Ошибка 2000 sql

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List of error messages between 2000 and 2999 in SQL Server 2017.

These error messages are all available by querying the sys.messages catalog view on the master database.

message_id severity is_event_logged text 2002 16 0 Cannot create a procedure for replication with group number greater than one. 2003 16 0 Procedures with a group number cannot have parameters of XML, CLR or encrypted types. Parameter ‘%.*ls’ of procedure ‘%.*ls’ has type ‘%ls’. 2004 16 0 Procedure ‘%.*ls’ has already been created with group number %d. Create procedure with an unused group number. 2005 16 0 The table ‘%.*ls’ is unavailable and needs to be rebuilt. Rebuild the table offline. 2007 10 0 The module ‘%.*ls’ depends on the missing object ‘%.*ls’. The module will still be created; however, it cannot run successfully until the object exists. 2008 16 0 The object ‘%.*ls’ is not a procedure so you cannot create another procedure under that group name. 2010 16 0 Cannot perform alter on ‘%.*ls’ because it is an incompatible object type. 2011 16 0 Index hints within a schema-bound object can be applied only to memory optimized tables. 2013 10 0 Warning: ‘is_ms_shipped’ property is turned off for %S_MSG ‘%.*ls’ because you do not have permission to create or alter an object with this property. 2014 16 0 Remote access is not allowed from within a schema-bound object. 2020 16 0 The dependencies reported for entity «%.*ls» might not include references to all columns. This is either because the entity references an object that does not exist or because of an error in one or more statements in the entity. Before rerunning the query, ensure that there are no errors in the entity and that all objects referenced by the entity exist. 2021 16 0 The referenced entity ‘%.*ls’ was modified during DDL execution. Please retry the operation. 2022 16 0 Parsing errors were encountered in the %S_MSG ‘%.*ls’. The dependencies referenced from this object could not be determined. 2023 10 0 Metadata was not updated for the schema-bound object ‘%ls’. 2101 14 0 Cannot %S_MSG a server level %S_MSG for user ‘%.*ls’ since there is no login corresponding to the user. 2102 16 0 Cannot %S_MSG %S_MSG ‘%.*ls’ since there is no user for login ‘%.*ls’ in database ‘%.*ls’. 2103 15 0 Cannot %S_MSG trigger ‘%.*s’ because its schema is different from the schema of the target table or view. 2104 14 0 Cannot %S_MSG the %S_MSG ‘%.*ls’, because you do not have permission. 2108 15 0 Cannot %S_MSG %S_MSG on ‘%.*ls’ as the target is not in the current database. 2110 15 0 Cannot alter trigger ‘%.*ls’ on ‘%.*ls’ because this trigger does not belong to this object. Specify the correct trigger name or the correct target object name. 2111 16 0 Cannot %S_MSG trigger ‘%.*ls’ on %S_MSG ‘%.*ls’ because an INSTEAD OF %s trigger already exists on this object. 2112 16 0 Cannot create trigger ‘%.*ls’ on view ‘%.*ls’ because the view is defined with CHECK OPTION. 2113 16 0 Cannot %S_MSG INSTEAD OF DELETE or INSTEAD OF UPDATE TRIGGER ‘%.*ls’ on table ‘%.*ls’. This is because the table has a FOREIGN KEY with cascading DELETE or UPDATE. 2114 16 0 Column ‘%.*ls’ cannot be used in an IF UPDATE clause because it is a computed column. 2115 16 0 Server level event notifications are disabled as the database msdb does not exist. 2116 16 0 Cannot CREATE EVENT NOTIFICATION to database ‘%.*ls’ because it is not a valid broker database. 2117 16 0 Cannot %S_MSG INSTEAD OF trigger ‘%.*ls’ on %S_MSG ‘%.*ls’ because the %S_MSG has a FILESTREAM column. 2201 16 0 %sDerivation from «anySimpleType» by restriction is not permitted, and derivation by restriction from a type derived from «anySimpleType» by extension is allowed only if no constraining facets are specified. 2202 16 0 %sAn error has occurred while compiling the query. To obtain more detailed information about the error, the query must be run by a user with EXECUTE permissions on the xml schema collection used in the query. 2203 16 0 %sOnly ‘http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal?’, ‘http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#boolean?’ or ‘node()*’ expressions allowed as predicates, found ‘%ls’ 2204 16 0 %sOnly ‘http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#boolean?’ or ‘node()*’ expressions allowed in conditions and with logical operators, found ‘%ls’ 2205 16 0 %s»%ls» was expected. 2206 16 0 %sNamespace prefix ‘xml’ can only be associated with the URI ‘http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace’ and this URI cannot be used with other prefixes. 2207 16 0 %sOnly non-document nodes can be inserted. Found «%ls». 2208 16 0 %sThe URI that starts with ‘%ls’ is too long. Maximum allowed length is %d characters. 2209 16 0 %sSyntax error near ‘%ls’ 2210 16 0 %sHeterogeneous sequences are not allowed: found ‘%ls’ and ‘%ls’ 2211 16 0 %sSingleton (or empty sequence) required, found operand of type ‘%ls’ 2212 16 0 %sInvalid source character ‘%c’ (0x%02x) found in an identifier near ‘%ls’. 2213 16 0 %sCannot atomize/apply data() on expression that contains type ‘%ls’ within inferred type ‘%ls’ 2214 16 0 %sThe type ‘%ls’ is not an atomic type 2215 16 0 %sThe value of attribute ‘%ls’ exceeds 4000 characters, the maximum permitted in XML schema documents 2216 16 0 %sInvalid XPath value in «%ls». 2217 16 0 %s’%ls’ or ‘%ls’ expected 2218 16 0 %sThere is no attribute named ‘@%ls’ 2219 16 0 %sThere is no attribute named ‘@%ls’ in the type ‘%ls’. 2220 16 0 %sThere is no attribute named ‘@%ls:%ls’ 2221 16 0 %sThere is no attribute named ‘@%ls:%ls’ in the type ‘%ls’. 2222 16 0 %sInvalid source character 0x%02x found in an identifier near ‘%ls’. 2223 16 0 %sSyntax error near ‘%ls’, expected an identifier. 2225 16 0 %sA string literal was expected 2226 16 0 %sThe target of ‘insert’ must be a single node, found ‘%ls’ 2227 16 0 %sThe variable ‘%ls’ was not found in the scope in which it was referenced. 2228 16 0 %sThe variable ‘%ls:%ls’ was not found in the scope in which it was referenced. 2229 16 0 %sThe name «%ls» does not denote a namespace. 2230 16 0 %sThe name «%ls» has already been defined. 2231 16 0 %sThe name «%ls» does not denote a defined type. 2232 16 0 %sThe name «%ls:%ls» does not denote a defined type. 2233 16 0 %sThe operand of «%ls» has an invalid type. 2234 16 0 %sThe operator «%ls» cannot be applied to «%ls» and «%ls» operands. 2235 16 0 %sAn argument list was applied to a non-function term. 2236 16 0 %sThere are not enough actual arguments in the call to function «%ls». 2237 16 0 %sDerivation from anyType by extension is not supported in this release. 2238 16 0 %sToo many arguments in call to function ‘%ls’ 2240 16 0 %sThe target of ‘insert into’ must be an element/document node, found ‘%ls’ 2241 16 0 %sVariable expected: ‘$name’ 2242 16 0 %sType specification expected. 2243 16 0 %sRelative path expression used without any context 2247 16 0 %sThe value is of type «%ls», which is not a subtype of the expected type «%ls». 2248 16 0 %sSyntax error near ‘%ls’, expected ‘as’, ‘into’, ‘before’ or ‘after’. 2249 16 0 %sThe target of ‘insert before/after’ must be an element/PI/comment/text node, found ‘%ls’ 2256 16 0 %sSyntax error near ‘%ls’, expected a «node test». 2258 16 0 %sThe position may not be specified when inserting an attribute node, found ‘%ls’ 2260 16 0 %sThere is no element named ‘%ls’ 2261 16 0 %sThere is no element named ‘%ls’ in the type ‘%ls’. 2262 16 0 %sThere is no element named ‘%ls:%ls’ 2263 16 0 %sThere is no element named «%ls:%ls» in the type «%ls». 2264 16 0 %sOnly non-document nodes may be deleted, found ‘%ls’ 2266 16 0 %sExpected end tag ‘%ls:%ls’ 2267 16 0 %sExpected end tag ‘%ls’ 2268 16 0 %sEnd tag ‘/%ls:%ls’ has no matching begin tag 2269 16 0 %sEnd tag ‘/%ls’ has no matching begin tag 2270 16 0 %sDuplicate attribute ‘%ls:%ls’ 2271 16 0 %sDuplicate attribute ‘%ls’ 2272 16 0 %s’?>’ expected 2273 16 0 %sUnterminated CDATA section 2274 16 0 %sUnterminated string constant (started on line %u) 2275 16 0 %sUnterminated XML declaration 2276 16 0 %sDerivation from ‘QName’ by restriction is not supported in this release 2277 16 0 %sA tag name may not contain the character ‘%c’ 2278 16 0 %sA tag name may not start with the character ‘%c’ 2279 16 0 %sA name/token may not start with the character ‘%c’ 2280 16 0 %s 2281 16 0 %sCannot construct DTDs in XQuery 2282 16 0 %sInvalid entity reference 2283 16 0 %sThe character ‘%c’ may not be part of an entity reference 2284 16 0 %sThe namespace prefix ‘%ls’ has not been defined 2285 16 0 %sInvalid numeric entity reference 2291 16 0 %sNo root element was found. 2292 16 0 %sWhen a type with simple content restricts a type with mixed content, it must have an embedded simple type definition. Location: ‘%ls’. 2293 16 0 %sChoice cannot be empty unless minOccurs is 0. Location: ‘%ls’. 2294 16 0 %s’xml’ is not allowed as a processing instruction target. 2297 16 0 %sElement <%ls> is not valid at location ‘%ls’. 2298 16 0 %sAttribute ‘%ls’ is not valid at location ‘%ls’. 2299 16 0 %sRequired attribute «%ls» of XSD element «%ls» is missing. 2300 16 0 %sRequired sub-element «%ls» of XSD element «%ls» is missing. 2301 16 0 %sThe element «%ls» has already been defined. 2302 16 0 %sThe name «%ls» has already been defined in this scope. 2305 16 0 %sElement or attribute type specified more than once. Location: ‘%ls’. 2306 16 0 %sThe qualified name «%ls» was found in a context where only NCName is allowed. 2307 16 0 %sReference to an undefined name ‘%ls’ 2308 16 0 %sReference to an undefined name ‘%ls’ within namespace ‘%ls’ 2309 16 0 %sThe value of «%ls» is not a valid number. 2310 16 0 %sThe attribute «%ls» is declared more than once. 2311 16 0 %sThe attribute «%ls» is declared more than once within «%ls». 2312 16 0 %sThe value of attribute ‘%ls’ does not conform to the type definition ‘http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#%ls’: ‘%ls’. 2313 16 0 %sThe attribute «%ls» cannot have a value of «%ls». 2314 16 0 %sThe attribute «%ls» cannot have a negative value. 2315 16 0 %sThe attribute «%ls» should have a string value. 2316 16 0 %sThe required ‘base’ attribute is missing. Location: ‘%ls’. 2317 16 0 %sThe base type «%ls» defined on XSD element «%ls» is not a simple type. 2319 16 0 %sThis type may not have a ‘%ls’ facet. Location: ‘%ls’. 2320 16 0 %sDuplicate facet ‘%ls’ found at location ‘%ls’. 2321 16 0 %sFacets cannot follow attribute declarations. Found facet ‘%ls’ at location ‘%ls’. 2322 16 0 %sThe element type is not a subclass of the substitution group’s head 2323 16 0 %sThe end tag ‘%ls’ doesn’t match opening tag ‘%ls’ from line %u 2324 16 0 %sThe end tag ‘%ls:%ls’ doesn’t match opening tag ‘%ls’ from line %u 2325 16 0 %sThe end tag ‘%ls’ doesn’t match opening tag ‘%ls:%ls’ from line %u 2326 16 0 %sThe end tag ‘%ls:%ls’ doesn’t match opening tag ‘%ls:%ls’ from line %u 2327 16 0 %sThe content or definition of <%ls> is missing. 2328 16 0 %sSchema namespace ‘%ls’ doesn’t match directive’s ‘%ls’ 2329 16 0 %sThe string «%ls» is not a valid time duration value. 2331 16 0 %sRedefinition has to have itself as base type. Location: ‘%ls’. 2332 16 0 %s’%ls’ may not be used with an ’empty’ operand 2333 16 0 %sInvalid source character 0x%02x 2334 16 0 %sInvalid source character ‘%c’ (0x%02x) 2335 16 0 %sNewline in character/string constant 2336 16 0 %s’%c’ is not a valid octal digit (numbers starting with ‘0’ are implicitly octal) 2337 16 0 %sThe target of ‘replace’ must be at most one node, found ‘%ls’ 2338 16 0 %sThe second ‘replace’ operand must contain only nodes, found ‘%ls’ 2339 16 0 %sEither a memberType attribute or a simpleType child must be present. Location: ‘%ls’. 2340 16 0 %sComment started on line %u has no end 2341 16 0 %sExpected hex character code following ‘x’ 2342 16 0 %sInvalid numeric constant. 2343 16 0 %sUnterminated text section — missing ` 2348 16 0 %sA namespace URI should contain at least one non-whitespace character. 2349 16 0 %sAttempt to redefine namespace prefix ‘%ls’ 2350 16 0 %sInvalid XML element content 2351 16 0 %sExpected ‘first’ or ‘last’ 2353 16 0 %s’to’ or ‘insert’ or ‘delete’ expected 2354 16 0 %sInvalid source character encoding 2355 16 0 %s’else’ expected 2356 16 0 %sThe target of ‘replace value of’ must be a non-metadata attribute or an element with simple typed content, found ‘%ls’ 2357 16 0 %sA document node may only be replaced with another document node, found ‘%ls’ 2358 16 0 %sDerivation with both a ‘base’ attribute and an embedded type definition is not supported in this release. Location: ‘%ls’. 2359 16 0 %sThe target of ‘%ls’ may not be a constructed node 2360 16 0 %sCannot have both a ‘name’ and ‘ref’ attribute. Location: ‘%ls’. 2361 16 0 %sThe base type of an XSD extension or restriction type must be a simple type. 2362 16 0 %sXSD schema too complex 2363 16 0 %sXQuery too complex 2364 16 0 %sCannot implicitly convert from ‘%ls’ to ‘%ls’ 2365 16 0 %sCannot explicitly convert from ‘%ls’ to ‘%ls’ 2366 16 0 %s»%ls» has a circular definition. 2367 16 0 %sThe item type of an XSD list type must be a simple type. Location: ‘%ls’. 2368 16 0 %sCannot have element content in a complex type with simple content. Location: ‘%ls’. 2369 16 0 %sCannot have more than one group/sequence/choice/all within a restriction or extension. Location: ‘%ls’. 2370 16 0 %sNo more tokens expected at the end of the XQuery expression. Found ‘%ls’. 2371 16 0 %s’%ls’ can only be used within a predicate or XPath selector 2372 16 0 %sMetadata attribute ‘@%ls:%ls’ may not be used with ‘%ls’ 2373 16 0 %s%ls is not supported with constructed XML 2374 16 0 %sA node or set of nodes is required for %ls 2375 16 0 %sAggregate function ‘%ls’ expects a sequence argument 2376 16 0 %sOperand of a single numeric type expected 2377 16 0 %sResult of ‘%ls’ expression is statically ’empty’ 2378 16 0 %sExpected XML schema document 2379 16 0 %sThe name specified is not a valid XML name :’%ls’ 2380 16 0 %sMixed content is not allowed at location ‘%ls’. 2382 16 0 %sInvalid combination of minOccurs and maxOccurs values, minOccurs has to be less than or equal to maxOccurs. Location: ‘%ls’. 2383 16 0 %sInvalid value ‘%ls’ for the %ls attribute. The value has to be between 0 and %ld. 2384 16 0 %sInvalid element occurrence, element ‘%ls’ was found multiple times in the context of element ‘%ls’ 2385 16 0 Invalid target namespace specified 2386 16 0 %sThe value of ‘%ls’ facet is outside of the allowed range 2387 16 0 %sCannot have both ‘type’ and ‘ref’ attributes. Location: ‘%ls’. 2388 16 0 %sInvalid element occurrence, element ‘%ls’ has to appear first in the context of ‘%ls’ 2389 16 0 %s’%ls’ requires a singleton (or empty sequence), found operand of type ‘%ls’ 2390 16 0 %sTop-level %s nodes are not supported 2391 16 0 %sRedefining XSD schemas is not supported 2392 16 0 %s’%ls::’ is not a valid axis 2393 16 0 %sEither an itemType attribute or a simpleType child must be present. Location: ‘%ls’. 2394 16 0 %sThere is no function ‘%ls()’ 2395 16 0 %sThere is no function ‘%ls:%ls()’ 2396 16 0 %sAttribute may not appear outside of an element 2397 16 0 %sIdentifiers may not contain more than %u characters 2398 16 0 %sDuplicate id value found: ‘%ls’ 2399 16 0 %sAn attribute cannot have a value of type ‘%ls’, a simple type was expected 2431 10 1 Error [%d, %d, %d] occurred while attempting to deallocate workfile extent with extent ID [%d:%d]. 2501 16 0 Cannot find a table or object with the name «%.*ls». Check the system catalog. 2502 16 0 Memory object list dump failed due to temporary inconsistency in the memory object structure. Please try again. 2503 10 0 Successfully deleted the physical file ‘%ls’. 2504 16 0 Could not delete the physical file ‘%ls’. The DeleteFile system function returned error %ls. 2505 16 0 The device ‘%.*ls’ does not exist. Use sys.backup_devices to show available devices. 2506 16 0 Could not find a table or object name ‘%.*ls’ in database ‘%.*ls’. 2507 16 0 The CONCAT_NULL_YIELDS_NULL option must be set to ON to run DBCC CHECKCONSTRAINTS. 2508 16 0 The %.*ls count for object «%.*ls», index ID %d, partition ID %I64d, alloc unit ID %I64d (type %.*ls) is incorrect. Run DBCC UPDATEUSAGE. 2509 16 0 DBCC CHECKCONSTRAINTS failed due to an internal query error. Please run DBCC CHECKDATABASE to ensure your data consistency. 2510 16 0 DBCC %ls error: %ls. 2511 16 0 Table error: Object ID %d, index ID %d, partition ID %I64d, alloc unit ID %I64d (type %.*ls). Keys out of order on page %S_PGID, slots %d and %d. 2512 16 0 Table error: Object ID %d, index ID %d, partition ID %I64d, alloc unit ID %I64d (type %.*ls). Duplicate keys on page %S_PGID slot %d and page %S_PGID slot %d. 2513 16 0 DBCC DBREINDEX cannot be used on memory optimized tables. 2514 16 0 A DBCC PAGE error has occurred: %ls. 2515 16 0 The page %S_PGID, object ID %d, index ID %d, partition ID %I64d, allocation unit ID %I64d (type %.*ls) has been modified, but is not marked as modified in the differential backup bitmap. 2516 16 1 Repair has invalidated the differential bitmap for database %.*ls. The differential backup chain is broken. You must perform a full database backup before you can perform a differential backup. 2517 16 1 Bulk-logging has been turned on for database %.*ls. To ensure that all data has been secured, run backup log operations again. 2518 10 0 Object ID %ld (object «%.*ls»): Computed columns and CLR types cannot be checked for this object because the common language runtime (CLR) is disabled. 2519 10 0 Computed columns and CLR types cannot be checked for object ID %ld (object «%.*ls») because the internal expression evaluator could not be initialized. 2520 16 0 Could not find database ‘%.*ls’. The database either does not exist, or was dropped before a statement tried to use it. Verify if the database exists by querying the sys.databases catalog view. 2521 16 0 Could not find database ID %d. The database ID either does not exist, or the database was dropped before a statement tried to use it. Verify if the database ID exists by querying the sys.databases catalog view. 2522 16 0 Unable to process index %.*ls of table %.*ls because filegroup %.*ls is invalid. 2523 16 0 Filegroup %.*ls is invalid. 2524 16 0 Cannot process object ID %ld (object «%.*ls») because it is a Service Broker queue. Try the operation again with the object ID of the corresponding internal table for the queue, found in sys.internal_tables. 2525 16 0 Database file %.*ls is offline. 2526 16 0 Incorrect DBCC statement. Check the documentation for the correct DBCC syntax and options. 2527 16 0 Unable to process index %.*ls of table %.*ls because filegroup %.*ls is offline. 2528 10 0 DBCC execution completed. If DBCC printed error messages, contact your system administrator. 2529 16 0 Filegroup %.*ls is offline. 2530 16 0 The index «%.*ls» on table «%.*ls» is disabled. 2531 16 0 Table error: object ID %d, index ID %d, partition ID %I64d, alloc unit ID %I64d (type %.*ls) B-tree level mismatch, page %S_PGID. Level %d does not match level %d from the previous %S_PGID. 2532 16 0 One or more WITH options specified are not valid for this command. 2533 16 0 Table error: page %S_PGID allocated to object ID %d, index ID %d, partition ID %I64d, alloc unit ID %I64d (type %.*ls) was not seen. The page may be invalid or may have an incorrect alloc unit ID in its header. 2534 16 0 Table error: page %S_PGID, whose header indicates that it is allocated to object ID %d, index ID %d, partition ID %I64d, alloc unit ID %I64d (type %.*ls), is allocated by another object. 2536 10 0 DBCC results for ‘%.*ls’. 2537 16 0 Table error: object ID %d, index ID %d, partition ID %I64d, alloc unit ID %I64d (type %.*ls), page %S_PGID, row %d. The record check (%.*ls) failed. The values are %I64d and %I64d. 2538 10 0 File %d. The number of extents = %I64d, used pages = %I64d, and reserved pages = %I64d. 2539 10 0 The total number of extents = %I64d, used pages = %I64d, and reserved pages = %I64d in this database. 2540 10 0 The system cannot self repair this error. 2541 10 0 DBCC UPDATEUSAGE: Usage counts updated for table ‘%.*ls’ (index ‘%.*ls’, partition %ld): 2542 10 0 DATA pages %.*ls: changed from (%I64d) to (%I64d) pages. 2543 10 0 USED pages %.*ls: changed from (%I64d) to (%I64d) pages. 2544 10 0 RSVD pages %.*ls: changed from (%I64d) to (%I64d) pages. 2545 10 0 ROWS count: changed from (%I64d) to (%I64d) rows. 2546 10 0 Index ‘%.*ls’ on table ‘%.*ls’ is marked as disabled. Rebuild the index to bring it online. 2547 16 0 Unable to process object ID %ld (object «%.*ls») because it is a synonym. If the object referenced by the synonym is a table or view, retry the operation using the base object that the synonym references. 2548 10 0 DBCC: Compaction phase of index ‘%.*ls’ is %d%% complete. 2549 10 0 DBCC: Defrag phase of index ‘%.*ls’ is %d%% complete. 2550 16 0 The index «%.*ls» (partition %ld) on table «%.*ls» cannot be reorganized because it is being reorganized by another process. 2551 16 0 The indexes on table «%.*ls» cannot be reorganized because there is already an online index build or rebuild in progress on the table. 2552 16 0 The index «%.*ls» (partition %ld) on table «%.*ls» cannot be reorganized because page level locking is disabled. 2553 10 1 Table ‘%.*ls’ will not be available during reorganizing index ‘%.*ls’. This is because the index reorganization operation performs inside a user transaction and the entire table is exclusively locked. 2554 16 0 The index «%.*ls» (partition %ld) on table «%.*ls» cannot be reorganized because the filegroup is read-only. 2555 16 0 Cannot move all contents of file «%.*ls» to other places to complete the emptyfile operation. 2556 16 0 There is insufficient space in the filegroup to complete the emptyfile operation. 2557 14 0 User ‘%.*ls’ does not have permission to run DBCC %ls for object ‘%.*ls’. 2558 16 0 %I64d incorrect counts were detected in database ‘%.*ls’. 2559 16 0 The ‘%ls’ and ‘%ls’ options are not allowed on the same statement. 2560 16 0 Parameter %d is incorrect for this DBCC statement. 2561 16 0 Parameter %d is incorrect for this statement. 2562 16 0 Checking FILESTREAM filegroup «%.*ls» (ID %d) is not supported in DBCC CHECKFILEGROUP. Specify a filegroup containing user objects with FILESTREAM data instead. 2563 16 0 DBCC SHRINKFILE for FILESTREAM containers requires EMPTYFILE option and does not allow any other options. 2564 16 0 DBCC SHRINKFILE for %.*ls is aborted. MEMORY_OPTIMIZED_DATA containers are not supported. 2565 16 0 DBCC DBREINDEX cannot be used on memory optimized tables. 2566 14 0 DBCC DBREINDEX cannot be used on system tables. 2567 14 0 DBCC INDEXDEFRAG cannot be used on system table indexes 2568 16 0 Page %S_PGID is out of range for this database or is in a log file. 2570 16 0 Page %S_PGID, slot %d in object ID %d, index ID %d, partition ID %I64d, alloc unit ID %I64d (type «%.*ls»). Column «%.*ls» value is out of range for data type «%.*ls». Update column to a legal value. 2571 14 0 User ‘%.*ls’ does not have permission to run DBCC %.*ls. 2572 16 0 DBCC cannot free DLL ‘%.*ls’. The DLL is in use. 2573 16 0 Could not find table or object ID %.*ls. Check system catalog. 2574 16 0 Table error: Page %S_PGID is empty in object ID %d, index ID %d, partition ID %I64d, alloc unit ID %I64d (type %.*ls). This is not permitted at level %d of the B-tree. 2575 16 0 The Index Allocation Map (IAM) page %S_PGID is pointed to by the next pointer of IAM page %S_PGID in object ID %d, index ID %d, partition ID %I64d, alloc unit ID %I64d (type %.*ls), but it was not detected in the scan. 2576 16 0 The Index Allocation Map (IAM) page %S_PGID is pointed to by the previous pointer of IAM page %S_PGID in object ID %d, index ID %d, partition ID %I64d, alloc unit ID %I64d (type %.*ls), but it was not detected in the scan. 2577 16 0 Chain sequence numbers are out of order in the Index Allocation Map (IAM) chain for object ID %d, index ID %d, partition ID %I64d, alloc unit ID %I64d (type %.*ls). Page %S_PGID with sequence number %d points to page %S_PGID with sequence number %d. 2579 16 0 Table error: Extent %S_PGID in object ID %d, index ID %d, partition ID %I64d, alloc unit ID %I64d (type %.*ls) is beyond the range of this database. 2580 16 0 Table ‘%.*ls’ is either a system or temporary table. DBCC CLEANTABLE cannot be applied to a system or temporary table. 2581 10 0 DBCC cannot free the DLL «%.*ls». The DLL is not loaded. 2583 16 0 An incorrect number of parameters was given to the DBCC statement. 2585 16 0 Cannot find partition number %ld for table «%.*ls». 2586 16 0 Cannot find partition number %ld for index «%.*ls», table «%.*ls». 2587 16 0 The invalid partition number %ld was specified. 2588 16 0 Cannot find partition number %ld for index ID %d, object ID %d. 2589 16 0 Repair could not fix all errors on the first attempt. 2590 10 1 User «%.*ls» is modifying bytes %d to %d of page %S_PGID in database «%.*ls». 2591 16 0 Cannot find a row in the system catalog with the index ID %d for table «%.*ls». 2592 10 0 Repair: The %ls index successfully rebuilt for the object «%.*ls» in database «%.*ls». 2593 10 0 There are %I64d rows in %I64d pages for object «%.*ls». 2594 10 0 Cannot process rowset ID %I64d of object «%.*ls» (ID %d), index «%.*ls» (ID %d), because it resides on filegroup «%.*ls» (ID %d), which was not checked. 2596 16 0 The repair statement was not processed. The database cannot be in read-only mode. 2597 10 0 Ignoring trace flag %d. It is either an invalid trace flag or a trace flag that can only be specified during server startup. 2598 16 0 Check cannot proceed on any objects belonging to database «%.*ls» because it is currently in recovery. 2599 16 0 Cannot switch to in row text in table «%.*ls». 2601 14 0 Cannot insert duplicate key row in object ‘%.*ls’ with unique index ‘%.*ls’. The duplicate key value is %ls. 2627 14 0 Violation of %ls constraint ‘%.*ls’. Cannot insert duplicate key in object ‘%.*ls’. The duplicate key value is %ls. 2700 16 0 There are too many statements in the batch; the maximum number is %d 2701 10 0 Database name ‘%.*ls’ ignored, referencing object in tempdb. 2702 16 0 Database ‘%.*ls’ does not exist. 2703 16 0 Cannot use duplicate column names in the partition columns list. Column name ‘%.*ls’ appears more than once. 2704 16 0 Invalid partition scheme ‘%.*ls’ specified. 2705 16 0 Column names in each table must be unique. Column name ‘%.*ls’ in table ‘%.*ls’ is specified more than once. 2706 11 0 Table ‘%.*ls’ does not exist. 2707 16 0 Column ‘%.*ls’ in %S_MSG ‘%.*ls’ cannot be used in an index or statistics or as a partition key because it depends on a non-schemabound object. 2709 16 0 Column ‘%.*ls’ in %S_MSG ‘%.*ls’ cannot be used in an index or statistics or as a partition key because it does user or system data access. 2710 16 0 You are not the owner specified for the object ‘%.*ls’ in this statement (CREATE, ALTER, TRUNCATE, UPDATE STATISTICS or BULK INSERT). 2711 16 0 The definition of object «%.*ls» in the resource database contains the non-ASCII character «%.*ls». 2712 16 0 Database ‘%.*ls’ can not be configured as a distribution database because it has change tracking enabled. 2714 16 0 There is already an object named ‘%.*ls’ in the database. 2715 16 0 Column, parameter, or variable #%d: Cannot find data type %.*ls. 2716 16 0 Column, parameter, or variable #%d: Cannot specify a column width on data type %.*ls. 2717 15 0 The size (%d) given to the %S_MSG ‘%.*ls’ exceeds the maximum allowed (%d). 2719 16 0 Upgrade of database «%.*ls» failed because it contains a user named «sys» which is a reserved user or schema name in this version of SQL Server. 2720 16 0 Cannot schema bind %S_MSG ‘%.*ls’ because it references system object ‘%.*ls’. 2722 16 0 Xml data type methods are not allowed in expressions in this context. 2724 10 0 Parameter or variable ‘%.*ls’ has an invalid data type. 2725 16 0 An online operation cannot be performed for %S_MSG ‘%.*ls’ because the index contains column ‘%.*ls’ of data type text, ntext, image or FILESTREAM. For a non-clustered index, the column could be an include column of the index. For a clustered index, the column could be any column of the table. If DROP_EXISTING is used, the column could be part of a new or old index. The operation must be performed offline. 2726 16 0 Partition function ‘%.*ls’ uses %d columns which does not match with the number of partition columns used to partition the table or index. 2727 11 0 Cannot find index ‘%.*ls’. 2728 16 0 Cannot partition on more than %d columns. 2729 16 0 Column ‘%.*ls’ in %S_MSG ‘%.*ls’ cannot be used in an index or statistics or as a partition key because it is non-deterministic. 2730 11 0 Cannot create procedure ‘%.*ls’ with a group number of %d because a procedure with the same name and a group number of 1 does not currently exist in the database. Must execute CREATE PROCEDURE ‘%.*ls’;1 first. 2731 16 0 Column ‘%.*ls’ has invalid width: %d. 2732 16 0 Error number %ld is invalid. The number must be from %ld through %ld and it cannot be 50000. 2733 16 0 The %ls data type is invalid for return values. 2735 16 0 Cannot create primary xml, selective xml or spatial index ‘%.*ls’ on ‘%.*ls’ because PRIMARY KEY constraint contains column(s) of type timestamp. 2738 16 0 A table can only have one timestamp column. Because table ‘%.*ls’ already has one, the column ‘%.*ls’ cannot be added. 2739 16 0 The text, ntext, and image data types are invalid for local variables. 2740 16 0 SET LANGUAGE failed because ‘%.*ls’ is not an official language name or a language alias on this SQL Server. 2741 16 0 SET DATEFORMAT date order ‘%.*ls’ is invalid. 2742 16 0 SET DATEFIRST %d is out of range. 2743 16 0 %ls option requires %S_MSG parameter. 2744 16 0 Multiple identity columns specified for table ‘%.*ls’. Only one identity column per table is allowed. 2745 10 0 Process ID %d has raised user error %d, severity %d. SQL Server is terminating this process. 2747 16 0 Too many substitution parameters for RAISERROR. Cannot exceed %d substitution parameters. 2748 16 0 Cannot specify %ls data type (parameter %d) as a substitution parameter. 2749 16 0 Identity column ‘%.*ls’ must be of data type int, bigint, smallint, tinyint, or decimal or numeric with a scale of 0, unencrypted, and constrained to be nonnullable. 2750 16 0 Column or parameter #%d: Specified column precision %d is greater than the maximum precision of %d. 2751 16 0 Column or parameter #%d: Specified column scale %d is greater than the specified precision of %d. 2752 16 0 Identity column ‘%.*ls’ contains invalid SEED. 2753 16 0 Identity column ‘%.*ls’ contains invalid INCREMENT. 2754 16 0 Error severity levels greater than %d can only be specified by members of the sysadmin role, using the WITH LOG option. 2755 16 0 SET DEADLOCK_PRIORITY option is invalid. Valid options are {HIGH | NORMAL | LOW | [%d … %d] of type integer}. 2756 16 0 Invalid value %d for state. State value must not be less than %d. 2759 16 0 CREATE SCHEMA failed due to previous errors. 2760 16 0 The specified schema name «%.*ls» either does not exist or you do not have permission to use it. 2761 16 0 The ROWGUIDCOL property can only be specified on the uniqueidentifier data type. 2762 16 0 sp_setapprole was not invoked correctly. Refer to the documentation for more information. 2766 16 0 The definition for user-defined data type ‘%.*ls’ has changed. 2767 15 0 Could not locate statistics ‘%.*ls’ in the system catalogs. 2770 16 0 The SELECT INTO statement cannot have same source and destination tables. 2772 16 0 Cannot access temporary tables from within a function. 2773 16 0 The collation ID is corrupted because the sort order ID %d is not valid. 2774 16 0 Collation ID %d is invalid. 2775 16 0 The code page %d is not supported by the server. 2778 16 0 Only System Administrator can specify %s option for %s command. 2779 16 0 The %S_MSG ‘%.*ls’ is an auto-drop system object. It cannot be used in queries or DDL. 2780 16 0 View ‘%.*ls’ is not schemabound. 2782 16 0 Cannot create table «%.*ls»: A table must have a clustered primary key in order to have XML data type columns. 2785 16 0 User-defined functions, user-defined aggregates, CLR types, and methods on CLR types are not allowed in expressions in this context. 2786 16 0 The data type of substitution parameter %d does not match the expected type of the format specification. 2787 16 0 Invalid format specification: ‘%.*ls’. 2788 16 0 Synonyms are invalid in a schemabound object or a constraint expression. 2789 16 0 Must specify a two-part name for %S_MSG ‘%.*ls’ in a schemabound object or a constraint expression. 2790 16 0 Cannot use a column of type TEXT, NTEXT, or IMAGE in a constraint expression. 2791 16 0 Could not resolve expression for Schema-bound object or constraint. 2792 16 0 Cannot specify a sql CLR type in a Schema-bound object or a constraint expression. 2793 16 0 Specified owner name ‘%.*ls’ either does not exist or you do not have permission to act on its behalf. 2794 16 0 Message text expects more than the maximum number of arguments (%d). 2795 16 0 Could not %S_MSG %S_MSG because the new %S_MSG ‘%.*ls’ does not match the FILESTREAM %S_MSG ‘%.*ls’ of the table. 2796 16 0 Cannot specify database name with $partition in a Schema-bound object, computed column or constraint expression. 2797 16 0 The default schema does not exist. 2798 16 0 Cannot create index or statistics ‘%.*ls’ on table ‘%.*ls’ because SQL Server cannot verify that key column ‘%.*ls’ is precise and deterministic. Consider removing column from index or statistics key, marking computed column persisted, or using non-CLR-derived column in key. 2799 16 0 Cannot create index or statistics ‘%.*ls’ on table ‘%.*ls’ because the computed column ‘%.*ls’ is imprecise and not persisted. Consider removing column from index or statistics key or marking computed column persisted. 2801 16 0 The definition of object ‘%.*ls’ has changed since it was compiled. 2802 10 0 SQL Server has encountered %d occurrence(s) of cachestore flush for the ‘%s’ cachestore (part of plan cache) due to ‘DBCC FREEPROCCACHE’ or ‘DBCC FREESYSTEMCACHE’ operations. 2803 10 0 SQL Server has encountered %d occurrence(s) of cachestore flush for the ‘%s’ cachestore (part of plan cache) due to some database maintenance or reconfigure operations. 2809 16 0 The request for %S_MSG ‘%.*ls’ failed because ‘%.*ls’ is a %S_MSG object. 2812 16 0 Could not find stored procedure ‘%.*ls’. 2813 16 0 «%.*ls» is not supported on this edition of SQL Server. 2814 10 0 A possible infinite recompile was detected for SQLHANDLE %hs, PlanHandle %hs, starting offset %d, ending offset %d. The last recompile reason was %d. 2815 10 0 A possible infinite recompile was detected for the natively compiled module with ID ‘%d’ in database with ID ‘%d’.

SQL Server Error Message — Errors 1501 to 2000

A message number uniquely identifies each error message and the error message
text describes the problem.  The error message text often includes
placeholders for information (such as object names) to be inserted in the error
message when it is displayed.  Unfortunately, the error message text does
not tell you how to solve or work around the problem.  In this series of
Error Messages list, we will try to provide you with ways on how to overcome or
work around certain error messages.

Some error messages are self-explanatory and can easily be fixed, such as
«Invalid object name».  Others are harder to fix or work around, especially
by those who are new to SQL Server.  It is the intent of this page and
succeeding pages (to come) to assist you in addressing or working around
SQL Server error messages.

Error Severity Description
1501 20 Sort failure.
1505 14 CREATE UNIQUE INDEX terminated because a
duplicate key was found for index ID <Index Value>. Most significant primary key
is ‘<Primary Key Name>’.
1507 10 Warning: Deleted duplicate row. Primary key
is ‘<Primary Key Name>’.
1508 14 CREATE INDEX terminated because a duplicate row was found. Primary key is ‘<Primary Key Name>’.
1509 20 Row compare failure.
1510 17 Sort failed.  Out of space or locks in database <Database Name>
1511 20 Sort cannot be reconciled with transaction log.
1522 20 Sort failure. Prevented overwriting of allocation page in database ‘%.*ls’ by terminating sort.
1523 20 Sort failure. Prevented incorrect extent deallocation by aborting sort.
1528 21 Character data comparison failure. An unrecognized Sort-Map-Element type (%d) was found in the server-wide default sort table at SMEL entry [%d].
1529 21 Character data comparison failure. A list of Sort-Map-Elements from the server-wide default sort table does not end properly. This list begins at SMEL entry [%d].
1530 16 CREATE INDEX with DROP_EXISTING was aborted because a row was out of order. Most significant offending primary key is ‘<Primary Key>‘. Explicitly drop and create the index instead.
1531 16 The SORTED_DATA_REORG option cannot be used for a nonclustered index if the keys are not unique within the table. CREATE INDEX was aborted because of duplicate keys. Primary key is ‘<Primary Key>‘.
1532 20 New sort run starting on page %S_PGID found extent not marked as shared.
1533 20 Cannot share extent %S_PGID among more than eight sort runs.
1534 20 Extent %S_PGID not found in shared extent directory.
1535 20 Cannot share extent %S_PGID with shared extent directory full.
1536 20 Cannot build a nonclustered index on a memory-only work table.
1537 20 Cannot suspend a sort not in row input phase.
1538 20 Cannot insert into a sort not in row input phase.
1540 16 Cannot sort a row of size %d, which is greater than the allowable maximum of %d.
1619 21 Could not open tempdb. Cannot continue.
1620 21 Cannot start C2 audit trace. SQL Server is shutting down.
1621 10 Server started with ‘-f’. Auditing will not be started.
1701 16 Creation of table ‘<Table Name>’ failed because the row size would be <Size>, including internal overhead. This exceeds the maximum allowable table row size, <Maximum Allowable Table Row Size>.
1702 16 CREATE TABLE failed because column ‘%.*ls’ in table ‘%.*ls’ exceeds the maximum of %d columns.
1703 17 Could not allocate disk space for a work table in database ‘%.*ls’. You may be able to free up space by using BACKUP LOG, or you may want to extend the size of the database by using ALTER DATABASE.
1704 16 Only members of the sysadmin role can create the system table ‘%.*ls’.
1705 16 You must create system table ‘%.*ls’ in the master database.
1706 16 System table ‘%.*ls’ was not created, because ad hoc updates to system catalogs are not enabled.
1708 10 Warning: The table ‘%.*ls’ has been created but its maximum row size (%d) exceeds the maximum number of bytes per row (%d). INSERT or UPDATE of a row in this table will fail if the resulting row length exceeds %d bytes.
1709 16 Cannot use TEXTIMAGE_ON when a table has no text, ntext, or image columns.
1750 10 Could not create constraint. See previous errors.
1752 16 Could not create DEFAULT for column ‘%.*ls’ as it is not a valid column in the table ‘%.*ls’.
1753 16 Column ‘<Primary Table.Primary Key>‘ is not the same length as referencing column ‘<Referencing Table.Referencing Column>‘ in foreign key ‘<Foreign Key Constraint Name>‘.
1754 16 Defaults cannot be created on columns with an IDENTITY attribute. Table ‘%.*ls’, column ‘%.*ls’.
1755 16 Defaults cannot be created on columns of data type timestamp. Table ‘%.*ls’, column ‘%.*ls’.
1756 10 Skipping FOREIGN KEY constraint ‘%.*ls’ definition for temporary table.
1757 16 Column ‘%.*ls.%.*ls’ is not of same collation as referencing column ‘%.*ls.%.*ls’ in foreign key ‘%.*ls’.
1759 16 Invalid column ‘%.*ls’ is specified in a constraint or computed-column definition.
1760 16 Constraints of type %ls cannot be created on columns of type %ls.
1763 16 Cross-database foreign key references are not supported. Foreign key ‘%.*ls’.
1766 16 Foreign key references to temporary tables are not supported. Foreign key ‘%.*ls’.
1767 16 Foreign key ‘%.*ls’ references invalid table ‘%.*ls’.
1768 16 Foreign key ‘%.*ls’ references object ‘%.*ls’ which is not a user table.
1769 16 Foreign key ‘%.*ls’ references invalid column ‘%.*ls’ in referencing table ‘%.*ls’.
1770 16 Foreign key ‘%.*ls’ references invalid column ‘%.*ls’ in referenced table ‘%.*ls’.
1772 16 Foreign key ‘%.*ls’ defines an invalid relationship between a user table and system table.
1773 16 Foreign key ‘%.*ls’ has implicit reference to object ‘%.*ls’ which does not have a primary key defined on it.
1774 16 The number of columns in the referencing column list for foreign key ‘%.*ls’ does not match those of the primary key in the referenced table ‘%.*ls’.
1776 16 There are no primary or candidate keys in the referenced table ‘<Table Name>‘ that match the referencing column list in the foreign key ‘<Foreign Key Constraint>‘.
1777 14 User does not have correct permissions on referenced table ‘%.*ls’ to create foreign key ‘%.*ls’.
1778 16 Column ‘<Primary Table.Primary Key>‘ is not the same data type as referencing column ‘<Referencing Table.Referencing Column>‘ in foreign key ‘<Foreign Key Constraint>‘.
1779 16 Table ‘%.*ls’ already has a primary key defined on it.
1781 16 Column already has a DEFAULT bound to it.
1784 16 Cannot create the foreign key ‘%.*ls’ because the referenced column ‘%.*ls.%.*ls’ is a computed column.
1785 16 Introducing FOREIGN KEY constraint ‘%.*ls’ on table ‘%.*ls’ may cause cycles or multiple cascade paths. Specify ON DELETE NO ACTION or ON UPDATE NO ACTION, or modify other FOREIGN KEY constraints.
1786 16 Either column ‘%.*ls.%.*ls’ or referencing column ‘%.*ls.%.*ls’ in foreign key ‘%.*ls’ is a timestamp column. This data type cannot be used with cascading referential integrity constraints.
1787 16 Cannot define foreign key constraint ‘%.*ls’ with cascaded DELETE or UPDATE on table ‘%.*ls’ because the table has an INSTEAD OF DELETE or UPDATE TRIGGER defined on it.
1788 16 Cascading foreign key ‘%.*ls’ cannot be created where the referencing column ‘%.*ls.%.*ls’ is an identity column.
Error Severity Description
1801 16 Database ‘%.*ls’ already exists.
1802 11 CREATE DATABASE failed. Some file names listed could not be created. Check previous errors.
1803 17 CREATE DATABASE failed. Could not allocate enough disk space for a new database on the named disks. Total space allocated must be at least %d MB to accommodate a copy of the model database.
1804 10 There is no disk named ‘%.*ls’. Checking other disk names.
1805 10 The CREATE DATABASE process is allocating %.2f MB on disk ‘%.*ls’.
1806 16 CREATE DATABASE failed. The default collation of database ‘%.*ls’ cannot be set to ‘%.*ls’.
1807 17 Could not obtain exclusive lock on database ‘%.*ls’. Retry the operation later.
1808 21 Default devices are not supported.
1809 10 To achieve optimal performance, update all statistics on the ‘%.*ls’ database by running sp_updatestats.
1811 16 ‘%.*ls’ is the wrong type of device for CREATE DATABASE or ALTER DATABASE. Check sysdevices. The statement is aborted.
1812 16 CREATE DATABASE failed. COLLATE clause cannot be used with the FOR ATTACH option.
1813 16 Could not open new database ‘%.*ls’. CREATE DATABASE is aborted.
1814 10 Could not create tempdb. If space is low, extend the amount of space and restart.
1901 16 Column ‘%.*ls’. Cannot create index on a column of bit data type.
1902 16 Cannot create more than one clustered index on table ‘<Table Name>‘. Drop the existing clustered index ‘<Clustered Index Name>‘ before creating another.
1903 16 Index keys are too large. The %d bytes needed to represent the keys for index %d exceeds the size limit of %d bytes.
1904 16 Cannot specify more than %d column names for statistics or index key list. %d specified.
1905 21 Could not find ‘zero’ row for index ‘%.*ls’ the table in sysindexes.
1906 11 Cannot create an index on ‘%.*ls’, because this table does not exist in database ‘%.*ls’.
1907 16 Cannot re-create index ‘%.*ls’. The new index definition does not match the constraint being enforced by the existing index.
1909 16 Cannot use duplicate column names in index key list. Column name ‘%.*ls’ listed more than once.
1910 16 Cannot create more than %d nonclustered indices or column statistics on one table.
1911 16 Column name ‘%.*ls’ does not exist in the target table.
1913 16 There is already an index on table ‘%.*ls’ named ‘%.*ls’.
1914 16 Index cannot be created on object ‘%.*ls’ because the object is not a user table or view.
1916 16 CREATE INDEX options %ls and %ls are mutually exclusive.
1918 10 Index (ID = %d) is being rebuilt.
1919 16 Column ‘%.*ls’. Cannot create index on a column of text, ntext, or image data type.
1920 16 Skipping rebuild of index ID %d, which is on a read-only filegroup.
1921 16 Invalid filegroup ‘%.*ls’ specified.
1922 16 Filegroup ‘%.*ls’ has no files assigned to it. Tables, indexes, and text, ntext, and image columns cannot be created on this filegroup.
1923 10 The clustered index has been dropped.
1938 16 Index cannot be created on %S_MSG ‘%.*ls’ because the underlying object ‘%.*ls’ has a different owner.
1939 16 Cannot create index on view ‘<View Name>’ because the view is not schema bound.
1940 16 Cannot create index on view ‘<View Name>’. It does not have a unique clustered index.
1941 16 Nonunique clustered index cannot be created on view ‘%.*ls’ because only unique clustered indexes are allowed.
1942 16 Index cannot be created on view ‘%.*ls’ because the view contains text, ntext or image columns.
1943 16 Index cannot be created on view ‘%.*ls’ because the view contains text, ntext or image columns.
1944 16 Index ‘%.*ls’ was not created. This index has a key length of at least %d bytes. The maximum permissible key length is %d bytes.
1945 16 Warning! The maximum key length is %d bytes. The index ‘%.*ls’ has maximum length of %d bytes. For some combination of large values, the insert/update operation will fail.
1946 16 Operation failed. The index entry of length %d bytes for the index ‘%.*ls’ exceeds the maximum length of %d bytes.
1947 16 Index cannot be created on view ‘%.*ls’ because the view contains a self-join on ‘%.*ls’.
1948 16 Duplicate index names ‘%.*ls’ and ‘%.*ls’ detected on table ‘%.*ls’.
1949 16 Index on view ‘%.*ls’ cannot be created because function ‘%s’ yields nondeterministic results.
1950 16 Index on view ‘%.*ls’ cannot be created because the view contains an imprecise expression in a GROUP BY clause
1951 16 Index on view ‘%.*ls’ cannot be created because the view contains an imprecise expression in the WHERE clause.
1952 16 Index on view ‘%.*ls’ cannot be created because the view contains an imprecise expression in a join.
1953 16 Index on view ‘%.*ls’ cannot be created because the view contains an imprecise expression in a join.
1954 16 Index on view ‘%.*ls’ cannot be created because the view uses a column bound to a rule.
1955 16 Index on view ‘%.*ls’ cannot be created because the view contains a nondeterministic computed column.
1956 16 Index on view ‘%.*ls’ cannot be created because the view uses a nondeterministic user-defined function.
1957 16 Index on view ‘%.*ls’ cannot be created because the view requires a conversion involving dates or variants.
1958 16 This edition of SQL Server does not support indexed views.
1959 16 Cannot create index on view or computed column because this database is not SQL Server compatible.

Reference: Database Engine Events and Errors — SQL Server | Microsoft Docs

Errors 2000 — 2999

Error Severity Description (Message Text)
2001 10 Cannot use duplicate parameter names. Parameter name ‘%.*ls’ listed more than once.
2004 16 Procedure ‘%.*ls’ has already been created with group number %d. Create procedure with an unused group number.
2007 11 Cannot add rows to sysdepends for the current stored procedure because it depends on the missing object ‘%.*ls’. The stored procedure will still be created.
2008 16 The object ‘%.*ls’ is not a procedure so you cannot create another procedure under that group name.
2009 10 Procedure ‘%.*ls’ was created despite delayed name resolution warnings (if any).
2010 16 Cannot perform alter on %.*ls because it is an incompatible object type.
2011 16 Index hints cannot be specified within a schema-bound object.
2012 16 User-defined variables cannot be declared within a schema-bound object.
2106 11 Cannot create a trigger on table ‘%.*ls’, because this table does not exist in database ‘%.*ls’.
2108 16 Cannot create a trigger on table ‘%.*ls’ because you can only create a trigger on a table in the current database.
2110 16 Cannot alter trigger ‘%.*ls’ for table ‘%.*ls’ because this trigger does not belong to this table.
2111 16 Cannot %s trigger ‘%.*ls’ for %S_MSG ‘%.*ls’ because an INSTEAD OF %s trigger already exists.
2112 16 Cannot %s trigger ‘%.*ls’ for view ‘%.*ls’ because it is defined with the CHECK OPTION.
2113 16 Cannot %s INSTEAD OF DELETE or UPDATE TRIGGER ‘%.*ls’ on table ‘%.*ls’ because the table has a FOREIGN KEY with cascaded DELETE or UPDATE.
2114 16 Column ‘%.*ls’ cannot be used in an IF UPDATE clause because it is a computed column.
2501 16 Could not find a table or object named ‘%.*ls’. Check sysobjects.
2502 16 Could not start transaction.
2503 10 Successfully deleted the physical file ‘%ls’.
2504 16 Could not delete the physical file ‘%ls’. The DeleteFile system function returned error %ls.
2505 16 The device ‘%.*ls’ does not exist. Use sp_helpdevice to show available devices.
2506 16 Could not find a table or object name ‘%.*ls’ in database ‘%.*ls’.
2511 16 Table error: Object ID %d, Index ID %d. Keys out of order on page %S_PGID, slots %d and %d.
2512 16 Table error: Object ID %d, Index ID %d. Duplicate keys on page %S_PGID slot %d and page %S_PGID slot %d.
2513 16 Table error: Object ID %ld (object ‘%.*ls’) does not match between ‘%.*ls’ and ‘%.*ls’.
2514 16 Table error: Data type %ld (type ‘%.*ls’) does not match between ‘%.*ls’ and ‘%.*ls’.
2515 16 Page %S_PGID, object ID %d, index ID %d has been modified but is not marked modified in the differential backup bitmap.
2516 16 The differential bitmap was invalidated for database %.*ls. A full database backup is required before a differential backup can be performed.
2517 16 The minimally logged operation status has been turned on for database %.*ls. Rerun backup log operations to ensure that all data has been secured.
2519 16 Unable to process table %.*ls because filegroup %.*ls is invalid.
2520 16 Could not find database ‘%.*ls’. Check sysdatabases.
2521 16 Could not find database ID %d. Check sysdatabases.
2522 16 Unable to process index %.*ls of table %.*ls because filegroup %.*ls is invalid.
2523 16 Filegroup %.*ls is invalid.
2524 16 Unable to process table %.*ls because filegroup %.*ls is offline.
2525 16 Database file %.*ls is offline.
2526 16 Incorrect DBCC statement. Check the documentation for the correct DBCC syntax and options.
2527 16 Unable to process index %.*ls of table %.*ls because filegroup %.*ls is offline.
2528 10 DBCC execution completed. If DBCC printed error messages, contact your system administrator.
2529 16 Filegroup %.*ls is offline.
2530 16 Secondary index entries were missing or did not match the data in the table.  Use the WITH TABLOCK option and run the command again to display the failing records.
2531 16 Table error: Object ID %d, index ID %d B-tree level mismatch, page %S_PGID. Level %d does not match level %d from previous %S_PGID.
2532 16 DBCC SHRINKFILE could not shrink file %ls. Log files are not supported.
2533 16 Table error: Page %S_PGID allocated to object ID %d, index ID %d was not seen.  Page may be invalid or have incorrect object ID information in its header.
2534 16 Table error: Page %S_PGID with object ID %d, index ID %d in its header is allocated by another object.
Error 2535 16 Table error: Page %S_PGID is allocated to object ID %d, index ID %d, not to object ID %d, index ID %d found in page header.
2536 10 DBCC results for ‘%.*ls’.
2537 16 Table error: Object ID %d, index ID %d, page %S_PGID, row %d. Record check (%hs) failed. Values are %ld and %ld.
2538 10 File %d. Number of extents = %ld, used pages = %ld, reserved pages = %ld.
2539 10 Total number of extents = %ld, used pages = %ld, reserved pages = %ld in this database.
2540 10 The system cannot self repair this error.
2541 10 DBCC UPDATEUSAGE: sysindexes row updated for table ‘%.*ls’ (index ID %ld):
2542 10        DATA pages: Changed from (%ld) to (%ld) pages.
2543 10        USED pages: Changed from (%ld) to (%ld) pages.
2544 10        RSVD pages: Changed from (%ld) to (%ld) pages.
2545 10        ROWS count: Changed from (%I64d) to (%I64d) rows.
2546 10 Index ‘%.*ls’ on table ‘%.*ls’ is marked offline. Rebuild the index to bring it online.
2547 10 Performing second pass of index checks.
2548 10 DBCC: Compaction phase of index ‘%.*ls’ is %d%% complete.
2549 10 DBCC: Defrag phase of index ‘%.*ls’ is %d%% complete.
2557 14 User ‘%.*ls’ does not have permission to run DBCC %ls for object ‘%.*ls’.
2559 16 The ‘%ls’ and ‘%ls’ options are not allowed on the same statement.
2560 16 Parameter %d is incorrect for this DBCC statement.
2562 16 ‘%ls’ cannot access object ‘%.*ls’ because it is not a table.
2566 14 DBCC DBREINDEX cannot be used on system tables.
2567 14 DBCC INDEXDEFRAG cannot be used on system table indexes
2568 16 Page %S_PGID is out of range for this database or is in a log file.
2570 16 Warning: Page %S_PGID, slot %d in Object %d Index %d Column %.*ls value %.*ls is out of range for data type «%.*ls».  Update column to a legal value.
2571 14 User ‘%.*ls’ does not have permission to run DBCC %.*ls.
2572 16 DBCC cannot free DLL ‘%.*ls’. The DLL is in use.
2573 16 Database ‘%.*ls’ is not marked suspect. You cannot drop it with DBCC.
2574 10 Object ID %d, index ID %d: Page %S_PGID is empty. This is not permitted at level %d of the B-tree.
2575 16 IAM page %S_PGID is pointed to by the next pointer of IAM page %S_PGID object ID %d index ID %d but was not detected in the scan.
2576 16 IAM page %S_PGID is pointed to by the previous pointer of IAM page %S_PGID object ID %d index ID %d but was not detected in the scan.
2577 16 Chain sequence numbers are out of order in IAM chain for object ID %d, index ID %d. Page %S_PGID sequence number %d points to page %S_PGID sequence number %d.
2578 16 Minimally logged extents were found in GAM interval starting at page %S_PGID but the minimally logged flag is not set in the database table.
2579 16 Table error: Extent %S_PGID object ID %d, index ID %d is beyond the range of this database.
2580 16 Table ‘%.*ls’ is either a system or temporary table. DBCC CLEANTABLE cannot be applied to a system or temporary table.
2583 16 An incorrect number of parameters was given to the DBCC statement.
2588 16 Page %S_PGID was expected to be the first page of a text, ntext, or image value.
2590 10 User ‘%.*ls’ is modifying bytes %d to %d of page %S_PGID in database ‘%.*ls’.
2591 16 Could not find row in sysindexes with index ID %d for table ‘%.*ls’.
2592 10 %ls index successfully restored for object ‘%.*ls’ in database ‘%.*ls’.
2593 10 There are %I64d rows in %ld pages for object ‘%.*ls’.
2594 16 Invalid index ID (%d) specified.
2595 16 Database ‘%.*ls’ must be set to single user mode before executing this statement.
2597 16 The database is not open. Execute a ‘USE %.*ls’ statement and rerun the DBCC statement.
2598 16 Clustered indexes on sysobjects and sysindexes cannot be re-created.
2601 14 Cannot insert duplicate key row in object ‘%.*ls’ with unique index ‘%.*ls’.
2603 21 No space left on logical page %S_PGID of index ID %d for object ‘%.*ls’ when inserting row on an index page. This situation should have been handled while traversing the index.
2617 20 Buffer holding logical page %S_PGID not found in keep pool in SDES for object ‘%.*ls’. Contact Technical Support.
2624 21 Could not insert into table %S_DES because row length %d is less than the minimum length %d.
2627 14 Violation of %ls constraint ‘%.*ls’. Cannot insert duplicate key in object ‘%.*ls’.
2701 10 Database name ‘%.*ls’ ignored, referencing object in tempdb.
2702 16 Database ‘%.*ls’ does not exist.
2705 16 Column names in each table must be unique. Column name ‘%.*ls’ in table ‘%.*ls’ is specified more than once.
2706 11 Table ‘%.*ls’ does not exist.
2710 16 You are not the owner specified for the object ‘%.*ls’ in this statement (CREATE, ALTER, TRUNCATE, UPDATE STATISTICS or BULK INSERT).
2714 16 There is already an object named ‘%.*ls’ in the database.
2715 16 Column or parameter #%d: Cannot find data type %.*ls.
2716 16 Column or parameter #%d: Cannot specify a column width on data type %.*ls.
2717 15 The size (%d) given to the %S_MSG ‘%.*ls’ exceeds the maximum allowed (%d).
2718 16 Column or parameter #%d: Cannot specify null values on a column of data type bit.
2721 11 Could not find a default segment to create the table on. Ask your system administrator to specify a default segment in syssegments.
2724 10 Parameter ‘%.*ls’ has an invalid data type.
2727 11 Cannot find index ‘%.*ls’.
2730 11 Cannot create procedure ‘%.*ls’ with a group number of %d because a procedure with the same name and a group number of 1 does not currently exist in the database. Must execute CREATE PROCEDURE ‘%.*ls’;1 first.
Error 2731 16 Column ‘%.*ls’ has invalid width: %d.
2732 16 Error number %ld is invalid. The number must be from %ld through %ld
2734 16 The user name ‘%.*ls’ does not exist in sysusers.
2736 16 Owner name specified is a group name. Objects cannot be owned by groups.
2737 16 Message passed to %hs must be of type char, varchar, nchar, or nvarchar.
2738 16 A table can only have one timestamp column. Because table ‘%.*ls’ already has one, the column ‘%.*ls’ cannot be added.
2739 16 The text, ntext, and image data types are invalid for local variables.
2740 16 SET LANGUAGE failed because ‘%.*ls’ is not an official language name or a language alias on this SQL Server.
2741 16 SET DATEFORMAT date order ‘%.*ls’ is invalid.
2742 16 SET DATEFIRST %d is out of range.
2743 16 %ls statement requires %S_MSG parameter.
2744 16 Multiple identity columns specified for table ‘%.*ls’. Only one identity column per table is allowed.
2745 10 Process ID %d has raised user error %d, severity %d. SQL Server is terminating this process.
2746 16 Cannot specify user error format string with a length exceeding %d bytes.
2747 16 Too many substitution parameters for RAISERROR. Cannot exceed %d substitution parameters.
2748 16 Cannot specify %ls data type (RAISERROR parameter %d) as a substitution parameter for RAISERRROR.
2749 16 Identity column ‘%.*ls’ must be of data type int, bigint, smallint, tinyint, or decimal or numeric with a scale of 0, and constrained to be nonnullable.
2750 16 Column or parameter #%d: Specified column precision %d is greater than the maximum precision of %d.
2751 16 Column or parameter #%d: Specified column scale %d is greater than the specified precision of %d.
2752 16 Identity column ‘%.*ls’ contains invalid SEED.
2753 16 Identity column ‘%.*ls’ contains invalid INCREMENT.
2754 16 Error severity levels greater than %d can only be specified by members of the sysadmin role, using the WITH LOG option.
2755 16 SET DEADLOCK_PRIORITY option ‘%.*ls’ is invalid.
2756 16 Invalid value %d for state. Valid range is from %d to %d.
2757 16 RAISERROR failed due to invalid parameter substitution(s) for error %d, severity %d, state %d.
2758 16 %hs could not locate entry for error %d in sysmessages.
2759 0 CREATE SCHEMA failed due to previous errors.
2760 16 Specified owner name ‘%.*ls’ either does not exist or you do not have permission to use it.
2761 16 The ROWGUIDCOL property can only be specified on the uniqueidentifier data type.
2762 16 sp_setapprole was not invoked correctly. Refer to the documentation for more information.
2763 16 Could not find application role ‘%.*ls’.
2764 16 Incorrect password supplied for application role ‘%.*ls’.
2765 15 Could not locate statistics for column ‘%.*ls’ in the system catalogs.
2766 16 The definition for user-defined data type ‘%.*ls’ has changed.
2767 15 Could not locate statistics ‘%.*ls’ in the system catalogs.
2768 15 Statistics for %ls ‘%.*ls’.
2769 15 Column ‘%.*ls’. Cannot create statistics on a column of data type %ls.
2770 16 The SELECT INTO statement cannot have same source and destination tables.
2771 16 Cannot create statistics on table ‘%.*ls’. This table is a virtual system table.
2772 16 Cannot access temporary tables from within a function.
2773 16 Sort order ID %d is invalid.
2774 16 Collation ID %d is invalid.
2775 16 Code page %d is not supported by the operating system.
2777 17 Database ‘%.*ls’ contains columns or parameters with the following code page(s) not supported by the operating system: %ls.
2801 16 The definition of object ‘%.*ls’ has changed since it was compiled.
2809 18 The request for %S_MSG ‘%.*ls’ failed because ‘%.*ls’ is a %S_MSG object.
2812 16 Could not find stored procedure ‘%.*ls’.

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