Ошибка 31 402 геншин

В октябре 2020 года любители Genshin Impact столкнулись с ошибкой 31-4302. При неудачной попытке входа на экране появляется уведомление System Notification с текстом: Genshin Impact encountered a problem loading game data, please log in again. Error code: 31-4302. Дословно можно перевести так: игрушка столкнулась с проблемой при загрузке данных, попробуйте залогиниться снова. Пример на скриншоте ниже. В начале статьи расскажем о причинах сбоя, а ниже расскажем простой способ как решить проблему самостоятельно.

Genshin Impact ошибка 31-4302

Genshin Impact ошибка 31-4302

В последнем обновлении прорабатывалась новая система Античита, что привело к более жестким ограничениям на изменения файлов и библиотек. По этому если у вас стояли сторонние дополнения или патчи – настоятельно рекомендуем снести, что бы не получить бан и продолжить плеить. У большинства пользователей ошибка выскочила сама после обновления. Сами разработчики уже дали ответ по этому поводу:

В большинстве случаев, некоторые файлы из версии 1.0, конфликтуют с файлами других версий(версий бета тестирования в том числе), поскольку они распакованы в одной папке. Рекомендуемые действия: удалить игру, удалить всё из папки установки и повторно загрузить Геншин Импакт в другую папку.

Официальный ответ разработчиков

Официальный ответ разработчиков по поводу Error Code 32-4302

Как исправить проблему

Как мы упомянули выше вам потребуется убрать сторонние дополнение и расширения установленные ранее. В Интернете есть несколько способов запуска при появлении системного уведомения, но не у всех они работают на 100%. Самый оптимальный и рабочий вариант – это полное удаление каталога с Геншин Импакт с жесткого диска и загрузка всех данных из лаунчера. Разработчики сняли ограничение на загрузку, по этому все файлы выкачивается довольно быстро и занимают порядка 12ГБ на жестком диске:

  1. Отключаем и удаляем сторонние патчи;
  2. Перед загрузкой удалите все каталоги с игрой вручную;
  3. Создайте новую папку с любым названием и укажите её в качестве корневого каталога для установки.

Внимание! Для всех поклонников: впереди новогодние праздники и выходные, разработчики уже добавляют множество секретов и пасхалок. Если вы поклонник – напишите любой комментарий к этой статье типа «Хочу советов, секретов и пасхалок» и мы напишем отдельную подробную статью на эту тему.

Решение для смартфонов

Если вы заходите с телефона – инструкция такая же, если вы пробовали удалять и заново устанавливать, но Error Code 32-4302 при входе осталась, можете проделать следующее:

  1. Перед удалением игры откройте Настройки;
  2. Зайдите в Приложения, Все приложения;
  3. Найдите в списке Genshin Impact и откройте настройки;
  4. Там ОБЯЗАТЕЛЬНО нужно найти два пункта «Удалить данные» и «очистить кеш», что бы на телефоне не осталось установочных файлов;
  5. Теперь заново загружаете, устанавливаете и пробуете залогиниться.


Как видим, для решения ошибки 31-4302 в Genshin Impact достаточно почистить свой компьютер или телефон от прошлых версий и установить заново используя официальный лаунчер. Напишите удалось ли вам зайти под своим логином после описанных выше действий, это будет полезно другим людям столкнувшимся с проблемой. Дополнительно сообщайте о других сбоях и проблемах в игре. Наша команда старается находить рабочие и проверенные способы для помощи геймерам.

Такое надоедливое сообщение, которое всплывает, когда вы пытаетесь войти в игру, как правило, связано с проблемой с самими данными игры, что означает, что файл может быть поврежден, могут быть посторонние файлы или вам просто нужно повторить попытку.
Вот какие возможны варианты решения проблемы:
1. Просто подождать и попробовать запустить игры позже. Бывает такое что из-за наплыва игроков серверы Genshin Impact не справляются.
2. Перезапустить игру. Если у вас андроид, то посмотрите недавно запущенные приложения и очистите список полностью.
3. Попробуйте обновить игру. Бывает такое что разработчики быстро исправляют свои “косяки” и быстро выпускают небольшие обновления. Не знаю как обновить на планшете Huawei, но я надеюсь что вы в курсе. Теоретически возможен такой вариант что разработчики выложили обновление в Google Play, но ещё не успели выложить на AppGallery (правильно я понимаю что на Huawei это вместо Google Play?)
4. Попробуйте отключить VPN если вы его используете.
5. Убедитесь что параллельно на планшете не запущены другие приложения.
6. Попробуйте перезагрузить ваш роутер. Для игры требуется стабильное соединение.
7.  И последний способ. который мне удалось найти, но не каждый с ним справится:

1. Перейдите в этот каталог: Внутреннее хранилище> Android> data> com.miHoYo.GenshinImpact
2. Скопируйте папку с именем «com.miHoYo.GenshinImpact» и вставьте её в другое место ИЛИ просто переименуйте, удалите например одну букву, НО запомните что вы сделали, потом вам надо будет вернуть так как было!
3. Удалите Genshin Impact. Установите Tap Tap Global, QooApp или APKPure и загрузите genshin impact из этого источника, т.е. например из Tap Tap.
4. Теперь после скачивания НЕ ОТКРЫВАЙТЕ ИГРУ. Вместо этого перейдите к сделанной вами копии “com.miHoYo.GenshinImpact”.
5. Если вы перемещали папку, то – Удерживайте нажатой эту папку, нажмите «Переместить». Теперь вернитесь во Внутреннее хранилище> Android> данные и вставьте его туда.
Если вы переименовывали, то верните старое имя.
6. Откройте игру, теперь она должна работать!

Напишите, пожалуйста, удалось ли вам решить проблему и если удалось то каким из способов.

Анонимный пользователь Опубликован новый комментарий 30.10.2022

Just like every other game, Genshin Impact also suffers from some errors here and there. The most common error players have struggled with is Error Code 31-4302.

When this Error Code pops up, it means that the game launcher is unable to load some resources. Error Code 31-4302 also implies that players may have to re-install the game files from the official website.

However, there are times when there is no need to reinstall or uninstall the game to fix it. Keep in mind that this is usually a client-based issue and there are various ways to fix it if players know where to look.


The following article will cover all solutions for Error Code 31-4302 for Genshin Impact.

Note: The solutions in the article are primarily for PC users and these solutions may not work for mobile or console users.

Guide to fixing Error Code 31-4302 without reinstalling Genshin Impact

Here is a summary of all the methods players can opt for in order to fix Error Code 31-4302:

  • Method 1: Restart Genshin Impact
  • Method 2: Open game without launcher
  • Method 3: Repair game files from launcher

Different methods work for different players, so it is recommended to go through the methods one by one to see which one solves the Error Code. If none of the above methods work, then players can look up video guides on YouTube or resort to the worst case scenario and re-download the game.

Method 1: Restart Genshin Impact

Sometimes all you need is a quick restart (Image via HoYoverse)

Sometimes all you need is a quick restart (Image via HoYoverse)

The restart option is one of the most common solutions for many technical problems. Similarly, this option also applies to games like Genshin Impact. Players can close the game and its launcher and boot the game again.

Players will be surprised how a simple restart can fix many common issues. After restarting the game, check whether the Error Code 31-4302 still pops up. This is the easiest method out of all but also has the highest chance of failing. If the error code continues to show, then move forward to the next method.

Method 2: Open Game without Launcher


Error Code 31-4302 is a problem with the client launcher. The second method allows players to boot the game without the client launcher. All players have to do is follow these simple instructions:

  • Open File Explorer
  • Click on the relevant drive where game is installed
  • Navigate to the Genshin Impact game folder
  • Select GenshinImpact.exe application file
  • Right-click on the application file and select Run as Administrator

After successfully covering the above steps, the game should boot up without the client launcher. Check if the same error code will show during the launch. If the error persists or the game crashes, move to the next step.

Method 3: Repair Game Files from Launcher

Client launcher can handle his own problems as well (Image via HoYoverse)

Client launcher can handle his own problems as well (Image via HoYoverse)

The last method involves using the Repair option from the official client launcher. Boot up the game launcher and follow these steps:

  • Select the gear icon on top right of the launcher
  • Click on ‘Game Resources’ in the settings
  • Find ‘Repair Game Files’ and click on Repair Now
  • Wait until the launcher finishes verifying the game files

Players can restart the launcher and boot up the game to see if the error code has been fixed.

Edited by Danyal Arabi

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Error Code 31-4302 is a problem with the client launcher. The second method allows players to boot the game without the client launcher.

How to fix Genshin error 31-4302?

Error 31-4302 on Genshin Impact? Here’s The Fix!

  1. Check Genshin Impact’s Servers.
  2. Restart the Game.
  3. Update Genshin Impact.
  4. Turn Off VPN.
  5. Stop Other Applications.
  6. Check and Reset Your Internet.
  7. Try Using PureVPN.
  8. Ask the Community.

What is error 31 4201 Genshin?

What is this? The error code 4201 is categorized as a network error and it reads “Failed to connect, please check your network settings.” While the error makes it sound like your connection might be to blame, there’s also a decent chance this error might appear due to server instabilities on miHoYo’s end.

How do I fix Genshin network error?

Just try the below fixes to get rid of the problem.

  1. Check Your Internet Connection. …
  2. Check Genshin Impact’s Server Status. …
  3. Run the Game With Administrative Rights. …
  4. Whitelist Genshin Impact on the Windows Firewall. …
  5. Switch to a Different Server. …
  6. Repair the Game’s Files. …
  7. Disable Any Proxy Server Connections. …
  8. Update the Game.

Is Genshin down right now?

Our service is currently operating as expected at the location you provided.

Genshin Impact — How To Fix Error Code 31-4302

Why can’t i connect to my Genshin server?

You might have to reinstall the game. First, go through the baseline troubleshooting steps like restarting your device and router. If that doesn’t work, reinstall Genshin Impact. It’s just redownloading the files needed to run the game in case you’ve somehow corrupted or misplaced one.

What is PC 31 error code?

Causes of Windows Error Code 31 PC Issue:

Windows can’t load the drivers required for this device.

What is error code 31 4302?

What is Genshin Impact error code 31-4302? This error code is one that says «Genshin Impact encountered a problem loading game data, please log in again.» It’s an irksome one that’ll pop up just as you’re trying to get into a game.

What is error code 4201 Genshin mobile?

What is Error Code 4201? Perhaps obviously, this error is primarily about your connection with the Genshin servers. If you receive this error message, then there’s a pretty good chance that your device is experiencing some connectivity issues.

How do I fix error 31 on Android?

Use a Different Messaging App

These messaging apps are more likely to cause this kind of error for Android users. The easiest fix for this Error 31 is to switch to the official texting application, or the Verizon Messages app, which you can download from the Play Store.

Why can’t i load into Genshin?

Update Your Graphics Card Driver

If there is an old video card driver, compatibility issues may appear. As a result, Genshin Impact not launching/loading happens in Windows 10. So, you should keep the driver updated. To do this work, you can go to Device Manager, right-click the driver and choose Update driver.

How do I fix code 31 on my GPU?

How to Resolve Error Code 31 for Intel® Graphics?

  1. Check Windows* updates: Click the Start button. Click in the search field and perform a search for «Windows updates». …
  2. Perform a Clean Installation of Intel® Graphics Drivers in Windows®. Contact the computer manufacturer (OEM) for the latest driver updates.

How do I fix error code 31 on Tencent gaming buddy?

Go to the folder where you saved the Tencent Gaming Buddy Setup file and click to install it again.

Is Genshin 3.3 update delayed?

That means Genshin Impact 3.3 should become playable around 11 am (UTC+8) on December 7, 2022. Travelers who wish to find a countdown for this date and time will find one in the next section of this article. Note: The upcoming countdown assumes no technical delays will arise.

What is error 31 a device attached to the system?

This error happens when the system has reported a communication problem either while trying to read information from the drive being backed up, or while trying to write data to the drive the backup is being saved to. The problem can be caused both by faulty hardware as well as by file system issues.

How do I fix code 31 on Windows 10?

How to Fix a Code 31 Error

  1. Restart your computer if you haven’t done so already. …
  2. Did you install a device or make a change in Device Manager just before the Code 31 error appeared? …
  3. Roll back the driver to a version prior to your updates.
  4. Use System Restore to undo recent Device Manager-related changes.

What is code 31 network driver?

Network Adapter Code 31 error in Device Manager may occur in a Windows based computer (Windows 10, 8, 7 or Vista) if the appropriate driver for the Network (Ethernet/LAN) controller is not installed properly or is corrupted.

How do I fix error code 31 on Windows 11?

This device is not working properly because Windows cannot load the drivers required for this device. (Code 31) This error can be fixed by simply updating the drivers for the device. You can obtain and install the latest manufacturer-supplied drivers for a device with the Code 31 error.

What is Java error code 31?

Error code: 31. Cause: he number of actual and formal parameters for the descriptor callback method <eventMethodName> differs, or an unwrapping conversion has failed. The callback event method is invoked with illegal argument. This exception is thrown when TopLink tries to invoke the event method using Java reflection.

What is error code 31 Openbuilds?

error 31 is ‘invalid gcode word in block’, since an error in the actual gcode is unlikely (please post the code for checking) this points to a USB communication problem. use a good usb cable, that has ferrite filter blobs on the ends.

How long is Genshin Impact server down?

It’s expected that maintenance will take about five hours, after which the servers will come back online.

Are all Genshin servers down?

No, we are not detecting any problems with Genshin Impact right now. Genshin Impact last experienced an outage on Thursday, March 16, 2023 and it lasted about 42 minutes.

What server should I join in Genshin Impact?

If you want to play with a friend once you unlock co-op mode you will want to be on the same server. You can be on any platform, even PS4 but the server is crucial. It turns out, when my partner started a game on mobile it recommended the American servers.

Unable to play due to an error code 31-4302 on Genshin Impact? 

Being locked out of your account and not being able to check your game progress is one of the worst things that could happen with any gamer. 

The error code 31-4302 on Genshin Impact usually occurs while the game is starting up. This means that you won’t have the chance to view your settings or even check your characters in the game. 

Since Genshin Impact is mainly focused on grinding, a setback to your usual gaming hours could really affect your progress on the game and get you behind the competition. 

To avoid this, we’ve decided to lend a helping hand!

In this guide, we will show you a few steps to fix the error code 31-4302 on Genshin Impact.

Let’s get started!

  • 1. Check Genshin Impact’s Servers.
  • 2. Restart the Game.
  • 3. Update Genshin Impact.
  • 4. Turn Off VPN.
  • 5. Stop Other Applications.
  • 6. Check and Reset Your Internet.
  • 7. Try Using PureVPN.
  • 8. Ask the Community.

1. Check Genshin Impact’s Servers. 

If you are unable to load the game right from the start, it is possible that the problem is related to Genshin’s servers. Since its release a few months ago, Genshin Impact’s servers suffer from occasional downtimes due to the volume of players. 

Try to check the status of Genshin Impact’s servers using Downdetector. It is a third-party website that displays the current status of applications and website servers. 

However, if their servers are perfectly fine, head down below and try the offered solutions. 

2. Restart the Game. 

The error code 31-4302 is an indication that the game failed to load its game data. Possibly, it encountered a temporary error that causes Genshin Impact to malfunction. To fix this, simply restart the game to reload all of its resources. 

On Windows, you can restart Genshin Impact by doing the following:

  1. On your keyboard, press the Windows + S keys and search for Task Manager
  2. After that, click on Open.
  3. Now, click on the Processes tab and locate Genshin Impact.
  4. Finally, select Genshin Impact and hit the End Task button to close the game.

error code 4206 on Genshin Impact

For Android devices, you can restart the game using the app switcher. To open it, swipe upwards from the bottom of your display. Now, flick Genshin Impact upwards until it is removed from the list. 

If you are using an iOS device with an all-screen display, accessing the app switcher is similar to Android devices. Swipe up from the bottom of your display until the application switcher shows. Locate the game and flick it upwards to stop it from running. 

Now, for iOS devices with a Home button, you can view the app switcher by tapping the Home button twice. After that, flick the game upwards until it is removed from the list. 

Finally, for Playstation 4 users, check out the guide below on how to do this process.

  1. On your controller, press and hold the PS button until the Quick Menu appears.
  2. After that, highlight the Close Application button.
  3. Lastly, hit the O or X button on your Playstation 4 controller to proceed. 

Once the game is closed, go to your home screen again and try to load Genshin Impact. 

3. Update Genshin Impact.

Problems loading Genshin Impact could also be due to an outdated version of the game. It is possible that Genshin’s servers no longer support the version you are running, which explains why it doesn’t load.

To fix this, simply update the game on your device.

On Windows, run the game launcher on your system and it should automatically install the updates on the game. 

For Android devices, check out the guide below on how to update Genshin Impact.

  1. First, open the Play Store on your home screen. 
  2. After that, tap on the Menu button to view the side menu.
  3. Next, tap on My Apps & Games. This will trigger the Play Store to check for any update available to the applications installed on your device. 
  4. If available, tap on the Update button beside Genshin Impact to install it. 

On the other hand, if you are an iOS user, see the steps below on how to update the game. 

  1. On your home screen, tap on the App Store.
  2. After that, tap the Updates tab on the bottom right corner of your screen.
  3. Finally, tap on the Update button if an update is detected.

cannot upload videos on Facebook

Now, for Playstation 4 users, check out the step-by-step guide below to guide you on the process.

  1. First, go to your PS4’s home screen and select Genshin Impact.
  2. After that, press the Options button on your controller.
  3. Finally, select Check for Updates and hit the O or X button (depends on your settings). 

error code 4206 on Genshin Impact

After updating Genshin Impact, restart the game and see if it will load on your device. 

4. Turn Off VPN

Virtual Private Network services are third-party applications that provide security over your home or business network. It works by randomly changing your default IP address and redirects your data to a secured server. 

While VPNs work great for securing your network, it can also interfere with its functions and could cause instability. 

If you are having trouble loading Genshin Impact, try to turn off your VPN.

high ping on Genshin Impact

5. Stop Other Applications.

Loading open-world games like Genshin Impact could be a heavy workload for your system. If you are seeing an error code 31-4302 on Genshin Impact, try to free up system resources by closing down unwanted programs. 

  1. On your computer, open the Task Manager and click the Processes tab. 
  2. From there, identify the programs that could eat up your system resources like media players, editing tools, or other games. 
  3. Finally, close down these applications and restart the game.

error code 31-4302 on Genshin Impact

6. Check and Reset Your Internet.

Since Genshin Impact is an online game, it requires a stable and robust network connection to run properly.  If you have encountered an error code 31-4302 on Genshin Impact, it can indicate that your internet is slow. 

To verify this, run a simple speed test on your network. You can use third-party websites like Fast.com for this process. 

error code 31-4302 on Genshin Impact

If the result indicates that your network is indeed the problem, try to restart your router. This should re-establish the connection with your ISP and solve the issue. 

Locate the power cable of your router and unplug it for 5 to 10 seconds. After that, plug back in the cable to turn on your router. 

error code 31-4302 on Genshin Impact

After restarting your router, run another speed test to see if the problem is fixed. Sadly, if your network continues to malfunction, contact your ISP immediately and ask them to fix their service. 

7. Try Using PureVPN.

Do you Genshin Impact on other region’s servers? Try using PureVPN.

error code 31-4302 on Genshin Impact

With PureVPN, you can connect to servers from other regions without lags and latency, thanks to their high-speed servers around the world. In addition, PureVPN has a Split Tunneling function that allows you to filter and limit the data that your ISP can access.

You can also use PureVPN if you love watching content across the region on streaming apps like Hulu, Netflix, HBO Max, and Disney+.

Try PureVPN Now 

If none of the methods above worked out for you, try to visit Genshin Impact’s community.

error code 31-4302 on Genshin Impact

You can find hundreds of posts there, which could be similar to the issue you are having. On the other hand, you can also ask the community about the issue, and your fellow gamers might be able to help you out.

This sums up our guide on how to fix the error code 31-4302 on Genshin Impact. If you have other concerns, leave a comment below, and we’ll try our best to answer them.

If this guide helped you, please share it. 🙂

  • John Sixto

    John is a staff writer at Saint and comes from a SAP ABAP development background. He has a Bachelors in IT and has been writing since 2018, with over 500 posts published. He loves to build PCs and has a deep curiosity in understanding how different components and configurations work. John spends hundreds of hours at a time, researching and testing the software and apps, before he proceeds to write about it. LinkedIn

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