Ошибка 212 наутилус

Те, кто работает с онлайн-кассами, уже могли столкнуться с тем, что фискальный накопитель (ФН) может выдавать ошибку. Что удобно, обычно ФН в этот момент печатает на чековой ленте код ошибки – при этом номера при одинаковой ошибке будут совпадать у разных касс независимо от производителя. Т.е. перечень кодов ошибок у касс «Эвотор» будет таким же, как у ККТ «АТОЛ», Viki Print и т.д.

Мы разберем самые популярные ошибки фискального накопителя, в числе которых ошибки с кодом 235, 234, 231, 210, 211 и 212.

Ошибка ФН с кодом 235 «Ресурс хранения данных исчерпан»

Ошибка 235 означает, что на фискальном накопителе есть запись, которая в течение 30 дней не была отправлена ОФД. Если такая запись есть, закрыть смену невозможно, а работа кассы блокируется.

Чтобы решить ошибку, проверьте:

  • Связь с оператором фискальных данных;
  • Наличие интернет-соединения;
  • Исправность фискального накопителя.

Чтобы проверить связь с ОФД, необходимо снять отчет по диагностике соединения с ОФД. Данный отчет должен содержать информацию о том, сколько чеков не было передано, с какого числа и состояние канала связи.

Причинами неполадок могут быть неверно указанные реквизиты ОФД, неоплата тарифа или истекший срок договора с оператором, либо проблемы на сервере ОФД.

Если причина в неполадках с Интернетом, нужно проверить следующее:

  1. Настройки инициализации и соединения с маршрутизатором, исправность проводного или беспроводного соединения.
  2. Работу SIM-карты: установлена ли она, исправна.
  3. Средства на балансе сотового оператора или интернет-провайдера.
  4. Работоспособность оборудования на стороне провайдера – для этого обратитесь в техподдержку обслуживающей вас компании.
  5. Для касс «АТОЛ» – проверить, установлено ли приложение EthernetOverUSB либо EthernetOverTransport и корректность его работы.
  6. Для касс VikiPrint – проверить, запущенно ли приложение ComProxy и корректность его работы.
  7. Для касс «Штрих-М» – проверить корректность настройки RNDIS.

Если ни один из пунктов не помог обнаружить проблему, и срок гарантии ФН не истек, то неисправность может быть в самом фискальном накопителе (но это крайне редкий случай). В этом случае можно обратиться в сервисный центр для замены ФН по гарантии.

Ошибка ФН с кодом 234 «Исчерпан ресурс криптопроцессора ФН»

Если на фискальном регистраторе появилась ошибка 234 «Исчерпан ресурс криптографического сопроцессора ФН» (или «Исчерпан ресурс КС») — это значить что истек срок действия ФН и его необходимо заменить.

Сделать это можно следующим образом:

  1. посмотреть дату и время последнего документа в ФН;
  2. перевести дату в кассе на день последнего чека, время — на время несколько позже последнего документы;
  3. закрыть смену при необходимости;
  4. дождаться отправки всех документов в ОФД;
  5. закрыть архив ФН;
  6. зарегистрировать кассу с новым установленным ФН.

Если не получится сделать самостоятельно, необходимо обратиться в обслуживающую организацию.

Ошибка ФН с кодом 231 «Некорректное значение параметров команды ФН»

Такая ошибка может возникнуть, если вы попытается установить фискальный накопитель, не подходящий для вашего вида торговой деятельности или типа налогообложения. Например, если вы занимаетесь торговлей на общей системе налогообложения, то вы не сможете использовать ФН на 36 месяцев.

Убедитесь, что вы выбрали подходящий по параметрам ФН и проверьте корректность передачи системы налогообложения.

Ошибка ФН с кодом 210 «Ошибка обмена с ФН на уровне интерфейса I2C»

Проверьте, подключен ли фискальный накопитель к онлайн-кассе: он либо отключился от нее, либо неисправен шлейф подключения. Если неисправен шлейф, его нужно будет заменить в сервисном центре.

Также причиной ошибки 210 может стать переполнение внутреннего буфера фискального накопителя. Такое может произойти, если накопитель больше месяца не использовался, а потом было пробито много чеков. В таком случае после включения кассового нужно подождать 10-15 минут.

Третий вариант – устарела прошивка фискального накопителя, потребуется ее обновить.

Либо сам механизм ФН вышел из строя, о чем точнее вы можете узнать в сервисном центре.

Ошибка ФН с кодом 211 «Ошибка формата передачи ФН»

Эта ошибка может возникнуть в двух случаях:

  1. Если фискальных накопитель отсоединился от кассы (нужно проверить подключение).
  2. Сломался шлейф для подключения ФН, нужно его заменить.

Вот основные причины, по которым может возникнуть ошибка с кодом 212:

  1. Попытка закрыть смену, которая не была открыта. Чтобы это исправить, нужно выключить онлайн-кассу, включить и открыть смену.
  2. Возможно, нет связи с фискальным накопителем: нужно проверить, подключен ли шлейф к ФН и к самой онлайн-кассе.
  3. Ошибки при регистрации кассового аппарата могут привести к некорректной работе ФН.
  4. Может быть неисправен сам фискальный накопитель или шлейф для подключения к онлайн-ККТ.

Ошибки ФН с кодами 213, 214, 215 и 216

Может помочь перезагрузка кассового аппарата по питанию.

Если это не помогло для решения этих ошибок нужно закрыть архив фискального накопителя и заменить ФН.

Ошибка ФН с кодом 217 «В ФН переданы неверная дата или время»

Нужно проверить, верно ли выставлены в кассе параметры даты и времени и настроить их верно.

Ошибка ФН с кодом 218 «В ФН нет запрошенных данных»

Ошибка может возникнуть при попытке найти документ, которого нет в накопителе. При поиске документов ориентируетесь на номер фискального документа.

Ошибка ФН с кодом 219 «Переполнение ФН (итог чека)»

Фискальный накопитель переполнен, его требуется заменить.

Ошибки ФН с кодами 225, 255 «Неверный номер ФН»

Скорее всего, номер ФН, вписанный в настройки кассы, не совпадает с реальным номером накопителя. Нужно указать правильный номер.

Ошибка ФН с кодом 232 «Превышение размеров данных ФН, передаваемых в формате TLV»

Количество данных, которые ФН может отправить одним пакетом, ограничен. Такая ошибка может возникнуть, если кассир пытается пробить чек со слишком большим количеством позиций.

Ошибка ФН с кодом 233 «Нет транспортного соединения с ФН»

Чтобы убрать эту ошибку, нужно установить транспортное соединение с оператором фискальных данных, затем отправить на ФН соответствующую команду.

Ошибка ФН с кодом 236 «Сообщение от ОФД не может быть принято ФН»

Причиной может послужить неверно указанные параметры ОФД, их нужно исправить.

Ошибка ФН с кодом 237 «В ФН есть неотправленные фискальные документы»

Настройте подключение кассы к Интернету и убедитесь, что все данные с ФН отправлены ОФД. Проверить это поможет отчет о текущем состоянии расчетов.

Ошибка ФН с кодом 238

Этот код означает, что узнать более подробную информацию об ошибке можно с помощью команды чтения регистра 55.

Не хотите останавливать работу кассы и разбираться с возникающими ошибками фискального накопителя? Оформите договор регулярного сопровождения – все проблемы с ошибками ФН решит технический специалист из авторизованного сервисного центра!

Подключить техподдержку


  1. Для чего применяют онлайн кассы?
  2. Для чего нужен фискальный накопитель?
  3. Что нужно делать при появлении ошибки ФН 212?
  4. Почему для устранения ошибки ФН 212 лучше обратиться в компанию ИНТЕЛИС?
  5. Как уменьшить негативные последствия от ошибки ФН 212?
  6. Как в будущем избежать появления ошибки ФН 212?

Онлайн кассы крепко вошли в нашу жизнь, и зачастую уже сложно представить, что когда-то предприниматели вообще не использовали контрольно-кассовую технику.

1 Для чего применяют онлайн кассы?

В соответствии с законом №54-ФЗ предприниматели и организации обязаны применять онлайн кассы при осуществлении расчетов с гражданами, а также между собой при расчетах наличными денежными средствами или с использованием электронного средства платежа с его предъявлением. Случаи, когда бизнес освобожден от обязанности использовать контрольно-кассовую технику, установлены законом.


К основным преимуществам применения кассовой техники можно отнести следующее:

  • у пользователя кассовой техники есть обязанность направить чек по указанию покупателя, а значит в данном случае пользователь онлайн кассы имеет право на законных основаниях попросить у покупателя контактные данные (телефон или электронную почту), а затем кассовые приложения помогают бизнесу более эффективно работать с клиентами (систематизируется информация о клиентах, ведутся программы лояльности, производятся рекламные рассылки с согласия клиента и т.д.);
  • кассовая техника помогает налоговому органу отслеживать в режиме реального времени доход предпринимателей;
  • онлайн касса предотвращает сбыт контрафактных или просто поддельных товаров (результат внедрения системы маркировки);
  • ожидается внедрение новых налоговых режимов, при которых пользователи онлайн касс будут освобождены от обязанности сдавать какую-либо налоговую отчетность;
  • онлайн кассы облегчает проверку соблюдения бизнесом требований законодательства;
  • внедрение онлайн касс избавило бизнес от необходимости иметь обязательный в прошлом договор с центром технического обслуживания;
  • внедрение контрольно-кассовой техники облегчило общественный контроль за бизнесом, поскольку теперь потребитель может проверить любой выданный ему кассовый чек в приложении своего смартфона.

Для того, чтобы онлайн касса могла формировать фискальные чеки, необходимо установить в нее фискальный накопитель. Без фискального накопителя работа с документами, имеющими фискальный признак, невозможна. Именно фискальный накопитель обеспечивает выполнение сразу двух функций, без которых касса будет печатать не кассовые фискальные чеки, а просто бумажки.

2 Для чего нужен фискальный накопитель?

Фискальный накопитель (ФН) – это особое запоминающее устройство, которое сохраняет в себе чеки, сформированные онлайн кассой. Но ФН не только запоминает чеки – он еще и шифрует их, а также хранит информацию о том, что чек передан оператору фискальных данных (ОФД). Определение понятия ФН приведено в статье 1.1 закона №54-ФЗ.

Посмотреть установленное законом определение

фискальный накопитель — программно-аппаратное шифровальное (криптографическое) средство защиты фискальных данных в опломбированном корпусе, содержащее ключи фискального признака, обеспечивающее возможность формирования фискальных признаков, запись фискальных данных в некорректируемом виде (с фискальными признаками), их энергонезависимое долговременное хранение, проверку фискальных признаков, расшифровывание и аутентификацию фискальных документов, подтверждающих факт получения оператором фискальных данных фискальных документов, переданных контрольно-кассовой техникой, направляемых в контрольно-кассовую технику оператором фискальных данных (далее — подтверждение оператора), а также обеспечивающее возможность шифрования фискальных документов в целях обеспечения конфиденциальности информации, передаваемой оператору фискальных данных.


Как и любое техническое устройство, ФН может сломаться, работать в нештатном режиме, а в таком случае необходимо правильно определить причину неполадки и грамотно настроить работу кассы. Рассмотрим порядок действий пользователя кассы на примере появления ошибки ФН 212 на кассах Атол.

3 Что нужно делать при появлении ошибки ФН 212?

Прежде всего, необходимо определить причину ошибки ФН 212.

Ошибка ФН 212 подразумевает неверное состояние фискального накопителя.

Посылаемая команда требует другого состояния ФН (например, нельзя закрыть смену, если она не открывалась и т.д.).

Текущий статус ФН можно получить командой нижнего уровня A4 30.

Запрос статуса ФН

Команда: <A4h><30h>

Ответ: <55h><Код ошибки (1)><Состояние фазы жизни (1)><Текущий документ(1)> <Данные документа (1)><Состояние смены (1)><Флаги предупреждения (1)><Дата и время (5)><Номер ФН1 (16)><Номер последнего ФД2 (4)>

Команда запрашивает текущий статус ФН.

Состояние фазы жизни.

Битовый формат. Поле принимает значения, которые соответствуют статусам жизни ФН:

0 – настройка ФН;

1 – готовность к активизации;

3 – фискальный режим ФН;

7 – постфискальный режим (производится передача фискальных документов ОФД);

15 – доступ к архиву ФН.

Текущий документ.

Информация о текущем документе, параметр может принимать значения:

00h – нет открытого документа;

01h – отчёт о регистрации ККТ;

02h – отчёт об открытии смены;

04h – кассовый чек;

08h – отчёт о закрытии смены;

10h – отчёт о закрытии фискального режима;

12h – отчет об изменении параметров регистрации ККТ в связи с заменой ФН;

13h – отчет об изменении параметров регистрации ККТ;

14h – кассовый чек коррекции;

17h – отчет о текущем состоянии расчетов.

Данные документа:

0 – нет данных документа, 1 – получены данные документа.

Состояние смены:

0 – смена закрыта, 1 – смена открыта.

Флаги предупреждения.

Битовый формат. Используется для информирования пользователя о ресурсах ФН:

0-й бит: Замена ФН: 0 – не требуется, 1 – требуется срочная замена ФН.

1-й бит: Ресурс КС: 0 – не исчерпан, 1 – ресурс КС исчерпан (до окончания срока действия осталось 30 дней).

2-й бит: Состояние памяти ФН: 0 – не переполнена, 1 – переполнена (архив ФН заполнен на 90%).

3-й бит: Время ожидания ответа ОФД (в режиме ожидания ответа от ОФД промежуток времени составляет 5 минут): 0 – не превышено, 1 – превышено.

7-й бит: Критическая ошибка ФН: 0 – нет, 1 – критическая ошибка ФН.

Остальные биты не используются и должны содержать 0.

Дата и время.

Битовый формат (ГГММДД ЧЧММ). Дата и время последнего документа.

Номер ФН.

Номер фискального накопителя, установленного в ККТ.

Номер последнего ФД.

Номер последнего фискального документа (возвращается в порядке от младшего к старшему байту).

1 – Номер фискального накопителя возвращается в формате ASCII.
2 – Номер последнего ФД возвращается в формате BIN.  

Как правило, все исправляется несложным путем (можно выключить, а затем включить кассу и открыть смену), но бывают случаи, когда данная неисправность возникает из-за неисправности изделия.

Если самостоятельно устранить неисправность не удается, рекомендуем обратиться в авторизованный сервисный центр производителя кассового оборудования.

При необходимости, Вы можете поручить нам произвести ремонт кассового оборудования.

4 Почему для устранения ошибки ФН 212 лучше обратиться в компанию ИНТЕЛИС?

Действия с онлайн кассой или фискальным накопителем должны производится в точном соответствии с рекомендациями производителей оборудования. Любые отклонения от установленных алгоритмов чреваты появлением неустранимых неисправностей, после которых придется полностью менять фискальный накопитель (ФН) или производить серьёзный ремонт ККТ.

Кроме того замена ФН или платы в кассе повлечет необходимость совершения регистрационных действий в ФНС, а каждая указанная операция в свою очередь повлечет необходимость привлечения квалифицированного персонала и оплаты их труда, т.е. цена ошибки при проведении даже самого простого ремонта очень высока.

У нас постоянно действуют различные акции, которые позволяют клиентам получить дополнительные скидки на обслуживание при покупке кассы или фискального накопителя. Посмотреть список действующих акций можно на нашем сайте.

Все работы на онлайн кассах специалистами компании Интелис производятся в соответствии со всеми принятыми стандартами качества и технической документацией производителей кассовой техники.


Компания Интелис является партнером и авторизованным сервисным центром (АСЦ) различных производителей онлайн касс, включая Атол, Эвотор и Дримкас.

5 Как уменьшить негативные последствия от ошибки ФН 212?

Основным способом уменьшения негативных последствий от ошибки ФН 212 является привлечение для проведения работ квалифицированных сотрудников. Некорректные действия с кассой и фискальным накопителем повлекут значительные финансовые и временные затраты на исправление ситуации.

Если Вы обратитесь к компанию Интелис, то можете быть уверены, что мы выполним работу в кратчайшие сроки и за минимальную стоимость, а риски, связанные с возможным повреждением оборудования в процессе ремонта, компания Интелис берет на себя.

Также обращаем внимание на то, что более выгодным и удобным для клиента является заключение с компанией Интелис договора на техническое обслуживание ккт . Обо всех преимуществах договора на абонентское обслуживание Вам могут рассказать наши менеджеры, которые с удовольствие ответят на Ваши вопросы по телефону.

Заказать консультацию

Более подробную информацию о плюсах сотрудничества с компанией Интелис при замене фискального накопителя смотрите на нашем сайте.

6 Как в будущем избежать появления ошибки ФН 212?

Чтобы избежать появления ошибки ФН 212 в будущем, рекомендуем следить за тем, чтобы онлайн касса использовала актуальные версии прошивки и драйверов ККТ, а пользователь должен обращаться с онлайн кассой в точном соответствии с регламентами, установленными производителем кассы.

Кроме того, чтобы исключить возможные проблемы, связанные с неграмотным обращением с онлайн кассой при замене ФН, а также не приобрести некачественные фискальные накопители, рекомендуем:

  • приобретать качественные фискальные накопители у проверенных поставщиков;.
  • работы на онлайн кассе (фискальном регистраторе, смарт-терминале) проводить силами квалифицированного персонала на территории Авторизованного сервисного центра (АСЦ), аккредитованного производителем кассового оборудования.
i    Покупая фискальные накопители в компании Интелис, Вы можете быть уверены в том, что приобретаете качественный товар, который хранился в надлежащих условиях, а все действия с кассовым аппаратом будут проведены в точном соответствии с регламентом производителя оборудования.

Закажите абонентское сопровождение онлайн кассы!

Также Вы всегда можете получить у наших менеджеров исчерпывающую информацию о видах онлайн касс, которые могут применяться в соответствии с новыми требованиями. Наши специалисты подскажут оптимальный вариант необходимого Вам оборудования.

Подберите онлайн кассу за 3 шага!

Фискальный накопитель (ФН) — устройство для шифрования и хранения информации о произведённых операциях на кассе, которое передаёт данные ОФД.

Оператор фискальных данных (ОФД) — это компания, которая ежедневно и непрерывно отправляет данные от пользователей контрольно-кассовой техники (ККТ) в ФНС. Имеет разрешение от налоговой инспекции на обработку кассовых данных, обеспечивает их защиту и конфиденциальность при передаче.

Нередко пользователи онлайн-касс сталкиваются с такой ситуацией, когда фискальный накопитель выдаёт ошибку в чеке. Причиной может быть неправильное обращение с ККТ, например, кассир нажал не те кнопки и на экране появляется сообщение или распечатывается чек с определённым кодом.

Принцип работы фискального накопителя на всех кассах одинаковый, поэтому коды ошибок также универсальные, совпадают у разных моделей касс. Разберём частые ошибки ФН, в числе которых 235, 234, 231, 210, 211 и 212 коды, почему возникают и как их устранить.

Ошибка ФН 235 «Ресурс хранения данных исчерпан»

Данная ошибка означает, что запись с фискального накопителя не была вовремя передана оператору фискальных данных. Касса формирует отчёты и чеки, которые направляются в ОФД для передачи сведений о торговых операциях в Федеральную налоговую службу. Если фискальный документ не был передан в течение 30 дней, то ФН перестаёт печатать фискальный признак на чеках и появляется ошибка 235.

Для решения ситуации необходимо проверить:

  • связь с ОФД (оплачен ли тариф, доступен ли сервер ОФД по протоколу TCP);
  • подключение интернет-соединения;
  • исправность фискального накопителя.

При проверке связи с оператором нужно снять отчёт по диагностике соединения с ОФД. Найдите в руководстве по эксплуатации вашей ККТ и, следуя его указаниям, сделайте «Тест связи с ОФД». Там будет указано состояние канала связи, сколько чеков не было передано и с какого числа.

Таким же образом можно найти причину ошибок «Ошибка интерфейса ЭКЛЗ/ФН», если вы работаете с маркировкой на ФФД 1.2. В результате теста связи с ОФД можно выяснить, есть ли неотправленные уведомления. Если уведомление не уйдёт в ОИСМ в течение 30 дней с момента его формирования, то касса заблокирует работу с маркируемым товаром.

Для решения ситуации необходимо проверить:

  • связь с ОИСМ и дополнительный сервер ОФД для передачи сведений в Честный ЗНАК (оплачен ли тариф ОФД, доступен ли сервер ОИСМ по протоколу TCP);
  • подключение интернет-соединения;
  • исправность фискального накопителя.

Причинами появления кода могут быть неверно указанные реквизиты ОФД, не оплаченный вовремя тариф, не исключены проблемы на сервере оператора.

При неполадках с интернетом нужно проверить провода маршрутизатора, исправность проводного или беспроводного соединения. Оплачен ли тариф за услуги оператора или интернет-провайдера. В случае неисправности оборудования – обратиться в техподдержку обслуживающей компании.

Редко, но такое может случиться, что фискальный накопитель пришёл в негодность. Если вы проверили все описанные выше сценарии, но чеки или уведомления всё равно не отправляются в ОФД, то можно обратиться к продавцу ФН с требованием провести диагностику неисправностей. Производитель выдаст замену ФН и заключение о неисправности предыдущего, при условии, что срок гарантии ФН не истёк, в ином случае производитель выдаст заключение о неисправности и вернёт вам неисправный ФН для хранения.

Ошибка ФН 234 «Исчерпан ресурс криптопроцессора ФН»

Если появилась эта ошибка, по-другому может называться «Исчерпан ресурс КС», значит, закончился срок действия фискального накопителя и его необходимо заменить.

ФН различаются по сроку действия (15 и 36 месяцев) в зависимости от налогового режима и вида бизнеса. После окончания срока накопитель нужно заменить на новый, при этом пользователь ККТ должен хранить использованный ФН в течение 5 лет.

Для замены накопителя необходимо сделать следующее:

  1. посмотреть дату и время последнего документа в ФН;
  2. перевести дату в кассе на день последнего чека, а время — на несколько позже последнего документа;
  3. закрыть смену при необходимости;
  4. дождаться отправки всех документов в ОФД (проверить можно в Личном кабинете сервиса);
  5. закрыть архив ФН;
  6. убедиться, что ККТ не снята с учёта ФНС в одностороннем порядке. Достоверная информация доступна в ЛК ФНС или у вашей ИФНС.
  7. зарегистрировать кассу с новым установленным ФН.

Если не получится сделать самостоятельно, необходимо обратиться в обслуживающую организацию. В дальнейшем, чтобы не допускать появления ошибки ФН 234, у некоторых ОФД в Личном кабинете имеется функция слежения графика замены ФН, чтобы избежать остановки работы касс.

Также в ЛК можно проводить анализ продаж и выручки, подбирать товары и услуги по заданным параметрам, составлять необходимые отчёты. В результате ОФД значительно помогает бизнесу в управлении продажами, и предприниматели экономят средства на подключение сторонних сервисов по аналитике.

Онлайн-сервис «Астрал.ОФД» передаёт данные, чеки в ФНС и ЦРПТ в соответствии с требованиями законодательства. Функции личного кабинета позволяют отслеживать корректность отправки чеков в налоговую, проводить мониторинг и аналитику данных. Сервис бесплатно передаёт информацию в систему маркировки товаров «Честный ЗНАК», имеется возможность отправки копии электронного чека по SMS / Email со статусом доставки. А круглосуточная поддержка клиентов помогает оперативно решать вопросы, которые касаются бесперебойной работы онлайн-касс.

Ошибка ФН 231 «Некорректное значение параметров команды ФН»

Такая ошибка возникает, когда пользователь кассы пытается установить фискальный накопитель, не подходящий для его вида торговой деятельности или типа налогообложения.

ФН сроком 15 месяцев устанавливают ИП и организации на ОСН (общая система налогообложения), а также при продаже подакцизных товаров (сигареты, алкоголь, моторные масла и т.д.). ФН на 36 месяцев подходит для всех остальных: на УСН, ПСН, ЕСХН, а также ОСН, которые предоставляют только услуги.

Обратите внимание, что новые ФН 1.1М и 1.2 имеют свойство ограничивать срок своего действия до 410 дней (13 месяцев), если регистрация производится на торговлю подакцизными товарами и/или в автономном режиме.

Если пользователь приобретает онлайн-кассу со встроенным фискальным накопителем — следует проверить, подходит ли он установленным требованиям.

Подобрать модель и подходящий срок работы фискального накопителя помогут специалисты интернет-магазина «Астрал ККТ».

Ошибка ФН 210 «Ошибка обмена с ФН на уровне интерфейса I2C»

Данная ошибка возникает на фоне того, что касса не может установить соединение с фискальным накопителем на уровне интерфейса. Необходимо проверить, правильно ли установлен ФН в кассовом аппарате, не повреждён ли шлейф, который соединяет накопитель и ККТ. В случае повреждений — сдать устройство в сервисный центр.

Бывает, что код 210 появляется при переполненности внутреннего буфера накопителя из-за долгого простоя, а потом большого количества операций на кассе. Если кассовый аппарат не использовался больше месяца, то вначале стоит подождать 10-15 минут, чтобы не допустить появления ошибки.

Ошибка ФН 211 «Ошибка формата передачи ФН»

Код появляется, когда формат команды или параметров фискального накопителя некорректен. Может возникнуть из-за отсоединения ФН от кассы (нужно проверить подключение) или в случае поломки шлейфа для подключения накопителя и нужно его заменить.

Может возникнуть в случае попытки сформировать фискальный документ на ФН с закрытым архивом (закрытым фискальным режимом) — такой ФН не подлежит дальнейшей эксплуатации.

Ошибка ФН 212 «Неверное состояние ФН»

При появлении этой ошибки следует убедиться в том, что ККТ корректно поставлена на учёт в ФНС. Если имеются ошибки при регистрации, то ФН не будет работать. Также необходимо проверить, подключён ли шлейф к ФН и к самой онлайн-кассе, нет ли в нём повреждений.

Если ошибка ФН 212 сопровождается ошибкой чтения реквизита 1013 (ЗН ККТ) или же ФН передаёт номер последней открытой смены, равный нулю, то рекомендуется обратиться в сервисный центр для диагностики фискального накопителя. Как правило, причина простоя кассы в недостаточном питании внутренней батареи ФН.

Ошибки ФН 213, 214, 215 и 216

213. Неисправимая ошибка ФН

214. Ошибка контрольной суммы ФН

215. Истёк срок эксплуатации ФН

216. Архив ФН переполнен

Если возникли эти ошибки, может помочь перезагрузка кассового аппарата. При успешном результате можно продолжать работу, если не помогло — нужно закрыть архив фискального накопителя и заменить сам ФН.

Ошибка ФН 217 «В ФН переданы неверная дата или время»

При передаче фискальных данных указывается дата и время открытия/закрытия смены, которые фиксируются кассой. При сбое настроек ККТ будет выдавать ошибку 217. Нужно проверить параметры даты и времени и настроить их верно.

Ошибка ФН 218 «В ФН нет запрошенных данных»

Такая ошибка появляется при попытке найти фискальный документ, которого нет в накопителе. Нужно проверить, был ли создан документ с таким номером и сверить с чеком в Личном кабинете сервиса оператора фискальных данных.

Ошибка ФН 219 «Переполнение ФН (итог чека)»

Причиной появления данной ошибки является то, что память фискального накопителя переполнена и его нужно заменить на новый.

Ошибки ФН 225, 255 «Неверный номер ФН»

Скорее всего, код ошибки появился из-за вписанного в настройки кассы номера ФН, который не совпадает с реальным номером накопителя. Нужно указать правильный, и ошибка пропадёт.

Ошибок ФН больше, мы разобрали наиболее популярные из них. Не все ошибки связаны с поломкой ФН, проблема может появиться из-за других обстоятельств, неисправности самой кассы или сбоя кассовых программ. И решение таких ошибок лучше проводить по инструкции пользователя к аппарату или доверять специалистам.

20 апреля 2022

На Эвотор ошибка ФН 212 возникает, когда касса не может установить связь с фискальным накопителем. Такая ошибка встречается как при закрытой, так и при открытой смене. Что делать в такой ситуации, разбираемся вместе.

Устраним ошибку 212 на вашей кассе

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Причины ошибки 212 на Эвотор

Код ошибки 212 означает, что связь ККТ и ФН потеряна. Причины уведомления «Неверное состояние ФН» на Эвотор:

  1. Вы пытаетесь закрыть еще не открытую смену.
  2. Попытка продажи через незарегистрированный ФН.
  3. Неправильно зарегистрированный ФН.
  4. Проблемы с соединением кассы и ФН.
  5. Поломка ФН.

Без паники. Мы устраним любую ошибку на Эвотор

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Ошибка ФН 212 на Эвотор — как исправит

  1. Если ошибка возникает при закрытии смены — проверьте, что смена была открыта.
  2. Отчеты → Кассовый отчет


    Кассовый отчёт

    Закрыть смену

    Если вы не видите надпись «Закрыть смену», это значит, что смена не была открыта. На кассах Эвотор смена открывается автоматически при первой продаже. Если за весь день вы ничего не пробивали через кассу, закрывать смену не нужно.

  3. Проверьте, что в кассе находится активный и зарегистрированный ФН
  4. Для работы кассы не достаточно просто вставить фискальник в кассу. Его необходимо зарегистрировать. Как это сделать — уточняйте у наших менеджеров.

  5. Проверьте, правильно ли зарегистрирован ФН
  6. Проверьте все данные в личном кабинете ККТ в на сайте ФНС.

  7. Проверьте, хорошо ли соединяется фискальник с кассой
  8. Воспользуйтесь произвольной командой (пункт 2 инструкции)

Если вы уверены, что правильно зарегистрировали ФН и проверили его соединение с кассой, но Эвотор все равно выдает код ошибки 212 — это может говорить о более серьезном сбое в кассе.

Вам не обязательно разбираться с этим самим, делегируйте решение проблемы нашим инженерам. Мы все сделаем за вас.

Устраним ошибку 212 на вашей кассе

Оставьте заявку или позвоните сами8 (800) 700 40 85



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Удаленно устраняем ошибки на кассе

На смарт-терминалах могут возникать различные проблемы. Неполадки с фискальными накопителями распространены не только на умных ККМ, но и на более простых онлайн-кассах. Рассмотрим ошибку ФН 211 на Эвотор и другие возможные сбои в работе фискальных накопителей.


Ошибка ФН 211 на Эвотор

Ошибка 211 на Эвотор появляется в случаях, когда есть проблемы с ФН:

  1. Нет связи с накопителем. Убедитесь, что ФН подсоединен, а шлейф в порядке. Сделать это можно и визуально, открыв отсек с накопителем. Также следует проверить, видит ли смарт-терминал ФН, таким образом:
    • переходим в настройки;
    • Настройки

    • выбираем «Обслуживание кассы»;
    • Обслуживание кассы

    • жмём «Дополнительные операции»;
    • Дополнительные операции

    • переходим к разделу «Произвольная команда»;
    • Произвольная команда

    • пишем «А4 20» в поле «Команда»;
    • Команда

    • если терминал выдал «(0) Нет ошибок», связь с накопителем есть.
  2. Накопитель сломан. Починить его никак не получится, поможет только замена.
  3. Архив закрыт. Для проверки статуса архива накопителя с помощью произвольной команды делаем следующее:
    • открываем «Обслуживание кассы» в настройках;
    • Настройки

      Обслуживание кассы

    • переходим в «Дополнительные операции»;
    • Дополнительные операции

    • жмём «Произвольная команда»;
    • Произвольная команда

    • вводим «82 01 01 00» в поле «Команда»;
    • Команда

    • в отчете будет строка с информацией о том, закрыт ли архив.

Если самостоятельно диагностировать ФН не получается, стоит обратиться в АСЦ.

Устраним ошибку 211 с ФН на Эвотор

Бесплатная консультация специалиста8 (800) 700 50 85



Ошибка ФН 212 на Эвотор

Касса выдает уведомление «Неверное состояние ФН» по нескольким причинам:

  • Касса не видит фискальный накопитель
  • Попытка провести продажу с неактивированным фискальным накопителем
  • Сам фискальный накопитель неисправен

Что делать в такой ситуации

  1. Проверьте соединение кассы и ФН с помощью команды нижнего уровня — введите команду А4 20.
  2. Зарегистрируйте кассу
  3. Если вышеописанные действия не помогли, обратитесь в наш сервисный центр — мы проведем полную диагностику кассы и точно установим причину проблемы и решим ее.

Устраним ошибку 212 с ФН на Эвотор

Бесплатная консультация специалиста8 (800) 700 50 85



Ошибка ФН 217 на Эвотор

Данная ошибка возникает, если на кассе установлены некорректные дата и время. Необходимо исправить это в настройках кассы, чтобы чеки уходили в ОФД.

  1. Закройте смену
  2. Отчеты → Кассовые отчеты → Закрыть смену


    Кассовые отчеты

    Закрыть смену

  3. Главное меню → Настройки → Дата и время
  4. Настройки

    Дата и время

  5. Зажмите и держите строку с датой временем → Введите корректные данные
  6. Зажмите строку с датой

    Введите корректные данные

  7. Проведите тестовую оплату, чтобы убедиться, что все работает
  8. Продажа







    В чек

    К оплате




Возникли вопросы? Оставьте номер, мы объясним

Бесплатная консультация специалиста8 (800) 700 50 85



Другие записи блога

Акциз на сладкие газированные напитки — что значит в 2023

Как открыть ЭЦП — пошаговая инструкция

Проверки ККТ в 2023 году — чего ждать бизнесу

Обязательная маркировка вейпов

Спасибо за отзыв! Ваша оценка будет учтена после модерации

Написать отзыв





Normal Status

Normal Status


Dark light sensor test error (CS11A, CS11B, CS4) during initializing.

1. Check if each sensor is mounted. 2. If error occurs when checking CS11A cable operation, replace a sensor. 3. If error occurs when checking CS11B cable operation, replace a sensor. 4. If error occurs when checking CS4 cable operation, replace a sensor.


Error of being removed 2nd cassette before separate rejection



Error of being removed 2nd cassette before separate rejection

1. Set cassette #2 correctly 2. Check the catcher inside cassette #2 guide


No Savings Account






Unable to load a cassette.

Removed and replace cassette Check the micro-switch located on the inside left wall of the dispenser.


Low cash.

Replenish the cash-if using less than 75 bills, disable the ÒLow Cash WarningÓ in the Transaction Setup Menu.


Reject Bin full.

Empty the Reject Bin-If the bin is empty, do a Day Total and then a Cassette Total-If than doesnÕt help, check AP, BIOS and CDU ROM versions.


Vault Door is open.

Close the vault door. Check door switch.



Cash Dispenser Unit data(country, cassette, shutter)setting error occurs during initialization.

1. Check Cash Dispenser Unit information. 2. check battery back-up SRAM.


Receipt paper jam

Remove any jammed paper from the printer.


TPH Headup Lever Open

Check Headup Lever.


Receipt printer feed plate open

Close the feed plate.


Out of receipt (Receipt paper empthy)

Replenish the receipt paper.


Receipt printer head overheated before printing

Check the printer head and change if necessary.


The feed lever of the recipt printer is open. It was detected that the feed lever was open before ther receipt printer started to operate.

Clear jammed notes or call your service personnel.


Note detected in stacker (shutter or presenter type)

Clear any notes from the stacker.


Receipt printer lever opened

1. Close the lever of print head completely


Receipt printer head overheated

1. Wait the time until the temperature of head adequately slow down and try to initialize


Receipt paper jam

1. Remove jammed paper between printer head and rollers


Receipt paper empty

1. Replenish receipt paper 2. Check the status of sensor and its connector


Receipt paper setting error

1. Check the status of setting paper 2. Check the status of sensor and its connector


Command is received while doing self-test

1. After terminating self-test and initialize receipt printer


No receipt paper

1. Replenish receipt paper in paper charger 2. Check the status of Near End sensor and its connector


Receipt paper cutting error

1. Check the Cutter module 2. Check if printer head lever is properly close


No sensing black mark (dark sensor)

1. Check the status of Black mark sensor 2. Check if Dip switch # 6 is correctly set (Dip switch # 6 is set by On in case of not using Black mark)


Sensor detects note in delivery path before CDU dispenses

Remove note from the CDU delivery path.


Receipt printer lever opened

1. Close the lever of print head completely


Receipt printer head overheated

1. Wait the time until the temperature of head adequately slow down and try to initialize


Receipt paper jam

1. Remove jammed paper between printer head and rollers


Receipt paper empty

1. Replenish receipt paper 2. Check the status of sensor and its connector


Receipt paper setting error

1. Check the status of setting paper 2. Check the status of sensor and its connector


Command is received while doing self-test

1. After terminating self-test and initialize receipt printer


No receipt paper

1. Replenish receipt paper in paper charger 2. Check the status of Near End sensor and its connector


Receipt paper cuttimg error

1. Check the Cutter module 2. Check if printer head lever is properly close


No sensing black mark (dark sensor)

1. Check the status of Black mark sensor 2. Check if Dip switch # 6 is correctly set (Dip switch # 6 is set by On in case of not using Black mark)


CS4 sensor detects note in delivery path befoe CDU dispenses

Remove note from the CDU delivery path.


Cash Dispenser(CDU) received the undefined command from AP software

1. Get the trace file and log files in D:\trace 2. Call your attendant


Notes are detected on tray(CS2 Sensor) before dispensing

1. Remove notes on CS2 sensor 2. Clean CS2



CS3 Dark detection during initializing or Dispense reserved operation

1. Remove the remaining notes or foreign objects on the gate 2. Check if the CS3 sensor bracket is bended. 3. Check if the CS3 sensor cable is disconnected4. Exchange a sensor after abnormal operating CS3 Gate detecting sensor.


CS2 and CS3 Dark detection during initializing or dispense reserved operation

The same as #40011 and #40012 error handling


CS4A sensor detects note in delivery path before/after CDU dispenses

1. Remove note from the CDU delivery path. 2. Clean CS4A


CS2 or CS4A sensor detects note in delivery path before/after CDU dispenses

1. Remove note from the CDU delivery path. 2. Clean CS2 and CS4A


CS3 and CS4A Dark detection during initializing or dispense reserved operation

The same as #40011 and #40012 error handling


CS2, CS3 and CS4A Dark detection during initializing or dispense reserved operation

The same as #40011, #40012 and #40014 error handling


CS4B sensor detects note in delivery path before/after CDU dispenses

1. Remove note from the CDU delivery path.


CS2 or CS4B sensor detects note in delivery path before/after CDU dispenses

1. Remove note from the CDU delivery path. 2. Clean CS4B


CS1A sensor detects note in delivery path before/after CDU dispenses

1. Remove note from the CDU delivery path. 2. Clean CS1A


CS1B sensor detects note in delivery path before/after CDU dispenses

1. Remove note from the CDU delivery path. 2. Clean CS1B


CS1A or CS1B sensor detects note in delivery path before/after CDU dispenses

1. Remove note from the CDU delivery path. 2. Clean CS1A and CS1B


CS13 sensor detects note in delivery path before/after CDU dispenses

1. Remove note from the CDU delivery path. 2. Clean CS13


CS1A or CS13 sensor detects note in delivery path before/after CDU dispenses

1. Remove note from the CDU delivery path. 2. Clean CS1A and CS13


Failed in checking the main motor echo

1. Initialize 2. Check Main Motor Encoder Slit 3. Initialize after Power On/Off 4. Check Encoder Sensor CS8 BRKT 5. Check CS8 Sensor Cable 6. Change Main Motor Encoder Slit Sensor CS8


Failed in checking the reject gate solenoid echo



Failed in checking the present gate solenoid echo



Check sum error (No information is set)

1. Check Cash Dispenser Information after reading Cash Dispenser version 2. Initialize3. Initialize after executing Cash Dispenser Information Set(ÔPÕ) Command4. Change Cash Dispenser B/D


Error of two sheets detecting sensor(CS5_1)

1. Check CS5_1 Sensor Cable 2. Check second Dip Switch in Cash Dispenser B/D 3. Change CS5_1 Sensor


Error two sheets detecting sensor(CS5_2) for initializing

1. Check CS5_2 Sensor Cable 2. Check second Dip Switch in CDU B/D3. Change CS5_2 Sensor


Error of CS 2, CS13 sensor during initialization



Error of 2 sheets detecting sensor(CS5_1/CS5_2)

1. Check Cash Dispenser Board Segment 2. Initialize 3. Read data of ÔRead Double SensorÕ Command


Error in checking SRAM



Gate operation sensor (CS3) error

1. Initialize after removing notes or dust2. Check CS3 Sensor BKRT3. Check CS3 Sensor Cable4. Exchange Sensor after abnormal operating CS3 Gate detecting Sensor5. Replace Reject Solenoid 1


Cassette is removed during dispensing

1. Check the cassette catcher 2. Set the cassette properly


Error if re-driving is over 5 times during separated rejection

1. Check notes in Reject Box 2. Rearrange notes in Cassette 3. Remove dust in CS15AB, CS31AB, CS41AB CS1AB Sensor 4. Check dust existing in CS5 Sensor Guide 5. Check dust existing in Main Motor Encoder Slit6. Check index value of notes each cassette


In case the number of notes detected outlet sensor(CS13) is less thanthe number of required notes

1. Check notes dispensed and rejected 2. Remove notes jammed in CDU 3. Remove dust in CS13 Sensor 4. Exchange sensor after abnormal operating CS13 Sensor


Error if total reject is more than 20 sheets

1. Check notes in Reject Box 2. Rearrange notes in Cassette 3. Remove dust in CS1AB, CS15AB, CS31AB, CS41AB Sensor 4. Check dust in existence CS5 Sensor Guide 5. Check notes index value


Error if continuous 5 times are rejected

1. Check notes in Reject Box 2. Rearrange notes in Cassette 3. Check dust in Main Motor Encoder Slit 4. Remove dust in CS15AB, CS31AB,CS1AB Sensor5. Exchange CS8 Encoder Slit Sensor


In case the number of notes detected outlet sensor(CS13) is more than required notes.

1. Check notes dispensed and rejected 2. Remove dust in CS13 Sensor 3. Exchange sensor after abnormal operating CS13 Sensor


Program error(Separated rejection)

1. Initialize after Reset Power 2. Upgrade Cash Dispenser Firmware or Re-download 3. Exchange Cash Dispenser B/D



1 cassette misfeed error (Separated rejection)

1. Check notes in 1 Cassette 2. Check Sensor(CS6) Poll 3. Check jam in 1 cassette and reload 4. Remove dust in CS1A, CS1B Sensor5. Exchange 1 cassette box when there are many error


Error to dispense 0 sheets to be required(Separated rejection)

1. Check received command 2. Check communication cable 3. Check Cash Dispenser Firmware Version


Received a request for over 150 notes dispensing on the Cash Dispenser from the upper unit.

1. Check the Cash Dispenser received command 2. Check the abnormal communication cable. 3. Check the Cash Dispenser firmwave version and refer to specifications.


The remaining notes at the sensor in front of the CST after dispense operation (CS1A, CS1B)

1. Remove the remaining notes at a sensor in front of the CST 2. Realign notes in the cassette 3. Check abnormal clutch. 4. Check abrasion of the cassette box pick unit.


Error for the double note detection during separation.



Cash Dispenser EP Program Error during dispense operation (failed table search)

1. Initialize after resetting the power 2. Upgrade the Cash Dispenser firmware or download software again 3. Replace the Cash Dispenser B/D


Timeout due to noteÕs length error passed through the CS13 during dispense operation

1. Remove a jammed note between the tray and Cash Dispenser 2. Remove a jammed note at the position of the CS13 sensor3. Remove a dust on the CS13 sensor


Abnormal operation of the gate solenoid during dispense operation.

1. Remove a jammed note on the gate 2. Remove notes in the reject box and remount the reject box 3. Check if the CS3 sensor bracket is bended. 4. Check if the CS3 sensor cable is disconnected(CN10 #9~10) 5. Exchange a sensor after abnormal operating CS3 Gate detecting sensor. 6. Replace the reject solenoid 1


Sum check error of note index setting value in the CDU CST of EEPROM during initializing

1. Read the CDU version to check CDU CST note index2. Reinitialize3. Initialize after executing the CDU Information Set(ÔPÕ) Command4. Replace the CDU board


Retract box position error during command reserved operation

1. Mount the retract box or open the box cover 2. Check if CS62 sensor poll is abnormal 3. Check if the CS62 sensor cable is disconnected (Cash Dispenser Board CN10 #5~2).



Initial jam time error



Something is detected in C31AB sensor before dispensing bills from 3rd cassette.



Something is detected in C31AB sensor before dispensing bills.



Bills are remained in CS1AB sensor after dispensing bills.



Bills are remained in CS31AB sensor after dispensing bills



Something is detected on CS41AB sensor before dispensing bills from fourth cassette.



Something is detected on CS41AB sensor during dispensing bills.



Bills is remained in CS41AB sensor after dispensing bills.



Something is detected on CS15AB sensor before dispensing operation



Something is detected in C15AB sensor during dispensing operation



Bill is remained in CS15AB sensor after dispensing operation



Failed to close the CDU shutter (failed ten times retry)

1. Remove foreign objects in the shutter unit. 2. Check the shutter motor connection cable. 3. Check a connection status of the TS004 and TS005 sensor. 4. Check the shutter camÕs rotation operation.


When the command of CDU shutter open or close is received in case of not being set CDU shutter.



Error failed to communicate with CDU shutter



Error occurs when cassette with ID is not mounted



Error occurs when the number of dispensed bills from cassette donÕt match with the number of detection by sensor



Mismatched number of check sheets

1. Check dispensed check and reject check.2. Remove a jammed note on the CDU.3. Remove a dust or foreign objects on the CS13 sensor4. Exchange a sensor after abnormal operating the CS13 sensor ._ Reset number of check sheets after troubleshooting.


Reject error due to check skew during check dispense operation.

. Check a checkÕs status in the reject box 2. Remove a dust and foreign objects on the CS31AB or CS41AB sensors. 3. Check the CIU Module Print Head. 4. Realign check sheets in the check cassette box. _ Reset number of check sheets after troubleshooting.


Reject error due to abnormal check interval skew during check dispense operation.

1. Check a checkÕs status in the reject box2. Remove a dust and foreign objects on the CS31AB or CS41AB sensors.3. Check the CIU Module Print Head.4. Realign check sheets in the check cassette box.5. Clean the pick up roller in the check cassette box._ Reset number of check sheets after troubleshooting.


Reject error due to long check sheet during check dispense operation.

The same as #40092 handling.



Reject error due to short check sheet during check dispense operation.

The same as #40092 handling.


Reject error due to 2 check sheetsÕ pick up during check dispense operation

The same as #40092 handling.


Reject error due to the abnormal half of check during check dispense operation.

The same as #40092 handling.


Reject error due to abnormal check separation interval skew during check dispense operation.

The same as #40092 handling.


Abnormal CIU detecting sensor during check dispense operation

1. Clean CS31AB and CS41AB, or remove foreign objects. 2. Check if the FM Board (3 CST or 4 CST) CN3 and CIU Sensor Cable are connected.


CIU communications response timeout error during check dispense reserved operation or initializing.

1. Reinitialize2. Check if the CIU communications serial cable is connected.3. Check if the CIU power cable is connected.


Card Swipe Error.

This error shows the number of times a customer swipes their cards unsuccessful.


Unable to create INI file



Unable to read file



Unable to write file



Unable to close file



Unable to delete file



Unable to copy file



Unable to create directory



In case other command is executed in Cash Unit Exchange



In case it is not eh Cash Unit Exchange



Cash dispenser service is already cash in state



In case it is not the status of Cash In



In case the ID of cassette donÕt match



In case the cassette counting donÕt match



In case the number of cassette donÕt match



In case the dispensed bills are different from the requested ones.



In case two ID are same in cassette



Failed to communicate with Receipt printer when connected to SP open

1.Check if communication cable or com port is not connected


Dark light sensor error (CS4) during idle status of cash dispenser



Dark light sensor error (CS11A, CS11B) during idle status of cash dispenser



Dark light sensor error (CS13) during idle status of cash dispenser



Cassette 1 misfeed



Receipt paper runs out of after printing

1.Replenish receipt paper in paper charger 2.Check the status of Near End sensor and its connctor


Dark light sensor test error (CS31A, CS31B) during initializing.

1. Check if each sensor is mounted.1. Check if each sensor is mounted. 2. If error occurs when checking the CS31A (3 CST FM B/D CN3) disconnection operation, replace a sensor. 3. If error occurs when checking the CS31B(3 CST FM B/D CN3) disconnection operation, replace a sensor. 4. Check if the CDU Board CN6 and 3 Cassette FM Board CN1 are connected. 5. Check settings of 3 Cassette FM Board Dip Switch (#2, #4, #6 On)


Field is not Found

1. Reboot ATM 2. Call your attendant


Serial port open fail

Check Cable / Device


DEV_PIN (Key data error from host)

1. Contact to host

















Undefined error

1.Reinitialized Journal printer and check again


The error of head right position

1.After checking the head right position, try to reinitialized Journal printer and check again


The error of Paper charger sub assembly

1.Check the Paper charger and status of supplied paper


Failed to print due to shortage of CR/LF

1.Check if FFC cable is properly connected or short


Paper out when checked status of initializing

1.Check if supplied paper is running out of or occurred jam in return path


Head overheat

1.Turn off the power for a moment to slow down overheat of head and turn on the power


Paper jam error

1.Remove the jammed paper and initialize


No cassette

Insert or re-insert the cassette(s). Check cassette sensor.


Note shortage

Replenish the cassette.


Reject bin full

Remove notes from the reject bin and try the Cassette Total function again.


Vault door open

Close the vault door. Check door switch.


Cash Dispenser Unit data setting error

Check Cash Dispenser Unit information. (Currency, Denomination, etc)


Receipt paper jam

Remove any jammed paper from the printer.


Receipt printer feed plate open

Close the feed plate.


Out of receipt (Receipt paper empthy)

Replenish the receipt paper.


Receipt printer head overheated before printing

Check the printer head and change if necessary.


Note detected in stacker (shutter or presenter type)

Clear any notes from the stacker.


Receipt printer lever opened

1. Close the lever of print head completely


Receipt printer head overheated

1. Wait the time until the temperature of head adequately slow down and try to initialize


Receipt paper jam

1. Remove jammed paper between printer head and rollers


Receipt paper empty

1. Replenish receipt paper2. Check the status of sensor and its connector


Receipt paper setting error

1. Check the status of setting paper2. Check the status of sensor and its connector


Command is received while doing self-test

1. After terminating self-test and initialize receipt printer


No receipt paper

1. Replenish receipt paper in paper charger2. Check the status of Near End sensor and its connector


Receipt paper cuttimg error

1. Check the Cutter module2. Check if printer head lever is properly close


No sensing black mark (dark sensor)

1. Check the status of Black mark sensor2. Check if Dip switch # 6 is correctly set (Dip switch # 6 is set by On in case of not using Black mark)


Sensor detects note in delivery path before CDU dispenses

Remove note from the CDU delivery path.


Receipt printer lever opened

1. Close the lever of print head completely


Receipt printer head overheated

1. Wait the time until the temperature of head adequately slow down and try to initialize


Receipt paper jam

1. Remove jammed paper between printer head and rollers


Receipt paper empty

1. Replenish receipt paper2. Check the status of sensor and its connector


Receipt paper setting error

1. Check the status of setting paper2. Check the status of sensor and its connector


Command is received while doing self-test

1. After terminating self-test and initialize receipt printer


No receipt paper

1. Replenish receipt paper in paper charger2. Check the status of sensor and its connector


Receipt paper cutting error

1. Check the Cutter module2. Check if printer head lever is properly close


No sensing black mark (dark sensor)

1. Check the status of Black mark sensor2. Check if Dip switch # 6 is correctly set (Dip switch # 6 is set by On in case of not using Black mark)


CS4 sensor detects note in delivery path before CDU dispenses Sensor is located along the delivery path right before the reject bin.

Remove note from the CDU delivery path.


To shows that received command was undefined



To show command parameter error



The reception of the command that impossible to implementation



To show that error data was included in command



To show that a command, which requires the card movement, was executed before IC contacts were released from the card



To show that the card was not carried to the specific location after specified number of trial for specified time during execution of command of carrying card in various ways



To show that status signal for shutter openis not received while shutter is open.



To show that the Sensor is damaged or more that one card is inside ICRW.



To show that the card longer than 92mm is inserted into ICRW



To show that the card shorter than 78mm is inserted into ICRW



To show that data in F-ROM is damaged



To show that the card staying inside ICRW was moved up to the point where status request information change. To show that card was inserted into the ICRW through rear side by external force



To show that the card was not carried to the specific location after specified number of trial for specified time during execution of RETRIEVE command.



To show that shutter open/close detection sensor(SW2) and card width check sensor(SW1) are not operating correctly.



To show that a card was not inserted from the rear, even if 10 seconds had passed after the execution of BACK ENTRY command



To show that track has parity error



To show that read error has happened in Multiple magnetic read command.



To show that write error is detected through write/verify procedure.



To show that only SS,ES,LRC are contained in the track. (no retry)



To show that the card has no magnetic track(no retry)



To show that quality error(Jitter,Preamble,Postamble) has happended in write verify.



To show that the track has no SS.



To show that the track has no ES



To show that the track has no LRC error



To show that the discordance of write data has happened in write verify.



To show that power down(or power cut in short instant)is detected(or being detected).



To show that DSR signal was turned to OFF(communication is cut)



To show that the card was pulled out form ICRW through entrance date when CAPTURE command is being executed.



Failure at IC Contact solenoid or sensor ICD.



Card could not be set to IC contack position/Failure at sensor PDI.



ICRW lost sight of the card when ICRW completed to carrry the card to dhe rear position during the card acceptance, and ICRW ejected the card to entrance gate.



To show that the ejected card has not been withdrawn during execution of Monitoring for removal command.



Retract counter overflow.



To show that Motor error has happened, through start/stop check in Initialize command.



To show that read error in Digital Decode Read Command.



To show that there found abnormal condition on the power-line.



The receiving error for ATR.



To show that the specified protocol does not agree with that of ICC/SAM ICRW still connected.



In case T=1 cards, after ATR receiving, IFS exchange is failed. ICRW detects time out.



In case T=1 cards, after ATR receiving, IFS exchange is failed. ICRW detects protocol error.



HOST tried to communicate with IC card without card activation.



ICRW tried to activate with ICC/SAM, but the card returned ATR, which is not supported.



ICRW tried to activate with ICC/SAM, but the card returned ATR, Which does not match EMV.



Failure at F-ROM operation.



Firmware of User program code area is wrong.



Receiving undefined command



Detecting CS2 Dark (Front Access Type:Reject box is opened.)



Detecting CS4A Dark



Detecting CS2, CS4A Dark



Detecting CS4B Dark



Detecting CS2, CS4B Dark



Detecting CS1A Dark



Detecting CS1B Dark



Detecting CS1A, CS1B Dark



Detecting CS13 Dark



Detecting CS1A, CS13 Dark



Failed in checking the main motor echo

1. Initializ2. Check Main Motor Encoder Slit3. Initialize after Power On/Off4. Check Encoder Sensor CS8 BRKT5. Check CS8 Sensor Cable6. Change Main Motor Encoder Slit Sensor CS8


Failed in checking the reject gate solenoid echo



Failed in checking the present gate solenoid echo



Check sum error (No information is set)

1. Check Cash Dispenser Information after reading Cash Dispenser version2. Initialize3. Initialize after executing Cash Dispenser Information Set(ÔPÕ) Command4. Change Cash Dispenser B/D


Error of two sheets detecting sensor(CS5_1)for initializing

1. Check CS5_1 Sensor Cable2. Check second Dip Switch in Cash Dispenser B/D3. Change CS5_1 Sensor


Error of CS 2, CS13 sensor during initialization



Error of 2 sheets detecting sensor(CS5_1/CS5_2) for dispensing

1. Check Cash Dispenser Board Segment2. Initialize3. Read data of ÔRead Double Sensor Command


Error in checking SRAM



Gate operation sensor (CS3) error before initial recovery

1. Initialize after removing notes or dust over Gate2. Check CS3 Sensor BKRT3. Check CS3 Sensor Cable4. Exchange Sensor after abnormal operating CS3 Gate detecting Sensor5. Replace Reject Solenoid 1


Cassette is removed during dispensing

1. Check the cassette catcher2. Set the cassette properly


Error if re-driving is over 5 times during separated rejection

1. Check notes in Reject Box 2. Rearrange notes in Cassette 3. Remove dust in CS15AB, CS31AB, CS41AB CS1AB Sensor 4. Check dust existing in CS5 Sensor Guide5. Check dust existing in Main Motor Encoder Slit6. Check index value of notes each cassette


In case the number of notes detected outlet sensor(CS13) is less than the number of required notes

1. Check notes dispensed and rejected 2. Remove notes jammed in CDU 3. Remove dust in CS13 Sensor 4. Exchange sensor after abnormal operating CS13 Sensor


Error if total reject is more than 20 sheets

1. Check notes in Reject Box2. Rearrange notes in Cassette3. Remove dust in CS1AB, CS15AB, CS31AB,CS41AB Sensor4. Check dust in existence CS5 Sensor Guide5. Check notes index value


Error if continuous 5 times are rejected



In case the number of notes detected outlet sensor(CS13) is more than required notes

1. Check notes dispensed and rejected 2. Remove dust in CS13 Sensor 3. Exchange sensor after abnormal operating CS13 Sensor


Program error(Separated rejection)

1. Initialize after Reset Power2. Upgrade Cash Dispenser Firmware or Re-download3. Exchange Cash Dispenser B/D


1 cassette misfeed error (Separated rejection)

1. Check notes in 1 Cassette2. Check Sensor(CS6) Poll3. Check jam in 1 cassette and reload4. Remove dust in CS1A, CS1B Sensor5. Exchange 1 cassette box when there are many error


Error if the number of dispensed notes is not matched to the requested

1. Check CS13 sensor (note jam and dust)2. Replace CS13 sensor


Error to dispense 0 sheets to be required(Separated rejection)

1. Check received command 2. Check communication cable 3. Check Cash Dispenser Firmware Version


Received a request for over 150 notes dispensing on the Cash Dispenser from the upper unit.

1. Check the Cash Dispenser received command2. Check the abnormal communication cable.3. Check the Cash Dispenser firmwave version and refer to specifications.


The remaining notes at the sensor in front of the CST after dispense operation (CS1A, CS1B)

1. Remove the remaining notes at a sensor in front of the CST2. Realign notes in the cassette3. Check abnormal clutch.4. Check abrasion of the cassette box pick unit.


The error of double detection bills during dispense operation



Cash Dispenser EP Program Error during dispense operation (failed table search)

1. Initialize after resetting the power2. Upgrade the Cash Dispenser firmware or download software again3. Replace the Cash Dispenser B/D


Timeout due to noteÕs length error passed through the CS13 during dispense operation

1. Remove a jammed note between the tray and Cash Dispenser2. Remove a jammed note at the position of the CS13 sensor3. Remove a dust on the CS13 sensor


Abnormal operation of the gate solenoid during dispense operation.

1. Remove a jammed note on the gate2. Remove notes in the reject box and remount the reject box3. Check if the CS3 sensor bracket is bended.4. Check if the CS3 sensor cable is disconnected (CN10 #9~10)5. Exchange a sensor after abnormal operating CS3 Gate detecting sensor.6. Replace the reject solenoid 1


Cash dispenser configuration error

1. Replace cash dispenser PCB2. Reconfigure cash dispenser setup data


Retract box position error during comman reserved operation

1. Mount the retract box or open the box cover2. Check if CS62 sensor poll is abnormal3. Check if the CS62 sensor cable is disconnected (Cash Dispenser Board CN10 #5~2).


Initial jam time error

1. Remove jammed notes2. Clean the sensors (CS1~CS15) in cash dispenser


Something is detected in C331A, CS31B sensor before dispense operation



Something is detected in C331A, CS31B sensor before dispense operation



Bills is staying in CS1A, CS1B sensor after dispense operation



Bills is staying in CS31A, CS31B sensor after dispense operation



Something is detected on CS41A, CS41B sensor before dispense operation



Something is detected on CS41A, CS41B sensor before dispense operation



Bills is staying in CS41A, CS41B sensor after dispense operation



Something is detected on CS15AB sensor before dispensing operation



Something is detected in C15AB sensor during dispensing operation



Bill is remained in CS15AB sensor after dispensing operation



ItÕs impossible to read the version after transferring to the CduSetup menu.



ItÕs impossible to read the version after CDU Setup.



UserÕs setting values are different from the actual written setting value.



Host line fail

Inconsistent with the message of Host


Cash jammed on Cash Dispenser

1. Remove jammed notes on Cash Dispenser return path2. Remove dust in CS1~CS4 sensor


Card in card reader

1. Remove card





Failed to connect communication between SP of PIN and EP of one

1. Check if communication cable or COM port is not connected


Failed to deliver to data of EPPÕs SP

1. Check if communication cable or COM port is not connected


Received data time out of EPP

1. Check if communication cable or COM port is not connected


Delivered data time out of EPP

Check if communication cable or COM port is not connected


Failed to read Register of EPP

1. Reboot ATM


Failed to produce Thread of EPP

1. Reboot ATM


Failed to create buffer

1. Reboot ATM


MapView of File Fail in Create

1. Initialize Pin SP. 2. Call your attendant


Create Mutex Fail for SIU(Sensor)

1. Initialize Pin SP. 2. Call your attendant


COM handle is null for EPP

1. Initialize Pin SP. 2. Call your attendant


BCC error of EPP

1. Check BCC logic of EPP


Pinpad (EPP) is down when it receives an ‘InitializingÕ command

_ Reboot ATM _ Replace pinpad


EPP is down when it receives an ‘Get Status’ command

1. Reboot ATM 2. Replace pinpad


EPP is down when it receives an ‘Clear Func Key’ command

1. Reboot ATM 2. Replace pinpad


Failed to create file



Failed to read file



Failed to write file



Failed to close file



Failed to delete file



Failed to copy file



Failed to create Registry



Failed to read Registry



Failed to write Registry



Failed to delete file


** Reference https://hyosungamericas.com/

Error Description Trouble shooting 40000 Received a command that the CDU does not have from the upper unit. 1. Check the CDU received command
2. Check the CDU firmware version and refer to specifications. 40011 CS2 dark detection during initializing or dispense reserved operation (Reject box mounting/dismounting). 1. Initialize after mounting the reject box.
2. Check if the CS2 sensor cable is disconnected
3. Exchange a sensor after abnormal operating CS2 Sensor 40014 CS4A Dark detection during initializing or dispense reserved operation. 1. Remove the remaining notes and foreign objects at the position of the CS4A sensor
2. Check if the CS4A sensor cable is disconnected
3. Exchange a sensor after abnormal operating the CS4A Sensor 40015 CS2 & CS4A dark detection during initializing or dispense reserved operation. 1. Remove the remaining notes and foreign objects at the position of the CS2 & CS4A sensor
2. Check if the CS2 & CS4A sensor cable is disconnected
3. Exchange a sensor after abnormal operating the CS2 & CS4A Sensor 40018 CS4A Dark detection during initializing or dispense reserved operation. 1. Remove the remaining notes and foreign objects at the position of the CS4B sensor
2. Check if the CS4B sensor cable is disconnected
3. Exchange a sensor after abnormal operating the CS4B sensor 40019 CS2 & CS4B dark detection during initializing or dispense reserved operation. 1. Remove the remaining notes and foreign objects at the position of the CS2 & CS4B sensor
2. Check if the CS2 & CS4B sensor cable is disconnected
3. Exchange a sensor after abnormal operating the CS2 & CS4A Sensor 40021 CS11A dark detection during initializing or dispense reserved operation. 1. Remove the remaining notes and foreign objects at the position of the CS11A sensor
2. Check if the CS11A sensor cable is disconnected .
3. Exchange a sensor after abnormal operating the CS11A sensor 40022 CS11B dark detection during initializing or dispense reserved operation. 1. Remove the remaining notes and foreign objects at the position of the CS11B sensor
2. Check if the CS11B sensor cable is disconnected .
3. Exchange a sensor after abnormal operating the CS11B sensor 40023 CS11A & CS11B dark detection during initializing or dispense reserved operation. 1. Remove the remaining notes and foreign objects at the position of the CS11A & CS11B sensor
2. Check if the CS11A & CS11B sensor cable is disconnected .
3. Exchange a sensor after abnormal operating the CS11A &CS11B
sensor 40028 CS13 Dark detection during initializing or Dispense reserved operation. 1. Remove the remaining notes and foreign objects at the position of the CS13 sensor
2. Check if the CS13 sensor cable is disconnected (CDU Board CN10 #1~4).
3. Exchange sensor if error occurs after checking CS13 sensor operation 40029 CS11A & CS13 dark detection during initializing or dispense reserved operation. 1. Remove the remaining notes and foreign objects at the position of the CS11A & CS13 sensor
2. Check if the CS11A & CS13 sensor cable is disconnected (CDU Board CN10 #1~4).
3. Exchange sensor if error occurs
after checking CS13 sensor operation 40030 Main motor speed error. 1. Initialize
2. Check Main Motor Encoder Slit
3. Initialize after Power On/Off
4. Check Encoder Sensor CS8 BRKT
5. Check CS8 Sensor Cable
6. Change Main Motor Encoder Slit Sensor CS8 40031 Error of Reject Gate Solenoid module 1. Check if the Reject Gate Solenoid cable is disconnected 40032 Error of Gate Solenoid module 1. Check if the Gate Solenoid cable is disconnected 40034 Error of double detecting module including sensor (CS5_1
/CS5_2) during dispensing bills 1. Check CDU Board Segment.
2. Initialize
3. Read data of ‘Read Double Sensor’ Command 40036 CS2 & CS13 dark detection during initializing or dispense reserved operation. 1. Remove the remaining notes and foreign objects at the position of the CS2 & CS13 sensor
2. Check if the CS2& CS13 sensor cable is disconnected
3. Exchange sensor if error occurs after checking CS2 & CS13 sensor operation 40039 Gate operation sensor (CS3) error before initial recovery 1. Initialize after removing notes or dust over Gate
2. Check CS3 Sensor BKRT
3. Check CS3 Sensor Cable
4. Exchange Sensor after abnormal operating CS3 Gate detecting Sensor
5. Exchange Reject Solenoid 1 40040 1st ~ 4th cassette not available during dispense reserved operation 1. Check the cassette mounting(1st
~ 4th)
2. Sensor(CS7,CS17,CS33,CS43) Operation Check 40041 Error if re-driving is over 5 times 1. Check notes in Reject box
2. Rearrange notes in Cassette
3. Remove dust in CS1AB, CS15AB, CS31AB, CS41AB
4. Check dust existing in Main Motor Encoder Slit
5. Check Index value of notes each cassette 40042 CS13 < Required Notes 1. Check notes in Reject Box
2. Remove notes jammed in CDU
3. Remove dust in CS13 Sensor
4. Exchange sensor after abnormal operating CS13 Sensor 40043 Error if total reject is more than 40 Note 1. Check notes in Reject box
2. Rearrange notes in Cassette
3. Remove dust in CS1AB, CS15AB, CS31AB, CS41AB
4. Check dust existing in Main Motor Encoder Slit
5. Check Index value of notes each cassette 40045 CS13 > Required Notes 1. Check notes dispensed and rejected
2. Remove dust in CS13 Sensor
3. Exchange sensor after abnormal operating CS13 Sensor 40046 Program Error 1. Initialize after Reset Power
2. Upgrade CDU Firmware or Re- download
3. Exchange CDU B/D 40047 1st cassette miss feed during dispense operation 1. Check notes in 1st Cassette
2. Check JAM in 1st Cassette and reload 40049 Dispenseing 0 notes required is error 1. Check received command
2. Check communication cable
3. Check CDU Firmware Version 40051 Received a request for over 150 notes dispensing on the CDU from the upper unit. 1. Check received command
2. Check communication cable
3. Check CDU Firmware Version 40052 The remaining notes at the sensor in front of the 1th CST before dispense operation(CS1AB) 1. Remove the remaining notes at a sensor in front of the Cassette
2. Realign notes in the cassette
3. Check abnormal clutch
4. Check abrasion of the cassette box pick unit 40055 Time out due to note’s length error passed throught the CS13 during dispense operation 1. Remove a jammed note at the position of the CS13
2. Remove a dust on the CS13 sensor 40056 abnormal operation of the Reject gate solenoid during dispense operation 1. Remove a Jammed note on the gate
2. Exchange a sensor after abnormal operating CS3 Gate detecting sensor
3. Replace the reject solenoid 1 40060 The remaining notes at the sensor in front of the 3rd CST before dispense operation(CS31AB) 1. Remove the remaining notes at a sensor in front of the Cassette
2. Realign notes in the cassette
3. Check abnormal clutch
4. Check abrasion of the cassette box pick unit 40061 CS31AB dark detection during dispense reserved operation. 1. Remove the remaining notes at a sensor in front of the Cassette
2. Realign notes in the cassette
3. Check abnormal clutch
4. Check abrasion of the cassette box pick unit 40062 The remaining notes at the sensor in front of the 1st CST after dispense operation(CS1AB) 1. Remove the remaining notes at a sensor in front of the 1st Cassette
2. Sensor(CS1AB) Operation Check 40063 The remaining notes at the sensor in front of the 3rd CST after dispense
operation(CS31AB) 1. Remove the remaining notes at a sensor in front of the 3rd Cassette
2. Sensor(CS31AB) Operation Check 40070 The remaining notes at the sensor in front of the 4th CST before dispense operation(CS41AB) 1. Remove the remaining notes at a sensor in front of the Cassette
2. Realign notes in the cassette
3. Check abnormal clutch
4. Check abrasion of the cassette box pick unit 40071 Received a request for over 200 notes dispensing on the CDU from the upper unit. 1. Check received command
2. Check communication cable
3. Check CDU Firmware Version 40072 CS41AB dark detection during dispense reserved operation. 1. Remove the remaining notes at a sensor in front of the Cassette
2. Realign notes in the cassette
3. Check abnormal clutch
4. Check abrasion of the cassette box pick unit 40073 The remaining notes at the sensor in front of the 4th CST after dispense operation(CS41AB) 1. Remove the remaining notes at a sensor in front of the Cassette
2. Realign notes in the cassette
3. Check abnormal clutch
4. Check abrasion of the cassette box pick unit 40080 The remaining notes at the sensor in front of the 2nd CST before dispense operation(CS15AB) 1. Remove the remaining notes at a sensor in front of the Cassette
2. Realign notes in the cassette
3. Check abnormal clutch
4. Check abrasion of the cassette box pick unit 40081 CS15AB dark detection during dispense reserved operation. 1. Remove the remaining notes at a sensor in front of the Cassette
2. Realign notes in the cassette
3. Check abnormal clutch
4. Check abrasion of the cassette box pick unit 40082 The remaining notes at the sensor in front of the 2nd CST after dispense operation(CS21AB) 1. Remove the remaining notes at a sensor in front of the Cassette
2. Realign notes in the cassette
3. Check abnormal clutch
4. Check abrasion of the cassette box pick unit 97197 Count mismatch between request count and dispensed count. 1. Check CS13 sensor
2. Reconnect and remove dust in CS13 sensor
3. Upgrade the Cash Dispenser firmware or download software again
4. Replace the Cash Dispenser B/D 97201 Hardware error occurred before executing command 1. Reset the PTR SP 97400 Fail to open port 1. Do RESET at Operator Function.
2. Reboot ATM 97411 CS2 Dark detection 1. Check the remained notes for sensor
– CS2
2. Check for sensor pollution
– CS2
3. Clean sensor and replace if necessary. 97414 CS4A Dark detection 1. Check the remained notes for sensor
– CS4A
2. Check for sensor pollution
– CS4A
3. Clean sensor and replace if necessary. 97418 CS4B Dark detection 1. Check the remained notes for sensor
– CS4B
2. Check for sensor pollution
– CS4B
3. Clean sensor and replace if necessary. 97421 CS1A,B Dark detection 1. Check the remained notes for sensor
– CS1A,B
2. Check for sensor pollution
– CS1A,B
3. Clean sensor and replace if necessary. 97428 CS13 Dark detection 1. Check the remained notes for sensor
– CS13
2. Check for sensor pollution
– CS13
3. Clean sensor and replace if necessary. 97447 Cassette 1 misfeed (Cassette status is OK) 1. Check the notes in cassette #1 97449 Error to dispense 0 sheets to be required 1. Check received command
2. Check communication cable
3. Check Cash unit Information 1030100 DEV_PIN (Key data error from
host) Contact to host 1106910 LOST SLIP”, DEV_SPR 2000400 Vault door open Close the vault door. Check door
switch. 2001000 Receipt paper jam Remove any jammed paper from the printer. 2001200 Receipt printer feed plate open Close the feed plate. 2001300 Out of receipt (Receipt paper empty) Replenish the receipt paper. 2001400 Receipt printer head overheated before printing Check the printer head and change if necessary. 2010100 Receipt printer lever opened Close the lever of print head completely 2010200 Receipt printer head overheated Wait the time until the temperature of
head adequately slow down and try to initialize 2010300 Receipt paper jam Remove jammed paper between printer head and rollers 2010400 Receipt paper empty 1. Replenish receipt paper
2. Check the status of sensor and its connector 2010500 Receipt paper setting error 1. Check the status of setting paper
2. Check the status of sensor and its connector 2010600 Command is received while doing self-test After terminating self-test and initialize receipt printer 2010700 No receipt paper 1. Replenish receipt paper in paper charger
2. Check the status of Near End sensor and its connector 2010800 Receipt paper cutting error 1. Check the Cutter module
2. Check if printer head lever is properly close 2010900 No sensing black mark (dark sensor) 1. Check the status of Black mark sensor
2. Check if Dip switch # 6 is correctly set
(Dip switch # 6 is set by On in case of not using Black mark) 2080100 Receipt printer lever opened Close the lever of print head completely 2080200 Receipt printer head overheated Wait the time until the temperature of
head adequately slow down and try to initialize 2080300 Receipt paper jam Remove jammed paper between printer head and rollers 2080400 Receipt paper empty 1. Replenish receipt paper
2. Check the status of sensor and its connector 2080500 Receipt paper setting error 1. Check the status of setting paper
2. Check the status of sensor and its connector 2080600 Command is received while doing self-test After terminating self-test and initialize receipt printer 2080700 No receipt paper 1. Replenish receipt paper in paper charger
2. Check the status of Near End sensor
and its connector 2080800 Receipt paper cutting error 1. Check the Cutter module
2. Check if printer head lever is properly close 2080900 No sensing black mark (dark sensor) 1. Check the status of Black mark sensor
2. Check if Dip switch # 6 is correctly set
(Dip switch # 6 is set by On in case of not using Black mark) 3000000 Failed to set USB control register – 3000100 Undefined control command – 3000200 Undefined bulk command – 3001000 Abnormal end sensor – 3100100 Send to undefined command. Restart the Service Provider 3100100 Failed to download firmware (EP bin file broken) – 3100200 Command execution is impossible. Restart the Service Provider 3100200 Failed to download firmware (connection lost) – 3100400 Command data error. Restart the Service Provider 3101000 Latch sensor is abnormal Please confirm inside of card reader 3102000 Card has not been read yet or others errors Restart the Service Provider 3102100 No Start sentinel Please confirm which is problem card or card reader 3102200 VRC Error Please confirm which is problem card or card reader 3102300 No End sentinel. Too many data Please confirm which is problem card or card reader 3102400 LRC Error Please confirm which is problem card or card reader 3102500 No mag.stripe or No encoded card Please confirm which is problem card or card reader 3102700 SS-ES-LRC card Please confirm which is problem card or card reader 3103000 Detection of Power failure. Issue the Reset command. 3106000 Abnormal condition was found on the power-line (Vcc) of
ICC(or SAM). Check to card reader is running well with IC Chip card. 3106100 The receiving error of ATR. Check to card reader is running well with IC Chip card. 3106200 The card(SAM) does not accept this protocol. Check to card reader is running well with IC Chip card. 3106300 IC card(SAM) communication error(No answer). Check to card reader is running well with IC Chip card. 3106400 IC card(SAM) communication error(Other) Check to card reader is running well with IC Chip card. 3106500 IC card(SAM) is not activated Check to card reader is running well with IC Chip card. 3106600 IC card(SAM) returned ATR which is not supported ISO/IEC7816-3 Check to card reader is running well with IC Chip card. 3106900 IC card(SAM) returned ATR which does not match EMV 2000 V4.0. Check to card reader is running well with IC Chip card. 3107000 F-FROM write error Issue the Reset command. 3107100 CRC error of User program code area of ESU Check the card reader and ESU board. 3107200 EEPROM operation error Restart the EPP device. 3107600 Transmission error between ESU and ICRW Check the card reader and ESU board. 3109500 ESU is broken-down or disconnected Check the card reader and ESU board. 3109600 Metallic fraud object is detected. Check the card reader and ESU board. 3109900 Internal error is occurred and Fail to get error code from DLL Restart the Service Provider 9311200 Fail to connect device or initialize device Check the device cable and connection. 9312300 Fail to close device. Check the device cable and connection. 9313200 Fail to send command to device Check the device cable and
connection. 9313300 Abnormal communication after device open success Check the device cable and connection. 9341100 Fail to create sensor polling thread. Restart the Service Provider 9341300 Sensor polling thread is terminated. Restart the Service Provider 9701010 Failed to connect communication between SP of
PIN and EP of one Check if communication cable or COM port is not connected 9701012 Failed to deliver to data of
EPP’s SP Check if communication cable or
COM port is not connected 9701016 Received data time out of EPP Check if communication cable or
COM port is not connected 9701017 Delivered data time out of EPP Check if communication cable or
COM port is not connected 9701031 Failed to read Register of EPP Reboot ATM 9701040 Failed to produce Thread of
EPP Reboot ATM 9701060 Failed to create buffer Reboot ATM 9701111 BCC error of EPP Check BCC logic of EPP 9701151 EPP is down when it receives
an ‘Get Status’ command 1. Reboot ATM
2. Replace pinpad 9701152 EPP is down when it receives
an ‘Clear Func Key’ command 1. Reboot ATM
2. Replace pinpad 9720000 Receipt printer communication error
during SP opening Check if communication cable or COM port is not connected 9720200 communication error between SP and firmware. Reboot ATM 9722010 Receipt Printer communication failure
during COM port open 1. Do RESET at Operator Function
2. Reboot ATM 9722020 File Open Error 1. Reboot ATM
2. Call your attendant 9722022 Failed to write file (Receipt Printer) 1. Reboot ATM
2. Call your attendant 9722060 Memory Allocate Error
(PrintForm Allocate IndexBuffer Fail) 1. Reboot ATM
2. Call your attendant 9722068 Invalid Media Name 1. Reboot ATM
2. Call your attendant 9722211 invalid data size Reboot ATM 9723010 Fail to connect device or initialize device Check the device cable and connection. 9723010 Failed to open USB port Check the device cable and connection. 9723011 Failed to read card track data Check the device cable and connection. 9723012 Fail to send command to device Check the device cable and connection. 9723012 Failed to read firmware version Check the device cable and connection. 9723013 Fail to close device. Check the device cable and connection. 9723013 Failed to download firmware to device Check the device cable and connection. 9723014 USB port is detached Check the device cable and connection. 9723019 Abnormal communication after device open success Check the device cable and connection. 9723020 Firmware status is incorrect and firmware file does not exist Restart the Service Provider 9723040 Fail to create sensor polling thread. Restart the Service Provider 9723040 Failed to create sensor polling thread Restart the Service Provider 9723041 Failed to create firmware
downloading (read firmware version) polling thread Restart the Service Provider 9723042 Cannot make device status thread. Restart the Service Provider 9723048 Sensor polling thread is terminated. Restart the Service Provider 9723058 Exception is occurred Restart the Service Provider 9740020 Failed to create file 1. Reboot ATM
2. Reinstall software
3. Replace hard disk drive 9740020 Failed to create file 1. Reboot ATM
2. Call your attendant 9740025 Failed to copy file 1. Reboot ATM
2. Reinstall software
3. Replace hard disk drive 9740025 Failed to copy file 1. Reboot ATM
2. Call your attendant 9740101 Cashunit type setting is invalid. (except Reject/Retract Cashunit) 1. Check the input parameter. 9740102 Cashunit note index setting is invalid.
(except Reject/Retract Cashunit) 1. Check the input parameter. 9740316 No Items During Retract process 9740323 Items Taken During Retract or Reset process 9745500 System power off while
dispensing 9799901 DOOR CHECK 1. Reboot ATM
2. Call your attendant 9799902 LIGHT ERROR 1. Reboot ATM
2. Call your attendant 9799903 SPL ERROR 1. Reboot ATM
2. Call your attendant 9799904 PIN ERROR 1. Reboot ATM
2. Call your attendant 9799905 SENSOR CHECK 1. Reboot ATM
2. Call your attendant 9799907 UPS ERROR 1. Reboot ATM
2. Call your attendant 9799908 SCREEN ERROR 1. Reboot ATM
2. Call your attendant 2010A00 The size of image print data is abnormal Check the AP version and initialize 2010B00 Margin value is invalid during configuration. 2010C00 Paper jammed at the exit of the
slot 2010D00 Paper jammed in the path (Receipt Printer) 2010F00 The firmware crashed (Receipt Printer) 2080A00 The size of image print data is abnormal Check the AP version and initialize 2080B00 Margin setting error 1. Check whether the default registry setting is
2. Reset the PTR SP 2080C00 Paper jammed at the exit of the slot 1. Remove the jammed paper 2080D00 Paper jammed in the path 1. Remove the jammed paper 2080E00 The size of image print data is abnormal while printing image. 2080F00 The firmware crashed 1. Check whether the dip switch #1 is set to “ON”
2. Update the firmware 2080I00 Use to same sequence number. Sequence number must be different to previous sequence number. Need to check SP process. 2080K00 It means Image print is not finished.
When SPR print image data with receive,
If no more data received then SPR can not print all image data. Cause is as follows.
1. Cable is low quality.
2. USB disconnect.
3. SP is not work continuously.
Need to analyze tracelog for more information. 2DN0000 Failed to connect communication between Receipt printer and SP 1.Check if communication cable or com port is not connected 4001C CS4A/B dark detection during initializing or dispense reserved operation. 1. Remove the remaining notes and foreign objects at the position of the CS4A/B sensor
2. Check if the CS4A/B sensor cable is disconnected
3. Exchange a sensor after abnormal operating the CS2 & CS4A/B
Sensor 4001D CS2 & CS4A/B dark detection during initializing or dispense reserved operation. 1. Remove the remaining notes and foreign objects at the position of the CS2 & CS4A/B sensor
2. Check if the CS2 & CS4A/B sensor cable is disconnected
3. Exchange a sensor after abnormal operating the CS2 & CS4A/B
Sensor 4002A CS11B & CS13 dark detection during initializing or dispense reserved operation. 1. Remove the remaining notes and foreign objects at the position of the CS11B & CS13 sensor
2. Check if the CS11B & CS13 sensor cable is disconnected (CDU Board CN10 #1~4).
3. Exchange sensor if error occurs after checking CS13 sensor operation 4002B CS11A, CS11B & CS13 dark
detection during initializing or dispense reserved operation. 1. Remove the remaining notes and foreign objects at the position of the CS11A/B & CS13 sensor
2. Check if the CS11A/B & CS13 sensor cable is disconnected (CDU Board CN10 #1~4).
3. Exchange sensor if error occurs
after checking CS13 sensor operation 4003A When more than 5 sheets of cash dispensing is required during a test. 1. Check command that CDU is received
2. Check CDU EP ROM Version or specification 4003B CS15A dark detected 1. Remove notes or dust in existence CS15A Sensor
2. Check CS15A Sensor Cable
3. Exchange Sensor after abnormal operating CS15A Sensor 4004A Time out(Note Jam) 1. Remove Jammed notes on CDU retrun path
2. Remove dust in CS1AB, CS4AB, CS13 Sensor
3. install after rearranging notes in cassette 4004B Continuous 10 times error if note is (long & Short & Skew) 1. Check state of notes in reject box
2. Rearrange notes in cassette
3. Check index of notes
4. Check foreign objects in the main motor encoder slit
5. Replace the CS8 encoder slit sensor 4004D 1st cassette not available during dispense reserved operation 1. Check the 1st cassette mounting
2. Sensor(CS7) Operation Check 4004E 2nd cassette not available during dispense reserved operation 1. Check the 2nd cassette mounting
2. Sensor(CS17) Operation Check 4005B 2nd cassette miss feed during dispense operation 1. Check notes in 2nd Cassette
2. Check JAM in 2nd Cassette and reload 4005D Continuously detected 3 notes for six times or more during dispense operation 1. Check notes status in the reject box
2. Realign note in the cassette
3. Check foreign objects at the position of the CS5
Sensor Guide
4. Check if the CS5 Cable is disconnected 4006A Time out(Note Jam) 1. Remove Jammed notes on CDU retrun path
2. Remove dust in CS15AB, CS4AB, CS13 Sensor
3. install after rearranging notes in cassette 4006B CS31AB dark detection during initialize reserved operation. 1. Remove the remaining notes at a sensor in front of the 3rd Cassette
2. Sensor(CS31AB) Operation Check 4007A Time out(Note Jam) 1. Remove Jammed notes on CDU retrun path
2. Remove dust in CS41AB, CS4AB, CS13 Sensor
3. install after rearranging notes in cassette 4007B CS41AB dark detection during initialize reserved operation. 1. Remove the remaining notes at a sensor in front of the 4th Cassette
2. Sensor(CS41AB) Operation Check 4007C 4th cassette miss feed during dispense operation 1. Check notes in 4th Cassette
2. Check JAM in 4nd Cassette and reload 4007D 4th cassette not available during dispense reserved operation 1. Check the 4th cassette mounting
2. Sensor(CS43) Operation Check 4008F Hole discovered during dispense reserved operation 1. Remove Jammed notes on CDU retrun path
2. Rearrange notes in Cassette 4009A Time out(Note Jam) 1. Remove Jammed notes on CDU retrun path
2. Remove dust in CS31AB, CS4AB, CS13 Sensor
3. install after rearranging notes in cassette 4009D 3rd cassette not available during dispense reserved operation 1. Check the 3rd cassette mounting
2. Sensor(CS33) Operation Check 4009F 3rd cassette miss feed during dispense operation 1. Check notes in 3rd Cassette
2. Check JAM in 3rd Cassette and reload 400BA CDU unit configuration value Error 1. Chekc CDU Type(Model)
2. Select proper type 400BC The communication data length does not match 1. Check received command
2. Check communication cable
3. Check CDU Firmware Version 400BD Communication protocol error. Update SP to newer version. 400BE CS4A/B dark JAM detection during dispense operation. 1. Remove the remaining notes and foreign objects at the position of the CS4A/B sensor.
2. Check the CS4A/B sensor cable.
3. Exchange a sensor after abnormal operating the CS2 & CS4A/B Sensor. 400BF Received a command that the CDU TYPE does not have from the upper unit 1. Check the Cdu Received Command
2. Check the CDU firmware vesion and refer to specification 400C7 CS12 Sensor of external shutter is detected as dark, after Initialization or before dispensing operation. 1. Check and remove the remaining notes or debris in External_shutter.
2. Clean the surface of CS12 and
check whether sensor cable is disconnected. 400C8 CS14 Sensor of external shutter is detected as dark, after Initialization or before dispensing operation. 1. Check and remove the remaining notes or debris in External_shutter.
2. Clean the surface of CS14 and check whether sensor cable is disconnected. 400C9 CS12 and CS14 Sensors of external shutter are detected as dark, after Initialization or before dispensing operation. 1. Check and remove the remaining notes or debris in External_shutter.
2. Clean the surface of sensors(CS12 & CS14) and check whether sensor cables are
disconnected. 400CC (CS1AB, CS15AB, CS31AB,
CS41AB) dark detection during dispense reserved operation. 1. Remove the remaining notes at a sensor in front of the Cassette(1st ~ 4th Cassette)
2. Realign notes in the cassette
3. Check abnormal clutch
4. Check abrasion of the cassette box pick unit 400D0 1. Patrol note fails to pass through the external shutter(CS13~CS12)
2. If the sensors have no trouble detecting, It is most likely to have been caused by customerss hands or others. 1. Check and remove the remaining notes or debris in External_shutter.
2. Clean the surface of CS12 and check whether sensor cable is disconnected. 400D1 1. Patrol note fails to pass through the external shutter(CS12~CS14)
2. If the sensors have no trouble detecting, It is most likely to have been caused by customerss hands or others. 1. Check and remove the remaining notes or debris in External_shutter.
2. Clean the surface of CS14 and check whether sensor cable is disconnected. 400FF In case of remaining cash in transport 1. Check the remained notes in Transport.
2. Check a dust in Transport.
3. Check the sensor Cable. 4DN00 Abnormal communication (device is offline, communication cable is disconnected) 1. Do Reset at operator function.
2. Check the communication cable
3. Reboot ATM 4DN01 Abnormal response from firmware 1. Do Reset at operator function.
2. Reboot ATM 4DN81 Fail to shutter open port 1. Do RESET at Operator Function.
2. Reboot ATM 93A5600 Exception is occurred Restart the Service Provider 93A9100 MCU device is out of order (Invalid serial number) Check serial number of MCU 93A9500 Fail to connect ESU or setting fail. Restart the Service Provider 971A0 Invalid denomination 1. Reconfigure denomination at supervisor mode 971A1 Invalid currency 1. Reconfigure currency at supervisor mode 971A2 Dispenser state is not dispensable. 1. Check the Reject/Retract Bin Full or missing.
2. Check the replenished amount and replenish. 971A3 In case the number of bills dispensed
exceeds the maximum dispensing bill 1. Check cash dispenser driver (CDM SP) version
2. Reconfigure the maximum dispensable count 971A5 Invalid mix number 1. Reconfigure cash dispenser at supervisor mode 971A6 CashDispenser configuration error!
SP AutoRecover Fail 3 Times. 1. Reconfigure denomination at supervisor mode 971A7 CashDispenser configuration error 1. Reconfigure denomination at supervisor mode 971B0 No bills in stacker when Present executed. 1. Check a dust in stacker
2. Check the sensor cable. 971DX Partial dispense from cassette #X 1. Check the replenished amount and replenish
2. Check the notes in cassette #X 97221A2 Invalid Unit 1. Reboot ATM
2. Call your attendant 97221C1 Form is not Found 1. Reboot ATM
2. Call your attendant 97221C4 Form Name is NULL 1. Reboot ATM
2. Call your attendant 97221C5 Invalid Form 1. Reboot ATM
2. Call your attendant 97221C6 PrintForm() offset is Invalid 1. Reboot ATM
2. Call your attendant 97221C7 Invalid Form (Too many
Fields) 1. Reboot ATM
2. Call your attendant 97221D1 Media is not Found 1. Reboot ATM
2. Call your attendant 97221D3 Media Overflow when form size is larger
than media size 1. Reboot ATM
2. Call your attendant 97221D4 Media Name is NULL 1. Reboot ATM
2. Call your attendant 97221D5 Invalid Media (Attribute for Media definition
is not proper) 1. Reboot ATM
2. Call your attendant 97221D6 Invalid Media (Area size is
larger than media size) 1. Reboot ATM
2. Call your attendant 97221D7 Invalid Media (Size of Media Name is exceeded
to 2048 bytes totally) 1. Reboot ATM
2. Call your attendant 97221E1 Field is not Found 1. Reboot ATM
2. Call your attendant 97221E2 Field Error (This Field must
have initial value) 1. Reboot ATM
2. Call your attendant 97221E3 Non-Indexed value for Indexed
Field 1. Reboot ATM
2. Call your attendant 97221E4 Invalid Field 1. Reboot ATM
2. Call your attendant 97221E5 Invalid Field (This Field’s width
is 0) 1. Reboot ATM
2. Call your attendant 9722DN0 Receipt Printer communication failure
during sending command to Receipt Printer 1. Do RESET at Operator Function
2. Reboot ATM 9743B CS15A,B Dark detection 1. Check the remained notes for sensor
– CS15A,B
2. Check for sensor pollution
– CS15A,B
3. Clean sensor and replace if necessary. 9745B Cassette 2 misfeed (Cassette status is OK) 1. Check the notes in cassette #2 9746B CS31A,B Dark detection 1. Check the remained notes for sensor
– CS31A,B
2. Check for sensor pollution
– CS31A,B
3. Clean sensor and replace if necessary. 9747B CS41A,B Dark detection 1. Check the remained notes for sensor
– CS41A,B
2. Check for sensor pollution
– CS41A,B
3. Clean sensor and replace if necessary. 9747C Cassette 4 misfeed(Cassette status is OK) 1. Check the notes in cassette #4 9749F Cassette 3 misfeed(Cassette status is OK) 1. Check the notes in cassette #3 974AA Failed to download firmware. Check the firmware file 974FE Transport is not empty Check remained notes for transport that are not detected by sensor 974FF The remained note is detected when
the notes start to be dispensed 1. Check the remained notes in Stacker
2. Check a dust in stacker.
3. Check the sensor Cable. 97912XX DEV_SPR Time Over Error 1. Reboot ATM
2. Call your attendant 97915XX DEV_BRM Time over Error
Code 1. Reboot ATM
2. Call your attendant 97916XX DEV_PBM Time over Error
Code 1. Reboot ATM
2. Call your attendant 97918XX DEV_PIN Time over Error
Code 1. Reboot ATM
2. Call your attendant 9791AXX DEV_FNG Time over Error
Code 1. Reboot ATM
2. Call your attendant 9791BXX DEV_VFD Time over Error
Code 1. Reboot ATM
2. Call your attendant 97922XX DEV_SPR FATALERROR (WARNING) 1. Reboot ATM
2. Call your attendant 97925XX DEV_BRM FATALERROR
(WARNING) 1. Reboot ATM
2. Call your attendant 97926XX DEV_PBM FATALERROR
(WARNING) 1. Reboot ATM
2. Call your attendant 97928XX DEV_PIN FATALERROR
(WARNING) 1. Reboot ATM
2. Call your attendant 9792AXX DEV_FNG FATALERROR
(WARNING) 1. Reboot ATM
2. Call your attendant 9792BXX DEV_VFD FATALERROR
(WARNING) 1. Reboot ATM
2. Call your attendant 991@@91 ON TRANSACTION POWER
OFF 1. Check power supply
2. Check backup battery A010100 Open lever detected before executing command Close the feed lever. A010200 Printer thermal head overheated while executing command Check the thermal printer head and change if necessary. A010300 Paper jam detected before executing command Remove any jammed paper from the printer. A010400 Paper setting error detected before executing command Remove and re-install the receipt paper. A010500 Paper check error detected before executing command Remove and re-install the receipt paper. A010800 Paper cutter software check error detected before executing
command Check for and remove any jammed paper. A080100 Open lever detected while executing command Remove any jammed paper. A080200 Receipt printer head overheated while printing Check the thermal printer head and change if necessary. A080300 Paper jam detected while executing command Remove and re-install the receipt paper. A080400 Paper setting error detected before executing command Remove and re-install the receipt paper. A080500 Paper check error in doing command Remove any jammed paper. A080800 Paper cutter software check error detected while executing command Check for and remove any jammed paper. ADN0100 No response detected for 30 seconds after sending command Check cable and connection between the CE and printer. ADN0F00 No response detected for 30 seconds after sending command Check cable and connection between the CE and printer. ADN1100 No response detected after 3 retries Check cable and connection between the CE and printer. ADN1200 No response detected between ENQ-ACK after 5 retries of ENQ Check the cable and connection between the CE and printer. ADN1300 No response detected after 5 retries because of timeout between STX-BCC interval Check cable and connection between the CE and printer. D000100 Error while modem initializing Check the modem connection and
the modem test. D000200 Reversal transaction failure Check for any CDU error codes and the number of notes
dispensed to customer. D000300 PIN ERROR Transaction was denied by host D000400 INVALID PIN Reboot ATM D000500 BANK UNAVAILABLE Transaction was denied by host D000600 CARD NOT SUPPORTED Transaction was denied by host D000700 INSUFFICIENT FUNDS Transaction was denied by host D000800 INELIGIBLE TRANSACTION Transaction was denied by host D000900 INELIGIBLE ACCOUNT Transaction was denied by host D001000 DAILY LIMIT EXCEEDED Transaction was denied by host D001100 UNABLE TO PROCESS Transaction was denied by host D001200 Invalid transaction Check the transaction from the
host and try again. D001300 Invalid amount Check the transaction from the
host and try again. D001400 Invalid card number Check the transaction from the
host and try again. D001500 UNABLE TO PROCESS Transaction was denied by host D001600 WITHDRAWAL LIMIT
ALREADY REACHED Transaction was denied by host D001700 INVALID AMOUNT Transaction was denied by host D001800 EXTERNAL DECLINE Transaction was denied by host D001900 SYSTEM ERROR Transaction was denied by host D002000 Surcharge screen should have been displayed Check the transaction from the
host and try again. Check BIN List D002100 ROUTING LOOKUP
PROBLEM Transaction was denied by host D002200 UNABLE TO PROCESS Transaction was denied by host D002300 TRANSACTION NOT
SUPPORTED Transaction was denied by host D002400 Exceeds Issuer Withdrawal
Limit Check the transaction from the
host and try again. D003900 No Credit Account Check the transaction from the
host and try again. D005100 Insufficient Funds Check the transaction from the host and try again. Try Balance
Inquiry D005200 No Checking Account Check the transaction from the
host and try again. D005300 No Savings Account Check the transaction from the
host and try again. D005400 Expire Card Check the transaction from the
host and try again. D005500 Incorrect Pin Check the transaction from the
host and try again. D005700 Transaction not Permitted –
Card Check the transaction from the
host and try again. D005800 Transaction not Permitted –
Terminal Check the transaction from the
host and try again. D006100 Exceeds Withdrawal Limit Check the transaction from the
host and try again. D007500 PIN Tries Exceeded Check the transaction from the
host and try again. D007800 No Account Check the transaction from the
host and try again. D008000 Invalid Date Check the transaction from the
host and try again. D008300 Can not Verify PIN Check the transaction from the host and try again. Try different
cards. D008600 Can not Verify PIN Check the transaction from the
host and try again. Try different cards. D009100 Bank Unavailable Check the transaction from the
host and try again. D009200 System Unavailable Check the transaction from the
host and try again. D009300 Transaction Serial Number
mismatch Check the terminal setting from
the host. D009400 Record format mismatch. Check the terminal setting from
the host. D009500 Routing ID mismatch. Check the terminal setting from
the host. D009600 Terminal ID mismatch. Check the terminal setting from
the host. D009700 Response Type mismatch
(Reversal) Check the terminal setting from
the host. D009800 Response Type mismatch
(Day Close) Check the terminal setting from
the host. D009900 Response Type mismatch
(Config.) Check the terminal setting from
the host. D009A00 Response Type mismatch
(Withdrawal/Balance/Transfer) Check the terminal setting from
the host. D009B00 STX error Check the terminal setting from
the host. D009C00 ETX error Check the terminal setting from
the host. D009D00 FS out (after response code) Check the terminal setting from
the host. D009E00 FS out (after retrieval
reference number) Check the terminal setting from
the host. D009F00 FS out (after system trace
audit number) Check the terminal setting from
the host. D00A000 FS out (after account balance) Check the terminal setting from
the host. D00A100 FS out (after available
balance) Check the terminal setting from
the host. D00A200 FS out (after surcharge
amount) Check the terminal setting from
the host. D00A300 FS out (after authorization
response text) Check the terminal setting from
the host. D00A400 ETX wrong position Check the terminal setting from
the host. D00A500 FS out (after total cash
dispense amount) Check the terminal setting from
the host. D00A600 FS out (after total non-cash
dispense amount) Check the terminal setting from
the host. D00A700 FS out (after total surcharge
amount) Check the terminal setting from
the host. D00A800 FS out (after config surcharge
amount) Check the terminal setting from
the host. D00A900 ETX out (config) Check the terminal setting from
the host. D00AC00 Invalid data received from the
host (MAC data mismatch) Check the terminal setting from
WRONG SIZE D00B500 Sequence Number
ERROR D00B700 Authorization Number Error D00B800 BUSINESS DATE Error D00B900 Transaction time Number Error D00BA00 BUSINESS DATE Error D00BB00 Balance amount Error D00BC00 Actual Surcharge Error D00BD00 Sequence Number
MISMATCHED D00BF00 BUSINESS DATE Error D00C000 Settlement Error D00C100 Host Mac result error Check the key mode and MAC
value D00C200 ATM Mac result error Check the key mode and MAC
value D011100 REVERSAL DECLINED D022200 PIN CHANGE DECLINED D030000 Modem is not responding Check the modem controller. D030100 The target call address has call blocking enabled. 1. Check modem cable
2. Contact to technician support team D030200 The specified terminal identifier is invalid. 1. Check modem cable
2. Contact to technician support team D030300 All call appearances on the specified address are currently
in use. 1. Check modem cable
2. Contact to technician support team D030400 The disable address parameter contains dialing control characters that are not processed by the service
provider. 1. Check modem cable
2. Contact to technician support team D030500 The specified country/region code is invalid. 1. Check modem cable
2. Contact to host and phone company D030600 The operation failed for an
unspecified or unknown reason. Contact to technician support team D030700 Insufficient resources to
complete the operation Contact to technician support team D100000 No connection 1. Check phone number
2. Check modem cable
3. Contact phone company D110000 Cannot receive ENQ from the host 1. Check phone number
2. Check modem cable
3. Contact telephone company D120000 Transmission error : Failed to receive
the whole data within 5 seconds after
requesting the modem to send
the data. 1. Check modem and modem cable connection
2. Contact telephone company D130000 Receiving NAK more than 3 times 1. Check modem and modem cable connection
2. Contact telephone company D140100 Disconnected by Unknown Reason 1. Check modem and modem cable connection
2. Contact telephone company D140200 Disconnected by rejected call
from remote party Try again later. D140300 Disconnected because the
local phone was picked up Try again later. D140400 Disconnected by Forwarded 1. Check modem and modem cable connection
2. Contact telephone company D140500 Disconnected by Unreachable 1. Check modem and modem cable connection
2. Contact telephone company D140600 Disconnected by Congestion 1. Check modem and modem cable connection
2. Contact telephone company D140700 Disconnected by Incompatible 1. Check modem and modem cable connection
2. Contact telephone company D140800 Disconnected by un-known reason 1. Check modem and modem cable connection
2. Contact telephone company D140900 Disconnected by Bad Address 1. Check modem and modem cable connection
2. Contact telephone company D141000 Disconnected by Unavailable 1. Check modem and modem cable connection
2. Contact telephone company D150000 1. Modem dial connection time-out
(while dialing the modem).
2. No response from host for 60 seconds. 1. Check modem and modem cable connection
2. Contact telephone company D160100 Disconnected by Bad Address 1. Check modem and modem cable connection
2. Contact telephone company D160200 Disconnected by Unavailable 1. Check modem and modem cable connection
2. Contact telephone company D160300 Disconnected by Out of Order 1. Check modem and modem cable connection
2. Contact telephone company D170000 No carrier (while
sending/receiving data after dial connection) Check host. D170100 No Carrier during ENQ data
receive from host Check host. D170200 No Carrier before sending data
send to host Check host. D170300 No Carrier during sending data
send to host Check host. D170400 No Carrier during ACK/NAK
data send to host Check host. D170500 No Carrier during ACK/NAK
data receive from host Check host. D170600 No Carrier during receiving
data Check host. D170700 NAK retry error. 1. Check modem and modem cable connection
2. Contact telephone company D170800 Send retry error 1. Check modem and modem cable connection
2. Contact telephone company D170900 Modem initialize fail Check modem D171000 Modem Comport Failed Check modem D180000 No Dial Tone(in Modem dial
connection) Check telephone line connection.
Test Modem. D190000 No Answer Contact telephone company (Check telephone line
connection. Check phone
number.) D200000 Dial(Line) busy Try again later. Check phone
number. D210000 Time out(30sec.) for initializing modem before Modem Dial
connecting Check telephone line connection. Test Modem. D220000 not receiving EOT from HOST Check telephone line connection.
Test Modem. Check host. D230000 No response from Host – Dialing time out to Host Check telephone line connection.
Test Modem. Check phone number. D250000 Cannot connect to the host Check telephone line connection D251000 Timeout while Sending Check telephone line connection D251100 Communication error while
Sending Check telephone line connection D251200 Socket error while Sending Check telephone line connection D251300 Timeout while Receiving Check telephone line connection D251400 Communication error while
Receiving Check telephone line connection D251500 Socket Error while Receiving Check telephone line connection D320000 No response from Host/Dialing
time out to Host Check telephone line connection D320100 Outbound call is aborted Check telephone line connection.
Test Modem. D320200 Fail to dial out Check telephone line connection.
Test Modem. D320300 No Line Reply D320400 Get Line ID Failed D320500 Modem Comport Failed D320600 Call Failed D320700 No Answer D320800 Modem Call Other Error D410000 CRC Mismatch Check telephone line connection D410100 No CRC Received Make sure that the host is using
CRC DA(0))09E00 FS out (after retrieval reference number) Check the terminal setting from the host. DA(0)00300 PIN ERROR Transaction was denied by host DA(0)00400 INVALID PIN Reboot ATM DA(0)00500 BANK UNAVAILABLE Transaction was denied by host DA(0)00600 CARD NOT SUPPORTED Transaction was denied by host DA(0)00700 INSUFFICIENT FUNDS Transaction was denied by host DA(0)00800 INELIGIBLE TRANSACTION Transaction was denied by host DA(0)00900 INELIGIBLE ACCOUNT Transaction was denied by host DA(0)01000 DAILY LIMIT EXCEEDED Transaction was denied by host DA(0)01100 UNABLE TO PROCESS Transaction was denied by host DA(0)01200 Invalid transaction Check the transaction from the host and try again. DA(0)01300 Invalid amount Check the transaction from the host and try again. DA(0)01400 Invalid card number Check the transaction from the host and try again. DA(0)01500 UNABLE TO PROCESS Transaction was denied by host DA(0)01600 WITHDRAWAL LIMIT ALREADY REACHED Transaction was denied by host DA(0)01700 INVALID AMOUNT Transaction was denied by host DA(0)01800 EXTERNAL DECLINE Transaction was denied by host DA(0)01900 SYSTEM ERROR Transaction was denied by host DA(0)02000 Surcharge screen should have been displayed Check the transaction from the host and try again. Check BIN List DA(0)02100 ROUTING LOOKUP PROBLEM Transaction was denied by host DA(0)02200 UNABLE TO PROCESS Transaction was denied by host DA(0)02300 TRANSACTION NOT SUPPORTED Transaction was denied by host DA(0)02400 Exceeds Issuer Withdrawal Limit Check the transaction from the host and try again. DA(0)03900 No Credit Account Check the transaction from the host and try again. DA(0)05100 Insufficient Funds Check the transaction from the host and try again. Try Balance Inquiry DA(0)05200 No Checking Account Check the transaction from the host and try again. DA(0)05300 No Savings Account Check the transaction from the host and try again. DA(0)05400 Expire Card Check the transaction from the host and try again. DA(0)05500 Incorrect Pin Check the transaction from the host and try again. DA(0)05700 Transaction not Permitted – Card Check the transaction from the host and try again. DA(0)05800 Transaction not Permitted – Terminal Check the transaction from the host and try again. DA(0)06100 Exceeds Withdrawal Limit Check the transaction from the host and try again. DA(0)07500 PIN Tries Exceeded Check the transaction from the host and try again. DA(0)07800 No Account Check the transaction from the host and try again. DA(0)08000 Invalid Date Check the transaction from the host and try again. DA(0)08300 Can not Verify PIN Check the transaction from the host and try again. Try different cards. DA(0)08600 Can not Verify PIN Check the transaction from the host and try again. Try different cards. DA(0)09100 Bank Unavailable Check the transaction from the host and try again. DA(0)09200 System Unavailable Check the transaction from the host and try again. DA(0)09300 Transaction Serial Number mismatch Check the terminal setting from the host. DA(0)09400 Record format mismatch. Check the terminal setting from the host. DA(0)09500 Routing ID mismatch. Check the terminal setting from the host. DA(0)09600 Terminal ID mismatch. Check the terminal setting from the host. DA(0)09700 Response Type mismatch (Reversal) Check the terminal setting from the host. DA(0)09800 Response Type mismatch (Day Close) Check the terminal setting from the host. DA(0)09900 Response Type mismatch (Config.) Check the terminal setting from the host. DA(0)09A00 Response Type mismatch (Withdrawal/Balance/Transfer) Check the terminal setting from the host. DA(0)09B00 STX error Check the terminal setting from the host. DA(0)09C00 ETX error Check the terminal setting from the host. DA(0)09D00 FS out (after response code) Check the terminal setting from the host. DA(0)09F00 FS out (after system trace audit number) Check the terminal setting from the host. DA(0)0A000 FS out (after account balance) Check the terminal setting from the host. DA(0)0A100 FS out (after available balance) Check the terminal setting from the host. DA(0)0A200 FS out (after surcharge amount) Check the terminal setting from the host. DA(0)0A300 FS out (after authorization response text) Check the terminal setting from the host. DA(0)0A400 ETX wrong position Check the terminal setting from the host. DA(0)0A500 FS out (after total cash dispense amount) Check the terminal setting from the host. DA(0)0A600 FS out (after total non-cash dispense amount) Check the terminal setting from the host. DA(0)0A700 FS out (after total surcharge amount) Check the terminal setting from the host. DA(0)0A800 FS out (after config surcharge amount) Check the terminal setting from the host. DA(0)0A900 ETX out (config) Check the terminal setting from the host. DA(0)0AC00 Invalid data received from the host (MAC data mismatch) Check the terminal setting from the host. DA(0)0B000 TERMINAL ID MISMATCHED DA(0)0B100 TRANSACTION CODE MISMATCHED DA(0)0B200 SECOND FIELD ID CODE MISMATCHED DA(0)0B300 FIRST DES KEY WRONG SIZE DA(0)0B400 SURCHARGE AMOUNT WRONG SIZE DA(0)0B500 Sequence Number MISMATCHED DA(0)0B600 INVALID RESPONSE CODE ERROR DA(0)0B700 Authorization Number Error DA(0)0B800 BUSINESS DATE Error DA(0)0B900 Transaction time Number Error DA(0)0BA00 BUSINESS DATE Error DA(0)0BB00 Balance amount Error DA(0)0BC00 Actual Surcharge Error DA(0)0BD00 Sequence Number MISMATCHED DA(0)0BF00 BUSINESS DATE Error DA(0)0C000 Settlement Error DA(0)0C100 Host Mac result error Check the key mode and MAC value DA(0)0C200 ATM Mac result error Check the key mode and MAC value DA(0)11100 REVERSAL DECLINED DA(0)22200 PIN CHANGE DECLINED DA0xxx0 Host Denial Error Refer to Description for error code
organization E12A500 Undefined Baudrate Check baudrate parameter E131100 Received message length error Check SP message E131200 Invalid parameter Check SP message E131400 Default sensitive password entry Enter new sensitive passwords E137400 Not in sensitive mode Enter sensitive passwords E141200 Invalid parameter Check SP message E147600 Invalid function key parameter Check SP message E147700 Invalid function key parameter Check SP message E15A400 RTC setting failure Check SP message E211200 Invalid parameter Check SP message E211400 Default sensitive password entry Enter new sensitive passwords E217400 Not in sensitive mode Enter sensitive passwords E217800 120 PIN entry excess within 1 hour Wait until it reaches one hour E21FB00 Undefined EPP state Check EPP module E21FF02 Factory State NVRAM clear and EPP installation E21FF03 Initialization State EPP installation E21FF04 Authorized Removal State EPP installation E21FF05 Unauthorized Removal State EPP installation E221200 Invalid parameter Check SP message E231200 Invalid parameter Check SP message E231300 Entry timeout Entry retry E237000 Sensitive password verification failure Check sensitive passwords E237100 Changed sensitive password verification failure Check changed sensitive passwords E23FD03 Not default ID and password Ener default or NVRAM clear E23FD04 1st and 2nd password are same 1st and 2nd passwords must be different E23FD05 1st password is not verified Enter correct 1st password E23FD06 Password comparison failure Check existing passwords E23FD07 ID comparison failure Check ID E23FD08 ID is NULL value Register non NULL ID E23FD09 Password is NULL value Register non NULL password E23FD0A Same ID exists Register different ID E23FD0D ID count FULL Delete unused ID or NVRAM clear E23FD10 Not in removal sensitive mode Enter removal sensitive id and password E23FD13 Not default ID and password Enter default or NVRAM clear E23FF0F ID not found Check existing ID E312300 Key not found Load key to be needed E322300 Key not found Load key to be needed E324G00 TMK not found Load TMK to be needed E331200 Invalid parameter Check SP message E332300 Key not found Load key to be needed E341200 Invalid parameter Check SP message E342300 Key not found Load key to be needed E352300 Key not found Load key to be needed E362300 Key not found Load key to be needed E371200 Invalid parameter Check SP message E372300 Key not found Load key to be needed E382300 Key not found Load key to be needed E391200 Invalid parameter Check SP message E392300 Key not found Load key to be needed E3A1200 Invalid parameter Check SP message E3A2300 Key not found Load key to be needed E3BA101 DUKPT Key not found Inject DUKPT key E3C2300 Key not found Load key to be needed E412300 Key not found Load key to be needed E412A00 Mismatch key usage Check key usage E413700 Multiple key usage only one key usage is needed E41A200 IBM3624(Local) PIN verification failure Check PIN verification data E41A300 No entered PIN No entered PIN EC11200 Key not found Load key to be needed EC12000 Key table is full Delete unused key or NVRAM clear EC12800 Key is not loaded state Load key completely EC12B00 Invalid keyname Check keyname EC12D00 Invalid key length Check the key length. it should be 8 or 16. EC12F00 Parent key is not KEK Check parent key usage EC13700 Multiple key usage only one key usage is needed EC13900 Weak Key Check key value EC13A00 Weak Key Check key value EC13F00 Non duplicated key Check key usage EC14D00 Weak Key Check key value EC14Y00 TR31 mode Load TR31 working key or NVRAM
clear EC16200 Same with RSA keyname Use different keyname from RSA Key ED11100 Received message length error Check SP message ED11200 Invalid parameter Check SP message ED12300 Key not found Load key to be needed ED12800 Key is not loaded state Load key completely ED12A00 Mismatch key usage Check key usage ED12D00 Invalid key length Check the key length. it should be 8 or 16. ED13700 Multiple key usage only one key usage is needed ED1A000 Undefined AES mode Check AES mode parameter ED21100 Received message length error Check SP message ED21200 Invalid parameter Check SP message ED22300 Key not found Load key to be needed ED22800 Key is not loaded state Load key completely ED22A00 Mismatch key usage Check key usage ED22D00 Invalid key length Check the key length. it should be 8 or 16. ED23700 Multiple key usage only one key usage is needed ED2A000 Undefined AES mode Check AES mode parameter EF11100 Received message length error Check SP message EF11400 Default sensitive password entry Enter new sensitive passwords EF12A00 Mismatch key usage Check key usage EF15000 Undefined RSA key type Check RSA key type EF15800 Same with symmetric key name Use different keyname from symmetric key EF16300 Not RSA key format Check RSA key EF17400 Not in sensitive mode Enter sensitive passwords EF21100 Received message length error Check SP message EF21400 Default sensitive password entry Enter new sensitive passwords EF22A00 Mismatch key usage Check key usage EF25000 Undefined RSA key type Check RSA key type EF25800 Same with symmetric key name Use different keyname from symmetric key EF26300 Not RSA key format Check RSA key EF27400 Not in sensitive mode Enter sensitive passwords EF31100 Received message length error Check SP message EF31400 Default sensitive password entry Enter new sensitive passwords EF32A00 Mismatch key usage Check key usage EF35000 Undefined RSA key type Check RSA key type EF35800 Same with symmetric key name Use different keyname from symmetric key EF36300 Not RSA key format Check RSA key EF37400 Not in sensitive mode Enter sensitive passwords EF41100 Received message length error Check SP message EF41100 Received message length error Check SP message EF41100 Received message length error Check SP message EF41400 Default sensitive password entry Enter new sensitive passwords EF41400 Default sensitive password entry Enter new sensitive passwords EF41400 Default sensitive password entry Enter new sensitive passwords EF45100 Undefined RSA sign type Check RSA sign type EF45100 Undefined RSA sign type Check RSA sign type EF45100 Undefined RSA sign type Check RSA sign type EF47400 Not in sensitive mode Enter sensitive passwords EF47400 Not in sensitive mode Enter sensitive passwords EF47400 Not in sensitive mode Enter sensitive passwords EG11100 Received message length error Check SP message EG11100 Received message length error Check SP message EG19000 RSA encryption failure Check RSA key and data EG19100 RSA decryption failure Check RSA key and data EG29400 Encryption message length is not 256 Check encryption message length EG31100 Received message length error Check SP message EG39200 Signature generation failure Check RSA key and data EG41100 Received message length error Check SP message EG49300 Signature verification failure Check RSA key and data EG49500 Signature verification failure Check RSA key and data EH11100 Received message length error Check SP message EH11200 Invalid parameter Check SP message EJ11200 Invalid parameter Check SP message EJ17400 Not in sensitive mode Enter sensitive passwords EJ21200 Invalid parameter Check SP message EJ27400 Not in sensitive mode Enter sensitive passwords EK01300 Entry timeout Entry retry EK11300 Entry timeout Entry retry EK21300 Entry timeout Entry retry EK31300 Entry timeout Entry retry EK37000 Sensitive password verification failure Check sensitive passwords EK41300 Entry timeout Entry retry EK47100 Changed sensitive password verification failure Check changed sensitive passwords EK51300 Entry timeout Entry retry EK5FD03 Not default ID and password Ener default or NVRAM clear EK5FD04 1st and 2nd password are same 1st and 2nd passwords must be different EK5FD05 1st password is not verified Enter correct 1st password EK5FD06 Password comparison failure Check existing passwords EK5FD13 Not default ID and password Enter default or NVRAM clear EK5FF0F ID not found Check existing ID EK61200 Invalid parameter Check SP message EK61300 Entry timeout Entry retry EK6FD06 Password comparison failure Check existing passwords EK6FD07 ID comparison failure Check ID EK6FD08 ID is NULL value Register non NULL ID EK6FD09 Password is NULL value Register non NULL password EK6FD0A Same ID exists Register different ID EK6FD0D ID count FULL Delete unused ID or NVRAM clear EK6FD10 Not in removal sensitive mode Enter removal sensitive id and password EK6FF0F ID not found Check existing ID EL1FC00 Log not found EPP installation when it is needed EL1FD11 Cannot find start log NVRAM clear EM11100 Received message length error Check SP message EM11200 Invalid parameter Check SP message EM12300 Key not found Load key to be needed EM12A00 Mismatch key usage Check key usage EM12D00 Invalid key length Check the key length. it should be 8 or 16. EM13700 Multiple key usage only one key usage is needed EM1A101 DUKPT Key not found Inject DUKPT key EM21100 Received message length error Check SP message EM24900 MAC verification failure Check MAC data EN1Q007 Invalid received information Check command message EN22D00 Invalid key length Check key length EN2Q009 RSA key generation failure Retry RSA key generation EN32D00 Invalid key length Check key length EN3Q00D RSA key pair verification failure Check RSA key pair EN42D00 Invalid key length Check key length EN4Q00E Signature generation failure Check input data and RSA key for signature EN52D00 Invalid key length Check key length EN5Q006 Signature verification failure Check input data and RSA key for signature EN62D00 Invalid key length Check key length EN6N001 RSA decryption failure Check input data and RSA key for decryption EN72D00 Invalid key length Check key length EN7N001 RSA decryption failure Check input data and RSA key for decryption EN8Q007 Invalid received information Check command message EN9Q007 Invalid received information Check command message ENAN002 OAEP operation failure Check input data for OAEP ENAQ007 Invalid received information Check command message ENBQ007 Invalid received information Check command message EP11200 Invalid parameter Check SP message EP12300 Key not found Load key to be needed EP12A00 Mismatch key usage Check key usage EP13700 Multiple key usage only one key usage is needed EP1A100 Maximum DUKPT PIN encryption count Inject new DUKPT Key EP1A101 DUKPT Key not found Inject DUKPT Key EP1A102 maximum DUKPT PIN encryption count Inject new DUKPT key EP1A300 No entered PIN No entered PIN EP1A400 Not 5 digits PIN Italy AP PIN format Enter 5 digits PIN EP1FB00 Undefined EPP state Check EPP module EP1FF02 Factory State NVRAM clear and EPP installation EP1FF03 Initialization State EPP installation EP1FF04 Authorized Removal State EPP installation EP1FF05 Unauthorized Removal State EPP installation EQ22D00 Invalid key length Check key length EQ2Q001 Invalid received length Check command message EQ2Q00F Thumb print is not matched Check RSA key and thumb print EQ2Q010 Key type is not matched Check Key Type EQ2Q018 Host public key injection failure Check Host public key information EQ42D00 Invalid key length Check key length EQ4Q002 Invalid SnSCD Check SnSCD EQ4Q003 Invalid random Check random number EQ4Q004 Invalid IdKG Check IdKG EQ4Q006 Signature verification failure Check input data and RSA key for signature EQ4Q008 RSA key generation failure Retry RSA key generation EQ52D00 Invalid key length Check key length EQ5Q00E Signature generation failure Check input data and RSA key for signature EQ5Q011 GIN H5 is not confirmed GIN H5 must be confirmed EQ5Q018 Host public key injection failure Check Host public key information EQ92D00 Invalid key length Check key length EQ9Q002 Invalid SnSCD Check SnSCD EQ9Q003 Invalid random Check random number EQ9Q004 Invalid IdKG Check IdKG EQ9Q006 Signature verification failure Check input data and RSA key for signature EQ9Q008 RSA key generation failure Retry RSA key generation EQA2D00 Invalid key length Check key length EQAQ00E Signature generation failure Check input data and RSA key for signature EQAQ012 GRN H2 is not confirmed GRN H2 must be confirmed EQAQ018 Host public key injection failure Check Host public key information EQB2D00 Invalid key length Check key length EQBQ001 Invalid keyname Check command message EQBQ004 Invalid IdKG Check IdKG EQBQ006 Signature verification failure Check input data and RSA key for signature EQBQ010 Key type is not matched Check Key Type EQBQ018 Host public key injection failure Check Host public key information EQBQ020 Invalid KG version Check KG version EQE2D00 Invalid key length Check key length EQEN001 RSA decryption failure Check input data and RSA key for decryption EQEQ002 Invalid SnSCD Check SnSCD EQEQ003 Invalid random Check random number EQEQ004 Invalid IdKG Check IdKG EQEQ006 Signature verification failure Check input data and RSA key for signature EQEQ010 Key type is not matched Check Key Type EQEQ014 KTK injection failure Check KTK information EQEQ015 IdKD is not matched Check IdKD EQEQ016 Invalid encoded method Check em type EQEQ019 Invalid KTK information Check KTK information EQEQ021 Invalid KTK version Check KTK version EQEQ022 Invalid KTK serial Check KTK serial EQFQ007 Invalid received information Check command message EQGQ007 Invalid received information Check command message ER16400 RSA keys are not loaded all Return to the factory and load RSA keys ER26400 RSA keys are not loaded all Return to the factory and load RSA keys ER36400 RSA keys are not loaded all Return to the factory and load RSA keys ER41100 Received message length error Check SP message ER42300 Key not found Load key to be needed ER42A00 Mismatch key usage Check key usage ER42B00 Invalid keyname Check keyname ER45000 Undefined RSA key type Check RSA key type ER45700 Signature verification failure Check RSA key and data ER45800 Same with symmetric key name Use different keyname from symmetric key ER46400 RSA keys are not loaded all Return to the factory and load RSA keys ER46500 no unbinding need unbinding ER46600 Root and Host public keys are loaded Unbinding procedure is needed or NVRAM clear ER46700 Only Host public key is loaded Unbinding procedure is needed or NVRAM clear ER46800 Root and Host public key not found Load Root or Host public key ER46900 Modulus getting failure Check RSA key ER46A00 Root and Host public key name is same Use different keyname for Root and Host public key ER46B00 Not Host public key type Check Host public key name and type ER46C00 Not Root public key type Check Root public key name and type ER46D00 no host root key need to load host root key with correct information ER51200 Invalid parameter Check SP message ER55B00 Random number size is over 256 Maximum Random number size must be 256 ER56400 RSA keys are not loaded all Return to the factory and load RSA keys ER81100 Received message length error Check SP message ER81200 Invalid parameter Check SP message ER82000 Key table is full Delete unused key or NVRAM clear ER82200 Not TMK usage Check TMK usage ER82B00 Invalid keyname Check keyname ER82D00 Invalid key length Check the key length. it should be 8 or 16. ER83900 Weak Key Check key value ER83A00 Weak Key Check key value ER84100 Same key value with another TMK TMK key value must be different from another TMK ER84D00 Weak Key Check key value ER85700 Signature verification failure Check RSA key and data ER85F00 RSA decryption failure Check RSA key and data ER86100 Random number comparison failure Check random number ER86200 Same with RSA keyname Use different keyname from RSA Key ER86400 RSA keys are not loaded all Return to the factory and load RSA keys ER86800 Root and Host public key not found Load Root or Host public key ER86900 Modulus getting failure Check RSA key ET11100 Received message length error Check SP message ET11200 Invalid parameter Check SP message ET11400 Default sensitive password entry Enter new sensitive passwords ET12000 Key table is full Delete unused key or NVRAM clear ET12200 Not TMK usage Check TMK usage ET12400 Plain text TMK load Plain text key cannot be loaded ET12500 No component key entered Enter component key ET12600 Component entry is not complete Enter component key completely ET12700 NULL key usage Check key usage ET12B00 Invalid keyname Check keyname ET13700 Multiple key usage only one key usage is needed ET13900 Weak Key Check key value ET13A00 Weak Key Check key value ET13B00 Component key count is less than 2 Minimum component key is 2 ET13C00 Not on entering component key Enter component key ET14100 Same key value with another TMK TMK key value must be different from another TMK ET14C00 Invalid component key digit Check the component key digit. it should be 16 or 32. ET14D00 Weak Key Check key value ET14F00 Not authenticated zeroization Authenticated zeroization ET14H00 The working key name is same with DUKPT key name. Set the different keyname between working key and DUKPT key. ET16200 Same with RSA keyname Use different keyname from RSA Key ET17400 Not in sensitive mode Enter sensitive passwords ET1A100 maximum PIN encryption count of DUKPT Inject new DUKPT key ET1A103 DUKPT Key Table Full Delete an existing DUKPT key and inject DUKPT key ET1A104 Not DUKPT key usage Check key usage value EU11100 Received message length error Check SP message EU21100 Received message length error Check SP message EU21200 Invalid parameter Check SP message EU28000 Not on updating firmware Start firmware update at the first time EU28300 Not Version code Check firmware file EU35700 Signature verification failure Check RSA key and data EU38000 Not on updating firmware Start firmware update at the first time EV2FB00 Undefined EPP state Check EPP module EW11200 Invalid parameter Check SP message EW1FD13 Not default ID and password Enter default or NVRAM clear EW21200 Invalid parameter Check SP message EW2FD0E ID is NULL value Register non NULL ID EW2FD10 Not in removal sensitive mode Enter removal sensitive id and password EW3FA00 Undefined EPP state Check EPP module EW3FD01 Not two ID Register at least 2 ID EW3FD0E ID is NULL value Register non NULL ID EW3FD10 Not in removal sensitive mode Enter removal sensitive id and password EW3FD12 I2C write failure Check if removal switch is attached EW4FA00 Undefined EPP state Check EPP module EW4FD01 Not two ID Register at least 2 ID EW4FD0E ID is NULL value Register non NULL ID EW4FD10 Not in removal sensitive mode Enter removal sensitive id and
password EW5FF0F ID not found Check existing ID EXX1000 Undefined main command Check main command code EXX1500 Glue attack is detected Check EPP Key state F000100 Number of Bill is not inputted Enter number of bill. (required) F000200 Parameter is not properly set
(Surcharge Owner) Enter surcharge owner. (required) F000300 Parameter is not properly set
(Surcharge Amount) Enter surcharge amount.
(required) F000400 Parameter is not properly set
(Adver. Text refreshing timer) Enter Ad text refresh timer. F000500 Parameter is not properly set
(Advertisement text) Enter Ad text. F000600 Parameter is not properly set
(Dispense limit) Enter Dispense limit. F000700 Parameter is not properly set
(Denomination) Enter Denomination. (required) F000800 Parameter is not properly set
(Fast Cash) Enter Fast Cash amount. F000900 Master Key Index invalid Check Master key index. F000A00 Master Key empty Enter Master key. (required) F000B00 Host Phone Number is not
inputted Enter Host phone number.
(required) F000C00 Error Retry Timer is not
inputted Enter Retry timer. F000D00 RMS Password is not inputted
in RMS Enable Enter RMS password. F000E00 RMS Phone Number is not
inputted in RMS Enable Enter RMS phone number. F000F00 Terminal Number is not
inputted Enter Terminal number. (required) F001000 Routing ID is not inputted Enter Routing ID. (required) F001100 Master Key Serial Number is
not inputted Enter Master key serial number. F001200 Non-Cash Type text is not
inputted Enter Non-cash type text. F001300 Parameter is not properly set Check proper parameters in
setting. F001400 NVRAM Failure Try to clear NVRAM F001500 ATM Serial No. Empty Enter ATM serial number.
(required) F001600 Default master password was
not changed F001F00 Machine serial number is not
set Check serial number. 2. Set serial
number. F002F00 Host type is not set Check host type. 2. Set host type. F003F00 Communication ID invalid (only
triton) Contact to technician support
team . F004F00 EPP(Pinpad) key mode is invalid 1. Check modem cable
2. Contact to technician support team F005F00 Denomination is invalid 1. Check modem cable
2. Contact to technician support team F006F00 Failed Host Connection! 1. Check Host Connection.
2. Contact to technician support team. F007F00 Invalid Exchange Rate Download the exchange rate from
RMS F00FF00 Failed to write Journal 1.Back up journal to thumb drive 2.Clear journal
3.Reboot ATM FFFFFFF NVRAM is broken 1. Reset Master Password
environment POWERBA BATTERY LOW 1. Check AC power status and environment
2. Check UPS SDN0100 Service Panel (SPL)
communication error Check the cables and
Error Code Description Resolution



Receipt paper jam

Remove any jammed paper from the printer.

Receipt printer feed plate open

Close the feed plate.

Out of receipt (Receipt paper empty)

Replenish the receipt paper.

Receipt printer lever opened

Close the lever of print head completely.

Receipt printer head overheated

Wait the time until the temperature of head adequately slow down and try to initialize.

Receipt paper jam

Remove jammed paper between printer head and rollers.

Receipt paper empty

1. Replenish receipt paper.2. Check the status of sensor and its connector.

Receipt paper is empty

1. Check the status of setting paper.2. Check the status of sensor and its connector.

Thermal printer is overheated

After terminating self-test and initialize receipt printer.

Command is received while doing self-test

After terminating self-test and initialize receipt printer.

No receipt paper

1. Replenish receipt paper in paper charger.
2. Check the status of Near End sensor and its connector.

Receipt paper cutting error

1. Check the Cutter module.
2. Check if printer head lever is properly close.

No sensing black mark (dark sensor)

1. Check the status of Black mark sensor.2. Check if Dip switch #6 is correctly set (Dip switch #6 is set by On in case of not using Black mark).

The size of image print data is abnormal

Check the AP version and initialize.

Receipt printer lever opened

Close the lever of print head completely.

Receipt printer head overheated

Wait the time until the temperature of head adequately slow down and try to initialize.

Receipt paper jam

Remove jammed paper between printer head and rollers.

Receipt Paper Jam

1. Replenish receipt paper.
2. Check the status of sensor and its connector.

Receipt paper setting error

1. Check the status of setting paper. 2. Check the status of sensor and its connector.

Command is received while doing self-test

After terminating self-test and initialize receipt printer.

No receipt paper

1. Replenish receipt paper in paper charger. 2. Check the status of Near End sensor and its connector.

Receipt paper cutting error

1. Check the Cutter module. 2. Check if printer head lever is properly close.

No sensing black mark (dark sensor)

1. Check the status of Black mark sensor. 2. Check if Dip switch #6 is correctly set (Dip switch #6 is set by On in case of not using Black mark).

The size of image print data is abnormal

Check the AP version and initialize.

Receipt printer communication error during SP opening

Check if communication cable or COM port is not connected.

Receipt Printer communication failure during COM port open

1. Do RESET at Operator Function. 2. Reboot ATM.

Receipt Printer communication failure during sending command to Receipt Printer

1. Do RESET at Operator Function. 2. Reboot ATM.

DEV_SPR Time Over Error

1. Reboot ATM. 2. Call your attendant.


1. Reboot ATM. 2. Call your attendant.

Detecting the lever opened before executing command

Close the feed lever.

Printer thermal head overheated while executing command

Check the thermal printer head and change if necessary

Paper jam detected before executing command

Remove any jammed paper from the printer.

Paper setting error detected before executing command

Remove and re-install the receipt paper.

Paper check error detected before executing command

Remove and re-install the receipt paper.

Paper cutter software check error detected before executing command

Check for and remove any jammed paper.

Open lever detected while executing command

Remove any jammed paper.

Receipt printer head overheated while printing

Check the thermal printer head and change if necessary.

Paper jam detected while executing command

Remove and re-install the receipt paper.

Paper setting error detected before executing command

Remove and re-install the receipt paper.

Paper check error in doing command

Remove any jammed paper.

Paper cutter software check error detected while executing command

Check for and remove any jammed paper.

No response detected for 30 seconds after sending command

Check cable and connection between the CE and printer.

No response detected for 30 seconds after sending command

Check cable and connection between the CE and printer.

No response detected after 3 retries

Check for notes in the Cash Dispenser. If no bills are present try using compressed air to clean the dispenser (a sensor may be blocked by dust). Otherwise the dispenser may
require service.

No response detected between ENQ-ACK after 5 retries of ENQ

Check cable and connection between the CE and printer.

No response detected after 5 retries because of timeout between STX-BCC interval

Check cable and connection between the CE and printer.



Card in card reader

Remove Card.



Failed to open device

Failed to open device

Time out to receive data

Check the serial port or cable.

Polling down

Check the serial port or cable.







DEV_MCU Time-over Error Code

1. Reboot ATM. 2. Call your attendant.


1. Reboot ATM. 2. Call your attendant.



Offline status

1. Check communication cable connected properly. 2. Check power cable connected properly.

On busy

Check printer’s working status.

Mechanics Error

1. Recover printer’s mechanical Error. 2. Reboot ATM.

Recoverable Error

1. Recover printer’s Error. 2. Reboot ATM.

Unrecoverable Error

Reboot ATM.

Paper jammed

Remove jammed paper.

DEV_JPR Time-over Error Code

1. Reboot ATM. 2. Call your attendant.


1. Reboot ATM. 2. Call your attendant.









No cassette

Insert or re-insert the cassette(s). Check cassette sensor.

Note shortage

Replenish the cassette.

Reject bin full

Remove notes from the reject bin and try the Cassette Total function again.

Cash Dispenser Unit data setting error

Check Cash Dispenser Unit information. (Currency, Denomination, etc.)

Note detected in stacker (shutter or presenter type)

Clear any notes from the stacker.

Sensor detects note in delivery path before CDU dispenses

Remove note from the CDU delivery path.

CS4 sensor detects note in delivery path before CDU dispenses. Sensor is located along the delivery path right before the reject bin.

Remove note from the CDU delivery path.

CS1A sensor detects note in delivery path before CDU dispenses. Sensor is located along the delivery path right after where the note exits the 1st cassette.

Remove note from the CDU delivery path.

CS1A sensor detects note in delivery path before CDU dispenses. Sensor is located along the delivery path right after where the note exits the 1st cassette.

Remove note from the CDU delivery path.

CSB sensor detects note in delivery path
before CDU dispenses. Sensor is located along the delivery path right after where the note exits the 1st cassette.

Remove note from the CDU delivery path.

CS3A sensor detects note in delivery path
before CDU dispenses. Sensor is located along the delivery path right after where the note exits the 3rd cassette.

Remove note from the CDU delivery path.

CS3B sensor detects note in delivery path
before CDU dispenses. Sensor is located along the delivery path right after where the note exits the 3rd cassette.

Remove note from the CDU delivery path.

Cash Dispenser(CDU) received the undefined command from AP software

1. Get the trace file and log files in D:\trace 2. Call your attendant



Detecting CS2 Dark (Front Access Type: Reject box is opened.)

1. Remove notes on CS2 sensor. 2. Clean CS2.

CS4A sensor detects note in delivery path before/after CDU dispenses

1. Remove note from the CDU delivery path. 2. Clean CS4A.

CS2 or CS4A sensor detects note in delivery path before/after CDU dispenses

1. Remove note from the CDU delivery path. 2. Clean CS2 and CS4A.

CS4B sensor detects note in delivery path before/after CDU dispenses

1. Remove note from the CDU delivery path. 2. Clean CS4B.

CS2 or CS4B sensor detects note in delivery path before/after CDU dispenses

1. Remove note from the CDU delivery path. 2. Clean CS2 and CS4B.

CS4A or CS4B sensor detects note in delivery path before/after CDU dispenses

1. Remove note from the CDU delivery path. 2. Clean CS4A and CS4B.

CS2, CS4A or CS4B sensor detects note in delivery path before/after CDU dispenses

1. Remove note from the CDU delivery path. 2. Clean CS2, CS4A and CS4B.

CS1A sensor detects note in delivery path before/after CDU dispenses

1. Remove note from the CDU delivery path. 2. Clean CS1A.

CS1B sensor detects note in delivery path before/after CDU dispenses

1. Remove note from the CDU delivery path. 2. Clean CS1B.

CS1A or CS1B sensor detects note in delivery path before/after CDU dispenses

1. Remove note from the CDU delivery path. 2. Clean CS1A and CS1B.

CS13 sensor detects note in delivery path before/after CDU dispenses

1. Remove note from the CDU delivery path. 2. Clean CS13.

CS1A or CS13 sensor detects note in delivery path before/after CDU dispenses

1. Remove note from the CDU delivery path 2. Clean CS1A and CS13.

CS1B or CS13 sensor detects note in delivery path before/after CDU dispenses

1. Remove note from the CDU delivery path. 2. Clean CS1B and CS13.

CS1A, CS1B or CS13 sensor detects note in delivery path before/after CDU dispenses

1. Remove note from the CDU delivery path. 2. Clean CS1A, CS1B and CS13.

Failed in checking the main motor echo

1. Initialize. 2. Check Main Motor Encoder Slit. 3. Initialize after Power On/Off. 4. Check Encoder Sensor CS8 BRKT. 5. Check CS8 Sensor Cable. 6. Change Main Motor Encoder Slit Sensor CS8.

Failed in checking the reject
gate solenoid echo


Failed in checking the present gate solenoid echo


Check sum error (No information is set)

1. Check Cash Dispenser Information after reading Cash Dispenser version.
2. Initialize.
3. Initialize after executing Cash Dispenser Information Set(‘P’) Command.
4. Change Cash Dispenser B/D.

Error of two sheets detecting sensor(CS5_1) for initializing

1. Check CS5_1 Sensor Cable.
sensor(CS5_1) for initializing 2. Check second Dip Switch in Cash Dispenser B/D.
3. Change CS5_1 Sensor.

Error of CS 2, CS13 sensor during initialization


Error of 2 sheets detecting sensor (CS5_1 / CS5_2) for dispensing

1. Check Cash Dispenser Board Segment.
2. Initialize.
3. Read data of ‘Read Double Sensor’ Command.

Error in checking SRAM


Gate operation sensor (CS3) error before initial recovery

1. Initialize after removing notes or dust over Gate.
2. Check CS3 Sensor BKRT.
3. Check CS3 Sensor Cable.
4. Exchange Sensor after abnormal operating CS3 Gate detecting Sensor.
5. Replace Reject Solenoid 1.

When more than 5 sheets of cash dispensing is required during a test

1. Check command that Cash Dispenser is received.
2. Check Cash Dispenser EP ROM Version or specification.

When CS15A or CS 15B sensor is detected as dark after initial recovery

1. Remove notes or dust on CS15A Sensor.
2. Check CS15A Sensor Cable.
3. Exchange Sensor after abnormal operating CS15A Sensor.

Cassette is removed during dispensing

1. Check the cassette catcher
2. Set the cassette properly

Error if re-driving is over 5 times during separated rejection

1. Check notes in Reject Box
2. Rearrange notes in Cassette
3. Remove dust in CS15AB, CS31AB, CS41AB, CS1AB Sensor
4. Check dust existing in CS5 Sensor Guide
5. Check dust existing in Main Motor Encoder Slit
6. Check index value of notes each cassette

In case the number of notes detected outlet sensor(CS13) is less than the number of required notes

1. Check notes dispensed and rejected.
2. Remove notes jammed in CDU.3. Remove dust in CS13 Sensor.
4. Exchange sensor after abnormal operating CS13 Sensor.

Error if total reject is more than 20 sheets

1. Check notes in Reject Box.
2. Rearrange notes in Cassette.
3. Remove dust in CS1AB, CS15AB, CS31AB, CS41AB Sensor.
4. Check dust in existence CS5 Sensor Guide.
5. Check notes index value.

Error if continuous 5 times are rejected

1. Check notes in Reject Box.
2. Rearrange notes in Cassette.
3. Check dust in Main Motor Encoder Slit.
4. Remove dust in CS15AB, CS31AB, CS1AB Sensor.
5. Exchange CS8 Encoder Slit Sensor.

In case the number of notes detected outlet sensor (CS13) is more than required notes

1. Check notes dispensed and rejected.
2. Remove dust in CS13 Sensor.
3. Exchange sensor after abnormal operating CS13 Sensor.

Program error(Separated rejection)

1. Check notes in 1 Cassette.
2. Check Sensor(CS6) Poll.
3. Check jam in 1 cassette and reload.
4. Remove dust in CS1A, CS1B Sensor.
5. Exchange 1 cassette box when there are many error.

1 cassette mis-feed error (Separated rejection)

1. Check notes in 1 Cassette.
2. Check Sensor(CS6) Poll.
3. Check jam in 1 cassette and reload.
4. Remove dust in CS1A, CS1B Sensor.
5. Exchange 1 cassette box when there are many error.

Error if the number of dispensed notes is not matched to the requested

1. Check CS13 sensor (note jam and dust).
2. Replace CS13 sensor.

Error to dispense 0 sheets to be required (Separated rejection)

1. Check received command.
2. Check communication cable.
3. Check Cash Dispenser Firmware Version.

Error of note jam (Separated rejection)

1. Remove jammed notes on Cash Dispenser return path.
2. Remove dust in CS1~CS4 sensor.
3. Install after rearranging notes in cassette.

Continuous 3 times error if note is long (once tried, twice retried)>Separated rejection

1. Check state of notes in reject box.
2. Rearrange notes in cassette.
3. Check Index of notes.
4. Check foreign objects in the main motor encoder slit.
5. Replace the CS8 encoder slit sensor.

In case the number of notes detected outlet sensor (CS13) is more than that of notes detected on CS1A,B sensor

1. Check CS1 sensor.
2. Reconnect CS1 sensor.

Error of being removed 2nd cassette before separate rejection

1. Set cassette #2 correctly.
2. Check the catcher inside cassette #2 guide.

Received a request for over 150 notes dispensing on the Cash Dispenser from the upper unit.

1. Check the Cash Dispenser received command. 2. Check the abnormal communication cable. 3. Check the Cash Dispenser firmware version and refer to specifications.

The remaining notes at the sensor in front of the CST after dispense operation (CS1A, CS1B)

1. Remove the remaining notes at a sensor in front of the CST.
2. Realign notes in the cassette.
3. Check abnormal clutch.
4. Check abrasion of the cassette box pick unit.

Error for the double note detection
during separation.


Cash Dispenser EP Program Error during dispense operation (failed table search)

1. Initialize after resetting the power.
2. Upgrade the Cash Dispenser firmware or download software again.
3. Replace the Cash Dispenser B/D.

Timeout due to note’s length error passed through the CS13 during dispense operation

1. Remove a jammed note between the tray and Cash Dispenser.
2. Remove a jammed note at the position of the CS13 sensor.
3. Remove a dust on the CS13 sensor.

Abnormal operation of the gate solenoid during dispense operation

1. Remove a jammed note on the gate.
2. Remove notes in the reject box and remount the reject box.
3. Check if the CS3 sensor bracket is bent.
4. Check if the CS3 sensor cable is disconnected (CN10 #9~10).
5. Exchange a sensor after abnormal operating CS3 Gate detecting sensor.
6. Replace the reject solenoid 1.

Cash dispenser configuration error

1. Replace cash dispenser PCB.
2. Reconfigure cash dispenser setup data

Retract box position error during command reserved operation

1. Mount the retract box or open the box cover.
2. Check if CS62 sensor poll is abnormal.
3. Check if the CS62 sensor cable is disconnected .
(Cash Dispenser Board CN10 #5~2).

Initial jam time error

1. Remove jammed notes.
2. Clean the sensors (CS1~CS15) in cash dispenser.

2 Cassette Miss Feed Error
(Fail to reject bill separately)


Continuously detected 2 notes for three times or more during dispense operation

1. Check notes’ status in the reject box.
2. Realign notes in the cassette.
3. Check foreign objects at the position of the CS5 Sensor Guide.
4. Check if the CS5 cable is disconnected
(CS5_1:Cash Dispenser B/D CN10 #11~12, 25~28/ CS5_2:CN12).

Something is detected in C31AB sensor
before dispensing bills from 3rd cassette


Something is detected in C31AB sensor
before dispensing bills.


Bills are remained in CS1AB sensor
after dispensing bills.


Bills are remained in CS31AB sensor
after dispensing bills


CS15AB ~ CS13 Time out(Jam) during
dispensing bills from second cassette


Something is detected on CS31A, CS31B
sensor during initialization


Something is detected on CS41AB sensor
before dispensing bills from fourth cassette


Something is detected on CS41AB sensor
during dispensing bills


Bills is remained in CS41AB sensor
after dispensing bills


CS31AB ~ CS13 Time out (Jam)
during dispensing bills from fourth cassette


Something is detected on CS41A, CS41B
sensor in initialization


Miss-feed error in 4th cassette


Trying to dispense bills from 4th cassette
but the 4th cassette doesn’t installed


Something is detected on CS15AB sensor
before dispensing operation


Something is detected in C15AB sensor
during dispensing operation


Bill is remained in CS15AB sensor
after dispensing operation


CS13 sensor detects a bill with hole
during dispensing


CS31AB~CS13 Time out(Jam) during
dispensing from 3rd cassette.


Trying to dispense bills from 3rd cassette
but the 3rd cassette doesn’t installed.


3 cassette miss feed error


Something is detected on CS2 sensor
after dispense operation


Communication error –
Command Length doesn’t match


Bill pickup sensor(CS1, CS15) recognized
has a hole and CS4 sensor detects it or
CS4 sensor detects the gap too close


Something is detected on CS12 sensor during
dispensing bills or initialization.-MB TTW


Something is detected on CS14 sensor during
dispensing bills or initialization.-MB TTW


Something is detected on CS14 sensor after
dispense operation


Bill is remained on the sensor in front of
cassette during resetting


Bills are passed on CS13~CS12 sensor –
Timeout[Jam], MB TTW


Cash Dispenser communication failure during sending command to cash dispenser

1. Do RESET at Operator Function. 2. Reboot ATM.

Cash Dispenser communication failure during receiving command to cash dispenser

1. Do RESET at Operator Function.
2. Reboot ATM.

Communication error of Shutter


Cash jammed on Cash Dispenser

1. Remove jammed notes on Cash Dispenser return path.
2. Remove dust in CS1~CS4 sensor.

Failed to create file

1. Reboot ATM.
2. Reinstall software.
3. Replace hard disk drive.

Failed to read file

1. Reboot ATM.
2. Reinstall software.
3. Replace hard disk drive.

Failed to write file

1. Reboot ATM.
2. Reinstall software.
3. Replace hard disk drive.

Failed to close file

1. Reboot ATM.
2. Reinstall software.
3. Replace hard disk drive.

Failed to close file

1. Reboot ATM.
2. Reinstall software.
3. Replace hard disk drive.

Failed to close file

1. Reboot ATM.
2. Reinstall software.
3. Replace hard disk drive.

Failed to close file

1. Reboot ATM.
2. Reinstall software.
3. Replace hard disk drive.

Failed to execute an extra command in the status of Cash Unit Exchange

1. Reboot ATM. 2. Reinstall software.
3. Replace hard disk drive.

In case of not being the status of Cash Unit Exchange out of End Exchange

1. Reboot ATM.
2. Reinstall software.
3. Replace hard disk drive.

In case of carrying out Cash In Start command at two times

1. Reboot ATM.
2. Reinstall software.
3. Replace hard disk drive.

In case of not being the status of Cash In out of End Cash In

1. Reboot ATM.
2. Reinstall software.
3. Replace hard disk drive.

Invalid Cash Unit ID

Reconfigure cash dispenser setup data.

Invalid Cash Unit number

Reconfigure cash dispenser setup data.

The abnormal of the number of Cash Unit

Reconfigure cash dispenser setup data.

No. of dispensed notes that software counts is not matched to it cash dispenser responded

1. Initialize after resetting the power.
2. Upgrade the Cash Dispenser firmware or download software again.
3. Replace the Cash Dispenser B/D.

Invalid denomination

Reconfigure denomination at supervisor mode.

Invalid currency

Reconfigure currency at supervisor mode.


1. Reconfigure denomination.
2. Reconfigure currency.

In case the number of bills dispensed exceeds the maximum dispensing bill

1. Check cash dispenser driver (CDM SP) version.
2. Reconfigure the maximum dispensable count.

In case the number of coins dispensed exceeds the maximum dispensing coin

1. Check coin dispenser driver version.
2. Reconfigure the maximum dispensable count.

Invalid mix number

Reconfigure cash dispenser at supervisor mode.

Invalid mix number

Reconfigure cash dispenser at supervisor mode.

In case automatic Retry of SP fails 3 times


There is no setting information about automatic Retry standard


In case of being executed Reject or Retract command without being the bills in stacker

1. Check a dust in stacker.
2. Reconfigure the maximum dispensable count.

Not supported command Reinstall software


Partial dispense

1. Check the replenished amount and replenish.
2. Check the notes in cassette #1.

Partial dispense from cassette #2

1. Check the replenished amount and replenish.
2. Check the notes in cassette #2.

Partial dispense from cassette #3

1. Check the replenished amount and replenish.
2. Check the notes in cassette #3.

In case partial bills dispensed by dispensing
demand when Partial Dispense option is on.
“X” means cassette number


Cash Dispenser communication failure during COM port open

1. Do RESET at Operator Function. 2. Reboot ATM.

In case nonexistent Note Index is set


When sensing CS2 Dark (Error code,
400FF00 is subdivided by location of sensor.)


When sensing CS4A Dark (Error code,
400FF00 is subdivided by location of sensor.)


When sensing CS4B Dark (Error code,
400FF00 is subdivided by location of sensor.)


When sensing CS21A,B Dark (Error code,
400FF00 is subdivided by location of sensor.)


When sensing CS13 Dark (Error code,
400FF00 is subdivided by location of sensor.)


When sensing CS15A,B Dark (Error code,
400FF00 is subdivided by location of sensor.)


Cash picking-up fail while cash in cassette #1 is enough

1. Check bill jam or no note in cassette #1.
Check cash dispenser.

Cash picking-up fail while cash in cassette #2 is enough

1. Check bill jam or no note in cassette #2. 2. Check cash dispenser.

When sensing CS31A,B Dark (Error code,
400FF00 is subdivided by location of sensor.)


Cash picking-up fail while cash in cassette #4 is enough

1. Check bill jam or no note in cassette #2.
2. Check cash dispenser.

When sensing bills in the Stacker (Error code,
400FF00 is subdivided by location of sensor.)


DEV_Cash Dispenser Time-over Error Code

1. Reboot ATM.
2. Call your attendant.


1. Reboot ATM.
2. Call your attendant.


Check the sensor on cash dispenser.



Modem is not responding

Check the modem controller.

The target call address has call blocking enabled

1. Check modem cable. 2. Contact to technician support team.

The specified terminal identifier is invalid

1. Check modem cable.
2. Contact to technician support team.

All call appearances on the specified address are currently in use

1. Check modem cable 2. Contact to technician support team.

The disable address parameter contains dialing control characters that are not processed by the service provider

1. Check modem cable. 2. Contact to technician support team.

The specified country/region code is invalid

1. Check modem cable.
2. Contact to host and phone company.

The operation failed for an unspecified or unknown reason

Contact to technician support team.

Insufficient resources to complete the operation

Contact to technician support team.



DEV_PIN (Key data error from host)

Contact to host.

Vault door open

Close the vault door. Check door switch.

Failed to connect communication between SP of PIN and EP of one

Check if communication cable or COM port is not connected.

Received data time out of EPP

Check if communication cable or COM port is not connected.

Delivered data time out of EPP

Check if communication cable or COM port is not connected.

Failed to produce Thread of EPP

Reboot ATM.

Failed to produce Thread of EPP

Reboot ATM.

Failed to create buffer

Reboot ATM.

BCC error of EPP

Check BCC logic of EPP.

EPP is down when it receives an ‘Get Status’ command

1. Reboot ATM. 2. Replace pin pad.

EPP is down when it receives an ‘Clear Func Key’ command

1. Reboot ATM. 2. Replace pin pad.

File Open Error

1. Reboot ATM.
2. Call your attendant.

Memory Allocate Error (Print Form Allocate Index Buffer Fail)

1. Reboot ATM. 2. Call your attendant.

Invalid Media Name

1. Reboot ATM.
2. Call your attendant.

Invalid Unit

1. Reboot ATM.
2. Call your attendant.

Form is not Found

1. Reboot ATM.
2. Call your attendant.

Form Name is NULL

1. Reboot ATM.
2. Call your attendant.

Invalid Form

1. Reboot ATM.
2. Call your attendant.

Print Form() offset is Invalid

1. Reboot ATM.
2. Call your attendant.

Invalid Form (Too many Fields in the form)

1. Reboot ATM.
2. Call your attendant.

Media is not Found

1. Reboot ATM.
2. Call your attendant.

Media Overflow when form size is larger than media size

1. Reboot ATM.
2. Call your attendant.

Media Name is NULL

1. Reboot ATM.
2. Call your attendant.

Invalid Media (Attribute for Media definition is not proper)

1. Reboot ATM.
2. Call your attendant.

Invalid Media (Area size is larger than media size)

1. Reboot ATM.
2. Call your attendant.

Invalid Media (Size of Media Name is exceeded to 2048 bytes totally)

1. Reboot ATM.
2. Call your attendant.

Field is not Found

1. Reboot ATM.
2. Call your attendant.

Field Error (This Field must have initial value)

1. Reboot ATM.
2. Call your attendant.

Non-Indexed value for Indexed Field

1. Reboot ATM.
2. Call your attendant.

Invalid Field

1. Reboot ATM.
2. Call your attendant.

Invalid Field (This Field’s width is 0)

1. Reboot ATM.
2. Call your attendant.

Failed to create file

1. Reboot ATM.
2. Call your attendant.

Failed to copy file

1. Reboot ATM.
2. Call your attendant.

System power off while dispensing


DEV_BRM Time-over Error Code

1. Reboot ATM.
2. Call your attendant.

DEV_PBM Time-over Error Code

1. Reboot ATM.
2. Call your attendant.

DEV_PIN Time-over Error Code

1. Reboot ATM.
2. Call your attendant.

DEV_FNG Time-over Error Code

1. Reboot ATM.
2. Call your attendant.

DEV_VFD Time over Error Code

1. Reboot ATM.
2. Call your attendant.


1. Reboot ATM.
2. Call your attendant.


1. Reboot ATM.
2. Call your attendant.


1. Reboot ATM.
2. Call your attendant.


1. Reboot ATM.
2. Call your attendant.


1. Reboot ATM.
2. Call your attendant.


1. Reboot ATM.
2. Call your attendant.


1. Reboot ATM.
2. Call your attendant.


1. Reboot ATM.
2. Call your attendant.


1. Reboot ATM.
2. Call your attendant.


1. Reboot ATM.
2. Call your attendant.


1. Reboot ATM.
2. Call your attendant.


1. Reboot ATM.
2. Call your attendant.


1. 1. Check power supply.
2. Check backup battery.

Error while modem initializing

Check the modem connection and the modem test.

Reversal transaction failure

Check for any CDU error codes and the number of
notes dispensed to customer.


Transaction was denied by host.


Reboot ATM.


Transaction was denied by host.


Transaction was denied by host.


Transaction was denied by host.


Transaction was denied by host.


Transaction was denied by host.


Transaction was denied by host.


Transaction was denied by host.

Invalid transaction

Check the transaction from the host and try again.

Invalid amount

Check the transaction from the host and try again.

Invalid card number

Check the transaction from the host and try again.

Invalid card number

Check the transaction from the host and try again.


Transaction was denied by host.


Transaction was denied by host.


Transaction was denied by host.


Transaction was denied by host.


Transaction was denied by host

Surcharge screen should have been displayed

Check the transaction from the host and try again. Check BIN List.


Transaction was denied by host.


Transaction was denied by host.


Transaction was denied by host.

Exceeds Issuer Withdrawal Limit

Check the transaction from the host and try again.

No Credit Account

Check the transaction from the host and try again.

Insufficient Funds

Check the transaction from the host and try again.

No Checking Account

Check the transaction from the host and try again.

No Savings Account

Check the transaction from the host and try again.

Expire Card

Check the transaction from the host and try again.

Incorrect Pin

Check the transaction from the host and try again.

Transaction not Permitted – Card

Check the transaction from the host and try again.

Transaction not Permitted – Terminal

Check the transaction from the host and try again.

Exceeds Withdrawal Limit

Check the transaction from the host and try again.

PIN Tries Exceeded

Check the transaction from the host and try again.

No Account


Invalid Date


Can not Verify PIN

Check the transaction from the host and try again. Try different cards.

Can not Verify PIN

Check the transaction from the host and try again. Try different cards.

Bank Unavailable

Check the transaction from the host and try again.

System Unavailable

Check the transaction from the host and try again.

Transaction Serial Number mismatch

Check the transaction from the host.

Record format mismatch

Check the transaction from the host.

Routing ID mismatch

Check the transaction from the host.

Terminal ID mismatch

Check the transaction from the host.

Response Type mismatch (Reversal)

Check the transaction from the host.

Response Type mismatch (Day Close)

Check the transaction from the host.

Response Type mismatch (Config.)

Check the transaction from the host.

Response Type mismatch (Withdrawal/Balance/Transfer)

Check the transaction from the host.

STX error

Check the transaction from the host.

ETX error

Check the transaction from the host.

FS out (after response code)

Check the transaction from the host.

FS out (after retrieval reference number)

Check the transaction from the host.

FS out (after system trace audit number)

Check the transaction from the host.

FS out (after account balance)

Check the transaction from the host.

FS out (after available balance)

Check the transaction from the host.

FS out (after surcharge amount)

Check the transaction from the host.

FS out (after authorization response text)

Check the transaction from the host.

ETX wrong position

Check the transaction from the host.

FS out (after total cash dispense amount)

Check the transaction from the host.

FS out (after total non-cash dispense amount)

Check the transaction from the host.

FS out (after total surcharge amount)

Check the transaction from the host.

FS out (after config surcharge amount)

Check the transaction from the host.

ETX out (config)

Check the transaction from the host.

Invalid data received from the host (MAC data mismatch)

Check the transaction from the host.











Sequence Number MISMATCHED




Authorization Number Error




Transaction time Number Error




Balance amount Error


Actual Surcharge Error


Sequence Number MISMATCHED




Settlement Error


Host Mac result error

Check the key mode and MAC value.

ATM Mac result error

Check the key mode and MAC value.





No connection

1. Check phone number.
2. Check modem cable.
3. Contact phone company.

Cannot receive ENQ from the host

1. Check phone number.
2. Check modem cable.
3. Contact telephone company.

Transmission error : Failed to receive
requesting the modem to send the data.

1. Check modem and modem cable connection. 2. Contact telephone company.

Receiving NAK more than 3 times

1. Check modem and modem cable connection.
2. Contact telephone company.

Disconnected by Unknown Reason

1. Check modem and modem cable connection.
2. Contact telephone company.

Disconnected by rejected call from remote party

Try again later.

Disconnected because the local phone was picked up

Try again later.

Disconnected by Forwarded

1. Check modem and modem cable connection.
2. Contact telephone company.

Disconnected by Unreachable

1. Check modem and modem cable connection.
2. Contact telephone company.

Disconnected by Congestion

1. Check modem and modem cable connection.
2. Contact telephone company.

Disconnected by Incompatible

1. Check modem and modem cable connection.
2. Contact telephone company.

Disconnected by unknown reason

1. Check modem and modem cable connection.
2. Contact telephone company.

Disconnected by Bad Address

1. Check modem and modem cable connection.
2. Contact telephone company.

Disconnected by Unavailable

1. Check modem and modem cable connection.
2. Contact telephone company.

1. Modem dial connection time-out (while dialing the modem) 2. No response from host for 60 seconds

1. Check modem and modem cable connection. 2. Contact telephone company.

Disconnected by Bad Address

1. Check modem and modem cable connection.
2. Contact telephone company.

Disconnected by Unavailable

1. Check modem and modem cable connection.
2. Contact telephone company.

Disconnected by Out of Order

1. Check modem and modem cable connection.
2. Contact telephone company.

No carrier (while sending/receiving data after dial connection)

Check host.

No Carrier during ENQ data receive from host

Check host.

No Carrier before sending data send to host

Check host.

No Carrier during sending data send to host

Check host.

No Carrier during ACK/NAK data send to host

Check host.

No Carrier during ACK/NAK data receive from host

Check host.

No Carrier during receiving data

Check host.

NAK retry error.


Send retry error


Modem initialize fail


Modem Comport Failed


No Dial Tone(in Modem dial connection)


No Answer


Dial(Line) busy Try again later.


Time out(30sec.) for initializing modem before Modem Dial connecting

Check telephone line connection. Test Modem.

not receiving EOT from HOST


No response from Host – Dialing time out to Host

Check telephone line connection. Test Modem. Check phone number.

Cannot connect to the host

Check telephone line connection.

Timeout while Sending

Check telephone line connection.

Communication error while Sending

Check telephone line connection.

Socket error while Sending

Check telephone line connection.

Timeout while Receiving

Check telephone line connection.

Communication error while Receiving

Check telephone line connection.

Socket Error while Receiving

Check telephone line connection.

No response from Host/Dialing time out to Host

Check telephone line connection.

Outbound call is aborted

Check telephone line connection.

Fail to dial out

Check telephone line connection. Test Modem.

No Line Reply


Get Line ID Failed


Modem Comport Failed


Call Failed


No Answer


Modem Call Other Error


CRC Mismatch

Check telephone line connection.

No CRC Received

Make sure that the host is using CRC.

Host Denial Error Refer to E7.

Description for error code organization.

Number of Bill is not inputted

Enter number of bill. (required)

Parameter is not properly set (Surcharge Owner)

Enter surcharge owner. (required)

Parameter is not properly set (Surcharge Amount)

Enter surcharge owner. (required)

Parameter is not properly set (Adver. Text refreshing timer)

Enter Ad text refresh timer.

Parameter is not properly set (Advertisement text)

Enter Ad text.

Parameter is not properly set (Dispense limit)

Enter Dispense limit.

Parameter is not properly set (Denomination)

Enter Denomination. (required)

Parameter is not properly set (Fast Cash)

Enter Fast Cash amount.

Master Key Index invalid

Check Master key index.

Master Key empty

Enter Master key. (required)

Host Phone Number is not inputted

Enter Host phone number. (required)

Error Retry Timer is not inputted

Enter Retry timer.

RMS Password is not inputted in RMS Enable

Enter RMS password.

RMS Phone Number is not inputted in RMS Enable

Enter RMS phone number.

Terminal Number is not inputted

Enter Terminal number. (required)

Routing ID is not inputted

Enter Routing ID. (required)

Master Key Serial Number is not inputted

Enter Master key serial number.

Master Key Serial Number is not inputted

Enter Master key serial number.

Non-Cash Type text is not inputted

Enter Non-cash type text.

Parameter is not properly set

Check proper parameters in setting.

NVRAM Failure

Try to clear NVRAM.

ATM Serial No. Empty

Enter ATM serial number. (required)

Default master password was not changed


Machine serial number is not set

1. Check serial number.
2. Set serial number.

Host type is not set

1. Check host type.
2. Set host type.

Communication ID invalid (only triton)

Contact to technician support team.

EPP(Pin pad) key mode is invalid

1. Check modem cable
2. Contact to technician support team

Denomination is invalid

1. Check modem cable
2. Contact to technician support team

Failed Host Connection!

1. Check Host Connection.
2. Contact to technician support team.

NVRAM is broken 2. Clear NVRAM

1. Reset Master Password


Check UPS


1. Check AC power status and environment.
2. Check AC power status and environment.


1. Check AC power status and environment.
2. Check UPS.

Service Panel (SPL) communication error

Check the cables and connections.

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