Ошибка 302 arduino

Arduino Forum


Arduino Stray 302 In Program

How to fix Stray 302 in program On Arduino – This time I want to share about an error that I do not usually experience. When I’m making a program in the arduino IDE.

Then the program I created, I compile to get the results, but there is an error. The error shown here is unusual, I’ve never had an error like this.

The error message is stray 302 in program. Look at the picture below.

Stray 302 Arduino, How to Fix It?

After searching from various references, the error stray 302 in this program occurred because we copied and pasted the text from another data processor into our Arduino IDE.

Sure enough, I took the text from google translate and then I pasted it into the Arduino IDE. The reason is, when I paste, the ASCII code goes into the arduino IDE.

Some of the code that causes errors is usually spaces & quotes (” “).

Steps to fix

If Error by Spacing

Remove the spaces at the beginning and end of the error line, then in the Arduino IDE, select the Tools > Auto Format. Here my problem is solved.

If there are still errors that appear, check again that the spaces that may be in the middle of the sentence have not been removed.

If Error by Quotes

Replace the quotes from the copy and paste from a website like “ ” to ” “.


If you want to replace the entire error text, you can use the “Find and Replace” feature by pressing CTRL + F on the Arduino IDE, then enter the word you want to replace in the “Find” form and enter a new word that will replace the wrong word. on the “Replace with” form, then click the “Replace All” button.

Hopefully this article is useful.


Зарегистрирован: 29.12.2017

При попытке компилирования выдаёт эту ошибку

#include <Wire.h>                           // Подключаем библиотеку Wire
#include <LiquidCrystal.h>              // Подключаем библиотеку LiquidCrystal
#include <DallasTemperature.h>              // Подключаем библиотеку DallasTempature
#define DS18B20 2                           // Указываем, к какому выводу подключена DQ
byte simvol[8]   = {B11100,B10100,B11100,B00000,B00000,B00000,B00000,B00000,}; // Символ градуса
LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x27,16,2);           // Задаем адрес и размер дисплея
OneWire oneWire(DS18B20);                   
DallasTemperature sensors(&oneWire);
void setup()
  sensors.begin();                           // Запуск библиотеки, по умолчанию 9 бит, то есть кратность 0.5 градуса 
  lcd.init();                                // Инициализация lcd    
  lcd.backlight();                           // Включаем подсветку
  lcd.setCursor(2,0);                        // Устанавливаем курсор на 1 строку, ячейка 2
  lcd.print("TEMP");                         // Выводим текст
  lcd.setCursor(2,1);                        // Устанавливаем курсор на 2 строку, ячейка 2 
  lcd.print("MADE IN CHINA");                 // Выводим текст
void loop()
  int temp = sensors.requestTemperatures();;
  lcd.createChar(1, simvol);                  // Создаем символ под номером 1
  sensors.requestTemperatures();              // Считываем показания температуры 
  lcd.setCursor(7,0);                         // Устанавливаем курсор на 1 строку, ячейка 7 
  lcd.print(sensors.getTempCByIndex(0));      // Выводим показания температуры
  lcd.setCursor(12,0);                        // Устанавливаем курсор на 1 строку, ячейка 12  
  lcd.print("\1");                            // Выводим символ градуса
  lcd.setCursor(13,0);                        // Устанавливаем курсор на 1 строку, ячейка 13 
  lcd.print("C");                             // Выводим текст 
if(temp < 35)
  tone (9, 100);

Всем привет и добрый вечер, помогите пожалуйста с одной проблемой: этот скетч точно рабочий, поскольку раньше работал и компилировался без проблем, однако потом началось

exit status 1

stray ‘\302’ in program

и все. Выделяется последняя строчка. Если ее удалить, выделиться следующая. и так далее.

В чем дело?


#include <VirtualWire.h>

void setup()


vw_set_ptt_inverted(true); // Required by the RF module

vw_setup(2000); // bps connection speed

vw_set_tx_pin(3); // Arduino pin to connect the receiver data pin


void loop() {

//Message to send:

const char *msg = «12347779999999999999999999999567»;

vw_send((uint8_t *)msg, strlen(msg));




здесь таже проблема. только выделяется последняя скобка))



#include <VirtualWire.h>

void setup()


Serial.begin(9600); // Configure the serial connection to the computer

vw_set_ptt_inverted(true); // Required by the RF module

vw_setup(2000); // bps connection speed

vw_set_rx_pin(3); // Arduino pin to connect the receiver data pin

vw_rx_start(); // Start the receiver


void loop()


uint8_t buf[VW_MAX_MESSAGE_LEN];

uint8_t buflen = VW_MAX_MESSAGE_LEN;

if (vw_get_message(buf, &buflen)) // We check if we have received data


int i;

// Message with proper check

for (i = 0; i < buflen; i++)


Serial.write(buf); // The received data is stored in the buffer

// and sent through the serial port to the computer





#include <CapacitiveSensor.h>

CapacitiveSensor capSensor = CapacitiveSensor(4,2);// 1M resistor between pins 4 & 2, pin 2 is sensor pin, add a wire and or foil

int threshold = 100;//this is an important number which is a preset capacitance reading. Check the serial monitor when touching the foil or hovering the hand over the foil. You need to determine what is the ACTUAL number the sensor is reading, then change this threshold to that number in order to make the sensor to work appropriately.

const int ledPin = 12;

//define notes’ frequency
const int c = 261;//C4
const int d = 294;//D4
const int e = 329;//E4
const int f = 349;//F4
const int g = 391;//G4
const int gS = 415;//G4#
const int a = 440;//A4
const int aS = 455;//A4#
const int b = 466;//B4
const int cH = 523;//C5
const int cSH = 554;//C5#
const int dH = 587;//D5
const int dSH = 622;//D5#
const int eH = 659;//E5
const int fH = 698;//F5
const int fSH = 740;//F5#
const int gH = 784;//G5
const int gSH = 830;//G5#
const int aH = 880;//A5

//digital pin 8 is the output pin
const int buzzerPin = 8;

//define note lengths
int Q = 500;
int H = 2Q;
int E = 0.5
int S = 0.25Q;
int ED = 0.75

void setup()




//Setup pin modes
pinMode(buzzerPin, OUTPUT);


void loop() //create a variable type long to hold the sensor’s value.


delay(1+H);//additional rest between repeats

long sensorValue = capSensor.capacitiveSensor(30); //30 samples

Serial.println(sensorValue); // print sensor output

if(sensorValue > threshold)


//duration is defined as quarter note 500, delay at least 1ms for each note so you can hear it

tone(buzzerPin, a, Q);
tone(buzzerPin, a, Q);
tone(buzzerPin, a, Q);
tone(buzzerPin, f, ED);
tone(buzzerPin, cH, S);
tone(buzzerPin, a, Q);
tone(buzzerPin, f, ED);
tone(buzzerPin, cH, S);
tone(buzzerPin, a, H);

tone(buzzerPin, eH, Q);
tone(buzzerPin, eH, Q);
tone(buzzerPin, eH, Q);
tone(buzzerPin, fH, ED);
tone(buzzerPin, cH, S);
tone(buzzerPin, gS, Q);
tone(buzzerPin, f, ED);
tone(buzzerPin, cH, S);
tone(buzzerPin, a, H);

delay(1+H);//additional rest between repeats







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