Ошибка 244c00 bmw n57

Всем привет!
Расскажу сегодня о том, как я столкнулся с довольно распространенной ошибкой на двигателях N57 (и M57 тоже)

Фото в бортжурнале BMW X5 (F15)

Фото из интернетов

Первая ласточка прилетела еще прошлой осенью. Однажды, сев в холодный автомобиль, я начал активно но плавно ускоряться на МКАДе и тут БАЦ! Ошибка привода. Я конечно по началу подсел на измену. Остановился, заглушил машину, завел заново — и вуаля, ошибка пропала, машина поехала как раньше. Я неделю катался в ожидании повторения, но ничего не произошло. И я благополучно забыл о ней.на пол года.

Весной ситуация повторилась. Я подумал, ну да лан, снова глюк словил. Но на этот раз она повторилась уже через месяц. Затем через пару недель, потом через день, и вот к концу лета она стала «радовать» меня каждое утро.
Стало понятно, что надо что-то решать.
В Rheingold была ошибка 244C00 «Слишком низкое давление наддува»

Запчасти на фото: 272941, 220388. Фото в бортжурнале BMW X5 (F15)

Фото тоже с интернетов, свои потерял

Погуглив данную ошибку, я пришел к выводу, что скорее всего проблема в преобразователе давления турбины, а их на моем двигателе 2. Один отвечает за одну турбину, другой, соответственно, за вторую.

У меня ошибка была на низких оборотах, в районе 1800-2000, так что проблема была скорее всего в том регуляторе, который отвечает за «первую» турбину. Но они расположены рядом и я хз, который из них какой.
В итоге я решил сэкономить, и как это обычно бывает, скупой платит дважды. Но в моем случае — скупой чинит дважды)

В общем, заказал я ОДИН преобразователь давления, рассчитывая на то, что мне повезет)
Оригинал стоит в районе 15к (артикул 11 65 8 509 323), но народ в основном ставит Pierburg (артикул 7.02256.27.0) т.к. он идет по заводу.
Я нашел на zzap по 6 тыс + доставка 500р, итого 6500р

Запчасти на фото: 702256270. Фото в бортжурнале BMW X5 (F15)

Запчасти на фото: 702256270

Фото в бортжурнале BMW X5 (F15)

Ну а дальше, опишу процесс замены. Т.к. инфы по ошибке вроде бы много, а вот процесс замены никто не освещал, мне пришлось действовать практически вслепую)
Для начала, я даже не мог понять, где их искать. Но потом, по косвенным признакам, я понял, в какую сторону мне лезть)

Фото в бортжурнале BMW X5 (F15)

Приятный бонус с прошлого сервиса, где я чистил впускной коллектор — ребята мне помыли двигатель, хоть я этого и не просил. Тут двоякое ощущение, я лично отношусь к мойке двигателя положительно, но знаю многих людей, кто ни в коем случае не моет двигатель. Думаю, они бы не обрадовались такому сюрпризу))
Фото в бортжурнале BMW X5 (F15)
Снимаем короб воздушного фильтра и патрубок впуска

Вот тут я отметил 4 болта, которые необходимо открутить. Сверху два шестигранника на 10 (кажется) и сбоку два Torx 25

Фото в бортжурнале BMW X5 (F15)

Боковые болты не так просто открутить, а еще сложнее — закрутить))
Фото в бортжурнале BMW X5 (F15)
Вот они, злосчастные Torx
Фото в бортжурнале BMW X5 (F15)
Отодвигаем в сторону, получаем доступ к преобразователям давления

Я решил поменять ближний к себе, в надежде, что он отвечает за «первую» турбину)

Фото в бортжурнале BMW X5 (F15)

Пока менял, обнаружил, что вакуумные шланги выглядят «не очень» и возможно уже негерметичны. Но т.к. у меня других не было, собрал все как есть, в обратной последовательности. Изрядно помудохавшись с прикручиванием болтов Torx обратно)

По итогу, прокатившись на машине, как будто стало все ок.
Но, как вы наверное уже догадались — чуда не произошло. Утром меня встретила та же самая ошибка.

Следующая моя мысль была — «наверное я не угадал с регулятором и надо их теперь поменять местами!». Но поразмыслив на тему «а что если они оба уже нерабочие?» и мне придется третий раз туда лезть — плюнул и заказал второй регулятор (+ 6500р) и заодно заказал еще новый вакуумный шланг от VAG (артикул N02035327).

Оригинальные шланги, продающиеся кусочками, стоят приличных денег, а «на развес» их не продают. Но зато VAG-овский продают, который по слухам из интернетов, подходит как влитой.
Есть правда отличие — оригинальный шланг в сечении 3.5мм, а VAG-овский — 3.2мм, но говорят, что это не критично.

В итоге, купил от VAG в Exist, цена 964р за 1метр

Запчасти на фото: N02035327. Фото в бортжурнале BMW X5 (F15)

Запчасти на фото: N02035327

Далее, повторил процедуру, которую описал выше. На этот раз у меня ушло в три раза меньше времени) На все про все я потратил часа полтора, в неспешном темпе.

Фото в бортжурнале BMW X5 (F15)

Но самое интересное меня ждало, когда я добрался до шлангов.
Все шланги менять не стал т.к. это довольно проблематично. ограничился короткими, которые были наиболее «печальные»

Поменял первый кусочек

Фото в бортжурнале BMW X5 (F15)Фото в бортжурнале BMW X5 (F15)

Налез без особых проблем, я заранее смазал силиконой смазкой штуцер, по совету из интернетов

А потом я снял второй…

Фото в бортжурнале BMW X5 (F15)


Я почти уверен, что проблема была не в преобразователях давления, а в этом жалком кусочке шланга.
Конечно там нет давления! С такой то дырой)

В общем, поменял его, поставил все на место

Фото в бортжурнале BMW X5 (F15)

И вуаля, ошибка пропала, тачка стала ехать как раньше! Я доволен по уши)

Фото в бортжурнале BMW X5 (F15)

Прицеп снова кажется пушинкой)

Правда есть и грустные новости. В связи с ситуацией в стране, появилась мысль продать икса((

Фото в бортжурнале BMW X5 (F15)

Но я пока еще сомневаюсь, в любом случае, вы узнаете об этом первыми)
Хотелось бы конечно отдать его в хорошие руки

Ну да ладно, всем спасибо за внимание и пока!

  1. Здравствуйте, помоги пожалуйста двигатель 535dx n57s 2011 взял с пробегом 57тыс я второй владелец, пробег настоящий подтвержден сервиской чеками и состоянием.
    Ведет себя автомобиль странно: разгоняет максимум до 3400 оборотов и больше не хочет даже в спорт и ручном режиме не переходит на понижннную т.е попадает в аварийнный режим, на приборную панель не выскакивают ни какие ошибки затем проходит это и опять едет прекрасно разгоняется как положенно и время от времени падает в этот аварийный режим!
    Заезжал к мастерам турбин прочитали с компьютера ошибка 244с00 «давление нагнетаемого воздуха слишком мала». Решили снять турбину верхнюю малую посмотреть геометрию и вообще на состояние турбины, ничего не выявили собрали и сказали что не знают в чем проблема. Помогите если кто сталкивался или знает в чем может быть причина.
    Извините что не в вашей ветке ибо в моей молчат.

  2. Oldment

    26 мар 2015

    Диагностику надо полную
    В Симферополе вроде есть

    Stop hovering to collapse…
    Click to collapse…

    Hover to expand…
    Нажмите, чтобы раскрыть…

  3. Посмотрите патрубки, кулек.

  4. Делал диагностику вчера, мнение мастера что надо менять клапан турбины который сбрасывает газы или давление

  5. Отвез к мастерам специализируются только по BMW, позавчера в обед оставил им вчера позвонили вечером забирай. По итогу был закоксован коллектор, весь говорят был чуть ли не в мазуте, почистили вроде максимально куда достали. Спецы сказали если повторится значит на замену коллектора попал.

  6. IMG_4230.JPG

    Причина в итоге оказалась в «клапане регулировки давления»

    audi_avant и Ганг нравится это.

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Иван 7(e65)


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  • 7 (F01) 730d 2011
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Отправлено 12 Август 2020 — 10:18

Добрый день! Может кто-то сталкивался с такой ошибкой… BMW F01 2011 года выпуска 3.0 дизель 40D (306лс), началось все с того что турбина переставала дуть на ходу, отпустишь газ, снова даёшь и она снова едет (не нужно было останавливаться глушить)! При этом ошибок на приборке и бортовом никаких нет! После нескольких таких раз, турбина больше неработает… Подключил компьютер, ошибка 244С00: регулировка давления наддува, ступень высокого давления, отклонение: слишком низкое давление наддува!!!!( Сняли турбины, с ними все впорядке… Поменял один актуатор (была порвана мембрана), НО машина не разгоняется как должна, очень сильно тупит… Патрубки все целые! Может кто-то сталкивался с такой проблемой????

  • Наверх




  • G11 740xd
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Отправлено 14 Август 2020 — 10:31

Регуляторы давления наддува. Оба поменять и все.

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  • Omega m57, 535dx F11 LCI
  • Minsk

Отправлено 16 Август 2020 — 08:02

Если вакуумные клапана и преобразователи  работают, то, возможно, дырки в впускном коллекторе (обычно в районе 4-6 цилиндров) или во впускном тракте, закрытие EGR. В аварийном режиме ограничивается крутящийся момент около 300нм.

Сообщение отредактировал sasha01: 16 Август 2020 — 08:12

  • Наверх


02-17-2020, 10:03 AM


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Drives: F30 XDrive 335d

Join Date: Mar 2017

Location: Newcastle upon Tyne

244C00 Charging Pressure Too Low

I have done some research following this one error that I am getting.

  • 244C00 — Charge-air pressure control, control deviation: charge-air pressure too low/positive control deviation

I took it to an indy who said that the Exhaust Pressure Sensor upstream of Turbo needs changing, and i got to this same stage in the test-plan using ISTA. It basically is not hitting the threshold consistently of 2500mbar and the difference between the charge being open and closed should be 1500mbar, and is sitting slightly lower than this. See graph attached:

View post on imgur.com

Vacuum pipes seem intact, intake seems to be OK, have tries changing MAP sensor, air filter and EPS before turbo with no luck.

Error is intermittent, happens under moderate acceleration, and usually clears itself from iDrive after a few miles when engine is warm. DTC still stored in error memory however. When fault is present, loss of power occurs, small turbo (?) not kicking in. My assumptions is that the pressure is not being held so it leads me to the pressure converters for the turbos. Any help would be greatly appreciated

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02-17-2020, 11:15 AM


Lieutenant Colonel

Drives: 328xd Wagon, M2 Competition

Join Date: Jun 2018

Location: Houston

Has the intake tract been pressure smoke tested for leaks? This should be done.


-2014 328d Wagon, 8HP. Self-tuned, 270hp/430ft-lbs.
-2019 M2 Competition MT, Alpine White. Self-tuned 560hp
-2016 Mini Cooper S, MT. Many plans.
-E36 328is. 2000 Z3 Roady. 2003 VW Jetta TDI Manual. Estoril Z3M Coupe.


02-17-2020, 11:35 AM


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Location: Newcastle upon Tyne


Originally Posted by Enabled
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Has the intake tract been pressure smoke tested for leaks? This should be done.

I have not yet done a smoke test, however, I conducted the Air Soot buildup (i think that is what it is called) test plan which shows calculated air vs actual and the graph indicated that there is not a major issue — will upload once i get a chance


02-17-2020, 12:12 PM



Drives: Diesel

Join Date: Sep 2015

Location: US

Are you thinking the pressure sensor is at the correct pressure but reading incorrectly? Or that the pressure is too low and it is reading correctly?


02-17-2020, 12:24 PM


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Location: Newcastle upon Tyne


Originally Posted by AlpineX
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Are you thinking the pressure sensor is at the correct pressure but reading incorrectly? Or that the pressure is too low and it is reading correctly?

Taking into consideration that I have tried swapping the MAP and EGP sensor and the fault still persists suggests that the sensors are reading the correct value, so it�s pointing towards the pressure is actually too low.


02-17-2020, 12:45 PM



Drives: Diesel

Join Date: Sep 2015

Location: US

The pressure sensor upstream of the turbo is somewhat removed from charging pressure.
EGR not fully closing when it is supposed to? Did you reset adaptations of MAF? Any leakage in the pressure hose or connection to the EGP?
Or are you thinking there is not enough air pushing through the engine to reach the 2500 like a snowball effect?

What’s your mileage?


02-17-2020, 12:54 PM


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Drives: F30 XDrive 335d

Join Date: Mar 2017

Location: Newcastle upon Tyne

The exhaust pressure being too low will effectively lead to charging pressure being too low as it won�t have the optimum pressure to turn the exhaust turbine, or am I wrong in saying that? Yes I did reset adaptations when I replaced the MAP (not MAF). As you suggest, the pressure could be low due to either the EGR valve not closing or the wastegate not closing properly. Are both EGR valves and wastegate valves controlled via the vacuum system? Car seems to be getting enough air as if it wasn�t I�m sure I would be getting subsequent errors for the intake system. Currently on 70526 miles, it started very intermittent and now occurs every time I get into the car from cold, accelerating up to about 40mph and varies but usually about 2k rpm triggers the fault.

The EGP is attached to a hose, no visible leaks and I did prod it with a hanger to see if it was blocked but was all OK


02-17-2020, 01:12 PM



Drives: Diesel

Join Date: Sep 2015

Location: US

The pressure readings are operating normally when warm? EGR is utilized for rapid warm up in the older models, I assume same or similar for n57


02-17-2020, 02:04 PM


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Location: Newcastle upon Tyne

I�m not sure about readings whilst it�s warm — ie driving, but after driving a short while it seem to hit the EGP threshold limit of 2500mbar, however the difference when the car is not under load does not hit the 1500mbar difference level by about 200mbar and states �Not OK� and ends the test plan there

Also when completely warm the drivetrain error will rarely come back until I let the car rest for a bit then drive again, it will intermittently come on which goes away with a few ignition cycles or driven a few miles

Last edited by zaynn786; 02-17-2020 at 02:13 PM..


02-23-2020, 05:00 AM


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Location: Newcastle upon Tyne


Originally Posted by AlpineX
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The pressure readings are operating normally when warm? EGR is utilized for rapid warm up in the older models, I assume same or similar for n57

Bimmerlink has updated its iOS app to show EGP before turbo which is helpful however i now have another code showing error for the actual EGP. Does anyone know what the calculated pressure should be?

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04-17-2020, 07:38 AM


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Location: Newcastle upon Tyne

Bump, anyone have any data for the EGP Sensor?


04-17-2020, 11:24 AM


First Lieutenant


Drives: 2018 BMW 328d

Join Date: Dec 2017

Location: MS

I will try to see if I have EGP sensor available in the app I use this afternoon. The boost pressures are about right, mine are at 100 kPa (1 bar) at idle. They increase significantly with greater acceleration. But I know exhaust pressure is what you’re looking for, if I have it, I will graph it and get it to you on same graph with RPMs.


04-17-2020, 11:29 AM


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Drives: F30 XDrive 335d

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Location: Newcastle upon Tyne


Originally Posted by eugene89us
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I will try to see if I have EGP sensor available in the app I use this afternoon. The boost pressures are about right, mine are at 100 kPa (1 bar) at idle. They increase significantly with greater acceleration. But I know exhaust pressure is what you’re looking for, if I have it, I will graph it and get it to you on same graph with RPMs.

Thank you, much appreciated. The boost pressure seems to be ok till about 1.6bar, beyond this it struggles to reach anything above 2.0bar. However the EGP is a new error and just needed some good readings to compare against.


04-17-2020, 06:03 PM


First Lieutenant


Drives: 2018 BMW 328d

Join Date: Dec 2017

Location: MS

Well, the only exhaust pressure sensor I have available in the app I use is Exhaust Pressure Sensor Bank 1. It reports results in kPa which are tremendously low. What I think I will try to do is connect my laptop to the car to cross reference the sensor. I think the app reports the exhaust pressure in ba over barometric pressure. The barometric pressure sensor reported ambient pressure at exactly 100kPa or 1 bar.

Does it make sense for the pressure to be 1.45 bar at idle 780 RPM and rise to 1.95 bar at its highest at around 2400 RPM?

Edit: The app really reduces image size. I uploaded original here https://ibb.co/kG7Mvds

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04-20-2020, 06:34 AM


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Drives: F30 XDrive 335d

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Location: Newcastle upon Tyne


Originally Posted by eugene89us
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Well, the only exhaust pressure sensor I have available in the app I use is Exhaust Pressure Sensor Bank 1. It reports results in kPa which are tremendously low. What I think I will try to do is connect my laptop to the car to cross reference the sensor. I think the app reports the exhaust pressure in ba over barometric pressure. The barometric pressure sensor reported ambient pressure at exactly 100kPa or 1 bar.

Does it make sense for the pressure to be 1.45 bar at idle 780 RPM and rise to 1.95 bar at its highest at around 2400 RPM?

Edit: The app really reduces image size. I uploaded original here https://ibb.co/kG7Mvds

Which app do you use? Do you have a 335d also. I think your values are correct


04-20-2020, 07:09 AM


First Lieutenant


Drives: 2018 BMW 328d

Join Date: Dec 2017

Location: MS


Originally Posted by zaynn786
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Originally Posted by eugene89us
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Well, the only exhaust pressure sensor I have available in the app I use is Exhaust Pressure Sensor Bank 1. It reports results in kPa which are tremendously low. What I think I will try to do is connect my laptop to the car to cross reference the sensor. I think the app reports the exhaust pressure in ba over barometric pressure. The barometric pressure sensor reported ambient pressure at exactly 100kPa or 1 bar.

Does it make sense for the pressure to be 1.45 bar at idle 780 RPM and rise to 1.95 bar at its highest at around 2400 RPM?

Edit: The app really reduces image size. I uploaded original here https://ibb.co/kG7Mvds

Which app do you use? Do you have a 335d also. I think your values are correct

I use Car Scanner ELM OBD2, it is available for both iPhone and Android, as far as I can tell. I have Android, so Bimmerlink is not available. The one I use is free with certain limits, but all sensors are accessible in free app to view.

I have 328d with 4 cyl N47T engine.


04-22-2020, 09:47 PM


First Lieutenant


Drives: 2018 BMW 328d

Join Date: Dec 2017

Location: MS

More data with Bimmerlink this time. I have RPM close to idle coming to a stop 1.08 bar, cruising at highway speeds 1.32 bar, and lastly quickly accelerating up to 3.57 bar. That is Exhaust Pressure before turbo.


04-23-2020, 08:48 AM


First Lieutenant


Drives: 2018 BMW 328d

Join Date: Dec 2017

Location: MS

Another set of data points from this morning — rainy day, so did not take any screenshots. However, to compare boost pressure to EGP:

In my N47, EGPs are ALWAYS higher than boost pressures, but not significantly. Variation is usually EGP 0.05-0.1 bar higher than boost pressures. Boost pressures respond in the same way as EGP to «throttle» — very comparable graphs with no noticeable deviation. Boost pressures read around 1.02 bar at idle, 1.2 bar cruising at 70 mph, and 3.4 bar when giving throttle for quick 60mph to 70mph highway acceleration. So I would imagine your boost and EGP should respond in the same way and should rise well over 2bar on quick acceleration. Hope this helps. Let me know if you need any more data points, I realize we have different engines, but maybe this helps to pinpoint the issue.


04-27-2020, 12:19 PM


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Drives: F30 XDrive 335d

Join Date: Mar 2017

Location: Newcastle upon Tyne


Originally Posted by eugene89us
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Another set of data points from this morning — rainy day, so did not take any screenshots. However, to compare boost pressure to EGP:

In my N47, EGPs are ALWAYS higher than boost pressures, but not significantly. Variation is usually EGP 0.05-0.1 bar higher than boost pressures. Boost pressures respond in the same way as EGP to «throttle» — very comparable graphs with no noticeable deviation. Boost pressures read around 1.02 bar at idle, 1.2 bar cruising at 70 mph, and 3.4 bar when giving throttle for quick 60mph to 70mph highway acceleration. So I would imagine your boost and EGP should respond in the same way and should rise well over 2bar on quick acceleration. Hope this helps. Let me know if you need any more data points, I realize we have different engines, but maybe this helps to pinpoint the issue.

Thanks for your help — I managed to get it sorted. It was the pressure converter for the turbo bypass valve. Was not functioning correctly so boost pressure was leaking through this and in turn would not hit the desired exhaust pressure either.


04-27-2020, 03:45 PM


First Lieutenant


Drives: 2018 BMW 328d

Join Date: Dec 2017

Location: MS


Originally Posted by zaynn786
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Originally Posted by eugene89us
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Another set of data points from this morning — rainy day, so did not take any screenshots. However, to compare boost pressure to EGP:

In my N47, EGPs are ALWAYS higher than boost pressures, but not significantly. Variation is usually EGP 0.05-0.1 bar higher than boost pressures. Boost pressures respond in the same way as EGP to «throttle» — very comparable graphs with no noticeable deviation. Boost pressures read around 1.02 bar at idle, 1.2 bar cruising at 70 mph, and 3.4 bar when giving throttle for quick 60mph to 70mph highway acceleration. So I would imagine your boost and EGP should respond in the same way and should rise well over 2bar on quick acceleration. Hope this helps. Let me know if you need any more data points, I realize we have different engines, but maybe this helps to pinpoint the issue.

Thanks for your help — I managed to get it sorted. It was the pressure converter for the turbo bypass valve. Was not functioning correctly so boost pressure was leaking through this and in turn would not hit the desired exhaust pressure either.

Great news. Appreciate the update!


05-06-2020, 08:52 AM



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@Zynn786 and eugene89us — Thanks for posting this, I have been getting this exact same thing for years now in my 535D, never really caused much of a problem so left it alone as the list of possible causes was large! I just got fed up with it again and happened on your post which will be great for helping me investigate.


10-16-2020, 01:09 PM


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Drives: F30 XDrive 335d

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Location: Newcastle upon Tyne

Problem got fixed in April, and has returned with the same codes, charging pressure too low and EGP deviation. Changed pressure converter for one turbo wastegate, I suspect the other turbo is now exhibiting the same problem. Will update as I go

Сброс ошибки для BMW X5 осуществляется следующим образом. Сброс ошибок двигателя на автомобилях БМВ различен в зависимости от года, в котором был произведен автомобиль. Изначально мы рекомендуем Вам лучше проконсультироваться у хорошего диагнозизста. Если допустить ошибку, то можно запустить каскадный сбой в модуле управления и вообще не запустить двигатель. Для моделей до 1987 года для сброса замыкается 1 и 7 контакт. Для моделей до 1999 года замыкается 1-7 или 7-19. После этого поворачиваем ключ зажигания в положение 2 и ждем 15 секунд. Запускаем автомобиль и вытаскиваем перемычку. Модели после 1999 года сбрасываются путем нажатия кнопки сброса суточного пробега. Современные модели имеют встроенную систему диагностики и сбрасывают ошибки через интерактивное меню системы. На таких автомобилях мы особенно не советуем самостоятельно пытаться как-либо по иному сбросить неисправность. Система безопасности может расценить это как взлом и заблокировать двигатель.

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02-17-2020, 09:03 AM


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244C00 Charging Pressure Too Low

I have done some research following this one error that I am getting.

  • 244C00 — Charge-air pressure control, control deviation: charge-air pressure too low/positive control deviation

I took it to an indy who said that the Exhaust Pressure Sensor upstream of Turbo needs changing, and i got to this same stage in the test-plan using ISTA. It basically is not hitting the threshold consistently of 2500mbar and the difference between the charge being open and closed should be 1500mbar, and is sitting slightly lower than this. See graph attached:

View post on imgur.com

Vacuum pipes seem intact, intake seems to be OK, have tries changing MAP sensor, air filter and EPS before turbo with no luck.

Error is intermittent, happens under moderate acceleration, and usually clears itself from iDrive after a few miles when engine is warm. DTC still stored in error memory however. When fault is present, loss of power occurs, small turbo (?) not kicking in. My assumptions is that the pressure is not being held so it leads me to the pressure converters for the turbos. Any help would be greatly appreciated

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02-17-2020, 10:15 AM


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Has the intake tract been pressure smoke tested for leaks? This should be done.


-2014 328d Wagon, 8HP. Self-tuned, 270hp/430ft-lbs.
-2019 M2 Competition MT, Alpine White. Self-tuned 560hp
-2016 Mini Cooper S, MT. Many plans.
-E36 328is. 2000 Z3 Roady. 2003 VW Jetta TDI Manual. Estoril Z3M Coupe.


02-17-2020, 10:35 AM


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Originally Posted by Enabled
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Has the intake tract been pressure smoke tested for leaks? This should be done.

I have not yet done a smoke test, however, I conducted the Air Soot buildup (i think that is what it is called) test plan which shows calculated air vs actual and the graph indicated that there is not a major issue — will upload once i get a chance


02-17-2020, 11:12 AM



Drives: Diesel

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Are you thinking the pressure sensor is at the correct pressure but reading incorrectly? Or that the pressure is too low and it is reading correctly?


02-17-2020, 11:24 AM


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Originally Posted by AlpineX
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Are you thinking the pressure sensor is at the correct pressure but reading incorrectly? Or that the pressure is too low and it is reading correctly?

Taking into consideration that I have tried swapping the MAP and EGP sensor and the fault still persists suggests that the sensors are reading the correct value, so it�s pointing towards the pressure is actually too low.


02-17-2020, 11:45 AM



Drives: Diesel

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Location: US

The pressure sensor upstream of the turbo is somewhat removed from charging pressure.
EGR not fully closing when it is supposed to? Did you reset adaptations of MAF? Any leakage in the pressure hose or connection to the EGP?
Or are you thinking there is not enough air pushing through the engine to reach the 2500 like a snowball effect?

What’s your mileage?


02-17-2020, 11:54 AM


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The exhaust pressure being too low will effectively lead to charging pressure being too low as it won�t have the optimum pressure to turn the exhaust turbine, or am I wrong in saying that? Yes I did reset adaptations when I replaced the MAP (not MAF). As you suggest, the pressure could be low due to either the EGR valve not closing or the wastegate not closing properly. Are both EGR valves and wastegate valves controlled via the vacuum system? Car seems to be getting enough air as if it wasn�t I�m sure I would be getting subsequent errors for the intake system. Currently on 70526 miles, it started very intermittent and now occurs every time I get into the car from cold, accelerating up to about 40mph and varies but usually about 2k rpm triggers the fault.

The EGP is attached to a hose, no visible leaks and I did prod it with a hanger to see if it was blocked but was all OK


02-17-2020, 12:12 PM



Drives: Diesel

Join Date: Sep 2015

Location: US

The pressure readings are operating normally when warm? EGR is utilized for rapid warm up in the older models, I assume same or similar for n57


02-17-2020, 01:04 PM


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I�m not sure about readings whilst it�s warm — ie driving, but after driving a short while it seem to hit the EGP threshold limit of 2500mbar, however the difference when the car is not under load does not hit the 1500mbar difference level by about 200mbar and states �Not OK� and ends the test plan there

Also when completely warm the drivetrain error will rarely come back until I let the car rest for a bit then drive again, it will intermittently come on which goes away with a few ignition cycles or driven a few miles

Last edited by zaynn786; 02-17-2020 at 01:13 PM..


02-23-2020, 04:00 AM


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Originally Posted by AlpineX
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The pressure readings are operating normally when warm? EGR is utilized for rapid warm up in the older models, I assume same or similar for n57

Bimmerlink has updated its iOS app to show EGP before turbo which is helpful however i now have another code showing error for the actual EGP. Does anyone know what the calculated pressure should be?

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04-17-2020, 06:38 AM


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Bump, anyone have any data for the EGP Sensor?


04-17-2020, 10:24 AM


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I will try to see if I have EGP sensor available in the app I use this afternoon. The boost pressures are about right, mine are at 100 kPa (1 bar) at idle. They increase significantly with greater acceleration. But I know exhaust pressure is what you’re looking for, if I have it, I will graph it and get it to you on same graph with RPMs.


04-17-2020, 10:29 AM


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Originally Posted by eugene89us
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I will try to see if I have EGP sensor available in the app I use this afternoon. The boost pressures are about right, mine are at 100 kPa (1 bar) at idle. They increase significantly with greater acceleration. But I know exhaust pressure is what you’re looking for, if I have it, I will graph it and get it to you on same graph with RPMs.

Thank you, much appreciated. The boost pressure seems to be ok till about 1.6bar, beyond this it struggles to reach anything above 2.0bar. However the EGP is a new error and just needed some good readings to compare against.


04-17-2020, 05:03 PM


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Location: MS

Well, the only exhaust pressure sensor I have available in the app I use is Exhaust Pressure Sensor Bank 1. It reports results in kPa which are tremendously low. What I think I will try to do is connect my laptop to the car to cross reference the sensor. I think the app reports the exhaust pressure in ba over barometric pressure. The barometric pressure sensor reported ambient pressure at exactly 100kPa or 1 bar.

Does it make sense for the pressure to be 1.45 bar at idle 780 RPM and rise to 1.95 bar at its highest at around 2400 RPM?

Edit: The app really reduces image size. I uploaded original here https://ibb.co/kG7Mvds

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04-20-2020, 05:34 AM


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Originally Posted by eugene89us
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Well, the only exhaust pressure sensor I have available in the app I use is Exhaust Pressure Sensor Bank 1. It reports results in kPa which are tremendously low. What I think I will try to do is connect my laptop to the car to cross reference the sensor. I think the app reports the exhaust pressure in ba over barometric pressure. The barometric pressure sensor reported ambient pressure at exactly 100kPa or 1 bar.

Does it make sense for the pressure to be 1.45 bar at idle 780 RPM and rise to 1.95 bar at its highest at around 2400 RPM?

Edit: The app really reduces image size. I uploaded original here https://ibb.co/kG7Mvds

Which app do you use? Do you have a 335d also. I think your values are correct


04-20-2020, 06:09 AM


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Drives: 2018 BMW 328d

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Location: MS


Originally Posted by zaynn786
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Originally Posted by eugene89us
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Well, the only exhaust pressure sensor I have available in the app I use is Exhaust Pressure Sensor Bank 1. It reports results in kPa which are tremendously low. What I think I will try to do is connect my laptop to the car to cross reference the sensor. I think the app reports the exhaust pressure in ba over barometric pressure. The barometric pressure sensor reported ambient pressure at exactly 100kPa or 1 bar.

Does it make sense for the pressure to be 1.45 bar at idle 780 RPM and rise to 1.95 bar at its highest at around 2400 RPM?

Edit: The app really reduces image size. I uploaded original here https://ibb.co/kG7Mvds

Which app do you use? Do you have a 335d also. I think your values are correct

I use Car Scanner ELM OBD2, it is available for both iPhone and Android, as far as I can tell. I have Android, so Bimmerlink is not available. The one I use is free with certain limits, but all sensors are accessible in free app to view.

I have 328d with 4 cyl N47T engine.


04-22-2020, 08:47 PM


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More data with Bimmerlink this time. I have RPM close to idle coming to a stop 1.08 bar, cruising at highway speeds 1.32 bar, and lastly quickly accelerating up to 3.57 bar. That is Exhaust Pressure before turbo.


04-23-2020, 07:48 AM


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Another set of data points from this morning — rainy day, so did not take any screenshots. However, to compare boost pressure to EGP:

In my N47, EGPs are ALWAYS higher than boost pressures, but not significantly. Variation is usually EGP 0.05-0.1 bar higher than boost pressures. Boost pressures respond in the same way as EGP to «throttle» — very comparable graphs with no noticeable deviation. Boost pressures read around 1.02 bar at idle, 1.2 bar cruising at 70 mph, and 3.4 bar when giving throttle for quick 60mph to 70mph highway acceleration. So I would imagine your boost and EGP should respond in the same way and should rise well over 2bar on quick acceleration. Hope this helps. Let me know if you need any more data points, I realize we have different engines, but maybe this helps to pinpoint the issue.


04-27-2020, 11:19 AM


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Originally Posted by eugene89us
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Another set of data points from this morning — rainy day, so did not take any screenshots. However, to compare boost pressure to EGP:

In my N47, EGPs are ALWAYS higher than boost pressures, but not significantly. Variation is usually EGP 0.05-0.1 bar higher than boost pressures. Boost pressures respond in the same way as EGP to «throttle» — very comparable graphs with no noticeable deviation. Boost pressures read around 1.02 bar at idle, 1.2 bar cruising at 70 mph, and 3.4 bar when giving throttle for quick 60mph to 70mph highway acceleration. So I would imagine your boost and EGP should respond in the same way and should rise well over 2bar on quick acceleration. Hope this helps. Let me know if you need any more data points, I realize we have different engines, but maybe this helps to pinpoint the issue.

Thanks for your help — I managed to get it sorted. It was the pressure converter for the turbo bypass valve. Was not functioning correctly so boost pressure was leaking through this and in turn would not hit the desired exhaust pressure either.


04-27-2020, 02:45 PM


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Originally Posted by zaynn786
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Originally Posted by eugene89us
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Another set of data points from this morning — rainy day, so did not take any screenshots. However, to compare boost pressure to EGP:

In my N47, EGPs are ALWAYS higher than boost pressures, but not significantly. Variation is usually EGP 0.05-0.1 bar higher than boost pressures. Boost pressures respond in the same way as EGP to «throttle» — very comparable graphs with no noticeable deviation. Boost pressures read around 1.02 bar at idle, 1.2 bar cruising at 70 mph, and 3.4 bar when giving throttle for quick 60mph to 70mph highway acceleration. So I would imagine your boost and EGP should respond in the same way and should rise well over 2bar on quick acceleration. Hope this helps. Let me know if you need any more data points, I realize we have different engines, but maybe this helps to pinpoint the issue.

Thanks for your help — I managed to get it sorted. It was the pressure converter for the turbo bypass valve. Was not functioning correctly so boost pressure was leaking through this and in turn would not hit the desired exhaust pressure either.

Great news. Appreciate the update!


05-06-2020, 07:52 AM



Drives: F33 420D F11 535D

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Location: UK

@Zynn786 and eugene89us — Thanks for posting this, I have been getting this exact same thing for years now in my 535D, never really caused much of a problem so left it alone as the list of possible causes was large! I just got fed up with it again and happened on your post which will be great for helping me investigate.


10-16-2020, 12:09 PM


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Drives: F30 XDrive 335d

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Location: Newcastle upon Tyne

Problem got fixed in April, and has returned with the same codes, charging pressure too low and EGP deviation. Changed pressure converter for one turbo wastegate, I suspect the other turbo is now exhibiting the same problem. Will update as I go


Иван 7(e65)


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Отправлено 12 Август 2020 — 10:18

Добрый день! Может кто-то сталкивался с такой ошибкой… BMW F01 2011 года выпуска 3.0 дизель 40D (306лс), началось все с того что турбина переставала дуть на ходу, отпустишь газ, снова даёшь и она снова едет (не нужно было останавливаться глушить)! При этом ошибок на приборке и бортовом никаких нет! После нескольких таких раз, турбина больше неработает… Подключил компьютер, ошибка 244С00: регулировка давления наддува, ступень высокого давления, отклонение: слишком низкое давление наддува!!!!( Сняли турбины, с ними все впорядке… Поменял один актуатор (была порвана мембрана), НО машина не разгоняется как должна, очень сильно тупит… Патрубки все целые! Может кто-то сталкивался с такой проблемой????

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Отправлено 14 Август 2020 — 10:31

Регуляторы давления наддува. Оба поменять и все.

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  • Omega m57, 535dx F11 LCI
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Отправлено 16 Август 2020 — 08:02

Если вакуумные клапана и преобразователи  работают, то, возможно, дырки в впускном коллекторе (обычно в районе 4-6 цилиндров) или во впускном тракте, закрытие EGR. В аварийном режиме ограничивается крутящийся момент около 300нм.

Сообщение отредактировал sasha01: 16 Август 2020 — 08:12

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