Ошибка 504 роблокс

Developer Forum | Roblox


HTTP 504. Displayed during a web-host timeout, which can be caused by Roblox maintenance/server downtime or by a poor internet connection. An error occurred, please try again. Happens when Roblox is attempted to load on some VPNs, or when an invalid IP is used to load the website.

How do I fix error 504?

How to Fix the 504 Gateway Timeout Error?

  1. Try Reloading the Webpage.
  2. Reboot Your Network Devices.
  3. Check Your Proxy Settings.
  4. Check for DNS Issues.
  5. Disable Your Site’s CDN Temporarily.
  6. Check Server Issues With Your Host.
  7. Check for Spam, Bots, or DDoS Attacks.
  8. Repair Your Corrupted WordPress Database.

What is 504 error after login?

The HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) 504 Gateway Timeout server error response code indicates that the server, while acting as a gateway or proxy, did not get a response in time from the upstream server that it needed in order to complete the request.

What is glitch error 504?

504 gateway timeout means a network error between servers on the internet. It is an HTTP status code means that one server did not receive a timely reply or response from another server that it was accessing while trying to load a web page or load another request by the browser.

How long does a 504 error last?

DNS Changes

This could cause your website to serve its visitors a 504 Gateway Timeout Error page. Your website won’t be up and running until these DNS changes take full effect, which can take a few hours.

How To Fix Roblox Error Code 403

Is 504 a server error?

The 504 (Gateway Timeout) status code indicates that the server, while acting as a gateway or proxy, did not receive a timely response from an upstream server it needed to access in order to complete the request. The error may be a temporary occurrence due to too much traffic toward the server or site.

What is error code 504 Epic Games?

The 504 Gateway Timeout error is an HTTP status code that means that one server didn’t receive a timely response from another server that it was accessing while attempting to load the web page or fill another request by the browser.

What is 504 and 502 error?

A 502 or a 504 error in the browser indicates that the web server is unable to respond to the CDN’s initial request to your server for that HTML, which will return a 5xx error.

What is error code 504 for an app?

Google Play Store Error 504 generally occurs while trying to download mobile apps from the play store. It can also occur while attempting to update the current version of the mobile app. This error is associated with slower internet connections or poor mobile data networks.

What is error 500 504?

Troubleshooting 500 errors

502 and 504 errors are related to a bad gateway, meaning that while the reverse proxy server is operational, something it needs to collect from the origin server is not working, or the connection between the reverse proxy server and the origin server is broken.

What is error 503 504?

HTTP 503: This error indicates that one or more cluster nodes don’t have enough capacity to handle the request. For more information, see How do I resolve an HTTP 503 Service Unavailable error in Amazon OpenSearch Service? HTTP 504: This error happens when a request fails to complete within the idle timeout period.

Is Error 502 temporary?

If you’re seeing a «Temporary Error (502)» message when you try to sign in to Gmail, your mail is temporarily unavailable. This error usually goes away quickly, so try signing in again in a few minutes. Even though you can’t sign in for the moment, your messages and personal information are still safe.

What is a code 500?

The HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) 500 Internal Server Error server error response code indicates that the server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request.

What is denial code 18 Fortnite?

This error means that a game you are attempting to play is still running. If you are getting this error, force quit the game or application using your Task Manager.

What is error 003 in Fortnite?

A lot of the time, the ESP-Buimet-003 error is the result of server connection issues between Epic Games and Microsoft or Sony. This means there’s a good chance the problem is on their end, not yours. If this is the case, there’s nothing you can do to fix the ESP-Buimet-003 error.

What is error 93 in Fortnite?

Check the Fortnite server status

If there are, then that’s likely what’s causing your inability to join someone’s party. If the servers are up and running and you’re still seeing Error Code 93, then you’ll have to simply keep trying to join a Fortnite party.

What does 504 mean?

504 Plan Defined

The 504 Plan is a plan developed to ensure that a child who has a disability identified under the law and is attending an elementary or secondary educational institution receives accommodations that will ensure their academic success and access to the learning environment.

What is a 402 error?

The HTTP 402 or “Payment Required” code isn’t a standard response, and most browsers don’t use it. Therefore, if you see a 402 status, it usually means there was a problem with a payment. HTTP status 402 is a rare code classified as “experimental” or under development.

What is the 503 error?

The HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) 503 Service Unavailable server error response code indicates that the server is not ready to handle the request. Common causes are a server that is down for maintenance or that is overloaded.

How do I fix 503?

7 Steps to Find Root Cause and Resolve the 503 Error:

  1. Check Resource Usage.
  2. Check for Ongoing Maintenance.
  3. Stop Running Processes.
  4. Reset Firewall.
  5. Check Server Logs and Fix the Code.
  6. Restart Your Server and Networking Equipment.
  7. Check Your DNS.

What is 2007 error in Gmail?

The error occurs due to either incorrect configuration of a system file or modifications in some of the settings. If the system file is misconfigured, it can generate a registry error on the computer.

What is error #2014 in Gmail?

Note: Error #2014 is related to a Chrome browser extension. Disable your Chrome extensions one at a time to determine which extension is causing the error. The full text of error #2014 is: Oops… the system is experiencing a problem (#2014) — Try again.

What is error code 4 in Gmail?

Error codes that start with a 4 indicate the server had temporary failure but the action will be completed with another try.

What is Ghost error 503?

The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Please try again later. Additionally, a 503 Service Unavailable error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

What is error code 400?

The HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) 400 Bad Request response status code indicates that the server cannot or will not process the request due to something that is perceived to be a client error (for example, malformed request syntax, invalid request message framing, or deceptive request routing).

В Roblox хватает ошибок, многие из которых не сопровождаются пояснениями. В этой статье мы перечислим самые распространенные и расскажем, что с ними делать.

Ошибки на сайте

Ошибки в Roblox и как их исправить

Down For Maintenance

Сайт закрыт на технические работы. 


Неполадки со стороны пользователя. Отключите все плагины и расширения в браузере, почистите кэш и cookies. Если не поможет, то попробуйте зайти в Roblox через режим инкогнито.


На сервере технические работы.


Для вас доступ на страницу закрыт. Возможно, вы неправильно ввели адрес ссылки, по которой хотите зайти.


Проверьте адрес ссылки.


Еще одна ошибка сервера. Придется дождаться решения проблемы на стороне.


У вас проблемы с интернетом. Попробуйте перезагрузить роутер или подключиться через LTE.


Обычный сбой в системе. Перезагрузите страницу пару раз.

Ошибки клиента игры

Ошибки в Roblox и как их исправить

Client Crash

Аварийное выключение клиента. Скорее всего, ему не хватило ресурсов. Перезагрузите ПК и закройте все фоновые процессы на время игры в Roblox.


Ошибка, вызванная антивирусом. Вероятно, он по ошибке принял игру за вредоносный процесс. Добавьте ее в исключения в настройках программы или просто отключите.


Повторите попытку позже.


Сервер, на который вы хотите попасть, устарел. Попробуйте другой.


Вы пытаетесь телепортироваться в недоступное место. Перепроверьте координаты.


Перезагрузите или переустановите клиент.

256, 273, 274, 277

Ошибка подключения к серверу. Тут несколько вариантов: он выключен, у вас плохое интернет-соединение или вы забанены. Попробуйте другой сервер или свяжитесь с админами.


Неустойчивость со стороны сервера. Подождите стабилизации соединения.

261, 262

Подождите пару минут и подключитесь еще раз.


Один и тот же аккаунт запущен сразу на нескольких устройствах. 

267, 267, 271, 272

Вас выгнали с сервера.


Техническое обслуживание сервера. 


Подождите 15-20 минут и переподключитесь.


Эта ошибка вылетает после 17 и 146. Значит, вы либо отключились, либо все-таки телепортировались в неположенное место.


Обновите или перезагрузите Roblox.

Ошибки 301-800

Ошибки в Roblox и как их исправить


Сервер временно недоступен. Стоит проверить интернет и попробовать заново.


Пользователь покинул игру.


Сервер выключен.


Для подключения к серверу нужно приглашение от его пользователей.


Либо проблемы с интернетом, либо неполадки со стороны игры. Перезагрузите роутер и перезайдите.


Попытка войти на VIP-сервер. Либо получите доступ, либо выберите другой.


Неизвестная проблема, которая возникает из-за телепорта. У нее нет точной причины, поэтому просто попробуйте еще раз.


Вы пытаетесь подключиться к несуществующей игре. Перепроверьте данные.


Вы пытаетесь подключиться к несуществующему серверу. Перепроверьте данные.


Сервер переполнен. 


Вы пытаетесь зайти в приватный сервер или игру. Запросите доступ у владельца.

Заглавное фото: Wired

If you have been experiencing technical difficulties with Roblox, please contact Roblox Support for assistance.

Disconnected Blank

A game client error message (without the message).

Newest variation.

New variant of «Not enough robux» error message.

An Error Message is usually displayed when an unexpected event has happened within a program. This includes errors encountered in Roblox Player, in Roblox Studio and on the website.

There are three types of errors on Roblox: website (HTTP) errors, which prevent a client (user) request from working, program errors (including engine errors), which terminate the program in most cases, and in-game errors (including Lua errors), which happen within a place and do not terminate the program. In-game errors are different from glitches as glitches usually do not cause an error message to be displayed and are harder to troubleshoot.

If an error has occurred within a game (separate from the program itself), rather than terminating the program, a grey box will appear displaying the information about what happened, prevents any further gameplay in most cases, and will give the player a Leave option, which will bring the player to the website, and a Reconnect option if possible. There are many in-game error messages that can be encountered, each of which is associated with an error code number. Generally, 2xx error codes indicate connection issues, 5xx error codes indicate player-related error, the error code 610 indicates HTTP issues and 7xx error codes indicate place teleportation error.

Different request error pages on the website can be accessed through «https://www.roblox.com/request-error?code=» followed by an error code (such as 400, 403, 404 or 500).

In Lua, error messages are displayed in the output in Roblox Studio, and in the in-game Developer Console. The error function can be used to generate an error message, which will also stop the thread that called the function from continuing.

Website errors

Error Description Images
«We’ll Be Back Soon«
«We’re making things more awesome. Be back soon.«
«This site is currently offline for maintenance and upgrades. Please check back soon!«

Displayed when the administrators have locked down the site to fix something that went wrong in the background. This screen is also used when the site is closed for maintenance. This is what the test websites currently lead to. The buttons spelling out Roblox and the text box are used when the administrators need to enter a password to start making changes to the website. Google Chrome sees this error as a soft-503 error.

The error message may not always have the password text box depending on the reason for maintenance.

Even if Roblox isn’t offline for maintenance, you can view the new maintenance page at https://www.roblox.com/offline.html




The link now redirects to an error [1]



Unsupported Browser «Your browser is not supported»»To continue using Roblox, please use one of the following browsers:»

Displays when accessing the Roblox website from an unsupported web browser.

Roblox unsupported browser
Too many redirects The message varies depending on the browser:

«The page isn’t redirecting properly» (Firefox)
«This page isn’t working: www.roblox.com redirected you too many times.» (Chrome)

Displayed on accounts with a poison ban. This error occurs because the site tries to redirect to the Membership/CreationDisabled.aspx page, but when banned, all pages redirect back to Membership/NotApproved.aspx, creating an infinite redirect loop.


Chrome version

Redirect error

Firefox version

Something went wrong
«Error | An unexpected error occurred. Please try again later.«

Displayed when changing the error code in the error page URL to a non-existent error code.


Current version (Light Mode)

Website Error Something Went Wrong Dark Theme

Current version (Dark Mode)

HTTP 400 Bad Request
«Bad Request«
«400 | There was a problem with your request«

Displayed when the web request made by a device is invalid or otherwise incorrect. It may also happen when searching inventories of completely wiped accounts too (e.g. noli — ID 31042685).

This error is also caused when changing the code in the address bar, or when the Roblox site is experiencing problems.

It can also occur while uploading images on the Develop page.

You can access this page by pressing this link: https://www.roblox.com/request-error?code=400

Chrome 03-28-2019 18-30-32

Current version (Light Mode)

Website Error 400 Dark Theme

Current version (Dark Mode)

BadRequest Mobile
HTTP 403 Access Denied
«Access Denied«
You don’t have autorization to view this page. (chrome)
«403 | You don’t have permission to view this page.«
«Sorry, You don’t don’t have permission to view this page!«

Displayed when attempting to view a page that is restricted. This will often show up when the user tries to go to an administrator/staff-only page, when the user is IP banned, or if a user tries to access a group page without sufficient permissions.

You can access this page by pressing this link: https://www.roblox.com/request-error?code=403

IP Ban on Chrome

IP ban on Google Chrome


Web server access denied


Old access denied

Chrome 03-28-2019 18-30-15

Current version (Light Mode)

Dark Mode 403

Current version (Dark Mode)

Creator Dashboard access denied

Creator Dashboard access denied (error image is same as 404 error)

AccessDenied Mobile
HTTP 404 Not Found
«Page cannot be found or no longer exists«
«404 | Page Not found«

Displayed when the URL leads to a page that could not be found or does not exist. Will occur often due to an invalid URL or when one tries to go to the profile of a terminated account.

You can access this page by pressing this link: https://www.roblox.com/request-error?code=404


Old page not found.

Chrome 03-28-2019 18-30-06

Current version (Light Mode)

404 error dark mode

Current version (Dark Mode)

404 error dark mode creator marketplace

Current version (Creator Marketplace, Dark Mode)


Web server Error 404

FourHundredAndFourError Mobile
HTTP 500 Internal Server Error «Unexpected error with your request»

«500 | An unexpected error occurred«

Displayed when the server has encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete the web request. It’s also the only error code that contains a link to the Roblox Status page.

You can access this page by pressing this link: https://www.roblox.com/request-error?code=500


Old internal server error.

Chrome 03-28-2019 18-31-00

Current version (Light Mode)

500 error dark mode

Current version (Dark Mode)

InternalServerError Mobile
Roblox outage «503 ERROR»

«The request could not be satisfied.«

Also known as a hard 503 error. Displayed when ROBLOX is having downtime or outages, but not for maintenance. Alternatively, entering the URL roblox.com/request-error?code=503 doesn’t make this page pop up, instead showing the «Bad Request» or «Something went wrong» error.

Roblox dot com (1)

The request could not be satisfied.

|-|Server Fault
«The service is unavailable.»
This error can app Roblox dot com (1)

The service is unavailable.

Connection timed out The message varies depending on the browser:

«This page isn’t working: roblox.com took too long to respond.» (Chrome)

HTTP 504. Displayed during a web-host timeout, which can be caused by Roblox maintenance/server downtime or by a poor internet connection.

An error occurred, please try again.

Happens when Roblox is attempted to load on some VPNs, or when an invalid IP is used to load the website. This can also occur when trying to view game passes through the Wayback Machine because it’s trying to load the old list of gamepasses that it used to have. To load the experience’s current gamepass list, click on the «No» button.

«Invalid arguments.» Happens when the Roblox website is encountering problems. Invalidarguments
«Failed to load Game Passes. Please try again later.» Displayed when the request to retrieve game passes fails, which can be caused due to Roblox issues or by faulty internet connection from the user. Also known to occur when attempting to view game passes using the Internet Archive website. LoadingGame passerror
Maximum friends
«Unable to process Request. That user currently has the max number of Friends allowed.«

Happens when the player tries to friend a user that already has the maximum of friends allowed on Roblox. (200 Friends)

2019-12-16 (2)
Transaction Failed
«We are having a problem completing your purchase. Please try again in a few minutes.«

Shown when Roblox fails to complete a transaction.

An error has occurred.
«Sorry, an error occurred.«

This error can be caused due to Roblox issues or by a poor internet connection. Also known to occur when attempting to register or sign up using the Internet Archive website.

Registration Error-0

2006 error message.


2007 error message.

Red error message
«The avatar page is temporarily unavailable.«
This error can be caused when the avatar page is unavailable due to housekeeping or technical difficulties.
«Failed to load recent items.«
Getting an accessory and accessing the avatar page while Roblox is in maintenance.
«User is blocked«
This error occurs when a friend request is sent to a blocked user.
«Items you don’t own in this outfit: (X)«
Displayed when trying to wear a limited hat or a normal hat that was traded or sold, or wearing a previously deleted item. X will be replaced with the number of unavailable items.
Library Error
«Library temporarily unavailable, please try again later.«

This can happen when one enters an invalid Category number in the URL bar.

Unable to join
«You cannot join this VIP server because this game is private.«

This happens when one attempts to join a VIP server on a private/under-review game.

Unable to join!

Attempting to join an under review/private game.

Wall posts are temporary unavailable
«Wall posts are temporary unavailable, please check back later.«

This happens when you scroll the Wall posts too far. This also happens when Roblox is down.

Item Owned
«You already own this item.«

This happens when one attempts to purchase an item that they already own.

Better quality
Recent experiences unable to load
«Experiences failed to load«

This happens when the servers cannot load a user’s recent experiences. This is common to those who loaded Roblox website home pages, but their internet or browser did not respond in a set time. This is most commonly found when Roblox servers do not respond in downtime or when in maintenance upon accessing the home page. A ? is shown on the no results found page with a glass and a big head.

Unable to load friends
«Unable to load friends«

This happens when the servers are not able to load a user’s friends list.

Image 2023-04-22 101538974
Connection Error There are two variations of this error:

«Sorry, there is a problem reaching our servers. Please try again.»
«Can’t connect to authentication servers. Please restart the app and try again later.»

This happens on Roblox Mobile when Roblox is down, experiencing issues or when you are banned when you try to log in to your account. (It appears really quick when you get banned)

The background is from the login page on the app.

Version 1 when pressing retry will result in a cooldown.

Roblox connection error
Marketplace Maintenance
«Our payment system is currently under maintenance. Please check back shortly!»

Displayed when the Marketplace/Catalog is under maintenance.

The «Back to ROBLOX» button doesn’t function. Despite the old appearance of this error page, it’s still in use. One of its recent uses was on May 17, 2023; despite it referencing the payment system, it was used for the Marketplace being down.

Even if the Roblox Marketplace isn’t offline for maintenance, you can view this maintenance page at https://www.roblox.com/upgrades/paymentsystem/unavailable

PaymentUnavailable Error


Account Creation Disabled
«Account creation has been suspended.»

Displayed when an attempt to create an account is made through a poison banned IP address. This error message could be bypassed with a VPN. As of around September 2018 (according to the Wayback Machine), this error message is no longer displayed. Nowadays, a «Too Many Redirects» error is shown to poison banned accounts


Client errors

Error Images
«Roblox Crash«
«An unexpected error occurred and Roblox needs to quit. We’re sorry!«

Displayed as a generic error message shown during a client crash, which can be caused by running out of memory, having a high ping, extreme lag, or connecting to the game while using a known (Roblox Player and/or Roblox Studio) exploit.

Roblox Crash 25 01 2019 03 02 59 p. m.
«Authentication Failed«
«An error was encountered during authentication. Please try again.«
Displayed when the authentication is invalid. Can also occur when its launched from the Command Prompt, and can also occur when a user plays on an account via web while a banned account is logged on through the app, or when a user is behind a banned IP address, usually when using a Proxy, VPN, or a Carrier-grade NAT.
«ÐžÑ^ибка авÑ,оризации«
«ÐšÐ¾Ð´ оÑ^ибки: 403«
«Ð’озникла оÑ^ибка во Ð²Ñ€ÐµÐ¼Ñ Ð°Ð²Ñ,оризации. ПовÑ,ори поыÑ,ау.«
The same error as the «Authentication Failed» error but in Mojibake, when the system fails to detect another language and instead translates it into gibberish. The mojibake in this error belongs to the Russian language.
Authentication error

The same one except with error code 0 (happens rarely when joining).

Authentication error2

Gibberish version of this error.

Error ddddd

the same Gibberish version but with 403.

«[System]: The chat filter is currently experiencing issues and messages may be slow to appear.«

This error occurs when there are too many messages being sent at the same time on a server and a different server. This error message mostly occurs in roleplay games or games like Yugioh Dimension Duels X, just due to the sheer influx of messages in those games. This also happens when Roblox is down.

«Web request to load GUAC policies failed. The backend UniversalServiceConfiguration may be down.«

Displayed when the ROBLOX website is down for maintenance.

Roblox fails to load.

Happens when the game is corrupted, or it can be a connectivity issue.

«An error occurred and Roblox cannot continue.«
«Invalid protocol handler arguments«

Happens when the user is experiencing connectivity issues.

«Roblox no longer supports Windows 32-bit devices. This includes Win7 32-bit, Win8 32-bit, and Win10 32-bit. To keep playing Roblox, please use a device that is compatible with Roblox’s system requirements.»

Happens when the user tries to install Roblox on a 32-bit version of Windows.

VirtualBoxVM lgd1HVNihq
«Your computer’s graphics card is not compatible with Roblox’s minimum system requirements. Visit https://www.roblox.com/drivers for more information.«

Happens when the graphics card is not compatible to start Roblox.

Weak graphics card
«Your graphics drivers seem to be too old for Roblox to use. Visit http://www.roblox.com/drivers for info on how to perform a driver upgrade.«

Happens when the graphics card is out of date to start Roblox.

«There is not enough space available on the disk(s) to complete this operation.«

This error is caused by not having enough disk space to download ROBLOX game files.

Img 5c010fa9dab60
«Failed to download or apply critical settings, please check your internet connection. Error info: (error info)«

Displayed when the DNS resolution has failed while connecting to Roblox or when the user loses connection while connecting to a server.

«An error occurred while starting Roblox. Details: HttpSendRequest failed.«
«Error: A connection with the server could not be established.«

This error occurs when a user has the incorrect clock set on their computer. It can also be caused by a connection issue.


PC Version


Mobile version

«Error starting experience«
«An error occurred trying to launch the experience. Please try again later.» (PC version)
«Sorry! The game failed to start for an unexpected reason.» (Mobile version)

This will happen when you try to join a game while getting warned/banned when you are still on the game’s page.

Displayed when the client fails to launch while joining a game, which can be caused by a faulty internet connection or by Roblox maintenance.

This error can also occur if the user tries to join a game while their Roblox account is disabled.

It can also happen when you try to rejoin the game when the game chat does not load while playing with your friend.

The most common example of this error was when Roblox crashed on July 13, 2021.

Error to join games robleks
New message

New variant

Starting error
Starting error (2)
«Update Required«
«Roblox needs to restart to update. Please relaunch Roblox.«

If a user manages to leave the beta app open and Roblox deployed the update (typically on Thursdays), this error will popup if a user tries to join the experience. Unlike other in-experience errors, this error also has a white variant.

«This item is not currently for sale. Your account has not been charged.«
Displayed when a user attempts to purchase a product that is not for sale.
«Your purchase failed because your account does not have enough Robux. Your account has not been charged.«
Displayed when a user attempts to purchase a product with insufficient Robux, and the highest payment option is inadequate (in lieu of the «Insufficient Robux» message).
«Your purchase of [item’s name] failed because something went wrong. Your account has not been charged. Please try again later.»
Displayed when a user attempts to purchase a product and something goes wrong. This can be caused when trying to purchase items using tickets, but this is not always the case.
«Your purchase failed because in-experience purchases are temporarily disabled. Your account has not been charged. Please try again later.«
Displayed when third-party sales is disabled.
«You already own this item. Your account has not been charged.«
Displayed when a user already bought an item and try to repurchase it.
PurchaseError 3

New variant error 3

PurchaseError 2

Old variation

Your purchase something went wrong new

New variation

PurchaseError 4

You already owned this item

«Roblox cannot startup. User code = 0x1.«

Displayed when trying to play a game while the user violated Roblox’s terms of service. This error happened when a user was MAC banned or has repeatedly created adult content.[1] See also Ban.


The error that would show up every time an «error banned» user tried to join a game

«Initialization error 2«

This was similar to error code 4.

«Initialization error 4«

Displayed when the launcher cannot initialize properly.

«An error occurred while starting Roblox; Details: [details], Error Code: 6«

Displayed when the launcher times out while downloading a new version or launching a game, which can be caused by faulty internet connection or anti-virus detections.

«RobloxPlayerBeta.exe — No disc«
«There is no disc in the drive. Please insert a disc into drive [drive].«

Unknown error when ejecting disc from disc reader


In-game errors

Error code (#) Description Image
N/A «This item has no more copies. Try buying from another user on www.roblox.com. Your account has not been charged

Displayed when a UGC limited item has no more copies in-stock.

103 «The Roblox experience you are trying to join is currently not available. (Error Code: 103)»

Displayed when a user on the Xbox Client attempts to join an experience that is not available on the Xbox platform.

Roblox Error Code 103
«Developer has shut down all game servers or game server has shut down for other reasons, please reconnect (Error Code: 256)«

Displayed when a player is banned while playing a game alone. Because it’s only themselves playing the game when they got banned, error code 256 appears instead of 273.

Error 256
«There was a problem receiving data, please reconnect. (Error Code: 260)«

Displayed when no data is being received by the Roblox web servers, most possibly a Roblox issue or a local issue preventing Roblox from sending data packets to said user(s).

Error Code 260
«Error while receiving data, please reconnect. (Error Code: 261)«
«There was a problem streaming data, please reconnect. (Error Code: 261)«

Displayed when the server fails to send feedback for data requests, which can be caused by a poor internet connection, Roblox downtime, or other issues

«There was a problem sending data, please reconnect. (Error Code: 262)«
«Error while sending data, please reconnect. (Error Code: 262)«

Displayed when a game cannot load after data fails to send.

«Same account launched game from different device. Reconnect if you prefer to use this device (Error Code: 264)» «Same account launched experience from different device. Leave the experience from the other device and try again. (Error Code: 264)«
«You are already playing a game. Please shut down the other game and try again (Error Code: 264)«

Displayed when a client starts while another client is already playing a game. This error can indicate an unknown/unwanted user on an account. This error can also occur if the player is warned/banned in-game, but that error code has been replaced with 273 instead of 264. If no internet issues are occurring with the account, this is likely due to the account being compromised and someone else trying to start a game while the original account owner is already playing a game. When Error 273 occurs, the reconnect button will appear on the right of the Leave Button. This error also appears if a user rejoins a game too quickly, or sometimes when a server completely crashes,

Error 264
«Your connection timed out. Check your internet connection and try again. (Error Code: 266)«

Displayed when the connection was timed out. This happens when the client’s connection lags a lot or has not responded for a long time. It usually appears during a game timeout, which can be caused by a weak internet connection, high ping, or a slow computer.

«You were kicked from this experience: You have been kicked from the game (Error Code: 267)«
«You were kicked from this game: [Reason] (Error Code: 267)«
«You have been kicked from the game (Error Code: 267)«
This is the only disconnect error that doesn’t appear because of the Roblox client or something on Roblox’s end; rather you were kicked by the game you were connected to. This is because a script used the :Kick() function on your player instance.
Also unlike other errors, a custom message can be given in the error message box depending on how you were kicked (not always, however; if no reason is given then the game will simply display the default text):
«This game has shut down»
An old version of «You were kicked from this experience» was used from 2006 to 2018.

Displayed when no reason was provided

Error Code 267

Unspecified reason (No reason was provided)


Former version, no reason field

«You have been kicked by server. Please close and rejoin another game (Error Code: 268)«
«You have been kicked due to unexpected client behavior. (Error Code: 268)«

Displayed when a user is kicked from the game and is forced to join another server. This can occur from general connection issues, and in some cases when using exploits or for having a lot of lag. This error can also occur when using a compatibility layer such as Wine to play the game on Linux. it can appear if you are banned.

Error 268
Error268 2
«Server was shutdown due to no active players. (Error Code: 271)«
Displayed when a player is inactive in a game for 20 or more minutes while playing a game alone. Because it’s only themselves playing the game, error code 271 appears instead of 278. This can also happen in games that have their player counts boosted with bots; since the bots do not physically exist in the game (there is no location of the bots), but do register as in servers.
«You have been kicked by server, please reconnect. (Error Code: 271)«
Occurs due to player joining while the server is in the middle of shutting down due to inactive players.
«Unable to find instance«
An old version of «Server was shut down due to no active players».
Version 2 had the «Reconnect» button, and the «Leave» button, but on 2/3 errors, there is only a «Leave» button.
271 v2
«Disconnected due to Security Key Mismatch (Error Code: 272)«
«Lost connection due to an error. (Error Code: 272)«

Displayed when the user attempts to join the game while an exploit is loaded.

272 v2
«Disconnected from game, possibly due to game joined from another device (Error Code: 273)«
«Same account launched experience from different device. Reconnect if you prefer to use this device. (Error Code: 273)«

Identical to error 264, however, this error occurs when a user is in-game while warned, banned or terminated. The user is kicked from the server and their page reloads, which then shows the user the ban/warn. In most cases when pressing reconnect upon being banned with code 273, error code 769 or 773 will show. But it may also happen if the same account launches a game.

The same Error Code and Reconnection aftermath can occur if a user presses »log out from all other sessions» in the security Tab while in-game.

«The experience’s developer has temporarily shut down the experience server. Please try again. (Error Code: 274)«

Displayed when a developer manually closes a game server (usually when updating the game) or when a private server owner shuts down the private server.

Reconnecting will sometimes display error code 773.

«Roblox has shut down the server for maintenance. Please try again. (Error Code: 275)«
«Roblox has shut down this game server for maintenance (Error Code: 275)«

Displayed when Roblox closes a game server for maintenance or if a game is deleted by a Roblox staff member while being played.

Rarely displays when the private server owner disables «Allow Joining» in the private server settings

Error 275
«Please check your internet connection and try again. (Error Code: 277)«
«Lost connection to the game server, please reconnect (Error Code: 277)«

This is usually displayed when the client has one of many different internet issues while connected to a game, including dropped connection, IP address change, disconnecting/connecting to a VPN, or if the player turns off their wi-fi.

Can also occur if Roblox disconnects the server automatically, and attempting to rejoin will often show 279.

This is also the typical error for when the server the player is connected to is getting overloaded and crashing (Attempting to reconnect in this case often results in a code 279 error).

Old versions of this include «You have lost the connection to the game» and «Lost connection to the game server, please reconnect» which were used from 2006 to 2018.

Lost Connection

very common.


very common.


very common.


very common .

«You were disconnected for being idle 20 minutes (Error Code: 278)«

Displayed when a player is inactive in a game for 20 or more minutes. This error code only displays if there are 2 or more players in the server.

Error Code 278- Disconnected
«Failed to connect to the Game. (ID = 17: Connection attempt failed.) (Error Code: 279)«
Displayed when the client is unable to connect to the game server, which can be caused by website blocks on the user’s internet, trying to reconnect to a server that crashed/froze, or when Roblox is experiencing downtime or other issues. It can sometimes occur when a user attempts to rejoin the same server before Roblox disconnects them from their previous visit, and this error can cause users to lose progress from their previous visit.
«Failed to connect to the Game. (ID = 146: Illegal teleport destination.)«
Displayed when the client attempts to teleport to a place that is inactive or in a different game universe from the start place.
«Failed to connect to the game. (ID = 148: Roblox version is out of date. Please uninstall and try again.)«
Displayed when the Roblox launcher or client is outdated and must be reinstalled.
Error Code 279
146 (279)
«Your version of Roblox may be out of date. Please update Roblox and try again. (Error Code: 280)«

Displayed when the client is out of date. This can happen if your using a custom launcher that does not automatically update.

«Disconnected from game, please reconnect (Error Code: 282)«

Displayed when the computer has network issues, or when you are playing an experience that is under review. Error 277 can also occur.

«A fatal error occurred while running this game (Error Code: 284)«

Displayed when commonly caused by a «UI Overload» (millions of UI elements on the screen, causing a client overload), but the real reason is unknown, Has Gummy Ask got banned for not abouts here.

«Client initiated disconnect (Error Code: 285)«

This error message is given if no message was given previously for the server shutdown/self destruct. Can also occur from error 256/274 (developer server shutdown).

RobloxStudioBeta ErrorPrompt
«Your device does not have enough memory to run this experience. Exit back to the app. (Error Code: 286)«

Displayed when the device that the game is being played on does not have a valid amount of memory to run the game.

«You have been disconnected because you no longer have access to this private server. (Error Code: 286)»

Displayed when someone removes you from their private server.

286privateserver Error
«Player has been removed from the DataModel (Error Code: 291)«

This error is shown whenever a player was deleted/destroyed from the game server. Some games use this as another way to kick a player.

Datamodel player
«Your device’s memory is low. Leaving now will preserve your state and prevent Roblox from crashing. (Error Code: 292)«

Displayed when Roblox detects low to near insufficient memory to run Roblox. This warning is similar to error code 286, although players who encounter this warning have the choice to keep playing the game or to leave the game. Some high- end games can cause this error quicker then regular games depending on the players mobile device and how it runs Roblox.

Error 292 - Low memory keep playing
«This game is currently unavailable. Please try again later. (Error Code: 517)«
«This game has ended (Error Code: 517)«

Displayed when a client attempts to join a server that is in the process of closing, or when a player attempts to rejoin a server before Roblox disconnects them from their previous visit (ID 17/279 may happen too)

Error Code 517

Error Variation

«Followed user has left the game (Error Code: 522)«
«The user you attempted to join has left the game. (Error Code: 522)«

Used to be displayed when a user attempts to join a player into a game after the player they are joining has left.

Now the new variant is in the loading screen.

Loading Follower Left Error
Bandicam 2019-02-14 11-10-34-305
«The status of the experience has changed and you no longer have access. Please try again later. (Error Code: 523)«
«The status of the game has changed and you no longer have access. Please try again later. (Error code: 523
«This game is restricted (Error Code: 523)«

This is a server error, not a game error.

Displayed when the player tries to join a server that has shut down.

Used to rarely happen if you joined a friend in a private server when they left. (Status Changed variant)

Sometimes happens when joining a game which is unpublished/private.

«Not authorized to join this game (Error Code: 524)«
«You do not have permission to join this game. (Error Code: 524)» until May 13, 2021
«You do not have permission to join this experience. (Error Code: 524)» since May 14, 2021

Displayed during Roblox downtime, after attempting to join a VIP server they cannot join, attempting to join a paid access game that they do not own, attempting to join a LuoBu (Roblox China) server, or attempting to join a game as a Guest (For guests, it later changed to 610).

Displayed when attempting to join a server when the game is private.

This is a screenshot of joining a paid access game through the server list before purchasing


«The server is currently busy. Please try again. (Error Code: 525)»

There is currently not much information about this error. It happens when trying to join a full server for too much time (1-5 minutes)

Server is busy
«Your party is too large to join this experience. Try joining a different experience. (Error Code: 528)«

Happens when a user’s party is too big to join a game that has a lower player limit (a long time ago because parties have been removed). May also happen when the player’s connection is timed out and/or has problems with connection.

«A Http error has occurred. Please close the client and try again. (Error Code: 529)«
«We are experiencing technical difficulties. Please try again later. (Error Code: 529)«

Displayed when Roblox’s servers are down or slow. May sometimes be displayed on mobile when a player’s internet connection has been disabled before playing a game. It even may be displayed if joining in a game while the user is warned/banned/terminated.

Loading HTTP Error
529 error 2
«Your privacy settings prevent you from joining this server. (Error Code: 533)«

Displayed when attempting to join a private server when «Who can make me a member of their private server?» is set to «No one» or «Friends». It can be also because the user is a <13 user, and they cant set their private server settings to «Everyone».

Roblox error code 533
«Can’t join place [id]: HTTP [number] ([reason]) (Error Code: 610)«
Displayed for unknown reasons between November 9 and November 10, 2018.[2]
«Can’t join place [id]: HttpError: [reason] (Error Code: 610)«
Displayed when a DNS resolution fails while connecting to a server, or when a user attempts to join a paid access game through the server list before purchasing the game. Error code 524 can also occur if it’s the latter.
«Can’t join the private server. HTTP 400 (Error Code: 610)«
Displayed when failing to connect to a private server. Similar to Error 524.
«Can’t follow user: HTTP 503 (Invalid JSON response received) (Error Code: 610)«
Displayed when a user attempts to follow another user, but fails due to a Roblox error.
«Cannot join game instance: HTTP 400 (HTTP 400 (Bad Request)) (Your device is not supported to play this game) (Error Code: 610)«
Displayed when attempting to join a game with a device that is not supported by either Roblox or the individual game.
«Cannot join place [id]: HTTP 400 (HTTP 400 (Bad Request)) (Cannot join game with no authenticated user.) (Error Code: 610)«
Displayed when the player’s client is upgrading. Also displayed when trying to join as a Guest.
«Cannot join game instance: HTTP 400 (HTTP 400 (Bad Request)) (You need to purchase Game Pass to play this game.) (Error Code: 610)«
Displayed when the player tries to join a game but the player has not purchased a game pass to play said game.
«Cannot join place [id]: HttpError :curl:52, Server returned nothing (no headers, no data) (Error Code: 610)«
Displayed when the computer has connectivity issues.
«Cannot join game instance: join game type is invalid (Error Code: 610)«
Displayed when the place file tries to open with client instead of Studio.
Anotación 2019-05-08 203033
610 Dns
HTTP 503
610 prv
Timed out
Error 610
«Teleport Failed: Unknown exception. (Error Code: 769)«
«Teleport failed due to an unexpected error. (Error Code: 769)«
Displayed when teleportation to another place while in-game fails for various reasons.
«Reconnect was unsuccessful. Please try again. (Error Code: 769)«
Displayed when an error occurs when pressing the reconnect button in other client kicks. This can occur if a player tries to reconnect to a game when their internet is out.
It can also display when a user gets warned/banned/terminated, and attempts to reconnect. Sometimes it will show 773 instead.
Error 769 2
«Game’s root place is not active. (Error Code: 770)«
Displayed when attempting to join a place that is a part of a game universe where the start place is not active.
«Attempted to teleport to a place that does not exist. (Error Code: 770)«
Displayed when attempting to teleport to a place that doesn’t exist or has been deleted.
«Teleport Failed: Unknown error. (Error Code: 770)«
Displayed for an unknown reason.
«Teleport failed, server is no longer available. (Error Code: 771)«

Displayed when attempting to teleport to a game server that no longer exists or has been closed.

«Teleport failed, server is full. (Error Code: 772)«

Displayed when attempting to teleport to a full game server.

«Teleport Failed: This game has not been approved, yet. (Error Code: 773)«
Displayed when attempting to teleport to a non-approved game, meaning that the game has been put under review by moderators after multiple reports.
«Teleport Failed: Attempted to teleport to a place that is restricted. (Error Code: 773)«
Displayed when attempting to teleport to a game that the user is not permitted to join. Also displays when your alternative account teleports to a game and your main account cannot teleport to your alt on the same device, and vice versa.
«Reconnect was unsuccessful. Please try again. (Error Code: 773)«
Similar to the 769 error, however, it sometimes displays when the you’re in a private server and the owner shuts down the server and attempting to reconnect. Pressing «Leave» will redirect to the log in screen in the Roblox app.
It can also display when a user gets warned/banned/terminated, and attempts to reconnect.
Sometimes, it will show 769 instead.
Error773 UnsuccessfulReconnect
«Too many teleport requests received.«

Similar to the «Too Many Redirects» error, this code is raised when an experience tries to teleport a user above an acceptable limit.

774 error

Roblox Studio errors

Error Images
«Failed to AutoSave. Do you want to temporarily disable AutoSave?«

Appears when Roblox Studio was blocked by your antivirus and Roblox was unable to automatically save your current studio session.

«An error occurred while starting ROBLOX Studio«

Appears when Roblox gets blocked by the computer firewall or antivirus, trying to fetch the version identifier for the latest Studio build.⁠[citation needed] Also displayed when the executable was damaged/corrupted.

«Could not open the place «[ID]» with exception: «Unable to open the place. Please restart your application and try again. If you continue to encounter this error, please contact customer service.».«
«Could not open the place «[ID]» with exception: «Unable to open the place. Please restart your application and try again. If you continue to encounter this error, please contact customer service. Request Status Code: 2 Connection Result: 0 Connection Closed: Failed | Connection attempt failed.».«

Appears when trying to open corrupt places, or when trying to open places made using an older version of Roblox.⁠[citation needed]

Dafdznbgfxn bxndgnbd
«Studio encountered an unrecoverable error and must shut down.«

Appears when you open a place but it can’t open correctly, which can be caused by the faulty internet connection or windows systems error. Second photo can be caused when you set your computer to sleep, and you re-open back it, but the exact cause of this is currently unknown.

«Adding plugin window failed with error: Unable to create DXGI swapchain: «[ID]» Yourplugin windows may not work correctly. Please close and reopen the place to restore plugin window functionality. If this problem persists, please contact Roblox customer support.«

Can be caused when place opening error, but the real reason is unknown.

«Some Studio files are missing or corrupted. Please reinstall Studio by following instructions at <ahref=’https://en.help.roblox.com/hc/en-us/articles/203312910?fromStudio=true’> https://en.help.roblox.com/hc/en-us/articles/203312910?fromStudio=true</a>«

Happens when some Files are missing or corrupted

«Failed to load settings with 502. Please restart Studio or contact support if the problem persists.«

Happens when Roblox is experiencing an outage.

Bandicam 2023-07-03 09-52-31-534
«This version of studio is out of date and must be reinstalled. Please close all instances of Studio & reinstall from: https://roblox.com/create«
Happens when your Roblox Studio is too out of date to upgrade.
«Error in opening file — ‘[Place]'»

Can possibly happen when a Roblox file is corrupted or unsupported.

Bandicam 2023-08-04 22-43-27-221
«CURL Error (curl_easy_perform):Couldn’t resolve host name (6)»

Currently unknown how this error can happen. (The error in the photo isn’t the actual error, it is another CURL error as there isn’t a picture with the actual error)

CURL Robloxstudioerror

Removed errors

Error Description Image
The item you requested does not exist This error was used when one tries to go to the profile of a banned or terminated account. This has been replaced by a 404 error. RobloxDoesntExist

Other errors



  1. https://devforum.roblox.com/t/roblox-cannot-start-up-user-code-0x1/77
  2. https://devforum.roblox.com/t/robloxcritical-unable-to-join-any-game/198657


This section is a trivia section. Please relocate any relevant information into other sections of the article.

  • Error 273 is one of the only errors with a message that is unrelated to the reason, with the reason for the error being due to a user receiving a moderation action in game, while the message is ‘Same account launched from different device’. Getting this error for the first time could confuse the player, and make them try to reconnect, before leaving the game to try to resolve the issue, thus showing them the Moderation Notice screen.

There are basically two types of errors:

  • Website errors
  • Game Client errors

Both types of errors are described as under.

Solution of Website Errors[]

Roblox Error: Down for Maintenance[]

Displayed message[]

The message varies according to the browser you are using like:

“Don’t worry, the site is down for maintenance, just wait and try again late.”

We’re making things more awesome. Be back soon.”

“Our payment system is currently under maintenance. Please check back shortly!

Reason of occurrence[]

  • When the site is closed for maintenance.
  • Fixing some errors in the background.

How to Fix Down for Maintenance error[]

You need to wait until the maintenance process got finished. And try after some time. 🙂

Too Many Redirects[]

Displayed messages[]

“The page isn’t redirecting properly” ( Using Firefox browser)

“This page isn’t working; www.roblox.com redirected you too many times” (Using Chrome browser)


Website keeps on redirecting between different addresses ,as a result of competing redirects, that will never end creating an infinite loop.

How to Fix Roblox Error Too Many Redirects[]

  • Need to clear your browser’s cookies which may contain faulty data resulting in the error message.
  • Disable the extensions.
  • Play in incognito/private window.

Updating Avatar Error[]

Displayed message[]

Items you don’t own in this outfit: (X)


Displayed when trying to wear a hat or role that has been sold, or trying to wear a previously deleted item. X is the number of the unavailable items.

How to fix Updating Avatar Error[]

  1. Navigate to your Avatar section
  2. Click on the “Click here to re-draw it!” link.
  3. It may take some time to complete, but the issue got fixed most probably.

Unexpected Error[]

Displayed Message[]

“An unexpected error occurred. Please try again later.”


Displayed when changing the error number in the error page URL to a non-existent error number.

How to Fix Unexpected Error[]

  • Reset Your Router.
  • Deselect the Proxy Server Setting.
  • Turn Off Antivirus Software.
  • Add Roblox to the Windows Firewall’s Allowed Apps List.
  • Reinstall Roblox.

Roblox Error Code 400[]

Displayed message[]

“There was a problem with your request.”


  • Displayed when the web request made by a device is invalid or incorrect.
  • When searching inventories of completely wiped accounts.

How to Fix Roblox Error Code 400[]

  • Try using a different browser.
  • Reset the router.
  • Reload the Page.
  • Use different internet connection if possible.

Roblox Error Code 403[]

Displayed message[]

“You don’t have permission to view this page.”


  • Displayed when attempting to view a restricted page.
  • When the user tries to go to an administrator/staff-only page.
  • when the user’s IP is banned.

How to Fix Error Code 403[]

  • Clear cookies of the browser you are using.

Roblox Error Code 404[]

Displayed message[]

“Page cannot be found or no longer exists.”


  • When the URL leads to a page that could not be found or does not exist.
  • Will occur due to an invalid URL or when you try to go to the profile of a terminated account.

How to Fix Error Code 404[]

  • Reload the game.
  • Clear cache.

Roblox Error Code 500[]

Displayed message[]

“An unexpected error occurred”


  • Displayed when the server encountered an internal problem or wrong configuration.
  • When server is unable to complete the web request.

How to Fix Error Code 500[]

  • Roblox is blocked from your device. so change firewall or router’s settings if you want to join.
  • Use a different internet connection.

Roblox Error Code 503[]

Displayed message[]

“No server is available to handle this request”

“something went wrong”


  • When ROBLOX is having downtime or outages, but not for maintenance.
  • Entering the URL roblox.com/request-error?code=503 doesn’t make this page pop up and error occurs.

How to Fix Error Code 503[]

  • Refresh the URL.
  • Restart your router or modem.

Roblox Error Code 504[]

Displayed message[]

This message varies depending on browser.

“roblox.com took too long to respond.” (Chrome)


  • Displayed during a web-host timeout, which can be caused by Roblox maintenance/server downtime.
  • Due to faulty internet connection from the user.

How to Fix Error Code 504[]

  • Please use high-speed internet.

Roblox Error Code 805[]

Displayed message[]

“An error occurred, please try again.”


  • Happens when Roblox is attempted to load on some VPNs.
  • When an invalid IP is used to load the website.

How to Fix Error Code 805[]

  • Reload the page.
  • Login again after log out.

Roblox Error Code: Game Pass Loading Error[]

Displayed message[]

“Failed to load Game Passes. Please try again later.”


  • Displayed when the request to retrieve game passes fails.
  • When attempting to view game passes.

How to Fix Game Pass Loading Error[]

  • Use better internet connection or restart the internet.
  • Wait for the server issues to get resolved.

Roblox Error Code: Maximum Friends Error[]

Displayed message[]

“Unable to process request. That user currently has the max number of Friends allowed.”


Happens when the player tries to connect to a user that already has the maximum of friends allowed on Roblox.

How to Fix Maximum Friends Error[]

  • Use better internet connection or restart the internet.
  • Wait for the server issues to get resolved.

Roblox Error Code: Registration Error[]

Displayed message[]

“Sorry, an error occurred.”


  • This error can be caused due to Roblox issues or by faulty internet connection from the user.
  • When attempting to register or sign up using the Internet Archive website
  • Signing up with the different usernames.

How to Fix Registration Error[]

  • Please follow the steps mentioned under error code 267.

Roblox Error Code: Avatar Page Error[]

Displayed message[]

“The avatar page is temporarily unavailable.”


  • This error can be caused when the avatar page is unavailable due to housekeeping or technical difficulties.

How to fix Avatar Page Error[]

  • Reset your Avatar in your profile.

Roblox Error Code: Library Error[]

Displayed message[]

“Library temporarily unavailable, please try again later.”


  • This can happen when you enter an invalid Category number in the URL bar.

How to Fix Library Error[]

  • Reinstall Roblox.

Roblox Error Code: Unable to Join[]

Displayed message[]

“Unable to join: You cannot join this VIP server because this experience is private”


  • This happens when you attempt to join a VIP server on a private/under review game.

How to Fix Unable to Join[]

  • This is illegal to join someone else’s private data. so, go for another game.

Roblox Error Code: Item Owned[]

Displayed message[]

“Items you don’t own in this outfit: (X)”


  • If you want to purchase an item that you own already.

How to Fix Item Owned[]

  • Try using another request for an item that you don’t have.

Game Client Errors[]

Client Crash Error[]

Displayed message[]

“An unexpected error occurred and Roblox needs to quit. We’re sorry!”


  • Running out of memory.
  • Having a high ping.
  • Extreme lag means poor internet connection.
  • Connecting to the game while using unknown Roblox player.

How to Fix Client Crash Error[]

  • Clear cookies.
  • Use high-speed internet.
  • login again.

Connection Failed[]

Displayed message[]

“Failed to download or apply critical settings, please check your internet connection.”


  • When the DNS resolution has failed while connecting to Roblox
  • when the user loses the internet.

How to Fix Connection Failed[]

  • Try using a high-speed internet.

Launch error[]

Displayed message[]

“An error occurred trying to launch the experience. Please try again later”

“Sorry! The experience failed to start for an unexpected reason.”


  • When the client fails to launch while joining a game due to any of the reasons either a faulty internet connection or Roblox maintenance problem.
  • If the user tries to join a game while their Roblox account is disabled.


  • We need to wait until the maintenance process gets complete. And allow us to use that game.

Loading error[]

Displayed message[]

“Roblox cannot startup. User code = 0x1”


  • If you have violated Roblox’s terms of service. You are banned from this online platform without letting you know about the same means you are stealth banned. Now you are no longer able to connect or comment on this platform.

How to Fix Loading error[]

  • Please follow the steps written under error code 267.

Purchase error[]

Three variations are available for this error:

Displayed message[]

  1. “This item is not currently for sale. Your account has not been charged.” This message is displayed when a user attempts to purchase a product that is not for sale.
  2. “Your purchase failed because your account does not have enough Robux. Your account has not been charged.” This message is displayed when a user attempts to purchase a product with insufficient balance that is Robux on this platform.
  3. “Your purchase of [name] failed because something went wrong. Your account has not been charged. Please try again later.” Displayed when a user attempts to purchase a product and something went wrong.

How to fix Purchase error[]

  • Close the app and re-open it.
  • Reboot your device.
  • Reinstall the app.
  • Clear your Roblox data.
  • Check your date and time.

Error code 6[]

Displayed message[]

“An error occurred while starting Roblox; Details: … Error Code: 6”


  • When the launcher times out while downloading a game.
  • can be caused by the faulty internet connection.
  • Detects malware in name of anti-virus as a safety measure.

How to Fix Error code 6[]

  • To clear the cache of the internet router, remove the router from the power supply and reconnect.
  • Change antivirus settings.
  • use different internet connection if possible.

Error code:256/274[]

Displayed message[]

“Developer has shut down all game servers or game server has shut down for other reasons, please reconnect (Error Code: 256)”

“The experience’s developer has temporarily shut down the experience server. Please try again. (Error Code: 274)”


  • Displayed when a developer manually closes a game server in order to update the game or for some other reasons.
  • When a player is banned while in-game.

How to Fix Error code:256/274[]

  • Wait for the server to get live again.

Roblox Error code 260 (Connection Error Code)[]

Displayed message[]

“There was a problem receiving data, please reconnect. (Error Code: 260)”


  • When no data is being received by the Roblox web servers.
  • This error occurred for the first time when Roblox crashed on June 3, 2020.

How to Fix Roblox Error code 260[]

  • You can’t do anything. Its a server error. Just wait for the server to be available again.
  • Follow steps mentioned under error code:

Roblox Error code 261[]

Displayed message[]

“Error while receiving data, please reconnect. (Error Code: 261)”

“There was a problem streaming data, please reconnect. (Error Code: 261)”


  • When the server fails to send feedback for data requests
  • Faulty internet connection, Roblox downtime, or other issues.

How to Fix Roblox Error code 261[]

  • Again its a server error. Just wait for the server to be available again.

Error code:262[]

Displayed message[]

“There was a problem sending data, please reconnect. (Error Code: 262)”


  • When a game cannot load after data fails to send.

How to Fix Roblox Error code 262[]

  • Please follow steps mentioned under error code 267.

Roblox Error code 264[]

Displayed message[]

The same account launched the experience from a different device. Reconnect if you prefer to use this device. (Error Code: 264)”

“You are already playing a experience. Please shut down the other experience and try again. (Error Code: 264)”


  • Indicate an unknown/unwanted user on an account.
  • The player is warned in-game, but that error code has been replaced with 273 instead of 264.
  • If someone else is trying to start a game while the original account owner is already playing a game.

How to Fix Roblox Error code 264[]

  • Log out from all devices and then login again from one device at a time.

Roblox Error code 266[]

Displayed message[]

“Your connection timed out. Check your internet connection and try again. (Error Code: 266)”


  • When the connection was timed out.
  • This can happen because the poor internet connection or not responding for a long time.

How to fix Roblox Error code 266[]

  • Reload/refresh the screen.
  • Restart your computer.
  • Change the device you are playing on.

Roblox Error code 267[]

Displayed Message[]

“You were kicked from this experience: Permanently banned! (Error Code: 267)”

“You have been kicked from the experience. (Error Code: 267)”


  • When a user is kicked from a game session using a script by the admin of game.
  • This error is typically not caused by Roblox, but rather by a script inserted by the game developer.
  • When you try to play Cornerstone Arcade as an alt.

Solution of Roblox error code 267[]

  1. Use most updated version of browser. The most supported browsers include Internet Explorer, Firefox and Google Chrome. So, try using any of these browsers.
  2. Reset all the settings for that particular browser you are using.
  3. Browser’s security settings should allow for Roblox.
  4. Check if your internet connection is stable or not. Try using wired connection for high speed internet access.
  5. Remove browser’s extension or add-ons which can stop a game from fully downloading.
  6. Appropriate ports must be open depending on the operating system of the device you are using.
  7. Your device’s firewall and routers should be configured properly.
  8. The most important step if you are still facing a problem after execting all the above steps is to uninstall Roblox and then reinstall the app with latest updates.

Roblox Error code 268[]

Displayed message[]

“You have been kicked by the server. Please close and rejoin another experience. (Error Code: 268)”

“You have been kicked due to unexpected client behavior. (Error Code: 268)”


  • Displayed when a user is kicked from the game and is forced to join another server.
  • General connection issues
  • Using exploits or for having a lot of lag.
  • Trying to play Adopt Me as an alt.

Solution of Roblox error code 268[]

  • Disable your antivirus for the time you want to play.

Roblox Error code 271[]

Displayed message[]

There are three variations of this error:

“Server was shut down due to no active players. (Error Code: 271)”

“You have been kicked by the server, please reconnect. (Error Code: 271)”

“Unable to find instance”


  • This can also happen in games that have their player counts boosted with bots.
  • Displayed when all players in a server are inactive, causing the server to close.
  • Occurs due to player joining while server is in the middle of shutting down due to inactive players.

How to Fix Roblox Error code 268[]

  • Use supported browser.
  • reinstall Roblox.
  • Crosscheck your browser’s security settings.

Roblox Error code 272[]

Displayed message[]

“Disconnected due to the Security Key Mismatch (Error Code: 272)

“Lost connection due to an error. (Error Code: 272)”


  • For the first time this error occurs on August 14, 2018 for an unknown reason that was fixed next day. That time many players were not able to play Roblox games.
  • Also displayed when the user attempts to take advantage of a bug in the game i.e. exploiting for his/her benefit.
  • If the user have a history of exploiting.

How to Fix Roblox Error code 272[]

  • Use supported browser.
  • reinstall Roblox.
  • Crosscheck your browser’s security settings.

Roblox Error code 273[]

Displayed message[]

“Disconnected from the game, possibly due to the game joined from another device (Error Code: 273)”


  • Identical to error 264, however this error occurs when a user is in-game while warning.
  • The user is kicked from the server and their page reloads, after reloading a warning message is displayed.

How to Fix Roblox Error code 273[]

Please follow same steps as in error 264.

Roblox Error code 275[]

Displayed message[]

“Roblox has shut down the server for maintenance. Please try again. (Error Code: 275)”

“Roblox has shut down this experience server for maintenance. (Error Code: 275)”


  • Displayed when Roblox closes a game server for maintenance
  • If a game is deleted by a Roblox staff member while being played.

How to Fix Roblox Error code 275[]

  • Reload the page again
  • Wait for the problem resolved.

Roblox Error code 277[]

Displayed message[]

“Lost connection to the game server, please reconnect (Error Code: 277)”

“Please check your internet connection and try again. (Error Code: 277)”


  • If you have one of many different internet connection issues while inside of a game,
  • Can happen randomly also, this is because Roblox needs to fix bugs and it may end up disconnecting players randomly.
  • When the player’s IP address has changed.

How to Fix Roblox Error code 277[]

  • Run Roblox in compatibility mode.
  • Delete Roblox logs.
  • Switch to a different internet connection
  • The change opened ports on your network. Enter the following information:
  • Name/Description– Roblox;   Type/Service Type– UDP.
  • Inbound/Start– 49152;   Private/End– 65535.

Roblox Error code 278[]

Displayed message[]

“You were disconnected for being idle 20 minutes (Error Code: 278)”


  • Displayed when a player is idle in a game for at least 20 minutes.
  • This feature is intended to prevent users from wasting the Roblox server space.

How to Fix Roblox Error code 278[]

Reload the page.

Roblox Error code 279[]

Displayed message[]

There are three variations of this error:

  • “Failed to connect to the Game. (ID = 17: Connection attempt failed) (Error Code: 279)”
  • “Failed to connect to the game. (ID = 148: Roblox version is out of date. Please uninstall and try again.)”
  • “Failed to connect to the Game. (ID = 146: Illegal teleport destination.)”


  • When website blocks on the user’s internet.
  • When Roblox is experiencing downtime or other issues.
  • When a user attempts to rejoin the same server before Roblox disconnects them from their previous visits.
  • Displayed when the client attempts to teleport to an inactive place.
  • Displayed when the Roblox launcher or client is outdated.

How to Fix Roblox Error code 279[]

  • Unplug router for a minute.
  • Reset internet connection.
  • Reinstall Roblox.

Roblox Error code 280[]

Displayed message[]

“Your version of Roblox may be out of date. Please update Roblox and try again. (Error Code: 280)”


  • Displayed when the client is out of date.
  • Can occur randomly to some players for an unknown reason.
  • When your PC’s date and time settings are incorrect.

How to Fix Roblox Error code 280[]

  • Please follow steps under error code 267.

Roblox Error code 517[]

Displayed message[]

“This experience is currently unavailable. Please try again later. (Error Code: 517)”

“This experience has ended. (Error Code: 517)”


  • Displayed when a client attempts to join a server that is in the process of closing.
  • When a player attempts to rejoin a server before Roblox disconnects them from their previous visit (ID 17/279 may happen too)
  • If the player tries to join the same server they got disconnected from.
  • When you uninstall ROBLOX while you are inside of a game.

How to Fix Roblox Error code 517[]

  • Use windows troubleshooter.
  • Use latest version of windows.
  • Disable chrome extension like adblocker.
  • Log out and login again after few moments.
  • Check if the game exists any more or not in order to save your precious time.

Roblox Error code 522[]

Displayed message[]

Followed user has left the experience (Error Code: 522)”

“The user you attempted to join has left the experience. (Error Code: 522)”


  • Displayed when a user attempts to join a player into a game after the player they are joining has been left.
  • Web server overload can be one of the reason.

How to Fix Roblox Error code 522[]

  • Optimize server capacity.
  • Check IP filtering.
  • Customize DNS/IP settings.
  • Activate ‘keepalive’ message.
  • Contact Cloudflare-Support.

Roblox Error code 523[]

Displayed message[]

“The status of the experience has changed and you no longer have access. Please try again later. (Error Code: 523)”

“This experience is restricted. (Error Code: 523)”

This is a server error, not a game error.

Displayed when the player tries to join a server that has shut down, or when the player rejoins the solo server.

Roblox Error code 524[]

Displayed message[]

“Not authorized to join this experience. (Error Code: 524)”

“You do not have permission to join this experience. (Error Code: 524)”


  • Displayed during Roblox downtime.
  • If you Attempt to join a VIP server which you are not allowed to join.
  • When you attempt to join a game as a guest.
  • This error may also occur if the player is a minor (under 13).

How to Fix Roblox Error code 524[]

  • Reinstall Roblox that will confirm that there is no error or missing files.
  • The player must have crossed minimum age limit. And provide an age proof showing that you have achieved minimum age criteria.
  • You can request players on the VIP servers to send invitation so that you can join the server.

Roblox Error code 529[]

Displayed message[]

“An Http error has occurred. Please close the client and try again. (Error Code: 529)”

“We are experiencing technical difficulties. Please try again later. (Error Code: 529)”


  • Displayed when Roblox’s servers are down or slow.
  • Can be displayed on mobile when a player’s internet connection has disabled before playing the game.

How to Fix Roblox Error code 529[]

  • This is a server error so you can not do something from your end.
  • Just wait for the server and try reconnecting.

Roblox Error code 610[]

There are twelve variations of this error.

Displayed messages and reasons[]

  • “Can’t join place [id]: HTTP [number] ([reason]) (Error Code: 610)” Displayed for unknown reasons between November 9 and November 10, 2018.
  • “Can’t join place [id]: HttpError: [reason] (Error Code: 610)” Displayed when a DNS resolution fails while connecting to a server. Or when a user attempts to join a paid access game through the server list before purchasing the game.
  • “Cannot join private server. HTTP 400 (Error 610)” Displayed when failing to connect to a private server. Similar to Error 524.
  • “Can’t follow user: HTTP 503 (Invalid JSON response received) (Error Code: 610)” Displayed when a user attempts to follow another user, but fails due to a Roblox error.
  • “Cannot join experience instance: HTTP 400 (HTTP 400 (Bad Request)) (Your device is not supported to play this experience) (Error Code: 610)” Displayed when attempting to join a game with a device that is not supported by either Roblox or the individual game.
  • “Cannot join experience instance: [id]: HTTP 400 (HTTP 400 (Bad Request)) (Cannot join experience with no authenticated user.) (Error Code: 610)” Displayed when the player’s client is upgrading, but upgrading the client is too slow.
  • “Cannot join experience instance: HTTP 400 (HTTP 400 (Bad Request)) (You need to purchase Pass to play this experience.) (Error Code: 610)” Displayed when the player tries to join a game but he needs to purchase the game pass first to play the game, this can also happen when you join a game/experience without paid access.

How to Fix Roblox Error code 610[]

  • Check if the servers are online.
  • Try logging out of your account.
  • Download Roblox to your computer.
  • Create a new account.
  • Refresh the IP and DNS of your computer.

Roblox Error code 769[]

Displayed message[]

“Teleport Failed: Unknown exception. (Error Code: 769)”

“Teleport failed due to an unexpected error. (Error Code: 769)”

“Reconnect was unsuccessful. Please try again. (Error Code: 769)”


  • When teleportation to another place while in-game fails for various reasons.
  • If the internet connection has been disconnected.

How to Fix Roblox Error code 769[]

  • Check for a better internet connection.
  • Reinstall the game.

Roblox Error code 770[]

There are three variations of this error.

Displayed messages[]

  • “Experience’s root place is not active. (Error Code: 770)”
  • “Attempted to teleport to a place that does not exist. (Error Code: 770)”
  • “Teleport Failed. Unknown error. (Error Code: 770)”


  • Displayed for no reason.
  • Displayed when attempting to join a place that is a part of a game universe where the start place is not active.
  • Displayed when attempting to teleport to a place that doesn’t exist or has been deleted.

How to Fix Roblox Error code 770[]

  • Check for any scripts you do’nt recognize.
  • Check for missing scripts that you forgot to add.
  • You are trying to teleport a game that does not exist any more.

Roblox Error code 771[]

Displayed message[]

“Teleport failed, the server is no longer available. (Error Code: 771)”


Displayed when attempting to teleport to a game server that no longer exists or has been closed.

How to Fix Roblox Error code 771[]

  • Reinstall the game manager.
  • Adjust firewall settings.

Roblox Error code 772[]

Displayed message[]

{Notice|If you have been experiencing technical difficulties with Roblox, please contact Roblox Support.|type=informational}}

File:Disconnected Blank.png

An example of a common Roblox error.

File:Old Error.jpg

An example of an old Roblox error.


New symbol with Template:Player link used for error pages.

An error is a piece of information displayed when an unexpected event occurs. Error messages are used when user intervention is required, to indicate that a desired operation has failed, or to relay important warnings—such as warning a computer user that they are almost out of disk space. Error messages are seen widely throughout Roblox and are part of every Roblox version.

On the game client, if an error has occurred, the error message will appear in the center of the screen in the form of a gray dialog box, which will tell the user what the error is and gives the option to leave or reconnect when applicable. On mobile, the gray error dialog box can be small. There was a bug on mobile where you couldn’t see the gray error dialog box whatsoever. In the case of non-in-game errors, the error message will appear in the form of a separate page, typically with a Roblox-themed background to go along with it.

2xx errors indicate connection issues, 5xx errors indicate player-related error, 6xx errors indicate HTTP issues and 7xx errors indicate place teleportation error.


Website errors[]

Error Description Images
Down For Maintenance Main article: Maintainance

«We’re making things more awesome. Be back soon.»

«This site is currently offline for maintenance and upgrades. Please check back soon!»

«Our payment system is currently under maintenance. Please check back shortly!»

Displayed when the administrators have locked down the site to fix something that went wrong in the background. This screen is also used for when the site is closed for maintenance. This is what the test websites currently lead to. The buttons spelling out ROBLOX and the text box are used when the administrators need to enter a password to start making changes to the website.

The error message may not always have the password text box depending on reason for maintenance.


Old maintenance page

Too Many Redirects The message varies depending on the browser:

The page isn’t redirecting properly (Firefox)

This page isn’t working; www.roblox.com redirected you too many times (Chrome)

Displayed on accounts with a poison ban. This error occurs because the site tries to redirect to the Membership/CreationDisabled.aspx page, but when banned, all pages redirect back to Membership/NotApproved.aspx, creating an infinite redirect loop.

File:SimpleScreenshot Rectshot 15 10 2019 12 44 21.jpg

Google Chrome error

File:Redirect error.png

Mozilla Firefox error

Updating Avatar Error «Items you don’t own in this outfit: (X)»

Displayed when trying to wear a limited hat that has traded or sold, or wearing a previously deleted item. X will be replaced with the number of unavailable items.

Something went wrong «Error | An unexpected error occurred. Please try again later.»

Displayed when changing the error number in the error page URL to a non-existent error number.


Error when you enter a random code in https://www.roblox.com/request-error?code=493

File:Website Error Something Went Wrong Dark Theme.PNG

In dark mode

Bad Request «400 | There was a problem with your request.»

Displayed when the web request made by a device is invalid or otherwise incorrect. May happen when searching inventories of completely wiped accounts too (e.g. noli — ID 31042685).

File:Chrome 03-28-2019 18-30-32.png
File:Website Error 400 Dark Theme.PNG
Access Denied

«403 | You don’t have permission to view this page.»

Displayed when attempting to view a page that is restricted. This will often show up when the user tries to go to an administrator/staff-only page, or when the user is IP banned. This error can also pop up when you try to open Roblox at William Martin School.

File:IP Ban on Chrome.png

IP ban on Google Chrome.


Web server access denied.


Old access denied.

File:Chrome 03-28-2019 18-30-15.png
Page cannot be found or no longer exists «404 | Page Not found»

Displayed when the URL leads to a page that could not be found or does not exist. Will occur often due to an invalid URL or when one tries to go to the profile of a terminated account, or when a user clicks on the username from their inventory.


Old page not found.

File:Chrome 03-28-2019 18-30-06.png
Internal Server Error «500 | An unexpected error occurred»

Displayed when the server has encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete the web request.

Below: If you continue to receive this page, please contact customer service at info@roblox.com.

File:Chrome 03-28-2019 18-31-00.png

Appears when rediected to [1]

503 «The request could not be satisfied.»

Displayed when ROBLOX is having downtime or outages, but not for maintenance. Alternatively, entering the URL roblox.com/request-error?code=503 doesn’t make this page pop up, instead showing the «bad request» or «Something went wrong» error.


The new 503 error message

File:Roblox dot com (1).png

The request could not be satisfied.

504 This message varies depending on browser

«This page isn’t working: roblox.com took too long to respond.» (Chrome)

Displayed during a web-host timeout, which can be caused by Roblox maintenance/server downtime or by faulty internet connection from the user.

An error occurred, please try again. «Error»

Happens when Roblox is attempted to load on some VPNs, or when an invalid IP is used to load the website.

Game Pass Loading Error «Failed to load Passes. Please try again later.»

Displayed when the request to retrieve game passes fails, which can be caused due to Roblox issues or by faulty internet connection from the user. Also known to occur when attempting to view game passes using the Internet Archive {load random game then click game passes} website.

File:LoadingGame passerror.png
Maximum Friends Error «Unable to process request. That user currently has the max number of Friends allowed.»

Happens when the player tries to friend a user that already has the maximum of friends allowed on Roblox. You can have up to 200 friends, it is different when you are in-game, it will come up saying (Cannot accept friend request.).

File:2019-12-16 (2).png
Registration error «Sorry, an error occured.»

This error can be caused due to Roblox issues or by faulty internet connection from the user. Also known to occur when attempting to register or sign up using the Internet Archive website and signing up with the usernames «hs4» and «NOLI».[citation needed]

File:Registration Error-0.png
Avatar Page Error «The avatar page is temporarily unavailable.»

This error can be caused when the avatar page is unavailable due to housekeeping or technical difficulties.

File:SimpleScreenshot Rectshot 11 5 2020 15 14 41.jpg
Library Error «Library temporarily unavailable, please try again later.»

This can happen when you enter an invalid Category number in the URL bar, or when you do not have the right access to the library.

File:Library error.jpg
Unable to join «Unable to join: You cannot join this VIP server because this experience is private»

This happens when you attempt to join a private server on a unavailable experience.

File:Unable to join!.png

Attempting to join an under review/private game.

Item Owned «Item Owned: You already own this item.»

This happens when you purchase an item that you owned it already.


Game client errors[]

Error code (#) Description Images
Client Crash «An unexpected error occurred and Roblox needs to quit. We’re sorry!»

Displayed as a generic error message shown during a client crash, which can be caused by running out of memory, having a high ping, extreme lag, or connecting to the game while using a known (Roblox Player and/or Roblox Studio) exploit.

File:Roblox Crash 25 01 2019 03 02 59 p. m..png
Connection Fail «Failed to download or apply critical settings, please check your internet connection. Error info: (error info)

Displayed when the DNS resolution has failed while connecting to Roblox or when the user loses the internet.

«An error occured while starting roblox.’Details: HttpSendRequest Failed.»

«Error: A connection with the server could not be established.»

HRESULT 0x80072efd error is usually the result of ROBLOX having difficulty communicating certain bits of information with our servers.

Error starting game «An error occurred trying to launch the experience. Please try again later»

Mobile version (Android):

«Sorry! The experience failed to start for an unexpected reason.»

Displayed when the client fails to launch while joining a game, which can be caused by a faulty internet connection or by Roblox maintenance.

This error can also occur if the user tries to join a game while their Roblox account is disabled.

File:Starting error.png
File:Starting error (2).png
Loading error 0x1 (Intentional)(Unused) «Roblox cannot startup. User code = 0x1»

An «error» given to users that violated Roblox’s terms of service. This error happened when a user was hellbanned or has repeatedly created adult content.[1] See also Ban.


The error that would show up every time an «error banned» user tried to join a game

Purchase Error There are four variations of this error:

  • «This item is not currently for sale. Your account has not been charged.»
    Displayed when a user attempts to purchase a product that is not for sale.
  • «Your purchase failed because your account does not have enough Robux. Your account has not been charged.»
    Displayed when a user attempts to purchase a product with insufficient Robux.
  • «Your purchase of [name of item] failed because something went wrong. Your account has not been charged. Please try again later.»
    Displayed when a user attempts to purchase a product and something went wrong. This can be caused when trying to purchase items using tickets, but this is not always the case, but this can swipe up when you enter the game/experience.
  • «You already own this item. Your account has not been charged.»

Displayed when a user tries to purchase the item that is owned already.

File:PurchaseError 3.png
File:PurchaseError 2.png
6 «An error occurred while starting Roblox; Details: … Error Code: 6»

Displayed when the launcher times out while downloading a new version or launching a game, which can be caused by the faulty internet connection or anti-virus detections.



«Developer has shut down all experience servers or experience server has shut down for other reasons, please reconnect (Error Code: 256)»
«The experience’s developer has temporarily shut down the experience server. Please try again. (Error Code: 274)»

Displayed when a developer manually closes a game server (usually when updating the game), when a vip server owner shuts down the vip server, or when a player is banned while in-game.

File:Error 256.png
260 «There was a problem receiving data, please reconnect. (Error Code: 260)»

Displayed when no data is being received by the Roblox web servers. One common occurrence of this error was when Roblox crashed on June 3, 2020.

File:Error Code 260.png
261 «Error while receiving data, please reconnect. (Error Code: 261)»
«There was a problem streaming data, please reconnect. (Error Code: 261)»

Displayed when the server fails to send feedback for data requests, which can be caused by the faulty internet connection, Roblox downtime, or other issues.

262 «There was a problem sending data, please reconnect. (Error Code: 262)»

Displayed when a game cannot load after data fails to send.

264 «Same account launched the experience from a different device. Reconnect if you prefer to use this device. (Error Code: 264)»
«You are already playing a game. Please shut down the other game and try again. (Error Code: 264)»

Displayed when a client starts while another client is already playing a game. This error can indicate an unknown/unwanted user on an account. This error can also occur if the player is warned in-game, but that error code has been replaced with 273 instead of 264. If no internet issues are occurring with the account, this is likely due to the account being compromised and someone else is trying to start a game while the original account owner is already playing a game. When Error 273 occurs, the reconnect button will appear on the right of the Leave Button.

File:Error 264.jpg
266 «Your connection timed out. Check your internet connection and try again. (Error Code: 266)»

Displayed when the connection was timed out. This happens because the client’s connection lags a lot or has not responded for a long time.

267 «You were kicked from this game: [Reason] (Error Code: 267)»
«You have been kicked from the game (Error Code: 267)»

Displayed when a user is kicked from a game session using a script (which includes admin commands). This error is typically not caused by Roblox, but rather by a script inserted by the game developer.

File:Error Code 267.png

Unspecified reason


Former version, no reason field


Sorry! You’re not allowed in this super top secret game yet.



268 «You have been kicked by the server. Please close and rejoin another game (Error Code: 268)»
«You have been kicked due to unexpected client behavior. (Error Code: 268)»

Displayed when a user is kicked from the game and is forced to join another server. This can occur from general connection issues, and in some cases when using exploits or for having a lot of lag. This error can also occur when using a compatibility layer such as Wine to play the game on Linux. This could even mean that the client was modified. This error can also occur if the client crash appears.

File:Error 268.png
File:Error268 2.png
271 There are three variations of this error:

  • «Server was shut down due to no active players. (Error Code: 271)»
    Displayed when all players in a server are inactive, causing the server to close. This can also happen in games that have their player counts boosted with bots; since the bots do not physically exist in the game (there is no location of the bots), but do register as in servers.
  • «You have been kicked by the server, please reconnect. (Error Code: 271)«
    Occurs due to player joining while server is in the middle of shutting down due to inactive players (see above)
  • «Unable to find instance»
    A old version of «Server was shut down due to no active players.» from ???? to 2015.
File:271 v2.png
272 «Disconnected due to the Security Key Mismatch (Error Code: 272)
«Lost connection due to an error. (Error Code: 272)»

On August 14, 2018, this error occurred for an unknown reason, and many players were not able to play Roblox. This was fixed the next day. Also displayed when the user attempts to join the game while an exploit is loaded.

This can also happen if the user have a history of exploiting.

File:272 v2.png
273 «Disconnected from the game, possibly due to the game joined from another device (Error Code: 273)»

«The same account launched the game from a different device. Reconnect if you prefer to use this device. (Error Code: 273)»
Identical to error 264, however this error occurs when a user is in-game while warned or banned. The user is kicked from the server and their page reloads, which then shows the user the ban/warn.

275 «Roblox has shut down the server for maintenance. Please try again. (Error Code: 275)»
«Roblox has shut down this game server for maintenance (Error Code: 275)»

Displayed when Roblox closes a game server for maintenance or if a game is deleted by a Roblox staff member while being played.

File:Error 275.png
277 «Lost connection to the game server, please reconnect (Error Code: 277)»
«Please check your internet connection and try again. (Error Code: 277)»

Displayed when the client has one of many different internet connection issues while inside of a game, but can sometimes happen randomly, this is because Roblox needs to fix bugs and it may end up disconnecting players randomly, after that, the player will be unable to rejoin the same server since ID 17 may happen. Can also happen when the player’s IP address has changed, such as disconnecting/connecting from a VPN, which changes a player’s IP address, or when a player/user turns off their Wi-Fi. It is also the most common error on Roblox.

File:Lost Connection.PNG
278 «You were disconnected for being idle 20 minutes (Error Code: 278)»

Displayed when a player is offline in a game for 20 or more minutes. This feature is intended to prevent users from wasting the Roblox server space.

This error message used to go beyond 20 minutes if you were gone for that long, sometimes going up to 5,000+ minutes.

File:Error Code 278- Disconnected.PNG
279 There are three variations of this error:

  • «Failed to connect to the Game. (ID = 17: Connection attempt failed.) (Error Code: 279)»
    Displayed when the client is unable to connect to the game server, which can be caused by website blocks on the user’s internet, or when Roblox is experiencing downtime or other issues. It can sometimes occur when a user attempts to rejoin a or the same server before Roblox disconnects them from their previous visit, and this error can cause users to lose progress from their previous visit.
  • «Failed to connect to the Game. (ID = 146: Illegal teleport destination.)»
    Displayed when the client attempts to teleport to a place that is inactive or in a different game universe from the start place.
  • «Failed to connect to the game. (ID = 148: Roblox version is out of date. Please uninstall and try again.)»
    Displayed when the Roblox launcher or client is outdated and must be reinstalled.
File:Error Code 279.png
File:146 (279).png
280 «Your version of Roblox may be out of date. Please update Roblox and try again. (Error Code: 280)»

Displayed when the client is out of date. This can also occur to some players at random periods of time for an unknown reason. This error can also occur when your PC’s date and time settings are incorrect.

517 «This game is currently unavailable. Please try again later. (Error Code: 517)»
«This game has ended. (Error Code: 517)»

Displayed when a client attempts to join a server that is in the process of closing, or when a player attempts to rejoin a server before Roblox disconnects them from their previous visit (ID 17/279 may happen too), while this error can also occur if the player tries to join the same server they got disconnected from.
This error can also pop up when you uninstall ROBLOX while you are inside of a game, or when a player attempts to play Adopt Me while in shutdown.

File:Error Code 517.png

Error Variation

522 «Followed user has left the game (Error Code: 522)»
«The user you attempted to join has left the game (Error Code: 522)»

Displayed when a user attempts to join a player into a game after the player they are joining has left.

File:Bandicam 2019-02-14 11-10-34-305.jpg

«The status of the game has changed and you no longer have access. Please try again later. (Error Code: 523)»
«This game is restricted. (Error Code: 523)»

This is a server error, not a game error.

Displayed when the player tries to join a server that has shut down, or when the player rejoins the solo server.

524 «Not authorized to join this game. (Error Code: 524)»
«You do not have permission to join this game. (Error Code: 524)»

Displayed during Roblox downtime, after attempting to join a VIP server they cannot join, or when attempting to join a game as a Guest.

529 «An Http error has occurred. Please close the client and try again. (Error Code: 529)»
«We are experiencing technical difficulties. Please try again later. (Error Code: 529)»

Displayed when Roblox’s servers are down or slow. May sometimes be displayed on mobile when a player’s internet connection has disabled before playing the game.

610 There are thirteen variations of this error:

  • «Can’t join place [id]: HTTP [number] ([reason]) (Error Code: 610)»
    Displayed for unknown reasons between November 9 and November 10, 2018.[2]
  • «Can’t join place [id]: HttpError: [reason] (Error Code: 610)»
    Displayed when a DNS resolution fails while connecting to a server, or when a user attempts to join a paid access game through the server list before purchasing the game. It was also displayed for unknown reasons between August 8 and 13, September 21 and 27, and on October 18, 2019.
  • «Can’t join the private server. HTTP 400 (Error 610)»
    Displayed when failing to connect to a private server. Similar to Error 524.
  • «Can’t follow user: HTTP 503 (Invalid JSON response received) (Error Code: 610)»
    Displayed when a user attempts to follow another user, but fails due to a Roblox error.
  • «Cannot join game instance: HTTP 400 (HTTP 400 (Bad Request)) (Your device is not supported to play this game) (Error Code: 610)»
    Displayed when attempting to join a game with a device that is not supported by either Roblox or the individual game.
  • «Cannot join place [id]: HTTP 400 (HTTP 400 (Bad Request)) (Cannot join game with no authenticated user.) (Error Code: 610)»
    Displayed when the player’s client is upgrading, but upgrading the client is too slow.
  • «Cannot join game instance: HTTP 400 (HTTP 400 (Bad Request)) (You need to purchase Game Pass to play this game.) (Error Code: 610)»
    Displayed when the player tries to join a game but the player needs to purchase the game pass first to play the game.
File:Anotación 2019-05-08 203033.png
File:610 Dns.png
File:HTTP 503.png
File:610 prv.png
File:Timed out.png
File:Error 610.png
769 «Teleport Failed: Unknown exception. (Error Code: 769)»
«Teleport failed due to an unexpected error. (Error Code: 769)»

Displayed when teleportation to another place while in-game fails for various reasons.
«Reconnect was unsuccessful. Please try again. (Error Code: 769)»

Displayed when an error occurs when pressing the reconnect button in other client kicks. This can occur if a player tries to reconnect to a game when their internet is out.

File:Error 769 2.png
770 There are three variations of this error:

  • «Game’s root place is not active. (Error Code: 770)»
    Displayed when attempting to join a place that is a part of a game universe where the start place is not active.
  • «Attempted to teleport to a place that does not exist. (Error Code: 770)»
    Displayed when attempting to teleport to a place that doesn’t exist or has been deleted.
  • «Teleport Failed. Unknown error. (Error Code: 770)»
    Displayed for no reason. However, error code 770 seems to be common in games that requires users to teleport, such as Entry Point or Tower Battles.
771 «Teleport failed, the server is no longer available. (Error Code: 771)»

Displayed when attempting to teleport to a game server that no longer exists or has been closed.

772 «Teleport failed, the server is full. (Error Code: 772)»

Displayed when attempting to teleport to a full game server.

773 There are two variations of this error:

  • «Teleport Failed: This game has not been approved, yet. (Error Code: 773)»
    Displayed when attempting to teleport to a non-approved game, meaning that the game has been put under review by moderators after multiple reports.
  • «Teleport Failed: Attempted to teleport to a place that is restricted. (Error Code: 773)»
    Displayed when attempting to teleport to a game that the user is not permitted to join.
File:Error773 UnsuccessfulReconnect.png


  1. https://devforum.roblox.com/t/roblox-cannot-start-up-user-code-0x1/77
  2. https://devforum.roblox.com/t/robloxcritical-unable-to-join-any-game/198657

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