Ошибка 16727 ауди а4 б6

  1. KirSmir

    23 июн 2010
    A4/B5 1.6 ADP 95г.

    Здравствуйте, ситуация такая: летом появились ошибки
    16727 — Датчик положения распредвала=>датчик-G40: слишком высокий уровень сигнала
    P0343 — 35-10 — — — Спорадическая
    16804 — Ряд 1, система катализаторов: снижение эффективности
    P0420 — 35-00 — —
    16395 — Ряд 1:сдвиг фаз газораспределения в поздн.сторону Не достигнуто номинальн. значение
    P0011 — 35-00 — —
    (ошибка по катализатору появлялась и раньше, я ее просто затирал)
    при этих ошибках двигатель иногда заводился не с первого раза что горячий, что холодный. поменял датчик положения коленвала, но ничего не изменилось. ошибки стирал, но они появлялись дня через три. потом заводиться с первого раза она втала все реже. Сейчас вообще никогда с первого раза не заводится (раза со 2-3го только). Мерил давление масла еще (думал натяжитель цепи плохо работает из-за низкого давления), но давление внорме. Перепроверял все метки, менял помпу, гидронатяжитель ремня ГРМ но все метки на месте и ситуация не изменилось. Такое ощущение, что с каждым днем становиться все хуже. вчерашний тест на ошибки:
    16727 — Датчик положения распредвала=>датчик-G40: слишком высокий уровень сигнала
    P0343 — 35-10 — — — Спорадическая
    17511 — Ряд 1-зонд 1, электрическая цепь подогрева: слишком малая мощность
    P1103 — 35-00 — —
    16804 — Ряд 1, система катализаторов: снижение эффективности
    P0420 — 35-00 — —
    16395 — Ряд 1:сдвиг фаз газораспределения в поздн.сторону Не достигнуто номинальн. значение
    P0011 — 35-00 — —
    17524 — Ряд 1-зонд 1: обрыв электрической цепи подогрева
    P1116 — 35-00 — —
    Даже не знаю куда копать. ДТОЖ проверял через шнурок, есть подозрение на льющие форсунки (но тогда почему с утра не заводиться тоже?). датчик положения распредвала (его снимал, вроде все нормально с ним). фазорегулятор может быть. также двигатель долго греется (термостат менял осенью). Причем незнаю связаны ли ошибки с плохим запуском. Подскажите с чего начать?

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  2. 052

    Земляк, в первую очередь смотри 93 гр. поле 3 на ХХ. Допуск +/-6 град, но ясно, что будет больше. Дальше уже проблема с натяжителем , растянутой цепью или даже бывает КВ гуляет из-за шпонки , которая спереди на нём.

  3. KirSmir

    23 июн 2010
    A4/B5 1.6 ADP 95г.

    После 3х тысяч на холостых посмотреть температуру ты имеешь ввиду? дтож кстати который сзади двигателя стоит я менял осенью.

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  4. 052

    Синхронизацию валов. Про температуру я не говорил.

  5. KirSmir

    23 июн 2010
    A4/B5 1.6 ADP 95г.

    а где и как смотреть синхронизацию? через шнурок можно глянуть? блок измерений? канал? поищу методом тыка…

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  6. _fox

    19 ноя 2011
    Башкортостан респ.
    таурег турботрактор NF на пневме

    двигатель… измерения..93 канал

  7. KirSmir

    23 июн 2010
    A4/B5 1.6 ADP 95г.

    в 93 группе поле 3 бин биты, наверное что-то не то, а как называется поле, я перебором поищу? в 94 группе во втором поле горит «регулир фаз выкл.» Еще при запущеном двигателе не удаляются ошибки :
    16727 — Датчик положения распредвала=>датчик-G40: слишком высокий уровень сигнала
    P0343 — 35-00 — —
    17524 — Ряд 1-зонд 1: обрыв электрической цепи подогрева
    P1116 — 35-00 — —
    Но при неудачном запуске двигателя никаких ошибок в памяти нет. вообще ничего не понимаю.

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  8. Карп

    28 сен 2007
    Пассат Б3

    Бессмысленно проверять 93 группу при жесткой ошибке по фазам газораспределения .))) При неудачном пуске на твоем ЭБУ не успевает фиксироваться неисправности , многие диагностические линии при срабатывании клеммы 87Х деактивируются . Надо проверить метки ГРМ и цепи ..

  9. Strelban

    6 апр 2009

    В первую очередь необходимо разобраться вот с этой ошибкой. Я б это сделал так: подкинул заведомо исправный датчик холла, и если не помогло полез на мозги звонить провода к разъему датчика на замыкание между собой. Такую ошибку ЭБУ фиксирует, если сигнал датчика выскакивает из рабочего диапазона и его показания уже не учитывает. Если смотреть осциллом сигнал с исправного ДПРВ , то его амплитуда всегда будет в диапазоне чуть больше 0 и чуть меньше 5В.
    Визуально датчик всегда в порядке, ну разве что встречается окисленные контакты в его разъеме.

  10. KirSmir

    23 июн 2010
    A4/B5 1.6 ADP 95г.

    Сегодня прозвонил проводку от датчиков G40 и G28 до блока — все порядке. Заодно перепроверил метки ГРМ и ВМТ (фактическая) — все на месте. Вот в следующие выходные буду проверять положение валов (там может быть растянута цепь). А уже потом задумаюсь о замене датчика Холла (хотя мне кажется там ломаться нечему — выглядит как новый). Добавлю распиновку на AWT, может кому пригодится.


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  11. 052

    Давление масла ,проверить не мешает.

  12. KirSmir

    23 июн 2010
    A4/B5 1.6 ADP 95г.

    давление тоже мерил осенью — было все в норме, но данные уже не помню, попробую еще раз померить, если штуцера переходные сделать успею к выходным. Правда мне кажется что давление масле не при чем, т.к. на холодную ошибка тоже выскакивает, а давление масла большое.

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  13. KirSmir

    23 июн 2010
    A4/B5 1.6 ADP 95г.

    Знатоки подскажите, можноли снять фазорегулятор без полного разбора, т.е. снять крышку и впускной распредвал и вытащить фазорегулятор? завтра вскрою крышку, проверю метки на распредвалах.

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  14. KirSmir

    23 июн 2010
    A4/B5 1.6 ADP 95г.

    Вобщем поменял датчик положения распредвала (купил Era 800 руб), заводиться стала сразу, но заментил что на холодную бывает не заводиться с первого раза и не гасится ошибка «16725 — Датчик положения распредвала=>датчик-G40: недостоверный сигнал» и соответственно в 93 группе в 3 поле ничего не показывает, в 94 — «регулирование фаз выкл». Попробывал на разных режимах, вот:

    завел с утра:
    2 Найдены неисправности:
    16725 — Датчик положения распредвала=>датчик-G40: недостоверный сигнал
    P0341 — 35-00 — —
    17524 — Ряд 1-зонд 1: обрыв электрической цепи подогрева
    P1116 — 35-00 — —

    холодная, затер ошибки, не удаляется

    1 Неисправности:
    16726 — Датчик положения распредвала=>датчик-G40: слишком низкий уровень сигнала
    P0342 — 35-00 — —

    тока прогрелась до 80 гр при езде

    3 Найдены неисправности:
    17524 — Ряд 1-зонд 1: обрыв электрической цепи подогрева
    P1116 — 35-00 — —
    17748 — Датчик распредвала-G40/датчик коленвала-G28: несоответствие сигналов
    P1340 — 35-00 — —
    17511 — Ряд 1-зонд 1, электрическая цепь подогрева: слишком малая мощность
    P1103 — 35-00 — —

    двигатель прогрет

    1 Неисправности:
    17524 — Ряд 1-зонд 1: обрыв электрической цепи подогрева
    P1116 — 35-00 — —

    Теперь закажу новую первую лямбду. А на счет фазорегулирования:
    1) что-то с проводкой (т.к. на горячую никаких ошибок нет по фазорегулированию)
    2) либо что-то с фазовращателем
    Причем, на горячую всегда хорошо заводиться и в 93 группе показывает значение «-2» на любых режимах, а на холодную не всегда. Может попробывать выставить значение «-2» в «0» и тогда будет мне счастье, но смущает ошибка 16726!!??

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  15. Buka007

    5 апр 2014
    A4/ 1.8 1995год

    всем привет у меня тоже самое только когда клему скину одену заводится а так толбко схватывает ошибки такиеже как у тебя

  16. KirSmir

    23 июн 2010
    A4/B5 1.6 ADP 95г.

    отпишись если ошибки вылечишь окончательно, у меня заводиться отлично, но ошибки периодически все равно вылазиют (раз в 3 дня где-то), сегодня меняю лямбду.

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  17. KirSmir

    23 июн 2010
    A4/B5 1.6 ADP 95г.

    Сегодня поменял лямбдазонд № 1, перетер ошибки (ошибка с лямбдазондом конечно изчезла), на холодном двигателе периодически загорается
    17748 — Датчик распредвала-G40/датчик коленвала-G28: несоответствие сигналов
    P1340 — 35-00 — —

    Затем сделал тест исполнителей, вот результат:

    Электромагнитный клапан абсорбера 1 N80: к.з. на массу
    Клапан управления подачей вторичного воздуха N112: к.з. на массу
    Реле насоса вторичного воздуха J299: к.з. на массу
    Электромагнитный клапан ограничения давления наддува N75: к.з. на массу
    Регулятор фаз газораспределения : к.з. на массу
    Перепускной клапан турбонагнетателя N249: к.з. на массу
    Форсунка цилиндра 1 N30: к.з. на массу
    Форсунка цилиндра 3 N32: к.з. на массу
    Форсунка цилиндра 4 N33: к.з. на массу
    Форсунка цилиндра 2 N31: к.з. на массу

    Теперь вообще ничего не понимаю (у меня что всё коротит???) или это нормально?? почему тогда другие ошибки не горят?. В том числе и регулятор фаз в списке замыкающих. нагорячую и на холодную пробывал. У меня что проводка сгнила??? до вчерашнего дня, четыре дня чек вообще не загорался.

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  18. KirSmir

    23 июн 2010
    A4/B5 1.6 ADP 95г.

    Вобщем, прошла неделя с момента замены лямбды, ниразу не вылезли никакие ошибки, похоже что это проблемы с проводкой, т.к. когда менял лямбду, провода все перепроложил как было раньше — через хомуты без касания трубок и блока, теперь ненарадуюсь.

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Ошибка P0343, (16727) у автомобиля Audi была обновлена 08:36. Определить ошибку в автомобиле Audi можно через диагностический прибор через соединение OBD2. Если у вас определена ошибка под номером P0343, (16727) — тогда прочитайте ее обозначение согласно официальным техническим регламентам автомобиля Audi.

P0343, (16727)

Повышенный уровень напряжения, зарегистрированный в электроцепи контроллера положения распределительного вала

Приветствуется любая корректная, полезная и честная информация о ремонте ошибки P0343, (16727) у автомобиля Audi.

Возможно Ваш отзыв сможет кому-то помочь!

Чтобы помочь вам в решении ошибки P0343, (16727) и устранить её, опишите вашу ситуацию и комментарий ниже. Обязательно оставьте почтовый ящик, ответ и помощь придет в течение дня.

Илья Сергеевич Дорофеев

Поддержка от автовладельцев

Техник по диагностике автомобилей Audi Стаж: 18 лет

Помогу решить любые вопросы возникшие с ошибками P0343, (16727) по автомобилю Audi. Опишите подробно ситуацию форме ниже и я лично вам отвечу в ближайшее свободное время. Обязательно укажите номера ошибок, симптомы и конечно модель, двигатель и кузов.

Для ответа мастера — поделитесь обязательно ссылкой с друзьями:

Помощь и удаление ошибок у моделей Audi

80; 100; A3; A4; A5; A6; A8; B5; B8; C5; C6; Q5; Q7.

  1. 04.12.2014, 17:04



    Вы не можете благодарить!

    Лампочка Ошибка 16727, где находятся метки ГРМ, чем и в какую сторону крутить РВ

    Сильно не пинайте. В поиске был.
    Вылезла ошибка 16727, двигатель AWT
    в 22 группе 3 и 4 поле по нулям. -здесь же надо смотреть показания датчика холла?

    Верхняя метка ГРМ я знаю где. Где находится другая? И как прокручивать распредвал (вправо/влево?) и чем.
    Снимал кожух ГРМ отломал пластиковую душку (крепление трубок) — теперь там дырка

    Если можно в картинках.

    PS: в какой группе должны быть показания от датчика G40 холла
    и какие должны быть значения?

    Ребята выручайте.

    PSS: Машина заводится с 3-5 раза. Холостые гуляют сильно. На холодную, когда ниже -5С машина глохнет при прогреве. (но заводилась с 1 раза)

    Хочу проверить метки, если ок — то менять датчик.
    PS: если с метками все нормально, можно ли ездить, пока жду новый датчик?

    Заранее всем спасибо!

    — Добавлено чуть позже —

    Подскажите пожалуйста в какой группе смотреть показания датчика холла G40, двигатель AWT

    Самый лучший будильник — дети! Главное их вовремя завести!
    (B 5 1/2 AWT 2002 Черный) VAG-COM

  2. 04.12.2014, 17:41



    Вы не можете благодарить!

    По умолчанию

    Цитата Сообщение от Александр_KZN
    Посмотреть сообщение

    Где находится другая?

    на шкиве коленвала

    Про G40 почитай здесь и здесь.

    B5.5 Limousine GLS 2004 1.8T AWM TipTronic + full xenon + R17

  3. 04.12.2014, 17:57



    Вы не можете благодарить!

    Самый лучший будильник — дети! Главное их вовремя завести!
    (B 5 1/2 AWT 2002 Черный) VAG-COM

  4. 04.12.2014, 18:05



    Вы не можете благодарить!

    По умолчанию

    если фото меток, то посмотри в БЗ в теме по замене грм, там вроде были.
    А так, метка шкива коленвала должна совпадать с меткой на кожухе (железный) этого же коленвала (есть насечка). В какую стороны крутить не помню, посмотри на заведенной.

    B5.5 Limousine GLS 2004 1.8T AWM TipTronic + full xenon + R17

  5. 04.12.2014, 18:16



    Вы не можете благодарить!

    По умолчанию

    Цитата Сообщение от Александр_KZN
    Посмотреть сообщение

    Сильно не пинайте. В поиске был.
    Вылезла ошибка 16727, двигатель AWT
    в 22 группе 3 и 4 поле по нулям. -здесь же надо смотреть показания датчика холла?

    Верхняя метка ГРМ я знаю где. Где находится другая? И как прокручивать распредвал (вправо/влево?) и чем.
    Снимал кожух ГРМ отломал пластиковую душку (крепление трубок) — теперь там дырка

    Если можно в картинках.

    PS: в какой группе должны быть показания от датчика G40 холла
    и какие должны быть значения?

    Ребята выручайте.

    PSS: Машина заводится с 3-5 раза. Холостые гуляют сильно. На холодную, когда ниже -5С машина глохнет при прогреве. (но заводилась с 1 раза)

    Хочу проверить метки, если ок — то менять датчик.
    PS: если с метками все нормально, можно ли ездить, пока жду новый датчик?

    Заранее всем спасибо!

    — Добавлено чуть позже —

    Подскажите пожалуйста в какой группе смотреть показания датчика холла G40, двигатель AWT

    Стоишь лицом к ремню ГРМ и крутишь по часовой стрелке только

    WV 1.8T AEB 150 коней теперь МКПП Америкос BBS FALKEN AZENIS PT722AS225\50\16, кожа-рожа
    Audi A4 2.0 ALT 130 поней — пока ничего выдающегося — продана

  6. 04.12.2014, 18:52



    Вы не можете благодарить!

    По умолчанию

    Цитата Сообщение от Maksimus
    Посмотреть сообщение

    Прочитал темы, спасибо!
    Бывает что шпонка на шкиве коленвала срезается.

    Вопрос: чтобы снять шкив КВ надо скидывать ремень? и потом заново всё выставлять?
    Или можно просто проверить как прикручен болт? Если ослабить болт (подкрутить, проверить как сильно он затянут) могут быть проблемы, или ничего не будет?
    Можно ли снять шкив КВ и проверить шпонку? или самому это не сделать? (затягивать 90нм, прогручивать на 90 и покупать новый болт — я знаю что надо будет)

    Можно ли ездить на машине с ошибкой 16727 если метки все на месте будут?
    (до тех пока пока не придет датчик)

    Может кто то всетаки знает, по ВагКому можно посмотреть что показывает датчик холла G40?
    Хочу посмотреть может там нули — тогда надо датчик менять и проводку смотреть.

    Самый лучший будильник — дети! Главное их вовремя завести!
    (B 5 1/2 AWT 2002 Черный) VAG-COM

  7. 04.12.2014, 18:57



    Вы не можете благодарить!

    По умолчанию

    во первых нужно просто проверить метки, ничего не откручивая. Т.е. взять ключ болт КВ и провернуть на нейтралке по часовой стрелке несколько раз, что бы совпали метки. Если не совпадут, то думать дальше.

    B5.5 Limousine GLS 2004 1.8T AWM TipTronic + full xenon + R17

  8. 05.12.2014, 00:54



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    #Оживляющий гаражремонт и обслуживание VAG, мы в VK тел.8(926)110-9-300 11:00 до 20:00 ежедневно ул Краснобогатырская 2 стр 30 Ремонт АКПП, DSG и двигателей VAG

  9. 05.12.2014, 13:08



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    Чтобы метки сверить надо морду скидывать?
    подлесть туда не возможно, тем более что-то крутить.
    Вывесил переднее колеса, на 1 передачи не смог прокрутить колесо (что и так было понятно)
    Видимо надо прогреть машину. Как там крутить ключом, что бы чтото не сорвать?)
    Кто как выходил из ситуации?

    Может кто то все-таки знает, по ВагКому можно посмотреть что показывает датчик холла G40?
    Хочу посмотреть может там нули — тогда надо датчик менять и проводку смотреть.

    — Добавлено чуть позже —

    сейчас ведь пойду морду снимать на морозе )) если никто не ответит ))

    Самый лучший будильник — дети! Главное их вовремя завести!
    (B 5 1/2 AWT 2002 Черный) VAG-COM

  10. 05.12.2014, 13:11



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    VW Passat 1,8T AWM, 2002, типтрон EZS
    VAG-COM 311.2-N. В миру — Юрий.

  11. 05.12.2014, 13:13



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    Александр_KZN, вороток длинный и головка на болт кв (Размер) не помню… за него крутим… у себя проверял выкрутив свечи (без компрессии усилие минимально) и крутил за распредвал по часовой… НО Я эТОГО не писал… так делать не рекомендуется…

    крутить надо строго за центральный болт коленвала…

    #Оживляющий гаражремонт и обслуживание VAG, мы в VK тел.8(926)110-9-300 11:00 до 20:00 ежедневно ул Краснобогатырская 2 стр 30 Ремонт АКПП, DSG и двигателей VAG

  12. 05.12.2014, 13:19



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    крутил за распредвал по часовой

    Ответ неправильный — вспомни, на какой ветви ремня стоит натяжной ролик… (было дело, сам крутил, но против часовой стрелки…)— Добавлено чуть позже —

    Цитата Сообщение от FLYTs
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    (Размер) не помню

    12-гранная головка на 19

    VW Passat 1,8T AWM, 2002, типтрон EZS
    VAG-COM 311.2-N. В миру — Юрий.

  13. 05.12.2014, 13:19



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    KYM, там демпфер если жив то разницы нет в какую крутить… и без свечей он как по маслу идет… чуть ли не рукой можно за шестерню рв вращать…

    я понимаю о чем ты… типо натяжитель подвинется и будет эффект перескока ремня… клапан в поршень упрется и

    #Оживляющий гаражремонт и обслуживание VAG, мы в VK тел.8(926)110-9-300 11:00 до 20:00 ежедневно ул Краснобогатырская 2 стр 30 Ремонт АКПП, DSG и двигателей VAG

  14. 05.12.2014, 13:21



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    за колесо на 5 передаче, в сторону ехать вперед, у себя так делал.

    vw passat b5 adr палка 1997 был-любимка
    бмв х3 2.5 есть-ни че так

  15. 05.12.2014, 13:35



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    Спасибо огромное за помощь!
    Прогрею мотор, съезжу за инструментом, и попробую все это сделать!— Добавлено чуть позже —

    Цитата Сообщение от KYM
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    12-гранная головка на 19

    06A105229 номер болта
    на 19 точно? ))

    Самый лучший будильник — дети! Главное их вовремя завести!
    (B 5 1/2 AWT 2002 Черный) VAG-COM

  16. 05.12.2014, 13:44



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    на 19 точно? )

    99% склероз не дремет… А морду как минимум в сервисное положение все ж придется…
    Вот я только не улавливаю логики — ездил-ездил, все нормально, вылезла ошибка по Холлу. Но с чего вдруг у тебя метки должны оказаться не на месте???— Добавлено чуть позже —

    ДЗ, надеюсь, адаптирована?

    VW Passat 1,8T AWM, 2002, типтрон EZS
    VAG-COM 311.2-N. В миру — Юрий.

  17. 05.12.2014, 13:50



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    99% склероз не дремет… А морду как минимум в сервисное положение все ж придется…
    Вот я только не улавливаю логики — ездил-ездил, все нормально, вылезла ошибка по Холлу. Но с чего вдруг у тебя метки должны оказаться не на месте???

    — Добавлено чуть позже —

    ДЗ, надеюсь, адаптирована?

    Чек горел по кату.
    Затем машина начала при морозах глохнуть. Затем плавать cильно обороны начали 900-700 на ХХ
    Прочитал ошибки — ошибка по датчику G40. И тут начинаются уже варианты. Или местки не совпадают, или датчик неисправен. Или натяжитель умер. (что вполне возможно, характерные звуки уже 100к как есть, на непрогретом)

    А причем здесь адаптация заслонки?? ВагКом есть, можно и адаптировать…

    Самый лучший будильник — дети! Главное их вовремя завести!
    (B 5 1/2 AWT 2002 Черный) VAG-COM

  18. 05.12.2014, 14:01



    Вы не можете благодарить!

    #Оживляющий гаражремонт и обслуживание VAG, мы в VK тел.8(926)110-9-300 11:00 до 20:00 ежедневно ул Краснобогатырская 2 стр 30 Ремонт АКПП, DSG и двигателей VAG

  19. 05.12.2014, 15:01



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    может быть все что угодно… не обязательно связано с метками… но по ошибке первое действие проверка меток и натяжки… если мехашка крути колеса или кати машину на пятой без свечей или с ними… у меня автомат, и такой вариант не катит

    Как раз почитав это понял, если метки ок и натяжение норм — то смотреть в сторону проверки самого датчика.
    Т.е. можно ездить с такой ошибкой (но желательно не долго =)) )— Добавлено чуть позже —

    Почему никто не знает в какой группе по вагкому смотреть показания самого датчика? в 22 группе нет показаний по датчику
    Подскажите пожалуйста, облегчит жизнь =))

    Самый лучший будильник — дети! Главное их вовремя завести!
    (B 5 1/2 AWT 2002 Черный) VAG-COM

  20. 05.12.2014, 15:18



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    кстати, как вариант поставить заведомо рабочий датчик g40 и проверить.— Добавлено чуть позже —

    p.s. знал бы группу в ваг-коме сказал

    — Добавлено чуть позже —

    Вот ещё инфа по датчику холла.

    B5.5 Limousine GLS 2004 1.8T AWM TipTronic + full xenon + R17

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P0000 No fault P0001 Fuel volume regulator control -circuit open P0002 Fuel volume regulator control -circuit range/performance P0003 Fuel volume regulator control -circuit low P0004 Fuel volume regulator control -circuit high P0005 Fuel shut -off valve -circuit open P0006 Fuel shut -off valve -circuit low P0007 Fuel shut -off valve -circuit high P0008 Engine position system, bank 1 -engine performance P0009 Engine position system, bank 2 -engine performance P000A A Camshaft Position Slow Response P000B B Camshaft Position Slow Response P000C A Camshaft Position Slow Response P000D B Camshaft Position Slow Response P000E Fuel Volume Regulator Control Exceeded Learning Limit P000F Fuel System Over Pressure Relief Valve Activated P0010 Camshaft position (CMP) actuator, intake/left/front, bank 1 circuit malfunction P0011 Camshaft position (CMP), intake/left/front, bank 1 timing over advanced/system performance P0012 Camshaft position (CMP), intake/left/front, bank 1 timing over -retarded P0013 Camshaft position (CMP) actuator, exhaust/right/rear, bank 1 -circuit malfunction P0014 Camshaft position (CMP) actuator, exhaust/right/rear, bank 1 -timing over -advanced/system performance P0015 Camshaft position (CMP) actuator, exhaust/right/rear, bank 1 -timing over -retarded P0016 Crankshaft position/camshaft position, bank 1 sensor A -correlation P0017 Crankshaft position/camshaft position, bank 1 sensor B -correlation P0018 Crankshaft position/camshaft position, bank 2 sensor A -correlation P0019 Crankshaft position/camshaft position, bank 2 sensor B -correlation P001A A Camshaft Profile Control Circuit/Open P001B A Camshaft Profile Control Circuit Low P001C A Camshaft Profile Control Circuit High P001D A Camshaft Profile Control Circuit/Open P001E A Camshaft Profile Control Circuit Low P001F A Camshaft Profile Control Circuit High P0020 Camshaft position (CMP) ·actuator, intake/left/front, bank 2 -circuit malfunction P0021 Camshaft position (CMP); intake/left/front, bank 2 timing over -advanced/system performance P0022 Camshaft position (CMP), intake/left/front, bank 2. timing over -retarded P0023 Camshaft position (CMP) actuator, exhaust/right/rear, bank 2 -circuit malfunction P0024 Camshaft position (CMP), exhaust/right/rear, bank 2 -timing over -advanced/system performance P0025 Camshaft position (CMP), exhaust/right/rear, bank 2 -timing over -retarded P0026 Intake valve control solenoid circuit, bank 1 range/performance P0027 Exhaust valve control solenoid circuit, bank 1 range/performance P0028 Intake valve control solenoid circuit, bank 2 range/performance P0029 Exhaust valve control solenoid circuit, bank 2 range/performance P002A B Camshaft Profile Control Circuit/Open P002B B Camshaft Profile Control Circuit Low P002C B Camshaft Profile Control Circuit High P002D B Camshaft Profile Control Circuit/Open P002E B Camshaft Profile Control Circuit Low P002F B Camshaft Profile Control Circuit High P0030 Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 1, bank 1, heater control -circuit malfunction P0031 Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 1, bank 1, heater control -circuit low P0032 Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 1, bank 1, heater control -circuit high P0033 Turbocharger (TC) wastegate regulating valve -circuit malfunction P0034 Turbocharger (TC) wastegate regulating valve -circuit low P0035 Turbocharger (TC) wastegate regulating valve -circuit high P0036 Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 2, bank 1, heater control -circuit malfunction P0037 Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 2, bank 1, heater control -circuit low P0038 Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 2, bank 1, heater control -circuit high P0039 Turbo/super charger bypass valve, control circuit range/performance P003A Turbocharger/Supercharger Boost Control “A” Position Exceeded Learning Limit P003B Turbocharger/Supercharger Boost Control “B” Position Exceeded Learning Limit P003C A Camshaft Profile Control Performance/Stuck Off P003D A Camshaft Profile Control Stuck On P003E A Camshaft Profile Control Performance/Stuck Off P003F A Camshaft Profile Control Stuck On P0040 Oxygen sensor signals swapped, bank 1 sensor 1 /bank 2 sensor 1 P0041 Oxygen sensor signals swapped, bank 1 sensor 2/bank 2 sensor 2 P0042 Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 3, bank 1, heater control -circuit malfunction P0043 Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 3, bank 1, heater control circuit low P0044 Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 3, bank 1, heater control -circuit high P0045 Turbo/super charger boost control solenoid -circuit open P0046 Turbo/super charger boost control solenoid circuit range/performance P0047 Turbo/super charger boost control solenoid -circuit low P0048 Turbo/super charger boost control solenoid -circuit high P0049 Turbo/super charger turbine -over -speed P004A Turbocharger/Supercharger Boost Control “B” Circuit/Open P004B Turbocharger/Supercharger Boost Control “B” Circuit Range/Performance P004C Turbocharger/Supercharger Boost Control “B” Circuit Low P004D Turbocharger/Supercharger Boost Control “B” Circuit High P004E Turbocharger/Supercharger Boost Control “A” Circuit Intermittent/Erratic P004F Turbocharger/Supercharger Boost Control “B” Circuit Intermittent/Erratic P0050 Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 1, bank 2, heater control circuit malfunction P0051 Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 1, bank 2, heater control -circuit low P0052 Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 1, bank 2, heater control -circuit high P0053 Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S), bank 1, sensor 1 -heater resistance P0054 Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S), bank 1, sensor 2 -heater resistance P0055 Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S), bank 1, sensor 3 -heater resistance P0056 Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 2, bank 2, heater control -circuit malfunction P0057 Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 2, bank 2, heater control heater circuit low P0058 Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 2, bank 2, heater control circuit high P0059 Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S), bank 2, sensor 1 -heater resistance P005A B Camshaft Profile Control Performance/Stuck Off P005B B Camshaft Profile Control Stuck On P005C B Camshaft Profile Control Performance/Stuck Off P005D B Camshaft Profile Control Stuck On P005E Turbocharger/Supercharger Boost Control “B” Supply Voltage Circuit Low P005F Turbocharger/Supercharger Boost Control “B” Supply Voltage Circuit High P0060 Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S), bank 2, sensor 2 -heater resistance P0061 Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S), bank 2, sensor 3 -heater resistance P0062 Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 3, bank 2, heater control circuit malfunction P0063 Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 3, bank 2, heater control circuit low P0064 Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 3, bank 2, heater control circuit high P0065 Air assisted injector -range/performance problem P0066 Air assisted injector -circuit malfunction/circuit low P0067 Air assisted injector -circuit high P0068 Manifold absolute pressure (MAP) sensor/mass air flow (MAF) sensor/throttle position correlation P0069 Manifold absolute pressure (MAP) sensor/barometric pressure (BARO) sensor correlation P006A MAP – Mass or Volume Air Flow Correlation P006B MAP – Exhaust Pressure Correlation P006C MAP – Turbocharger/Supercharger Inlet Pressure Correlation P006D Barometric Pressure – Turbocharger/Supercharger Inlet Pressure Correlation P006E Turbocharger/Supercharger Boost Control “A” Supply Voltage Circuit Low P006F Turbocharger/Supercharger Boost Control “A” Supply Voltage Circuit High P0070 Outside air temperature sensor -circuit malfunction P0071 Outside air temperature sensor -range/performance problem P0072 Outside air temperature sensor -low input P0073 Outside air temperature sensor -high input P0074 Outside air temperature sensor -circuit intermittent P0075 Intake valve control solenoid, bank 1 -circuit malfunction P0076 Intake valve control solenoid, bank 1 -circuit low P0077 Intake valve control solenoid, bank 1 -circuit high P0078 Exhaust valve control solenoid, bank 1 -circuit malfunction P0079 Exhaust valve control solenoid, bank 1 -circuit low P007A Charge Air Cooler Temperature Sensor Circuit P007B Charge Air Cooler Temperature Sensor Circuit Range/Performance P007C Charge Air Cooler Temperature Sensor Circuit Low P007D Charge Air Cooler Temperature Sensor Circuit High P007E Charge Air Cooler Temperature Sensor Circuit Intermittent/Erratic P007F Charge Air Cooler Temperature Sensor Bank1/Bank2 Correlation P0080 Exhaust valve control solenoid, bank 1 -circuit high P0081 Intake valve control solenoid, bank 2 -circuit malfunction P0082 Intake valve control solenoid, bank 2 -circuit low P0083 Intake valve control solenoid, bank 2 -circuit high P0084 Exhaust valve control solenoid, bank 2 -circuit malfunction P0085 Exhaust valve control solenoid, bank 2 -circuit low P0086 Exhaust valve control solenoid, bank 2 -circuit high P0087 Fuel rail/system pressure too low P0088 Fuel rail/system pressure too high P0089 Fuel pressure regulator -performance problem P008A Low Pressure Fuel System Pressure – Too Low P008B Low Pressure Fuel System Pressure – Too High P008C Fuel Cooler Pump Control Circuit/Open P008D Fuel Cooler Pump Control Circuit Low P008E Fuel Cooler Pump Control Circuit High P008F Engine Coolant Temperature/Fuel Temperature Correlation P0090 Fuel metering solenoid -open circuit P0091 Fuel metering solenoid – -short to earth P0092 Fuel metering solenoid -short to positive P0093 Fuel system leak -large leak detected P0094 Fuel system leak -small leak detected P0095 Intake air temperature (IAT) sensor 2 -circuit malfunction P0096 Intake air temperature (IAT) sensor 2 -circuit range/performance P0097 Intake air temperature (IAT) sensor 2 -circuit low input P0098 Intake air temperature (IAT) sensor 2 -circuit high input P0099 Intake air temperature (IAT) sensor 2 -circuit intermittent/erratic P009A Intake Air Temperature/Ambient Air Temperature Correlation P009B Fuel Pressure Relief Control Circuit/Open P009C Fuel Pressure Relief Control Circuit Low P009D Fuel Pressure Relief Control Circuit High P009E Fuel Pressure Relief Control Performance/Stuck Off P009F Fuel Pressure Relief Control Stuck On P00A0 Charge Air Cooler Temperature Sensor Circuit P00A1 Charge Air Cooler Temperature Sensor Circuit Range/Performance P00A2 Charge Air Cooler Temperature Sensor Circuit Low P00A3 Charge Air Cooler Temperature Sensor Circuit High P00A4 Charge Air Cooler Temperature Sensor Circuit Intermittent/Erratic P00A5 Intake Air Temperature Sensor 2 Circuit P00A6 Intake Air Temperature Sensor 2 Circuit Range/Performance P00A7 Intake Air Temperature Sensor 2 Circuit Low P00A8 Intake Air Temperature Sensor 2 Circuit High P00A9 Intake Air Temperature Sensor 2 Circuit Intermittent/Erratic P00AA Intake Air Temperature Sensor 1 Circuit P00AB Intake Air Temperature Sensor 1 Circuit Range/Performance P00AC Intake Air Temperature Sensor 1 Circuit Low P00AD Intake Air Temperature Sensor 1 Circuit High P00AE Intake Air Temperature Sensor 1 Circuit Intermittent P00AF Turbocharger/Supercharger Boost Control “A” Module Performance P00B0 Turbocharger/Supercharger Boost Control “B” Module Performance P00B1 Radiator Coolant Temperature Sensor Circuit P00B2 Radiator Coolant Temperature Sensor Circuit Range/Performance P00B3 Radiator Coolant Temperature Sensor Circuit Low P00B4 Radiator Coolant Temperature Sensor Circuit High P00B5 Radiator Coolant Temperature Sensor Circuit Intermittent/Erratic P00B6 Radiator Coolant Temperature/Engine Coolant Temperature Correlation P00B7 Engine Coolant Flow Low/Performance P00B8 MAP – Mass or Volume Air Flow Correlation P00B9 Low Pressure Fuel System Pressure – Too Low P00BA Low Fuel Pressure – Forced Limited Power P00BB Fuel Injector Insufficient Flow – Forced Limited Power P00BC Mass or Volume Air Flow “A” Circuit Range/Performance – Air Flow Too Low P00BD Mass or Volume Air Flow “A” Circuit Range/Performance – Air Flow Too High P00BE Mass or Volume Air Flow “B” Circuit Range/Performance – Air Flow Too Low P00BF Mass or Volume Air Flow “B” Circuit Range/Performance – Air Flow Too High P00C0 – P00FF ISO/SAE Reserved P00C6 Fuel Rail Pressure Low During Cranking P00FD Battery -B- State Of Charge Performance P00FF Fuel / Air auxillary system P0100 Mass air flow (MAF) sensor/volume air flow (VAF) . sensor circuit malfunction P0101 Mass air flow (MAF) sensor/volume air flow (VAF) sensor range/performance problem P0102 Mass air flow (MAF) sensor/volume air flow (VAF) sensor low input P0103 Mass air flow (MAF) sensor/volume air flow (VAF) sensor high input P0104 Mass air flow (MAF) sensor/volume air flow (VAF) sensor circuit intermittent P0105 Manifold absolute pressure (MAP) sensor barometric pressure (BARO) sensor -circuit malfunction P0106 Manifold absolute pressure (MAF) sensor barometric pressure (BARO) sensor -range/performance problem P0107 Manifold absolute pressure (MAP) sensor/barometric pressure (BARO) sensor -low input P0108 Manifold absolute pressure (MAP) sensor/barometric pressure (BARO) sensor -high input P0109 Manifold absolute pressure (MAP) sensor/barometric pressure (BARO) sensor -circuit intermittent P010A Mass or Volume Air Flow “B” Circuit P010B Mass or Volume Air Flow “B” Circuit Range/Performance P010C Mass or Volume Air Flow “B” Circuit Low P010D Mass or Volume Air Flow “B” Circuit High P010E Mass or Volume Air Flow “B” Circuit Intermittent/Erratic P010F Mass or Volume Air Flow Sensor A/B Correlation P0110 Intake air temperature (IAT) sensor -circuit malfunction P0111 Intake air temperature (IAT) sensor””” range/performance problem P0112 Intake air temperature (IAT) sensor -low input P0113 Intake air temperature (IAT) sensor -high input P0114 Intake air temperature (IAT) sensor -circuit intermittent P0115 Engine coolant temperature -(ECT) sensor circuit malfunction P0116 Engine coolant temperature (ECT) sensor range/performance problem P0117 Engine coolant temperature (ECT) sensor -low input P0118 Engine coolant temperature (ECT) sensor -high input P0119 Engine coolant temperature·(ECT) sensor circuit intermittent P011A Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor 1/2 Correlation P011B Engine Coolant Temperature/Intake Air Temperature Correlation P011C Charge Air Temperature/Intake Air Temperature Correlation P011D Charge Air Temperature/Intake Air Temperature Correlation P011E ISO/SAE Reserved P011F ISO/SAE Reserved P0120 Throttle position (TP) sensor A/accelerator pedal position (APP) sensor A -circuit malfunction P0121 Throttle position (TP) sensor A/accelerator pedal position (APP) sensor A -range/performance problem P0122 Throttle position (TP) sensor A/accelerator pedal position (APP) sensor A -low input P0123 Throttle position (TP) sensor A/accelerator pedal position (APP) sensor A -high input P0124 Throttle position (TP) sensor A/accelerator pedal position (APP) sensor A -circuit intermittent P0125 Insufficient coolant temperature for closed loop fuel control P0126 Insufficient coolant temperature for stable operation P0127 Intake air temperature too high P0128 Coolant thermostat -coolant temperature below thermostat regulating temperature P0129 Barometric pressure too low P012A Turbocharger/Supercharger Inlet Pressure Sensor Circuit P012B Turbocharger/Supercharger Inlet Pressure Sensor Circuit Range/Performance P012C Turbocharger/Supercharger Inlet Pressure Sensor Circuit Low P012D Turbocharger/Supercharger Inlet Pressure Sensor Circuit High P012E Turbocharger/Supercharger Inlet Pressure Sensor Circuit Intermittent/Erratic P012F ISO/SAE Reserved P0130 Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 1, bank 1 -circuit malfunction P0131 Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 1, bank 1 -low voltage P0132 Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 1, bank 1 -high voltage P0133 Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 1, bank 1 -slow response P0134 Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 1, bank 1 -no activity detected P0135 Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 1, bank 1, heater control circuit malfunction P0136 Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 2, bank 1 circuit malfunction P0137 Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 2, bank 1 -low voltage P0138 Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 2, bank 1 -high voltage P0139 Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 2, bank 1 -slow response P013A O2 Sensor Slow Response – Rich to Lean P013B O2 Sensor Slow Response – Lean to Rich P013C O2 Sensor Slow Response – Rich to Lean P013D O2 Sensor Slow Response – Lean to Rich P013E O2 Sensor Delayed Response – Rich to Lean P013F O2 Sensor Delayed Response – Lean to Rich P0140 Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 2, bank 1 no activity detected P0141 Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 2, bank 1 heater control circuit malfunction P0142 Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 3, bank. 1 -circuit malfunction P0143 Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 3, bank 1 -low voltage P0144 Heated oxygen sensor(H025) 3, bank 1 -high voltage P0145 Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 3, bank 1 -slow response P0146 Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 3, bank 1 -no activity detected P0147 Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 3, bank 1, heater control circuit malfunction P0148 Fuel delivery error P0149 Fuel timing error P014A O2 Sensor Delayed Response – Rich to Lean P014B O2 Sensor Delayed Response – Lean to Rich P014C O2 Sensor Slow Response – Rich to Lean P014D O2 Sensor Slow Response – Lean to Rich P014E O2 Sensor Slow Response – Rich to Lean P014F O2 Sensor Slow Response – Lean to Rich P0150 Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 1, bank 2 -circuit malfunction P0151 Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 1 , bank 2 -low voltage P0152 Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 1, bank 2 – – -high voltage P0153 Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 1, bank 2 -slow response P0154 Heated oxygen sensor (H025) 1, bank 2 no activity detected P0155 Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 1, bank 2, heater control circuit malfunction P0156 Heated oxygen sensor (H025) 2, bank 2 circuit malfunction P0157 Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 2, bank 2 -low voltage P0158 Heated oxygen sensor (h025) 2, bank 2, -high voltage P0159 Heated oxygen sensor (H025) 2, bank 2 -Slow response P015A O2 Sensor Delayed Response – Rich to Lean P015B O2 Sensor Delayed Response – Lean to Rich P015C O2 Sensor Delayed Response – Rich to Lean P015D O2 Sensor Delayed Response – Lean to Rich P015E ISO/SAE Reserved P015F ISO/SAE Reserved P0160 Heated oxygen sensor (H025) 2, bank 2 -no activity detected P0161 Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 2, bank 2, heater control -circuit malfunction P0162 Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 3, bank 2 -circuit malfunction P0163 Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 3, bank 2 -low voltage P0164 Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 3, bank 2 -high voltage P0165 Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 3, bank 2 -slow response P0166 Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 3, bank 2 -no activity detected P0167 Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) 3, bank 2, heater control circuit malfunction P0168 Fuel temperature too high P0169 Incorrect fuel composition P016A ISO/SAE Reserved P016B ISO/SAE Reserved P016C ISO/SAE Reserved P016D ISO/SAE Reserved P016E ISO/SAE Reserved P016F ISO/SAE Reserved P0170 Fuel trim (FT), bank 1 -malfunction P0171 System too lean, bank 1 P0172 System too rich, bank 1 P0173 Fuel trim (FT), bank 2 -malfunction P0174 System too lean, bank 2 P0175 System too rich, bank 2 P0176 Fuel composition sensor -circuit malfunction P0177 Fuel composition sensor -range/performance problem P0178 Fuel composition sensor -low input P0179 Fuel composition sensor -high input P017A ISO/SAE Reserved P017B ISO/SAE Reserved P017C ISO/SAE Reserved P017D ISO/SAE Reserved P017E ISO/SAE Reserved P017F ISO/SAE Reserved P0180 Fuel temperature sensor A -circuit malfunction P0181 Fuel temperature sensor A -range/performance problem P0182 Fuel temperature sensor A -low input P0183 Fuel temperature sensor A -high input P0184 Fuel temperature sensor A -circuit intermittent P0185 Fuel temperature sensor B -circuit malfunction P0186 Fuel temperature sensor B -range/performance problem P0187 Fuel temperature sensor B -low input P0188 Fuel temperature sensor B -high input P0189 Fuel temperature sensor B -circuit intermittent P018A Fuel Pressure Sensor “B” Circuit P018B Fuel Pressure Sensor “B” Circuit Range/Performance P018C Fuel Pressure Sensor “B” Circuit Low P018D Fuel Pressure Sensor “B” Circuit High P018E Fuel Pressure Sensor “B” Circuit Intermittent/Erratic P018F Fuel System Over Pressure Relief Valve Frequent Activation P0190 Fuel rail pressure (FRP) sensor -circuit malfunction P0191 Fuel rail pressure (FRP) sensor -range/performance problem P0192 Fuel rail pressure (FRP) sensor -low input P0193 Fuel rail pressure (FRP) sensor -high input P0194 Fuel rail pressure (FRP) sensor -circuit intermittent P0195 Engine oil temperature (EOT) sensor -circuit malfunction P0196 Engine oil temperature (EOT) sensor P0197 Engine oil temperature (EOT) sensor -low input P0198 Engine oil temperature (EOT) sensor -high input P0199 Engine oil temperature (EOT) sensor -circuit intermittent P019A – P01FF ISO/SAE Reserved P01C1 Fuel Rail Pressure Sensor Circuit High Bank 2 P0200 Injector -circuit malfunction P0201 Injector 1 -circuit malfunction P0202 Injector 2 -circuit malfunction P0203 Injector 3 -circuit malfunction P0204 Injector 4 -circuit malfunction P0205 Injector 5 -circuit malfunction P0206 Injector 6 -circuit malfunction P0207 Injector 7 -circuit malfunction P0208 Injector 8 -circuit malfunction P0209 Injector 9 -circuit malfunction P020A Cylinder 1 Injection Timing P020B Cylinder 2 Injection Timing P020C Cylinder 3 Injection Timing P020D Cylinder 4 Injection Timing P020E Cylinder 5 Injection Timing P020F Cylinder 6 Injection Timing P0210 Injector 10 -circuit malfunction P0211 Injector 11 -circuit malfunction P0212 Injector 12 -circuit malfunction P0213 Cold start injector 1 -circuit malfunction P0214 Cold start injector 2 -circuit malfunction P0215 Fuel shut -off solenoid -circuit malfunction P0216 Fuel injection timing control -circuit malfunction P0217 Engine over temperature condition P0218 Transmission over temperature condition P0219 Engine over speed condition P021A Cylinder 7 Injection Timing P021B Cylinder 8 Injection Timing P021C Cylinder 9 Injection Timing P021D Cylinder 10 Injection Timing P021E Cylinder 11 Injection Timing P021F Cylinder 12 Injection Timing P0220 Throttle position (TP) sensor B/accelerator pedal position (APP) sensor B -circuit malfunction P0221 Throttle position (TP) sensor B/accelerator pedal position (APP) sensor B -range/performance problem P0222 Throttle position (TP) sensor B/accelerator pedal position (APP) sensor B -low input P0223 Throttle position (TP) sensor B/accelerator pedal position (APP) sensor B -high input P0224 Throttle position (TP) switch B/accelerator pedal position (APP) sensor B -circuit intermittent P0225 Throttle position (TP) sensor C/accelerator pedal position (APP) sensor C -circuit malfunction P0226 Throttle position (TP) sensor C/accelerator pedal position (APP) sensor C -range/performance problem P0227 Throttle position (TP) sensor C/accelerator pedal position (APP) sensor C -low input P0228 Throttle position (TP) sensor C/accelerator pedal position (APP) sensor C -high input P0229 Throttle position (TP) sensor C/accelerator pedal position (APP) sensor C -circuit intermittent P022A Charge Air Cooler Bypass Control “A” Circuit /Open P022B Charge Air Cooler Bypass Control “A” Circuit Low P022C Charge Air Cooler Bypass Control “A” Circuit High P022D Charge Air Cooler Bypass Control “B” Circuit /Open P022E Charge Air Cooler Bypass Control “B” Circuit Low P022F Charge Air Cooler Bypass Control “B” Circuit High P0230 Fuel pump relay -circuit malfunction P0231 Fuel pump relay -circuit low P0232 Fuel pump relay -circuit high P0233 Fuel pump relay -circuit intermittent P0234 Engine boost condition -limit exceeded P0235 Manifold absolute pressure (MAP) sensor A, TC system circuit malfunction P0236 Manifold absolute pressure (MAP) sensor A, TC system range/performance problem P0237 Manifold absolute pressure (MAP) sensor A, TC system low input P0238 Manifold absolute pressure (MAP) sensor A, TC system high input P0239 Manifold absolute pressure (MAP) sensor B, TC system circuit malfunction P023A Charge Air Cooler Coolant Pump Control Circuit/Open P023B Charge Air Cooler Coolant Pump Control Circuit Low P023C Charge Air Cooler Coolant Pump Control Circuit High P023D Manifold Absolute Pressure – Turbocharger/Supercharger Boost Sensor “A” Correlation P023E Manifold Absolute Pressure – Turbocharger/Supercharger Boost Sensor “B” Correlation P023F Fuel Pump Secondary Circuit/Open P0240 Manifold absolute pressure (MAP) sensor B, TC system range/performance problem P0241 Manifold absolute pressure (MAP) sensor B, TC system low input P0242 Manifold absolute pressure (MAP) sensor B, TC system high input P0243 Turbocharger (TC) wastegate regulating valve A circuit malfunction P0244 Turbocharger (TC) wastegate regulating valve A range/performance problem P0245 Turbocharger (TC) wastegate regulating valve A circuit low P0246 Turbocharger (TC) wastegate regulating valve A circuit high P0247 Turbocharger (TC) wastegate regulating valve B -circuit malfunction P0248 Turbocharger (TC) wastegate regulating valve B -range/performance problem P0249 Turbocharger (TC) wastegate regulating valve B -circuit low P024A Charge Air Cooler Bypass Control “A” Range/Performance P024B Charge Air Cooler Bypass Control “A” Stuck P024C Charge Air Cooler Bypass Position Sensor “A” Circuit P024D Charge Air Cooler Bypass Position Sensor “A” Circuit Range/Performance P024E Charge Air Cooler Bypass Position Sensor “A” Circuit Low P024F Charge Air Cooler Bypass Position Sensor “A” Circuit High P0250 Turbocharger (TC) wastegate regulating valve B -circuit high P0251 Injection pump A, rotor/cam -circuit malfunction P0252 Injection pump A, rotor/cam -range/performance problem P0253 Injection pump A, rotor/cam -circuit low P0254 Injection pump A, rotor/cam -circuit high P0255 Injection pump A, rotor/cam -circuit intermittent P0256 Injection pump 8, rotor/cam -circuit malfunction P0257 Injection pump 8, rotor/cam -range/performance problem P0258 Injection pump B, rotor/cam -circuit low P0259 Injection pump 8, rotor/cam -circuit high P025A Fuel Pump Module Control Circuit/Open P025B Fuel Pump Module Control Circuit Range/Performance P025C Fuel Pump Module Control Circuit Low P025D Fuel Pump Module Control Circuit High P025E ISO/SAE Reserved P025F ISO/SAE Reserved P0260 Injection pump 8, rotor/cam -circuit intermittent P0261 Injector 1 -circuit low P0262 Injector 1 -circuit high P0263 Cylinder 1 -contribution/balance fault P0264 Injector 2 -circuit low P0265 Injector 2 -circuit high P0266 Cylinder 2 -contribution/balance fault P0267 Injector 3 -circuit low P0268 Injector 3 -circuit high P0269 Cylinder 3 -contribution/balance fault P026A ISO/SAE Reserved P026B ISO/SAE Reserved P026C ISO/SAE Reserved P026D ISO/SAE Reserved P026E ISO/SAE Reserved P026F ISO/SAE Reserved P0270 Injector 4 -circuit low P0271 Injector 4 -circuit high P0272 Cylinder 4 -contribution/balance fault P0273 Injector 5 -circuit low P0274 Injector 5 -circuit high P0275 Cylinder 5 -contribution/balance fault P0276 Injector 6 -circuit low P0277 Injector 6 -circuit high P0278 Cylinder 6 -contribution/balance fault P0279 Injector 7 -circuit low P027A ISO/SAE Reserved P027B ISO/SAE Reserved P027C ISO/SAE Reserved P027D ISO/SAE Reserved P027E ISO/SAE Reserved P027F ISO/SAE Reserved P0280 Injector 7 -circuit high P0281 Cylinder 7 -contribution/balance fault P0282 Injector 8 -circuit low P0283 Injector 8 -circuit high P0284 Cylinder 8 -contribution/balance fault P0285 Injector 9 -circuit low P0286 Injector 9 -circuit high P0287 Cylinder 9 -contribution/balance fault P0288 Injector 10 -circuit low P0289 Injector 10 -circuit high P028A ISO/SAE Reserved P028B ISO/SAE Reserved P028C ISO/SAE Reserved P028D ISO/SAE Reserved P028E ISO/SAE Reserved P028F ISO/SAE Reserved P0290 Cylinder 10 -contribution/balance fault P0291 Injector 11 -circuit low P0292 Injector 11 -circuit high P0293 Cylinder 11 -contribution/balance fault P0294 Injector 12 -circuit low P0295 Injector 12 -circuit high P0296 Cylinder 12 -contribution/balance fault P0297 Vehicle over -speed condition P0298 Engine oil temperature too high P0299 Turbo/super charger -low boost P029A Cylinder 1 – Fuel Trim at Max Limit P029B Cylinder 1 – Fuel Trim at Min Limit P029C Cylinder 1 – Injector Restricted P029D Cylinder 1 – Injector Leaking P029E Cylinder 2 – Fuel Trim at Max Limit P029F Cylinder 2 – Fuel Trim at Min Limit P02A0 Cylinder 2 – Injector Restricted P02A1 Cylinder 2 – Injector Leaking P02A2 Cylinder 3 – Fuel Trim at Max Limit P02A3 Cylinder 3 – Fuel Trim at Min Limit P02A4 Cylinder 3 – Injector Restricted P02A5 Cylinder 3 – Injector Leaking P02A6 Cylinder 4 – Fuel Trim at Max Limit P02A7 Cylinder 4 – Fuel Trim at Min Limit P02A8 Cylinder 4 – Injector Restricted P02A9 Cylinder 4 – Injector Leaking P02AA Cylinder 5 – Fuel Trim at Max Limit P02AB Cylinder 5 – Fuel Trim at Min Limit P02AC Cylinder 5 – Injector Restricted P02AD Cylinder 5 – Injector Leaking P02AE Cylinder 6 – Fuel Trim at Max Limit P02AF Cylinder 6 – Fuel Trim at Min Limit P02B0 Cylinder 6 – Injector Restricted P02B1 Cylinder 6 – Injector Leaking P02B2 Cylinder 7 – Fuel Trim at Max Limit P02B3 Cylinder 7 – Fuel Trim at Min Limit P02B4 Cylinder 7 – Injector Restricted P02B5 Cylinder 7 – Injector Leaking P02B6 Cylinder 8 – Fuel Trim at Max Limit P02B7 Cylinder 8 – Fuel Trim at Min Limit P02B8 Cylinder 8 – Injector Restricted P02B9 Cylinder 8 – Injector Leaking P02BA Cylinder 9 – Fuel Trim at Max Limit P02BB Cylinder 9 – Fuel Trim at Min Limit P02BC Cylinder 9 – Injector Restricted P02BD Cylinder 9 – Injector Leaking P02BE Cylinder 10 – Fuel Trim at Max Limit P02BF Cylinder 10 – Fuel Trim at Min Limit P02C0 Cylinder 10 – Injector Restricted P02C1 Cylinder 10 – Injector Leaking P02C2 Cylinder 11 – Fuel Trim at Max Limit P02C3 Cylinder 11 – Fuel Trim at Min Limit P02C4 Cylinder 11 – Injector Restricted P02C5 Cylinder 11 – Injector Leaking P02C6 Cylinder 12 – Fuel Trim at Max Limit P02C7 Cylinder 12 – Fuel Trim at Min Limit P02C8 Cylinder 12 – Injector Restricted P02C9 Cylinder 12 – Injector Leaking P02CA Turbocharger/Supercharger “B” Overboost Condition P02CB Turbocharger/Supercharger “B” Underboost Condition P02CC Cylinder 1 Fuel Injector Offset Learning At Min Limit P02CD Cylinder 1 Fuel Injector Offset Learning At Max Limit P02CE Cylinder 2 Fuel Injector Offset Learning At Min Limit P02CF Cylinder 2 Fuel Injector Offset Learning At Max Limit P02D0 Cylinder 3 Fuel Injector Offset Learning At Min Limit P02D1 Cylinder 3 Fuel Injector Offset Learning At Max Limit P02D2 Cylinder 4 Fuel Injector Offset Learning At Min Limit P02D3 Cylinder 4 Fuel Injector Offset Learning At Max Limit P02D4 Cylinder 5 Fuel Injector Offset Learning At Min Limit P02D5 Cylinder 5 Fuel Injector Offset Learning At Max Limit P02D6 Cylinder 6 Fuel Injector Offset Learning At Min Limit P02D7 Cylinder 6 Fuel Injector Offset Learning At Max Limit P02D8 Cylinder 7 Fuel Injector Offset Learning At Min Limit P02D9 Cylinder 7 Fuel Injector Offset Learning At Max Limit P02DA Cylinder 8 Fuel Injector Offset Learning At Min Limit P02DB Cylinder 8 Fuel Injector Offset Learning At Max Limit P02DC Cylinder 9 Fuel Injector Offset Learning At Min Limit P02DD Cylinder 9 Fuel Injector Offset Learning At Max Limit P02DE Cylinder 10 Fuel Injector Offset Learning At Min Limit P02DF Cylinder 10 Fuel Injector Offset Learning At Max Limit P02E0 Diesel Intake Air Flow Control Circuit/Open P02E1 Diesel Intake Air Flow Control Performance P02E2 Diesel Intake Air Flow Control Circuit Low P02E3 Diesel Intake Air Flow Control Circuit High P02E4 Diesel Intake Air Flow Control Stuck Open P02E5 Diesel Intake Air Flow Control Stuck Closed P02E6 Diesel Intake Air Flow Position Sensor Circuit P02E7 Diesel Intake Air Flow Position Sensor Circuit Range/Performance P02E8 Diesel Intake Air Flow Position Sensor Circuit Low P02E9 Diesel Intake Air Flow Position Sensor Circuit High P02EA Diesel Intake Air Flow Position Sensor Circuit Intermittent/Erratic P02EB Diesel Intake Air Flow Control Motor Current Range/Performance P02EC Diesel Intake Air Flow Control System – High Air Flow Detected P02ED Diesel Intake Air Flow Control System – Low Air Flow Detected P02EE Cylinder 1 Injector Circuit Range/Performance P02EF Cylinder 2 Injector Circuit Range/Performance P02F0 Cylinder 3 Injector Circuit Range/Performance P02F1 Cylinder 4 Injector Circuit Range/Performance P02F2 Cylinder 5 Injector Circuit Range/Performance P02F3 Cylinder 6 Injector Circuit Range/Performance P02F4 Cylinder 7 Injector Circuit Range/Performance P02F5 Cylinder 8 Injector Circuit Range/Performance P02F6 Cylinder 9 Injector Circuit Range/Performance P02F7 Cylinder 10 Injector Circuit Range/Performance P02F8 Cylinder 11 Injector Circuit Range/Performance P02F9 Cylinder 12 Injector Circuit Range/Performance P02FA Diesel Intake Air Flow Position Sensor Minimum/Maximum Stop Performance P02FB ISO/SAE Reserved P02FC ISO/SAE Reserved P02FD ISO/SAE Reserved P02FE ISO/SAE Reserved P02FF ISO/SAE Reserved P0300 Random/multiple cylinder(s) -misfire detected P0301 Cylinder 1 -misfire detected P0302 Cylinder 2 -misfire detected P0303 Cylinder 3 -misfire detected P0304 Cylinder 4 -misfire detected P0305 Cylinder 5 -misfire detected P0306 Cylinder 6 -misfire detected P0307 Cylinder 7 -misfire detected P0308 Cylinder 8 -misfire detected P0309 Cylinder 9 -misfire detected P030A ISO/SAE Reserved P030B ISO/SAE Reserved P030C ISO/SAE Reserved P030D ISO/SAE Reserved P030E ISO/SAE Reserved P030F ISO/SAE Reserved P0310 Cylinder 10 -misfire detected P0311 Cylinder 11 -misfire detected P0312 Cylinder 12 -misfire detected P0313 Misfire detected -low fuel level P0314 Single cylinder misfire -cylinder not specified P0315 Crankshaft position system -variation not learned P0316 Misfire detected during start -up -first 1000 revolutions P0317 Rough road hardware not present P0318 Rough road sensor signal A -circuit malfunction P0319 Rough road sensor signal B -circuit malfunction P031A ISO/SAE Reserved P031B ISO/SAE Reserved P031C ISO/SAE Reserved P031D ISO/SAE Reserved P031E ISO/SAE Reserved P031F ISO/SAE Reserved P0320 Crankshaft position (CKP) sensor/engine speed (RPM) sensor circuit malfunction P0321 Crankshaft position (CKP) sensor/engine speed (RPM) sensor range/performance problem P0322 Crankshaft position (CKP) sensor/engine speed (RPM) sensor no signal P0323 Crankshaft position (CKP) sensor/engine speed (RPM) sensor circuit intermittent P0324 Knock control system error P0325 Knock sensor (KS) 1 , bank 1 -circuit malfunction P0326 Knock sensor (KS) 1 , bank 1 -range/performance problem P0327 Knock sensor (KS) 1, bank 1 -low input P0328 Knock sensor (KS) 1, bank 1 -high input P0329 Knock sensor (KS) 1, bank 1 -circuit intermittent P032A Knock Sensor 3 Circuit P032B Knock Sensor 3 Circuit Range/Performance P032C Knock Sensor 3 Circuit Low P032D Knock Sensor 3 Circuit High P032E Knock Sensor 3 Circuit Intermittent P032F ISO/SAE Reserved P0330 Knock sensor (KS) 2, bank 2 -circuit malfunction P0331 Knock sensor (KS) 2, bank 2 -range/performance problem P0332 Knock sensor (KS) 2, bank 2 -low input P0333 Knock sensor (KS) 2, bank 2 -high input P0334 Knock sensor (KS) 2, bank 2 -circuit intermittent P0335 Crankshaft position (CKP) sensor -circuit malfunction P0336 Crankshaft position (CKP) sensor -range/performance problem P0337 Crankshaft position (CKP) sensor -low input P0338 Crankshaft position (CKP) sensor -high input P0339 Crankshaft position (CKP) sensor -circuit intermittent P033A Knock Sensor 4 Circuit P033B Knock Sensor 4 Circuit Range/Performance P033C Knock Sensor 4 Circuit Low P033D Knock Sensor 4 Circuit High P033E Knock Sensor 4 Circuit Intermittent P033F ISO/SAE Reserved P0340 Camshaft position (CMP) sensor A, bank 1 circuit malfunction P0341 Camshaft position (CMP) sensor A, bank 1 range/performance problem P0342 Camshaft position (CMP) sensor A, bank 1 -low input P0343 Camshaft position (CMP) sensor A, bank 1 -high input P0344 Camshaft position (CMP) sensor A, bank 1 circuit intermittent P0345 Camshaft position (CMP) sensor A, bank 2 circuit malfunction P0346 Camshaft position (CMP) sensor A, bank 2 range/performance problem P0347 Camshaft position (CMP) sensor A, bank 2 -low input P0348 Camshaft position (CMP) sensor A, bank 2 -high input P0349 Camshaft position (CMP) sensor A, bank 2 circuit intermittent P034A ISO/SAE Reserved P034B ISO/SAE Reserved P034C ISO/SAE Reserved P034D ISO/SAE Reserved P034E ISO/SAE Reserved P034F ISO/SAE Reserved P0350 Ignition coil, primary/secondary -circuit malfunction P0351 Ignition coil A, primary/secondary -circuit malfunction P0352 Ignition coil B, primary/secondary -circuit malfunction P0353 Ignition coil C, primary/secondary -circuit malfunction P0354 Ignition coil D, primary/secondary -circuit malfunction P0355 Ignition coil E, primary/secondary -circuit malfunction P0356 Ignition coil F, primary/secondary -circuit malfunction P0357 Ignition coil G, primary/secondary -circuit malfunction P0358 Ignition coil H, primary/secondary -circuit malfunction P0359 Ignition coil I, primary/secondary -circuit malfunction P035A ISO/SAE Reserved P035B ISO/SAE Reserved P035C ISO/SAE Reserved P035D ISO/SAE Reserved P035E ISO/SAE Reserved P035F ISO/SAE Reserved P0360 Ignition coil J, primary/secondary -circuit malfunction P0361 Ignition coil K, primary/secondary -circuit malfunction P0362 Ignition coil L, primary/secondary -circuit malfunction P0363 Misfire detected -fueling disabled P0364 Reserved P0365 Camshaft position (CMP) sensor B, bank 1 circuit malfunction P0366 Camshaft position (CMP) sensor B, bank 1 circuit range/performance P0367 Camshaft position (CMP) sensor B, bank 1 circuit low input P0368 Camshaft position (CMP) sensor B, bank 1 circuit high input P0369 Camshaft position (CMP) sensor B, bank 1 circuit intermittent P036A ISO/SAE Reserved P036B ISO/SAE Reserved P036C ISO/SAE Reserved P036D ISO/SAE Reserved P036E ISO/SAE Reserved P036F ISO/SAE Reserved P0370 Timing reference, high resolution signal A -malfunction P0371 Timing reference, high resolution signal A -too many pulses P0372 Timing reference, high resolution signal A -too few pulses P0373 Timing reference, high resolution signal A -intermittent erratic pulses P0374 Timing reference, high resolution signal A -no pulses P0375 Timing reference, high resolution signal B -malfunction P0376 Timing reference. high resolution signal B -too many pulses P0377 Timing reference, high resolution signal B -too few pulses P0378 Timing reference, high resolution signal B -intermittent erratic pulses P0379 Timing reference, high resolution signal B -no pulses P037A ISO/SAE Reserved P037B ISO/SAE Reserved P037C ISO/SAE Reserved P037D Glow Plug Sense Circuit P037E Glow Plug Sense Circuit Low P037F Glow Plug Sense Circuit High P0380 Glow plugs, circuit A -malfunction P0381 Glow plug warning lamp -circuit malfunction P0382 Glow plugs, circuit B -malfunction P0383 Glow plug control module -circuit low P0384 Glow plug control module -circuit high P0385 Crankshaft position (CKP) sensor B -circuit malfunction P0386 Crankshaft position (CKP) sensor B -range/performance problem P0387 Crankshaft position (CKP) sensor B -low input P0388 Crankshaft position (CKP) sensor B -high input P0389 Crankshaft position (CKP) sensor B -circuit intermittent P038A ISO/SAE Reserved P038B ISO/SAE Reserved P038C ISO/SAE Reserved P038D ISO/SAE Reserved P038E ISO/SAE Reserved P038F ISO/SAE Reserved P0390 Camshaft position (CMP) sensor B, bank 2 circuit malfunction P0391 Camshaft position (CMP) sensor B, bank 2 circuit range/performance P0392 Camshaft position (CMP) sensor B, bank 2 circuit low input P0393 Camshaft position (CMP) sensor B, bank 2 circuit high input P0394 Camshaft position (CMP) sensor B, bank 2circuit intermittent P0395 – P03FF ISO/SAE Reserved P0400 Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) system -flow malfunction P0401 Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) system -insufficient flow detected P0402 Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) system -excessive flow detected P0403 Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) -circuit malfunction P0404 Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) system range/performance problem P0405 Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) valve position sensor A low input P0406 Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) valve position sensor A high input P0407 Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) valve position sensor B low input P0408 Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) valve position sensor B high input P0409 Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) sensor A circuit malfunction P040A Exhaust Gas Recirculation Temperature Sensor “A” Circuit P040B Exhaust Gas Recirculation Temperature Sensor “A” CircuitRange/Performance P040C Exhaust Gas Recirculation Temperature Sensor “A” Circuit Low P040D Exhaust Gas Recirculation Temperature Sensor “A” Circuit High P040E Exhaust Gas Recirculation Temperature Sensor “A” Circuit Intermittent/Erratic P040F Exhaust Gas Recirculation Temperature Sensor “A”/”B” Correlation P0410 Secondary air injection (AIR) system -malfunction P0411 Secondary air injection (AIR) system -incorrect flow detected P0412 Secondary air injection (AIR) solenoid A -circuit malfunction P0413 Secondary air injection (AIR) solenoid A -open circuit P0414 Secondary air injection (AIR) solenoid A -short circuit P0415 Secondary air injection (AIR) solenoid B -circuit malfunction P0416 Secondary air injection (AIR) solenoid B -open circuit P0417 Secondary air injection (AIR) solenoid B -short circuit P0418 Secondary air injection (AIR) pump relay A -circuit malfunction P0419 Secondary air injection (AIR) pump relay B -circuit malfunction P041A Exhaust Gas Recirculation Temperature Sensor “B” Circuit P041B Exhaust Gas Recirculation Temperature Sensor “B” Circuit Range/Performance P041C Exhaust Gas Recirculation Temperature Sensor “B” Circuit Low P041D Exhaust Gas Recirculation Temperature Sensor “B” Circuit High P041E Exhaust Gas Recirculation Temperature Sensor “B” Circuit Intermittent/Erratic P041F Secondary Air Injection System Switching Valve “A” Circuit Low P0420 Catalytic converter system, bank 1 -efficiency below threshold P0421 Warm up catalytic converter, bank 1 -efficiency below threshold P0422 Main catalytic converter, bank 1 -efficiency below threshold P0423 Heated catalytic converter, bank 1 -efficiency below threshold P0424 Heated catalytic converter, bank 1 -temperature below threshold P0425 Catalytic converter temperature sensor, bank 1 P0426 Catalytic converter temperature sensor, bank 1 range/performance P0427 Catalytic converter temperature sensor, bank 1 -low input P0428 Catalytic converter temperature sensor, bank 1 high input P0429 Catalytic converter heater, bank 1 -control circuit malfunction P042A Catalyst Temperature Sensor Circuit P042B Catalyst Temperature Sensor Circuit Range/Performance P042C Catalyst Temperature Sensor Circuit Low P042D Catalyst Temperature Sensor Circuit High P042E Exhaust Gas Recirculation “A” Control Stuck Open P042F Exhaust Gas Recirculation “A” Control Stuck Closed P0430 Catalytic converter system, bank 2 -efficiency below threshold P0431 Warm up catalytic converter, bank 2 -efficiency below threshold P0432 Main catalytic converter, bank 2 -efficiency below threshold P0433 Heated catalytic converter, bank 2 -efficiency below threshold P0434 Heated catalytic converter, bank 2 -temperature below threshold P0435 Catalytic converter temperature sensor, bank 2 P0436 Catalytic converter temperature sensor, bank 2 range/performance P0437 Catalytic converter temperature sensor, bank 2 -low input P0438 Catalytic converter temperature sensor, bank 2 high input P0439 Catalytic converter heater, bank 2 -control circuit malfunction P043A Catalyst Temperature Sensor Circuit P043B Catalyst Temperature Sensor Circuit Range/Performance P043C Catalyst Temperature Sensor Circuit Low P043D Catalyst Temperature Sensor Circuit High P043E Evaporative Emission System Leak Detection Reference Orifice Low Flow P043F Evaporative Emission System Leak Detection Reference Orifice High Flow P0440 Evaporative emission (EVAP) system -malfunction P0441 Evaporative emission (EVAP) system -incorrect flow detected P0442 Evaporative emission (EV AP) system -small leak detected P0443 Evaporative emission (EVAP) canister purge valve circuit malfunction P0444 Evaporative emission (EVAP) canister purge valve open circuit P0445 Evaporative emission (EVAP) canister purge valve -short circuit P0446 Evaporative emission (EVAP) system, vent control -circuit malfunction P0447 Evaporative emission (EVAP) system, vent control -open circuit P0448 Evaporative emission (EVAP) system, vent control short circuit P0449 Evaporative emission (EVAP) system, vent valve circuit malfunction P044A Exhaust Gas Recirculation Sensor “C” Circuit P044B Exhaust Gas Recirculation Sensor “C” Circuit Range/Performance P044C Exhaust Gas Recirculation Sensor “C” Circuit Low P044D Exhaust Gas Recirculation Sensor “C” Circuit High P044E Exhaust Gas Recirculation Sensor “C” Circuit Intermittent/Erratic P044F Secondary Air Injection System Switching Valve “A” Circuit High P0450 Evaporative emission (EVAP) pressure sensor -circuit malfunction P0451 Evaporative emission (EVAP) pressure sensor range/performance problem P0452 Evaporative emission (EVAP) pressure sensor -low input P0453 Evaporative emission (EVAP) pressure sensor high input P0454 Evaporative emission (EVAP) pressure sensor circuit intermittent P0455 Evaporative emission (EVAP) system -large leak detected P0456 Evaporative emission (EVAP) system -very small leak detected P0457 Evaporative emission (EVAP) system -leak detected (filler cap loose/off) P0458 Evaporative emission (EVAP) system, EVAP valve -circuit low P0459 Evaporative emission (EVAP) system, EVAP valve -circuit high P045A Exhaust Gas Recirculation “B” Control Circuit P045B Exhaust Gas Recirculation “B” Control Circuit Range/Performance P045C Exhaust Gas Recirculation “B” Control Circuit Low P045D Exhaust Gas Recirculation “B” Control Circuit High P045E Exhaust Gas Recirculation “B” Control Stuck Open P045F Exhaust Gas Recirculation “B” Control Stuck Closed P0460 Fuel tank level sensor -circuit malfunction P0461 Fuel tank level sensor range/performance problem P0462 Fuel tank level sensor -low input P0463 Fuel tank level sensor -high input P0464 Fuel tank level sensor -circuit intermittent P0465 Evaporative emission (EVAP) canister purge flow sensor circuit malfunction P0466 Evaporative emission (EVAP) canister purge flow sensor range/performance problem P0467 Evaporative emission (EVAP) canister purge flow sensor -low input P0468 Evaporative emission (EVAP) canister purge flow sensor -high input P0469 Evaporative emission (EVAP) canister purge flow sensor circuit intermittent P046A Catalyst Temperature Sensor 1/2 Correlation P046B Catalyst Temperature Sensor 1/2 Correlation P046C Exhaust Gas Recirculation Sensor “A” Circuit Range/Performance P046D Exhaust Gas Recirculation Sensor “A” Circuit Intermittent/Erratic P046E Exhaust Gas Recirculation Sensor “B” Circuit Range/Performance P046F Exhaust Gas Recirculation Sensor “B” Circuit Intermittent/Erratic P0470 Exhaust gas pressure sensor -circuit malfunction P0471 Exhaust gas pressure sensor -range/performance problem P0472 Exhaust gas pressure sensor -low input P0473 Exhaust gas pressure sensor -high input P0474 Exhaust gas pressure sensor -circuit intermittent P0475 Exhaust gas pressure control valve -circuit malfunction P0476 Exhaust gas pressure control valve -range/performance problem P0477 Exhaust gas pressure control valve -low input P0478 Exhaust gas pressure control valve -high input P0479 Exhaust gas pressure control valve -circuit intermittent P047A Exhaust Pressure Sensor “B” Circuit P047B Exhaust Pressure Sensor “B” Circuit Range/Performance P047C Exhaust Pressure Sensor “B” Circuit Low P047D Exhaust Pressure Sensor “B” Circuit High P047E Exhaust Pressure Sensor “B” Circuit Intermittent/Erratic P047F Exhaust Pressure Control Valve “A” Stuck Open P0480 Engine coolant blower motor 1 -circuit malfunction P0481 Engine coolant blower motor 2 -circuit malfunction P0482 Engine coolant blower motor 3 -circuit malfunction P0483 Engine coolant blower motor, rationality check malfunction P0484 Engine coolant blower motor -circuit over current P0485 Engine coolant blower motor, power/earth -circuit malfunction P0486 Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) valve position sensor B -circuit malfunction P0487 Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) system, throttle position control -circuit malfunction P0488 Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) system, throttle position control -range/performance P0489 Exhaust gas recirculation (EGA) system -circuit low P048A Exhaust Pressure Control Valve “A” Stuck Closed P048B Exhaust Pressure Control Valve Position Sensor/Switch Circuit P048C Exhaust Pressure Control Valve Position Sensor/Switch Circuit Range/Performance P048D Exhaust Pressure Control Valve Position Sensor/Switch Circuit Low P048E Exhaust Pressure Control Valve Position Sensor/Switch Circuit High P048F Exhaust Pressure Control Valve Position Sensor/Switch Circuit Intermittent/Erratic P0490 Exhaust gas recirculation (EGA) system -circuit high P0491 Secondary air injection (AIR) system, bank 1 malfunction P0492 Secondary air injection (AIR) system, bank 2 malfunction P0493 Engine coolant blower motor over -speed (clutch locked) P0494 Engine coolant blower motor speed -low P0495 Engine coolant blower motor speed -high P0496 Evaporative emission (EVAP) system -high purge flow P0497 Evaporative emission (EVAP) system -low purge flow P0498 Evaporative emission (EVAP) system, vent control circuit low P0499 Evaporative emission (EVAP) system, vent control -circuit high P049A Exhaust Gas Recirculation “B” Flow P049B Exhaust Gas Recirculation “B” Flow Insufficient Detected P049C Exhaust Gas Recirculation “B” Flow Excessive Detected P049D Exhaust Gas Recirculation “A” Control Position Exceeded Learning Limit P049E Exhaust Gas Recirculation “B” Control Position Exceeded Learning Limit P049F Exhaust Pressure Control Valve “B” P04AA Exhaust Pressure Control Valve “B” Position Sensor/Switch Circuit Intermittent/Erratic P04AB – P04FF ISO/SAE Reserved P04DB Crankcase Ventilation System Disconnected P04E0 EVAP System Purge Control Valve A Stuck Closed P0500 Vehicle speed sensor (VSS) -circuit malfunction P0501 Vehicle speed sensor (VSS) -range/performance problem P0502 Vehicle speed sensor (VSS) -low input P0503 Vehicle speed sensor (VSS) -intermittent/erratic/high input P0504 Brake switch -A/B correlation P0505 Idle speed control (ISC) system -malfunction P0506 Idle speed control (ISC) system -rpm lower than expected P0507 Idle speed control (ISC) system -rpm higher than expected P0508 Idle air control (IAC) -circuit low P0509 Idle air control (IAC) -circuit high P050A Cold Start Idle Air Control System Performance P050B Cold Start Ignition Timing Performance P050C Cold Start Engine Coolant Temperature Performance P050D Cold Start Rough Idle P050E Cold Start Engine Exhaust Temperature Too Low P050F Brake Assist Vacuum Too Low P0510 Closed throttle position (CTP) switch -circuit malfunction P0511 Idle air control (IAC) -circuit malfunction P0512 Starter request circuit -malfunction P0513 Incorrect immobilizer key P0514 Battery temperature sensor -circuit range/performance P0515 Battery temperature sensor -circuit malfunction P0516 Battery temperature sensor -circuit low P0517 Battery temperature sensor -circuit high P0518 Idle air control (IAC) -circuit intermittent P0519 Idle air control (IAC) -circuit performance P051A Crankcase Pressure Sensor Circuit P051B Crankcase Pressure Sensor Circuit Range/Performance P051C Crankcase Pressure Sensor Circuit Low P051D Crankcase Pressure Sensor Circuit High P051E Crankcase Pressure Sensor Circuit Intermittent/Erratic P051F Positive Crankcase Ventilation Filter Restriction P0520 Engine oil pressure sensor/switch -circuit malfunction P0521 Engine oil pressure sensor/switch -range/performance problem P0522 Engine oil pressure sensor/switch -low voltage P0523 Engine oil pressure sensor/switch -high voltage P0524 Engine oil pressure too low P0525 Cruise control system, actuator control circuit range/performance P0526 Engine coolant blower motor speed sensor circuit malfunction P0527 Engine coolant blower motor speed sensor circuit range/performance P0528 Engine coolant blower motor speed sensor no signal P0529 Engine coolant blower motor speed sensor circuit intermittent P052A Cold Start “A” Camshaft Position Timing Over-Advanced P052B Cold Start “A” Camshaft Position Timing Over-Retarded P052C Cold Start “A” Camshaft Position Timing Over-Advanced P052D Cold Start “A” Camshaft Position Timing Over-Retarded P052E Positive Crankcase Ventilation Regulator Valve Performance P052F ISO/SAE Reserved P0530 AC refrigerant pressure sensor -circuit malfunction P0531 AC refrigerant pressure sensor -range/performance problem P0532 AC refrigerant pressure sensor -low input P0533 AC refrigerant pressure sensor -high input P0534 AC refrigerant charge loss P0535 AC evaporator temperature sensor -circuit malfunction P0536 AC evaporator temperature sensor circuit range/performance P0537 AC evaporator temperature sensor -circuit low P0538 AC evaporator temperature sensor -circuit high P0539 AC evaporator temperature sensor -circuit intermittent P053A Positive Crankcase Ventilation Heater Control Circuit /Open P053B Positive Crankcase Ventilation Heater Control Circuit Low P053C Positive Crankcase Ventilation Heater Control Circuit High P053D ISO/SAE Reserved P053E ISO/SAE Reserved P053F ISO/SAE Reserved P0540 Intake air heater A -circuit malfunction P0541 Intake air heater A -circuit low P0542 Intake air heater A -circuit high P0543 Intake air heater A -circuit open P0544 Exhaust gas recirculation temperature (EGRT) sensor, bank 1 -circuit malfunction P0545 Exhaust gas recirculation temperature (EGRT) sensor, bank 1 -low input P0546 Exhaust gas recirculation temperature (EGRT) sensor, bank 1 -high input P0547 Exhaust gas temperature sensor, bank 2 sensor 1 circuit malfunction P0548 Exhaust gas temperature sensor, bank 2 sensor 1 circuit low P0549 Exhaust gas temperature sensor, bank 2 sensor 1 circuit high P054A Cold Start “B” Camshaft Position Timing Over-Advanced P054B Cold Start “B” Camshaft Position Timing Over-Retarded P054C Cold Start “B” Camshaft Position Timing Over-Advanced P054D Cold Start “B” Camshaft Position Timing Over-Retarded P054E ISO/SAE Reserved P054F ISO/SAE Reserved P0550 Power steering pressure (PSP) sensor/switch circuit malfunction P0551 Power steering pressure (PSP) sensor/switch range/performance problem P0552 Power steering pressure (PSP) sensor/switch -low input P0553 Power steering pressure (PSP) sensor/switch -high input P0554 Power steering pressure (PSP) sensor/switch -circuit intermittent P0555 Brake servo pressure sensor -circuit malfunction P0556 Brake servo pressure sensor -circuit range/performance P0557 Brake servo pressure sensor -circuit low input P0558 Brake servo pressure sensor -circuit high input P0559 Brake servo pressure sensor -circuit intermittent P055A ISO/SAE Reserved P055B Engine Oil Pressure Sensor/Switch “B” Range/Performance P055C ISO/SAE Reserved P055D ISO/SAE Reserved P055E ISO/SAE Reserved P055F ISO/SAE Reserved P0560 System voltage malfunction P0561 System voltage -unstable P0562 System voltage -low P0563 System voltage -high P0564 Cruise control system, multi -function switch input A -circuit malfunction P0565 Cruise control master switch, ON signal -malfunction P0566 Cruise control master switch, OFF signal -malfunction P0567 Cruise control selector switch, RESUME signal malfunction P0568 Cruise control master switch, SET signal -malfunction P0569 Cruise control selector switch, COAST signal malfunction P056A Cruise Control “Increase Distance” Signal P056B Cruise Control “Decrease Distance” Signal P056C ISO/SAE Reserved P056D ISO/SAE Reserved P056E ISO/SAE Reserved P056F ISO/SAE Reserved P0570 Cruise control system, APP sensor signal -malfunction P0571 Cruise/brake switch A -circuit malfunction P0572 Cruise/brake switch A -circuit low P0573 Cruise/brake switch A -circuit high P0574 Cruise control system -vehicle speed too high P0575 Cruise control system -input circuit malfunction P0576 Cruise control system -input circuit low P0577 Cruise control system -input circuit high P0578 Cruise control system, multi -function switch input A circuit stuck P0579 Cruise control system, multi -function switch input A circuit range/performance P057A ISO/SAE Reserved P057B ISO/SAE Reserved P057C ISO/SAE Reserved P057D ISO/SAE Reserved P057E ISO/SAE Reserved P057F ISO/SAE Reserved P0580 Cruise control system, multi -function switch input A -circuit low P0581 Cruise control system, multi -function switch input A circuit high P0582 Cruise control system, vacuum control -circuit open P0583 Cruise control system, vacuum control -circuit low P0584 Cruise control system, vacuum control -circuit high P0585 Cruise control system, multi -function switch input A/B correlation P0586 Cruise control system, vent control -circuit open P0587 Cruise control system, vent control -circuit low P0588 Cruise control system, vent control -circuit high P0589 Cruise control system, multi -function switch input B circuit malfunction P058A ISO/SAE Reserved P058B ISO/SAE Reserved P058C ISO/SAE Reserved P058D ISO/SAE Reserved P058E ISO/SAE Reserved P058F ISO/SAE Reserved P0590 Cruise control system, multi -function switch input 8 -circuit stuck P0591 Cruise control system, multi -function switch input B – circuit range/performance P0592 Cruise control system, multi -function switch input 8circuit low P0593 Cruise control system, multi -function switch input 8 -circuit high P0594 Cruise control system, actuator control -circuit open P0595 Cruise control system, actuator control -circuit low P0596 Cruise control system, actuator control -circuit high P0597 Thermostat heater control system -circuit open P0598 Thermostat heater control system -circuit low P0599 Thermostat heater control system -circuit high P059A – P05FF ISO/SAE Reserved P059F Active Grille Shutter Actuator Fault P0600 CAN data bus -malfunction P0601 Engine control module (ECM) -memory check sum error P0602 Engine control module (ECM) -programming error P0603 Engine control module (ECM) -KAM error P0604 Engine control module (ECM) -RAM error P0605 Engine control module (ECM) -ROM error P0606 Engine control module (ECM)/powertrain control module (PCM) -processor fault P0607 Control module -performance problem P0608 Engine control module (ECM), VSS output A -malfunction P0609 Engine control module (ECM), VSS output B -malfunction P060A Internal Control Module Monitoring Processor Performance P060B Internal Control Module A/D Processing Performance P060C Internal Control Module Main Processor Performance P060D Internal Control Module Accelerator Pedal Position Performance P060E Internal Control Module Throttle Position Performance P060F Internal Control Module Coolant Temperature Performance P0610 Control module -vehicle options error P0611 Fuel injector control module -performance problem P0612 Fuel injector control module -control relay circuit P0613 Transmission control module (TCM) -processor error P0614 Engine control module (ECM)/transmission control module (TCM) -mismatch P0615 Starter motor relay -circuit malfunction P0616 Starter motor relay -circuit low P0617 Starter motor relay -circuit high P0618 Alternative fuel control module -KAM error P0619 Alternative fuel control module -RAM/ROM error P061A Internal Control Module Torque Performance P061B Internal Control Module Torque Calculation Performance P061C Internal Control Module Engine RPM Performance P061D Internal Control Module Engine Air Mass Performance P061E Internal Control Module Brake Signal Performance P061F Internal Control Module Throttle Actuator Controller Performance P0620 Alternator, control -circuit malfunction P0621 Alternator warning lamp -circuit malfunction P0622 Alternator, field control -circuit malfunction P0623 Generator control lamp -circuit malfunction P0624 Filler cap control lamp -circuit malfunction P0625 Generator field terminal -circuit low P0626 Generator field terminal -circuit high P0627 Fuel pump control -circuit open P0628 Fuel pump control -circuit low P0629 Fuel pump control -circuit high P062A Fuel Pump “A” Control Circuit Range/Performance P062B Internal Control Module Fuel Injector Control Performance P062C Internal Control Module Vehicle Speed Performance P062D Fuel Injector Driver Circuit Performance P062E Fuel Injector Driver Circuit Performance P062F Internal Control Module EEPROM Error P0630 VIN not programmed or mismatch -ECM/PCM P0631 VIN not programmed or mismatch -TCM P0632 Odometer not programmed -ECM/PCM P0633 Immobilizer key not programmed -ECM/PCM P0634 PCM/ECM/TCM -internal temperature too high P0635 Power steering control -circuit malfunction P0636 Power steering control -circuit low P0637 Power steering control -circuit high P0638 Throttle actuator control, bank 1 -range/performance problem P0639 Throttle actuator control, bank 2 -range/performance P063A Generator Voltage Sense Circuit P063B Generator Voltage Sense Circuit Range/Performance P063C Generator Voltage Sense Circuit Low P063D Generator Voltage Sense Circuit High P063E Auto Configuration Throttle Input Not Present P063F Auto Configuration Engine Coolant Temperature Input Not Present P0640 Intake air heater control -circuit malfunction P0641 Sensor reference voltage A -circuit open P0642 Engine control module (ECM), knock control -defective P0643 Sensor reference voltage A -circuit high P0644 Driver display, serial communication -circuit malfunction P0645 A/C Clutch Relay Control Circuit P0646 AC compressor clutch relay -circuit low P0647 AC compressor clutch relay -circuit high P0648 Immobilizer control lamp -circuit malfunction P0649 Cruise control lamp -circuit P064A Fuel Pump Control Module P064B PTO Control Module P064C Glow Plug Control Module P064D Internal Control Module O2 Sensor Processor Performance P064E Internal Control Module O2 Sensor Processor Performance P064F Unauthorized Software/Calibration Detected P0650 Malfunction indicator lamp (MIL) -circuit malfunction P0651 Sensor reference voltage B -circuit open P0652 Sensor reference voltage B -circuit low P0653 Sensor reference voltage B -circuit high P0654 Engine rpm, output -circuit malfunction P0655 Engine hot lamp output -circuit malfunction P0656 Fuel level output -circuit malfunction P0657 Actuator supply voltage -circuit open P0658 Actuator supply voltage -circuit low P0659 Actuator supply voltage -circuit high P065A Generator System Performance P065B Generator Control Circuit Range/Performance P065C Generator Mechanical Performance P065D Reductant System Malfunction Lamp Control Circuit P065E Intake Manifold Tuning Valve Performance P065F Intake Manifold Tuning Valve Performance P0660 Intake manifold air control solenoid, bank 1 -circuit open P0661 Intake manifold air control solenoid, bank 1 -circuit low P0662 Intake manifold air control solenoid, bank 1 -circuit high P0663 Intake manifold air control solenoid, bank 2 -circuit open P0664 Intake manifold air control solenoid, bank 2 -circuit low P0665 Intake manifold air control solenoid, bank 2 -circuit high P0666 PCM/ECM/TCM internal temperature sensor circuit malfunction P0667 PCM/ECM/TCM internal temperature sensor range/performance P0668 PCM/ECM/TCM internal temperature sensor -circuit low P0669 PCM/ECM/TCM internal temperature sensor -circuit high P066A Cylinder 1 Glow Plug Control Circuit Low P066B Cylinder 1 Glow Plug Control Circuit High P066C Cylinder 2 Glow Plug Control Circuit Low P066D Cylinder 2 Glow Plug Control Circuit High P066E Cylinder 3 Glow Plug Control Circuit Low P066F Cylinder 3 Glow Plug Control Circuit High P0670 Glow plug control module -circuit malfunction P0671 Glow plug, cylinder 1 -circuit malfunction P0672 Glow plug, cylinder 2 -circuit malfunction P0673 Glow plug, cylinder 3 -circuit malfunction P0674 Glow plug, cylinder 4 -circuit malfunction P0675 Glow plug, cylinder 5 -circuit malfunction P0676 Glow plug, cylinder 6 -circuit malfunction P0677 Glow plug, cylinder 7 -circuit malfunction P0678 Glow plug, cylinder 8 -circuit malfunction P0679 Glow plug, cylinder 9 -circuit malfunction P067A Cylinder 4 Glow Plug Control Circuit Low P067B Cylinder 4 Glow Plug Control Circuit High P067C Cylinder 5 Glow Plug Control Circuit Low P067D Cylinder 5 Glow Plug Control Circuit High P067E Cylinder 6 Glow Plug Control Circuit Low P067F Cylinder 6 Glow Plug Control Circuit High P0680 Glow plug, cylinder 10 -circuit malfunction P0681 Glow plug, cylinder 11 -circuit malfunction P0682 Glow plug, cylinder 12 -circuit malfunction P0683 Glow plug control module/ECM/PCM communication -malfunction P0684 Glow plug control module/ECM/PCM communication range/performance P0685 ECM/PCM power relay -circuit open P0686 ECM/PCM power relay -circuit low P0687 Engine control relay -short to earth P0688 Engine control relay -short to positive P0689 ECM/PCM power relay -sense circuit low P068A ECM/PCM Power Relay De-Energized Performance – Too Early P068B ECM/PCM Power Relay De-Energized Performance – Too Late P068C Cylinder 7 Glow Plug Control Circuit Low P068D Cylinder 7 Glow Plug Control Circuit High P068E Cylinder 8 Glow Plug Control Circuit Low P068F Cylinder 8 Glow Plug Control Circuit High P0690 ECM/PCM power relay -sense circuit high P0691 Engine coolant blower motor 1 -short to earth P0692 Engine coolant blower motor 1 -short to positive P0693 Engine coolant blower motor 2 -short to earth P0694 Engine coolant blower motor 2 -short to positive P0695 Engine coolant blower motor 3 -control circuit low P0696 Engine coolant blower motor 3 -control circuit high P0697 Sensor reference voltage C -circuit open P0698 Sensor reference voltage C -circuit low P0699 Sensor reference voltage C -circuit high P069A Cylinder 9 Glow Plug Control Circuit Low P069B Cylinder 9 Glow Plug Control Circuit High P069C Cylinder 10 Glow Plug Control Circuit Low P069D Cylinder 10 Glow Plug Control Circuit High P069E Fuel Pump Control Module Requested MIL Illumination P069F Throttle Actuator Control Lamp Control Circuit P06A0 Variable A/C Compressor Control Circuit P06A1 Variable A/C Compressor Control Circuit Low P06A2 Variable A/C Compressor Control Circuit High P06A3 Sensor Reference Voltage “D” Circuit/Open P06A4 Sensor Reference Voltage “D” Circuit Low P06A5 Sensor Reference Voltage “D” Circuit High P06A6 Sensor Reference Voltage “A” Circuit Range/Performance P06A7 Sensor Reference Voltage “B” Circuit Range/Performance P06A8 Sensor Reference Voltage “C” Circuit Range/Performance P06A9 Sensor Reference Voltage “D” Circuit Range/Performance P06AA PCM/ECM/TCM Internal Temperature “B” Too High P06AB PCM/ECM/TCM Internal Temperature Sensor “B” Circuit P06AC PCM/ECM/TCM Internal Temperature Sensor “B” Range/Performance P06AD PCM/ECM/TCM Internal Temperature Sensor “B” Circuit Low P06AE PCM/ECM/TCM Internal Temperature Sensor “B” Circuit High P06AF Torque Management System – Forced Engine Shutdown P06B0 Sensor Power Supply “A” Circuit/Open P06B1 Sensor Power Supply “A” Circuit Low P06B2 Sensor Power Supply “A” Circuit High P06B3 Sensor Power Supply “B” Circuit/Open P06B4 Sensor Power Supply “B” Circuit Low P06B5 Sensor Power Supply “B” Circuit High P06B6 Internal Control Module Knock Sensor Processor 1 Performance P06B7 Internal Control Module Knock Sensor Processor 2 Performance P06B8 Internal Control Module Non-Volatile Random Access Memory (NVRAM) Error P06B9 Cylinder 1 Glow Plug Circuit Range/Performance P06BA Cylinder 2 Glow Plug Circuit Range/Performance P06BB Cylinder 3 Glow Plug Circuit Range/Performance P06BC Cylinder 4 Glow Plug Circuit Range/Performance P06BD Cylinder 5 Glow Plug Circuit Range/Performance P06BE Cylinder 6 Glow Plug Circuit Range/Performance P06BF Cylinder 7 Glow Plug Circuit Range/Performance P06C0 Cylinder 8 Glow Plug Circuit Range/Performance P06C1 Cylinder 9 Glow Plug Circuit Range/Performance P06C2 Cylinder 10 Glow Plug Circuit Range/Performance P06C3 Cylinder 11 Glow Plug Circuit Range/Performance P06C4 Cylinder 12 Glow Plug Circuit Range/Performance P06C5 Cylinder 1 Glow Plug Incorrect P06C6 Cylinder 2 Glow Plug Incorrect P06C7 Cylinder 3 Glow Plug Incorrect P06C8 Cylinder 4 Glow Plug Incorrect P06C9 Cylinder 5 Glow Plug Incorrect P06CA Cylinder 6 Glow Plug Incorrect P06CB Cylinder 7 Glow Plug Incorrect P06CC Cylinder 8 Glow Plug Incorrect P06CD Cylinder 9 Glow Plug Incorrect P06CE Cylinder 10 Glow Plug Incorrect P06CF Cylinder 11 Glow Plug Incorrect P06D0 Cylinder 12 Glow Plug Incorrect P06D1 Internal Control Module Ignition Coil Control Performance P06D2 – P06FF ISO/SAE Reserved P06DD Engine oil pressure control – circuit stuck off P06DE Engine Oil Pressure Control Circuit Stuck On P0700 Transmission control system -malfunction P0701 Transmission control system -range/performance problem P0702 Transmission control system -electrical P0703 Torque converter/brake switch B -circuit malfunction P0704 Clutch pedal position(CPP) switch -circuit malfunction P0705 Transmission range (TR) sensor/switch, PRNDL input circuit malfunction P0706 Transmission range (TR) sensor/switch range/performance problem P0707 Transmission range (TR) sensor/switch -low input P0708 Transmission range (TR) sensor/switch -high input P0709 Transmission range (TR) sensor/switch circuit intermittent P070A Transmission Fluid Level Sensor Circuit P070B Transmission Fluid Level Sensor Circuit Range/Performance P070C Transmission Fluid Level Sensor Circuit Low P070D Transmission Fluid Level Sensor Circuit High P070E Transmission Fluid Level Sensor Circuit intermittent/Erratic P070F Transmission Fluid Level Too Low P0710 Transmission fluid temperature (TFT) sensor circuit malfunction P0711 Transmission fluid temperature (TFT) sensor range/performance problem P0712 Transmission fluid temperature (TFT) sensor -low input P0713 Transmission fluid temperature (TFT) sensor -high input P0714 Transmission fluid temperature (TFT) sensor -circuit intermittent P0715 Turbine shaft speed (TSS) sensor -circuit malfunction P0716 Turbine shaft speed (TSS) sensor -range/performance problem P0717 Turbine shaft speed (TSS) sensor -no signal P0718 Turbine shaft speed (TSS) sensor -circuit intermittent P0719 Torque converter/brake switch B -circuit low P071A Transmission Mode Switch “A” Circuit P071B Transmission Mode Switch “A” Circuit Low P071C Transmission Mode Switch “A” Circuit High P071D Transmission Mode Switch “B” Circuit P071E Transmission Mode Switch “B” Circuit Low P071F Transmission Mode Switch “B” Circuit High P0720 Output shaft speed (OSS) sensor -circuit malfunction P0721 Output shaft speed (OSS) sensor -range/performance problem P0722 Output shaft speed (OSS) sensor -no signal P0723 Output shaft speed (OSS) sensor -circuit intermittent P0724 Torque converter/brake switch B -circuit high P0725 Engine RPM input -circuit malfunction P0726 Engine RPM input -range/performance problem P0727 Engine RPM input -no signal P0728 Engine RPM input -circuit intermittent P0729 Gear 6 -incorrect ratio P072A Stuck in Neutral P072B Stuck In Reverse P072C Stuck in Gear 1 P072D Stuck in Gear 2 P072E Stuck in Gear 3 P072F Stuck in Gear 4 P0730 Incorrect gear ratio P0731 Gear 1 incorrect ratio P0732 Gear 2 incorrect ratio P0733 Gear 3 -incorrect ratio P0734 Gear 4 -incorrect ratio P0735 Gear 5 -incorrect ratio P0736 Reverse -incorrect ratio P0737 TCM engine speed -output circuit P0738 TCM engine speed -output circuit low P0739 TCM engine speed -output circuit high P073A Stuck in Gear 5 P073B Stuck in Gear 6 P073C Stuck in Gear 7 P073D Unable to Engage Neutral P073E Unable to Engage Reverse P073F Unable to Engage Gear 1 P0740 Torque converter clutch (TCC) solenoid – circuit malfunction P0741 Torque converter clutch (TCC) solenoid -performance/stuck off P0742 Torque converter clutch (TCC) solenoid -stuck on P0743 Torque converter clutch (TCC) solenoid -electrical P0744 Torque converter clutch (TCC) solenoid -circuit intermittent P0745 Transmission fluid pressure (TFP) solenoid circuit malfunction P0746 Transmission fluid pressure (TFP) solenoid -performance or stuck off P0747 Transmission fluid pressure (TFP) solenoid -stuck on P0748 Transmission fluid pressure (TFP) solenoid -electrical P0749 Transmission fluid pressure (TFP) solenoid -circuit intermittent P074A Unable To Engage Gear 2 P074B Unable To Engage Gear 3 P074C Unable To Engage Gear 4 P074D Unable To Engage Gear 5 P074E Unable To Engage Gear 6 P074F Unable To Engage Gear 7 P0750 Shift solenoid (SS) A -circuit malfunction P0751 Shift solenoid (SS) A -performance or stuck off P0752 Shift solenoid (SS) A -stuck on P0753 Shift solenoid (SS) A -electrical P0754 Shift solenoid (SS) A -circuit intermittent P0755 Shift solenoid (SS) B -circuit malfunction P0756 Shift solenoid (SS) B -performance or stuck off P0757 Shift solenoid (SS) B -stuck on P0758 Shift solenoid (SS) B -electrical P0759 Shift solenoid (SS) B -circuit intermittent P075A Shift Solenoid “G” P075B Shift Solenoid “G” Performance/Stuck Off P075C Shift Solenoid “G” Stuck On P075D Shift Solenoid “G” Electrical P075E Shift Solenoid “G” Intermittent P075F Transmission Fluid Level Too High P0760 Shift solenoid (SS) C -circuit malfunction P0761 Shift solenoid (SS) C -performance or stuck off P0762 Shift solenoid (SS) C -stuck on P0763 Shift solenoid (SS) C -electrical P0764 Shift solenoid (SS) C -circuit intermittent P0765 Shift solenoid (SS) D -circuit malfunction P0766 Shift solenoid (SS) D -performance or stuck off P0767 Shift solenoid (SS) D -stuck on P0768 Shift solenoid (SS) D -electrical P0769 Shift solenoid (SS) D -circuit intermittent P076A Shift Solenoid “H” P076B Shift Solenoid “H” Performance/Stuck Off P076C Shift Solenoid “H” Stuck On P076D Shift Solenoid “H” Electrical P076E Shift Solenoid “H” Intermittent P076F Gear 7 Incorrect Ratio P0770 Shift solenoid (SS) E -circuit malfunction P0771 Shift solenoid (SS) E -performance or stuck off P0772 Shift solenoid (SS) E -stuck on P0773 Shift solenoid (SS) E -electrical P0774 Shift solenoid (SS) E -circuit intermittent P0775 Pressure control solenoid B -malfunction P0776 Pressure control solenoid B -performance or stuck off P0777 Pressure control solenoid B -stuck on P0778 Pressure control solenoid B -electrical malfunction P0779 Pressure control solenoid B -circuit intermittent P077A Output Speed Sensor Circuit – Loss of Direction Signal P077B Output Speed Sensor Circuit – Direction Error P077C ISO/SAE Reserved P077D ISO/SAE Reserved P077E ISO/SAE Reserved P077F ISO/SAE Reserved P0780 Gear selection -shift malfunction P0781 Gear selection, 1 -2 -shift malfunction P0782 Gear selection, 2 -3 -shift malfunction P0783 Gear selection, 3 -4 -shift malfunction P0784 Gear selection, 4 -5 -shift malfunction P0785 Shift/timing solenoid -circuit malfunction P0786 Shift/timing solenoid -range/performance problem P0787 Shift/timing solenoid -low P0788 Shift/timing solenoid -high P0789 Shift/timing solenoid -intermittent P078A Shift Timing Solenoid “B” P078B Shift Timing Solenoid “B” Range/Performance P078C Shift Timing Solenoid “B” Low P078D Shift Timing Solenoid “B” High P078E Shift Timing Solenoid “B” Intermittent P078F ISO/SAE Reserved P0790 Transmission mode selection switch -circuit malfunction P0791 Intermediate shaft speed sensor -circuit malfunction P0792 Intermediate shaft speed sensor -range/performance problem P0793 Intermediate shaft speed sensor -no signal P0794 Intermediate shaft speed sensor -intermittent circuit malfunction P0795 Transmission fluid pressure (TFP) solenoid C circuit malfunction P0796 Transmission fluid pressure (TFP) solenoid C performance or stuck off P0797 Transmission fluid pressure (TFP) solenoid C -stuck on P0798 Transmission fluid pressure (TFP) solenoid C electrical malfunction P0799 Transmission fluid pressure (TFP) solenoid C intermittent circuit malfunction P079A Transmission Friction Element “A” Slip Detected P079B Transmission Friction Element “B” Slip Detected P079C Transmission Friction Element “C” Slip Detected P079D Transmission Friction Element “D” Slip Detected P079E Transmission Friction Element “E” Slip Detected P079F Transmission Friction Element “F” Slip Detected P07A0 Transmission Friction Element “G” Slip Detected P07A1 Transmission Friction Element “H” Slip Detected P07A2 Transmission Friction Element “A” Performance/Stuck Off P07A3 Transmission Friction Element “A” Stuck On P07A4 Transmission Friction Element “B” Performance/Stuck Off P07A5 Transmission Friction Element “B” Stuck On P07A6 Transmission Friction Element “C” Performance/Stuck Off P07A7 Transmission Friction Element “C” Stuck On P07A8 Transmission Friction Element “D” Performance/Stuck Off P07A9 Transmission Friction Element “D” Stuck On P07AA Transmission Friction Element “E” Performance/Stuck Off P07AB Transmission Friction Element “E” Stuck On P07AC Transmission Friction Element “F” Performance/Stuck Off P07AD Transmission Friction Element “F” Stuck On P07AE Transmission Friction Element “G” Performance/Stuck Off P07AF Transmission Friction Element “G” Stuck On P07B0 Transmission Friction Element “H” Performance/Stuck Off P07B1 Transmission Friction Element “H” Stuck On P07B2 Transmission Park Position Sensor/Switch “A” Circuit/Open P07B3 Transmission Park Position Sensor/Switch “A” Circuit Low P07B4 Transmission Park Position Sensor/Switch “A” Circuit High P07B5 Transmission Park Position Sensor/Switch “A” Circuit Performance/Low P07B6 Transmission Park Position Sensor/Switch “A” Circuit Performance High P07B7 Transmission Park Position Sensor/Switch “A” Circuit Intermittent/Erratic P07B8 Transmission Park Position Sensor/Switch “B” Circuit/Open P07B9 Transmission Park Position Sensor/Switch “B” Circuit Low P07BA Transmission Park Position Sensor/Switch “B” Circuit High P07BB Transmission Park Position Sensor/Switch “B” Circuit Performance/Low P07BC Transmission Park Position Sensor/Switch “B” Circuit Performance High P07BD Transmission Park Position Sensor/Switch “B” Circuit Intermittent/Erratic P07BE Transmission Park Position Sensor/Switch “A”/”B” Correlation P07BF – P07FF ISO/SAE Reserved P0800 Transfer box control system, MIL request -malfunction P0801 Reverse inhibit circuit -malfunction P0802 Transmission control system, MIL request -circuit open P0803 1 -4 Upshift (Skip shift) solenoid -circuit malfunction P0804 1 -4 Upshift (Skip shift) warning lamp -circuit malfunction P0805 Clutch position sensor -circuit malfunction P0806 Clutch position sensor -range/performance problem P0807 Clutch position sensor -low input P0808 Clutch position sensor -high input P0809 Clutch position sensor -intermittent circuit malfunction P080A Clutch Position Not Learned P080B Upshift/Skip Shift Solenoid Control Circuit Range/Performance P080C Upshift/Skip Shift Solenoid Control Circuit Low P080D Upshift/Skip Shift Solenoid Control Circuit High P080E ISO/SAE Reserved P080F ISO/SAE Reserved P0810 Clutch position control error P0811 Excessive clutch slip P0812 Reverse gear -input circuit malfunction P0813 Reverse gear -output circuit malfunction P0814 Transmission range (TR) display -circuit malfunction P0815 Upshift switch -circuit malfunction P0816 Downshift switch -circuit malfunction P0817 Starter disable circuit -malfunction P0818 Driveline disconnect switch -circuit malfunction P0819 Up/down shift switch to transmission range correlation P081A Starter Disable Circuit Low P081B Starter Disable Circuit High P081C Park Input Circuit P081D Neutral Input Circuit P081E Excessive Clutch “B” Slippage P081F ISO/SAE Reserved P0820 Gear lever X -Y position sensor -circuit malfunction P0821 Gear lever X position sensor -circuit malfunction P0822 Gear lever Y position sensor -circuit malfunction P0823 Gear lever X position sensor -circuit intermittent P0824 Gear lever Y position sensor -circuit intermittent P0825 Gear lever push -pull switch -circuit malfunction P0826 Up/down shift switch -input circuit P0827 Up/down shift switch -input circuit low P0828 Up/down shift switch -input circuit high P0829 5 -6 Upshift P082A Gear Lever X Position Circuit Range/Performance P082B Gear Lever X Position Circuit Low P082C Gear Lever X Position Circuit High P082D Gear Lever Y Position Circuit Range/Performance P082E Gear Lever Y Position Circuit Low P082F Gear Lever Y Position Circuit High P0830 Clutch pedal position (CPP) switch A -circuit malfunction P0831 Clutch pedal position (CPP) switch A -low input P0832 Clutch pedal position (CPP) switch A -high input P0833 Clutch pedal position (CPP) switch B -circuit malfunction P0834 Clutch pedal position (CPP) switch B -low input P0835 Clutch pedal position (CPP) switch B -high input P0836 Four wheel drive switch -circuit malfunction P0837 Four wheel drive switch range/performance problem P0838 Four wheel drive switch low input P0839 Four wheel drive switch high input P083A Transmission Fluid Pressure Sensor/Switch “G” Circuit P083B Transmission Fluid Pressure Sensor/Switch “G” Circuit Range/Performance P083C Transmission Fluid Pressure Sensor/Switch “G” Circuit Low P083D Transmission Fluid Pressure Sensor/Switch “G” Circuit High P083E Transmission Fluid Pressure Sensor/Switch “G” Circuit Intermittent P083F Clutch Pedal Switch “A”/”B” Correlation P0840 Transmission fluid pressure (TFP) sensor A -circuit malfunction P0841 Transmission fluid pressure (TFP) sensor A range/performance problem P0842 Transmission fluid pressure (TFP) sensor A -low input P0843 Transmission fluid pressure (TFP) sensor A -high input P0844 Transmission fluid pressure (TFP) sensor A -intermittent circuit malfunction P0845 Transmission fluid pressure (TFP) sensor B -circuit malfunction P0846 Transmission fluid pressure (TFP) sensor B -range/ performance problem P0847 Transmission fluid pressure (TFP) sensor B -low input P0848 Transmission fluid pressure (TFP) sensor B -high input P0849 Transmission fluid pressure (TFP) sensor B -intermittent circuit malfunction P084A Transmission Fluid Pressure Sensor/Switch “H” Circuit P084B Transmission Fluid Pressure Sensor/Switch “H” Circuit Range/Performance P084C Transmission Fluid Pressure Sensor/Switch “H” Circuit Low P084D Transmission Fluid Pressure Sensor/Switch “H” Circuit High P084E Transmission Fluid Pressure Sensor/Switch “H” Circuit Intermittent P084F Park/Neutral Switch Output Circuit P0850 Park/neutral position (PNP) switch -input circuit malfunction P0851 Park/neutral position (PNP) switch -input circuit low P0852 Park/neutral position (PNP) switch -input circuit high P0853 Drive switch -input circuit malfunction P0854 Drive switch -input circuit low P0855 Drive switch -input circuit high P0856 Traction control input signal -malfunction P0857 Traction control input signal -range/performance problem P0858 Traction control input signal -low P0859 Traction control input signal -high P085A Gear Shift Control Module “B” Communication Circuit P085B Gear Shift Control Module “B” Communication Circuit Low P085C Gear Shift Control Module “B” Communication Circuit High P085D Gear Shift Control Module “A” Performance P085E Gear Shift Control Module “B” Performance P085F ISO/SAE Reserved P0860 Gear shift module communication circuit -malfunction P0861 Gear shift module communication circuit -low input P0862 Gear shift module communication circuit -high input P0863 Transmission control module (TCM) communication P0864 Transmission control module (TCM) communication circuit -range/performance problem P0865 Transmission control module (TCM) communication circuit -low input P0866 Transmission control module (TCM) communication -high input P0867 Transmission fluid pressure (TFP) sensor P0868 Transmission fluid pressure (TFP) sensor -low P0869 Transmission fluid pressure (TFP) sensor -high P086A ISO/SAE Reserved P086B ISO/SAE Reserved P086C ISO/SAE Reserved P086D ISO/SAE Reserved P086E ISO/SAE Reserved P086F ISO/SAE Reserved P0870 Transmission fluid pressure (TFP) sensor C -circuit malfunction P0871 Transmission fluid pressure (TFP) sensor C range/performance P0872 Transmission fluid pressure (TFP) sensor C -circuit low P0873 Transmission fluid pressure (TFP) sensor C -circuit high P0874 Transmission fluid pressure (TFP) sensor C -intermittent circuit malfunction P0875 Transmission fluid pressure (TFP) sensor D circuit malfunction P0876 Transmission fluid pressure (TFP) sensor D range/performance P0877 Transmission fluid pressure (TFP) switch D -circuit low P0878 Transmission fluid pressure (TFP) sensor D -circuit high P0879 Transmission fluid pressure (TFP) sensor D -intermittent circuit malfunction P087A ISO/SAE Reserved P087B ISO/SAE Reserved P087C ISO/SAE Reserved P087D ISO/SAE Reserved P087E ISO/SAE Reserved P087F ISO/SAE Reserved P0880 Transmission control module (TCM) -power input signal malfunction P0881 Transmission control module (TCM) -power input signal range/performance P0882 Transmission control module (TCM) -power input signal low P0883 Transmission control module (TCM) -power input signal high P0884 Transmission control module (TCM) -power input signal intermittent malfunction P0885 Transmission control module (TCM) power relay control circuit open P0886 Transmission control module (TCM) power relay control circuit low P0887 Transmission control module (TCM) power relay control circuit high P0888 Transmission control module (TCM) power relay sense circuit malfunction P0889 Transmission control module (TCM) power relay sense circuit range/performance P088A Transmission Fluid Filter Deteriorated P088B Transmission Fluid Filter Very Deteriorated P088C ISO/SAE Reserved P088D ISO/SAE Reserved P088E ISO/SAE Reserved P088F ISO/SAE Reserved P0890 Transmission control module (TCM) power relay sense circuit low P0891 Transmission control module (TCM) power relay sense circuit high P0892 Transmission control module (TCM) power relay sense circuit intermittent malfunction P0893 Multiple gears engaged P0894 Transmission component slipping P0895 Shift time too short P0896 Shift time too long P0897 Transmission fluid deteriorated P0898 Transmission control system -MIL request -circuit low P0899 Transmission control system -MIL request -circuit high P089A – P08FF ISO/SAE Reserved P0900 Clutch actuator -circuit open P0901 Clutch actuator -circuit range/performance P0902 Clutch actuator -circuit low P0903 Clutch actuator -circuit high P0904 Transmission gate select position circuit -malfunction P0905 Transmission gate select position circuit range/performance P0906 Transmission gate select position circuit -low P0907 Transmission gate select position circuit -high P0908 Transmission gate select position circuit -intermittent circuit malfunction P0909 Transmission gate select control error P090A ISO/SAE Reserved P090B ISO/SAE Reserved P090C ISO/SAE Reserved P090D ISO/SAE Reserved P090E ISO/SAE Reserved P090F ISO/SAE Reserved P0910 Transmission gate select actuator -circuit open P0911 Transmission gate select actuator -circuit range/ performance P0912 Transmission gate select actuator -circuit low P0913 Transmission gate select actuator -circuit high P0914 Gear shift position circuit -malfunction P0915 Gear shift position circuit -range/performance P0916 Gear shift position circuit -low P0917 Gear shift position circuit -high P0918 Gear shift position circuit -intermittent malfunction P0919 Gear shift position control -error P091A ISO/SAE Reserved P091B ISO/SAE Reserved P091C ISO/SAE Reserved P091D ISO/SAE Reserved P091E ISO/SAE Reserved P091F ISO/SAE Reserved P0920 Gear shift forward actuator -circuit open P0921 Gear shift forward actuator -circuit range/performance P0922 Gear shift forward actuator -circuit low P0923 Gear shift forward actuator -circuit high P0924 Gear shift reverse actuator -circuit open P0925 Gear shift reverse actuator -circuit range/performance P0926 Gear shift reverse actuator -circuit low P0927 Gear shift reverse actuator -circuit high P0928 Gear shift lock solenoid -circuit open P0929 Gear shift lock solenoid -circuit range/performance P092A Gear Shift Lock Solenoid/Actuator Control Circuit “B”/Open P092B Gear Shift Lock Solenoid/Actuator Control Circuit “B” Range/Performance P092C Gear Shift Lock Solenoid/Actuator Control Circuit “B” Low P092D Gear Shift Lock Solenoid/Actuator Control Circuit “B” High P092E ISO/SAE Reserved P092F ISO/SAE Reserved P0930 Gear shift lock solenoid -circuit low P0931 Gear shift lock solenoid -circuit high P0932 Hydraulic pressure sensor -circuit malfunction P0933 Hydraulic pressure sensor -range/performance P0934 Hydraulic pressure sensor -circuit low input P0935 Hydraulic pressure sensor -circuit high input P0936 Hydraulic pressure sensor -circuit intermittent P0937 Hydraulic oil temperature sensor -circuit malfunction P0938 Hydraulic oil temperature sensor -range/performance P0939 Hydraulic oil temperature sensor -circuit low input P093A ISO/SAE Reserved P093B ISO/SAE Reserved P093C ISO/SAE Reserved P093D ISO/SAE Reserved P093E ISO/SAE Reserved P093F ISO/SAE Reserved P0940 Hydraulic oil temperature sensor -circuit high input P0941 Hydraulic oil temperature sensor -circuit intermittent P0942 Hydraulic pressure unit P0943 Hydraulic pressure unit -cycling period too short P0944 Hydraulic pressure unit -loss of pressure P0945 Hydraulic pump relay – -circuit open P0946 Hydraulic pump relay -circuit range/performance P0947 Hydraulic pump relay -circuit low P0948 Hydraulic pump relay -circuit high P0949 ASM -adaptive learning not done P094A ISO/SAE Reserved P094B ISO/SAE Reserved P094C ISO/SAE Reserved P094D ISO/SAE Reserved P094E ISO/SAE Reserved P094F ISO/SAE Reserved P0950 ASM control circuit P0951 ASM control circuit -range/performance P0952 ASM control circuit -low P0953 ASM control circuit -high P0954 ASM -intermittent circuit malfunction P0955 ASM mode circuit -malfunction P0956 ASM mode circuit -range/performance P0957 ASM mode circuit -low P0958 ASM mode circuit -high P0959 ASM mode circuit -intermittent circuit malfunction P095A ISO/SAE Reserved P095B ISO/SAE Reserved P095C ISO/SAE Reserved P095D ISO/SAE Reserved P095E ISO/SAE Reserved P095F ISO/SAE Reserved P0960 Pressure control (PC) solenoid A -control circuit open P0961 Pressure control (PC) solenoid A -control circuit range/performance P0962 Pressure control (PC) solenoid A -control circuit low P0963 Pressure control (PC) solenoid A -control circuit high P0964 Pressure control (PC) solenoid B -control circuit open P0965 Pressure control (PC) solenoid B -control circuit range/performance P0966 Pressure control (PC) solenoid B -control circuit low P0967 Pressure control (PC) solenoid B -control circuit high P0968 Pressure control (PC) solenoid C -control circuit open P0969 Pressure control (PC) solenoid C -control circuit range/ performance P096A ISO/SAE Reserved P096B ISO/SAE Reserved P096C ISO/SAE Reserved P096D ISO/SAE Reserved P096E ISO/SAE Reserved P096F ISO/SAE Reserved P0970 Pressure control (PC) solenoid C -control circuit low P0971 Pressure control (PC) solenoid C -control circuit high P0972 Shift solenoid (SS) A -control circuit range/performance P0973 Shift solenoid (SS) A -control circuit low P0974 Shift solenoid (SS) A -control circuit high P0975 Shift solenoid (SS) B -control circuit range/performance P0976 Shift solenoid (SS) B -control circuit low P0977 Shift solenoid (SS) B -control circuit high P0978 Shift solenoid (SS) C -control circuit range/performance P0979 Shift solenoid (SS) C -control circuit low P097A ISO/SAE Reserved P097B ISO/SAE Reserved P097C ISO/SAE Reserved P097D ISO/SAE Reserved P097E ISO/SAE Reserved P097F ISO/SAE Reserved P0980 Shift solenoid (SS) C -control circuit high P0981 Shift solenoid (SS) D -control circuit range/performance P0982 Shift solenoid (SS) D -control circuit low P0983 Shift solenoid (SS) D -control circuit high P0984 Shift solenoid (SS) E -control circuit range/performance P0985 Shift solenoid (SS) E -control circuit low P0986 Shift solenoid (SS) E -control circuit high P0987 Transmission fluid pressure (TFP) sensor E circuit malfunction P0988 Transmission fluid pressure (TFP) sensor E -circuit range/performance P0989 Transmission fluid pressure (TFP) sensor E -circuit low P098A ISO/SAE Reserved P098B ISO/SAE Reserved P098C ISO/SAE Reserved P098D ISO/SAE Reserved P098E ISO/SAE Reserved P098F ISO/SAE Reserved P0990 Transmission fluid pressure (TFP) sensor E -circuit high P0991 Transmission fluid pressure (TFP) sensor E -circuit intermittent P0992 Transmission fluid pressure (TFP) sensor F -circuit malfunction P0993 Transmission fluid pressure (TFP) sensor F circuit range/performance P0994 Transmission fluid pressure (TFP) sensor F -circuit low P0995 Transmission fluid pressure (TFP) sensor F -circuit high P0996 Transmission fluid pressure (TFP) sensor F circuit intermittent P0997 Shift solenoid (SS) F -control circuit range/performance P0998 Shift solenoid (SS) F -control circuit low P0999 Shift solenoid (SS) F -control circuit high P099A Shift Solenoid “G” Control Circuit Range/Performance P099B Shift Solenoid “G” Control Circuit Low P099C Shift Solenoid “G” Control Circuit High P099D Shift Solenoid “H” Control Circuit Range/Performance P099E Shift Solenoid “H” Control Circuit Low P099F Shift Solenoid “H” Control Circuit High P09A0 – P09FF ISO/SAE Reserved P0A00 Motor Electronics Coolant Temperature Sensor Circuit P0A01 Motor Electronics Coolant Temperature Sensor Circuit Range/Performance P0A02 Motor Electronics Coolant Temperature Sensor Circuit Low P0A03 Motor Electronics Coolant Temperature Sensor Circuit High P0A04 Motor Electronics Coolant Temperature Sensor Circuit Intermittent P0A05 Motor Electronics Coolant Pump “A” Control Circuit/Open P0A06 Motor Electronics Coolant Pump “A” Control Circuit Low P0A07 Motor Electronics Coolant Pump “A” Control Circuit High P0A08 DC/DC Converter Status Circuit P0A09 DC/DC Converter Status Circuit Low P0A0A High Voltage System Interlock Circuit P0A0B High Voltage System Interlock Circuit Performance P0A0C High Voltage System Interlock Circuit Low P0A0D High Voltage System Interlock Circuit High P0A0E High Voltage System Interlock Circuit Intermittent P0A0F Engine Failed to Start P0A10 DC/DC Converter Status Circuit High P0A11 DC/DC Converter Enable Circuit/Open P0A12 DC/DC Converter Enable Circuit Low P0A13 DC/DC Converter Enable Circuit High P0A14 Engine Mount “A” Control Circuit/OpenSAE P0A15 Engine Mount “A” Control Circuit Low P0A16 Engine Mount “A” Control Circuit High P0A17 Motor Torque Sensor Circuit P0A18 Motor Torque Sensor Circuit Range/Performance P0A19 Motor Torque Sensor Circuit Low P0A1A Generator Control Module P0A1B Drive Motor “A” Control Module P0A1C Drive Motor “B” Control Module P0A1D Hybrid Powertrain Control Module P0A1E Starter/Generator Control Module P0A1F Battery Energy Control Module P0A20 Motor Torque Sensor Circuit High P0A21 Motor Torque Sensor Circuit Intermittent P0A22 Generator Torque Sensor Circuit P0A23 Generator Torque Sensor Circuit Range/Performance P0A24 Generator Torque Sensor Circuit Low P0A25 Generator Torque Sensor Circuit High P0A26 Generator Torque Sensor Circuit Intermittent P0A27 Hybrid Battery Power Off Circuit P0A28 Hybrid Battery Power Off Circuit Low P0A29 Hybrid Battery Power Off Circuit High P0A2A Drive Motor “A” Temperature Sensor Circuit P0A2B Drive Motor “A” Temperature Sensor Circuit Range/Performance P0A2C Drive Motor “A” Temperature Sensor Circuit Low P0A2D Drive Motor “A” Temperature Sensor Circuit High P0A2E Drive Motor “A” Temperature Sensor Circuit Intermittent P0A2F Drive Motor “A” Over Temperature P0A30 Drive Motor “B” Temperature Sensor Circuit P0A31 Drive Motor “B” Temperature Sensor Circuit Range/Performance P0A32 Drive Motor “B” Temperature Sensor Circuit Low P0A33 Drive Motor “B” Temperature Sensor Circuit High P0A34 Drive Motor “B” Temperature Sensor Circuit Intermittent P0A35 Drive Motor “B” Over Temperature P0A36 Generator Temperature Sensor Circuit P0A37 Generator Temperature Sensor Circuit Range/Performance P0A38 Generator Temperature Sensor Circuit Low P0A39 Generator Temperature Sensor Circuit High P0A3A Generator Temperature Sensor Circuit Intermittent P0A3B Generator Over Temperature P0A3C Drive Motor “A” Inverter Over Temperature P0A3D Drive Motor “B” Inverter Over Temperature P0A3E Generator Inverter Over Temperature P0A3F Drive Motor “A” Position Sensor Circuit P0A40 Drive Motor “A” Position Sensor Circuit Range/Performance P0A41 Drive Motor “A” Position Sensor Circuit Low P0A42 Drive Motor “A” Position Sensor Circuit High P0A43 Drive Motor “A” Position Sensor Circuit Intermittent P0A44 Drive Motor “A” Position Sensor Circuit Overspeed P0A45 Drive Motor “B” Position Sensor Circuit P0A46 Drive Motor “B” Position Sensor Circuit Range/Performance P0A47 Drive Motor “B” Position Sensor Circuit Low P0A48 Drive Motor “B” Position Sensor Circuit High P0A49 Drive Motor “B” Position Sensor Circuit Intermittent P0A4A Drive Motor “B” Position Sensor Circuit Overspeed P0A4B Generator Position Sensor Circuit P0A4C Generator Position Sensor Circuit Range/Performance P0A4D Generator Position Sensor Circuit Low P0A4E Generator Position Sensor Circuit High P0A4F Generator Position Sensor Circuit Intermittent P0A50 Generator Position Sensor Circuit Overspeed P0A51 Drive Motor “A” Current Sensor Circuit P0A52 Drive Motor “A” Current Sensor Circuit Range/Performance P0A53 Drive Motor “A” Current Sensor Circuit Low P0A54 Drive Motor “A” Current Sensor Circuit High P0A55 Drive Motor “B” Current Sensor Circuit P0A56 Drive Motor “B” Current Sensor Circuit Range/Performance P0A57 Drive Motor “B” Current Sensor Circuit Low P0A58 Drive Motor “B” Current Sensor Circuit High P0A59 Generator Current Sensor Circuit P0A5A Generator Current Sensor Circuit Range/Performance P0A5B Generator Current Sensor Circuit Low P0A5C Generator Current Sensor Circuit High P0A5D Drive Motor “A” Phase U Current P0A5E Drive Motor “A” Phase U Current Low P0A5F Drive Motor “A” Phase U Current High P0A60 Drive Motor “A” Phase V Current P0A61 Drive Motor “A” Phase V Current Low P0A62 Drive Motor “A” Phase V Current High P0A63 Drive Motor “A” Phase W Current P0A64 Drive Motor “A” Phase W Current Low P0A65 Drive Motor “A” Phase W Current High P0A66 Drive Motor “B” Phase U Current P0A67 Drive Motor “B” Phase U Current Low P0A68 Drive Motor “B” Phase U Current High P0A69 Drive Motor “B” Phase V Current P0A6A Drive Motor “B” Phase V Current Low P0A6B Drive Motor “B” Phase V Current High P0A6C Drive Motor “B” Phase W Current P0A6D Drive Motor “B” Phase W Current Low P0A6E Drive Motor “B” Phase W Current High P0A6F Generator Phase U Current P0A70 Generator Phase U Current Low P0A71 Generator Phase U Current High P0A72 Generator Phase V Current P0A73 Generator Phase V Current Low P0A74 Generator Phase V Current High P0A75 Generator Phase W Current P0A76 Generator Phase W Current Low P0A77 Generator Phase W Current High P0A78 Drive Motor “A” Inverter Performance P0A79 Drive Motor “B” Inverter Performance P0A7A Generator Inverter Performance P0A7B Battery Energy Control Module Requested MIL Illumination P0A7C Motor Electronics Over Temperature P0A7D Hybrid Battery Pack State of Charge Low P0A7E Hybrid Battery Pack Over Temperature P0A7F Hybrid Battery Pack Deterioration P0A80 Replace Hybrid Battery Pack P0A81 Hybrid Battery Pack Cooling Fan 1 Control Circuit/Open P0A82 Hybrid Battery Pack Cooling Fan 1 Performance/Stuck Off P0A83 Hybrid Battery Pack Cooling Fan 1 Stuck On P0A84 Hybrid Battery Pack Cooling Fan 1 Control Circuit Low P0A85 Hybrid Battery Pack Cooling Fan 1 Control Circuit High P0A86 14 Volt Power Module Current Sensor Circuit P0A87 14 Volt Power Module Current Sensor Circuit Range/Performance P0A88 14 Volt Power Module Current Sensor Circuit Low P0A89 14 Volt Power Module Current Sensor Circuit High P0A8A 14 Volt Power Module Current Sensor Circuit Intermittent P0A8B 14 Volt Power Module System Voltage P0A8C 14 Volt Power Module System Voltage Unstable P0A8D 14 Volt Power Module System Voltage Low P0A8E 14 Volt Power Module System Voltage High P0A8F 14 Volt Power Module System Performance P0A90 Drive Motor “A” Performance P0A91 Drive Motor “B” Performance P0A92 Hybrid Generator Performance P0A93 Inverter “A” Cooling System Performance P0A94 DC/DC Converter Performance P0A95 High Voltage Fuse P0A96 Hybrid Battery Pack Cooling Fan 2 Control Circuit/Open P0A97 Hybrid Battery Pack Cooling Fan 2 Performance/Stuck Off P0A98 Hybrid Battery Pack Cooling Fan 2 Stuck On P0A99 Hybrid Battery Pack Cooling Fan 2 Control Circuit Low P0A9A Hybrid Battery Pack Cooling Fan 2 Control Circuit High P0A9B Hybrid Battery Temperature Sensor “A” Circuit P0A9C Hybrid Battery Temperature Sensor “A” Range/Performance P0A9D Hybrid Battery Temperature Sensor “A” Circuit Low P0A9E Hybrid Battery Temperature Sensor “A” Circuit High P0A9F Hybrid Battery Temperature Sensor “A” Circuit Intermittent/Erratic P0AA0 Hybrid Battery Positive Contactor Circuit P0AA1 Hybrid Battery Positive Contactor Circuit Stuck Closed P0AA2 Hybrid Battery Positive Contactor Circuit Stuck Open P0AA3 Hybrid Battery Negative Contactor Circuit P0AA4 Hybrid Battery Negative Contactor Circuit Stuck Closed P0AA5 Hybrid Battery Negative Contactor Circuit Stuck Open P0AA6 Hybrid Battery Voltage System Isolation Fault P0AA7 Hybrid Battery Voltage Isolation Sensor Circuit P0AA8 Hybrid Battery Voltage Isolation Sensor Circuit Range/Performance P0AA9 Hybrid Battery Voltage Isolation Sensor Circuit Low P0AAA Hybrid Battery Voltage Isolation Sensor Circuit High P0AAB Hybrid Battery Voltage Isolation Sensor Circuit Intermittent/Erratic P0AAC Hybrid Battery Pack Air Temperature Sensor “A” Circuit P0AAD Hybrid Battery Pack Air Temperature Sensor “A” Circuit Range/Performance P0AAE Hybrid Battery Pack Air Temperature Sensor “A” Circuit Low P0AAF Hybrid Battery Pack Air Temperature Sensor “A” Circuit High P0AB0 Hybrid Battery Pack Air Temperature Sensor “A” Circuit Intermittent/Erratic P0AB1 Hybrid Battery Pack Air Temperature Sensor “B” Circuit P0AB2 Hybrid Battery Pack Air Temperature Sensor “B” Circuit Range/Performance P0AB3 Hybrid Battery Pack Air Temperature Sensor “B” Circuit Low P0AB4 Hybrid Battery Pack Air Temperature Sensor “B” Circuit High P0AB5 Hybrid Battery Pack Air Temperature Sensor “B” Circuit Intermittent/Erratic P0AB6 Engine Mount “B” Control Circuit/Open P0AB7 Engine Mount “B” Control Circuit Low P0AB8 Engine Mount “B” Control Circuit High P0AB9 Hybrid System Performance P0ABA Hybrid Battery Pack Voltage Sense “A” Circuit P0ABB Hybrid Battery Pack Voltage Sense “A” Circuit Range/Performance P0ABC Hybrid Battery Pack Voltage Sense “A” Circuit Low P0ABD Hybrid Battery Pack Voltage Sense “A” Circuit High P0ABE Hybrid Battery Pack Voltage Sense “A” Circuit Intermittent/Erratic P0ABF Hybrid Battery Pack Current Sensor “A” Circuit P0AC0 Hybrid Battery Pack Current Sensor “A” Circuit Range/Performance P0AC1 Hybrid Battery Pack Current Sensor “A” Circuit Low P0AC2 Hybrid Battery Pack Current Sensor “A” Circuit High P0AC3 Hybrid Battery Pack Current Sensor “A” Circuit Intermittent/Erratic P0AC4 Hybrid Powertrain Control Module Requested MIL Illumination P0AC5 Hybrid Battery Temperature Sensor “B” Circuit P0AC6 Hybrid Battery Temperature Sensor “B” Range/Performance P0AC7 Hybrid Battery Temperature Sensor “B” Circuit Low P0AC8 Hybrid Battery Temperature Sensor “B” Circuit High P0AC9 Hybrid Battery Temperature Sensor “B” Circuit Intermittent/Erratic P0ACA Hybrid Battery Temperature Sensor “C” Circuit P0ACB Hybrid Battery Temperature Sensor “C” Range/Performance P0ACC Hybrid Battery Temperature Sensor “C” Circuit Low P0ACD Hybrid Battery Temperature Sensor “C” Circuit High P0ACE Hybrid Battery Temperature Sensor “C” Circuit Intermittent/Erratic P0ACF Hybrid Battery Pack Cooling Fan 3 Control Circuit/Open P0AD0 Hybrid Battery Pack Cooling Fan 3 Performance/Stuck Off P0AD1 Hybrid Battery Pack Cooling Fan 3 Stuck On P0AD2 Hybrid Battery Pack Cooling Fan 3 Control Circuit Low P0AD3 Hybrid Battery Pack Cooling Fan 3 Control Circuit High P0AD4 Hybrid Battery Pack Air Flow System Insufficient Air Flow P0AD5 Hybrid Battery Pack Air Flow Valve “A” Control Circuit/Open P0AD6 Hybrid Battery Pack Air Flow Valve “A” Control Circuit Range/Performance P0AD7 Hybrid Battery Pack Air Flow Valve “A” Control Circuit Low P0AD8 Hybrid Battery Pack Air Flow Valve “A” Control Circuit High P0AD9 Hybrid Battery Positive Contactor Control Circuit/Open P0ADA Hybrid Battery Positive Contactor Control Circuit Range/Performance P0ADB Hybrid Battery Positive Contactor Control Circuit Low P0ADC Hybrid Battery Positive Contactor Control Circuit High P0ADD Hybrid Battery Negative Contactor Control Circuit/Open P0ADE Hybrid Battery Negative Contactor Control Circuit Range/Performance P0ADF Hybrid Battery Negative Contactor Control Circuit Low P0AE0 Hybrid Battery Negative Contactor Control Circuit High P0AE1 Hybrid Battery Precharge Contactor Circuit P0AE2 Hybrid Battery Precharge Contactor Circuit Stuck Closed P0AE3 Hybrid Battery Precharge Contactor Circuit Stuck Open P0AE4 Hybrid Battery Precharge Contactor Control Circuit P0AE5 Hybrid Battery Precharge Contactor Control Circuit Range/Performance P0AE6 Hybrid Battery Precharge Contactor Control Circuit Low P0AE7 Hybrid Battery Precharge Contactor Control Circuit High P0AE8 Hybrid Battery Temperature Sensor “D” Circuit P0AE9 Hybrid Battery Temperature Sensor “D” Range/Performance P0AEA Hybrid Battery Temperature Sensor “D” Circuit Low P0AEB Hybrid Battery Temperature Sensor “D” Circuit High P0AEC Hybrid Battery Temperature Sensor “D” Circuit Intermittent/Erratic P0AED Drive Motor Inverter Temperature Sensor “A” Circuit P0AEE Drive Motor Inverter Temperature Sensor “A” Circuit Range/Performance P0AEF Drive Motor Inverter Temperature Sensor “A” Circuit Low P0AF0 Drive Motor Inverter Temperature Sensor “A” Circuit High P0AF1 Drive Motor Inverter Temperature Sensor “A” Circuit Intermittent/Erratic P0AF2 Drive Motor Inverter Temperature Sensor “B” Circuit P0AF3 Drive Motor Inverter Temperature Sensor “B” Circuit Range/Performance P0AF4 Drive Motor Inverter Temperature Sensor “B” Circuit Low P0AF5 Drive Motor Inverter Temperature Sensor “B” Circuit High P0AF6 Drive Motor Inverter Temperature Sensor “B” Circuit Intermittent/Erratic P0AF7 14 Volt Power Module Internal Temperature Too High P0AF8 Hybrid Battery System Voltage P0AF9 Hybrid Battery System Voltage Unstable P0AFA Hybrid Battery System Voltage Low P0AFB Hybrid Battery System Voltage High P0AFC Hybrid Battery Pack Sensor Module P0AFD Hybrid Battery Pack Temperature Too Low P0AFE Hybrid Battery System Voltage Too Low for Voltage Step Up Conversion P0AFF System Voltage Too Low for Voltage Step Down Conversion P0B00 Auxiliary Transmission Fluid Pump Motor Phase U Current P0B01 Auxiliary Transmission Fluid Pump Motor Phase U Current Low P0B02 Auxiliary Transmission Fluid Pump Motor Phase U Current High P0B03 Auxiliary Transmission Fluid Pump Motor Phase V Current P0B04 Auxiliary Transmission Fluid Pump Motor Phase V Current Low P0B05 Auxiliary Transmission Fluid Pump Motor Phase V Current High P0B06 Auxiliary Transmission Fluid Pump Motor Phase W Current P0B07 Auxiliary Transmission Fluid Pump Motor Phase W Current Low P0B08 Auxiliary Transmission Fluid Pump Motor Phase W Current High P0B09 Auxiliary Transmission Fluid Pump Motor Supply Voltage Circuit/Open P0B0A Auxiliary Transmission Fluid Pump Motor Supply Voltage Circuit Low P0B0B Auxiliary Transmission Fluid Pump Motor Supply Voltage Circuit High P0B0C Auxiliary Transmission Fluid Pump Hydraulic Leakage P0B0D Auxiliary Transmission Fluid Pump Motor Control Module P0B0E Hybrid Battery Pack Current Sensor “B” Circuit P0B0F Hybrid Battery Pack Current Sensor “B” Circuit Range/Performance P0B10 Hybrid Battery Pack Current Sensor “B” Circuit Low P0B11 Hybrid Battery Pack Current Sensor “B” Circuit High P0B12 Hybrid Battery Pack Current Sensor “B” Circuit Intermittent/Erratic P0B13 Hybrid Battery Pack Current Sensor “A”/”B” Correlation P0B14 Hybrid Battery Pack Voltage Sense “B” Circuit P0B15 Hybrid Battery Pack Voltage Sense “B” Circuit Range/Performance P0B16 Hybrid Battery Pack Voltage Sense “B” Circuit Low P0B17 Hybrid Battery Pack Voltage Sense “B” Circuit High P0B18 Hybrid Battery Pack Voltage Sense “B” Circuit Intermittent/Erratic P0B19 Hybrid Battery Pack Voltage Sense “C” Circuit P0B1A Hybrid Battery Pack Voltage Sense “C” Circuit Range/Performance P0B1B Hybrid Battery Pack Voltage Sense “C” Circuit Low P0B1C Hybrid Battery Pack Voltage Sense “C” Circuit High P0B1D Hybrid Battery Pack Voltage Sense “C” Circuit Intermittent/Erratic P0B1E Hybrid Battery Pack Voltage Sense “D” Circuit P0B1F Hybrid Battery Pack Voltage Sense “D” Circuit Range/Performance P0B20 Hybrid Battery Pack Voltage Sense “D” Circuit Low P0B21 Hybrid Battery Pack Voltage Sense “D” Circuit High P0B22 Hybrid Battery Pack Voltage Sense “D” Circuit Intermittent/Erratic P0B23 Hybrid Battery “A” Voltage P0B24 Hybrid Battery “A” Voltage Unstable P0B25 Hybrid Battery “A” Voltage Low P0B26 Hybrid Battery “A” Voltage High P0B27 Hybrid Battery “B” Voltage P0B28 Hybrid Battery “B” Voltage Unstable P0B29 Hybrid Battery “B” Voltage Low P0B2A Hybrid Battery “B” Voltage High P0B2B Hybrid Battery “C” Voltage P0B2C Hybrid Battery “C” Voltage Unstable P0B2D Hybrid Battery “C” Voltage Low P0B2E Hybrid Battery “C” Voltage High P0B2F Hybrid Battery “D” Voltage P0B30 Hybrid Battery “D” Voltage Unstable P0B31 Hybrid Battery “D” Voltage Low P0B32 Hybrid Battery “D” Voltage High P0B33 High Voltage Service Disconnect Circuit P0B34 High Voltage Service Disconnect Circuit Performance P0B35 High Voltage Service Disconnect Circuit Low P0B36 High Voltage Service Disconnect Circuit High P0B37 High Voltage Service Disconnect Open P0B38 Motor Electronics Coolant Pump “B” Control Circuit/Open P0B39 Motor Electronics Coolant Pump “B” Control Circuit Low P0B3A Motor Electronics Coolant Pump “B” Control Circuit High P0B3B Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense “A” Circuit P0B3C Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense “A” Circuit Range/Performance P0B3D Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense “A” Circuit Low P0B3E Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense “A” Circuit High P0B3F Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense “A” Circuit Intermittent/Erratic P0B40 Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense “B” Circuit P0B41 Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense “B” Circuit Range/Performance P0B42 Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense “B” Circuit Low P0B43 Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense “B” Circuit High P0B44 Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense “B” Circuit Intermittent/Erratic P0B45 Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense “C” Circuit P0B46 Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense “C” Circuit Range/Performance P0B47 Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense “C” Circuit Low P0B48 Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense “C” Circuit High P0B49 Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense “C” Circuit Intermittent/Erratic P0B4A Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense “D” Circuit P0B4B Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense “D” Circuit Range/Performance P0B4C Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense “D” Circuit Low P0B4D Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense “D” Circuit High P0B4E Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense “D” Circuit Intermittent/Erratic P0B4F Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense “E” Circuit P0B50 Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense “E” Circuit Range/Performance P0B51 Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense “E” Circuit Low P0B52 Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense “E” Circuit High P0B53 Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense “E” Circuit Intermittent/Erratic P0B54 Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense “F” Circuit P0B55 Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense “F” Circuit Range/Performance P0B56 Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense “F” Circuit Low P0B57 Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense “F” Circuit High P0B58 Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense “F” Circuit Intermittent/Erratic P0B59 Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense “G” Circuit P0B5A Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense “G” Circuit Range/Performance P0B5B Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense “G” Circuit Low P0B5C Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense “G” Circuit High P0B5D Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense “G” Circuit Intermittent/Erratic P0B5E Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense “H” Circuit P0B5F Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense “H” Circuit Range/Performance P0B60 Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense “H” Circuit Low P0B61 Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense “H” Circuit High P0B62 Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense “H” Circuit Intermittent/Erratic P0B63 Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense “I” Circuit P0B64 Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense “I” Circuit Range/Performance P0B65 Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense “I” Circuit Low P0B66 Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense “I” Circuit High P0B67 Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense “I” Circuit Intermittent/Erratic P0B68 Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense “J” Circuit P0B69 Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense “J” Circuit Range/Performance P0B6A Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense “J” Circuit Low P0B6B Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense “J” Circuit High P0B6C Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense “J” Circuit Intermittent/Erratic P0B6D Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense “K” Circuit P0B6E Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense “K” Circuit Range/Performance P0B6F Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense “K” Circuit Low P0B70 Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense “K” Circuit High P0B71 Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense “K” Circuit Intermittent/Erratic P0B72 Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense “L” Circuit P0B73 Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense “L” Circuit Range/Performance P0B74 Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense “L” Circuit Low P0B75 Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense “L” Circuit High P0B76 Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense “L” Circuit Intermittent/Erratic P0B77 Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense “M” Circuit P0B78 Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense “M” Circuit Range/Performance P0B79 Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense “M” Circuit Low P0B7A Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense “M” Circuit High P0B7B Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense “M” Circuit Intermittent/Erratic P0B7C Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense “N” Circuit P0B7D Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense “N” Circuit Range/Performance P0B7E Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense “N” Circuit Low P0B7F Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense “N” Circuit High P0B80 Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense “N” Circuit Intermittent/Erratic P0B81 Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense “O” Circuit P0B82 Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense “O” Circuit Range/Performance P0B83 Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense “O” Circuit Low P0B84 Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense “O” Circuit High P0B85 Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense “O” Circuit Intermittent/Erratic P0B86 Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense “P” Circuit P0B87 Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense “P” Circuit Range/Performance P0B88 Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense “P” Circuit Low P0B89 Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense “P” Circuit High P0B8A Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense “P” Circuit Intermittent/Erratic P0B8B Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense “Q” Circuit P0B8C Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense “Q” Circuit Range/Performance P0B8D Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense “Q” Circuit Low P0B8E Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense “Q” Circuit High P0B8F Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense “Q” Circuit Intermittent/Erratic P0B90 Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense “R” Circuit P0B91 Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense “R” Circuit Range/Performance P0B92 Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense “R” Circuit Low P0B93 Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense “R” Circuit High P0B94 Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense “R” Circuit Intermittent/Erratic P0B95 Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense “S” Circuit P0B96 Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense “S” Circuit Range/Performance P0B97 Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense “S” Circuit Low P0B98 Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense “S” Circuit High P0B99 Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense “S” Circuit Intermittent/Erratic P0B9A Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense “T” Circuit P0B9B Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense “T” Circuit Range/Performance P0B9C Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense “T” Circuit Low P0B9D Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense “T” Circuit High P0B9E Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense “T” Circuit Intermittent/Erratic P0B9F Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense “U” Circuit P0BA0 Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense “U” Circuit Range/Performance P0BA1 Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense “U” Circuit Low P0BA2 Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense “U” Circuit High P0BA3 Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense “U” Circuit Intermittent/Erratic P0BA4 Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense “V” Circuit P0BA5 Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense “V” Circuit Range/Performance P0BA6 Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense “V” Circuit Low P0BA7 Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense “V” Circuit High P0BA8 Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense “V” Circuit Intermittent/Erratic P0BA9 Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense “W” Circuit P0BAA Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense “W” Circuit Range/Performance P0BAB Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense “W” Circuit Low P0BAC Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense “W” Circuit High P0BAD Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense “W” Circuit Intermittent/Erratic P0BAE Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense “X” Circuit P0BAF Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense “X” Circuit Range/Performance P0BB0 Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense “X” Circuit Low P0BB1 Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense “X” Circuit High P0BB2 Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense “X” Circuit Intermittent/Erratic P0BB3 Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense “Y” Circuit P0BB4 Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense “Y” Circuit Range/Performance P0BB5 Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense “Y” Circuit Low P0BB6 Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense “Y” Circuit High P0BB7 Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense “Y” Circuit Intermittent/Erratic P0BB8 Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense “Z” Circuit P0BB9 Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense “Z” Circuit Range/Performance P0BBA Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense “Z” Circuit Low P0BBB Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense “Z” Circuit High P0BBC Hybrid Battery Voltage Sense “Z” Circuit Intermittent/Erratic P0BBD Hybrid Battery Pack Voltage Variation Exceeded Limit P0BBE Hybrid Battery Pack Voltage Variation P0BBF Hybrid Battery Pack Cooling Fan Supply Voltage Circuit/Open P0BC0 Hybrid Battery Pack Cooling Fan Supply Voltage Circuit Low P0BC1 Hybrid Battery Pack Cooling Fan Supply Voltage Circuit High P0BC2 Hybrid Battery Temperature Sensor “E” Circuit P0BC3 Hybrid Battery Temperature Sensor “E” Range/Performance P0BC4 Hybrid Battery Temperature Sensor “E” Circuit Low P0BC5 Hybrid Battery Temperature Sensor “E” Circuit High P0BC6 Hybrid Battery Temperature Sensor “E” Circuit Intermittent/Erratic P0BC7 Hybrid Battery Pack Cooling Fan Sense Circuit/Open P0BC8 Hybrid Battery Pack Cooling Fan Sense Range/Performance P0BC9 Hybrid Battery Pack Cooling Fan Sense Circuit Low P0BCA Hybrid Battery Pack Cooling Fan Sense Circuit High P0BCB Hybrid Battery Pack Cooling Fan Sense Circuit Intermittent/Erratic P0BCC Generator Inverter Temperature Sensor Circuit P0BCD Generator Inverter Temperature Sensor Circuit Range/Performance P0BCE Generator Inverter Temperature Sensor Circuit Low P0BCF Generator Inverter Temperature Sensor Circuit High P0BD0 Generator Inverter Temperature Sensor Circuit Intermittent/Erratic P0BD1 Drive Motor Inverter Temperature Sensor “C” Circuit P0BD2 Drive Motor Inverter Temperature Sensor “C” Circuit Range/Performance P0BD3 Drive Motor Inverter Temperature Sensor “C” Circuit Low P0BD4 Drive Motor Inverter Temperature Sensor “C” Circuit High P0BD5 Drive Motor Inverter Temperature Sensor “C” Circuit Intermittent/Erratic P0BD6 Drive Motor Inverter Temperature Sensor “D” Circuit P0BD7 Drive Motor Inverter Temperature Sensor “D” Circuit Range/Performance P0BD8 Drive Motor Inverter Temperature Sensor “D” Circuit Low P0BD9 Drive Motor Inverter Temperature Sensor “D” Circuit High P0BDA Drive Motor Inverter Temperature Sensor “D” Circuit Intermittent/Erratic P0BDB Drive Motor Inverter Temperature Sensor “E” Circuit P0BDC Drive Motor Inverter Temperature Sensor “E” Circuit Range/Performance P0BDD Drive Motor Inverter Temperature Sensor “E” Circuit Low P0BDE Drive Motor Inverter Temperature Sensor “E” Circuit High P0BDF Drive Motor Inverter Temperature Sensor “E” Circuit Intermittent/Erratic P0BE0 Drive Motor Inverter Temperature Sensor “F” Circuit P0BE1 Drive Motor Inverter Temperature Sensor “F” Circuit Range/Performance P0BE2 Drive Motor Inverter Temperature Sensor “F” Circuit Low P0BE3 Drive Motor Inverter Temperature Sensor “F” Circuit High P0BE4 Drive Motor Inverter Temperature Sensor “F” Circuit Intermittent/Erratic P0BE5 Drive Motor “A” Phase U Current Sensor Circuit P0BE6 Drive Motor “A” Phase U Current Sensor Circuit Range/Performance P0BE7 Drive Motor “A” Phase U Current Sensor Circuit Low P0BE8 Drive Motor “A” Phase U Current Sensor Circuit High P0BE9 Drive Motor “A” Phase V Current Sensor Circuit P0BEA Drive Motor “A” Phase V Current Sensor Circuit Range/Performance P0BEB Drive Motor “A” Phase V Current Sensor Circuit Low P0BEC Drive Motor “A” Phase V Current Sensor Circuit High P0BED Drive Motor “A” Phase W Current Sensor Circuit P0BEE Drive Motor “A” Phase W Current Sensor Circuit Range/Performance P0BEF Drive Motor “A” Phase W Current Sensor Circuit Low P0BF0 Drive Motor “A” Phase W Current Sensor Circuit High P0BF1 Drive Motor “B” Phase U Current Sensor Circuit P0BF2 Drive Motor “B” Phase U Current Sensor Circuit Range/Performance P0BF3 Drive Motor “B” Phase U Current Sensor Circuit Low P0BF4 Drive Motor “B” Phase U Current Sensor Circuit High P0BF5 Drive Motor “B” Phase V Current Sensor Circuit P0BF6 Drive Motor “B” Phase V Current Sensor Circuit Range/Performance P0BF7 Drive Motor “B” Phase V Current Sensor Circuit Low P0BF8 Drive Motor “B” Phase V Current Sensor Circuit High P0BF9 Drive Motor “B” Phase W Current Sensor Circuit P0BFA Drive Motor “B” Phase W Current Sensor Circuit Range/Performance P0BFB Drive Motor “B” Phase W Current Sensor Circuit Low P0BFC Drive Motor “B” Phase W Current Sensor Circuit High P0BFD Drive Motor “A” Phase U-V-W Current Sensor Correlation P0BFE Drive Motor “B” Phase U-V-W Current Sensor Correlation P0BFF Drive Motor “A” Current P0C00 Drive Motor “A” Current Low P0C01 Drive Motor “A” Current High P0C02 Drive Motor “B” Current P0C03 Drive Motor “B” Current Low P0C04 Drive Motor “B” Current High P0C05 Drive Motor “A” Phase U-V-W Circuit/Open P0C06 Drive Motor “A” Phase U-V-W Circuit Low P0C07 Drive Motor “A” Phase U-V-W Circuit High P0C08 Drive Motor “B” Phase U-V-W Circuit/Open P0C09 Drive Motor “B” Phase U-V-W Circuit Low P0C0A Drive Motor “B” Phase U-V-W Circuit High P0C0B Drive Motor “A” Inverter Power Supply Circuit/Open P0C0C Drive Motor “A” Inverter Power Supply Circuit Low P0C0D Drive Motor “A” Inverter Power Supply Circuit High P0C0E Drive Motor “B” Inverter Power Supply Circuit/Open P0C0F Drive Motor “B” Inverter Power Supply Circuit Low P0C10 Drive Motor “B” Inverter Power Supply Circuit High P0C11 Drive Motor “A” Inverter Phase U Over Temperature P0C12 Drive Motor “A” Inverter Phase V Over Temperature P0C13 Drive Motor “A” Inverter Phase W Over Temperature P0C14 Drive Motor “B” Inverter Phase U Over Temperature P0C15 Drive Motor “B” Inverter Phase V Over Temperature P0C16 Drive Motor “B” Inverter Phase W Over Temperature P0C17 Drive Motor “A” Position Sensor Not Learned P0C18 Drive Motor “B” Position Sensor Not Learned P0C19 Drive Motor “A” Torque Delivered Performance P0C1A Drive Motor “B” Torque Delivered Performance P0C1B Auxiliary Transmission Fluid Pump Control Module Internal Temperature Too High P0C1C Auxiliary Transmission Fluid Pump Control Module Internal Temperature Sensor Circuit P0C1D Auxiliary Transmission Fluid Pump Control Module Internal Temperature Sensor Circuit Range/Performance P0C1E Auxiliary Transmission Fluid Pump Control Module Internal Temperature Sensor Circuit Low P0C1F Auxiliary Transmission Fluid Pump Control Module Internal Temperature Sensor Circuit High P0C20 Auxiliary Transmission Fluid Pump Phase U-V-W Circuit/Open P0C21 Auxiliary Transmission Fluid Pump Phase U-V-W Circuit Low P0C22 Auxiliary Transmission Fluid Pump Phase U-V-W Circuit High P0C23 Auxiliary Transmission Fluid Pump Control Module Circuit/Open P0C24 Auxiliary Transmission Fluid Pump Control Module Circuit Low P0C25 Auxiliary Transmission Fluid Pump Control Module Circuit High P0C26 Auxiliary Transmission Fluid Pump Motor Current P0C27 Auxiliary Transmission Fluid Pump Motor Current Low P0C28 Auxiliary Transmission Fluid Pump Motor Current High P0C29 Auxiliary Transmission Fluid Pump Driver Circuit Performance P0C2A Auxiliary Transmission Fluid Pump Motor Stalled P0C2B Auxiliary Transmission Fluid Pump Control Module Feedback Signal P0C2C Auxiliary Transmission Fluid Pump Control Module Feedback Signal Range/Performance P0C2D Auxiliary Transmission Fluid Pump Control Module Feedback Signal Low P0C2E Auxiliary Transmission Fluid Pump Control Module Feedback Signal High P0C2F Internal Control Module Drive Motor/Generator – Engine Speed Sensor Performance P0C30 Hybrid Battery Pack State of Charge High P0C31 Inverter “B” Cooling System Performance P0C32 Hybrid Battery Cooling System Performance P0C33 Hybrid Battery Temperature Sensor “F” Circuit P0C34 Hybrid Battery Temperature Sensor “F” Circuit Range/Performance P0C35 Hybrid Battery Temperature Sensor “F” Circuit Low P0C36 Hybrid Battery Temperature Sensor “F” Circuit High P0C37 Hybrid Battery Temperature Sensor “F” Circuit Intermittent/Erratic P0C38 DC/DC Converter Temperature Sensor “A” Circuit P0C39 DC/DC Converter Temperature Sensor “A” Range/Performance P0C3A DC/DC Converter Temperature Sensor “A” Low P0C3B DC/DC Converter Temperature Sensor “A” High P0C3C DC/DC Converter Temperature Sensor “A” Intermittent/Erratic P0C3D DC/DC Converter Temperature Sensor “B” Circuit P0C3E DC/DC Converter Temperature Sensor “B” Range/Performance P0C3F DC/DC Converter Temperature Sensor “B” Low P0C40 DC/DC Converter Temperature Sensor “B” High P0C41 DC/DC Converter Temperature Sensor “B” Intermittent/Erratic P0C42 Hybrid Battery Pack Coolant Temperature Sensor Circuit P0C43 Hybrid Battery Pack Coolant Temperature Sensor Circuit Range/Performance P0C44 Hybrid Battery Pack Coolant Temperature Sensor Circuit Low P0C45 Hybrid Battery Pack Coolant Temperature Sensor Circuit High P0C46 Hybrid Battery Pack Coolant Temperature Sensor Circuit Intermittent/Erratic P0C47 Hybrid Battery Pack Coolant Pump Control Circuit/Open P0C48 Hybrid Battery Pack Coolant Pump Control Circuit Low P0C49 Hybrid Battery Pack Coolant Pump Control Circuit High P0C4A Hybrid Battery Pack Coolant Pump Control Performance P0C4B Hybrid Battery Pack Coolant Pump Supply Voltage Circuit/Open P0C4C Hybrid Battery Pack Coolant Pump Supply Voltage Circuit Low P0C4D Hybrid Battery Pack Coolant Pump Supply Voltage Circuit High P0C4E Drive Motor “A” Position Exceeded Learning Limit P0C4F Drive Motor “B” Position Exceeded Learning Limit P0C50 Drive Motor “A” Position Sensor Circuit “A” P0C51 Drive Motor “A” Position Sensor Circuit “A” Range/Performance P0C52 Drive Motor “A” Position Sensor Circuit “A” Low P0C53 Drive Motor “A” Position Sensor Circuit “A” High P0C54 Drive Motor “A” Position Sensor Circuit “A” Intermittent/Erratic P0C55 Drive Motor “B” Position Sensor Circuit “A” P0C56 Drive Motor “B” Position Sensor Circuit “A” Range/Performance P0C57 Drive Motor “B” Position Sensor Circuit “A” Low P0C58 Drive Motor “B” Position Sensor Circuit “A” High P0C59 Drive Motor “B” Position Sensor Circuit “A” Intermittent/Erratic P0C5A Drive Motor “A” Position Sensor Circuit “B” P0C5B Drive Motor “A” Position Sensor Circuit “B” Range/Performance P0C5C Drive Motor “A” Position Sensor Circuit “B” Low P0C5D Drive Motor “A” Position Sensor Circuit “B” High P0C5E Drive Motor “A” Position Sensor Circuit “B” Intermittent/Erratic P0C5F Drive Motor “B” Position Sensor Circuit “B” P0C60 Drive Motor “B” Position Sensor Circuit “B” Range/Performance P0C61 Drive Motor “B” Position Sensor Circuit “B” Low P0C62 Drive Motor “B” Position Sensor Circuit “B” High P0C63 Drive Motor “B” Position Sensor Circuit “B” Intermittent/Erratic P0C64 Generator Position Sensor Circuit “A” P0C65 Generator Position Sensor Circuit “A” Range/Performance P0C66 Generator Position Sensor Circuit “A” Low P0C67 Generator Position Sensor Circuit “A” High P0C68 Generator Position Sensor Circuit “A” Intermittent/Erratic P0C69 Generator Position Sensor Circuit “B” P0C6A Generator Position Sensor Circuit “B” Range/Performance P0C6B Generator Position Sensor Circuit “B” Low P0C6C Generator Position Sensor Circuit “B” High P0C6D Generator Position Sensor Circuit “B” Intermittent/Erratic P0C6E Hybrid Battery Temperature Sensor “A”/”B” Correlation P0C6F Hybrid Battery Temperature Sensor “B”/”C” Correlation P0C70 Hybrid Battery Temperature Sensor “C”/”D” Correlation P0C71 Hybrid Battery Temperature Sensor “D”/”E” Correlation P0C72 Hybrid Battery Temperature Sensor “E”/”F” Correlation P0C73 Motor Electronics Coolant Pump “A” Control Performance P0C74 Motor Electronics Coolant Pump “B” Control Performance P0C75 Hybrid Battery System Discharge Time Too Short P0C76 Hybrid Battery System Discharge Time Too Long P0C77 Hybrid Battery System Precharge Time Too Short P0C78 Hybrid Battery System Precharge Time Too Long P0C79 Drive Motor “A” Inverter Voltage Too High P0C7A Drive Motor “B” Inverter Voltage Too High P0C7B Generator Inverter Voltage Too High P0C7C Hybrid Battery Temperature Sensor “G” Circuit P0C7D Hybrid Battery Temperature Sensor “G” Range/Performance P0C7E Hybrid Battery Temperature Sensor “G” Circuit Low P0C7F Hybrid Battery Temperature Sensor “G” Circuit High P0C80 Hybrid Battery Temperature Sensor “G” Circuit Intermittent/Erratic P0C81 Hybrid Battery Temperature Sensor “H” Circuit P0C82 Hybrid Battery Temperature Sensor “H” Range/Performance P0C83 Hybrid Battery Temperature Sensor “H” Circuit Low P0C84 Hybrid Battery Temperature Sensor “H” Circuit High P0C85 Hybrid Battery Temperature Sensor “H” Circuit Intermittent/Erratic P0C86 Hybrid Battery Temperature Sensor “F”/”G” Correlation P0C87 Hybrid Battery Temperature Sensor “G”/”H” Correlation ISO/SAE Reserved P0C88 – P0CFF ISO/SAE Reserved P0D00 ISO/SAE Reserved P0E00 ISO/SAE Reserved P0F00 ISO/SAE Reserved P0FFF Time Reference High Res Signal A Erratic Pulses

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