Ошибка 26106 sinumerik 840d

Sinumerik Alarm 26106 Encoder %2 of axis %1 not found

%1 = Axis name, spindle number
%2 = Encoder number

The drive configured for the specified axis could not be found. For example, a Profibus slave was configured on the NC but is not contained in SDB1000. Reactions: – Mode group not ready. – Channel not ready. – NC Start disable in this channel. – NC Stop on alarm. – The NC switches to follow-up mode. – Alarm display. – Interface signals are set.

Possible causes:
• $MA_ENC_TYPE not equal to 0 as a result of an oversight; the encoder should actually be simulated (= 0).
• $MA_ENC_MODULE_NR entered incorrectly, i.e. the logical drive numbers were exchanged and an invalid value is stored for this drive in $MN_DRIVE_LOGIC_ADDRESS (see next paragraph) or a drive number which does not exist on the bus was entered (check the number for slaves, for example).
• $MN_DRIVE_LOGIC_ADDRESS contains values which were not configured on the Profibus (i.e. the values are not in SDB1000) or different addresses were selected for the input and output slots of the drive in the Profibus configuration.

Program Continuation:
Switch control OFF – ON.


  1. Siemens Diagnostics Guide by Siemens

Sinumerik Alarm 26106 Encoder %2 of axis %1 not found

«1 Обзор системных ошибок Документация SINUMERIK® Обзор ошибок 840D sl/840D/840Di/810D Список номеров действий Коды ошибок 300500 Реакция системы при . »

Продолжение программы:

22014 Канал %1 кадр %2. Динамика ходового винта %3 и ведомого шпинделя %4 сильно различаются

%1 = номер канала %2 = номер кадра, метка %3 = номер ходового винта %4 = номер ведомого шпинделя

При соединении синхронный ход не может быть достигнут, если динамика шпинделей/осей сильно различается. Динамика зависит от множества установок: предустановка предуправления, данные блока параметров, в первую очередь KV, время симметрирования и т.п., режим предуправления и установочные параметры предуправления, режим работы FIPO, установки фильтра рывка и фильтра динамики, DSC вкл/выкл.

К ним относятся следующие машинные данные:

MA_FFW_MODE, MA_VELO_FFW_WEIGHT, MA_FIPO_TYPE, VEL_FFW_TIME, MA_EQUIV_SPEEDCTRL_TIME, MA_POSCTRL_GAIN, AX_JERK_TIME, STIFFNESS_DELAY_TIME, PROFIBUS_ACTVAL_LEAD_TIME, PROFIBUS_OUTVAL_DELAY_TIME, CTRLOUT_LEAD_TIME Реакции: — индикация ошибки Помощь: Использовать шпиндели/оси с одинаковой динамикой. Если различная установка выбрана осознано, то ошибка может быть подавлена с помощью машинных данных 11410 SUPPRESS_ALARM_MASK бит21 = 1.

Удалить ошибку с помощью клавиши стирания или NC -START.

Продолжение программы:

В машинных данных 35014 GEAR_STEP_USED_IN_AXISMODE сконфигурирована ступень редуктора, на которой шпиндель должен находиться в осевом режиме. ЧПУ при переключении шпинделя в осевой режим проверяет эту ступень редуктора. При этом сконфигурированная в MD 35014 ступень редуктора сравнивается с сообщенной с PLC ступенью редуктора (VDI-Nst «Фактическая ступень редуктора A до C», DB31. DBX16.0..16.2). Если ступени редуктора не совпадают, то следует эта ошибка. При переходе в осевой режим с программированием M70 ЧПУ автоматически включает или запрашивает сконфигурированную в MD 35014 ступень редуктор. Если сконфигурированная в MD 35014 ступень редуктора уже активна, то смена ступеней редуктора не запрашивается. В обоих случаях M40 остается активной.

Реакции: — устанавливаются сигналы интерфейсов

— индикация ошибки Помощь: Запрограммировать M70 перед осевым режимом. Учитывать MD 20094.

Удалить ошибку с помощью клавиши стирания или NC -START.

Продолжение программы:

Помощь: Использовать соединение синхронных шпинделей DV или запрограммировать направление вращения и число оборотов.

Удалить ошибку клавишей RESET.

Продолжение Заново запустить программу обработки детали.

Затребованная через сигнал VDI DB31. DBX31.6 ‘Отслеживание синхронного хода’ или запись в переменную $AA_COUP_CORR[Sn] коррекция синхронного хода в настоящий момент не может быть учтена.

Причинами этого могут быть:

• реферирование или синхронизация с нулевыми метками активна

• выполняется NC-Reset Реакции: — индикация ошибки Помощь: Не выполнять установки сигнала PLC DB31. DBX31.6 ‘Отслеживание синхронного хода’ или не выполнять записи в переменную $AA_COUP_CORR[Sn] до восстановления условий для обработки значения коррекции.

Удалить ошибку с помощью клавиши стирания или NC -START.

Продолжение программы:

22040 Канал %1 кадр %3 шпиндель %2 не реферирован с нулевой меткой

%1 = номер канала %2 = имя оси, номер шпинделя %3 = номер кадра, метка Объяснение: Актуальная позиция не реферирована с позиций измерительной системы, хотя относится к ней.

Реакции: — индикация ошибки Помощь: Исправить программу обработки детали. Установить синхронизацию с нулевыми метками через позиционирование, через вращение (мин. 1 оборот) в режиме управления числом оборотов или G74 перед включением вызывающей ошибку функции.

Удалить ошибку с помощью клавиши стирания или NC -START.

Продолжение программы:

Объяснение: Указанный шпиндель/ось необходим для правильного выполнения функции в канале %1. Шпиндель/ось в настоящее время активна в канале %4. Конфигурация возможна только для переходящих осей.

Проблема: Было запрограммировано соединение синхронного шпинделя. Ходовой винт/ведущая ось на момент включения соединения не находится в канале, для которого было запрограммировано соединение (COUPON). Допускается перемещение ходового винта/ведущей оси через FC18 или синхронные действия. При FC18 необходимо помнить, что ходовой винт/ведущая ось должна быть согласована с включающим соединение каналом. После завершения FC18 ходовой винт/ведущая ось не может быть согласована через PLC с другим каналом, пока соединение активно (сигналы интерфейсов VDI).

Реакции: — устанавливаются сигналы интерфейсов

— стоп ЧПУ при ошибке Помощь: •Запрограммировать в программе обработки детали перед включением соединения GET для ходового винта/ведущей оси или

•Согласовать ходовой винт/ведущую ось через PLC включающим соединение каналом.

Удалить ошибку с помощью клавиши стирания или NC -START.

Продолжение программы:

Помощь: Связаться с авторизованным персоналом/сервисной службой. Проверить и исправить машинные данные 34060 REFP_MAX_MARKER_DIST. Введенное значение указывает участок перемещения в [мм] или [градусах] между 2 нулевыми метками.

Удалить ошибку клавишей RESET.

Продолжение Заново запустить программу обработки детали.

Помощь: Изменить установку ENC_REFP_MODE или перейти в JOG+REF и после выполнить реферирование.

Удалить ошибку клавишей RESET.

Продолжение Заново запустить программу обработки детали.

22054 Канал %1 кадр %3 шпиндель %2 грязный сигнал штамповки

%1 = номер канала %2 = имя оси, номер шпинделя %3 = номер кадра, метка Объяснение: Если между ходами штамповки сигнал штамповки непостоянен, то в зависимости от машинных данных создается эта ошибка.

Реакции: — индикация ошибки Помощь: Указывает на неисправность штамповочной гидравлики.

Удалить ошибку с помощью клавиши стирания или NC -START.

Продолжение программы:

Помощь: Исправить программу обработки детали. Установить синхронизацию с нулевыми метками через позиционирование, через вращение (мин. 1 оборот) в режиме управления числом оборотов или G74 перед включением вызывающей ошибку функции.

Удалить ошибку с помощью клавиши стирания или NC -START.

Продолжение программы:

22060 Канал %1 для оси/шпинделя %2 ожидается управление положением Параметр: %1 = номер канала %2 = имя оси, номер шпинделя Объяснение: Для запрограммированного типа соединения (DV, AV) или для запрограммированной функции необходимо управление положением.

Реакции: — индикация ошибки Помощь: Включить требуемое управление положением, к примеру, через программирование SPCON.

Индикация ошибки исчезает с причиной ошибки.

Продолжение Иных действий управления не требуется.

22062 Канал %1 ось %2 реферирование: скорость поиска нулевых меток (MD) не достигается

Помощь: Связаться с авторизованным персоналом/сервисной службой. Проверить активные ограничения числа оборотов.

Сконфигурировать более низкое число оборотов поиска нулевых меток $MA_REFP_VELO_SEARCH_MARKER.

Проверить диапазон допуска для фактической скорости $MA_SPIND_DES_VELO_TOL.

Установить другой режим реферирования $MA_ENC_REFP_MODE != 7.

Удалить ошибку клавишей RESET.

Продолжение Заново запустить программу обработки детали.

Помощь: Связаться с авторизованным персоналом/сервисной службой. Сконфигурировать более низкое число оборотов поиска нулевых меток $MA_REFP_VELO_SEARCH_MARKER. Проверить конфигурацию предельной частоты датчика $MA_ENC_FREQ_LIMIT и $MA_ENC_FREQ_LIMIT_LOW. Установить другой режим реферирования (MA_ENC_REFP_MODE != 7).

Удалить ошибку клавишей RESET.

Продолжение Заново запустить программу обработки детали.

22065 Канал %1 управление инструментом: движение инструмента невозможно, т.к.

инструмент %2 с номером гнезда %3 отсутствует в магазине %4

%1 = номер канала %2 = строка (идентификатор) %3 = номер гнезда %4 = номер магазина Объяснение: Необходимая команда перемещения инструмента – запущенная с MMC или PLC – невозможна. Названный инструмент отсутствует в данном магазине. (NCK может содержать инструменты, не согласованные с одним магазином. Операции (перемещение, смена) с такими инструментами невозможны.) Реакции: — блокировка старта ЧПУ в этом канале

— устанавливаются сигналы интерфейсов

— индикация ошибки Помощь: Убедиться, что названный инструмент находится в необходимом магазине или выбрать другой инструмент, который должен быть перемещен.

Удалить ошибку с помощью клавиши стирания или NC -START.

Продолжение программы:

Связаться с авторизованным персоналом/сервисной службой.

•Убедиться, что названный инструмент находится в необходимом магазине или запрограммировать другой инструмент, который должен быть сменен.

•Проверить, согласуются ли машинные данные $MC_RESET_MODE_MASK, $MC_START_MODE_MASK и связанные с ними машинные данные $MC_TOOL_RESET_NAME с актуальными данными определения.

Удалить ошибку клавишей RESET.

Продолжение Заново запустить программу обработки детали.

22067 Канал %1 управление инструментом: смена инструмента невозможна, так как нет рабочего инструмента в группе инструментов %2 Параметр: %1 = номер канала %2 = строка (идентификатор).

Объяснение: Желаемая смена инструмента невозможна. Названная группа инструментов не имеет рабочего инструмента, который мог бы быть установлен. Возможно, все соответствующие инструменты были переведены контролем инструмента в состояние ‘заблокированы’.

•Убедиться, что в названной группе инструментов на момент запрашиваемой смены инструмента имеется рабочий инструмент.

•Это может быть достигнуто, к примеру, через замену заблокированных инструментов или

•Через ручное разрешение заблокированного инструмента.

•Проверить, правильно ли определены данные инструмента. Были ли все предусмотренные инструменты группы определены/загружены с названным идентификатором?

Удалить ошибку клавишей RESET.

Продолжение Заново запустить программу обработки детали.

Параметр %4 = имя программы облегчает идентификацию программы, содержащей команду программирования (выбор инструмента), являющуюся причиной. Этот может быть подпрограмма, цикл и т.п., которая более не может быть взята из индикации. Если параметр не указан, то это актуальная индицируемая программа.

Реакции: — кадр коррекции с реорганизацией

— устанавливаются сигналы интерфейсов

•Убедиться, что в названной группе инструментов на момент запрашиваемой смены инструмента имеется рабочий инструмент.

•Это может быть достигнуто, к примеру, через замену заблокированных инструментов или также

• Через ручное разрешение заблокированного инструмента.

•Проверить, правильно ли определены данные инструмента. Были ли все предусмотренные инструменты группы определены/загружены с названным идентификатором?

С NC-START или клавишей RESET стереть ошибку и продолжить программу.

Продолжение программы:

22070 Блок TO %1 Просьба установить инструмент T= %2 в магазин.

Повторить сохранение данных Параметр: %1 = блок TO %2 = номер T инструмента

Ошибка возможна только при активной функции управления инструментом в NCK. Было запущено сохранение данных инструмента/магазина. При этом было определено, что в буферном магазине еще находятся инструменты (=шпиндель, захват. ). Эти инструменты при сохранении теряют информацию, с каким магазином, местом в магазине они согласованы.

При этом имеет смысл – если необходимо идентичное восстановление данных — чтобы на момент сохранения данных все инструменты находились в магазине!!

Если это не так, то при повторной загрузке данных будут присутствовать места в магазине, имеющие состояние «зарезервированы». Это состояние ‘зарезервировано’ после по возможности должно быть сброшено вручную.

Для инструментов с фиксированной кодировкой места потеря информации о месте в магазине равнозначна общему поиску свободного места с последующей установкой в магазин.

Реакции: — устанавливаются сигналы интерфейсов

— индикация ошибки Помощь: Убедиться, что перед сохранением данных инструменты в буферном магазине отсутствуют. Повторит сохранение данных после удаления инструментов из буферного магазина.

Удалить ошибку с помощью клавиши стирания или NC -START.

Продолжение программы:

Помощь: Связаться с авторизованным персоналом/сервисной службой. Проконтролировать и исправить данные ввода в эксплуатацию и оптимизации задатчика привода согласно руководству по эксплуатации.

Увеличить окно допуска в машинных данных 35150 SPIND_DES_VELO_TOL.

Продолжение Удалить во всех каналах этой ГРР эту ошибку с помощью клавиши RESET.

программы: Заново запустить программу обработки детали.

Помощь: •запрограммировать ограничение числа оборотов с G26

•уменьшить макс. число оборотов в соответствующих машинных данных.

Удалить ошибку клавишей RESET.

Продолжение Заново запустить программу обработки детали.

Помощь: •запрограммировать ограничение числа оборотов с G26

•уменьшить макс. число оборотов в соответствующих машинных данных.

Удалить ошибку клавишей RESET.

Продолжение Заново запустить программу обработки детали.

22200 Канал %1 шпиндель %2 остановка оси при нарезании внутренней резьбы Параметр: %1 = номер канала %2 = имя оси, номер шпинделя Объяснение: При нарезании внутренней резьбы с компенсирующим патроном (G63) через интерфейс ЧПУ/PLC была остановлена ось сверления – шпиндель продолжает вращаться. Это повредило резьбу и возможно метчик.

Реакции: — блокировка старта ЧПУ в этом канале

— устанавливаются сигналы интерфейсов

— индикация ошибки Помощь: Связаться с авторизованным персоналом/сервисной службой. Предусмотреть блокировку в программе электроавтоматики, чтобы при активном нарезании внутренней резьбы останов оси был бы невозможен. Если в критических состояниях станка необходима отмена процесса нарезания внутренней резьбы, то по возможности шпиндель и ось должны останавливаться одновременно.

Небольшие отклонения поглощаются компенсирующим патроном.

Удалить ошибку клавишей RESET.

Продолжение Заново запустить программу обработки детали.

Ошибка имеет технологическую природу и выводится, если в $MN_ENABLE_ALARM_MASK установлен бит 2. Предусмотренная программная клавиша ММС ‘Поддержка технологии’ устанавливает или стирает этот бит в MD.

Реакции: — индикация ошибки Помощь: Изменить программу обработки детали или сбросить MD $MN_ENABLE_ALARMMASK бит 2.

Удалить ошибку с помощью клавиши стирания или NC -START.

Продолжение программы:

Объяснение: Запрещено запускать шпиндель, пока он используется трансформацией. Причина:

условием для использования шпинделя в трансформации является осевой режим. Выход из него запрещен.

Помощь: Связаться с авторизованным персоналом/сервисной службой. Проконтролировать надежность контактов штекера контура измерения. Проконтролировать сигналы датчика, при ошибках заменить измерительный датчик.

Продолжение программы:

25001 Ось %1 аппаратная ошибка пассивного датчика Параметр: %1 = имя оси, номер шпинделя Объяснение: Сигналы не активного в данный момент датчика фактического значения положения отсутствуют, не являются синфазными или имеют замыкание на массу/короткое замыкание.

Реакции: — индикация ошибки Помощь: Связаться с авторизованным персоналом/сервисной службой. Проконтролировать надежность контактов штекера контура измерения. Проконтролировать сигналы датчика, при ошибках заменить измерительный датчик. Отключить контроль с соответствующим сигналом интерфейсов (DB 31 — 48, DBX 1.5 = 0 или DBX 1.6 = 0).

Удалить ошибку клавишей RESET.

Продолжение Заново запустить программу обработки детали.

Помощь: Связаться с авторизованным персоналом/сервисной службой. Контроль измерительной системы согласно данным изготовителя измерительного оборудования.

Продолжение Удалить во всех каналах этой ГРР эту ошибку с помощью клавиши RESET.

программы: Заново запустить программу обработки детали.

25011 Ось %1 загрязнение пассивного датчика Параметр: %1 = имя оси, номер шпинделя Объяснение: Не используемый для управления положением датчик посылает сигнал загрязнения (только для измерительных систем с сигналом загрязнения).

Реакции: — индикация ошибки Помощь: Связаться с авторизованным персоналом/сервисной службой. Контроль измерительной системы согласно данным изготовителя измерительного оборудования.

Помощь: Связаться с авторизованным персоналом/сервисной службой. Погрешности могут возникнуть из-за ошибок передачи, возмущающих воздействий, аппаратных ошибок датчика или анализирующей электроники в используемом для управления положением датчике.

Поэтому проверить ветвь фактического значения:

1. Участок передачи: проверить контакт штекера фактического значения на двигателе, проводимость кабеля датчика, короткое замыкание и замыкание на массу (плохой контакт?).

2. Импульсы датчика: Питание датчика в пределах границ допуска?

3. Анализирующая электроника: Замена/новое конфигурирование используемого приводного модуля. Контроль может быть отключен через установку машинных данных 36310 ENC_ZERO_MONITORING [n]=. (n. номер датчика: 1, 2) на 0.

Продолжение Удалить во всех каналах этой ГРР эту ошибку с помощью клавиши RESET.

программы: Заново запустить программу обработки детали.

25021 Ось %1 контроль нулевых меток пассивного датчика Параметр: %1 = имя оси, номер шпинделя Объяснение: Контроль относится к не используемому управлением положением датчику! (сигнал NST DB 31 — 48, DBX 1.5 = 0 или 1.6 = 0) Импульсы датчика измерения положения между 2 импульсами нулевых меток подсчитываются (аппаратная функция). В растре такта интерполяции (стандартная установка 4 мсек) проверяется, подает ли датчик всегда одинаковое кол-во импульсов между нулевыми метками. Как только регистрируется погрешность в 4-х младших битах счетчика, следует ошибка.

Реакции: — индикация ошибки Помощь: Связаться с авторизованным персоналом/сервисной службой. Погрешности могут возникнуть из-за ошибок передачи, возмущающих воздействий, аппаратных ошибок датчика или анализирующей электроники в используемом для управления положением датчике.

Поэтому проверить ветвь фактического значения:

1. Участок передачи: проверить контакт штекера фактического значения на двигателе, проводимость кабеля датчика, короткое замыкание и замыкание на массу (плохой контакт?).

2. Импульсы датчика: Питание датчика в пределах границ допуска?

3. Анализирующая электроника: Замена/новое конфигурирование используемого приводного модуля. Контроль может быть отключен через установку машинных данных ENC_ZERO_MON_ACTIVE [n]=. (n. номер датчика: 1, 2) на 0.

Удалить ошибку с помощью клавиши стирания или NC -START.

Продолжение программы:

Частое возникновение этой ошибки указывает на то, что передача абсолютного датчика или сам абсолютный датчик неисправны и при одной из следующих ситуаций выбора датчика или Power-On возможно определение неправильного абсолютного значения.

Реакции: — индикация ошибки Помощь: Заменить датчик, заменить кабель датчика или экранировать (или деактивировать контроль нулевых меток).

Удалить ошибку с помощью клавиши стирания или NC -START.

Продолжение программы:

25031 Ось %1 граница предупреждения фактической скорости Параметр: %1 = имя оси, номер шпинделя Объяснение: Актуальное фактическое значение скорости превышает 80% зафиксированного в машинных данных предельного значения – не используется -Реакции: — индикация ошибки Помощь: Помощь: Связаться с авторизованным персоналом/сервисной службой.

•Проверить и при необходимости увеличить MD 36040 STSTILL_DELAY_TIME и MD 36030 STSTILL_POS_TOL. Значение должно быть больше, чем машинные данные «Точный останов грубый» ($MA_STOP_LIMIT_COARSE).

•Оценить усилия обработки и при необходимости уменьшить посредством уменьшения подачи/увеличения числа оборотов.

•Увеличить давление зажима.

•Увеличить усиление в контуре управления положением за счет улучшения оптимизации (коэффициент Kv MD 32200 POSCTRL_GAIN, привод 611D).

Продолжение Удалить во всех каналах этой ГРР эту ошибку с помощью клавиши RESET.

программы: Заново запустить программу обработки детали.

Помощь: •Момент привода (FXST) был установлен слишком низким, поэтому мощности двигателя не хватило для достижения конечной позиции — увеличить FXST.

•Обработанная деталь медленно изменяет форму, поэтому возможна задержка достижения конечной позиции — увеличить MD 36042 FOC_STANDSTILL_DELAY_TIME.

Продолжение Удалить во всех каналах этой ГРР эту ошибку с помощью клавиши RESET. Заново программы: запустить программу обработки детали.

Помощь: Связаться с авторизованным персоналом/сервисной службой.

•проверить значение допуска в MD 36400: CONTOUR_TOL, не было ли предусмотрено слишком маленькое значение.

•Проверить оптимизацию регулятора положения (коэффициент Kv в машинных данных 32200 POSCTRL_GAIN), следует ли ось заданному значению без перерегулирования. В ином случае необходимо улучшить оптимизацию регулятора числа оборотов или уменьшить коэффициент Kv.

•Улучшение оптимизация регулятора числа оборотов

•Проверить механику (плавность хода, инерционные массы).

Продолжение Удалить во всех каналах этой ГРР эту ошибку с помощью клавиши RESET.

программы: Заново запустить программу обработки детали.

Помощь: Связаться с авторизованным персоналом/сервисной службой. При правильной установке регулятора привода и прочих параметров обработки эта ошибка не должна возникать.

•проверить фактические значения: локальное заклинивание салазок, провал числа оборотов через толчок моментов при контакте детали/инструмента, наезд на жесткое препятствие и т.п.

•проверить направление управления положением: ось «идет вразнос» (не для приводов 611D)?

•проверить кабель заданного значения числа оборотов Продолжение Удалить во всех каналах этой ГРР эту ошибку с помощью клавиши RESET.

программы: Заново запустить программу обработки детали.

25070 Ось %1 слишком большое значение дрейфа Параметр: %1 = имя оси, номер шпинделя

Только для FM-NC с аналоговыми приводами!

Доп. макс. значение дрейфа (внутреннее, доинтегрированное значение дрейфа автоматической компенсации дрейфа) было превышено при последнем процессе компенсации! Допустимое макс. значение зафиксировано в спец. для оси машинных данных 36710 DRIFT_LIMIT. Само значение дрейфа не ограничивается.

Автоматическая компенсация дрейфа: MD 36700 DRIFT_ENABLE=1 Циклически в такте IPO в состоянии покоя осей контролируется погрешность между фактической и заданной позицией (дрейф) и автоматически компенсируется на ноль через медленное доинтегрирование внутреннего значения дрейфа.

Ручная компенсация дрейфа: MD 36700 DRIFT_ENABLE=0 В машинных данных 36720 DRIFT_VALUE к заданному значению числа оборотов может быть прибавлено статическое смещение. Оно не входит в контроль дрейфа, так как оно действует как смещение нулевой точки напряжения.

Реакции: — индикация ошибки Помощь: Связаться с авторизованным персоналом/сервисной службой. Отрегулировать компенсацию дрейфа при отключенной, автоматической компенсации дрейфа таким образом, чтобы отклонение, обусловленное запаздыванием, лежало около нуля. После снова активировать автоматическую компенсацию дрейфа для выравнивания динамических изменений дрейфа (эффекты нагрева).

Помощь: Связаться с авторизованным персоналом/сервисной службой. Проконтролировать, соответствуют ли границы точного останова (грубого и точного) динамическим возможностям осей, в ином случае увеличить — при необходимости в комбинации со временем позиционирования в MD 36020 POSITIONING_TIME. Проверить оптимизацию регулятора числа оборотов/регулятора положения; по возможности выбирать высокие усиления. Проверить установку коэффициента KV (MD 32200 POSCTRL_GAIN), при необходимости увеличить.

Продолжение Удалить во всех каналах этой ГРР эту ошибку с помощью клавиши RESET.

программы: Заново запустить программу обработки детали.

25100 Ось %1 переключение измерительной системы невозможно Параметр: %1 = имя оси, номер шпинделя

Объяснение: Для требуемого переключения измерительного датчика отсутствуют условия:

1. Новый выбранный датчик должен быть переведен в активное состояние (DB 31 — 48, DBX 1.5 или 1.6 = 1 «Система измерения положения 1/2»)

2. Разница факт. значений между обоими датчиками больше, чем значение в спец. для оси MD 36500 ENC_CHANGE_TOL («макс. допуск при переключении фактического значения положения»).

В зависимости от сигналов интерфейсов: «Система измерения положения 1» (DB 31 — 48, DBX 1.5) и «Система измерения положения 2» (DB 31 — 48, DBX 1.6) осуществляется активация соответствующей измерительной системы, т.е. с этой измерительной системой теперь будет работать управление положением. Другая измерительная система переводится в режим слежения. Если оба сигнала интерфейсов «1», то активна только 1-ая измерительная система, если оба сигнала интерфейсов «0», то ось паркуется.

Переключение выполняется сразу же при смене сигналов интерфейсов, и при движущейся оси!

Помощь: Связаться с авторизованным персоналом/сервисной службой. Проверить машинные данные активного и выбранного датчиков. Проверить машинные данные для допуска датчиков ($MA_ENC_DIFF_TOL).

Продолжение Удалить во всех каналах этой ГРР эту ошибку с помощью клавиши RESET.

программы: Заново запустить программу обработки детали.

25110 Ось %1 выбранный датчик отсутствует Параметр: %1 = имя оси, номер шпинделя Объяснение: Выбранный датчик не совпадает с макс. кол-вом датчиков в спец. для оси машинных данных 30200 NUM_ENCS, т.е. 2-ой датчик отсутствует.

25200 Ось %1 затребованный блок параметров запрещен Параметр: %1 = имя оси, номер шпинделя Объяснение: Для управления положением запрошен новый блок параметров, номер которого лежит вне допустимой границы (имеется 8 блоков параметров: 0 … 7).

Реакции: — блокировка старта ЧПУ в этом канале

— устанавливаются сигналы интерфейсов

25201 Ось %1 сбой привода Параметр: %1 = имя оси, номер шпинделя Объяснение: Привод сигнализирует существенную ошибку класса состояния 1 (ZK1). Точная причина ошибки может быть определена через анализ дополнительных, следующих ошибок привода:

ошибка 300 500, ошибка 300 502 — 300 505, ошибка 300 508, ошибка 300 515, ошибка 300 608, ошибка 300 612, ошибка 300 614, ошибка 300 701 — 300 761, ошибка 300 799.

Ошибка может быть переконфигурирована (канал не готов к работе) через MD ALARM_REACTION_CHAN_NOREADY.

Помощь: Обработка приведенных выше ошибок привода.

Продолжение Удалить во всех каналах этой ГРР эту ошибку с помощью клавиши RESET. Заново программы: запустить программу обработки детали.

25202 Ось %1 ожидать привода Параметр: %1 = имя оси, номер шпинделя Объяснение: Сборная ошибка привода (с самоудалением) Реакции: — устанавливаются сигналы интерфейсов

Помощь: Ожидание привода. 25202 покрывает те же проблемы, что и ошибка 25201 (см. там). Ошибка появляется при запуске на длительное время, если отсутствует коммуникация привода (к примеру, отказ штекера Profibus). В остальных случаях ошибка имеет место лишь кратковременно и при длительных проблемах после внутреннего таймаута сменяется ошибкой 25201.

Индикация ошибки исчезает с причиной ошибки.

Продолжение Иных действий управления не требуется.

Помощь: Определить погрешность позиции к заданной позиции и в зависимости от этого либо увеличить допустимый допуск в MD, либо обеспечить механическое улучшение зажима (к примеру, увеличить давление зажима).

Продолжение Удалить во всех каналах этой ГРР эту ошибку с помощью клавиши RESET.

программы: Заново запустить программу обработки детали.

Помощь: Связаться с авторизованным персоналом/сервисной службой. Контроль установочных параметров компенсации квадрантных ошибок (компенсация трения), при необходимости отключить компенсацию с MD 32500 FRICT_COMP_ENABLE.

Продолжение Удалить во всех каналах этой ГРР эту ошибку с помощью клавиши RESET.

программы: Заново запустить программу обработки детали.

26002 Ось %1 датчик %2 ошибка параметрирования: число делений датчика Параметр: %1 = имя оси, номер шпинделя %2 = номер датчика

1. Круговая измерительная система ($MA_ENC_IS_LINEAR[] == FALSE) Установленное в MD 31020 $MA_ENC_RESOL[] число делений датчика не совпадает с машинными данными привода MD1005 или одно из двух MD равны нулю!

2. Абсолютная измерительная система с интерфейсом EnDat ($MA_ENC_TYPE[] == 4) Для абсолютных датчиков дополнительно проверяется связность подаваемого приводом разрешения инкрементальной и абсолютной дорожки.

•измерительная система двигателя: MD1005, MD1022

•прямая измерительная система: MD1007, MD1032

Помощь: Связаться с авторизованным персоналом/сервисной службой. Исправить машинные данные Для абсолютных датчиков может потребоваться обработка имеющихся ошибок привода, указывающих на проблемы датчика. Они могут быть причиной для неправильных записей MD 1022/MD1032, которые считываются приводом из самого датчика.

Продолжение программы:

Помощь: Определить шаг шариковинтовой пары (данные изготовителя станка или измерение шага при снятой крышке шпинделя) и внести в машинные данные 31 030 LEADSCREW_PITCH (в большинстве случаев 10 или 5 мм/об.).

Помощь: Связаться с авторизованным персоналом/сервисной службой. Ввести период делений линейной измерительной системы согласно данным изготовителя станка (или изготовителя средства измерения) в машинные данные 31010 ENC_GRID_POINT_DIST.

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«Munich Personal RePEc Archive Banking systems of Central and Eastern Europe on their way to EU Anna Abalkina Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Institute of Economics RAS Online at http://mpra.ub.uni-muenchen.de/50116/ MPRA Paper No. 50116, posted 25. September 2013 14:03 UTC А. »

«Chameleon 2.5 Руководство администратора Описание работы с ПО для системного администратора. Руководство администратора Chameleon 2.5 Руководство администратора Описание работы с ПО для системного администратора. Редакция Chameleon 2.5 Evolution Chameleon soft Авторские права © 2015 Chameleon soft chmsoft.com.ua Copyright © 2015. »

«УТВЕРЖДАЮ Директор БУК «Музей имени М. А. Врубеля» Ю.В. Трофимов «»_ 2014 г. ПЛАН основных мероприятий БУК «Музей имени М.А. Врубеля» на 2015 г. Мероприятие Сроки Место проведения Долговременные проекты I–IV квартал Выставки Пост. »

«»ОРКФ «КИНОТАВР»241 ОРКФ «КИНОТАВР»242 ОРКФ «КИНОТАВР» www.news.argumenti. http://news.argumenti.ru/cinema/2012/06 АДРЕС САЙТА ru /181541 243 ОРКФ «КИНОТАВР» www.news.argumenti. http://news.argumenti.ru/culture/2012/06/ АДРЕС САЙТА ru 181533?type=all#fulltext 244 ОРКФ «КИНОТАВР» http://www.bbc.co.uk/ru. »

«11 Эбель А.Л. Новые сведения о распространении крестоцветных (Brassicaceae) в Южной Сибири и Восточном Казахстане // Turczaninowia. 2002. T. 5, № 2. С. 60–68. Эбель А.Л. Дополнение к распространению некоторых редких видов крестоцветных в Хакасии // Сист. зам. по материалам Гербария при Том. гос. ун-те. 2003. Вып. 93. С. 14–19. Koch M. »

«Л.Е.Чернова к.ф.н., Днепропетровск » ВСЕМУ СВОЕ ВРЕМЯ И СВОЙ СРОК.» (Хронотопия иудаизма) В противоположность месту (пространству) и видимому материальному миру, » Время » – понятие таинственное и неуловимое. Его невозможно увидеть или услышать, оно не имеет материальной видимой оболочки. В древне. »

«Толкование суры «Аль-Каусар» С именем Аллаха Милостивого, Милосердного! Передают со слов Анаса ибн Малика: «Однажды, когда посланник Аллаха, мир ему и благословение Аллаха, сидел с нами в мечети, он немного вздремнул, а затем, улыбаясь, поднял голову. Мы спросили: «Что рассмешило тебя, о посланник А. »

«Муниципальное бюджетное учреждение социального обслуживания Центр помощи детям, оставшимся без попечения родителей, Агаповского муниципального района Утверждаю: Директор СБУ СО Центр помощи детям. »

«ПРАКТИЧЕСКОЕ ЗАНЯТИЕ №1. Тема занятия: «Разработка схематического плана и таблицы маршрутов железнодорожной станции». Цель работы: разработать схематический план станции и таблицы маршрутов железнодорожной станции.Оборудование и раздаточный материал: 1. Карточки горловин. »

«Системы будущего Решения для сетей общего пользования Волоконнооптические и медные технологии В будущее с R&M ЛИДЕР В ОБЛАСТИ КОММУНИКАЦИЙ Для удовлетворения требований, которые могут возникнуть в будущем, совершенные коммуникацио. »

«оКтябРь–НоябРь 2015 Каталог тоВаРоВ ТРИ ТОВАРА МЕСЯЦА Сотовый телефон облачная Цифровая ручка С повышенной видеокамера Стр. 15 чувСтвительноСтью Стр. 4 Стр. 18 Мы продаём даджеты. »

«ISSN 0869-4362 Русский орнитологический журнал 2015, Том 24, Экспресс-выпуск 1111: 670-673 Воспоминания об Алексее Сергеевиче Мальчевском Т.Б.Ардамацкая Написано в 1995 году. Поступила в редакцию 20 февраля 2015 Об Алексее Сергеевиче Мальчевском помнят многие. Большинство студентов биофака Ленинградского университета е. »

«Вестник ПГУ №1, 2010 УДК 94 (575.2) РОЛЬ КАРГА АКЕ В РЕШЕНИИ ВОПРОСА В ПРИНЯТИИ ПОДДАНСТВА РОССИЙСКОЙ ИМПЕРИИ ИССЫК-КУЛЬСКИХ КЫРГЫЗОВ К. Асанбеков Иссык-кульский государственный университет им. К. Тыныстанова, Кыргызская Республика Высокое звание «Аке» присваивалос. »

«2 7. Разное:7.1.О приведении среднего ремонта колесных пар грузовых вагонов с демонтажем буксового узла в соответствие гарантийным срокам эксплуатации цилиндрических роликовых подшипников буксовых узлов.7.2.Техника на комбинированном ходу Российского произ. »

«HP Care Pack Services 1 © 2008 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. Содержание презентации • Что такое сервис HP Care Pack. • HP Care Pack. Аргументы ЗА. • Портфель сервисов. • ISS, IPG, P. »

«»УТВЕРЖДЁН» «ПРЕДВАРИТЕЛЬНО УТВЕРЖДЁН» решением общего собрания акционеров решением совета директоров ОАО «Авиакомпания «Сибирь» ОАО «Авиакомпания «Сибирь» протокол общего собрания акционеров протокол заседания совета директоров от » » _ 2014 года № от » » _ 2014 года № ОАО «Авиакомпания «Сибирь» ГОДОВОЙ ОТЧЕТ ЗА 2013 ГОД Генераль. »

2017 www.lib.knigi-x.ru — «Бесплатная электронная библиотека — электронные матриалы»

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Если Вы не согласны с тем, что Ваш материал размещён на этом сайте, пожалуйста, напишите нам, мы в течении 1-2 рабочих дней удалим его.


1001 System error %1

1002 System error %1

1003 Alarm pointer for this self-clearing alarm %1 is zero

1004 Alarm reaction to NCK alarm incorrectly configured

1005 Operating system error %1 parameter %2 %3 %4

1010 Channel %1 system error %2 action %3

1011 Channel %1 %3 %4 system error %2

1012 Channel %1 system error %2 %3 %4

1013 Channel %1 system error %2

1014 Channel %1 system error %2

1015 Channel %1 axis %2 system error %3

1016 Channel %1 axis %2 system error %3

1017 Channel %1 axis %2 system error %3

1018 Floating point arithmetic error in channel %1 task %2 station %3 FPU state %4 %4

1019 Floating point arithmetic error at address %3 in channel %1 task %2 FPU state %4

1030 System error in link module error code %1 error type %2

1031 Link module generated an unspecified error %1 NCU %2 %3 %4

1100 No valid firmware

1160 Assertion failed in %1: %2

2000 PLC sign-of-life monitoring

2001 PLC has not started up

2100 NCK battery warning threshold reached

2101 NCK battery alarm

2102 NCK battery alarm

2110 NCK temperature alarm

2120 NCK fan alarm

2130 5V/24V encoder or 15V D/A converter under voltage

2140 The actual service switch position forces a SRAM to be cleared at the next Power On (general reset active)

2190 Hardware plug-in module for communication with the digitizer missing

2192 No NCU link module exists, MD %1 reset

2193 “Safety Integrated” is not available for link axis %1.

2195 Channel %1 axis %2 high-speed punching/nibbling not possible via link

2196 Link axis active and $MN_MM_SERVO_FIFO_SIZE != %1

2900 Reboot is delayed

3000 Emergency stop

3001 Internal emergency stop

4000 Channel %1 machine data %2[%3] has gap in axis assignment

4001 Channel %1 axis %2 defined for more than one channel via machine data %3

4002 Channel %1 machine data %2[%3] assigns an axis not defined in channel

4003 Axis %1 incorrect assignment of master channel in machine data %2

4004 Channel %1 machine data %2 axis %3 defined repeatedly as geometry axis

4005 Maximum number of axes in channel %1 exceeded. Limit %2

4007 Axis %1 incorrect assignment of master NCU in machine data %2

4010 Invalid identifier used in machine data %1[%2]

4011 Channel %1 invalid identifier used in machine data %2[%3]

4012 Invalid identifier used in machine data %1[%2]

4013 Invalid NCU link configuration by machine data %1 = %2 , on NCU_1 = %3

4014 Axis %1 defined several times in %2

4016 Axis %1 already used by NCU %2

4017 Axis container %1, location %2 already used by NCU %3

4018 Axis container %1, location %2 not used by any channel

4019 Axis container %1 advance not allowed with current status of NCU %2

4020 Identifier %1 used several times in machine data %2

4021 Channel %1 identifier %2 used several times in machine data %3

4022 Axis container %3 switch not allowed: ext. zero offset active channel %1 axis %2

4023 Axis container %1 switch not allowed, axis container %2 switch active

4024 Invalid axis configuration due to missing axis container machine data

4025 Axis container %3 switch not allowed: master/slave active channel %1 axis %2

4026 Machine data %1[%2], link axis NC%3_AX%4 not used by any channel

4027 Notice: MD %1 was also changed for the other axes of axis container %2

4028 Notice! The axial MDs of the axes of the axis containers were matched.

4029 Notice: the axial MDs in axis container %1 will be matched on the next power-up

4030 Channel %1 axis identifier missing in machine data %2[%3]

4031 Channel %1 link axis %2 defined for more than one channel in machine data %3

4032 Channel %1 wrong identifier for facing axis in %2

4033 Notice: NCU link communication still not connected

4034 Local link axis %1 is not allowed for different interpolation cycle time = %2/%3

4035 Interpolation cycle from NCU%1 = %2 does not match NCU%3 = %4

4036 Wrong NCU link configuration by MD %1

4040 Channel %1 axis identifier %2 not consistent with machine data %3

4045 Channel %1 conflict between machine data %2 and machine data %3

4050 NC code identifier %1 cannot be reconfigured to %2

4060 Standard machine data loaded

4062 Backup data loaded

4065 Buffered memory was restored from backup medium (potential loss of data!)

4066 Buffered memory of FFS restored from backup medium (potential loss of data!)

4070 Normalizing machine data has been altered

4073 Compile cycle functions define machine data number %1 several times

4075 Machine data %1 (and maybe others) not altered due to missing permission level %2

4076 %1 Machine data could not be altered with permission level %2

4077 New value %1 of MD %2 not set. Requested %3 bytes too much %4 memory.

4080 Incorrect configuration of indexing axis in MD %1

4090 Too many errors during power-up

4100 System cycle time/scan time divider corrected for digital drive

4102 Default values for drive cycle times differ

4110 IPO factor increased to %1

4111 PLC cycle increased to %1 ms

4112 Servo cycle changed to %1 ms

4113 Sysclock cycle changed to %1 ms

4114 Error in DP cycle of SDB1000

4115 Time ratio communication to Ipo changed to %1

4150 Channel %1 invalid M function sub program call configured

4152 Illegal configuration of the “Block display with absolute values” function

4160 Channel %1 invalid M function number configured for spindle switchover

4170 Invalid M function number for channel synchronisation assigned

4180 Invalid M function number assigned to enable ASUP

4181 Channel %1 invalid assignment of an M auxiliary function number

4182 Channel %1 invalid M auxiliary function number in %2%3, MD reset

4183 Channel %1 M auxiliary function number %2 used several times (%3 and %4)

4184 Channel %1 illegally predefined auxiliary function in %2%3, MD reset

4185 Channel %1 illegal auxiliary function configured %2 %3 %4

4200 Channel %1 geometry axis %2 must not be declared a rotary axis

4210 Channel %1 spindle %2 declaration as rotary axis missing

4215 Channel %1 spindle %2 declaration as modulo axis missing

4220 Channel %1 spindle %2 declared repeatedly

4225 Channel %1 axis %2 declaration as rotary axis missing

4230 Channel %1 data alteration from external not possible in current channel state

4240 Runtime overflow for IPO cycle or position controller cycle, IP %1

4250 FastPlcCom functionality not available

4252 PLCIO read error: %1

4254 PLCIO write error: %1

4260 Machine data %1 illegal

4270 Machine data %1 assigns not activated NCK input/output byte %2

4275 Machine data %1 and %2 both assign the same NCK output byte no. %3 several times

4280 Assignment of NCK input/output byte via MD %1[%2] does not match hardware configuration

4282 Hardware of external NCK outputs assigned repeatedly

4285 Error on terminal block %1, error code %2

4290 Local P-bus sign-of-life monitoring

4291 Module in local P-bus slot %1 error codes %2 %3 %4 %2 %3 %4

4300 Declaration in MD %1 is not allowed for geometry axis/spindle %2.

4310 Declaration in MD %1 index %2 is not allowed.

4320 Axis %1 function %2 %3 and %4 not allowed

4334 Channel %1 The amount of fine correction in parameter %2 of the orientable toolholder %3 is too large

4336 Channel %1 orientable toolholder no. %2 for orientation transformation %3 does not exist

4338 Channel %1 invalid transformation type ‘%2’ in toolholder %3 for orientation transformer %4

4340 Channel %1 block %2 invalid transformation type in transformation no. %3

4341 Channel %1 block %2 no data set available for transformation no. %3

4342 Channel %1 invalid machine data for general 5-axis transformation error no. %2

4343 Channel %1 attempt made to change the machine data of an active transformation.

4345 Channel %1 invalid configuration in chained transformation no.%2

4346 Channel %1 invalid geoaxis assignment in machine data %2[%3]

4347 Channel %1 invalid channel axis assignment in machine data %2[%3]

4350 Channel %1 axis identifier %2 machine data %3 not consistent with machine data %4

4400 MD alteration will cause reorganisation of buffered memory (loss of data!)

4502 Channel %1 anachronism %2(%3) -> %4

5000 Communication job not executable %1

6000 Memory reorganized using standard machine data

6010 Channel %1 data block %2 not or not completely created, error code %3

6020 Machine data have been altered – now memory is reorganized

6030 Limit of user memory has been adapted

6035 Instead of %1 KB the system has only %2 KB of free user memory of type “%3”

6100 Error while creating %1, error number %2 %3

6401 Channel %1 tool change not possible: Empty location for tool %2 Duplo no. %3 on magazine %4 not available.

6402 Channel %1 tool change not possible. Magazine no. %2 not available

6403 Channel %1 tool change not possible. Magazine location number %2 on magazine %3 not available.

6404 Channel %1 tool change not possible. Tool %2 not available or not usable

6405 Channel %1 command %2 has invalid PLC acknowledge parameter %3 – identifier %4

6406 Channel %1 PLC acknowledge for command %2 is missing

6407 Channel %1 tool %2 cannot be placed in magazine %3 on location %4.Invalid definition of magazine!

6410 TO unit %1 tool %2 / Duplo no. %3 has reached its pre warning limit with D = %4

6411 Channel %1 tool %2 / Duplo no. %3 has reached its prewarning limit with D = %4

6412 TO unit %1 tool %2 / Duplo no. %3 has reached its monitoring limit with D = %4

6413 Channel %1 tool %2 / Duplo no. %3 has reached its monitoring limit with D = %4

6421 Channel %1 tool move not possible. Empty location for tool %2 Duplo no. %3 on magazine %4 not available.

6422 Channel %1 tool move not possible. Magazine no. %2 not available.

6423 Channel %1 tool move not possible. Location %2 on magazine %3 not available.

6424 Channel %1 tool move not possible. Tool %2 not available/not usable.

6425 Channel %1 tool %2 cannot be placed in magazine %3 on location %4. Invalid definition of magazine!

6430 Workpiece counter: overflow in table of monitored cutting edges.

6431 Function not allowed. Tool management/monitoring is not active.

6432 Function not executable. No tool assigned to tool holder/spindle

6433 Channel %1 block %2 %3 not available with tool management

6434 Channel %1 block %2 NC command SETMTH not allowed because tool holder function not active

6441 Writing of $P_USEKT not allowed.

6442 Channel %1 function not executable. No tool assigned to desired magazine/magazine location %2.

6450 Channel %1 tool change not possible. Invalid magazine location no. %2 in buffer magazine

6451 Channel %1 tool change not possible. No buffer magazine defined.

6452 Channel %1 tool change not possible. Tool holder/spindle number = %2 not defined.

6453 Channel %1 tool change not possible. No assignment between toolholder/spindle no. = %2 and buffer magazine location %3

6454 Channel %1 tool change not possible. No distance relation available.

6500 NC memory full

6510 Too many part programs in the NC memory

6520 The value of the machine data %1%2 is too low

6530 Too many files in directory

6540 Too many directories in the NC memory

6550 Too many subdirectories

6560 Data format not allowed

6570 NC memory full

6580 NC memory full

6600 NC card memory is full

6610 Too many files open on NC card

6620 NC card has incorrect format

6630 NC card hardware is defective

6640 NC card is not inserted

6650 Write protection of NC card is active

6660 ‘Flash File System’ option is not set

6670 NC card read active

6671 NC card write active

6690 Cycles from NC card cannot be copied to the passive file system.

6691 Cycles from the passive file system cannot be saved on the NC card

6692 Cycle %1 lost

6693 File %1 lost

6698 Unknown NC card (%1/%2). Writing not possible.

6700 Channel %1 value of the machine data %2%3 is too low

7000 Too many compile cycle alarms defined

7010 Range of MMC alarm numbers for compile cycles exceeded

7020 Compile cycle alarm number has not been defined

7100 Compile cycles VDI area: %1 byte for inputs and %2 byte for outputs. Maximum %3 bytes available.

7200 Problem with externally linked compile cycle %1 %2

7201 Assertion error in %1 line %2

7202 Missing option bit for %1: %2

8000 Channel %1 option ‘user interrupt programs’ not set

8010 Option ‘activation of more than %1 axes’ not set

8020 Option ‘activation of more than %1 channels’ not set

8021 Option ‘activation of more than %1 mode groups’ not set

8022 Option ‘activation of more than %1KB SRAM’ not set

8030 Channel %1 block %2 option ‘interpolation of more than 4 axes’ not set

8032 Option ‘activation of more than %1 link axes’ not set

8034 Option ‘activation of axis containers’ not set

8036 Option: it is not allowed to set different IPO cycles or position control cycles with NCU link.

8038 Option ‘activation of more than %1 lead link axes’ not set

8040 Machine data %1 reset, corresponding option is not set

8041 Axis %1: MD %2 reset, corresponding option not sufficient

8044 Option for IPO cycle time %1 ms not set

8045 Option for selected cycle settings not set

8080 %1 options are activated without setting the license key

8081 %1 options are activated that are not licensed by the license key

8082 The license key was entered three times, Power On required before next try.

8098 Invalid combination of options (%1)

8100 Channel %1 block %2: function not possible

10203 Channel %1 NC start without reference point

10207 Channel %1 error when selecting or deselecting the digitize function

10208 Channel %1 continue program with NC start

10209 Channel %1 internal NC stop after block search

10222 Channel %1 inter-channel communication not possible

10223 Channel %1: Command %2 is already occupied

10225 Channel %1: command denied

10299 Channel %1 Auto-Repos function is not enabled

10600 Channel %1 block %2 auxiliary function during thread cutting active

10601 Channel %1 block %2 zero velocity at block end point during thread cutting

10604 Channel %1 block %2 thread lead increase too high

10605 Channel %1 block %2 thread lead decrease too high

10607 Channel %1 block %2 thread with frame not executable

10610 Channel %1 axis %2 not stopped

10620 Channel %1 block %3 axis %2 at software limit switch %4

10621 Channel %1 axis %2 rests on software limit switch %3

10630 Channel %1 block %2 axis %3 at working area limit %4

10631 Channel %1 axis %2 rests at working area limit %3

10650 Channel %1 axis %2 incorrect gantry machine data, error code %3

10651 Channel %1 illegal gantry configuration. Error code %2

10652 Channel %1 axis %2 gantry warning threshold exceeded

10653 Channel %1 axis %2 gantry error threshold exceeded

10654 Channel %1 waiting for synchronization start of gantry group %2

10655 Channel %1 synchronization of gantry group %2 in progress

10656 Channel %1 axis %2 gantry alarm not yet used

10700 Channel %1 block %2 NCK protection zone %3 violated during automatic or MDA mode

10701 Channel %1 block %2 channel-specific protection zone %3 violated during automatic or MDA mode

10702 Channel %1 NCK protection zone %2 violated during manual mode

10703 Channel %1 channel-specific protection zone %2 violated during manual mode

10704 Channel %1 block %2 protection zone monitoring is not guaranteed

10706 Channel %1 NCK protection zone %2 reached with axis %3 during manual mode

10707 Channel %1 channel-specific protection zone %2 reached with axis %3 during manual mode

10710 Channel %1 block %2 conflict with centre less grinding

10720 Channel %1 block %3 axis %2 software limit switch %4

10721 Channel %1 block %3 axis %2 software limit switch %4

10730 Channel %1 block %3 axis %2 working area limitation %4

10731 Channel %1 block %3 axis %2 working area limitation %4

10740 Channel %1 block %2 too many empty blocks in WAB programming

10741 Channel %1 block %2 direction reversal with WAB infeed motion

10742 Channel %1 block %2 WAB distance invalid or not programmed

10743 Channel %1 block %2 WAB programmed several times

10744 Channel %1 block %2 no valid WAB direction defined

10745 Channel %1 block %2 WAB end position not clear

10746 Channel %1 block %2 block search stop for WAB

10747 Channel %1 block %2 retraction direction not defined for WAB

10748 Channel %1 block %2 illegal retract plane with WAB

10750 Channel %1 block %2 tool radius compensation activated without tool number

10751 Channel %1 block %2 danger of collision due to tool radius compensation

10752 Channel %1 block %2 overflow of local block buffer with tool radius compensation

10753 Channel %1 block %2 selection of the tool radius compensation only possible in linear block

10754 Channel %1 block %2 deselection of the tool radius compensation only possible in linear block

10755 Channel %1 block %2 selection of the tool radius compensation via KONT not possible at the current starting point

10756 Channel %1 block %2 deselection of the tool radius compensation via KONT not possible at the programmed end point

10757 Channel %1 block %2 changing the compensation plane while tool radius compensation is active not possible

10758 Channel %1 block %2 curvature radius with variable compensation value too small

10759 Channel %1 block %2 path is parallel to tool orientation

10760 Channel %1 block %2 helical axis is not parallel to tool orientation

10761 Channel %1 block %2 tool radius compensation for ellipse with more than one revolution not possible

10762 Channel %1 block %2 too many empty blocks between two traversing blocks with active tool radius compensation

10763 Channel %1 block %2 path component of the block in the compensation plane becomes zero

10764 Channel %1 block %2 discontinuous path with active tool radius compensation

10765 Channel %1 block %2 3D tool radius compensation not possible

10766 Channel %1 illegal change of surface orientation between block %2 and block %3

10767 Channel %1 block %2 processing with tilt angle unequal 0 not possible

10768 Channel %1 block %2 illegal tool orientation with 3D tool radius compensation

10769 Channel %1 block %2 Illegal surface normal vector with 3D tool radius compensation

10770 Channel %1 block %2 change of corner type due to change of orientation with active tool radius compensation

10771 Channel %1 block %2 overflow of local block buffer due to orientation smoothing

10772 Channel %1 block %2 illegal orientation change when activating or deactivating 3D face cutting

10773 Channel %1 illegal tool orientation in block %2 at inside corner with block %3

10774 Channel %1 illegal tool dimensions with face cutting in block %2

10775 Channel %1 illegal tool change with face cutting in block %2

10776 Channel %1 block%2 axis %3 must be geometry axis if tool radius compensation is active

10777 Channel %1 block %2 tool radius compensation: too many blocks with suppression of compensation

10778 Channel %1 block %2 preprocessing stop with active tool radius compensation

10779 Channel %1 block %2 preprocessing stop with active tool radius compensation

10780 Channel %1 block %2 preprocessing stop with active tool radius compensation

10781 Channel %1 block %2 illegal orientation of involute with tool radius compensation

10782 Channel %1 block %2 illegal curve type with tool radius compensation

10783 Channel %1 block %2 tool radius compensation type requires orientation transformation

10784 Channel %1 block %2 illegal tool for tool radius compensation with constraint surface

10790 Channel %1 block %2 plane change during linear programming with angles

10791 Channel %1 block %2 invalid angle during linear programming

10792 Channel %1 block %2 illegal interpolation type during linear programming with angles

10793 Channel %1 block %2 second block missing during linear programming with angles

10794 Channel %1 block %2 angle specification missing in second block during linear interpolation with angles

10795 Channel %1 block %2 end point specification during angle programming contradictory

10800 Channel %1 block %3 axis %2 is not a geometry axis

10805 Channel %1 block %2 repositioning after switch of geometry axes or transformation

10810 Channel %1 block %2 master spindle not defined

10820 Channel %1 rotary axis/spindle %2 not defined

10860 Channel %1 block %2 feedrate not programmed

10861 Channel %1 block %3 velocity of positioning axis %2 is zero

10862 Channel %1 block %2 master spindle also used as path axis

10870 Channel %1 block %2 facing axis not defined

10880 Channel %1 block %2 too many empty blocks between two traversing blocks when inserting chamfers or radii

10881 Channel %1 block %2 overflow of local block buffer when inserting chamfers or radii

10882 Channel %1 block %2 activation of chamfers or radii (non-modal) without traversing movement in the block

10883 Channel %1 block %2 chamfer or fillet has to be reduced

10890 Channel %1 block %2 overflow of local block buffer when calculating splines

10891 Channel %1 block %2 multiplicity of node is greater than its order

10900 Channel %1 block %2 no S value programmed for constant cutting speed

10910 Channel %1 block %2 excessive velocity of one path axis

10911 Channel %1 block %2 transformation prohibits to traverse the pole

10912 Channel %1 block %2 preprocessing and main run might not be synchronized

10913 Channel %1 block %2 negative feed profile is ignored

10914 Movement not possible while transformation active – in channel %1, block %2

10930 Channel %1 block %2 interpolation type not allowed in stock removal contour

10931 Channel %1 block %2 incorrect stock removal contour

10932 Channel %1 block %2 preparation of contour has been restarted

10933 Channel %1 block %2 contour program does not contain enough contour blocks

10934 Channel %1 block %2 array for contour segmentation is set too small

10940 Channel %1 block %2 curve table %3: delete/overwrite not possible

10941 Channel %1 block %2 curve table %3: NC memory full

10942 Channel %1 block %2 curve table %3: illegal instruction during definition

10943 Channel %1 block %2 curve table %3: direction reversal of lead value in the block not allowed

10944 Channel %1 block %2 curve table %3: illegal transformation

10945 Channel %1 block %2 curve table %3: illegal coupling of axes

10946 Channel %1 block %2 curve table %3: no contour defined

10947 Channel %1 block %2 curve table %3: contour not continuous

10948 Channel %1 block %2 curve table %3: position jump at end of period

10949 Channel %1 block %2 curve table %3: missing master axis motion

10950 Channel %1 calculation of arc length function too inaccurate

10951 Channel %1 block %2 curve table %3: following value period is zero

10955 Channel %1 block %2 curve table %3: missing master axis motion

10956 Channel %1 block %2 curve table %3: NC memory limit DRAM reached

10960 Channel %1 block %2 COMPCURV/COMPCAD and radius compensation cannot be used simultaneously

10961 Channel %1 block %2 maximum cubic polynomials are allowed on active radius compensation.

10962 Channel %1 block %2 function %3 not possible with path correction

12000 Channel %1 block %2 address %3 programmed repeatedly

12010 Channel %1 block %2 address %3 address type programmed too often

12020 Channel %1 block %2 illegal address modification

12030 Channel %1 block %2 invalid parameter or data type in %3

12040 Channel %1 block %2 expression %3 is not of data type ‘AXIS’

12050 Channel %1 block %2 DIN address %3 not configured

12060 Channel %1 block %2 same G group programmed repeatedly

12070 Channel %1 block %2 too many syntax-defining G functions

12080 Channel %1 block %2 syntax error in text %3

12090 Channel %1 block %2 unexpected parameter %3

12100 Channel %1 block %2 number of passes %3 not permissible

12110 Channel %1 block %2 block syntax cannot be interpreted

12120 Channel %1 block %2 G function not separately programmed

12130 Channel %1 block %2 illegal tool orientation

12140 Channel %1 block %2 functionality %3 not implemented

12150 Channel %1 block %2 operation %3 not compatible with data type

12160 Channel %1 block %2 range of values exceeded

12170 Channel %1 block %2 identifier %3 defined repeatedly

12180 Channel %1 block %2 illegal chaining of operators %3

12190 Channel %1 block %2 variable of type ARRAY has too many dimensions

12200 Channel %1 block %2 symbol %3 cannot be created

12210 Channel %1 block %2 string %3 too long

12220 Channel %1 block %2 binary constant %3 in string too long

12230 Channel %1 block %2 hexadecimal constant %3 in string too long

12240 Channel %1 block %2 tool orientation %3 defined repeatedly

12250 Channel %1 block %2 nested macro %3 not possible

12260 Channel %1 block %2 too many initialization values specified %3

12261 Channel %1 block %2 initialization of %3 not allowed

12270 Channel %1 block %2 macro identifier %3 already defined

12280 Channel %1 block %2 maximum macro length %3 exceeded

12290 Channel %1 block %2 arithmetic variable % 3 not defined

12300 Channel %1 block %2 call-by-reference parameter missing on subroutine call %3

12310 Channel %1 block %2 axis parameter missing on procedure call %3

12320 Channel %1 block %2 parameter %3 is no variable

12330 Channel %1 block %2 type of parameter %3 incorrect

12340 Channel %1 block %2 number of parameters too high %3

12350 Channel %1 block %2 parameter %3 no longer possible

12360 Channel %1 block %2 dimension of parameter %3 incorrect

12370 Channel %1 block %2 range of values %3 not permissible

12380 Channel %1 block %2 maximum memory capacity reached

12390 Channel %1 block %2 initialization value %3 cannot be converted

12400 Channel %1 block %2 field %3 element does not exist

12410 Channel %1 block %2 incorrect index type for %3

12420 Channel %1 block %2 identifier %3 too long

12430 Channel %1 block %2 specified index is invalid

12440 Channel %1 block %2 maximum number of formal arguments exceeded

12450 Channel %1 block %2 label defined twice

12460 Channel %1 block %2 maximum number of symbols exceeded with %3

12470 Channel %1 block %2 G function %3 is unknown

12475 Channel %1 block %2 invalid G function number %3 programmed

12480 Channel %1 block %2 subroutine %3 already defined

12490 Channel %1 block %2 access permission level %3 is not valid

12500 Channel %1 block %2 in this module %3 is not possible

12510 Channel %1 block %2 too many machine data %3

12520 Channel %1 block %2 too many tool parameters %3

12530 Channel %1 block %2 invalid index for %3

12540 Channel %1 block %2 Block is too long or too complex

12550 Channel %1 block %2 name %3 not defined or option not installed

12552 Channel %1 block %2 tool/magazine OEM parameter not defined. Option not set.Option not set.

12560 Channel %1 block %2 programmed value %3 exceeds allowed limits

12570 Channel %1 block %2 too many motion synchronous actions in %3

12571 Channel %1 block %2 %3 not permissible for motion synchronous action

12572 Channel %1 block %2 %3 only permissible for motion synchronous action

12580 Channel %1 block %2 %3 not permissible for assignment in motion synchronous action

12581 Channel %1 block %2 invalid read access to %3 while in motion synchronous action

12582 Channel %1 block %2 field index %3 incorrect

12583 Channel %1 block %2 variable %3 no system variable

12584 Channel %1 block %2 variable %3 cannot be read synchronously with motion

12585 Channel %1 block %2 variable %3 cannot be changed synchronously with motion

12586 Channel %1 block %2 motion synchronous action: type conflict in variable %3

12587 Channel %1 block %2 motion synchronous action: operation/function %3 not allowed

12588 Channel %1 block %2 motion synchronous action: address %3 not allowed

12589 Channel %1 block %2 motion synchronous action: variable %3 not allowed with modal ID

12590 Channel %1 block %2 global user data cannot be created

12600 Channel %1 block %2 invalid line checksum

12610 Channel %1 block %2 accessing single character with call-by-reference parameter not possible %3

12620 Channel %1 block %2 accessing this variable as single character not possible

12630 Channel %1 block %2 skip ID/label in control structure not allowed

12640 Channel %1 block %2 invalid nesting of control structures

12641 Channel %1 block %2 maximum nesting depth of control structures exceeded

12650 Channel %1 block %2 axis identifier %3 different in channel %4

12660 Channel %1 block %2 motion synchronous action: variable %3 reserved for motion synchronous actions and technology cycles

12661 Channel %1 block %2 technology cycle %3: no further subprogram call possible

12700 Channel %1 block %2 contour definition programming not allowed as modal sub program is active

12701 Channel %1 block %2 illegal interpolation type for contour definition active

12710 Channel %1 block %2 illegal language element in external language mode

12720 Channel %1 block %2 program number for macro call (G65/G66) missing

12722 Channel %1 block %2 multiple ISO_2/3 macro or cycle calls in the block

12724 Channel %1 block %2 no radius programmed for cylinder interpolation activation/deactivation

12726 Channel %1 block %2 illegal plane selection with parallel axes

12728 Channel %1 block %2 distance for double turret not set

12730 Channel %1 block %2 no valid transformation machine data parametrized

12740 Channel %1 block %2 modal macro call %3 not possible

14000 Channel %1 block %2 illegal end of file

14001 Channel %1 block %2 illegal end of block

14009 Channel %1 block %2 illegal program path %3

14010 Channel %1 block %2 invalid default parameter in subroutine call

14011 Channel %1 block %2 program %3 not existing or will be edited

14012 Channel %1 block %2 maximum subroutine level exceeded

14013 Channel %1 block %2 number of subroutine passes invalid

14014 Channel %1 selected program %3 not available or will be edited

14015 Channel %1 block %2 program %3 is not enabled

14016 Channel %1 block %2 error when calling the subroutine via M/T function

14017 Channel %1 block %2 syntax error when calling the subroutine via M function

14020 Channel %1 block %2 wrong value or wrong number of parameters on function or procedure call

14021 Channel %1 block %2 wrong value or wrong number of parameters on function or procedure call

14025 Channel %1 block %2 motion synchronous action: illegal modal ID

14026 Channel %1 block %2 motion synchronous action: invalid polynomial number in the FCTDEF command

14030 Channel %1 block %2 combine OSCILL and POSP during oscillation with in feed motion

14033 Channel %1 block %2 involute: no end point programmed

14034 Channel %1 block %2 involute: angle of rotation too large

14035 Channel %1 block %2 involute: start point invalid

14036 Channel %1 block %2 involute: end point invalid

14037 Channel %1 block %2 involute: radius invalid

14038 Channel %1 block %2 involute not definable: end point error

14039 Channel %1 block %2 involute: end point programmed several times

14040 Channel %1 block %2 error in end point of circle

14045 Channel %1 block %2 error in tangential circle programming

14048 Channel %1 block %2 wrong number of revolutions in circle programming

14050 Channel %1 block %2 nesting depth for arithmetic operations exceeded

14051 Channel %1 block %2 arithmetic error in part program

14060 Channel %1 block %2 invalid skip level with differential block skip

14070 Channel %1 block %2 memory for variables not sufficient for subroutine call

14080 Channel %1 block %2 jump destination %3 not found

14082 Channel %1 block %2 label %3 program section not found

14085 Channel %1 block %2 instruction not allowed

14088 Channel %1 block %2 axis %3 doubtful position

14090 Channel %1 block %2 illegal D number

14091 Channel %1 block %2 illegal function, index %3 %3

14092 Channel %1 block %2 axis %3 is wrong axis type

14093 Channel %1 block %2 path interval

14094 Channel %1 block %2 polynominal degree greater than 3 programmed for polynominal interpolation

14095 Channel %1 block %2 radius for circle programming too small

14096 Channel %1 block %2 illegal type conversion

14097 Channel %1 block %2 string cannot be converted to AXIS type

14098 Channel %1 block %2 conversion error: no valid number found

14099 Channel %1 block %2 result in string concatenation too long

14100 Channel %1 block %2 orientation transformation not available

14101 Channel %1 block %2 orientation transformation not active

14102 Channel %1 block %2 polynominal degree greater than 5 programmed for orientation vector angle

14110 Channel %1 block %2 Euler angles and orientation vector components programmed

14111 Channel %1 block %2 Euler angles, orientation vector and transformation axes programmed

14112 Channel %1 block %2 programmed orientation path not possible

14113 Channel %1 block %2 programmed lead angle too large

14114 Channel %1 block %2 programmed tilt angle too large

14115 Channel %1 block %2 illegal definition of workpiece surface

14116 Channel %1 block %2 absolute orientation programmed while ORIPATH is active

14117 Channel %1 block %2 no angle or direction of the cone programmed

14118 Channel %1 block %2 no end orientation programmed

14119 Channel %1 block %2 no intermediate orientation programmed

14120 Channel %1 block %2 plane determination for programmed orientation not possible

14122 Channel %1 block %2 angle and direction of the cone programmed

14123 Channel %1 block %2 nutation angle of the cone too small

14124 Channel %1 block %2 start tangent for orientation is zero

14125 Channel %1 block %2 programmed rotation is not possible

14129 Channel %1 block %2 orientation angles and orientation vector components programmed

14130 Channel %1 block %2 too many initialization values given

14131 Channel %1 block %2 orientation axes and lead/tilt angles programmed

14132 Channel %1 block %2 orientation axes incorrectly configured

14133 Channel %1 block %2 G code for orientation definition not allowed

14134 Channel %1 block %2 G code for orientation interpolation not allowed

14140 Channel %1 block %2 position programming without transformation not allowed

14144 Channel %1 block %2 PTP movement not allowed

14146 Channel %1 block %2 CP or PTP movement without transformation not allowed

14148 Channel %1 illegal reference system for Cartesian manual traverse

14150 Channel %1 block %2 illegal tool carrier number programmed or declared (MD)

14151 Channel %1 block %2 illegal tool carrier rotation

14152 Channel %1 block %2 tool carrier: invalid orientation. Error code: %3

14153 Channel %1 block %2 unknown tool carrier type: %3

14154 Channel %1 block %2 The amount of fine correction in parameter %3 of the orientable tool holder %4 is too large

14155 Channel %1 block %2 invalid base frame definition for tool carrier offset

14156 Channel %1 toolholder selection error at reset

14157 Channel %1 block %2 illegal interpolation type with MOVT

14159 Channel %1 block %2 more than two angles programmed with ROTS or AROTS

14160 Channel %1 block %2 tool length selection without geometry axis specification

14165 Channel %1 block %2 active T number does not match selected tool

14170 Channel %1 block %2 illegal interpolation type with tool length compensation

14180 Channel %1 block %2 H number is not defined

14185 Channel %1 block %2 D number is not defined

14190 Channel %1 block %2 H number with G49

14195 Channel %1 block %2 D number with G49

14197 Channel %1 block %2 D number and H number programmed simultaneously

14198 Channel %1 block %2 illegal change of tool direction with tool offset

14199 Channel %1 block %2 illegal plane change for tool with diameter component

14200 Channel %1 block %2 negative polar radius

14210 Channel %1 block %2 polar angle too large

14250 Channel %1 block %2 negative pole radius

14260 Channel %1 block %2 pole angle too large

14270 Channel %1 block %2 pole programmed incorrectly

14280 Channel %1 block %2 polar coordinates programmed incorrectly

14290 Channel %1 block %2 poly nominal degree greater than 5 programmed for poly nominal interpolation

14300 Channel %1 block %2 overlaid handwheel motion activated incorrectly

14310 Handwheel %1 configuration incorrect or inactive

14400 Channel %1 block %2 tool radius compensation active at transformation switchover

14401 Channel %1 block %2 transformation not available

14402 Channel %1 block %2 spline active at transformation change

14403 Channel %1 block %2 preprocessing and main run might not be synchronized

14404 Channel %1 block %2 illegal parametrization of transformation

14410 Channel %1 block %2 spline active at geometry axis changeover

14411 Channel %1 block %2 tool radius compensation active at geometry axis changeover

14412 Channel %1 block %2 transformation active at geometry axis changeover

14413 Channel %1 block %2 fine tool correction: changeover geometry/channel axis not allowed

14414 Channel %1 block %2 GEOAX function: incorrect call

14415 Channel %1 block %2 tangent control: changeover geometry/channel axis not allowed

14420 Channel %1 block %2 index axis %3 frame not allowed

14500 Channel %1 block %2 illegal DEF or PROC instruction in the part program

14510 Channel %1 block %2 PROC instruction missing on subroutine call

14520 Channel %1 block %2 illegal PROC instruction in data definition section

14530 Channel %1 block %2 EXTERN and PROC instruction do not correspond

14600 Channel %1 block %2 reload buffer %3 cannot be established

14601 Channel %1 block %2 reload buffer could not be deleted

14602 Channel %1 block %2 timeout during EXTCALL

14610 Channel %1 block %2 compensation block not possible

14650 Channel %1 block %2 SETINT instruction with invalid ASUP input

14660 Channel %1 block %2 SETINT instruction with invalid priority

14700 Channel %1 block %2 timeout during command to interpreter

14701 Channel %1 block %2 number of available NC blocks reduced by %3

14710 Channel %1 block %2 error in initialization sequence in function %3

14720 Channel %1 block %2 axes for centerless transformation not available

14730 Channel %1 block %2 conflict at activation of centerless transformation

14740 Channel %1 block %2 no tool data available for centerless grinding

14745 Channel %1 block %2 centerless grinding not active

14750 Channel %1 block %2 too many auxiliary functions programmed

14751 Channel %1 block %2 resources for motion synchronous actions not sufficient (code: %3)

14752 Channel %1 block %2 DELDTG | STOPREOF conflict

14753 Channel %1 block %2 motion synchronous actions with illegal interpolation type

14754 Channel %1 block %2 motion synchronous actions and wrong feed type

14755 Channel %1 block %2 motion synchronous actions without traverse motion

14756 Channel %1 block %2 motion synchronous action and wrong value

14757 Channel %1 block %2 motion synchronous action and wrong type

14758 Channel %1 block %2 programmed value not available

14759 Channel %1 block %2 motion synchronous action and wrong axis type

14760 Channel %1 block %2 auxiliary function of a group programmed repeatedly

14761 Channel %1 block %2 motion synchronous action: DELDTG function not allowed with active tool radius compensation

14762 Channel %1 block %2 too many PLC variables programmed

14763 Channel %1 block %2 too many link variables programmed

14764 NCU link cannot transfer all link variables immediately

14765 NCU link cannot transfer all link variables

14766 NCU link is heavily loaded, impending memory shortage

14767 Machine data matching via NCU link not complete

14770 Channel %1 block %2 auxiliary function programmed incorrectly

14780 Channel %1 block %2 unreleased option used

14790 Channel %1 block %2 axis %3 programmed by PLC

14800 Channel %1 block %2 programmed path speed less or equal to zero

14810 Channel %1 block %2 negative axis speed programmed for positioning axis %3

14811 Channel %1 block %2 incorrect value range for acceleration of axis/spindle %3

14812 Channel %1 block %2 SOFTA not available for axis %3

14815 Channel %1 block %2 negative thread lead change programmed

14820 Channel %1 block %2 negative value for maximum spindle speed programmed with constant cutting speed

14821 Channel %1 block %2 error in selection or deselection of GWPS

14822 Channel %1 block %2 incorrect programming of GWPS

14823 Channel %1 block %2 error on selection or deselection of tool monitoring

14824 Channel %1 block %2 conflict with GWPS

14840 Channel %1 block %2 incorrect value range for constant cutting speed

14900 Channel %1 block %2 center point and end point programmed simultaneously

14910 Channel %1 block %2 invalid angle of aperture for programmed circle

14920 Channel %1 block %2 intermediate point of circle incorrect

15000 Channel %1 block %2 channel-sync instruction using illegal mark

15010 Channel %1 block %2 program coordination instruction with invalid channel number

15020 Channel %1 block %2 CHANDATA instruction cannot be executed. Channel %3 is not active

15021 Channel %1 block %2 CHANDATA instruction with invalid channel number

15025 CHANDATA(%2): channel is not active. Channel data will be ignored.

15030 Channel %1 block %2 different measurement system settings

15100 Channel %1 block %2 REORG abort caused by log file overflow

15110 Channel %1 block %2 REORG not possible

15150 Channel %1 block %2 reload from external aborted

15160 Channel %1 block %2 wrong preprocessing configuration

15165 Channel %1 block %2 error when translating or interpreting PLC Asup %3

15166 Channel %1 user system asup _N_ASUP_SPF not available

15170 Channel %1 block %2 program %3 could not be compiled

15171 Channel %1 block %2 compiled program %3 older than the relevant subroutine

15175 Channel %1 block %2 program %3. Interfaces could not be built

15180 Channel %1 block %2 program %3 cannot be executed as INI file

15185 Channel %1 %2 errors in INI file

15190 Channel %1 block %2 not enough free memory for subroutine call

15300 Channel %1 block %2 invalid number-of-passed-blocks during block search

15310 Channel %1 block %2 file requested during block search is not available

15320 Channel %1 block %2 invalid block search command

15330 Channel %1 block %2 invalid block number as search target

15340 Channel %1 block %2 invalid label as search target

15350 Channel %1 block %2 search target not found

15360 Channel %1 illegal target of block search (syntax error)

15370 Channel %1 target of block search not found

15380 Channel %1 block %2 illegal incremental programming in axis %3

15390 Channel %1 block %2 %3 not executed during block search

15395 Channel %1 master-slave not executable during block search

15400 Channel %1 block %2 selected initial init file does not exist

15410 Channel %1 block %2 initialization file contains invalid M function

15420 Channel %1 block %2 instruction in current mode not allowed

15450 Channel %1 block %2 compiled program cannot be stored

15460 Channel %1 block %2 syntax error with modal function

15500 Channel %1 block %2 illegal angle of shear

15700 Channel %1 block %2 illegal cycle alarm number %3

15800 Channel %1 block %2 wrong starting conditions for CONTPRON/CONTDCON

15810 Channel %1 block %2 wrong array dimension for CONTPRON/CONTDCON

15900 Channel %1 block %2 touch probe not allowed

15910 Channel %1 block %2 touch probe not allowed

15950 Channel %1 block %2 no traverse motion programmed

15960 Channel %1 block %2 no traverse motion programmed

16000 Channel %1 block %2 invalid value for lifting direction

16005 Channel %1 block %2 invalid value for lifting distance

16010 Channel %1 block %2 machining stop after lift fast

16015 Channel %1 block %2 wrong axis identifier %3

16016 Channel %1 block %2 no retraction position programmed for axis %3

16020 Channel %1 repositioning in block %2 is not possible

16100 Channel %1 block %2 spindle %3 not available in the channel

16105 Channel %1 block %2 spindle %3 cannot be assigned

16110 Channel %1 block %2 spindle %3 for dwell time not in control mode

16120 Channel %1 block %2 invalid index for tool fine compensation

16130 Channel %1 block %2 instruction not allowed with FTOCON

16140 Channel %1 block %2 FTOCON not allowed

16150 Channel %1 block %2 invalid spindle number with PUTFTOCF

16200 Channel %1 block %2 spline and polynominal interpolation not available

16300 Channel %1 block %2 denominator polynominal with zero places within parameter range not allowed

16400 Channel %1 block %2 positioning axis %3 cannot participate in spline

16410 Channel %1 block %2 axis %3 is not a geometry axis

16420 Channel %1 block %2 axis %3 programmed repeatedly

16421 Channel %1 block %2 angle %3 programmed repeatedly in the block

16422 Channel %1 block %2 angle %3 programmed repeatedly in the block

16423 Channel %1 block %2 angle %3 programmed repeatedly in the block

16424 Channel %1 block %2 coordinate %3 programmed repeatedly in the block

16430 Channel %1 block %2 geometry axis %3 cannot traverse as positioning axis in rotated coordinate system

16440 Channel %1 block %2 rotation programmed for non-existent geometry axis

16500 Channel %1 block %2 chamfer or rounding negative

16510 Channel %1 block %2 no facing axis available

16700 Channel %1 block %2 axis %3 invalid feed type

16710 Channel %1 block %2 axis %3 master spindle not programmed

16715 Channel %1 block %2 axis %3 spindle not in standstill

16720 Channel %1 block %2 axis %3 thread lead is zero

16730 Channel %1 block %2 axis %3 wrong parameter

16740 Channel %1 block %2 no geometry axis programmed

16750 Channel %1 block %2 axis %3 SPCON not programmed

16751 Channel %1 block %2 spindle/axis %3 SPCOF not executable

16755 Channel %1 block %2 no stop required

16760 Channel %1 block %2 axis %3 S value missing

16761 Channel %1 block %2 axis/spindle %3 not programmable in the channel

16762 Channel %1 block %2 spindle %3 thread function is active

16763 Channel %1 block %2 axis %3 programmed speed is illegal (zero or negative)

16770 Channel %1 block %2 axis %3 no measuring system available

16771 Channel %1 following axis %2 overlaid movement not enabled

16776 Channel %1 block %2 curve table %3 does not exist for axis %4

16777 Channel %1 block %2 coupling: following axis %3 for lead axis %4 not available

16778 Channel %1 block %2 coupling: Ring coupling at following axis %3 and leading axis %4 impermissible

16779 Channel %1 block %2 coupling: too many couplings for axis %3, see active leading axis %4

16780 Channel %1 block %2 following spindle/axis missing

16781 Channel %1 block %2 master spindle/axis missing

16782 Channel %1 block %2 following spindle/axis %3 not available

16783 Channel %1 block %2 master spindle/axis %3 not available

16785 Channel %1 block %2 identical spindles/axes %3

16787 Channel %1 block %2 coupling parameter not changeable

16788 Channel %1 block %2 cyclic coupling

16789 Channel %1 block %2 multiple link

16790 Channel %1 block %2 Parameter is zero or missing

16791 Channel %1 block %2 parameter is not relevant

16792 Channel %1 block %2 too many couplings for axis/spindle %3

16793 Channel %1 block %2 coupling of axis %3 prohibits transformation change

16794 Channel %1 block %2 coupling of axis/spindle %3 prohibits reference point approach

16795 Channel %1 block %2 string cannot be interpreted

16796 Channel %1 block %2 coupling not defined

16797 Channel %1 block %2 coupling is active

16798 Channel %1 block %2 axis %3 is following axis and prohibits axis container rotation

16799 Channel %1 block %2 axis %3 is master axis and prohibits axis container rotation

16800 Channel %1 block %2 traverse instruction DC/CDC for axis %3 not allowed

16810 Channel %1 block %2 traverse instruction ACP for axis %3 not allowed

16820 Channel %1 block %2 traverse instruction ACN for axis %3 not allowed

16830 Channel %1 block %2 incorrect position programmed for axis/spindle %3

16903 Channel %1 program control: action %2 not allowed in the current state

16904 Channel %1 program control: action %2 not allowed in the current state

16905 Channel %1 program control: action %2 not allowed

16906 Channel %1 program control: action %2 is aborted due to an alarm

16907 Channel %1 action %2 only possible in stop state

16908 Channel %1 action %2 only possible in reset state or at the block end

16909 Channel %1 action %2 not allowed in current mode

16911 Channel %1 mode change is not allowed

16912 Channel %1 program control: action %2 only possible in reset state

16913 Mode group %1 channel %2 mode change: action %3 not allowed

16914 Mode group %1 channel %2 mode change: action %3 not allowed

16915 Channel %1 action %2 not allowed in the current block

16916 Channel %1 repositioning: action %2 not allowed in the current state

16918 Channel %1 for action %2 all channels must be in reset state

16919 Channel %1 action %2 is not allowed due to a pending alarm

16920 Channel %1 action %2 is already active

16921 Channel %1 mode group %2 machine data: channel/mode group assignment not allowed or assigned twice

16922 Channel %1 subprograms: action %2 maximum nesting depth exceeded

16923 Channel %1 program control: action %2 not allowed in the current state

16924 Channel %1 caution: program test modifies tool management data

16925 Channel %1 program control: action %2 not allowed in the current state, action %3 active

16926 Channel %1 channel coordination: action %2 not allowed in block %3, marker %4 is already set

16927 Channel %1 action %2 at active interrupt treatment not allowed

16928 Channel %1 interrupt treatment: action %2 not possible

16930 Channel %1: preceding block and current block %2 must be separated through an executable block

16931 Channel %1 subprograms: action %2 maximum nesting depth exceeded

16932 Channel %1 conflict when activating user data type %2

16933 Channel %1 interrupt treatment: action %2 not allowed in the current state

16934 Channel %1 interrupt treatment: action %2 not possible due to stop

16935 Channel %1 action %2 not possible due to search run

16936 Channel %1 action %2 not possible due to active dry run

16937 Channel %1 action %2 not possible due to program test

16938 Channel %1 action %2 aborted due to active gear change

16939 Channel %1 action %2 rejected due to active gear change

16940 Channel %1 action %2 wait for gear change

16941 Channel %1 action %2 rejected because no program event has been executed yet

16942 Channel %1 start program command action %2 not possible

16943 Channel %1 action %2 not possible due to ASUP

16944 Channel %1 action %2 not possible due to active search blocks

16945 Channel %1 action %2 delayed up to the block end

16946 Channel %1 start via START is not allowed

16947 Channel %1 start via PLC is not allowed

16948 Channel %1 dependent channel %2 still active

16949 Correspondence between marker of channel %1 and channel %2 is invalid.

16950 Channel %1 search run with hold block

16951 Channel %1 search run in a program section that cannot be searched

17000 Channel %1 block %2 maximum number of symbols exceeded

17001 Channel %1 block %2 no memory left for tool/magazine data

17010 Channel %1 block %2 no memory left

17020 Channel %1 block %2 illegal array index 1

17030 Channel %1 block %2 illegal array index 2

17040 Channel %1 block %2 illegal axis index

17050 Channel %1 block %2 illegal value

17055 Channel %1 block %2 GUD variable not existing

17060 Channel %1 block %2 requested data area too large

17070 Channel %1 block %2 data is write-protected

17080 Channel %1 block %2 %3 value below lower limit

17090 Channel %1 block %2 %3 value exceeds upper limit

17095 Channel %1 block %2 invalid value

17100 Channel %1 block %2 digital input/comparator no. %3 not activated

17110 Channel %1 block %2 digital output no. %3 not activated

17120 Channel %1 block %2 analog input no. %3 not activated

17130 Channel %1 block %2 analog output no. %3 not activated

17140 Channel %1 block %2 NCK output %3 is assigned to a function via machine data

17150 Channel %1 block %2 maximum of %3 NCK outputs programmable in the block

17160 Channel %1 block %2 no tool selected

17170 Channel %1 block %2 number of symbols too large

17180 Channel %1 block %2 illegal D number

17181 Channel %1 block %2 T no.= %3, D no.= %4 not existing

17182 Channel %1 block %2 illegal sum correction number

17188 Channel %1 D number %2 defined in tool T no. %3 and %4

17189 Channel %1 D number %2 of tools defined on magazine/location %3 and %4

17190 Channel %1 block %2 illegal T number

17191 Channel %1 block %2 T= %3 not existing, program %4

17192 TO unit %1 invalid tool designation of ‘%2’, duplo no. %3. No more replacement tools possible in ‘%4’.

17193 Channel %1 block %2 the active tool is no longer on toolholder no./spindle no. %3, program %4

17194 Channel %1 block %2 no suitable tool found

17200 Channel %1 block %2 deleting tool data not possible

17202 Channel %1 block %2 deleting magazine data not possible

17210 Channel %1 block %2 access to variable not possible

17212 Channel %1 tool management: Load manual tool %3, duplo no. %2 onto spindle/ toolholder %4

17214 Channel %1 tool management: remove manual tool %3 from spindle/toolholder %2

17216 Channel %1 tool management: remove manual tool from spindle/toolholder %4 and load manual tool %3, duplo no. %2

17220 Channel %1 block %2 tool not existing

17230 Channel %1 block %2 Duplo no. already assigned

17240 Channel %1 block %2 illegal tool definition

17250 Channel %1 block %2 illegal magazine definition

17260 Channel %1 block %2 illegal magazine location definition

17262 Channel %1 block %2 illegal tool adapter operation

17270 Channel %1 block %2 call-by-reference: illegal variable

17500 Channel %1 block %2 axis %3 is not an indexing axis

17501 Channel %1 block %2 indexing axis %3 with Hirth tool system is active

17502 Channel %1 block %2 indexing axis %3 with Hirth tooth system stop is delayed

17503 Channel %1 block %2 indexing axis %3 with Hirth tooth system and axis not referenced

17510 Channel %1 block %2 invalid index for indexing axis %3

17600 Channel %1 block %2 preset on transformed axis %3 not possible

17605 Channel %1 block %2 axis %3 transformation active: inhibits rotation of axis container

17610 Channel %1 block %2 axis %3 involved in the transformation, action cannot be carried out

17620 Channel %1 block %2 approaching fixed point for transformed axis %3 not possible

17630 Channel %1 block %2 referencing for transformed axis %3 not possible

17640 Channel %1 block %2 spindle operation for transformed axis %3 not possible

17650 Channel %1 block %2 machine axis %3 not programmable

17800 Channel %1 block %2 illegally coded position programmed

17900 Channel %1 block %2 axis %3 is no machine axis

18000 Channel %1 block %2 NCK-specific protection zone %3 wrong. Error code %4

18001 Channel %1 block %2 channel-specific protection zone %3 incorrect. Error code %4

18002 Channel %1 block %2 NCK protection zone %3 cannot be activated. Error code %4

18003 Channel %1 block %2 NCK protection zone %3 cannot be activated.Error code %4

18004 Channel %1 block %2 orientation of workpiece-related protection zone %3 does not correspond to the orientation of tool-related protection zone %4

18005 Channel %1 block %2 serious error in definition of NCK-specific protection zone %3

18006 Channel %1 block %2 serious error in definition of channel-specific protection zone %3

18100 Channel %1 block %2 invalid value assigned to FXS[]

18101 Channel %1 block %2 invalid value assigned to FXST[]

18102 Channel %1 block %2 invalid value assigned to FXSW[]

18200 Channel %1 block %2 curve table: block search stop not allowed with definition CTABDEF

18201 Channel %1 block %2 curve table: table %3 does not exist

18202 Channel %1 block %2 curve table: instruction CTABEND without CTABDEF not allowed

18300 Channel %1 block %2 frame: fine shift not possible

18310 Channel %1 block %2 frame: illegal rotation

18311 Channel %1 block %2 frame: illegal instruction

18312 Channel %1 block %2 frame: fine shift not configured

18313 Channel %1 block %2 frame: illegal switchover of geometry axes

18314 Channel %1 block %2 frame: type conflict

18400 Channel %1 block %2 language change not possible:

20000 Channel %1 axis %2 reference cam not reached

20001 Channel %1 axis %2 no cam signal present

20002 Channel %1 axis %2 zero mark not found

20003 Channel %1 axis %2 measuring system error

20004 Channel %1 axis %2 reference mark missing

20005 Channel %1 axis %2 reference point approach aborted

20006 Channel %1 axis %2 reference point creep velocity not reached

20007 Channel %1 axis %2 reference point approach requires 2 measuring systems

20008 Channel %1 axis %2 reference point approach requires second referenced measuring system

20050 Channel %1 axis %2 handwheel mode active

20051 Channel %1 axis %2 handwheel mode not possible

20052 Channel %1 axis %2 already active

20053 Channel %1 axis %2 DRF, FTOCON, external zero point offset not possible

20054 Channel %1 axis %2 wrong index for indexing axis in JOG mode

20055 Channel %1 master spindle not present in JOG mode

20056 Channel %1 axis %2 no revolutional feedrate possible. Axis/spindle %3 stationary

20057 Channel %1 block %2 revolutional feedrate for axis/spindle %3 is

20058 Channel %1 axis %2 revolutional feedrate: illegal feed source

20060 Channel %1 axis %2 cannot be traversed as geometry axis

20061 Channel %1 axis %2 cannot be traversed as orientation axis

20062 Channel %1 axis %2 already active

20063 Channel %1 axis %2 orientation axes cannot be traversed without transformation

20065 Channel %1 master spindle not defined for geometry axes in JOG mode

20070 Channel %1 axis %2 programmed end position is behind software limit switch %3

20071 Channel %1 axis %2 programmed end position is behind working area limit %3

20072 Channel %1 axis %2 is not an indexing axis

20073 Channel %1 axis %2 cannot be repositioned

20074 Channel %1 axis %2 wrong index position

20075 Channel %1 axis %2 can currently not oscillate

20076 Channel %1 axis %2 oscillating – mode change not possible

20077 Channel %1 axis %2 programmed position is behind software limit switch %3

20078 Channel %1 axis %2 programmed position is behind working area limit %3

20079 Channel %1 axis %2 oscillation path length %3

20080 Channel %1 axis %2 no handwheel assigned for overlaid motion

20085 Channel %1 contour handwheel: traverse direction or overtravel of beginning of block not allowed

20090 Axis %1 travel to fixed stop not possible. Check programming and axis data.

20091 Axis %1 has not reached fixed stop

20092 Axis %1 travel to fixed stop still active

20093 Axis %1 standstill monitoring at fixed-stop end point has been triggered

20094 Axis %1 function has been aborted

20095 Axis %1 illegal torque, current torque %2

20096 Axis %1 brake test aborted, additional information %2

20100 Channel %1: invalid configuration for digitizing function

20101 Communication with the digitizer not possible

20102 Channel %1: No or invalid trafo at digitizing active

20103 Channel %1: digitizing module does not support 3+2 axis digitizing

20105 Channel %1: axes stopped by digitizer. Error code: %2

20106 Emergency stop set by the digitizer

20108 Invalid data package received from the digitizer. Error codes: %1, %2

20109 Error in communication with the digitizer: status code of com-circuit: %1

20120 Axis %1: too many compensation relations

20121 Axis %1: Configuration error in compensation table %2

20122 Compensation table %1: invalid axis assignment

20123 Axis %1: different output assignment of multiplied tables

20124 Axis %1: sum of compensation values too large

20125 Axis %1: change of compensation value is too rapid

20130 Channel %1 contour tunnel monitoring

20140 Channel %1 motion synchronous action: traversing of command axis %2 see NC alarm %3

20141 Channel %1 motion synchronous action: illegal axis type

20142 Channel %1 command axis %2: rotation of axis container already enabled

20143 Channel %1 axis %2 command axis cannot be started as it is controlled by the PLC

20144 Channel %1 block %2 motion synchronous action: system variable access not possible

20145 Channel %1 block %2 motion synchronous action: arithmetic error

20146 Channel %1 block %2 motion synchronous action: nesting depth exceeded

20147 Channel %1 block %2 motion synchronous action: command not executable

20148 Channel %1 block %2 motion synchronous action: internal error %3

20149 Channel %1 block %2 motion synchronous action: illegal index

20150 Channel %1 tool management: PLC terminates interrupted command

20160 Channel %1 tool management: PLC can terminate only incorrectly aborted commands

20170 Channel %1 machine data $AC_FIFO invalid

20200 Channel %1 invalid spindle number %2 with tool fine compensation

20201 Channel %1 spindle %2 no tool assigned

20203 Channel %1 no active tool

20204 Channel %1 PUTFTOC command not allowed with FTOCOF

20210 Channel %1 block %3 spindle %2 wrong values for centerless grinding

20211 Channel %1 block %3 spindle %2 support point beyond range limits

21600 Monitoring for ESR active

21610 Channel %1 axis %2 encoder %3 frequency limit exceeded

21611 Channel %1 NC-controlled Extended Stop/Retract triggered

21612 Channel %1 axis %2 VDI signal ‘Servo enable’ reset during motion

21613 Axis %1 measuring system changing

21614 Channel %1 axis %2 hardware limit switch %3

21615 Channel %1 axis %2 taken from traverse mode to follow-up mode

21616 Channel %1 block %2 overlaid motion active at transformation switchover

21617 Channel %1 block %2 transformation does not allow to traverse the pole

21618 Channel %1 as from block %2 transformation active: overlaid motion too great

21619 Channel %1 block %2 transformation active: motion not possible

21650 Channel %1 axis %2 overlaid motion not allowed

21660 Channel %1 block %2 axis %3 conflict between SYNACT: $AA_OFF and CORROF

21665 Channel %1 $AA_TOFF cleared

21670 Channel %1 block %2 illegal change of tool direction with $AA_TOFF active

21700 Channel %1 block %3 axis %2 touch probe already deflected, edge polarity not possible

21701 Channel %1 block %3 axis %2 measurement not possible

21702 Channel %1 block %3 axis %2 measurement aborted

21703 Channel %1 block %3 axis %2 touch probe not deflected, illegal edge polarity

21740 Output value at analog output no. %1 has been limited

21750 Error during output of cam signals via timer

21760 Channel %1 block %2 too many auxiliary functions programmed

21800 Channel %1 workpiece setpoint %2 reached

22000 Channel %1 block %3 spindle %2 change of gear stage not possible

22010 Channel %1 block %3 spindle %2 actual gear stage differs from requested gear stage

22011 Channel %1 block %3 spindle %2 change to programmed gear stage not possible

22012 Channel %1 block %2 leading spindle %3 is in simulation.

22013 Channel %1 block %2 dependent spindle %3 is in simulation.

22014 Channel %1 block %2. The dynamics of leading spindle %3 and dependent spindle %4 is too variably

22020 Channel %1 block %3 spindle %2 gear step change position not reached

22040 Channel %1 block %3 spindle %2 is not referenced with zero marker

22045 Block %2 spindle/axis %3 not available in channel %1 because active in channel %4

22050 Channel %1 block %3 spindle %2 no transition from speed control mode to position control mode

22051 Channel %1 block %3 spindle %2 reference mark not found

22052 Channel %1 block %3 spindle %2 no standstill on block change

22053 Channel %1 block %3 spindle %2 reference mode not supported

22054 Channel %1 block %3 spindle %2 improper punching signal

22055 Channel %1 block %3 spindle %2 configured positioning speed is too high

22060 Channel %1 position control expected for axis/spindle %2

22062 Channel %1 axis %2 reference point approach: zero marker search velocity (MD) is not reached

22064 Channel %1 axis %2 reference point approach: zero marker search velocity (MD) is too high

22065 Channel %1 tool management: Tool motion is not possible, as tool %2 with Duplo no. %3 is not in magazine %4

22066 Channel %1 tool management: Tool change is not possible, as tool %2 with Duplo no. %3 is not in magazine %4

22067 Channel %1 tool management: tool change not possible since there is no tool available in tool group %2

22068 Channel %1 block %2 tool management: no tool available in tool group %3

22069 Channel %1 block %2 tool management: No tool available in tool group %3, program %4

22070 TO unit %1 Please change tool T= %2 into magazine. Repeat data backup

22071 TO unit %1 tool %2 duplo no. %3 is active, but not in the magazine area under consideration

22100 Channel %1 block %3 spindle %2 chuck speed exceeded

22200 Channel %1 spindle %2 axis stopped during tapping

22250 Channel %1 spindle %2 axis stopped during thread cutting

22260 Channel %1 spindle %2 thread might be damaged

22270 Channel %1 block %2 maximum velocity of thread axis at position %3 reached

22275 Channel %1 block %2 zero velocity of thread axis at position %3 reached

22280 Channel %1 in block %2: Prog. acceleration path too short %3, %4 required

22320 Channel %1 block %2 PUTFTOCF command could not be transferred

22321 Channel %1 axis %2 PRESET not allowed during traverse motion

22322 Channel %1 axis %2 PRESET: illegal value

25000 Axis %1 hardware fault of active encoder

25001 Axis %1 hardware fault of passive encoder

25010 Axis %1 pollution of measuring system

25011 Axis %1 pollution of passive encoder

25020 Axis %1 zero mark monitoring of active encoder

25021 Axis %1 zero mark monitoring of passive encoder

25022 Axis %1 encoder %2 warning %3

25030 Axis %1 actual velocity alarm limit

25031 Axis %1 actual velocity warning limit

25040 Axis %1 standstill monitoring

25042 Axis %1 standstill monitoring during torque/force limitation

25050 Axis %1 contour monitoring

25060 Axis %1 speed setpoint limitation

25070 Axis %1 drift value too large

25080 Axis %1 positioning monitoring

25100 Axis %1 measuring system switchover not possible

25105 Axis %1 measuring systems differ considerably

25110 Axis %1 selected encoder not available

25200 Axis %1 requested set of parameters invalid

25201 Axis %1 drive fault

25202 Axis %1 waiting for drive

26000 Axis %1 clamping monitoring

26001 Axis %1 parameterization error: friction compensation

26002 Axis %1 encoder %2 parameterization error: number of encoder marks

26003 Axis %1 parameterization error: lead screw pitch

26004 Axis %1 encoder %2 parameterization error: grid point distance with linear encoders

26005 Axis %1 parameterization error: output rating

26006 Axis %1 encoder %2 encoder type/output type %3 not possible

26007 Axis %1 QEC: invalid coarse step size

26008 Axis %1 QEC: invalid fine step size

26009 Axis %1 QEC: memory overflow

26010 Axis %1 QEC: invalid acceleration characteristic

26011 Axis %1 QEC: invalid measuring periods

26012 Axis %1 QEC: feed forward control not active

26014 Axis %1 machine data %2 invalid value

26015 Axis %1 machine data %2[%3] invalid value

26016 Axis %1 machine data %2 invalid value

26017 Axis %1 machine data %2[%3] invalid value

26018 Axis %1 setpoint output drive %2 used more than once

26019 Axis %1 encoder %2 measurement not possible with this controller module

26020 Axis %1 encoder %2 hardware fault %3 during encoder initialization

26022 Axis %1 encoder %2 measurement with simulated encoder not possible

26024 Axis %1 machine data %2 value changed

26025 Axis %1 machine data %2[%3] value changed

26030 Axis %1 encoder %2 absolute position lost

26031 Axis %1 configuration error master-slave

26032 Axis %1 master-slave not configured

26050 Axis %1 parameter set change from %2 to %3 not possible

26051 Channel %1 in block %2 unanticipated stop crossed in continuous path mode

26052 Channel %1 in block %2: path velocity too high for auxiliary function output

26070 Channel %1 axis %2 cannot be controlled by the PLC, max. number exceeded

26072 Channel %1 axis %2 cannot be controlled by the PLC

26074 Channel %1 switching off PLC control of axis %2 not allowed in the current state

26080 Channel %1 retraction position of axis %2 not programmed or invalid

26081 Channel %1 axis trigger of axis %2 was activated, but axis is not PLC- controlled

26100 Axis %1 drive %2 sign of life missing

26101 Axis %1 drive %2 communication failure

26102 Axis %1 drive %2 sign of life missing

26105 Drive of axis %1 not found

26106 Encoder %2 of axis %1 not found

26110 Independent drive stop/retract triggered

27000 Axis %1 is not safely referenced

27001 Axis %1 error in a monitoring channel, code %2, values: NCK %3, drive %4

27002 Axis %1 test stop is running

27003 Checksum error found: %1 %2

27004 Axis %1, difference safe input %2, NCK %3, drive %4

27005 Axis %1 error in data cross check: static actual value difference

27006 Axis %1 Test ext. pulse deletion running

27007 Axis %1 acceptance test mode is active

27008 Axis %1 SW limit switch deactivated

27010 Axis %1 tolerance for safe standstill exceeded

27011 Axis %1 safe velocity exceeded

27012 Axis %1 safe end position exceeded

27013 Axis %1 safe braking ramp exceeded

27020 Axis %1 stop E triggered

27021 Axis %1 stop D triggered

27022 Axis %1 stop C triggered

27023 Axis %1 stop B triggered

27024 Axis %1 stop A triggered

27030 Axis %1 function not supported on this 611D module

27031 Axis %1 limit value for safe velocity %2 at gear ratio %3 too large (max. %4)

27032 Axis %1 checksum error of safe monitoring. Confirmation and re-test required!

27033 Axis %1 parameterization of MD %2[%3] invalid

27034 Parameterization of MD %1 invalid

27090 Error in data cross check NCK-PLC, %1[%2], NCK: %3; %4 ALSI

27091 Error in data cross check NCK PLC, stop of %1

27092 Communication broken off during NCK PLC data cross check, error detected by %1

27093 Checksum error NCK-SPL, %1, %2, %3

27094 Write access to system variable %1 only allowed from NCK-SPL

27095 %1 SPL protection not activated

27096 SPL start not allowed

27100 At least one axis is not safely referenced

27101 Axis %1 difference in function safe operational stop, NCK: %2 drive: %3

27102 Axis %1 difference in function safe velocity %2, NCK: %3 drive: %4

27103 Axis %1 difference in function safe limit position %2, NCK: %3 drive: %4

27104 Axis %1 difference in function safe cam plus %2, NCK: %3 drive: %4

27105 Axis %1 difference in function safe cam minus %2, NCK: %3 drive: %4

27106 Axis %1 difference in function safe velocity nx, NCK: %2 drive: %3

27107 Axis %1 difference in function cam modulo monitoring, NCK: %2 drive: %3

27124 Stop A triggered at least in 1 axis

27200 PROFIsafe: cycle time %1 [ms] too long

27201 PROFIsafe: MD %1[%2]: bus segment %3 error

27202 PROFIsafe: MD %1[%2]: address %3 error

27203 PROFIsafe: MD %1[%2]: SPL assignment error

27204 PROFIsafe: double assignment MD %1[%2] – MD %3[%4]

27220 PROFIsafe: Number of NCK F modules (%1) number of DP modules (%2)

27221 PROFIsafe: NCK F module MD %1[%2] unknown

27222 PROFI safe: S7 F module PROFI safe address %1 unknown

27223 PROFIsafe: NCK F module MD %1[%2] is not a %3 module

27224 PROFIsafe: F module MD %1[%2] – MD %3[%4]: double assignment of PROFIsafe address

27225 PROFIsafe: slave %1, configuration error %2

27240 PROFIsafe: DP M not running up, DP info: %1

27241 PROFIsafe: DP M version different, NCK: %1, PLC: %2

27242 PROFIsafe: F module %1, %2 faulty

27250 PROFIsafe: configuration in DP M changed; error code %1 – %2

27251 PROFIsafe: F module %1, %2 reports error %3

27252 PROFIsafe: Slave %1, sign-of-life error

27253 PROFIsafe: communication fault F master component %1, error %2

27254 PROFIsafe: F module %1, error on channel %2; %3

27255 PROFIsafe: F module %1, general error

27256 PROFIsafe: Current cycle time %1 [ms] > parameterized cycle time

27299 PROFIsafe: Diagnosis %1 %2 %3 %4

28000 NCU link connection to all other NCUs of the link network has been aborted

28001 NCU link connection to the NCU %1 of the link network has been aborted

28002 Error on activation of machine data, NCU network-wide machine data were modified by NCU %1

28004 NCU link: NCU %1 of the link network is not on the bus

28005 NCU link: NCU %1 of the link network not running synchronously

28007 NCU link: conflict in configuration data of NCU %1

28008 NCU link: conflict in timer setting of NCU %1

28009 NCU link: conflict in bus parameters of NCU %1

28010 NCU link: the NCU %1 has not received a message

28011 IPO time insufficient for NCU link. Link cycle time: %1

28012 NCU link: synchronization cycle signal failure %1 times

28020 NCU link: too many link axes configured %1

28030 Serious alarm on NCU %1, axes in follow-up mode

28031 Serious alarm on NCU %1 not yet acknowledged, axes still in follow-up mode

28032 Emergency stop activated on NCU %1, axes in follow-up mode

28033 Emergency stop on NCU % 1, axes still in follow-up mode

29033 Channel %1 axis change of axis %2 not possible, PLC axis movement not yet completed

60000 Channel %1 block %2:

61000 Channel %1 block %2 no tool compensation active

61001 Channel %1 block %2 thread lead incorrect

61002 Channel %1 block %2 machining type wrongly defined

61003 Channel %1 block %2 no feed programmed in the cycle

61004 Channel %1 block %2 configuration geometry axis incorrect

61005 Channel %1 block %2 3rd geometry axis not present

61006 Channel %1 block %2 tool radius too large

61007 Channel %1 block %2 tool radius too small

61009 Channel %1 block %2 active tool number = 0

61010 Channel %1 block %2 finishing allowance too large

61011 Channel %1 block %2 scaling not allowed

61012 Channel %1 block %2 different scaling on the plane

61013 Channel %1 block %2 basic settings were changed, program cannot be executed

61101 Channel %1 block %2 reference plane incorrectly defined

61102 Channel %1 block %2 no spindle direction programmed

61103 Channel %1 block %2 number of drillings is zero

61104 Channel %1 block %2 contour violation of slots/long holes

61105 Channel %1 block %2 cutter radius too large

61106 Channel %1 block %2 number or distance of circular elements

61107 Channel %1 block %2 first drilling depth incorrectly defined

61108 Channel %1 block %2 illegal values for parameters _RAD1 and _DP1

61109 Channel %1 block %2 parameter _CDIR incorrectly defined

61110 Channel %1 block %2 finishing allowance at the base > depth infeed

61111 Channel %1 block %2 infeed width > tool diameter

61112 Channel %1 block %2 tool radius negative

61113 Channel %1 block %2 parameter _CRAD for corner radius too large

61114 Channel %1 block %2 machining direction G41/G42 incorrectly defined

61115 Channel %1 block %2 approach or retract mode (straight line/circle/plane/space) incorrectly defined

61116 Channel %1 block %2 approach or retraction path = 0

61117 Channel %1 block %2 active tool radius

61118 Channel %1 block %2 length or width = 0

61119 Channel %1 block %2 nominal or core diameter incorrectly programmed

61120 Channel %1 block %2 internal/external thread type not defined

61121 Channel %1 block %2 number of teeth per cutting edge missing

61122 Channel %1 block %2 safety clearance on the plane incorrectly defined

61124 Channel %1 block %2 infeed width is not programmed

61125 Channel %1 block %2 technology selection in parameter _TECHNO incorrectly defined

61126 Channel %1 block %2 thread length too short

61127 Channel %1 block %2 transmission ratio of tapping axis incorrectly defined (machine data)

61128 Channel %1 block %2 dipping angle = 0 for dipping with oscillation or helix

61180 Channel %1 block %2 no name assigned to swivel data block, although MD $MN_MM_NUM_TOOL_CARRIER > 1

61181 Channel %1 block %2 NCK software version unsufficient (missing TOOLCARRIER functionality)

61182 Channel %1 block %2 name of swivel data block unknown

61183 Channel %1 block %2 retraction mode GUD7 _TC_FR beyond value range 0… 2

61184 Channel %1 block %2 no solution possible with current input angle values

61185 Channel %1 block %2 no or incorrect (min > max) rotary axis angle ranges assigned

61186 Channel %1 block %2 rotary axis vectors invalid –> Check installation and start-up of the swivel cycle CYCLE800

61188 Channel %1 block %2 no axis name for the 1st axis assigned -> Check installation and start-up of the swivel cycle CYCLE800

61200 Channel %1 block %2 too many elements in the machining block

61201 Channel %1 block %2 wrong sequence in the machining block

61202 Channel %1 block %2 no technology cycle

61203 Channel %1 block %2 no positioning cycle

61204 Channel %1 block %2 unknown technology cycle

61205 Channel %1 block %2 unknown positioning cycle

61210 Channel %1 block %2 block search element not found

61211 Channel %1 block %2 absolute reference missing

61212 Channel %1 block %2 wrong tool type

61213 Channel %1 block %2 circle radius too small

61214 Channel %1 block %2 no lead programmed

61215 Channel %1 block %2 raw dimension incorrectly programmed

61216 Channel %1 block %2 feed/tooth only possible with milling tools

61217 Channel %1 block %2 cutting speed for tool radius 0 programmed

61218 Channel %1 block %2 feed/tooth programmed, but number of teeth is zero

61222 Channel %1 block %2 plane infeed greater than the tool diameter

61223 Channel %1 block %2 approach path too short

61224 Channel %1 block %2 retract path too short

61225 Channel %1 block %2 swivel data block unknown

61226 Channel %1 block %2 swivel head cannot be exchanged

61230 Channel %1 block %2 tool probe diameter too small

61231 Channel %1 block %2 ShopMill program %3 cannot be executed, as it has not been tested by ShopMill

61232 Channel %1 block %2 loading of magazine tool not possible

61233 Channel %1 block %2: Thread inclination incorrectly defined

61234 Channel %1 block %2 ShopMill subroutine %4 cannot be executed, as it has not been tested by ShopMill

61235 Channel %1 block %2: ShopTurn program %4 cannot be executed, as it has not been tested by ShopTurn.

61236 Channel %1 block %2: ShopTurn subroutine %4 cannot be executed, as it has not been tested by ShopTurn.

61237 Channel %1 block %2: Retraction direction unknown. Manually retract tool!

61238 Channel %1 block %2: Machining direction unknown.

61239 Channel %1 block %2: Tool change point lies in the retraction area!

61240 Channel %1 block %2: Wrong feed type

61241 Channel %1 block %2: No retraction plane defined for this machining direction.

61242 Channel %1 block %2: Wrong machining direction

61243 Channel %1 block %2: Correct tool change point, tool tip is in retraction area!

61244 Channel %1 block %2: Thread lead change results in an undefined thread

61246 Channel %1 block %2: Safety clearance too small

61247 Channel %1 block %2: Blank radius too small

61248 Channel %1 block %2: Infeed too small

61249 Channel %1 block %2: Number of edges too small

61250 Channel %1 block %2: Key width/Edge length too small

61251 Channel %1 block %2: Key width/Edge length too large

61252 Channel %1 block %2: Chamfer/Radius too large

61253 Channel %1 block %2: No finishing allowance programmed

61254 Channel %1 block %2: Error when traversing to fixed stop

61255 Channel %1 block %2: Cut-off error: Tool breakage?

61301 Channel %1 block %2 measuring probe does not switch

61302 Channel %1 block %2 measuring probe collision

61303 Channel %1 block %2 safe area exceeded

61308 Channel %1 block %2 check measuring distance 2a

61309 Channel %1 block %2 check measuring probe type

61310 Channel %1 block %2 scale factor is active

61311 Channel %1 block %2 no D number is active

61316 Channel %1 block %2 center point and radius cannot be determined.

61332 Channel %1 block %2 change tool tip position

61338 Channel %1 block %2 positioning velocity is zero

61601 Channel %1 block %2 finished-part diameter too small

61602 Channel %1 block %2 tool width incorrectly defined

61603 Channel %1 block %2 groove form incorrectly defined

61604 Channel %1 block %2 active tool violates programmed contour

61605 Channel %1 block %2 contour incorrectly programmed

61606 Channel %1 block %2 contour processing error

61607 Channel %1 block %2 starting point incorrectly programmed

61608 Channel %1 block %2 wrong cutting edge position programmed

61609 Channel %1 block %2 form incorrectly defined

61610 Channel %1 block %2 no infeed depth programmed

61611 Channel %1 block %2 no intersection point found

61612 Channel %1 block %2 thread axis cutting not possible

61613 Channel %1 block %2 undercut position incorrectly defined

61800 Channel %1 block %2: External CNC system missing

61801 Channel %1 block %2: Wrong G code selected

61802 Channel %1 block %2: Wrong axis type

61803 Channel %1 block %2 programmed axis not present

61804 Channel %1 block %2: Progr. position exceeds reference point

61805 Channel %1 block %2: The value is absolutely and incrementally programmed

61806 Channel %1 block %2: Incorrect axis assignment

61807 Channel %1 block %2 wrong spindle direction programmed (active)

61808 Channel %1 block %2: The final drilling depth or individual drilling depth is missing

61809 Channel %1 block %2: Impermissible drilling position

61810 Channel %1 block %2: ISO-G code not possible

61811 Channel %1 block %2: Impermissible ISO axis name

61812 Channel %1 block %2: Value(s) in the external cycle call incorrectly defined

61813 Channel %1 block %2: GUD value incorrectly defined

61814 Channel %1 block %2: Polar coordinates not possible with cycle

61815 Channel %1 block %2: G40 not active

61816 Channel %1 block %2: axes are not at the reference point

61817 Channel %1 block %2: The axis coordinates are within the protection zone

61818 Channel %1 block %2: The axis area limit values are identical

62000 Channel %1 block %2:

62100 Channel %1 block %2 no drilling cycle active

62101 Channel %1 block %2: Incorrect cutting direction – G3 is generated

62103 Channel %1 block %2: The finishing allowance is not programmed

62105 Channel %1 block %2 number of columns or lines is zero

62180 Channel %1 block %2 no name assigned to swivel data block although machine data $MN_MM_NUM_TOOL_CARRIER > 1

62181 Channel %1 block %2 NCK software version unsufficient (missing TOOLCARRIER functionality)

62182 Channel %1 block %2: Load swivel head

62183 Channel %1 block %2 retraction mode GUD7 _TC_FR beyond value range 0…2

62184 Channel %1 block %2 no solution possible with current input angle values

62185 Channel %1 block %2 no end stop assigned to rotary axes

62186 Channel %1 block %2 illegal rotary axis vectors

62187 Channel %1 block %2 name of swivel data block unknown

62200 Channel %1 block %2: Start spindle

63000 Channel %1 block %2:

65000 Channel %1 block %2:

66000 Channel %1 block %2:

67000 Channel %1 block %2:

68000 Channel %1 block %2:

70000 Compile cycle alarm

75000 OEM alarm

75005 Channel %1 block %2 CLC: General programming error

75010 Channel %1 block %2 CLC_LIM value exceeds MD limit

75015 Channel %1 block %2 CLC(0) with active TOC

75016 Channel %1 block %2 CLC: orientation changed for TRAFOOF

75020 Channel %1 CLC position offset at lower limit %2

75021 Channel %1 CLC position offset at upper limit %2

75025 Channel %1 CLC stopped because sensor head has been touched

75050 Channel %1 wrong MD configuration, error code %2

75051 Channel %1 CC_COPON CC_COPOFF error code %2

75060 Channel %1 tolerance window exceeded axis %2

75061 Channel %1 coupling active axis %2

75062 Channel %1 axes not in standstill axis %2

75070 Channel %1 wrong machine data for collision protection %2

75071 Channel %1 collision monitoring axis %2

75100 Too many analog axes configured

75110 Axis %1 reached drift limit

75200 Channel %1 wrong MD configuration, %2 incorrect

75210 Channel %1 number of axes/axis assignment inconsistent

75250 Channel %1 tool parameters incorrect

75255 Channel %1 working area error

75260 Channel %1 block %2 tool parameters incorrect

75265 Channel %1 block %2 working area error

75270 Channel %1 tool parameters incorrect

75275 Channel %1 block %2 working area error

75451 Error with definition of setpoint switchover

75452 Axis %1 setpoint switchover not possible in the current state

75500 Channel %1 wrong configuration

75600 Channel %1 retrace support: wrong MD configuration. Error code %2

75601 Channel %1 block %2 invalid parameter in CC_PREPRE()

75605 Channel %1 retrace support: internal error, error code %2

75606 Channel %1 retraceable contour was shortened

75607 Channel %1 resynchronisation not possible

100300 xxx not found

100301 The table cannot be completely generated

100302 No data available – or no access authorization

100303 Paging not possible

100350 Display MD saved

100351 Display MD take-over not possible

101000 No connection to the PLC!

101001 The PLC system status list cannot be read!

101002 Invalid password!

101003 Password for %1 is set!

101004 Password for %1 is set!

101005 The passwords do not match!

101006 Password is deleted!

101007 Password is not set!

101008 Current access level: %1

101013 Input error – see help – (i)-key

101016 Error: The operand address is greater than 65535!

101017 No PLC input screen forms found!

101018 Reading-in only possible in an active PLC status!

101100 No access authorization!

101111 No axes configured!

101112 No drives configured!

101113 No channels configured!

101114 No MSD configured!

101115 No FDD configured!

101130 Error return value not defined: 00h 00h

101131 No servo disable at PI start

101132 Impermissible execution argument value

101133 MDx120 CURRCTRL_GAIN could not be calculated

101134 MDx407 SPEEDCTRL_GAIN_1 could not be calculated

101135 MDx409 SPEEDCTRL_INTEGRATOR_TIME_1 could not be calculated

101136 MDx150 FIELDCTRL_GAIN could not be calculated





101141 MDx117 MOTOR_INERTIA = 0

101142 MDx146




101146 Boot file(s) saved

101147 Boot file(s) deleted

101148 Controller MD calculated

101150 MD set active

101151 Start-up successful

101153 MMC-NCK communication faulty %1 %2

101154 PI service was rejected

101155 Path %1 not available

101156 Impermissible function

101157 File %1 not available

101158 Function not permitted in the current operating state.

101159 Remote block in wrong state

101160 Date and time of the PLC set

101161 The drive is not in cyclic mode!





101166 MDx129 POWER_FACTOR_COS_PHI impermissible



101200 Safety-Integrated data copied

101201 Safety-Integrated data confirmed

101202 SI data is copied from axis %1 to drive %2 Parameters: %1 = Axis name %2 = Drive number

101203 SI data not completely copied

101204 SI data not confirmed

101205 Drive data changed? -> Don’t forget to save the boot files!

101206 Search action running, pleas wait

101207 Position at $MN_

101208 SI data confirmed: Axis 1

101209 SI data confirmed: Drive 1

101210 The machine data is being prepared for display

101211 NCK address not changed!

101212 NCK address changed!

101213 Invalid NCK address.

101214 Initialization of this window failed!

101300 Please wait – language is being changed

103000 There is no correction block on the NCK

103001 Selection is only possible after being enabled or in the RESET state.

103002 Copying to the clipboard is not possible

103003 MDI clipboard cannot be deleted

103004 Block search not possible

103006 Block search without calculation only possible on the main program level.

103007 Ending overstore is not possible in this channel state.

103008 Block search in channel %1 started – please wait

103009 Conflict between search type and search target!

103010 Invalid file name

103011 No program selected – block search finished

103014 Please reference the axis first

104000 Current tool not found

104001 No other tools available

104002 No other cutting edges available

104003 There aren’t any tools at all

104004 No tool selected

104005 No cutting edge selected

104006 No TO area available in the current channel

104007 Error during tool creation

104008 Error during cutting edge creation

104011 Error during tool deletion

104012 No master spindle available

104014 Incorrect entry

104015 Number of parameters per cutting edge is zero

104016 No spindle available

104018 Tool not available

104019 Tool type not available

104020 No empty location found

104023 Error during tool loading

104024 Error during tool unloading

104025 No magazine configured

104026 Notice: Tool is being loaded!

104027 Notice: Tool is being unloaded!

104029 Loading to this location not possible

104030 No more data available

105000 Error x y

105001 Cycle description sc.com not available

105002 File xxx already exists

105003 Workpiece xxx already exists

105004 Clipboard empty! To PASTE, COPY first

105005 Only workpieces can be inserted here

105006 Only files can be inserted here

105007 No name specified

105008 Memory error while writing a cycle call

105009 No write-authorization for the data

105010 No data selected

105011 Cycle description cov.com not available

105012 The program is not or only partially editable (NC reset)

105013 The copied data can be inserted with the soft key “Paste”

105014 Error while copying!

105015 Error while renaming!

105016 Error while deleting!

105017 Selection is only possible after being enabled or in the RESET state.

105018 Error during program generation!

105019 Error while opening a window!

105020 Error while closing a window!

105021 Error during workpiece generation!

105022 Error during enabling!

105023 File exists already!

105024 Check values! – At least 1 value lies outside the input limits!

105025 Please wait, the directory is being prepared!

105026 Notice! The simulated program and edited program are not the same!

105030 Please wait, renumbering is being carried out!

105031 Renumbering was aborted!

105032 Renumbering finished!

105041 Block number is too large!

105042 Impermissible block number!

105043 Impermissible increment!

105050 Please wait: Graphic is being output!

105051 Output of dynamic long texts for cycle parameterization

105052 Error in the cycle description of the !

105053 No cycle available in current line!

105054 Error during cycle description call!

105060 Please wait: Initilization of the cycle support

105061 Error when opening the file!

105062 Error when closing the file!

105063 Error when positioning in the file %1!

105064 Error when reading the file!

105070 Please wait: Initialization of the simulation started!

105075 Not enough axes in the current channel? > Contour with default axis names: X, Z !

109001 No switchover: Switchover disable set in current PLC

109002 No switchover: Target PLC occupied, try again

109003 No switchover: Switchover disable set in target PLC

109004 No switchover: PLC occupied by higher-priority MMC’s

109005 No switchover: No displaceable MMC at the target PLC

109006 No switchover: Selected channel invalid

109007 Channel switchover running

109008 Activation is running

111001 Non-interpretable step in line %1

111002 Insufficient memory, abort in line %1

111003 ManualTurn: %1

111004 File faulty or not available: %1

111005 Error when interpreting the contour %1 Parameters: %1 = Contour name

111006 Maximum number of contour elements exceeded %1

111007 Error in line %1 %2

111008 Spindle not synchronized

111009 Load new tool: T%1 Parameters: %1 = Tool number

111010 Teach-in interruption: Log overflow

111100 Wrong position programmed for the spindle

111105 No measuring system available

111106 No spindle stop for a block change

111107 Reference mark not found

111108 No transition from speed control mode to position control mode

111109 Configured positioning velocity is too high

111110 Velocity/Speed is negative

111111 Setpoint speed is zero

111112 Invalid gear stage

111115 Programmed position was not reached

111126 Absolute value minus not possible

111127 Absolute value plus not possible

111200 Spindle positioning error

111300 NC start key defective

111301 NC stop key defective

111302 Spindle start key defective

111303 Spindle stop key defective

111304 Connection to the PLC broken off

111305 Asynchronous subroutine was not executed

111306 Error when selecting or deselecting constant cutting speed

111307 Error when deleting handwheel offset

111308 Error when setting upper spindle speed limit

111309 Error when selecting tool

111310 Error when selecting zero offset

111311 NC start not possible: Deselect single block

111400 Unknown PLC error

111410 Tool %1 was created

111411 %1 Tool(s) can (could) not be created

111420 Error during the inch/metric conversion! Check all data!

111430 Program not loaded. Error when converting old cycles in G code. No NC memory.

111900 Start only possible in basic display

111901 Contour is contained in the current program, machining not enabled

111902 Start only with valid reference point

111904 4. Axis not configured, i.e., no driven tool possible

112045 Several insertion points required

112046 Main contour cannot be bypassed

112052 No residual material generated

112057 Programmed helix violates contour

112099 System-error contour pocket

112100 Error during renumbering. Original state restored.

112200 The contour is a step in the current program sequence. Machining not enabled

112201 The contour is a step in the current automatic sequence. Machining not enabled

112210 Tool axis cannot be switched over. Insufficient NC memory.

112211 Tool preselection could not be processed. Insufficient NC memory.

112300 Tool management type 2 not possible. Magazine not completely loaded.

112301 Tool management type 2 not possible. The magazine is not sorted as in the tool list.

112323 Replace swivel head.

112324 Load swivel head.

112325 Exchange swivel head.

112326 Set swivel head

112327 Angle not in permissible area

112328 Angle adapted to angle grid.

112329 Set swivel head/table

112330 Set swivel table.

112350 No swivel data set up.

112360 The step was not accepted into the program sequence, as the program is running.

112400 Is not available in the tool management

112401 Tool could not be created

112420 Error during the inch/metric conversion! Check all data!

112502 Insufficient memory, abort in line %1

112504 File faulty or not available: %1 Parameters: %1 = File name

112505 Error when interpreting the contour %1

112506 Maximum number of contour elements exceeded %1

112541 Program cannot be interpreted

112604 Connection to the PLC broken off

112605 Asynchronous subroutine was not executed

112650 Unknown PLC error

112999 Faulty grafic data. Exit graphic and restart

120000 Area %1 cannot be loaded! Acknowledge alarm, press area switchover key!

120001 Area %1 cannot be selected. Please deactivate area %2

120002 Area %1 is still active. Please deactivate area %1

120003 Area %1 cannot be deactivated. Please try again

120005 Please acknowledge the dialog box in area %1

120006 The channel switchover is currently disabled by area %1.

120007 The channel switchover is currently disabled.

120008 Control unit switchover, PLC timeout: 001 control unit switchover, PLC timeout: 002 control unit switchover, PLC timeout: 003

120120 The alarm list is full of alarm texts: Number of alarm texts too high Alarm texts: File %1 not found alarm texts: Input/Output error in file %1 alarm texts: Input/Output error alarm texts: Error when reading from the index file alarm texts: Error when writing in the index file alarm texts: Syntax error in alarm text file %1

120200 Image preparation suppressed

120201 Communication failure

120202 Waiting for a connection to the NC

120301 Faulty entry for hardkey ‘Program’ in Keys.ini.

120302 The selection is not possible. A program has to have been edited first via the area ‘Program’.

120303 The selection is not possible. The edited file %1 no longer exists.

120304 The selection is not possible. The file %1 has insufficient read rights.

120305 Selection is not possible. The file %1 is currently being edited.

120306 The selection is not possible. The file %1 is selected and active in channel %2.

120307 The file %1 cannot be opened for the editor because it is selected in channel %2 for execution from external sources.

120308 In the event of an emergency stop, the program %1 can only be changed in the machine/program correction area.

120309 The selection is not possible. Please close the simulation and repeat the selection.

120310 The selection is not possible. Please wait for the pending action or terminate it, then repeat the selection.

300000 Hardware drive bus: DCM not present

300001 Axis %1 drive number %2 not possible

300002 Axis %1 drive number %2 assigned twice

300003 Axis %1 drive %2 wrong module type %3

300004 Axis %1 drive %2 wrong drive type %3 (FDD/MSD)

300005 At least one module found on drive bus that has not been configured

300006 Module with drive number %1 has not been found on drive bus

300007 Axis %1 drive %2 not present or inactive

300008 Axis %1 drive %2 measuring circuit %3 is not available

300009 Axis %1 drive %2 measuring circuit %3 wrong measuring circuit type (type %4 used)

300010 Axis %1 drive %2 active without NC axis assignment

300011 Axis %1 drive %2 hardware version of spindle not supported

300012 Axis %1 drive %2 hardware version of control module not supported

300020 Drive %1 removed for diagnosis

300100 Drive power failure

300101 Bus communications failure

300200 Drive bus hardware fault

300201 Axis %1 drive %2 timeout during access, error location %3

300202 Axis %1 drive %2 CRC error, error location %3

300300 Axis %1 drive %2 boot error, error code %3

300400 Axis %1 drive %2 system error, error codes %3, %4

300401 Drive software for type %1, block %2 missing or incorrect

300402 System error in drive link. Error codes %1, %2

300403 Axis %1 drive %2 drive software and drive MD with different version numbers

300404 Axis %1 drive %2 drive MD contains different drive number

300405 Axis %1 drive %2 unknown drive alarm, code %3

300410 Axis %1 drive %2 error when storing a file (%3, %4)

300411 Axis %1 drive %2 error when reading a file (%3, %4)

300412 Error when storing a file (%1, %2)

300413 Error when reading a file (%1, %2)

300423 Measuring results could not be read (%1)

300500 Axis %1 drive %2 system error, error codes %3, %4

300501 Axis %1 drive %2 maximum current monitoring

300502 Axis %1 drive %2 maximum current monitoring of phase current R

300503 Axis %1 drive %2 maximum current monitoring of phase current S

300504 Axis %1 drive %2 measuring circuit error of motor measuring system

300505 Axis %1 drive %2 measuring circuit error of absolute track, code %3

300506 Axis %1 drive %2 NC sign-of-life failure

300507 Axis %1 drive %2 synchronization error of rotor position

300508 Axis %1 drive %2 zero mark monitoring of motor measuring system

300509 Axis %1 drive %2 current frequency exceeded

300510 Axis %1 drive %2 error on actual current measurement zero balancing

300511 Axis %1 drive %2 measuring function active

300515 Axis %1 drive %2 power section heat sink temperature exceeded

300604 Axis %1 drive %2 motor encoder is not adjusted

300605 Axis %1 drive %2 motor change not valid

300606 Axis %1 drive %2 flux controller at limit

300607 Axis %1 drive %2 current controller at limit

300608 Axis %1 drive %2 speed controller at limit

300609 Axis %1 drive %2 encoder cut-off frequency exceeded

300610 Axis %1 drive %2 rotor position identification failed

300611 Axis %1 drive %2 generator mode: Motion at rotor position identification

300612 Axis %1 drive %2 illegal current during rotor position identification

300613 Axis %1 drive %2 maximum permissible motor temperature exceeded

300614 Axis %1 drive %2 time monitoring of motor temperature

300701 Axis %1 drive %2 start-up required

300702 Axis %1 drive %2 base cycle time invalid

300703 Axis %1 drive %2 current cycle time invalid

300704 Axis %1 drive %2 speed controller cycle time invalid

300705 Axis %1 drive %2 position controller cycle time invalid

300706 Axis %1 drive %2 monitoring cycle time invalid

300707 Axis %1 drive %2 basic cycle times of axes differ

300708 Axis %1 drive %2 current controller cycle times of axes differ

300709 Axis %1 drive %2 speed controller cycle times of axes differ

300710 Axis %1 drive %2 position controller cycle times of axes differ

300711 Axis %1 drive %2 monitoring cycle times of axes differ

300712 Axis %1 drive %2 configuration of controller structure (higher dynamic response) not possible

300713 Axis %1 drive %2 lead time for position controller invalid

300714 Axis %1 drive %2 power section code invalid

300715 Axis %1 drive %2 maximum power section current less than or equal to zero

300716 Axis %1 drive %2 torque constant less than or equal to zero

300717 Axis %1 drive %2 motor moment of inertia less than or equal to zero

300718 Axis %1 drive %2 calculation dead time of current controller less than or equal to zero

300719 Axis %1 drive %2 motor not parameterized for delta operation

300720 Axis %1 drive %2 maximum motor speed invalid

300721 Axis %1 drive %2 zero-load current greater than rated motor current

300722 Axis %1 drive %2 zero-load motor current greater than rated current of power section

300723 Axis %1 drive %2 STS configuration of axes differ

300724 Axis %1 drive %2 number of pole pairs invalid

300725 Axis %1 drive %2 number of encoder marks of measuring system invalid

300726 Axis %1 drive %2 voltage constant is zero

300727 Axis %1 drive %2 reactance less than or equal to zero

300728 Axis %1 drive %2 adaption factor torque/current too high

300729 Axis %1 drive %2 motor zero-speed current less than or equal to zero

300730 Axis %1 drive %2 rotor resistance invalid

300731 Axis %1 drive %2 rated power less than or equal to zero

300732 Axis %1 drive %2 rated speed less than or equal to zero

300733 Axis %1 drive %2 zero load voltage invalid

300734 Axis %1 drive %2 zero load current less than or equal to zero

300735 Axis %1 drive %2 field weakening speed invalid

300736 Axis %1 drive %2 Lh characteristic invalid

300737 Axis %1 drive %2 configuration of two EnDat encoders not possible

300738 Axis %1 drive %2 module number for measuring system not possible

300739 Axis %1 drive %2 measuring system already used as motor measuring system

300740 Axis %1 drive %2 measuring system used several times

300741 Axis %1 drive %2 asynchronous mode: feedforward control gain out of range

300742 Axis %1 drive %2 voltage/frequency mode: converter frequency invalid

300743 Axis %1 drive %2 function not supported on this 611D controller module

300744 Axis %1 drive %2 safety monitoring checksum invalid, confirmation and acceptance test required!

300745 Axis %1 drive %2 limit values for safe end positions exchanged

300746 Axis %1 drive %2 SBH/SG not enabled

300747 Axis %1 drive %2 monitoring cycle time MD 1300 invalid

300748 Axis %1 drive %2 monitoring cycle times of both axes differ

300749 Axis %1 drive %2 conversion factor between motor and load too large

300750 Axis %1 drive %2 parameterization error in speed control adaption

300751 Axis %1 drive %2 speed control gain too high

300752 Axis %1 drive %2 blocking frequency of setpoint current filter too high

300753 Axis %1 drive %2 rotor position identification current less than minimal value

300754 Axis %1 drive %2 signal number of var. signaling function invalid

300755 Axis %1 drive %2 voltage/frequency mode: motor is turning

300756 Axis %1 drive %2 speed hysteresis of setpoint current smoothing invalid

300757 Axis %1 drive %2 adaption factor of torque limit invalid

300757 Axis %1 drive %2 adaption factor of torque limit invalid

300758 Axis %1 drive %2 generator mode: response voltage > switch-off threshold

300759 Axis %1 drive %2 generator mode: response voltage > monitoring threshold

300760 Axis %1 drive %2 generator mode: emergency retraction speed > max. motor speed

300761 Axis %1 drive %2 generator mode: minimum axis speed > max. motor speed

300762 Axis %1 drive %2 emergency retraction mode/generator mode already active

300763 Axis %1 drive %2 emergency retraction mode/generator mode invalid

300764 Axis %1 drive %2 emergency retraction mode/generator mode not possible

300765 Axis %1 drive %2 measurement of DC link voltage not possible

300766 Axis %1 drive %2 blocking frequency > Shannon frequency

300767 Axis %1 drive %2 natural frequency > Shannon frequency

300768 Axis %1 drive %2 numerator bandwidth > double blocking frequency

300769 Axis %1 drive %2 denominator bandwidth > double natural frequency

300770 Axis %1 drive %2 format error

300771 Axis %1 drive %2 asynchronous mode: converter frequency invalid

300772 Axis %1 drive %2 asynchronous mode: speed control gain too high

300773 Axis %1 drive %2 asynchronous mode: feedforward control structure not possible

300774 Axis %1 drive %2 asynchronous mode: changeover speed invalid

300775 Axis %1 drive %2 fixed link voltage of axes differ

300776 Axis %1 drive %2 measuring circuit monitoring must be active

300777 Axis %1 drive %2 rotor position identification current too high

300778 Axis %1 drive %2 generator mode: converter frequency rotor position identification

300779 Axis %1 drive %2 motor moment of inertia less than or equal to zero

300780 Axis %1 drive %2 zero load current > rated motor current

300781 Axis %1 drive %2 zero load current > rated current of power section

300782 Axis %1 drive %2 reactance less than or equal to zero

300783 Axis %1 drive %2 rotor resistance invalid

300784 Axis %1 drive %2 zero load voltage invalid

300785 Axis %1 drive %2 zero load current less than or equal to zero

300786 Axis %1 drive %2 field weakening speed invalid

300787 Axis %1 drive %2 asynchronous mode: feedforward control gain out of range

300788 Axis %1 drive %2 parameterization error in current control adaption

300789 Axis %1 drive %2 function not supported on this 611D controller module

300799 Axis %1 drive %2 data backup and reboot required

300850 Axis %1 drive %2 parameterization error in speed control adaption

300854 Axis %1 drive %2 signal number of var. signaling function invalid

300855 Axis %1 drive %2 voltage/frequency mode: motor is turning

300858 Axis %1 drive %2 generator mode: response voltage > switch-off threshold

300859 Axis %1 drive %2 generator mode: response voltage > monitoring threshold

300860 Axis %1 drive %2 generator mode: emergency retraction speed > max. motor speed

300861 Axis %1 drive %2 generator mode: minimum axis speed > max. motor speed

300862 Axis %1 drive %2 emergency retraction mode/generator mode already active

300863 Axis %1 drive %2 emergency retraction mode/generator mode invalid

300864 Axis %1 drive %2 emergency retraction mode/generator mode not possible

300865 Axis %1 drive %2 measurement of DC link voltage not possible

300875 Axis %1 drive %2 fixed link voltage of axes differ

300888 Axis %1 drive %2 parameterization error in current control adaption

300900 Axis %1 drive %2 stop A triggered

300901 Axis %1 drive %2 stop B triggered

300906 Axis %1 drive %2 safe braking ramp exceeded

300907 Axis %1 drive %2 tolerance for safe operational stop exceeded

300908 Axis %1 drive %2 stop C triggered

300909 Axis %1 drive %2 stop D triggered

300910 Axis %1 drive %2 stop E triggered

300911 Axis %1 drive %2 error in one monitoring channel

300914 Axis %1 drive %2 safe velocity exceeded

300915 Axis %1 drive %2 safe end positions exceeded

300950 Axis %1 drive %2 is not safely referenced

300951 Axis %1 drive %2 test stop is running

300952 Axis %1 drive %2 acceptance test mode is active

301701 Axis %1 drive %2 limit value for safe velocity too large

301702 Axis %1 drive %2 track inversion incorrect

301703 Axis %1 drive %2 encoder/motor type are not compatible

301704 Axis %1 drive %2 pole pair width/division of linear scale (internal) out of range

301705 Axis %1 drive %2 distance-coded scale incorrectly parameterized

301706 Axis %1 drive %2 parameterization of cam position invalid

301707 Axis %1 drive %2 parameterization of modulo value for safe cam (SN) invalid

301708 Axis %1 drive %2 actual value synchronization not allowed

301709 Axis %1 drive %2 submodule with integrated linearization invalid

301710 Axis %1 drive %2 resolution SSI motor measuring system invalid

301711 Axis %1 drive %2 transmission length SSI motor measuring system invalid

301712 Axis %1 drive %2 multiturn SSI motor measuring system invalid

301713 Axis %1 drive %2 resolution SSI direct measuring system invalid

301714 Axis %1 drive %2 transmission length SSI direct measuring system invalid

301715 Axis %1 drive %2 multiturn SSI direct measuring system invalid

301716 Axis %1 drive %2 SSI direct measuring system without incremental signals not possible

301717 Axis %1 drive %2 SSI transmission timeout

301718 Axis %1 drive %2 combination of motor/power section invalid

301719 Axis %1 drive %2 power section data incomplete

310505 Axis %1 drive %2 measuring circuit error of absolute track, code %3

310606 Axis %1 drive %2 external valve voltage supply failed

310607 Axis %1 drive %2 valve not responding

310608 Axis %1 drive %2 speed controller at limit

310609 Axis %1 drive %2 encoder cut-off frequency exceeded

310610 Axis %1 drive %2 wrong piston position

310611 Axis %1 drive %2 pressure sensor failed

310612 Axis %1 drive %2 force limitation off

310701 Axis %1 drive %2 speed controller cycle time invalid

310702 Axis %1 drive %2 position controller cycle time invalid

310703 Axis %1 drive %2 monitoring cycle time invalid

310704 Axis %1 drive %2 speed controller cycle times of axes differ

310705 Axis %1 drive %2 monitoring cycle times of axes differ

310706 Axis %1 drive %2 maximum working speed invalid

310707 Axis %1 drive %2 STS configuration of axes differ

310708 Axis %1 drive %2 number of encoder marks of measuring system invalid

310709 Axis %1 drive %2 error in piston diameter or piston rod diameter

310710 Axis %1 drive %2 distance-coded scale incorrectly parameterized

310750 Axis %1 drive %2 feedforward gain too high

310751 Axis %1 drive %2 proportional gain for speed controller too high

310752 Axis %1 drive %2 integral gain for speed controller invalid

310753 Axis %1 drive %2 D component for speed controller invalid

310754 Axis %1 drive %2 friction compensation gradient too high

310755 Axis %1 drive %2 area factor too high

310756 Axis %1 drive %2 controlled system gain is less than or equal to zero

310757 Axis %1 drive %2 blocking frequency > Shannon frequency

310758 Axis %1 drive %2 natural frequency > Shannon frequency

310759 Axis %1 drive %2 bandwidth numerator larger than double blocking frequency

310760 Axis %1 drive %2 bandwidth denominator greater than double natural frequency

310761 Axis %1 drive %2 proportional gain of force controller too high

310762 Axis %1 drive %2 integral gain for force controller invalid

310763 Axis %1 drive %2 D component of force controller invalid

310764 Axis %1 drive %2 controlled system gain for force controller is less than or equal to zero

310771 Axis %1 drive %2 gain in fine area of valve characteristic is less than or equal to zero

310772 Axis %1 drive %2 gain in rough area of valve characteristic is less than or equal to zero

310773 Axis %1 drive %2 gain at end of saturation area of valve characteristic is less than or equal to zero

310774 Axis %1 drive %2 zero area and knee area of valve characteristic overlap

310775 Axis %1 drive %2 knee area and saturation area of valve characteristic overlap

311710 Axis %1 drive %2 resolution SSI motor measuring system invalid

311711 Axis %1 drive %2 transmission length SSI motor measuring system invalid

311712 Axis %1 drive %2 multiturn SSI motor measuring system invalid

311716 Axis %1 drive %2 SSI measuring system without incremental signals not possible

311717 Axis %1 drive %2 SSI transmission timeout

380001 Profibus-DP: startup error, reason %1 parameter %2 %3 %4.

380003 Profibus-DP: operating error, reason %1,parameter %2 %3 %4.

380005 Profibus-DP: bus access conflict, type %1, counter %2

380020 Profibus-DP: SDB1000 error %1 for SDB source %2

380021 Profibus-DP: default SDB1000 was loaded

380022 Profibus-DP: configuration of DP master has been changed

380040 Profibus-DP: configuration error %1, parameter %2

380050 Profibus-DP: multiple assignment of inputs on address %1

380051 Profibus-DP: multiple assignment of outputs on address %1

380060 Profibus-DP: alarm %1 on logical address %2 from unassigned station

380070 Profibus DP: no input slot available for base address %1 (length %2)

380071 Profibus DP: no output slot available for base address %1 (size %2)

380072 Profibus DP: output slot for base address %1 (size %2) not allowed

380075 Profibus DP: DP I/O failure slave %1

380500 Profibus-DP: fault on drive %1, code %2, value %3, time %4

400102 Delete DB 2 in the PLC and restart

400103 Delete DB 3 in the PLC and restart

400106 Delete DB 3 in the PLC and restart

400109 Delete DB 9 in the PLC and restart

400171 Delete DB 71 in the PLC and restart

400172 Delete DB 72 in the PLC and restart

400173 Delete DB 73 in the PLC and restart

400174 Delete DB 74 in the PLC and restart

400250 NCK sign-of-life monitoring

400251 NCK has not started up

400252 Sign-of-life monitoring

400260 Failure of machine control panel 1

400261 Failure of machine control panel 2

400262 Failure of manual operating device

400604 Set change with M06 in the machine data

400902 Impermissible channel no. parameter in FC 9

401502 Impermissible axis no. parameter in FC 15

401602 Impermissible axis no. parameter in FC 16

401702 Impermissible spindle IF no. parameter in FC 17

401805 Impermissible axis no. parameter in FC 18

401901 Impermissible BAG no. parameter in FC 19

401902 Impermissible channel no. parameter in FC 19

402501 Impermissible BAG no. parameter in FC 25

402502 Impermissible channel no. parameter in FC 25

410150 Area in M group decoder list is too large

810001 Error OB_event

810002 Synchronous error

810003 Asychronous error

810004 Stop/Interrupt event

810005 Order form execution event

810006 Error communication event

810007 Error H/F system event

810008 Error diagnostics data from modules

810009 User-diagnostics event

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1001 System error %1 1002 System error %1 1003 Alarm pointer for this self-clearing alarm %1 is zero 1004 Alarm reaction to NCK alarm incorrectly configured 1005 Operating system error %1 parameter %2 %3 %4 1010 Channel %1 system error %2 action %3 1011 Channel %1 %3 %4 system error %2 1012 Channel %1 system error %2 %3 %4 1013 Channel %1 system error %2 1014 Channel %1 system error %2 1015 Channel %1 axis %2 system error %3 1016 Channel %1 axis %2 system error %3 1017 Channel %1 axis %2 system error %3 1018 Floating point arithmetic error in channel %1 task %2 station %3 FPU state %4 %4 1019 Floating point arithmetic error at address %3 in channel %1 task %2 FPU state %4 1030 System error in link module error code %1 error type %2 1031 Link module generated an unspecified error %1 NCU %2 %3 %4 1100 No valid firmware 1160 Assertion failed in %1: %2 2000 PLC sign-of-life monitoring 2001 PLC has not started up 2100 NCK battery warning threshold reached 2101 NCK battery alarm 2102 NCK battery alarm 2110 NCK temperature alarm 2120 NCK fan alarm 2130 5V/24V encoder or 15V D/A converter under voltage 2140 The actual service switch position forces a SRAM to be cleared at the next Power On (general reset active) 2190 Hardware plug-in module for communication with the digitizer missing 2192 No NCU link module exists, MD %1 reset 2193 “Safety Integrated” is not available for link axis %1. 2195 Channel %1 axis %2 high-speed punching/nibbling not possible via link 2196 Link axis active and $MN_MM_SERVO_FIFO_SIZE != %1 2900 Reboot is delayed 3000 Emergency stop 3001 Internal emergency stop 4000 Channel %1 machine data %2[%3] has gap in axis assignment 4001 Channel %1 axis %2 defined for more than one channel via machine data %3 4002 Channel %1 machine data %2[%3] assigns an axis not defined in channel 4003 Axis %1 incorrect assignment of master channel in machine data %2 4004 Channel %1 machine data %2 axis %3 defined repeatedly as geometry axis 4005 Maximum number of axes in channel %1 exceeded. Limit %2 4007 Axis %1 incorrect assignment of master NCU in machine data %2 4010 Invalid identifier used in machine data %1[%2] 4011 Channel %1 invalid identifier used in machine data %2[%3] 4012 Invalid identifier used in machine data %1[%2] 4013 Invalid NCU link configuration by machine data %1 = %2 , on NCU_1 = %3 4014 Axis %1 defined several times in %2 4016 Axis %1 already used by NCU %2 4017 Axis container %1, location %2 already used by NCU %3 4018 Axis container %1, location %2 not used by any channel 4019 Axis container %1 advance not allowed with current status of NCU %2 4020 Identifier %1 used several times in machine data %2 4021 Channel %1 identifier %2 used several times in machine data %3 4022 Axis container %3 switch not allowed: ext. zero offset active channel %1 axis %2 4023 Axis container %1 switch not allowed, axis container %2 switch active 4024 Invalid axis configuration due to missing axis container machine data 4025 Axis container %3 switch not allowed: master/slave active channel %1 axis %2 4026 Machine data %1[%2], link axis NC%3_AX%4 not used by any channel 4027 Notice: MD %1 was also changed for the other axes of axis container %2 4028 Notice! The axial MDs of the axes of the axis containers were matched. 4029 Notice: the axial MDs in axis container %1 will be matched on the next power-up 4030 Channel %1 axis identifier missing in machine data %2[%3] 4031 Channel %1 link axis %2 defined for more than one channel in machine data %3 4032 Channel %1 wrong identifier for facing axis in %2 4033 Notice: NCU link communication still not connected 4034 Local link axis %1 is not allowed for different interpolation cycle time = %2/%3 4035 Interpolation cycle from NCU%1 = %2 does not match NCU%3 = %4 4036 Wrong NCU link configuration by MD %1 4040 Channel %1 axis identifier %2 not consistent with machine data %3 4045 Channel %1 conflict between machine data %2 and machine data %3 4050 NC code identifier %1 cannot be reconfigured to %2 4060 Standard machine data loaded 4062 Backup data loaded 4065 Buffered memory was restored from backup medium (potential loss of data!) 4066 Buffered memory of FFS restored from backup medium (potential loss of data!) 4070 Normalizing machine data has been altered 4073 Compile cycle functions define machine data number %1 several times 4075 Machine data %1 (and maybe others) not altered due to missing permission level %2 4076 %1 Machine data could not be altered with permission level %2 4077 New value %1 of MD %2 not set. Requested %3 bytes too much %4 memory. 4080 Incorrect configuration of indexing axis in MD %1 4090 Too many errors during power-up 4100 System cycle time/scan time divider corrected for digital drive 4102 Default values for drive cycle times differ 4110 IPO factor increased to %1 4111 PLC cycle increased to %1 ms 4112 Servo cycle changed to %1 ms 4113 Sysclock cycle changed to %1 ms 4114 Error in DP cycle of SDB1000 4115 Time ratio communication to Ipo changed to %1 4150 Channel %1 invalid M function sub program call configured 4152 Illegal configuration of the “Block display with absolute values” function 4160 Channel %1 invalid M function number configured for spindle switchover 4170 Invalid M function number for channel synchronisation assigned 4180 Invalid M function number assigned to enable ASUP 4181 Channel %1 invalid assignment of an M auxiliary function number 4182 Channel %1 invalid M auxiliary function number in %2%3, MD reset 4183 Channel %1 M auxiliary function number %2 used several times (%3 and %4) 4184 Channel %1 illegally predefined auxiliary function in %2%3, MD reset 4185 Channel %1 illegal auxiliary function configured %2 %3 %4 4200 Channel %1 geometry axis %2 must not be declared a rotary axis 4210 Channel %1 spindle %2 declaration as rotary axis missing 4215 Channel %1 spindle %2 declaration as modulo axis missing 4220 Channel %1 spindle %2 declared repeatedly 4225 Channel %1 axis %2 declaration as rotary axis missing 4230 Channel %1 data alteration from external not possible in current channel state 4240 Runtime overflow for IPO cycle or position controller cycle, IP %1 4250 FastPlcCom functionality not available 4252 PLCIO read error: %1 4254 PLCIO write error: %1 4260 Machine data %1 illegal 4270 Machine data %1 assigns not activated NCK input/output byte %2 4275 Machine data %1 and %2 both assign the same NCK output byte no. %3 several times 4280 Assignment of NCK input/output byte via MD %1[%2] does not match hardware configuration 4282 Hardware of external NCK outputs assigned repeatedly 4285 Error on terminal block %1, error code %2 4290 Local P-bus sign-of-life monitoring 4291 Module in local P-bus slot %1 error codes %2 %3 %4 %2 %3 %4 4300 Declaration in MD %1 is not allowed for geometry axis/spindle %2. 4310 Declaration in MD %1 index %2 is not allowed. 4320 Axis %1 function %2 %3 and %4 not allowed 4334 Channel %1 The amount of fine correction in parameter %2 of the orientable toolholder %3 is too large 4336 Channel %1 orientable toolholder no. %2 for orientation transformation %3 does not exist 4338 Channel %1 invalid transformation type ‘%2’ in toolholder %3 for orientation transformer %4 4340 Channel %1 block %2 invalid transformation type in transformation no. %3 4341 Channel %1 block %2 no data set available for transformation no. %3 4342 Channel %1 invalid machine data for general 5-axis transformation error no. %2 4343 Channel %1 attempt made to change the machine data of an active transformation. 4345 Channel %1 invalid configuration in chained transformation no.%2 4346 Channel %1 invalid geoaxis assignment in machine data %2[%3] 4347 Channel %1 invalid channel axis assignment in machine data %2[%3] 4350 Channel %1 axis identifier %2 machine data %3 not consistent with machine data %4 4400 MD alteration will cause reorganisation of buffered memory (loss of data!) 4502 Channel %1 anachronism %2(%3) -> %4 5000 Communication job not executable %1 6000 Memory reorganized using standard machine data 6010 Channel %1 data block %2 not or not completely created, error code %3 6020 Machine data have been altered – now memory is reorganized 6030 Limit of user memory has been adapted 6035 Instead of %1 KB the system has only %2 KB of free user memory of type “%3” 6100 Error while creating %1, error number %2 %3 6401 Channel %1 tool change not possible: Empty location for tool %2 Duplo no. %3 on magazine %4 not available. 6402 Channel %1 tool change not possible. Magazine no. %2 not available 6403 Channel %1 tool change not possible. Magazine location number %2 on magazine %3 not available. 6404 Channel %1 tool change not possible. Tool %2 not available or not usable 6405 Channel %1 command %2 has invalid PLC acknowledge parameter %3 – identifier %4 6406 Channel %1 PLC acknowledge for command %2 is missing 6407 Channel %1 tool %2 cannot be placed in magazine %3 on location %4.Invalid definition of magazine! 6410 TO unit %1 tool %2 / Duplo no. %3 has reached its pre warning limit with D = %4 6411 Channel %1 tool %2 / Duplo no. %3 has reached its prewarning limit with D = %4 6412 TO unit %1 tool %2 / Duplo no. %3 has reached its monitoring limit with D = %4 6413 Channel %1 tool %2 / Duplo no. %3 has reached its monitoring limit with D = %4 6421 Channel %1 tool move not possible. Empty location for tool %2 Duplo no. %3 on magazine %4 not available. 6422 Channel %1 tool move not possible. Magazine no. %2 not available. 6423 Channel %1 tool move not possible. Location %2 on magazine %3 not available. 6424 Channel %1 tool move not possible. Tool %2 not available/not usable. 6425 Channel %1 tool %2 cannot be placed in magazine %3 on location %4. Invalid definition of magazine! 6430 Workpiece counter: overflow in table of monitored cutting edges. 6431 Function not allowed. Tool management/monitoring is not active. 6432 Function not executable. No tool assigned to tool holder/spindle 6433 Channel %1 block %2 %3 not available with tool management 6434 Channel %1 block %2 NC command SETMTH not allowed because tool holder function not active 6441 Writing of $P_USEKT not allowed. 6442 Channel %1 function not executable. No tool assigned to desired magazine/magazine location %2. 6450 Channel %1 tool change not possible. Invalid magazine location no. %2 in buffer magazine 6451 Channel %1 tool change not possible. No buffer magazine defined. 6452 Channel %1 tool change not possible. Tool holder/spindle number = %2 not defined. 6453 Channel %1 tool change not possible. No assignment between toolholder/spindle no. = %2 and buffer magazine location %3 6454 Channel %1 tool change not possible. No distance relation available. 6500 NC memory full 6510 Too many part programs in the NC memory 6520 The value of the machine data %1%2 is too low 6530 Too many files in directory 6540 Too many directories in the NC memory 6550 Too many subdirectories 6560 Data format not allowed 6570 NC memory full 6580 NC memory full 6600 NC card memory is full 6610 Too many files open on NC card 6620 NC card has incorrect format 6630 NC card hardware is defective 6640 NC card is not inserted 6650 Write protection of NC card is active 6660 ‘Flash File System’ option is not set 6670 NC card read active 6671 NC card write active 6690 Cycles from NC card cannot be copied to the passive file system. 6691 Cycles from the passive file system cannot be saved on the NC card 6692 Cycle %1 lost 6693 File %1 lost 6698 Unknown NC card (%1/%2). Writing not possible. 6700 Channel %1 value of the machine data %2%3 is too low 7000 Too many compile cycle alarms defined 7010 Range of MMC alarm numbers for compile cycles exceeded 7020 Compile cycle alarm number has not been defined 7100 Compile cycles VDI area: %1 byte for inputs and %2 byte for outputs. Maximum %3 bytes available. 7200 Problem with externally linked compile cycle %1 %2 7201 Assertion error in %1 line %2 7202 Missing option bit for %1: %2 8000 Channel %1 option ‘user interrupt programs’ not set 8010 Option ‘activation of more than %1 axes’ not set 8020 Option ‘activation of more than %1 channels’ not set 8021 Option ‘activation of more than %1 mode groups’ not set 8022 Option ‘activation of more than %1KB SRAM’ not set 8030 Channel %1 block %2 option ‘interpolation of more than 4 axes’ not set 8032 Option ‘activation of more than %1 link axes’ not set 8034 Option ‘activation of axis containers’ not set 8036 Option: it is not allowed to set different IPO cycles or position control cycles with NCU link. 8038 Option ‘activation of more than %1 lead link axes’ not set 8040 Machine data %1 reset, corresponding option is not set 8041 Axis %1: MD %2 reset, corresponding option not sufficient 8044 Option for IPO cycle time %1 ms not set 8045 Option for selected cycle settings not set 8080 %1 options are activated without setting the license key 8081 %1 options are activated that are not licensed by the license key 8082 The license key was entered three times, Power On required before next try. 8098 Invalid combination of options (%1) 8100 Channel %1 block %2: function not possible 10203 Channel %1 NC start without reference point 10207 Channel %1 error when selecting or deselecting the digitize function 10208 Channel %1 continue program with NC start 10209 Channel %1 internal NC stop after block search 10222 Channel %1 inter-channel communication not possible 10223 Channel %1: Command %2 is already occupied 10225 Channel %1: command denied 10299 Channel %1 Auto-Repos function is not enabled 10600 Channel %1 block %2 auxiliary function during thread cutting active 10601 Channel %1 block %2 zero velocity at block end point during thread cutting 10604 Channel %1 block %2 thread lead increase too high 10605 Channel %1 block %2 thread lead decrease too high 10607 Channel %1 block %2 thread with frame not executable 10610 Channel %1 axis %2 not stopped 10620 Channel %1 block %3 axis %2 at software limit switch %4 10621 Channel %1 axis %2 rests on software limit switch %3 10630 Channel %1 block %2 axis %3 at working area limit %4 10631 Channel %1 axis %2 rests at working area limit %3 10650 Channel %1 axis %2 incorrect gantry machine data, error code %3 10651 Channel %1 illegal gantry configuration. Error code %2 10652 Channel %1 axis %2 gantry warning threshold exceeded 10653 Channel %1 axis %2 gantry error threshold exceeded 10654 Channel %1 waiting for synchronization start of gantry group %2 10655 Channel %1 synchronization of gantry group %2 in progress 10656 Channel %1 axis %2 gantry alarm not yet used 10700 Channel %1 block %2 NCK protection zone %3 violated during automatic or MDA mode 10701 Channel %1 block %2 channel-specific protection zone %3 violated during automatic or MDA mode 10702 Channel %1 NCK protection zone %2 violated during manual mode 10703 Channel %1 channel-specific protection zone %2 violated during manual mode 10704 Channel %1 block %2 protection zone monitoring is not guaranteed 10706 Channel %1 NCK protection zone %2 reached with axis %3 during manual mode 10707 Channel %1 channel-specific protection zone %2 reached with axis %3 during manual mode 10710 Channel %1 block %2 conflict with centre less grinding 10720 Channel %1 block %3 axis %2 software limit switch %4 10721 Channel %1 block %3 axis %2 software limit switch %4 10730 Channel %1 block %3 axis %2 working area limitation %4 10731 Channel %1 block %3 axis %2 working area limitation %4 10740 Channel %1 block %2 too many empty blocks in WAB programming 10741 Channel %1 block %2 direction reversal with WAB infeed motion 10742 Channel %1 block %2 WAB distance invalid or not programmed 10743 Channel %1 block %2 WAB programmed several times 10744 Channel %1 block %2 no valid WAB direction defined 10745 Channel %1 block %2 WAB end position not clear 10746 Channel %1 block %2 block search stop for WAB 10747 Channel %1 block %2 retraction direction not defined for WAB 10748 Channel %1 block %2 illegal retract plane with WAB 10750 Channel %1 block %2 tool radius compensation activated without tool number 10751 Channel %1 block %2 danger of collision due to tool radius compensation 10752 Channel %1 block %2 overflow of local block buffer with tool radius compensation 10753 Channel %1 block %2 selection of the tool radius compensation only possible in linear block 10754 Channel %1 block %2 deselection of the tool radius compensation only possible in linear block 10755 Channel %1 block %2 selection of the tool radius compensation via KONT not possible at the current starting point 10756 Channel %1 block %2 deselection of the tool radius compensation via KONT not possible at the programmed end point 10757 Channel %1 block %2 changing the compensation plane while tool radius compensation is active not possible 10758 Channel %1 block %2 curvature radius with variable compensation value too small 10759 Channel %1 block %2 path is parallel to tool orientation 10760 Channel %1 block %2 helical axis is not parallel to tool orientation 10761 Channel %1 block %2 tool radius compensation for ellipse with more than one revolution not possible 10762 Channel %1 block %2 too many empty blocks between two traversing blocks with active tool radius compensation 10763 Channel %1 block %2 path component of the block in the compensation plane becomes zero 10764 Channel %1 block %2 discontinuous path with active tool radius compensation 10765 Channel %1 block %2 3D tool radius compensation not possible 10766 Channel %1 illegal change of surface orientation between block %2 and block %3 10767 Channel %1 block %2 processing with tilt angle unequal 0 not possible 10768 Channel %1 block %2 illegal tool orientation with 3D tool radius compensation 10769 Channel %1 block %2 Illegal surface normal vector with 3D tool radius compensation 10770 Channel %1 block %2 change of corner type due to change of orientation with active tool radius compensation 10771 Channel %1 block %2 overflow of local block buffer due to orientation smoothing 10772 Channel %1 block %2 illegal orientation change when activating or deactivating 3D face cutting 10773 Channel %1 illegal tool orientation in block %2 at inside corner with block %3 10774 Channel %1 illegal tool dimensions with face cutting in block %2 10775 Channel %1 illegal tool change with face cutting in block %2 10776 Channel %1 block%2 axis %3 must be geometry axis if tool radius compensation is active 10777 Channel %1 block %2 tool radius compensation: too many blocks with suppression of compensation 10778 Channel %1 block %2 preprocessing stop with active tool radius compensation 10779 Channel %1 block %2 preprocessing stop with active tool radius compensation 10780 Channel %1 block %2 preprocessing stop with active tool radius compensation 10781 Channel %1 block %2 illegal orientation of involute with tool radius compensation 10782 Channel %1 block %2 illegal curve type with tool radius compensation 10783 Channel %1 block %2 tool radius compensation type requires orientation transformation 10784 Channel %1 block %2 illegal tool for tool radius compensation with constraint surface 10790 Channel %1 block %2 plane change during linear programming with angles 10791 Channel %1 block %2 invalid angle during linear programming 10792 Channel %1 block %2 illegal interpolation type during linear programming with angles 10793 Channel %1 block %2 second block missing during linear programming with angles 10794 Channel %1 block %2 angle specification missing in second block during linear interpolation with angles 10795 Channel %1 block %2 end point specification during angle programming contradictory 10800 Channel %1 block %3 axis %2 is not a geometry axis 10805 Channel %1 block %2 repositioning after switch of geometry axes or transformation 10810 Channel %1 block %2 master spindle not defined 10820 Channel %1 rotary axis/spindle %2 not defined 10860 Channel %1 block %2 feedrate not programmed 10861 Channel %1 block %3 velocity of positioning axis %2 is zero 10862 Channel %1 block %2 master spindle also used as path axis 10870 Channel %1 block %2 facing axis not defined 10880 Channel %1 block %2 too many empty blocks between two traversing blocks when inserting chamfers or radii 10881 Channel %1 block %2 overflow of local block buffer when inserting chamfers or radii 10882 Channel %1 block %2 activation of chamfers or radii (non-modal) without traversing movement in the block 10883 Channel %1 block %2 chamfer or fillet has to be reduced 10890 Channel %1 block %2 overflow of local block buffer when calculating splines 10891 Channel %1 block %2 multiplicity of node is greater than its order 10900 Channel %1 block %2 no S value programmed for constant cutting speed 10910 Channel %1 block %2 excessive velocity of one path axis 10911 Channel %1 block %2 transformation prohibits to traverse the pole 10912 Channel %1 block %2 preprocessing and main run might not be synchronized 10913 Channel %1 block %2 negative feed profile is ignored 10914 Movement not possible while transformation active – in channel %1, block %2 10930 Channel %1 block %2 interpolation type not allowed in stock removal contour 10931 Channel %1 block %2 incorrect stock removal contour 10932 Channel %1 block %2 preparation of contour has been restarted 10933 Channel %1 block %2 contour program does not contain enough contour blocks 10934 Channel %1 block %2 array for contour segmentation is set too small 10940 Channel %1 block %2 curve table %3: delete/overwrite not possible 10941 Channel %1 block %2 curve table %3: NC memory full 10942 Channel %1 block %2 curve table %3: illegal instruction during definition 10943 Channel %1 block %2 curve table %3: direction reversal of lead value in the block not allowed 10944 Channel %1 block %2 curve table %3: illegal transformation 10945 Channel %1 block %2 curve table %3: illegal coupling of axes 10946 Channel %1 block %2 curve table %3: no contour defined 10947 Channel %1 block %2 curve table %3: contour not continuous 10948 Channel %1 block %2 curve table %3: position jump at end of period 10949 Channel %1 block %2 curve table %3: missing master axis motion 10950 Channel %1 calculation of arc length function too inaccurate 10951 Channel %1 block %2 curve table %3: following value period is zero 10955 Channel %1 block %2 curve table %3: missing master axis motion 10956 Channel %1 block %2 curve table %3: NC memory limit DRAM reached 10960 Channel %1 block %2 COMPCURV/COMPCAD and radius compensation cannot be used simultaneously 10961 Channel %1 block %2 maximum cubic polynomials are allowed on active radius compensation. 10962 Channel %1 block %2 function %3 not possible with path correction 12000 Channel %1 block %2 address %3 programmed repeatedly 12010 Channel %1 block %2 address %3 address type programmed too often 12020 Channel %1 block %2 illegal address modification 12030 Channel %1 block %2 invalid parameter or data type in %3 12040 Channel %1 block %2 expression %3 is not of data type ‘AXIS’ 12050 Channel %1 block %2 DIN address %3 not configured 12060 Channel %1 block %2 same G group programmed repeatedly 12070 Channel %1 block %2 too many syntax-defining G functions 12080 Channel %1 block %2 syntax error in text %3 12090 Channel %1 block %2 unexpected parameter %3 12100 Channel %1 block %2 number of passes %3 not permissible 12110 Channel %1 block %2 block syntax cannot be interpreted 12120 Channel %1 block %2 G function not separately programmed 12130 Channel %1 block %2 illegal tool orientation 12140 Channel %1 block %2 functionality %3 not implemented 12150 Channel %1 block %2 operation %3 not compatible with data type 12160 Channel %1 block %2 range of values exceeded 12170 Channel %1 block %2 identifier %3 defined repeatedly 12180 Channel %1 block %2 illegal chaining of operators %3 12190 Channel %1 block %2 variable of type ARRAY has too many dimensions 12200 Channel %1 block %2 symbol %3 cannot be created 12210 Channel %1 block %2 string %3 too long 12220 Channel %1 block %2 binary constant %3 in string too long 12230 Channel %1 block %2 hexadecimal constant %3 in string too long 12240 Channel %1 block %2 tool orientation %3 defined repeatedly 12250 Channel %1 block %2 nested macro %3 not possible 12260 Channel %1 block %2 too many initialization values specified %3 12261 Channel %1 block %2 initialization of %3 not allowed 12270 Channel %1 block %2 macro identifier %3 already defined 12280 Channel %1 block %2 maximum macro length %3 exceeded 12290 Channel %1 block %2 arithmetic variable % 3 not defined 12300 Channel %1 block %2 call-by-reference parameter missing on subroutine call %3 12310 Channel %1 block %2 axis parameter missing on procedure call %3 12320 Channel %1 block %2 parameter %3 is no variable 12330 Channel %1 block %2 type of parameter %3 incorrect 12340 Channel %1 block %2 number of parameters too high %3 12350 Channel %1 block %2 parameter %3 no longer possible 12360 Channel %1 block %2 dimension of parameter %3 incorrect 12370 Channel %1 block %2 range of values %3 not permissible 12380 Channel %1 block %2 maximum memory capacity reached 12390 Channel %1 block %2 initialization value %3 cannot be converted 12400 Channel %1 block %2 field %3 element does not exist 12410 Channel %1 block %2 incorrect index type for %3 12420 Channel %1 block %2 identifier %3 too long 12430 Channel %1 block %2 specified index is invalid 12440 Channel %1 block %2 maximum number of formal arguments exceeded 12450 Channel %1 block %2 label defined twice 12460 Channel %1 block %2 maximum number of symbols exceeded with %3 12470 Channel %1 block %2 G function %3 is unknown 12475 Channel %1 block %2 invalid G function number %3 programmed 12480 Channel %1 block %2 subroutine %3 already defined 12490 Channel %1 block %2 access permission level %3 is not valid 12500 Channel %1 block %2 in this module %3 is not possible 12510 Channel %1 block %2 too many machine data %3 12520 Channel %1 block %2 too many tool parameters %3 12530 Channel %1 block %2 invalid index for %3 12540 Channel %1 block %2 Block is too long or too complex 12550 Channel %1 block %2 name %3 not defined or option not installed 12552 Channel %1 block %2 tool/magazine OEM parameter not defined. Option not set.Option not set. 12560 Channel %1 block %2 programmed value %3 exceeds allowed limits 12570 Channel %1 block %2 too many motion synchronous actions in %3 12571 Channel %1 block %2 %3 not permissible for motion synchronous action 12572 Channel %1 block %2 %3 only permissible for motion synchronous action 12580 Channel %1 block %2 %3 not permissible for assignment in motion synchronous action 12581 Channel %1 block %2 invalid read access to %3 while in motion synchronous action 12582 Channel %1 block %2 field index %3 incorrect 12583 Channel %1 block %2 variable %3 no system variable 12584 Channel %1 block %2 variable %3 cannot be read synchronously with motion 12585 Channel %1 block %2 variable %3 cannot be changed synchronously with motion 12586 Channel %1 block %2 motion synchronous action: type conflict in variable %3 12587 Channel %1 block %2 motion synchronous action: operation/function %3 not allowed 12588 Channel %1 block %2 motion synchronous action: address %3 not allowed 12589 Channel %1 block %2 motion synchronous action: variable %3 not allowed with modal ID 12590 Channel %1 block %2 global user data cannot be created 12600 Channel %1 block %2 invalid line checksum 12610 Channel %1 block %2 accessing single character with call-by-reference parameter not possible %3 12620 Channel %1 block %2 accessing this variable as single character not possible 12630 Channel %1 block %2 skip ID/label in control structure not allowed 12640 Channel %1 block %2 invalid nesting of control structures 12641 Channel %1 block %2 maximum nesting depth of control structures exceeded 12650 Channel %1 block %2 axis identifier %3 different in channel %4 12660 Channel %1 block %2 motion synchronous action: variable %3 reserved for motion synchronous actions and technology cycles 12661 Channel %1 block %2 technology cycle %3: no further subprogram call possible 12700 Channel %1 block %2 contour definition programming not allowed as modal sub program is active 12701 Channel %1 block %2 illegal interpolation type for contour definition active 12710 Channel %1 block %2 illegal language element in external language mode 12720 Channel %1 block %2 program number for macro call (G65/G66) missing 12722 Channel %1 block %2 multiple ISO_2/3 macro or cycle calls in the block 12724 Channel %1 block %2 no radius programmed for cylinder interpolation activation/deactivation 12726 Channel %1 block %2 illegal plane selection with parallel axes 12728 Channel %1 block %2 distance for double turret not set 12730 Channel %1 block %2 no valid transformation machine data parametrized 12740 Channel %1 block %2 modal macro call %3 not possible 14000 Channel %1 block %2 illegal end of file 14001 Channel %1 block %2 illegal end of block 14009 Channel %1 block %2 illegal program path %3 14010 Channel %1 block %2 invalid default parameter in subroutine call 14011 Channel %1 block %2 program %3 not existing or will be edited 14012 Channel %1 block %2 maximum subroutine level exceeded 14013 Channel %1 block %2 number of subroutine passes invalid 14014 Channel %1 selected program %3 not available or will be edited 14015 Channel %1 block %2 program %3 is not enabled 14016 Channel %1 block %2 error when calling the subroutine via M/T function 14017 Channel %1 block %2 syntax error when calling the subroutine via M function 14020 Channel %1 block %2 wrong value or wrong number of parameters on function or procedure call 14021 Channel %1 block %2 wrong value or wrong number of parameters on function or procedure call 14025 Channel %1 block %2 motion synchronous action: illegal modal ID 14026 Channel %1 block %2 motion synchronous action: invalid polynomial number in the FCTDEF command 14030 Channel %1 block %2 combine OSCILL and POSP during oscillation with in feed motion 14033 Channel %1 block %2 involute: no end point programmed 14034 Channel %1 block %2 involute: angle of rotation too large 14035 Channel %1 block %2 involute: start point invalid 14036 Channel %1 block %2 involute: end point invalid 14037 Channel %1 block %2 involute: radius invalid 14038 Channel %1 block %2 involute not definable: end point error 14039 Channel %1 block %2 involute: end point programmed several times 14040 Channel %1 block %2 error in end point of circle 14045 Channel %1 block %2 error in tangential circle programming 14048 Channel %1 block %2 wrong number of revolutions in circle programming 14050 Channel %1 block %2 nesting depth for arithmetic operations exceeded 14051 Channel %1 block %2 arithmetic error in part program 14060 Channel %1 block %2 invalid skip level with differential block skip 14070 Channel %1 block %2 memory for variables not sufficient for subroutine call 14080 Channel %1 block %2 jump destination %3 not found 14082 Channel %1 block %2 label %3 program section not found 14085 Channel %1 block %2 instruction not allowed 14088 Channel %1 block %2 axis %3 doubtful position 14090 Channel %1 block %2 illegal D number 14091 Channel %1 block %2 illegal function, index %3 %3 14092 Channel %1 block %2 axis %3 is wrong axis type 14093 Channel %1 block %2 path interval 14094 Channel %1 block %2 polynominal degree greater than 3 programmed for polynominal interpolation 14095 Channel %1 block %2 radius for circle programming too small 14096 Channel %1 block %2 illegal type conversion 14097 Channel %1 block %2 string cannot be converted to AXIS type 14098 Channel %1 block %2 conversion error: no valid number found 14099 Channel %1 block %2 result in string concatenation too long 14100 Channel %1 block %2 orientation transformation not available 14101 Channel %1 block %2 orientation transformation not active 14102 Channel %1 block %2 polynominal degree greater than 5 programmed for orientation vector angle 14110 Channel %1 block %2 Euler angles and orientation vector components programmed 14111 Channel %1 block %2 Euler angles, orientation vector and transformation axes programmed 14112 Channel %1 block %2 programmed orientation path not possible 14113 Channel %1 block %2 programmed lead angle too large 14114 Channel %1 block %2 programmed tilt angle too large 14115 Channel %1 block %2 illegal definition of workpiece surface 14116 Channel %1 block %2 absolute orientation programmed while ORIPATH is active 14117 Channel %1 block %2 no angle or direction of the cone programmed 14118 Channel %1 block %2 no end orientation programmed 14119 Channel %1 block %2 no intermediate orientation programmed 14120 Channel %1 block %2 plane determination for programmed orientation not possible 14122 Channel %1 block %2 angle and direction of the cone programmed 14123 Channel %1 block %2 nutation angle of the cone too small 14124 Channel %1 block %2 start tangent for orientation is zero 14125 Channel %1 block %2 programmed rotation is not possible 14129 Channel %1 block %2 orientation angles and orientation vector components programmed 14130 Channel %1 block %2 too many initialization values given 14131 Channel %1 block %2 orientation axes and lead/tilt angles programmed 14132 Channel %1 block %2 orientation axes incorrectly configured 14133 Channel %1 block %2 G code for orientation definition not allowed 14134 Channel %1 block %2 G code for orientation interpolation not allowed 14140 Channel %1 block %2 position programming without transformation not allowed 14144 Channel %1 block %2 PTP movement not allowed 14146 Channel %1 block %2 CP or PTP movement without transformation not allowed 14148 Channel %1 illegal reference system for Cartesian manual traverse 14150 Channel %1 block %2 illegal tool carrier number programmed or declared (MD) 14151 Channel %1 block %2 illegal tool carrier rotation 14152 Channel %1 block %2 tool carrier: invalid orientation. Error code: %3 14153 Channel %1 block %2 unknown tool carrier type: %3 14154 Channel %1 block %2 The amount of fine correction in parameter %3 of the orientable tool holder %4 is too large 14155 Channel %1 block %2 invalid base frame definition for tool carrier offset 14156 Channel %1 toolholder selection error at reset 14157 Channel %1 block %2 illegal interpolation type with MOVT 14159 Channel %1 block %2 more than two angles programmed with ROTS or AROTS 14160 Channel %1 block %2 tool length selection without geometry axis specification 14165 Channel %1 block %2 active T number does not match selected tool 14170 Channel %1 block %2 illegal interpolation type with tool length compensation 14180 Channel %1 block %2 H number is not defined 14185 Channel %1 block %2 D number is not defined 14190 Channel %1 block %2 H number with G49 14195 Channel %1 block %2 D number with G49 14197 Channel %1 block %2 D number and H number programmed simultaneously 14198 Channel %1 block %2 illegal change of tool direction with tool offset 14199 Channel %1 block %2 illegal plane change for tool with diameter component 14200 Channel %1 block %2 negative polar radius 14210 Channel %1 block %2 polar angle too large 14250 Channel %1 block %2 negative pole radius 14260 Channel %1 block %2 pole angle too large 14270 Channel %1 block %2 pole programmed incorrectly 14280 Channel %1 block %2 polar coordinates programmed incorrectly 14290 Channel %1 block %2 poly nominal degree greater than 5 programmed for poly nominal interpolation 14300 Channel %1 block %2 overlaid handwheel motion activated incorrectly 14310 Handwheel %1 configuration incorrect or inactive 14400 Channel %1 block %2 tool radius compensation active at transformation switchover 14401 Channel %1 block %2 transformation not available 14402 Channel %1 block %2 spline active at transformation change 14403 Channel %1 block %2 preprocessing and main run might not be synchronized 14404 Channel %1 block %2 illegal parametrization of transformation 14410 Channel %1 block %2 spline active at geometry axis changeover 14411 Channel %1 block %2 tool radius compensation active at geometry axis changeover 14412 Channel %1 block %2 transformation active at geometry axis changeover 14413 Channel %1 block %2 fine tool correction: changeover geometry/channel axis not allowed 14414 Channel %1 block %2 GEOAX function: incorrect call 14415 Channel %1 block %2 tangent control: changeover geometry/channel axis not allowed 14420 Channel %1 block %2 index axis %3 frame not allowed 14500 Channel %1 block %2 illegal DEF or PROC instruction in the part program 14510 Channel %1 block %2 PROC instruction missing on subroutine call 14520 Channel %1 block %2 illegal PROC instruction in data definition section 14530 Channel %1 block %2 EXTERN and PROC instruction do not correspond 14600 Channel %1 block %2 reload buffer %3 cannot be established 14601 Channel %1 block %2 reload buffer could not be deleted 14602 Channel %1 block %2 timeout during EXTCALL 14610 Channel %1 block %2 compensation block not possible 14650 Channel %1 block %2 SETINT instruction with invalid ASUP input 14660 Channel %1 block %2 SETINT instruction with invalid priority 14700 Channel %1 block %2 timeout during command to interpreter 14701 Channel %1 block %2 number of available NC blocks reduced by %3 14710 Channel %1 block %2 error in initialization sequence in function %3 14720 Channel %1 block %2 axes for centerless transformation not available 14730 Channel %1 block %2 conflict at activation of centerless transformation 14740 Channel %1 block %2 no tool data available for centerless grinding 14745 Channel %1 block %2 centerless grinding not active 14750 Channel %1 block %2 too many auxiliary functions programmed 14751 Channel %1 block %2 resources for motion synchronous actions not sufficient (code: %3) 14752 Channel %1 block %2 DELDTG | STOPREOF conflict 14753 Channel %1 block %2 motion synchronous actions with illegal interpolation type 14754 Channel %1 block %2 motion synchronous actions and wrong feed type 14755 Channel %1 block %2 motion synchronous actions without traverse motion 14756 Channel %1 block %2 motion synchronous action and wrong value 14757 Channel %1 block %2 motion synchronous action and wrong type 14758 Channel %1 block %2 programmed value not available 14759 Channel %1 block %2 motion synchronous action and wrong axis type 14760 Channel %1 block %2 auxiliary function of a group programmed repeatedly 14761 Channel %1 block %2 motion synchronous action: DELDTG function not allowed with active tool radius compensation 14762 Channel %1 block %2 too many PLC variables programmed 14763 Channel %1 block %2 too many link variables programmed 14764 NCU link cannot transfer all link variables immediately 14765 NCU link cannot transfer all link variables 14766 NCU link is heavily loaded, impending memory shortage 14767 Machine data matching via NCU link not complete 14770 Channel %1 block %2 auxiliary function programmed incorrectly 14780 Channel %1 block %2 unreleased option used 14790 Channel %1 block %2 axis %3 programmed by PLC 14800 Channel %1 block %2 programmed path speed less or equal to zero 14810 Channel %1 block %2 negative axis speed programmed for positioning axis %3 14811 Channel %1 block %2 incorrect value range for acceleration of axis/spindle %3 14812 Channel %1 block %2 SOFTA not available for axis %3 14815 Channel %1 block %2 negative thread lead change programmed 14820 Channel %1 block %2 negative value for maximum spindle speed programmed with constant cutting speed 14821 Channel %1 block %2 error in selection or deselection of GWPS 14822 Channel %1 block %2 incorrect programming of GWPS 14823 Channel %1 block %2 error on selection or deselection of tool monitoring 14824 Channel %1 block %2 conflict with GWPS 14840 Channel %1 block %2 incorrect value range for constant cutting speed 14900 Channel %1 block %2 center point and end point programmed simultaneously 14910 Channel %1 block %2 invalid angle of aperture for programmed circle 14920 Channel %1 block %2 intermediate point of circle incorrect 15000 Channel %1 block %2 channel-sync instruction using illegal mark 15010 Channel %1 block %2 program coordination instruction with invalid channel number 15020 Channel %1 block %2 CHANDATA instruction cannot be executed. Channel %3 is not active 15021 Channel %1 block %2 CHANDATA instruction with invalid channel number 15025 CHANDATA(%2): channel is not active. Channel data will be ignored. 15030 Channel %1 block %2 different measurement system settings 15100 Channel %1 block %2 REORG abort caused by log file overflow 15110 Channel %1 block %2 REORG not possible 15150 Channel %1 block %2 reload from external aborted 15160 Channel %1 block %2 wrong preprocessing configuration 15165 Channel %1 block %2 error when translating or interpreting PLC Asup %3 15166 Channel %1 user system asup _N_ASUP_SPF not available 15170 Channel %1 block %2 program %3 could not be compiled 15171 Channel %1 block %2 compiled program %3 older than the relevant subroutine 15175 Channel %1 block %2 program %3. Interfaces could not be built 15180 Channel %1 block %2 program %3 cannot be executed as INI file 15185 Channel %1 %2 errors in INI file 15190 Channel %1 block %2 not enough free memory for subroutine call 15300 Channel %1 block %2 invalid number-of-passed-blocks during block search 15310 Channel %1 block %2 file requested during block search is not available 15320 Channel %1 block %2 invalid block search command 15330 Channel %1 block %2 invalid block number as search target 15340 Channel %1 block %2 invalid label as search target 15350 Channel %1 block %2 search target not found 15360 Channel %1 illegal target of block search (syntax error) 15370 Channel %1 target of block search not found 15380 Channel %1 block %2 illegal incremental programming in axis %3 15390 Channel %1 block %2 %3 not executed during block search 15395 Channel %1 master-slave not executable during block search 15400 Channel %1 block %2 selected initial init file does not exist 15410 Channel %1 block %2 initialization file contains invalid M function 15420 Channel %1 block %2 instruction in current mode not allowed 15450 Channel %1 block %2 compiled program cannot be stored 15460 Channel %1 block %2 syntax error with modal function 15500 Channel %1 block %2 illegal angle of shear 15700 Channel %1 block %2 illegal cycle alarm number %3 15800 Channel %1 block %2 wrong starting conditions for CONTPRON/CONTDCON 15810 Channel %1 block %2 wrong array dimension for CONTPRON/CONTDCON 15900 Channel %1 block %2 touch probe not allowed 15910 Channel %1 block %2 touch probe not allowed 15950 Channel %1 block %2 no traverse motion programmed 15960 Channel %1 block %2 no traverse motion programmed 16000 Channel %1 block %2 invalid value for lifting direction 16005 Channel %1 block %2 invalid value for lifting distance 16010 Channel %1 block %2 machining stop after lift fast 16015 Channel %1 block %2 wrong axis identifier %3 16016 Channel %1 block %2 no retraction position programmed for axis %3 16020 Channel %1 repositioning in block %2 is not possible 16100 Channel %1 block %2 spindle %3 not available in the channel 16105 Channel %1 block %2 spindle %3 cannot be assigned 16110 Channel %1 block %2 spindle %3 for dwell time not in control mode 16120 Channel %1 block %2 invalid index for tool fine compensation 16130 Channel %1 block %2 instruction not allowed with FTOCON 16140 Channel %1 block %2 FTOCON not allowed 16150 Channel %1 block %2 invalid spindle number with PUTFTOCF 16200 Channel %1 block %2 spline and polynominal interpolation not available 16300 Channel %1 block %2 denominator polynominal with zero places within parameter range not allowed 16400 Channel %1 block %2 positioning axis %3 cannot participate in spline 16410 Channel %1 block %2 axis %3 is not a geometry axis 16420 Channel %1 block %2 axis %3 programmed repeatedly 16421 Channel %1 block %2 angle %3 programmed repeatedly in the block 16422 Channel %1 block %2 angle %3 programmed repeatedly in the block 16423 Channel %1 block %2 angle %3 programmed repeatedly in the block 16424 Channel %1 block %2 coordinate %3 programmed repeatedly in the block 16430 Channel %1 block %2 geometry axis %3 cannot traverse as positioning axis in rotated coordinate system 16440 Channel %1 block %2 rotation programmed for non-existent geometry axis 16500 Channel %1 block %2 chamfer or rounding negative 16510 Channel %1 block %2 no facing axis available 16700 Channel %1 block %2 axis %3 invalid feed type 16710 Channel %1 block %2 axis %3 master spindle not programmed 16715 Channel %1 block %2 axis %3 spindle not in standstill 16720 Channel %1 block %2 axis %3 thread lead is zero 16730 Channel %1 block %2 axis %3 wrong parameter 16740 Channel %1 block %2 no geometry axis programmed 16750 Channel %1 block %2 axis %3 SPCON not programmed 16751 Channel %1 block %2 spindle/axis %3 SPCOF not executable 16755 Channel %1 block %2 no stop required 16760 Channel %1 block %2 axis %3 S value missing 16761 Channel %1 block %2 axis/spindle %3 not programmable in the channel 16762 Channel %1 block %2 spindle %3 thread function is active 16763 Channel %1 block %2 axis %3 programmed speed is illegal (zero or negative) 16770 Channel %1 block %2 axis %3 no measuring system available 16771 Channel %1 following axis %2 overlaid movement not enabled 16776 Channel %1 block %2 curve table %3 does not exist for axis %4 16777 Channel %1 block %2 coupling: following axis %3 for lead axis %4 not available 16778 Channel %1 block %2 coupling: Ring coupling at following axis %3 and leading axis %4 impermissible 16779 Channel %1 block %2 coupling: too many couplings for axis %3, see active leading axis %4 16780 Channel %1 block %2 following spindle/axis missing 16781 Channel %1 block %2 master spindle/axis missing 16782 Channel %1 block %2 following spindle/axis %3 not available 16783 Channel %1 block %2 master spindle/axis %3 not available 16785 Channel %1 block %2 identical spindles/axes %3 16787 Channel %1 block %2 coupling parameter not changeable 16788 Channel %1 block %2 cyclic coupling 16789 Channel %1 block %2 multiple link 16790 Channel %1 block %2 Parameter is zero or missing 16791 Channel %1 block %2 parameter is not relevant 16792 Channel %1 block %2 too many couplings for axis/spindle %3 16793 Channel %1 block %2 coupling of axis %3 prohibits transformation change 16794 Channel %1 block %2 coupling of axis/spindle %3 prohibits reference point approach 16795 Channel %1 block %2 string cannot be interpreted 16796 Channel %1 block %2 coupling not defined 16797 Channel %1 block %2 coupling is active 16798 Channel %1 block %2 axis %3 is following axis and prohibits axis container rotation 16799 Channel %1 block %2 axis %3 is master axis and prohibits axis container rotation 16800 Channel %1 block %2 traverse instruction DC/CDC for axis %3 not allowed 16810 Channel %1 block %2 traverse instruction ACP for axis %3 not allowed 16820 Channel %1 block %2 traverse instruction ACN for axis %3 not allowed 16830 Channel %1 block %2 incorrect position programmed for axis/spindle %3 16903 Channel %1 program control: action %2 not allowed in the current state 16904 Channel %1 program control: action %2 not allowed in the current state 16905 Channel %1 program control: action %2 not allowed 16906 Channel %1 program control: action %2 is aborted due to an alarm 16907 Channel %1 action %2 only possible in stop state 16908 Channel %1 action %2 only possible in reset state or at the block end 16909 Channel %1 action %2 not allowed in current mode 16911 Channel %1 mode change is not allowed 16912 Channel %1 program control: action %2 only possible in reset state 16913 Mode group %1 channel %2 mode change: action %3 not allowed 16914 Mode group %1 channel %2 mode change: action %3 not allowed 16915 Channel %1 action %2 not allowed in the current block 16916 Channel %1 repositioning: action %2 not allowed in the current state 16918 Channel %1 for action %2 all channels must be in reset state 16919 Channel %1 action %2 is not allowed due to a pending alarm 16920 Channel %1 action %2 is already active 16921 Channel %1 mode group %2 machine data: channel/mode group assignment not allowed or assigned twice 16922 Channel %1 subprograms: action %2 maximum nesting depth exceeded 16923 Channel %1 program control: action %2 not allowed in the current state 16924 Channel %1 caution: program test modifies tool management data 16925 Channel %1 program control: action %2 not allowed in the current state, action %3 active 16926 Channel %1 channel coordination: action %2 not allowed in block %3, marker %4 is already set 16927 Channel %1 action %2 at active interrupt treatment not allowed 16928 Channel %1 interrupt treatment: action %2 not possible 16930 Channel %1: preceding block and current block %2 must be separated through an executable block 16931 Channel %1 subprograms: action %2 maximum nesting depth exceeded 16932 Channel %1 conflict when activating user data type %2 16933 Channel %1 interrupt treatment: action %2 not allowed in the current state 16934 Channel %1 interrupt treatment: action %2 not possible due to stop 16935 Channel %1 action %2 not possible due to search run 16936 Channel %1 action %2 not possible due to active dry run 16937 Channel %1 action %2 not possible due to program test 16938 Channel %1 action %2 aborted due to active gear change 16939 Channel %1 action %2 rejected due to active gear change 16940 Channel %1 action %2 wait for gear change 16941 Channel %1 action %2 rejected because no program event has been executed yet 16942 Channel %1 start program command action %2 not possible 16943 Channel %1 action %2 not possible due to ASUP 16944 Channel %1 action %2 not possible due to active search blocks 16945 Channel %1 action %2 delayed up to the block end 16946 Channel %1 start via START is not allowed 16947 Channel %1 start via PLC is not allowed 16948 Channel %1 dependent channel %2 still active 16949 Correspondence between marker of channel %1 and channel %2 is invalid. 16950 Channel %1 search run with hold block 16951 Channel %1 search run in a program section that cannot be searched 17000 Channel %1 block %2 maximum number of symbols exceeded 17001 Channel %1 block %2 no memory left for tool/magazine data 17010 Channel %1 block %2 no memory left 17020 Channel %1 block %2 illegal array index 1 17030 Channel %1 block %2 illegal array index 2 17040 Channel %1 block %2 illegal axis index 17050 Channel %1 block %2 illegal value 17055 Channel %1 block %2 GUD variable not existing 17060 Channel %1 block %2 requested data area too large 17070 Channel %1 block %2 data is write-protected 17080 Channel %1 block %2 %3 value below lower limit 17090 Channel %1 block %2 %3 value exceeds upper limit 17095 Channel %1 block %2 invalid value 17100 Channel %1 block %2 digital input/comparator no. %3 not activated 17110 Channel %1 block %2 digital output no. %3 not activated 17120 Channel %1 block %2 analog input no. %3 not activated 17130 Channel %1 block %2 analog output no. %3 not activated 17140 Channel %1 block %2 NCK output %3 is assigned to a function via machine data 17150 Channel %1 block %2 maximum of %3 NCK outputs programmable in the block 17160 Channel %1 block %2 no tool selected 17170 Channel %1 block %2 number of symbols too large 17180 Channel %1 block %2 illegal D number 17181 Channel %1 block %2 T no.= %3, D no.= %4 not existing 17182 Channel %1 block %2 illegal sum correction number 17188 Channel %1 D number %2 defined in tool T no. %3 and %4 17189 Channel %1 D number %2 of tools defined on magazine/location %3 and %4 17190 Channel %1 block %2 illegal T number 17191 Channel %1 block %2 T= %3 not existing, program %4 17192 TO unit %1 invalid tool designation of ‘%2’, duplo no. %3. No more replacement tools possible in ‘%4’. 17193 Channel %1 block %2 the active tool is no longer on toolholder no./spindle no. %3, program %4 17194 Channel %1 block %2 no suitable tool found 17200 Channel %1 block %2 deleting tool data not possible 17202 Channel %1 block %2 deleting magazine data not possible 17210 Channel %1 block %2 access to variable not possible 17212 Channel %1 tool management: Load manual tool %3, duplo no. %2 onto spindle/ toolholder %4 17214 Channel %1 tool management: remove manual tool %3 from spindle/toolholder %2 17216 Channel %1 tool management: remove manual tool from spindle/toolholder %4 and load manual tool %3, duplo no. %2 17220 Channel %1 block %2 tool not existing 17230 Channel %1 block %2 Duplo no. already assigned 17240 Channel %1 block %2 illegal tool definition 17250 Channel %1 block %2 illegal magazine definition 17260 Channel %1 block %2 illegal magazine location definition 17262 Channel %1 block %2 illegal tool adapter operation 17270 Channel %1 block %2 call-by-reference: illegal variable 17500 Channel %1 block %2 axis %3 is not an indexing axis 17501 Channel %1 block %2 indexing axis %3 with Hirth tool system is active 17502 Channel %1 block %2 indexing axis %3 with Hirth tooth system stop is delayed 17503 Channel %1 block %2 indexing axis %3 with Hirth tooth system and axis not referenced 17510 Channel %1 block %2 invalid index for indexing axis %3 17600 Channel %1 block %2 preset on transformed axis %3 not possible 17605 Channel %1 block %2 axis %3 transformation active: inhibits rotation of axis container 17610 Channel %1 block %2 axis %3 involved in the transformation, action cannot be carried out 17620 Channel %1 block %2 approaching fixed point for transformed axis %3 not possible 17630 Channel %1 block %2 referencing for transformed axis %3 not possible 17640 Channel %1 block %2 spindle operation for transformed axis %3 not possible 17650 Channel %1 block %2 machine axis %3 not programmable 17800 Channel %1 block %2 illegally coded position programmed 17900 Channel %1 block %2 axis %3 is no machine axis 18000 Channel %1 block %2 NCK-specific protection zone %3 wrong. Error code %4 18001 Channel %1 block %2 channel-specific protection zone %3 incorrect. Error code %4 18002 Channel %1 block %2 NCK protection zone %3 cannot be activated. Error code %4 18003 Channel %1 block %2 NCK protection zone %3 cannot be activated.Error code %4 18004 Channel %1 block %2 orientation of workpiece-related protection zone %3 does not correspond to the orientation of tool-related protection zone %4 18005 Channel %1 block %2 serious error in definition of NCK-specific protection zone %3 18006 Channel %1 block %2 serious error in definition of channel-specific protection zone %3 18100 Channel %1 block %2 invalid value assigned to FXS[] 18101 Channel %1 block %2 invalid value assigned to FXST[] 18102 Channel %1 block %2 invalid value assigned to FXSW[] 18200 Channel %1 block %2 curve table: block search stop not allowed with definition CTABDEF 18201 Channel %1 block %2 curve table: table %3 does not exist 18202 Channel %1 block %2 curve table: instruction CTABEND without CTABDEF not allowed 18300 Channel %1 block %2 frame: fine shift not possible 18310 Channel %1 block %2 frame: illegal rotation 18311 Channel %1 block %2 frame: illegal instruction 18312 Channel %1 block %2 frame: fine shift not configured 18313 Channel %1 block %2 frame: illegal switchover of geometry axes 18314 Channel %1 block %2 frame: type conflict 18400 Channel %1 block %2 language change not possible: 20000 Channel %1 axis %2 reference cam not reached 20001 Channel %1 axis %2 no cam signal present 20002 Channel %1 axis %2 zero mark not found 20003 Channel %1 axis %2 measuring system error 20004 Channel %1 axis %2 reference mark missing 20005 Channel %1 axis %2 reference point approach aborted 20006 Channel %1 axis %2 reference point creep velocity not reached 20007 Channel %1 axis %2 reference point approach requires 2 measuring systems 20008 Channel %1 axis %2 reference point approach requires second referenced measuring system 20050 Channel %1 axis %2 handwheel mode active 20051 Channel %1 axis %2 handwheel mode not possible 20052 Channel %1 axis %2 already active 20053 Channel %1 axis %2 DRF, FTOCON, external zero point offset not possible 20054 Channel %1 axis %2 wrong index for indexing axis in JOG mode 20055 Channel %1 master spindle not present in JOG mode 20056 Channel %1 axis %2 no revolutional feedrate possible. Axis/spindle %3 stationary 20057 Channel %1 block %2 revolutional feedrate for axis/spindle %3 is 20058 Channel %1 axis %2 revolutional feedrate: illegal feed source 20060 Channel %1 axis %2 cannot be traversed as geometry axis 20061 Channel %1 axis %2 cannot be traversed as orientation axis 20062 Channel %1 axis %2 already active 20063 Channel %1 axis %2 orientation axes cannot be traversed without transformation 20065 Channel %1 master spindle not defined for geometry axes in JOG mode 20070 Channel %1 axis %2 programmed end position is behind software limit switch %3 20071 Channel %1 axis %2 programmed end position is behind working area limit %3 20072 Channel %1 axis %2 is not an indexing axis 20073 Channel %1 axis %2 cannot be repositioned 20074 Channel %1 axis %2 wrong index position 20075 Channel %1 axis %2 can currently not oscillate 20076 Channel %1 axis %2 oscillating – mode change not possible 20077 Channel %1 axis %2 programmed position is behind software limit switch %3 20078 Channel %1 axis %2 programmed position is behind working area limit %3 20079 Channel %1 axis %2 oscillation path length %3 20080 Channel %1 axis %2 no handwheel assigned for overlaid motion 20085 Channel %1 contour handwheel: traverse direction or overtravel of beginning of block not allowed 20090 Axis %1 travel to fixed stop not possible. Check programming and axis data. 20091 Axis %1 has not reached fixed stop 20092 Axis %1 travel to fixed stop still active 20093 Axis %1 standstill monitoring at fixed-stop end point has been triggered 20094 Axis %1 function has been aborted 20095 Axis %1 illegal torque, current torque %2 20096 Axis %1 brake test aborted, additional information %2 20100 Channel %1: invalid configuration for digitizing function 20101 Communication with the digitizer not possible 20102 Channel %1: No or invalid trafo at digitizing active 20103 Channel %1: digitizing module does not support 3+2 axis digitizing 20105 Channel %1: axes stopped by digitizer. Error code: %2 20106 Emergency stop set by the digitizer 20108 Invalid data package received from the digitizer. Error codes: %1, %2 20109 Error in communication with the digitizer: status code of com-circuit: %1 20120 Axis %1: too many compensation relations 20121 Axis %1: Configuration error in compensation table %2 20122 Compensation table %1: invalid axis assignment 20123 Axis %1: different output assignment of multiplied tables 20124 Axis %1: sum of compensation values too large 20125 Axis %1: change of compensation value is too rapid 20130 Channel %1 contour tunnel monitoring 20140 Channel %1 motion synchronous action: traversing of command axis %2 see NC alarm %3 20141 Channel %1 motion synchronous action: illegal axis type 20142 Channel %1 command axis %2: rotation of axis container already enabled 20143 Channel %1 axis %2 command axis cannot be started as it is controlled by the PLC 20144 Channel %1 block %2 motion synchronous action: system variable access not possible 20145 Channel %1 block %2 motion synchronous action: arithmetic error 20146 Channel %1 block %2 motion synchronous action: nesting depth exceeded 20147 Channel %1 block %2 motion synchronous action: command not executable 20148 Channel %1 block %2 motion synchronous action: internal error %3 20149 Channel %1 block %2 motion synchronous action: illegal index 20150 Channel %1 tool management: PLC terminates interrupted command 20160 Channel %1 tool management: PLC can terminate only incorrectly aborted commands 20170 Channel %1 machine data $AC_FIFO invalid 20200 Channel %1 invalid spindle number %2 with tool fine compensation 20201 Channel %1 spindle %2 no tool assigned 20203 Channel %1 no active tool 20204 Channel %1 PUTFTOC command not allowed with FTOCOF 20210 Channel %1 block %3 spindle %2 wrong values for centerless grinding 20211 Channel %1 block %3 spindle %2 support point beyond range limits 21600 Monitoring for ESR active 21610 Channel %1 axis %2 encoder %3 frequency limit exceeded 21611 Channel %1 NC-controlled Extended Stop/Retract triggered 21612 Channel %1 axis %2 VDI signal ‘Servo enable’ reset during motion 21613 Axis %1 measuring system changing 21614 Channel %1 axis %2 hardware limit switch %3 21615 Channel %1 axis %2 taken from traverse mode to follow-up mode 21616 Channel %1 block %2 overlaid motion active at transformation switchover 21617 Channel %1 block %2 transformation does not allow to traverse the pole 21618 Channel %1 as from block %2 transformation active: overlaid motion too great 21619 Channel %1 block %2 transformation active: motion not possible 21650 Channel %1 axis %2 overlaid motion not allowed 21660 Channel %1 block %2 axis %3 conflict between SYNACT: $AA_OFF and CORROF 21665 Channel %1 $AA_TOFF cleared 21670 Channel %1 block %2 illegal change of tool direction with $AA_TOFF active 21700 Channel %1 block %3 axis %2 touch probe already deflected, edge polarity not possible 21701 Channel %1 block %3 axis %2 measurement not possible 21702 Channel %1 block %3 axis %2 measurement aborted 21703 Channel %1 block %3 axis %2 touch probe not deflected, illegal edge polarity 21740 Output value at analog output no. %1 has been limited 21750 Error during output of cam signals via timer 21760 Channel %1 block %2 too many auxiliary functions programmed 21800 Channel %1 workpiece setpoint %2 reached 22000 Channel %1 block %3 spindle %2 change of gear stage not possible 22010 Channel %1 block %3 spindle %2 actual gear stage differs from requested gear stage 22011 Channel %1 block %3 spindle %2 change to programmed gear stage not possible 22012 Channel %1 block %2 leading spindle %3 is in simulation. 22013 Channel %1 block %2 dependent spindle %3 is in simulation. 22014 Channel %1 block %2. The dynamics of leading spindle %3 and dependent spindle %4 is too variably 22020 Channel %1 block %3 spindle %2 gear step change position not reached 22040 Channel %1 block %3 spindle %2 is not referenced with zero marker 22045 Block %2 spindle/axis %3 not available in channel %1 because active in channel %4 22050 Channel %1 block %3 spindle %2 no transition from speed control mode to position control mode 22051 Channel %1 block %3 spindle %2 reference mark not found 22052 Channel %1 block %3 spindle %2 no standstill on block change 22053 Channel %1 block %3 spindle %2 reference mode not supported 22054 Channel %1 block %3 spindle %2 improper punching signal 22055 Channel %1 block %3 spindle %2 configured positioning speed is too high 22060 Channel %1 position control expected for axis/spindle %2 22062 Channel %1 axis %2 reference point approach: zero marker search velocity (MD) is not reached 22064 Channel %1 axis %2 reference point approach: zero marker search velocity (MD) is too high 22065 Channel %1 tool management: Tool motion is not possible, as tool %2 with Duplo no. %3 is not in magazine %4 22066 Channel %1 tool management: Tool change is not possible, as tool %2 with Duplo no. %3 is not in magazine %4 22067 Channel %1 tool management: tool change not possible since there is no tool available in tool group %2 22068 Channel %1 block %2 tool management: no tool available in tool group %3 22069 Channel %1 block %2 tool management: No tool available in tool group %3, program %4 22070 TO unit %1 Please change tool T= %2 into magazine. Repeat data backup 22071 TO unit %1 tool %2 duplo no. %3 is active, but not in the magazine area under consideration 22100 Channel %1 block %3 spindle %2 chuck speed exceeded 22200 Channel %1 spindle %2 axis stopped during tapping 22250 Channel %1 spindle %2 axis stopped during thread cutting 22260 Channel %1 spindle %2 thread might be damaged 22270 Channel %1 block %2 maximum velocity of thread axis at position %3 reached 22275 Channel %1 block %2 zero velocity of thread axis at position %3 reached 22280 Channel %1 in block %2: Prog. acceleration path too short %3, %4 required 22320 Channel %1 block %2 PUTFTOCF command could not be transferred 22321 Channel %1 axis %2 PRESET not allowed during traverse motion 22322 Channel %1 axis %2 PRESET: illegal value 25000 Axis %1 hardware fault of active encoder 25001 Axis %1 hardware fault of passive encoder 25010 Axis %1 pollution of measuring system 25011 Axis %1 pollution of passive encoder 25020 Axis %1 zero mark monitoring of active encoder 25021 Axis %1 zero mark monitoring of passive encoder 25022 Axis %1 encoder %2 warning %3 25030 Axis %1 actual velocity alarm limit 25031 Axis %1 actual velocity warning limit 25040 Axis %1 standstill monitoring 25042 Axis %1 standstill monitoring during torque/force limitation 25050 Axis %1 contour monitoring 25060 Axis %1 speed setpoint limitation 25070 Axis %1 drift value too large 25080 Axis %1 positioning monitoring 25100 Axis %1 measuring system switchover not possible 25105 Axis %1 measuring systems differ considerably 25110 Axis %1 selected encoder not available 25200 Axis %1 requested set of parameters invalid 25201 Axis %1 drive fault 25202 Axis %1 waiting for drive 26000 Axis %1 clamping monitoring 26001 Axis %1 parameterization error: friction compensation 26002 Axis %1 encoder %2 parameterization error: number of encoder marks 26003 Axis %1 parameterization error: lead screw pitch 26004 Axis %1 encoder %2 parameterization error: grid point distance with linear encoders 26005 Axis %1 parameterization error: output rating 26006 Axis %1 encoder %2 encoder type/output type %3 not possible 26007 Axis %1 QEC: invalid coarse step size 26008 Axis %1 QEC: invalid fine step size 26009 Axis %1 QEC: memory overflow 26010 Axis %1 QEC: invalid acceleration characteristic 26011 Axis %1 QEC: invalid measuring periods 26012 Axis %1 QEC: feed forward control not active 26014 Axis %1 machine data %2 invalid value 26015 Axis %1 machine data %2[%3] invalid value 26016 Axis %1 machine data %2 invalid value 26017 Axis %1 machine data %2[%3] invalid value 26018 Axis %1 setpoint output drive %2 used more than once 26019 Axis %1 encoder %2 measurement not possible with this controller module 26020 Axis %1 encoder %2 hardware fault %3 during encoder initialization 26022 Axis %1 encoder %2 measurement with simulated encoder not possible 26024 Axis %1 machine data %2 value changed 26025 Axis %1 machine data %2[%3] value changed 26030 Axis %1 encoder %2 absolute position lost 26031 Axis %1 configuration error master-slave 26032 Axis %1 master-slave not configured 26050 Axis %1 parameter set change from %2 to %3 not possible 26051 Channel %1 in block %2 unanticipated stop crossed in continuous path mode 26052 Channel %1 in block %2: path velocity too high for auxiliary function output 26070 Channel %1 axis %2 cannot be controlled by the PLC, max. number exceeded 26072 Channel %1 axis %2 cannot be controlled by the PLC 26074 Channel %1 switching off PLC control of axis %2 not allowed in the current state 26080 Channel %1 retraction position of axis %2 not programmed or invalid 26081 Channel %1 axis trigger of axis %2 was activated, but axis is not PLC- controlled 26100 Axis %1 drive %2 sign of life missing 26101 Axis %1 drive %2 communication failure 26102 Axis %1 drive %2 sign of life missing 26105 Drive of axis %1 not found 26106 Encoder %2 of axis %1 not found 26110 Independent drive stop/retract triggered 27000 Axis %1 is not safely referenced 27001 Axis %1 error in a monitoring channel, code %2, values: NCK %3, drive %4 27002 Axis %1 test stop is running 27003 Checksum error found: %1 %2 27004 Axis %1, difference safe input %2, NCK %3, drive %4 27005 Axis %1 error in data cross check: static actual value difference 27006 Axis %1 Test ext. pulse deletion running 27007 Axis %1 acceptance test mode is active 27008 Axis %1 SW limit switch deactivated 27010 Axis %1 tolerance for safe standstill exceeded 27011 Axis %1 safe velocity exceeded 27012 Axis %1 safe end position exceeded 27013 Axis %1 safe braking ramp exceeded 27020 Axis %1 stop E triggered 27021 Axis %1 stop D triggered 27022 Axis %1 stop C triggered 27023 Axis %1 stop B triggered 27024 Axis %1 stop A triggered 27030 Axis %1 function not supported on this 611D module 27031 Axis %1 limit value for safe velocity %2 at gear ratio %3 too large (max. %4) 27032 Axis %1 checksum error of safe monitoring. Confirmation and re-test required! 27033 Axis %1 parameterization of MD %2[%3] invalid 27034 Parameterization of MD %1 invalid 27090 Error in data cross check NCK-PLC, %1[%2], NCK: %3; %4 ALSI 27091 Error in data cross check NCK PLC, stop of %1 27092 Communication broken off during NCK PLC data cross check, error detected by %1 27093 Checksum error NCK-SPL, %1, %2, %3 27094 Write access to system variable %1 only allowed from NCK-SPL 27095 %1 SPL protection not activated 27096 SPL start not allowed 27100 At least one axis is not safely referenced 27101 Axis %1 difference in function safe operational stop, NCK: %2 drive: %3 27102 Axis %1 difference in function safe velocity %2, NCK: %3 drive: %4 27103 Axis %1 difference in function safe limit position %2, NCK: %3 drive: %4 27104 Axis %1 difference in function safe cam plus %2, NCK: %3 drive: %4 27105 Axis %1 difference in function safe cam minus %2, NCK: %3 drive: %4 27106 Axis %1 difference in function safe velocity nx, NCK: %2 drive: %3 27107 Axis %1 difference in function cam modulo monitoring, NCK: %2 drive: %3 27124 Stop A triggered at least in 1 axis 27200 PROFIsafe: cycle time %1 [ms] too long 27201 PROFIsafe: MD %1[%2]: bus segment %3 error 27202 PROFIsafe: MD %1[%2]: address %3 error 27203 PROFIsafe: MD %1[%2]: SPL assignment error 27204 PROFIsafe: double assignment MD %1[%2] – MD %3[%4] 27220 PROFIsafe: Number of NCK F modules (%1) number of DP modules (%2) 27221 PROFIsafe: NCK F module MD %1[%2] unknown 27222 PROFI safe: S7 F module PROFI safe address %1 unknown 27223 PROFIsafe: NCK F module MD %1[%2] is not a %3 module 27224 PROFIsafe: F module MD %1[%2] – MD %3[%4]: double assignment of PROFIsafe address 27225 PROFIsafe: slave %1, configuration error %2 27240 PROFIsafe: DP M not running up, DP info: %1 27241 PROFIsafe: DP M version different, NCK: %1, PLC: %2 27242 PROFIsafe: F module %1, %2 faulty 27250 PROFIsafe: configuration in DP M changed; error code %1 – %2 27251 PROFIsafe: F module %1, %2 reports error %3 27252 PROFIsafe: Slave %1, sign-of-life error 27253 PROFIsafe: communication fault F master component %1, error %2 27254 PROFIsafe: F module %1, error on channel %2; %3 27255 PROFIsafe: F module %1, general error 27256 PROFIsafe: Current cycle time %1 [ms] > parameterized cycle time 27299 PROFIsafe: Diagnosis %1 %2 %3 %4 28000 NCU link connection to all other NCUs of the link network has been aborted 28001 NCU link connection to the NCU %1 of the link network has been aborted 28002 Error on activation of machine data, NCU network-wide machine data were modified by NCU %1 28004 NCU link: NCU %1 of the link network is not on the bus 28005 NCU link: NCU %1 of the link network not running synchronously 28007 NCU link: conflict in configuration data of NCU %1 28008 NCU link: conflict in timer setting of NCU %1 28009 NCU link: conflict in bus parameters of NCU %1 28010 NCU link: the NCU %1 has not received a message 28011 IPO time insufficient for NCU link. Link cycle time: %1 28012 NCU link: synchronization cycle signal failure %1 times 28020 NCU link: too many link axes configured %1 28030 Serious alarm on NCU %1, axes in follow-up mode 28031 Serious alarm on NCU %1 not yet acknowledged, axes still in follow-up mode 28032 Emergency stop activated on NCU %1, axes in follow-up mode 28033 Emergency stop on NCU % 1, axes still in follow-up mode 29033 Channel %1 axis change of axis %2 not possible, PLC axis movement not yet completed 60000 Channel %1 block %2: 61000 Channel %1 block %2 no tool compensation active 61001 Channel %1 block %2 thread lead incorrect 61002 Channel %1 block %2 machining type wrongly defined 61003 Channel %1 block %2 no feed programmed in the cycle 61004 Channel %1 block %2 configuration geometry axis incorrect 61005 Channel %1 block %2 3rd geometry axis not present 61006 Channel %1 block %2 tool radius too large 61007 Channel %1 block %2 tool radius too small 61009 Channel %1 block %2 active tool number = 0 61010 Channel %1 block %2 finishing allowance too large 61011 Channel %1 block %2 scaling not allowed 61012 Channel %1 block %2 different scaling on the plane 61013 Channel %1 block %2 basic settings were changed, program cannot be executed 61101 Channel %1 block %2 reference plane incorrectly defined 61102 Channel %1 block %2 no spindle direction programmed 61103 Channel %1 block %2 number of drillings is zero 61104 Channel %1 block %2 contour violation of slots/long holes 61105 Channel %1 block %2 cutter radius too large 61106 Channel %1 block %2 number or distance of circular elements 61107 Channel %1 block %2 first drilling depth incorrectly defined 61108 Channel %1 block %2 illegal values for parameters _RAD1 and _DP1 61109 Channel %1 block %2 parameter _CDIR incorrectly defined 61110 Channel %1 block %2 finishing allowance at the base > depth infeed 61111 Channel %1 block %2 infeed width > tool diameter 61112 Channel %1 block %2 tool radius negative 61113 Channel %1 block %2 parameter _CRAD for corner radius too large 61114 Channel %1 block %2 machining direction G41/G42 incorrectly defined 61115 Channel %1 block %2 approach or retract mode (straight line/circle/plane/space) incorrectly defined 61116 Channel %1 block %2 approach or retraction path = 0 61117 Channel %1 block %2 active tool radius 61118 Channel %1 block %2 length or width = 0 61119 Channel %1 block %2 nominal or core diameter incorrectly programmed 61120 Channel %1 block %2 internal/external thread type not defined 61121 Channel %1 block %2 number of teeth per cutting edge missing 61122 Channel %1 block %2 safety clearance on the plane incorrectly defined 61124 Channel %1 block %2 infeed width is not programmed 61125 Channel %1 block %2 technology selection in parameter _TECHNO incorrectly defined 61126 Channel %1 block %2 thread length too short 61127 Channel %1 block %2 transmission ratio of tapping axis incorrectly defined (machine data) 61128 Channel %1 block %2 dipping angle = 0 for dipping with oscillation or helix 61180 Channel %1 block %2 no name assigned to swivel data block, although MD $MN_MM_NUM_TOOL_CARRIER > 1 61181 Channel %1 block %2 NCK software version unsufficient (missing TOOLCARRIER functionality) 61182 Channel %1 block %2 name of swivel data block unknown 61183 Channel %1 block %2 retraction mode GUD7 _TC_FR beyond value range 0… 2 61184 Channel %1 block %2 no solution possible with current input angle values 61185 Channel %1 block %2 no or incorrect (min > max) rotary axis angle ranges assigned 61186 Channel %1 block %2 rotary axis vectors invalid –> Check installation and start-up of the swivel cycle CYCLE800 61188 Channel %1 block %2 no axis name for the 1st axis assigned -> Check installation and start-up of the swivel cycle CYCLE800 61200 Channel %1 block %2 too many elements in the machining block 61201 Channel %1 block %2 wrong sequence in the machining block 61202 Channel %1 block %2 no technology cycle 61203 Channel %1 block %2 no positioning cycle 61204 Channel %1 block %2 unknown technology cycle 61205 Channel %1 block %2 unknown positioning cycle 61210 Channel %1 block %2 block search element not found 61211 Channel %1 block %2 absolute reference missing 61212 Channel %1 block %2 wrong tool type 61213 Channel %1 block %2 circle radius too small 61214 Channel %1 block %2 no lead programmed 61215 Channel %1 block %2 raw dimension incorrectly programmed 61216 Channel %1 block %2 feed/tooth only possible with milling tools 61217 Channel %1 block %2 cutting speed for tool radius 0 programmed 61218 Channel %1 block %2 feed/tooth programmed, but number of teeth is zero 61222 Channel %1 block %2 plane infeed greater than the tool diameter 61223 Channel %1 block %2 approach path too short 61224 Channel %1 block %2 retract path too short 61225 Channel %1 block %2 swivel data block unknown 61226 Channel %1 block %2 swivel head cannot be exchanged 61230 Channel %1 block %2 tool probe diameter too small 61231 Channel %1 block %2 ShopMill program %3 cannot be executed, as it has not been tested by ShopMill 61232 Channel %1 block %2 loading of magazine tool not possible 61233 Channel %1 block %2: Thread inclination incorrectly defined 61234 Channel %1 block %2 ShopMill subroutine %4 cannot be executed, as it has not been tested by ShopMill 61235 Channel %1 block %2: ShopTurn program %4 cannot be executed, as it has not been tested by ShopTurn. 61236 Channel %1 block %2: ShopTurn subroutine %4 cannot be executed, as it has not been tested by ShopTurn. 61237 Channel %1 block %2: Retraction direction unknown. Manually retract tool! 61238 Channel %1 block %2: Machining direction unknown. 61239 Channel %1 block %2: Tool change point lies in the retraction area! 61240 Channel %1 block %2: Wrong feed type 61241 Channel %1 block %2: No retraction plane defined for this machining direction. 61242 Channel %1 block %2: Wrong machining direction 61243 Channel %1 block %2: Correct tool change point, tool tip is in retraction area! 61244 Channel %1 block %2: Thread lead change results in an undefined thread 61246 Channel %1 block %2: Safety clearance too small 61247 Channel %1 block %2: Blank radius too small 61248 Channel %1 block %2: Infeed too small 61249 Channel %1 block %2: Number of edges too small 61250 Channel %1 block %2: Key width/Edge length too small 61251 Channel %1 block %2: Key width/Edge length too large 61252 Channel %1 block %2: Chamfer/Radius too large 61253 Channel %1 block %2: No finishing allowance programmed 61254 Channel %1 block %2: Error when traversing to fixed stop 61255 Channel %1 block %2: Cut-off error: Tool breakage? 61301 Channel %1 block %2 measuring probe does not switch 61302 Channel %1 block %2 measuring probe collision 61303 Channel %1 block %2 safe area exceeded 61308 Channel %1 block %2 check measuring distance 2a 61309 Channel %1 block %2 check measuring probe type 61310 Channel %1 block %2 scale factor is active 61311 Channel %1 block %2 no D number is active 61316 Channel %1 block %2 center point and radius cannot be determined. 61332 Channel %1 block %2 change tool tip position 61338 Channel %1 block %2 positioning velocity is zero 61601 Channel %1 block %2 finished-part diameter too small 61602 Channel %1 block %2 tool width incorrectly defined 61603 Channel %1 block %2 groove form incorrectly defined 61604 Channel %1 block %2 active tool violates programmed contour 61605 Channel %1 block %2 contour incorrectly programmed 61606 Channel %1 block %2 contour processing error 61607 Channel %1 block %2 starting point incorrectly programmed 61608 Channel %1 block %2 wrong cutting edge position programmed 61609 Channel %1 block %2 form incorrectly defined 61610 Channel %1 block %2 no infeed depth programmed 61611 Channel %1 block %2 no intersection point found 61612 Channel %1 block %2 thread axis cutting not possible 61613 Channel %1 block %2 undercut position incorrectly defined 61800 Channel %1 block %2: External CNC system missing 61801 Channel %1 block %2: Wrong G code selected 61802 Channel %1 block %2: Wrong axis type 61803 Channel %1 block %2 programmed axis not present 61804 Channel %1 block %2: Progr. position exceeds reference point 61805 Channel %1 block %2: The value is absolutely and incrementally programmed 61806 Channel %1 block %2: Incorrect axis assignment 61807 Channel %1 block %2 wrong spindle direction programmed (active) 61808 Channel %1 block %2: The final drilling depth or individual drilling depth is missing 61809 Channel %1 block %2: Impermissible drilling position 61810 Channel %1 block %2: ISO-G code not possible 61811 Channel %1 block %2: Impermissible ISO axis name 61812 Channel %1 block %2: Value(s) in the external cycle call incorrectly defined 61813 Channel %1 block %2: GUD value incorrectly defined 61814 Channel %1 block %2: Polar coordinates not possible with cycle 61815 Channel %1 block %2: G40 not active 61816 Channel %1 block %2: axes are not at the reference point 61817 Channel %1 block %2: The axis coordinates are within the protection zone 61818 Channel %1 block %2: The axis area limit values are identical 62000 Channel %1 block %2: 62100 Channel %1 block %2 no drilling cycle active 62101 Channel %1 block %2: Incorrect cutting direction – G3 is generated 62103 Channel %1 block %2: The finishing allowance is not programmed 62105 Channel %1 block %2 number of columns or lines is zero 62180 Channel %1 block %2 no name assigned to swivel data block although machine data $MN_MM_NUM_TOOL_CARRIER > 1 62181 Channel %1 block %2 NCK software version unsufficient (missing TOOLCARRIER functionality) 62182 Channel %1 block %2: Load swivel head 62183 Channel %1 block %2 retraction mode GUD7 _TC_FR beyond value range 0…2 62184 Channel %1 block %2 no solution possible with current input angle values 62185 Channel %1 block %2 no end stop assigned to rotary axes 62186 Channel %1 block %2 illegal rotary axis vectors 62187 Channel %1 block %2 name of swivel data block unknown 62200 Channel %1 block %2: Start spindle 63000 Channel %1 block %2: 65000 Channel %1 block %2: 66000 Channel %1 block %2: 67000 Channel %1 block %2: 68000 Channel %1 block %2: 70000 Compile cycle alarm 75000 OEM alarm 75005 Channel %1 block %2 CLC: General programming error 75010 Channel %1 block %2 CLC_LIM value exceeds MD limit 75015 Channel %1 block %2 CLC(0) with active TOC 75016 Channel %1 block %2 CLC: orientation changed for TRAFOOF 75020 Channel %1 CLC position offset at lower limit %2 75021 Channel %1 CLC position offset at upper limit %2 75025 Channel %1 CLC stopped because sensor head has been touched 75050 Channel %1 wrong MD configuration, error code %2 75051 Channel %1 CC_COPON CC_COPOFF error code %2 75060 Channel %1 tolerance window exceeded axis %2 75061 Channel %1 coupling active axis %2 75062 Channel %1 axes not in standstill axis %2 75070 Channel %1 wrong machine data for collision protection %2 75071 Channel %1 collision monitoring axis %2 75100 Too many analog axes configured 75110 Axis %1 reached drift limit 75200 Channel %1 wrong MD configuration, %2 incorrect 75210 Channel %1 number of axes/axis assignment inconsistent 75250 Channel %1 tool parameters incorrect 75255 Channel %1 working area error 75260 Channel %1 block %2 tool parameters incorrect 75265 Channel %1 block %2 working area error 75270 Channel %1 tool parameters incorrect 75275 Channel %1 block %2 working area error 75451 Error with definition of setpoint switchover 75452 Axis %1 setpoint switchover not possible in the current state 75500 Channel %1 wrong configuration 75600 Channel %1 retrace support: wrong MD configuration. Error code %2 75601 Channel %1 block %2 invalid parameter in CC_PREPRE() 75605 Channel %1 retrace support: internal error, error code %2 75606 Channel %1 retraceable contour was shortened 75607 Channel %1 resynchronisation not possible 100300 xxx not found 100301 The table cannot be completely generated 100302 No data available – or no access authorization 100303 Paging not possible 100350 Display MD saved 100351 Display MD take-over not possible 101000 No connection to the PLC! 101001 The PLC system status list cannot be read! 101002 Invalid password! 101003 Password for %1 is set! 101004 Password for %1 is set! 101005 The passwords do not match! 101006 Password is deleted! 101007 Password is not set! 101008 Current access level: %1 101013 Input error – see help – (i)-key 101016 Error: The operand address is greater than 65535! 101017 No PLC input screen forms found! 101018 Reading-in only possible in an active PLC status! 101100 No access authorization! 101111 No axes configured! 101112 No drives configured! 101113 No channels configured! 101114 No MSD configured! 101115 No FDD configured! 101130 Error return value not defined: 00h 00h 101131 No servo disable at PI start 101132 Impermissible execution argument value 101133 MDx120 CURRCTRL_GAIN could not be calculated 101134 MDx407 SPEEDCTRL_GAIN_1 could not be calculated 101135 MDx409 SPEEDCTRL_INTEGRATOR_TIME_1 could not be calculated 101136 MDx150 FIELDCTRL_GAIN could not be calculated 101137 MDx141 MAGNETIZING_REACTANCE=0 101138 MDx139/MDx140 MD_STATOR-/ROTOR_LEAKAGE_REACTANCE=0 101139 MDx134 MOTOR_NOMINAL_FREQUENCY=0 101140 MDx138 ROTOR_COLD_RESISTANCE = 0 101141 MDx117 MOTOR_INERTIA = 0 101142 MDx146 101143 MDx142 FIELD_WEAKENING_SPEED = 0 101144 MDx118 MOTOR_STANDSTILL_CURRENT = 0 101145 MD1104/1118 MOTOR_MAX_CURRENT/MOTOR_STANDSTILL_CURRENT > 900.0 101146 Boot file(s) saved 101147 Boot file(s) deleted 101148 Controller MD calculated 101150 MD set active 101151 Start-up successful 101153 MMC-NCK communication faulty %1 %2 101154 PI service was rejected 101155 Path %1 not available 101156 Impermissible function 101157 File %1 not available 101158 Function not permitted in the current operating state. 101159 Remote block in wrong state 101160 Date and time of the PLC set 101161 The drive is not in cyclic mode! 101162 MDx134/MDx400 MOTOR_NOMINAL_FREQUENCY/MOTOR_RATED_SPEED impermissible 101163 MDx130 MOTOR_NOMINAL_POWER 101164 MDx132 MOTOR_NOMINAL_VOLTAGE 101165 MDx103 MOTOR_NOMINAL_CURRENT 101166 MDx129 POWER_FACTOR_COS_PHI impermissible 101167 MDx134/MDx400 MOTOR_NOMINAL_FREQUENCY/MOTOR_RATED_SPEED impermissible 101168 Warning MDx142 FIELD_WEAKENING_SPEED 101200 Safety-Integrated data copied 101201 Safety-Integrated data confirmed 101202 SI data is copied from axis %1 to drive %2 Parameters: %1 = Axis name %2 = Drive number 101203 SI data not completely copied 101204 SI data not confirmed 101205 Drive data changed? -> Don’t forget to save the boot files! 101206 Search action running, pleas wait 101207 Position at $MN_ 101208 SI data confirmed: Axis 1 101209 SI data confirmed: Drive 1 101210 The machine data is being prepared for display 101211 NCK address not changed! 101212 NCK address changed! 101213 Invalid NCK address. 101214 Initialization of this window failed! 101300 Please wait – language is being changed 103000 There is no correction block on the NCK 103001 Selection is only possible after being enabled or in the RESET state. 103002 Copying to the clipboard is not possible 103003 MDI clipboard cannot be deleted 103004 Block search not possible 103006 Block search without calculation only possible on the main program level. 103007 Ending overstore is not possible in this channel state. 103008 Block search in channel %1 started – please wait 103009 Conflict between search type and search target! 103010 Invalid file name 103011 No program selected – block search finished 103014 Please reference the axis first 104000 Current tool not found 104001 No other tools available 104002 No other cutting edges available 104003 There aren’t any tools at all 104004 No tool selected 104005 No cutting edge selected 104006 No TO area available in the current channel 104007 Error during tool creation 104008 Error during cutting edge creation 104011 Error during tool deletion 104012 No master spindle available 104014 Incorrect entry 104015 Number of parameters per cutting edge is zero 104016 No spindle available 104018 Tool not available 104019 Tool type not available 104020 No empty location found 104023 Error during tool loading 104024 Error during tool unloading 104025 No magazine configured 104026 Notice: Tool is being loaded! 104027 Notice: Tool is being unloaded! 104029 Loading to this location not possible 104030 No more data available 105000 Error x y 105001 Cycle description sc.com not available 105002 File xxx already exists 105003 Workpiece xxx already exists 105004 Clipboard empty! To PASTE, COPY first 105005 Only workpieces can be inserted here 105006 Only files can be inserted here 105007 No name specified 105008 Memory error while writing a cycle call 105009 No write-authorization for the data 105010 No data selected 105011 Cycle description cov.com not available 105012 The program is not or only partially editable (NC reset) 105013 The copied data can be inserted with the soft key “Paste” 105014 Error while copying! 105015 Error while renaming! 105016 Error while deleting! 105017 Selection is only possible after being enabled or in the RESET state. 105018 Error during program generation! 105019 Error while opening a window! 105020 Error while closing a window! 105021 Error during workpiece generation! 105022 Error during enabling! 105023 File exists already! 105024 Check values! – At least 1 value lies outside the input limits! 105025 Please wait, the directory is being prepared! 105026 Notice! The simulated program and edited program are not the same! 105030 Please wait, renumbering is being carried out! 105031 Renumbering was aborted! 105032 Renumbering finished! 105041 Block number is too large! 105042 Impermissible block number! 105043 Impermissible increment! 105050 Please wait: Graphic is being output! 105051 Output of dynamic long texts for cycle parameterization 105052 Error in the cycle description of the ! 105053 No cycle available in current line! 105054 Error during cycle description call! 105060 Please wait: Initilization of the cycle support 105061 Error when opening the file! 105062 Error when closing the file! 105063 Error when positioning in the file %1! 105064 Error when reading the file! 105070 Please wait: Initialization of the simulation started! 105075 Not enough axes in the current channel? > Contour with default axis names: X, Z ! 109001 No switchover: Switchover disable set in current PLC 109002 No switchover: Target PLC occupied, try again 109003 No switchover: Switchover disable set in target PLC 109004 No switchover: PLC occupied by higher-priority MMC’s 109005 No switchover: No displaceable MMC at the target PLC 109006 No switchover: Selected channel invalid 109007 Channel switchover running 109008 Activation is running 111001 Non-interpretable step in line %1 111002 Insufficient memory, abort in line %1 111003 ManualTurn: %1 111004 File faulty or not available: %1 111005 Error when interpreting the contour %1 Parameters: %1 = Contour name 111006 Maximum number of contour elements exceeded %1 111007 Error in line %1 %2 111008 Spindle not synchronized 111009 Load new tool: T%1 Parameters: %1 = Tool number 111010 Teach-in interruption: Log overflow 111100 Wrong position programmed for the spindle 111105 No measuring system available 111106 No spindle stop for a block change 111107 Reference mark not found 111108 No transition from speed control mode to position control mode 111109 Configured positioning velocity is too high 111110 Velocity/Speed is negative 111111 Setpoint speed is zero 111112 Invalid gear stage 111115 Programmed position was not reached 111126 Absolute value minus not possible 111127 Absolute value plus not possible 111200 Spindle positioning error 111300 NC start key defective 111301 NC stop key defective 111302 Spindle start key defective 111303 Spindle stop key defective 111304 Connection to the PLC broken off 111305 Asynchronous subroutine was not executed 111306 Error when selecting or deselecting constant cutting speed 111307 Error when deleting handwheel offset 111308 Error when setting upper spindle speed limit 111309 Error when selecting tool 111310 Error when selecting zero offset 111311 NC start not possible: Deselect single block 111400 Unknown PLC error 111410 Tool %1 was created 111411 %1 Tool(s) can (could) not be created 111420 Error during the inch/metric conversion! Check all data! 111430 Program not loaded. Error when converting old cycles in G code. No NC memory. 111900 Start only possible in basic display 111901 Contour is contained in the current program, machining not enabled 111902 Start only with valid reference point 111904 4. Axis not configured, i.e., no driven tool possible 112045 Several insertion points required 112046 Main contour cannot be bypassed 112052 No residual material generated 112057 Programmed helix violates contour 112099 System-error contour pocket 112100 Error during renumbering. Original state restored. 112200 The contour is a step in the current program sequence. Machining not enabled 112201 The contour is a step in the current automatic sequence. Machining not enabled 112210 Tool axis cannot be switched over. Insufficient NC memory. 112211 Tool preselection could not be processed. Insufficient NC memory. 112300 Tool management type 2 not possible. Magazine not completely loaded. 112301 Tool management type 2 not possible. The magazine is not sorted as in the tool list. 112323 Replace swivel head. 112324 Load swivel head. 112325 Exchange swivel head. 112326 Set swivel head 112327 Angle not in permissible area 112328 Angle adapted to angle grid. 112329 Set swivel head/table 112330 Set swivel table. 112350 No swivel data set up. 112360 The step was not accepted into the program sequence, as the program is running. 112400 Is not available in the tool management 112401 Tool could not be created 112420 Error during the inch/metric conversion! Check all data! 112502 Insufficient memory, abort in line %1 112504 File faulty or not available: %1 Parameters: %1 = File name 112505 Error when interpreting the contour %1 112506 Maximum number of contour elements exceeded %1 112541 Program cannot be interpreted 112604 Connection to the PLC broken off 112605 Asynchronous subroutine was not executed 112650 Unknown PLC error 112999 Faulty grafic data. Exit graphic and restart 120000 Area %1 cannot be loaded! Acknowledge alarm, press area switchover key! 120001 Area %1 cannot be selected. Please deactivate area %2 120002 Area %1 is still active. Please deactivate area %1 120003 Area %1 cannot be deactivated. Please try again 120005 Please acknowledge the dialog box in area %1 120006 The channel switchover is currently disabled by area %1. 120007 The channel switchover is currently disabled. 120008 Control unit switchover, PLC timeout: 001 control unit switchover, PLC timeout: 002 control unit switchover, PLC timeout: 003 120120 The alarm list is full of alarm texts: Number of alarm texts too high Alarm texts: File %1 not found alarm texts: Input/Output error in file %1 alarm texts: Input/Output error alarm texts: Error when reading from the index file alarm texts: Error when writing in the index file alarm texts: Syntax error in alarm text file %1 120200 Image preparation suppressed 120201 Communication failure 120202 Waiting for a connection to the NC 120301 Faulty entry for hardkey ‘Program’ in Keys.ini. 120302 The selection is not possible. A program has to have been edited first via the area ‘Program’. 120303 The selection is not possible. The edited file %1 no longer exists. 120304 The selection is not possible. The file %1 has insufficient read rights. 120305 Selection is not possible. The file %1 is currently being edited. 120306 The selection is not possible. The file %1 is selected and active in channel %2. 120307 The file %1 cannot be opened for the editor because it is selected in channel %2 for execution from external sources. 120308 In the event of an emergency stop, the program %1 can only be changed in the machine/program correction area. 120309 The selection is not possible. Please close the simulation and repeat the selection. 120310 The selection is not possible. Please wait for the pending action or terminate it, then repeat the selection. 300000 Hardware drive bus: DCM not present 300001 Axis %1 drive number %2 not possible 300002 Axis %1 drive number %2 assigned twice 300003 Axis %1 drive %2 wrong module type %3 300004 Axis %1 drive %2 wrong drive type %3 (FDD/MSD) 300005 At least one module found on drive bus that has not been configured 300006 Module with drive number %1 has not been found on drive bus 300007 Axis %1 drive %2 not present or inactive 300008 Axis %1 drive %2 measuring circuit %3 is not available 300009 Axis %1 drive %2 measuring circuit %3 wrong measuring circuit type (type %4 used) 300010 Axis %1 drive %2 active without NC axis assignment 300011 Axis %1 drive %2 hardware version of spindle not supported 300012 Axis %1 drive %2 hardware version of control module not supported 300020 Drive %1 removed for diagnosis 300100 Drive power failure 300101 Bus communications failure 300200 Drive bus hardware fault 300201 Axis %1 drive %2 timeout during access, error location %3 300202 Axis %1 drive %2 CRC error, error location %3 300300 Axis %1 drive %2 boot error, error code %3 300400 Axis %1 drive %2 system error, error codes %3, %4 300401 Drive software for type %1, block %2 missing or incorrect 300402 System error in drive link. Error codes %1, %2 300403 Axis %1 drive %2 drive software and drive MD with different version numbers 300404 Axis %1 drive %2 drive MD contains different drive number 300405 Axis %1 drive %2 unknown drive alarm, code %3 300410 Axis %1 drive %2 error when storing a file (%3, %4) 300411 Axis %1 drive %2 error when reading a file (%3, %4) 300412 Error when storing a file (%1, %2) 300413 Error when reading a file (%1, %2) 300423 Measuring results could not be read (%1) 300500 Axis %1 drive %2 system error, error codes %3, %4 300501 Axis %1 drive %2 maximum current monitoring 300502 Axis %1 drive %2 maximum current monitoring of phase current R 300503 Axis %1 drive %2 maximum current monitoring of phase current S 300504 Axis %1 drive %2 measuring circuit error of motor measuring system 300505 Axis %1 drive %2 measuring circuit error of absolute track, code %3 300506 Axis %1 drive %2 NC sign-of-life failure 300507 Axis %1 drive %2 synchronization error of rotor position 300508 Axis %1 drive %2 zero mark monitoring of motor measuring system 300509 Axis %1 drive %2 current frequency exceeded 300510 Axis %1 drive %2 error on actual current measurement zero balancing 300511 Axis %1 drive %2 measuring function active 300515 Axis %1 drive %2 power section heat sink temperature exceeded 300604 Axis %1 drive %2 motor encoder is not adjusted 300605 Axis %1 drive %2 motor change not valid 300606 Axis %1 drive %2 flux controller at limit 300607 Axis %1 drive %2 current controller at limit 300608 Axis %1 drive %2 speed controller at limit 300609 Axis %1 drive %2 encoder cut-off frequency exceeded 300610 Axis %1 drive %2 rotor position identification failed 300611 Axis %1 drive %2 generator mode: Motion at rotor position identification 300612 Axis %1 drive %2 illegal current during rotor position identification 300613 Axis %1 drive %2 maximum permissible motor temperature exceeded 300614 Axis %1 drive %2 time monitoring of motor temperature 300701 Axis %1 drive %2 start-up required 300702 Axis %1 drive %2 base cycle time invalid 300703 Axis %1 drive %2 current cycle time invalid 300704 Axis %1 drive %2 speed controller cycle time invalid 300705 Axis %1 drive %2 position controller cycle time invalid 300706 Axis %1 drive %2 monitoring cycle time invalid 300707 Axis %1 drive %2 basic cycle times of axes differ 300708 Axis %1 drive %2 current controller cycle times of axes differ 300709 Axis %1 drive %2 speed controller cycle times of axes differ 300710 Axis %1 drive %2 position controller cycle times of axes differ 300711 Axis %1 drive %2 monitoring cycle times of axes differ 300712 Axis %1 drive %2 configuration of controller structure (higher dynamic response) not possible 300713 Axis %1 drive %2 lead time for position controller invalid 300714 Axis %1 drive %2 power section code invalid 300715 Axis %1 drive %2 maximum power section current less than or equal to zero 300716 Axis %1 drive %2 torque constant less than or equal to zero 300717 Axis %1 drive %2 motor moment of inertia less than or equal to zero 300718 Axis %1 drive %2 calculation dead time of current controller less than or equal to zero 300719 Axis %1 drive %2 motor not parameterized for delta operation 300720 Axis %1 drive %2 maximum motor speed invalid 300721 Axis %1 drive %2 zero-load current greater than rated motor current 300722 Axis %1 drive %2 zero-load motor current greater than rated current of power section 300723 Axis %1 drive %2 STS configuration of axes differ 300724 Axis %1 drive %2 number of pole pairs invalid 300725 Axis %1 drive %2 number of encoder marks of measuring system invalid 300726 Axis %1 drive %2 voltage constant is zero 300727 Axis %1 drive %2 reactance less than or equal to zero 300728 Axis %1 drive %2 adaption factor torque/current too high 300729 Axis %1 drive %2 motor zero-speed current less than or equal to zero 300730 Axis %1 drive %2 rotor resistance invalid 300731 Axis %1 drive %2 rated power less than or equal to zero 300732 Axis %1 drive %2 rated speed less than or equal to zero 300733 Axis %1 drive %2 zero load voltage invalid 300734 Axis %1 drive %2 zero load current less than or equal to zero 300735 Axis %1 drive %2 field weakening speed invalid 300736 Axis %1 drive %2 Lh characteristic invalid 300737 Axis %1 drive %2 configuration of two EnDat encoders not possible 300738 Axis %1 drive %2 module number for measuring system not possible 300739 Axis %1 drive %2 measuring system already used as motor measuring system 300740 Axis %1 drive %2 measuring system used several times 300741 Axis %1 drive %2 asynchronous mode: feedforward control gain out of range 300742 Axis %1 drive %2 voltage/frequency mode: converter frequency invalid 300743 Axis %1 drive %2 function not supported on this 611D controller module 300744 Axis %1 drive %2 safety monitoring checksum invalid, confirmation and acceptance test required! 300745 Axis %1 drive %2 limit values for safe end positions exchanged 300746 Axis %1 drive %2 SBH/SG not enabled 300747 Axis %1 drive %2 monitoring cycle time MD 1300 invalid 300748 Axis %1 drive %2 monitoring cycle times of both axes differ 300749 Axis %1 drive %2 conversion factor between motor and load too large 300750 Axis %1 drive %2 parameterization error in speed control adaption 300751 Axis %1 drive %2 speed control gain too high 300752 Axis %1 drive %2 blocking frequency of setpoint current filter too high 300753 Axis %1 drive %2 rotor position identification current less than minimal value 300754 Axis %1 drive %2 signal number of var. signaling function invalid 300755 Axis %1 drive %2 voltage/frequency mode: motor is turning 300756 Axis %1 drive %2 speed hysteresis of setpoint current smoothing invalid 300757 Axis %1 drive %2 adaption factor of torque limit invalid 300757 Axis %1 drive %2 adaption factor of torque limit invalid 300758 Axis %1 drive %2 generator mode: response voltage > switch-off threshold 300759 Axis %1 drive %2 generator mode: response voltage > monitoring threshold 300760 Axis %1 drive %2 generator mode: emergency retraction speed > max. motor speed 300761 Axis %1 drive %2 generator mode: minimum axis speed > max. motor speed 300762 Axis %1 drive %2 emergency retraction mode/generator mode already active 300763 Axis %1 drive %2 emergency retraction mode/generator mode invalid 300764 Axis %1 drive %2 emergency retraction mode/generator mode not possible 300765 Axis %1 drive %2 measurement of DC link voltage not possible 300766 Axis %1 drive %2 blocking frequency > Shannon frequency 300767 Axis %1 drive %2 natural frequency > Shannon frequency 300768 Axis %1 drive %2 numerator bandwidth > double blocking frequency 300769 Axis %1 drive %2 denominator bandwidth > double natural frequency 300770 Axis %1 drive %2 format error 300771 Axis %1 drive %2 asynchronous mode: converter frequency invalid 300772 Axis %1 drive %2 asynchronous mode: speed control gain too high 300773 Axis %1 drive %2 asynchronous mode: feedforward control structure not possible 300774 Axis %1 drive %2 asynchronous mode: changeover speed invalid 300775 Axis %1 drive %2 fixed link voltage of axes differ 300776 Axis %1 drive %2 measuring circuit monitoring must be active 300777 Axis %1 drive %2 rotor position identification current too high 300778 Axis %1 drive %2 generator mode: converter frequency rotor position identification 300779 Axis %1 drive %2 motor moment of inertia less than or equal to zero 300780 Axis %1 drive %2 zero load current > rated motor current 300781 Axis %1 drive %2 zero load current > rated current of power section 300782 Axis %1 drive %2 reactance less than or equal to zero 300783 Axis %1 drive %2 rotor resistance invalid 300784 Axis %1 drive %2 zero load voltage invalid 300785 Axis %1 drive %2 zero load current less than or equal to zero 300786 Axis %1 drive %2 field weakening speed invalid 300787 Axis %1 drive %2 asynchronous mode: feedforward control gain out of range 300788 Axis %1 drive %2 parameterization error in current control adaption 300789 Axis %1 drive %2 function not supported on this 611D controller module 300799 Axis %1 drive %2 data backup and reboot required 300850 Axis %1 drive %2 parameterization error in speed control adaption 300854 Axis %1 drive %2 signal number of var. signaling function invalid 300855 Axis %1 drive %2 voltage/frequency mode: motor is turning 300858 Axis %1 drive %2 generator mode: response voltage > switch-off threshold 300859 Axis %1 drive %2 generator mode: response voltage > monitoring threshold 300860 Axis %1 drive %2 generator mode: emergency retraction speed > max. motor speed 300861 Axis %1 drive %2 generator mode: minimum axis speed > max. motor speed 300862 Axis %1 drive %2 emergency retraction mode/generator mode already active 300863 Axis %1 drive %2 emergency retraction mode/generator mode invalid 300864 Axis %1 drive %2 emergency retraction mode/generator mode not possible 300865 Axis %1 drive %2 measurement of DC link voltage not possible 300875 Axis %1 drive %2 fixed link voltage of axes differ 300888 Axis %1 drive %2 parameterization error in current control adaption 300900 Axis %1 drive %2 stop A triggered 300901 Axis %1 drive %2 stop B triggered 300906 Axis %1 drive %2 safe braking ramp exceeded 300907 Axis %1 drive %2 tolerance for safe operational stop exceeded 300908 Axis %1 drive %2 stop C triggered 300909 Axis %1 drive %2 stop D triggered 300910 Axis %1 drive %2 stop E triggered 300911 Axis %1 drive %2 error in one monitoring channel 300914 Axis %1 drive %2 safe velocity exceeded 300915 Axis %1 drive %2 safe end positions exceeded 300950 Axis %1 drive %2 is not safely referenced 300951 Axis %1 drive %2 test stop is running 300952 Axis %1 drive %2 acceptance test mode is active 301701 Axis %1 drive %2 limit value for safe velocity too large 301702 Axis %1 drive %2 track inversion incorrect 301703 Axis %1 drive %2 encoder/motor type are not compatible 301704 Axis %1 drive %2 pole pair width/division of linear scale (internal) out of range 301705 Axis %1 drive %2 distance-coded scale incorrectly parameterized 301706 Axis %1 drive %2 parameterization of cam position invalid 301707 Axis %1 drive %2 parameterization of modulo value for safe cam (SN) invalid 301708 Axis %1 drive %2 actual value synchronization not allowed 301709 Axis %1 drive %2 submodule with integrated linearization invalid 301710 Axis %1 drive %2 resolution SSI motor measuring system invalid 301711 Axis %1 drive %2 transmission length SSI motor measuring system invalid 301712 Axis %1 drive %2 multiturn SSI motor measuring system invalid 301713 Axis %1 drive %2 resolution SSI direct measuring system invalid 301714 Axis %1 drive %2 transmission length SSI direct measuring system invalid 301715 Axis %1 drive %2 multiturn SSI direct measuring system invalid 301716 Axis %1 drive %2 SSI direct measuring system without incremental signals not possible 301717 Axis %1 drive %2 SSI transmission timeout 301718 Axis %1 drive %2 combination of motor/power section invalid 301719 Axis %1 drive %2 power section data incomplete 310505 Axis %1 drive %2 measuring circuit error of absolute track, code %3 310606 Axis %1 drive %2 external valve voltage supply failed 310607 Axis %1 drive %2 valve not responding 310608 Axis %1 drive %2 speed controller at limit 310609 Axis %1 drive %2 encoder cut-off frequency exceeded 310610 Axis %1 drive %2 wrong piston position 310611 Axis %1 drive %2 pressure sensor failed 310612 Axis %1 drive %2 force limitation off 310701 Axis %1 drive %2 speed controller cycle time invalid 310702 Axis %1 drive %2 position controller cycle time invalid 310703 Axis %1 drive %2 monitoring cycle time invalid 310704 Axis %1 drive %2 speed controller cycle times of axes differ 310705 Axis %1 drive %2 monitoring cycle times of axes differ 310706 Axis %1 drive %2 maximum working speed invalid 310707 Axis %1 drive %2 STS configuration of axes differ 310708 Axis %1 drive %2 number of encoder marks of measuring system invalid 310709 Axis %1 drive %2 error in piston diameter or piston rod diameter 310710 Axis %1 drive %2 distance-coded scale incorrectly parameterized 310750 Axis %1 drive %2 feedforward gain too high 310751 Axis %1 drive %2 proportional gain for speed controller too high 310752 Axis %1 drive %2 integral gain for speed controller invalid 310753 Axis %1 drive %2 D component for speed controller invalid 310754 Axis %1 drive %2 friction compensation gradient too high 310755 Axis %1 drive %2 area factor too high 310756 Axis %1 drive %2 controlled system gain is less than or equal to zero 310757 Axis %1 drive %2 blocking frequency > Shannon frequency 310758 Axis %1 drive %2 natural frequency > Shannon frequency 310759 Axis %1 drive %2 bandwidth numerator larger than double blocking frequency 310760 Axis %1 drive %2 bandwidth denominator greater than double natural frequency 310761 Axis %1 drive %2 proportional gain of force controller too high 310762 Axis %1 drive %2 integral gain for force controller invalid 310763 Axis %1 drive %2 D component of force controller invalid 310764 Axis %1 drive %2 controlled system gain for force controller is less than or equal to zero 310771 Axis %1 drive %2 gain in fine area of valve characteristic is less than or equal to zero 310772 Axis %1 drive %2 gain in rough area of valve characteristic is less than or equal to zero 310773 Axis %1 drive %2 gain at end of saturation area of valve characteristic is less than or equal to zero 310774 Axis %1 drive %2 zero area and knee area of valve characteristic overlap 310775 Axis %1 drive %2 knee area and saturation area of valve characteristic overlap 311710 Axis %1 drive %2 resolution SSI motor measuring system invalid 311711 Axis %1 drive %2 transmission length SSI motor measuring system invalid 311712 Axis %1 drive %2 multiturn SSI motor measuring system invalid 311716 Axis %1 drive %2 SSI measuring system without incremental signals not possible 311717 Axis %1 drive %2 SSI transmission timeout 380001 Profibus-DP: startup error, reason %1 parameter %2 %3 %4. 380003 Profibus-DP: operating error, reason %1,parameter %2 %3 %4. 380005 Profibus-DP: bus access conflict, type %1, counter %2 380020 Profibus-DP: SDB1000 error %1 for SDB source %2 380021 Profibus-DP: default SDB1000 was loaded 380022 Profibus-DP: configuration of DP master has been changed 380040 Profibus-DP: configuration error %1, parameter %2 380050 Profibus-DP: multiple assignment of inputs on address %1 380051 Profibus-DP: multiple assignment of outputs on address %1 380060 Profibus-DP: alarm %1 on logical address %2 from unassigned station 380070 Profibus DP: no input slot available for base address %1 (length %2) 380071 Profibus DP: no output slot available for base address %1 (size %2) 380072 Profibus DP: output slot for base address %1 (size %2) not allowed 380075 Profibus DP: DP I/O failure slave %1 380500 Profibus-DP: fault on drive %1, code %2, value %3, time %4 400102 Delete DB 2 in the PLC and restart 400103 Delete DB 3 in the PLC and restart 400106 Delete DB 3 in the PLC and restart 400109 Delete DB 9 in the PLC and restart 400171 Delete DB 71 in the PLC and restart 400172 Delete DB 72 in the PLC and restart 400173 Delete DB 73 in the PLC and restart 400174 Delete DB 74 in the PLC and restart 400250 NCK sign-of-life monitoring 400251 NCK has not started up 400252 Sign-of-life monitoring 400260 Failure of machine control panel 1 400261 Failure of machine control panel 2 400262 Failure of manual operating device 400604 Set change with M06 in the machine data 400902 Impermissible channel no. parameter in FC 9 401502 Impermissible axis no. parameter in FC 15 401602 Impermissible axis no. parameter in FC 16 401702 Impermissible spindle IF no. parameter in FC 17 401805 Impermissible axis no. parameter in FC 18 401901 Impermissible BAG no. parameter in FC 19 401902 Impermissible channel no. parameter in FC 19 402501 Impermissible BAG no. parameter in FC 25 402502 Impermissible channel no. parameter in FC 25 410150 Area in M group decoder list is too large 810001 Error OB_event 810002 Synchronous error 810003 Asychronous error 810004 Stop/Interrupt event 810005 Order form execution event 810006 Error communication event 810007 Error H/F system event 810008 Error diagnostics data from modules 810009 User-diagnostics event

51 минуту назад, pas_tol сказал:

хотя по идее в стойке оператора должен быть винт его надо образ

Нет там никакого винта, это же PCU-20, самый примитивный HMI и на его флэшке есть только HMI.

56 минут назад, fart1234 сказал:

Как архивы загрузить с другого станка? Можно ли nc карту от другого станка вставить и попробовать загрузить архивы ?

Если не знаете, чем это кончится, сами не экспериментируйте, потеряете лицензию, проблема вырастет в несколько раз.

7 минут назад, fart1234 сказал:

Как вообще если есть архив его загрузить? Через step7?

Если работает HMI, вариантов несколько, для вас самый безопасный — через RS-232.

Вы хотя бы напишите, что у вас есть, какие файлы на CF карте, название, расширение, какое NCU стоит (крайний слева блок от Simodrive), можно фото.

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