Ошибка 4042 при прошивке айфона

Here is my dilemma, it all happened after the last update on Tuesday, 26th October 2021.

Device: iPad
Version: 6th Gen Wifi + Cellular
Purchased: 2019/2020
Battery Percentage: 97% before update

So the thing is this, the iPad could not be turned on. However, when I plugged in via a power source, it loops at the White Apple Logo.

Tried hard reset, nothing happened. Connected via my iMac, nothing showed up on itunes. Tried on different mac device, macbook pro, macbook air even my windows gaming PC but no effect.

Tried entering into DFU mode while plugged into my Imac, ok Success, detect the iPad, however, mentioned iPad in recovery mode etc etc so tried restoring and update, that is when Error 4042 came out.

NOWWW the big issue came here. Called apple support, spoke to a lady, shared screen etc, nothing works. She arranged for me to head over to MBS outlet. Mentioned to her over the phone that I am fully vaccinated however my the window period for it to be deemed «effective» has not taken place. Did asked her to call Apple Store MBS to seek clarifications if it is true I could enter nonetheless because one entrance was via the shopping centre which I cant. Lady told me yea yea yea Apple MBS knows with regards to this, guess what, DENIED entry, manager at MBS just mentioned, cant do anything, cant be help.

So now after asking the whole line of APPLE related people, no one knows what is this error 4042. Tried searching up online, nope nothing. iPad is lightly used, take notes for school and kinda need this urgently before exam week, but no one seems to have any empathy. Makes me question for the last 10 years of being an applefanboy, ive come to this, so yea.

Any kind soul able to point me towards a correct direction? Please dont ask me go authorise retailers or dealers or service provider, their charges is might as well i get a new device.

Sorry for the long rant, no Apple staff wants to assist, exhausted almost all options.


I experienced exactly the same problem with my iPhone X. I am hoping that a call scheduled today with Apple Support will lead to a solution to this problem. I am very disappointed so far. I suspect that there is a problem with iOS 15.1 which led to this.

Hola Aarón!!! Pudiste solucionar tu problema? A mi me está pasando exactamente lo
mismo con mi iPad de 6ta generación.

I just had the exact same issue with iPad 6th generation with 97% battery charge. The iPad is now completely black screen and does not power on. Apple customer service were not of much help and didn’t really know what the issue is. Although being loyal to apple for many, MANY years now, they have really disappointed me.

Same issue here . Unable to restore from DFU mode in Apple Configurator 2. Have tried multiple cables, PC’s, Macs, blah blah blah.
Following this thread in the event that a true wizard comes up with a viable solution. I do believe it is software related, rather than hardware. My iPad 7 has been «babied» and is in brand new, pristine condition.

Hello, I have the same problem with my Ipad with is little used, impossible to restore or install new software with dfu… I hope apple can fix this problem or they can just change ipad for new ones to customers that have problems with fault 4042.

Same !!
I think new IpadOS 15.5 have bug on Ipad Gen 6

iPad Version: 6th Gen Wifi + Cellular

I had the same error(4042) on iPhone 11. It had the black screen of death. It didn’t do anything. So I left iPhone plugged into my pc, while i went online to research this error code. This forum was the only thing that pop-up. This was an hour ago. Then as I’m reading these issues in this forum, my phone sign out of iTunes and came on and it works just fine. It just seems funny to me after reading these issues I thought my iPhone would never work again. I’m pleased or blessed cause it found a way out. Credit goes to the extra ordinary intelligence. Thanks.

Iphone XR is having a similar issue after 15.6 upgrade :-(
Pls help if there is a solution. thanks!

iPad 6 wifi not turning on after auto update took place to 15.6.1. now it is only detected in dfu mode by iTunes, but every time error 4042 comes while restoring. Same error when restoring to iPadOS 15.7. IT was running perfectly fine till iPadOS 15.4 (before update).

Same issue with an upgrade for an iPad 6th generation — after a system update, iPad becomes visually unresponsive and won’t even force reboot, iPad only shows up in Recovery / DFU mode*, and Recovery mode fails with error 4042. Seems like iPad 6 and similar-age devices have been reported multiple times, so I suspect this error is tied to common chipsets of the time.

To reach Recovery mode, I plugged directly into a Mac (I happened to use a MacBook Pro 2020 with macOS Monterey 12.6), pressed Power+Home for about 10 seconds, then release Power (keeping Home) for about 6 seconds until the iPad showed in Finder or Apple Configurator (or iTunes on older computers).

I had a similar issue happen on an update about a year ago, and it eventually recovered. While DFU failed on multiple attempts, I also continued to keep it plugged in for several days, and at one point it simply booted up on its own. So maybe it’s just REALLY sluggish to finalize certain iPadOS updates.

The following article may be related, not just because the referenced error numbers are close, but because the behavior is similar:

  • https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT201444

Logs for error 4042 on iPad 6 wifi. This is the second time an auto-update has gone wrong. (Earlier a similar update strangely disappeared all my iCloud files into thin air).

Tried multiple times with different cables, Windows and MacBook(M2) computers, in different apps like iTunes, Apple configurator and Finder, still same error.

[01:08:12.3612] <DFU Device 0x128eb6450>: DFU succeeded

[01:08:12.3615] Finished DFU Restore Phase: Successful

[01:08:12.3652] DFU mode device disconnected

[01:08:12.3652] Device removed when in state Restoring, moving device to transition state

[01:08:12.3653] Changing state from ‘Restoring’ to ‘Transitioning’

[01:08:12.3653] Creating timer to monitor transition

[01:08:12.3653] Creating a timer for 10 minutes

[01:18:12.3721] Timer fired to timeout transitioning device

[01:18:12.3721] Changing state from ‘Transitioning’ to ‘Disappeared’

[01:18:12.3721] Device disappeared during transition

[01:18:12.3721] Device isn’t booted but USB is up.

[01:18:12.3737] Restore completed, status:4042

[01:18:12.3737] Failure Description:

[01:18:12.3737] Depth:0 Code:4042 Error:Gave up waiting for device to transition from DFU state to DFU state.

PS — Tried with iPadOS 15.6.1 and 15.7 as they are the only signed versions available. Will try restoring with iPadOS 16 also when it comes out.

I had the same problem. Screen was black until i plugged it into a charger from an outlet, then logo kept going on and off. Tried all teh fixes to reset and restore through itunes, but nothing worked. I found a little info on what could cause problems with an iphone rebooting and took a guess that it was the battery. Had the battery replaced and it’s fixed. I checked a few forums and also called some cell phone repair shops, was told: it’s the phone gone bad, it’s the circuit board, it’s the software. I took it to the repair shop and told the guy it I thought it was the battery. He said is was a chip, but would humor me and replace the battery to prove it wasn’t the battery. Turns out, it was. It cost me $25 to get the battery replaced on an iphone 6S, but prices can vary greatly depending on the repair shop, so I’d do some calling to find out what it costs to replace a battery on your device before you decide on which shop to visit.

I had the same problem. Screen was black until i plugged it into a charger from an outlet, then logo kept going on and off. Tried all teh fixes to reset and restore through itunes, but nothing worked. I found a little info on what could cause problems with an iphone rebooting and took a guess that it was the battery. Had the battery replaced and it’s fixed. I checked a few forums and also called some cell phone repair shops, was told: it’s the phone gone bad, it’s the circuit board, it’s the software. I took it to the repair shop and told the guy it I thought it was the battery. He said is was a chip, but would humor me and replace the battery to prove it wasn’t the battery. Turns out, it was. It cost me $25 to get the battery replaced on an iphone 6S, but prices can vary greatly depending on the repair shop, so I’d do some calling to find out what it costs to replace a battery on your device before you decide on which shop to visit.

Did anyone ever find a fix for this. I have the same thing on a 6th Gen iPad which died during an OTA update from iPadOS 16 to iPadOS 16.1

Black screen and only detected in DFU mode but error 4042 whenever a restore is attempted.

I found a solution for me.
For me the problem was caused by a corroded contact of the haptic engine.
The phone kept stuck in bootlop because of a broken hardware.
After unplugging the haptic engine my phone instantly booted again.

So just unplug every hardware component one by one.
E.g. unplug the haptic engine, check if phone boots, if not, plug in the haptic engine again and try another hardware part.
repeat the procedure until your phone boots.

Maybe to speed this up, just unplug every hardware component and check them and their contact points if they are broken or something is unusual, maybe you can see something at first sight.

Now available: iOS 17

iOS 17 brings new features to enhance the things you do every day. Learn more >

iOS 17 brings new features to enhance the things you do every day. Learn more >

Related Article:

If you see an error when you update or restore your iPhone, iPad, or iPod

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ask a new question.

Error 4042 trying to restore an iphone 6. The phone bootloops on the apple logo, goes into dfu but cannot be restored. Is there a solution to this problem

The phone bootloops on the apple logo, goes into dfu but cannot be restored. The phone just disconnects and starts bootlooping again . Is there a solution to this problem

Posted on Apr 15, 2022 9:49 PM

Please follow the steps in the following link for support with this issue: If your iOS device restarts or displays the Apple logo or a spinning gear unexpectedly

Posted on Apr 15, 2022 10:10 PM

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Error 4042 trying to restore an iphone 6. The phone bootloops on the apple logo, goes into dfu but cannot be restored. Is there a solution to this problem

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 Заголовок сообщения: A1989 (820-00850-A) Не включается, в DFU режиме ошибка 4042

СообщениеДобавлено: 08 сен 2022, 13:41 

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Всем доброго дня!
Есть данный аппарат: работал, не били, не заливали, но перестал включаться в один прекрасный момент.
Плата вся просмотрена, следов залития нет, 19вольт на плате присутствуют.
Подключаю к AppleConfigurator, в DFU режиме видится, начинается процесс восстановления, но не доходит до конца и выдает такую ошибку (4042).
Никакой дельной информации по данной ошибке не нашел. Подскажите, вдруг кто сталкивался?

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: A1989 (820-00850-A) Не включается, в DFU режиме ошибка 4042

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: A1989 (820-00850-A) Не включается, в DFU режиме ошибка 4042

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I had the same problem. Screen was black until i plugged it into a charger from an outlet, then logo kept going on and off. Tried all teh fixes to reset and restore through itunes, but nothing worked. I found a little info on what could cause problems with an iphone rebooting and took a guess that it was the battery. Had the battery replaced and it’s fixed. I checked a few forums and also called some cell phone repair shops, was told: it’s the phone gone bad, it’s the circuit board, it’s the software. I took it to the repair shop and told the guy it I thought it was the battery. He said is was a chip, but would humor me and replace the battery to prove it wasn’t the battery. Turns out, it was. It cost me $25 to get the battery replaced on an iphone 6S, but prices can vary greatly depending on the repair shop, so I’d do some calling to find out what it costs to replace a battery on your device before you decide on which shop to visit.

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I had the same issue. Suddenly my iPad wasn’t charging properly. It was restarting every 2 seconds. Brought it to the Apple Store to have it checked. Battery was ok. But they couldn’t fix it (hardware issue) and offered to buy a new unit.

I ended up buying a new unit but didn’t gave up on the old one.

I brought it to someone doing micro soldering and upon opening it he found out that some component of the charging board had to be replaced. It did the trick. Cost me 159€. ;)

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Here is my dilemma, it all happened after the last update on Tuesday, 26th October 2021.

Device: iPad
Version: 6th Gen Wifi + Cellular
Purchased: 2019/2020
Battery Percentage: 97% before update

So the thing is this, the iPad could not be turned on. However, when I plugged in via a power source, it loops at the White Apple Logo.

Tried hard reset, nothing happened. Connected via my iMac, nothing showed up on itunes. Tried on different mac device, macbook pro, macbook air even my windows gaming PC but no effect.

Tried entering into DFU mode while plugged into my Imac, ok Success, detect the iPad, however, mentioned iPad in recovery mode etc etc so tried restoring and update, that is when Error 4042 came out.

NOWWW the big issue came here. Called apple support, spoke to a lady, shared screen etc, nothing works. She arranged for me to head over to MBS outlet. Mentioned to her over the phone that I am fully vaccinated however my the window period for it to be deemed «effective» has not taken place. Did asked her to call Apple Store MBS to seek clarifications if it is true I could enter nonetheless because one entrance was via the shopping centre which I cant. Lady told me yea yea yea Apple MBS knows with regards to this, guess what, DENIED entry, manager at MBS just mentioned, cant do anything, cant be help.

So now after asking the whole line of APPLE related people, no one knows what is this error 4042. Tried searching up online, nope nothing. iPad is lightly used, take notes for school and kinda need this urgently before exam week, but no one seems to have any empathy. Makes me question for the last 10 years of being an applefanboy, ive come to this, so yea.

Any kind soul able to point me towards a correct direction? Please dont ask me go authorise retailers or dealers or service provider, their charges is might as well i get a new device.

Sorry for the long rant, no Apple staff wants to assist, exhausted almost all options.

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