Transfer motor to line supply» synchronization process is started. ● Once motor synchronization to line frequency, line voltage and line phasing is complete, the synchronization algorithm reports this state (r3819.2).
  • Page 487: Bypass With Synchronizer Without Degree Of Overlapping (P1260 = 2)

    Functions, Monitoring, and Protective Functions 9.3 Extended functions Bypass with synchronizer without degree of overlapping (p1260 = 2) Description When “Bypass with synchronizer without degree of overlapping (p1260 = 2)” is activated, contactor K2 (to be closed) is only closed when contactor K1 is opened (anticipatory type synchronization).

  • Page 488: Bypass Without Synchronizer (P1260 = 3)

    Functions, Monitoring, and Protective Functions 9.3 Extended functions Activation The bypass with synchronizer without degree of overlapping (p1260 = 2) function can only be activated using a control signal. It cannot be activated using a speed threshold or a fault. Parameterization Once the bypass with synchronizer without degree of overlapping (p1260 = 2) function has been activated, the following parameters must be set:…

  • Page 489
    Functions, Monitoring, and Protective Functions 9.3 Extended functions Figure 9-15 Example circuit for bypass without synchronization Activation The bypass with synchronizer (p1260 = 3) can be triggered by the following signals (p1267): ● Bypass by means of control signal (p1267.0 = 1): The bypass can be activated by means of a digital signal (p1266) (e.g.
  • Page 490: Function Diagram

    Functions, Monitoring, and Protective Functions 9.3 Extended functions Parameterization Once the bypass without synchronizer (p1260 = 3) function has been activated, the following parameters must be set: Table 9- 9 Parameter settings for bypass function with synchronizer without degree of overlapping Parameter Description p1262 =…

  • Page 491: Extended Brake Control

    Functions, Monitoring, and Protective Functions 9.3 Extended functions Synchronization Sync–supply–drive activation • p3800 Sync–supply–drive drive object number • p3801 BI: Sync–supply–drive enable • p3802 CO/BO: Sync–supply–drive control word • r3803 CO: Sync–supply–drive target frequency • r3804 CO: Sync–supply–drive frequency difference •…

  • Page 492
    Functions, Monitoring, and Protective Functions 9.3 Extended functions Example 1: Starting against applied brake When the device is switched on, the setpoint is enabled immediately (if other enable signals are issued), even if the brake has not yet been released (p1152 = 1). The factory setting p1152 = r0899.15 must be separated here.
  • Page 493
    Functions, Monitoring, and Protective Functions 9.3 Extended functions Figure 9-16 Example: Service brake on a crane drive Control and status messages for extended brake control Table 9- 10 Control of extended brake control Signal name Binector input Control word sequence control/interconnection parameters Enable speed setpoint p1142 BI: Enable speed setpoint…
  • Page 494
    Functions, Monitoring, and Protective Functions 9.3 Extended functions Table 9- 11 Status message of extended brake control Signal name Parameter Brake status word Command, release brake (continuous r1229.1 B_STW.1 signal) Pulse enable, extended brake control r1229.3 B_STW.3 Brake does not release r1229.4 B_STW.4 Brake does not close…
  • Page 495: Extended Monitoring Functions

    Functions, Monitoring, and Protective Functions 9.3 Extended functions Release/apply brake BI: Unconditionally release holding brake • p0855 BI: Unconditionally apply holding brake • p0858 Motor holding brake release time • p1216 Motor holding brake closing time • p1217 BI: Release motor holding brake •…

  • Page 496
    Functions, Monitoring, and Protective Functions 9.3 Extended functions Description of load monitoring This function monitors power transmission between the motor and the working machine. Typical applications include V-belts, flat belts, or chains that loop around the belt pulleys or cog wheels for drive and outgoing shafts and transfer the peripheral speeds and forces. Load monitoring can be used here to identify blockages in the working machine and interruptions to the power transmission.
  • Page 497
    Functions, Monitoring, and Protective Functions 9.3 Extended functions Function diagram FP 8010 Speed messages 1 FP 8011 Speed messages 2 FP 8013 Load monitoring Parameter Hysteresis speed 3 • p2150 CI: Speed setpoint for messages • p2151 Speed threshold 3 •…
  • Page 498: Monitoring And Protective Functions

    Functions, Monitoring, and Protective Functions 9.4 Monitoring and protective functions Monitoring and protective functions 9.4.1 Protecting power components Description SINAMICS power modules offer comprehensive protection of power components. Table 9- 12 General protection for power units Protection against: Protective measure Response Overcurrent Monitoring with two thresholds:…

  • Page 499: Thermal Monitoring And Overload Responses

    Functions, Monitoring, and Protective Functions 9.4 Monitoring and protective functions 9.4.2 Thermal monitoring and overload responses Description The thermal power module monitor is responsible for identifying critical situations. Possible reactions can be assigned and used when alarm thresholds are exceeded to enable continued operation (e.g., with reduced power) and prevent immediate shutdown.

  • Page 500
    Functions, Monitoring, and Protective Functions 9.4 Monitoring and protective functions Overload responses The power module responds with alarm A07805. The control unit initiates the responses assigned via p0290 at the same time that the alarm is issued. Possible responses include: ●…
  • Page 501: Block Protection

    Functions, Monitoring, and Protective Functions 9.4 Monitoring and protective functions 9.4.3 Block protection Description The «Motor blocked» fault is only triggered when the speed of the drive is below the adjustable speed threshold in p2175. With vector control, it must also be ensured that the speed controller is at the limit.

  • Page 502: Stall Protection (Only For Vector Control)

    Functions, Monitoring, and Protective Functions 9.4 Monitoring and protective functions 9.4.4 Stall protection (only for vector control) Description If, for closed-loop speed control with encoder, the speed threshold set in p1744 for stall detection is exceeded, then r1408.11 (speed adaptation, speed deviation) is set. If the fault threshold value set in p1745 is exceeded when in the low speed range (less than p1755 x (100% — p1756)), r1408.12 (motor stalled) is set.

  • Page 503: Thermal Motor Protection

    Functions, Monitoring, and Protective Functions 9.4 Monitoring and protective functions 9.4.5 Thermal motor protection Description Description The priority of thermal motor protection is to identify critical situations. Possible reactions can be assigned (p0610) and used when alarm thresholds are exceeded to enable continued operation (e.g., with reduced power) and prevent immediate shutdown.

  • Page 504: Temperature Sensor Connection At A Sensor Module (Option K50)

    Functions, Monitoring, and Protective Functions 9.4 Monitoring and protective functions Temperature sensor connection at a Sensor Module (option K50) Temperature measurement via KTY The device is connected to the appropriate terminals Temp- and Temp+ on the Sensor Module in the forward direction of the diode (see corresponding section in chapter «Electrical installation»).

  • Page 505: Temperature Sensor Evaluation

    Functions, Monitoring, and Protective Functions 9.4 Monitoring and protective functions Temperature measurement via PT100 The connection is made at the terminals X41:3 (Temp-) and X41:4 (Temp+) at the Control Interface Module. p0624 can be used to set the temperature offset for the PT100 measured value.

  • Page 506: Function Diagram

    Functions, Monitoring, and Protective Functions 9.4 Monitoring and protective functions Thermal 3 mass model (for induction machines) For induction machines, the motor temperature is calculated using the thermal 3-mass model. This makes thermal motor protection possible – even for operation without temperature sensor or with the temperature sensor deactivated (p0600 = 0).

  • Page 507: Parameters

    Functions, Monitoring, and Protective Functions 9.4 Monitoring and protective functions Parameters Temperature sensor evaluation CO: Motor temperature • r0035 Motor temperature sensor for monitoring • p0600 Motor temperature sensor type • p0601 Motor temperature signal source • p0603 Motor overtemperature fault threshold •…

  • Page 508: Temperature Measurement Via Tm150 (Option G51)

    Functions, Monitoring, and Protective Functions 9.4 Monitoring and protective functions 9.4.6 Temperature measurement via TM150 (option G51) Description The Terminal Module 150 (TM150) has 6x 4-pole terminals for temperature sensors. Temperature sensors can be connected in a 1×2, 1×3 or 1×4-wire system. In a 2×2-wire system, up to 12 input channels can be evaluated.

  • Page 509: Measurement With Up To 6 Channels

    Functions, Monitoring, and Protective Functions 9.4 Monitoring and protective functions Measuring the cable resistances When using 2-wire sensors (1×2, 2×2 wire systems), to increase the measuring accuracy, the cable resistance can be measured and saved. Procedure for determining the cable resistance: 1.

  • Page 510: Measurement With Up To 12 Channels

    Functions, Monitoring, and Protective Functions 9.4 Monitoring and protective functions Temperature measurement with a sensor in 4-wire technology With p4108[0…5] = 3, you sense the signals from a sensor in 4-wire technology at a 4-wire connection at terminals 3(+) and 4(-). The measuring cable is connected at terminal 1(+) and 2(-).

  • Page 511: Forming Groups Of Temperature Sensors

    Functions, Monitoring, and Protective Functions 9.4 Monitoring and protective functions Forming groups of temperature sensors Using p4111[0…2], temperature channels can be combined to form groups. For each group, the following calculated values are provided from the temperature actual values (r4105[0…11]): ●…

  • Page 512: Evaluating Temperature Channels

    Functions, Monitoring, and Protective Functions 9.4 Monitoring and protective functions Evaluating temperature channels For each of the individual 12 temperature channels, using p4102[0…23] an alarm threshold and a fault threshold can be set (straight parameter indices: Alarm thresholds, odd parameter indices: Fault thresholds).

  • Page 513: Parameter

    Functions, Monitoring, and Protective Functions 9.4 Monitoring and protective functions Parameter • p4100[0…11] TM150 sensor type TM150 sensor resistance • r4101[0…11] • p4102[0…23] TM150 fault threshold/alarm threshold • p4103[0…11] TM150 delay time BO: TM150 temperature evaluation status • r4104.0…23 CO: TM150 temperature actual value •…

  • Page 514
    Functions, Monitoring, and Protective Functions 9.4 Monitoring and protective functions Converter cabinet units Operating Instructions, 03/2012, A5E03263466A…
  • Page 515: Diagnosis / Faults And Alarms

    Diagnosis / faults and alarms 10.1 Chapter content This chapter provides information on the following: ● Troubleshooting ● Service and support offered by Siemens AG -A60 Converter cabinet units Operating Instructions, 03/2012, A5E03263466A…

  • Page 516: Diagnosis

    If you cannot identify the cause of the problem or you discover that components are defective, your regional office or sales office should contact Siemens Service and describe the problem in more detail. Addresses of contact persons are listed in the preface.

  • Page 517
    Diagnosis / faults and alarms 10.2 Diagnosis Color State Description Cyclic communication is not (yet) running. PROFIdrive cyclic Note: operation PROFIdrive is ready for communication when the control unit is ready for operation (see RDY LED). Green Continuous light Cyclic communication is taking place. 0.5 Hz flashing Cyclic communication has still not been fully established.
  • Page 518
    Diagnosis / faults and alarms 10.2 Diagnosis Table 10- 2 Description of the LEDs on the CU320-2 PN control unit Color State Description RDY (READY) The electronic power supply is missing or lies outside the permissible tolerance range. Green Continuous light The component is ready for operation and cyclic DRIVE-CLiQ communication is taking place.
  • Page 519
    Diagnosis / faults and alarms 10.2 Diagnosis Customer Terminal Block TM31 (-A60) Table 10- 3 Description of the LEDs on the TM31 Color State Description READY The electronics power supply is missing or lies outside the permissible tolerance range. Green Continuous light The component is ready for operation and cyclic DRIVE-CLiQ communication is taking place.
  • Page 520
    There is a fault. If the LED continues to flash after you have performed light a POWER ON, please contact your Siemens service center. WARNING Hazardous DC link voltages may be present at any time regardless of the status of the «DC LINK»…
  • Page 521
    Diagnosis / faults and alarms 10.2 Diagnosis SMC30 – encoder evaluation (-B83) Table 10- 6 Description of the LEDs on the SMC30 Color State Description READY The electronics power supply is missing or lies outside the permissible tolerance range. Green Continuous light The component is ready for operation and cyclic DRIVE-CLiQ communication is taking place.
  • Page 522
    Diagnosis / faults and alarms 10.2 Diagnosis CBE20 – Communication Board Ethernet Table 10- 7 Description of the LEDs at ports 1-4 of the X1400 interface on the CBE20 Color State Description Link port The electronic power supply is missing or lies outside the permissible tolerance range (link missing or defective).
  • Page 523
    Diagnosis / faults and alarms 10.2 Diagnosis Table 10- 9 Description of the OPT LED on the control unit Color State Description The electronic power supply is missing or lies outside the permissible tolerance range. Communication Board either defective or not inserted. Green Continuous light Communication Board is ready and cyclic communication is taking place.
  • Page 524: Diagnostics Via Parameters

    Diagnosis / faults and alarms 10.2 Diagnosis 10.2.2 Diagnostics via parameters All Objects: key diagnostic parameters (details in List Manual) Parameter Name Description r0945 Fault code Displays the fault number. Index 0 is the most recent fault (last fault to have occurred). r0948 Fault time received in milliseconds Displays the system runtime in ms at which the fault occurred.

  • Page 525
    Diagnosis / faults and alarms 10.2 Diagnosis Parameter Name Description Display of the CU digital output status. This parameter shows the status of the digital inputs under the influence of simulation mode of the digital inputs. r2054 PROFIBUS status Displays the status of the Profibus interface. r8937 PN diagnostics Display to diagnose the cyclic PROFINET connections.
  • Page 526
    Diagnosis / faults and alarms 10.2 Diagnosis Parameter Name Description If r0035 does not equal -200.0 °C, the following applies: This temperature indicator is valid. • An KTY sensor is connected. • If using an asynchronous motor, the thermal motor model is activated (p0600 = 0 or p0601 = 0). •…
  • Page 527
    Diagnosis / faults and alarms 10.2 Diagnosis TM31: key diagnostic parameters (details in List Manual) Parameter Name Description r0002 TM31 operating display Operating display for terminal board 31 (TB31). r4021 TM31 digital inputs, terminal actual value Displays the actual value at the digital input terminals on the TM31. This parameter shows the actual value, uninfluenced by simulation mode of the digital inputs.
  • Page 528: Indicating And Rectifying Faults

    Diagnosis / faults and alarms 10.2 Diagnosis 10.2.3 Indicating and rectifying faults The device features a wide range of functions that protect the drive against damage if a fault occurs (faults and alarms). Indicating faults and alarms If a fault occurs, the drive displays the fault and/or alarm on the AOP30 operator panel. Faults are indicated by the red «FAULT»…

  • Page 529: Overview Of Warnings And Faults

    Diagnosis / faults and alarms 10.3 Overview of warnings and faults 10.3 Overview of warnings and faults If a fault occurs, the drive indicates the fault and/or alarm. Faults and alarms are listed in a fault/alarm list, together with the following information: ●…

  • Page 530: External Fault 1

    Diagnosis / faults and alarms 10.3 Overview of warnings and faults Remedy When a fault is indicated, the following procedure is recommended: 1. Identify the cause by examining the specified devices (display or LEDs). 2. Check the fault display on the relevant protection device and establish the fault. 3.

  • Page 531: External Fault 2

    Diagnosis / faults and alarms 10.3 Overview of warnings and faults 10.3.3 «External fault 2» Causes Fault code F7861 («External Fault 2») is triggered when the braking resistor available with options L61 and L62 is subject to thermal overload, thereby activating the thermostat. The drive is switched off with OFF2.

  • Page 532: Service And Support

    If you have any questions, please contact our hotline: Time zone Europe/Africa Phone +49 (0) 911 895 7222 +49 (0) 911 895 7223 Internet http://www.siemens.com/automation/support-request Time zone America Phone +1 423 262 2522 +1 423 262 2200 Internet techsupport.sea@siemens.com…

  • Page 533: Maintenance And Servicing

    Maintenance and servicing 11.1 Chapter content This chapter provides information on the following: ● Maintenance and servicing procedures that have to be carried out on a regular basis to ensure the availability of the cabinet units. ● Exchanging device components when the unit is serviced ●…

  • Page 534: Maintenance

    The actual intervals at which maintenance procedures are to be performed depend on the installation conditions (cabinet environment) and the operating conditions. Siemens offers its customers support in the form of a service contract. For further details, contact your regional office or sales office.

  • Page 535: Maintenance

    Maintenance and servicing 11.3 Maintenance 11.3 Maintenance Servicing involves activities and procedures for maintaining and restoring the specified condition of the device. Required tools The following tools are required for replacing components: ● Spanner or socket spanner (w/f 10) ● Spanner or socket spanner (w/f 13) ●…

  • Page 536: Installation Device

    Maintenance and servicing 11.3 Maintenance 11.3.1 Installation device Description The installation device is used for installing and removing the power blocks. It is used as an installation aid, which is placed in front of and secured to the module. The telescopic guide support allows the withdrawable device to be adjusted according to the height at which the power blocks are installed.

  • Page 537: Using Crane Lifting Lugs To Transport Power Blocks

    Maintenance and servicing 11.3 Maintenance 11.3.2 Using crane lifting lugs to transport power blocks Crane lifting lugs The power blocks are fitted with crane lifting lugs for transportation on a lifting harness in the context of replacement. The positions of the crane lifting lugs are illustrated by arrows in the figures below. WARNING A lifting harness with vertical ropes or chains must be used to prevent any risk of damage to the housing.

  • Page 538
    Maintenance and servicing 11.3 Maintenance Figure 11-3 Crane lifting lugs on HX, JX power block Note On HX and JX power blocks, the front crane lifting lug is located behind the busbar. Converter cabinet units Operating Instructions, 03/2012, A5E03263466A…
  • Page 539: Replacing Components

    Maintenance and servicing 11.4 Replacing components 11.4 Replacing components WARNING The following must be taken into account when the devices are transported: • The devices are heavy or generally top heavy. The center of gravity is marked on the devices. •…

  • Page 540: Replacing The Filter Mats

    Maintenance and servicing 11.4 Replacing components 11.4.1 Replacing the filter mats The filter mats must be checked at regular intervals. If the mats are too dirty to allow the air supply to flow normally, they must be replaced. Note Filter mat replacement is only relevant for options M23, M43 and M54. Not replacing contaminated filter mats can cause premature drive shutdown.

  • Page 541: Replacing The Control Interface Module, Frame Size Fx

    Maintenance and servicing 11.4 Replacing components 11.4.2 Replacing the Control Interface Module, frame size FX Replacing the Control Interface Module Figure 11-4 Replacing the Control Interface Module, frame size FX Converter cabinet units Operating Instructions, 03/2012, A5E03263466A…

  • Page 542
    Maintenance and servicing 11.4 Replacing components Preparatory steps ● Disconnect the cabinet unit from the power supply. ● Allow unimpeded access. ● Remove the protective cover. Removal steps The removal steps are numbered in accordance with the numbers in the diagram. 1.
  • Page 543: Replacing The Control Interface Module, Frame Size Gx

    Maintenance and servicing 11.4 Replacing components 11.4.3 Replacing the Control Interface Module, frame size GX Replacing the Control Interface Module Figure 11-5 Replacing the Control Interface Module, frame size GX Converter cabinet units Operating Instructions, 03/2012, A5E03263466A…

  • Page 544
    Maintenance and servicing 11.4 Replacing components Preparatory steps ● Disconnect the cabinet unit from the power supply. ● Allow unimpeded access. ● Remove the protective cover. Removal steps The removal steps are numbered in accordance with the numbers in the diagram. 1.
  • Page 545: Replacing The Control Interface Module, Frame Size Hx

    Maintenance and servicing 11.4 Replacing components 11.4.4 Replacing the Control Interface Module, frame size HX Replacing the Control Interface Module Figure 11-6 Replacing the Control Interface Module, frame size HX Converter cabinet units Operating Instructions, 03/2012, A5E03263466A…

  • Page 546
    Maintenance and servicing 11.4 Replacing components Preparatory steps ● Disconnect the cabinet unit from the power supply. ● Allow unimpeded access. ● Remove the protective cover. Removal steps The removal steps are numbered in accordance with the numbers in the diagram. 1.
  • Page 547: Replacing The Control Interface Module, Frame Size Jx

    Maintenance and servicing 11.4 Replacing components 11.4.5 Replacing the Control Interface Module, frame size JX Replacing the Control Interface Module Figure 11-7 Replacing the Control Interface Module, frame size JX Converter cabinet units Operating Instructions, 03/2012, A5E03263466A…

  • Page 548
    Maintenance and servicing 11.4 Replacing components Preparatory steps ● Disconnect the cabinet unit from the power supply. ● Allow unimpeded access. ● Remove the protective cover. Removal steps The removal steps are numbered in accordance with the numbers in the diagram. 1.
  • Page 549: Replacing The Power Block (Type Fx)

    Maintenance and servicing 11.4 Replacing components 11.4.6 Replacing the power block (type FX) Replacing the power block Figure 11-8 Replacing the power block, frame size FX Converter cabinet units Operating Instructions, 03/2012, A5E03263466A…

  • Page 550
    Maintenance and servicing 11.4 Replacing components Preparatory steps ● Disconnect the cabinet unit from the power supply. ● Allow unimpeded access to the power block. ● Remove the protective cover. ● Removing the Control Interface Module (see corresponding section) Removal steps The removal steps are numbered in accordance with the numbers in the diagram.
  • Page 551: Replacing The Power Block (Type Gx)

    Maintenance and servicing 11.4 Replacing components 11.4.7 Replacing the power block (type GX) Replacing the power block Figure 11-9 Replacing the power block, frame size GX Converter cabinet units Operating Instructions, 03/2012, A5E03263466A…

  • Page 552
    Maintenance and servicing 11.4 Replacing components Preparatory steps ● Disconnect the cabinet unit from the power supply. ● Allow unimpeded access to the power block. ● Remove the protective cover. ● Removing the Control Interface Module (see corresponding section) Removal steps The removal steps are numbered in accordance with the numbers in the diagram.
  • Page 553: Replacing The Power Block (Type Hx)

    Maintenance and servicing 11.4 Replacing components 11.4.8 Replacing the power block (type HX) Replacing the left power block Figure 11-10 Replacing the power block, frame size HX, left power block Converter cabinet units Operating Instructions, 03/2012, A5E03263466A…

  • Page 554
    Maintenance and servicing 11.4 Replacing components Preparatory steps ● Disconnect the cabinet unit from the power supply. ● Allow unimpeded access to the power block. ● Remove the protective cover. Removal steps The removal steps are numbered in accordance with the numbers in the diagram. 1.
  • Page 555
    Maintenance and servicing 11.4 Replacing components Replacing the right power block Figure 11-11 Replacing the power block, frame size HX, right power block Converter cabinet units Operating Instructions, 03/2012, A5E03263466A…
  • Page 556
    Maintenance and servicing 11.4 Replacing components Preparatory steps ● Disconnect the cabinet unit from the power supply. ● Allow unimpeded access to the power block. ● Remove the protective cover. Removal steps The removal steps are numbered in accordance with the numbers in the diagram. 1.
  • Page 557: Replacing The Power Block (Type Jx)

    Maintenance and servicing 11.4 Replacing components 11.4.9 Replacing the power block (type JX) Replacing the left power block Figure 11-12 Replacing the power block, frame size JX, left power block Converter cabinet units Operating Instructions, 03/2012, A5E03263466A…

  • Page 558
    Maintenance and servicing 11.4 Replacing components Preparatory steps ● Disconnect the cabinet unit from the power supply. ● Allow unimpeded access to the power block. ● Remove the protective cover. Removal steps The removal steps are numbered in accordance with the numbers in the diagram. 1.
  • Page 559
    Maintenance and servicing 11.4 Replacing components Replacing the right power block Figure 11-13 Replacing the power block, frame size JX, right power block Converter cabinet units Operating Instructions, 03/2012, A5E03263466A…
  • Page 560
    Maintenance and servicing 11.4 Replacing components Preparatory steps ● Disconnect the cabinet unit from the power supply. ● Allow unimpeded access to the power block. ● Remove the protective cover. Removal steps The removal steps are numbered in accordance with the numbers in the diagram. 1.
  • Page 561: Replacing The Fan (Type Fx)

    Maintenance and servicing 11.4 Replacing components 11.4.10 Replacing the fan (type FX) Replacing the fan Figure 11-14 Replacing the fan, frame size FX Converter cabinet units Operating Instructions, 03/2012, A5E03263466A…

  • Page 562
    Maintenance and servicing 11.4 Replacing components Description The average service life of the device fans is 50,000 hours. In practice, however, the service life depends on other variables (e.g. ambient temperature, degree of cabinet protection, etc.) and, therefore, may deviate from this value. The fans must be replaced in good time to maintain the availability of the cabinet unit.
  • Page 563: Replacing The Fan (Type Gx)

    Maintenance and servicing 11.4 Replacing components 11.4.11 Replacing the fan (type GX) Replacing the fan Figure 11-15 Replacing the fan, frame size GX Converter cabinet units Operating Instructions, 03/2012, A5E03263466A…

  • Page 564
    Maintenance and servicing 11.4 Replacing components Description The average service life of the device fans is 50,000 hours. In practice, however, the service life depends on other variables (e.g. ambient temperature, degree of cabinet protection, etc.) and, therefore, may deviate from this value. The fans must be replaced in good time to maintain the availability of the cabinet unit.
  • Page 565: Replacing The Fan (Type Hx)

    Maintenance and servicing 11.4 Replacing components 11.4.12 Replacing the fan (type HX) Replacing the fan, left power block Figure 11-16 Replacing the fan, frame size HX, left power block Converter cabinet units Operating Instructions, 03/2012, A5E03263466A…

  • Page 566
    Maintenance and servicing 11.4 Replacing components Description The average service life of the device fans is 50,000 hours. In practice, however, the service life depends on other variables (e.g. ambient temperature, degree of cabinet protection, etc.) and, therefore, may deviate from this value. The fans must be replaced in good time to maintain the availability of the cabinet unit.
  • Page 567
    Maintenance and servicing 11.4 Replacing components Replacing the fan, right power block Figure 11-17 Replacing the fan, frame size HX, right power block Converter cabinet units Operating Instructions, 03/2012, A5E03263466A…
  • Page 568
    Maintenance and servicing 11.4 Replacing components Description The average service life of the device fans is 50,000 hours. In practice, however, the service life depends on other variables (e.g. ambient temperature, degree of cabinet protection, etc.) and, therefore, may deviate from this value. The fans must be replaced in good time to maintain the availability of the cabinet unit.
  • Page 569: Replacing The Fan (Type Jx)

    Maintenance and servicing 11.4 Replacing components 11.4.13 Replacing the fan (type JX) Replacing the fan, left power block Figure 11-18 Replacing the fan, frame size JX, left power block Converter cabinet units Operating Instructions, 03/2012, A5E03263466A…

  • Page 570
    Maintenance and servicing 11.4 Replacing components Description The average service life of the device fans is 50,000 hours. In practice, however, the service life depends on other variables (e.g. ambient temperature, degree of cabinet protection, etc.) and, therefore, may deviate from this value. The fans must be replaced in good time to maintain the availability of the cabinet unit.
  • Page 571
    Maintenance and servicing 11.4 Replacing components Replacing the fan, right power block Figure 11-19 Replacing the fan, frame size JX, right power block Converter cabinet units Operating Instructions, 03/2012, A5E03263466A…
  • Page 572
    Maintenance and servicing 11.4 Replacing components Description The average service life of the device fans is 50,000 hours. In practice, however, the service life depends on other variables (e.g. ambient temperature, degree of cabinet protection, etc.) and, therefore, may deviate from this value. The fans must be replaced in good time to maintain the availability of the cabinet unit.
  • Page 573: Replacing Cylindrical Fuses

    Maintenance and servicing 11.4 Replacing components 11.4.14 Replacing cylindrical fuses The following fuses are cylindrical fuses: ● Fan fuses (-T1 -F10, -T1 -F11) ● Fuses for auxiliary power supply (-F11, -F12) ● Fuse for the internal 230 V supply (-F21) Figure 11-20 Fuse holder Order numbers for replacing fuses that have blown can be found in the spare parts list.

  • Page 574: Replacing The Backup Battery For The Cabinet Operator Panel

    Maintenance and servicing 11.4 Replacing components 11.4.16 Replacing the Backup Battery for the Cabinet Operator Panel Table 11- 2 Technical specifications of the backup battery Type CR2032 3 V lithium battery Manufacturer Maxell, Sony, Panasonic Nominal capacity 220 mAh Self-discharge at 20 °C 1 %/year Service life (in backup mode) >…

  • Page 575
    Maintenance and servicing 11.4 Replacing components Figure 11-21 Replacing the backup battery for the cabinet operator panel Note The battery must be disposed of in accordance with the applicable country-specific guidelines and regulations. Converter cabinet units Operating Instructions, 03/2012, A5E03263466A…
  • Page 576: Forming The Dc Link Capacitors

    Maintenance and servicing 11.5 Forming the DC link capacitors 11.5 Forming the DC link capacitors Description If the device is kept in storage for more than 2 years, the DC link capacitors have to be re- formed. If this is not done, the unit could be damaged when it is operated under load. If the cabinet is commissioned within two years of its date of manufacture, the DC link capacitors do not need to be re-formed.

  • Page 577: Messages After Replacing Drive-Cliq Components

    Maintenance and servicing 11.6 Messages after replacing DRIVE-CLiQ components 11.6 Messages after replacing DRIVE-CLiQ components After DRIVE-CLiQ components are replaced (Control Interface Module, TM31, SMCxx) when service is required, generally no message is output after power-up, since an identical component is identified and accepted as component when the system boots. The reason for this is that an identical component is detected and accepted as spare part when running-up.

  • Page 578: Upgrading The Cabinet Unit Firmware

    Maintenance and servicing 11.7 Upgrading the cabinet unit firmware 11.7 Upgrading the cabinet unit firmware When you upgrade the cabinet unit firmware (by installing a new CompactFlash Card with a new firmware version, for example), you might also have to upgrade the firmware for the DRIVE-CLiQ components in the cabinet unit.

  • Page 579: Load The New Operator Panel Firmware From The Pc

    Maintenance and servicing 11.8 Load the new operator panel firmware from the PC. 11.8 Load the new operator panel firmware from the PC. Description Firmware might need to be loaded to the AOP if the AOP functionality needs to be upgraded. If, once the drive has powered up, the CompactFlash Card is found to contain a newer version of the firmware, a message will appear on the AOP30 prompting you to load the new firmware.

  • Page 580
    Maintenance and servicing 11.8 Load the new operator panel firmware from the PC. Converter cabinet units Operating Instructions, 03/2012, A5E03263466A…
  • Page 581: Technical Specifications

    Technical specifications 12.1 Chapter content This chapter provides information on the following: ● General and specific technical specifications for the devices. ● Information on restrictions that apply when the devices are used in unfavorable ambient conditions (derating) Converter cabinet units Operating Instructions, 03/2012, A5E03263466A…

  • Page 582: General Data

    Technical specifications 12.2 General data 12.2 General data Table 12- 1 General technical data Electrical data Line system configurations Grounded TN/TT systems or ungrounded IT systems (a grounded phase conductor is not permissible in 690 V line supplies) Line frequency 47 …

  • Page 583: Derating Data

    Installation altitudes between 2000 m and 5000 m above sea level If the SINAMICS G150 cabinet units are operated at an installation altitude >2000 m above sea level, it must be taken into account that the air pressure and, consequently, the air density decreases.

  • Page 584
    Technical specifications 12.2 General data Installation altitudes between 2000 m and 5000 m can be achieved by applying the following measures. Reduce the ambient temperature and the output current Due to the reduced cooling efficiency, it is necessary, on the one hand, to reduce the ambient temperature and, on the other, to lower heat loss in the cabinet unit by reducing the output current, whereby ambient temperatures lower than 40 °C may be offset to compensate and are taken into account in the tables.
  • Page 585
    Technical specifications 12.2 General data Table 12- 5 Current derating as a function of the ambient temperature (inlet air temperature at the air inlet of the cabinet unit) and installation altitude for cabinet units with degree of protection IP54 Installation altitude Current derating factor above sea level in m at an ambient temperature (air intake temperature) of…
  • Page 586
    Technical specifications 12.2 General data Current derating as a function of the pulse frequency When the pulse frequency is increased, the derating factor of the output current must be taken into account. This derating factor must be applied to the currents specified in the technical specifications for the cabinet units.
  • Page 587
    Technical specifications 12.2 General data Order no. Power Output current Derating factor Derating factor 6SL3710-… [kW] at 1.25 kHz [A] at 2.5 kHz at 5 kHz Supply voltage 660 V … 690 V 3 AC 1GH28-5_Ax 89 % 60 % 1GH31-0_Ax 88 % 60 %…
  • Page 588: Overload Capability

    Technical specifications 12.2 General data 12.2.2 Overload capability The converter is equipped with an overload reserve to deal with breakaway torques, for example. In drives with overload requirements, the appropriate base load current must, therefore, be used as a basis for the required load. The overloads apply under the precondition that the converter is operated at its base-load current before and after the overload (a duty cycle duration of 300 s is used as a basis here).

  • Page 589: Technical Specifications

    Technical specifications 12.3 Technical specifications 12.3 Technical specifications Note Current, voltage and power figures in these tables are rated values. The cables to the device are protected by fuses of operating class gG. The cable cross-sections have been determined for three-core copper cables routed horizontally in air at 40 °C ambient temperature (according to DIN VDE 0276-1000 and IEC 60364-5-52) with a permissible operating temperature of 70°C (e.g.

  • Page 590: Cabinet Unit Version A, 380 V — 480 V 3 Ac

    Technical specifications 12.3 Technical specifications 12.3.1 Cabinet unit version A, 380 V — 480 V 3 AC Table 12- 8 Version A, 3 AC 380 … 480 V, Part 1 Order number 6SL3710- 1GE32-1AAx 1GE32-6AAx 1GE33-1AAx Unit rating — for I at 50 Hz 400 V — for I at 50 Hz 400 V…

  • Page 591
    Technical specifications 12.3 Technical specifications Order number 6SL3710- 1GE32-1AAx 1GE32-6AAx 1GE33-1AAx Weight (without options), approx. Recommended protection — Line protection (with option L26) 3NA3144 3NA3250 3NA3254 Rated current frame size to IEC 60269 — Line and semiconductor protection (without option L26) 3NE1230-2 3NE1331-2 3NE1334-2…
  • Page 592
    Technical specifications 12.3 Technical specifications Table 12- 9 Version A, 3 AC 380 … 480 V, Part 2 Order number 6SL3710- 1GE33-8AAx 1GE35-0AAx 1GE36-1AAx Unit rating — for I at 50 Hz 400 V — for I at 50 Hz 400 V — for I at 60 Hz 460 V — for I…
  • Page 593
    Technical specifications 12.3 Technical specifications Order number 6SL3710- 1GE33-8AAx 1GE35-0AAx 1GE36-1AAx Weight (without options), approx. Recommended protection — Line protection (with option L26) 3NA3260 3NA3372 3NA3475 Rated current frame size to IEC 60269 — Line and semiconductor protection (without option L26) 3NE1334-2 3NE1436-2 3NE1438-2…
  • Page 594
    Technical specifications 12.3 Technical specifications Table 12- 10 Version A, 3 AC 380 … 480 V, Part 3 Order number 6SL3710- 1GE37-5AAx 1GE38-4AAx 1GE41-0AAx Unit rating — for I at 50 Hz 400 V — for I at 50 Hz 400 V — for I at 60 Hz 460 V — for I…
  • Page 595
    Technical specifications 12.3 Technical specifications Order number 6SL3710- 1GE37-5AAx 1GE38-4AAx 1GE41-0AAx Weight (without options), approx. 1100 Recommended protection — Line protection (with option L26) 3NA3475 3NA3365 3NA3472 Rated current 2 x 500 2 x 630 frame size to IEC 60269 — Line and semiconductor protection (without option L26) 3NE1448-2…
  • Page 596
    Technical specifications 12.3 Technical specifications Table 12- 11 Version A, 3 AC 380 … 480 V, Part 4 Order number 6SL3710- 2GE41-1AAx 2GE41-4AAx 2GE41-6AAx Unit rating — for I at 50 Hz 400 V — for I at 50 Hz 400 V — for I at 60 Hz 460 V 1000…
  • Page 597
    Technical specifications 12.3 Technical specifications Order number 6SL3710- 2GE41-1AAx 2GE41-4AAx 2GE41-6AAx Weight (without options), approx. 1700 1710 2130 Recommended protection — Line protection Per sub-cabinet: Per sub-cabinet: Per sub-cabinet: (with option L26) 3NA3475 3NA3475 3NA3365 Rated current 2 x 500 frame size to IEC 60269 — Line and semiconductor protection Per sub-cabinet:…
  • Page 598: Cabinet Unit Version C, 380 V — 480 V 3 Ac

    Technical specifications 12.3 Technical specifications 12.3.2 Cabinet unit version C, 380 V — 480 V 3 AC Table 12- 12 Version C, 3 AC 380 … 480 V, Part 1 Order number 6SL3710- 1GE32-1CAx 1GE32-6CAx 1GE33-1CAx Unit rating — for I at 50 Hz 400 V — for I at 50 Hz 400 V…

  • Page 599
    Technical specifications 12.3 Technical specifications Order number 6SL3710- 1GE32-1CAx 1GE32-6CAx 1GE33-1CAx Weight (without options), approx. Recommended protection — Line and semi-cond. protection 3NE1230-2 3NE1331-2 3NE1334-2 Rated current frame size to IEC 60269 Rated output of a typical 6-pole standard induction motor based on I or I at 400 V 3 AC 50 Hz.
  • Page 600
    Technical specifications 12.3 Technical specifications Table 12- 13 Version C, 3 AC 380 … 480 V, Part 2 Order number 6SL3710- 1GE33-8CAx 1GE35-0CAx 1GE36-1CAx Unit rating — for I at 50 Hz 400 V — for I at 50 Hz 400 V — for I at 60 Hz 460 V — for I…
  • Page 601
    Technical specifications 12.3 Technical specifications Order number 6SL3710- 1GE33-8CAx 1GE35-0CAx 1GE36-1CAx Weight (without options), approx. Recommended protection — Line and semi-cond. protection 3NE1334-2 3NE1436-2 3NE1438-2 Rated current frame size to IEC 60269 Rated output of a typical 6-pole standard induction motor based on I or I at 400 V 3 AC 50 Hz.
  • Page 602
    Technical specifications 12.3 Technical specifications Table 12- 14 Version C, 3 AC 380 … 480 V, Part 3 Order number 6SL3710- 1GE37-5CAx 1GE38-4CAx 1GE41-0CAx Unit rating — for I at 50 Hz 400 V — for I at 50 Hz 400 V — for I at 60 Hz 460 V — for I…
  • Page 603
    Technical specifications 12.3 Technical specifications Order number 6SL3710- 1GE37-5CAx 1GE38-4CAx 1GE41-0CAx Weight (without options), approx. Recommended protection Line and semi-cond. protection 3NE1448-2 3NE1436-2 3NE1437-2 Rated current 2 x 630 2 x 710 frame size to IEC 60269 Rated output of a typical 6-pole standard induction motor based on I or I at 400 V 3 AC 50 Hz.
  • Page 604: Cabinet Unit Version A, 500 V — 600 V 3 Ac

    Technical specifications 12.3 Technical specifications 12.3.3 Cabinet unit version A, 500 V — 600 V 3 AC Table 12- 15 Version A, 3 AC 500 … 600 V, Part 1 Order number 6SL3710- 1GF31-8AAx 1GF32-2AAx 1GF32-6AAx Unit rating — for I at 50 Hz 500 V — for I at 50 Hz 500 V…

  • Page 605
    Technical specifications 12.3 Technical specifications Order number 6SL3710- 1GF31-8AAx 1GF32-2AAx 1GF32-6AAx Weight (without options), approx. Recommended protection — Line protection (with option L26) 3NA3244-6 3NA3252-6 3NA3354-6 Rated current frame size to IEC 60269 — Line and semiconductor protection (without option L26) 3NE1227-2 3NE1230-2 3NE1331-2…
  • Page 606
    Technical specifications 12.3 Technical specifications Table 12- 16 Version A, 3 AC 500 … 600 V, Part 2 Order number 6SL3710- 1GF33-3AAx 1GF34-1AAx 1GF34-7AAx Unit rating — for I at 50 Hz 500 V — for I at 50 Hz 500 V — for I at 60 Hz 575 V — for I…
  • Page 607
    Technical specifications 12.3 Technical specifications Order number 6SL3710- 1GF33-3AAx 1GF34-1AAx 1GF34-7AAx Weight (without options), approx. Recommended protection — Line protection (with option L26) 3NA3365-6 3NA3365-6 3NA3352-6 Rated current 2 x 315 frame size to IEC 60269 — Line and semiconductor protection (without option L26) 3NE1334-2 3NE1334-2…
  • Page 608
    Technical specifications 12.3 Technical specifications Table 12- 17 Version A, 3 AC 500 … 600 V, Part 3 Order number 6SL3710- 1GF35-8AAx 1GF37-4AAx 1GF38-1AAx Unit rating — for I at 50 Hz 500 V — for I at 50 Hz 500 V — for I at 60 Hz 575 V — for I…
  • Page 609
    Technical specifications 12.3 Technical specifications Order number 6SL3710- 1GF35-8AAx 1GF37-4AAx 1GF38-1AAx Weight (without options), approx. 1150 1150 Recommended protection — Line protection (with option L26) 3NA3354-6 3NA3365-6 3NA3365-6 Rated current 2 x 355 2 x 500 2 x 500 frame size to IEC 60269 — Line and semiconductor protection (without option L26) 3NE1447-2…
  • Page 610
    Technical specifications 12.3 Technical specifications Table 12- 18 Version A, 3 AC 500 … 600 V, Part 4 Order number 6SL3710- 2GF38-6AAx 2GF41-1AAx 2GF41-4AAx Unit rating — for I at 50 Hz 500 V 1000 — for I at 50 Hz 500 V — for I at 60 Hz 575 V 1000…
  • Page 611
    Technical specifications 12.3 Technical specifications Order number 6SL3710- 2GF38-6AAx 2GF41-1AAx 2GF41-4AAx Weight (without options), approx. 1700 1700 2620 Recommended protection — Line protection Per sub-cabinet: Per sub-cabinet: Per sub-cabinet: (with option L26) 3NA3352-6 3NA3365-6 3NA3365-6 Rated current 2 x 315 2 x 500 2 x 500 frame size to IEC 60269…
  • Page 612: Cabinet Unit Version C, 500 V — 600 V 3 Ac

    Technical specifications 12.3 Technical specifications 12.3.4 Cabinet unit version C, 500 V — 600 V 3 AC Table 12- 19 Version C, 3 AC 500 … 600 V, Part 1 Order number 6SL3710- 1GF31-8CAx 1GF32-2CAx 1GF32-6CAx Unit rating — for I at 50 Hz 500 V — for I at 50 Hz 500 V…

  • Page 613
    Technical specifications 12.3 Technical specifications Order number 6SL3710- 1GF31-8CAx 1GF32-2CAx 1GF32-6CAx Weight (without options), approx. Recommended protection — Line and semi-cond. protection 3NE1227-2 3NE1230-2 3NE1331-2 Rated current frame size to IEC 60269 Rated output of a typical 6-pole standard induction motor based on I or I at 500 V 3 AC 50 Hz.
  • Page 614
    Technical specifications 12.3 Technical specifications Table 12- 20 Version C, 3 AC 500 … 600 V, Part 2 Order number 6SL3710- 1GF33-3CAx 1GF34-1CAx 1GF34-7CAx Unit rating — for I at 50 Hz 500 V — for I at 50 Hz 500 V — for I at 60 Hz 575 V — for I…
  • Page 615
    Technical specifications 12.3 Technical specifications Order number 6SL3710- 1GF33-3CAx 1GF34-1CAx 1GF34-7CAx Weight (without options), approx. Recommended protection — Line and semi-cond. protection 3NE1334-2 3NE1334-2 3NE1435-2 Rated current frame size to IEC 60269 Rated output of a typical 6-pole standard induction motor based on I or I at 500 V 3 AC 50 Hz.
  • Page 616
    Technical specifications 12.3 Technical specifications Table 12- 21 Version C, 3 AC 500 … 600 V, Part 3 Order number 6SL3710- 1GF35-8CAx 1GF37-4CAx 1GF38-1CAx Unit rating — for I at 50 Hz 500 V — for I at 50 Hz 500 V — for I at 60 Hz 575 V — for I…
  • Page 617
    Technical specifications 12.3 Technical specifications Order number 6SL3710- 1GF35-8CAx 1GF37-4CAx 1GF38-1CAx Weight (without options), approx. Recommended protection — Line and semi-cond. protection 3NE1447-2 3NE1448-2 3NE1334-2 Rated current 2 x 500 frame size to IEC 60269 Rated output of a typical 6-pole standard induction motor based on I or I at 500 V 3 AC 50 Hz.
  • Page 618: Cabinet Unit Version A, 660 V — 690 V 3 Ac

    Technical specifications 12.3 Technical specifications 12.3.5 Cabinet unit version A, 660 V — 690 V 3 AC Table 12- 22 Version A, 3 AC 660 … 690 V, Part 1 Order number 6SL3710- 1GH28-5AAx 1GH31-0AAx 1GH31-2AAx Unit rating — for I at 50 Hz 690 V — for I at 50 Hz 690 V…

  • Page 619
    Technical specifications 12.3 Technical specifications Order number 6SL3710- 1GH28-5AAx 1GH31-0AAx 1GH31-2AAx Weight (without options), approx. Recommended protection — Line protection (with option L26) 3NA3132-6 3NA3132-6 3NA3136-6 Rated current frame size to IEC 60269 — Line and semiconductor protection (without option L26) 3NE1022-2 3NE1022-2 3NE1224-2…
  • Page 620
    Technical specifications 12.3 Technical specifications Table 12- 23 Version A, 3 AC 660 … 690 V, Part 2 Order number 6SL3710- 1GH31-5AAx 1GH31-8AAx 1GH32-2AAx Unit rating — for I at 50 Hz 690 V — for I at 50 Hz 690 V Output current — Rated current I — Base load current I…
  • Page 621
    Technical specifications 12.3 Technical specifications Order number 6SL3710- 1GH31-5AAx 1GH31-8AAx 1GH32-2AAx Weight (without options), approx. Recommended protection — Line protection (with option L26) 3NA3240-6 3NA3244-6 3NA3252-6 Rated current frame size to IEC 60269 — Line and semiconductor protection (without option L26) 3NE1225-2 3NE1227-2 3NE1230-2…
  • Page 622
    Technical specifications 12.3 Technical specifications Table 12- 24 Version A, 3 AC 660 … 690 V, Part 3 Order number 6SL3710- 1GH32-6AAx 1GH33-3AAx 1GH34-1AAx Unit rating — for I at 50 Hz 690 V — for I at 50 Hz 690 V Output current — Rated current I — Base load current I…
  • Page 623
    Technical specifications 12.3 Technical specifications Order number 6SL3710- 1GH32-6AAx 1GH33-3AAx 1GH34-1AAx Weight (without options), approx. Recommended protection — Line protection (with option L26) 3NA3354-6 3NA3365-6 3NA3365-6 Rated current frame size to IEC 60269 — Line and semiconductor protection (without option L26) 3NE1331-2 3NE1334-2 3NE1334-2…
  • Page 624
    Technical specifications 12.3 Technical specifications Table 12- 25 Version A, 3 AC 660 … 690 V, Part 4 Order number 6SL3710- 1GH34-7AAx 1GH35-8AAx 1GH37-4AAx Unit rating — for I at 50 Hz 690 V — for I at 50 Hz 690 V Output current — Rated current I — Base load current I…
  • Page 625
    Technical specifications 12.3 Technical specifications Order number 6SL3710- 1GH34-7AAx 1GH35-8AAx 1GH37-4AAx Weight (without options), approx. 1320 Recommended protection — Line protection (with option L26) 3NA3352-6 3NA3354-6 3NA3365-6 Rated current 2 x 315 2 x 355 2 x 500 frame size to IEC 60269 — Line and semiconductor protection (without option L26) 3NE1435-2…
  • Page 626
    Technical specifications 12.3 Technical specifications Table 12- 26 Version A, 3 AC 660 … 690 V, Part 5 Order number 6SL3710- 1GH38-1AAx 2GH41-1AAx 2GH41-4AAx Unit rating — for I at 50 Hz 690 V 1000 1350 — for I at 50 Hz 690 V 1200 Output current — Rated current I…
  • Page 627
    Technical specifications 12.3 Technical specifications Order number 6SL3710- 1GH38-1AAx 2GH41-1AAx 2GH41-4AAx Weight (without options), approx. 1360 1700 2620 Recommended protection — Line protection Per sub-cabinet: Per sub-cabinet: (with option L26) 3NA3365-6 3NA3354-6 3NA3365-6 Rated current 2 x 500 2 x 355 2 x 500 frame size to IEC 60269 — Line and semiconductor protection…
  • Page 628
    Technical specifications 12.3 Technical specifications Table 12- 27 Version A, 3 AC 660 … 690 V, Part 6 Order number 6SL3710- 2GH41-5AAx Unit rating — for I at 50 Hz 690 V 1500 — for I at 50 Hz 690 V 1350 Output current — Rated current I…
  • Page 629
    Technical specifications 12.3 Technical specifications Order number 6SL3710- 2GH41-5AAx Weight (without options), approx. 2700 Recommended protection — Line protection Per sub-cabinet: (with option L26) 3NA3365-6 Rated current 2 x 500 frame size to IEC 60269 — Line and semiconductor protection Per sub-cabinet: (without option L26) 3NE1334-2…
  • Page 630: Cabinet Unit Version C, 660 V — 690 V 3 Ac

    Technical specifications 12.3 Technical specifications 12.3.6 Cabinet unit version C, 660 V — 690 V 3 AC Table 12- 28 Version C, 3 AC 660 … 690 V, Part 1 Order number 6SL3710- 1GH28-5CAx 1GH31-0CAx 1GH31-2CAx Unit rating — for I at 50 Hz 690 V — for I at 50 Hz 690 V…

  • Page 631
    Technical specifications 12.3 Technical specifications Order number 6SL3710- 1GH28-5CAx 1GH31-0CAx 1GH31-2CAx Weight (without options), approx. Recommended protection — Line and semi-cond. protection 3NE1022-2 3NE1022-2 3NE1224-2 Rated current frame size to IEC 60269 Rated output of a typical 6-pole standard induction motor based on I or I at 690 V 3 AC 50 Hz.
  • Page 632
    Technical specifications 12.3 Technical specifications Table 12- 29 Version C, 3 AC 660 … 690 V, Part 2 Order number 6SL3710- 1GH31-5CAx 1GH31-8CAx 1GH32-2CAx Unit rating — for I at 50 Hz 690 V — for I at 50 Hz 690 V Output current — Rated current I — Base load current I…
  • Page 633
    Technical specifications 12.3 Technical specifications Order number 6SL3710- 1GH31-5CAx 1GH31-8CAx 1GH32-2CAx Weight (without options), approx. Recommended protection — Line and semi-cond. protection 3NE1225-2 3NE1227-2 3NE1230-2 Rated current frame size to IEC 60269 Rated output of a typical 6-pole standard induction motor based on I or I at 690 V 3 AC 50 Hz.
  • Page 634
    Technical specifications 12.3 Technical specifications Table 12- 30 Version C, 3 AC 660 … 690 V, Part 3 Order number 6SL3710- 1GH32-6CAx 1GH33-3CAx 1GH34-1CAx Unit rating — for I at 50 Hz 690 V — for I at 50 Hz 690 V Output current — Rated current I — Base load current I…
  • Page 635
    Technical specifications 12.3 Technical specifications Order number 6SL3710- 1GH32-6CAx 1GH33-3CAx 1GH34-1CAx Weight (without options), approx. Recommended protection — Line and semi-cond. protection 3NE1331-2 3NE1334-2 3NE1334-2 Rated current frame size to IEC 60269 Rated output of a typical 6-pole standard induction motor based on I or I at 690 V 3 AC 50 Hz.
  • Page 636
    Technical specifications 12.3 Technical specifications Table 12- 31 Version C, 3 AC 660 … 690 V, Part 4 Order number 6SL3710- 1GH34-7CAx 1GH35-8CAx 1GH37-4CAx Unit rating — for I at 50 Hz 690 V — for I at 50 Hz 690 V Output current — Rated current I — Base load current I…
  • Page 637
    Technical specifications 12.3 Technical specifications Order number 6SL3710- 1GH34-7CAx 1GH35-8CAx 1GH37-4CAx Weight (without options), approx. Recommended protection — Line and semi-cond. protection 3NE1435-2 3NE1447-2 3NE1448-2 Rated current frame size to IEC 60269 Rated output of a typical 6-pole standard induction motor based on I or I at 690 V 3 AC 50 Hz.
  • Page 638
    Technical specifications 12.3 Technical specifications Table 12- 32 Version C, 3 AC 660 … 690 V, Part 5 Order number 6SL3710- 1GH38-1CAx Unit rating — for I at 50 Hz 690 V — for I at 50 Hz 690 V Output current — Rated current I — Base load current I…
  • Page 639
    Technical specifications 12.3 Technical specifications Order number 6SL3710- 1GH38-1CAx Weight (without options), approx. Recommended protection — Line and semi-cond. protection 3NE1334-2 Rated current 2 x 500 frame size to IEC 60269 Rated output of a typical 6-pole standard induction motor based on I or I at 690 V 3 AC 50 Hz.
  • Page 640
    Technical specifications 12.3 Technical specifications Converter cabinet units Operating Instructions, 03/2012, A5E03263466A…
  • Page 641: Appendix

    Appendix List of abbreviations A… Alarm Alternating current Analog input Analog output Advanced operator panel (with plain-text display) Binector input BICO Binector/connector Binector output Capacitance Serial bus system Communication board Command data set Connector input Center contact on a changeover contact Control Unit Direct current Drive data set…

  • Page 642
    Appendix A.1 List of abbreviations Hardware Input/output International electrical engineering standard IGBT Insulated gate bipolar transistor Jog mode Inductance Light-emitting diode Ground Motor data set Normally closed contact NEMA Standardization body in the USA (United States of America) Normally open contact p …
  • Page 643: Parameter Macros

    Appendix A.2 Parameter macros Parameter macros Parameter macro p0015 = G150 cabinet unit This macro is used to make default settings for operating the cabinet unit. Table A- 1 Parameter macro p0015 = G150 cabinet unit Sink Source Parameter Description Parameter Description p0400[0]…

  • Page 644
    Appendix A.2 Parameter macros Sink Source Parameter Description Parameter Description p1240 Vdc controller configuration Vector Vdc-max controller enabled Vector p1254 Vdc controller automatic ON level Vector Automatic detection enabled Vector detection p1280 Vdc controller configuration (V/f) Vector Vdc-max controller enabled Vector p1300 Open-loop/closed-loop control…
  • Page 645
    Appendix A.2 Parameter macros Sink Source Parameter Description Parameter Description p4056[0] Type of analog inputs TM31 Current 0…20 mA TM31 p4056[1] Type of analog inputs TM31 Current 0…20 mA TM31 p4076[0] Type of analog outputs TM31 Current 0…20 mA TM31 p4076[1] Type of analog outputs TM31…
  • Page 646
    Appendix A.2 Parameter macros Sink Source Parameters Description Parameters Description p2107 Ext. fault_2 Vector Vector p2112 Ext. alarm_1 Vector r0722.0 CU DI0 p2116 Ext. alarm_2 Vector Vector p0738 DI/DO8 +24 V p0748.8 Invert DI/DO8 Not inverted p0728.8 Set DI/DO8 input or output Output p0739 DI/DO9…
  • Page 647
    Appendix A.2 Parameter macros Parameter macro p0700 = 6: Terminal block TM31 (70006) This macro is used to set customer terminal block TM31 as the command source. Table A- 3 Parameter macro p0700 = 6: Terminal block TM31 Sink Source Parameter Description Parameter…
  • Page 648
    Appendix A.2 Parameter macros Sink Source Parameter Description Parameter Description p0742 DI/DO12 +24 V p0748.12 Invert DI/DO12 Not inverted p0728.12 Set DI/DO12 input or output Output p0743 DI/DO13 r0899.6 Switching on inhibited Vector p0748.13 Invert DI/DO13 Inverted p0728.13 Set DI/DO13 input or output Output p0744 DI/DO14…
  • Page 649
    Appendix A.2 Parameter macros Parameter macro p0700 = 7: NAMUR (70007) This macro is used to set the NAMUR terminal block as the default command source. Table A- 4 Parameter macro p0700 = 7: NAMUR Sink Source Parameter Description Parameter Description p0840[0] ON/OFF1…
  • Page 650
    Appendix A.2 Parameter macros Sink Source Parameter Description Parameter Description p0742 DI/DO12 +24 V p0748.12 Invert DI/DO12 Not inverted p0728.12 Set DI/DO12 input or output Output p0743 DI/DO13 r0899.6 Switching on inhibited Vector p0748.13 Invert DI/DO13 Inverted p0728.13 Set DI/DO13 input or output Output p0744 DI/DO14…
  • Page 651
    Appendix A.2 Parameter macros Parameter macro p0700 = 10: PROFIdrive NAMUR (70010) This macro is used to set the PROFIdrive NAMUR interface as the default command source. Table A- 5 Parameter macro p0700 = 10: PROFIdrive NAMUR Sink Source Parameter Description Parameter Description…
  • Page 652
    Appendix A.2 Parameter macros Sink Source Parameter Description Parameter Description p0742 DI/DO12 +24 V p0748.12 Invert DI/DO12 Not inverted p0728.12 Set DI/DO12 input or output Output p0743 DI/DO13 r0899.6 Switching on inhibited Vector p0748.13 Invert DI/DO13 Inverted p0728.13 Set DI/DO13 input or output Output p0744 DI/DO14…
  • Page 653
    Appendix A.2 Parameter macros Parameter macro p1000 = 1: PROFIdrive (100001) This macro is used to set the default setpoint source via PROFIdrive. Table A- 6 Parameter macro p1000 = 1: PROFIdrive Sink Source Parameters Description Parameters Description p1070 Main setpoint Vector r2050[1] PROFIdrive PZD2…
  • Page 654
    Appendix A.2 Parameter macros Parameter macro p1000 = 4: Fixed setpoint (100004) This macro is used to set the fixed setpoint as the setpoint source. Table A- 9 Parameter macro p1000 = 4: Fixed setpoint Sink Source Parameters Description Parameters Description p1070 Main setpoint…
  • Page 655: Index

    INDEX Entering the encoder data., 245 Motor identification, 249 Selecting the motor type, 243 Settings for units that are connected in parallel, 231, 3-mass model, 504 Basic information BICO technology, 269 Binector input (BI), 270 Binector output (BO), 270 Command data set (CDS), 264 A7850 –…

  • Page 656
    Index Cabinet illumination with service socket (option Frame size JX, replacement, 545 L50), 135 Control Unit CU320-2 DP, 93, 94 Cable lengths, 80 Control Unit CU320-2 PN, 185 Cable lugs, 79 Control via PROFIBUS, 341 CAN bus, 154 Crane transport aids, 50 CBC10, 154 Removal, 51 CBC10 Communication Board…
  • Page 657
    Index DRIVE-CLiQ interface, 98, 189 Field of applications, 21 Droop Function, 402 Filtermatten, Austausch, 538 dV/dt filter compact plus Voltage Peak Limiter (option Firmware update, 576 L07), 119 Firmware, upgrading, 576 dV/dt filter plus Voltage Peak Limiter (option L10), 122 Fixed setpoints, 287 Fixed speed setpoints, 287 Floor levelness, 45…
  • Page 658
    Index Jog, 304 M13, 59 JOG, 304 M21, 57 M23, 58 M43, 58 M54, 58 M78, 59 K50, 166 Main Contactor (Option L13), 126 K51, 173 Main switch incl. fuses (option L26), 132 K82, 180 Maintenance, 532, 533 K82, terminal module for activating Safe Torque Off Maintenance and servicing, 531 and «Safe STOP 1, MDS (motor data set), 267…
  • Page 659
    Index Motor data set, 267 Crane lifting lugs, 535 Motor identification, 420 Frame size FX, replacement, 547 Motorized potentiometer, 285 Frame size GX, replacement, 549 Mounting Frame size HX, replacement, 551 Canopies and hoods, 56 Frame size JX, replacement, 555 Canopy to increase the degree of protection to Power connections, 78 IP21, 57…
  • Page 660
    Index Ramp-function generator tracking, 373 Setpoint channel, 368 Real-time communication, 349 Setpoint sources, 283 Reference model, 399 Analog inputs, 283 Relay outputs, 115 Fixed speed setpoints, 287 Removing the interference suppression capacitor, 87 General information, 258 Replacement Motorized potentiometer, 285 Control Interface Module, frame size FX, 539 Setting the PROFIBUS Address, 341 Control Interface Module, frame size GX, 541…
  • Page 661
    Index Target device selection, 232 Sensor failure in a group, 510 Transferring the drive project, 233 Temperature evaluation, 510 User interface, 202 Temperature measurement, 506 STARTER via Ethernet, 234 Temperature sensor types, 506 Parameter, 238 TM31, 107, 173 Setting the IP Address of the drive, 236 TM31 (front view), 108 Setting the IP address of the PC interface, 235 TM31, connection overview, 109…
  • Page 662
    Index Wiring principle, 28 Write protection, 469 X100, 98, 189 X101, 98, 189 X102, 98, 189 X103, 98, 189 X122, 99, 190 X126, 101 X127, 104, 192 X132, 100, 191 X140, 105, 193 X1400, 159 X150, 193 X451 (CAN bus), 156 X452 (CAN bus), 156 X520, 110 SMC30, 170…
  • Page 664
    Siemens AG Subject to change without prior notice Industry Sector © Siemens AG 2012 Drive Technologies Large Drives P.O. Box 4743 90025 NUREMBERG GERMANY www.siemens.com/automation…

Sinamics S120 Faults

First of all are the system error alarms, these system error alarms are not described in detail in the manuals. If such a system error occurs, please contact the siemens hotline with the alarm number and alarm text.  These are the system errors:1000, 1001, 1002, 1003, 1005, 1010, 1011, 1012, 1013, 1014, 1015, 1016, 1017, 1018, 1019, 1160. If you see one of these you don’t have many options but to call Siemens…

As for the rest of the errors, I’ve listed out the Sinamics Fault Codes here, if you need help with one of these just reply to the post and I will see what I can find out. I will break these out into a few posts because the Sinamic fault list is massive. Here you go:

  • 201000<location>Internal software error
  • 201001<location>FloatingPoint exception
  • 201002<location>Internal software error
  • 201003<location>Acknowledgement delay when accessing the memory
  • 201004<location>Internal software error
  • 201005<location>Firmware download for DRIVE-CLiQ component unsuccessful
  • 201006<location>Firmware update for DRIVE-CLiQ component required
  • 201007<location>POWER ON for DRIVE-CLiQ component required
  • 201009<location>CU: Control module overtemperature
  • 201010<location>Drive type unknown
  • 201011<location>Download interrupted
  • 201012<location>Project conversion error
  • 201015<location>Internal software error
  • 201016<location>Firmware changed
  • 201017<location>Component lists changed
  • 201023<location>Software timeout (internal)
  • 201030<location>Sign-of-life failure for master control
  • 201031<location>Sign-of-life failure for OFF in REMOTE
  • 201033<location>Units changeover: Reference parameter value invalid
  • 201034<location>Units changeover: Calculation parameter values after reference valuechange unsuccessful
  • 201035<location>ACX: Boot from the back-up parameter back-up files
  • 201036<location>ACX: Parameter back-up file missing
  • 201037<location>ACX: Re-naming the parameter back-up file unsuccessful
  • 201038<location>ACX: Loading the parameter back-up file unsuccessful
  • 201039<location>ACX: Writing to the parameter back-up file was unsuccessful
  • 201040<location>Save parameter settings and carry out a POWER ON
  • 201041<location>Parameter save necessary
  • 201042<location>Parameter error during project download
  • 201043<location>Fatal error at project download
  • 201044<location>CU: Descriptive data error
  • 201045<location>CU: Configuring data invalid
  • 201049<location>CU: It is not possible to write to file
  • 201050<location>Memory card and device incompatible
  • 201054<location>CU: System limit exceeded
  • 201064<location>CU: Internal error (CRC)
  • 201065<location>Drive: Fault on non-active encoder
  • 201068<location>CU: Data memory, memory overflow
  • 201099<location>Tolerance window of time synchronization exited
  • 201100<location>CU: Memory card withdrawn
  • 201105<location>CU: Insufficient memory
  • 201107<location>CU: Data save in the non-volatile memory unsuccessful
  • 201110<location>CU: More than one SINAMICS G on one Control Unit
  • 201111<location>CU: Mixed operation of drive units illegal
  • 201112<location>CU: Power unit not permissible
  • 201120<location>Terminal initialization has failed
  • 201122<location>Frequency at the measuring probe input too high
  • 201150<location>CU: Number of instances of a drive object type exceeded
  • 201151<location>CU: Number of drive objects of a category exceeded
  • 201200<location>CU: Time slice management internal software error
  • 201205<location>CU: Time slice overflow
  • 201221<location>CU: Bas clk cyc too low
  • 201223<location>CU: Sampling time inconsistent
  • 201224<location>CU: Pulse frequency inconsistent
  • 201250<location>CU: CU-EEPROM incorrect read-only data
  • 201251<location>CU: CU-EEPROM incorrect read-write data
  • 201255<location>CU: Option Board EEPROM read-only data error
  • 201256<location>CU: Option Board EEPROM read-write data error
  • 201303<location>DRIVE-CLiQ component does not support the required function
  • 201304<location>Firmware version of DRIVE-CLiQ component is not up-to-date
  • 201305<location>Topology: Component number missing
  • 201306<location>Firmware of the DRIVE-CLiQ component being updated
  • 201314<location>Topology: Component must not be present
  • 201315<location>Drive object not ready for operation
  • 201316<location>Drive object inactive and again ready for operation
  • 201317<location>De-activated component again present
  • 201318<location>BICO: De-activated interconnections present
  • 201319<location>Inserted component not initialized
  • 201320<location>Topology: Drive object number does not exist in configuration
  • 201321<location>Topology: Drive object number does not exist in configuration
  • 201322<location>Topology: Drive object number present twice in configuration
  • 201323<location>Topology: More than two partial lists created
  • 201324<location>Topology: Dummy drive object number incorrectly created
  • 201325<location>Topology: Component Number not present in target topology
  • 201330<location>Topology: Quick commissioning not possible
  • 201331<location>Topology: At least one component not assigned to a drive object
  • 201340<location>Topology: Too many components on one line
  • 201354<location>Topology: Actual topology indicates an illegal component
  • 201355<location>Topology: Actual topology changed
  • 201356<location>Topology: Defective components in actual topology
  • 201360<location>Topology: Actual topology not permissible
  • 201361<location>Topology: Actual topology contains SINUMERIK and SIMOTIONcomponents
  • 201362<location>Topology: Topology rule(s) broken
  • 201375<location>Topology: Actual topology, duplicate connection between two components
  • 201380<location>Topology: Actual topology, defective EEPROM
  • 201381<location>Topology: Comparison power unit shifted
  • 201382<location>Topology: Comparison Sensor Module shifted
  • 201383<location>Topology: Comparison Terminal Module shifted
  • 201384<location>Topology: Comparison DRIVE-CLiQ Hub Module shifted
  • 201385<location>Topology: Comparison CX32 shifted
  • 201386<location>Topology: Comparison DRIVE-CLiQ component shifted
  • 201387<location>Topology: Comparison option slot component shifted
  • 201388<location>Topology: Comparison EnDat encoder shifted
  • 201389<location>Topology: Comparison motor with DRIVE-CLiQ shifted
  • 201416<location>Topology: Comparison additional component in actual topology
  • 201420<location>Topology: Comparison a component is different
  • 201421<location>Topology: Comparison different components
  • 201425<location>Topology: Comparison serial number of a component is different
  • 201428<location>Topo: Comparison connection of a component is different
  • 201429<location>Topology: Comparison connection is different for more than one component
  • 201451<location>Topology: Target topology is invalid
  • 201470<location>Topology:Target topology ring-type connection detected
  • 201475<location>Topology: Target topology duplicate connection between two components
  • 201481<location>Topology: Comparison power unit missing in the actual topology
  • 201482<location>Topology: Comparison Sensor Module missing in the actual topology
  • 201483<location>Topology: Comparison Terminal Module missing in the actual topology
  • 201484<location>Topology: Comparison DRIVE-CLiQ Hub Module missing in the actualtopology
  • 201485<location>Topology: Comparison CX32 missing in the actual topology
  • 201486<location>Topology: Comparison DRIVE-CLiQ components missing in the actualtopology
  • 201487<location>Topology: Comparison option slot components missing in the actualtopology
  • 201488<location>Topology: Comparison EnDat encoder missing in the actual topology
  • 201489<location>Topology: Comparison motor with DRIVE-CLiQ missing in the actualtopology
  • 201505<location>BICO: Interconnection cannot be established
  • 201506<location>BICO: No standard telegram
  • 201507<location>BICO: Interconnections to inactive objects present
  • 201508<location>BICO: Interconnections to inactive objects exceeded
  • 201510<location>BICO: Signal source is not float type
  • 201511<location>BICO: Interconnection between different scalings
  • 201512<location>BICO: No scaling available
  • 201513<location>BICO: Spanning DO between different scalings
  • 201514<location>BICO: Error when writing during a reconnect

Sinamics is a digital base AC or DC drive system used to control motion using torque and speed. Siemens is an industry leader for a reason. I just realized how long this list of Sinamics errors really is, so I will break this out over many posts.

This part of the error list contains some drive alarms, BICO alarms, SI CU, SI Motion CU, Profibus alarms, function generator, DRIVE-CLiQ alarms.

And the list of Sinamics Errors continues…

  • 201515<location>BICO: Writing to parameter not permitted as the master control is active
  • 201590<location>Drive: Motor maintenance interval expired
  • 201600<location>SI CU: STOP A initiated
  • 201611<location>SI CU: Defect in a monitoring channel
  • 201612<location>SI CU: STO inputs for power units connected in parallel different
  • 201620<location>SI CU: Safe Torque Off active
  • 201621<location>SI CU: Safe Stop 1 active
  • 201625<location>SI CU: Sign-of-life error in safety data
  • 201630<location>SI CU: Brake control error
  • 201649<location>SI CU: Internal software error
  • 201650<location>SI CU: Acceptance test required
  • 201651<location>SI CU: Synchronization safety time slices unsuccessful
  • 201652<location>SI CU: Illegal monitoring clock cycle
  • 201653<location>SI CU: PROFIBUS configuration error
  • 201655<location>SI CU: Align monitoring functions
  • 201656<location>SI CU: Motor Module parameter error
  • 201659<location>SI CU: Write request for parameter rejected
  • 201660<location>SI CU: Safety-related functions not supported
  • 201663<location>SI CU: Copying the SI parameters rejected
  • 201664<location>SI CU: No automatic firmware update
  • 201665<location>SI CU: System is defective
  • 201670<location>SI Motion: Invalid parameterization Sensor Module
  • 201671<location>SI Motion: Parameterization encoder error
  • 201672<location>SI CU: Motor Module software/hardware incompatible
  • 201673<location>SI Motion: Sensor Module software/hardware incompatible
  • 201680<location>SI Motion CU: Checksum error safety monitoring functions
  • 201681<location>SI Motion CU: Incorrect parameter value
  • 201682<location>SI Motion CU: Monitoring function not supported
  • 201683<location>SI Motion CU: SOS/SLS enable missing
  • 201684<location>SI Motion: Safely limited position limit values interchanged
  • 201685<location>SI Motion CU: Safely-limited speed limit value too high
  • 201687<location>SI Motion: Illegal parameterization modulo value SCA (SN)
  • 201688<location>SI Motion CU: Actual value synchronization not permissible
  • 201689<location>SI Motion: Axis re-configured
  • 201690<location>SI Motion: Data save problem for the NVRAM
  • 201691<location>SI Motion: Ti and To unsuitable for DP cycle
  • 201692<location>SI Motion CU: Parameter value not permitted for encoderless
  • 201693<location>SI Motion CU: Safety parameter setting changed, wam restart/POWER ON required
  • 201696<location>SI Motion: Testing of the motion monitoring functions selected when booting
  • 201697<location>SI Motion: Motion monitoring functions must be tested
  • 201698<location>SI CU: Commissioning mode active
  • 201699<location>SI CU: Shutdown path must be tested
  • 201700<location>SI Motion CU: STOP A initiated
  • 201701<location>SI Motion CU: STOP B initiated
  • 201706<location>SI Motion CU: SBR limit undershot
  • 201707<location>SI Motion CU: Tolerance for safe operating stop exceeded
  • 201708<location>SI Motion CU: STOP C initiated
  • 201709<location>SI Motion CU: STOP D initiated
  • 201710<location>SI Motion CU: STOP E initiated
  • 201711<location>SI Motion CU: Defect in a monitoring channel
  • 201712<location>SI Motion CU: Defect in F-IO processing
  • 201714<location>SI Motion CU: Safely-Limited Speed exceeded
  • 201745<location>SI Motion CU: Checking braking torque for the brake test
  • 201750<location>SI Motion CU: Hardware fault safety-relevant encoder
  • 201751<location>SI Motion CU: Effectivity test error safety-relevant encoder
  • 201796<location>SI Motion CU: Wait for communication
  • 201798<location>SI Motion CU: Test stop running
  • 201799<location>SI Motion CU: Acceptance test mode active
  • 201800<location>DRIVE-CLiQ: Hardware/configuration error
  • 201840<location>SMI: Component found without motor data
  • 201900<location>PROFIBUS: Configuration telegram error
  • 201901<location>PROFIBUS: Parameterizing telegram error
  • 201902<location>IF1: PB/PN clock cycle synchronous operation parameterization not permissible
  • 201903<location>COMM INT: Receive configuration data invalid
  • 201910<location>PROFIBUS: Setpoint timeout
  • 201911<location>IF1: PB/PN clock cycle synchronous operation clock cycle failure
  • 201912<location>IF1: PB/PN clock cycle synchronous operation sign-of-life failure
  • 201913<location>COMM INT: Monitoring time sign-of-life expired
  • 201914<location>COMM INT: Monitoring time configuration expired
  • 201915<location>IF1: PB/PN clock cycle synchronous operation sign-of-life failure drive object 1
  • 201920<location>PROFIBUS: Interruption cyclic connection
  • 201921<location>PROFIBUS: Receive setpoints after To
  • 201930<location>IF1: PB/PN current controller clock cycle clock cycle synchronous not equal
  • 201931<location>IF1: PB/PN speed controller clock cycle clock cycle synchronous not equal
  • 201932<location>IF1: PB/PN clock cycle synchronization missing for DSC
  • 201940<location>IF1: PB/PN clock cycle synchronism not reached
  • 201941<location>IF1: PB/PN clock cycle signal missing when establishing bus communication
  • 201943<location>IF1: PB/PN clock cycle signal error when establishing bus communication
  • 201944<location>IF1: PB/PN sign-of-life synchronism not reached
  • 201950<location>IF1: PB/PN clock cycle synchronous operation synchronization unsuccessful
  • 201951<location>CU DRIVE-CLiQ: Synchronization application clock cycle missing
  • 201952<location>CU DRIVE-CLiQ: Synchronization of component not supported
  • 201953<location>CU DRIVE-CLiQ: Synchronization not completed
  • 201954<location>CU DRIVE-CLiQ: Synchronization unsuccessful
  • 201955<location>CU DRIVE-CLiQ: Synchronization DO not completed
  • 202000<location>Function generator: Start not possible
  • 202005<location>Function generator: Drive does not exist
  • 202006<location>Function generator: No drive specified for connection
  • 202007<location>Function generator: Drive not SERVO / VECTOR / DC_CTRL
  • 202008<location>Function generator: Drive specified a multiple number of times
  • 202009<location>Function generator: Illegal mode
  • 202010<location>Function generator: Speed setpoint from the drive is not zero
  • 202011<location>Function generator: The actual drive speed is not zero
  • 202015<location>Function generator: Drive enable signals missing
  • 202016<location>Function generator: Magnetizing running
  • 202020<location>Function generator: Parameter cannot be changed
  • 202025<location>Function generator: Period too short
  • 202026<location>Function generator: Pulse width too high
  • 202030<location>Function generator: Physical address equals zero
  • 202040<location>Function generator: Illegal value for offset

Continuation of Sinamics Alarms…

  • 202041<location>Function generator: Illegal value for bandwidth
  • 202047<location>Function generator: Time slice clock cycle invalid
  • 202050<location>Trace: Start not possible
  • 202055<location>Trace: Recording time too short
  • 202056<location>Trace: Recording cycle too short
  • 202057<location>Trace: Time slice clock cycle invalid
  • 202058<location>Trace: Time slice clock cycle for endless trace not valid
  • 202059<location>Trace: Time slice clock cycle for 2 x 8 recording channels not valid
  • 202060<location>Trace: Signal to be traced missing
  • 202061<location>Trace: Invalid signal
  • 202062<location>Trace: Invalid trigger signal
  • 202063<location>Trace: Invalid data type
  • 202070<location>Trace: Parameter cannot be changed
  • 202075<location>Trace: Pretrigger time too long
  • 202080<location>Trace: Parameterization deleted due to unit changeover
  • 202099<location>Trace: Insufficient Control Unit memory
  • 202100<location>CU: Computing dead time current controller too short
  • 202150<location>OA: Application cannot be loaded
  • 202151<location>OA: Internal software error
  • 202152<location>OA: Insufficient memory
  • 203000<location>NVRAM fault on action
  • 203001<location>NVRAM checksum incorrect
  • 203500<location>TM: Initialization
  • 203501<location>TM: Sampling time change
  • 203505<location>TM: Analog input wire breakage
  • 203506<location>24 V power supply missing
  • 203550<location>TM: Speed setpoint filter natural frequency > Shannon frequency
  • 203590<location>TM: Module not ready
  • 205000<location>Power unit: Overtemperature heat sink AC inverter
  • 205001<location>Power unit: Chip overtemperature
  • 205002<location>Power unit: Air intake overtemperature
  • 205003<location>Power unit: Internal overtemperature
  • 205004<location>Power unit: Rectifier overtemperature
  • 205005<location>Cooling system: Cooling medium flow rate too low
  • 205006<location>Power unit: Overtemperature thermal model
  • 205007<location>Power unit: Overtemperature thermal model (chassis PU)
  • 205050<location>Parallel circuit: Pulse enable in spite of pulse inhibit
  • 205051<location>Parallel circuit: Power unit pulse enable missing
  • 205052<location>Parallel circuit: Illegal current dissymmetry
  • 205053<location>Parallel circuit: Inadmissible DC link voltage dissymmetry
  • 205054<location>Parallel circuit: Power unit de-activated
  • 205055<location>Power circuit: Power units with different code numbers
  • 205056<location>Parallel circuit: Power unit EPROM versions differ
  • 205057<location>Parallel circuit: Power unit firmware versions differ
  • 205058<location>Parallel circuit: VSM EEPROM versions differ
  • 205059<location>Parallel circuit: VSM firmware versions differ
  • 205060<location>Parallel circuit: Power unit firmware version does not match
  • 205061<location>Infeed, number of VSM
  • 206000<location>Infeed: Precharging monitoring time expired
  • 206010<location>Infeed: Power unit EP 24 V missing in operation
  • 206050<location>Infeed: Smart Mode not supported
  • 206052<location>Infeed: Filter temperature evaluation not supported
  • 206100<location>Infeed: Shutdown due to line supply undervoltage condition
  • 206105<location>Infeed: Line supply undervoltage
  • 206200<location>Infeed: Failure of one or several line phases
  • 206205<location>Infeed: Voltage dip in at least one line supply phase
  • 206207<location>Infeed: Line currents not symmetrical
  • 206210<location>Infeed: Summation current too high
  • 206211<location>Infeed: Summation current impermissibly high
  • 206215<location>Infeed: Summation current too high
  • 206250<location>Infeed: Defective capacitor(s) in at least one phase of line filter
  • 206260<location>Infeed: Temperature in the line filter too high
  • 206261<location>Infeed: Temperature in the line filter permanently too high
  • 206262<location>Infeed: Temperature switch in the line filter open when powering up
  • 206300<location>Infeed: Line voltage too high at power on
  • 206301<location>Infeed: Line supply overvoltage
  • 206310<location>Supply voltage (p0210) incorrectly parameterized
  • 206310<location>Infeed: Supply voltage (p0210) incorrectly parameterized
  • 206311<location>Infeed: Supply voltage (p0210) incorrect
  • 206320<location>Master/slave: 4-channel multiplexer control not valid
  • 206321<location>Master/slave: 6-channel multiplexer control not valid
  • 206350<location>Infeed: Measured line frequency too high
  • 206351<location>Infeed: Measured line frequency too low
  • 206400<location>Infeed: Line supply data identification selected/active
  • 206401<location>Infeed: Transformer data identification/test mode selected/active
  • 206500<location>Infeed: Line synchronization not possible
  • 206502<location>Infeed: Unable to achieve line synchronization in transformer magnetization
  • 206601<location>Infeed: Current offset measurement interrupted
  • 206602<location>Infeed: Current offset measurement not possible
  • 206700<location>Infeed: Switch line contactor for load condition
  • 206800<location>Infeed: Maximum steady-state DC link voltage reached
  • 206810<location>Infeed: DC link voltage alarm threshold
  • 206849<location>Infeed: Short-circuit operation active
  • 206850<location>Infeed: Short-circuit prevailing for too long
  • 206855<location>Infeed: Line filter monitor responded
  • 206860<location>Infeed: Function module activation not possible
  • 206900<location>Braking Module: Fault (1 -> 0)
  • 206901<location>Braking Module: Pre-alarm I2t shutdown
  • 206904<location>Braking Module internal is inhibited
  • 206905<location>Braking Module internal I2t shutdown alarm
  • 206906<location>Braking Module internal fault
  • 206907<location>Braking Module internal overtemperature
  • 206908<location>Braking Module internal shutdown due to overtemperature
  • 206909<location>Braking Module internal Vce fault
  • 207011<location>Drive: Motor overtemperature
  • 207012<location>Drive: I2t motor model overtemperature
  • 207015<location>Drive: Motor temperature sensor alarm
  • 207016<location>Drive: Motor temperature sensor fault
  • 207080<location>Drive: Incorrect control parameter
  • 207082<location>Macro: Execution not possible
  • 207083<location>Macro: ACX file not found

Continuation of Sinamics alarm list…

This part of the alarm list contains some Macro alarms, Drive alarms, Units changeover alarms.

  • 207084<location>Macro: Condition for Wait Until not fulfilled
  • 207085<location>Drive: Open-loop/closed-loop control parameters changed
  • 207086<location>Units changeover: Parameter limit violation due to reference value change
  • 207087<location>Drive: Encoderless operation not possible for the selected pulse frequency
  • 207088<location>Units changeover: Parameter limit violation due to units changeover
  • 207089<location>Changing over units: Function module activation is blocked because the units have been changed over
  • 207090<location>Drive: Upper torque limit less than the lower torque limit
  • 207100<location>Drive: Sampling times cannot be reset
  • 207110<location>Drive: Sampling times and basic clock cycle do not match
  • 207200<location>Drive: Master control ON/OFF1 command present
  • 207220<location>Drive: Master control by PLC missing
  • 207300<location>Drive: Line contactor feedback signal missing
  • 207320<location>Drive: Automatic restart interrupted
  • 207321<location>Drive: Automatic restart active
  • 207329<location>Drive: kT estimator, kT(iq) characteristic or voltage compensation does not function
  • 207350<location>Drive: Measuring probe parameterized to a digital output
  • 207400<location>Drive: DC link voltage maximum controller active
  • 207402<location>Drive: DC link voltage minimum controller active
  • 207403<location>Drive: Lower DC link voltage threshold reached
  • 207404<location>Drive: Upper DC link voltage threshold reached
  • 207410<location>Drive: Current controller output limited
  • 207411<location>Drive: Flux controller output limited
  • 207412<location>Drive: Commutation angle incorrect (motor model)
  • 207413<location>Drive: Commutation angle incorrect (pole position identification)
  • 207414<location>Drive: Encoder serial number changed
  • 207415<location>Drive: Angular commutation offset transfer running
  • 207420<location>Drive: Current setpoint filter natural frequency > Shannon frequency
  • 207421<location>Drive: Speed filter natural frequency > Shannon frequency
  • 207422<location>Drive: Reference model natural frequency > Shannon frequency
  • 207429<location>Drive: DSC without encoder not possible
  • 207430<location>Drive: Changeover to open-loop torque controlled operation not possible
  • 207431<location>Drive: Changeover to encoderless operation not possible
  • 207432<location>Drive: Synchronous motor without overvoltage protection
  • 207433<location>Drive: Closed-loop control with encoder is not possible as the encoder has not been unparked
  • 207434<location>Drive: It is not possible to change the direction of rotation with the pulses enabled
  • 207500<location>Drive: Power unit data set PDS not configured
  • 207501<location>Drive: Motor Data Set MDS not configured
  • 207502<location>Drive: Encoder Data Set EDS not configured
  • 207504<location>Drive: Motor data set is not assigned to a drive data set
  • 207509<location>Drive: Component number missing
  • 207510<location>Drive: Identical encoder in the drive data set
  • 207511<location>Drive: Encoder used a multiple number of times
  • 207512<location>Drive: Encoder data set changeover cannot be parameterized
  • 207514<location>Drive: Data structure does not correspond to the interface module
  • 207515<location>Drive: Power unit and motor incorrectly connected
  • 207516<location>Drive: Re-commission the data set
  • 207517<location>Drive: Encoder data set changeover incorrectly parameterized
  • 207518<location>Drive: Motor data set changeover incorrectly parameterized
  • 207519<location>Drive: Motor changeover incorrectly parameterized
  • 207520<location>Drive: Motor cannot be changed over
  • 207530<location>Drive: Drive Data Set DDS not present
  • 207531<location>Drive: Command Data Set CDS not present
  • 207541<location>Drive: Data set changeover not possible
  • 207550<location>Drive: Not possible to reset encoder parameters
  • 207551<location>Drive encoder: No commutation angle information
  • 207552<location>Drive encoder: Encoder configuration not supported
  • 207553<location>Drive encoder: Sensor Module configuration not supported
  • 207555<location>Drive encoder: Configuration position tracking
  • 207556<location>Measuring gear: Position tracking, maximum actual value exceeded
  • 207560<location>Drive encoder: Number of pulses is not to the power of two
  • 207561<location>Drive encoder: Number of multiturn pulses is not to the power of two
  • 207562<location>Drive, encoder: Position tracking, incremental encoder not possible
  • 207565<location>Drive: Encoder error in PROFIdrive encoder interface 1
  • 207566<location>Drive: Encoder error in PROFIdrive encoder interface 2
  • 207567<location>Drive: Encoder error in PROFIdrive encoder interface 3
  • 207569<location>Encoder could not be identified
  • 207575<location>Drive: Motor encoder not ready
  • 207576<location>Drive: Encoderless operation due to a fault active
  • 207580<location>Drive: No Sensor Module with matching component number
  • 207800<location>Drive: No power unit present
  • 207801<location>Drive: Motor overcurrent
  • 207802<location>Drive: Infeed or power unit not ready
  • 207805<location>Drive: Power unit overload I2t
  • 207805<location>Infeed: Power unit overload I2t
  • 207810<location>Drive: Power unit EEPROM without rated data
  • 207815<location>Drive: Power unit has been changed
  • 207815<location>Drive: Power unit has been changed
  • 207820<location>Drive: Temperature sensor not connected
  • 207840<location>Drive: Infeed operation missing
  • 207841<location>Drive: Infeed operation withdrawn
  • 207850<location>External alarm 1
  • 207851<location>External alarm 2
  • 207852<location>External alarm 3
  • 207860<location>External fault 1
  • 207861<location>External fault 2
  • 207862<location>External fault 3
  • 207890<location>Internal voltage protection / internal armature short-circuit with STO active
  • 207900<location>Drive: Motor locked/speed controller at its limit
  • 207901<location>Drive: Motor overspeed
  • 207902<location>Drive: Motor stalled
  • 207903<location>Drive: Motor speed deviation
  • 207904<location>External armature short-circuit: Contactor feedback signal «Closed» missing
  • 207905<location>External armature short-circuit: Contactor feedback signal «Open» missing
  • 207906<location>Armature short-circuit / internal voltage protection: Parameterization error
  • 207907<location>Internal armature short-circuit: Motor terminals are not at zero potential after pulse suppression
  • 207908<location>Internal armature short-circuit active
  • 207909<location>Internal voltage protection: De-activation only effective after POWER ON
  • 207910<location>Drive: Motor overtemperature

Continuation of Sinamics Errors…

This part of the error list contains some drive alarms, power unit alarms, SI MM alarms, and some communication alarms.

  • 207913<location>Excitation current outside the tolerance range
  • 207914<location>Flux out of tolerance
  • 207918<location>Three-phase setpoint generator operation selected/active
  • 207927<location>DC brake active
  • 207928<location>Internal voltage protection initiated
  • 207930<location>Drive: Brake control error
  • 207934<location>Drive: S120 Combi motor holding brake configuration
  • 207935<location>Drv: Motor holding brake detected
  • 207950<location>Drive: Incorrect motor parameter
  • 207955<location>Drive: Motor has been changed
  • 207956<location>Drive: Motor code does not match the list (catalog) motor
  • 207960<location>Drive: Incorrect friction characteristic
  • 207961<location>Drive: Friction characteristic record activated
  • 207963<location>Drive: Friction characteristic record interrupted
  • 207965<location>Drive: Save required
  • 207966<location>Drive: Check the commutation angle
  • 207971<location>Drive: Angular commutation offset determination activated
  • 207980<location>Drive: Rotating measurement activated
  • 207990<location>Drive: Incorrect motor data identification
  • 207991<location>Drive: Motor data identification activated
  • 207993<location>Drive: Incorrect direction of rotation of the field or encoder actual value inversion
  • 207995<location>Drive: Pole position identification not successful
  • 207996<location>Drive: Pole position identification routine not carried out
  • 207998<location>Drive: Motor data identification active on another drive
  • 207999<location>Drive: Motor data identification cannot be activated
  • 208000<location>TB: +/-15 V power supply faulted
  • 208010<location>TB: Analog-digital converter
  • 213010<location>Licensing function module not licensed
  • 230001<location>Power unit: Overcurrent
  • 230002<location>Power unit: DC link voltage, overvoltage
  • 230003<location>Power unit: DC link voltage, undervoltage
  • 230004<location>Power unit: Overtemperature heat sink AC inverter
  • 230005<location>Power unit: Overload I2t
  • 230006<location>Power unit: Thyristor Control Board
  • 230008<location>Power unit: Sign-of-life error cyclic data
  • 230010<location>Power unit: Sign-of-life error cyclic data
  • 230011<location>Power unit: Line phase failure in main circuit
  • 230012<location>Power unit: Temperature sensor heat sink wire breakage
  • 230013<location>Power unit: Temperature sensor heat sink short-circuit
  • 230015<location>Power unit: Phase failure motor feeder cable
  • 230016<location>Power unit: Load supply switched out
  • 230017<location>Power unit: Hardware current limit has responded too often
  • 230020<location>Power unit: Configuration not supported
  • 230021<location>Power unit: Ground fault
  • 230022<location>Power unit: Monitoring V_ce
  • 230023<location>Power unit: Overtemperature thermal model alarm
  • 230024<location>Power unit: Overtemperature thermal model
  • 230025<location>Power unit: Chip overtemperature
  • 230027<location>Power unit: Precharging DC link time monitoring
  • 230031<location>Power unit: Hardware current limiting, phase U
  • 230032<location>Power unit: Hardware current limiting, phase V
  • 230033<location>Power unit: Hardware current limiting, phase W
  • 230034<location>Power unit: Internal overtemperature
  • 230035<location>Power unit: Air intake overtemperature
  • 230036<location>Power unit: Internal overtemperature
  • 230037<location>Power unit: Rectifier overtemperature
  • 230038<location>Power unit: Capacitor fan monitoring
  • 230039<location>Power unit: Failure capacitor fan
  • 230040<location>Power unit: Undervolt 24 V
  • 230041<location>Power unit: Undervoltage 24 V alarm
  • 230042<location>Power unit: Fan operating time reached or exceeded
  • 230043<location>Power unit: Overvolt 24 V
  • 230044<location>Power unit: Overvoltage 24 V alarm
  • 230045<location>Power unit: Supply undervoltage
  • 230046<location>Power unit: Undervoltage, alarm
  • 230047<location>Cooling system: Cooling medium flow rate too low
  • 230048<location>Power unit: External fan faulty
  • 230049<location>Power unit: Internal fan faulty
  • 230050<location>Power unit: 24 V supply overvoltage
  • 230052<location>EEPROM data error
  • 230053<location>FPGA data faulty
  • 230054<location>Power unit: Undervoltage when opening the brake
  • 230060<location>Pre-charge contactor monitoring
  • 230061<location>Bypass contactor monitoring
  • 230062<location>Bypass contactor has been opened under current
  • 230070<location>Cycle requested by the power unit module not supported
  • 230071<location>No new actual values received from the power unit module
  • 230072<location>Setpoints are no longer being transferred to the power unit
  • 230073<location>Actual value/setpoint preprocessing no longer synchronous
  • 230074<location>Communications error to the power unit module
  • 230080<location>Power unit: Current increasing too quickly
  • 230081<location>Power unit: Switching operations too frequent
  • 230105<location>PU: Actual value sensing fault
  • 230502<location>Power unit: DC link voltage, overvoltage
  • 230600<location>SI MM: STOP A initiated
  • 230611<location>SI MM: Defect in a monitoring channel
  • 230620<location>SI MM: Safe Torque Off active
  • 230621<location>SI MM: Safe Stop 1 active
  • 230625<location>SI MM: Sign-of-life error in safety data
  • 230630<location>SI MM: Brake control error
  • 230640<location>SI MM: Fault in the shutdown path of the second channel
  • 230649<location>SI MM: Internal software error
  • 230650<location>SI MM: Acceptance test required
  • 230651<location>SI MM: Synchronization with Control Unit unsuccessful
  • 230652<location>SI MM: Illegal monitoring clock cycle
  • 230655<location>SI MM: Align monitoring functions
  • 230656<location>SI MM: Motor Module parameter error
  • 230659<location>SI MM: Write request for parameter rejected
  • 230662<location>Error in internal communications

Continuation of Sinamics alarms and errors…

This part of the error list contains some drive alarms, SI Motion MM alarms, CU alarms, PU alarms, Encoder 1 alarms.

  • 230664<location>Error while booting
  • 230665<location>SI MM: System is defective
  • 230672<location>SI CU: Control Unit software incompatible
  • 230680<location>SI Motion MM: Checksum error safety monitoring functions
  • 230681<location>SI Motion MM: Incorrect parameter value
  • 230682<location>SI Motion MM: Monitoring function not supported
  • 230683<location>SI Motion MM: SOS/SLS enable missing
  • 230685<location>SI Motion MM: Safely-Limited Speed limit value too high
  • 230688<location>SI Motion MM: Actual value synchronization not permissible
  • 230692<location>SI Motion MM: Incorrect parameter value encoderless
  • 230693<location>SI MM: Safety parameter settings changed, warm restart/POWER ON required
  • 230700<location>SI Motion MM: STOP A initiated
  • 230701<location>SI Motion MM: STOP B initiated
  • 230706<location>SI Motion MM: SBR limit exceeded
  • 230707<location>SI Motion MM: Tolerance for safe operating stop exceeded
  • 230708<location>SI Motion MM: STOP C initiated
  • 230709<location>SI Motion MM: STOP D initiated
  • 230711<location>SI MM MM: Defect in a monitoring channel
  • 230712<location>SI Motion MM: Defect in F-IO processing
  • 230714<location>SI Motion MM: Safely-Limited Speed exceeded
  • 230798<location>SI Motion MM: Test stop running
  • 230799<location>SI Motion MM: Acceptance test mode active
  • 230800<location>Power unit: Group signal
  • 230801<location>Power unit DRIVE-CLiQ: Sign-of-life missing
  • 230802<location>Power unit: Time slice overflow
  • 230804<location>Power unit: CRC
  • 230805<location>Power unit: EPROM checksum error
  • 230809<location>Power unit: Switching information not valid
  • 230810<location>Power unit: Watchdog timer
  • 230820<location>Power unit DRIVE-CLiQ: Telegram error
  • 230835<location>Power unit DRIVE-CLiQ: Cyclic data transfer error
  • 230836<location>Power unit DRIVE-CLiQ: Send error for DRIVE-CLiQ data
  • 230837<location>Power unit DRIVE-CLiQ: Component fault
  • 230845<location>Power unit DRIVE-CLiQ: Cyclic data transfer error
  • 230850<location>Power unit: Internal software error
  • 230851<location>Power unit DRIVE-CLiQ (CU): Sign-of-life missing
  • 230853<location>Power unit: Sign-of-life error cyclic data
  • 230860<location>Power unit DRIVE-CLiQ (CU): Telegram error
  • 230885<location>CU DRIVE-CLiQ (CU): Cyclic data transfer error
  • 230886<location>PU DRIVE-CLiQ (CU): Error when sending DRIVE-CLiQ data
  • 230887<location>Power unit DRIVE-CLiQ (CU): Component fault
  • 230895<location>PU DRIVE-CLiQ (CU): Alternating cyclic data transfer error
  • 230896<location>Power unit DRIVE-CLiQ (CU): Inconsistent component properties
  • 230899<location>Power unit: Unknown fault
  • 230903<location>Power unit: I2C bus error occurred
  • 230907<location>Power unit: FPGA configuration unsuccessful
  • 230920<location>Power unit: Temperature sensor fault
  • 230999<location>Power unit: Unknown alarm
  • 231100<location>Encoder 1: Zero mark distance error
  • 231101<location>Encoder 1: Zero marked failed
  • 231103<location>Encoder 1: Amplitude error, track R
  • 231110<location>Encoder 1: Serial communications error
  • 231111<location>Encoder 1: Absolute encoder EnDat, internal fault/error
  • 231112<location>Encoder 1: Error bit set in the serial protocol
  • 231115<location>Encoder 1: Amplitude error track A or B (A^2 + B^2)
  • 231116<location>Encoder 1: Amplitude error monitoring track A + B
  • 231117<location>Encoder 1: Inversion error signals A and B and R
  • 231118<location>Encoder 1: Speed difference outside the tolerance range
  • 231120<location>Encoder 1: Power supply voltage fault
  • 231121<location>Encoder 1: Coarse position error
  • 231122<location>Encoder 1: Internal power supply voltage faulty
  • 231123<location>Encoder 1: Signal level A/B unipolar outside tolerance
  • 231125<location>Encoder 1: Amplitude error track A or B overcontrolled
  • 231126<location>Encoder 1: Amplitude AB too high
  • 231129<location>Encoder 1: Position difference, hall sensor/track C/D and A/B too large
  • 231130<location>Encoder 1: Zero mark and position error from the coarse synchronization
  • 231131<location>Encoder 1: Deviation, position incremental/absolute too large
  • 231135<location>Encoder 1: Fault when determining the position
  • 231136<location>Encoder 1: Error when determining multiturn information
  • 231137<location>Encoder 1: Internal error when determining the position
  • 231138<location>Encoder 1: Internal error when determining multiturn information
  • 231150<location>Encoder 1: Initialization error
  • 231151<location>Encoder 1: Encoder speed for initialization AB too high
  • 231160<location>Encoder 1: Analog sensor channel A failed
  • 231161<location>Encoder 1: Analog sensor channel B failed
  • 231400<location>Encoder 1: Alarm threshold zero mark distance error
  • 231401<location>Encoder 1: Alarm threshold zero marked failed
  • 231405<location>Encoder 1: Temperature in the encoder evaluation inadmissible
  • 231407<location>Encoder 1: Function limit reached
  • 231410<location>Encoder 1: Serial communications
  • 231411<location>Encoder 1: EnDat encoder signals alarms
  • 231412<location>Encoder 1: Error bit set in the serial protocol
  • 231414<location>Encoder 1: Amplitude error track C or D (C^2 + D^2)
  • 231415<location>Encoder 1: Amplitude alarm track A or B (A^2 + B^2)
  • 231418<location>Encoder 1: Speed difference per sampling rate exceeded
  • 231419<location>Encoder 1: Track A or B outside the tolerance range
  • 231421<location>Encoder 1: Coarse position error
  • 231422<location>Encoder 1: Pulses per revolution square-wave encoder outside tolerance bandwidth
  • 231429<location>Encoder 1: Position difference, hall sensor/track C/D and A/B too large
  • 231431<location>Encoder 1: Deviation, position incremental/absolute too large
  • 231432<location>Encoder 1: Rotor position adaptation corrects deviation
  • 231442<location>Encoder 1: Battery voltage pre-alarm
  • 231443<location>Encoder 1: Unipolar CD signal level outside specification
  • 231460<location>Encoder 1: Analog sensor channel A failed
  • 231461<location>Encoder 1: Analog sensor channel B failed
  • 231462<location>Encoder 1: Analog sensor, no channel active
  • 231470<location>Encoder 1: Soiling detected
  • 231500<location>Encoder 1: Position tracking traversing range exceeded
  • 231501<location>Encoder 1: Position tracking encoder position outside tolerance window
  • 231502<location>Encoder 1: Encoder with measuring gear, without valid signals
  • 231503<location>Encoder 1: Position tracking cannot be reset

Continuation of Sinamic Fault list…

This portion of the Sinamic fault list contains mostly the the Encoder 1 alarms and Encoder 2 alarms.

  • 231700<location>Encoder 1: Effectivity test does not supply the expected value
  • 231800<location>Encoder 1: Group signal
  • 231801<location>Encoder 1 DRIVE-CLiQ: Sign-of-life missing
  • 231802<location>Encoder 1: Time slice overflow
  • 231804<location>Encoder 1: Checksum error
  • 231805<location>Encoder 1: EPROM checksum error
  • 231806<location>Encoder 1: Initialization error
  • 231811<location>Encoder 1: Encoder serial number changed
  • 231812<location>Encoder 1: Requested cycle or RX-/TX timing not supported
  • 231813<location>Encoder 1: Hardware logic unit failed
  • 231820<location>Encoder 1 DRIVE-CLiQ: Telegram error
  • 231835<location>Encoder 1 DRIVE-CLiQ: Cyclic data transfer error
  • 231836<location>Encoder 1 DRIVE-CLiQ: Send error for DRIVE-CLiQ data
  • 231837<location>Encoder 1 DRIVE-CLiQ: Component fault
  • 231845<location>Encoder 1 DRIVE-CLiQ: Cyclic data transfer error
  • 231850<location>Encoder 1: Encoder evaluation, internal software error
  • 231851<location>Encoder 1 DRIVE-CLiQ (CU): Sign-of-life missing
  • 231860<location>Encoder 1 DRIVE-CLiQ (CU): Telegram error
  • 231885<location>Encoder 1 DRIVE-CLiQ (CU): Cyclic data transfer error
  • 231886<location>Encoder 1 DRIVE-CLiQ (CU): Error when sending DRIVE-CLiQ data
  • 231887<location>Encoder 1 DRIVE-CLiQ (CU): Component fault
  • 231895<location>Encoder 1 DRIVE-CLiQ (CU): Alternating cyclic data transfer error
  • 231896<location>Encoder 1 DRIVE-CLiQ (CU): Inconsistent component properties
  • 231899<location>Encoder 1: Unknown fault
  • 231902<location>Encoder 1: SPI-BUS error occurred
  • 231903<location>Encoder 1: I2C-BUS error occurred
  • 231905<location>Encoder 1: Parameterization error
  • 231915<location>Encoder 1: Configuration error
  • 231916<location>Encoder 1: Parameterization fault
  • 231920<location>Encoder 1: Temperature sensor fault
  • 231999<location>Encoder 1: Unknown alarm
  • 232100<location>Encoder 2: Zero mark distance error
  • 232101<location>Encoder 2: Zero marked failed
  • 232103<location>Encoder 2: Amplitude error, track R
  • 232110<location>Encoder 2: Serial communications error
  • 232111<location>Encoder 2: Absolute encoder EnDat, internal fault/error
  • 232112<location>Encoder 2: Error bit set in the serial protocol
  • 232115<location>Encoder 2: Amplitude error track A or B (A^2 + B^2)
  • 232116<location>Encoder 2: Amplitude error monitoring track A + B
  • 232117<location>Encoder 2: Inversion error signals A and B and R
  • 232118<location>Encoder 2: Speed difference outside the tolerance range
  • 232120<location>Encoder 2: Power supply voltage fault
  • 232121<location>Encoder 2: Coarse position error
  • 232122<location>Encoder 2: Internal power supply voltage faulty
  • 232123<location>Encoder 2: Signal level A/B unipolar outside tolerance
  • 232125<location>Encoder 2: Amplitude error track A or B overcontrolled
  • 232126<location>Encoder 2: Amplitude AB too high
  • 232129<location>Encoder 2: Position difference, hall sensor/track C/D and A/B too large
  • 232130<location>Encoder 2: Zero mark and position error from the coarse synchronization
  • 232131<location>Encoder 2: Deviation, position incremental/absolute too large
  • 232135<location>Encoder 2: Fault when determining the position
  • 232136<location>Encoder 2: Error when determining multiturn information
  • 232137<location>Encoder 2: Internal error when determining the position
  • 232138<location>Encoder 2: Internal error when determining multiturn information
  • 232150<location>Encoder 2: Initialization error
  • 232151<location>Encoder 2: Encoder speed for initialization AB too high
  • 232160<location>Encoder 2: Analog sensor channel A failed
  • 232161<location>Encoder 2: Analog sensor channel B failed
  • 232400<location>Encoder 2: Alarm threshold zero mark distance error
  • 232401<location>Encoder 2: Alarm threshold zero marked failed
  • 232405<location>Encoder 2: Temperature in the encoder evaluation inadmissible
  • 232407<location>Encoder 2: Function limit reached
  • 232410<location>Encoder 2: Serial communications
  • 232411<location>Encoder 2: EnDat encoder signals alarms
  • 232412<location>Encoder 2: Error bit set in the serial protocol
  • 232414<location>Encoder 2: Amplitude error track C or D (C^2 + D^2)
  • 232415<location>Encoder 2: Amplitude alarm track A or B (A^2 + B^2)
  • 232418<location>Encoder 2: Speed difference per sampling rate exceeded
  • 232419<location>Encoder 2: Track A or B outside the tolerance range
  • 232421<location>Encoder 2: Coarse position error
  • 232422<location>Encoder 2: Pulses per revolution square-wave encoder outside tolerance bandwidth
  • 232429<location>Encoder 2: Position difference, hall sensor/track C/D and A/B too large
  • 232431<location>Encoder 2: Deviation, position incremental/absolute too large
  • 232432<location>Encoder 2: Rotor position adaptation corrects deviation
  • 232442<location>Encoder 2: Battery voltage pre-alarm
  • 232443<location>Encoder 2: Unipolar CD signal level outside specification
  • 232460<location>Encoder 2: Analog sensor channel A failed
  • 232461<location>Encoder 2: Analog sensor channel B failed
  • 232462<location>Encoder 2: Analog sensor, no channel active
  • 232470<location>Encoder 2: Soiling detected
  • 232500<location>Encoder 2: Position tracking traversing range exceeded
  • 232501<location>Encoder 2: Position tracking encoder position outside tolerance window
  • 232502<location>Encoder 2: Encoder with measuring gear, without valid signals
  • 232503<location>Encoder 2: Position tracking cannot be reset
  • 232700<location>Encoder 2: Effectivity test does not supply the expected value
  • 232800<location>Encoder 2: Group signal
  • 232801<location>Encoder 2 DRIVE-CLiQ: Sign-of-life missing
  • 232802<location>Encoder 2: Time slice overflow
  • 232804<location>Encoder 2: Checksum error
  • 232805<location>Encoder 2: EPROM checksum error
  • 232806<location>Encoder 2: Initialization error
  • 232811<location>Encoder 2: Encoder serial number changed
  • 232812<location>Encoder 2: Requested cycle or RX-/TX timing not supported
  • 232813<location>Encoder 2: Hardware logic unit failed
  • 232820<location>Encoder 2 DRIVE-CLiQ: Telegram error
  • 232835<location>Encoder 2 DRIVE-CLiQ: Cyclic data transfer error
  • 232836<location>Encoder 2 DRIVE-CLiQ: Send error for DRIVE-CLiQ data

There’s alot here and it shows how much engineering has gone into the Sinamics system.

  • OI Roundtable

  • Got Questions Get Answers

  • Troubleshooting 101 (Moderator: Cheller)

  • Sinamics S120 Fault Codes


  • Коды ошибок частотника Siemens G120
  • Типы сообщений
  • Индикация
  • Коды отказов частотника
  • F01000 – аппаратная/программная ошибка
  • F01001 – ошибка FloatingPoint
  • F01002 – аппаратная/программная ошибка
  • F01003 – Задержка квитирования при обращении к памяти
  • F01010 – Неизвестный тип привода
  • F01018 – Запуск прерван многократно
  • F01023 – тайм-аут ПО внутренний
  • F01054 – высокая вычислительная нагрузка
  • F01068 – высокая загруженность памяти
  • F01250 – ошибка данных CU-EEPROM Read-Only
  • F06922 – выпадение фазы тормозного резистора
  • F07011 – перегрев двигателя
  • F07220 – нет управления через PLC
  • F07300 – отсутствует подключение сетевого контактора
  • F07801 – перегрузка двигателя по току
  • F07807 – обнаружено коротко замыкание / замыкание на землю
  • F07900 (N, A) — Привод: двигатель заблокирован
  • F07902 (N, A) — Привод: двигатель опрокинут
  • A07910 (N) — Привод: перегрев двигателя
  • F30002 Силовая часть: напряжение промежуточного контура перенапряжение
  • F30003 Силовая часть: пониженное напряжение промежуточного контура
  • F30004 Силовая часть: перегрев радиатора инвертора
  • F30005 Силовая часть: перегрузка I2t
  • F30011 Силовая часть: выпадение фазы сети в силовой цепи
  • F30012 Силовая часть: датчик температуры радиатор обрыв кабеля
  • F30013 Силовая часть: датчик температуры радиатор короткое замыкание
  • F30017 Силовая часть: слишком частое срабатывание ограничения тока аппаратного обеспечения
  • F30021 Силовая часть: замыкание на землю
  • F30024 Силовая часть: перегрев, температурная модель
  • F30025 Силовая часть: перегрев чипа

Преобразователь частоты (ПЧ) – сложное устройства управления электрическим двигателем. В случае нештатных и аварийных ситуаций ПЧ выдает сообщения об аварии или предупреждении на панель частотника или по линии связи в контроллер, так же может остановить двигатель во избежание поломок оборудования. На панели частотника выдается код ошибки. В данной статье приведены коды ошибок, их детальное описание и возможные причины появления.

Типы сообщений

Существует несколько типов сообщений:

  • A – предупреждение, выводится в случае появления неаварийных ситуаций, на которые необходимо обратить внимание. Сброс при исчезновении причины предупреждения
  • F – ошибка, выводится в случае появления аварийных ситуаций. Сброс при исчезновении причины отказа и подтверждения данного отказа.
  • N – сообщение отсутствует или «внутреннее сообщение».
  • C – сообщение безопасности.

Предупреждение. Код сопровождается буквой A. Выводятся в случае появления неаварийных ситуаций, на которые стоит обратить внимание. Сбрасываются при исчезновении причины предупреждения.

Отказ. Код сопровождается буквой F. Выводятся в случае появления аварийных ситуаций. Сбрасываются при исчезновении причины отказа и подтверждения данного отказа.


На частотнике присутствует индикатор с обозначением RDY с помощью которого можно определить наличие отказов.

Мигающий красный индикатор один раз в пол секунды – обозначает отказ.

Коды отказов частотника:

Это – лишь часть списка кодов ошибок, которые описаны в руководстве. Если требуемый код ошибки не был описан в статье – необходимо воспользоваться официальным руководством пользователя.

F01000 – аппаратная/программная ошибка

Возможные причины:

  • Возникла ошибка программного обеспечения или внутренняя программная ошибка.

Возможные решения:

  • Обработать буфер ошибок (r0945).
  • Выполнить POWER ON для всех компонентов (выключить/включить).
  • При необходимости проверить данные в энергонезависимой памяти (к примеру, на карте памяти).
  • Обновить микропрограммное обеспечение до новой версии.
  • Связаться с «горячей линией».
  • Заменить управляющий модуль.

F01001 – ошибка FloatingPoint

Возможные причины:

  • При работе с типом данных FloatingPoint произошла ошибка.

Возможные решения:

  • Выполнить POWER ON для всех компонентов (выключить/включить).
  • Проверить конфигурацию сигналов блоков для FBLOCKS.
  • Проверить конфигурацию и сигналы схем для DCC.
  • Обновить микропрограммное обеспечение до новой версии.
  • Связаться с «горячей линией»

F01002 – аппаратная/программная ошибка

Возможные причины:

  • Возникла ошибка программного обеспечения или внутренняя программная ошибка.

Возможные решения:

  • Выполнить POWER ON для всех компонентов (выключить/включить).
  • Обновить микропрограммное обеспечение до новой версии.
  • Связаться с «горячей линией».

F01003 – Задержка квитирования при обращении к памяти

Возможные причины:

  • При обращении к ячейке памяти возникал ошибка.

Возможные решения:

  • выполнить POWER ON для всех компонентов (выключить/включить).
  • связаться с «горячей линией».

F01010 – Неизвестный тип привода

Возможные причины:

  • Был найден неизвестный тип привода.

Возможные решения:

  • Заменить блок питания.
  • Выполнить POWER ON (выключить/включить).
  • Обновить микропрограммное обеспечение.
  • Связаться с «горячей линией»

F01018 – Запуск прерван многократно

Возможные причины:

  • Загрузка модуля была отменен многократно. Поэтому выполняется загрузка модуля с заводскими установками.
  • Возможные причины отмены загрузки:
    • Прерывание подачи питания.
    • Сбой CPU.
    • Недействительное параметрирование.

Возможные решения:

  • Выполнить POWER ON (выключить/включить). После включения модуль снова загружается с правильными параметрами (при наличии таковых).
  • Восстановить правильное параметрирование. Примеры:
    • Выполнить первый ввод в эксплуатацию, сохранить параметры, выполнить POWER ON (выключить/включить).
    • Загрузить другую правильную резервную копию параметров (к примеру, с карты памяти), сохранить параметры, выполнить POWER ON (выключить/включить).

Указание: При повторном сборе эта ошибка снова появляется после нескольких отмененных загрузок.

F01023 – тайм-аут ПО внутренний

Возможные причины:

  • Возник внутренний программный тайм-аут.

Возможные решения:

  • Выполнить POWER ON для всех компонентов (выключить/включить).
  • обновить микропрограммное обеспечение до новой версии.
  • связаться с «горячей линией».

F01054 – высокая вычислительная нагрузка:

При наличии этой ошибки сохранение параметров невозможно

возможные причины:

  • Слишком высокая вычислительная нагрузка;
  • Слишком высокая пиковая нагрузка.

Возможные решения:

  • Снизить нагрузку на процессор приводного устройства до уровня ниже 100 %.
  • Проверить и при необходимости настроить время выборки.
  • Деактивировать функциональные модули.
  • Деактивировать приводные объекты.
  • Удалить приводные объекты из заданной топологии.
  • Соблюдать правила топологии DRIVE-CLiQ и при необходимости изменить топологию DRIVE-CLiQ. При использовании Drive Control Chart (DCC) или свободных функциональных блоков (FBLOCKS) действует:
    • Нагрузка на процессор отдельных динамических групп на приводном объекте может быть считана в r21005 (DCC) и r20005 (FBLOCKS).
    • При необходимости изменить согласование динамической группы таким образом, чтобы время выборки увеличилось.
    • При необходимости сократить число циклически вычисляемых блоков (DCC) или функциональных блоков (FBLOCKS).

F01068 – высокая загруженность памяти.

Возможные причины:

  • Слишком высокая загруженность области памяти данных

Возможные решения:

  • Деактивировать функциональный модуль.
  • Деактивировать приводной объект.
  • Удалить приводной объект из заданной топологии.

F01250 – ошибка данных CU-EEPROM Read-Only

Возможные причины:

  • Ошибка при чтении данных Read-Only EEPROM на устройстве управления.

Возможные решения:

  • выполнить POWER ON.
  • заменить устройство управления

F06922 – выпадение фазы тормозного резистора;

Возможные причины:

  • Обнаружено выпадение фазы для тормозного резистора.

Возможные решения:

  • Проверить подводку тормозных резисторов.

F07011 – перегрев двигателя;

Возможные причины:

  • двигатель перегружен.
  • слишком высокая окружающая температура двигателя.
  • обрыв провода датчика или отсутствие подключения.

Возможные решения:

  • Снизить нагрузку двигателя.
  • Проверить внешнюю температуру и вентиляцию двигателя.
  • Проверить проводку и соединение PTC или биметаллического NC.

F07220 – нет управления через PLC

Возможные причины:

  • Сигнал «Управление через PLC» отсутствует при работе. –
  • неправильное подключение бинекторного входа для «Управление через PLC» (p0854).
  • СЧПУ верхнего уровня отменила сигнал «Управление через PLC».
  • передача данных через полевую шину (Master/привод) была прервана

Возможные решения:

  • Проверить подключение бинекторного входа для «Управления через PLC».
  • проверить и при необходимости включить сигнал «Управление через PLC».
  • проверить передачу данных через полевую шину (Master/привод).

F07300 – отсутствует подключение сетевого контактора;

Возможные причины:

  • Сетевой контактор не включен в течении времени в p0861;
  • Сетевой контактор не выключен в течении времени в p0861;
  • Сетевой контактор отключился при работе;
  • Сетевой контактор включен, хотя преобразователь отключен.

Возможные решения:

  • Проверить установку p0860.
  • Проверить цикл подтверждения сетевого контактора.
  • Увеличить время контроля в p0861.

F07800 – отсутствует силовая часть

Возможные причины:

  • Чтение параметров силовой части невозможно или в силовой части нет сохраненных параметров
  • выбрана неправильная топология при вводе в эксплуатацию.

Возможные решения:

  • Выполнить ПОДАЧУ ПИТАНИЯ для всех компонентов (выключить/включить).
  • Проверить и при необходимости заменить силовую часть.
  • Проверить и при необходимости заменить управляющий модуль.
  • После исправления топологии снова выполнить загрузку параметров с помощью ПО для ввода в эксплуатацию.

F07801 – перегрузка двигателя по току

Возможные причины:

  • Эффективная граница тока установлена слишком низкой;
  • Регулятор тока настроен неправильно;
  • Режим U/f: время разгона установлено слишком маленьким или слишком высокая нагрузка;
  • Режим U/f: короткое замыкание в кабеле двигателя или замыкание на землю;
  • Режим U/f: ток двигателя не подходит к току силовой части;
  • Включение на вращающийся двигатель без функции «рестарт на лету» (p1200).

Возможные решения:

  • Проверить границы тока.
  • Векторное управление: проверить регулятор тока.
  • Управление U/f: проверить ограничительный регулятор тока.
  • Увеличить рампу разгона или уменьшить нагрузку.
  • Проверить двигатель и кабели двигателя на предмет короткого замыкания и замыкания на землю.
  • Проверить двигатель на предмет соединения звезда/треугольник и параметрирования шильдика.
  • Проверить комбинацию силовой части и двигателя.
  • Выбрать функцию рестарта на лету, если происходит включение на вращающийся двигатель

F07807 – обнаружено коротко замыкание / замыкание на землю.

Возможные причины:

  • На выходных клеммах преобразователя со стороны двигателя было обнаружено межфазное короткое замыкание или замыкание на землю.

Указание: Перепутывание кабелей питания и двигателя также определяется как короткое замыкание со стороны двигателя. Проверка на предмет замыкания на землю функционирует только в состоянии покоя двигателя. Включение на не размагниченный или только частично размагниченный двигатель может определяться как замыкание на землю.

Возможные решения:

  • Проверить соединение преобразователя со стороны двигателя на предмет наличия межфазного короткого замыкания.
  • Исключить перепутывание кабеля питания и двигателя.
  • Проверить на предмет замыкания на землю.
  • Не включать разрешение импульсов на вращающийся двигатель без активированной функции «Рестарт на лету».
  • Увеличить продолжительность размагничивания.
  • Для обеспечения состояния покоя увеличить время задержки гашения импульсов.
  • При необходимости деактивировать контроль.

F07900 (N, A) — Привод: двигатель заблокирован

Возможные причины:

  • Двигатель работает дольше, чем время в p2177, на границе момента вращения и ниже установленного порога числа оборотов в p2175. Это сообщение может появиться, если число оборотов колеблется, и выход регулятора числа оборотов постоянно кратковременно доходит до ограничения. Возможно и то, что тепловой контроль силовой части уменьшает границу тока (см. p0290) и из-за этого происходит торможение двигателя.

Возможные решения:

  • Проверить двигатель на предмет свободного движения.
  • Проверить эффективную границу момента вращения.
  • Проверить и при необходимости исправить параметры сообщения «Двигатель заблокирован».
  • Проверить разрешения направления вращения при рестарте двигателя на лету.
  • Для управления U/f: проверить границы тока и время разгона.

F07902 (N, A) — Привод: двигатель опрокинут

Возможные причины:

  • Было обнаружено, что двигатель опрокинут дольше, чем установлено в p2178.

Возможные решения:

  • Следует убедиться, что как идентификация параметров двигателя, так и измерение при вращении, были выполнены.
  • Проверить, не опрокидывается ли привод в управляемом режиме или когда заданное значение скорости еще ноль, только нагрузкой. Если да, то увеличить заданное значение тока через p1610.
  • Если время возбуждения двигателя (p0346) было сильно уменьшено и привод опрокидывается при включении и немедленном начале движения, то снова увеличить p0346.
  • Проверить, не имеет ли место выпадение фазы сети у силовых частей PM230, PM250, PM260.
  • Проверить, не отсоединена ли электропроводка к двигателю (см. A07929).
  • Если ошибки отсутствуют, то можно увеличить отказоустойчивость (p1745) или время задержки (p2178).
  • Проверить предельный ток. При слишком низких предельных токах намагничивание привода невозможно.
  • Если возникает ошибка со значением 2 при очень быстром разгоне двигателя в области ослабления поля, то путем уменьшения p1596 или p1553 можно сократить отклонение между заданным и фактическим значением потока и тем самым сообщение не будет появляться.

A07910 (N) — Привод: перегрев двигателя

Возможные причины:

  • Измеренная температура двигателя или температура тепловой модели двигателя превысила порог предупреждения (p0604).

Возможные решения:

  • Проверить нагрузку двигателя.
  • Проверить температуру окружающей среды двигателя.
  • Проверить KTY84.
  • Проверить перегревы тепловой модели двигателя.

F30002 Силовая часть: напряжение промежуточного контура перенапряжение

Возможные причины:

  • Силовая часть обнаружила перенапряжение в промежуточном контуре.
  • Двигатель рекуперирует слишком много энергии.
  • Слишком высокое напряжение питающей сети.
  • Фаза сети прервана.
  • Регулирование напряжения промежуточного контура отключено.
  • Слишком высокая или низкая динамика регулятора напряжения промежуточного контура.

Возможные решения:

  • Увеличить время торможения.
  • Установить время сглаживания. Это рекомендуется прежде всего в режиме U/f, чтобы разгрузить регулятор напряжения промежуточного контура при коротком времени торможения задатчика интенсивности.
  • Активировать регулятор напряжения промежуточного контура.
  • Согласовать динамику регулятора напряжения промежуточного контура.
  • Проверить напряжение питающей сети и установку в p0210.
  • Проверить и исправить назначение фаз на силовой части.
  • Проверить фазы сети.

F30003 Силовая часть: пониженное напряжение промежуточного контура

Возможные причины:

  • Силовая часть определила пониженное напряжение в промежуточном контуре.
  • Отказ питания.
  • Напряжение сети ниже допустимого значения.
  • Прерывание фазы сети.

Возможные решения:

  • Проверить напряжение сети.
  • Проверить фазы сети.

F30004 Силовая часть: перегрев радиатора инвертора

Возможные причины:

  • Температура радиатора силовой части превысила допустимое предельное значение.
  • Недостаточная вентиляция, отказ вентилятора.
  • Перегрузка. — слишком высокая внешняя температура.
  • Слишком высокая частота импульсов.

Возможные решения:

  • Проверить, работает ли вентилятор.
  • Проверить компоненты вентилятора.
  • Проверить, находится ли внешняя температура в допустимом диапазоне.
  • Проверить нагрузку двигателя.
  • Уменьшить частоту импульсов, если она выше номинальной частоты импульсов.

Внимание: Эта ошибка может быть квитирована только после выхода за нижнюю границу порога предупреждения для A05000.

F30005 Силовая часть: перегрузка I2t

Возможные причины:

  • Перегрузка силовой части (r0036 = 100 %).
  • Допустимый ном. ток силовой части был превышен недопустимо долго.
  • Допустимый нагрузочный цикл не был соблюден.

Возможные решения:

  • Снизить длительную нагрузку.
  • Согласовать нагрузочный цикл.
  • Проверить ном. токи двигателя и силовой части.
  • Уменьшить границу тока (p0640).
  • При работе с характеристикой U/f: уменьшить постоянную времени интегрирования токоограничительного регулятора (p1341).

F30011 Силовая часть: выпадение фазы сети в силовой цепи

Возможные причины:

  • Выпадение фазы сети.
  • Недопустимая асимметрия 3 фаз сети.
  • Емкость конденсатора промежуточного контура создает резонансную частоту с индуктивностью сети и возможно с интегрированным в силовую часть дросселем.
  • Срабатывание предохранителя фазы силовой цепи.
  • Выпадение фазы двигателя.

Возможные решения:

  • Проверить предохранители силовой цепи.
  • Проверить, не искажает ли однофазный потребитель напряжения сети.
  • Рассогласовать резонансную частоту с индуктивностью сети путем подключения сетевого дросселя.
  • Погасить резонансную частоту с индуктивностью сети путем программного переключения на компенсацию напряжения промежуточного контура или усиления сглаживания. Но это может ухудшить пульсацию момента на двигателе.
  • Проверить электропроводку к двигателю.

F30012 Силовая часть: датчик температуры радиатор обрыв кабеля


  • Соединение с датчиком температуры радиаторов в силовой части прервано.


  • Связаться с изготовителем.

F30013 Силовая часть: датчик температуры радиатор короткое замыкание


  • Датчик температуры радиатора в силовой части замкнут накоротко.


  • Связаться с изготовителем.

F30017 Силовая часть: слишком частое срабатывание ограничения тока аппаратного обеспечения

Возможные причины:

  • Слишком частое срабатывание ограничения тока аппаратного обеспечения в соответствующей фазе. Число допустимых превышений зависит от вида и типа силовой части.
  • Регулирование спараметрировано неправильно.
  • Ошибка в двигателе или в силовых кабелях.
  • Превышена макс. допустимая длина силовых кабелей.
  • Слишком высокая нагрузка двигателя.
  • Неисправность силовой части.

Возможные решения:

  • Проверить параметры двигателя.
  • Проверить тип соединения двигателя (звезда/треугольник).
  • Проверить нагрузку двигателя.
  • Проверить соединения силовых кабелей.
  • Проверить силовые кабели на предмет короткого замыкания или замыкания на землю.
  • Проверить длину силовых кабелей.
  • Заменить силовую часть.

F30021 Силовая часть: замыкание на землю

Возможные причины:

  • Замыкание на землю в силовых кабелях. –
  • Замыкание на землю на двигателе. –
  • Трансформатор неисправен. –
  • Зажимающие тормоз является причиной срабатывания аппаратного контроля постоянного тока. –
  • Короткое замыкание на тормозном резисторе. Значение ошибки (r0949, дес. интерпретация): 0: —
  • Сработал аппаратный контроль постоянного тока. –
  • Короткое замыкание на тормозном резисторе. > 0:
  • Величина суммарного тока [32767 = 271 % ном. Тока

Возможные решения:

  • Проверить соединение силовых кабелей. –
  • Проверить двигатель. –
  • Проверить преобразователь тока. –
  • Проверить кабели и контакты соединения тормоза (возможен обрыв кабеля). –
  • Проверить тормозной резистор. Смотри также: p0287

F30024 Силовая часть: перегрев, температурная модель

Возможные причины:

  • Разность температур между радиатором и чипом превысила допустимое предельное значение.
  • Допустимый нагрузочный цикл не соблюден.
  • Недостаточное вентилирование, выход из строя вентилятора.
  • Перегрузка.
  • Внешняя температура слишком высока.
  • Частота импульсов слишком высока.

Возможные решения:

  • Согласовать нагрузочный цикл.
  • Проверить, работает ли вентилятор.
  • Проверить фильтрующие элементы.
  • Проверить, в допустимом ли диапазоне находится температура окружающей среды.
  • Проверить нагрузку двигателя.
  • Уменьшить частоту модуляции, если она выше номинальной.
  • Если активно торможение на постоянном токе: уменьшить тормозной ток (p1232).

F30025 Силовая часть: перегрев чипа

Возможные причины:

  • Температура чипа полупроводников превысила допустимое предельное значение.
  • Допустимый нагрузочный цикл не был выдержан.
  • Недостаточная вентиляция, отказ вентилятора.
  • Перегрузка.
  • Слишком высокая внешняя температура.
  • Слишком высокая частота импульсов.

Возможные решения:

  • согласовать нагрузочный цикл.
  • проверить, работает ли вентилятор.
  • проверить элементы вентилятора.
  • проверить, находится ли внешняя температура в допустимом диапазоне.
  • проверить нагрузку двигателя.
  • уменьшить частоту импульсов, если она выше ном. частоты импульсов.

Внимание: эта ошибка может быть квитирована только после выхода за нижнюю границу порога предупреждения для предупреждения A05001.

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