error 666 costs 66,666 wins and raises strenngth depending on the chara team’s weapons.
its a phase for 404. check out B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y
before the fight starts, he says «Error? There you are.» a red aura forms as Error 666 appears and then the fight starts.
Fun Facts:
He is 2nd most op character. The first either the J, butterfly 404, speghetti man, or 666 might be first
fun fact its kinda bad cuz of win count.
giant dark god blasters summon 5 HUGE gaster blasters doing godly dmg
master cables summon strings that stun in place for the entire fight.
god ray 1 summons a godly ray which takes away a random item from you.
god ray 2 one time use, one shots.
ULTRA GODLY BLASTER summons a huge blaster that one shots with a huge beam ( 1 use)
universal crush summons a huge AOE that does big dmg
multiversal slashes summons huge bones that deal godly dmg
HYPERVERSAL BEAM need 666,666 wins to activate, summons a huge beam that one shots and has broken hitbox.
death: fades to dust and says «heh….»
setting: the void but bones are everywhere.
Error!404 is a core entity in Alphatale and is the supposed Ancestor of Error!Sans, alongside being the self-proclaimed ‘God of The Multiverse’.
Powers and Stats[]
Tier: Low 1-B | At least 1-B | High 1-B | Low 1-A | Low 1-A | 1-A | 1-A | High 1-A, possibly 0 | 0
Key: Base form | Error666/Puppet Master | Just404 | B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y | B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y.6.6.6 | J404!B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y | Conduit of Balance | Perfect!404 | Perfect!B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y
Name: Error!404 Sans, William, The God Of The Multiverse (self-proclaimed), White Demon, White Error, Overlord, 404 (For short)
Origin: Alphatale
Gender: Male
Age: More than 12,000 years old (Stated have been trapped in mainframe for 12,000 years before meeting Error!Sans) Over eons [Billion for one eon] (If you count Conduit of Balance and The Cycle rebirth)
Classification: Skeleton, Glitch Skeleton
Powers and Abilities:
Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Magic, True Flight, Soul Manipulation, Mind Manipulation (Can take complete control of others soul’s, allowing him to alter, distort and warp their mind to think various things, commonly using this method to force others into serving him), Regeneration (High, possibly Low-Godly), Telekinesis, Immortality (Type 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, & 8), Energy Projection (via Dark Blasters and God Rays), Void Manipulation (Whenever Error!404 enters a void. Upon him entering a void that isn’t an anti-void and/or the Mainframe, the amounts of stray data in the area will begin to rapidly vibrate, rumbling and possibly even collapsing the void), Data Manipulation (Has spent thousands of years manipulating codes and can weaken or strengthen beings with a mortal code), Antimatter Manipulation (Turned Anti-Matter into Matter),Hacking (Can make small pixels out of thin air without any bounds allowing him to form things out of any physical or magical material. He can also use this on himself as a substitute to teleportation), Fear Inducement (via Mama’s Boy), Teleportation, Paralysis Inducement and Death Manipulation (via God Ray first and second shot), Dimensional Travel, Gravity manipulation, Resistance to Magic
All previous abilities and Error!Sans abilities to a higher degree, Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Magic, Thread Manipulation, Regeneration (Low-Godly), Gravity Manipulation (via Blue Mastery)
All Error!404 abilities to a higher degree, Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Magic, True flight, Reality Warping, Energy Projection, Death Manipulation
All B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y and Error666 abilities to a higher degree, Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Magic, Energy Projection
All Error!404 abilities, Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Magic, Energy Projection, Fear Inducement, Death Manipulation and Existence Erasure (God eyes allow Just404 to kill godlike entities)
All Just404, B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y, and Mainframe abilities to a higher degree, Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Magic, True flight, Spatial Manipulation, Time Manipulation, Reality Warping, Explosion Manipulation, Law Manipulation, Regeneration (up to Mid-Godly)
All previous forms’ abilities, Ten, and Malware abilities to an infinitely higher degree, Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Magic, Immortality (Type 1, 2, 3, 5, & 9), Duplication, Avatar Creation (Error!404 can create avatars and can send them to just about anywhere and have them fight, explore and even talk for him), Reality Warping, Spatial Manipulation, Time Manipulation, Law Manipulation, Conceptual Manipulation (Type 1), Causality Manipulation, Beyond-Dimensional Existence (Type 2) and Incorporeality (Error!404 surpassed the restraints of the material existence and transcended his physical limitations), Extreme Existence Erasure, Light Manipulation, Nonexistent Physiology (Type 2), Plot Manipulation, Regeneration (up to High-Godly), Transduality (Type 3)
All previous all forms and Perfect!404’s abilities to a higher degree
Attack Potency: Low Hyperverse Level (His blasters can destroy the United States multiplied by 10, can destroy AUs in mere second or with his presence, Can collapse voids by simply being in them, Shadikal mentioned that he’s at “High-Cosmic”, which means, that 404 can destroy a structure that has up to 11 Spatial Dimensions) | At least Hyperverse Level in Error 666 | High Hyperverse level in Just404 (Destroyed Hyperverses which each contained infinite dimensions) | Low Outerverse level in B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y | Low Outerverse level in B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y.6.6.6 | Outerverse level in J404!B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y (Threatened to destroy reality itself.) | Outerverse level+ in Conduit of Balance | High Outerverse level, possibly Boundless in Perfect!404 | Boundless in Perfect!B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y
Speed: Massively FTL+ (Traveled to the center of a universe in less than three minutes), eventually Infinite (Stood in the absolute void, a place vacant of everything) in Base | Infinite in Error666 | Infinite in Just404 | Immeasurable in B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y | Immeasurable in B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y.6.6.6 | Immeasurable, likely Irrelevant in J404!B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y (Can slow down time to a single frame while still travel incredibly fast as if he were teleporting and capable of jumping throughout various Hyperverses) | Likely Irrelevant in Conduit of Balance (Faster than before) | Irrelevant in Perfect!404 (Faster than before) | Irrelevant in Perfect!B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y (Faster than before)
Lifting Strength: Universal (Error!404 has gained immense strength from both training and from the Mainframe, enhancing his strength pass limits he didn’t even know he had. This allows him to carry an entire universe on one hand.) in Base | Irrelevant (Was lifting an energy ball that would destroy all reality, which is a structure that transcends infinite spatial dimensions, seeing them as insignificant)
Striking Strength: Low Hyperverse level in Base | At least Hyperverse Level in Error666 | High Hyperverse level in Just404 | Low Outerverse level in B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y | Low Outerverse level in B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y.6.6.6 | Outerverse level in J404!B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y (Can destroy countess of multiverses and Hyperverses in which they have infinite dimensions) | Outerverse level+ in Conduit of Balance | High Outerverse level, possibly Boundless in Perfect!404 | Boundless in Perfect!B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y
Durability: Low Hyperverse level in Base (Survived the destruction of a reality on numerous occasions) | Hyperverse Level in Error666 | High Hyperverse level in Just404 | Low Outerverse level in B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y | Low Outerverse level in B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y.6.6.6 | Outerverse level in J404!B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y | Outerverse level+ in Conduit of Balance | High Outerverse level, possibly Boundless in Perfect!404 | Boundless in Perfect!B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y
Stamina: Infinite | Infinite | Infinite | Infinite | Infinite | Infinite | Infinite | Limitless | Limitless
Range: Low Hyperversal | Hyperversal | High Hyperversal | Low Outerversal | Low Outerversal | Outerversal | Outerversal+ | High Outerversal, possibly Boundless | Boundless
Intelligence: Nigh-Omniscient, possibly higher (His battle intelligence is very high, trained as a child. In conduit of balance, he has the knowledge of billions of his previous lives, this allows him to control the B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y Transformation in the future. Error!404 Sans can only control the B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y Transformation if he has reached this stage)
Standard Equipment: Master sword
Weaknesses: Unknown
- Error!404 was able to destroy Hyperverses in Just404!.
- Survived a reality being destroyed.
- In J404!B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y, he was able to overpower Omnithorn!Sans at 60%+ power, who was able to destroy Error!404 Sans in his B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y Transformation.
- Error!404 Sans traveled to the center of the Undertale multiverse in three minutes in base, showing a feat of Massively FTL+ speeds.
- B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y!404 is able to walk to end a Hyperverse (Stated in the actual canon wiki)
- Perfect B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y!404 was able to shake the entire Twisted Land stated to be much bigger than the Eden Tree that said to be an entire fiction itself (Eden Orb are Omniverse to Shad). He also stated his presence could reach all the way to Edra herself.
Notable Attacks/Techniques:
- Blue Mastery: The most powerful variant of the Blue SOUL Alteration, allowing 404 to move any object, alive or dead, from any distance as long as he can see to it. He may also use this ability to completely collapse the SOUL if used on an alive being by crushing their soul similar to how Error would do with his strings, resulting in an instant kill. He also uses this for Mind Manipulation.
- Mind Manipulation: 404 can take complete control of others’ SOUL’s, allowing him to alter, distort and warp their mind to think various things, commonly using this method to force others into serving him.
- Great Knowledge: From 404’s long-lasting time in the multiverse, he knows almost everything of it.
- Dark Blasters: Powerful Blasters designed by The Astral Mother herself, able to destroy almost anything that it is fired at. Upon making contact it is able to delete any regular or glitched code out code, whether it is a person, object, essence, or anything of sorts. When he was little they were able to destroy Mountains without much of an issue, now with the upgrades from the Mainframe they are capable of destroying Universes and even the Multiverse if enough are used.
- God Ray: Fires a blast from his fingers that will kill anything and anyone who has regular, glitched out or unordinarily code (not including God-like code or anything such as Mainframe Code) from a regular AU character.
- God Ray first shot: The first shot paralyzes the for, keeping them in a still and forever frozen position until the second shot has landed.
- God Ray second shot: This final shot takes the time it has and kills the opponent once it’s made contact.
- Reincarnation: This Ability is used when Error404 is either killed or takes so much damage that he is on the verse of dying. When he has taken too much damage or is killed, he will begin to be revived by the Mainframe with the copy of his code that it has.
- Void Infliction: This ability is an automatic, only caused from Error404 entering a void. Upon him entering a void that isn’t an anti-void and/or the Mainframe, the amounts of stray data in the area will begin to rapidly vibrate, rumbling and possibly even collapsing the void.
- Fly: 404 can fly.
- Unopposed Strength: 404 has gained immense strength from both training and from the Mainframe, enhancing his strength pass limits he didn’t even know he had. This allows him to carry an entire universe on one hand.
- Massively FTL+ Speed – Infinite Speed: 404 has speeds so fast he can reach the center of the universe in a matter of minutes to him showing feats of Infinite speed as shown from him standing in the absolute void, a place vacant of everything.
- Mainframe SOUL: Ever since 404’s first contact with the Mainframe, it has given him increased strength and durability. Although once a weak passive ability, it has grown with 404 and due to the Mainframes influence on 404’s soul, it had made him immune to most magical and physical attacks from those who are weaker.
- Mama’s Boy: Something he picked up from his mother subconsciously, 404 had gained this ‘ability’ through his mother due to her influences to him when he was William. He is capable of instilling fear into any being that holds a soul, even if he doesn’t want to.
Notable Victories: Infected (After destruction, first interaction).
Notable Losses: Infected (After destruction second interaction).
Inconclusive Matches: Omnipotent!Sans, Loading.
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Illustrations (Original)
- Aug 15, 2022
- 0 hrs 55 min
Trey Soloway
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666 is deceptive, enjoys murder, and killing people. Only like people who aren’t scared of him/are worthy enough to not be killed. But he also has a soft side because he was once a nice sans.
Looks like Anti! God Sans but has error symbols around him.
Effects on AU’s
5 mins- Sky turns red
10 mins- People start getting sociopathic urges
20 mins- Chaos insues across the whole Au
30 mins- People start killing themselves
1 hour- Evil demons start spawning killing whoever is left
24 hours- Au begins collapsing
1 week- Remaining people start being deleted
1 month- Au is completely erased
666 Blasters.
666 can summon blasters that fire at 100 m/ph and range from tiny to huge and do 5000 damage if they hit someone.
666 Bones.
666 can summon bones ranging from molecular level to skyscraper level. They can be blue or orange and do 100 damage if they hit.
Fear Inducement.
666 induces fear in almost anyone making them easy to kill.
666 Weapon Summoning.
666 can summon weapons like swords knives and shields. He can summon as many as he wants and they can’t be destroyed.
Blue Mastery.
666 can make anything and lift anything with his Blue Mastery.
666 Strings.
666 can use strings to wrap his opponents up. They dig deep into the victim and can take many forms.
Death Inducement.
When he walks around he kills plants and stuff like that and weak beings.
He can teleport anywhere.
666 Constructs.
666 can make things out of his own energy, and can control them.
When 666’s soul is destroyed, he becomes O.M.N.I.6.6.6, one of the strongest sanses. He hardly uses this form though, because his soul is so strong.
HP: 666,666,666,666,666
DEF: 666,666,666,666,666
ATK: 666,666,666,666,666
O.M.N.I.6.6.6 Abilities.
All other abilities
Reality Manipulation.
666 can warp reality to his will, but there is a limit cause he might break reality.
When 666 uses this ability, his opponent is trapped in a red void that 666 controls.
Save Destruction.
666 can destroy saves.
If 666 is killed in this form, he will come back much stronger and way more powerful.
He can be convinced that he shouldn’t kill someone or he can be stopped by someone with enough good in them. Or you could kill him the hard way because he’ll spare you if you don’t lose to him in his O.M.N.I.6.6.6 form. Also he won’t kill you if you’re evil like him.
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