Ошибка 504 тарков

Escape from Tarkov Backend Error HTTP1.1 504 Gateway Timeout has been a constant problem for players for a while. As with most multiplayer games, Escape from Tarkov is also prone to errors and the error 504 is one of the most persistent with the game. Words like Backend, Gateway Timeout suggests that the problem is with the server, but there are certain situations when it may be caused on the client-end and you can fix it.

Currently on 5:26 pm (UTC) the servers of Escape From Tarkov are down and users are facing a lot of issues and errors due to server connection issues.

As with most connection errors, the Escape from Tarkov Backend Error 504 also causes the server to disconnect from the client and the game can crash. The most concerning aspect of the error is users can lose item when disconnect happens. The error is causes when the data-allocation at the server side fails due to some reasons.

There are a few different version of the error, but all of them are the same. While there are certain things you can try to fix the error, you should know that it’s an issue with the server and the permanent resolution can only come from the developers. When the error occurs, you should check the Official Twitter handle of the game for addresses from Battlestate Games confirming the error. In the past, there have been several instances when the developers confirmed the Escape from Tarkov backend error.

If there is a confirmed ongoing issue with the servers, none of the solutions on your end will work. The devs would have to fix the problem. But, a few users on Reddit has postulated that the error occurs when using the Comcast internet service. Here are some solutions that have helped some users resolve the error.

Wait it Out

The 504 Gateway Timeout error is usually a temporary issue caused by server overload or maintenance. In such cases, the best solution might be to wait for a while and try again later. The developers might be working to resolve the problem on their end.

Check Game Servers

If you are getting this error, the first thing you should do is check the servers. There is a wipe planned before the new year and the outage for the wipe may be the reason you are getting the Escape from Tarkov backend error.

Today, December 28, at 6:30AM GMT/1:30AM EST we are planning to install patch The installation will take approximately 6 hours, but may be extended if required. The game will not be accessible during this period. There will be wipe with the patch#EscapefromTarkov

— Battlestate Games (@bstategames) December 28, 2022

Reboot the computer and the network hardware

While the error is with the servers, we suggest that you perform the basic connection troubleshooting and restart the devices. Sometimes a bad cache or initialization error can cause all sorts of problems in a game. So, restart the system and the network hardware and check if the problem persists.

Try playing the game using mobile internet

Using the mobile internet to play the game is not necessary of you have access to the internet from another ISP. However, if you don’t, then, try to play the game using the mobile hotspot. Sometimes certain ISP can have problem connecting with specific servers and errors like these can arise.

Whitelist the game on your antivirus

Go to your respective antivirus and set the exception for the Escape for Tarkov folder. If you were able to play the game and the error started to happen after an update. Try restoring the firewall default. Here are the steps you can follow.

  1. Press Windows Key + S and type firewall.
  2. Click on Firewall & network protection.
  3. Click on Restore firewalls to default.
  4. Click on Restore defaults and click Yes.

If the above solutions have failed to fix the Escape from Tarkov Backend Error HTTP1.1 504 Gateway Timeout, do not worry, it’s most likely an issue caused at the server end and devs are looking into it. You can report the problem by posting the issue on Twitter and tagging the devs or reach out to their support.     

Как исправить ошибку HTTP 1.1 504 Gateway Timeout в Escape from Tarkov Backend Error Если вы столкнулись с ошибкой EFT в игре Escape from Tarkov, то вы один из многих пользователей, пострадавших от этой новой проблемы. Многие игроки столкнулись с одной и той же ошибкой с такими сообщениями, как Gateway Timeout, Backend Error, Error HTTP 1.1 504 и др. Так что если вы хотите исправить ошибку Backend Error HTTP 1.1 504 Gateway Timeout в Escape from Tarkov, то вы попали по адресу. Эта ошибка довольно раздражающая и, как и в большинстве многопользовательских игр, отнимает у вас часть игрового времени. Поэтому мы хотели бы сократить время, которое вам приходится тратить на ее устранение, и рекомендуем вам попробовать то, о чем мы расскажем ниже.

Исправление ошибки шлюза Escape From Tarkov Backend Error Gateway Timeout По коду ошибки мы можем определить ее связь с серверами. Поэтому первая задача, которую необходимо решить, – это проверить статус сервера игры Escape from Tarkov. Вы можете перейти по указанной нами ссылке, чтобы открыть наш путеводитель по серверному статусу игры. Как только вы определите, что причиной проблемы являются серверы, вы поймете, что исправить ошибку Escape from Tarkov Backend Error HTTP 1.1 504 Gateway Timeout уже невозможно. Все, что вы можете сделать в этом случае, – это ждать, пока серверы придут в норму. Вы также можете следить за страницей в Twitter компании Battlestate Games чтобы заранее получать любые обновления о работе серверов. На всякий случай, если это не ваша проблема, мы рекомендуем вам проверить свое подключение к Интернету на наличие неизвестной ошибки. Если это не поможет решить проблему, мы рекомендуем вам обратиться в Служба поддержки EFTВот и все о том, как исправить ошибку Escape from Tarkov Backend Error HTTP 1.1 504 Gateway Timeout. Пока вы находитесь здесь, не забудьте ознакомиться с другими нашими статьями Escape from Tarkov с SeriosExGames.

Read on to learn how to fix Error 504 Bad Gateway in Escape From Tarkov.

Escape From Tarkov is an immersive and challenging online game that has attracted a large following among FPS enthusiasts. However, like any online game, it can be prone to errors and connectivity issues. One of the most common errors players encounter is the Error 504 Bad Gateway.

In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the various methods to fix Error 504 Bad Gateway in Escape From Tarkov, ensuring you can return to enjoying your gaming experience as soon as possible.

Before diving into the solutions, it’s essential to understand what Error 504 Bad Gateway means in the context of Escape From Tarkov. This error indicates a problem with the connection between your device and the game’s servers. The error can occur for various reasons, such as server issues, network problems, or issues with your device. In the following sections, we will discuss methods to fix Error 504 Bad Gateway in Escape From Tarkov and help you get back into the game.

Common Causes of Error 504 Bad Gateway

Several possible causes exist for the Error 504 Bad Gateway in Escape From Tarkov. Some of the most common reasons include:

  • Server-side issues with Battlestate Games, such as server maintenance or unexpected downtime
  • Issues with your internet connection, such as slow speeds or unstable connections
  • Problems with your device, such as outdated drivers or conflicting software

By identifying the cause of the error, you can more effectively address the issue and fix Error 504 Bad Gateway in Escape From Tarkov.

Restarting the Game and Launcher

One of the most straightforward solutions to try when encountering Error 504 Bad Gateway is to restart the game and its launcher. This can help resolve temporary connection issues between your device and the game’s servers. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Close Escape From Tarkov and its launcher by right-clicking on their icons in the taskbar and selecting “Close” or “Exit.”
  2. Wait a few seconds to ensure the game and launcher have fully closed.
  3. Relaunch the Escape From Tarkov launcher and log in with your credentials.
  4. Start the game and check if the error has been resolved.

Restarting Your PC

If restarting the game and launcher does not fix Error 504 Bad Gateway in Escape From Tarkov, the next step is to restart your PC. This can help resolve any lingering issues with your device that may be causing the error. To restart your PC, follow these steps:

  1. Save any open files and close all running applications.
  2. Click on the Windows Start button and select the Power icon.
  3. Choose “Restart” from the options provided.
  4. Wait for your PC to restart, then launch the Escape From Tarkov launcher.
  5. Start the game and check if the error has been resolved.

Checking Your Internet Connection

A stable and fast internet connection is crucial for online gaming, and issues with your connection can cause Error 504 Bad Gateway in Escape From Tarkov. To check your internet connection, follow these steps:

  1. Open a web browser and visit a website to ensure an active internet connection.
  2. Run an internet speed test using Speedtest.net to check your connection speed.
  3. Compare your speed test results to the recommended minimum internet speeds for Escape From Tarkov. Contact your internet service provider (ISP) for assistance if your speed is significantly lower.
  4. Check for any obstacles or interference affecting your Wi-Fi signals, such as walls, electronic devices, or other Wi-Fi networks. Connect your PC to your router using an Ethernet cable for improved stability and speed.

Troubleshooting Your Network

If you’re still experiencing Error 504 Bad Gateway in Escape From Tarkov after checking your internet connection, the next step is to troubleshoot your network. Here are some steps you can take:

  1. Restart your router by unplugging it from the power source, waiting for 30 seconds, and then plugging it back in.
  2. Update your router’s firmware, as outdated firmware can sometimes cause connectivity issues.
  3. Disable any VPN or proxy services running on your PC, as these can sometimes interfere with your connection to the game’s servers.
  4. Open the Windows Control Panel and navigate to Network and Internet > Network and Sharing Center > Troubleshoot problems. Follow the on-screen prompts to troubleshoot and resolve any network issues.

Checking Battlestate Games’ Server Status

If all the above solutions have failed, the issue may lie with Battlestate Games’ servers. To check the server status, follow these steps:

  1. Visit the official Escape From Tarkov website or Battlestate Games’ Twitter account for any announcements or updates regarding server issues or maintenance.
  2. Check community forums like the Escape From Tarkov subreddit for any discussions about server outages or issues.
  3. If the servers are experiencing issues, the only action is to wait for Battlestate Games to resolve the problem.

DNS Cache Flushing

Another possible solution to fix Error 504 Bad Gateway in Escape From Tarkov is to flush your DNS cache. This can help resolve issues with your PC’s connection to the game’s servers. To flush your DNS cache, follow these steps:

  1. Press the Windows key + R to open the Run dialog box.
  2. Type “cmd” and press Enter to open the Command Prompt.
  3. Type “ipconfig /flushdns” in the Command Prompt and press Enter.
  4. Wait for the message “Successfully flushed the DNS Resolver Cache” to appear.
  5. Close the Command Prompt and restart the Escape From Tarkov launcher.

Using a VPN

Sometimes, a VPN can help fix Error 504 Bad Gateway in Escape From Tarkov. A VPN can help improve your connection stability and bypass any potential network restrictions causing the error. When selecting a VPN, choose one with a fast and stable connection and servers near the game’s servers for optimal performance.

Contacting Support

If none of the above solutions have resolved Error 504 Bad Gateway in Escape From Tarkov, your final option is to contact Battlestate Games’ support team. You can submit a support ticket through the official Escape From Tarkov website. Provide a detailed description of the issue, any troubleshooting steps you have already taken, and any relevant error messages or screenshots.

In conclusion, Error 504 Bad Gateway in Escape From Tarkov can be frustrating, but following the steps outlined in this comprehensive guide can quickly identify and resolve the issue. With patience and persistence, you’ll be back in the game and enjoying your Escape From Tarkov experience.


In conclusion, you can do a few things to fix the Error 504 Bad Gateway in Escape From Tarkov. First, you can try restarting the game and launcher. If that doesn’t work, you can try restarting your PC. You can also try restarting your router and checking your connection status on your PC. Finally, you can try troubleshooting your network via the Control Panel on your PC.

If you have tried all these things and are still getting the Error 504 Bad Gateway, the issue is likely on the side of Battlestate Games. As a perpetually online game, Escape From Tarkov is expected to have points where the servers unexpectedly shut down. When this happens, your only action is to wait it out.

I hope this guide has been helpful. If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask.

Here are some additional tips for fixing the Error 504 Bad Gateway:

  • Make sure you are using a wired connection instead of Wi-Fi.
  • Try connecting to a different server.
  • Clear your cache and cookies.
  • Update your drivers.
  • Reinstall the game.

If you have tried all these things and are still getting the Error 504 Bad Gateway, you may need to contact Battlestate Games support for help.

I’m Yıldırım, the founder and main contributor to this gaming niche website. I’ve been a professional gamer for 20 years and had the privilege of competing in some of the biggest gaming tournaments and events worldwide. Whether you’re a casual player or a hardcore gamer, I aim to help you take your gaming skills to the next level and maximize your gaming experience. So, feel free to browse through my website and join me on this exciting journey through the world of gaming!

Error 504 shows up in Escape From Tarkov (EFT) due to connectivity issues with the game. The error can show up either when the servers are acting up or when your internet connectivity is having problems. If you see the error code pop up in Escape From Tarkov, there are some fixes you can try but you should always check the Battlestate Games EFT Status page to check if there are any ongoing server issues. If the servers are online, here are a few things you can try to fix Error 504 in Escape From Tarkov.

Error 504 in Escape From Tarkov: How to Fix

Close all Escape From Tarkov Processes from the Task Manager.

  1. Right-click on your Taskbar

  2. Click on Task Manager

  3. Find all Escape From Tarkov processes

  4. Right-click on each of the programs and click on End Task.

You can also try restarting your router and your computer if it does not help.

  1. Restart your router

  2. Press the Windows key on your keyboard

  3. Click on the Power icon

  4. Click on Restart

You should also check if there are any pending game updates.

Clean Temporary Internet Files (PC Only) 

  1. Press the Windows Key

  2. Type “Command Prompt” and hover on the first app result

  3. Click on Run As Administrator

  4. If asked whether to allow Command Prompt to make changes to your computer, select Yes.

  5. You should now get a new window with a black screen.

  6. Type «ipconfig /flushdns» and press Enter.

  7. Type «ipconfig /registerdns» and press Enter.

  8. Type «ipconfig /release» and press Enter.

  9. Type «ipconfig /renew» and press Enter.

  10. Type «netsh winsock reset» and press Enter.

  11. Restart your computer.

Change DNS

You should consider changing your DNS on your router or PC if the issue persists. Login to your router and head to the setup page. Leave all existing settings intact and change your primary and secondary DNS to any of the following:





There is also an app you can install by Cloudflare that can toggle OpenDNS on or off. Head to https://one.one.one.one/ and download the app for Windows. Once installed, toggle it on and try playing Escape From Tarkov which should resolve Error 504 in Escape From Tarkov.

If none of these solutions work you should contact your internet service provider and seek assistance. A lot of the time, there are issues at the (internet service provider’s) ISP’s end, and explaining the issue to them should help resolve the issue.

Escape from Tarkov

The story-driven multiplayer FPS game, Escape from Tarkov is a trending game amongst the streamers. Battlestate Games developed the game which involves a war scene between two private military companies. Players take part in matches which are called ‘raids’. These raids include battling other players for survival. All the loot and materials vanish if you die in the game. That’s quite harsh, isn’t it? Most things about this game seem harsh, including the error codes. Have you been facing the error code 504? Read this article to know some fixes or workarounds.

About the Escape from Tarkov error 504

The Escape from Tarkov 504 error, also known as HTTP1.1 504 Gateway Timeout, is related to connection problems. It usually means that your client is unable to contact the game’s server. The error has been troubling the players for a long time as the fix was either unavailable or unknown. This is because this error usually points to an issue on the developer’s end. Well, the good news is that the problem can sometimes be rectified from the client’s side.

The error causes the game to disconnect from the server, followed by redirection to the home screen or out of the game. Seeing this error mid-game will obviously induce a sense of fear among players. After all, leaving the server means that the character is dead and all the progress and items collected will be lost. Some users also complained that after loading for 2-3 minutes, the game showed three different errors at the same time.

Meanwhile do not forget to keep checking the social media handles and official site for an update regarding this. If this is indeed caused by a server issue [it is always a server problem], any fix you try will not be able to help.Escape From Tarkov

Some fixes

Restart the computer and reset the network hardware

One fix is to restart your PC which works for some of the users. If the issue persists try troubleshooting your network devices by going to network settings. A manual way is to check if WiFi is turned on and Airplane Mode is off. It also includes checking if the problem is with the Website or with your device. You can also check for a Valid IP Address or try to Ping And Trace The Route. Escape from Tarkov saved data and cache files can sometimes cause this error, so clear them as well for a fresh start.

A client-side update performed a few months ago turned out to be successful. However, in the past, a server update had also gone wrong, leading to backend issues. Some players who were mid-game even lost all their progress and items collected. If you didn’t update the client, you’ll need to do so once the server backend issues are resolved.

Also read: What does PMC mean in Escape from Tarkov (EFT)

Clear cookies and saved data

Go to browser and in settings go to advance settings. Select content settings and find the Cookies option. Then Click on see all cookies and site data and further select the remove all option. This will delete all the cookies and saved data. Close the settings and restart the browser and log back into your Escape from Tarkov account.

Escape From Tarkov

Change DNS

Before you do this, make sure your internet connection is working fine. To change DNS, go to the Control Panel on your pc. Then select network and internet and navigate to Network and sharing center. Click on Change adapter settings as the next step. Then right-click on the network adapter and click properties. Now Change the DNS server types according to your network. Some preferred addresses are and Click OK and restart the Pc and check if the update worked.

Escape From Tarkov

Contact Support

If none of these methods worked for you, head over to the support page on the official website and submit the complaint.

Varadraj Kulkarni

A new-age content writer and creator who loves to write relatable and attractive content for the right reader. Entertainment, Music, Social media, Netflix, and Sports are some of my home turf ardours.

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