Ошибка 4804 kyocera


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  5. Thread: Kyocera SMTP error — SSL/TLS — stopped working
  6. Kyocera SMTP error — SSL/TLS — stopped working
  7. Re: Kyocera SMTP error — SSL/TLS — stopped working
  8. Re: Kyocera SMTP error — SSL/TLS — stopped working
  9. Re: Kyocera SMTP error — SSL/TLS — stopped working
  10. Re: Kyocera SMTP error — SSL/TLS — stopped working
  11. Re: Kyocera SMTP error — SSL/TLS — stopped working
  12. Re: Kyocera SMTP error — SSL/TLS — stopped working
  13. Re: Kyocera SMTP error — SSL/TLS — stopped working
  14. Kyocera ECOSYS M6630cidn — Error Code: 4804 — Scan to email
  15. 3 Replies
  16. Read these next.
  17. Snap! — PowerToys, Red Cross Hopes, Malware, NYC Salaries, Metaverse land grab
  18. Spark! Pro series – 4th November 2022
  19. Interesting Read: “WiFi security flaw lets a drone track devices through walls.”
  20. How nice are you to your leavers?
  21. Kyocera Ecosys M6526cdn scan to e mail setup
  22. 7 Replies
  23. Read these next.
  24. Snap! — PowerToys, Red Cross Hopes, Malware, NYC Salaries, Metaverse land grab
  25. Spark! Pro series – 4th November 2022
  26. Interesting Read: “WiFi security flaw lets a drone track devices through walls.”
  27. How nice are you to your leavers?

Kyocera ошибка 4803 (решено)

Столкнулся с такой сегодня, в приемной МФУ не сканирует. Проверяю. При сканировании и отправке на электронную почту Kyocera ECOSYS M6526cdn выдает ошибку передачи. Код ошибк 4803. Несколько минут назад все сканировалось и отправлялось. Сеть есть, принтер печатает, в сетевую папку по SMB складывает. Интернет есть. Значит проблема с SMTP сервером. А почтовый сервер у меня расположен на серверах Яндекса. Полез в настройки МФУ.

Проверяем настройки электронной почты на МФУ

Kyocera настройка электронной почты

Настройки без изменений. Через web проверил, логин/пароль верный.

Запускаю тест из МФУ через WEB интерфейс и выскакивает ошибка.

Тут звонок от пользователей. Outlook не хочет о правлять письма. Проблемы с сертификатом. Для Яндекса это конечно странно. Доверять сертификату. Да. Почта в Outlook заработала. Опа. Полез в настройки МФУ. Вот, какой выход я нашел. После чего все заработало.


Заходим в раздел: Настройки безопасности, Защита сети

Параметры на сервере Версия TLS: Ставим галочки напротив TLS1.1 и TLS1.2

Установки со стороны клиента: Ставим галочки напротив Версия TLS: TLS1.1 и TLS1.2

Подтверждение сертификата: Выкл.

Запустил тест. Тест прошел удачно.

Отсканированал с отправкой на электронную почты. Сканированный документ дошел на почтовый ящик.

Может кому пригодится. Думаю и на другие МФУ kyocera подойдёт.

При публикации указывайте источник.

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Thread: Kyocera SMTP error — SSL/TLS — stopped working

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Kyocera SMTP error — SSL/TLS — stopped working

We have multiple ECOSYS M6530cdn printers — send email has stopped working using SSL/TLS ( Connection Error (0x4803)
We have a single newer ECOSYS M6230cidn — and the send email still works just fine with SSL/TLS. Is on the same network as a broken one.
I can’t see any difference in the relevant settings between the new and old machines.

The mail server is a cpanel hosted webserver. version 88.0.10 Nothing much special about it as far as I can tell.

The old M6530cdn will work if I switch to no SSL but we want to use SSL.
I have tried generating a new security certificate.
Switching off SSL3.0/TLS1.0 and TLS1.1
Using the IP of the sever instead of the name.

I can’t find any firmware files to download for the M6530cdn

Does anyone please have any ideas?

my guess is that an update on the server has broken the SSL/TLS for the older version used by the older machines. I hope there is a way to get it to work?

Re: Kyocera SMTP error — SSL/TLS — stopped working

I think you will need newer firmware on troubled machines.

A tree is known by its fruit, a man by his deeds. A good deed is never lost, he who sows courtesy, reaps friendship, and he who plants kindness gathers love.

Blessed are they who can laugh at themselves, for they shall never cease to be amused.

Re: Kyocera SMTP error — SSL/TLS — stopped working

That is what I suspected.
I have asked Kyocera. There does not seem to be a way for me to access the firmware download.

Here are the numbers of the firmware the M6530cdn has installed, that no longer work.

System : 2NW_2000.003.204
Engine : 2PC_1000.001.107
FAX : 2NM_5100.006.009

Re: Kyocera SMTP error — SSL/TLS — stopped working

I have been told there is a firmware update available;

but of course it costs a fee to have someone come out; and there is no guarantee that a new firmware will fix the problem.
I wish I could download the file somehow.

Re: Kyocera SMTP error — SSL/TLS — stopped working

You have updated I/S on your server, pay for Kyocera to fix it then send the bill to Microsoft for breaking your machines. LOL.

Re: Kyocera SMTP error — SSL/TLS — stopped working

In case anyone has the same problem.
The new firmware 7.4.0030 fixed the issue.
I got it from Firmware Update — Printer & Copier Firmware — so had to pay — but a lot cheaper than a service call from Kyocera.

Service Manager 5,000+ Posts

Join Date Jan 2014 Location London Posts 6,789 Rep Power 160

Re: Kyocera SMTP error — SSL/TLS — stopped working

Happy to help, glad this resolved your issue.

Let us eat, drink, and be merry, because tomorrow we may die!

For all your firmware & service manual needs please visit us at:

www.copierfirmware.co.uk — www.printerfirmware.co.uk

Re: Kyocera SMTP error — SSL/TLS — stopped working

When you use an old browser or operating system you will encounter err_ssl_version_or_cipher_mismatch error . You might even face a variant of this error message .
It happens mainly because the browser does not trust the SSL certificate and there are many ways that you can check to fix the error .


Kyocera ECOSYS M6630cidn — Error Code: 4804 — Scan to email

I am trying to set up scan-to-email via Office 365 on a «remote» printer (I’m accessing it via MPLS network from a remote office). When entering in all the STARTTLS, 587, smtp.office365.com etc. via the https GUI interface and clicking test I get the following error:

Connection Error (0x4804).

I can’t for the life of me seem to find what this particular code means. Tried google to no avail. Anyone here know by any chance?

I have confirmed DNS settings are correct, login username/pass of the Office 365 account is correct etc.

I have another Kyocera on the local network, similar look and settings but different model that is working fine with the same O365 details.

I have had the exact same thing with a number of our devices (Kyocera and Lexmark). The issue is going to be traffic leaving the gateway (to the internet from the local network of the device) and from there getting messed with if you are running UTM. I had to create an alias (range of IP’s including the printers) and add TCP/UDP 587 to go out the gateway. Once the firewall rule was created the devices instantly worked (scan to email)

I have had the exact same thing with a number of our devices (Kyocera and Lexmark). The issue is going to be traffic leaving the gateway (to the internet from the local network of the device) and from there getting messed with if you are running UTM. I had to create an alias (range of IP’s including the printers) and add TCP/UDP 587 to go out the gateway. Once the firewall rule was created the devices instantly worked (scan to email)

Many thanks for your reply!! It might be that. Unfortunately in my case the gateway/firewall is managed by another party but I’m going to see if we can get that done and see if it resolves the issue.

If it is not the firewall, you could try the specific smtp server name. Use MX Toolbox to retrieve.

Have you created a connector between your local network and the 365 tenant? Exchange > mail flow > connectors then create a trust between the two.

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Snap! — PowerToys, Red Cross Hopes, Malware, NYC Salaries, Metaverse land grab

Your daily dose of tech news, in brief. Welcome to the Snap! Flashback: Attack of the Clones Back on November 4, 1982, Compaq announces the first successful IBM-compatible PC clone. (Read more HERE.) Bonus Flashback: Computer Predicts Electio.

Spark! Pro series – 4th November 2022

For the record, I did not have an Easy Bake Oven, but my sister did. And oh yah, I baked with it! It wasn’t so much the baking that I liked, but the sweet treats you got to eat when you were finished baking! S.

Interesting Read: “WiFi security flaw lets a drone track devices through walls.”

Found this article on Engadget and thought some of you would think it an interesting read. https://www.engadget.com/wifi-security-hole-see-through-walls-152138038.htmlTLDR highlights: University of Waterloo researchers have discovered a security fl.

How nice are you to your leavers?

So despite signing at least 3 acceptable use policies during onboarding and seeing the notice every time they log onto their computers, I frequently encounter leavers requesting I retrieve and send them all the personal information they saved to their cor.


Kyocera Ecosys M6526cdn scan to e mail setup

I am trying to set up scan to e mail on this printer.

we don’t have active directory or exchange i am just trying to scan to a gmail account

after reading the manual and looking around i have set the settings to the below which all seems pretty sensible, when i scan i get server error slightly different error code from 3103 depending on if i use port 465 or 25.

anyone see what i am missing? or set one of these up before?

Authentication has to be ON. You could try using port 587. AFAIK port 587 is preferred over 587.

The other thing to consider is that gmail accounts limit the quantity of emails you can send out each day. I think its between 100-150 for a free account.

Thanks Jon, so i set to port 587 then set authentication to on which then asks for authenticate as:

the options here are other/pop3 user 1/pop3 user 2

i choose other which then asks for login name and password i suspect this is asking for gmail login details — which i enter

run the test which then fails with connection error (0x4803)

Have you checked the security settings of the Gmail account you are using, usually within Sign in and Security>Connected Apps and Sites you need to enable Allow less secure apps option.

I think you need to change it to starttls. Also, even though you’re only sending email, you need to enable IMAP on your gmail account in case you haven’t already done so.

yep less secure apps enabled, imap enabled

interestingly i’m now getting a different error code (0x1102) using port 587 and starttls

Hmm. I’m a bit stumped then as I can’t find what error code 0x1102 actually means. Have you checked the gmail account works when set up with a normal email client with imap and smtp?

Cheers for the input on this, it turns out it was 2 factor auth causing the issue after all.

all now working thank you although this means disabling 2 factor which seems a bit silly .

with one hand i gain on the other lose some security.

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Read these next.

Snap! — PowerToys, Red Cross Hopes, Malware, NYC Salaries, Metaverse land grab

Your daily dose of tech news, in brief. Welcome to the Snap! Flashback: Attack of the Clones Back on November 4, 1982, Compaq announces the first successful IBM-compatible PC clone. (Read more HERE.) Bonus Flashback: Computer Predicts Electio.

Spark! Pro series – 4th November 2022

For the record, I did not have an Easy Bake Oven, but my sister did. And oh yah, I baked with it! It wasn’t so much the baking that I liked, but the sweet treats you got to eat when you were finished baking! S.

Interesting Read: “WiFi security flaw lets a drone track devices through walls.”

Found this article on Engadget and thought some of you would think it an interesting read. https://www.engadget.com/wifi-security-hole-see-through-walls-152138038.htmlTLDR highlights: University of Waterloo researchers have discovered a security fl.

How nice are you to your leavers?

So despite signing at least 3 acceptable use policies during onboarding and seeing the notice every time they log onto their computers, I frequently encounter leavers requesting I retrieve and send them all the personal information they saved to their cor.


При сканировании и отправке на электронную почту Kyocera выдает ошибку передачи. Код ошибки 4803. Сеть есть, принтер печатает, в сетевую папку по SMB складывает.

Интернет есть.

Значит проблема с SMTP сервером.

Идем в настройки. Подключаемся по IP и вводим стандартные для Kyocera Admin/Admin



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  1. 06-24-2020


    stroltz is offline

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    Kyocera SMTP error — SSL/TLS — stopped working

    We have multiple ECOSYS M6530cdn printers — send email has stopped working using SSL/TLS ( Connection Error (0x4803)
    We have a single newer ECOSYS M6230cidn — and the send email still works just fine with SSL/TLS. Is on the same network as a broken one.
    I can’t see any difference in the relevant settings between the new and old machines.

    The mail server is a cpanel hosted webserver. version 88.0.10 Nothing much special about it as far as I can tell.

    The old M6530cdn will work if I switch to no SSL but we want to use SSL.
    I have tried generating a new security certificate.
    Switching off SSL3.0/TLS1.0 and TLS1.1
    Using the IP of the sever instead of the name.

    I can’t find any firmware files to download for the M6530cdn

    Does anyone please have any ideas?

    my guess is that an update on the server has broken the SSL/TLS for the older version used by the older machines. I hope there is a way to get it to work?

  2. 06-24-2020


    Re: Kyocera SMTP error — SSL/TLS — stopped working

    I think you will need newer firmware on troubled machines.

    A tree is known by its fruit, a man by his deeds. A good deed is never lost, he who sows courtesy, reaps friendship, and he who plants kindness gathers love.

    Blessed are they who can laugh at themselves, for they shall never cease to be amused.

    I don’t reply to private messages from end users.

  3. 06-25-2020


    stroltz is offline

    Junior Member

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    Re: Kyocera SMTP error — SSL/TLS — stopped working

    That is what I suspected.
    I have asked Kyocera. There does not seem to be a way for me to access the firmware download.

    Here are the numbers of the firmware the M6530cdn has installed, that no longer work.

    System : 2NW_2000.003.204
    Engine : 2PC_1000.001.107
    FAX : 2NM_5100.006.009

  4. 06-25-2020


    stroltz is offline

    Junior Member

    Rep Power

    Re: Kyocera SMTP error — SSL/TLS — stopped working

    I have been told there is a firmware update available;

    but of course it costs a fee to have someone come out; and there is no guarantee that a new firmware will fix the problem.
    I wish I could download the file somehow…..


  5. 06-25-2020


    Re: Kyocera SMTP error — SSL/TLS — stopped working

    You have updated I/S on your server, pay for Kyocera to fix it then send the bill to Microsoft for breaking your machines. LOL.

  6. 06-29-2020


    stroltz is offline

    Junior Member

    Rep Power

    Re: Kyocera SMTP error — SSL/TLS — stopped working

    In case anyone has the same problem.
    The new firmware 7.4.0030 fixed the issue.
    I got it from Firmware Update — Printer & Copier Firmware — so had to pay — but a lot cheaper than a service call from Kyocera.

  7. 06-29-2020


    Re: Kyocera SMTP error — SSL/TLS — stopped working

    Quote Originally Posted by stroltz
    View Post

    In case anyone has the same problem.
    The new firmware 7.4.0030 fixed the issue.
    I got it from Firmware Update — Printer & Copier Firmware — so had to pay — but a lot cheaper than a service call from Kyocera.

    Happy to help, glad this resolved your issue.

  8. 03-14-2021


    finlay31 is offline

    Junior Member

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    Re: Kyocera SMTP error — SSL/TLS — stopped working

    When you use an old browser or operating system you will encounter err_ssl_version_or_cipher_mismatch error . You might even face a variant of this error message .
    It happens mainly because the browser does not trust the SSL certificate and there are many ways that you can check to fix the error .

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