Простите за долгое ожидание. Поделитесь, пожалуйста, с сообществом как Вам удалось решить изначальную проблему с «Ошибкой 500 в ea app»
Что касается второй проблемы, то Вы пробовали очистить кэш своего устройства для устранения проблемы с «вечный подсчёт времени и отмены загрузки»?
Инструкция как очистить кэш- https://help.ea.com/ru/help/faq/clear-cache-to-fix-problems-with-your-games/
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Electronic Arts is a very popular American video game company. Although a few updates have already been released over the past few years in EA and EA Play, none of them have resolved the EA error 500 – Internal server error. This is one of the long-standing errors in EA and so far, players have already tried countless workarounds but nothing helped. If you are in the same situation, this guide will help you to know more about this error and learn what you can do when you encounter EA error 500 – Internal server error.
Do you have no idea why EA error 500 appears while playing the game and what to do to fix it? Well, this particular error message is caused by a server error. So, there are only a few things you can try from your end to fix this error.
1. First and foremost, simply reload the web page by pressing F5 or Ctlr + R and check if the error is gone.
2. Next, make sure the Date and Time are set correctly on your PC
3. If you have already set the date and time correctly and are still getting this error, your next workaround is to clear the DNS cache. To do this:
– Click on the Start button and go to Command Prompt (or simply Press Win + R keys and enter cmd)
– Select Yes if prompted to make changes to your computer
– Then type in ipconfig /flushdns and press Enter
– Then the process will start and after a while, you will get a message confirming that the DNS cache has been flushed
4. If that doesn’t resolve the EA error 500 – Internal server error, then try clearing the browser cache. For this
– On your computer, open Chrome
– At the top right, click More
– Click More tools. Clear browsing data
– At the top, choose a time range. To delete everything, select All time
– Next to “Cookies and other site data” and “Cached images and files,” check the boxes
– Click Clear data
5. If nothing worked, try running the Origin setup file as Admin. The process is pretty simple. Just right-click on the Origin client icon on your desktop and then click on “Run as Administrator”.
Well, these are the only things you can try to fix EA error 500 – Internal server error. A retired community manager of EA has already answered on the EA community page: “A Server error causes the Error 500 message. Usually, just refreshing the page and clearing your cache and cookies should do the trick and allow you to log back in and play, but sometimes it doesn’t work.”
That’s all we have in this guide to fix EA error 500 – Internal error.
Also check – How to fix FIFA 23 missing from EA library.
EA App Error 500: Something Went Wrong. The server encountered a mysterious error. Try again in a little bit.
If you’re on this page, you must be looking for a solution to get rid of this annoying error message.
To fix EA App error 500, run the EA app with admin rights, clear your DNS cache, and use the App Recovery shortcut. Open the Task Manager, close the EA app, and the EA background service, and restart the app.
Check if there are any background apps blocking the connection for the EA App.
Make sure you’re using the correct date and time settings and have enough free space on your drive.
Here’s a quick breakdown of the steps to follow.
Steps to fix EA App error code 500
Flush your DNS cache
- Launch Command Prompt with admin rights
- Type in ipconfig /flushdns
- Hit Enter and wait until your computer removes the DNS cache
Additionally, change your DNS settings and use Google’s public DNS. Use as your primary DNS, and as your secondary DNS.
Use Netsh.exe
Some users got rid of error 500 after removing proxy servers and configuring”direct access” to the Internet with the help of the Netsh.exe tool.
Launch Command Prompt with admin rights and type in the following command: netsh winhttp reset proxy. Hit Enter to run the command.
Run the EA App as an administrator
- Right-click on the app and select Properties
- Click on the Compatibility tab
- Tick the box that reads Run this program as an administrator
- Hit Apply
Use the App Recovery shortcut
- Go to C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\EA Desktop\EA Desktop
- Scroll down to App Recovery
- Double-click the shortcut
- Click Clear Cache
If the App Recovery shortcut prompts you to reinstall the EA App, agree and follow the on-screen instructions.
Use the correct date and time settings
- Go to Settings
- Select Time & language
- Click on Date & time
- Let your PC the time automatically
- Select the time zone of your region
If you’re not using the correct date and time settings for your region, EA’s servers may deny your connection request.
Close background apps
To prevent background apps from blocking the EA App, launch the Task Manager and force-stop third-party apps you don’t need or use during your gaming sessions.
Make sure your antivirus and firewall are not blocking game access. Go to your antivirus and firewall settings, and add the EA App and your games as exceptions.
Alternatively, temporarily disable your antivirus and firewall to check if your cyber-security tools are indeed the culprits.
⇒ For more information, go to EA Support Page: Close background applications to run the EA app.
Error code 500 typically shows up on the screen when you try to download a new game or launch an existing game.
If you’re getting error 500 when you try to set up a new EA Account through the EA website, clear your browser cache and cookies.
Refresh the page and check if the error persists.
Did you manage to get rid of this annoying error? Let me know in the comments below.
Thank you, Dizzerio, this finally worked. I had to exit and launch for a second time. And I also did the thing with Menu -> Help -> App Recovery -> Clear Cache — the dedicated Unscramble Our Mess they provided — so who knows what would and would not work the day after tomorrow.
Here’s my feedback, EA: Every. Single. Time with these * game launchers, all the different kinds and from all the different companies. I don’t remember a single instance when Steam hid my entire game library, spouting cheerful and unhelpful error messages. The player is forced to spend more time trying to start a game and reading on the internet about how to finally do it than actually playing it. I am positively dreading this and I prefer buying elsewhere to avoid dealing with such a low rate of success in supporting a piece of software, and even then someone decides that it’s very important to launch their launcher on top of another launcher to see how’ve I been lately.
EA Internal Server Error 500 is probably one of the oldest issues regarding EA and their EA Play platform. If you are a veteran gamer playing any of the EA games, you’ve probably encountered this error at least once. This guide explains why it happens and offers possible solutions to fix it.
With every problem, we tend to split things into two parts. First, we need to see what causes this problem and why. Once we know that, it is easier to approach the issue and find possible solutions. Thus, what causes EA Error 500? This error is usually accompanied by a message that reads, “Something Went Wrong… The server encountered a mysterious error. Try again later”. So, why is this happening? And how can it be fixed? Let’s find out.
This error mainly occurs when players try to launch the EA app (or any EA games) or when they try to log into the app. And in most cases, it almost always has nothing to do with you. As the name of the issue suggests, it has to do with EA servers. Here are some of the methods you can apply to try to fix EA Error 500:
- Make sure the Time/Date is correctly set on your PC.
- Clear DNS cache.
- Clear the browser cache.
- Clear hosts file.
- Restart your PC.
- Run the Origin setup file as Admin.
Here’s what EA community manager Francois says about this issue: “A Server error causes the Error 500 message. Usually, just refreshing the page and clearing your cache and cookies should do the trick and allow you to log back in and play, but sometimes it doesn’t work.” With that said, that’s all you need to know about EA Error 500 issue and how to fix it. If you know any other potential solutions please, share them with us in the comments!