Ошибка 502 гугл диск

Если файл на Google Диске не открывается, воспользуйтесь приведенными ниже советами.

1. Попробуйте открыть файлы позднее

  • Подождите немного. Если при попытке открыть файлы на Диске появляется сообщение Временная ошибка (502), значит ваши документы временно недоступны. Обычно эта проблема решается сама собой, поэтому рекомендуем попробовать открыть файлы позже.
  • Проверьте доступность сервисов Google Workspace. Если в работе Диска или серверов Google наблюдаются сбои, на странице Доступность сервисов Google Workspace красной точкой будут отмечены сервисы, с которыми есть проблемы. Чтобы посмотреть дополнительные сведения, нажмите на нее.

2. Воспользуйтесь базовыми инструкциями по устранению неполадок

Шаг 1. Проверьте подключение к интернету

Если вы видите сообщение «Подключение…» или документы на Диске загружаются очень медленно, проверьте подключение к интернету. Одной из распространенных проблем является низкое качество соединения.
Попробуйте подключиться к другой сети и проверьте, как будут открываться файлы.

Шаг 2. Проверьте версию браузера

  1. Ознакомьтесь с требованиями к системе и списком поддерживаемых браузеров.

    Диск совместим с двумя последними версиями всех основных браузеров.

  2. Убедитесь, что в вашем браузере разрешено сохранение файлов cookie и включена поддержка JavaScript®.
  3. Мы рекомендуем работать с Google Диском в Chrome,хотя он открывается и в других браузерах, таких как Mozilla® Firefox®, Microsoft® Internet Explorer® и Apple® Safari®.

Шаг 4. Уменьшите размер файла

Если размер файла превышает ограничения, он может не загрузиться. Если файл слишком большой или его размер близок к предельному, разбейте его на несколько отдельных файлов.

Шаг 5. Включите и отключите офлайн-доступ

Если подключение к интернету нестабильно, попробуйте настроить офлайн-доступ, чтобы просматривать и редактировать документы в автономном режиме. Когда подключение к интернету будет восстановлено, все изменения синхронизируются.

Если после включения офлайн-доступа вам по-прежнему не удается загрузить файлы, попробуйте отключить его и включить снова. Для этого откройте настройки и в разделе Офлайн-доступ снимите или установите флажок Разрешить создавать файлы и работать с недавними документами, таблицами и презентациями Google на этом устройстве, даже когда оно не подключено к интернету.

3. Воспользуйтесь дополнительными инструкциями по устранению неполадок

Шаг 6. Проверьте антивирусное ПО

Антивирусное программное обеспечение и расширения для блокировки рекламы, установленные на вашем устройстве, могут препятствовать открытию документов, презентаций и таблиц на Google Диске. Убедитесь, что подобное ПО не блокирует вам доступ к Google Workspace. 

Шаг 8. Проверьте работу улучшенной защиты от отслеживания в Firefox

Если проблема не устранена

  • Сообщите об ошибке или отправьте отзыв прямо из Google Диска.

Устранение других проблем с Google Диском

  • Подробнее о том, как устранить проблемы синхронизации…
  • Подробнее об ошибках, связанных с видео на Google Диске…

The Google Drive API returns 2 levels of error information:

  • HTTP error codes and messages in the header.
  • A JSON object in the response body with additional details that can help you
    determine how to handle the error.

Drive apps should catch and handle all errors that might be encountered when
using the REST API. This guide provides instructions on how to resolve specific
API errors.

Resolve a 400 error: Bad request

This error can result from any one of the following issues in your code:

  • A required field or parameter hasn’t been provided.
  • The value supplied or a combination of provided fields is invalid.
  • You tried to add a duplicate parent to a Drive file.
  • You tried to add a parent that would create a cycle in the directory graph.

Following is a sample JSON representation of this error:

  "error": {
    "code": 400,
    "errors": [
        "domain": "global",
        "location": "orderBy",
        "locationType": "parameter",
        "message": "Sorting is not supported for queries with fullText terms. Results are always in descending relevance order.",
        "reason": "badRequest"
    "message": "Sorting is not supported for queries with fullText terms. Results are always in descending relevance order."

To fix this error, check the message field and adjust your code accordingly.

Resolve a 400 error: Invalid sharing request

This error can occur for several reasons. To determine the limit that has been
exceeded, evaluate the reason field of the returned JSON. This error most
commonly occurs because:

  • Sharing succeeded, but the notification email was not correctly delivered.
  • The Access Control List (ACL) change is not allowed for this user.

The message field indicates the actual error.

Sharing succeeded, but the notification email was not correctly delivered

Following is the JSON representation of this error:

  "error": {
    "errors": [
        "domain": "global",
        "reason": "invalidSharingRequest",
        "message": "Bad Request. User message: \"Sorry, the items were successfully shared but emails could not be sent to email@domain.com.\""
    "code": 400,
    "message": "Bad Request"

To fix this error, inform the user (sharer) they were unable to share because
the notification email couldn’t be sent to the email address they want to share
with. The user should ensure they have the correct email address and that it can
receive email.

The ACL change is not allowed for this user

Following is the JSON representation of this error:

  "error": {
    "errors": [
        "domain": "global",
        "reason": "invalidSharingRequest",
        "message": "Bad Request. User message: \"ACL change not allowed.\""
    "code": 400,
    "message": "Bad Request"

To fix this error, check the sharing settings of the Google Workspace domain to which the file belongs. The settings might
prohibit sharing outside of the domain or sharing a shared drive might not be

Resolve a 401 error: Invalid credentials

A 401 error indicates the access token that you’re using is either expired or
invalid. This error can also be caused by missing authorization for the
requested scopes. Following is the JSON representation of this error:

  "error": {
    "errors": [
        "domain": "global",
        "reason": "authError",
        "message": "Invalid Credentials",
        "locationType": "header",
        "location": "Authorization",
    "code": 401,
    "message": "Invalid Credentials"

To fix this error, refresh the access token using the long-lived refresh token.
If this fails, direct the user through the OAuth flow, as described in
API-specific authorization and authentication information.

Resolve a 403 error

An error 403 occurs when a usage limit has been exceeded or the user doesn’t
have the correct privileges. To determine the specific type of error, evaluate
the reason field of the returned JSON. This error occurs for the following

  • The daily limit was exceeded.
  • The user rate limit was exceeded.
  • The project rate limit was exceeded.
  • The sharing rate limit was exceeded.
  • The user hasn’t granted your app rights to a file.
  • The user doesn’t have sufficient permissions for a file.
  • Your app can’t be used within the signed in user’s domain.
  • Number of items in a folder was exceeded.

For information on Drive API limits, refer to
Usage limits. For information on Drive folder limits,
refer to
Folder limits in Google Drive.

Resolve a 403 error: Daily limit exceeded

A dailyLimitExceeded error indicates the courtesy API limit for your project
has been reached. Following is the JSON representation of this error:

  "error": {
    "errors": [
        "domain": "usageLimits",
        "reason": "dailyLimitExceeded",
        "message": "Daily Limit Exceeded"
    "code": 403,
    "message": "Daily Limit Exceeded"

This error appears when the application’s owner has set a quota limit to cap
usage of a particular resource. To fix this error,
remove any usage caps for the «Queries per day» quota.

Resolve a 403 error: User rate limit exceeded

A userRateLimitExceeded error indicates the per-user limit has been reached.
This might be a limit from the Google API Console or a limit from the Drive
backend. Following is the JSON representation of this error:

 "error": {
  "errors": [
    "domain": "usageLimits",
    "reason": "userRateLimitExceeded",
    "message": "User Rate Limit Exceeded"
  "code": 403,
  "message": "User Rate Limit Exceeded"

To fix this error, try any of the following:

  • Raise the per-user quota in the Google Cloud project. For more information,
    request a quota increase.
  • If one user is making numerous requests on behalf of many users of a Google Workspace account, consider a
    service account with domain-wide delegation
    using the
    quotaUser parameter.
  • Use exponential backoff to retry the

For information on Drive API limits, refer to
Usage limits.

Resolve a 403 error: Project rate limit exceeded

A rateLimitExceeded error indicates the project’s rate limit has been reached.
This limit varies depending on the type of requests. Following is the JSON
representation of this error:

 "error": {
  "errors": [
    "domain": "usageLimits",
    "message": "Rate Limit Exceeded",
    "reason": "rateLimitExceeded",
  "code": 403,
  "message": "Rate Limit Exceeded"

To fix this error, try any of the following:

  • Raise the per-user quota in the Google Cloud project. For more information,
    request a quota increase.
  • Batch requests to make fewer
    API calls.
  • Use exponential backoff to retry the

Resolve a 403 error: Sharing rate limit exceeded

A sharingRateLimitExceeded error occurs when the user has reached a sharing
limit. This error is often linked with an email limit. Following is the JSON
representation of this error:

 "error": {
  "errors": [
    "domain": "global",
    "message": "Rate limit exceeded. User message: \"These item(s) could not be shared because a rate limit was exceeded: filename",
    "reason": "sharingRateLimitExceeded",
  "code": 403,
  "message": "Rate Limit Exceeded"

To fix this error:

  1. Do not send emails when sharing large amounts of files.
  2. If one user is making numerous requests on behalf of many users of a Google Workspace account, consider a
    service account with domain-wide delegation
    using the
    quotaUser parameter.

Resolve a 403 error: Storage quota exceeded

A storageQuotaExceeded error occurs when the user has reached their storage
limit. Following is the JSON representation of this error:

 "error": {
  "errors": [
    "domain": "global",
    "message": "The user's Drive storage quota has been exceeded.",
    "reason": "storageQuotaExceeded",
  "code": 403,
  "message": "The user's Drive storage quota has been exceeded."

To fix this error:

  1. Review the storage limits for your Drive account. For more information,
    refer to
    Drive storage and upload limits

  2. Free up space

    or get more storage from Google One.

Resolve a 403 error: The user has not granted the app {appId} {verb} access to the file {fileId}

An appNotAuthorizedToFile error occurs when your app is not on the ACL for the
file. This error prevents the user from opening the file with your app.
Following is the JSON representation of this error:

  "error": {
    "errors": [
        "domain": "global",
        "reason": "appNotAuthorizedToFile",
        "message": "The user has not granted the app {appId} {verb} access to the file {fileId}."
    "code": 403,
    "message": "The user has not granted the app {appId} {verb} access to the file {fileId}."

To fix this error, try any of the following:

  • Open the Google Drive picker
    and prompt the user to open the file.
  • Instruct the user to open the file using the
    Open with context menu in the Drive
    UI of your app.

You can also check the isAppAuthorized field on a file to verify that your app
created or opened the file.

Resolve a 403 error: The user does not have sufficient permissions for file {fileId}

A insufficientFilePermissions error occurs when the user doesn’t have write
access to a file, and your app is attempting to modify the file. Following is
the JSON representation of this error:

  "error": {
    "errors": [
        "domain": "global",
        "reason": "insufficientFilePermissions",
        "message": "The user does not have sufficient permissions for file {fileId}."
    "code": 403,
    "message": "The user does not have sufficient permissions for file {fileId}."

To fix this error, instruct the user to contact the file’s owner and request
edit access. You can also check user access levels in the metadata retrieved by
files.get and display a read-only UI when
permissions are missing.

Resolve a 403 error: App with id {appId} cannot be used within the authenticated user’s domain

A domainPolicy error occurs when the policy for the user’s domain doesn’t
allow access to Drive by your app. Following is the JSON representation of this

  "error": {
    "errors": [
        "domain": "global",
        "reason": "domainPolicy",
        "message": "The domain administrators have disabled Drive apps."
    "code": 403,
    "message": "The domain administrators have disabled Drive apps."

To fix this error:

  1. Inform the user the domain doesn’t allow your app to access files in Drive.
  2. Instruct the user to contact the domain Admin to request access for your

Resolve a 403 error: Number of items in folder was exceeded

A numChildrenInNonRootLimitExceeded error occurs when the limit for a folder’s
number of children (folders, files, and shortcuts) has been exceeded. There’s a
500,000 item limit for folders, files, and shortcuts directly in a folder. Items
nested in subfolders don’t count against this 500,000 item limit. For more
information on Drive folder limits, refer to
Folder limits in Google Drive

Resolve a 403 error: Number of items created by account was exceeded

An activeItemCreationLimitExceeded error occurs when the limit for the number
of items, whether trashed or not, created by this account has been exceeded. All
item types, including folders, count towards the limit.

Resolve a 404 error: File not found: {fileId}

The notFound error occurs when the user doesn’t have read access to a file, or
the file doesn’t exist.

  "error": {
    "errors": [
        "domain": "global",
        "reason": "notFound",
        "message": "File not found {fileId}"
    "code": 404,
    "message": "File not found: {fileId}"

To fix this error:

  1. Inform the user they don’t have read access to the file or the file doesn’t
  2. Instruct the user to contact the file’s owner and request permission to the

Resolve a 429 error: Too many requests

A rateLimitExceeded error occurs when the user has sent too many requests in a
given amount of time.

  "error": {
    "errors": [
        "domain": "usageLimits",
        "reason": "rateLimitExceeded",
        "message": "Rate Limit Exceeded"
    "code": 429,
    "message": "Rate Limit Exceeded"

To fix this error, use
exponential backoff to retry the request.

Resolve a 5xx error

A 5xx error occurs when an unexpected error arises while processing the request.
This can be caused by various issues, including a request’s timing overlapping
with another request or a request for an unsupported action, such as attempting
to update permissions for a single page in a Google Site instead of the site

To fix this error, use
exponential backoff to retry the request.
Following is a list of 5xx errors:

  • 500 Backend error
  • 502 Bad Gateway
  • 503 Service Unavailable
  • 504 Gateway Timeout

Google Drive 502 Error is a common error that can occur while using Google Drive. This error can occur while uploading files, syncing files, or while viewing files.

There are a few things that you can do to try to fix this error. First, try restarting your computer. If that does not fix the error, try deleting the Google Drive cache files. To do this, open the Google Drive folder on your computer, and then delete the files that end in .cache.

If neither of those steps fix the error, you may need to uninstall and reinstall Google Drive. To do this, go to the Google Drive website, and click on the gear icon in the top right corner. Then, click on Settings. Under the General tab, click on the Uninstall Google Drive button. After the uninstall is complete, go to the Google Drive website again, and click on the Install Google Drive button.


  • 1 What is a 502 error on Google?
  • 2 How do I fix Gmail error 502?
  • 3 What causes a 502 Bad gateway error?
  • 4 Is 502 Bad gateway a virus?
  • 5 How do I fix a bad gateway error?
  • 6 How do I get rid of 502 bad gateway on Mac?
  • 7 What is a Bad Gateway error?

What is a 502 error on Google?

A 502 error on Google is essentially a temporary error that can occur when the search engine is experiencing difficulties. It’s not exactly clear what causes this error, but it’s usually resolved within a few hours. If you’re experiencing a 502 error on Google, there’s not much you can do except wait for it to clear up. In the meantime, you can try using a different search engine.

How do I fix Gmail error 502?

Gmail users may occasionally encounter the 502 error message. This error is caused by a temporary networking issue, and can usually be resolved by refreshing the page.

If you are unable to resolve the issue by refreshing the page, you may need to clear your browser’s cache and cookies. To clear your cache and cookies, follow the instructions below for your browser:


1. Open Chrome.

2. Click the three dots in the top right corner of the window.

3. Select “More tools” and then “Clear browsing data.”

4. In the “Clear browsing data” window, select the following options:

• Select “Cookies and other site and plug-in data.”

• Select “Cached images and files.”

• Click “Clear data.”


1. Open Firefox.

2. Click the three bars in the top right corner of the window.

3. Select “History.”

4. In the “History” menu, select “Clear Recent History.”

5. In the “Clear Recent History” window, select the following options:

• Select “Cookies.”

• Select “Cache.”

• Select “Active Logins.”

• Click “Clear Now.”

Internet Explorer

1. Open Internet Explorer.

2. Click the gear in the top right corner of the window.

3. Select “Internet options.”

4. In the “Internet options” window, select the “Delete” tab.

5. Select the following options:

• Select “Temporary Internet files.”

• Select “Cookies.”

• Click “Delete.”


1. Open Safari.

2. Click the Safari menu in the top left corner of the window.

3. Select “Preferences.”

4. In the “Preferences” window, select the “Privacy” tab.

5. Select the following options:

• Select “Remove all website data.”

• Click “Clear.”

What causes a 502 Bad gateway error?

What causes a 502 Bad gateway error?

A 502 Bad gateway error is caused by an issue with the server that is hosting the website. This error can occur when the server is unable to fulfil the request made by the client, usually because of a connection issue or a lack of resources.

There are a few things that you can do to try and resolve a 502 Bad gateway error:

– Check to make sure that you are connected to the internet

– Refresh the page

– Try accessing the website from another device or browser

– Contact your internet service provider if the issue persists

Is 502 Bad gateway a virus?

Is 502 Bad gateway a virus?

502 Bad gateway is not a virus, but it can be a sign that your computer is infected with a virus.

502 Bad gateway is a common error message that you may see when you try to visit a website. It usually means that the website you are trying to visit is down, but it can also be a sign that your computer is infected with a virus.

If you see the 502 Bad gateway error message, it is a good idea to run a virus scan on your computer to see if it is infected. If your computer is infected, you will need to remove the virus and restore your computer to its previous state.

How do I fix a bad gateway error?

A bad gateway error is an error that can occur when you are trying to connect to a website or server. This error can be caused by a number of different things, including problems with your internet connection, a problem with the website or server you are trying to connect to, or a problem with your computer’s configuration.

If you are experiencing a bad gateway error, there are a few things you can do to try to fix it. First, make sure that you are connected to the internet and that your internet connection is working properly. Next, make sure that the website or server you are trying to connect to is working properly. If it is not, try contacting the website or server’s administrator for help.

Finally, if you are having problems connecting to a website or server, you may need to configure your computer’s network settings. To do this, open your computer’s network settings and make sure that the correct settings are configured for your internet connection. If the correct settings are not configured, try configuring them manually.

How do I get rid of 502 bad gateway on Mac?

502 bad gateway on Mac is a common error that can occur for a variety of reasons. In this article, we’ll discuss the causes and fixes for this error.

The 502 bad gateway error is usually caused by a problem with the server. The server may be overloaded or down, or there may be a problem with the connection.

There are a few things you can do to troubleshoot and fix 502 bad gateway on Mac:

-Check the server status.

-Restart your computer.

-Clear your browser’s cache and cookies.

-Try a different browser.

-Contact your ISP.

Check the Server Status

The first thing you should do is check the server status to see if there is a problem. You can do this by checking the website’s server status page or by using a website monitoring service.

If there is a problem with the server, you will need to wait until the problem is fixed. However, if the server is up and running, you can proceed to the next step.

Restart Your Computer

If the server is up and running, the next thing you should try is restarting your computer. This can sometimes fix connection problems.

Clear Your Browser’s Cache and Cookies

If restarting your computer doesn’t fix the problem, the next step is to clear your browser’s cache and cookies. This will delete any temporary files that may be causing the error.

To clear your browser’s cache and cookies, follow these steps:

-Chrome: Click the menu button and select Settings. Click Show advanced settings and then click Clear browsing data. Select the Cookies and other site and plug-in data and Cached images and files check boxes and then click Clear data.

-Safari: Click the Safari menu and select Preferences. Click the Privacy tab and then click Remove all website data.

-Firefox: Click the menu button and select Preferences. Click the Privacy tab and then click Clear history. Select the Cache check box and then click Clear.

-Internet Explorer: Click the Tools button and select Internet options. Click the General tab and then click Delete. Select the Temporary Internet files and Cookies check boxes and then click Delete.

Try a Different Browser

If clearing your browser’s cache and cookies doesn’t fix the problem, you can try using a different browser. If the error persists, you may need to contact your ISP.

Contact Your ISP

If you’ve tried all of the troubleshooting steps and the error still persists, you may need to contact your ISP. They may be able to help you solve the problem.

What is a Bad Gateway error?

A Bad Gateway error is an HTTP error code that is displayed when a web server is unable to connect to an upstream server. This error can be caused by a number of issues, including network congestion, a misconfigured server, or a problem with the upstream server.

If you are experiencing a Bad Gateway error, there are a few things you can do to troubleshoot the issue. First, try reloading the page. If that doesn’t work, try clearing your browser’s cache and cookies. If you are still experiencing problems, contact your webhost or ISP for assistance.

“Cannot Open Files in Google Drive”: Issue Resolved by Using Top 5 Ways

Raj Kumar ~
Modified: July 15th, 2022 ~ Error ~ 5 Minutes Reading

Google Drive is the safe place to store all important files like photos, videos, PDF, Microsoft Office files in the cloud. Apart from this, it also provides features to edit and share the documents, files, spreadsheets, and presentations with other colleagues. It becomes more popular among all end users due to its lots of security features. Despite having its benefits, sometimes users face an issue that they cannot open files in Google Drive or cannot open shared files in Google Drive.

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In this case, they are looking for a solution to resolve this problem users cannot open excel files from Google Drive . There are many different techniques available to open Google Drive files or migrate Google Drive data to another Account. Read the complete article to find out more on this topic.

Reasons behind the Issue: Cannot Open Shared Files in Google Drive

If you are unable to open files in Google Drive, then a few things could be wrong:

  • You are not permitted by the owner of files to view it.
  • You are signed in to a different Google Account.
  • The correct application is not installed on your device.

If you are having trouble to view the documents in Google Drive and you receive an error message “cannot open files in Google Drive”, then you can resolve your problem by using one of these solutions. Let us have a look:

Solution 1: Wait a While and Try opening Your Files later

If you are unable to open files in Google Drive and you receive “temporary error (502)” message. It means that your documents or files are temporarily unavailable. Usually, this issue is temporary, so wait a while and try to open your files again.

Solution 2: Get Permission to Open a File

1. First of all, try to open the Google Drive file.

2. Then, a Request access page will open automatically.

3. In this step, click on the Send icon.

4. Now, the owner of the file will get an email with your request.

5. If they approve your request, then you will get an email.

6. Finally, you became able to access the Google Drive file.

Solution 3: Try a Different Google Account

1. At first, open the app for Google Drive, docs, sheets, or slides on your device.

2. After that, tap on the Menu icon at the top left of the screen.

3. Next, go to your email address and tap the Down arrow.

4. Finally, tap on Add account icon and sign in another account.

Solution 4: Try Basic Troubleshooting Method

1. Check your internet connection. If your connection is weak, then try to connect to another network. Because, a weak connection is a common cause of many connection errors like cannot open files in Google Drive.

2. Next, check the system requirements and supported browsers. Make sure you are using supported versions of the browser and operating system if you are unable to open files in Google Drive.

3. In this step, clear your browser cache and then try to load your Google Drive files again.

4. If you have saved the large data on your Google Drive account, then reduce the size of your file.

5. Turn offline access on and off. For this, go to the Settings >> Offline, uncheck or check the Sync to edit offline box to turn it on or off.

Solution 5: Try More Advanced Troubleshooting

1. Check your virus scanning software. Make sure that this software is not blocking G Suite.
2. Check your firewall and proxy settings are configured or not.

The Bottom Line

In this article, we have described the “cannot open files in Google Drive” error message, along with the appropriate solutions. After considering the ongoing necessity of users, we have also discussed the topmost solutions to fix this issue when you are unable to open files in Google Drive. According to the situation, users can opt the relevant solution to open Google Drive files in an absolute way .

Frrequently Asked Questions

Why I cannot open files on Google Drive?

There can be many possible reasons behind this such as:
1. Storage space issue
2. Signed in to wrong account
3. You do not have permission granted from owner of the file.

Can I migrate Google files also from one Drive to another?

Yes, you are allowed to move files created in Google also like Google Sheets, Google Docs, Google Slides to another account.

How do I open a file in Google Drive?

You just need to open your Google Drive. Then, simply double-click on the file that you want to open. And, your desired file will be opened in front of you.

Can I access Google Drive on my mobile phone also?

Yes, you can even install Google Drive app and log in via desired account. After that, you can open and access all data stored in your drive on your phone also.

Google Drive works best for syncing, sharing and as the backup for most give time. However, there could be distressing moments when suddenly it stops working and leaves you confused on how to fix it. Android smartphones have Google Drive app either by default or downloadable.It gives us the 15GB of free space to save all kinds of documents, photos, and more. But if Google Drive not working? Relax. In this article, we will share great ways on how to resolve Google Drive not working.

How to Fix Google Drive Not Loading Quickly

Here are 5 common solutions to fix Google Drive not working or Google Drive is not loading:

  1. Set backups to Wi-Fi only.
  2. Use FoneDog Android Data Backup % Restore as an alternative.
  3. Update Google Drive.
  4. Clear cache & data.
  5. Add back Google Account.

Before We Fix Google Drive Not Working Problems:

Having concentrated on software development for several years, we have created a professional tool to backup and restore your data on Android devices.

Here is a tip for you: Download FoneDog Android Data Backup & Restore to quickly and safely backup your data from Android phones in a single click and also restore them to the devices. For you to try your best to fix Google Drive, we have gathered some great ideas and solutions below.

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Selectively backup Android data to computer with one click.
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FoneDog Android Data Backup & Restore

How to Fix Google Drive Not Loading QuicklyPart 1. Common Google Drive ErrorsPart 2. Set Backup to Wi-Fi onlyPart 3. Use Alternative Backup with Recommended ProgramVideo Guide: How to Backup Android DataPart 4. Update Google DrivePart 5. Clear Cache & DataPart 6. Add Back Google AccountPart 7. Summary

Part 1. Common Google Drive Errors

It is given that software may give up suddenly. Like humans, we also get tired and stressed, for programs like Google Drive, it can experience network traffic or worse, system issues.There are 2 most common Google Drive errors that usually appear:

Google_drive_error Fonedog

1.Temporary Error #502

This error usually shows up whenever you are trying to load the Google Drive yet nothing is showing, even your documents and files.

1. Refresh the page – A quick refresh may help resolve this 502 problem and will show you all the contents synced with Google Drive.

2. Click on Other Views- Another option is to click on ‘All items’ or ‘Owned by me’ to fix the error 502.

2. Trying to Connect Error

There are plenty of reasons why you get the ‘trying to connect error’. However, the internet connection is the primary concern to look after.

Fix: Make sure you are situated in a location with the stable and excellent internet connection to avoid this kind of Google Drive error. Whenever you are not connected to a Wi-Fi or mobile network, you are still able to view and edit files, like:

1. Google Sheets

2. Google Docs

3. Google Slides

To Turn Offline access on and off:

1. Open Google Drive app

2. Tap More icon

3. Tap Available offline

To Delete Files in Google Drive:

1. Open the Google Drive app on Android

2. Tap More beside the file you want to delete

3. Tap Remove

Part 2. Set Backup to Wi-Fi only

Setting backup to Wi-Fi only to fix Google Drive not working. Google Drive can be backed up using wireless network and mobile data. To better ensure that your backup is synced smoothly, set it over to the wireless network. As we know using mobile data is not stable and may lead to account overages in the future.

1. Launch Google Drive

2. Tap the 3-dotted lines on top right

3. Tap on Settings

4. Under Data Usage, toggle on ‘Transfer files only over Wi-Fi’

Part 3. Use Alternative Backup with Recommended Program

When Google Drive not working, the best thing to do is to have an alternative backup program. One of the best and highly recommended programs is FoneDog Toolkit- Android Data Backup & Restore. FoneDog Toolkit- Android Data Backup & Restore is best for apps such as contacts, messages, call logs, photos, videos, and apps data. It simply creates a backup to the computer in just a single click. The restore process works fast too! Google Drive not working is an annoying thing. You can backup your data using this free version trail, so you can don’t worry have data lost.

Start to Backup Data Using Android Data Backup & Restore

1. Download, install and launch the program on the computer

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2. Connect the Android phone to the computer

3. Choose desired Backup Option (One-click backup, Device Data Backup)

4. For Selective Backup, choose Device Data Backup

5. Select desired files to backup, click Start to begin the process

6. Backup Completed

Backup Completed

To Restore Files Using FoneDog Toolkit- Android Data Backup & Restore

1. Launch program

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2. Connect android

3. Choose the desired backup file saved in the program

4. Select desired data to restore

Restore Files From Backup

People Also ReadHow to Backup iPhone Contacts to GoogleHow to fix Google Drive Does Not Sync Issue?

Video Guide: How to Backup Android Data

Part 4. Update Google Drive

Whenever you use a certain app such as Google Drive on your android, be sure that you update them regularly or better yet, set it to automatic update. There is no need for you to endure such a task whenever Google Drive is not working.What to do:1. Launch Play Store

2. Go to ‘My Apps & games’

3. Find Google Drive

4. Check if there is available update

5. Update when needed

Update Google Drive

Part 5. Clear Cache & Data

Sometimes in a long span of phone usage, there comes a time when everything freezes and slows down. Androids get to clog up most of the time. This is because of the saved caches and data that add to the storage space of the internal memory.It can be stressful when you are working with docs and files and it suddenly Google Drive is not working. To fix this, all you need is to clear cache and data on the android especially for the Google Drive app.How to do it?1. Launch Settings on the Android

2. Go to Apps or Manage Applications

3. Scroll down and find Google Drive

4. Tap Clear Cache

Google Drive Clear Cache And Data

Clearing the cache will only remove the saved parts of Google Drive by the android system and it does not remove any settings, accounts, and databases.If you want to clear data, you need to log in back to the registered Google account.

Part 6. Add Back Google Account

If Google Drive still doesn’t work, this time you can try to re-add the Google account registered on the Android device.What to Do?1. Open Settings

2. Scroll down and tap Accounts

3. Tap Google

4. Tap the 3-dotted lines

5. Tap Remove accounts

Remove The Google Account

After the Google account has been removed, add it back and check to see if Google Drive is now working.

Part 7. Summary

You have learned about the different methods to fix Google Drive not working issue. One of the best methods for future references is to keep FoneDog Toolkit- Android Data Backup & Restore handy in your computer to make sure that whatever happens, your data is safe and secured.FoneDog Toolkit- Android Data Backup & Restore is compatible with almost all android devices and allows you to preview files before backup and restore. Share it with friends today!

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