Ошибка 3033 нет доступа к файлам


Во время оплаты могут возникнуть некоторые проблемы. Пожалуйста, ознакомьтесь со списком кодов ошибок ниже, так как это может помочь вам в процессе оплаты.

Ошибка 1002:

Сумма покупки слишком велика для проведения платежа. Попробуйте совершить покупку на меньшую сумму. Если проблему не удалось решить, обратитесь в службу поддержки Xsolla.

Эта ошибка может возникать, когда вы пытаетесь использовать способ оплаты через SMS (недоступен в России). Имейте в виду, что SMS-платежи идеально подходят для микротранзакций, но не всегда подходят для покупок на сумму более 15 USD. Для совершения таких платежей мы рекомендуем использовать альтернативный способ оплаты.

Ошибка 1019:

Ваш мобильный оператор не поддерживает данную услугу. Пожалуйста, выберите другой способ оплаты или обратитесь в службу поддержки Xsolla.

Эта ошибка может возникать, если ваш номер телефона не может быть использован для оплаты. Мы рекомендуем использовать другой способ оплаты.

Ошибка 1049 или 1092:

Ваш платеж был отклонен по соображениям безопасности. Пожалуйста, обратитесь в службу поддержки Xsolla.

Эта ошибка может возникать, если наша система распознает ваши попытки оплаты как нетипичные. Для завершения платежа мы попросим вас подтвердить карту через процесс верификации.

Ошибка 1058:

Платеж по вашей карте отклонен. Пожалуйста, укажите другую карту или обратитесь в службу поддержки клиентов банка.

Эта ошибка может возникать, когда банк, выпустивший карту, не подтверждает вашу покупку. Чтобы ее подтвердить, обратитесь в банк и сообщите, что вы действительно совершаете эти покупки. Вы также можете использовать другую карту или другой способ оплаты для завершения платежа.

Ошибка 2001 или 2002:

Указанный способ оплаты временно недоступен. Пожалуйста, выберите другой способ оплаты или обратитесь в службу поддержки Xsolla.

Эта ошибка может возникать по нескольким причинам и может быть решена следующими способами:

  • Если вы используете PayPal, возможно, вы убрали Xsolla из разрешенных платежей и не можете совершить новые платежи. Пожалуйста, свяжитесь с нами, чтобы обновить ваши способы оплаты.

  • При оплате другими способами попробуйте снять галочку с чекбокса сохранения платежного метода.

  • Эта ошибка может возникать, если на стороне выбранного способа оплаты наблюдаются временные технические неполадки. Чаще всего это временная проблема, поэтому обновите страницу или очистите кеш и файлы cookie.

Ошибка 2009 или 3017:

Вы превысили лимит на количество попыток. Попробуйте воспользоваться другой картой. Если у вас возникли вопросы, обратитесь в службу поддержки Xsolla.

Эта ошибка может возникать, когда вы совершаете несколько неуспешных попыток оплаты подряд. Свяжитесь с нами и мы снимем ограничения с вашего аккаунта.

Ошибка 2048:

Платежной системе не удается провести ваш платеж. Пожалуйста, выберите другой способ оплаты или обратитесь в службу поддержки Xsolla.

Эта ошибка может возникать, когда нашей системе по некоторым причинам не удалось снять средства с вашего счета. Чтобы ее устранить, выполните следующие действия:

  • Снимите галочку с чекбокса сохранения платежного метода на странице оплаты, где вы вводите данные платежного аккаунта.

  • Очистите кеш и файлы cookie.

Если ничего из этого не помогло, свяжитесь с нами для решения проблемы.

Ошибка 2007:

Указаны неверные реквизиты пользователя. Пожалуйста, проверьте корректность введенных данных и повторите попытку. Если проблему не удалось решить, обратитесь в службу поддержки Xsolla.

Эта ошибка может возникать в случае технических проблем на стороне игры. Вы можете проверить эту информацию на ее официальном сайте или связаться с нами — мы постараемся помочь.

Ошибка 3030:

Указанный способ оплаты недоступен в вашем регионе. Пожалуйста, выберите другой способ оплаты или обратитесь в службу поддержки Xsolla.

Эта ошибка может возникать в нескольких случаях:

  • Вы пытаетесь совершить платеж картой Maestro. В данном случае, пожалуйста, воспользуйтесь другим способом оплаты.

  • Если вы используете другой способ оплаты, ошибка может возникать из-за временных технических неполадок на стороне вашей платежной системы.

Если вы не можете совершить платеж, свяжитесь с нами, и мы немедленно решим проблему.

Ошибка 3032:

К сожалению, в данный момент оплата невозможна. Попробуйте повторить попытку позже или обратитесь в службу поддержки Xsolla.

Эта ошибка может возникать, если ваш аккаунт заблокирован в нашей системе. Пожалуйста, проверьте свой аккаунт на наличие возвращенных платежей и свяжитесь с нами для решения этой проблемы.

Если у вас остались вопросы, cвяжитесь с нами через онлайн-чат в вашем Аккаунте Xsolla, чтобы получить помощь уже сейчаc или отправьте сообщение через форму ниже.

Многие игроки в Геншин Импакт при покупке игровых ценностей сталкиваются с невозможностью провести платёж. При этом пользователь получает сообщение об ошибке 3032. Сообщение об ошибке может получить игрок при оплате через официальный сайт или через клиент Epic Games: в любом случае платежи принимает одна и тот же сервис Xsolla. Разберёмся, почему возникает ошибка и как её убрать.

Читайте также: Как купить Благословение Полой Луны в Геншин Импакт и Как купить Боевой пропуск в Геншин Импакт, если вы находитесь в России.

Что означает ошибка 3032 в Xsolla

В гайде по ошибкам платёжного шлюза Xsolla эта ошибка 3032 обозначена как следствие блокировки вашего аккаунта. 3032 — это бан. Но не в Геншин Импакт, а в отдельно взятой платёжной системе.

ошибка 3032 xsolla бан блокировка аккаунта

Как правило, попытки оплатить позже заканчиваются так же. Почему возникает эта ошибка — точно неизвестно. Техподдержка системы обычно пишет про «неавторизованные покупки» или «нетипичную платёжную активность» — по этим отпискам понять, что происходит, сложно. Ошибка выскакивает у добросовестных игроков, которые, например, не используют ухищрения с VPN, чтобы купить игровые ценности в другом государстве. Возможно, система принимает какие-то автоматические меры, если ей что-то не нравится.

Однако, переживать не стоит, блокировка в Xsolla обратима. Для этого нужно обратиться в поддержку платформы и описать ситуацию. Но сначала объясним вам, откуда у вас аккаунт.

Рекламный блок

Он пустой? Вы можете отблагодарить нас за хороший контент: просто отключите блокировщик рекламы. Мы располагаем промо-блоки так, чтобы они не мешали просмотру материалов.

Что такое аккаунт Xsolla

аккаунт в Xsolla

Возможно, вы сейчас недоумеваете: как вообще могли заблокировать аккаунт в какой-то системе, который я не создавал/а? Дело в том, что создание аккаунта в Xsolla происходит автоматически при покупках в игре Геншин Импакт. Вы вводите свой номер телефона и адрес электронной почты, и Xsolla привязывает ваши данные к аккаунту. Вы можете им не пользоваться, но он есть, это сделано для того, чтобы система могла отслеживать все ваши платежи.

Войти в него можно по ссылке, указав почту или телефон. Также, система поддерживает авторизацию через соцсети, но лучше вводить именно данные, которые указаны в вашем аккаунте Геншин Импакт. Внутри вы сможете добавить карту для оплаты через Xsolla и подгрузить свои предыдущие покупки по чекам. А также, связаться с техподдержкой.

Как связаться с поддержкой Xsolla

Рассмотрим способы связи с техподдержкой Xsolla. На странице с ошибками вам предложат заполнить форму для обратной связи, но это не наш вариант! Здесь нужно обязательно ввести номер транзакции, а его можно посмотреть только в чеке после отправки платежа. Если система не принимает наш платёж, то и номера транзакции у нас не будет.

отправить письмо с сайта xsolla

Для связи с поддержкой нужно зайти в аккаунт Xsolla. и нажать на кнопку с котиком в правом нижнем углу экрана. Сайт предложит вам чаты в мессенджерах и онлайн на сайте.

аккаунт в xsolla связь с техподдержкой

Техподдержка называется Babka, если вам не хочется заходить на аккаунт в Xsolla, воспользуйтесь прямыми ссылками на чаты прямо отсюда.

Прямые ссылки на чат с поддержкой Xsolla

Babka в WhatsApp

Babka в Telegram

Babka в Viber

Babka на Facebook

Как правило, починка ошибки 3032 происходит за короткое время. Мы дважды обращались в чат Телеграм и нам помогли за минуты:

Чат с техподдержкой babka в телеграм

При переписке с техподдержкой указывайте email, который привязан к вашему аккаунту в Геншин Импакт.


Эта инструкция работает для пользователей, которые не нарушали правила системы Xsolla и получили ошибку 3032. Если же вы пытались обойти правила системы, решение вопроса может быть отрицательным. Однако, мы знаем, что поддержка Xsolla часто прощает игроков в случае первичного нарушения правил. Поэтому, обратиться нужно в любом случае.

разблокировка аккаунта Xsolla техподдержка

Желаем вам удовольствия от игры и приятных покупок.

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Getting this message when trying to get the game. I’ve played for about a month with a copy bought from a G2A » merchant» all was fine, my payment went through, roughly the same amount as the standard version, but a few days ago the launcher said Buy the game instead of play. Asked them for a refund, got it, and I’d like to get the game from here. Been trying all day today.

3032: Sorry, the payment cannot be completed now. Please try again later or contact Xsolla customer support

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Getting this message when trying to get the game. I’ve played for about a month with a copy bought from a G2A » merchant» all was fine, my payment went through, roughly the same amount as the standard version, but a few days ago the launcher said Buy the game instead of play. Asked them for a refund, got it, and I’d like to get the game from here. Been trying all day today.


Sounds Like you got Scammed with a Trial Key / Giveaway Key that was Sold and shouldn’t of been..

Possibly a Fraudulent Purchased Key by the Buyer from G2A.

You will sadly need Re-purchase the game Directly through G2A.

XShit-olla can sometimes really suck….

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  • 1 month later…



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I’m getting the same issue today and the payment option I tried was debit card. Which the card definitely is valid.

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  • 4 weeks later…



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Xsolla really does suck. There seems to be so many problems with it, I was trying to upgrade with the sale these past few days, but I can’t do that if their service doesn’t even let me pay their overpriced fees. They are sketchy as it is.

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  • 2 months later…



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ive tried to buy it for a week and had a 3032 error every time, contacted support multiple times. xsolla is wank

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xsolla is the worst. Trying to contact them and get actual help is almost impossible. Been trying to purchase the game for a while now and doesn’t work.

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  • 4 weeks later…



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Same problem here.  I hope they can resolve sometime in the near future.  Also I’ve tried every option almost on multiple different devices, same error, 3032.

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15 hours ago, RegullarGuy said:

Same problem here.  I hope they can resolve sometime in the near future.  Also I’ve tried every option almost on multiple different devices, same error, 3032.

The only way to resolve this issue is to contact Xsolla at support@xsolla.com or in their live chat at https://xsolla.com/gamer-support/

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  • 2 weeks later…



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I get this error after I bought the game from a third party so now Xsolla has blocked the account from future purchases

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On 3/2/2020 at 5:02 PM, Stan464 said:

Getting this message when trying to get the game. I’ve played for about a month with a copy bought from a G2A » merchant» all was fine, my payment went through, roughly the same amount as the standard version, but a few days ago the launcher said Buy the game instead of play. Asked them for a refund, got it, and I’d like to get the game from here. Been trying all day today.


Sounds Like you got Scammed with a Trial Key / Giveaway Key that was Sold and shouldn’t of been..

Possibly a Fraudulent Purchased Key by the Buyer from G2A.

You will sadly need Re-purchase the game Directly through G2A.

XShit-olla can sometimes really suck….

Why would you tell him to purchase directly through G2A?
If you read this, only buy direct from escapefromtarkov.com.
 XSolla aren’t the best but they have 24 hr support that will sort your crap out. Use their live chat not email.

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  • 5 months later…



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The live chat is horrible. They just keep asking you to wait so they can pull up the wrong info. Juliete was claiming that I have a dispute back from 12/26/2020 when I didnt even start ETF until Jan 26th. I gave her my receipt number as proof and she still couldnt look it up. THen she claims the dispute was for Roblox and I DONT EVEN OWN THE GAME. How could I have a dispute for a game I have never played before I even started playing ETF on Jan 26th?

Can you please get me in touch with someone who is not a bot? I have tried emailing as well. 

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4 hours ago, phatgchau said:

Can you please get me in touch with someone who is not a bot? I have tried emailing as well. 

I don’t think there is someone from Xsolla here to help you.

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  • 9 months later…



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im getting error code 3032 when trying to buy the game. i used to own it then refunded it does that have anything to do with it?

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  • 3 weeks later…



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I am trying to buy the game error 3032 tried to contact Xsolla via their customer support couldn’t make a ticket because I didn’t have a transaction ID Obviously I don’t have one because I CANT BUY THE GAME tried emailing them no response so I guess I can not buy Tarkov If a Tarkov dev is reading this PLEASE change payment system Xsolla does not work 

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On 8/10/2020 at 7:16 AM, LordZyxx said:

xsolla is the worst. Trying to contact them and get actual help is almost impossible. Been trying to purchase the game for a while now and doesn’t work.

BROO HAD THE SAME ISSUE GO DM THEIR TWITTER AND THEY WILL FIX IT INSTANTLY NO MORE WAITING 800000  years for an email back @XsollaSupport is the twitter

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This error means your account might be blocked on Xsolla’s system:

3032: Sorry, the payment cannot be completed now. Please try again later or contact Xsolla Customer Support.
This error may appear when your account is blocked on our system. Please check your account for previous chargebacks and contact us to resolve this issue.

Source of this information: https://help.xsolla.com/i-cant-make-a-payment/most-common-error-codes

You can contact their support to clarify the situation. To do so, open the Gift Shop in game, click on «Get More Reward Points» and proceed to the page where you choose the amount of Reward Points you would like to obtain.

If you are on PC, you will see a purple chat bubble at the bottom left in this page:

If on mobile, it will be a button at the end of the page:

If contacting Xsolla does not solve your problem, contact our support on Support Request > Reward Points Issue with a screenshot of their answer.

Keep in mind that PokeMMO has no power to overrule Xsolla’s decision on this matter. If they tell you that your account is banned, we will not be able to help and we do not provide any other payment option.

Hello. I wanted to buy the Crescent supporter pack today. But when i try to pay, error 3032 appears. ( https://imgur.com/a/LSJHnkP ). On the same page, I contacted Xsolla technical support. I was informed that my account was blocked for suspicious actions. But I didn’t do anything at all after buying the «50 coin pack» on April 9, 2021 (https://imgur.com/a/Hlune8j ). I thought that perhaps my email was being used for subversive actions, and I changed my email address on the Path of exile website. You should see from the logs that the mail has changed. But that didn’t solve the problem. Why can this happen? And how can I solve this problem? Or how do I make Xsolla open another account when navigating from the Path of exile site? Thank you in advance, I would very much like to buy «Crescent portal» and «Maven’s Astrolabe Map Device».
I tried to send a message to your email support@grindinggear.com , but I was shown «Message rejected» ( https://imgur.com/a/QQyH6HZ )

Last edited by Negociant34 on Apr 19, 2021, 11:14:55 AM

Last bumped on Apr 19, 2021, 5:05:42 PM


Posted by
on Apr 19, 2021, 11:13:37 AM

Hi Negociant34, I’m sorry to hear that you’ve encountered these difficulties. So we can look into this further for you, please send a PM directly to the Support account on our website: https://www.pathofexile.com/private-messages/compose/to/support

Last edited by Isaac_GGG on Apr 19, 2021, 11:17:42 AM


Posted by
on Apr 19, 2021, 11:17:25 AM

Grinding Gear Games

Xsolla do have a list of common error codes and the reason for them

From that list


3032: sorry, the payment cannot be completed now. Please try again later or contact Xsolla Customer Support.

This error may appear when your account is blocked on our system. Please check your account for previous chargebacks and contact our support to resolve this issue.

Ancestral Bond. It’s a thing that does stuff. -Vipermagi

He who controls the pants controls the galaxy. — Rick & Morty S3E1


Posted by
on Apr 19, 2021, 5:05:42 PM

3032: К сожалению, в данный момент оплата невозможна. Попробуйте повторить попытку позже или обратитесь в службу поддержки Xsolla.

Однако создав новый аккаунт данной ошибки на нем нет, тобиш выдает ошибку только на этом.

Last bumped7 апр. 2023 г., 21:58:54


7 апр. 2023 г., 14:53:00

Спонсор Мастер-зачарователь

Спонсор Адского огня

Была такая же ошибка, пиши в поддержку xsolla


7 апр. 2023 г., 20:44:54

И как ты описал им проблему? я написал мол на одном акке норм платеж проходит а на 2м 3032. или надо было название аккаунта еще писать?


7 апр. 2023 г., 21:21:24

Спонсор Мастер-зачарователь

Спонсор Адского огня

в целом написал так, мне попросили попробовать снова и получилось

Последняя редакция: Bus1204. Время: 7 апр. 2023 г., 21:37:32


7 апр. 2023 г., 21:36:50

Спасибо тебе, ну жду ответа от саппорта…


7 апр. 2023 г., 21:58:54

Спонсор Мастер-зачарователь

Спонсор Адского огня

Перейти к контенту

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Getting this message when trying to get the game. I’ve played for about a month with a copy bought from a G2A » merchant» all was fine, my payment went through, roughly the same amount as the standard version, but a few days ago the launcher said Buy the game instead of play. Asked them for a refund, got it, and I’d like to get the game from here. Been trying all day today.

3032: Sorry, the payment cannot be completed now. Please try again later or contact Xsolla customer support

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Getting this message when trying to get the game. I’ve played for about a month with a copy bought from a G2A » merchant» all was fine, my payment went through, roughly the same amount as the standard version, but a few days ago the launcher said Buy the game instead of play. Asked them for a refund, got it, and I’d like to get the game from here. Been trying all day today.


Sounds Like you got Scammed with a Trial Key / Giveaway Key that was Sold and shouldn’t of been..

Possibly a Fraudulent Purchased Key by the Buyer from G2A.

You will sadly need Re-purchase the game Directly through G2A.

XShit-olla can sometimes really suck….

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  • 1 month later…



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I’m getting the same issue today and the payment option I tried was debit card. Which the card definitely is valid.

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  • 4 weeks later…



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Xsolla really does suck. There seems to be so many problems with it, I was trying to upgrade with the sale these past few days, but I can’t do that if their service doesn’t even let me pay their overpriced fees. They are sketchy as it is.

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  • 2 months later…



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ive tried to buy it for a week and had a 3032 error every time, contacted support multiple times. xsolla is wank

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xsolla is the worst. Trying to contact them and get actual help is almost impossible. Been trying to purchase the game for a while now and doesn’t work.

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  • 4 weeks later…



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Same problem here.  I hope they can resolve sometime in the near future.  Also I’ve tried every option almost on multiple different devices, same error, 3032.

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15 hours ago, RegullarGuy said:

Same problem here.  I hope they can resolve sometime in the near future.  Also I’ve tried every option almost on multiple different devices, same error, 3032.

The only way to resolve this issue is to contact Xsolla at support@xsolla.com or in their live chat at https://xsolla.com/gamer-support/

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  • 2 weeks later…



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I get this error after I bought the game from a third party so now Xsolla has blocked the account from future purchases

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On 3/2/2020 at 5:02 PM, Stan464 said:

Getting this message when trying to get the game. I’ve played for about a month with a copy bought from a G2A » merchant» all was fine, my payment went through, roughly the same amount as the standard version, but a few days ago the launcher said Buy the game instead of play. Asked them for a refund, got it, and I’d like to get the game from here. Been trying all day today.


Sounds Like you got Scammed with a Trial Key / Giveaway Key that was Sold and shouldn’t of been..

Possibly a Fraudulent Purchased Key by the Buyer from G2A.

You will sadly need Re-purchase the game Directly through G2A.

XShit-olla can sometimes really suck….

Why would you tell him to purchase directly through G2A?
If you read this, only buy direct from escapefromtarkov.com.
 XSolla aren’t the best but they have 24 hr support that will sort your crap out. Use their live chat not email.

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  • 5 months later…



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The live chat is horrible. They just keep asking you to wait so they can pull up the wrong info. Juliete was claiming that I have a dispute back from 12/26/2020 when I didnt even start ETF until Jan 26th. I gave her my receipt number as proof and she still couldnt look it up. THen she claims the dispute was for Roblox and I DONT EVEN OWN THE GAME. How could I have a dispute for a game I have never played before I even started playing ETF on Jan 26th?

Can you please get me in touch with someone who is not a bot? I have tried emailing as well. 

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4 hours ago, phatgchau said:

Can you please get me in touch with someone who is not a bot? I have tried emailing as well. 

I don’t think there is someone from Xsolla here to help you.

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  • 9 months later…



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im getting error code 3032 when trying to buy the game. i used to own it then refunded it does that have anything to do with it?

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  • 3 weeks later…



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I am trying to buy the game error 3032 tried to contact Xsolla via their customer support couldn’t make a ticket because I didn’t have a transaction ID Obviously I don’t have one because I CANT BUY THE GAME tried emailing them no response so I guess I can not buy Tarkov If a Tarkov dev is reading this PLEASE change payment system Xsolla does not work 

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On 8/10/2020 at 7:16 AM, LordZyxx said:

xsolla is the worst. Trying to contact them and get actual help is almost impossible. Been trying to purchase the game for a while now and doesn’t work.

BROO HAD THE SAME ISSUE GO DM THEIR TWITTER AND THEY WILL FIX IT INSTANTLY NO MORE WAITING 800000  years for an email back @XsollaSupport is the twitter

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This error means your account might be blocked on Xsolla’s system:

3032: Sorry, the payment cannot be completed now. Please try again later or contact Xsolla Customer Support.
This error may appear when your account is blocked on our system. Please check your account for previous chargebacks and contact us to resolve this issue.

Source of this information: https://help.xsolla.com/i-cant-make-a-payment/most-common-error-codes

You can contact their support to clarify the situation. To do so, open the Gift Shop in game, click on «Get More Reward Points» and proceed to the page where you choose the amount of Reward Points you would like to obtain.

If you are on PC, you will see a purple chat bubble at the bottom left in this page:

If on mobile, it will be a button at the end of the page:

If contacting Xsolla does not solve your problem, contact our support on Support Request > Reward Points Issue with a screenshot of their answer.

Keep in mind that PokeMMO has no power to overrule Xsolla’s decision on this matter. If they tell you that your account is banned, we will not be able to help and we do not provide any other payment option.

Коллеги, добрый день!

Хотел сегодня сделать предзаказ GTA Trilogy в Rockstar Game Launcher, но при попытке оплаты любым способом (банковской картой, Сбер, МТС, etc.) выдаёт ошибку: «3032: К сожалению, в данный момент оплата невозможна. Попробуйте повторить попытку позже или обратитесь в службу поддержки Xsolla.» Через сайт в браузере аналогичную ошибку выдаёт.

Письмо в техподдержку отправил, ответа пока не получил. В Инете пишут, что их ТП может неделю морозиться. Кто сталкивался с этим, как победить?

UPD1: попробовал через VPN (USA) — выдаёт ту же ошибку. А через TOR, выдаёт ошибку, дескать продукт недоступен в вашем регионе! :-(

UPD2: связался с их техподдержкой через чат, ответили, что их служба безопасности обнаружила нетипичное поведение при оплате, поэтому возможность заблокировали и ничем помочь не могут!

UPD3: зарегал новую учётку в Rockstar, вошёл под ней в RGL, выбрал способ оплаты Сбер — открылось окно в браузере, отменил, решил оплатить картой — выдаёт теперь ту же ошибку 3032! Способ оплаты Сбер теперь тоже не проходит. Видимо, новую учётку также оперативно заблокировали :-(

UPD4: ответили письмом из ТП Xsolla:

Следующий платёж прошёл успешно!

Hello. I wanted to buy the Crescent supporter pack today. But when i try to pay, error 3032 appears. ( https://imgur.com/a/LSJHnkP ). On the same page, I contacted Xsolla technical support. I was informed that my account was blocked for suspicious actions. But I didn’t do anything at all after buying the «50 coin pack» on April 9, 2021 (https://imgur.com/a/Hlune8j ). I thought that perhaps my email was being used for subversive actions, and I changed my email address on the Path of exile website. You should see from the logs that the mail has changed. But that didn’t solve the problem. Why can this happen? And how can I solve this problem? Or how do I make Xsolla open another account when navigating from the Path of exile site? Thank you in advance, I would very much like to buy «Crescent portal» and «Maven’s Astrolabe Map Device».
I tried to send a message to your email support@grindinggear.com , but I was shown «Message rejected» ( https://imgur.com/a/QQyH6HZ )

Last edited by Negociant34 on Apr 19, 2021, 11:14:55 AM

Last bumped on Apr 19, 2021, 5:05:42 PM


Posted by
on Apr 19, 2021, 11:13:37 AM

Hi Negociant34, I’m sorry to hear that you’ve encountered these difficulties. So we can look into this further for you, please send a PM directly to the Support account on our website: https://www.pathofexile.com/private-messages/compose/to/support

Last edited by Isaac_GGG on Apr 19, 2021, 11:17:42 AM


Posted by
on Apr 19, 2021, 11:17:25 AM

Grinding Gear Games

Xsolla do have a list of common error codes and the reason for them

From that list


3032: sorry, the payment cannot be completed now. Please try again later or contact Xsolla Customer Support.

This error may appear when your account is blocked on our system. Please check your account for previous chargebacks and contact our support to resolve this issue.

Ancestral Bond. It’s a thing that does stuff. -Vipermagi

He who controls the pants controls the galaxy. — Rick & Morty S3E1


Posted by
on Apr 19, 2021, 5:05:42 PM

3032: Sorry, the payment cannot be completed now. Please try again later or contact Xsolla


Xsolla is a global video game commerce company headquartered in Sherman Oaks, Los Angeles, California. It was founded in 2005 by Aleksandr Agapitov, and is incorporated as a California Corporation (US company) with subsidiaries around the world.

customer support. It may take up to a day for their servers to settle whenever this issue arises.

Why does Roblox use Xsolla?

For security reasons, you may be asked to verify your transaction with our Xsolla payment provider which allows users all over the world to make your payment safe and secure. Card verification is a common practice that helps ensure payment security.

What is error code 1092 on Xsolla?

1049 or 1092: Your payment was declined for security reasons. This error may appear when our security system recognizes your attempt as abnormal. In order to complete a payment, we ask you to verify your card through our verification process.

What is code 2001 on Xsolla?

It looks like the payment system is currently unavailable. Please try again with a different payment method or contact our customer support for further assistance at help.xsolla.com.

What is Xsolla on my credit card?

Xsolla is our payment partner, and is responsible for handling all payment actions on LabelRadar. They accept VISA, MasterCard, American Express (and many more!) credit, debit cards and many alternative methods such as PayPal, Amazon Pay and countless more.

here’s why you should NEVER BUY ROBUX on Roblox…

What is Xsolla and why is it charging me?

What is Xsolla and why are they charging me? Xsolla is one of our payment processors. If you have any questions regarding a payment made to them, please contact them directly via their support portal or by emailing them at [email protected].

How do I stop Xsolla from taking money?

You can cancel your Xsolla subscription by contacting them via email or telephone and providing them with your customer details. Email [email protected] and ask them to cancel your account. Meet Emma, your Best Financial Friend. Track all your paid subscriptions in one place, for free.

What is error 3042 on Xsolla?

“3042: A recurring subscription already exists with this account. Please wait until it expires to make a payment for renewal. If you have any questions, please contact our customer support for further assistance at help.xsolla.com.”

What is the error code for stolen card?

Code 43 | Stolen card, pick up

The cardholder has reported the credit card stolen. The issuer has denied the transaction and flagged the card for fraud.

What is credit card error 002?

Code 02: Refer to card issuer – special condition

This code usually indicates that there was an issue with the credit card data. The course of action is similar to code 01 – the customer would either have to complete the payment with an alternative method, or call the bank to understand the exact issue behind it.

What is code 3032 Xsolla?

3032: Sorry, the payment cannot be completed now. Please try again later or contact Xsolla customer support. It may take up to a day for their servers to settle whenever this issue arises. If the issue persists, you may reach out to Xsolla support directly to further investigate the issue at help.xsolla.com.

What is error 3030 on Xsolla?

3030: The payment method you selected is unavailable in your region. Please try again with a different payment method or contact our customer support for further assistance at help.xsolla.com.

What is error code 0x80190194?

This is a Windows problem that occurs when SCCM tries to process the license file. Ultimately, the step fails, which prevents the application from being installed with the error: Installation failure, error code = 0x80190194.

Will Xsolla refund me?

If you have already paid for the Item, we will refund you the full amount charged as soon as possible and will incur no further liability to you.

How does Roblox pay you?

Roblox calculates an EBP payout based on the share of time a premium subscriber spends in your experience. These engagement based payouts happen automatically, as a way to reward engaging experiences, and are in addition to payouts based on in-experience purchases.

Why does Roblox take away Robux?

Robux may be removed from an account after a refund request is processed for a related purchase. The user account will be notified via a direct message delivered to the account’s Inbox from Roblox.

What is reject code 0034?

The customer’s card issuer has declined the transaction as there is a suspected fraud on this credit card number.

What is decline code Z3?

‘Z3’ is the correct response code when the terminal is unable to go online, but sometimes ‘Z3’ shows up in tag 8A when it’s not expected. Why? Basically, if you send a result code to the reader that is not recognized by the kernel, the kernel will change it to ‘Z3’ (5A33).

What is CVV error 82?

What does transaction response code 82 — CVV Validation Error mean? The customer’s card issuer has declined the transaction as the CVV is incorrect. The customer should check the CVV details (the 3 numbers on the back for Visa/MC, or 4 numbers on the front for AMEX) and try again.

What is error #1003 credit card?

A 1003 error means your client has locked their online banking access. This could be for a number of different reasons i.e. from too many incorrect login attempts or running out of time to input a verification code/token.

What is error code 267 on Roblox arsenal?

If a particular Roblox experience has temporarily banned you, then the error code 267 will flash a message with your ban’s duration. It can be anywhere between a few minutes to an hour and even days. In that case, it’s best to avoid launching that experience and wait out the ban.

What is error 10486 payment?

PayPal provides the following reasons for receiving Error code 10486: The billing address associated with the financial Instrument could not be confirmed. The transaction exceeds the card limit. The transaction was denied by the card issuer.

Does Xsolla charge a fee?


What company uses Xsolla?

Explore Xsolla, the Los Angeles-headquartered games industry sevice provider that has partnered with games luminaries including Epic, NetEase, and Roblox.

What is the payment limit for Xsolla?

(iv) Minimum and maximum limits of payment may be applied at the discretion of Xsolla. Generally, payments are limited to $150 per single purchase and $1000 in a 24-hour period for each User.

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