Ошибка 500 json

I am relatively new to Android and I am using JSON to get data from a server. On the first loop at line 22, the StringBuilder contains, 500 Internal Server Error and then the jArray ends up coming back null. How can I handle this error?

public static JSONObject getJSON() {
    String jsonString = "";
    InputStream inStream = null;

    //http post
    JSONObject jArray = null;
    try {
        HttpClient httpClient = new DefaultHttpClient(new BasicHttpParams());
        HttpPost httpPost = new HttpPost(WS_URL);
        httpPost.setHeader("Content-type", "application/json");

        HttpResponse response = httpClient.execute(httpPost);
        HttpEntity entity = response.getEntity();
        inStream = entity.getContent();

        BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(inStream, "UTF-8"), 8);
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

        String line = null;

        while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
            sb.append(line + "\n");
        jsonString = sb.toString();

        jArray = new JSONObject(jsonString);


    } catch (IOException e) {
    } catch (JSONException e) {

    return jArray;

asked Feb 28, 2015 at 20:18

Jacob Malachowski's user avatar


Though its a late reply but it might help others. You need to check the response status from the server before parsing it as JSON.

For ex.

int status_code=response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode();

    Log.d("MYLOG","ERROR! Response status is"+status_code);
    inStream = entity.getContent();
    BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(inStream, "UTF-8"), 8);
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

    String line = null;

    while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
        sb.append(line + "\n");

   // Rest of your code......

or Optionally you can check the status code and display the error to the user


else if(status_code==404){
 Log.d("MYLOG","Sorry! Page not found! Check the URL ");

}else if(status_code==500){
 Log.d("MYLOG","Server is not responding! Sorry try again later..");

Hope it helps for newbies like you :-)

answered May 28, 2015 at 10:27

Rafique Mohammed's user avatar

Rafique MohammedRafique Mohammed

3,6662 gold badges38 silver badges43 bronze badges

A «500 Internal Server» error means the server had a problem responding to your request. You are not getting a JSON string response.

Then when you try to create your jArray, the string is not valid JSON and the JSONObject cannot parse it — it returns «null» as you say.

You can parse the server response to see if it contains this string, and then create whatever jArray object you want, but you can’t get a JSON object from a non-JSON string.

answered Feb 28, 2015 at 20:39

Jim's user avatar

You should consider use a library to handle the REST requests like: http://square.github.io/retrofit/

If you use a library like that you can get an object from json when a success response is available and other when an error occur.

    MyApi mylogin = restAdapter.create(MyApi.class); //this is how retrofit create your api
    mylogin.login(username,password,new Callback<String>() {
        public void success(String s, Response response) {
            //process your response if login successfull you can call Intent and launch your main activity


        public void failure(RetrofitError retrofitError) {
            retrofitError.printStackTrace(); //to see if you have errors

answered Feb 28, 2015 at 21:32

Sandro Machado's user avatar

Sandro MachadoSandro Machado

9,9314 gold badges36 silver badges57 bronze badges

I got the same problem like you and I solved it because I missed a part while adding GSON .jar files to adding my serverside project. I think you should carrefully add external libraries to your project too like me.With these links I could aware of problem .



Community's user avatar

answered May 3, 2015 at 16:02

user3751548's user avatar

The 500 Internal Server Error is a common issue faced by developers when using JQuery Ajax to make a post request. The error occurs when the server is unable to process the request and returns an HTTP status code of 500. There are a number of potential causes for this error, including incorrect URL routing, improperly formatted data being sent in the request, or problems with the server’s configuration. In this article, we will discuss a few methods to help you resolve this issue.

Method 1: Debug the Server Side Code

To debug the server side code for resolving the issue of «Javascript: how to fix JQuery Ajax Post results in 500 Internal Server Error?», you can follow the below steps:

  1. Check the server logs for the actual error message that caused the 500 Internal Server Error. The error message will give you a clear idea of what went wrong.

  2. Check the server-side code for syntax errors, logical errors, and database connection errors. Fix the errors accordingly.

  3. Use try-catch blocks to handle exceptions and errors in the server-side code. This will prevent the server from returning a 500 Internal Server Error.

  4. Use the console.log() function to print out the server-side response in the console. This will help you to identify any issues with the returned data.

Below is an example code snippet for implementing the above steps:

    type: "POST",
    url: "your_url_here",
    data: { param1: "value1", param2: "value2" },
    success: function(response) {
    error: function(xhr, status, error) {

In the above example, the console.log() function is used to print out the server-side response in the console. The error function is used to handle any errors that occur during the AJAX request.

By following the above steps and implementing the example code, you should be able to debug the server-side code and resolve the issue of «Javascript: how to fix JQuery Ajax Post results in 500 Internal Server Error?».

Method 2: Verify the Request Data

To fix the JQuery Ajax Post results in 500 Internal Server Error, you can verify the request data by using the following steps:

  1. Use the console.log() function to check the data you are sending to the server. Make sure that the data is in the correct format and that all required fields are included.
  1. Use the contentType option to set the data type of the request. This is important if you are sending data in a format other than JSON.
    url: "/your-url",
    type: "POST",
    data: data,
    contentType: "application/json",
    success: function(response) {
        // handle success
    error: function(xhr, status, error) {
        // handle error
  1. Use the dataType option to specify the expected data type of the response. This is important if the server is returning data in a format other than JSON.
    url: "/your-url",
    type: "POST",
    data: data,
    contentType: "application/json",
    dataType: "json",
    success: function(response) {
        // handle success
    error: function(xhr, status, error) {
        // handle error
  1. Check the server logs for any errors. If the server is returning a 500 Internal Server Error, it is likely that there is an error in the server-side code.
    url: "/your-url",
    type: "POST",
    data: data,
    contentType: "application/json",
    dataType: "json",
    success: function(response) {
        // handle success
    error: function(xhr, status, error) {

By following these steps, you can verify the request data and fix the JQuery Ajax Post results in 500 Internal Server Error.

Method 3: Check the Response Content Type

To fix the «JQuery Ajax Post results in 500 Internal Server Error» issue, you can check the response content type. Here are the steps to do it:

  1. Use the $.ajax() method to make the AJAX request. Set the dataType option to "json", so that the response will be parsed as JSON.
  url: "your-url",
  type: "POST",
  dataType: "json",
  data: yourData,
  success: function(response) {
    // handle success
  error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
    // handle error
  1. In the error callback, check the response content type using the getResponseHeader() method. If the content type is not JSON, return an error message.
error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
  var contentType = jqXHR.getResponseHeader("Content-Type");
  if (contentType.indexOf("application/json") === -1) {
    return "Invalid content type: " + contentType;
  // handle other errors
  1. If the content type is JSON, parse the response using the JSON.parse() method.
error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
  var contentType = jqXHR.getResponseHeader("Content-Type");
  if (contentType.indexOf("application/json") === -1) {
    return "Invalid content type: " + contentType;
  var response = JSON.parse(jqXHR.responseText);
  // handle other errors
  1. You can now handle the error response as needed, based on the JSON data returned by the server.
error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
  var contentType = jqXHR.getResponseHeader("Content-Type");
  if (contentType.indexOf("application/json") === -1) {
    return "Invalid content type: " + contentType;
  var response = JSON.parse(jqXHR.responseText);
  var errorMessage = response.errorMessage;
  // handle error based on errorMessage

That’s it! By checking the response content type and parsing the JSON data, you can handle the «JQuery Ajax Post results in 500 Internal Server Error» issue.

Method 4: Check the Request URL

To fix the 500 Internal Server Error when using jQuery AJAX POST request, you can check the request URL to ensure it is correct. Here are the steps to do it:

  1. Verify the URL: Check the URL in the AJAX request to ensure it is correct. Make sure the URL is valid and points to the correct resource.
    url: 'http://example.com/api/resource',
    type: 'POST',
    data: { key: 'value' },
    success: function(response) {
    error: function(xhr, status, error) {
  1. Use a relative URL: If the URL is relative, make sure it is relative to the current page. Use a leading slash to indicate the root directory.
    url: '/api/resource',
    type: 'POST',
    data: { key: 'value' },
    success: function(response) {
    error: function(xhr, status, error) {
  1. Use a complete URL: If the URL is complete, make sure it includes the protocol (http or https) and the domain name.
    url: 'http://example.com/api/resource',
    type: 'POST',
    data: { key: 'value' },
    success: function(response) {
    error: function(xhr, status, error) {
  1. Check for typos: Check the URL for typos, such as misspelled words or incorrect capitalization.
    url: 'http://example.com/api/Resource',
    type: 'POST',
    data: { key: 'value' },
    success: function(response) {
    error: function(xhr, status, error) {

By following these steps, you can ensure that the request URL is correct and avoid the 500 Internal Server Error when using jQuery AJAX POST request.

Method 5: Ensure Cross-Domain Requests are Allowed

To fix the «JQuery Ajax Post results in 500 Internal Server Error» issue, you can ensure cross-domain requests are allowed. Here are the steps to do so:

  1. Add the following code to your server-side script to allow cross-domain requests:
header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *');
header('Access-Control-Allow-Methods: POST, GET, OPTIONS');
header('Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Origin, Content-Type, Accept');
  1. In your client-side code, add the crossDomain option to your AJAX request:
  url: 'http://example.com/api',
  type: 'POST',
  crossDomain: true,
  data: { key: 'value' },
  success: function(response) {
  error: function(xhr, status, error) {
  1. If you’re using JSONP, add the jsonp option instead:
  url: 'http://example.com/api',
  type: 'POST',
  dataType: 'jsonp',
  jsonp: 'callback',
  data: { key: 'value' },
  success: function(response) {
  error: function(xhr, status, error) {

By following these steps, you should be able to fix the «JQuery Ajax Post results in 500 Internal Server Error» issue by ensuring cross-domain requests are allowed.


6k times

When ASP.NET MVC throws an exception, it returns a 500 error with response type text/html— which, of course, is invalid JSON.

I want to respond to an Ajax request expecting JSON with an error I can receive and display to the user.

  1. Is it possible to return JSON with an HTTP status code of 500?

  2. When the problem is a missing parameter, the 500 error occurs before the controller is even called — so a controller solution might not work. For example, leaving a required parameter out in a call to an Action that normally returns a JsonResult, ASP.NET MVC sends this back to the client:

Server Error in ‘/’ Application. The parameters dictionary contains a
null entry for parameter ‘id’ of non-nullable type ‘System.Int32’ for
method ‘System.Web.Mvc.JsonResult EditUser(Int32, System.String,
System.String, System.String, System.String, System.String,
System.String, System.String, System.String)’ in ‘bhh’. An optional
parameter must be a reference type, a nullable type, or be declared as
an optional parameter. Parameter name: parameters

I’m using jQuery; is there a better way to handle this?

Peter Mortensen's user avatar

asked Apr 29, 2011 at 9:59

You could use a custom error handler filter:

public class AjaxErrorHandler : FilterAttribute, IExceptionFilter
    public void OnException(ExceptionContext filterContext)
        if (filterContext.HttpContext.Request.IsAjaxRequest())
            filterContext.ExceptionHandled = true;
            filterContext.Result = new JsonResult
                Data = new { errorMessage = "some error message" }

And then decorate your controller/actions that you are calling through Ajax or even register as global filter.

Then when performing the Ajax request you can test the presence of the error property:

$.getJSON('/foo', function(result) {
    if (result.errorMessage) {
        // Something went wrong on the server
    } else {
        // Process as normally

Peter Mortensen's user avatar

answered Apr 29, 2011 at 10:04

Darin Dimitrov's user avatar

Darin DimitrovDarin Dimitrov

1.0m271 gold badges3288 silver badges2930 bronze badges


When I send an PATCH request with invalid JSON data to the server, I get the following as a response:

500 Internal Server Error If you are the administrator of this website, then please read this web application's log file and/or the web server's log file to find out what went wrong.

and in the log file the following:

App 32245 stderr: Error during failsafe response: 784: unexpected token at '{
App 32245 stderr:   "data": {
App 32245 stderr:     "id": 2
App 32245 stderr:     "type": "users",
App 32245 stderr:     "attributes": {
App 32245 stderr:       "first-name": "M.C.",
App 32245 stderr:       "last-name": "McMaster"
App 32245 stderr:     }
App 32245 stderr:   }
App 32245 stderr: }'

I know, there is a comma missing but it probably should not return 500 Internal Server Error.

I haven’t tried other requests than PATCH yet but I wanted to open an issue before I forget it.

I am using the latest stable jsonapi-resources (v0.8.1) together with Rails 5.0.0 and Ruby 2.3.1.

#php #json #curl


Я пытаюсь создать нового клиента в своем API, используя php cURL. Клиенты, продукты и все, что создается, создается методом POST. Это мой код:

 $json='{ "data": {  "type": "customers",  "attributes": {  "tax_registration_number": "5555555550",  "business_name": "Test customer",  "contact_name": "Mr. Test",  "website": "https://www.testurl.pt",  "phone_number": "2299999999",  "mobile_number": "9299999999",  "email": "test@testcustomer.pt",  "observations": "This is only a test",  "internal_observations": "This is good customer",  "not_final_customer": null,  "cashed_vat": null,  "tax_country_region": "PT-MA"  },  "relationships": {  "main_address": {  "data": {  "type": "addresses",  "id": 1  }  },  "addresses": {  "data": [  {  "type": "addresses",  "id": 1  },  {  "type": "addresses",  "id": 2  }  ]  }  } } }';  print($json);  

Здесь я инициирую завиток, у меня уже есть токен и авторизация:

 $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL,($url)); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,($json)); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array(  'Content-Type: application/vnd.api json',  'Accept: application/json',  'Authorization: Bearer ' . $token, )); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); $response = curl_exec($ch); var_dump ($response); $response=json_decode($response,true); curl_close ($ch);  

Это тот ответ, который у меня есть:

 string(329) "{"errors":[{"status":"500 Internal Server Error","code":"JA006","detail":"Erro de sistema JA006: erro interno na base de dados. Por favor contacte o suporte técnico.","meta":{"internal-error":"in JsonapiJson::Value::operator[](ArrayIndex)const: requires arrayValue"}}],"jsonapi":{"version": "1.0","meta":{"libversion":"2.4.1"}}}"  

Кто-нибудь, пожалуйста, может мне помочь? Спасибо!


1. application/vnd.api json выглядит немного подозрительно. application/json это обычный тип содержимого JSON (как и в вашем заголовке «Принять»). Кроме того, ошибка 500 на самом деле является ошибкой на стороне сервера, поэтому вам придется связаться с сопровождающими API, чтобы выяснить, почему произошел сбой. Лично я не вижу ничего явно неправильного в вашем коде, но, возможно, кто-то еще что-то заметит

2. Вы получаете JA006 system error: internal database error. Please contact technical support. данные из API, поэтому обратитесь в их техническую поддержку

Ответ №1:

Ошибка API гласит следующее: in JsonapiJson::Value::operator[](ArrayIndex)const: requires arrayValue .

Вы уверены, что JSON-правильный формат? Похоже, что вы, вероятно, предоставляете объект в JSON, где сервер ожидает массив объектов. Например, проверьте , должны ли data , или relationships , или addresses быть массивами.

Мое главное предположение было бы вместо:

 "addresses": {  "data": [  {  "type": "addresses",  "id": 1  },  {  "type": "addresses",  "id": 2  }  ] }  

Может быть, так и должно быть

 "addresses":[  {  "type": "addresses",  "id": 1  },  {  "type": "addresses",  "id": 2  } ]  

Я, конечно, не могу сказать вам наверняка, так как я не знаю API, который вы пытаетесь использовать, но я сильно подозреваю, что это такой случай, когда он ожидает массив, но вы предоставляете объект.

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