Ошибка 401 bitrix

I’m trying to get the weather data for London in JSON but I am getting HTTPError: HTTP Error 401: Unauthorized. How do I get the API working?

import urllib2
url = "http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/forecast/daily?q=London&cnt=10&mode=json&units=metric"
response = urllib2.urlopen(url).read()

John Slegers's user avatar

John Slegers

45.3k22 gold badges199 silver badges169 bronze badges

asked Oct 12, 2015 at 23:48

hky404's user avatar


The docs open by telling you that you need to register for an API key first.

To access the API you need to sign up for an API key

Since your url doesn’t contain a key, the site tells you you’re not authorized. Follow the instructions to get a key, then add it to the query parameters.


answered Oct 13, 2015 at 1:37

davidism's user avatar


122k29 gold badges395 silver badges339 bronze badges


Invalid API key. Please see http://openweathermap.org/faq#error401 for more info

API calls responds with 401 error:
You can get the error 401 in the following cases:

  • You did not specify your API key in API request.
  • Your API key is not activated yet. Within the next couple of hours, it will be activated and ready to use.
  • You are using wrong API key in API request. Please, check your right API key in personal account.
  • You have free subscription and try to get access to our paid services (for example, 16 days/daily forecast API, any historical weather data, Weather maps 2.0, etc). Please, check your tariff in your [personal account]([price and condition]).

here are some steps to find problem.

1) Check if API key is activated

some API services provide key information in dashboard whether its activated, expired etc. openWeatherMap don’t.
to verify whether your key is working ‘MAKE API CALL FROM BROWSER’

replace API_key with your own key, if you get data successfully then your key is activated otherwise wait for few hours to get key activated.

2) Check .env for typos & syntax

.env is file which is used to hide credentials such as API_KEY in server side code.
make sure your .env file variables are using correct syntax which is


no semicolon, quotes etc

3) Check request URL

check request url where API call will be made , make sure

  • It doesn’t have spaces, braces etc
  • correct according to URL encoding
  • correct according to API documentation

4) Debug using dotenv:

to know if you dotenv package is parsing API key correctly use the following code

const result = dotenv.config()

if (result.error) {
  throw result.error

this code checks if .env file variables are being parsed, it will print API_KEY value if its been parsed otherwise will print error which occur while parsing.

Hopefully it helps :)

answered Dec 13, 2020 at 12:58

Muhammad Uzair's user avatar


I also faced the same issue, I have just created an account on open weather map and also verified the email, tried to load the api using several different url , but they replied with 401 , api key not found.

Solution: after 1 hour they all started working, so the reason was for activation it took 1 or some more hours.

cigien's user avatar


57.9k11 gold badges73 silver badges112 bronze badges

answered Nov 10, 2022 at 6:15

Ajay Raut's user avatar

Ajay RautAjay Raut

691 silver badge6 bronze badges


For a graduate i was helping, he had a correct api key and it was active, but the api was incorrectly 401 when no content type was given

it was a simple as adding a Content-Type: application/json, and hey presto the api started working

curl command

curl --location \
  --request GET \
  'https://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/forecast?lat=55&lon=-3&appid=xxx' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json'

answered Aug 17, 2022 at 7:47

aqm's user avatar


2,95223 silver badges30 bronze badges


After registering, you need to verify email.

cigien's user avatar


57.9k11 gold badges73 silver badges112 bronze badges

answered Feb 5, 2022 at 0:57

modeverv's user avatar


On the website API docs, it tells you to connect to the API using this URL:

However, after you’ve verified your email, you will receive another email informing you of your API key as well as an example of the API call URL:

I am on the free subscription and have tried the 1st URL multiple times but access was always denied. It only started working after I used the 2nd URL (Provided to me in the 2nd email).

answered Jun 20 at 13:11

Roy's user avatar


1371 gold badge1 silver badge8 bronze badges

Sometimes it also happens because of wrong naming of parameter in url.

url = f"https://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/forecast?lat={latitude}&lon={longitude}&appid={api_key}"

In my case I was giving onecall in place «forecast». This typeof silly mistakes also happened sometime. Thanks.

answered Aug 5 at 19:03

Gkr's user avatar

You must have a valid API key by registering with openweathermap and confirming your email AND make sure you are compliant with their latest API.

A valid API key via registering is applied by appending the key to your URL with &appid=<yourkey>

Make sure the REST API URL is compliant with their current API specification found at https://openweathermap.org/current#geo.

They have made refactoring recently and removed some parts such as «daily» from the API so also results in an error 401 if added so remove it.

So change your url to :
url = "http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/forecast?q=London&cnt=10&mode=json&units=metric&appid=<yourkey>

answered Aug 14 at 20:09

Neil Drewett's user avatar

now you have to get paid plan to acess daily forecast:

Chris's user avatar


128k106 gold badges275 silver badges258 bronze badges

answered Sep 10 at 6:16

Arthur Perini's user avatar

Problem Description:

I’m trying to get the weather data for London in JSON but I am getting HTTPError: HTTP Error 401: Unauthorized. How do I get the API working?

import urllib2
url = "http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/forecast/daily?q=London&cnt=10&mode=json&units=metric"
response = urllib2.urlopen(url).read()

Solution – 1

The docs open by telling you that you need to register for an API key first.

To access the API you need to sign up for an API key

Since your url doesn’t contain a key, the site tells you you’re not authorized. Follow the instructions to get a key, then add it to the query parameters.


Solution – 2

The api key not set in your url ! before all you must register in https://openweathermap.org/ then get api key in your pesrsonal account after that do it like this:

replace you apikey code with {YOUR_API_KEY_HERE}
then run your app.

Solution – 3

Invalid API key. Please see http://openweathermap.org/faq#error401 for more info

API calls responds with 401 error:
You can get the error 401 in the following cases:

  • You did not specify your API key in API request.
  • Your API key is not activated yet. Within the next couple of hours, it will be activated and ready to use.
  • You are using wrong API key in API request. Please, check your right API key in personal account.
  • You have free subscription and try to get access to our paid services (for example, 16 days/daily forecast API, any historical weather data, Weather maps 2.0, etc). Please, check your tariff in your [personal account]([price and condition]).

here are some steps to find problem.

1) Check if API key is activated

some API services provide key information in dashboard whether its activated, expired etc. openWeatherMap don’t.
to verify whether your key is working ‘MAKE API CALL FROM BROWSER’

replace API_key with your own key, if you get data successfully then your key is activated otherwise wait for few hours to get key activated.

2) Check .env for typos & syntax

.env is file which is used to hide credentials such as API_KEY in server side code.
make sure your .env file variables are using correct syntax which is


no semicolon, quotes etc

3) Check request URL

check request url where API call will be made , make sure

  • It doesn’t have spaces, braces etc
  • correct according to URL encoding
  • correct according to API documentation

4) Debug using dotenv:

to know if you dotenv package is parsing API key correctly use the following code

const result = dotenv.config()

if (result.error) {
  throw result.error

this code checks if .env file variables are being parsed, it will print API_KEY value if its been parsed otherwise will print error which occur while parsing.

Hopefully it helps 🙂

Solution – 4

After registering, you need to verify email.

Solution – 5

For a graduate i was helping, he had a correct api key and it was active, but the api was incorrectly 401 when no content type was given

it was a simple as adding a Content-Type: application/json, and hey presto the api started working

curl command

curl --location 
  --request GET 
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json'

Solution – 6

I also faced the same issue, I have just created an account on open weather map and also verified the email, tried to load the api using several different url , but they replied with 401 , api key not found.

Solution: after 1 hour they all started working, so the reason was for activation it took 1 or some more hours.

I’m trying to get the weather data for London in JSON but I am getting HTTPError: HTTP Error 401: Unauthorized. How do I get the API working?

import urllib2
url = "http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/forecast/daily?q=London&cnt=10&mode=json&units=metric"
response = urllib2.urlopen(url).read()

John Slegers's user avatar

John Slegers

45.3k22 gold badges199 silver badges169 bronze badges

asked Oct 12, 2015 at 23:48

hky404's user avatar


The docs open by telling you that you need to register for an API key first.

To access the API you need to sign up for an API key

Since your url doesn’t contain a key, the site tells you you’re not authorized. Follow the instructions to get a key, then add it to the query parameters.


answered Oct 13, 2015 at 1:37

davidism's user avatar


122k29 gold badges395 silver badges339 bronze badges


Invalid API key. Please see http://openweathermap.org/faq#error401 for more info

API calls responds with 401 error:
You can get the error 401 in the following cases:

  • You did not specify your API key in API request.
  • Your API key is not activated yet. Within the next couple of hours, it will be activated and ready to use.
  • You are using wrong API key in API request. Please, check your right API key in personal account.
  • You have free subscription and try to get access to our paid services (for example, 16 days/daily forecast API, any historical weather data, Weather maps 2.0, etc). Please, check your tariff in your [personal account]([price and condition]).

here are some steps to find problem.

1) Check if API key is activated

some API services provide key information in dashboard whether its activated, expired etc. openWeatherMap don’t.
to verify whether your key is working ‘MAKE API CALL FROM BROWSER’

replace API_key with your own key, if you get data successfully then your key is activated otherwise wait for few hours to get key activated.

2) Check .env for typos & syntax

.env is file which is used to hide credentials such as API_KEY in server side code.
make sure your .env file variables are using correct syntax which is


no semicolon, quotes etc

3) Check request URL

check request url where API call will be made , make sure

  • It doesn’t have spaces, braces etc
  • correct according to URL encoding
  • correct according to API documentation

4) Debug using dotenv:

to know if you dotenv package is parsing API key correctly use the following code

const result = dotenv.config()

if (result.error) {
  throw result.error

this code checks if .env file variables are being parsed, it will print API_KEY value if its been parsed otherwise will print error which occur while parsing.

Hopefully it helps :)

answered Dec 13, 2020 at 12:58

Muhammad Uzair's user avatar


I also faced the same issue, I have just created an account on open weather map and also verified the email, tried to load the api using several different url , but they replied with 401 , api key not found.

Solution: after 1 hour they all started working, so the reason was for activation it took 1 or some more hours.

cigien's user avatar


57.9k11 gold badges73 silver badges112 bronze badges

answered Nov 10, 2022 at 6:15

Ajay Raut's user avatar

Ajay RautAjay Raut

691 silver badge6 bronze badges


For a graduate i was helping, he had a correct api key and it was active, but the api was incorrectly 401 when no content type was given

it was a simple as adding a Content-Type: application/json, and hey presto the api started working

curl command

curl --location \
  --request GET \
  'https://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/forecast?lat=55&lon=-3&appid=xxx' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json'

answered Aug 17, 2022 at 7:47

aqm's user avatar


2,95223 silver badges30 bronze badges


After registering, you need to verify email.

cigien's user avatar


57.9k11 gold badges73 silver badges112 bronze badges

answered Feb 5, 2022 at 0:57

modeverv's user avatar


On the website API docs, it tells you to connect to the API using this URL:

However, after you’ve verified your email, you will receive another email informing you of your API key as well as an example of the API call URL:

I am on the free subscription and have tried the 1st URL multiple times but access was always denied. It only started working after I used the 2nd URL (Provided to me in the 2nd email).

answered Jun 20 at 13:11

Roy's user avatar


1371 gold badge1 silver badge8 bronze badges

Sometimes it also happens because of wrong naming of parameter in url.

url = f"https://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/forecast?lat={latitude}&lon={longitude}&appid={api_key}"

In my case I was giving onecall in place «forecast». This typeof silly mistakes also happened sometime. Thanks.

answered Aug 5 at 19:03

Gkr's user avatar

You must have a valid API key by registering with openweathermap and confirming your email AND make sure you are compliant with their latest API.

A valid API key via registering is applied by appending the key to your URL with &appid=<yourkey>

Make sure the REST API URL is compliant with their current API specification found at https://openweathermap.org/current#geo.

They have made refactoring recently and removed some parts such as «daily» from the API so also results in an error 401 if added so remove it.

So change your url to :
url = "http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/forecast?q=London&cnt=10&mode=json&units=metric&appid=<yourkey>

answered Aug 14 at 20:09

Neil Drewett's user avatar

now you have to get paid plan to acess daily forecast:

Chris's user avatar


128k106 gold badges275 silver badges258 bronze badges

answered Sep 10 at 6:16

Arthur Perini's user avatar



Running into the same issue.


This is a duplicate of #16 (which has a typo in its title)


Screen Shot 2022-10-02 at 9 18 29 PM

The problem is that the new api they use is 3.0 and it seems the project is using `/data/2.5/onecall` instead of [`data/3.0/xyz`](https://openweathermap.org/api) I don’t think there’s a way to get the a key to the old 2.5 API


@obatola unfortunately, that’s not the issue, as I show in #16. Here’s an example of calling the 2.5 endpoint, just like the workflow does, with a new key (generated a week or two ago):

♠ https "api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/onecall?lat=42.394722&lon=-71.109103&appid=$API_KEY"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true
Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET, POST
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Length: 20137
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Date: Mon, 03 Oct 2022 12:43:28 GMT
Server: openresty
X-Cache-Key: /data/2.5/onecall?lat=42.39&lon=-71.11

    "current": {
        "clouds": 75,
        "dew_point": 277.35,
        "dt": 1664801007,
        "feels_like": 278.17,
        "humidity": 72,
        "pressure": 1024,
        "sunrise": 1664793812,
        "sunset": 1664835790,
        "temp": 282.12,
        "uvi": 0.88,
        "visibility": 10000,
        "weather": [
                "description": "broken clouds",
                "icon": "04d",
                "id": 803,
                "main": "Clouds"
        "wind_deg": 60,
        "wind_gust": 12.86,
        "wind_speed": 9.26
# snip


Having the same issue here . 401 Unauthorized. Is there any work around at this stage? It looks like a great workflow…


@obatola, @stallowin, I’m not sure what to tell y’all; I can use the workflow, with OpenWeather, with a freshly generated API key, without any issues.

You can see my example request via the CLI, using the same endpoint as the workflow, in my previous comment as well, demonstrating it works.

On top of that, an HTTP 401 Unauthorized means that you’re successfully reaching OpenWeather, but your credentials aren’t valid. This isn’t an issue with the workflow (if we were sending a malformed request, we’d see an HTTP 500 error).

I recommend trying out your API key directly via the command line or a browser, and seeing how that works.



It’s possible, though I’ve created new API keys to try & rule that out.

The /weather endpoint, as you point out, isn’t identical & offers far less info, so some reworking is needed if that’s the way forward.

I don’t have any time right now to dig in further, so I welcome any of y’all to give it a go & see what you turn up. I recommend reaching out to OpenWeather & seeing what they say.


I was getting the same issue with a recent account/token. 30min after I received the email «OpenWeatherMap One Call 3.0 account activation», the workflow started working. So I guess we just need to wait?


@rougeth well now, that is very interesting. Seems like maybe there is an extra step to enable the /onecall endpoint? Or they manually enable something?


@rougeth about how long did it take for you to receive that email? I’ve only be active for about 3 days so I wonder if there is some engagement or timeline?


@jeffbyrnes seems weird, right?

@zalary to be precise, a minute after receiving the e-mail «OpenWeatherMap Account created», no delay there.


@rougeth did you subscribe to the one-call API and input your credit card?


Running into the same issue here :)
I will check again tomorrow in case time is a factor, although my key has been generated more than 1h ago, and calling the endpoint I received from their email shows the api is already active


Having the same issue, any outcome ??



@thomasXwang I tried what you did but yet no luck on mysids … still showing same issue even I tried to generate and input new API.


Open Weather — это сервис, который предоставляет информацию о погоде в реальном времени. Однако, при работе с API Open Weather пользователи могут столкнуться с ошибкой 401, которая запрещает доступ к данным.

Причины возникновения ошибки 401

Ошибка 401 в Open Weather возникает в случае, если пользователь не предоставил правильный API-ключ для запроса данных. Иногда также может возникнуть ошибка, если ключ был отозван или истек срок действия.

Как обойти ошибку 401 и получить доступ к погодным данным

Для того чтобы успешно обойти ошибку 401 и получить доступ к погодным данным, вам необходимо выполнить следующие шаги:

Шаг 1: Зарегистрируйтесь на сайте Open Weather

Перейдите на сайт Open Weather, зарегистрируйтесь и получите свой API-ключ. Этот ключ будет использоваться для отправки запросов к Open Weather API.

Шаг 2: Проверьте корректность API-ключа

Убедитесь, что вы использовали корректный API-ключ при отправке запроса. Вы можете найти свой ключ в личном кабинете на сайте Open Weather.

Шаг 3: Используйте HTTPS протокол

Open Weather требует использования HTTPS протокола при отправке запросов к их API. Проверьте, что вы используете именно этот протокол, иначе запрос будет отклонен.

Шаг 4: Добавьте параметры запроса

Некоторые методы Open Weather API требуют дополнительной информации в виде параметров запроса. Убедитесь, что вы предоставили все необходимые параметры.

Шаг 5: Проверьте доступность Open Weather API

Если ничего из вышеперечисленного не помогло и ошибка 401 продолжает возникать, попробуйте проверить доступность Open Weather API. Иногда сервис может быть временно недоступен, и это может вызывать ошибки при запросах.


Open Weather — это очень полезный сервис для получения информации о погоде. Ошибка 401 может стать причиной неудачного запроса, но она легко исправима при выполнении нескольких простых шагов. Если приложить некоторые усилия, вы сможете успешно использовать Open Weather API и получать актуальную информацию о погоде.

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