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While attempting to run a Network Discovery scan or when trying to map a network drive from Command Prompt or PowerShell, you may encounter the System error 67 has occurred, The network name cannot be found. In this post, we provide the most suitable solutions to this issue.
The most widely known cause of this error is incorrect syntax. You may also encounter this error due to the following:
- Incorrect network components configurations on the domain controller.
- Outdated or incorrect network adapter drivers on the domain controller.
- The installed network adapter drivers don’t work with the Microsoft Windows Server version you’re currently running.
How do I fix Specified network is no longer available?
Windows users can easily fix The specified network name is no longer available on Windows 10/11 computer as follows: open Control Panel and select Programs and Features, then click Turn Windows features on or off. In the pop-up window, simply check the SMB 1.0/CIFS File Sharing Support feature and click OK, and then restart your computer.
If you’re faced with this System error 67 has occurred, The network name cannot be found issue, you can try the solutions below in no particular order and see if that helps to resolve the issue.
- Use the correct syntax (if applicable)
- Update Network Adapter drivers
- Restart the Distributed File System service
- Disable IP Network Address Translator (IP NAT) driver
Let’s take a look at the description of the process involved concerning each of the listed solutions.
1] Use the correct syntax (if applicable)
As incorrect syntax is the most common culprit, you need to make sure in the case of mapping a network drive, you use backward slashes instead of forward slashes. This is a common mistake, and by using forward slashes, the terminal will think you are indicating an option instead.
2] Update Network Adapter drivers
This solution requires you to make sure that the appropriate network adaptor driver that works with the operating system is in use and then update the Network Adapter drivers on the domain controller and see if the System error 67 has occurred, The network cannot be found issue is resolved. If not, try the next solution.
3] Restart the Distributed File System service
This is more of a workaround than a solution – and it entails you restart the Distributed File System service on the domain controller.
4] Disable IP Network Address Translator (IP NAT) driver
If Network Address Translator (NAT) is installed but is not configured correctly, this error is most likely to occur. To resolve the issue, disable the Internet Protocol (IP) NAT driver in Device Manager, and then restart the computer.
Do the following:
- Open Device Manager.
- On the View menu, click Show hidden devices.
- Expand Non-Plug and Play Drivers section.
- Right-click IP Network Address Translator.
- Click Disable.
- Click Yes.
- Click Yes again to restart the computer.
Hope this helps!
Why Network path is not found?
If you’re experiencing unusual system behavior like the network path was not found error, it could be that the system clocks are set to different times. To resolve this issue, make sure all the Windows devices on a local network are synchronized using Network Time Protocol wherever possible to avoid this problem. Also, disable local firewalls.
How do I remove Internet connection?
To remove or disable Internet connection on your computer, you can run the command below to delete active connections on a local computer.
Net Use * /delete
This command not only deletes all the active connections on local computers but can also be used on remote computers for the same task.
Related post: Error 0x80070037: The specified network resource or device is no longer available.
Obinna has completed B.Tech in Information & Communication Technology. He has worked as a System Support Engineer, primarily on User Endpoint Administration, as well as a Technical Analyst, primarily on Server/System Administration. He also has experience as a Network and Communications Officer. He has been a Windows Insider MVP (2020) and currently owns and runs a Computer Clinic.
При обращении к общему ресурсу по сети через консоль командной строки, этот процесс может быть прерван системной ошибкой 67 «Не найдено сетевое имя». Проблема часто возникает при повреждении драйвера.
Обновление драйвера
В большинстве случаев сбой возникает из-за поврежденного или устаревшего драйвера сетевого адаптера. Для его обновления до последней версии, выполните следующие шаги.
Перейдите в «Диспетчер устройств» командой devmgmt.msc из диалогового окна Win + R.
Разверните вкладку Сетевые адаптеры. Щелкните правой кнопкой мыши на сетевой карте и выберите Свойства.
На вкладке Драйвер кликните на кнопку «Обновить» и выберите автоматический поиск.
Если не удалось обновить этим способом перейдите на сайт поставщика карты или материнской платы, в случае использования интегрированного модуля сети, и загрузите последнюю версию ПО. Выберите второй вариант поиска на этом компьютере. Укажите кнопкой Обзор папку с загруженным программным обеспечением.
После перезагрузите компьютер и выполните то действие, которое вызывало системную ошибку 67 в консоли Powershell или командной строки.
Отключение политики
Еще одной распространенной причиной, которая вызывает системную ошибку 67 и ряд других проблем с доступом по сети – это включенная политика «UNC пути с усиленной защиты». Чтобы ее отключить, следуйте инструкции.
Откройте Редактор локальных групповых политик командой gpedit.msc из окна Win +R.
На левой панели перейдите к разделу:
Computer Configuration — Administrative Templates -Network — Network Provider
В правой части папки дважды щелкните на политику Hardened UNC paths (UNC пути с усиленной защиты).
В параметрах установите флажок на значении «Отключено», и примените изменения.
После перезапуска компьютера проверьте, блокируется ли выполнение команд на подключение к сетевому диску ошибкой 67.
We think you are not so good! & we also know why you are not feeling good … It’s all because you are frustrated with this System Error 67 Windows PC code problem on your Windows PC and sometimes on your Android Smartphone too. But we know how to make you happy, for all you have to do is just read out and check this below post once to get rid of this error code problem from you permanently.
This shows an error code message like,
Windows could not start the Server service on the Local Computer.
System Error 67: The network name cannot be found
This Error 67 occurred when you were trying to connect to the server. This error problem includes the system PC freezes, crashes & possible virus infection to your computer. This Error Code 67 will result in failure to connect to the network.
Causes of System Error 67 Windows Code Issue:
- The system has occurred net user command
- Domain controller not configured correctly
- Windows PC error issue
- Did not update the network drivers
- Error when mapping a network drive
- WebDAV error problem
So, here are some quick tips and tricks for easily fixing and solving this type of System Error 67 Windows PC Code problem from you permanently.
How to Fix System Error 67 Windows Code Problem Issue
1. Disable the IP (Internet Protocol) NAT Driver from your Windows PC –
- Go to the start menu
- Right-click on the “My Computer” there
- Click on the Properties option there
- Now go to the Device Manager option there on the left
- Click on the View tab &
- Click on the ‘Show Hidden Devices‘ tab there
- Expand the “Non-Plug and Play Drivers.”
- Right-click on the ‘IP Network Address Translator‘ tab there
- Click on the “Disable” to disable it there
- Click on ‘YES‘ 2 times to restart your PC
- After completing, close all the tabs
- That’s it, done
By disabling the Internet Protocol (I.P.) NAT driver from your Windows PC can quickly fix and solve this system Error 67 problem.
2. Update or Uninstall your Error Windows Driver Softwares –
- Go to the start menu
- Search or go to the Device Manager there
- Clicks on it and opens it there
- Check the driver which has an error sign
- Right-click on it and
- Select the “Update driver software” option
- Wait for some minutes to update it
- After updating, close the tab
- Restart your PC once
- That’s it, done
The software can quickly solve and fix this MIP Error 67 Code problem from your PC by updating or uninstalling your error driver.
3. Reset TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) on PC –
- Go to the start menu
- Search or type Command Prompt there
- Opens it & type
netsh int tcp reset resettcpip.txt - Press Enter there
- That’s it, done
Resetting TCP/IP on your computer or laptop will surely solve this connection failure with the net use system Error 67 problem.
4. Put value in the Windows Registry Editor on your Windows PC –
- Go to the start menu
- Search or go and click on the RUN
- Type the “regedit” command there
- & Press Enter or OK button there
- Look in left pane for HKEY_LOCAOL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\NetBT\Paramaters Key
- Click on that key
- Now, right pane, double-click on Lmhosts Timeout
- Put in a value larger than the current one in the value tab box
- & now click on the OK button or press Enter there
- After completing, Close the Windows registry editor & close all the tabs there.
- Restart your PC once
- That’s it, done
By putting value in the Windows registry editor on your Windows PC can fix and solve this Error 67 registration failure code problem.
5. Enable the Desktop Experience on your Server on your Device –
Allowing the Desktop Experience on your Server on your Windows PC can quickly eliminate this system Error 67 when mapping a network drive problems from you.
6. Update your Windows Drivers of your Windows PC –
- Go to the start menu
- Search or go to the Control Panel
- Click on it and opens it there
- After that, scroll down and go to the “Windows Update” section there
- Click on it & Check if any newly latest driver update is available or not
- If any, Update it fast
- Or, you can set it as ‘automatically update.’
- For that, go to the left side
- & click on the “Changes Settings” option there
- After opening, click on the drop-down menu there
- Select the “Install Updates Automatically” option there
- & click on the OK button to save this configuration
- After completing, close the tab
- That’s it, done
So by trying this above helpful solution, you will get rid of System Error 67 has occurred Windows server 2008 r2 problems.
” OR “
- Go to the start menu
- Search or go to the Control Panel or direct go to Device Manager
- Click on it and opens it there
- After going to the device Manager there,
- check if any driver has an error sign there
- If any, then right-click on it
- & Click on the “Update driver software” there
- Wait for some minutes to update it
- After updating, close the tab
- That’s it, done
Updating your driver by any of these two methods can quickly fix and solve this System Error 67 has occurred net use Windows 7 PC Code problem from your PC.
For ANDROID Smartphone Device:
1. Do a Factory Reset through MSL (Master Subsidy Lock) Reader –
- Download the MSL Reader from Google Play Store or from here –
MSL Reader: Download Now - Open the App.
- Enter your MSL there
- You will prompt with the SCRTN screen.
(Your AAA secret code, Customer profile, MSID, and mobile directory no. will appear there) - Click on the ‘Menu‘ option there in the top right corner
- After clicking on the Menu option there,
- Click on the “Reset” option there to reset it
- After resetting, an EPST confirmation code will appear
- Click on ‘OK‘ there to confirm it
- After completing, close all the tabs there
- That’s it, done
By doing a Factory Reset of your Android smartphone device through the MSL (Master Subsidy Lock) Reader can get back to you from this Android Error 67 problem.
These are the quick and the best methods to get rid of this System Error 67 Windows PC Code problem from you entirely. Hopefully, these solutions will help you get back from this Error Code 67 problem.
If you are facing or falling into this System Error 67 Windows PC Code problem or any error problem, then comment down the problem below so that we can fix and solve it too with our top best quick methods guides.
by Matthew Adams
Matthew is a freelancer who has produced a variety of articles on various topics related to technology. His main focus is the Windows OS and all the things… read more
Updated on
- System error 67 is a Windows Server issue that shows up when you try to map a network drive.
- The error shouldn’t be there to stay for too long, so take a look at our quick troubleshooting tips.
- Do note that our System Errors section can always guide you when facing these annoying problems.
- Visit this Windows 10 Errors Hub too in case of having to deal with Windows 10 issues all the time.
System error 67 is a Windows Server issue that can occur when users try to map a network drive. The error message states: System error 67 has occurred.
The network name cannot be found. Consequently, users can’t map their network drives when Command Prompt displays that error message.
If you need to fix that issue, check out some of these potential resolutions.
How can I fix the System error 67 on Windows 10?
1. Update the network adapter driver for the domain controller
Updating the network adapter driver on the domain controller server might fix the System error 67 that you are dealing with. That’s why this is our first recommendation for you today.
You can update your drivers by accessing the Device Manager panel from the taskbar. Find the network adapter in the list of hardware, right-click on the driver and select update.
Alternatively, in order to quickly update the network adapter driver for the domain controller, don’t hesitate to use Outbyte Driver Updater.
This tool will literally solve the problem for you by scanning the computer for missing and outdated device drivers.
Once they are identified, choose only the adapter driver to update or download and install all of your out-of-date device drivers at once.
It’s convenient that you can always see the download progress of each of your files, not to mention that you can easily schedule driver scans.
Outbyte Driver Updater
When dealing with the System error 67, chances are to find that it’s driver-related. Use Outbyte Driver Updater right away!
2. Check the command’s syntax
System error 67 can often be due to a syntax error within the net map command. So, double-check you’ve entered the net map command right.
Check whether you’ve entered the slashes for the command right. The basic syntax for the net map command is: net use * *IP Address*sharename.
So, there should be backslashes, not forward slashes, around the command’s IP address.
3. Disable the Network Address Translator
- Microsoft’s official fix for System error 67 is to disable the Network Address Translator, so right-click the Start button and select Device Manager to open the window shown directly below.
- Click the View menu.
- Select the Show hidden devices option.
- Double-click the Non-Plug and Play Drivers category in Device Manager.
- Right-click IP Network Address Translator to select the Disable option for it.
4. Turn on Desktop Experience
- First of all, click the Start button.
- Click Administrative Tools on the Start menu.
- Select the Server Manager option to open that utility.
- Click Features on the left of the Server Manager.
- Click Add Features under Features Summary, which opens the window directly below.
- Then select the Desktop Experience option.
- Click the Add Required Features button.
- Click Next to continue.
- Press the Install button.
Some users have also confirmed they’ve fixed System error 67 by enabling Desktop Experience in Windows Server. You may try the same by applying the above steps.
5. Turn off the Hardened UNC Paths policy
- Some users might need to turn off the Hardened UNC Paths policy. Press the Windows + R hotkeys.
- Input gpedit.msc in Run and click OK to open Group Policy Editor.
- Click Computer Configuration, Administrative Templates, Network, and Network Provider on the left of Group Policy Editor.
- Double-click Hardened UNC Paths on the right of Group Policy Editor.
- Select the Disabled radio button.
- Select the Apply option.
- Thereafter, restart Windows.
The resolutions above will probably fix System error 67 for most users. With that issue fixed, users can then map network drives and run Network Discover scans as required.
1 Answer
The net use
syntax is incorrect. It should be net use X: \\<host name>
, where X: is the name you want to give to the remote drive. Assuming C:
is the root of the remote drive, you will be able to access it via X: now. E.g. cd X:
See the full net use
syntax here:
The syntax you originally used resembles the one used when you want to access remote drive without mapping (i.e., without net use
). In such case you can, for example, enter \\<remote host>\C$
into the explorer window.
answered May 9, 2020 at 13:36
Okay so I ran the syntax that you gave me and now I’m getting «error 85 — local device name is already in use» — I also shared a screenshot of part of my assignment directions
May 9, 2020 at 13:41
Use the command
to remove the drive mapping. Then add it again withNET USE X: \\WIN10\C$
.May 9, 2020 at 15:21
@hts95 You’re trying to map to local C: — you already have it, so it’s obviously in use. Map to a new drive, that’s not already in use on your local machine — something like Z: or Y:
May 9, 2020 at 20:19