Ошибка 251 haas

  1. Hi all,

    Have a strange one here. Was modifying a program today and when I went to run it in simulation I got a couple of errors. The errors were 251 and 212, both of which say «Software error, call dealer.» There was nothing wrong with the program and It was just a modification of an existing program. I am unable to delete the program of modify it anymore and the is a little light bulb looking display next to the program number.

    I find I can use other programs, it is just that when I select them it takes a few seconds for them to select and I get the error message as above and have to clear it. But, then I can run and edit etc.

    Powering down and back up is no help, I get the «System Error» message as soon as it comes on.

    Anyone seen this before or know how to fix?

    I have backed up all of my programs and such and was thinking about deleting all programs and trying to reload, but with my luck it will still be there and maybe it would not take the programs again.


    Two Haas VF-2’s, Haas HA5C, Haas HRT-9, Hardinge CHNC 1, Bother HS-300 Wire EDM, BobCAD V23, BobCAD V28

  2. Re: Errors 251 and 212, software error

    Okay, why are my posts always the ones no one knows anything about!

    Two Haas VF-2’s, Haas HA5C, Haas HRT-9, Hardinge CHNC 1, Bother HS-300 Wire EDM, BobCAD V23, BobCAD V28

  3. Re: Errors 251 and 212, software error

    Pretty sure it’s just a corrupted program. You will need to make sure setting 23 O9xxx lock is off.
    Then delete all programs as you mentioned then reload.

    Good luck!

  4. Re: Errors 251 and 212, software error

    I was hoping you might chime in. I think I will try it then. Much thanks.


    Two Haas VF-2’s, Haas HA5C, Haas HRT-9, Hardinge CHNC 1, Bother HS-300 Wire EDM, BobCAD V23, BobCAD V28

  5. Re: Errors 251 and 212, software error

    Well, I was hoping that would work, but alas, «NO.» I tried to erase all, but it erased all the higher numbered programs and left that bad program and all programs with a lower numbers. I erased all the other programs one at a time (63 of them), but the bad one would not erase no mater what. I checked and I can load programs to the machine, so no damage done as I can reload them.

    I finally called Haas and the guy said that it may have to be flashed and all software and parameters reloaded. I asked him if there was a way to force the deletion of that program and it sounded like he might know a way, but was not allowed to tell me and even suggested I check here on this forum for a possible answer. So, if anyone knows a way, please let me know. This particular machine is a 1998 and is running software 9.30F and takes Oxxxx programs and my other is a 1997 with software 9.63N and it takes Oxxxxx programs. If I could upgrade the first machine to match and get the 9.63N software it might be worth having the tech come, but if all I can do is delete one program it may not be worth it.

    So, anyone know how to delete that one program and then reload?


    Two Haas VF-2’s, Haas HA5C, Haas HRT-9, Hardinge CHNC 1, Bother HS-300 Wire EDM, BobCAD V23, BobCAD V28

  6. Re: Errors 251 and 212, software error

    Good News Everyone! Planet Express is back in business!

    On a whim, as per Haastec, I pulled up the O9xxx programs. It only had two so I checked them out and one was O9999 and it was Quick code which I never use and another was program O9000. Upon opening the O9000 program the first thing I noticed was that it had two program numbers, O9000 and O2016. Tried to run the program as it seemed to be a regular part program and even had a part number with rev in it. It would not run because of multiple codes of course, so I deleted the O2016 program name and tried to run it again, Turned out is was just an old part program from a previous owner. I deleted it and then saved to O9999 quick code program and then deleted the O9000 part program. Once deleted the old part program I tried to erase all and it worked just fine.

    I reloaded all my programs and all was solved. Not sure why all of a sudden that old program started to cause problems, but it did. It was likely the corrupted program.

    Thanks to all!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Two Haas VF-2’s, Haas HA5C, Haas HRT-9, Hardinge CHNC 1, Bother HS-300 Wire EDM, BobCAD V23, BobCAD V28

  7. Re: Errors 251 and 212, software error

    Quote Originally Posted by Machineit
    View Post

    Good News Everyone! Planet Express is back in business!

    On a whim, as per Haastec, I pulled up the O9xxx programs. It only had two so I checked them out and one was O9999 and it was Quick code which I never use and another was program O9000. Upon opening the O9000 program the first thing I noticed was that it had two program numbers, O9000 and O2016. Tried to run the program as it seemed to be a regular part program and even had a part number with rev in it. It would not run because of multiple codes of course, so I deleted the O2016 program name and tried to run it again, Turned out is was just an old part program from a previous owner. I deleted it and then saved to O9999 quick code program and then deleted the O9000 part program. Once deleted the old part program I tried to erase all and it worked just fine.

    I reloaded all my programs and all was solved. Not sure why all of a sudden that old program started to cause problems, but it did. It was likely the corrupted program.

    Thanks to all!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Glad you got it sorted out! Strange why the erase all still would not work. Did you have the 9000 series unlocked (visible in list programs) when attempting to erase all?

    Also, I am not sure what the tech you talked to was eluding to about another way to get rid of the single program. Only ways I know of are to erase all or flash the memory.

  8. Re: Errors 251 and 212, software error

  9. Re: Errors 251 and 212, software error

    No, at first I did not have O9000’s unlocked until I brought it up to find that program. I guess I was not paying enough attention!

    I have a very similar issue with my other machine about 3 years ago and deleted all and fix it, but I did not unlock those programs then so didn’t think of it this time.

    Thanks for your help, you are the best.


    Two Haas VF-2’s, Haas HA5C, Haas HRT-9, Hardinge CHNC 1, Bother HS-300 Wire EDM, BobCAD V23, BobCAD V28

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Чаще всего механические детали станка требуют ремонта из-за естественного износа или неправильной эксплуатации оборудования, вибраций и ударов. Перепады напряжения в сети или нарушения в электрической цепи станка могут значительно сократить срок службы. Отсутствие технического обслуживания и «эпизодическое» обслуживание электроники, попадание влаги и пыли в электронику станка может привести к выводу станка из строя.

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  • #1

I have VF1 2014 Haas that today had a error on a program in the hard drive.

Error code 251 which is prg data structure error followed by
Error code 197, Misc software error
Error Code 212, prog integrity error

one of my programs had a ! infront of the name = o01603 was now a !01603

Upon deletion of 9000 series and main programs seemed to clear this error. Took a bit of time my first time with this error once it was done I could load programs in. Started with the 9000 series set and I got the 245 error.

It took all previous macro statements and encased them in the brackets on the load.
So I deleted them again. Took a smaller program and tested and yes all in brackets. This was very confusing and still is.

Checked my parameters and macro lock was off. I did do a complete backup with f4 on a usb drive not more then three weeks ago thankfully. With putting that back in the same error continues 245 ….any ideas on this?

  • #2

with loading the backups, 9000s and one test program I do think the following error codes are in order of creation:

408 number range error
265 macro variable file crc error
202 setting crc error
901 parameters have been loaded by disk
2010 parameter file crc didn’t match calculated crc
407 rs-232 invalid code
417 rs-232 framing error
245 unknown code

Checked my alarm history and this seems to be the repeating errors on my attempts to reload. As of now I will have to wait until services are reached Monday.

  • #3

An actual good response to all this from haas service call.

When you have a corrupted program one with a «!» in front there are a few reasons for this.
1. Too much memory used
2. Too many programs
3. and other

Regardless of this deletion of the 9000 series programs then deletion of the main programs is how to clear it.
Once reload of the 9000 series is in there 9000 lock in you can run as normal. If you load all files such as a complete F4 save which has parameters you have to turn them back on. When you save F4 you save the basics not the options you have. In the back of the machine has the options with codes to turn the items back on either paper or usb. Turn off no. 7 parameter off then you are ready. In parameter 57 there is a list of items 0 and 1. Meaning 0 is off. Once you highlight the codes punch in the numbers and it will turn it to a 1 on feature.

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