Ошибка 7001 word

Icon Ex Номер ошибки: Ошибка 7001
Название ошибки: Microsoft Word Error 7001
Описание ошибки: Ошибка 7001: Возникла ошибка в приложении Microsoft Word. Приложение будет закрыто. Приносим извинения за неудобства.
Разработчик: Microsoft Corporation
Программное обеспечение: Microsoft Word
Относится к: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10, 11

Оценка «Microsoft Word Error 7001»

Люди часто предпочитают ссылаться на «Microsoft Word Error 7001» как на «ошибку времени выполнения», также известную как программная ошибка. Когда дело доходит до Microsoft Word, инженеры программного обеспечения используют арсенал инструментов, чтобы попытаться сорвать эти ошибки как можно лучше. К сожалению, многие ошибки могут быть пропущены, что приводит к проблемам, таким как те, с ошибкой 7001.

Пользователи Microsoft Word могут столкнуться с ошибкой 7001, вызванной нормальным использованием приложения, которое также может читать как «Microsoft Word Error 7001». В случае обнаруженной ошибки 7001 клиенты могут сообщить о наличии проблемы Microsoft Corporation по электронной почте или сообщать об ошибках. Microsoft Corporation может устранить обнаруженные проблемы, а затем загрузить измененный файл исходного кода, позволяя пользователям обновлять свою версию. Таким образом, когда ваш компьютер выполняет обновления, как это, это, как правило, чтобы исправить проблемы ошибки 7001 и другие ошибки внутри Microsoft Word.

Что генерирует ошибку времени выполнения 7001?

В первый раз, когда вы можете столкнуться с ошибкой среды выполнения Microsoft Word обычно с «Microsoft Word Error 7001» при запуске программы. Проанализируем некоторые из наиболее распространенных причин ошибок ошибки 7001 во время выполнения:

Ошибка 7001 Crash — это очень популярная ошибка выполнения ошибки 7001, которая приводит к завершению работы всей программы. Как правило, это результат того, что Microsoft Word не понимает входные данные или не знает, что выводить в ответ.

Утечка памяти «Microsoft Word Error 7001» — когда происходит утечка памяти Microsoft Word, это приведет к вялой работе операционной системы из-за нехватки системных ресурсов. Потенциальным фактором ошибки является код Microsoft Corporation, так как ошибка предотвращает завершение программы.

Ошибка 7001 Logic Error — Логическая ошибка возникает, когда ПК производит неправильный вывод, даже когда пользователь вводит правильный вход. Это видно, когда исходный код Microsoft Corporation содержит недостаток в обработке данных.

Microsoft Corporation проблемы файла Microsoft Word Error 7001 в большинстве случаев связаны с повреждением, отсутствием или заражением файлов Microsoft Word. Как правило, решить проблему позволяет получение новой копии файла Microsoft Corporation, которая не содержит вирусов. В качестве последней меры мы рекомендуем использовать очиститель реестра для исправления всех недопустимых Microsoft Word Error 7001, расширений файлов Microsoft Corporation и других ссылок на пути к файлам, по причине которых может возникать сообщение об ошибке.

Классические проблемы Microsoft Word Error 7001

Эти проблемы Microsoft Word, связанные с Microsoft Word Error 7001, включают в себя:

  • «Ошибка программы Microsoft Word Error 7001. «
  • «Microsoft Word Error 7001 не является программой Win32. «
  • «Microsoft Word Error 7001 столкнулся с проблемой и закроется. «
  • «К сожалению, мы не можем найти Microsoft Word Error 7001. «
  • «Microsoft Word Error 7001 не найден.»
  • «Ошибка запуска в приложении: Microsoft Word Error 7001. «
  • «Microsoft Word Error 7001 не работает. «
  • «Microsoft Word Error 7001 остановлен. «
  • «Неверный путь к программе: Microsoft Word Error 7001. «

Обычно ошибки Microsoft Word Error 7001 с Microsoft Word возникают во время запуска или завершения работы, в то время как программы, связанные с Microsoft Word Error 7001, выполняются, или редко во время последовательности обновления ОС. Запись ошибок Microsoft Word Error 7001 внутри Microsoft Word имеет решающее значение для обнаружения неисправностей электронной Windows и ретрансляции обратно в Microsoft Corporation для параметров ремонта.

Корень проблем Microsoft Word Error 7001

Заражение вредоносными программами, недопустимые записи реестра Microsoft Word или отсутствующие или поврежденные файлы Microsoft Word Error 7001 могут создать эти ошибки Microsoft Word Error 7001.

В частности, проблемы Microsoft Word Error 7001 возникают через:

  • Поврежденная или недопустимая запись реестра Microsoft Word Error 7001.
  • Вирус или вредоносное ПО, которые повредили файл Microsoft Word Error 7001 или связанные с Microsoft Word программные файлы.
  • Другая программа (не связанная с Microsoft Word) удалила Microsoft Word Error 7001 злонамеренно или по ошибке.
  • Другое программное приложение, конфликтующее с Microsoft Word Error 7001.
  • Поврежденная загрузка или неполная установка программного обеспечения Microsoft Word.

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  • How to Solve Service Control Manager Error 7001 Effectively

By Amanda |
Last Updated

Some users have reported the Event ID 7001 Service Control Manager error on their Windows computer. Why does this error occur? How to fix it effectively? Don’t worry. In this article, MiniTool Partition Wizard puts together some reliable solutions for you.

Some users have reported the Event ID 7001 error in the Event Viewer. This error is a system problem with the source of Service Control Manager. Under the General tab of the Event properties, you will see the detailed information of the error and get the direct causes. But actually, some other factors may also lead to the Service Control Manager error 7001.

If you come across the Event ID 7001 on your Windows computer unfortunately, you can try the following solutions. You may not need to try them all. Just work your way down the list until you fix the problem effectively.

In some cases, the appearance of the Service Control Manager error 7001 has something to do with services including Security Accounts Manager, DCOM Server Process Launcher, RPC Endpoint Mapper, and Server. Some users have resolved the problem simply by enabling/re-enabling these services, and you can also have a try.

Step 1: Press Windows + R to invoke the Run window.

Step 2: Input services.msc and click the OK button to open Services quickly.

Step 3: Double-click your desired service to open its properties. Under the General tab, make sure the Service status is Running and choose Automatic for Startup type.

Note: If the service is Stopped, click the Start button to enable it.

set Startup type to Automatic

Step 4: Click Apply and OK to save the changed settings. Then, repeat the operation for the other mentioned services.

Once it’s done, restart your computer and check if the Event ID 7001 is resolved.

Fix 2: Fix Network Discovery Dependencies

Besides, you might also encounter the Service Control Manager error 7001 if there’s a certain issue with the Network Discovery dependencies. Some users recommend cleaning the PeerNetworking folder to fix the problem. Here’s what you should do:

Step 1: Input cmd in the Run window and press Ctrl + Shift + Enter to open Command Prompt as an administrator.

Step 2: Type the following command lines and press Enter after each. This will add and enable the local service required by the Network Discovery.

  • net localgroup Administrators localservice /add
  • net localgroup Administrators service /add

add and enable required services

Step 3: Now, open File Explorer and go to C:WindowsServiceProfilesLocalServiceAppDataRoaming. Open the PeerNetworking folder and delete everything inside.

Restart your device and check if the Service Control Manager error 7001 is fixed.

Fix 3: Adjust the Service Logon User Rights

From the general information of Event ID 7001, you may see the problematic service that failed to start. In some cases, the service is malfunctioning because it doesn’t match the current user account. To fix the problem, you can go to adjust the logon user rights of the service.

Step 1: Open the Services app, right-click the problematic service mentioned in the error information and choose Properties.

Step 2: Switch to the Log On tab and choose This account.

Step 3: Input your user account name and password. Then, click Apply and OK button to save changes.

Note: If This account is already selected, you can choose Local System account instead and apply changes.

enter account information

Related article: The User Profile Service Failed the Logon | How to Fix [SOLUTION]

Fix 4: Perform A System Restore

If all the above methods fail to resolve the Service Control Manager error 7001 for you, you might need to perform a system restore for your computer. In this way, you can restore your system to the previous status when the Event ID 7001 doesn’t appear. As for the detailed information on how to restore your system, you can refer to this guide.

About The Author

Position: Columnist

Amanda has been working as English editor for the MiniTool team since she was graduated from university. She enjoys sharing effective solutions and her own experience to help readers fix various issues with computers, dedicated to make their tech life easier and more enjoyable.

Amanda has published many articles, covering fields of data recovery, partition management, disk backup, and etc. In order to provide more useful tips and information, she is still committed to expand her technical knowledge.

How to fix the issue reported by «error code error 7001»

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The following steps should fix the error 7001 issue:

  • Step 1.Download Outbyte PC Repair application See more information about Outbyte uninstall instructions EULA Privacy Policy
  • Step 2.Install and launch the application
  • Step 3.Click the Scan Now button to detect issues and abnormalities
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A malfunction reported by «error code error 7001» may happen due to a number of different factors. Common causes include incorrectly configured system settings or irregular entries in the system elements, to name a few. Such issues may be resolved with special software that repairs system elements and tunes system settings to restore stability.

The article provides details on what the issue means, potential causes, and ways to resolve the issue.

  • 1Meaning of the «error code error 7001»
  • 2Causes of the «error code error 7001»
  • 3Ways to repair the «error code error 7001»

Meaning of the «error code error 7001»

«Error code error 7001» is an issue name that usually contains details of the malfunction, including why it occurred, which system component or application malfunctioned, along with some other information. The numerical code in the issue name usually contains data that can be deciphered by the manufacturer of the component or application that malfunctioned. The issue with using this code may occur in many different locations within the system, so even though it carries some details in its name, it is still difficult for a user to pinpoint and fix the issue cause without specific technical knowledge or appropriate software.

Causes of the «error code error 7001»

If you have received this warning on your PC, it means that there was a malfunction in your system operation. «Error code error 7001» is one of the issues that users get as a result of the incorrect or failed installation or uninstallation of software that may have left invalid entries in your system elements, improper system shutdown due to a power failure or another factor, someone with little technical knowledge accidentally deleting a necessary system file or system element entry, as well as a number of other causes.

Ways to repair the «error code error 7001»

For an immediate fix of such issues, advanced PC users may be able to repair it by manually editing system elements, and others may want to hire a technician to do it for them. However, since any manipulations with Windows system elements carry a risk of rendering the operating system unbootable, whenever a user is in any doubt of their technical skills or knowledge, they should use a special type of software that is meant to repair Windows system elements without requiring any special skills from the user.

The following steps should help fix the issue:

  • Download Outbyte PC Repair application Special offer. See more information about Outbyte uninstall instructions EULA Privacy Policy
  • Install and launch the application
  • Click the Scan Now button to detect potential issue causes
  • Click the Repair All button to fix found abnormalities

The same application can be used to run preventative measures to reduce the chance of this or other system issues appearing in the future.

Service Control Manager (SCM) starts services and driver services. It also reports when services fail to start or hang while starting.

Event Details

Product: Windows Operating System
Event ID: 7001
Source: Service Control Manager
Version: 6.0
Message: The %1 service depends on the %2 service which failed to start because of the following error:



Review the error information

To resolve this issue, first review the error code that the Service Control Manager encountered when trying to start the service, and then review the Event logs for other events that have been logged by the Service Control Manager (SCM) Eventlog Provider.

To perform these procedures, you must have membership in Administrators, or you must have been delegated the appropriate authority.

Review the error code

To review the error code:

  1. Click the Start button, Run, then type
    to open a command prompt.
  2. Type sc query service_name (where service_name is the name of the service) at the command prompt to display the Windows WIN32_EXIT_CODE error code text that the Service Control Manager encountered when trying to start
    the service.

    Note: If the WIN32_EXIT_CODE is zero, then SCM did not attempt to start the service because the error was detected first.

  3. For descriptions of the Windows error codes, either see
    http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=83027, or type
    net helpmsg exit_code (where exit_code is the 4 digit number of the error code) at the command prompt to display the meaning of the WIN32_EXIT_CODE. For more information about the
    net helpmsg command, see
    http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=105087. For more information about the
    sc command, see SC Command Reference Help (http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=84961).

Review the related events logged by the SCM

To review the related events logged by the SCM:

  1. Open Event Viewer by clicking the Start button,
    Control Panel, and Administration Tools, then double-clicking
    Event Viewer.

    Note: For Windows Vista, use the Classic View display option in
    Control Panel to see the Administration Tools.

  2. Click Event Viewer (Local), then Windows Logs and System.
  3. In the details pane, click on the Source column to view the events sorted by the entity that logged that event. For events logged by the SCM, the source is the
    Service Control Manager Eventlog Provider.

The error message text and related events for this service should help you to further troubleshoot and resolve the issue. Some examples are provided below:

  • If event ID 7011 is also logged for this service, then extending the service timeout period to resolve event ID 7011 would also resolve this error.
  • If event ID 7034 is also logged for this service, then restoring the service default settings to resolve event ID 7034 would also resolve this error.

If the issue remains unresolved, contact Microsoft support and provide the error information. For information about how to contact Microsoft support, see Support Options from Microsoft Services (http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=89446).


To perform this procedure, you must have membership in Administrators, or you must have been delegated the appropriate authority.

To verify that a service has started:

  1. Open the Services snap-in by clicking the Start button,
    Control Panel,  and Administrative Tools, then double-clicking

    Note: For Windows Vista, use the Classic View display option in
    Control Panel to see the Administration Tools.

  2. In the details pane of the Services snap-in, locate the name of the service and verify that the
    Status column shows a status of Started.

Related Management Information

Service Start Operations

Core Operating System


Issue: How to fix Service Control Manager Error 7001 in Windows?

Hello. My laptop fails to run normally and gives me the Error 7001. This is the service or server error, as I have read, but fixes that I have already found do not help my situation. Do you have any suggestions?

Solved Answer

Service Control Manager Error 7001 is a problem appearing on Windows 10 mainly. The freeze of the system occurs due to this issue. Some of the users who reported the issues[1] mention the upgrade of the operating system, other additional issues experienced with the problem, and the fact that clean install sometimes is the possible trigger for this.

There are particular services that can deliver the error code. Microsoft services like NNTP, SMTP, browser services, FTP publishing, or World Wide Web publishing services, and many more. The problem still can occur on Windows 7, 8.1 machines besides Windows 10. However, additional issues with the updates and bugs in Windows 10[2] can lead to a more common occurrence.

There are several culprits for the issue, so solutions also vary. Service Control Manager Error 7001 in Windows can be caused by the disabled mandatory services, missing network discovery dependencies. Recent conflicts between software or missing, corrupted system files can also lead to issues with the freezes and system crashes.

There are various circumstances when the system files get corrupted because malware[3] can leave files and changes on the machine that lead to the problems. Some problems can be fixed with the app like FortectMac Washing Machine X9 that finds and repairs these corrupted or changed files to recover the performance and particular functions.

Other solutions for the Service Control Manager Error 7001 in Windows might include using the services screen and enabling the handful of essential services. Running commands via CMD can clear other possible triggers for the issue. These fixes are related to the reason behind your particular issue, so make sure to follow the steps and try the methods below.

Service Control Manager Error 7001 in Windows

Method 1. Enabling mandatory services

Fix it now!

Fix it now!

To repair damaged system, you have to purchase the licensed version of Fortect Mac Washing Machine X9.

  • Press Windows key + R to open up a Run dialog box.
  • Type services.msc inside the text box and press Enter to open up the Services screen.
  • Scroll down through the list of services and locate DCOM Server Process Launcher.
  • Right-click on it and choose Properties from the context menu that just appeared.


  • Click on the General tab and ensure that the Startup tab is set to Automatic.
  • Check the Service status and click on Start if it shows as Stopped.
  • Click on Apply to save the changes.
  • Once the first problematic service is dealt with, repeat steps 3 and 4 with the remaining services:
    RPC Endpoint Mapper
    Remote Procedure Call (RPC)
    Security Accounts Manager
  • Reboot your computer and wait for the next startup to complete.

Method 2. Fix the network Discovery Dependencies

Fix it now!

Fix it now!

To repair damaged system, you have to purchase the licensed version of Fortect Mac Washing Machine X9.

  • Press Windows key + R to open up a Run dialog box.


  • Type cmd inside the text box, then press Ctrl + Shift + Enter to open up an elevated Command Prompt.
  • When prompted by the UAC (User Account Control), click Yes to grant admin access.
  • Type the following commands and press Enter after each one:
    net localgroup Administrators localservice /add
    net localgroup Administrators service /add
  • Once both commands have been successfully processed, open File Explorer and navigate to the following location:
  • Once you’re inside the PeerNetworking folder, press Ctrl + A to select everything inside.
  • Right-click on a selected item and choose Delete from the context menu that just appeared.
  • Restart your computer.

Method 3. Use System restore

Fix it now!

Fix it now!

To repair damaged system, you have to purchase the licensed version of Fortect Mac Washing Machine X9.

Method 4. Enable the Net.tcp port sharing service

Fix it now!

Fix it now!

To repair damaged system, you have to purchase the licensed version of Fortect Mac Washing Machine X9.

  • Type services.msc in the Run dialog box and click OK.
  • Scroll down the list and locate Net.Tcp Port Service.


  • Right-click on it and select Properties.
  • Choose the startup type as Automatic.
  • If it is stopped, click on the Start button and then click OK.
  • Restart your computer.

Repair your Errors automatically

ugetfix.com team is trying to do its best to help users find the best solutions for eliminating their errors. If you don’t want to struggle with manual repair techniques, please use the automatic software. All recommended products have been tested and approved by our professionals. Tools that you can use to fix your error are listed bellow:

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Compatible with Microsoft Windows
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Still having problems?
If you failed to fix your error using FortectMac Washing Machine X9, reach our support team for help. Please, let us know all details that you think we should know about your problem.

Fortect — a patented specialized Windows repair program. It will diagnose your damaged PC. It will scan all System Files, DLLs and Registry Keys that have been damaged by security threats.Mac Washing Machine X9 — a patented specialized Mac OS X repair program. It will diagnose your damaged computer. It will scan all System Files and Registry Keys that have been damaged by security threats.
This patented repair process uses a database of 25 million components that can replace any damaged or missing file on user’s computer.
To repair damaged system, you have to purchase the licensed version of Fortect malware removal tool.To repair damaged system, you have to purchase the licensed version of Mac Washing Machine X9 malware removal tool.

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