Если в Gmail возникают ошибки, воспользуйтесь этими инструкциями.
Нет подключения
Если вы видите эту ошибку на iPhone или iPad, попробуйте сделать следующее:
- Убедитесь, что вы подключены к Интернету.
- Закройте и заново откройте приложение.
- Выйдите из аккаунта, а затем снова войдите в него.
Временная ошибка
Если при входе в Gmail появляется сообщение о временной ошибке (502), это означает, что служба временно недоступна. Как правило, ошибка пропадает в течение пары минут. Даже если сервис Gmail недоступен, все сообщения и личные данные остаются в безопасности.
Другие ошибки
Воспользуйтесь этими инструкциями, если возникает одна из перечисленных или любая другая ошибка.
- «Неправильный запрос: клиент использует неверно составленный или недопустимый запрос»
- Ошибки 602, 500, 102, 009, 103
Шаг 2. Проверьте расширения в браузере
Иногда работе Gmail могут мешать некоторые расширения и дополнения браузера.
Отключайте их по одному и снова пробуйте открыть Gmail. Так вы узнаете, какое из расширений вызывает ошибку.
Вы также можете открыть Gmail в режиме инкогнито, где все расширения отключены.
Если проблема сохраняется
Если перечисленные выше решения не помогли, загляните на страницу с информацией о состоянии сервисов: возможно, Gmail временно не работает.
Gmail – один из самых надежных и широко используемых почтовых сервисов. Но даже на такой стабильной платформе, как Gmail, пользователи могут также столкнуться с такими проблемами, как сетевая ошибка 502 в ее приложениях. Эта проблема связана с сообщением об ошибке,
«502. Это ошибка.
Сервер обнаружил временную ошибку и не смог выполнить ваш запрос.
Пожалуйста, попробуйте еще раз через 30 секунд ».
«Ошибка сервера 502: сервер обнаружил временную ошибку и не смог выполнить ваш запрос»
Временная ошибка 502 – распространенная проблема, с которой сталкиваются многие пользователи, использующие приложение Gmail для Android, iPhone (iOS) или даже через Интернет. Это происходит, когда пользователи пытаются войти в свои учетные записи Gmail. Как следует из ошибки, это просто означает, что ваша почта временно недоступна.
Хотя это может быть временной ошибкой, и Google скоро ее исправит, есть и другие способы, которыми вы можете попытаться решить проблему с вашим приложением Gmail. Ознакомьтесь с методами ниже.
Метод №1 – дождитесь, пока Google исправит это
Снимок экрана / Windows Dispatch
Этот тип ошибки Gmail обычно проходит довольно быстро, поэтому вы можете попробовать снова войти в систему через несколько минут. Это может быть проблема с сервером в Google, поэтому все, что вам нужно сделать, это подождать. Тем не менее, Google заверил своих пользователей, что, несмотря на ошибку, их сообщения в безопасности. Вы можете вернуться к своему обычному использованию, как только Gmail снова будет включен. Попробуйте снова войти в свою учетную запись через несколько минут.
Метод № 2 – Используйте другой браузер или попробуйте инкогнито
Кредит: Диспетчер Windows
Если вы используете приложение Gmail на своем смартфоне, вы можете попробовать войти в систему в веб-браузере. Если вы уже используете браузер, вы должны попытаться войти в систему, используя другой браузер. Некоторые пользователи также сообщают, что доступ к Gmail в режиме инкогнито или приватном режиме решает проблему. Посмотрите, какой из них вам подходит, и если ничего не произойдет, попробуйте следующее решение.
Метод № 3 – Очистить кеш в вашем браузере
Кредит: Диспетчер Windows
Это помогает очистить кеш в используемом вами браузере. Очистка кеша приведет к удалению временных файлов, которые могут вызывать ошибку.
- Чтобы очистить кеш, войдите в настройку истории вашего браузера.
- Выберите Очистить историю просмотров или данные.
- Установите для параметра Time Range значение All.
- Установите флажки рядом с Кэш, Файлы cookie и История просмотров.
- Нажмите кнопку Очистить кеш.
Обратите внимание, что есть разные шаги по очистке кеша в зависимости от используемого вами браузера. Но, чтобы очистить кеш, войдите в историю или очистите историю или данные просмотра.
Метод №4 – Временно отключите антивирус
Иногда одна из причин ошибки связана с вашим антивирусом или брандмауэром. Вы можете сначала временно отключить антивирус и проверить, можете ли вы получить доступ к Gmail без проблем. Включите его снова после того, как исправите проблемы.
Статья вам помогла? Дайте нам знать в комментариях ниже.
Much of our personal and work communication relies on email, so it can be frustrating when it’s not working. While not too common, Google’s email service can have problems, and one of the most common ones is Gmail error 502. What is this all about, and how can we go about fixing the issue?
Gmail error 502 generally tells us there is an issue with server communications. More specifically, it’s usually related to server problems on the other side of your internet connection; the company’s servers.
A 502 error is rarely something related to your device, browser, app, or internet. That said, there are some things you can try to get to your Gmail faster.
- What is Gmail error 502?
- How to fix Gmail error 502
What is Gmail error 502?
Edgar Cervantes / Android Authority
Before trying to figure out a fix, you need to understand that Gmail error 502 is something that is usually out of your power to resolve. This is because it is typically telling you servers at work are having issues, or that they’re sending each other invalid responses. In other words, it’s a problem between Google’s servers and whatever other servers these are trying to communicate with.
You may see Gmail error 502 showing up in different forms. It may appear as “502 Bad Gateway,” “Error 502,” “HTTP 502,” Temporary Error (502),” and other variants. All of these messages essentially tell us the same, though.
There are multiple reasons this could be happening. Some common causes include the servers being down, internet issues on Gmail’s end, bad connectivity setups, and bugs. You might also see it when too many people are trying to reach the Gmail servers simultaneously, which could cause an overload.
How to fix Gmail error 502
Edgar Cervantes / Android Authority
Again, there is usually not much you can do to fix it, but here are some troubleshooting tips you can try when encountering Gmail error 502.
- Refresh the page: Google is usually pretty quick to fix server-side issues. And since its server connection is likely the problem, a simple refresh may get your Gmail up and running. Try refreshing the page until Gmail error 502 disappears.
- Check if Gmail is down: You can ensure the issue is actually with Google’s servers. Google has its own status page, where you can see if Gmail is having service interruptions. Additionally, you can use a crowd-sourced, third-party website like DownDetector.com.
- Clear the cookies and cache: Cookies and cache files can be corrupted, which may sometimes cause issues connecting to Gmail’s servers. Additionally, sometimes cache stores the error info in our web browsers. Clearing it will give us a clean slate and let us access Gmail, as long as it is actually working again. Here’s our guide for clearing cookies and cache on Chrome.
- Try a VPN: If you use a VPN, there is a chance your VPN provider has servers closer to Gmail’s servers. Closer geographical distance between servers improves performance, and it might make a difference, especially if the issue is a congested server. Here are our favorite VPN options, as well as some free alternatives.
- Try changing your DNS settings: Your connection may have a DNS issue. This is a complex topic, but it’s essentially the protocol that identifies your device online. We have a dedicated guide on changing the DNS settings on all devices. We recommend that you use Google’s DNS servers.
- Try Incognito mode: If you go into Chrome’s Incognito mode, and you can actually access Gmail, this is telling us there is another issue causing conflicts with your connections. The most common cause, in this case, is a rogue extension. You can try disabling them to see if that helps.
Error 502 usually implies there is an issue between the website’s servers and other servers it’s trying to communicate with.
There are many things that can cause an error 502. Common causes include server downtime, server overload, server settings issues, bad connectivity, and more.
Not usually. Your best bet is to wait a bit and refresh Gmail when you get an error code 502. There are some instances when you can do something to fix the issue, though.
Gmail is one of the most reliable and widely used email services. But, even a stable platform like Gmail, users may also experience issues like network error 502 on its apps. This problem comes with the error message,
“502. That’s an error.
The server encountered a temporary error and could not complete your request.
Please try again in 30 seconds.”
“502 Server Error: The server encountered a temporary error and could not complete your request”
The temporary error 502 is a common issue experienced by a lot of users using the Gmail app for Android, iPhone (iOS) or even through the web. This happens when users try to sign in to their Gmail accounts. As the error suggests, it simply means that your mail is temporarily unavailable.
How Do I Fix a Temporary Error 502 in Gmail App?
While it may be a temporary error and Google will fix it soon, there are also other ways that you can try to help resolve the problem with your Gmail app. Check out the methods below.
Method #1 – Wait for Google to Fix It
This type of Gmail error usually goes away pretty quickly, so you can try logging in again after a few minutes. It may be a server problem in Google, so all you have to do is wait. Still, Google assured its users that despite the error, their messages are safe. You can go back to your normal usage once Gmail is back on. Try signing in again to your account after a few minutes.
Method #2 – Use a Different Browser or Try Incognito
If you are using the Gmail app on your smartphone, you can try logging in on a web browser. If you are already using a browser, then you must try to log in using a different browser. Some users have also reported that accessing Gmail using Incognito or Private mode fixes the problem. See which one works for you and if nothing happens, try the next solution.
Method #3 – Clear Cache on Your Browser
It helps to clear the cache on the browser you are using. Clearing the cache will remove temporary files that may be causing the error.
- To clear the cache, access the History setting of your browser.
- Select Clear Browsing History or Data.
- Set the Time Range to All.
- Check the boxes beside Cache, Cookies, and Browsing history.
- Click the Clear Cache button.
Take note that there are varying steps to clearing the cache depending on the browser you are using. But, access the History or Clear History or Browsing Data to clear the cache.
Method #4 – Temporarily Disable Your Antivirus
Sometimes, one of the reasons for the error is due to your antivirus or firewall. You can temporarily disable your antivirus first and check if you can access Gmail without a problem. Enable it back after you have fixed the issues.
Did the article help you? Let us know in the comments below.
Если в Gmail возникают ошибки, воспользуйтесь этими инструкциями.
Нет подключения
Если вы видите эту ошибку на iPhone или iPad, попробуйте сделать следующее:
- Убедитесь, что вы подключены к Интернету.
- Закройте и заново откройте приложение.
- Выйдите из аккаунта, а затем снова войдите в него.
Временная ошибка
Если при входе в Gmail появляется сообщение о временной ошибке (502), это означает, что служба временно недоступна. Как правило, ошибка пропадает в течение пары минут. Даже если сервис Gmail недоступен, все сообщения и личные данные остаются в безопасности.
Другие ошибки
Воспользуйтесь этими инструкциями, если возникает одна из перечисленных или любая другая ошибка.
- «Неправильный запрос: клиент использует неверно составленный или недопустимый запрос»
- Ошибки 602, 500, 102, 009, 103
Шаг 2. Проверьте расширения в браузере
Иногда работе Gmail могут мешать некоторые расширения и дополнения браузера.
Отключайте их по одному и снова пробуйте открыть Gmail. Так вы узнаете, какое из расширений вызывает ошибку.
Вы также можете открыть Gmail в режиме инкогнито, где все расширения отключены.
Если проблема сохраняется
Если перечисленные выше решения не помогли, загляните на страницу с информацией о состоянии сервисов: возможно, Gmail временно не работает.
Эта информация оказалась полезной?
Как можно улучшить эту статью?
Gmail — один из самых надежных и широко используемых почтовых сервисов. Но даже на такой стабильной платформе, как Gmail, пользователи могут также столкнуться с такими проблемами, как сетевая ошибка 502 в ее приложениях. Эта проблема связана с сообщением об ошибке,
«502. Это ошибка.
Сервер обнаружил временную ошибку и не смог выполнить ваш запрос.
Пожалуйста, попробуйте еще раз через 30 секунд ».
«Ошибка сервера 502: сервер обнаружил временную ошибку и не смог выполнить ваш запрос»
Временная ошибка 502 — распространенная проблема, с которой сталкиваются многие пользователи, использующие приложение Gmail для Android, iPhone (iOS) или даже через Интернет. Это происходит, когда пользователи пытаются войти в свои учетные записи Gmail. Как следует из ошибки, это просто означает, что ваша почта временно недоступна.
Хотя это может быть временной ошибкой, и Google скоро ее исправит, есть и другие способы, которыми вы можете попытаться решить проблему с вашим приложением Gmail. Ознакомьтесь с методами ниже.
Метод №1 — дождитесь, пока Google исправит это
Снимок экрана / Windows Dispatch
Этот тип ошибки Gmail обычно проходит довольно быстро, поэтому вы можете попробовать снова войти в систему через несколько минут. Это может быть проблема с сервером в Google, поэтому все, что вам нужно сделать, это подождать. Тем не менее, Google заверил своих пользователей, что, несмотря на ошибку, их сообщения в безопасности. Вы можете вернуться к своему обычному использованию, как только Gmail снова будет включен. Попробуйте снова войти в свою учетную запись через несколько минут.
Метод № 2 — Используйте другой браузер или попробуйте инкогнито
Кредит: Диспетчер Windows
Если вы используете приложение Gmail на своем смартфоне, вы можете попробовать войти в систему в веб-браузере. Если вы уже используете браузер, вы должны попытаться войти в систему, используя другой браузер. Некоторые пользователи также сообщают, что доступ к Gmail в режиме инкогнито или приватном режиме решает проблему. Посмотрите, какой из них вам подходит, и если ничего не произойдет, попробуйте следующее решение.
Метод № 3 — Очистить кеш в вашем браузере
Кредит: Диспетчер Windows
Это помогает очистить кеш в используемом вами браузере. Очистка кеша приведет к удалению временных файлов, которые могут вызывать ошибку.
- Чтобы очистить кеш, войдите в настройку истории вашего браузера.
- Выберите Очистить историю просмотров или данные.
- Установите для параметра Time Range значение All.
- Установите флажки рядом с Кэш, Файлы cookie и История просмотров.
- Нажмите кнопку Очистить кеш.
Обратите внимание, что есть разные шаги по очистке кеша в зависимости от используемого вами браузера. Но, чтобы очистить кеш, войдите в историю или очистите историю или данные просмотра.
Метод №4 — Временно отключите антивирус
Иногда одна из причин ошибки связана с вашим антивирусом или брандмауэром. Вы можете сначала временно отключить антивирус и проверить, можете ли вы получить доступ к Gmail без проблем. Включите его снова после того, как исправите проблемы.
Статья вам помогла? Дайте нам знать в комментариях ниже.
A 502 Bad Gateway Error is a general indicator that there’s something wrong with a website’s server communication. Since it’s just a generic error, it doesn’t actually tell you the website’s exact issue. When this happens, your website will serve an error web page to your site’s visitors, like the photo below.
- 1 How do I fix Error 502?
- 2 What causes a 502 Bad Gateway error?
- 3 Is Error 502 a virus?
- 4 How do I fix Error 502 on Google?
- 5 How do I get rid of 502 bad gateway on Mac?
- 6 What do 502 and 504 status codes mean?
- 7 How do I fix 502 bad gateway on Iphone?
- 8 What does 502 Web server received an invalid response while acting as a gateway or proxy server mean?
- 9 Is 502 Bad Gateway Bad?
- 10 What is Cloudflare bad gateway?
- 11 What are 503 errors?
- 12 What is a 502 error in Gmail?
- 13 How do I clear my cache and cookies on Mac?
- 14 How do I empty my Mac cache?
- 15 How do I stop gateway timeout?
- 16 How do I increase my gateway timeout?
- 17 Is 502 a timeout error?
- 18 How do I empty the cache on my iPhone?
- 19 How do I fix error 502 in IIS?
- 20 What is proxy error?
How do I fix Error 502?
Troubleshoot a 502 error message
- Refresh the page.
- Start a new browser session or load the site on a different browser.
- Restart your computer and networking equipment.
- Clear your cache and cookies.
- Change your DNS server.
- Contact the website administrator or your internet service provider.
What causes a 502 Bad Gateway error?
What causes a 502 Bad Gateway error? Server overload: An overloaded server is one of the most common causes of a 502 error. This is where the server has reached its memory capacity, often activated by an unusually high number of visitors trying to access the same website.
Is Error 502 a virus?
There’s more than one reason you’re seeing a 502 Bad Gateway error. Most likely, it’s because the origin server your computer is communicating with is down completely.Think of your firewall as a security system protecting your computer from harmful outsiders such as viruses, hackers, malware, and other dangers.
How do I fix Error 502 on Google?
How to Fix: 502 Bad Gateway Error in Chrome?
- Check Website Server Status.
- Identify and Remove Extensions via Incognito Mode.
- Clear Browser Cache and Cookies.
- Clear DNS Cache.
- Change Network DNS Addresses.
- Bottom Line: Fix 502 Bad Gateway Nginx.
How do I get rid of 502 bad gateway on Mac?
How to solve 502 errors as a visitor
- Perform a hard refresh in your browser. On Macs, this is done by pressing Cmd + Shift + R .
- Clear your browser cache and delete cookies.
- Restart your computer/networking equipment.
- Change your DNS servers.
What do 502 and 504 status codes mean?
502 and 504 errors are related to a bad gateway, meaning that while the reverse proxy server is operational, something it needs to collect from the origin server is not working, or the connection between the reverse proxy server and the origin server is broken.
How do I fix 502 bad gateway on Iphone?
To fix this issue All you have to do is Just Restart your browser or Refresh your website page by essentially tapping on the Refresh button. Or on the other hand, to restart your browser you simply close the present browser and revive it after some time.
What does 502 Web server received an invalid response while acting as a gateway or proxy server mean?
The 502 (Bad Gateway) status code indicates that the server, while acting as a gateway or proxy, received an invalid response from an inbound server it accessed while attempting to fulfill the request.These indicate that the request was accepted, but the server prevented the fulfillment of the request.
Is 502 Bad Gateway Bad?
A 502 Bad Gateway Error is a general indicator that there’s something wrong with a website’s server communication. Since it’s just a generic error, it doesn’t actually tell you the website’s exact issue. When this happens, your website will serve an error web page to your site’s visitors, like the photo below.
What is Cloudflare bad gateway?
A 502 Bad Gateway Error occurs when Cloudflare cannot establish a valid connection with your website’s origin web server.Every time you visit a website, the browser sends a request to the origin server. The server then processes the request and sends it back to the browser with an HTTP status code.
What are 503 errors?
The HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) 503 Service Unavailable server error response code indicates that the server is not ready to handle the request. Common causes are a server that is down for maintenance or that is overloaded.
If you’re seeing a “Temporary Error (502)” message when you try to sign in to Gmail, your mail is temporarily unavailable. This error usually goes away quickly, so try signing in again in a few minutes. Even though you can’t sign in for the moment, your messages and personal information are still safe.
How do I clear my cache and cookies on Mac?
Safari 8.0 – 10.0 (Mac) – Clearing Cache and Cookies
- Click Safari in the upper left hand side of your screen. In the menu that appears, click Preferences.
- In the window that appears, click the Privacy tab. Click the button Remove All Website Data….
- Click Remove Now in the pop up window that appears.
How do I empty my Mac cache?
How to clean your system cache on Mac
- Open Finder. From the Go menu, select Go to Folder…
- A box will pop up. Type in ~/Library/Caches/ and then click Go.
- Your system, or library, caches will appear.
- Here you can open up each folder and delete unneeded cache files by dragging them to the Trash and then emptying it.
How do I stop gateway timeout?
How to Fix the 504 Gateway Timeout Error
- Retry the web page by selecting the refresh/reload button, pressing F5, or trying the URL from the address bar again.
- Restart all of your network devices.
- Check the proxy server settings in your browser or application and make sure they’re correct.
How do I increase my gateway timeout?
If you don’t increase request timeout value NGINX will give “504: Gateway Timeout” Error.
Here are the steps to increase request timeout in NGINX.
- Open NGINX configuration file. Open terminal and run the following command to open NGINX configuration file in a text editor.
- Increase Request Timeout in NGINX.
- Restart NGINX.
Is 502 a timeout error?
What is 502 Gateway timeout error? A HTTP response code “502 gateway timeout” error indicates an invalid response from a back-end server to the edge server.In addition, it may happen due to incorrect DNS settings, firewall blocks proxy server request and back-end server down.
How do I empty the cache on my iPhone?
Here’s how to find it:
- Open your iPhone’s settings.
- Scroll until you see the eligible app, then tap it.
- Look for a “Clear cache” option. If the toggle next to it is green, tap it to clear the app’s cache.
How do I fix error 502 in IIS?
Resolving The Problem
Set the IIS Application Request Routing (ARR) timeout to a higher setting. The default is 120 seconds, at which point ARR times out the request. Test setting the timeout to 160 and restarting the IIS server.
What is proxy error?
A proxy error is a security measure. A proxy error is a server problem. The error message is usually a message sent from the main large-scale Internet network to your computer through a proxy server. Proxy errors are signified by error code 502.
Gmail is one of the best services developed by the Google team. However, many of the users certainly get stuck with Gmail 502 error code. If this is the case that you are facing, then stop worrying about and try to use these simple steps given below for resolving it.
In general, the 502 bad gateway happens due to server issues or cache accumulation problems. But whatever be the case of this issue, hope you can fix this only by using the below solving methods. So, without wasting much time, let us discover all the possible causes and the solutions of the error code 502.
What Causes Gmail 502 Error?
If you are getting 502 error code while opening the Gmail account, then this problem can arise due to the reasons which are as follows:
- Slow internet connection.
- Several requests on the same server.
- Browser settings issue.
- Accumulation of unnecessary cache files.
- Antivirus conflict.
Whatever be the case of this issue, as soon as you repair your Gmail account, you will be able to fix the error 502.
Methods For Solving Gmail 502 Error
Error code 502 is a very rare issue. But if it occurs on your account, then try the below explained fixes. These methods are so simple that you will be able to perform all of these on your own without the help of a technician. And remember to use all these solutions one after the other as explained in this article.
Fix 1: Restart Both The Computer And The Internet Connecting Device
In some cases, an uncertain issue happens which is undetectable and might result in the error code 502 while opening a Gmail account. In this case, the better way to solve the issue is to restart both the internet and the computer device. As all the system turns on, try to open the Gmail account. If it works, then fine. Otherwise, continue with the next method.
Fix 2: Disable The Browser Extensions And Add-ons
The 502 is a temporary error and can be solved by turning off the browser extensions and add-ons. Many of the extensions are responsible for blocking the Gmail account to open in the browser. And the process of solving this is as follows.
Before turning off the extensions, try to use Incognito mode to open the Gmail account. And if it works, then go for disabling the browser extension process.
The Incognito is a mode that is present in every browser and does not save any browsing history or records. This also blocks the extensions of the browser which might resist you to open the Gmail account.
Fix 3: Clear The Browser Cache And Cookies
An unnecessary accumulation of the cache files can slow down the browser functions and results in such error code. So, if you are getting Gmail 502 error, then clear the cache files. By trying this process, there is a chance that the problem will get resolved. And, at the same time, the performance of your system will get enhanced.
Fix 4: Ensure The Gmail Lab Settings
Turning on some Gmail labs can be responsible for the Gmail error code 502. If this is the case, then try to disable the labs one by one to check the problem causing the lab. And the process of doing this is as follows.
At first, go to the Gmail page. Then, at the top right corner, you will find gear like settings icon, tap on it. After that, from the appearing menu list select the Settings option. Now, tap on the Lab tab from the upper menu panel under this Settings window. Next, as you check if any lab is turned on, disable it, one by one to find out the lab settings causing the problem.
After disabling the enabled lab, click on the Save Changes box from the below portion of the window. After completing this process, check if the Gmail 502 error gets solved.
Fix 5: Disable The Antivirus
The antivirus is an essential tool for your system, but up to an extent. Some antivirus blocks many of the unnecessary websites from opening. To check if this is the cause of the problem, disable your security software. And the process of disabling the antivirus is as follows:
- First, navigate to the antivirus icon from the bottom-right corner of the Taskbar tray.
- After that, right-click on the antivirus icon and select the Antivirus Shield Control option.
- Without letting the cursor out from this window, transfer it to the next opening window.
- Then, select the time period for which you want to disable the software.
- After that, try to open your Gmail account using a browser. If this process works, then it is better to uninstall the antivirus permanently.
To Disable It Permanently
To uninstall the antivirus, go to the Control Panel menu. And for this, press the Windows key to invoke the Search bar. And then, on it, type ‘control’ and hit the Enter button. On doing this the Control Panel window will open. Now, it is better to change the View Category by expanding the menu list.
Further, from this Control Panel window, follow this path Programs> Programs and Features. On doing this, you will be able to see all the installed programs on your system. Now, right-click on the antivirus and select Uninstall. This is the overall process of uninstalling an antivirus.
Fix 6: Try To Use A Different Browser For Opening The Gmail Account
If there are any restrictions enabled in the browser you are using, then this can be a key reason for this issue. So, it is better to try a different browser to open your Gmail account. This is the most effective way of getting out from this 502 bad gateway error.
All these are the best ways of fixing Gmail 502 error. Hope you will not get any issue in understanding any of these above solutions.
You may have encountered the Temporary Server Or Network Error 502 while opening Gmail on your desktop. While there are many causes for this error, there is no definite reason. This post will explain the server or network temporary error 502 in Gmail and suggest what you can do if you still get it while Gmail is working fine everywhere else.
What Is Network Temporary Error 502? Why Does It Occur?
Network Temporary Error 502 is primarily an error at the server end which prevents users from accessing a particular website. The primary reason for this is server overload. Often, ISPs may block the particular server or website, or the firewall can also do its part in blocking access to the particular site. The error is temporary and generally resolves automatically.
Well, you cannot do anything to fix this error. The error is primarily related to the site server, and IT admins managing the server can fix it. To determine if the error is actually at the server’s end, visit the same website on other devices and other websites on your device. If other sites work just fine on your device, it may be a server error. However, if the site works fine on other devices, the issue can be with your firewall or ISP.
Are You Still Getting the 502 Error on Your Windows PC or Laptop?
While the error may have been fixed from the end of Gmail, you may still encounter it as often your browser caches the site and shows you the cached version. You should try one of the methods mentioned below to fix the error:
- Change DNS
- Use A VPN
- Try Changing ISP
- Change Browser
- Clear Cache And Other Browsing Data
Let’s have a closer look at the steps for these methods.
1] Change DNS
Your current DNS may often be the culprit in blocking relevant and unharmful sites. DNS is one of the primary elements for your internet connectivity to work smoothly. You can change your DNS to Google’s public free DNS or any other DNS server of your choice. Here’s how to change DNS in Windows:
2] Use A VPN
A VPN or virtual private network changes your IP address to a server located in a remote location. The site server may have flagged your IP address, or maybe the website is temporarily down for your region. In such a case, using a VPN will solve the issue.
There are quite a lot of VPN service providers for Windows and Mac. Some of the most popular ones are Nord VPN, Express VPN, HMA, Surfshark, and many others. You can use the dedicated desktop applications from VPN service providers to use a VPN on your computer.
If you don’t fancy setting up an application on your PC, you can use the inbuilt utility to add a VPN service provider to your PC. Just make sure that your service provider supports PPTP or IPSEC. Here’s how to add a VPN to Windows from Windows settings:
3] Try Changing ISP
Your Internet Service Provider (Your mobile network or the Broadband/Fiber provider in general) may sometimes block specific sites for user security due to government instructions. Try using an alternate ISP or mobile hotspot and check whether the same issue appears. If it does, wait for some time for the issue to resolve from the server end.
4] Change Browser
Browsers cache websites to load sites quickly. This data can sometimes interfere with the updated data. So, if your browser may have cached the temporarily down version of the site, then accessing the site from a different browser may solve the issue.
5] Clear Cache And Other Browsing Data
Clearing cache and cookies will mainly solve the issue of outdated site data cached on your browser. So if you don’t wish to try an alternate browser, you can do it on the current browser itself. But clearing browsing data, cache, and cookies will log you out of most websites.
Here’s how to clear Cache and Other Browsing Data in Google Chrome:
- Open Google Chrome settings in the top right corner of the Triple dot menu.
- Now, go to the Privacy and Security Section from the left pane.
- Now, click on the Clear Browsing data option, select the data you wish to clean, and proceed.
In this article, we talked about a few basic measures you can take to solve almost any issue related to a website not functioning in the designated way. Always make sure that you wait for some time for the error to be resolved automatically before attempting any of these methods. We hope you found the article to be helpful.
Can I View My Gmail Emails While I Am Offline?
Yes, Gmail allows you to view your emails while you are offline as well. You can enable the functionality by accessing your PC’s offline settings on the Gmail website. If you use the Windows Mail or Gmail application on your smartphone, the recent emails are already saved offline without enabling settings.
Can I Use Gmail App To Send Emails From My Outlook Email Id?
Yes, the smartphone Gmail application allows you to send and view emails from multiple email providers, including Outlook.com. Just log in with the credentials of your Outlook account on the Gmail app, and you are good to go.
Gmail is one of the most reliable and widely used email services. But, even a stable platform like Gmail, users may also experience issues like network error 502 on its apps. This problem comes with the error message,
“502. That’s an error.
The server encountered a temporary error and could not complete your request.
Please try again in 30 seconds.”
“502 Server Error: The server encountered a temporary error and could not complete your request”
The temporary error 502 is a common issue experienced by a lot of users using the Gmail app for Android, iPhone (iOS) or even through the web. This happens when users try to sign in to their Gmail accounts. As the error suggests, it simply means that your mail is temporarily unavailable.
How Do I Fix a Temporary Error 502 in Gmail App?
While it may be a temporary error and Google will fix it soon, there are also other ways that you can try to help resolve the problem with your Gmail app. Check out the methods below.
Method #1 – Wait for Google to Fix It
This type of Gmail error usually goes away pretty quickly, so you can try logging in again after a few minutes. It may be a server problem in Google, so all you have to do is wait. Still, Google assured its users that despite the error, their messages are safe. You can go back to your normal usage once Gmail is back on. Try signing in again to your account after a few minutes.
Method #2 – Use a Different Browser or Try Incognito
If you are using the Gmail app on your smartphone, you can try logging in on a web browser. If you are already using a browser, then you must try to log in using a different browser. Some users have also reported that accessing Gmail using Incognito or Private mode fixes the problem. See which one works for you and if nothing happens, try the next solution.
Method #3 – Clear Cache on Your Browser
It helps to clear the cache on the browser you are using. Clearing the cache will remove temporary files that may be causing the error.
- To clear the cache, access the History setting of your browser.
- Select Clear Browsing History or Data.
- Set the Time Range to All.
- Check the boxes beside Cache, Cookies, and Browsing history.
- Click the Clear Cache button.
Take note that there are varying steps to clearing the cache depending on the browser you are using. But, access the History or Clear History or Browsing Data to clear the cache.
Method #4 – Temporarily Disable Your Antivirus
Sometimes, one of the reasons for the error is due to your antivirus or firewall. You can temporarily disable your antivirus first and check if you can access Gmail without a problem. Enable it back after you have fixed the issues.
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Quick solutions to resolve error code 502 with Gmail services
Gmail is one of the popular email services used for both personal and business purposes because of its incredible features and facilities. Despite the finest services, there are chances that users might encounter error 502 with Gmail services. Well, this error occurs when the network fails to connect to the server. Luckily, the users who are encountering this error don’t need to worry as it can be resolved in time by using some of the solutions mentioned in this article.
Reasons behind error code 502 with Gmail
Before heading on with the solutions to resolve Gmail server error 502, let’s know a bit about the reasons that lead to this error that include the following:
- Problem with the online servers
- Bad gateways or a proxy error
- The server encountered a temporary error
- HTTP 502
- Invalid response received by a proxy server
Solutions to resolve server error code 502 with Gmail
Well, this server error is quite common among the users and can be fixed in time. So, to help out users fix Gmail server error 502, here are the solutions that one can try out or seek assistance from the support.
- Begin the process by reloading the particular tab and if the issue persists, then the user can try the next solution.
- The user can completely close the browser and restart it again to fix the problem.
- Further, the user can try clearing the cache and cookies stored in the browser.
- Try accessing the browser in safe mode and check if the issue persists or not.
- Restart the device used for accessing the Gmail services.
- Modify the DNS server of the router to fix server error.
- Contact the internet service providers and look for outage or router issues.
Thus, these are the few solutions to fix Gmail server error 502 quickly. But, for any reason, if the issue persists, then the user can contact support to seek assistance.
Member since
September 19, 2019
Fix Gmail Error 502 – Complete Guide 2021
One of the most prevalent email services is that of Gmail. Every day, billions of people worldwide use it for work and personal purposes. However, in some instances, users report Gmail server error 502. People reporting it usually encounter the message ‘Oops…A Server Error Occurred And Your Email Was Not Sent.’ The Gmail error 502 can indeed be a source of much frustration, especially for those using it to send and receive official emails. But there’s good news. This post will outline every single step for fixing this problem.
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What Reasons Behind Gmail Error 502?
You encounter a Gmail 502 error when your mail is temporarily unavailable. Typically, this kind of error will resolve on its own in a couple of minutes. So, you are advised to wait for a few moments and then sign in again. But if you are facing this issue repeatedly, you should take steps to fix it.
Some reasons why you have to face this problem are given below.
- Problems in online servers lead to bad Gateway errors. Generally, you have no control over these issues.
- 502 Proxy error
- 502 Service Temporarily Overloaded
- The server might face a temporary error and thus will not be able to complete your request.
- HTTP 502
Sometimes, there’s no real issue when this error occurs. Still, the server browser usually assumes that there is a problem that is a result of an issue in it. Error 502 in Gmail can also be due to an issue with the home network devices.
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Troubleshooting Steps To Fix Gmail Error 502
This error usually resolves by itself. However, if you find that it does not happen, you can try certain troubleshooting techniques. Implement the ones given below.
1. Load the URL Again
One of the first steps that you can do to get rid of this error is to load the site URL again. Do it by pressing the F5 key. You can also select the reload or refresh button. Although the Gmail 502 error generally points toward a network problem you cannot control, it can sometimes be resolved when the user refreshes or reloads the web page.
2. Get Rid of Cookies and Cache.
Another effective fix is to clear the browser cache. The web browser saves a lot of old files. These files can be a cause of the Bad Gateway error. If you don’t know how to clear cache, follow these steps.
- Open the Chrome browser on your system.
- Tap ‘More’ present at the top right corner.
- Tap ‘More tools’ and then choose ‘Clear browsing data.’
- Select a time range. If you want to remove everything, choose ‘All-time.’
- Check the boxes that are besides ‘Cookies and other side data’ and ‘Cached images and files.’
- Tap ‘Clear data.’
3. Try a Compatible Browser.
It’s important to use those browsers that Gmail supports. It will minimize the chances of you facing Error 502 in Gmail. The list of compatible browsers includes Safari, Chrome, Firefox, and Internet Explorer.
4. Use the Safe Mode
You will not be troubled by this error when you start running your web browser in the Safe Mode. When you run your browser in this mode, it runs with default settings, without any extensions or plugins.
5. Modify the DNS Settings
Some Gateway errors are a result of issues with DNS servers. When you modify them, you can get rid of this error.
Final Words
There are various ways to fix Gmail error 502. Implement them one by one and see which troubleshoots the error for you. Contact the Gmail customer support service if you cannot find a solution.