Компилятор выдает ошибку для следующей программы. Я не могу это решить.
Это система Codesys, пишущая на языке ST. Я хочу управлять электромагнитным клапаном, используя битовую операцию.
CanRx := can_getDatabox (CAN_2, 10, ADR(CanRx_data), ADR(CanRxNumBytes));
Rx_test_1 := CanRx_data[1];
Rx_test_2 := CanRx_data[2];
Rx_test_3 := CanRx_data[3];
Rx_test_4 := CanRx_data[4];
IF(Rx_test_1 & 4 = 4)THEN
out (OUT_1_POH_CL, 1500);
ELSE IF(Rx_test_1 & 8 = 8)THEN
out (OUT_1_POH_CL, 0);
Ошибка компилятора:
Error: 4011:Callback_MAIN_Task(XX): Type mismatch in parameter 1 of 'AND':Cannot convert 'INT' to 'ANY_BIT'
Error: 4024:Callback_MAIN_Task(XX): Expecting END_IF_before"
2 ответа
Я смог решить это сам. Я использовал AND вместо &, использовал ELSIF вместо ELSEIF. Вот правильный код.
Rx_test_1 : BYTE;
IF ((Rx_test_1 AND 1) =1) THEN
ELSIF (( Rx_test_1 AND 2) =1) THEN
ELSIF (( Rx_test_1 AND 4) =1) THEN
20 Ноя 2020 в 13:45
В документации для операторов ST сказано, что операторы сравнения и равенства <
, >
, <=
, >=
, =
и <>
имеют более высокий приоритет чем операторы логической логики и операторы побитовой логики.
Кроме того, в ST побитовыми логическими операторами являются AND
и OR
вместо &
и |
. Точно так же булевы логические операторы — это AND_THEN
вместо &&
и ||
. (однако учтите, что булев логический оператор был добавлен в компилятор CODESYS V3.5 SP4, если вы используете более раннюю версию, они будут недоступны. Например, SoMachine. em> использует более старый)
Кроме того, синтаксис IF
выглядит следующим образом:
IF condition THEN
ELSEIF condition THEN
Но в вашем коде есть ELSE IF
вместо ELSEIF
, а в вашем END_IF
отсутствует точка с запятой. (Хотя у меня никогда не было жалоб компилятора, если я пропустил это, и они сами часто опускают их в своих примерах в документации)
Итак, вам просто нужно заключить в скобки побитовую операцию перед сравнением. (Такая же ситуация и в языках семейства C, что приводит к нечитаемым выражениям со слишком большим количеством скобок), замените их допустимыми операторами ST и исправьте часть ELSE IF
Попробуйте включить эти изменения, например:
(Обратите внимание, что я также добавил пробелы для удобства чтения. ST не накладывает никакой семантики на пробелы (в отличие от Python, Haskell и т. д.), поэтому вы должны использовать пробелы, чтобы максимизировать удобочитаемость и удобство сопровождения). (Мой личный стиль заключается в том, чтобы в скобках были пробелы, а не снаружи — другие люди категорически не согласны, YMMV)
IF ( ( Rx_test_1 AND 4 ) = 4 ) THEN
out ( OUT_1_POH_CL, 1500 );
ELSEIF ( ( Rx_test_1 AND 8 ) = 8 ) THEN
out ( OUT_1_POH_CL, 0 );
21 Ноя 2020 в 14:50
Errors 4024 4025 4026 4027 4028 4029 4030 4031 4032 4033 4034 «Expecting or or … before »» Enter a valid operand at the named position. «Expecting ‘:=’ or ‘=>’ before »» Enter one of the both operators at the named position. «‘BITADR’ expects a bit address or a variable on a bit address»Use a valid bit address (e.g. %IX0.1). «Integer number or symbolic constant expected» Enter a integer number or the identifier of a valid constant. «‘INI’ operator needs function block instance or data unit type instance» Check the data type of the variable, for which the INI operator is used. «Nested calls of the same function are not possible.» At not reentrant target systems and in simulation mode a function call may not contain a call of itself as a parameter. Example: fun1(a,fun1(b,c,d),e); Use a intermediate table. «Expressions and constants are not allowed as operands of ‘ADR’» Replace the constant or the expression by a variable or a direct address. «‘ADR’ is not allowed on bits! Use ‘BITADR’ instead.» Use BITADR. Please Note: The BITADR function does not return a physical memory address. «’’ operands are too few for ». At least ‘’ are needed» Check how many operands the named operator requires and add the missing operands. «’’ operands are too many for ». At least ‘’ are needed» Check how many operands the named operator requires and remove the surplus operands. «Division by 0» You are using a division by 0 in a constant expression. If you want to provocate a runtime error, use – if applicable — a variable with the value 0. 10-118 <strong>CoDeSys</strong> V2.3
Appendix J: Compiler Errors and Warnings 4035 «ADR must not be applied on ‘VAR CONSTANT’ if ‘replaced constants’ is activated» An address access on constants for which the direct values are used, is not possible. If applicable, deactivate the option ‚Replace Constants’ in ‚Project’ ‚Options’ ‚Build’. 4040 «Label » is not defined» Define a label with the name or change the name to that of a defined label. 4041 4042 4043 4050 4051 4052 «Duplicate definition of label »» The label ‘< Name>’ is multiple defined in the POU. Rename the label or remove one of the definitions. «No more than labels in sequence are allowed» The number of jump labels is limited to ». Insert a dummy instruction. «Format of label invalid. A label must be a name optionally followed by a colon.»The label name is not valid or the colon is missing in the definition. «POU ‘%s’ is not defined» Define a POU with the name » using the command ‘Project’ ‘Add Object’ or change » to the name of a defined POU. «‘%s’ is no function» Use instead of a function name which is defined in the project or in the libraries. «» must be a declared instance of FB »» Use an instance of data type » which is defined in the project or change the type of to ». 4053 «» is no valid box or operator» Replace » by the name of a POU or an operator defined in the project. 4054 «POU name expected as parameter of ‘INDEXOF’» The given paramter is not a valid POU name. 4060 «‘VAR_IN_OUT’ parameter » of » needs variable with write access as input» To VAR_IN_OUT parameters variables with write access have to be handed over, because a VAR_IN_OUT can be modified within the POU. <strong>CoDeSys</strong> V2.3 10-119
- Page 1 and 2:
User Manual for PLC Programming wit
- Page 3 and 4:
Content 1 A Brief Introduction to C
- Page 5 and 6:
8 The License Manager 8-1 8.1.1 Cre
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A Brief Introduction to CoDeSys 1 A
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A Brief Introduction to CoDeSys 1.3
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Project Components… The call of a
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Project Components… Calling a fun
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Project Components… In FBD : PLC_
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Languages… Data types Visualizati
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Languages… LDN BOOL2 (*save the n
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Languages… BOOL2 := FALSE; END_CA
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Languages… FOR loop • If the va
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Languages… 2.2.3 Sequential Funct
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Languages… An example for an IEC
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Languages… is stored in the branc
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Languages… Contact Each network i
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Debugging, Online Functions… Moni
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Chapter 3 — We Write a Little Progr
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3 — We Write a Little Program For t
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3 — We Write a Little Program At fi
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3 — We Write a Little Program Actio
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3 — We Write a Little Program Progr
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3 — We Write a Little Program The n
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3 — We Write a Little Program The r
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3 — We Write a Little Program CoDeS
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The Main Window… In order to see
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Project Options… • Log • Buil
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Project Options… Autodeclaration:
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Project Options… If you have chos
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Project Options… Here the comment
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Project Options… Using the option
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Project Options… Local: The POU w
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Managing Projects… ‘File’ ‘Open’
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Managing Projects… implementation
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Managing Projects… ‘File’ ‘Print’
- Page 74 and 75:
Managing Projects… Window for pas
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Managing Projects… Translate proj
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Managing Projects… If a translati
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Managing Projects… Dialog box for
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Managing Projects… Please Note: I
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Managing Projects… If the report
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Managing Projects… 4.3.1 ‘Project
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Managing Projects… Dialog ‘Login’
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Managing Projects… Dialog showing
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Managing Projects… Label Version
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Managing Objects in a Project… ‘N
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Managing Objects in a Project… Di
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Managing Objects in a Project… On
- Page 100 and 101:
General Editing Functions… 4.5 Ge
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General Editing Functions… ‘Edit’
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General Online Functions… ‘Edit’
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General Online Functions… VAR PER
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General Online Functions… Before
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General Online Functions… Dialog
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General Online Functions… ‘Online
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Window set up… 4.7 Window set up.
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5 — Editors in CoDeSys 5 Editors in
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5 — Editors in CoDeSys Input Variab
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5 — Editors in CoDeSys con1:INT:=12
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5 — Editors in CoDeSys • All iden
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5 — Editors in CoDeSys In the onlin
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5 — Editors in CoDeSys If the POU h
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5 — Editors in CoDeSys ‘Insert’ ‘Op
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5 — Editors in CoDeSys IL Editor wi
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5 — Editors in CoDeSys 5.3.2 The Ed
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5 — Editors in CoDeSys of the netwo
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5 — Editors in CoDeSys Depending on
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5 — Editors in CoDeSys ‘Extras’ ‘Se
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5 — Editors in CoDeSys All editors
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5 — Editors in CoDeSys The contact
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5 — Editors in CoDeSys The coil now
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5 — Editors in CoDeSys ‘Insert’ ‘Pa
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5 — Editors in CoDeSys setting is d
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5 — Editors in CoDeSys If IEC steps
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5 — Editors in CoDeSys 2. Text fiel
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5 — Editors in CoDeSys ‘Extras’ ‘Se
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5 — Editors in CoDeSys ‘Extras’ ‘Co
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5 — Editors in CoDeSys ‘Extras’ ‘Or
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5 — Editors in CoDeSys Example: Sel
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5 — Editors in CoDeSys PINs in macr
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Global Variables, Variable Configur
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Global Variables, Variable Configur
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Global Variables, Variable Configur
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Library Manager… variable. You ca
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Log… Remove Library With the ‘Edi
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PLC Configuration Storing the proje
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PLC Configuration All modules start
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PLC Configuration Modul id: The Mod
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PLC Configuration 6.5.5 Configurati
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PLC Configuration The GSD file pert
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PLC Configuration Basisparameter di
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PLC Configuration The Properties bu
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PLC Configuration 6.5.7 Configurati
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PLC Configuration given Guard COB-I
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PLC Configuration cyclic — synchron
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PLC Configuration CAN settings of a
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Target Settings Target-Support-Pack
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Task Configuration… • A task na
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Task Configuration… may be extend
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Watch and Receipt Manager… The sc
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Watch and Receipt Manager… Watch
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Sampling Trace Dialog Box for Trace
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Sampling Trace Display of the Sampl
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Sampling Trace ‘Load Values’ Be awa
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Parameter Manager 6.10.1 Dialog Tar
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Parameter Manager 6.11.2 Der Parame
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Parameter Manager Now close the tem
- Page 220 and 221:
Parameter Manager attributes. To en
- Page 222 and 223:
PLC Browser In a selection box the
- Page 224 and 225:
Tools %V If NAME is a variable name
- Page 226 and 227:
Tools The table lists all tools for
- Page 228 and 229:
Tools Parameter Path of the file wh
- Page 230 and 231:
Tools Mark the entry ‘Tools’ in the
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Tools • a project data base for w
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8 — The License Manager 8 The Licen
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9 — DDE Communication with CoDeSys
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9 — DDE Communication with CoDeSys
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IEC Operators and additional norm e
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IEC Operators and additional norm e
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IEC Operators and additional norm e
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IEC Operators and additional norm e
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IEC Operators and additional norm e
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IEC Operators and additional norm e
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IEC Operators and additional norm e
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IEC Operators and additional norm e
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IEC Operators and additional norm e
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IEC Operators and additional norm e
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IEC Operators and additional norm e
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Appendix B: Operands in CoDeSys App
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Appendix B: Operands in CoDeSys $P
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Appendix B: Operands in CoDeSys %QB
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Standard data types Time Data Types
- Page 274 and 275:
Defined data types FUNCTION CheckBo
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Defined data types References For e
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Appendix D: CoDeSys Libraries Appen
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Appendix D: CoDeSys Libraries LD CO
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Appendix D: CoDeSys Libraries Examp
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Appendix D: CoDeSys Libraries CLK :
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Appendix D: CoDeSys Libraries Examp
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Appendix D: CoDeSys Libraries As so
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Appendix D: CoDeSys Libraries Decla
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Appendix D: CoDeSys Libraries Examp
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Appendix D: CoDeSys Libraries A P-c
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Appendix D: CoDeSys Libraries IN of
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Appendix D: CoDeSys Libraries If th
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Appendix E: Operators and Library M
- Page 303 and 304:
Appendix E: Operators and Library M
- Page 305:
Appendix E: Operators and Library M
- Page 308 and 309: Command File (cmdfile) Commands onl
- Page 310 and 311: Command File (cmdfile) Commands dir
- Page 312 and 313: Command File (cmdfile) Commands ‘Co
- Page 315 and 316: Appendix G: Siemens Import Appendix
- Page 317 and 318: Appendix G: Siemens Import BE, BEA,
- Page 319: Appendix G: Siemens Import redirect
- Page 322 and 323: Command File (cmdfile) Commands 10.
- Page 324 and 325: Command File (cmdfile) Commands Tar
- Page 326 and 327: Command File (cmdfile) Commands Tar
- Page 328 and 329: Command File (cmdfile) Commands Tar
- Page 330 and 331: Command File (cmdfile) Commands 10.
- Page 332 and 333: Command File (cmdfile) Commands 10.
- Page 334 and 335: Key Combinations ‘File’ ‘Print’ ‘Fi
- Page 336 and 337: Key Combinations ‘Insert’ ‘Step-Tra
- Page 339 and 340: Appendix J: Compiler Errors and War
- Page 341 and 342: Appendix J: Compiler Errors and War
- Page 343 and 344: Appendix J: Compiler Errors and War
- Page 345 and 346: Appendix J: Compiler Errors and War
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- Page 349 and 350: Appendix J: Compiler Errors and War
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- Page 363 and 364: Appendix J: Compiler Errors and War
- Page 365 and 366: Appendix J: Compiler Errors and War
- Page 367 and 368: Appendix J: Compiler Errors and War
- Page 369 and 370: Appendix J: Compiler Errors and War
- Page 371 and 372: Appendix J: Compiler Errors and War
- Page 373: Appendix J: Compiler Errors and War
- Page 376 and 377: Errors Changing connections 5-40 Cr
- Page 378 and 379: Errors Set as project configuration
- Page 380 and 381: Errors Insert Label in CFC 5-38 Ins
- Page 382 and 383: Errors Function 5-13 Function Block
- Page 384 and 385: Errors Cut/Copy/Paste line 6-55 Del
- Page 386 and 387: Errors SFCTip 2-19 SFCTipMode 2-19
- Page 388: Errors Window 4-62 Window Arrange S
Обновлено: 29.01.2023
I am currently working on ABB PLC, I tried to upload the program from PLC but I cann’t make it. Now I got the backup program which have number of errors. The errors are
Error4268:RECIPE(32):Expression expected.
Error4052:RECIPE(32):»must be a declared instance of function block’ADDSUB’
Please help me on this. How to remove this error?
Lifetime Supporting Member
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: Israel
Posts: 615
Can you upload the code?
Which PLC are you using?
Join Date: Nov 2011
Location: Aurangabad
Posts: 9
I am using CPU PM571, with CD522, DC522, AX521 modules.
Code is attached here with
Join Date: Dec 2012
Location: Koprivnica, HR
Posts: 418
Originally Posted by kam
Error4268:RECIPE(32):Expression expected.
Error4052:RECIPE(32):»must be a declared instance of function block’ADDSUB’
Please help me on this. How to remove this error?
First error was probably due to forgotten semicolon at the end or = instead of :=
Second error: you forgot to declare function block instance as variable:
balash |
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Join Date: Nov 2011
Location: Aurangabad
Posts: 9
I checked program many times, we have given all necessary punctuation marks. Also we have declared each function block.
Attached Files (40.2 KB, 17 views)
Join Date: Dec 2012
Location: Koprivnica, HR
Posts: 418
well i can’t really much compile cause i have codesys integrated with control builder, and i miss lots of your custom libraries and PLC conf but.
if i am not wrong i think you forgot to name the instance of «addsub» box in rung 32. every functionblock box must have instance that is name of the functionblock box.
that would solve one problem i guess.
not much help with second problem cause i’m cripled without conf and libs needed.
balash |
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Join Date: Nov 2011
Location: Aurangabad
Posts: 9
Thanks for your reply.
I have resolved all the errors by following steps.
1. If you observe the PLC configuration you won’t found CD522 module, so to insert this module I upgraded my CoDeSys.
2. The programmer have declared the Function Blocks by some variable name, but forgot to give that variable name to certain block.
For ex. in OUTPUT (11) he used AC500_REAL_AO, but didn’t give the variable name to this function block, but he declared this block by ‘LEFT SPOOLER3’. So I give the same name to function block. and Bingo.
But not while going online I am going through a error. I have attached this for reference.
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The profinet controller is not more running.
I did try already a reinstall (with c:\ProgramData\CODESYS\ removed) but it did not change anything
On startup i see the error «Controller Error: PNIO: LMPM signaled an error»
======================================================================= 01554726709186: Cmp=CM, Class=1, Error=0, Info=4, pszInfo= CODESYS Control V3 - 64Bit 01554726709186: Cmp=CM, Class=1, Error=0, Info=5, pszInfo= Copyright (c) 3S - Smart Software Solutions GmbH 01554726709186: Cmp=CM, Class=1, Error=0, Info=6, pszInfo= <version></version> <builddate>Feb 14 2019</builddate> ======================================================================= 01554726709186: Cmp=CM, Class=1, Error=0, Info=10, pszInfo= System: <cmp>CM</cmp>, <id>0x00000001</id> <ver></ver> 01554726709186: Cmp=CM, Class=1, Error=0, Info=10, pszInfo= System: <cmp>CmpMemPool</cmp>, <id>0x0000001e</id> <ver></ver> 01554726709186: Cmp=CM, Class=1, Error=0, Info=10, pszInfo= System: <cmp>CmpLog</cmp>, <id>0x00000013</id> <ver></ver> 01554726709186: Cmp=CM, Class=1, Error=0, Info=10, pszInfo= System: <cmp>CmpSettings</cmp>, <id>0x0000001a</id> <ver></ver> 01554726709186: Cmp=CM, Class=1, Error=0, Info=10, pszInfo= System: <cmp>SysFile</cmp>, <id>0x00000104</id> <ver></ver> 01554726709186: Cmp=CM, Class=1, Error=0, Info=10, pszInfo= System: <cmp>SysWindowFileDialog</cmp>, <id>0x0000011a</id> <ver></ver> 01554726709186: Cmp=CM, Class=1, Error=0, Info=10, pszInfo= System: <cmp>SysWindow</cmp>, <id>0x00000117</id> <ver></ver> 01554726709186: Cmp=CM, Class=1, Error=0, Info=10, pszInfo= System: <cmp>SysTimeRtc</cmp>, <id>0x00000127</id> <ver></ver> 01554726709186: Cmp=CM, Class=1, Error=0, Info=10, pszInfo= System: <cmp>SysTimer</cmp>, <id>0x00000116</id> <ver></ver> 01554726709186: Cmp=CM, Class=1, Error=0, Info=10, pszInfo= System: <cmp>SysTime</cmp>, <id>0x00000115</id> <ver></ver> 01554726709186: Cmp=CM, Class=1, Error=0, Info=10, pszInfo= System: <cmp>SysTask</cmp>, <id>0x00000114</id> <ver></ver> 01554726709186: Cmp=CM, Class=1, Error=0, Info=10, pszInfo= System: <cmp>SysTarget</cmp>, <id>0x00000112</id> <ver></ver> 01554726709186: Cmp=CM, Class=1, Error=0, Info=10, pszInfo= System: <cmp>SysSocket</cmp>, <id>0x00000111</id> <ver></ver> 01554726709186: Cmp=CM, Class=1, Error=0, Info=10, pszInfo= System: <cmp>SysShm</cmp>, <id>0x00000110</id> <ver></ver> 01554726709186: Cmp=CM, Class=1, Error=0, Info=10, pszInfo= System: <cmp>SysSemProcess</cmp>, <id>0x00000119</id> <ver></ver> 01554726709186: Cmp=CM, Class=1, Error=0, Info=10, pszInfo= System: <cmp>SysSemCount</cmp>, <id>0x00000139</id> <ver></ver> 01554726709186: Cmp=CM, Class=1, Error=0, Info=10, pszInfo= System: <cmp>SysSem</cmp>, <id>0x0000010f</id> <ver></ver> 01554726709186: Cmp=CM, Class=1, Error=0, Info=10, pszInfo= System: <cmp>SysProcess</cmp>, <id>0x0000010e</id> <ver></ver> 01554726709186: Cmp=CM, Class=1, Error=0, Info=10, pszInfo= System: <cmp>SysPort</cmp>, <id>0x0000010d</id> <ver></ver> 01554726709186: Cmp=CM, Class=1, Error=0, Info=10, pszInfo= System: <cmp>SysPci</cmp>, <id>0x0000010c</id> <ver></ver> 01554726709186: Cmp=CM, Class=1, Error=0, Info=10, pszInfo= System: <cmp>SysOut</cmp>, <id>0x0000010b</id> <ver></ver> 01554726709186: Cmp=CM, Class=1, Error=0, Info=10, pszInfo= System: <cmp>SysNativeControl</cmp>, <id>0x0000012f</id> <ver></ver> 01554726709186: Cmp=CM, Class=1, Error=0, Info=10, pszInfo= System: <cmp>SysNativeCommonControls</cmp>, <id>0x00000138</id> <ver></ver> 01554726709186: Cmp=CM, Class=1, Error=0, Info=10, pszInfo= System: <cmp>SysMutex</cmp>, <id>0x0000013a</id> <ver></ver> 01554726709186: Cmp=CM, Class=1, Error=0, Info=10, pszInfo= System: <cmp>SysMsgQ</cmp>, <id>0x0000010a</id> <ver></ver> 01554726709186: Cmp=CM, Class=1, Error=0, Info=10, pszInfo= System: <cmp>SysModule</cmp>, <id>0x00000109</id> <ver></ver> 01554726709186: Cmp=CM, Class=1, Error=0, Info=10, pszInfo= System: <cmp>SysMem</cmp>, <id>0x00000108</id> <ver></ver> 01554726709186: Cmp=CM, Class=1, Error=0, Info=10, pszInfo= System: <cmp>SysInternalLib</cmp>, <id>0x00000107</id> <ver></ver> 01554726709186: Cmp=CM, Class=1, Error=0, Info=10, pszInfo= System: <cmp>SysInt</cmp>, <id>0x00000106</id> <ver></ver> 01554726709186: Cmp=CM, Class=1, Error=0, Info=10, pszInfo= System: <cmp>SysGraphicGDIPlus</cmp>, <id>0x0000012a</id> <ver></ver> 01554726709186: Cmp=CM, Class=1, Error=0, Info=10, pszInfo= System: <cmp>SysFileStream</cmp>, <id>0x00000120</id> <ver></ver> 01554726709186: Cmp=CM, Class=1, Error=0, Info=10, pszInfo= System: <cmp>_</cmp>, <id>0x00000103</id> <ver></ver> 01554726709186: Cmp=CM, Class=1, Error=0, Info=10, pszInfo= System: <cmp>SysEvent</cmp>, <id>0x00000102</id> <ver></ver> 01554726709186: Cmp=CM, Class=1, Error=0, Info=10, pszInfo= System: <cmp>SysEthernet</cmp>, <id>0x0000011c</id> <ver></ver> 01554726709186: Cmp=CM, Class=1, Error=0, Info=10, pszInfo= System: <cmp>SysDir</cmp>, <id>0x0000011b</id> <ver></ver> 01554726709186: Cmp=CM, Class=1, Error=0, Info=10, pszInfo= System: <cmp>SysCpuHandling</cmp>, <id>0x00000101</id> <ver></ver> 01554726709186: Cmp=CM, Class=1, Error=0, Info=10, pszInfo= System: <cmp>SysCom</cmp>, <id>0x00000100</id> <ver></ver> 01554726709186: Cmp=CM, Class=1, Error=0, Info=10, pszInfo= System: <cmp>CmpMemGC</cmp>, <id>0x0000001f</id> <ver></ver> 01554726709186: Cmp=CM, Class=1, Error=0, Info=10, pszInfo= System: <cmp>CmpCodeMeter</cmp>, <id>0x0000007a</id> <ver></ver> 01554726709186: Cmp=CM, Class=1, Error=0, Info=10, pszInfo= System|Dynamic: <cmp>SysCpuMultiCore</cmp>, <id>0x0000013d</id> <ver></ver> 01554726709186: Cmp=CM, Class=1, Error=0, Info=10, pszInfo= System|Dynamic: <cmp>SysReadWriteLock</cmp>, <id>0x0000013e</id> <ver></ver> 01554726709186: Cmp=CM, Class=1, Error=0, Info=10, pszInfo= System|Dynamic: <cmp>SysCpuBreakpoints</cmp>, <id>0x00000305</id> <ver></ver> 01554726709186: Cmp=CM, Class=1, Error=0, Info=10, pszInfo= <cmp>CmpObjectMgr</cmp>, <id>0x00000080</id> <ver></ver> 01554726709186: Cmp=CM, Class=1, Error=0, Info=10, pszInfo= <cmp>CmpXMLParser</cmp>, <id>0x00000058</id> <ver></ver> 01554726709186: Cmp=CM, Class=1, Error=0, Info=10, pszInfo= <cmp>CmpVisuServer</cmp>, <id>0x00000057</id> <ver></ver> 01554726709186: Cmp=CM, Class=1, Error=0, Info=10, pszInfo= <cmp>CmpVisuHandler</cmp>, <id>0x00000054</id> <ver></ver> 01554726709186: Cmp=CM, Class=1, Error=0, Info=10, pszInfo= <cmp>CmpVisuClientControllerHost</cmp>, <id>0x00000132</id> <ver></ver> 01554726709186: Cmp=CM, Class=1, Error=0, Info=10, pszInfo= <cmp>CmpUserMgr</cmp>, <id>0x00000061</id> <ver></ver> 01554726709186: Cmp=CM, Class=1, Error=0, Info=10, pszInfo= <cmp>CmpUserDB</cmp>, <id>0x00000064</id> <ver></ver> 01554726709186: Cmp=CM, Class=1, Error=0, Info=10, pszInfo= <cmp>CmpUserDBObjects</cmp>, <id>0x00000091</id> <ver></ver> 01554726709186: Cmp=CM, Class=1, Error=0, Info=10, pszInfo= <cmp>CmpTraceMgr</cmp>, <id>0x00000070</id> <ver></ver> 01554726709186: Cmp=CM, Class=1, Error=0, Info=10, pszInfo= <cmp>CmpSupervisor</cmp>, <id>0x0000008f</id> <ver></ver> 01554726709186: Cmp=CM, Class=1, Error=0, Info=10, pszInfo= <cmp>CmpSrv</cmp>, <id>0x0000001c</id> <ver></ver> 01554726709186: Cmp=CM, Class=1, Error=0, Info=10, pszInfo= <cmp>CmpSecurityManager</cmp>, <id>0x0000008e</id> <ver></ver> 01554726709186: Cmp=CM, Class=1, Error=0, Info=10, pszInfo= <cmp>CmpSecureChannel</cmp>, <id>0x00000090</id> <ver></ver> 01554726709186: Cmp=CM, Class=1, Error=0, Info=10, pszInfo= <cmp>CmpSchedule</cmp>, <id>0x00000019</id> <ver></ver> 01554726709186: Cmp=CM, Class=1, Error=0, Info=10, pszInfo= <cmp>CmpRouter</cmp>, <id>0x00000018</id> <ver></ver> 01554726709186: Cmp=CM, Class=1, Error=0, Info=10, pszInfo= <cmp>CmpRetain</cmp>, <id>0x00000017</id> <ver></ver> 01554726709186: Cmp=CM, Class=1, Error=0, Info=10, pszInfo= <cmp>CmpPlcShell</cmp>, <id>0x00000128</id> <ver></ver> 01554726709186: Cmp=CM, Class=1, Error=0, Info=10, pszInfo= <cmp>CmpOpenSSL</cmp>, <id>0x00000033</id> <ver></ver> 01554726709186: Cmp=CM, Class=1, Error=0, Info=10, pszInfo= <cmp>CmpOPCUAStack</cmp>, <id>0x0000008d</id> <ver></ver> 01554726709186: Cmp=CM, Class=1, Error=0, Info=10, pszInfo= <cmp>CmpOPCUAServer</cmp>, <id>0x00000124</id> <ver></ver> 01554726709186: Cmp=CM, Class=1, Error=0, Info=10, pszInfo= <cmp>CmpOPCUAProviderIecVarAccess</cmp>, <id>0x00000126</id> <ver></ver> 01554726709186: Cmp=CM, Class=1, Error=0, Info=10, pszInfo= <cmp>CmpNameServiceServer</cmp>, <id>0x00000016</id> <ver></ver> 01554726709186: Cmp=CM, Class=1, Error=0, Info=10, pszInfo= <cmp>CmpNameServiceClientIec</cmp>, <id>0x0000011d</id> <ver></ver> 01554726709186: Cmp=CM, Class=1, Error=0, Info=10, pszInfo= <cmp>CmpNameServiceClient</cmp>, <id>0x00000015</id> <ver></ver> 01554726709186: Cmp=CM, Class=1, Error=0, Info=10, pszInfo= <cmp>CmpMonitor2</cmp>, <id>0x00000032</id> <ver></ver> 01554726709186: Cmp=CM, Class=1, Error=0, Info=10, pszInfo= <cmp>CmpMonitor</cmp>, <id>0x00000014</id> <ver></ver> 01554726709186: Cmp=CM, Class=1, Error=0, Info=10, pszInfo= <cmp>CmpIpc</cmp>, <id>0x0000001d</id> <ver></ver> 01554726709186: Cmp=CM, Class=1, Error=0, Info=10, pszInfo= <cmp>CmpIoMgr</cmp>, <id>0x00000012</id> <ver></ver> 01554726709186: Cmp=CM, Class=1, Error=0, Info=10, pszInfo= <cmp>CmpIoDrvIec</cmp>, <id>0x0000005a</id> <ver></ver> 01554726709186: Cmp=CM, Class=1, Error=0, Info=10, pszInfo= <cmp>CmpIoDrvC</cmp>, <id>0x00000066</id> <ver></ver> 01554726709186: Cmp=CM, Class=1, Error=0, Info=10, pszInfo= <cmp>CmpIecVarAccess</cmp>, <id>0x00000060</id> <ver></ver> 01554726709186: Cmp=CM, Class=1, Error=0, Info=10, pszInfo= <cmp>CmpIecTask</cmp>, <id>0x00000011</id> <ver></ver> 01554726709186: Cmp=CM, Class=1, Error=0, Info=10, pszInfo= <cmp>CmpIecStringUtils</cmp>, <id>0x0000007f</id> <ver></ver> 01554726709186: Cmp=CM, Class=1, Error=0, Info=10, pszInfo= <cmp>CmpFileTransfer</cmp>, <id>0x0000005e</id> <ver></ver> 01554726709186: Cmp=CM, Class=1, Error=0, Info=10, pszInfo= <cmp>CmpEventMgr</cmp>, <id>0x0000005b</id> <ver></ver> 01554726709186: Cmp=CM, Class=1, Error=0, Info=10, pszInfo= <cmp>CmpDynamicText</cmp>, <id>0x00000051</id> <ver></ver> 01554726709186: Cmp=CM, Class=1, Error=0, Info=10, pszInfo= <cmp>CmpDevice</cmp>, <id>0x0000000e</id> <ver></ver> 01554726709186: Cmp=CM, Class=1, Error=0, Info=10, pszInfo= <cmp>CmpCryptMD5</cmp>, <id>0x0000006a</id> <ver></ver> 01554726709186: Cmp=CM, Class=1, Error=0, Info=10, pszInfo= <cmp>CmpCoreDump</cmp>, <id>0x00000083</id> <ver></ver> 01554726709186: Cmp=CM, Class=1, Error=0, Info=10, pszInfo= <cmp>CmpCommunicationLib</cmp>, <id>0x0000000c</id> <ver></ver> 01554726709186: Cmp=CM, Class=1, Error=0, Info=10, pszInfo= <cmp>CmpChecksum</cmp>, <id>0x0000000b</id> <ver></ver> 01554726709186: Cmp=CM, Class=1, Error=0, Info=10, pszInfo= <cmp>CmpChannelServer</cmp>, <id>0x0000000a</id> <ver></ver> 01554726709186: Cmp=CM, Class=1, Error=0, Info=10, pszInfo= <cmp>CmpChannelMgr</cmp>, <id>0x00000009</id> <ver></ver> 01554726709186: Cmp=CM, Class=1, Error=0, Info=10, pszInfo= <cmp>CmpChannelClientIec</cmp>, <id>0x0000005d</id> <ver></ver> 01554726709186: Cmp=CM, Class=1, Error=0, Info=10, pszInfo= <cmp>CmpChannelClient</cmp>, <id>0x00000008</id> <ver></ver> 01554726709186: Cmp=CM, Class=1, Error=0, Info=10, pszInfo= <cmp>CmpCAATypes</cmp>, <id>0x00004006</id> <ver></ver> 01554726709186: Cmp=CM, Class=1, Error=0, Info=10, pszInfo= <cmp>CmpCAATimer</cmp>, <id>0x00004016</id> <ver></ver> 01554726709186: Cmp=CM, Class=1, Error=0, Info=10, pszInfo= <cmp>CmpCAATickUtil</cmp>, <id>0x00004010</id> <ver></ver> 01554726709186: Cmp=CM, Class=1, Error=0, Info=10, pszInfo= <cmp>CmpCAATick</cmp>, <id>0x00004009</id> <ver></ver> 01554726709186: Cmp=CM, Class=1, Error=0, Info=10, pszInfo= <cmp>CmpCAAStorage</cmp>, <id>0x0000007e</id> <ver></ver> 01554726709186: Cmp=CM, Class=1, Error=0, Info=10, pszInfo= <cmp>CmpCAASerialCom</cmp>, <id>0x00004012</id> <ver></ver> 01554726709186: Cmp=CM, Class=1, Error=0, Info=10, pszInfo= <cmp>CmpCAASegBufferMan</cmp>, <id>0x00004019</id> <ver></ver> 01554726709186: Cmp=CM, Class=1, Error=0, Info=10, pszInfo= <cmp>CmpCAASdoServer</cmp>, <id>0x00004017</id> <ver></ver> 01554726709186: Cmp=CM, Class=1, Error=0, Info=10, pszInfo= <cmp>CmpCAASdoClient</cmp>, <id>0x00004011</id> <ver></ver> 01554726709186: Cmp=CM, Class=1, Error=0, Info=10, pszInfo= <cmp>CmpCAARealTimeClock</cmp>, <id>0x00004014</id> <ver></ver> 01554726709186: Cmp=CM, Class=1, Error=0, Info=10, pszInfo= <cmp>CmpCAANetBaseServices</cmp>, <id>0x00004018</id> <ver></ver> 01554726709186: Cmp=CM, Class=1, Error=0, Info=10, pszInfo= <cmp>CmpCAAMemBlockMan</cmp>, <id>0x00004003</id> <ver></ver> 01554726709186: Cmp=CM, Class=1, Error=0, Info=10, pszInfo= <cmp>CmpCAAFile</cmp>, <id>0x00004008</id> <ver></ver> 01554726709186: Cmp=CM, Class=1, Error=0, Info=10, pszInfo= <cmp>CmpCAADTUtil</cmp>, <id>0x00004013</id> <ver></ver> 01554726709186: Cmp=CM, Class=1, Error=0, Info=10, pszInfo= <cmp>CmpCAACanL2</cmp>, <id>0x00004004</id> <ver></ver> 01554726709186: Cmp=CM, Class=1, Error=0, Info=10, pszInfo= <cmp>CmpCAACallback</cmp>, <id>0x00004001</id> <ver></ver> 01554726709186: Cmp=CM, Class=1, Error=0, Info=10, pszInfo= <cmp>CmpCAABehaviourModel</cmp>, <id>0x00004015</id> <ver></ver> 01554726709186: Cmp=CM, Class=1, Error=0, Info=10, pszInfo= <cmp>CmpCAAAsyncMan</cmp>, <id>0x00004007</id> <ver></ver> 01554726709186: Cmp=CM, Class=1, Error=0, Info=10, pszInfo= <cmp>CmpBlkDrvUdp</cmp>, <id>0x00000007</id> <ver></ver> 01554726709186: Cmp=CM, Class=1, Error=0, Info=10, pszInfo= <cmp>CmpBlkDrvTcp</cmp>, <id>0x00000030</id> <ver></ver> 01554726709186: Cmp=CM, Class=1, Error=0, Info=10, pszInfo= <cmp>CmpBlkDrvShm</cmp>, <id>0x00000068</id> <ver></ver> 01554726709186: Cmp=CM, Class=1, Error=0, Info=10, pszInfo= <cmp>CmpBlkDrvCom</cmp>, <id>0x00000006</id> <ver></ver> 01554726709186: Cmp=CM, Class=1, Error=0, Info=10, pszInfo= <cmp>CmpBitmapPool</cmp>, <id>0x00000050</id> <ver></ver> 01554726709186: Cmp=CM, Class=1, Error=0, Info=10, pszInfo= <cmp>CmpBinTagUtilIec</cmp>, <id>0x0000005c</id> <ver></ver> 01554726709186: Cmp=CM, Class=1, Error=0, Info=10, pszInfo= <cmp>CmpBinTagUtil</cmp>, <id>0x00000004</id> <ver></ver> 01554726709186: Cmp=CM, Class=1, Error=0, Info=10, pszInfo= <cmp>CmpAsyncMgr</cmp>, <id>0x0000005f</id> <ver></ver> 01554726709186: Cmp=CM, Class=1, Error=0, Info=10, pszInfo= <cmp>CmpAppForce</cmp>, <id>0x00000074</id> <ver></ver> 01554726709186: Cmp=CM, Class=1, Error=0, Info=10, pszInfo= <cmp>CmpAppBP</cmp>, <id>0x00000073</id> <ver></ver> 01554726709186: Cmp=CM, Class=1, Error=0, Info=10, pszInfo= <cmp>CmpApp</cmp>, <id>0x00000002</id> <ver></ver> 01554726709186: Cmp=CM, Class=1, Error=0, Info=10, pszInfo= <cmp>CmpAlarmManager</cmp>, <id>0x0000007c</id> <ver></ver> 01554726709186: Cmp=CM, Class=1, Error=0, Info=10, pszInfo= Dynamic: <cmp>CmpTargetVisuStub</cmp>, <id>0x00000053</id> <ver></ver> 01554726709186: Cmp=CM, Class=1, Error=0, Info=10, pszInfo= Dynamic: <cmp>CmpWebServer</cmp>, <id>0x00000071</id> <ver></ver> 01554726709186: Cmp=CM, Class=1, Error=0, Info=10, pszInfo= Dynamic: <cmp>CmpWebServerHandlerV3</cmp>, <id>0x00000072</id> <ver></ver> 01554726709222: Cmp=SysCpuMultiCore, Class=1, Error=0, Info=4, pszInfo= MultiCore support: [activated], all cores are used 01554726709222: Cmp=SysCpuMultiCore, Class=1, Error=0, Info=4, pszInfo= Number of available cores: 4 01554726709689: Cmp=CmpChannelServer, Class=1, Error=0, Info=0, pszInfo= <NumOfChannels>4</NumOfChannels> channels available, each of the size <BufferSize>100000</BufferSize> Bytes 01554726709689: Cmp=CmpChannelMgr, Class=1, Error=0, Info=2, pszInfo= Running as network server 01554726709689: Cmp=CmpChannelMgr, Class=1, Error=0, Info=1, pszInfo= Running as network client 01554726709700: Cmp=CmpBlkDrvUdp, Class=1, Error=0, Info=6, pszInfo= Network interface: <ipaddress></ipaddress>, subnetmask <subnetmask></subnetmask> 01554726709700: Cmp=CmpRouter, Class=1, Error=0, Info=4, pszInfo= Network interface <interface>ether 1</interface> at router <instance>0</instance> registered 01554726709700: Cmp=CmpBlkDrvUdp, Class=1, Error=0, Info=6, pszInfo= Network interface: <ipaddress></ipaddress>, subnetmask <subnetmask></subnetmask> 01554726709700: Cmp=CmpRouter, Class=1, Error=0, Info=4, pszInfo= Network interface <interface>ether 6</interface> at router <instance>1</instance> registered 01554726710096: Cmp=CmpOPCUAServer, Class=1, Error=0, Info=0, pszInfo= No certificate for the OPC UA server available. 01554726710096: Cmp=CmpOPCUAServer, Class=1, Error=0, Info=0, pszInfo= Security policy allows plain text communication. Secure communication is deactivated. 01554726710109: Cmp=CmpOPCUAServer, Class=1, Error=0, Info=0, pszInfo= ************************************************************** 01554726710109: Cmp=CmpOPCUAServer, Class=1, Error=0, Info=0, pszInfo= OPC UA Server Started: 01554726710109: Cmp=CmpOPCUAServer, Class=1, Error=0, Info=0, pszInfo= Hostname: localhost, Port: 4840 01554726710109: Cmp=CmpOPCUAServer, Class=1, Error=0, Info=0, pszInfo= URL: opc.tcp://localhost:4840 01554726710109: Cmp=CmpOPCUAServer, Class=1, Error=0, Info=0, pszInfo= Loopbackadapter activated. 01554726710109: Cmp=CmpOPCUAServer, Class=1, Error=0, Info=0, pszInfo= All available networkadapters are used. 01554726710109: Cmp=CmpOPCUAServer, Class=1, Error=0, Info=0, pszInfo= ************************************************************** 01554726710109: Cmp=CmpOPCUAServer, Class=1, Error=0, Info=0, pszInfo= Provider CODESYS_DefaultProvider with Version 0x3050e00 registerd at the OPC UA server. 01554726710115: Cmp=CmpOPCUAServer, Class=1, Error=0, Info=0, pszInfo= Provider CmpOPCUAProviderIecVarAccess with Version 0x3050e00 registerd at the OPC UA server. 01554726710139: Cmp=CmpBlkDrvTcp, Class=1, Error=0, Info=6, pszInfo= Local network address: <ipaddress></ipaddress> 01554726710140: Cmp=CmpRouter, Class=1, Error=0, Info=4, pszInfo= Network interface <interface>BlkDrvTcp</interface> at router <instance>2</instance> registered 01554726710142: Cmp=CmpRouter, Class=1, Error=0, Info=4, pszInfo= Network interface <interface>BlkDrvShm</interface> at router <instance>3</instance> registered 01554726710142: Cmp=CmpBlkDrvShm, Class=1, Error=0, Info=9, pszInfo= Local address (BlkDrvShm) set to <address>1</address> 01554726710233: Cmp=CmpRouter, Class=1, Error=0, Info=1, pszInfo= Setting router <instance>0</instance> address to <address>(007e)</address> 01554726710233: Cmp=CmpRouter, Class=1, Error=0, Info=1, pszInfo= Setting router <instance>1</instance> address to <address>(00ae)</address> 01554726710233: Cmp=CmpRouter, Class=1, Error=0, Info=1, pszInfo= Setting router <instance>2</instance> address to <address>(2ddc:c0a8:017e)</address> 01554726710233: Cmp=CmpRouter, Class=1, Error=0, Info=1, pszInfo= Setting router <instance>3</instance> address to <address>(0001)</address> 01554726710629: Cmp=SysCpuMultiCore, Class=1, Error=0, Info=4, pszInfo= Number of licensed cores for IEC-tasks: 1 from 4 01554726710758: Cmp=IoDrvEthernet, Class=4, Error=0, Info=0, pszInfo=**** Setting IP Address and Subnetmask returned with Error Code 39 01554726710758: Cmp=IoDrvEthernet, Class=4, Error=0, Info=0, pszInfo=**** Ethernet 2 is disabled for changing communication settings! 01554726718991: Cmp=Profinet, Class=1, Error=0, Info=1, pszInfo= no remanent data - use defaults 01554726718991: Cmp=Profinet, Class=1, Error=0, Info=1, pszInfo= No valid remanent data. 01554726718991: Cmp=Profinet, Class=1, Error=0, Info=1, pszInfo= Init Device: StationName = controller 01554726718991: Cmp=Profinet, Class=1, Error=0, Info=1, pszInfo= Init Device: IP = / / 01554726721339: Cmp=IoDrvEthernet, Class=4, Error=0, Info=0, pszInfo=**** Setting IP Address and Subnetmask returned with Error Code 39 01554726721402: Cmp=CmpOPCUAProviderIecVarAccess, Class=1, Error=0, Info=0, pszInfo= Valid license found for OPC UA IecVarAccess provider. 01554726721481: Cmp=CmpApp, Class=1, Error=0, Info=22, pszInfo= No retain area in bootproject of application [<app>Application</app>] 01554726721482: Cmp=CmpApp, Class=1, Error=0, Info=6, pszInfo= Bootproject of application [<app>Application</app>] loaded 01554726721486: Cmp=CmpApp, Class=1, Error=0, Info=10, pszInfo= Application [<app>Application</app>] started 01554726721486: Cmp=CM, Class=1, Error=0, Info=34, pszInfo= CODESYS Control ready 01554726721539: Cmp=IECVisualization, Class=1, Error=0, Info=0, pszInfo= Visuinitialization starting. 01554726721541: Cmp=IECVisualization, Class=1, Error=0, Info=0, pszInfo= Visuinitialization done. 01554726721542: Cmp=CmpWebServer, Class=1, Error=0, Info=0, pszInfo= ************************************************************** 01554726721542: Cmp=CmpWebServer, Class=1, Error=0, Info=0, pszInfo= Web Server 01554726721542: Cmp=CmpWebServer, Class=1, Error=0, Info=0, pszInfo= Root directory : $PlcLogic$/$visu$ 01554726721542: Cmp=CmpWebServer, Class=1, Error=0, Info=0, pszInfo= Host : localhost 01554726721542: Cmp=CmpWebServer, Class=1, Error=0, Info=0, pszInfo= HTTP port : 8080 01554726721542: Cmp=CmpWebServer, Class=1, Error=0, Info=0, pszInfo= HTTPS port : 443 01554726721542: Cmp=CmpWebServer, Class=1, Error=0, Info=0, pszInfo= Connection type : HTTP, HTTPS 01554726721542: Cmp=CmpWebServer, Class=1, Error=0, Info=0, pszInfo= ************************************************************** 01554726721543: Cmp=CmpOpenSSL, Class=1, Error=0, Info=0, pszInfo= TlsCreateContext: The given namespace 'WebServer' was not found in config file. 01554726721543: Cmp=CmpWebServer, Class=1, Error=0, Info=0, pszInfo= The needed certificate is not available for HTTPS. 01554726721543: Cmp=CmpWebServer, Class=1, Error=0, Info=0, pszInfo= HTTPS is not working with your configuration. See previous log entries for details! 01554726722819: Cmp=IoDrvEthernet, Class=1, Error=0, Info=0, pszInfo= Ethernet 2 successfully opened with IP: and Subnetmask: 255.255.25 01554726723804: Cmp=CM, Class=2, Error=0, Info=0, pszInfo=!!!! CODESYS Control Service: DEMO mode activated, terminating in approx. 120 minutes. 01554726723949: Cmp=CmpRouter, Class=1, Error=0, Info=1, pszInfo= Setting router <instance>3</instance> address to <address>(037e:0001)</address> 01554726726287: Cmp=Profinet, Class=4, Error=1, Info=1, pszInfo=**** Controller Error: PNIO: LMPM signaled an error 01554726776374: Cmp=IECVisualization, Class=1, Error=0, Info=0, pszInfo= Visu_PRG: Creating Client for Extern-ID: 798076 01554726776374: Cmp=OnlineLicenseManager, Class=4, Error=0, Info=0, pszInfo=**** License for TargetVisualization not installed. 01554726776392: Cmp=IECVisualization, Class=1, Error=0, Info=0, pszInfo= Visu_PRG: Creating Client successful for Extern-ID: 798076 Returned IEC-ID: 0
Это может быть при выполнении инструкции не формирующей результат (например ‘CAL’).4213″‘S’ and ‘R’ require ‘BOOL’ operand»Используйте логическую переменную.4250″Another ‘ST’ statement or end of POU expected»Строка должна начинаться с корректной ST инструкции.4251″Too many parameters in function ‘<name>'»Число параметров больше, чем в объявлении функции.4252″Too few parameters in function ‘<name>'»Число параметров меньше, чем в объявлении функции.4253″‘IF’ or ‘ELSIF’ require ‘BOOL’ expression as condition»Условие IF или ELSIF должно содержать логическое выражение.4254″‘WHILE’ requires ‘BOOL’ expression as condition»Условие ‘WHILE’ должно содержать логическое выражение.4255″‘UNTIL’ requires ‘BOOL’ expression as condition»Условие ‘‘UNTIL’ должно содержать логическое выражение.CoDeSys V2.310-139Приложение J: Ошибки и предупреждения компилятора4256″‘NOT’ requires ‘BOOL’ operand»Убедитесь, что за ‘NOT’ следует логическое выражение.4257″Variable of ‘FOR’ statement must be of type ‘INT'»Убедитесь, что счетчик итераций ‘FOR’ целая переменная или битовая строка (т.е.
DINT, DWORD).4258″Expression in ‘FOR’ statement is no variable with write access»Используйте для счетчика итераций переменную с доступом на запись.4259″Start value in ‘FOR’ statement is no variable with write access»Начальное значение счетчика ‘FOR’ должно быть совместимо с типом переменной.4260″End value of ‘FOR’ statement must be of type ‘INT'»Конечное значение счетчика ‘FOR’ должно быть совместимо с типом переменной.4261″Increment value of ‘FOR’ statement must be of type ‘INT'»Значение приращения ‘FOR’ должно быть совместимо с типом переменной.4262″‘EXIT’ outside a loop»Используйте ‘EXIT’ только в циклах ‘FOR’, ‘WHILE’ или ‘UNTIL’.4263″Expecting Number, ‘ELSE’ or ‘END_CASE'»После ‘CASE’ должно быть число либо инструкция.4264″‘CASE’ requires selector of an integer type»Убедитесь, что оператор имеет тип целое или битовая строка (т.е.
DINT, DWORD).4265″Number expected after ‘,'»CoDeSys V2.310-140Приложение J: Ошибки и предупреждения компилятораВ перечислении в секторах CASE после запятой должно быть число.4266″At least one statement is required»Вставьте инструкцию или хотя бы точку с запятой.4267″Function block call requires function block instance»Объявите экземпляр вызываемого функционального блока или исправьте идентификатор.4268″Expression expected»Вставьте выражение.4269″‘END_CASE’ expected after ‘ELSE’-branch»Закройте ‘CASE’ после ‘ELSE’ с помощью ‘END_CASE’.4270″‘CASE’ constant ‘<name>’ already used»Селектор ‘CASE’ должен быть уникален в пределах одной ‘CASE’ инструкции.4271″The lower border of the range is greater than the upper border.»Измените границы диапазона так, чтобы начальный был меньше конечного.4272″Expecting parameter ‘<name>’ at place <position> in call of ‘<name>’!»При вызове функции можно использовать присваивание значений параметрам, но их последовательность нарушать нельзя.4273Parts of the ‘CASE’-Range ‘<range>’ already used in Range ‘<range>’Убедитесь, что диапазоны начальных CASE селекторов не пересекаются.4274″Multiple ‘ELSE’ branch in ‘CASE’ statement»CASE инструкция не должна содержать более одного ‘ELSE’.CoDeSys V2.310-141Приложение J: Ошибки и предупреждения компилятора4300″Jump requires ‘BOOL’ as input type»Убедитесь, что вход jump — логическое выражение.4301″POU ‘<name>’ need exactly <number> inputs»Число входов не соответствует заданному в объявлении VAR_INPUT и VAR_IN_OUT.4302″POU ‘<name>’ need exactly %d outputs».Число выходов не соответствует заданному в объявлении VAR_ OUTPUT.4303″‘<name>’ is no operator»Замените ‘<name>’ на допустимый оператор.4320″Non-boolean expression ‘<name>’ used with contact»Сигнал переключения контакта должен быть логического типа.4321″Non-boolean expression ‘<name>’ used with coil»Выходная переменная обмотки реле должна быть логического типа.4330″Expression expected at input ‘EN’ of the box ‘<name>’ «Задайте логическое выражение или соединение на вход EN.’.4331″Expression expected at input ‘<number>’ of the box ‘<Name>’ «Вход <number> оператора не присвоен.4332Expression expected at input ‘<name>’ of the box ‘<Name>'»Не присвоен вход типа VAR_IN_OUT.4333″Identifier in jump expected»CoDeSys V2.310-142Приложение J: Ошибки и предупреждения компилятораУказанная метка перехода отсутствует.4334″Expression expected at the input of jump»Задайте логическое выражение на вход jump.
Переход выполняется при значении TRUE.4335″Expression expected at the input of the return»Задайте логическое выражение на вход RETURN. Переход выполняется при значении TRUE.4336″Expression expected at the input of the output»Недопустимое выражение на входе блока.4337″Identifier for input expected»Задайте корректное выражение или идентификатор на входе блока.4338″Box ‘<name>’ has no inputs»Ни один из входов POU ‘<Name>’ не содержит корректного присвоения.4339″Typemismatch at output: Cannot convert ‘<name>’ to ‘<name>’.Тип выхода не может быть преобразован к требуемому.4340″Jump requires ‘BOOL’ as input type»Убедитесь, что вход jump — это логическое выражение.4341″Return needs a boolean input»Убедитесь, что вход RETURN — это логическое выражение.4342″Expression expected at input ‘EN’ of the box ‘<name>'»Задайте корректное логическое выражение на вход EN.CoDeSys V2.310-143Приложение J: Ошибки и предупреждения компилятора4343″Values of Constants: ‘<name>’»Вход объявлен как VAR_INPUT CONSTANT.
Но для данного POU в диалоге ‘Edit Parameters’ задановыражение несовместимого типа.4344″‘S’ and ‘R’ require ‘BOOL’ operand»Задайте допустимое логическое выражение после инструкции Set или Reset.4345″Unzulässiger Typ für Parameter ‘<Name>’ von ‘<Name>’: Kann ‘<Typ>’ nicht in ‘<Typ>’konvertieren.»Выражение на входе ‘<Name>’ несовместимого типа.4346″Not allowed to use a constant as an output»На выходе может быть только переменная или прямой адрес с доступом на запись.4347″‘VAR_IN_OUT’ parameter needs variable with write access as input»Для параметра VAR_IN_OUT допустима только переменная с доступом на запись.4348″Invalid program name ‘<name>’. A variable with the same name exists already.»Вы добавили элемент в редакторе CFC, который имеет то же имя, что и глобальная переменная, ужесуществующая в проекте.
Переименуйте элемент.4349“Input or output in POU <name> has been deleted: Check all connections to the box. This errormessage disappears only after the CFC was edited”Удален вход или выход POU. Проверьте все соединения данного POU в CFC.4350″An SFC-Action cannot be accessed from outside!»Действие SFC можно вызывать только из POU, в котором оно объявлено. Эта ошибка может возникнуть при правильном вызове действия из SFC POU, если МЭК шаги не используются, а библиотекаiecsfc.lib включена в проект.
В этом случае удалите библиотеку в менеджере библиотек и перекомпилируйте проект.CoDeSys V2.310-144Приложение J: Ошибки и предупреждения компилятора4351″Step name is no identifier: ‘<name>'»Переименуйте шаг либо выберите допустимый идентификатор.4352″Extra characters following valid step name: ‘<Name>'»Удалите недопустимые символы в имени шага.4353″Step name duplicated: ‘<Name>'»Удалите один из шагов.4354″Jump to undefined Step: ‘<Name>'»Задайте существующий шаг для перехода или создайте такой шаг.4355″A transition must not have any side effects (Assignments, FB-Calls etc.)»Условием перехода должно быть логическое выражение.4356″Jump without valid Step Name: ‘<Name>’ «Используйте правильно определенный идентификатор метки перехода.4357″IEC-Library not found»Убедитесь что библиотека iecsfc.lib подключена в Менеджере библиотек и путь, заданный в ‘Project’‘Options’, определен верно.4358″Action not declared: ‘<name>'»Убедитесь, что имя действия МЭК шага присутствует в SFC POU в Организаторе объектов и в прямоугольнике справа от классификатора в окне редактора SFC.4359″Invalid Qualifier: ‘<name>'»В прямоугольнике слева от имени действия введите МЭК классификатор действия.CoDeSys V2.310-145Приложение J: Ошибки и предупреждения компилятора4360″Time Constant expected after qualifier ‘<name>'»Введите рядом с классификатором слева от имени действия константу времени.4361″‘<name>’ is not the name of an action»Введите справа от классификатора имя действия или определенной в проекте переменной4362″Nonboolean expression used in action: ‘<name>'»Вставьте логическую переменную или верное имя действия.4363″IEC-Step name already used for variable: ‘<Name>'»Переименуйте шаг или переменную.4364″A transition must be a boolean expression»Результат условного выражения должен имеет тип BOOL.4365″Time Constant expected after qualifier ‘<name>'»Откройте диалог ‚step attributes’ шага ‘<Name>’ и задайте имя временной переменной или константувремени.4366″The label of the parallel branch is no valid identifier: ‘<Name>'»Введите корректный идентификатор рядом с треугольником перехода (jump).4367″The label ‘<name>’ is already used»Такая метка или одноименный шаг уже определены.
Измените идентификатор.4368″Action ‘<name>’ is used in multiple step chains, where one is containing the other!»Действие ‘<Name>’ используется в POU внутри одного или нескольких действий.CoDeSys V2.310-146Приложение J: Ошибки и предупреждения компилятора4369″Exactly one network requried for a transition»В условиях перехода задано несколько FBD или LD цепей. Оставьте только одну цепь.4370″Additional lines found after correct IL-transition»Удалите лишние строки в конце IL текста.4371″Invalid characters following valid expression: ‘<name>»Удалите лишние символы в конце выражения.4372″Step ‘<name>’: Time limit needs type ‘TIME'»Определите пределы времени шага в атрибутах шага через переменные типа TIME или константывремени (например, «t#200ms»).4373″IEC-actions are only allowed with SFC-POUs»Существует действие в не-SFC-POU (см.
Appendix J: — Compiler Errors and Warnings
«‘<Name>’: is no Library for the current machine type!»
The .obj file of the lib was generated for another device.
«<Name>: is no valid Library»
The file does not have the format requested for the actual target.
«The constant ‘<Name>’ hides a constant of the same name in a library»
In your project you have defined a constant which has the same name like one which is defined in a linked library. The library variable will be overwritten !
«Parameter manager: List ‘<Name>’ , Column ‘<Name>’, Value ‘<Name>’ could not be imported!»
Check the Import-file *.prm for entries which do not match the current configuration (standard values resp. XML-description file) of the Parameter Manager.
Global network variables ‘<Name>’ ‘<Name>’: simultaneous reading and writing may result in loss of data!»
In the configuration of the network variables list (Select list in the Resources tab and open dialog ‘Global variables list’ via command ‘Properties’ in the context menu) options ‘Read’ and ‘Write’ are activated. Regard that this might result in data losses during communication.
10.34 Errors
«Code too large. Maximum size: ‘<number>’ Byte (<number>K)»
The maximum program size is exceeded. Reduce project size.
«Total data too large. Maximum size: ‘<number>’ Byte (<number>K)»
Memory is exceeded. Reduce data usage of the application.
«Error in Library ‘<Name>’.»
The .hex file is not in INTEL Hex format.
«Library ‘<Name>’ is too large. Maximum size: 64K»
The .hex file exceeds the set maximum size.
«Nonrelocatable instruction in library.»
The .hex file contains a instruction which is not relocatable. The library code cannot be linked.
Appendix J: — Compiler Errors and Warnings
«Library code overwrites function tables.»
The ranges for code and function tables are overlapping.
«Library uses more than one segment.»
The tables and the code in the .hex file use more than one segment.
«Unable to assign constant to VAR_IN_OUT. Incompatible data types.»
The internal pointer format for string constants cannot get converted to the internal pointer format of VAR_IN_OUT, because the data are set «near» but the string constants are set » huge» or «far». If possible change these target settings.
«Function tables overwrite library code or a segment boundary.»
Code 166x: The external library cannot be used with the current target settings. These must be adapted resp. the library must be rebuilt with appropriate settings.
«Current code-segment exceeds 64K.»
The currently generated code is bigger than 64K. Eventually to much initializing code is created.
«POU too large.»
A POU may not exceed the size of 64K.
«Initialisation too large. Maximum size: 64K»
The initialization code for a function or a structure POU may not exceed 64K.
«Data segment too large: segment ‘<Number>%s’, size <size> bytes (maximum <number> bytes)»
Please contact your manufacturer.
«User-Stack too small: ‘<number>’ DWORD needed, ‘<number>’ DWORD available.»
The nesting depth of the POU calls is to big. Enter a higher stack size in the target settings or compile build project without option ‚Debug’ (can be set in dialog ‘Project’ ‘Options’ ‘Build’).
«User-Stack too small: ‘<number>’ WORD needed, ‘<number>’ WORD available.»
Please contact the PLC manufacturer.
«System-Stack too small: ‘<number>’ WORD needed, ‘<number>’ WORD available.»
Please contact the PLC manufacturer.
Appendix J: — Compiler Errors and Warnings
«Parameter <number> of function ‘<name>’: Cannot pass the result of a IEC-function as string parameter to a C-function.»
Use a intermediate variable, to which the result of the IEC function is assigned.
«Can’t open library file ‘<name>’.»
A library <name> is included in the library manager for this project, but the library file does not exist at the given path.
«Library ‘<name>’ contains no codesegment»
An .obj file of a library at least must contain one C function. Insert a dummy function in the .obj file, which is not defined in the .lib file.
«Could not resolve reference in Library ‘<name>'(Symbol ‘<name>’, Class ‘<name>’, Type ‘<name>’)»
The .obj file contains a not resolvable reference to another symbol. Please check-the settings of the C-Compiler.
«Unknown reference type in Library ‘<name>’ (Symbol ‘<name>’ , Class ‘<name>’ , Type ‘<name>’)»
The .obj file contains a reference type, which is not resolvable by the code generator. Please checkthe settings of the C-Compiler.
«<name>: Boolean expression to complex»
The temporary memory of the target system is insufficient for the size of the expression. Divide up the expression into several partial expressions thereby using assignments to intermediate variables.
«<name> (<network>): A network must not result in more than 512 bytes of code»
Internal jumps can not be resolved. Activate option «Use 16 bit jump offsets» in the 68k target settings.
«Stack overrun with nested string/array/structure function calls»
A nested function call CONCAT(x, f(i)) is used. This can lead to data loss. Divide up the call into two expressions.
«Expression too complex (too many used adress registers).»
Divide up the assignment in several expressions.
«A jump exceeds 32k Bytes»
Jump distances may not be bigger than 32767 bytes.
Appendix J: — Compiler Errors and Warnings
«Internal Error: Too many constant strings»
In a POU there at the most 3000 string constants may be used.
«Function block data exceeds maximal size»
A function block may produce maximum 32767 Bytes of code.
«Array optimization»
The optimization of the array accesses failed because during index calculation a function has been called.
«Conversion not implemented yet»
A conversion function is used, which is not implemented for the actual code generator.
«Operator not implemented»
A operator is used, which is not implemented for this data type and the actual code generator. MIN(string1,string2).
«Function ‘<Name>’ not found»
A function is called, which is not available in the project.
«Max string usage exceeded»
A variable of type string can be used in one expression 10 times at the most.
«Wrong library order at POU <POU name>»
The order of libraries for this POU does not match with that in the cslib.hex file. Correct the order accordingly. (only for 68K targets, if the checking option is activated in the target file.)
«Real not supported for 8 Bit Controller»
The target is currently not supported.
«date of day types are not supported for 8 Bit Controller»
The target is currently not supported.
«size of stack exeeds <number> bytes»
The target is currently not supported.
Appendix J: — Compiler Errors and Warnings
«Could not find hex file: ‘<Name>’ «
The target is currently not supported.
«Call to external library function could not be resolved.»
The target is currently not supported.
«Pointers are not supported for 8 bit controllers.»
Avoid using pointers in your program to get it running on the 8 bit system.
«An error ocurred during import of Access variables»
The .exp file contains an incorrect access variables section.
«An error ocurred during import of variable configuration»
The .exp file contains an incorrect configuration variables section.
«An error occured during import of global variables»
The .exp file contains an incorrect global variables section.
«Could not import <name>»
The section for object <name> in the .exp file is not correct.
«An error occured during import of task configuration»
The section for the task configuration the .exp file is not correct.
«An error occured during import of PLC configuration»
The section for the PLC configuration in the .exp file is not correct.
«Two steps with the name ‘<name’. Second step not imported.»
The section for the SFC POU in the .exp file contains two steps with equal names. Rename one of the steps in the export file.
«Predecessor step ‘<name>’ not found»
The step <name> is missing in the .exp file.
«Successor step ‘<name>’ not found»
Appendix J: — Compiler Errors and Warnings
The step <name> is missing in the .exp file.
«No successing transition for step ‘<´name>’ «
In the .exp file a transition is missing, which requires step <name> as preceeding step.
«No successing step for transition ‘<name>'»
In the .exp file a step is missing which requires the transition <name> as preceeding condition.
«Step ‘<name>’ not reachable from initial step»
In the .exp file the connection between step <name> and the initial step is missing.
«Macro ‘<name>’ not imported»
Check the export file.
«Error during import of the CAMs.»
You have imported an export file (*.exp) which contains erroneous information on a CAM. Check the export file.
«Error during import of the CNC program list»
You have imported an export file (*.exp) which contains erroneous information on a CNC program. Check the export file.
Error during import of the Alarm configuration»
You have imported an export file (*.exp) which contains erroneous information on the Alarm Configuration. Check the export file.
«PDO'<PDO-name>’: Missing COB-Id!»
Click on the button ‚Properties’ in the PLC configuration dialog for the module and enter a COB ID for the PDO <PDO Name>.
«Error during load: EDS-File ‘<name>’ could not be found, but is referenced in hardware configuration!»
Eventually the device file needed for the CAN configuration is not in the correct directory. Check the directory setting for configuration files in ‚Project’ ‘Options’ ‘Directories’.
«The module ‘<name>’ couldn’t be created!»
The device file for module <name> does not fit to the current configuration. Eventually it has been modified since the configuration has been set up in CoDeSys or it is corrupted.
Appendix J: — Compiler Errors and Warnings
«The channel ‘<name>’ couldn’t be created!»
The device file for channel <name> does not fit to the current configuration. Eventually it has been modified since the configuration has been set up in CoDeSys or it is corrupted.
«The address ‘<name>’ points to an used memory!»
Option ‘Check for overlapping addresses’ is activated in the dialog ‚Settings’ of the PLC configuration and an overlap has been detected. Regard, that the area check is based on the size which results of the data types of the modules, not on the size which is given by the entry ‚size’ in the configuration file.
«Error during load: GSD-File ‘<name>’ could not be found, but is referenced in hardware configuration!»
Eventually the device file required by the Profibus configuration is not in the correct directory. Check the directory setting for configuration files in ‚Project’ ‘Options’ ‘Directories’.
«The profibus device ‘<name>’ couldn’t be created!»
The device file for module <name> does not fit to the current configuration. Eventually it has been modified since the configuration has been set up in CoDeSys or it is corrupted.
«Error in module description!»
Please check the device file of this module.
«The PLC-Configuration couldn’t be created! Check the configuration files.»
Check if all required configuration and device files are available in the correct path (see defined compile directory in ‘Project’ ‘Options’ /Directories)
3S_CanDrv.lib has the wrong version.
Make sure, that the 3S_CanDrv.lib which is included in the project is up to date.
«3S_CanOpenMaster.lib has the wrong version.»
Make sure, that the 3S_CanOpenMaster.lib which is included in the project is up to date.
«3S_CanOpenDevice.lib has the wrong version.»
Make sure, that the 3S_CanOpenDevice.lib which is included in the project is up to date.
«3S_CanOpenManager.lib has the wrong version.»
Make sure, that the 3S_CanOpenManager.lib which is included in the project is up to date.
«3S_CanNetVar.lib has the wrong version.»
Appendix J: — Compiler Errors and Warnings
Make sure, that the 3S_CanNetVar.lib which is included in the project, is up to date.
«CanDevice: Sub indices have to be numerated sequentially»
In parameter lists used by the CanDevice the subindices must be numbered sequentially and without interruption. Check the corresponding list in the Parameter Manager.
«CAN network variables: No CAN controller found in the PLC configuration»
There are network variables configured for a CAN network (Resources, Global Variables), but in the PLC Configuration there is no CAN Controller available.
«CanDevice: Update task not available in the task configuration.»
The update task (used for calling the CANdevice), which is defined in the Base Settings dialog of the CANdevice in the PLC Configuration, must be configured in the Task Configuration of the project.
«No ‘VAR_CONFIG’ for ‘<Name>'»
Insert a declaration for this variable in the global variable list which contains the ‘Variable_Configuration’.
«No address in ‘VAR_CONFIG’ for ‘<name>’.»
Assign an address to this variable in the global variable list which contains the ‘Variable_Configuration’.
«Wrong data type for ‘<name>’ in ‘VAR_CONFIG»
In the global variables list which contains the ‚Variable_Configuration’ the variable is declared with a different data type than in the POU.
«Wrong data type for ‘<name>’ in ‘VAR_CONFIG'»
In the global variables list which contains the ‚Variable_Configuration’ the variable is declared with a different address than in the POU.
«Initial values are not supported for ‘VAR_CONFIG»
A variable of the ‚Variable_Configuration’ is declared with address and initial value. But an initial value can only be defined for input variables without address assignment.
«’<name>’is no valid instance path»
The Variable_Configuration contains a nonexisting variable.
«Access path expected»
In the global variable list for Access Variables the access path for a variable is not correct. Correct: <Identifier>:'<Access path>’:<Type> <Access mode>.
Appendix J: — Compiler Errors and Warnings
«No address specification for ‘VAR_ACCESS’-variables»
The global variable list for Access Variables contains an address assignment for a variable. This is not allowed.
Valid variable definition: <Identifier>:'<Access path>’:<Type> <Access mode>
«Duplicate definition of identifier ‘<name>'»
There are two tasks are defined with an identic same name. Rename one of them.
«The task ‘<name>’ must contain at least one program call»
Insert a program call or delete task.
«Event variable ‘<name>’ in task ‘<name>’ not defined»
There is an event variable set in the ‘Single’ field of the task properties dialog which is not declared globally in the project. Use another variable or define the variable globally.
«Event variable ‘<name>’ in task ‘<name>’ must be of type ‘BOOL'»
Use a variable of type BOOL as event variable in the ‘Single’ field of the task properties dialog.
«Task entry ‘<name>’ must be a program or global function block instance»
In the field ‚Program call’ a function or a not defined POU is entered. Enter a valid program name.
«The task entry ‘<name>’ contains invalid parameters»
In the field ‚Append program call’ there are parameters used which do not comply with the declaration of the program POU.
«Tasks are not supported by the currently selected target»
The currently defined task configuration cannot be used for the currently set target system. Change target or modify the task configuration correspondingly.
«Maximum number of Tasks (‘<number>’) exceeded»
The currently defined number of tasks exceeds the maximum number allowed for the currently set target system. Change target or modify the task configuration correspondingly. Attention: Do not edit the XML description file of the task configuration!
«Priority of task ‘<name>’ is out of valid range between ‘<lower limit>’ and ‘<upper limit>'»
The currently defined priority for the task is not valid for the currently set target system. Change target or modify the task configuration correspondingly.
Appendix J: — Compiler Errors and Warnings
«Task ‘<name>’: Interval-Tasks are not supported by the current target»
The current task configuration contains an interval task. This is not allowed by the currently set target system. Change target or modify the task configuration correspondingly.
«Task ‘<name>’: free wheeling tasks are not supported by the current target»
The current task configuration contains an free wheeling task. This is not allowed by the currently set target system. Change target or modify the task configuration correspondingly.
«Task ‘<name>’: event tasks are not supported by the current target»
The current task configuration contains event tasks which are not supported by the currently set target system. Change target or modify the task configuration correspondingly.
«Task ‘<name>’: external event tasks are not supported by the current target»
The current task configuration contains external event tasks which are not supported by the currently set target system. Change target or modify the task configuration correspondingly.
«The interval of task ‘<name>’ is out of valid range between ‘<lower limit>’ and ‘<upper limit>'»
Change the interval value in the configuration dialog for the task.
«The external event ‘<name>’ of task ‘<name>’ is not supported by the current target»
The currently set target system does not support the external event which is defined in the task configuration for this task. Change target or modify the task configuration correspondingly.
«Maximum number of event tasks (‘<number>’) exceeded»
The currently set target system does not allow as many event tasks as are defined at the moment. Change target or modify the task configuration correspondingly.
«Maximum number of interval tasks (‘<number>’) exceeded»
The currently set target system does not allow as many interval tasks as defined at the moment. Change target or modify the configuration correspondingly.
«Maximum number of free wheeling tasks (‘<number>’) exceeded»
The currently set target system does not allow as many free wheeling tasks as defined at the moment. Change target or modify the configuration correspondingly.
«Maximum number of external interval tasks (‘<number>’) exceeded»
The currently set target system does not allow as many external interval tasks as defined at the moment. Change target or modify the configuration correspondingly.
Appendix J: — Compiler Errors and Warnings
«POU ‘<name>’ for system event ‘<name>’ not defined»
The POU which should be called by the named system event, as defined in the task configuration, is not available in the project. Modify the task configuration correspondingly or make sure that the POU is available in the project.
«The tasks ‘<name>’ and ‘<name>’ share the same priority»
Modify the task configuration so that each task has a different priority.
«The library ‘SysLibCallback’ is not included in the project! System events can not be generated.»
In order to create event tasks, the SysLibCallback.lib is needed. Link this library to the project in the library manager or modify the task configuration (task attributes) in that way that there is no task triggered by an event.
«Implicit variables not found!»
Use command ‚Rebuild all’. If nevertheless you get the error message again please contact the PLC manufacturer.
«<name> is a reserved variable name»
The given variable is declared in the project, although it is reserved for the codegenerator. Rename the variable.
» ‘<Name>’ not supported»
The given feature is not supported by the current version of the programming system.
«The given compile directory ‘<name>’ is invalid»
There is an invalid directory given in the ‚Project’ ‚Options’ ‚Directories’ for the Compile files.
«Maximum number of POUs (<number>) exceeded! Compile is aborted.»
Too many POUs and data types are used in the project. Modify the maximum number of POUs in the Target Settings / Memory Layout.
«Build canceled»
The compile process was cancelled by the user.
«Project must contain a POU named ‘<name>’ (main routine) or a taskconfiguration»
Create an init POU of type Program (e.g. PLC_PRG) or set up a task configuration.
Appendix J: — Compiler Errors and Warnings
«<Name> (main routine) must be of type program»
A init POU (e.g. PLC_PRG) is used in the project which is not of type Program.
«Programs musn’t be implemented in external libraries»
The project which should be saved as an external library contains a program. This will not be available, when the library will be used.
«Out of memory»
Increase the virtual memory capacity of your computer.
«BitAccess not supported in current code generator!»
The code generator for the currently set target system does not support bit access on variables.
«Object file ‘<name>’ and library ‘<name>’ have different versions!»
Make sure that for the library there are available matching versions of *.lib and *.obj resp. *.hex files. These files must have the very same time stamp.
«The POU ‘<name>’ must not be present inside a library»
You want to save the project as a library of version 2.1. In this version a library may not contain a PLC_PRG object. Use a different POU name.
» POU with name ‘<name>’ is already in library ‘<name>'»
A POU name is used in the project, which is already used for a library POU. Rename the POU.
«Name used in interface is not identical with POU Name»
Use command ‘Project’ ‘Rename object’ to rename the POU in the object organizer, or change the name of the POU in the declaration window. There the POU name has to be placed next to one of the keywords PROGRAM, FUNCTION or FUNCTIONBLOCK.
«Overflow of identifier list»
Maximum 100 identifiers can be entered in one variable declaration.
«Duplicate definition of identifier ‘<Name>'»
Take care that there is only one identifier with the given name in the declaration part of the POU.
«data recursion: «<POU 0> -> <POU 1> -> .. -> <POU 0>»»
An instance of a function block is used, which calls itself.
Appendix J: — Compiler Errors and Warnings
«<Name>: VAR_IN_OUT in Top-Level-POU not allowed, if there is no Task-Configuration»
Create a task configuration or make sure that there are no VAR_IN_OUT variables used in PLC_PRG.
«Address expected after ‘AT'»
Add a valid address after the keyword AT or modify the keyword.
«Only ‘VAR’ and ‘VAR_GLOBAL’ can be located to addresses»
Put the declaration to a VAR or VAR_GLOBAL declaration area.
«Only ‘BOOL’ variables allowed on bit addresses»
Modify the address or modify the type of the variable to which the address is assigned.
«Constants can not be laid on direct addresses»
Modify the address assignment correspondingly.
«No array declaration allowed on this address»
Modify the address assignment correspondingly.
«Invalid address: ‘<address>'»
This address is not supported by the PLC configuration. Check PLC configuration resp. modify address.
«Invalid type ‘<name>’ at address: ‘<Name>’ «
The type of this variable cannot be placed on the given address. Example: For a target system working with ‘alignment 2’ the following declaration is not valid: var1 AT %IB1:WORD;
«Invalid type: ‘<Name>’ «
An invalid data type is used in a variable declaration.
«Expecting type specification»
A keyword or an operator is used instead of a valid type identifier.
«Enumeration value expected»
In the definition of the enumeration type an identifier is missing after the opening bracket or after a comma between the brackets.
Appendix J: — Compiler Errors and Warnings
«Integer number expected»
Enumerations can only be initialized with numbers of type INT.
«Enum constant ‘<name>’ already defined»
Check if you have followed the following rules for the definition of enumeration values:
•Within one enum definition all values have to be unique.
•Within all global enum definitions all values have to be unique.
•Within all local enum definitions all values have to be unique.
«Subranges are only allowed on Integers!»
Subrange types can only be defined resting on integer data types.
«Subrange ‘<name>’ is not compatible with Type ‘<name>'»
One of the limits set for the range of the subrange type is out of the range which is valid for the base type.
«unknown string length: ‘<name>'»
There is a not valid constant used for the definition of the string length.
«More than three dimensions are not allowed for arrays»
More than the allowed three dimensions are given in the definition of an array. If applicable use an ARRAY OF ARRAY.
«lower bound ‘<name>’ not defined»
There is a not defined constant used to define the lower limit for a subrange or array type.
«upper bound ‘<name>’ not defined»
There is a not defined constant used to define the upper limit for a subrange or array type.
«Invalid string length ‘<number of characters>'»
The here defined string length exceeds the maximum value which is defined for the currently set target system.
«Error in initial value»
Use an initial value which corresponds to the type definition. To change the declaration you can use the declaration dialog for variables (Shift/F2 or ‘Edit»Autodeclare’).
Appendix J: — Compiler Errors and Warnings
«‘VAR_IN_OUT’ variables must not have an initial value.»
Remove the initialization at the declaration of the VAR_IN_OUT variable.
«‘VAR’, ‘VAR_INPUT’, ‘VAR_OUTPUT’ or ‘VAR_IN_OUT’ expected»
The first line following the name of a POU must contain one of these keywords.
«‘END_VAR’ or identifier expected»
Enter a valid identifier of a END_VAR at the beginning of the given line in the declaration window.
«Unexpected end»
In the declaration editor: Add keyword END_VAR at the end of the declaration part.
In the texteditor of the programming part: Add an instruction which terminates the last instruction sequence (e.g. END_IF).
«END_STRUCT’ or identifier expected»
Ensure that the type declaration is terminated correctly.
«The current target doesn’t support attribute <attribute name>»
The target system does not support this type of variables (e.g. RETAIN, PERSISTENT)
«The global variables need too much memory. Increase the available memory in the project options.»
Increase the number of segments given in the settings in dialog ‚Project’ ‚Options’ ‚Build’.
«The variable ‘<Name>’ is too big. (<size> byte)»
The variable uses a type which is bigger than 1 data segment. The segment size is a target specific parameter and can be modified in the target settings/memory layout. If you do not find this in the current target settings, please contact your PLC manufacturer.
«Out of retain memory. Variable ‘<name>’, <number> bytes.»
The memory space available for Retain variables is exhausted. The size of the memory area can be set target-specific in the target settings /memory layout. If you do not find the settings field in the dialog, please contact your PLC manufacturer. (Please regard: If retain variables are used in an function block instance, the complete instance POU will be stored in the retain memory area !)
«Out of global data memory. Variable ‘<name>’, ‚<number>’ bytes.»
The memory space available for global variables is exhausted. Der verfügbare Speicherplatz für globale Variablen ist erschöpft. The size of the memory area can be set target-specific in the target
Appendix J: — Compiler Errors and Warnings
settings /memory layout. If you do not find the settings field in the dialog, please contact your PLC manfacturer.
«‘VAR_OUTPUT’ and ‘VAR_IN_OUT’ not allowed in functions»
In a function no output or in_output variables may be defined.
«At least one input required for functions»
Add at least on input parameter for the function.
«Unknown global variable ‘<name>’!»
In the POU a VAR_EXTERNAL variable is used, for which no global variable declared.
«Declaration of ‘<name>’ do not match global declaration!»
The type given in the declaration of the VAR_EXTERNAL variable is not the same as that in the global declaration.
«Multiple underlines in indentifier»
Remove multiple underlines in the identifier name.
«At most 4 numerical fields allowed in addresses»
There is a direct assignment to an address which has more than four levels. (e.g. %QB0.
«Keywords must be uppercase»
Use capital letters for the keyword or activate option ‚Autoformat’ in ‚Project’ ‚Options’.
«Invalid duration constant»
The notation of the constant does not comply with the IEC61131-3 format.
«Overflow in duration constant»
The value used for the time constant cannot be represented in the internal format. The maximum value which is presentable is t#49d17h2m47s295ms.
«Invalid date constant»
The notation of the constant dies not comply with the IEC61131-3 format.
«Invalid time of day constant»
The notation of the constant does not comply with the IEC61131-3 format.
Appendix J: — Compiler Errors and Warnings
«Invalid date and time constant»
The notation of the constant does not comply with the IEC61131-3 format.
«Invalid string constant»
The string constant contains an invalid character.
«Identifier expected»
Enter a valid identifier at this position.
«Variable ‘<Name>’ not declared»
Declare variable local or global.
«Type mismatch: Cannot convert ‘<Name>’ to ‘<Name>’.»
Check what data type the operator expects (Browse Online Help for name of operator) and change the type of the variable which has caused the error, or select another variable.
«Type mismatch in parameter ‘<Name>’ of ‘<Name>’: Cannot convert ‘<Name>’ to ‘<Name>’.»
The data type of the actual parameter cannot be automatically converted to that of the formal parameter. Use a type conversion or use another variable type.
«Type mismatch in parameter ‘<Name>’ of ‘<Name>’: Cannot convert ‘<Name>’ to ‘<Name>’.»
A value with the invalid type <Typ2> is assigned to the input variable ‘<Name>’. Replace the variable or constant to one of type <Typ1> or use a type conversion respectively a constant with type-prefix.
«Type mismatch in output ‘<Name>’ of ‘<Name>’: Cannot convert ‘<Name>’ to ‘<Name>’.»
A value with the invalid type <Typ2> is assigned to the output variable ‘<Name>’. Replace the variable or constant to one of type <Typ1> or use a type conversion respectively a constant with type-prefix.
«Typed literal: Cannot convert ‘<name>’ to ‘<name>'»
The type of the constant is not compatible with the type of the prefix. Example: SINT#255
«Data type ‘<name>’ illegal for direct bit access»
Direct bit addressing is only allowed for Integerand Bitstring datatypes. You are using a variable var1 of type Typ REAL/LREAL or a constant in bit access <var1>.<bit>.
«Bit index ‘<number>’ out of range for variable of type ‘<name>'»
Appendix J: — Compiler Errors and Warnings
You are trying to access a bit which is not defined for the data type of the variable.
«‘MOD’ is not defined for ‘REAL'»
The operator MOD can only be used for integer and bitstring data types.
«Variable with write access or direct address required for ‘ST’, ‘STN’, ‘S’, ‘R'»
Replace the first operand by a variable with write access.
«No write access to variable ‘<name>’ allowed»
Replace the variable by a variable with write access.
«Operand expected»
Add an operand behind the command.
«Number expected after ‘+’ or ‘-‘»
Enter a digit.
«Expecting <Operator 0> or <Operator 1> or … before ‘<Name>'»
Enter a valid operand at the named position.
«Expecting ‘:=’ or ‘=>’ before ‘<Name>'»
Enter one of the both operators at the named position.
«‘BITADR’ expects a bit address or a variable on a bit address»
Use a valid bit address (e.g. %IX0.1).
«Integer number or symbolic constant expected»
Enter a integer number or the identifier of a valid constant.
«‘INI’ operator needs function block instance or data unit type instance»
Check the data type of the variable, for which the INI operator is used.
«Nested calls of the same function are not possible.»
At not reentrant target systems and in simulation mode a function call may not contain a call of itself as a parameter.
Example: fun1(a,fun1(b,c,d),e);
Appendix J: — Compiler Errors and Warnings
Use an intermediate table.
«Expressions and constants are not allowed as operands of ‘ADR'»
Replace the constant or the expression by a variable or a direct address.
«‘ADR’ is not allowed on bits! Use ‘BITADR’ instead.»
Use BITADR. Please note: The BITADR function does not return a physical memory address.
«’<number>’ operands are too few for ‘<name>’. At least ‘<number>’ are needed»
Check how many operands the named operator requires and add the missing operands.
«’<number>’ operands are too many for ‘<name>’. At least ‘<number>’ are needed»
Check how many operands the named operator requires and remove the surplus operands.
«Division by 0»
You are using a division by 0 in a constant expression. If you want to provocate a runtime error, use – if applicable — a variable with the value 0.
«ADR must not be applied on ‘VAR CONSTANT’ if ‘replaced constants’ is activated»
An address access on constants for which the direct values are used, is not possible. If applicable, deactivate the option ‚Replace Constants’ in ‚Project’ ‚Options’ ‚Build’.
«Label ‘<name>’ is not defined»
Define a label with the name <LabelName> or change the name <LabelName> to that of a defined label.
«Duplicate definition of label ‘<name>'»
The label ‘<Name>’ is multiple defined in the POU. Rename the label or remove one of the definitions.
«No more than <number> labels in sequence are allowed»
The number of jump labels is limited to ‘<Anzahl>’. Insert a dummy instruction.
«Format of label invalid. A label must be a name optionally followed by a colon.
«The label name is not valid or the colon is missing in the definition.
«POU ‘%s’ is not defined»
Appendix J: — Compiler Errors and Warnings
Define a POU with the name ‘<Name>’ using the command ‘Project’ ‘Add Object’ or change ‘<Name>’ to the name of a defined POU.
«‘%s’ is no function»
Use instead of <Name> a function name which is defined in the project or in the libraries.
«‘<name>’ must be a declared instance of FB ‘<name>'»
Use an instance of data type ‘<Name>’ which is defined in the project or change the type of <Instance name> to ‘<Name>’.
«‘<name>’ is no valid box or operator»
Replace ‘<Name>’ by the name of a POU or an operator defined in the project.
«POU name expected as parameter of ‘INDEXOF'»
The given parameter is not a valid POU name.
«‘VAR_IN_OUT’ parameter ‘<name>’ of ‘<name>’ needs variable with write access as input»
To VAR_IN_OUT parameters variables with write access have to be handed over, because a VAR_IN_OUT can be modified within the POU.
«‘VAR_IN_OUT’ parameter ‘<name>’ of ‘<name>’ must be used.»
A VAR_IN_OUT parameter must get handed over a variable with write access, because a VAR_IN_OUT can be modified within the POU.
«No external access to ‘VAR_IN_OUT’ parameter ‘<name>’ of ‘<name>’.»
VAR_IN_OUT Parameter only may be written or read within the POU, because they are handed over by reference.
«‘VAR_IN_OUT’ parameter ‘<name>’ of ‘<name>’ must not be used with bit addresses.»
A bit address is not a valid physical address. Hand over a variable or a direct non-bit address.
«‘VAR_IN_OUT’ must not be overwritten in local action call!»
Delete the parameters set for the VAR_IN_OUT variable in the local action call.
«The POU contains a too complex expression»
Decrease nesting depth by dividing up the expression into several expressions. Use intermediate variables for this purpose.
Appendix J: — Compiler Errors and Warnings
«Network too complex»
Divide up the network into several networks.
«Inconsistent use of an action identifier in FB type (‘<name>’) and instance (‘<name>’).»
You have defined two actions of a function block fb: e.g. a1 and a2, but in the call of one of the actions in the FBD you are using a type (string within the box, e.g. fb.a1 different to that used in the instancename (e.g. inst.a2, above box). Correct the name correspondingly into the name of the desired action.
«‘^’ needs a pointer type»
You are trying to dereference a variable which is not declared as a pointer.
«‘[<index>]’ needs array variable»
[<index>] is used for a variable which is not declared as an array with ARRAY OF.
«Index expression of an array must be of type ‘INT'»
Use an expression of the correct type or a type conversion.
«Too many indexes for array»
Check the number of indices (1, 2, or 3), for which the array is declared and remove the surplus.
«Too few indexes for array»
Check the number of indices (1, 2, or 3), for which the array is declared and add the missing ones.
«One of the constant indizes is not within the array range»
Make sure that the used indices are within the bounds of the array.
«‘.’ needs structure variable»»
The identifier on the left hand of the dot must be a variable of type STRUCT or FUNCTION_BLOCK or the name of a FUNCTION or a PROGRAM.
» ‘<Name>’ is not a component of <object name>»
The component ‘<Name>’ is not included in the definition of the object <object name>.
«‘<name>’ is not an input variable of the called function block»
Check the input variables of the called function block and change ‘<name>’ to one of these.
Appendix J: — Compiler Errors and Warnings
«‘LD’ expected»
Insert at least one LD instruction after the jump label in the IL editor.
«IL Operator expected»
Each IL instruction must start with an operator or a jump label.
«Unexpected end of text in brackets»
Insert a closing bracket after the text.
«<Name> in brackets not allowed»
The operator <name> is not valid in a IL bracket expression. (not valid are: ‘JMP’, ‘RET’, ‘CAL’, ‘LDN’, ‘LD’, ‘TIME’)
«Closing bracket with no corresponding opening bracket»
Insert an opening bracket or remove the closing one.
«No comma allowed after ‘)'»
Remove comma after closing bracket.
«Label in brackets not allowed»
Shift jump label so that it is outside of the brackets.
«‘N’ modifier requires operand of type ‘BOOL’,’BYTE’,’WORD’ or ‘DWORD'»
The N modifier requires a data type, for which a boolean negation can be executed.
«Conditional Operator requires type ‘BOOL'»
Make sure that the expression gives out a boolean result or use a type conversion.
«Function name not allowed here»
Replace the function call by a variable or a constant.
«‘CAL’, ‘CALC’ and ‘CALN’ require a function block instance as operand»
Declare an instance of the function block which you want to call.
«Comments are only allowed at the end of line in IL»
Appendix J: — Compiler Errors and Warnings
Shift the comment to the end of the line or to an extra line.
«Accumulator is invalid before conditional statement»
The accu is not defined. This happens if an instruction is preceeding which does not submit a result (e.g. ‘CAL’).
«‘S’ and ‘R’ require ‘BOOL’ operand»
Use a boolean variable at this place.
«Another ‘ST’ statement or end of POU expected»
The line does not start with a valid ST instruction.
«Too many parameters in function ‘<name>'»
There are more parameters given than are declared in the definition of the function.
«Too few parameters in function ‘<name>'»
There are less parameters given than are declared in the definition of the function.
«‘IF’ or ‘ELSIF’ require ‘BOOL’ expression as condition»
Make sure that the condition for IF or ELSIF is a boolean expression.
«‘WHILE’ requires ‘BOOL’ expression as condition»
Make sure that the condition following the ‘WHILE’ is a boolean expression.
«‘UNTIL’ requires ‘BOOL’ expression as condition»
Make sure that the condition following the ‘UNTIL’ is a boolean expression.
«‘NOT’ requires ‘BOOL’ operand»
Make sure that the condition following the ‘NOT’ is a boolean expression.
«Variable of ‘FOR’ statement must be of type ‘INT'»
Make sure that the counter variable is of an integer or bitstring data type (e.g. DINT, DWORD).
«Expression in ‘FOR’ statement is no variable with write access»
Replace the counter variable by a variable with write access.
Appendix J: — Compiler Errors and Warnings
«Start value in ‘FOR’ statement is no variable with write access»
The start value in the ‚FOR’ instruction must be compatible to the type of the counter variable.
«End value of ‘FOR’ statement must be of type ‘INT'»
The end value in the ‚FOR’ instruction must be compatible to the type of the counter variable.
«Increment value of ‘FOR’ statement must be of type ‘INT'»
The incremental value in the ‚FOR’ instruction must be compatible to the type of the counter variable.
«‘EXIT’ outside a loop»
Use ‘EXIT’ only within ‘FOR’, ‘WHILE’ or ‘UNTIL’ instructions.
«Expecting Number, ‘ELSE’ or ‘END_CASE'»
Within a ‘CASE’ expression you only can use a number or a ‘ELSE’ instruction or the ending instruction ‘END_CASE’.
«‘CASE’ requires selector of an integer type»
Make sure that the selector is of an integer or bitstring data type (e.g. DINT, DWORD).
«Number expected after ‘,'»
In the enumeration of the CASE selectors there must be inserted a further selector after a comma.
«At least one statement is required»
Insert an instruction, at least a semicolon.
«Function block call requires function block instance»
The identifier in the function block call is no instance. Declare an instance of the desired functionblock or use the name of an already defined instance.
«Expression expected»
Insert an expression.
«‘END_CASE’ expected after ‘ELSE’-branch»
Terminate the ‘CASE’ instruction after the ‘ELSE’ part with an ‘END_CASE’.
«‘CASE’ constant ‘<name>’ already used»
Appendix J: — Compiler Errors and Warnings
A ‘CASE’ selector may only be used once within a ‘CASE’ instruction.
«The lower border of the range is greater than the upper border.»
Modify the area bounds for the selectors so that the lower border is not higher than the upper border.
«Expecting parameter ‘<name>’ at place <position> in call of ‘<name>’!»
You can edit a function call in that way, that also the parameter names are contained, not only the parameter values. But nevertheless the position (sequence) of the parameters must be the same as in the function definition.
Parts of the ‘CASE’-Range ‘<range>’ already used in Range ‘<range>’
Make sure that the areas for the selectors which are used in the CASE instruction, don’t overlap.
«Multiple ‘ELSE’ branch in ‘CASE’ statement»
A CASE instruction may not contain more than one ‚ELSE’ instruction.
«Jump requires ‘BOOL’ as input type»
Make sure that the input for the jump respectively the RETURN instruction is a boolean expression.
«POU ‘<name>’ need exactly <number> inputs»
The number of inputs does not correspond to the number of VAR_INPUT and VAR_IN_OUT variables which is given in the POU definition.
«POU ‘<name>’ need exactly %d outputs».
The number of outputs does not correspond to the number of VAR_OUTPUT variables which is given in the POU definition.
«‘<name>’ is no operator»
Replace ‘<Name>’ by a valid operator.
«Non-boolean expression ‘<name>’ used with contact»
The switch signal for a contact must be a boolean expression.
«Non-boolean expression ‘<name>’ used with coil»
The output variable of a coil must be of type BOOL.
«Expression expected at input ‘EN’ of the box ‘<name>’ «
Appendix J: — Compiler Errors and Warnings
Assign an input or an expression to the input EN of POU ‘<Name>’.
«Expression expected at input ‘<number>’ of the box ‘<Name>’ «
The input <number> of the operator POU is not assigned.
Expression expected at input ‘<name>’ of the box ‘<Name>'»
The input of the POU is of type VAR_IN_OUT and is not assigned.
«Identifier in jump expected»
The given jump mark is not a valid identifier.
«Expression expected at the input of jump»
Assign a boolean expression to the input of the jump. If this is TRUE, the jump will be executed.
«Expression expected at the input of the return»
Assign a boolean expression to the input of the RETURN instruction. If this is TRUE, the jump will be executed.
«Expression expected at the input of the output»
Assign a suitable expression to the output box.
«Identifier for input expected»
Insert a valid expression or identifier in the input box.
«Box ‘<name>’ has no inputs»
To none of the inputs of the operator POU ‘<Name>’ a valid expression is assigned.
«Typemismatch at output: Cannot convert ‘<name>’ to ‘<name>’.
The type of the expression in the output box is not compatible to that of the expression which should be assigned to it.
«Jump requires ‘BOOL’ as input type»
Make sure that the input for the jump is a boolean expression.
«Return needs a boolean input»
Make sure that the input for the RETURN instruction is a boolean expression.
Appendix J: — Compiler Errors and Warnings
«Expression expected at input ‘EN’ of the box ‘<name>'»
Assign a valid boolean expression to the EN input of the box.
«Values of Constants: ‘<name>’»
Input ‘<Name>’ of box ‘<Name>’ is declared as VAR_INPUT CONSTANT. But to this POU box an expression has been assigned in the dialog ‘Edit Parameters’ which is not type compatible.
«‘S’ and ‘R’ require ‘BOOL’ operand»
Insert a valid boolean expression after the Set resp. Reset instruction.
«Unzulässiger Typ für Parameter ‘<Name>’ von ‘<Name>’: Kann ‘<Typ>’ nicht in ‘<Typ>’ konvertieren.»
An expression is assigned to input ‘<Name>’ of POU box ‘<Name>’ which is not type compatible.
«Not allowed to use a constant as an output»
You can only assign an output to a variable or a direct address with write access.
«‘VAR_IN_OUT’ parameter needs variable with write access as input»
To VAR_IN_OUT parameters only variables with write access can be handed over, because these can be modified within the POU.
«An SFC-Action can not be accessed from outside!»
SFC actions only can be called within the SFC POU in which they are defined.
«Step name is no identifier: ‘<name>'»
Rename the step or choose a valid identifier as step name.
«Extra characters following valid step name: ‘<Name>'»
Remove the not valid characters in the step name.
«Step name duplicated: ‘<Name>'»
Rename one of the steps.
«Jump to undefined Step: ‘<Name>'»
Choose an existent step name as aim of the jump resp. insert a step with name ‚<name>’.
Appendix J: — Compiler Errors and Warnings
«A transition must not have any side effects (Assignments, FB-Calls etc.)»
A transition must be a boolean expression.
«Jump without valid Step Name: ‘<Name>’ «
Use a valid identifier as aim (mark) of the jump.
«IEC-Library not found»
Check whether the library iecsfc.lib is inserted in the library manager and whether the library paths defined in ‘Project’ ‘Options’ ‘Paths’ are correct.
«Action not declared: ‘<name>'»
Make sure that in the object organizer the action of the IEC step is inserted below the SFC POU and that in the editor the action name is inserted in the box on the right hand of the qualifier.
«Invalid Qualifier: ‘<name>'»
In the box on the left hand of the action name enter a qualifier for the IEC action.
«Time Constant expected after qualifier ‘<name>'»
Enter next to the box on the left hand of the action name a time constant behind the qualifier.
«‘<name>’ is not the name of an action»
Enter next to the box on the right hand of the qualifier the name of an action or the name of a variable which is defined in the project.
«Nonboolean expression used in action: ‘<name>'»
Insert a boolean variable or a valid action name.
«IEC-Step name already used for variable: ‘<Name>'»
Please rename the step or the variable.
«A transition must be a boolean expression»
The result of the transition expression must be of type BOOL.
«Time Constant expected after qualifier ‘<name>'»
Open dialog ‚step attributes’ for the step ‘<Name>’ and enter a valid time variable or time constant.
Appendix J: — Compiler Errors and Warnings
«The label of the parallel branch is no valid identifier: ‘<Name>'»
Enter a valid identifier next to the triangle which marks the jump label.
«The label ‘<name>’ is already used»
There is already a jump label or a step with this name. Please rename correspondingly.
«Action ‘<name>’ is used in multiple step chains, where one is containing the other!»
The action ‘<Name>’ is used in the POU as well as in one or several actions of the POU.
«Exactly one network requried for a transition»
There are used several FBD resp. LD networks for a transition. Please reduce to 1 network.
«Additional lines found after correct IL-transition»
Remove the not needed lines at the end of the transition.
«Invalid characters following valid expression: ‘<name>»
Remove the not needed characters at the end of the transition.
«Step ‘<name>’: Time limit needs type ‘TIME'»
Define the time limits of the step in the step attributes by using a variable of type TIME or by a time definition in correct format (e.g. «t#200ms»).
«IEC-actions are only allowed with SFC-POUs»
There is an action assigned to a non-SFC-POU (see in the Object Organizer), which is programmed in SFC and which contains IEC actions. Replace this action by one which contains no IEC actions.
«Step expected instead of transition ‘<name>'»
The SFC POU is corrupt, possibly due to any export-import actions.
«Transition expected instead of step ‘<name>'»
The SFC POU is corrupt, possibly due to any export-import actions.
«Step expected after transition ‘<name>'»
The SFC POU is corrupt, possibly due to any export-import actions.
«Transition expected after step ‘<name>‘«
Appendix J: — Compiler Errors and Warnings
The SFC POU is corrupt, possibly due to any export-import actions.
Import / conversion of POU ‘<name>’ contains errors resp. is not complete.»
The POU cannot be converted to IEC 61131-3 completely.
«S5 time constant <number> seconds is too big (max. 9990s).»
There is no valid BCD coded time in the accu.
«Direct access only allowed on I/Os.»
Make sure that you only access variables which are defined as input or output.
«STEP5/7 instruction invalid or not convertible to IEC 61131-3.»
Some STEP5/7 commands are not convertible to IEC 61131-3, e.g. CPU commands like MAS.
«STEP5/7 operand invalid or not convertible to IEC 61131-3.»
Some STEP5/7 operands are not convertible to IEC 61131-3 respectively an operand is missing.
«Reset of a STEP5/7 timer cannot be converted into IEC 61131-3.»
The corresponding IEC timer have no reset input.
«STEP5/7 Counter constant out of range (max. 999).»
There is no valid BCD coded counter constant in the accu.
«STEP5 instruction not convertible to IEC 61131-3.»
Some STEP5/7 instructions cannot be converted to IEC 61131-3, e.g. DUF.
«Bit access of timer or counter words not convertible into IEC 61131-3.»
Special timer/counter commands are not convertible into IEC 61131-3.
«Contents of ACCU1 or ACCU2 undefined, not convertible into IEC 61131-3.»
A command, which connects the both accus, cannot be converted, because the accu values are not defined.
«Called POU not in project.»
Import the called POU.
Appendix J: — Compiler Errors and Warnings
«Error in global variable list.»
Please check the SEQ file.
«Internal error no.11»
Please contact the PLC manufacturer.
«Error in format of line in data block»
In the code which should be imported there is an erroneous date.
«FB/FX name missing.»
In the original S5D file the symbolic name of an (extended) POU is missing.
«Instruction after block end not allowed.»
A protected POU cannot get imported.
«Invalid command»
The S5/S7 command cannot be disassembled.
«Comment not closed»
Close the comment with «*)».
«FB/FX-Name too long (max. 8 characters)»
The symbolic name of an (extended) POU is to long.
«Expected format of line «»(* Name: <FB/FX-Name> *)»» «
Correct the line correspondingly.
«Name of FB/FX parameter missing»
Check the POUs.
«Type of FB/FX parameter invalid»
Check the POUs.
«Type of FB/FX parameter missing»
Check the POUs.
Appendix J: — Compiler Errors and Warnings
«Invalid FB/FX call parameter»
Check the interface of the POU.
«Warning: FB/FX for call either missing or parameters invalid or has ‘0’ parameters»
The called POU is not imported yet or is not correct or has no parameters (in the last case you can ignore the error message).
«Definition of label missing»
The aim (label) of the jump is not defined.
«POU does not have a valid STEP 5 block name, e.g. PB10»
Modify the POU name.
«Timer type not declared»
Add a declaration of the timer in the global variables list.
«Maximum number of open STEP5 brackets exceeded»
You may not use more than seven open brackets.
«Error in name of formal parameter»
The parameter name may not exceed four characters.
«Type of formal parameter not IEC-convertible»
In IEC 61131-3 Timer, counter and POUs cannot be converted as formal parameters.
«Too many ‘VAR_OUTPUT’ parameters for a call in STEP5 STL»
A POU may not contain more than 16 formal parameters as outputs.
«Labels within an expression are not allowed»
In IEC 61131-3 jump labels may not be inserted at any desired position.
«Too many labels»
A POU may not contain more than 100 labels.
«After jump / call, a new expression must start»
Appendix J: — Compiler Errors and Warnings
After jump or call a Load command LD must follow.
«Bit result undefined, not convertible to IEC 61131-3.»
The command which is used by VKE cannot get converted, because the value of the VKE is not known.
«Type of instruction and operand are not compatible»
A bit command is used for a word operand or the other way round.
«No data block opened (insert instruction C DB before)»
Insert a «A DB».
«Unrecognized variable or address»
The watch variable is not declared within the project. By pressing <F2> you get the input assistant which lists the declared variables.
«Extra characters following valid watch expression»
Remove the surplus signs.
«Error in Pragma: Flag expected before ‘<Name>’!»
The pragma is not correct. Check whether ‘<Name>’ is a valid flag.
«Error in Pragma: Unexpected element ‘<Name>’!»
Check whether pragma is composed correctly.
«flag off’ pragma expected!»
Pragma has not been terminated, insert a ‘flag off’ instruction.
«Pragma {<Pragmaname>} not allowed in interface of type ‘<Name>'»
Das Pragma cannot be used at this location. Please see the CoDeSys Online Help resp. Users Guide, keyword ‘pragma’ for the correct use of pragmas.
«Index out of defined range : Variable OD «number>, Line <line number>.»
Ensure that the index is within the area which is defined in the target settings/networkfunctionality.
«Subindex out of defined range : Variable OD «number>, Line <line number>.»
Ensure that the subindex is within the area which is defined in the target settings/networkfunctionality.
Appendix J: — Compiler Errors and Warnings
«Index out of defined range : Parameter OD «number>, Line <line number>.»
Ensure that the index is within the area which is defined in the target settings/networkfunctionality.
«Subindex out of defined range : Parameter OD «number>, Line <line number>.»
Ensure that the subindex is within the area which is defined in the target settings/networkfunctionality.
«Variablename invalid: Variable OD <number>, Line <line number>.»
Enter a valid project variable in the filed ‚variable’. Use the syntax <POU name>.<variable name> resp. for global variables .<variable name>
«Empty table-entry, input not optional: Parameter OD <number>, Line <line number>
You must make an entry in this field.
«Empty table-entry, input not optional: Variable OD <number>, Line <number>»
You must make an entry in this field.
«The required parameter memory is too large»
The maximum size of data which can be loaded via parameter lists of type Parameters to the controller has been exceeded. This size is defined by the target system. Information on the data size is displayed in the message window at compilation. Reduce the parameter lists size.
«The required variable memory is too large»
The maximum size of data which can be loaded via parameter lists of type Variables to the controller has been exceeded. This size is defined by the target system. Information on the data size is displayed in the message window at compilation. Reduce the parameter lists size.
«Invalid value: Dictionary ‘<Name>’, column ‘<Name>’, line ‘<line number>'»
Check this entry. It depends on the currently used column (attribute) definition which entries are valid for this field. This definition is given by the target-specific XML description file of the Parameter Manager resp. by the standard settings which will be used if there is no description file.
«Column not defined: ‘<Name>'»
Entries in a column of the parameter list refer to another column, which is not defined however. The column definitions are given by the description file (XML) of the Parameter Manager for the current target. If a description file is not available, standard settings are used.
«Index/subindex used already: Dictionary ‘<Name>’, line ‘<Line Number>'»
The Index/Subindex-combination must be unique throughout all parameter lists, because it can be used for the parameter access. Correct the indices correspondingly.
Appendix J: — Compiler Errors and Warnings
«Identifier ‘<Name>’ used already: Dictionary ‘<Name>’, line ‘<Line Number>'»
The name must be unique throughout all parameter lists, because it can be used for parameter access.
«Index ‘<Name>’ is out of range: Dictionary ‘<Name>’, line ‘<Line Number>’ «
Enter an index which is within the range defined in the target settings, category network functionality in field ‘Index range…’ for the respective list types (Variables, Parameters, Mappings).
«Subindex ‘<Name>’ is out of range: Dictionary ‘<Name>’, line ‘<Line Number>’ «
Enter an subindex which is within the range defined in the target settings, category network functionality in field ‘SubIndex range’.
«An error occurred during import of the parameter manager»
You have imported an export file which contains erroneous information on the Parameter Manager. Check the *.exp-file.
«Networkvariables: ‘<name>’ expression is not from type bool!»
Make sure that the variable defined in the properties dialog of the network variables list at option ‘Transmit on event’, is of type BOOL.
«AxisGroup ‘<Name>’: Task ‘<Name>’ does not exist.»
In the PLC Configuration in the definition of the axis group (dialog ‘Module parameters’, column ‘Value’) there is a name defined for the task which is controlling the data transfer of this axis group, which is not known in the Task Configuration. Correct Task Configuration resp. PLC Configuration correspondingly.
«AxisGroup ‘<Name>’: Cycletime (dwCycle) not set.»
In dialog ‘Module parameters’ of the axis group enter a value for the cycle time (dwCycle).
«CNC program ‘<Name>’: Global variable ‘<Name>’ not found.»
In the CNC program a global variable is used (e.g. $glob_var$), which is not defined in the project. Add the appropriate declaration resp. correct the assignment to the variable in the CNC program.
«CNC program ‘<Name>’: Variable ‘<Name>’ has an incompatible type.»
There is a variable assigned in a instruction of the CNC program , which is declared of a data type which is not valid in this place. Use another variable resp. correct the type specification.
«CAM ‘<Name>’: CAM table type unknown.»
Check the data type which is specified in the CAM Editor dialog »Compile options..» for the equidistant resp. element optimized point table.
Appendix J: — Compiler Errors and Warnings
«CAM ‘<Name>’: CAM point exceeds datatype range.»
In this CAM points are used, which are out of the data range specified for the point table. For the current range definition see dialog ‘Compile options..’ in the CAM-Editor.
«‘<Number>’ (‘<Name>’): Watch expression ‘<Name>’ is not a numeric variable.»
In the configuration of the visualization a variable is used which is not a number, as required in this place (e.g. at the configuration of XOffset or Angle values etc.).
«‘<Name>’ (‘<Number>’): Watch expression ‘<name>’ is not of type BOOL.»
In the configuration of the visualization a variable is used which is not of type BOOL, as required in this place.
«‘<Name>’ (‘<Number>’): Watch expression ‘<name>’ is not of type STRING.»
The visualization contains a variable which is not of type STRING although this is required in this place (e.g. at the tooltip configuration).
«‘<Name>’ (‘<Number>’ ): Invalid watch expression ‘<Name>'»
The visualization contains an invalid variable.
«‘<Name>'(‘<Number>’): Invalid initial value in watchlist ‘<Name>’.»
In this watchlist, used in a visualization (INTERN command in category Input), there is a erroneous initial value. Check the used list.
«Invalid type for conversion»
You are using a type conversion which is not supported by the currently chosen codegenerator.
8.3 file format 10-93
8051 10-87
Access conflict 4-39 Access rights 4-51 acknowledgement 6-10
Acknowledgement of alarms 6-10 Action
Associate in SFC 5-38
Action 2-7, 2-16, 2-17, 4-52 Actions hide programs 4-10 Activate Heartbeat Consumer 6-37 Activate Heartbeat Producer 6-37
Activate system variable CurrentVisu 10-93 Activation 6-32
Active step 2-18 ADD 10-1
Add configuration file 6-23 Add Object 4-48, 4-49 ADD Operator in AWL 2-10 Add Shared Objects 4-46
Additional CoDeSys Features 1-2
Additional Online Functions 1-1
Address check for PLC configuration 10-90 Addresses 10-29
ADR 10-13
Alarm acknowledgement 6-10 Alarm class 6-14
Alarm classes 6-10
Alarm configuration 6-10, 6-14 Alarm configuration settings 6-16 Alarm deactivation 6-14
Alarm Event 6-10 Alarm group 6-14 Alarm message 6-14 Alarm priority 6-10, 6-14 Alarm saving 6-15 Alarm state 6-10
Alarm type 6-14 ALARM_TASK 10-93 Alarmhandling in the PLC 10-93 Alarms 6-10
ALIAS 10-36 Alternative branch 2-21
Alternative Branch in SFC 2-21, 5-34 Analyzation of expressions 10-58 AnalyzationNew.lib 10-58
AND 10-4
AND Operator in AWL 2-10
Append Program Call 6-47 Append Task 6-45, 6-46 Arc cosine 10-23
Arc sine 10-26 10-22 Arc tangent 10-23 archive 10-69 Archive ZIP 4-20 Argument 2-1, 2-3 Arguments 2-6 ARRAY 10-33
Arrays in parameter manager 6-61 ASCII format for trace 6-58
ASIN 10-22
Assignment 2-11, 5-25, 5-26 Assignment Combs 5-26 Assignment operator 2-13 AT 5-6
AT Declaration 5-6 ATAN 10-23
Auto Load 4-4
Auto Save 4-4 Autodeclaration 5-7
Backup automatic 4-4 Base parameters
Bitchannel 6-28
CAN Master 6-36 Channel 6-27 DP slave 6-31 I/O Module 6-25
Base parameters of a CAN module 6-37 Base parameters of a channel 6-27 Base parameters of a DP Master 6-29 Base parameters of an I/O Module 6-25 Batch commands 10-67
Baud rate 6-30 Baud raute 6-36 Baudrate 6-42
Binding of ST operators 2-11 Bit addressing 10-28 Bitaccess 5-10, 10-28 Bit-addressed variable 5-23 Bit-addressed variables 5-17 BITADR 10-13
Bitchannels 6-28 Block 5-32 BOOL 10-31
BOOL Constants 10-25 BOOL_TO Conversions 10-14 Boot project 4-74, 10-90
Box 5-25
Breakpoint Delete 5-19 Set 5-19
Breakpoint 1-1, 2-24, 5-17 Breakpoint 5-19 Breakpoint Dialog Box 4-64 Breakpoint position 4-63
Breakpoint Positions in Text Editor 5-18 Broadcast 6-3
Browser ini-file 6-68 Build 4-10, 4-24, 10-69 Bus identifier 6-41
Bus parameters of the DP master 6-30 BusDiag.lib 6-25
Bus-Diagnosis 6-25 BY 2-15
BYTE 10-31
byte alignment 10-82 BYTE Constants 10-26
Byte-addressing mode 10-90
11 — Index |
C |
Order – One backwards 5-48 |
Order – One forwards 5-48 |
C Modifier in AWL 2-10 |
Order – To the beginning 5-48 |
CAL 10-14 |
Order – To the end 5-49 |
CAL Operator in AWL 2-10 |
Order according data flow 5-49 |
CALC 2-10 |
Order of execution 5-47 |
CALCN 2-10 |
Order topologically |
5-47 |
Calculate addresses 6-22, 6-29 |
Properties of POUs |
5-45 |
call 10-70 |
Select elements |
5-45 |
Call of a program |
2-6 |
Set/Reset 5-44 |
Call tree 4-52 |
CFC 2-22 |
Calling a function |
2-1 |
CFC in Online mode 5-52 |
Calling a function block 2-4, 2-11 |
cfg-file 6-23 |
Calling function blocks in ST 2-13 |
Change values online |
2-24 |
Calling POUs with output parameters in text editors 5-17 |
channel 6-27 |
callstack 6-50 |
Channel-Id 6-27 |
CAN Configuration 6-36 |
Channelparameter 6-28 |
CAN Master |
check 10-69 |
Base parameters 6-36 |
Check at Login 4-6 |
CAN Parameters 6-36 |
Check for overlapping addresses 6-22 |
Module Parameters 6-37 |
Check In 4-43 |
CAN Module |
Check Out 4-43 |
Base parameters |
6-37 |
Check project |
CAN module selection at modular slaves 6-38 |
Concurrent Access |
4-39 |
CAN Parameters |
6-37 |
Multiple write access on output 4-39 |
CAN Module configuration 6-38 |
Overlapping memory areas 4-38 |
CAN Parameters |
Unused Variables 4-38 |
CAN Master 6-36 |
Check project 4-38 |
CAN parameters of a CAN module 6-37 |
CheckBounds 10-33 |
CAN Settings 6-3 |
CheckDivReal 10-2 |
CanDevice |
CheckRangeSigned 10-36 |
CAN settings 6-42 |
CheckRangeUnsigned 10-36 |
Default PDO mapping 6-43 |
checksum 4-74 |
CanDevice 6-41 |
ci-file 4-20 |
CANopen Libraries |
6-41 |
clean 10-69 |
CANopen-Node 6-41 |
Clean all 4-25 |
CANopen-Slave 6-41 |
CMS Priority Group 6-38 |
CASE 2-14 |
COB-Id 6-36, 6-37 |
CASE instruction 2-14 |
CoDeSys 1-1 |
CASEFOR loop 2-11 |
Coil 2-23, 5-31 |
Colors 4-8 |
Back one/all macro level 5-51 |
Command entry in the PLC-Browser 6-68 |
Changing connections 5-46 |
Command file 10-67 |
Connection marker 5-46 |
Command Line 10-67 |
Copy elements 5-45 |
Comment 5-1, 5-22 |
Create macro 5-50 |
Communication |
Creating connections |
5-45 |
DDE 8-1 |
Cursor positions |
5-41 |
Symbolic interface |
4-13 |
Deleting connections |
5-46 |
Communication 4-13 |
Display order |
5-47 |
Communication Cycle Period |
6-36 |
Edit macro 5-51 |
Communication parameters |
EN/ENO 5-44 |
Check at Login 4-6 |
Expand macro 5-51 |
Quick check 4-73 |
Feedback paths |
5-51 |
Saving with project |
4-6 |
Insert Box 5-42 |
Communications Parameters |
Insert Comment |
5-43 |
Dialog 4-72, 4-73 |
Insert In-Pin |
5-43 |
Communications Parameters |
4-69 |
Insert Input |
5-42 |
Communications Parameters |
4-73 |
Insert Input of box 5-43 |
Compare Project |
Insert inputs/outputs 5-47 |
Working in Compare Mode |
4-35 |
Insert Jump |
5-43 |
Compare Project |
4-35 |
Insert Label |
5-43 |
Compare projects |
4-32, 4-33 |
Insert Out-Pin |
5-43 |
Compare with ENI-Project 4-32 |
Insert Output |
5-42 |
Comparing projects |
4-31 |
Insert Return |
5-43 |
Comparison result |
4-33 |
Moving elements 5-45 |
compile 10-69 |
Negation 5-43 |
Compiler version |
4-10 |
Compress 6-57
CONCAT 10-40 Concatenation 10-40 Concurrent Access 4-39 configuration file 6-23
Configuration of CAN modules 6-36 Configuration of Profibus Modules 6-28 Connections 5-46
Connections in CFC 5-45, 5-46 CONSTANT 5-4
Contact 2-22, 5-30
Content Operator 10-13, 10-34 Context Menu 4-3
Context Sensitive Help 4-76 Continuous function chart editor 2-22
Continuous Function Chart Editor (CFC) 5-41 Controller Index 6-3
controller status 4-74
Conversion of Integral Number Types 10-16 Conversions of types 10-14
Convert object 4-50
Converting of old PLC configurations 6-24 Converting S5 to IEC 1131-3 10-76
Copy 4-55
Copy object 4-50, 10-70 Copying elements in CFC 5-45 Copying in FBD 5-27
COS 10-22
Cosine 10-22 Create Backup 4-4
Create boot project 4-74 Cross Reference List 4-53 CTD 10-46
CTU 10-45
CTUD 10-46 CurrentVisu 10-93
Cursor positions in FBD 5-24 Cursor positions in the CFC 5-41
Cursor Positions in the LD Editor 5-29 Cursor setting in FBD 5-24
Custom Parameters 6-24, 6-28 Cut 4-54
Cutting in FBD 5-27
Cycle independent forcing) 10-90 cyclic task 6-46
Data Base Link
Add Shared Objects 4-46
Check In 4-43
Check Out 4-43
Define 4-42
Get All Latest Versions 4-45
Get Latest Version 4-42
Label Version 4-46
Login 4-41
Multiple Check In 4-45
Multiple Check Out 4-45
Multiple Define 4-45
Multiple Undo Check Out 4-45
Project Version History 4-45
Refresh Status 4-47
Show Differences 4-43
Show Version History 4-43
Undo Check Out 4-43
Data Base Link 4-40
11 — Index
Data types 2-9, 4-2 Datat Control Time 6-30 DATE 10-32
DATE Constants 10-25 Date/Time in alarm log-file 6-16 DATE_AND_TIME 10-32
DATE_AND_TIME Constants 10-26 DATE_TO Conversions 10-17
DCF file 6-36
DCF file for creating Global Variables list 6-3 DCF write 6-37
DDE 8-1 DDE inquiry
General approach to data 8-1 DDE inquiry 8-1
DDE Interface
Accessing variables with Intouch 8-2 Activate 8-1
Linking variables using EXCEL 8-2 Linking variables using WORD 8-1 Which variables can be read? 8-1
DDE Interface 8-2
Deactivate task generation 10-94 Deactivation variable 6-14 Debug Task 6-50
Debugging 1-1, 2-24, 4-10, 5-17, 5-23 Debugging in multitasking environment 10-81 Declaration
AT 5-6 automatic 5-7 New 5-9 Pragma 5-10
Declaration 5-2
Declaration 5-12
Declaration Editor Line numbers 5-8 Online Mode 5-9
Declaration Editor 5-2 Declaration keyword 5-6 Declaration of a variable 5-5 Declaration Part 2-1, 5-2 Declaration window 5-1 Declarations as table 5-9 Declare Variable 4-59 Decrementer 10-46 default.chk 4-74
default.prg 4-74 default.sts 4-74 Define 4-42 delay 10-70
DELETE 4-55, 10-41 Delete a label 5-36 Delete Action in SFC 5-36 Delete Object 4-48
Delete Step and Transition in SFC 5-34 Delete Transition 5-36
Deleting in FBD 5-27 Demo mode 9-1 Dereferencing 10-13, 10-34 Desktop 4-6
device guid 10-71 device instance 10-71 device parameter 10-71 DiagGetState 6-25 Diagnosis 6-25, 6-44 Diagnosis address 6-25
diagnosis messages 6-44
11 — Index
Diagnostic address 6-37 DINT 10-31
DINT Constants 10-26 Directory
Options 4-9
Setting via batch commands 10-70 Disable task 6-50
Display Flow Control 4-69 Display height 10-93 Display width 10-93
DIV 10-2
DIV Operator in AWL 2-10 DO 2-15
Docu File 6-8 Docuframe file 6-8 Document 4-23 Document Frame 6-8
Documentation of the project 4-29 Download 4-13, 4-62, 4-74 Download as file 10-90
download information 4-74 Download information 4-25, 4-74 Download information file 4-62 Download of parameter lists 6-65 Download of PLC configuration 10-90 Download Symbol File 10-90
DP Master
Base parameters 6-29 Bus parameters 6-30
DP Master 6-29
DP Master 6-29
DP Master 6-29 DP parameters
DP master 6-29 DP slave 6-32
DP slave
Base parameters 6-31 DP slave 6-33
DP slave 6-34 DP slave 6-35 DP slave 6-35 DP slave 6-35 DP system 6-28 Drag&Drop 4-47 DSP301 6-36 DSP306 6-36 DT 10-32
DT_TO Conversions 10-17 DWORD 10-31
DWORD Constants 10-26
Edit Autodeclare 4-59 Edit Copy 4-55
Edit Cut 4-54 Edit Delete 4-55 Edit Find 4-56
Edit Find next 4-56
Edit Input Assistant 4-57
Edit Licensing Information 9-1 Edit Macros 4-59
Edit Next error 4-59 Edit Paste 4-55
Edit Previous error 4-59 Edit Redo 4-54
Edit Replace 4-56
Edit Undo 4-54 Editing functions 4-54 Editor
Body 5-1 Comments 5-1 Declaration part 5-1 IL 5-20
Print margins 5-1 Shortcut mode 5-6 Syntax Coloring 5-6
Editor 5-1
Editor for Structured Text 5-21 Editor options 4-5
Editors 5-1
EDS file 6-36, 6-41 EDS file generation 6-41 ELSE 2-14
ELSIF 2-14
Emergency Telegram 6-37, 6-42 EN Input 2-23, 5-31
EN POU 2-23 Enable task 6-50 END_CASE 2-14 END_FOR 2-15 END_IF 2-14 END_REPEAT 2-16
END_TYPE 10-34, 10-35, 10-36 END_VAR 5-3
END_WHILE 2-15 ENI 4-14, 4-40 ENI data base 7-1
ENI parameters 10-71 ENI Server 7-1
ENI Server Suite 7-1 Entry action 2-17, 5-35 Entry or exit actionf 2-17 Enumeration 10-34
EQ 10-12
EQ Operator in AWL 2-10 error 10-67
event task 6-46 Event-Time 6-38 Exclude objects 4-10
Exclude objects from build 4-10 Execute comparison 4-32 EXIT 2-11, 2-16
Exit action 2-17 EXIT instruction 2-16 Exit-Action 5-35 EXP 10-21
Exponential Function 10-21 Exponentiation 10-23 Export 4-30, 6-66, 10-69
Export file for creating Global Variables list 6-3 Expression 2-11
EXPT 10-23 EXTERNAL 5-5 external event 6-46
External library 4-19, 6-17 External trace configuration Load from file 6-55, 6-56
Load from PLC 6-55, 6-57 Save to file 6-55, 6-56
Set as project configuration 6-56 External variable 5-5
Extras menu
Cancel command 6-70
11 — Index
History backward 6-70 History forward 6-70 Print last command 6-70 Save history list 6-70
Extras Menu
Clear Action/Transition 5-36 Load Watch List 6-52
Extras Settings 6-16
Extras Zoom 5-1, 5-53
F_TRIG 10-44 F4 4-6
falling edge 10-44 FBD
Assign 5-25 Box 5-25 Copy 5-27
Cursor position 5-24 Cut 5-27
Delete 5-27
Input 5-26
Jump 5-25 Negation 5-26 Output 5-26 Paste 5-27 Return 5-25 set cursor 5-24
FBD 2-21
FBD Editor 5-23
Feedback paths in CFC 5-51 Fields 2-1
New form template 4-17 Save/Mail Archive 4-20
File 4-17
File 4-20
file close 10-68 File Menu
Open 4-17
File Menu 4-17
file new 4-17, 10-68 file open 4-17, 10-68 file save 10-68 FIND 4-56, 10-42 Find next 4-56
Flag 5-10
float processor 10-81, 10-82, 10-84 Flow control
FBD 5-28 IL 5-20
Flow control 4-69 Folder 4-47, 4-48 fonts 10-93
FOR 2-15 FOR loop 2-15
Force values 4-66, 6-53 Forcing 6-53 freewheeling task 6-46 Freeze mode 6-29, 6-35 Function
Insert 5-17 Function 2-1 Function Block
Insert 5-17 instance 2-3
Function Block 2-2
Function Block 2-3 Function block call 2-4 Function Block Diagram
Online Mode 5-28 Function Block Diagram 5-28
Function Block Diagram (FBD) 2-21 Function Block Diagram Editor 5-23 Function block in LD 2-23
Function Block Instances 2-3
Function blocks in the Ladder Diagram 2-23 Function call 2-1
Function declaration 2-1 FUNCTION_BLOCK 2-2
Functionblock in parameter manager 6-61
Gap Update Factor 6-30 Gateway
Principle of gateway system 4-70 Quick check 4-73
Gateway 4-69
Gateway 10-71 GatewayDDE Server
Handling 8-2 GatewayDDE Server 8-2 GatewayDDEServer
Command line options 8-4 General Approach to Data 8-3 Linking variables using WORD 8-4 Which variables can be read? 8-3
GatewayDDEServer 8-1
GE Operator in AWL 2-10
Get All Latest Versions 4-45 Get Latest Version 4-42 GetBusState 6-25
Global constant 5-4 Global Constants 6-6 Global Replace 4-38
Global Retain Variables 6-6 Global Search 4-37
Global variables Constants 6-6 Network variables 6-6 Objects 6-2
Persistent Variables 6-6
Remanent Variables 6-6 Global variables 6-2 Global Variables List
Create 6-3
Editing 6-6 Graphic Editor CFC 5-41 FBD 5-23 Label 5-22
LD 5-28 Network 5-22 Zoom 5-21
Graphic Editor 5-21
Group assignment of a DP slave 6-35 Groups 6-29
GT 10-10
GT Operator in AWL 2-10 Guard Time 6-37
Hardware scan 6-44
Heartbeat 6-37
Heartbeat Master 6-36
Context Sensitive 4-76
Hitachi SH 10-86
Identifier 5-5 Identnumber 6-32 IEC 61131-3 2-26 IEC Step 2-18, 5-38 IEC steps 2-19 Iecsfc.lib 2-18
IF 2-14
IF instruction 2-11, 2-14 IL
Online mode 5-20 IL 2-2, 2-9
IL Editor 5-20 IL operator 2-10
Implicit at load 4-13
Implicit variables in SFC 2-20 import 10-69
Import 6-66
Import from a S5 Project File 10-76 Import from a SEQ Symbol File 10-75 In-/outputs 6-33
In-/outputs of a DP slave 6-33 Include Macro library 4-16 Incrementer 10-45
Index ranges 10-92 INDEXOF 10-4
Infineon C16x 10-83, 10-87 Initialization 5-5, 5-10 Initialization with zero 10-90 Initialize Inputs 10-90 Initialize zero 10-90
Input address 6-25, 6-37 Input and Output Variable 5-3 Input Assistant
structured 4-57 Stuctured Display 4-58 unstructured 4-57
Unstructured Display 4-57 Input Assistant 4-57
Input in FBD 5-26
Input Variable 5-3 INSERT 10-41
Insert above in LD 5-32 Insert below in LD 5-32 Insert Function 5-17 Insert Function Block 5-17
Insert Function Block in text editors 5-17 Insert in SFC 5-34
Insert’ ‘In-Pin’ in CFC 5-43
Insert inputs/outputs in CFC 5-47 Insert Menu
All Instance Paths 6-7 Alternative Branch (left) 5-34 Alternative Branch (right) 5-34 Append Program Call 6-47 Append Task 6-46
Insert Program Call 6-47
11 — Index
Insert Task 6-46
Parallel Contact 5-30
Type 5-6
Insert Menu 4-23
Insert Network 5-22
Insert Program Call 6-45, 6-47
Insert standard commands 6-68
Insert Task 6-45, 6-46
Inserting variables 5-2
Open 5-1, 5-27
Instance 2-3
Instance 6-61
Instance name 2-3, 2-4
Instruction 2-9, 2-11
Instruction List 2-2
Instruction List (IL) 2-9
Instruction List Editor 5-20
INT 10-31
INT Constants 10-26
Intel 386 10-81
Intel byte order 10-84, 10-86
Intel StrongARM 10-84
Intellisense Function 5-2
Internal library 4-19, 6-17
JMP Operator in AWL 2-10
Jump 2-21, 5-25, 5-32
Jump in SFC 5-35
Jump Label 5-35, 5-36
Keyword 5-5, 5-6
Label 5-35
Label for networks 5-22 Label Version 4-46 Ladder Diagram 2-22 Ladder Diagram (LD) 2-22
Ladder Diagram in Online Mode 5-33 Ladder Editor 5-28
‘Show project translated’ 4-29 ‘Toggle translation’ 4-29
LANGUAGE 6-16 Languages 2-9 LD
Cursor Position 5-29 Insert above 5-32 Insert at Blocks 5-32 Insert below 5-32
Insert Box with EN Input 5-31 Insert Coil 5-31
Insert Contact 5-30
Insert Function Block 5-31 Insert Jump 5-32
Insert Parallel Contact 5-30 Insert Return 5-32
Paste after 5-32 LD 2-22
LD as FBD 2-23
11 — Index
LD Editor 5-28
LD Operator in AWL 2-10 LE 10-11
LE Operator in AWL 2-10 lecsfc.lib 2-18
LEFT 10-39
LEN 10-39 Library
AnalyzationNew.lib 10-58 Define 6-17
External 4-19, 6-17 Insert 6-18 Internal 4-19, 6-17 Linking 10-70 Properties 6-18 Remove 6-18 Standard.lib 6-17 User defined 6-17
Library 2-8
Library directory 4-9 Library Elements 10-61 Library Manager
Usage 6-17 Library Manager 6-16
License information 6-18 License Management
Add license information 9-1
Creating a licensed library in CoDeSys 9-1 License Management 9-1
Licensing information 9-1 LIfe Time Factor 6-37 LIMIT 10-10
Line Number 5-19
Line number field 4-69, 5-18
Line numbers in Declaration Editor 5-8 Linking variables using EXCEL 8-4 List types 6-61
LN 10-20
Load & Save 4-4
Load file from controller 4-74 Load module description 6-25 Load module state 6-44 Load values 6-57
Load Watch List 6-52 Local Variable 5-3 LOG
Storing 6-20 LOG 2-25, 4-9 LOG 10-21
Log file for project 6-18 Log in 4-60
Log Menu 6-19
Logarithm 10-20 login 10-68
Login to Data Base 4-41 Logout 4-62, 10-68 Loop 2-11
LREAL 10-31
LREAL as REALs 4-10
LREAL Constants 10-26 LREAL_TO Conversions 10-16 LT 10-11
LT Operator in AWL 2-10
Macro 4-10, 4-16
Macro after compile 4-10 Macro before compile 4-10 Macro in CFC 5-50
Macro library 4-16 Macros 4-59
Macros in PLC-Browser 6-70 Main program 2-7
Managing Projects 4-17
Mappings 6-61, 10-92 Marking blocks in SFC 5-34 MAX 10-9
Max. Retry Limit 6-30
Max.Station Delay 6-30
Maximum number of global data segments 10-89 Maximum number of POUs 10-89
MDI representation 4-6 Memory Layout 10-89 Memory location 10-30 Menu
Exit 4-24
Input 5-26
Import 4-31
Library Manager 6-16
Menu 4-24
Menu Edit Autodeclare 4-59 Copy 4-55
Copy/Paste in CFC 5-45 Cut 4-54, 5-27
Delete 4-55
Find 4-56 Find next 4-56
Input Assistant 4-57 Makros 4-59
Next error 4-59 Paste 4-55, 5-27 Previous error 4-59 Redo 4-54
Remove library 6-18 Replace 4-56
Undo 4-54
Menu Edit 4-59 Menu Extras
Accept access rights 4-35 Accept change 4-35 Accept changed item 4-35 Accept properties 4-35 Add configuration file 6-23
Add label to parallel branch 5-35 Associate Action 5-38
Back all macro level 5-51 Back one macro level 5-51 Calculate addresses 6-23 Callstack… 6-50 Compress 6-57 Connection marker 5-46 Convert 6-24
Create macro in CFC 5-50 Cursor Mode 6-56, 6-57 Display order in CFC 5-47 Edit macro in CFC 5-51 EN/ENO 5-44
Enable / disable task 6-50
Expand macro in CFC 5-51
External trace configuration 6-55, 6-56, 6-57 Insert above 5-32
Insert below 5-32 Link Docu File 6-8
Make Docuframe file 6-8 Monitoring Active 6-53 Monitoring Options 5-17 Multi Channel 6-58 Negate
Negate 5-32
Negate 5-26 Negate in CFC 5-43 Next difference 4-35
Open instance 5-1, 5-27 Options 5-22
Options in SFC 5-38
Order — One backwards 5-48 Order — One forwards 5-48 Order – To the beginning 5-48 Order – To the end 5-49
Order everything according to data flow 5-49 Order topologically 5-47
Paste after 5-32, 5-36
Paste Parallel Branch (right) 5-35 Previous difference 4-35 Properties 5-45, 6-18
Read Receipt 6-53 Read Trace 6-55, 6-56 Rename Watch List 6-52 Replace element 6-22 Save Trace 6-57
Save trace values 6-57 Save Watch List 6-52 Select All in CFC 5-45 Set Debug Task 6-50 Set/Reset
Set/Reset 5-33
Set/Reset 5-27
Set/Reset 5-44
Settings 6-16 Show grid 6-57
Standard configuration 6-23 Start Trace 6-55
Step Attributes 5-36 Stop Trace 6-55 Stretch 6-57
Time Overview 5-37
Use IEC Steps 5-38
Write Receipt 6-53 Y Scaling 6-54
Zoom Action/Transition 5-36 Zoom to POU 5-1, 5-53
Menu File Close 4-18 New 4-17
New from template 4-17
Open project from Source Code Manager 4-17 Print 4-22
Printer Setup 4-23 Save 4-19
Save as 4-19 Menu Insert
Add Entry-Action 5-35
Add Exit-Action 5-35
11 — Index
Additional Library 6-18 Append subelement 6-22 Assign 5-25
Box 5-25
Box in CFC 5-42 Box with EN 5-31 Coil 5-31 Comment 5-22
Comment in CFC 5-43 Contact 5-30 Declarations Keyword 5-6 Function 5-17
Function Block 5-17, 5-31 In-Pin 5-43
Input 5-42
Input of box in CFC 5-43 Insert at Blocks 5-32 Insert element 6-22 Jump 5-25, 5-32
Jump in CFC 5-43
Jump in SFC 5-35
Label in CFC 5-43
Network (after) 5-22
Network (before) 5-22
New Watch List 6-52 Operand 5-16 Operator
Text Editor
Insert Operator 5-16
Out-Pin 5-43 Output 5-26, 5-42
Parallel Branch (left) 5-35
Parallel Branch (right) 5-35 Return 5-25, 5-32
Return in CFC 5-43
Step Transition (after) 5-34
Step Transition (before) 5-34 Transition-Jump 5-35
Menu Insert 5-9
Menu Log 6-19 Menu Online
Breakpoint Dialog Box 4-64 Communications Parameters 4-69 Create boot project 4-74
Display Flow control 4-69 Download 4-62
Force values 4-66
Load file from controller 4-74 Log in 4-60
Logout 4-62 Release force 4-66 Reset 4-63
Reset (cold) 4-63 Reset (original) 4-63 Run 4-63
Show Call Stack 4-68 Simulation 4-69 Single Cycle 4-65
Sourcecode download 4-74 Step in 4-65
Step over 4-64 Stop 4-63
Toggle Breakpoint 4-63 Write file to controller 4-74 Write values 4-65 Write/Force dialog 4-67
Menu Online 4-59
Menu project
Add Action 4-52 Add object 4-48 Build 4-24 Check 4-38 Clean all 4-25
Compare 4-31, 4-32, 4-33 Convert object 4-50 Copy object 4-50
Data Base Link 4-40
Delete Object 4-48 Document 4-29 Export 4-30
Load download information 4-25 Merge 4-36
Object access rights 4-51 Open instance 4-52 Open object 4-50 Options 4-3
project info 4-36 Properties 4-51 Rebuild all 4-25 Rename object 4-49 Show call tree 4-52
Show Cross Reference 4-53 Siemens Import 4-31
User group passwords 4-39 Menu Window
Arrange symbols 4-75 Cascade 4-75
Close all 4-75 Log 6-18 Messages 4-75
Tile Horizontal 4-75 Tile Vertical 4-75
Menu Window 4-75 Merge 4-36 message file 10-68
Message window 4-2, 4-37, 4-75 messages 10-68
MID 10-40
MIN 10-9
Min. Slave Interval 6-30
Min.Station Delay 6-30 MIPS 10-85
MOD 10-3 Modifier 2-10
Modifiers and operators in IL 2-10 Modul id 6-37
Modular Slave
Modules selection 6-38 module diagnosis 6-44 Module parameters
DP master 6-29 Module parameters 6-35
Module parameters / Custom parameters of an I/O Module 6-27
Module Parameters CAN Master 6-37 Module state 6-44
Watch and Receipt Manager 6-52
Monitoring 2-24, 4-60, 5-9, 5-10, 5-17 Monitoring 6-53
Monitoring Active 6-53
Monitoring Options 5-17 Motorola 68K 10-82 MOVE 10-3
11 — Index
Moving elements in CFC 5-45 MUL 10-2
MUL Operator in AWL 2-10 Multi Channel 6-58 Multiple Check In 4-45 Multiple Check Out 4-45 Multiple Define 4-45
Multiple Undo Check Out 4-45 Multiple write access on output 4-39 multitasking environment 10-81 Multi-user operation 7-1
MUX 10-10
N Modifier in AWL 2-10
NE 10-12
NE Operator in AWL 2-10
Negation in FBD 5-26
Negation in LD 5-32
Comment 5-22
Network 5-22
Network 5-23
Network Comments 5-22
Network editor
Online mode 5-23
Network editor 5-23
Network functionality 6-3
Network in FBD 2-21
Network in LD 2-22
Network in SFC 2-16
Network number 5-22
Network number field 4-69
Network variables
Editing 6-6
Network variables 6-3
Network variables 6-6
Network variables 10-92
Networkfunctionality 10-92
New Declaration 5-9
New from template 4-17
Next error 4-59
Node id 6-42
Nodeguard telegram 6-42
Nodeguarding 6-37
Node-Id 6-37
NodeID 6-36
Nodenumber 6-25
NOT 10-6
Notice at load 4-13
Number Constants 10-26
Number of data 4-10
Access rights 4-51 Add 4-48
Convert 4-50 Copy 4-50 Delete 4-48 Drag&Drop 4-47 Folder 4-47, 4-48
Managing objects in a project 4-47 Open 4-50
Properties 4-51
Rename 4-49
Tooltip 4-47 Object 2-1 Object 4-47 Object 4-47 Object Organizer
Collapse Node 4-48
Expand Node 4-48
New Folder 4-48
Object Organizer 4-2 Object properties 4-51 Object template 4-49 OF 2-14
Online 1-1
Online Breakpoint Dialog Box 4-64 Online Change 4-10, 4-62, 10-90 Online Communication Parameters 4-69 Online Create boot project 4-74
Online Display Flow Control 4-69 Online Download 4-62
Online Force values 4-66 Online functions 4-59 Online in Security mode 4-6
Online Load file from controller 4-74 Online Login 4-60
Online Logout 4-62
Online messages from Controller 4-62 Online Mode
CFC 5-52 Declaration Editor 5-9 FBD 5-28
LD 5-33
Network editor 5-23 PLC Configuration 6-44 SFC 5-38 Taskconfiguration 6-49 Text Editor 5-17
Online Mode 4-60
Online Release force 4-66 Online Reset 4-63
Online Reset (cold) 4-63 Online Reset (original) 4-63 Online Run 4-63
Online Show Call Stack 4-68 Online Simulation 4-69 Online Single Cycle 4-65
Online Sourcecode download 4-74 Online Step in 4-65
Online Step over 4-64 Online Stop 4-63
Online Toggle Breakpoint 4-63 Online Write file to controller 4-74 Online Write values 4-65
Online Write/Force Dialog 4-67 Open instance 4-52, 5-1, 5-27 Open object 4-50
Open POU 4-52
Open project from PLC 4-17 Operand 2-1, 5-16 Operator 5-16
optimization 10-83, 10-87 Optimize 6-30
Optimized jumps 10-81 Optimized load operations 10-81
Optimized operations with constants 10-81 Options for Build 4-10
Options for Colors 4-8
11 — Index
Options for Directories 4-9 Options for Editor 4-5 Options for Load & Save 4-4 Options for Log 4-9
Options for ‘Macros’ 4-16 Options for Project objects 4-14
Options for Project source control 4-14 Options for ‘Symbol Configuration’ 4-13 Options for the Desktop 4-6
Options for User information 4-5 OR 10-5
OR Operator in AWL 2-10 Order of execution in CFC 5-47 Output address 6-25, 6-37 Output in FBD 5-26
Output parameters 5-17 Output Reset 5-27 Output Set 5-27
Output Variable 5-3 Overlapping memory areas 4-38
Pack variables 6-3 Parallel branch 2-21
Parallel Branch in SFC 2-21, 5-35 Parallel Contact 5-30
Parallel Contacts 2-22
Parameter assignment at program call 2-6 Parameter List
Download with project 6-64 Type 6-61
Parameter Manager Array 6-61 Copy list 6-64 Cut list 6-64
Cut/Copy/Paste line 6-64 Delete line 6-64
Delete list 6-64 Export 6-66
Fade out and fade in lines 6-64 Format Dec/Hex 6-64 Function block 6-61
Import 6-66 Insert line 6-64
Insert list 6-63, 6-64, 6-65 Instance 6-61
Instance list 6-61 Line after 6-64 List types 6-61 Mappings 6-61
Monitoring values 6-65 Online Mode 6-65 Parameters 6-61 Paste list 6-64 Rename List 6-64 Sorting lists 6-65 Structure variable 6-61
System Parameters 6-61 Template 6-61
Upload and Download 6-65 Variables 6-61
Write values 6-65 Parameter Manager 5-12 Parameter Manager Editor 6-60 Parameters 6-61, 10-92 Password 4-12, 10-68
11 — Index
Paste after in LD 5-32 Paste after in SFC 5-36 Paste Parallel Branch 5-35 Pasting 4-55
Pasting in FBD 5-27 PDO 6-38
PDO mapping 6-43
PDO mapping of a CAN module 6-38 PERSISTENT 5-4
Persistent Global Variables 6-6 Persistent variable 5-4 Persistent Variables 6-6
Placeholders for alarm messages 6-10 PLC Configuration
Add configuration file 6-23 Address check on/off 10-90
Base parameters of a Bitchannel 6-28 Base parameters of a channel 6-27 Base settings of a CanDevice 6-41 Calculate addresses 6-23
CAN Configuration 6-36
CAN settings of a CanDevice 6-42 CanDevice 6-41
CANopen-Node 6-41 Channelparameters 6-28
CoDeSys programmable PLC as CANopen-Slave 6- 41
Compatibility 6-20
Convert old configurations 6-24 Custom Parameters Dialog 6-24
Default PDO mapping of a CanDevice 6-43 Diagnosis 6-44
Download as file 10-90
DP Master Base parameters 6-29 General settings 6-22
Hardware scan 6-44 I/O Module 6-25
Insert/Append elements 6-22
Module parameters / Custom parameters of an I/O Module 6-27
Online mode 6-44 Profibus Modules 6-28
Replacing/switching Elements 6-22 Selecting 6-22
Service Data Objects 6-40 Standard configuration 6-23 Symbolic names 6-22 Working in 6-21
Cancel command 6-70 Commands 6-68 Function 6-68
History 6-70 ini-file 6-68 Macros 6-70
Print last command 6-70 Save history list 6-70
PLC-Browser 6-68
PLC-Browser 10-90
Poll Timeout 6-30
POU (Program Organization Unit) 1-1, 2-1, 4-2 Power PC 10-84
Pragma 5-10, 5-12 Pragma instruction 5-10
Pragmas for Parameter Manager 5-12 Preemptive multitasking 10-90
Previous error 4-59 Print 4-22
Print margins 5-1 Print range 4-6 printersetup 10-68 prm-file 6-66
Profibus Channel 6-33 Profibus Master
Bus parameters 6-30 DP parameters 6-29 Module parameters 6-29
Profibus Modul 6-33 Profibus Slave
Base parameters 6-31 DP parameters 6-32 Group assignment 6-35 Module parameters
DP slave 6-35
User parameters 6-34 Profibus Slave 6-33 Program 2-6
Program call 2-6 Project 1-1, 2-1 project code 4-74 project data base categories 7-2
project data base 7-1 project data base 7-2
Project data base in CoDeSys Working with 7-2
Project data base in CoDeSys 7-2 Project directory 4-9
Project Info 4-4, 4-36
Project Load download information 4-25 Project Menu
Global Replace 4-38
Global Search 4-37 Project Rebuild all 4-25 Project source control 4-14 Project version 1.5 4-19 Project version 2.0 4-19 Project version 2.1 4-19 Project Version History 4-45
Properties of a DP slave in slave operation of the Profibus 6-35
Properties of a library 6-18 Properties of Tools 6-71
Qualifier 2-18, 2-19 query 10-69
Quiet Time 6-30
R Operator in AWL 2-10 R_TRIG 10-44
Read Trace 6-55, 6-56 REAL 10-31
REAL Constants 10-26 REAL_TO Conversions 10-16 Rebuild all 4-25
Recalculation of addresses 6-31 Recalculation of Module addresses 6-23, 6-29 Receipt Manager 6-51
Redo 4-54
Refresh Status 4-47 Release force 4-66 Remanent variable 5-4 Remove Library 6-18 Rename Object 4-49 REPEAT 2-11, 2-16 REPEAT loop 2-16 Replace 4-38, 4-56, 10-41 Replace constants 4-10
Replace Element in PLC Configuration 6-22 Reset 4-63, 5-27
Reset (cold) 4-63 Reset (original) 4-63 Reset node 6-37 Reset output 5-33 Resources
Global variables 6-2 Library Manager 6-16 Log 6-18
Network variables 6-3 Variable Configuration 6-2, 6-7
Resources 2-8, 4-2, 6-1 RETAIN 2-3, 5-4 Retain forcing 10-90 Retain variable 5-4
Return 2-11, 2-13, 5-25, 5-32 RETURN instruction 2-13
Return to standard configuration 6-23 Revision control 7-1
ri-file 4-25, 4-62, 4-74 RIGHT 10-39
rising edge 10-44 ROL 10-7
ROR 10-8 Rotation 10-7, 10-8 RS 10-43
RTC 10-49 Run 4-63, 10-68
S Operator in AWL 2-10 S5 10-76
Sampling Trace 6-54
Save (forcing) 10-90 Save as template 4-49
Save configuration files in project 6-22 Save Mail/Archive 4-20
Save Trace
Save Values 6-57 Save trace values
Load trace 6-57 Load values 6-57
Values in ASCII file 6-58 Save trace values 6-57 Saving alarms 6-15 Saving with project 4-6
Scan module configuration 6-44 Screen divider 4-2
SDO 6-37, 6-40 Security mode 4-6
Select configuration directory 6-23 Select configuration file 6-23 Selecting elements in CFC 5-45 Selecting of elements 6-22
Sequential Function Chart 2-1, 2-4, 2-16 Sequential Function Chart (SFC) 2-16
11 — Index
Sequential Function Chart Editor 5-33 Sequential Function Chart in Online Mode 5-38 Service Data Objects 6-40
Set 5-27
Set output 5-33 Set/Reset coils 2-23 setreadonly 10-70
Settings Alarm configuration 6-16 Settings in PLC Configuration 6-22 SFC
Add Entry-Action 5-35
Add ExitAction 5-35
Add Label to parallel branch 5-35 Alternative Branch (left) 5-34 Alternative Branch (right) 5-34 Associate Action 5-38
Clear Action/Transition 5-36 Delete jump label 5-36
Delete Step and Transition 5-34 Execution of steps 5-38
IEC Step 5-38 Jump 5-35
Marking blocks 5-34 Online Mode 5-38 Options 5-38
Parallel Branch (left) 5-35
Parallel Branch (right) 5-35 Paste after 5-36
Paste Parallel Branch 5-35 Step Attributes 5-36
Step Transition (after) 5-34
Step Transition (before) 5-34 Time Overview 5-37 Transition-Jump 5-35
SFC 2-1, 2-4, 2-16 SFC Editor 5-33 SFC Flags 2-20 SFC library 2-18
SFCCurrentStep 2-20
SFCEnableLimit 2-20 SFCError 2-20 SFCErrorAnalyzation 2-20 SFCErrorPOU 2-20 SFCErrorStep 2-20 SFCInit 2-20
SFCPause 2-20 SFCQuitError 2-20 SFCReset 2-20 SFCTip 2-20 SFCTipMode 2-20 SFCTrans 2-20 SFCZoom Action 5-36 Shift 10-6
SHL 10-6 Shortcut in Tools
Create new 6-74 Shortcut in Tools 6-74 Shortcut Mode 5-6 Shortcuts of Tools 6-71 Show Call Stack 4-68
Show diagnosis messages 6-44 Show Differences 4-43
Show grid 6-57
Show print area margins 4-6 Show project translated 4-29 Show Version History 4-43 SHR 10-7
Siemens Import 4-31, 10-75 Simulation 2-25, 4-60, 4-69, 10-68 SIN 10-21
Sine 10-21
Single Cycle 2-24, 4-65 Single step 2-24, 4-64
Singletask in multitasking 10-90 SINT 10-31
SINT Constants 10-26 SIZEOF 10-4
Slot time 6-30 Softmotion 10-90
sorucecodedownload 10-68 Source control 4-14 Sourcecode download 4-74 Sourcedownload 4-13 SQRT 10-20
Square Root 10-20 SR 10-42
ST 2-11, 5-21
ST Editor 5-21 ST operand 2-11 ST operator 2-11
ST Operator in AWL 2-10 Standard commands 6-68 Standard configuration 6-23 Standard Function 6-17 Standard Library 6-17 Standard POUs 2-1 Standard.lib 6-17
Start Trace 6-55 State 6-44
Station address 6-29, 6-32 Statistics 4-36
Status 6-44 Status bar 4-3, 4-6 Step 2-17
Step Attributes 5-36 Step in 4-65
Step Init 2-18 Step over 4-64
Step Transition (after) 5-34
Step Transition (before) 5-34 Stepping 5-17, 5-23
stop 4-63, 10-68 Stop Trace 6-55
Store trend data in the PLC 10-93 Stretch 6-57
STRING 10-31
STRING Constants 10-26 String functions 10-39 STRING_TO Conversions 10-18 STRUCT 10-35
Structure variables in parameter manager 6-61 Structured Text 5-21
Structured Text (ST) 2-11 Structures 2-1
SUB 10-2
SUB Operator in AWL 2-10 Subrange types 10-36
Supported fonts in the target 10-93 Symbol configuration 4-13 Symbol file 4-13, 5-10
Symbol File download 10-90 Symbolic interface 4-13 Symbolic names 6-22
Sync mode 6-29
11 — Index
Sync. Mode 6-35
Sync.COB-Id 6-36 Sync.Window Lenght 6-36 Syncs 6-38
Syntax Coloring 5-2, 5-6 SysLibAlarmTrend.lib 10-93 SysTaskInfo.lib 6-49 system call 10-71
System events 6-45
System Events in the Task Configuration 6-48 System Flag 10-27
System Parameters 6-61 SysTime.lib 6-49
Table Editor 5-9 TAN 10-22 Tangent 10-22 Target 6-67 Target File 6-67 target id 10-71
Target Rotation Time 6-30 Target Settings
Dialog 6-67 General 10-90
Networkfunctionality 10-92 Target Platform 10-89 Visualization 10-93
Target Settings 6-67 Target system
8051 10-87 Hitachi SH 10-86
Intel StrongARM 10-84 MIPS 10-85
Target system Infineon C16x 10-83, 10-87 Target system Intel 386 compatible 10-81 Target system Motorola 68K 10-82 Target systems
Power PC 10-84 Target visualization 10-93
Target-Support-Package 6-67 Task 6-45
Task attributes 6-46 Task Configuration
Append Task 6-46 Callstack 6-50 Execution order 6-49 Insert Program Call 6-47 Insert Task 6-46
Set Debug Task 6-50
System Events 6-48 Working in 6-45
Task Configuration 6-45 Task enabling 6-50 task priority 6-46 Taskconfiguration
in Online Mode 6-49 status of a task 6-49 time flow 6-49
Template 4-17, 6-61 Template for EDS file 6-41 Template for objects 4-49 Text editor
Breakpoint 5-18 Calling POUs 5-17 Insert Function 5-17
Insert Operand 5-16
Line Number 5-19 Line number field 5-18 Online mode 5-17
Text editor 5-18
The Continuous Function Chart Editor (CFC) 2-22 The Standard 2-26
THEN 2-14
TIME 10-32
TIME Constants 10-25
Time Management in SFC 5-37 TIME_OF_DAY 10-32 TIME_OF_DAY Constants 10-25 TIME_TO Conversions 10-17 TIME-Function 10-30
Timer 10-47 tnf-File 6-67 TO 2-15
TO_BOOL Conversions 10-15 TOD 10-32
TOD_TO Conversions 10-17 TOF 10-48
Toggle Breakpoint 4-63 Toggle translation 4-29 TON 10-48
Tool bar 4-6 Tools
Creating new Shortcuts 6-74 Executing Shortcuts 6-75 Frequently asked questions 6-75 Object Properties 6-71
Saving Tool Shortcuts 6-75 Shortcut 6-71
Tools 6-71 Tooltip
SFC 5-38
Tooltip 4-47, 5-17, 5-23, 5-28, 5-33 Tooltip for comment 5-1
TP 10-47 Trace
Load from file 6-56 Load from PLC 6-57 Save to file 6-56
Save trace values 6-57
Set as project configuration 6-56 Trace 10-90
Trace Buffer 6-54, 6-55 Trace Configuration
ASCII file 6-58 Compress 6-57
Cursor Mode 6-56, 6-57 Load values 6-57
Multi Channel 6-58 Read Trace 6-55, 6-56 Save Values 6-57
Selection of Trace variables 6-54 Show grid 6-57
Start Trace 6-55
Stop Trace 6-55 Stretch 6-57
Trace Buffer 6-55
Values in ASCII file 6-58 Y-Scaling 6-54
Trace Variable 6-54 Transition 2-18
Transition / Transition condition 2-18 Transition-Jump 5-35
11 — Index
Translate into another language 4-26 Translate Project (into another Language) 4-28 Translation file
Creation 4-26 Translation file 4-26 Transmission Type 6-38 Trend data 10-93 TREND_TASK 10-93 Triggervariable 6-15 TRUNC 10-19
TSDR 6-32
TSP 6-67
Turn-off delay 10-48 Turn-on delay 10-48
TYPE 5-6, 10-34, 10-35, 10-36 Type Conversions 10-14 Typed Literal 5-4
UDINT 10-31
UDINT Constants 10-26 UDP Settings 6-3
UINT 10-31
UINT Constants 10-26 Undo 4-54
Undo Check Out 4-43 UNTIL 2-16
Unused Variables 4-38 update task 6-41
Upload of parameter lists 6-65 Use VISU_INPUT_TASK 10-94 User group 4-39
User group passwords 4-39 User information 4-5
User parameters DP slave 6-34
User-defined Libraries 6-17 USINT 10-31
USINT Constants 10-26
VAR 5-3
VAR RETAIN 5-4, 6-6
VAR_CONFIG 6-2, 6-7
VAR_IN_OUT 5-3, 10-90
Insert in Editor 5-2
Variable 5-2
Variable Configuration
Insert Instance Paths 6-7
Variable Configuration 6-7
Variable declaration 5-10, 5-12
Variable name 5-5
Variables 6-61, 10-92
Variables declaration 5-5
Vendor ID 9-1
Visualization 10-93
Watch and Receipt Manager Force Values 6-53
Insert New Watch List 6-52 Load Watch List 6-52 Offline Mode 6-51
Online Mode 6-52
Read Receipt 6-53 Rename Watch List 6-52 Save Watch List 6-52 Write Receipt 6-53
Watch and Receipt Manager 6-51 Watch List 6-51
Watch Variable 5-9, 5-28 watchdog 6-46 Watchdog 6-32 Watchdog Time 6-30 watchlist 10-70
WHILE 2-15
WHILE loop 2-11, 2-15 Window 4-74
Window Arrange Symbols 4-75 Window Cascade 4-75 Window Close All 4-75 Window Messages 4-75 Window set up 4-74
11 — Index
Window Tile Horizontal 4-75 Window Tile Vertical 4-75 With arguments 2-6
WORD 10-31
WORD Constants 10-26 Work space 4-2
Write file to controller 4-74 Write protection password 4-12 Write Receipt 6-53
Write values 4-65 Write/Force Dialog 4-67
XE 1-1
XOR Operator in AWL 2-10
Y Scaling 6-54
Zoom Action in SFC 5-36
Zoom in graphic editors 5-21
Zoom to POU 5-1, 5-53
Zoom Transition 5-36
Соседние файлы в папке 759-333
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- #
- #
- #
- #
- #