Ошибка 2202 на телефоне

Вход в личный кабинет Сбербанка обычно осуществляется через приложение, установленное на устройство. Такой способ зайти легок и быстр, нежели использовать официальный веб-сайт, где нет некоторых функций. Переходя на сайты банков, многие клиенты часто могут столкнуться с различными сбоями.

Код ошибки Сбербанка онлайн 20-01, 20-02 и другие, возникают довольно часто. Основная причина данной неисправности – плохое соединение или его отсутствие при работе. Для решения нужно лишь наладить хорошую связь с интернет-сетью. Однако существую случаи, когда такое действие не помогает. Сбербанк: код ошибки 20-02, что значит и как исправить? Подробнее об этом разберем в статье ниже.

Почему возникают подобные сбои?

В приложении Сбербанка код ошибки 20-02 – обычное дело. Причины возникновения подобных неполадок можно поделить на три вида: неисправности, исходящие со стороны банка, неисправность с устройством (как ограничения настроек, не разрешающих работу Сбербанка, так и внешних параметров – поломок антенн и других деталей телефона) и неполадки с подключением. В большинстве своём у посетителя плохое соединение с Wi-Fi или мобильным интернетом.

Но есть и иные причины, по которым может не работать приложение:

  • Программа антивируса блокирует доступ к сайту.
  • Отсутствуют деньги на счету или их очень мало.
  • Клиент не обновляет приложение Сбербанка. Часто при использовании старой версии действия программы ограничиваются.
  • Системная регулировка телефона сбилась.
  • Возникли сбои на сервере.

Как решить кодовую ошибку в Сбербанке?

Проверьте наладку телефона. Посмотрите, не сбилась ли она. Если вы не видите проблемы, то попробуйте сбросить авторские настройки и включить заводские. Помимо этого, обратите внимание на правильность времени и дат, проблема может крыться в них.

Узнайте сумму, лежащую у вас на счету. Если баланс минусовой или на нём менее 20 рублей – пополните счёт и перезагрузите страницу.

Ограничьте работу VPN, часто из-за особенностей регулировки страдает работа программы банка.

Проверьте регулировку антивируса, уберите некоторые ограничения или выберите другое приложение, которое не будет запрещать работу Сбербанка.

Очистите кэш и историю телефона. Сбои могут возникать из-за перегрузки памяти.

Установите новое обновление Сбербанка и попробуйте выйти с его помощью. Компании порой специально ограничивают функции, чтобы перевести клиентов на обновленные версии приложений.

Если абонент находится в закрытом помещении: лифте, подвале, метро или вовсе вне города – нарушится соединение с интернетом, что станет причиной ошибок. Прежде чем проделывать манипуляции, описанные сверху, перезагрузите подключение. Попробуйте (если есть возможность), отключиться от Wi-Fi и присоединиться к мобильной сети, и наоборот. Проверьте кабеля роутера, если работаете с него, и перезапустите его.

Для запуска Сбербанка не нужно много трафика, но всё же при возникновении багов смените место и обновите страницу. Если вы роняли телефон или на него попадала влага – это также может стать причиной плохой связи, если повреждены запчасти устройства. Не пытайтесь чинить девайс, если не обладаете специальными навыками. Доверьте его профессионалам.

Когда возникают неполадки с самим сервером, то переживать не стоит. Подождите некоторое время и снова попробуйте зайти на свою страницу. Посетитель в таком случае не имеет власти над этим, ибо причина исходит не от его стороны. Если ни один способ не помог, то обратитесь к специалисту связи или напишите в службу поддержки банка через другое устройство.

Здравствуйте, народ нужна помощь…
Еще с зимы начала вылетать ошибка «Р2202 » Heating of the NOx sensor. Availability time too long — лексия (или FAP) выдает что то вроде «датчик долго отвечает на запрос».

Фото в бортжурнале Citroen Grand C4 Picasso (2G)

Причем ошибка не постоянная — после сброса может выскочить через день, может сразу, а может и неделю не проявляться. Изменения в работе машины я, если честно, не заметил… может что то не учитываю или не замечаю… хз… Но честно говоря напрягает.
Но так как с погодой в этом году как то не заладилось, то осмотр решил отложить до времени проведения планового ТО — и вот этот час настал.
По предварительным данным этот чудо датчик (лямбда не лямбда — хрен его знает…) вкручен в выхлопную трубу после сажевика.

Фото в бортжурнале Citroen Grand C4 Picasso (2G)Фото в бортжурнале Citroen Grand C4 Picasso (2G)Фото в бортжурнале Citroen Grand C4 Picasso (2G)Фото в бортжурнале Citroen Grand C4 Picasso (2G)Фото в бортжурнале Citroen Grand C4 Picasso (2G)

Визуально проверил разъем — чистенький, следов коррозии и окисления нет.
Выкрутить сам датчик не смог — прикипел намертво, греть горелкой не стал чтобы не убить его.
Вот теперь думаю что с ним делать. Просто попробовать заменить не получится: во первых он стоит как сбитый самолет (за б/у хотят 200-300 евродолларов), а во вторых в наличии он только на забугорных сайтах.
Вразумительно информации по решению проблемы так и не нашел — может проблема не в нем или решить можно как-то проще, или вообще забить — сбрасывать когда выскочит уже на приборку, или может как то можно через лексию откорректировать — буду рад любому совету.
Ситр вообще в плане электроники перенавороченая машина — был квест с заменой грм…
добрался до грм, а сделать это с двумя активными натяжителями ремня доп. оборудования ох как не просто… выставил все по меткам… заменил ролики/помпу/ремень… прокрутил… собрал все назад — завеласт с пол оборота и вылетела ошибка положения коленвала(епт…). Ну и сразу мысли — не попал по меткам, ухеркал датчик или проводку к нему — опять эпопея с собрать/разобрать — все вроде по меткам(да и машина нормально едет, круиз работает все вроде норм), датчик/проводка тоже вроде норм… все собрал — опять ошибка(сцуко).
Думал, может мишень для датчика повредил… опять разборка/сборка и обнаружение абсолютно целой и красивой мишеньки, ну тут руки опустились… И вот сижу я пункты в лексии перебираю и вижу в ремонте — замена коленвала (или распредвала — не помню), а думаю — «заменю» я коленвал и эта зараза переинициализировала датчики и все ушла ошибка, а сколько было потрачено времени, труда, нервов и пива это просто задница… вот и тут может как то решится без замены.
Б** сегодня еще такую картинку увидел…

Фото в бортжурнале Citroen Grand C4 Picasso (2G)

Пробег: 162 000 км

Note: This error code typically indicates the router or access point returned an error indicating an incorrect wireless password was used.

How do I fix error code 2110?

Possible Solutions:

  1. Restart the Nintendo Switch console. …
  2. Check to ensure the Nintendo Switch console has not been placed into flight mode. …
  3. Set up a new wireless internet connection. …
  4. Move the Nintendo Switch console closer to the wireless router. …
  5. Power cycle your home network.

What is error code 2110?

This error code typically indicates that the Nintendo Switch console was unable to detect a network which matches any of the saved networks within the Internet settings. If your wireless network is not found when searching, see The Nintendo Switch Console Cannot Find Your Wireless Network.

How do I fix my Nintendo Switch not connecting to the Internet?

Your Nintendo Switch Won’t Connect to the Internet? Here’s What to Do

  1. Restart Your Nintendo Switch. …
  2. Reboot Your Networking Equipment. …
  3. Make Sure Your Switch Is Not in Airplane Mode. …
  4. Review Your Switch’s Network Settings. …
  5. Check Nintendo’s Network Maintenance Page. …
  6. Install System and Game Updates. …
  7. Reduce Wi-Fi Interference.

Why is my Switch unable to obtain IP address?

Note. This error code indicates the Nintendo Switch console was unable to obtain an IP address from the network. This error may occur if the router’s DHCP server has been disabled, or if the router is not responding correctly.

Nintendo Switch ERROR CODE won’t connect to WiFi / Internet Connection HOW TO FIX!

How do I reset my IP address switch?

On the Nintendo Switch console

  1. From the Advanced Settings page of your network connection’s settings, select IP Address Settings.
  2. Select Manual. …
  3. Select IP Address and then hold down the B Button to delete the existing IP address (it defaults to zeros).

How do I enable IP on a switch?

Configure an IP address on a switch

  1. enter the VLAN 1 configuration mode with the interface vlan 1 global configuration command.
  2. assign an IP address with the ip address IP_ADDRESS SUBNET_MASK interface subcommand.
  3. enable the VLAN 1 interface with the no shutdown interface subcommand.

How can I play Switch without Internet?

If the software does not require an internet connection, you are most likely not using the primary console for the Nintendo Account that purchased the software. You can play without an internet connection by using the primary console instead or by making the system you are using the new primary console.

Can Nintendo Switch connect to 5GHz Wi-Fi?

Is 5GHz Wi-Fi supported? Yes, Nintendo Switch systems support both 2.4GHz and 5GHz Wi-Fi.

Why is my Wi-Fi unable to join?

Check to see if your router is unplugged or if the power is cut off — your solution may be as simple as restarting your router or plugging it back in. Check if your devices are trying to connect to a different network.

How do I clear my Wi-Fi error?

Press the Reset button on the back of the router with a paperclip for 30 seconds, and the router should default to factory settings. Use our guide to setting up a wireless router to get everything properly configured. If that’s no use, you may need to consider buying a new router.

What error is no Internet?

The Wi-Fi connected but no internet error message means that your device can connect to a local network (router or modem) but not with other systems like websites or servers. On Windows systems, the issue is shown by a small yellow warning triangle with a black exclamation point.

How can I fix network error?

Solved: Can’t Connect To This Network Error [14 Possible Fixes]

  1. Method 1: Forget Network.
  2. Method 2: Enable/Disable Airplane Mode.
  3. Method 3: Uninstall Network Adapter Driver.
  4. Method 4: Flush DNS and Renew/Reset IP.
  5. Method 5: Reset Network.
  6. Method 6: Run Network Troubleshooter.
  7. Method 7: Run Network Adapter Troubleshooter.

How do I connect my Switch to the Internet?

On the Nintendo Switch console, select Settings from the HOME Menu. Select Internet, and then Internet Settings. The Nintendo Switch will automatically search for near-by Wi-Fi signals. Select the appropriate network name (SSID) from the list.

Why won’t my Switch find my Wi-Fi?

Restarting your network devices may resolve this issue if it is related to the devices being unresponsive. Move any metal objects or electronic devices away from your Nintendo Switch console and wireless router. Metal objects and electronic devices may interfere with wireless signals.

Is 2.4 or 5 GHz better for Switch?

Range or Speed

If you want better range, use 2.4 GHz. If you need higher performance or speed, use the 5GHz band. The 5GHz band, which is the newer of the two, has the potential to cut through network clutter and interference to maximize network performance.

Is A Switch 2.4 GHz?

Yes, Nintendo Switch consoles support both 2.4GHz and 5GHz Wi-Fi.

What is 2.4 vs 5 Wi-Fi Switch?

A 2.4 GHz connection travels farther at lower speeds, while 5 GHz frequencies provide faster speeds at shorter range. Your choice of 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz will depend on where and how you use your WiFi connection most.

Do switches need wifi?

Nintendo Switch can connect online with a wireless connection or, when through use of a LAN adapter, a wired connection.

Can you play a switch on a plane?

Plug the USB-A end into the battery pack and then the USB-C end into your Nintendo Switch stand. The battery pack and a good part of the cable can then easily be stowed away in the pouch on the back of the seat in front of you. Don’t worry if you are flying at night.

Do switch games download without wifi?

Nintendo switch requires the internet to download games, but once you download the game then you dont need the internet. Internet is required for updates and if you want to play against others online.

How do I console a Cisco switch using PuTTY?

Let’s configure the switch:

  1. Download PuTTY.
  2. Connect the console cable to your Cisco router or switch.
  3. Run the downloaded putty.exe file.
  4. Using the PuTTY navigation, expand «Connection» then select «Serial.»
  5. Enter the port number inside the «Serial line to connect to» text box. …
  6. Next, we’ll configure the serial line.

How do I delete a VLAN on a Cisco switch?

To remove VLANs from a physical port, complete the following steps.

  1. From global configuration mode, enter interface Ethernet configuration mode. device(config)# interface ethernet 1/1/1.
  2. Enter the vlan-config remove all command to remove all VLANs from the Ethernet port.

How to create a VLAN on a Cisco switch?

To access VLAN database configuration mode, enter the vlan database privileged EXEC command. Then enter the vlan command with a new VLAN ID to create a VLAN, or enter an existing VLAN ID to modify the VLAN. You can use the default VLAN configuration (Table 12-2) or enter multiple commands to configure the VLAN.

Below is a long list of Kyocera error codes.  Some Kyocera printers can be reset by turning the machine power switch off and back on while some others activate “partial operation control” disabling the defective part/area of the machine (paper feed cassette, stapler, document processor etc). If a specific unit is not working, perform U906 after taking measures against the cause of trouble to reactivate the unit.

Error Code

Fax PWB Problem. Processing with fax software is disabled due to software or hardware issues.

Main PWB Type Mismatch Error.

Fax PWB Incompatability Detection Problem. Fax software is not compatible with main PWB software.

Main PWB EEPROM Backup Memory Device Problem. EEPROM can not be written or read.

Main PWB EEPROM Backup Memory Data Problem. Abnormal reading data from EEPROM.

Engine PWB EEPROM Backup Memory Device Problem. EEPROM cannot be written or read.

Engine PWB EEPROM Backup Memory Data Problem. Abnormal reading data from EEPROM. Read & write data do not match five times consecutively.

Copy Counts Problem. A checksum error is detected in the main and engine backup memories for copy counters.

Machine Number Mismatch Error. Machine number does not match on main and engine PWBs

Main PWB DIMM Installed Incorrectly.

Main PWB DIMM error

DMA transmission of compressed, decompressed, rotated, relocated, or blanked-out image data does not complete within a specified period of time.

Hard Disk Drive cannot be accessed

Optional CF backup is not suitable.

Image processing problem. JAM05 is detected twice.

Fax Flash ROM program area checksum error

Fax PWB to Main PWB high capacity data transfer problem.

Fax PWB program archive problem.

Fax backup data is not retained.

Cassette #1 Lift Motor error. Exceeds 12 seconds of operation or 500ms of overcurrent.

Cassette #2 Lift Motor error. Exceeds 12 seconds of operation or 500ms of overcurrent.

PF-700 optional cassette #3 lift motor error.

PF-700 optional cassette #4 lift motor error.

PF-750 (Left) Lift Motor 1 error. Exceeds 1 second overcurrent.

PF-750 (Right) Lift Motor 2 error. Exceeds 1 second overcurrent.

PF-750 (Left) Lift Motor 1 position problem. PF switch 2 remains off after 30 seconds of motor operation.

PF-750 (Right) Lift Motor 2 position problem. PF switch 1 remains off after 30 seconds of motor operation.

PF-700/PF-750 Communication Problem.

PF-700 EEPROM error. Write data & Read data are not in agreement three times consecutively.

Drive Motor Problem. Stable Off is detected exceeding 1 sec after motor stability. Stabilization is not detected with 6 sec of activation.

Main Charge Cleaner Motor error. Lock error is detected three times in a row during cleaner motor operation.

Paper Feed Motor error. Stable Off is detected exceeding 1 sec after motor stability. Stabilization is not detected within 6 seconds of activation.

PF-700 Drive Motor error. Lock signal exceeds 500ms.

PF-750 Paper Conveying Motor error. Lock signal exceeds 450ms.

Scanner Carriage Problem. Scanner home position is not detected at initialization or start of copying from contact glass.

Exposure Lamp Problem. Exposure lamp does not reach the input value threshold within 5 sec of commencing reading.

Exposure Lamp Problem. Exposure lamp does not exceed the input threshold value within 5 sec of commencing reading.

CCD AGC Problem. After AGC correct input is not obtained at the CCD.

CIS AGC Problem. After AGC correct input is not obtained at the CIS.

Communication Error Between Scanner and SHD.

Scanner PWB Backup Memory Read/Write Problem. Read & Write data does not match.

Scanner PWB Backup Memory Data Problem. Data in a specified area of the backup memory does not match the specified values.

Polygon Motor Synchronization Problem. Polygon motor does not stabilize speed within 20 sec of activation.

Polygon Motor Steady-State Problem. Stable Off is detected for 20 sec continuously after polygon motor stabilization.

BD Steady-State Problem. ASIC detects a Beam Detect error A for 2 sec after polygon motor stabilization.

Cleaning Lamp Broken Wire. While the cleaning lamp is On, the broken wire detection signal is detected for 2 sec continuously.

Fuser Heater Break. Thermistor1 detected less than 70C/158F for 10 sec during warmup & ready. Thermistor2 detected less than 40C/104F for 10 sec during warmup & ready. Temp at thermistor 1or 2 does not rise by at least 1C/1.8F within 5 sec.

Abnormally High Thermistor Temperature. Thermistor 1 or 2 is detected 250C/482F for 40ms or more.

Fixing Thermistor Break Error. Thermistor break signal is detected for 1 sec.

Abnormally Low Thermistor Temperature. Thermistor 1 is detected 80C/176F or less for 1 sec continuously during copying.

Zero-Cross Signal Error. While fuser heater On/Off control is performed, the zero-cross signal is not input within 3 sec.

Fuser Unit Connection Insertion Problem. Absence of fuser unit is detected.

Fuser Unit Fuse Cut Problem. The fuse has been cut 33 sec after the fuse cut signal is turned on.

Toner Container Problem. Toner level is not detected when toner empty is detected.

Developing Unit Connection Insertion Problem. Absence of the developing unit is detected.

Drum Unit Connection Insertion Problem. Absence of the drum unit is detected.

Broken External Thermistor Wire. Thermistor on the environmental sensor outputs 4.5v or more.

Short-Circuited External Thermistor. Thermistor input value is 0.5v or less.

Drum EEPROM Error. Reading or writing to the EEPROM cannot be performed.

Developing EEPROM Error. Reading or writing to the EEPROM cannot be performed.

DF-710 Punch Motor Problem. Punch motor lock signal is detected for 500ms or more during activation.

DF-730 Tray Upper Limit Detection Problem. When tray elevation motor raises a tray, the upper limit switch detects On condition.

DF-710 Paper Conveying Belt Motor 1 Error. Paper conveying belt home position sensor 1 does not turn Off within 1.5 sec. Paper conveying belt home position sensor 1 does not turn On within 2.5 sec. Jam 88.

DF-710 Paper Conveying Belt Motor 2 Error. Paper conveying belt home position sensor 2 does not turn Off within 1.5 sec. Paper conveying belt home position sensor 2 does not turn On within 2.5 sec.

DF-710 Internal Tray Communication Error. The connection is detected, but communication is not possible with the internal tray.

DF-710 Main Tray Problem. Main tray is not detected in not detected by main tray top limit detection sensor or main tray capacity detection sensor within 20 sec of ascending. Main tray upper limit detection sensor or main tray load detection sensor is not detected as Off within 20 sec of main tray descending. Main tray lower limit detection sensor is not detected as On within 20 sec of main tray descending. Main tray upper limit detection sensor or main tray load detection sensor remain on for 2 sec or more during main tray ascent.

DF-730 Tray Elevation Motor Problem. Tray lower limit sensor or surface view sensor cannot be detected within 10 sec.

DF-710 Side Registration Motor 1 Problem. During initial rotations home position is not detected within 3 sec. Jam 88.

DF-720 Front Side Registration Motor Problem. During initial rotations home position is not detected within 106 pulses. When the front side home position sensor is turned off during initialization, the sensor did not turn on within 3 sec.

DF-730 Adjustment Motor Problem. Adjustment motor home position motor is not detected within a specific time during activation.

DF-710 Side Registration Motor 2 Problem. During initial rotations home position is not detected within 3 sec. Jam 88.

DF-720 Rear Side Registration Motor Problem. During initial rotations home position is not detected within 106 pulses. When the rear side home position sensor is turned off during initialization, the sensor did not turn on within 3 sec.

DF-720 Trailing Edge Registration Motor Problem. During initial rotations home position is not detected within 106 pulses. When the trailing edge home position sensor is turned off during initialization, the sensor did not turn on within 3 sec.

DF-710 Stapler Moving Motor 1 Error. During initial rotations home position is not detected within 1.5 sec.

DF-720 Finisher Stapler Problem. Stapler home position sensor does not change state from non-detect to detect within 200ms of forward (CCW) rotation. During initial rotations stapler home position detection does not change state from non-detect to detect within 600ms of reverse (CW) rotation.

DF-730 Stapler Problem. Home position is not detected within a specific time of activation.

DF-710 Stapler Moving Motor 2 Error. During initial rotations home position is not detected within 3.5 sec.

DF-710 Stapler Motor Problem. Jam 82 is indicated.

BF-710 Centerfold Unit Communiation Error. Although the connection is detected, communication is not possible with the centerfold unit.

BF-710 Centerfold Side Registration Motor 1 Problem. During initial rotations home position is not detected within 1000ms.

BF-710 Centerfold Paper Conveying Belt Motor Problem. During initial rotations home position is not detected within 2500ms.

BF-710 Blade Motor Problem. During initial rotations home position is not detected within 1500ms.

BF-710 Centerfold Staple Motor Problem. Jam 89.

BF-710 Centerfold Side Registration Motor 2 Problem. During initial rotations home position is not detected within 1000ms.

BF-710 Centerfold Main Motor Problem. The motor lock signal is detected for more than 1000ms during activation.

DF-730 Sensor Adjusting Problem. The paper entry sensor cannot be adjusted within the specified range.

DF-730 EEPROM Problem. Reading to or writing from EEPROM cannot be performed.

MT-710 Communication Error. The connection is detected, but communication is not possible with the mailbox.

MT-710 Drive Motor Problem. The motor lock signal is detected for more than 500ms during activation.

DF-710 Communication Problem. No communication: there is no reply after (5) tries. Abnormal communication: a parity or checksum error is detected (5) times in succession.

DF-710 Backup Memory Data Problem. Read and write data does not match.

PH-5A Backup Memory Data Problem. Read and write data does not match.

MT-710 Backup Memory Data Problem. Read and write data does not match.

BF-710 Backup Memory Data Problem. Read and write data does not match.

DP-700 Communication Problem. A communication error is detected.

DP-700 Lift Motor Ascent Error. The DP lift upper limit switch is not detected within 10000 pulses. After a one time retry, the DP lift upper limit switch could not be turned On.

DP-700 Lift Motor Descent Error. The DP lift lower limit switch is not detected within 10000 pulses. After a one time retry, the DP lift lower limit switch could not be turned On.

DP-700 EEPROM Error. Read and write data does not match. Data in the specified area of the backup memory does not match the specified values.

DP-700 Communication Error between the DP and SHD. A communication error is detected.

DP-700 Communication Error between the DP and CIS. Reading cannot be performed correctly.

Operation Panel PWB Communication Error/System Error. Unknown error. Communication error between panel and main controller. (If CF620 occurred and is left, CF000 also occurred because of timeout control.

Main PWB Checksum Error/System Error. Communication error between panel and main controller.

Memory Checksum Error/Operation System Error.

Main PWB System Error.

Engine PWB Communication Error.

Scanner PWB Communication Error.

Engine ROM Checksum Error.

Engine RAM Error.

Flash ROM Error. Defective flash ROM (which?).

Flash ROM Error (during download). Defective flash ROM (which?).

Fax System M Communication Error.

Power Source Secondary Side Error/Operation System Error. The operation decomes unstable after recovering the power supply fail (brownout or power drop). Wall voltage is unstable or the main power supply switch was turned OFF/ON within 1 sec.

Fax System M IOBL error or KUIOLIB error. Poor contact at the fax card card due to mis-installation.

Fax System M IOBL error or KUIOLIB error. Poor contact at the fax card card due to mis-installation.

Print System Other Errors. Bug of v.2.03B has been fixed by v. 2.04A (Booklet > Booklet Print).


Fax System M Error. Wrong data or value detected when the following function is used. Or poor contact at fax card due to mis-installation.

Fax System M Error. The IF error detects during system authentication from ACT_Account_Manager. Or poor contact at fax card due to mis-installation.

CF433 CF434 CF437 CF43F CF441 CF444 CF445 CF451
HDD Image Process Error. Destruction of stored jobs on the HDD. It may occur when selecting the keys for calling stored copy or scanner job from a custom box.

CF45F CF453 CF454 CF45F CF460 CF463 CF46F CF470
HDD Image Process Error. Destruction of stored jobs on the HDD. It may occur when selecting the keys for calling stored copy or scanner job from a custom box.

CF473 CF47F CF484 CF487 CF48F CF490 CF493 CF494
HDD Image Process Error. Destruction of stored jobs on the HDD. It may occur when selecting the keys for calling stored copy or scanner job from a custom box.


System Start Error.

System Error. Error acquiring the event data. Panel detects CF000 as same error.

System Error. Error acquiring the event data. Panel detects CF000 as same error. Unable to Load Files To CF Card.

Readout Error of SSL (authentication data).

HDD Error.

Panel Error. NetFont error. Communication error between panel and main controller during initialization or rejection of communication by controller during initialization. Blue Screen of Death.

Incompatible Level Of Firmware on Main EEPROM.

Corrupt Firmware on Main EEPROM.

Panel Error. Timeout request for start up command. Start command hasn’t been received. Possible destruction of system file in HDD. Cannot enter maintenance mode. Blue Screen of Death.

Panel Error. Detects disconnection with controller. Possible overdrive of control board or destruction of system file in HDD. Cannot enter maintenance mode. Blue Screen of Death.

Operation Panel PWB Communication Error.

Main PWB Checksum Error.

Memory Checksum Error.

Main PWB System Error.

Engine PWB Communication Error.

Scanner PWB Communication Error.

Engine ROM Checksum Error.

Engine RAM Error.

Flash ROM Error.

Flash ROM Error (during download).

Fax Control PWB Communication Error.

Power Source PWB Second Side Error.

E00000 or U00000
Fax Communication Error: No response or line busy after the set number of redials.

E00100 or U00100
Fax Communication Error: Transmission was interruped by a press of the Stop/Clear key.

E00200 or U00200
Fax Communication Error: Reception was interrupted by a press of the Stop/Clear key.

E00300 or U00300
Fax Communication Error: Recording paper on the destination unit has run out during reception.

E00420 or U00420
Fax Communication Error: A relay request was received from the host center but interrupted because of a mismatch in permit ID or telephone number.

E00421 or U00421
Fax Communication Error: Subaddress-based relay reception was interrupted because of a mismatch in the specified subaddress relay box number.

E00430 or U00430
Fax Communication Error: Polling request (confidential or reverse polling) was received but interrupted because of a mismatch in the permit number.

E00430 or U00430
Fax Communication Error: Subaddress-based bulletin board transmission was interrupted because of a mismatch in the permit ID of the transmitting unit.

E00431 or U00431
Fax Communication Error: Confidential polling transmission was interrupted because the specified confidential box number was not registered.

E00431 or U00431
Fax Communication Error: A subaddress-based bulletin board transmission was interrupted because the specified subaddress confidential box was not registered.

E00432 or U00432
Fax Communication Error: Confidential polling transmission was interrupted because of a mismatch in the confidential box ID number.

E00432 or U00432
Fax Communication Error: A subaddress-based bulletin board transmission was interrupted because of a mismatch in the subaddress confidential box number.

E00433 or U00433
Fax Communication Error: Confidential polling request was received but data was not present in the confidential box.

E00433 or U00433
Fax Communication Error: Subaddress-based bulletin board transmission request was received but data was not present in the subaddress confidential box.

E00434 or U00434
Fax Communication Error: Confidential polling request was received but interrupted because the specified confidential box number was intended for encryption.

E00435 or U00435
Fax Communication Error: Confidential polling request was received but interrupted because the specified confidential box was being accessed.

E00435 or U00435
Fax Communication Error: Subaddress-based bulletin board transmission request was received but interrupted because the specific subaddress confidential box was being accessed.

E00440 or U00440
Fax Communication Error: Confidential reception was interrupted because the specified confidential box number was not registered.

E00440 or U00440
Fax Communication Error: Subaddress-based confidential reception or subaddress-based relay reception was interrupted because the specific subaddress box was not registered.

E00440 or U00440
Fax Communication Error: Subaddress-based confidential reception or subaddress-based relay command reception was interrupted because the specific subaddress box number was being accessed.

E00441 or U00441
Fax Communication Error: Confidential reception was interrupted because the specified confidential box number was intended for encryption.

E00450 or U00450
Fax Communication Error: The destination transmitter disconnected because the permit IDs did not agree while the destination transitter is in password-check transmission or restricted transmission.

E00460 or U00460
Fax Communication Error: Encrypted reception was interrupted because the specified encryption box number was not registered.

E00460 or U00460
Fax Communication Error: Ecrypted reception request was received but interrupted because the specified encryption box was being accessed.

E00462 or U00462
Fax Communication Error: Ecryption reception was interrupted because the encryption key for the specified encryption box was not registered.

E00500 or U00500
Fax Communication Error: Multiple communication was interrupted and the call was not made on destination units after interruption.

E00600 or U00600
Fax Communication Error: The document processor cover is open.

E00601 or U00601
Fax Communication Error: Document jam or the document length exceeds the maximum.

E00602 or U00602
Fax Communication Error: Image scanning section problem

E00603 or U00603
Fax Communication Error: No document feed.

E00604 or U00604
Fax Communication Error: Document length exceeded the limit of the bitmap memory capacity.

E00610 or U00610
Fax Communication Error: Recording section cover open.

E00611 or U00611
Fax Communication Error: Recording paper jam.

E00613 or U00613
Fax Communication Error: Image writing section problem.

E00614 or U00614
Fax Communication Error: Nearly empty of recording paper.

E00615 or U00615
Fax Communication Error: Empty of recording paper.

E00620 or U00620
Fax Communication Error: Copier fixing unit problem.

E00622 or U00622
Fax Communication Error: Copier drive motor problem.

E00655 or U00655
Fax Communication Error: CTS was not activated after RTS due to a modem error.

E00656 or U00656
Fax Communication Error: Data was not transmitted after CTS was activated due to a modem error.

E00670 or U00670
Fax Communication Error: Power was cut off during communication.

E00677 or U00677
Fax Communication Error: There was no file to transmit in the memory transmission mode.

E00690 or U00690
Fax Communication Error: System error.

E00700 or U00700
Fax Communication Error: Communication was interrupted because of a problem in the destination unit.

E00800 or U00800
Fax Communication Error: A page transmission error occurred in G3 mode, because of reception of a RTN or PIN signal.

E00810 or U00810
Fax Communication Error: A page transmission error re-occurred in G3 mode after retry of transmission in ECM mode.

E00900 or U00900
Fax Communication Error: A page reception error occurred in G3 mode. An RTN or PIN signal was transmitted because of a page reception error.

E00910 or U00910
Fax Communication Error: A page reception error occurred in G3 mode. A page reception error remained after retry of transmission in ECM mode.

E01000 or U01000
Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. An FTT signal was received for a set number of times after TCF signal transmissions at 2400bps.

E01000 or U01000
Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. An RTN signal was received in response to a Q signal (excluding EOP) after transmission at 2400bps.

E01001 or U01001
Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. The function of the unit differs from that indicated by a DIS signal.

E01010 or U01010
Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. No relevant signal was received after transmission of a DNL (MPS or EOM) signal, and the preset number of command retransfers was exceeded (between units of our make).

E01011 or U01011
Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. No relevant signal was received after transmission of a DCS, TCF signal, and the preset number of command retransfers was exceeded.

E01012 or U01012
Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. No relevant signal was received after transmission of an NSS1, NSS2 (TCF) signal, and the preset number of command retransfers was exceeded (between units of our make).

E01013 or U01013
Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. No relevant signal was received after transmission of an NSS3, TCF signal, and the preset number of command retransfers was exceeded (between units of our make).

E01014 or U01014
Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. No relevant signal was received after transmission of an MPS signal, and the preset number of command retransfers was exceeded.

E01015 or U01015
Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. No relevant signal was received after transmission of an EOM signal, and the preset number of command retransfers was exceeded.

E01016 or U01016
Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. An MCF signal was received but no DIS signal was received after transmission of an EOM signal, and T1 timeout was detected.

E01017 or U01017
Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. No relevant signal was received after transmission of an EOP signal, and the preset number of command retransfers was exceeded.

E01018 or U01018
Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. No relevant signal was received after transmission of a PRI-EOP signal, and the preset number of command retransfers was exceeded.

E01019 or U01019
Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. No relevant signal was received after transmission of a CNC signal, and the preset number of command retransfers was exceeded (between units of our make).

E01020 or U01020
Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. No relevant signal was received after transmission of a CTC signal, and the preset number of command retransfers was exceeded (ECM).

E01021 or U01021
Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. No relevant signal was received after transmission of an EOR.Q signal, and the preset number of command retransfers was exceeded (ECM).

E01022 or U01022
Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. No relevant signal was received after transmission of a RR signal, and the preset number of command retransfers was exceeded (ECM).

E01023 or U01023
Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. No relevant signal was received after transmission of a PS.NULL signal, and the preset number of command retransfers was exceeded (ECM).

E01024 or U01024
Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. No relevant signal was received after transmission of a PPS.MPS signal, and the preset number of command retransfers was exceeded (ECM).

E01025 or U01025
Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. No relevant signal was received after transmission of a PPS.EOM signal, and the preset number of command retransfers was exceeded (ECM).

E01026 or U01026
Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. No relevant signal was received after transmission of a PPS.EOP signal, and the preset number of command retransfers was exceeded (ECM).

E01027 or U01027
Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. No relevant signal was received after transmission of a PPS.PRI-EOP signal, and the preset number of command retransfers was exceeded (ECM).

E01028 or U01028
Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. T5 timeout was detected during ECM Transmission (ECM).

E01040 or U01040
Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. A DCN or other inappropriate signal was received during standby for DIS signal reception.

E01041 or U01041
Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. A DCN signal was received after transmission of a DNL (MPS or EOM) signal (between units of our make).

E01042 or U01042
Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. A DCN signal was received after transmission of a DCS, TCF signal.

E01043 or U01043
Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. A DCN signal was received after transmission of an NSS1, NSS2 (TCF) signal (between units of our make).

E01044 or U01044
Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. A DCN signal was received after transmission of an NSS3, TCF signal (between units of our make).

E01045 or U01045
Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. A DCN or other inappropriate signal was received after transmission of an MPS signal.

E01046 or U01046
Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. A DCN or other inappropriate signal was received after transmission of an EOM signal.

E01047 or U01047
Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. A DCN or other inappropriate signal was received after transmission of an EOP signal.

E01048 or U01048
Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. A DCN signal was received after transmission of a PRI-EOP signal.

E01049 or U01049
Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. A DCN signal was received after transmission of a CNC signal (between units of our make).

E01050 or U01050
Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. A DCN signal was received after transmission of a CTC signal (ECM).

E01051 or U01051
Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. A DCN signal was received after transmission of an EOR.Q signal (ECM).

E01052 or U01052
Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. A DCN signal was received after transmission of an RR signal (ECM).

E01053 or U01053
Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. A DCN signal was received after transmission of a PPS.NULL signal (ECM).

E01054 or U01054
Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. A DCN signal was received after transmission of a PPS.MPS signal (ECM).

E01055 or U01055
Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. A DCN signal was received after transmission of a PPS.EOM signal (ECM).

E01056 or U01056
Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. A DCN signal was received after transmission of a PPS.EOP signal (ECM).

E01057 or U01057
Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. A DCN signal was received after transmission of a PPS.PRI-EOP signal (ECM).

E01070 or U01070
Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. Polarity reversal was detected during handshake.

E01071 or U01071
Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. Polarity reversal was detected during message transmission.

E01072 or U01072
Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. A break in loop current was detected during transmission.

E01073 or U01073
Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. During reverse polling in V.34 mode at the receiver unit, a CM signal was not detected when transmitting after reception.

E01080 or U01080
Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. A PIP signal was received after transmission of a PPS.NULL signal.

E01091 or U01091
Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. During transmission in V.34 mode, communication was interrupted because a PPR signal was received over (10) times even after reducing the communication speed to the minimum with the symbol speed maintained at the level of connection.

E01092 or U01092
Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. During transmission in V.34 mode, communication was interrupted because of an impossible combination of the symbol speed and communication speed.

E01100 or U01100
Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. Function of the unit differs from that indicated by a DCS signal.

E01101 or U01101
Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. Function of the unit (excl. communication mode select) differs from that indicated by an NSS signal.

E01102 or U01102
Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. A DTC (NSC) signal was received when no transmission data was in the unit.

E01110 or U01110
Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. No response after transmission of a DIS signal.

E01111 or U01111
Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. No response after transmission of a DTC (NSC) signal.

E01112 or U01112
Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. No training reception after reception of a DCS or NSS signal.

E01113 or U01113
Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. No response after transmission of an FTT signal.

E01114 or U01114
Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. No message reception after transmission of a CFR signal.

E01115 or U01115
Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. No message reception after transmission of an MCF signal.

E01116 or U01116
Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. No message reception after transmission of a PPR signal.

E01117 or U01117
Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. No message reception after transmission of a CTR signal.

E01118 or U01118
Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. No message reception after transmission of an ERR signal.

E01119 or U01119
Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. No further signals were received after reception of a message.

E01120 or U01120
Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. No response after transmission of an MCF signal.

E01121 or U01121
Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. No response after transmission of an RTP signal.

E01122 or U01122
Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. No response after transmission of an RTN signal.

E01123 or U01123
Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. No response after transmission of a PIP signal.

E01124 or U01124
Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. No response after transmission of a PIN signal.

E01125 or U01125
Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. No response after transmission of a CNS signal (between units of our make).

E01126 or U01126
Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. No response after transmission of a PPR signal (ECM).

E01127 or U01127
Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. No response after transmission of an ERR signal (ECM).

E01128 or U01128
Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. No response after transmission of an RNR signal (ECM).

E01129 or U01129
Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. No response after transmission of an SPA signal (short protocol).

E01140 or U01140
Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. A DCN signal was received after transmission of a DIS signal.

E01141 or U01141
Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. A DCN signal was received after transmission of a DTC signal.

E01142 or U01142
Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. A DCN signal was received after transmission of a DCS or NSS signal.

E01143 or U01143
Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. A DCN signal was received after transmission of an FTT signal.

E01144 or U01144
Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. A DCN signal was received after transmission of a CFR signal.

E01145 or U01145
Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. A DCN signal was received after reception of a message.

E01146 or U01146
Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. A DCN signal was received after transmission of an MCF signal (interoffice communication after reception of an MPS, EOM signal or confidential interoffice communication).

E01147 or U01147
Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. A DCN signal was received after transmission of an RTP signal.

E01148 or U01148
Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. A DCN signal was received after transmission of an RTN signal.

E01149 or U01149
Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. A DCN signal was received after transmission of a PIPsignal.

E01150 or U01150
Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. A DCN signal was received after transmission of a PIN signal.

E01151 or U01151
Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. A DCN signal was received after transmission of a PPR signal (ECM).

E01152 or U01152
Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. A DCN signal was received after transmission of a CTR signal (ECM).

E01153 or U01153
Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. A DCN signal was received after transmission of an ERR signal (ECM).

E01154 or U01154
Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. A DCN signal was received after transmission of an PNP signal (ECM).

E01155 or U01155
Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. A DCN signal was received after transmission of an SPA signal (short protocol).

E01160 or U01160
Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. During message reception, transmission time exceeded the maximum transmission time per line.

E01161 or U01161
Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. Number of error lines exceeded limits during message reception.

E01162 or U01162
Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. A break in loop current was detected during message reception.

E01163 or U01163
Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. Polarity reversal was detected during message reception.

E01164 or U01164
Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. One page length exceeded the specified length during message reception.

E01170 or U01170
Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. A decoding error occurred during MMR message reception.

E01172 or U01172
Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. During reverse polling in V.34 mode at the transmitting unit, a JM signal was not detected after transmission of a CM signal when receiving after transmission.

E01191 or U01191
Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. Communication was interrupted because an error occurred during an image data reception sequence in the V.34 mode.

E01199 or U01199
Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. A DIS signal with different FIF was received after transmission of a DIS signal.

E01400 or U01400
Fax Communication Error: An invalid one-touch key was specified during communication.

E01500 or U01500
Fax Communication Error: A communication error occurred when calling in V.8 mode.

E01600 or U01600
Fax Communication Error: A communication error occurred when called in V.8 mode.

E01700 or U01700
Fax Communication Error: A communication error occurred in phase 2 (line probing) in the period after transmission of INFO0, before entering phase 3 (primary channel equivalent device training), before starting T.30 protocol, during transmission in V.34 mode. For example: INFO0/A/Abar (B/Bbar, for polling transmission)/INFOh was not detected.

E01720 or U01720
Fax Communication Error: A communication error occurred in phase 4 (modem parameter exchange) in the period after initiating the control channel, before starting T.30 protocol, during transmission in V.34 mode. For example: PPh/ALT/MPh/E was not detected.

E01721 or U01721
Fax Communication Error: A communication error occurred before starting T.30 protocol during transmission in V.34 mode. Operation was interrupted due to the absence of a common communication speed between the units. 1) A DCN signal was received from the destination unit and the line was cut, or 2) a DIS (NSF, CSI) signal was received from the destination unit and in response to the signal, the unit transmitted a DCN signal and the line was cut.

E01800 or U01800
Fax Communication Error: A communication error occurred in phase 2 (line probing) in the period after transmission of INFO0, before entering phase 3 (primary channel equivalent device training), before starting T.30 protocol during reception in V.34 mode. For example: INFO0/B/Bbar (A/Abar, for polling reception)/probing tone was not detected.

E01810 or U01810
Fax Communication Error: A communication error occurred in phase 3 (primary channel equivalent device training), before starting T.30 protocol during reception in V.34 mode. For example: S/Sbar/PP/TRN was not detected.

E01820 or U01820
Fax Communication Error: A communication error occurred in phase 4 (modem parameter exchange) in the period after initiating the control channel, before starting T.30 protocol during reception in V.34 mode. For example: PPh/ALT/MPh/E was not detected.

E02000 or U02000
Fax Communication Error: Relay broadcast was refused by a relay station because of a mismatch in permit ID number and permit telephone number when a relay command was used.

E02100 or U02100
Fax Communication Error: A relay command failed because the destination unit (relay station) had no relay broadcast capability.

E02200 or U02200
Fax Communication Error: A relay command from a command station failed because a telephone number was not registered in the relay station was specified.

E02200 or U02200
Fax Communication Error: Relay broadcast was requested to a relay station but failed because a telephone number was not registered in the relay station was specified.

E02200 or U02200
Fax Communication Error: Subaddress-based relay broadcast transmission failed because the data registered in the subaddress relay box was deleted.

E02303 or U02303
Fax Communication Error: Receiving station information was not normally received in reception of a relay command. Timeout was detected before a correct DNL signal was received.

E02304 or U02304
Fax Communication Error: Receiving station information was not normally received in reception of a relay command. A signal other than MPS or EOM signal was received after a DNL signal was received.

E02400 or U02400
Fax Communication Error: An interoffice subaddress-based relay transmission was interrupted because of a mismatch in the specified relay box number.

E03000 or U03000
Fax Communication Error: No document was present in the destination unit when polling reception started.

E03100 or U03100
Fax Communication Error: In reverse polling, although no original was set in the destination unit, transmission was complete.

E03200 or U03200
Fax Communication Error: In confidential polling reception, data was not accumulated in the specified box in the destination unit.

E03200 or U03200
Fax Communication Error: In interoffice subaddress-based bulletin board reception, data was not stored in the box specified by the destination unit.

E03300 or U03300
Fax Communication Error: In polling reception from a unit of our make, operation was interrupted due to a mismatch in permit ID number or telephone number.

E03300 or U03300
Fax Communication Error: In interoffice subaddress-based bulletin board reception, operation was interrupted due to a mismatch in permit ID number or telephone number.

E03400 or U03400
Fax Communication Error: Polling reception was interupted because of a mismatch in individual numbers.

E03500 or U03500
Fax Communication Error: In confidential polling reception, the specified confidential box number was not registered in the destination.

E03500 or U03500
Fax Communication Error: In interoffice subaddress-based bulletin board reception, the specified subaddress confidential box number was not registered in the destination unit.

E03500 or U03500
Fax Communication Error: The destination was being accessed.

E03600 or U03600
Fax Communication Error: Confidential polling reception was interrupted because of a mismatch in specified confidential box numbers.

E03600 or U03600
Fax Communication Error: An interoffice subaddress-based bulletin board reception was interrupted because of a mismatch in the specified subaddress confidential box number.

E03700 or U03700
Fax Communication Error: Confidential polling reception failed because the destination unit had no confidential polling transmission capability or data was not accumulated in any box in the destination unit.

E03700 or U03700
Fax Communication Error: Interoffice subaddress-based bulletin board reception failed because the destination unit had no subaddress-based bulletin board transmission capability, or data was not stored in any subaddress confidental box in the destination unit.

E04000 or U04000
Fax Communication Error: The confidential box specified for confidential transmission was not registered in the destination unit.

E04000 or U04000
Fax Communication Error: In interoffice subaddress-based transmission mode, the specified subaddress box number was not registered in the destination unit.

E04000 or U04000
Fax Communication Error: The destination was being accessed.

E04100 or U04100
Fax Communication Error: Confidential transmission failed because the destination unit had no confidential capability.

E04100 or U04100
Fax Communication Error: Subaddress-based transmission failed because the destination unit had no subaddress-based reception capability.

E04200 or U04200
Fax Communication Error: In encrypted tranmission, the specified encryption box was not registered in the destination unit.

E04300 or U04300
Fax Communication Error: Encrypted transmission failed because the destination unit had no encrypted communication capability.

E04400 or U04400
Fax Communication Error: Communication was interrupted because of an encryption key error during encrypted transmission. Encryption keys did not agree.

E04401 or U04401
Fax Communication Error: Communication was interrupted because of an encryption key error during encrypted trasmission. The encryption key was not registered.

E04500 or U04500
Fax Communication Error: Encrypted reception was interrupted because of a mismatch in ecryption keys.

E05000 or U05000
Fax Communication Error: In transmission with a specified number, the set number of originals was different from the number of transmitted originals.

E05100 or U05100
Fax Communication Error: Password check transmission or restricted transmission was interrupted because the permit ID numbers did not match.

E05200 or U05200
Fax Communication Error: Password check reception or restricted reception was interrupted because the permit ID numbers did not match, the rejected fax numbers did match, or the destination receiver did not return its phone number.

E05300 or U05300
Fax Communication Error: Password check reception or restricted reception was interrupted because the permitted numbers did not match, the rejected numbers did match, or the machine in question did not acknowledge its phone number.

E09000 or U09000
Fax Communication Error: G3 communication was attempted but failed because the destination unit was a G2 machine.

E12000 or U12000
Fax Communication Error: Relay broadcast was requested from a command station but memory overflowed during reception.

E12000 or U12000
Fax Communication Error: In subaddress-based relay reception memory overflowed.

E12100 or U12100
Fax Communication Error: Relay was commanded but memory overflowed in the destination unit (relay station).

E14000 or U14000
Fax Communication Error: Memory overflowed during confidential reception.

E14000 or U14000
Fax Communication Error: Memory overflowed in subaddress-based confidential reception.

E14100 or U14100
Fax Communication Error: Memory overflowed in the destination unit during confidential transmission.

E14100 or U14100
Fax Communication Error: Memory overflowed in the destination unit during interoffice subaddress-based transmission.

E19000 or U19000
Fax Communication Error: Memory overflowed during memory reception.

E19100 or U19100
Fax Communication Error: Memory overflowed in the destination unit during transmission.

E19200 or U19200
Fax Communication Error: Memory transmission failed because a decoding error occurred.

E19300 or U19300
Fax Communication Error: Transmission failed because an error occurred during JBIG encoding.

E19400 or U19400
Fax Communication Error: Reception failed because an error occurred during JBIG encoding.

Send SMB Error 1102
Error: Username/Password or Shared Name/Folder Name. Domain name is not entered.

Send SMB Error 1102
Error: Username/Password or Shared Name/Folder Name. Assign disable user/password.

Send SMB Error 1102
Error: Username/Password or Shared Name/Folder Name. Assign the user who is not allowed to access the folder.

Send SMB Error 1102
Error: Username/Password or Shared Name/Folder Name. Assign disable shared name.

Send SMB Error 1102
Error: Username/Password or Shared Name/Folder Name. Host name error.

Send SMB Error 1103
Error: Pathname or File Name. Domain name is not entered.

Send SMB Error 1103
Error: Pathname or File Name. Connect to the folder which is not permitted for reference/writing.

Send SMB Error 1103
Error: Pathname or File Name. Assign disable folder path.

Send SMB Error 1105
Error: Not Supported Protocol. SMB protocol is set to OFF.

Send SMB Error 2101
Error: Can Not Connect. Enter the disable host name/IP address.

Send SMB Error 2101
Error: Can Not Connect. Assign the wrong port number.

Send SMB Error 2101
Error: Can Not Connect. Network is not connected.

Send SMB Error 2103
Error: Response Wait With Timeout. The server is unable to communicate.

Send SMB Error 2201
Error: Network Transfer. Error occurs on the network.

Send SMB Error 2203
Error: Response Wait With Timeout. Response is not returned from the server, above specified time.

Send SMB Error 9181
Error: Page Max Count Over. The number of pages of a send file exceeds 999 pages.

Send FTP Error 1101
Error: Host Name. Enter the disable host name/IP address.

Send FTP Error 1102
Error: Username/Password. Domain name is not entered.

Send FTP Error 1102
Error: Username/Password. Assign disable user/password.

Send FTP Error 1103
Error: Pathname or File Name. Connect to the folder which is not permitted for reference/writing.

Send FTP Error 1103
Error: Pathname or File Name. Assign disable folder path.

Send FTP Error 1105
Error: Not Supported Protocol. FTP protocol is set to OFF.

Send FTP Error 2101
Error: Can Not Connect. Enter the disable host name/IP address.

Send FTP Error 2101
Error: Can Not Connect. Assign the wrong port number.

Send FTP Error 2101
Error: Can Not Connect. Network is not connected.

Send FTP Error 2102
Error: Cannot Connect With Timeout. The server is unable to communicate.

Send FTP Error 2102
Error: Cannot Connect With Timeout. Send the server which does not support FTP server.

Send FTP Error 2103
Error: Response Wait With Timeout. The server is unable to communicate.

Send FTP Error 2201
Error: Network Transfer. Error occurs on the network.

Send FTP Error 2202
Error: Network Transfer With Timeout. Error occurs on the network.

Send FTP Error 2203
Error: Response Wait With Timeout. Response is not returned from the server, above specified time.

Send FTP Error 3101
Error: Server Response. The server is error status.

Send FTP Error 9181
Error: Page Max Count Over. The number of pages of a send file exceeds 999 pages.

Send email Error 1101
Error: Host Name. SMTP server name is not set. Error SMTP server name.

Send email Error 1102
Error: Username/Password. User ID for the authentication is not entered or entered wrongly. Wrong authentication password is entered.

Send email Error 1104
Error: No Recipient Address. The destination address is not specified.

Send email Error 1105
Error: Not Supported Protocol. SMTP protocol is set to OFF.

Send email Error 1106
Error: No Sender Info. Sender address is not entered.

Send email Error 2101
Error: Can Not Connect. Select [Other Authenticate] when authenticating POP before SMTP.

Send email Error 2101
Error: Can Not Connect. The specified server is not SMTP server.

Send email Error 2101
Error: Can Not Connect. Network is not connected.

Send email Error 2102
Error: Cannot Connect With Timeout. The server is unable to communicate.

Send email Error 2103
Error: Response Wait With Timeout. The server is unable to communicate.

Send email Error 2201
Error: Network Transfer. Error occurs on the network.

Send email Error 2202
Error: Network Transfer With Timeout. Error occurs on the network.

Send email Error 2203
Error: Response Wait With Timeout. Response is not returned from the server, above specified time.

Send email Error 2204
Error: Email Size Limit. The size of the email attachment exceeds its limit.

Send email Error 3101
Error: Server Response. The server is error status.

Send email Error 3101
Error: Server Response. Server setting is not authenticated normally.

Send email Error 3201
Error: Not Found Authentication Mechanism. Unsupported SMTP Authentication Mechanism is found.

Send email Error 9181
Error: Page Max Count Over. The number of pages of a send file exceeds 999 pages.

TWAIN Error 2202
Error: Network Transfer With Timeout. Response is not returned from the server, above the specified time.

TWAIN Error 9181
Error: Page Max Count Over. The number of pages of a send file exceeds 999 pages.

Software Error 5101
Error: Not Yet Connected. Operation handle error. Error for stored status in the operation handle.

Software Error 5102
Error: Already Connected. Operation handle error. Error for stored status in the operation handle.

Software Error 5103
Error: Not Yet Opened. Error for storage status in the operation handle.

Software Error 5104
Error: Already Opened. Error for storage status in the operation handle.

Software Error 7101
Error: Memory Allocation. Insufficient memory space.

Software Error 7102
Error: Socket Create. Unable to create a communication socket.

Software Error 720f
Error: Unknown Error. Unable to determine the cause.

Send error. Job is cancelled. Press [End]. 1101
Send Email Error: Host Name. SMTP server name is not set. Error SMTP server name.

Send error. Job is cancelled. Press [End]. 1101
Send FTP Error: Host Name. Enter the disable host name/IP address.

Send error. Job is cancelled. Press [End]. 1102
Send Email Error: Username/Password. User ID for the authentication is not entered or entered wrongly. Wrong authentication password is entered.

Send error. Job is cancelled. Press [End]. 1102
Send SMB/FTP Error: Username/Password or Shared Name/Folder Name. Domain name is not entered.

Send error. Job is cancelled. Press [End]. 1102
Send SMB/FTP Error: Username/Password or Shared Name/Folder Name. Assign disable user/password.

Send error. Job is cancelled. Press [End]. 1102
Send SMB Error: Username/Password or Shared Name/Folder Name. Assign disable shared name.

Send error. Job is cancelled. Press [End]. 1102
Send SMB Error: Username/Password or Shared Name/Folder Name. Host name error.

Send error. Job is cancelled. Press [End]. 1103
Send SMB/FTP Error: Pathname or File Name. Domain name is not entered.

Send error. Job is cancelled. Press [End]. 1103
Send SMB/FTP Error: Pathname or File Name. Connect to the folder which is not permitted for reference/writing.

Send error. Job is cancelled. Press [End]. 1103
Send SMB/FTP Error: Pathname or File Name. Assign disable folder path.

Send error. Job is cancelled. Press [End]. 1104
Send Email Error: No Recipient Address. The destination address is not specified.

Send error. Job is cancelled. Press [End]. 1105
Send Email Error: Not Supported Protocol. SMTP protocol is set to OFF.

Send error. Job is cancelled. Press [End]. 1105
Send SMB Error: Not Supported Protocol. SMB protocol is set to OFF.

Send error. Job is cancelled. Press [End]. 1105
Send FTP Error: Not Supported Protocol. FTP protocol is set to OFF.

Send error. Job is cancelled. Press [End]. 1106
Send Email Error: No Sender Info. Sender address is not entered.

Send error. Job is cancelled. Press [End]. 2101
Send Email Error: Can Not Connect. Network is not connected.

Send error. Job is cancelled. Press [End]. 2101
Send Email Error: Can Not Connect. Select [Other Authenticate] when authenticating POP before SMTP.

Send error. Job is cancelled. Press [End]. 2101
Send Email Error: Can Not Connect. The specified server is not SMTP server.

Send error. Job is cancelled. Press [End]. 2101
Send SMB/FTP Error: Can Not Connect. Enter the disable host name/IP address.

Send error. Job is cancelled. Press [End]. 2101
Send SMB/FTP Error: Can Not Connect. Assign the wrong port number.

Send error. Job is cancelled. Press [End]. 2101
Send SMB/FTP Error: Can Not Connect. Network is not connected.

Send error. Job is cancelled. Press [End]. 2102
Send Email/ FTP Error: Cannot Connect With Timeout. The server is unable to communicate.

Send error. Job is cancelled. Press [End]. 2102
Send FTP Error: Cannot Connect With Timeout. Send the server which does not support FTP server.

Send error. Job is cancelled. Press [End]. 2103
Send Email/ SMB/ FTP Error: Response Wait With Timeout. The server is unable to communicate.

Send error. Job is cancelled. Press [End]. 2201
Send Email/ SMB/ FTP Error: Network Transfer. Error occurs on the network.

Send error. Job is cancelled. Press [End]. 2202
Send Email/FTP Error: Network Transfer With Timeout. Error occurs on the network.

Send error. Job is cancelled. Press [End]. 2202
Send TWAIN Error: Network Transfer With Timeout. Response is not returned from the server, above the specified time.

Send error. Job is cancelled. Press [End]. 2203
Send Email/FTP Error: Response Wait With Timeout. Response is not returned from the server, above specified time.

Send error. Job is cancelled. Press [End]. 2204
Send Email Error: Email Size Limit. The size of the email attachment exceeds its limit.

Send error. Job is cancelled. Press [End]. 3101
Send Email/FTP Error: Server Response. The server is error status.

Send error. Job is cancelled. Press [End]. 3101
Send Email Error: Server Response. Server setting is not authenticated normally.

Send error. Job is cancelled. Press [End]. 3201
Send Email Error: Not Found Authentication Mechanism. Unsupported SMTP Authentication Mechanism is found.

Send error. Job is cancelled. Press [End]. 5101
Send Software Error: Not Yet Connected. Operation handle error. Error for stored status in the operation handle.

Send error. Job is cancelled. Press [End]. 5102
Send Software Error: Already Connected. Operation handle error. Error for stored status in the operation handle.

Send error. Job is cancelled. Press [End]. 5103
Send SoftwareError: Not Yet Opened. Error for storage status in the operation handle.

Send error. Job is cancelled. Press [End]. 5104
Send Software Error: Already Opened. Error for storage status in the operation handle.

Send error. Job is cancelled. Press [End]. 7102
Send Software Error: Socket Create. Unable to create a communication socket.

Send error. Job is cancelled. Press [End]. 720f
Send Software Error: Unknown Error. Unable to determine the cause.

Send error. Job is cancelled. Press [End]. 9181
Send Email/ SMB/ FTP/ TWAIN Error: Page Max Count Over. The number of pages of a send file exceeds 999 pages.

«Acceptable staple count exceeded.»
Is the acceptable staple count exceeded?

«Add paper in cassette #.»
Is the indicated cassette out of paper?

«Add paper in MP tray.»
Is the paper of the specified size loaded in the multipurpose tray?

«Add staples.»
Has the document finisher run out of staples?

«Add toner.»

«An error has occurred.»
An internal error has occurred.Make a note of the error code number displayed on the panel. See above.

«Box Limit Exceeded.»
Document Box is full, and no further storage is available; Job is cancelled. Repeat Copy Box is full, and no further repeat copy is available.

«Cannot connect to Authentication Server.»

«Cannot duplex print on this paper.»
Did you select a paper size/type that cannot be duplex printed?

«Cannot execute this job.»
Job is restricted by Job Accounting.

«Cannot offset this paper.»
Did you select a paper size that cannot be offset (A3, B4, A5R, B6R, Folio, Ledger, Statement, & 8K)?

«Cannot punch this paper type.»
Did you select a paper size/type that cannot be punched?

«Cannot staple this paper.»
Did you select a paper size/type that cannot be stapled?

«Check the cover.»
Are any covers open? Does the message indicate which cover is open?

«Check the document processor.»
Is the document processor open? Is the top cover of the document processor open?

«Check the finisher.»
Is the document finisher set correctly?»

«Clean the slit glass.»
Dirt has been identified on the slit glass.

«Empty the punch waste box.»
The punch waste box of the 3,000 sheet finisher is full.

«Failed to specify Job Accounting.»
Job accounting is not specified in the print driver.

«Failed to store job retention data.»

«Fax box limit exceeded.»
Fax box is full, and no further storage is available.

«Finisher tray is full of paper.»
Is the acceptable storage capacity exceeded for the document finisher tray?»

«Folding tray is full of paper.»
Is the acceptable storage capacity exceeded for the folding tray of the 3,000 sheet document finisher?»

«Hard Disk error. Job is cancelled. Press [End] ##»
An error has occurred on the hard disk.

«Incorrect Login User Name or Password.»

«Job Accounting restriction exceeded.»
The print count exceeded the acceptable count restricted by Job Accounting.

«Job Separator is full of paper.»
Is the maximum capacity of the job separator tray exceeded?

«KPDL error.»
A PostScript error has occurred.

«Mailbox tray is full of paper.»

«Memory card error.»
Was the memory card (Compact Flash) removed while being accessed? Was a valid memory card inserted?

«Memory card error. Job is cancelled. Press [End]. Code: 01
Memory Card Error: Format error.

«Memory card error. Job is cancelled. Press [End]. Code: 04
Memory Card Error: Insufficient memory card space to complete this operation.

«Memory is full.»
Unable to continue the job, as the memory is used up.»

«Memory Is Low»
Logic Lockup

«Paper Jam. ###»
Make a note of the jam location number displayed on the panel. Leave the machine On.

«Print overrun.»
Warning. Low printer memory.

«Removable memory error.»
An error has occurred on the USB stick memory or Compact Flash memory.

«Removable memory was removed.»

«Replace all originals and press [Continue].»

«Replace the waste toner box.»
The waste toner box is full.

«Reset all originals in the document processor.»
Are there any originals left in the document processor?

«Scanner memory is full.»
Scanning cannot be performed due to insufficient memory for the scanner. Is the acceptable scanning count exceeded?

«Scanner Paused»
DMA transmission of compressed, ecompressed, rotated, relocated, or blanked-out image data does not complete within a specified period of time.

«Set the folding tray.»
Is the folding tray correctly installed to the 3,000 sheet capacity document finisher?

«Set the folding unit.»
Is the folding tray correctly installed to the 3,000 sheet capacity document finisher?

«Set the punch waste box.»
The waste toner box is not installed correctly.

«Set the waste toner box.»
The waste toner box is not installed correctly.

«Staple error.»
The location of the jam will be indicated on the panel. Leave the machine On.

«Staple jam.»
The location of the jam will be indicated on the panel. Leave the machine On.

«The ID is not registered.»
The account ID# does not match.

«The memory card is not formatted.»
Is the removable memory formatted by this machine?

«The phone receiver is off the hook.»

«The removable memory is not formatted.»
Is the removable memory formatted by this machine?

«The source file is not found.»
The specified file is not found.

«Top tray of the machine is full of paper.»
The exit tray at the top of the machine is full.

«Tray # is full of paper.»
Is the acceptable storage capacity exceeded for any of the output trays A, B, or C of the 3,000 sheet capacity document finisher?

«Warning low memory.»
Further scanning cannot be performed due to insufficient memory.

Error Code

Component: RIP. Category: RIP. Recovery impossible error (CreatePrint and return back value of API is indirect).

Component: RIP. Category: RIP. Fail to initialize.

Component: RIP. Category: RIP. Access failure to ME.

Component: RIP. Category: RIP. Failure to switch TASK.

Component: RIP. Category: RIP. IOBL process failure.

Component: Panel. Category: KI-Panel. Failed to connect the communication of the controller when starting up. Blue back screen. Cannot enter maintenance mode.

Component: Panel. Category: KI-Panel. Refused to connect the communication of the controller when starting up. Blue back screen. Cannot enter maintenance mode.

Component: Panel. Category: KI-Panel. Time to start up request command (start up request command could not be received). Blue back screen. Cannot enter maintenance mode.

Component: Panel. Category: KI-Panel. Cut off of the communication with the controller is detected — waiting to receive: select () OK return, recv() RX data length 0. Blue back screen. Cannot enter maintenance mode.

Component: Panel. Category: KI-Panel. Time out for Response telegraphic message (could not receive response telegraphic message within a fixed time). In case on not through httpd, this error occurs (in case it does not become CGI time out).

Component: Panel. Category: KI-Panel. Received abusive command from controller. At this moment, only the case that unexpected command comes in when wating for the startup request command.

Component: Panel. Category: KI-Panel. Connection error is detected when waiting for he response telegraphic message from the controller. select () function returned the error (other than EINTR).

Component: Panel. Category: KI-Panel. Connection error is detected when waiting for he response telegraphic message from the controller. rcv () function returned the error.

Component: Panel. Category: KI-Panel. Communication error is detected when transferring (using UNIX domain) response telegraphic message in the panel. send() function returned the error (other than EINTR).

Component: Panel. Category: KI-Panel. Crucial error is detected when processing receive/transfer of the response telegraphic message from controller. Failed to acquire semafo???

Component: Panel. Category: KI-Panel. Communication error is detected when sending required response telegraphic message from panel. send() function returned the error (other than EINTR).

Component: HDD. Failure to initialize with «dbinit, hostif_stat_chg» comand.

Operation panel PWB comunication error.

ROM Checksum Error.

Main PWB Checksum Error/System Error. Communication error between panel and main controller.

ROM Checksum Error.

Memory Checksum Error/Operation System Error.

Main PWB System Error.

Engine PWB Communication Error.

Engine PWB Communication Error.

Scanner PWB Communication Error.

Engine ROM Checksum Error.

Engine RAM Error.

Flash ROM Error. Defective flash ROM (which?).

Flash ROM Error (during download). Defective flash ROM (which?).

Fax System M Communication Error.

Scanner Unit Error

Component: PCM. Category: OS. Failure to initialize with «dbinit, hostif_stat_chg» comand.

Component: PCM. Category: OS. Failure to acquire Entity data with «dbinit, hostif_stat_chg» comand.

Fax Unit Error.

Power Source Secondary Side Error/Operation System Error. The operation decomes unstable after recovering the power supply fail (brownout or power drop). Wall voltage is unstable or the main power supply switch was turned OFF/ON within 1 sec.

Component: OS. Category: OS. Primary supply voltage dropped off temporarily and recovery operation was not stable. If the input power supply voltage is not stable of the Main SW is turned Off/On quickly (about 1 second), this problem occurs.

Print Unit: DVU_PRT_SYSERR_F226_ERROR (Video data flushing error)

Engine Firmware Incompatible.

Document BOX error.

Component: ScanSys. Category: ScanSys. When the scanner scanning parameter from the topside is in error.

Component: IPLogical. Category: PrintSystem. Could not obtain instance of Config, SystemStatus. Use below mentioned class: ipl_search_output.cpp, ipl_feeder_spec.cpp, outputcheck.cpp.

Component: Machine Configuration. Category: PrintSystem. Could not obtain instance of Config, SystemStatus. Use below mentioned class: machine_status_engine.cpp.

Component: OutputMission. Category: PrintSystem. Increasing and decreasing «Lib», in case that even if there is no original available, tried to process increasing & decreasing.

Component: OutputMission. Category: PrintSystem. In case to specify some other value (indirect value) other than single sided/duplex/forced duplex for increasing & decreasing «Lib».

Component: OutputMission. Category: PrintSystem. In case of the address for Job setting value structure is NULL.

Component: OutputMission. Category: PrintSystem. In case of the code for output completion notice is indirect.

Component: OutputMission. Category: PrintSystem. When writing the original information to the storage, in case to get the reply back as [Other Error].

Component: OutputMission. Category: PrintSystem. In case to get the reply as [Finisher out of order Error], [No Feeder available in search] from Paper feed/eject «Lib».

Component: OutputMission. Category: PrintSystem. In case to get the reply as failure from rotation calculation «Lib».

Component: PrintSystem. Category: PrintSystem. Could not obtain instance of Config, SystemStatus. Use below mentioned class: print_startup.cpp.

Component: SVI. Category: LioPanel. Logical Error (In case of given parameter is NULL).

Codec: GICL_CDC_ERR_FACTOR_JPEG (several hardware error, software error).

Codec: GICL_CDC_ERR_FACTOR_SRLE (several hardware error, software error).

Data conversion error.

Error code when receiving/printing email.

Process Manager: SYS_PRCM_ERR_FACTOR_SVC_PROC_DOWN (Device process down).

Process Manager: SYS_PRCM_ERR_FACTOR_DEV_PROC_DOWN (Device process down).

Process Manager: SYS_PRCM_ERR_FACTOR_JOBIMG_PROC_DOWN (Job image process down).

Component: ScanSys. Category: ScanSys. Library Error inside of ScanSys.

Component: UNKNOWN. Category: UNKNOWN.

Component: UNKNOWN. Category: UNKNOWN. Code present on with Kyocera Barfode Font CF card installed.

Process Manager: SYS_PRCM_ERR_FACTOR_PRN_PROC_DOWN (Printer process down).

Fax System M IOBL error or KUIOLIB error. Poor contact at the fax card card due to mis-installation.

Component: LFM. Category: FaxSys. KUIOLIB error. Poor contact at the fax card card due to mis-installation.

Fax System M IOBL error or KUIOLIB error. Poor contact at the fax card card due to mis-installation.

Network Manager:

Component: LFM. Category: FaxSys. Instance Check Error, Paramemter Error from topside.

Component: PrintSys. Category: PrintSys. It occurs when the error noticed from VideoDriver. Use by Video_Driver class: Function name, factor can be found by the detail code.

Print System Other Errors. Bug of v.2.03B has been fixed by v. 2.04A (Booklet > Booklet Print).

System State Manager:

Energy Saving Manager:

Component: LioFax. Category: FaxSys. An Observer Deletion Error occurred during salvage process. Error received from the method on EventManager or message Tx.

Component: LioFax. Category: FaxSys. Segment code for LioFax initialization is different from «03KH».

Component: LioFax. Category: FaxSys. Return address of Page class when doing FAX Tx/Rx is other abnormal error. Entity (Config, BOX, etc.) access error.

Component: LioFax. Category: FaxSys. Entity parameter error.

Component: LioFax. Category: FaxSys. In case that the time when Error came back from LFM.

Component: LioFax. Category: FaxSys. IOBL error.

Component: LioFax. Category: FaxSys. At the time of KUIOLIB error, CodeChange error, FaxLib error (Sender recorde, Entity related error).

Component: LioFax. Category: FaxSys. Instance Check Error. Parameter Error from topside.

Device Error (scan control):

Component: RIP. Category: RIP. Other/System Crucial Error.

Component: FaxJOB. Category: FaxSys. As the error came back at IF for DocumentBox, JobInfo, Config Entity.

Component: FaxJob. Category: FaxSys. The error came back when accessing (obtaining data, setting data) to below Entity related: job_ent(JobModel,JobInfo), config_ent, reservation, account(certificate), document_box.

Fax System M Error. Wrong data or value detected when the following function is used. Or poor contact at fax card due to mis-installation.

Fax System M Error. The IF error detects during system authentication from ACT_Account_Manager. Or poor contact at fax card due to mis-installation.

Component: FaxJob. Category: FaxSys. As the error came back when obtaining IF for system authentication from ACT_Account_Manager.

Component: FaxJob. Category: FaxSys. The date obtained from the below Entity related is unexpected data: job_ent(JobInfo).

Component: FaxJob. Category: FaxSys. The error came back for the IF of LioFax observer addition/deletion.

Component: FaxJob. Category: FaxSys. As handing over of the NULL pointer in the class occurred. As memory reservation with new in heap domain is failed: Assert for preventing from segment drop off.

Component: FaxJob. Category: FaxSys. When generating the class, fail new at obtaining data domain, soft logic error (software bug).

Component: NetClient. Category: ImageProcess. Entity Error.

Component: NetClient. Category: ImageProcess. Entity Data Invalid.

Component: NetClient. Category: ImageProcess. Other Library Error (ImageLibrary, PageData, EventManager).

Component: NetClient. Category: ImageProcess. Crucial (no memory, invalid parameter, etc.).

Component: CreateScan. Category: ImageProcess. Initialize Error.

Component: CreateScan. Category: ImageProcess. Entity Data Invalid.

Component: CreateScan. Category: ImageProcess. Middleware Error (LioScanner error).

Component: CreatePrint. Category: ImageProcess. Initialization Error.

CF433 CF434 CF437 CF43F CF441 CF444 CF445 CF451
HDD Image Process Error. Destruction of stored jobs on the HDD. It may occur when selecting the keys for calling stored copy or scanner job from a custom box.

Component: CreatePrint. Category: ImageProcess. Entity Error.

Component: CreatePrint. Category: ImageProcess. Entity Data Mismatch.

Component: CreatePrint. Category: ImageProcess. Other Error.

Component: CreateBox (Memory Tx). Category: ImageProcess. Unrecoverable Error.

Component: CreateBox (Memory Tx). Category: ImageProcess. Entity Error.

Component: CreateBox (Memory Tx). Category: ImageProcess. Crucial (no memory, invalid parameter, etc.).

PDL Interpreter: REN_INT_ERR_FACTOR_GENERAL (other general error).

Component: CreateFax. Category: ImageProcess. Unrecoverable Error.

Component: CreateFax. Category: ImageProcess. Entity Error.

Component: CreateFax. Category: ImageProcess. Crucial (no memory, invalid parameter, etc.).

Component: Edit. Category: ImageProcess. Data Invalid (PageData).

Component: Edit. Category: ImageProcess. Other Library Error (ImageLibrary).

Component: Edit. Category: ImageProcess. Crucial.

Component: Output(Fax). Category: ImageProcess. Unrecoverable Error.

Component: Output(Fax). Category: ImageProcess. Entity Error.

Component: Output(Fax). Category: ImageProcess. Entity Data Invalid.

CF45F CF453 CF454 CF45F CF460 CF463 CF46F CF470 CF473 CF47F CF484 CF487 CF48F CF490 CF493 CF494
HDD Image Process Error. Destruction of stored jobs on the HDD. It may occur when selecting the keys for calling stored copy or scanner job from a custom box.


System Error:

Component: SVI. Category: LioPanel. Panel data abusion error.

Component: PJL. Category: RIP. Recovery impossible error: Thread Create failed.

Component: ReportEventService. Category: RIP. Recovery impossible error: Thread Create failed.

Component: SVCTL_FaxRx_Event_Control. Category: KI Sc. As failed to obtain EM_FaxRx_Ec_Event_Fax_Enable.

Component: SVCTL_Reservation_Event_Control. Category: KI Sc. As failed to notice the event for EM_Rsv_EC_op_Event_FaxJob_Ready.

Component: SVCTL_Job_Start_Command. As JobInfo giving to JSM_JobServiceManager is NULL.

Component: PJL. Category: RIP. Entity error: when CLITICAL ERROR occurred at ME access.

Component: ReportEventService. Category: RIP. Entity error: when CLITICAL ERROR occurred at ME access.

Component: MLPRN. Category: NetAppl. Task generation error.

Component: MLPRT. Category: NetAppl. Task generation error.

Component: EVR_LGS. Category: NetAppl. Task generation error.

Component: SSTUP. Category: OS. Error in the SystemStartUp (Thread generation, Entity data acquisition, DiskManager operation).


System Start Error.

Report Page Generator: USV_RPG_ERR_FACTOR_STREAM (Stream access error).

Component: EventManager. Category: KM-Entity. Failed to obtain/receive event from framework.

Unable to Print.

System Error. Error acquiring the event data. Panel detects CF000 as same error.

System Error. Error acquiring the event data. Panel detects CF000 as same error. Unable to Load Files To CF Card.

Component: PowerManagement. Category: OS. Failed to mount or unmount during transition of the condition.

Component: IIS. Category: NetApl. Network file written error (inetd).

Component: IIS. Category: NetApl. Entity error (inetd).

Component: IIS. Category: NetApl. Network file written error (services).

Component: IIS. Category: NetApl. Entity error (services).

Component: IIS. Category: NetApl. Network file written error (snmpd).

Component: IIS. Category: NetApl. Entity error (snmpd).

Component: IIS. Category: NetApl. Entity error (hosts allow).

Component: IIS. Category: NetApl. Network file written error (hostname).

Component: IIS. Category: NetApl. Entity error (hostname).

Component: IIS. Category: NetApl. Network file written error (papd).

Component: IIS. Category: NetApl. Entity error (papd).

Component: IIS. Category: NetApl. Network file written error (cups).

Component: IIS. Category: NetApl. Entity error (cups).

Component: IIS. Category: NetApl. Network file written error (dhcclient).

Component: IIS. Category: NetApl. Entity error (dhcclient).

Component: IIS. Category: NetApl. Network file written error (smb).

Component: IIS. Category: NetApl. Entity error (smb).

Component: IIS. Category: NetApl. Network file written error (netware).

Component: IIS. Category: NetApl. Entity error (netware).

Component: IIS. Category: NetApl. Network file written error (ipfilter).

Component: IIS. Category: NetApl. Entity error (ipfilter).

Component: IIS. Category: NetApl. Network file written error (ethermode).

Component: IIS. Category: NetApl. Entity error (ethermode).

Component: IIS. Category: NetApl. Network file written error (other).

Component: IIS. Category: NetApl. Entity error (other).

Readout Error of SSL (authentication data).

HDD Error.

HDD Error.

Component: OS_TOOLS. Category: OS. Error inside of hot plug detection thread, overwritten thread (failed to issue the event, failed to operate signal handler).

Component: OS_TOOLS. Category: OS. Failed to obtain memory size.

Component: OS_TOOLS. Category: OS. Access error to the Entity at master data stored area component.

Component: OS_TOOLS. Category: OS. CF-DETECT OPEN error <0x07>.

Component: OS_TOOLS. Category: OS. CF-DETECT IOCTL error <0x08>.

Component: OS_TOOLS. Category: OS. CF-DETECT CLOSE error <0x09>.

Component: OS_TOOLS. Category: OS. AES conversion OPEN error <0x0a>.

Component: OS_TOOLS. Category: OS. AES conversion IOCTL error <0x0b>.

Component: OS_TOOLS. Category: OS. AES conversion CLOSE error <0x0c>.

Component: OS_TOOLS. Category: OS. AES conversion command return value error <0x0d>.

Component: OS_TOOLS. Category: OS. Message queue creation error <0x15>.

Component: OS_TOOLS. Category: OS. Message queue Tx error <0x16>.

Component: OS_TOOLS. Category: OS. Message queue Rx error <0x17>.

Component: OS_TOOLS. Category: OS. Message queue deletion error <0x18>.

Component: OS_TOOLS. Category: OS. Event Tx error <0x19>.

Component: OS_TOOLS. Category: OS. Access error to the Entity at USB activation component.

Component: Panel. Category: KI-Panel. Netfront error (SLIM_E_GENERIC).

Component: Panel. Category: KI-Panel. Netfront error (SLIM_HTTP_E_DNS_INVAL).

Component: Panel. Category: KI-Panel. Netfront error (SLIM_HTTP_E_DNS_NOSERVER).

Component: Panel. Category: KI-Panel. Netfront error (SLIM_HTTP_E_DNS_TIMEDOUT).

Component: Panel. Category: KI-Panel. Netfront error (SLIM_HTTP_E_DNS_NOTFOUND).

Component: Panel. Category: KI-Panel. Netfront error (SLIM_HTTP_E_TCP_OPEN).

Component: Panel. Category: KI-Panel. Netfront error (SLIM_HTTP_E_TCP_CONNECT).

Component: Panel. Category: KI-Panel. Netfront error (SLIM_HTTP_E_TCP_READ).

Component: Panel. Category: KI-Panel. Netfront error (SLIM_HTTP_E_TCP_WRITE).

Component: Panel. Category: KI-Panel. Netfront error (SLIM_HTTP_E_SSL_CONNECT).

Component: Panel. Category: KI-Panel. Netfront error (SLIM_HTTP_E_SSL_HANDSHAKE).

Component: Panel. Category: KI-Panel. Netfront error (SLIM_HTTP_E_SSL_READ).

Component: Panel. Category: KI-Panel. Netfront error (SLIM_HTTP_E_SSL_WRITE).

Component: Panel. Category: KI-Panel. Netfront error (SLIM_HTTP_E_REQTIMEDOUT).

Component: Panel. Category: KI-Panel. Netfront error (SLIM_HTTP_E_RSPTIMEDOUT).

Component: Panel. Category: KI-Panel. Netfront error (SLIM_HTTP_E_CACHE_NONE).

Component: Panel. Category: KI-Panel. Netfront error (SLIM_HTTP_E_CACHE_EXPIRE).

Component: Panel. Category: KI-Panel. Netfront error (SLIM_HTTP_E_AUTH_UNKNOWN).

Component: Panel. Category: KI-Panel. Netfront error (SLIM_HTTP_E_AUTH_NOHEADER).

Component: Panel. Category: KI-Panel. Netfront error (SLIM_HTTP_E_AUTH_FORMAT).

Component: Panel. Category: KI-Panel. Netfront error (SLIM_HTTP_E_REDIRECT_FORMAT).

Component: Panel. Category: KI-Panel. Netfront error (SLIM_HTTP_E_REDIRECT_CANCELLED).

Component: Panel. Category: KI-Panel. Netfront error (SLIM_HTTP_E_REQ_HEADER_SIZEOVER).

Component: Panel. Category: KI-Panel. Netfront error (SLIM_HTTP_E_REQ_BODY_SIZEOVER).

Component: Panel. Category: KI-Panel. Netfront error (SLIM_HTTP_E_RSP_HEADER_SIZEOVER).

Component: Panel. Category: KI-Panel. Netfront error (SLIM_HTTP_E_REQ_TOOMANYCONTINUE).

Component: Panel. Category: KI-Panel. Netfront error (SLIM_HTTP_E_TLS_INTOLERANT).

Component: Panel. Category: KI-Panel. Netfront error (SLIM_FILEP_E_OPEN).

Component: Panel. Category: KI-Panel. Netfront error (SLIM_FILEP_E_READ).

Component: Panel. Category: KI-Panel. Netfront error (SLIM_CONTENT_E_SIZEOVER).

Component: Panel. Category: KI-Panel. Netfront error (SLIM_CONTENT_E_NO_CONTENT).

Component: Panel. Category: KI-Panel. Netfront error (SLIM_CONTENT_E_TOOMANYREDIRECT).

Component: Panel. Category: KI-Panel. Netfront error (SLIM_CONTENT_E_TOOMANYAUTH).

Component: Panel. Category: KI-Panel. Netfront error (SLIM_BROWSER_ERROR_NOMEMORY).

Component: Panel. Category: KI-Panel. Netfront error (SLIM_BROWSER_ERROR_NOMEMORY_IMAGE).

Component: Panel. Category: KI-Panel. Netfront error (SLIM_BROWSER_ERROR_TOTAL_SIZEOVER).

Component: Panel. Category: KI-Panel. Netfront error (SLIM_BROWSER_ERROR_BADURL).

Component: Panel. Category: KI-Panel. Netfront error (SLIM_BROWSER_ERROR_BADMIMETYPE).

Component: Panel. Category: KI-Panel. Netfront error (SLIM_BROWSER_ERROR_MIXEDSECURETYPE).

Component: Panel. Category: KI-Panel. Netfront error (SLIM_BROWSER_ERROR_INPUTHISTORY_SIZEOVER).

Component: Panel. Category: KI-Panel. Netfront error (SLIM_BROWSER_ERROR_INPUT_REQUIRED).

Component: Panel. Category: KI-Panel. Netfront error (SLIM_BROWSER_ERROR_KMC_NOTIFYMAXWINDOW).

Component: Panel. Category: KI-Panel. Netfront error (SLIM_BROWSER_ERROR_KMC_SWKOVERFLOW).

Component: Panel. Category: KI-Panel. Netfront error (SLIM_BROWSER_ERROR_KMC_FILEDOWNLOAD).

Component: Panel. Category: KI-Panel. Netfront error (SLIM_BROWSER_ERROR_KMC_SEGFAULT).

Panel Error. NetFont error. Communication error between panel and main controller during initialization or rejection of communication by controller during initialization. Blue Screen of Death.

Component: Panel. Category: KI-Panel. Failed to connect the communication of the controller when starting up. Blue back screen. Cannot enter maintenance mode.

Incompatible Level Of Firmware on Main EEPROM.

Incompatible Level Of Firmware on Main EEPROM.

Component: Panel. Category: KI-Panel. Refused to connect the communication of the controller when starting up. Blue back screen. Cannot enter maintenance mode.

Corrupt Firmware on Main EEPROM.

Corrupt Firmware on Main EEPROM.

Component: Panel. Category: KI-Panel. Time to start up request command (start up request command could not be received). Blue back screen. Cannot enter maintenance mode.

Panel Error. Timeout request for start up command. Start command hasn’t been received. Possible destruction of system file in HDD. Cannot enter maintenance mode. Blue Screen of Death.

Component: Panel. Category: KI-Panel. Cut off of the communication with the controller is detected — waiting to receive: select () OK return, recv() RX data length 0. Blue back screen. Cannot enter maintenance mode.

Panel Error. Detects disconnection with controller. Possible overdrive of control board or destruction of system file in HDD. Cannot enter maintenance mode. Blue Screen of Death.

Component: Panel. Category: KI-Panel. Time out for Response telegraphic message (could not receive response telegraphic message within a fixed time). In case on not through httpd, this error occurs (in case it does not become CGI time out).

Component: Panel. Category: KI-Panel. Received abusive command from controller. At this moment, only the case that unexpected command comes in when wating for the startup request command.

Component: Panel. Category: KI-Panel. Connection error is detected when waiting for he response telegraphic message from the controller. select () function returned the error (other than EINTR).

Component: Panel. Category: KI-Panel. Connection error is detected when waiting for he response telegraphic message from the controller. rcv () function returned the error.

Component: Panel. Category: KI-Panel. Communication error is detected when transferring (using UNIX domain) response telegraphic message in the panel. send() function returned the error (other than EINTR).

Component: Panel. Category: KI-Panel. Crucial error is detected when processing receive/transfer of the response telegraphic message from controller. Failed to acquire semafo???

Component: Panel. Category: KI-Panel. Communication error is detected when sending required response telegraphic message from panel. send() function returned the error (other than EINTR).

Есть несколько кодовых кодировок, которые несут в себе практически схожую информации. Код ошибки 2002 Сбербанк, его суть и варианты исправления сродни таким кодам как 20, 6002, 2000. Предупреждение в этом случае единое – отсутствие интернет соединения, а значит, и исправлять ситуацию следует исходя из этого. Однако, могут быть и иные причины такой ошибки – какие, и как с ними справиться: читайте в этой статье.

код ошибки 2002 сбербанк

Причина возникновения ошибки 2002 в Сбербанке

По сути смысл данной проблемы сводится к одному – пользователь не может зайти в систему. Причиной могут быть разные факторы, несмотря на то что в уведомлении указано –отсутствие интернета.  Итак, приведем основной список:

  1. Неустойчивое интернет соединение, слабый сигнал.
  2. Проблемы с настройками антивирусной программы.
  3. Применяется устаревшая версия мобильного приложения Сбербанка.
  4. На счете отсутствуют денежные средства (речь об операторе связи, и этом балансе).
  5. Сбиты настройки.
  6. На сервере банка ведутся технические работы.

Обратите внимание! Приложение Сбербанка работает через интернет, поэтому при отсутствии сигнала сети, или очень слабой его подаче, может появляться одна из ошибок, указывающая на отсутствие интернета.

Что делать для исправления кода ошибки 2002 Сбербанка

Проблемы решаются в зависимости от их причины, поэтому здесь придется действовать поэтапно. Для начала уточнить – есть ли денежные средства на счете телефона, при отсутствии – внесите платеж, и интернет будет снова активен, а приложение банка заработает. Если нет, тогда выполните следующее:

  1. Проверьте правильность даты и времени.
  2. Временно деактивируйте свой антивирус.
  3. Очистите кэш и историю просмотров, в любом случае такая операция полезна для мобильного устройства.
  4. Обновите программу, или переустановите последнюю версию на смартфон.

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