Ошибка 24592 winverifytrust



To Fix (win verify trust error 24592) error you need to
follow the steps below:

Шаг 1:

(win verify trust error 24592) Repair Tool

Шаг 2:

Нажмите «Scan» кнопка

Шаг 3:

Нажмите ‘Исправь все‘ и вы сделали!

Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, XP

Загрузить размер: 6MB
Требования: Процессор 300 МГц, 256 MB Ram, 22 MB HDD

win verify trust error 24592 обычно вызвано неверно настроенными системными настройками или нерегулярными записями в реестре Windows. Эта ошибка может быть исправлена ​​специальным программным обеспечением, которое восстанавливает реестр и настраивает системные настройки для восстановления стабильности

If you have win verify trust error 24592 then we strongly recommend that you

Download (win verify trust error 24592) Repair Tool.

This article contains information that shows you how to fix
win verify trust error 24592
(manually) and (automatically) , In addition, this article will help you troubleshoot some common error messages related to win verify trust error 24592 that you may receive.

Эта статья была обновлено на 2023-09-16 и ранее опубликованный под WIKI_Q210794


  •   1. Meaning of win verify trust error 24592?
  •   2. Causes of win verify trust error 24592?
  •   3. More info on win verify trust error 24592

Meaning of win verify trust error 24592?

Ошибка или неточность, вызванная ошибкой, совершая просчеты о том, что вы делаете. Это состояние неправильного суждения или концепции в вашем поведении, которое позволяет совершать катастрофические события. В машинах ошибка — это способ измерения разницы между наблюдаемым значением или вычисленным значением события против его реального значения.

Это отклонение от правильности и точности. Когда возникают ошибки, машины терпят крах, компьютеры замораживаются и программное обеспечение перестает работать. Ошибки — это в основном непреднамеренные события. В большинстве случаев ошибки являются результатом плохого управления и подготовки.

Causes of win verify trust error 24592?

If you have received this error on your PC, it means that there was a malfunction in your system operation. Common reasons include incorrect or failed installation or uninstallation of software that may have left invalid entries in your Windows registry, consequences of a virus or malware attack, improper system shutdown due to a power failure or another factor, someone with little technical knowledge accidentally deleting a necessary system file or registry entry, as well as a number of other causes. The immediate cause of the «win verify trust error 24592» error is a failure to correctly run one of its normal operations by a system or application component.

More info on
win verify trust error 24592

РЕКОМЕНДУЕМЫЕ: Нажмите здесь, чтобы исправить ошибки Windows и оптимизировать производительность системы.

sounds like the installer is corrupt.

I am trying to install Family Tree Maker 2010 on my computor ,I have windows 7 64 bit os. Download the installer again — the error
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Ошибка 1310. Ошибка записи в файл …. Убедитесь, что у вас есть доступ к этому каталогу

The installer starts and the grinds to re-installing all my expensive software, finding product keys etc. Cost me �65, but worth a few hours. all non-MS services] but had the same problem. Can C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Laplink PCMover Professional\Visit Laplink.com.url.

Программное обеспечение затем поиска, включая этот сайт. Я в отчаянии, чтобы избежать двух дней солидного Спасибо

Я попробовал чистую загрузку [отключить любую помощь?

I have done a lot of the PC and reset permissions etc with «Repair Windows» from tweaking.com. Error writing to file: Whole process took it to save my remaining hair! a halt with the error message:

«Error 1310.

В конце концов, я связался с поддержкой Microsoft, у которой был установлен удаленный контроль.

Ошибка 1310. Ошибка записи в файл c: \ config.msi … verify

Убедитесь, что у вас есть 1310. Иногда это просто проблема с разрешениями с некоторыми аналогичными полномочиями администратора, такими как 7 и ниже, с использованием редактора групповой политики.

Существуют и другие продвинутые способы предоставить вам (учетную запись Windows) такие вещи, как Reader, даже на 7 и ниже. Иногда вы увидите похожие ошибки, появляющиеся другими способами

Данные об ошибках, к которым он хочет получить доступ, сбой программного обеспечения. Ошибка записи в файл c: \ config.msi … Adobe известна этой проблемой при обновлении при попытке запуска программного обеспечения, например, при нарушении прав доступа или 0x00000005.

Возьмите на себя ответственность за манекен, чем предыдущие операционные системы, особенно у корней дисков, подобных вашему примеру. Теперь установщик может перезаписать его.

8 — это немного другой безопасный доступ к этому каталогу. файл (только для хорошей меры).

Проблема с всплывающими подсказками First Verify Setup (Что такое первая проверка)

Дважды щелкните файл на рабочем столе, используя уникальное имя, например ESETScan. Если вы используете Windows Vista, 7 или 8; вместо этого инструмент для вашего рабочего стола. ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ. Иногда, если ESET не обнаруживает никаких инфекций, он не будет создавать журнал.

Пожалуйста, будьте терпеливы как этот файл журнала с вашим следующим ответом.

Ваш компьютер может занять некоторое время. Загрузить удаление Junkware здесь
Дважды щелкните mbam-setup-2.XXXXXX.exe, чтобы установить приложение (X — текущий номер версии). Когда в сканировании есть действие для всех перечисленных элементов и нажмите кнопку «Применить действия». Сохраните его, чтобы запустить Malwarebytes Anti-Malware, затем нажмите «Готово».

Проверьте «ДА, я принимаю и запускаю сканирование вашей системы. Нажмите эти шаги)
Нажмите на esetsmartinstaller_enu.exe, чтобы загрузить ESET Smart Installer. Нажмите предупреждения в своем браузере. Пожалуйста, разместите содержимое на рабочем столе и автоматически откроется.

По завершении сохраняется журнал (JRT.txt) «Условия использования».
Нажмите кнопку «Пуск». Убедитесь, что галочка установлена ​​следующим щелчком по этой ссылке, чтобы открыть ESET OnlineScan в новом окне. Перейдите на вкладку «Сканирование» в верхней части программы, дважды щелкнув ее. Поместите содержимое JRT.txt в следующее сообщение
Удерживайте Control, а затем загружайте обновления для себя, установите себя и начните сканирование вашего компьютера.

В настройках сканирования установите флажок «Архивы сканирования» и «Удалить найденные угрозы»,
Кнопка ESET будет теперь (обновление будет загружено, установлено и начнется сканирование). S …

Domain trust error

Anyone know what might all of a sudden cause file server that is running windows 2000. They are trying to connect to a using XP getting a «Domain trust error».

Привет всем,

I am having users that are a domain trust error like this?

Lenovo Trust Key Error

Immediately after the installation a reboot in advanced. Thanks was prompted hence i rebooted the com. I really do not wish anyone ??? Have tried to do a i click onto OK on the error msg box.

Help a error msg was stated usbkey.dll was not found. i had to post this msg hoping someone here could help me with this issue.

As per subject, about a month back i’ve ran a system

But to my horror once after start up to do a reformat

Well a month has past and this error is finally driving me nuts till update on my ThinkCentre A60 9631-AD5 running on windows vista business edition. However i am still able to enter windows after system restore but was unsuccessful too.

Ошибка отношения доверия

Workstations run on Windows XP SP2 and servers trust relationships to fail? I’m tired of these error I get the cause of this? As an intern I don’t have all the rights as a domain 2 or 3 of them every day. What causes these help me.

It’s done by adding be the problem? Code:
The trust relationship between this reservations in the DHCP server. But I do know our have a question… Please Administrator should have, so I can’t really tell you all the insights.

What might be workstation and the primary domain failed. Might this basis many HP terminals and some PC’s get the following message. I’m an intern at a hospital and on a regular DHCP server doesn’t lease IP-address automatically.

Эй, ребята,

Я запускаю стандарт W2K3 Server.

Domain Join Trust Error

всем привет

I am trying to join a Windows Vista and added the PC to the same network. issue
С уважением
Сайед Мохаммед Сираджуддин

  Please provide help on this Home Premium PC to a Windows Server 2000 Domain. I have done all the optimisation settings

SFC / SCANNOW Ошибка Не удается проверить файл.


файл, который сеет
ошибка. Экстрация журнала CBS


У меня было несколько вопросов в последнее время, поэтому я закончил sfc / scannow, который показал пару ошибок. я не уверен
если они являются проблемой или нет, любая помощь будет приветствоваться.

— Ошибка BSOD, может кто-то проверить, что вызывает PLS ???

Любая помощь очень ценится.

  netdude сказал:

Hoping someone System Error, Error Code 1000000a. I’ve attached the BSOD something display related was happening: 1. Opening the lid (I had disabled Standby on lid close so minidumps from these crashes. All get Event ID 1003, minidumps from these crashes.

Here are spec’s:



2Ghz Pentium M

Intel Pro / Wireless 2200BG

10 / 100 nic Broadcom 440x


256MB NVIDIA can shed some light on cause of BSOD’s. System Error, Error Code 1000000a. I have brand new the computer was not in standby) which causes the display to reset. All get Event ID 1003, Media Player 10 and 2.

I’ve attached the GeForce Go 6800 Video

This system has blue screened 4 times in last 2 weeks. I have brand new light on cause of BSOD’s.

Надеюсь, кто-то может пролить некоторые ценные. Нажмите, чтобы развернуть …

I’m also pretty sure it has something to do with enabling the NVidia do you have NVidia Desktop Manager enabled?

  Here are spec’s:



2Ghz Pentium M

Intel Pro / Wireless 2200BG

10 / 100 nic Broadcom 440x


256MB NVIDIA Ноутбук Dell Inspiron 9300. Какой видеодрайвер вы используете, а GeForce Go 6800 Video

Эта система имеет синий экран 4 раз за последние 2 недель. Любая помощь очень

Playing a video in Windows Desktop Manager since all the problems I’ve had occur when I e…

SFC / SCANNOW Ошибка Не удается проверить файл.


Привет, Элия,
его только сообщают о них как об информации. Не завершено sfc / scannow, которое показало пару ошибок. я не уверен
если они являются проблемой. Вы можете запустить следующее в качестве второй проверки, может взять файл, который сеет
ошибка. Внедрение реальных ошибок CBS-журнала, это будет указывать на ошибку, а не на информацию.


или нет, то любая помощь будет приветствоваться.


У меня было несколько вопросов в последнее время, так что, пока ты

В зависимости от ваших проблем вы не сказали, какими они были.

Error 800b0001 : unknown trust provider

So please help me and I’m solutions , non have helped me. So i have searched for If so, try a System work previously?

hey, i have a problem with windows update not an expert to these stuffs.

Did it Restore to that date.

, every time i search for an update.

Невозможно проверить цифровую подпись для этой ошибки файла.

Я пытался получить ^ — ^

Должен ли я попытаться просто поставить Im new здесь. Таким образом, я вынимаю ручку, чтобы это продолжалось часами. Спасибо за любую плату. и именно тогда возникает ошибка.

Никогда не петляет снова и снова. Настроить только окна 7 пока. Я снова пытаюсь понять это. Я поместил окна 8 изображения на usb arghhh ..

Я пытаюсь установить Windows 8.1 64bit на форматированный жесткий диск, который ранее имел окна 7. Я нахожусь в моем конце, чтобы облегчить вещи, но это не выход.

Эй, банда, изображение на обычном диске? произошло раньше.

«Application cannot run due to an error while trying to verify electronic cetrificate» WTF!?

Running AdAware (Which crashes the computer) and system restoring… I’ve tried Error loading C:\WINDOWS\stystem32\dkfnoqpg.dll and Error loading C:\WINDOWS\Bqaqubizebufisaw.dll.

running Ccleaner which helped out a little.

Bios Update Problem «VERIFY ERROR»

When I try to install last bios update (0FCN67WW.exe) it gives me «VERIFY feature greyed out, so no use of flashing.   

Please Luckily it didn’t actually erase the BIOS.Anyway I had IntelVT help.Thanks… ERROR» and computer freeze.I tried on vista and windows7 and got same error.

добавление Windows XP pro в домен Samba: ошибка доверия

I’ve been working on this for a command on the linux server and the samba accounts should work as well. I’ve tried a registry patch, the computername has been set with the useradd 2K client, which worked ok. Tipsko

  а теперь, но кажется, что ничего не работает …

Я подключил


У меня есть рабочий Linux-сервер здесь (для некоторой информации, это было бы здорово, спасибо! Если бы кто-то мог предоставить мне тестовые / образовательные цели) и запустить samba 2.2.7 a.

Error: The trust relationship between this computer and the Domain has failed!»



  Попробуйте это и посмотрите, поможет ли это!

Windows Defender Error 577 Cannot verify digital signal

Error 577: Cannot verify digital signal; Recent hardware or software change might have renew); now I cannot get Windows Defender to run. So it is best to use AntiVirus Removal Tools & Uninstallers Windows could not start the Windows Defender service on Local Computer. Use this tool from Webroot to complete the uninstallation and see if it helps. Any Windows Defender to run.

Don’t know how to get installed a file incorrectly or damaged or might be malicious software source unknown.

I recently uninstalled Webroot (chose not to for AntiVirus programs
Webroot may not have uninstalled fully and properly. When I try I get the following: suggestions? If a security software leaves on Windows Defender in Windows 7/8/10

See this post for more suggestions: Unable to turn something behind, this can happen.

Пожалуйста, помогите, я не могу удалить имена файлов / проверить ошибку местоположения

I get the message » this is no welcome to Seven Forums. If not, then you might see if the free program helps,

Привет, Yiffymaw и Unlocker могут позволить вам удалить / удалить его. Если вы еще этого не сделали, вы можете увидеть, если перезагрузка я не хочу, чтобы эти файлы / имена на моем компьютере.

I used a program to delete a few files and longer in >>>>>>>>>> verify the location and try again. Hope this now they are stuck on my hard drive in the folder. I use windows 7

Скажите, пожалуйста, что делать, чтобы компьютер мог избавиться от этого файла-призрака.

Could not find this item.Verify the items location and try again error

Any suggestion will here http://www.techjawa.com/2010/05/01/g…ind-this-item/ Its working perfect now. First time it renames or moves the file/folder. Ok mate well done — just mark it as very annoying. EDIT: Sorry I found a solution be greatly appreciated.

When I click try again only when I try to move or rename I get this error. solved at the top with that tick button

When I try to delete or copy there is no problem


У меня есть эта ошибка
when I try I experience this. But its to rename or move folder or file.

Автор bionorica2015, 16.09.19, 06:56:42

« предыдущая — следующая »

0 Пользователей и 1 гость просматривают эту тему.

Доброго времени суток всем!
У меня следующа проблема.
На днях скачал и хотел установить Компас 3д 16,1 версию.
Все конфигурации установились отлично без проблем, но Строительная конфигурация выдает ошибку при установке(фото прилагаю)
Произвёл следующие решения проблемы:
-очистил Temp файл в диске С
-rootsupd.exe тоже скачал и пытался запустить и решить проблему вместе с ней
-отключал антивирусы и интернет
-перезапускал виндовс несколько раз
-перехешировал файлы закачки
-скачивал с других серверов и пытался установить их
-использовал cab revovery tool

Но увы ничего из этих пунктов мне не помогли!
Прошу Вас всех помочь мне в решении данной проблемы, пожалуйста!
Спасибо заранее!
Будьте здоровы!

Скачанная версия, это версия ОЗНАКОМИТЕЛЬНАЯ. И не все модули и библиотеки в неё входят. Скорее всего так. :um:

Через панель управления удалите строительную конфигурацию. Снова установите конфигурацию и перезагрузитесь. Должно сработать.
Установку нужно делать только из распакованной папки (не из архива).

Скачайте с офсайта  ;)

Если вы скачиваете для того чтобы ознакомиться посмотреть и понять надо ли оно вам, то скачивайте V18, в строительной конфигурации между V16 и V18 огромная разница.
Если вы уже являетесь лицензионным пользователем V16 и вам понадобилась строительная конфигурация — то обратитесь в техподдержку и вам помогут.
P.S. в тех поддержку можно обратиться и при пробном скачивании ссылка ТП sd.ascon.ru

Скачивать нужно через личный кабинет.

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  • Установка и настройка ПО АСКОН

  • Установка AEC Компас 3д 16.1 Ошибка 24592 data1.cab повреждён

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  • Event Type mptelemetry,P1 8024402c,P2 endsearch,P3 search,P4 3.0.8107.0,P5 mpsigdwn.dll,P6 3.0.8107.0,P7 microsoft security essentials (e…

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  • Gateway resolution failed on interface {766c117a-e333-4f3b-b483-47a55fb39163} for with error : 0x43. Note: For the interface {5…

  • Continue to receive the code 646 error when trying to install important dates

    I guess I’m blind computer because I can’t understand how to solve the problem!

    I guess I’m blind computer because I can’t understand how to solve the problem!

    This issue must be posted to the Windows Update section.

    That said, take a look at this tutorial:
    http://support.Microsoft.com/kb/2258121 . for the benefits of others looking for answers, please mark as answer suggestion if it solves your problem.

  • What is 643 error when trying to install updates?

    When I try to install the updates, it says error 643.  unsuccessful.  also impossible to download my farm on farmville.  don’t know if it is related.

    When I try to install the updates, it says error 643.  unsuccessful.  also impossible to download my farm on farmville.  don’t know if it is related.

    Error 643 — there has been many comments in this regard.

    When you try to install an update for .NET Framework 1.0, 1.1, 2.0, 3.0 or 3.5, you may receive Windows Update ‘0 x 643’ error code or error code Windows install «1603».

    When installing updates using Windows update or Microsoft Update you may receive error 80070643 0 x or 0 x 643


    Windows 7

    If the error is related to the .NET Framework 4, try to repair the same first.

    Repair the installation of .net Framework 4- Windows Vista and Windows 7 users follow these steps to repair the installation of .NET Framework 4:
    Close all running applications

    1. Click Start, type Uninstall in the Search box, and then click uninstall a program
    2. Double-click Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Client Profile to start the .NET Framework 4 Client Profile Maintenance application
    3. Select Repair .NET Framework 4 Client Profile to its original state , and then click Next
    4. Allow the repair, and then click Finish
    5. Click restart now to restart your computer
    6. Visit Windows Update and try to install the updates again.

    in regards to your farm on farmville, I don’t know if it is related.

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    I tried to install Java a few hours ago and received the error 1500: another installation is in progress. You must complete before that installation before continuing this one.

    So I rebooted my laptop thought that would settle it, but he did not. I noticed this 1500 error when trying to install Skype, thinking he was not on my computer and Skype. I can install some programs, but not anything I need (small games ect.)

    I’m not sure if this has anything to do with it, but when I start my laptop I get a window saying windows installer install and it will away.a a few minutes after I things about installing dell and it’s installation (I have no idea what) and then the loading bar fills , another pop up (don’t know exactly what he says) loading bar goes down and I cancel it.

    any help would be appreciated.

    I finished a process named msiexec.exe and retried the download and (until now it works) but I got a warning window saying «User SYSTEM has previously launched an installation for the Dell support center product. This user should run this setup before you can use the product. your current installation will now continue. «I clicked ok on that and got another saying»Error 1704.An installation for Dell Support Center is currently suspended. You must undo the changes made by that installation to continue. You want to undo these changes? «I clicked ok and the installation of Java is now in limbo.

    Hi gughead,

    Follow the instructions below that may help you resolve the issue.

    Method 1:

    Follow the instructions below to start the Windows service install.

    1. click on start.

    2. type services.msc and press ENTER.

    3. Locate the installer of Windows.

    4. make a right click on it and start the service.

    5. change the auto type of properties.

    Check whether the problem is resolved.

    Method 2:

    Let us try to install Windows Installer 4.5 and check if the problem is resolved.

    Download and install Windows Installer 4.5 from the link below.

    Windows Installer 4.5 is available


    You can check the link below.


    Please post back and let us know if it helped to solve your problem.

    Kind regards

    KarthiK TP

  • Error 1500 trying to install Lightroom 4

    I am getting error 1500 trying to install Lightroom 4 on my computer.  How can I fix it?

    Hi Sandslinger,

    Make sure that if the following process are closed and run the Setup again.

    • CreativeCloud
    • Adobe CEF Helper»
    • Service Office of Adobe
    • AdobeIPCBroker
    • Creative cloud
    • Installation of Adobe
    • AdobeUpdateDaemon
    • AdobeServiceInstaller
    • AAM Update notify
    • CCLibrary
    • node
    • The basic clock

    If it’s a windows machine, search MSIEXEC using «Task Manager», «Activity Monitor» for verification of mac for installers and close these processes as well.

    Please let us know of the screenshot of the activity monitor or task manager if it has not changed.

    Thank you

  • Errors when trying to install Dreamweaver and Photoshop 2015

    Received these errors when trying to install Adobe cloud:

    ERROR: DW021: payload {3FB7A108-368A-4849-A3F3-69571BAAC457} Photoshop Adobe Photoshop CC 2015 Support version: is not supported by this version: of VEINS

    ERROR: DW021: payload {793C2BF7-A4FE-4608-91C9-9282C5801C21} Photoshop Adobe Photoshop CC 2015 Core version is not supported by this version: of VEINS

    Don’t know why I had errors? My laptop is too old to install the software?

    Hi dreww3102449,

    Try the solution mentioned in this KB doc html https://helpx.adobe.com/photoshop/kb/error-21-or-dw021-while-installing-photoshop-cc-2015.

    Kind regards


  • Get the following error when trying to install adobe reader in Windows 10… «the file ‘C:\ProgramData\Adobe\Setup\{AC76BA86-7AD7-1033-7B44-AC0F074E4100}\AcroRead.msi’ is not a valid package for the Adobe Reader XI product… How can I fix it

    Get the following error when trying to install adobe reader in Windows 10… «the file ‘C:\ProgramData\Adobe\Setup\{AC76BA86-7AD7-1033-7B44-AC0F074E4100}\AcroRead.msi’ is not a valid package for the Adobe Reader XI product… How can I solve this problem? Thank you.

    Hi JFO58,

    I recommend you to run on your system cleaning tool:Download Adobe Reader and Acrobat tool — Adobe Labs

    Later, try to install reader again by using the following link: Adobe Acrobat Reader DC install for all versions

    Kind regards

  • 1 error when trying to install the cloud adobe creative

    1 error when trying to install the cloud adobe creative

    Hello Alejandro,

    You can follow the article: error «failed to install» Creative Cloud Desktop application that will help you solve your problem.

    I would like to know if it works or not.

    Thank you

    Yann Arora

  • Tried to install CS4 Master Collection on a new PC. Dababase Installer is corrupt.

    Tried to install CS4 Master Collection on a new PC (windows 8) using the CD I received an error that the Dababase Installer is corrupt. Found information to remove products Adobe and the CAB files. Delete files on the computer and Adobe programs. Still no luck. Any other ideas?

    I missed a PAC file. Never mind.

  • Windows updates fails, get «Error 1327 Invalid Drive/M» error when trying to install updates by using the stand-alone packages.

    Original title: I deleted the files from automatic update and windows update keeps trying to install

    I’ve done an update for a long time on an old computer unused spare XP and Windows Update said that he had to update a large number of files, so I have left to download and install.  Once the 45 updates completed, I rebooted as instructed and proceeded to clean a lot of old data.  Apparently I deleted (7) files for Office M/S that must be installed, because the Winows Update icon in the status bar telling me I had 7 sto update to install.

    Now Win Update always tells me that the files should be updated and starts the process, telling me that they are already downloaded, but it fails every time because they are not where they should be, as I deleted them without meaning to.  How can I do the update for these startup files, or where can I get the appropriate files to allow the update work properly?

    Yes, I know it was stupid, but this is the frist time that I asked for help from Windows 3.1, so I don’t feel too bad.

    I have download the individual Ko * .exe files support, but get an error 1327 Invalid drive / M error whenever I try to install one of them.

    Thank you


    You receive an «Error 80070643» error message when you try to update Office 2003 by using Software Update Services

    Have you ever used registry cleaners?

    Notes in my old an assignment by Peter Foldes (long ago)-

    ‘0 x 80070643 error ‘.

    Use the following fix below. Please post back with results

    subkeys to rename 1 Office

    Note: Remove the following registry keys may reset customized user
    settings for your Microsoft Office programs.

    1. close all applications.
    2. click on start-> run, type regedit, and click OK.
    3. Locate and select the following registry subkeys:


    4. right click on 11.0 and rename them in Old11.
    5. close the registry editor.

    2. detect and repair Office 2003

    1. on the Windows taskbar, click Start, point and click Control Panel.
    2. double-click on Add/Remove programs.
    3. click on change/remove programs in the left pane.
    4. Select Microsoft Office Professional Edition 2003 in the right pane, and then click on edit.
    5. Insert the correct CD version when she needs.
    6. Select «Reinstall and repair» and click Next.
    7. Select «detect and repair errors in my Office installation».
    8. click on install and wait for the process to end.

    3. install the updates

    Peter ‘.

  • Several errors when trying to install ANY software.

    For the last few weeks I had several problems when trying to install the software PC games, software, whether antivirus or other software with an .exe installer. A host of mistakes will jump to the top which prevents me to carry out (or) the installation process.

    For example:

    When you try to install Avast Antivirus I get — «an error 31 (0000001F) occurred.» «Done last operation was: temp directory.

    When you try to install Microsoft Security Essentials I get — «can’t find a volume for the extraction of the file. Make sure you have the appropriate permissions. »

    When you try to install SUPERAntiSpyware I get — «the installation failed. Error reading configuration data. »

    When you try to install League of Legends or some other players Setup is not yet open. Nothing happens.

    When you try to install another game I had — «Setup could not create the directory»C:\Users\owner\AppData\Local\Temp\is-I1SGM.tmp»

    These errors occur when I run the .exe as administrator or not, in SafeMode with networking or not. It seems to be a problem with a temporary folder, the permissions of the user or something like that. Would someone kindly help me out here? I uninstalled MSE before moving to Avast yesterday, but now I can not install MSE or Avast so I’m stuck with no antivirus. Help!

    Useful info:

    Windows 7 Home Premium

    64 bit

    Service Pack 1

    Any other necessary information is provided quickly. Thank you!


    I’m sorry that BootMedic did not work for you. I figured that if you can download it, there is the live CD when you it burned to a disc. But if you can’t do that much, I’m afraid that the only solution is to reinstall Windows 7 directly, for example, of your hidden partition or DVD of Windows system, depending on what you have.

    Back up your data and programs for an external drive or USB flash drive and go from there. Do you know how to do a clean install of Windows, or do you need me to walk you through it? If you need help I need to know your computer type, brand and model, and if you have a partition system or DVD disc.

    Yet once, my apologies that it didn’t work and I would like to know if not how can I help in the recovery process.

    Kind regards


  • «Access denied» error when trying to install KB2482017 — update for Internet Explorer

    Original title: KB2482017 — update of IE

    I tried to install this update, but I get «access denied». I also tried to install the KB using the file without failure, but the same error.

    Any ideas on what I might try next?

    Help us help you: start by reading this post ‘sticky ‘…

    What information to post in the Windows Update forum


    Visit the Microsoft Solution Center and antivirus security for resources and tools to keep your PC safe and healthy. If you have problems with the installation of the update itself, visit the Microsoft Update Support for resources and tools to keep your PC updated with the latest updates.

    ~ Robear Dyer (PA Bear) ~ MS MVP (that is to say, mail, security, Windows & Update Services) since 2002 ~ WARNING: MS MVPs represent or work for Microsoft

  • Error when trying to install a configuration for wiondows service

    I created a configuration file for windows VB.NET.When service I am trying to install it, I get this error message, the file does not have a program associated with it for performing this action. Create an association in the folder options in Control Panel. .. Mine is Wondows XP. Help, please.

    Hello Mary,.

    Given that the problem is with the Microsoft Visual Basic program, the question would be better suited on the Microsoft MSDN support forum. I suggest you to post the question on the following link.


  • has received the code 0000066A error while trying to install updates

    I was prompted to install the updates, but I received an error 0000066A code, what can I do to fix this?

    Has 66 error code when trying to install KB2160841
    (Follow the steps described in this post by Diana D)

    Also, try the following steps (credit: Control_tps):

    1. go in programs and features, click on it.

    2. scroll to the bottom for Microsoft.Net Framework 4 Client Profile, do a right click.

    3. we will give you a choice of uninstall/change, click it.

    4. then it will give a choice to repair, choose repair.  It will take about 4 to 10 minutes to repair (with my PC), your experience may vary.

    5. Once finished, go to your update and new Update Center.

    See also: http://social.answers.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/vistawu/thread/f1dd866f-85b7-4ae6-bc32-1c488c19742a
    Diana D. (Microsoft Support) credit

    J W Stuart: http://www.pagestart.com

  • Getting error while trying to install a Brother multifunction printer-«I5031 — FaxRxDataFolder — 0» to create

    I am trying to install my Brother multifunction printer and I get the following error:

    An error occurred during the installation.  Please restart you the PC, make sure that all applications are closed.  Then reinstall MFL — Pro Suite.  I5031 — creation FaxRxDataFolder — 0

    Can someone please help, I rebooted and tried to install some time already.

    Thank you.


    The version of the software that you install is compatible with Windows 7, or is this a CD for Windows XP/Vista?

    Go to the site find software drivers & utility Print brother and download the Windows 7 driver for your printer, if available.

  • Hello,

    Several of our customers encountered an error during the installation of our product.

    The error message is: «Error 1330. A file that is required cannot be installed because the cabinet file Data1.cab has an invalid digital signature. This may indicate that the cabinet file is corrupt.

    Error 24581 was returned by WinVerifyTrust.»

    Another WinVerifyTrust error has also been displayed: Error 24592.

    The error happened mainly on Windows 7 SP1, but also one time on Windows Server 2012 R2.

    Data1.cab files were not corrupt.

    We noticed that the root CA certificate of the server used for SHA-256 time stamping was not known:

    The root CA certificate name is «VeriSign Universal Root Certification Authority».,

    Its thumbprint is «3679ca35668772304d30a5fb873b0fa77bb70d54»

    The URL of the used time stamped server is «http://sha256timestamp.ws.symantec.com/sha256/timestamp».

    I am wondering

    Is the named certificate really not trusted? And if yes, what is the reason? and from what date?

    In the case of this certificate would no longer be trusted, could you give me an advice about a RFC3161 SHA-256 time stamping server?

    In the case of this certificate is still trusted, do you have any idea about why it is not known on some computers?

    I have already thought about some points

    Concerning Windows 7 SP1:

    Our certificate provider told us «The ‘VeriSign Universal Root Certification Authority’ root is well recognized by recent versions of Windows (from 8.1), but this is not guaranteed for Windows 7.»

    Could this explain errors on Windows 7 SP1?

    Is there a specific Windows Update which adds this certificate into trusted root CA? If yes, what it is?

    We are using the concerned code signing certificate since about 3 years, and we did never observe such error, by the past.

    Our previous installations were dual-signed.

    As it seems that Windows 7 SPA does not always «see» SHA-256 signatures, maybe it is a beginning of explanation.

    Could you tell me from which Windows Update Windows 7 SP1 is able to recognize SHA-256 signatures?

    To date, to solve the issue, I proposed our customers to «Install Certificate» from Digital Signature tab of file properties. It seems this worked.

    Does this procedure work well, even if the computer is not connected?

    Is there a risk doing such certificate installation?

    Concerning Windows Server 2012 R2:

    As this OS is contemporary to Windows 8.1, I don’t know if the points above can be applied to it.

    I have no other idea than a restriction due to a specific domain or local policy.

    Could you tell about policy and certificate management, or simply send me a link to a basis article about SA-1 / SHA-256 validity depending on OS version?

    More generally, I have a lot of difficulties to understand the process of code-signing trust validation, including revocation management. Is there a basis article dealing this subject?

    In advance, I thank you for your help

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