Ошибка 146 при установке иллюстратора


При установке или обновлении приложений Creative Cloud (например, Adobe Photoshop или Adobe Bridge) с помощью Adobe Creative Cloud для настольных ПК выводится код ошибки 146 или 147. Сообщение об ошибке может выглядеть следующим образом:

Exit Code: 146
-------------------------------------- Summary --------------------------------------
- 2 fatal error(s), 0 error(s), 1 warnings(s)

FATAL: Error (Code = 146) executing in command 'MoveDirectoryCommand' for package: 'AdobePhotoshop17-Core_x64', version:
FATAL: Error occurred in install of package (Name: AdobePhotoshop17-Core_x64 Version: Error code: '146'
WARN: Failed to move directory 'C:\adobeTemp\ETR5515.tmp\1\Application' to 'C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CC 2015.5'

Как правило, эта ошибка возникает тогда, когда программа установки не может переместить файл из временной папки, в которую он был изначально загружен.


Временно отключите антивирусное программное обеспечение и программы для обеспечения безопасности до завершения загрузки и установки соответствующего приложения Creative Cloud. Некоторые программные продукты могут конфликтовать с командой для создания папок в процессе установки, в результате чего возникает данная ошибка. Ниже приводятся ссылки на рекомендации по настройке двух самых популярных программ для обеспечения безопасности:




Ссылки на сторонние приложения предоставляются пользователям в качестве совета и могут содержать устаревшую информацию или скриншоты. Свяжитесь с соответствующим поставщиком антивирусного программного обеспечения и программ для обеспечения безопасности для получения конкретных указаний.

Создайте соответствующий каталог, указанный в сообщении об ошибке, вручную. В данном примере, приведенном вверху страницы, создание каталога C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CC 2015.5 вручную позволило устранить возникшую ошибку.

Для получения подробных описаний возникающих ошибок см. файл журнала установки Install.log. Обратитесь к разделу Поиск и проверка журналов установки для получения подробных сведений о проверке данного файла.


Данное решение может помочь пользователям с измененным расположением пользовательского каталога или другими системными переменными.

Убедитесь, что права доступа к создаваемым папкам настроены надлежащим образом. Для получения дополнительной информации см. раздел Проверьте права доступа к файлам.

Управляемый доступ к папкам — это компонент Windows 10, который помогает защитить ваши документы и файлы от изменения подозрительными приложениями. Для устранения этой ошибки добавьте проблемное приложение Creative Cloud в список безопасных или разрешенных приложений в параметрах управляемого доступа к папкам.

Выполните действия по настройке управляемого доступа к папкам для разрешения сохранения файлов в приложении Creative Cloud.

  1. Закройте проблемное приложение Creative Cloud, если оно уже запущено.

  2. В Windows нажмите кнопку Пуск, а затем нажмите значок настроек .

    Откроется диалоговое окно настроек Windows.

  3. Нажмите Обновление и безопасность.

    Обновление и безопасность

  4. На панели слева выберите Безопасность Windows и затем нажмите Защита от вирусов и угроз.

    Откроется диалоговое окно «Защита от вирусов и угроз».

    Выберите защиту от вирусов и угроз

  5. В настройках защиты от вирусов и угроз выберите Управление настройками.

    В настройках защиты от вирусов и угроз выберите «Управление настройками»

  6. В окне настроек найдите раздел «Управляемый доступ к папкам» и нажмите Управление контролируемым доступом к папкам.

    Управление управляемым доступом к папкам

  7. Нажмите Разрешить paботу приложению через контролируемый доступ к папкам.

    Разрешить приложение через Управляемый доступ к папкам

  8. Нажмите Добавить разрешенное приложение. Из выпадающего списка выберите Недавно заблокированные приложения.

    Разрешить недавно заблокированное приложение

  9. Найдите исполняемый файл (.exe) проблемного приложения Creative Cloud. 

  10. Чтобы добавить проблемное приложение Creative Cloud в список разрешенных приложений, щелкните значок (+).

    Приложение Creative Cloud успешно добавлено в список разрешенных приложений.

Hello, for 2 days I’ve tried to fix the problem with solutions from Adobe. Nothing worked out, or maybe I don’t know how to do it since I’m not an IT person — I don’t know anymore, these problems with updates make me sick. I don’t have an antivirus.

Exit Code: 146

————————————— Summary —————————————

— 2 fatal error(s), 2 error(s), 2 warnings(s)

FATAL: Error (Code = 146) executing in command ‘MoveDirectoryCommand’ for package: ‘AdobeIllustrator23-Settings’, version:

FATAL: Error occurred in install of package (Name: AdobeIllustrator23-Settings Version: Error code: ‘146’

ERROR: SHCreateDirectoryEx failed. Error: 5

ERROR: utilCopySrcFolderToDstFolderEx | Cannot create folder at path: C:\Users\daria\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Adobe Illustrator\23.0.0

WARN: target folder ‘C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Illustrator CC 2019’ does not exist, treating package ‘AdobeIllustrator23-Core’ as uninstalled

WARN: Failed to move directory ‘C:\adobeTemp\ETRE4AD.tmp\1\StagingArea_x64\23.0.0’ to ‘C:\Users\daria\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Adobe Illustrator\23.0.0’


I use Windows 10. Please can somebody help me because I’m slowly loosing my mind.


При установке или обновлении приложений Creative Cloud (например, Adobe Photoshop или Adobe Bridge) с помощью Adobe Creative Cloud для настольных ПК выводится код ошибки 146 или 147. Сообщение об ошибке может выглядеть следующим образом:

Exit Code: 146
-------------------------------------- Summary --------------------------------------
- 2 fatal error(s), 0 error(s), 1 warnings(s)

FATAL: Error (Code = 146) executing in command 'MoveDirectoryCommand' for package: 'AdobePhotoshop17-Core_x64', version:
FATAL: Error occurred in install of package (Name: AdobePhotoshop17-Core_x64 Version: Error code: '146'
WARN: Failed to move directory 'C:adobeTempETR5515.tmp1Application' to 'C:Program FilesAdobeAdobe Photoshop CC 2015.5'

Как правило, эта ошибка возникает тогда, когда программа установки не может переместить файл из временной папки, в которую он был изначально загружен.


Временно отключите антивирусное программное обеспечение и программы для обеспечения безопасности до завершения загрузки и установки соответствующего приложения Creative Cloud. Некоторые программные продукты могут конфликтовать с командой для создания папок в процессе установки, в результате чего возникает данная ошибка. Ниже приводятся ссылки на рекомендации по настройке двух самых популярных программ для обеспечения безопасности:




Ссылки на сторонние приложения предоставляются пользователям в качестве совета и могут содержать устаревшую информацию или скриншоты. Свяжитесь с соответствующим поставщиком антивирусного программного обеспечения и программ для обеспечения безопасности для получения конкретных указаний.

Создайте соответствующий каталог, указанный в сообщении об ошибке, вручную. В данном примере, приведенном вверху страницы, создание каталога C:Program FilesAdobeAdobe Photoshop CC 2015.5 вручную позволило устранить возникшую ошибку.

Для получения подробных описаний возникающих ошибок см. файл журнала установки Install.log. Обратитесь к разделу Поиск и проверка журналов установки для получения подробных сведений о проверке данного файла.


Данное решение может помочь пользователям с измененным расположением пользовательского каталога или другими системными переменными.

Убедитесь, что права доступа к создаваемым папкам настроены надлежащим образом. Для получения дополнительной информации см. раздел Проверьте права доступа к файлам.

Управляемый доступ к папкам — это компонент Windows 10, который помогает защитить ваши документы и файлы от изменения подозрительными приложениями. Для устранения этой ошибки добавьте проблемное приложение Creative Cloud в список безопасных или разрешенных приложений в параметрах управляемого доступа к папкам.

Выполните действия по настройке управляемого доступа к папкам для разрешения сохранения файлов в приложении Creative Cloud.

  1. Закройте проблемное приложение Creative Cloud, если оно уже запущено.

  2. В Windows нажмите кнопку Пуск, а затем нажмите значок настроек .

    Откроется диалоговое окно настроек Windows.

  3. Нажмите Обновление и безопасность.

  4. На панели слева выберите Безопасность Windows и затем нажмите Защита от вирусов и угроз.

    Откроется диалоговое окно «Защита от вирусов и угроз».

  5. В настройках защиты от вирусов и угроз выберите Управление настройками.

  6. В окне настроек найдите раздел «Управляемый доступ к папкам» и нажмите Управление контролируемым доступом к папкам.

  7. Нажмите Разрешить paботу приложению через контролируемый доступ к папкам.

  8. Нажмите Добавить разрешенное приложение. Из выпадающего списка выберите Недавно заблокированные приложения.

  9. Найдите исполняемый файл (.exe) проблемного приложения Creative Cloud. 

  10. Чтобы добавить проблемное приложение Creative Cloud в список разрешенных приложений, щелкните значок (+).

    Приложение Creative Cloud успешно добавлено в список разрешенных приложений.


При установке или обновлении приложений Creative Cloud (например, Adobe Photoshop или Adobe Bridge) с помощью Adobe Creative Cloud для настольных ПК выводится код ошибки 146 или 147. Сообщение об ошибке может выглядеть следующим образом:

Exit Code: 146
-------------------------------------- Summary --------------------------------------
- 2 fatal error(s), 0 error(s), 1 warnings(s)

FATAL: Error (Code = 146) executing in command 'MoveDirectoryCommand' for package: 'AdobePhotoshop17-Core_x64', version:
FATAL: Error occurred in install of package (Name: AdobePhotoshop17-Core_x64 Version: Error code: '146'
WARN: Failed to move directory 'C:adobeTempETR5515.tmp1Application' to 'C:Program FilesAdobeAdobe Photoshop CC 2015.5'

Как правило, эта ошибка возникает тогда, когда программа установки не может переместить файл из временной папки, в которую он был изначально загружен.


Временно отключите антивирусное программное обеспечение и программы для обеспечения безопасности до завершения загрузки и установки соответствующего приложения Creative Cloud. Некоторые программные продукты могут конфликтовать с командой для создания папок в процессе установки, в результате чего возникает данная ошибка. Ниже приводятся ссылки на рекомендации по настройке двух самых популярных программ для обеспечения безопасности:




Ссылки на сторонние приложения предоставляются пользователям в качестве совета и могут содержать устаревшую информацию или скриншоты. Свяжитесь с соответствующим поставщиком антивирусного программного обеспечения и программ для обеспечения безопасности для получения конкретных указаний.

Создайте соответствующий каталог, указанный в сообщении об ошибке, вручную. В данном примере, приведенном вверху страницы, создание каталога C:Program FilesAdobeAdobe Photoshop CC 2015.5 вручную позволило устранить возникшую ошибку.

Для получения подробных описаний возникающих ошибок см. файл журнала установки Install.log. Обратитесь к разделу Поиск и проверка журналов установки для получения подробных сведений о проверке данного файла.


Данное решение может помочь пользователям с измененным расположением пользовательского каталога или другими системными переменными.

Убедитесь, что права доступа к создаваемым папкам настроены надлежащим образом. Для получения дополнительной информации см. раздел Проверьте права доступа к файлам.

Управляемый доступ к папкам — это компонент Windows 10, который помогает защитить ваши документы и файлы от изменения подозрительными приложениями. Для устранения этой ошибки добавьте проблемное приложение Creative Cloud в список безопасных или разрешенных приложений в параметрах управляемого доступа к папкам.

Выполните действия по настройке управляемого доступа к папкам для разрешения сохранения файлов в приложении Creative Cloud.

  1. Закройте проблемное приложение Creative Cloud, если оно уже запущено.

  2. В Windows нажмите кнопку Пуск, а затем нажмите значок настроек .

    Откроется диалоговое окно настроек Windows.

  3. Нажмите Обновление и безопасность.

  4. На панели слева выберите Безопасность Windows и затем нажмите Защита от вирусов и угроз.

    Откроется диалоговое окно «Защита от вирусов и угроз».

  5. В настройках защиты от вирусов и угроз выберите Управление настройками.

  6. В окне настроек найдите раздел «Управляемый доступ к папкам» и нажмите Управление контролируемым доступом к папкам.

  7. Нажмите Разрешить paботу приложению через контролируемый доступ к папкам.

  8. Нажмите Добавить разрешенное приложение. Из выпадающего списка выберите Недавно заблокированные приложения.

  9. Найдите исполняемый файл (.exe) проблемного приложения Creative Cloud. 

  10. Чтобы добавить проблемное приложение Creative Cloud в список разрешенных приложений, щелкните значок (+).

    Приложение Creative Cloud успешно добавлено в список разрешенных приложений.

Hi all,

I’ve been getting this issue for every single one of my adobe products but, since I’m in need of photoshop most, I decided to post here and hopefully whatever fix I find will apply to the rest.

I keep getting error code 146 when trying to update/reinstall adobe photoshop (since I assumed uninstalling would solve the problem if it was an updating issue). The error code I’m getting at the moment is this:

<PRE>Exit Code: 146

————————————— Summary —————————————

— 2 fatal error(s), 0 error(s), 1 warnings(s)

FATAL: Error (Code = 146) executing in command ‘MoveDirectoryCommand’ for package: ‘AdobePhotoshop17-Core_x64’, version:

FATAL: Error occurred in install of package (Name: AdobePhotoshop17-Core_x64 Version: Error code: ‘146’

WARN: Failed to move directory ‘C:adobeTempETR7F5D.tmp1Application’ to ‘C:Program FilesAdobeAdobe Photoshop CC 2015.5’



I’ve disabled my antivirus while its updated, I’ve uninstalled and attempted to change permissions with no success.

Honestly, I’m angry because, for such a major update, it seems I’m not the only one getting this error in one way or another, but the info on the adobe site is extremely vague.

Thank you for your help!

Hi all,

I’ve been getting this issue for every single one of my adobe products but, since I’m in need of photoshop most, I decided to post here and hopefully whatever fix I find will apply to the rest.

I keep getting error code 146 when trying to update/reinstall adobe photoshop (since I assumed uninstalling would solve the problem if it was an updating issue). The error code I’m getting at the moment is this:

<PRE>Exit Code: 146

————————————— Summary —————————————

— 2 fatal error(s), 0 error(s), 1 warnings(s)

FATAL: Error (Code = 146) executing in command ‘MoveDirectoryCommand’ for package: ‘AdobePhotoshop17-Core_x64’, version:

FATAL: Error occurred in install of package (Name: AdobePhotoshop17-Core_x64 Version: Error code: ‘146’

WARN: Failed to move directory ‘C:adobeTempETR7F5D.tmp1Application’ to ‘C:Program FilesAdobeAdobe Photoshop CC 2015.5’



I’ve disabled my antivirus while its updated, I’ve uninstalled and attempted to change permissions with no success.

Honestly, I’m angry because, for such a major update, it seems I’m not the only one getting this error in one way or another, but the info on the adobe site is extremely vague.

Thank you for your help!

I can only see this as an installer issue, not a workstation issue. The old 2015 versions installed without any hassle or problem. If its permissions, the permissions for those areas are unchanged from when I ran the old installations so not sure why now it would be a problem. Running as «Administrator» though should have solved it if it were that since Admin typically has end-all be-all permissions on the machine.

The failure seems to happen in the last stages of installation (75%) as when any successful installation hits 80% it starts removing the old version so its definitely something in the post install section.

Meh….release day consumer UAT I suppose…(FIX IT IN PRODUCTION!)


Workaround for me (albeit a slightly ghetto solution) to get the installs to work finally was creating the following folders manually and re-running the installation. Once I did this, each of the installs completed without issue and the apps fired up without issue as well. Your experience may vary of course. If I cared more and this hadn’t worked, I’d have done a close monitor of the install behavior to try and pinpoint the actual hangup but this sufficed and Adobe doesn’t pay me to debug their software.

If it weren’t obvious by now, yes I work in IT. One might ask why I didn’t do all this initially before posting here, simply answered, I try not to do work when I’m at home and I pay Adobe for this stuff to «just work» as most users would say.

If this solution does work for you, please save your thanks, just send money :grinning_face_with_big_eyes:

Folders in bold were new.

<usersdirectory> = The location of your «Users» folder, usually C:Users, for some of us though, elsewhere.

<username> = Your Windows username folder.

Photoshop 2015.5

  • <usersdirectory>
    • <username>
      • AppData
        • Roaming
          • Adobe
            • Adobe Photoshop CC 2015.5
              • Adobe Photoshop CC 2015.5 Settings

Illustrator 2015.3

  • <usersdirectory>
    • <username>
      • AppData
        • Roaming
          • Adobe
            • Adobe Illustrator
              • 20.0.0
            • Adobe Illustrator 20 Settings

Premiere Pro 2015.3

  • <usersdirectory>
    • <username>
      • AppData
        • Roaming
          • Adobe
            • Premiere Pro
              • 10.0

After Effects 2015.3

  • <usersdirectory>
    • <username>
      • AppData
        • Roaming
          • Adobe
            • After Effects
              • 13.8
                • Cache
                • DVADialogPrefs
                • MediaIO
                • ModifiedWorkspaces
                • OriginalUserWorkspaces
                • Presets
            • Character Animator
              • Preview 4

Prelude 2015.4

  • <usersdirectory>
    • <username>
      • AppData
        • Roaming
          • Adobe
            • Prelude
              • 5.0

Muse 2015.2

  • <usersdirectory>
    • <username>
      • AppData
        • Roaming
          • com.adobe.AdobeMuseCC.2015.2
          • Adobe
            • Adobe Muse CC
              • 2015.2

Audition 2015.2

  • <usersdirectory>
    • Public
      • Documents
        • AdobeInstalledCodecs (If installing Media Encoder first, this dir gets removed after a successful install and needs to be re-created to complete Audition installation)
    • <username>
      • AppData
        • Roaming
          • Adobe
            • GPUSniffer
              • 9.0
            • Audition
              • 9.0
                • EffectPresets
                • MediaIO
                • Workspace

Animate 2015.2

  • <usersdirectory>
    • AppData
      • Local
        • Adobe
          • Animate CC 2015.2
      • Roaming
        • Adobe
          • Animate
            • 2015.2

Media Encoder 2015.3

  • <usersdirectory>
    • Public
      • Documents
        • AdobeInstalledCodecs (If installing Audition, this dir gets removed after a successful install and needs to be re-created to complete Audition installation)
    • <username>
      • Documents
        • Adobe
          • Adobe Media Encoder
            • 10.0
              • ArchivedWorkspaces
              • SavedWorkspaces
              • SyncBackup
              • logs
      • AppData
        • Roaming
          • Adobe
            • Adobe Media Encoder
              • 10.0

I can only see this as an installer issue, not a workstation issue. The old 2015 versions installed without any hassle or problem. If its permissions, the permissions for those areas are unchanged from when I ran the old installations so not sure why now it would be a problem. Running as «Administrator» though should have solved it if it were that since Admin typically has end-all be-all permissions on the machine.

The failure seems to happen in the last stages of installation (75%) as when any successful installation hits 80% it starts removing the old version so its definitely something in the post install section.

Meh….release day consumer UAT I suppose…(FIX IT IN PRODUCTION!)


Workaround for me (albeit a slightly ghetto solution) to get the installs to work finally was creating the following folders manually and re-running the installation. Once I did this, each of the installs completed without issue and the apps fired up without issue as well. Your experience may vary of course. If I cared more and this hadn’t worked, I’d have done a close monitor of the install behavior to try and pinpoint the actual hangup but this sufficed and Adobe doesn’t pay me to debug their software.

If it weren’t obvious by now, yes I work in IT. One might ask why I didn’t do all this initially before posting here, simply answered, I try not to do work when I’m at home and I pay Adobe for this stuff to «just work» as most users would say.

If this solution does work for you, please save your thanks, just send money :grinning_face_with_big_eyes:

Folders in bold were new.

<usersdirectory> = The location of your «Users» folder, usually C:Users, for some of us though, elsewhere.

<username> = Your Windows username folder.

Photoshop 2015.5

  • <usersdirectory>
    • <username>
      • AppData
        • Roaming
          • Adobe
            • Adobe Photoshop CC 2015.5
              • Adobe Photoshop CC 2015.5 Settings

Illustrator 2015.3

  • <usersdirectory>
    • <username>
      • AppData
        • Roaming
          • Adobe
            • Adobe Illustrator
              • 20.0.0
            • Adobe Illustrator 20 Settings

Premiere Pro 2015.3

  • <usersdirectory>
    • <username>
      • AppData
        • Roaming
          • Adobe
            • Premiere Pro
              • 10.0

After Effects 2015.3

  • <usersdirectory>
    • <username>
      • AppData
        • Roaming
          • Adobe
            • After Effects
              • 13.8
                • Cache
                • DVADialogPrefs
                • MediaIO
                • ModifiedWorkspaces
                • OriginalUserWorkspaces
                • Presets
            • Character Animator
              • Preview 4

Prelude 2015.4

  • <usersdirectory>
    • <username>
      • AppData
        • Roaming
          • Adobe
            • Prelude
              • 5.0

Muse 2015.2

  • <usersdirectory>
    • <username>
      • AppData
        • Roaming
          • com.adobe.AdobeMuseCC.2015.2
          • Adobe
            • Adobe Muse CC
              • 2015.2

Audition 2015.2

  • <usersdirectory>
    • Public
      • Documents
        • AdobeInstalledCodecs (If installing Media Encoder first, this dir gets removed after a successful install and needs to be re-created to complete Audition installation)
    • <username>
      • AppData
        • Roaming
          • Adobe
            • GPUSniffer
              • 9.0
            • Audition
              • 9.0
                • EffectPresets
                • MediaIO
                • Workspace

Animate 2015.2

  • <usersdirectory>
    • AppData
      • Local
        • Adobe
          • Animate CC 2015.2
      • Roaming
        • Adobe
          • Animate
            • 2015.2

Media Encoder 2015.3

  • <usersdirectory>
    • Public
      • Documents
        • AdobeInstalledCodecs (If installing Audition, this dir gets removed after a successful install and needs to be re-created to complete Audition installation)
    • <username>
      • Documents
        • Adobe
          • Adobe Media Encoder
            • 10.0
              • ArchivedWorkspaces
              • SavedWorkspaces
              • SyncBackup
              • logs
      • AppData
        • Roaming
          • Adobe
            • Adobe Media Encoder
              • 10.0
Icon Ex Номер ошибки: Ошибка 146
Название ошибки: Windows 7 Error Code 0146
Описание ошибки: Ошибка 146: Возникла ошибка в приложении Windows 7. Приложение будет закрыто. Приносим извинения за неудобства.
Разработчик: Microsoft Corporation
Программное обеспечение: Windows 7
Относится к: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10, 11

Фон «Windows 7 Error Code 0146»

Как правило, специалисты по ПК называют «Windows 7 Error Code 0146» как тип «ошибки времени выполнения». Когда дело доходит до Windows 7, инженеры программного обеспечения используют арсенал инструментов, чтобы попытаться сорвать эти ошибки как можно лучше. Поскольку разработчики программного обеспечения пытаются предотвратить это, некоторые незначительные ошибки, такие как ошибка 146, возможно, не были найдены на этом этапе.

Ошибка 146 также отображается как «Windows 7 Error Code 0146». Это распространенная ошибка, которая может возникнуть после установки программного обеспечения. Таким образом, конечные пользователи предупреждают поставщиков о наличии ошибок 146 проблем, предоставляя информацию разработчику. Microsoft Corporation может устранить обнаруженные проблемы, а затем загрузить измененный файл исходного кода, позволяя пользователям обновлять свою версию. Если есть запрос на обновление Windows 7, это обычно обходной путь для устранения проблем, таких как ошибка 146 и другие ошибки.

В большинстве случаев вы увидите «Windows 7 Error Code 0146» во время загрузки Windows 7. Это три основных триггера для ошибок во время выполнения, таких как ошибка 146:

Ошибка 146 Crash — это типичная ошибка 146 во время выполнения, которая полностью аварийно завершает работу компьютера. Это возникает, когда Windows 7 не реагирует на ввод должным образом или не знает, какой вывод требуется взамен.

Утечка памяти «Windows 7 Error Code 0146» — ошибка 146 утечка памяти приводит к увеличению размера Windows 7 и используемой мощности, что приводит к низкой эффективности систем. Это может быть вызвано неправильной конфигурацией программного обеспечения Microsoft Corporation или когда одна команда запускает цикл, который не может быть завершен.

Ошибка 146 Logic Error — логическая ошибка Windows 7 возникает, когда она производит неправильный вывод, несмотря на то, что пользователь предоставляет правильный ввод. Это происходит, когда исходный код Microsoft Corporation вызывает уязвимость при обработке информации.

Как правило, такие Microsoft Corporation ошибки возникают из-за повреждённых или отсутствующих файлов Windows 7 Error Code 0146, а иногда — в результате заражения вредоносным ПО в настоящем или прошлом, что оказало влияние на Windows 7. Для устранения неполадок, связанных с файлом Microsoft Corporation, большинство профессионалов ПК заменят файл на соответствующую версию. Если ошибка Windows 7 Error Code 0146 возникла в результате его удаления по причине заражения вредоносным ПО, мы рекомендуем запустить сканирование реестра, чтобы очистить все недействительные ссылки на пути к файлам, созданные вредоносной программой.

Распространенные проблемы Windows 7 Error Code 0146

Наиболее распространенные ошибки Windows 7 Error Code 0146, которые могут возникнуть на компьютере под управлением Windows, перечислены ниже:

  • «Ошибка программного обеспечения Windows 7 Error Code 0146. «
  • «Windows 7 Error Code 0146 не является программой Win32. «
  • «Возникла ошибка в приложении Windows 7 Error Code 0146. Приложение будет закрыто. Приносим извинения за неудобства.»
  • «Windows 7 Error Code 0146 не может быть найден. «
  • «Отсутствует файл Windows 7 Error Code 0146.»
  • «Ошибка запуска программы: Windows 7 Error Code 0146.»
  • «Файл Windows 7 Error Code 0146 не запущен.»
  • «Ошибка Windows 7 Error Code 0146. «
  • «Windows 7 Error Code 0146: путь приложения является ошибкой. «

Эти сообщения об ошибках Microsoft Corporation могут появляться во время установки программы, в то время как программа, связанная с Windows 7 Error Code 0146 (например, Windows 7) работает, во время запуска или завершения работы Windows, или даже во время установки операционной системы Windows. Отслеживание того, когда и где возникает ошибка Windows 7 Error Code 0146, является важной информацией при устранении проблемы.

Источники проблем Windows 7 Error Code 0146

Проблемы Windows 7 Error Code 0146 могут быть отнесены к поврежденным или отсутствующим файлам, содержащим ошибки записям реестра, связанным с Windows 7 Error Code 0146, или к вирусам / вредоносному ПО.

Более конкретно, данные ошибки Windows 7 Error Code 0146 могут быть вызваны следующими причинами:

  • Недопустимая (поврежденная) запись реестра Windows 7 Error Code 0146.
  • Вирус или вредоносное ПО, повреждающее Windows 7 Error Code 0146.
  • Windows 7 Error Code 0146 злонамеренно удален (или ошибочно) другим изгоем или действительной программой.
  • Другое программное приложение, конфликтующее с Windows 7 Error Code 0146.
  • Windows 7 (Windows 7 Error Code 0146) поврежден во время загрузки или установки.

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Adobe is a computer application basically helps users to do many things. With the help of this application, you can watch videos, stream videos, multimedia contents, and many more things. Many people prefer to use this Adobe application for its user-friendly interface and many advanced facilities. However, this all facilities and features do not make it an error-free technology. While installing or updating you can face the Adobe error 146 issues on your device.

This Adobe error 146 failure message directly related to the Creative Cloud application. Whenever you try to install or update the Creative Cloud application of Adobe, this error message may appear on your computer screen. This problem basically occurs due to problems in the system files of the Creative Cloud application. Many times it is has been seen that, if you are using an outdated version of the software, then it can occur. Moreover, if there is no enough directory in your system, then it may also lead you to such problems. Also, any installed antivirus or Windows Firewall may also cause this kind of issue in your device. Due to this Adobe error code 146, you may not able to access your device properly.

This is one of the most common problems among the Adobe application users. If you are a tech-savvy person, then you can fix the issue quickly. But if you are not a tech-savvy person, then you can opt for some help from this article.

Adobe Error 146: Easy Solution Methods

Whenever you face any error message on your device regarding any application. Then it is important to resolve the issue as soon as possible to access it normally. There are many possible solution methods to fix the Adobe error 146 issues.

Here we are going to discuss some of the easy and effective ways to troubleshoot the error code. Follow the article carefully and try to implement them in your device.

Solution 1: Upgrade To Latest VersionUpdate Creative Cloud Software

Many times you may face this kind of problem in your system because of the outdated version on the application. Outdated Creative Cloud application may prevent you to install or update any other application. That’s why updating the application is important to fix the issue as soon as possible.

To do that, open the search windows by pressing the Windows key and S buttons together. Then type in ‘Creative Cloud’ in the search box and tap on the Enter button. After that, open the application and navigate to the Update option under the Menu. Now, click on the update option and then it will be updated to the latest version. After finishing the procedure, restart your device and access your system without having any problem.

Solution 2: Temporarily Disable Antivirus Or FirewallDisable Antivirus and Firewall

Sometimes when you try to install the Adobe Creative Cloud application, then installed antivirus or Windows Firewall may create some problems. This antivirus or Firewall may think this application as a thread for the system. That’s why they block the app. For that reason, you may encounter this kind of problem on your device. So, if you are facing the problem for this reason. Then disable the antivirus is the only option to eliminate the issue.

So, open the installed antivirus and access its Menu. Under that, you can see the Disable option, click on it and restart your device. After that, you will not face this problem anymore.

Solution 3: Remove Existing Damage FilesRemove Existing Damaged Files

If you are trying to install any damaged or corrupted file in your device. Then it will prevent you to do the task. That’s why it is always very important to install a correct system file on your device. So, go to the File Manager and navigate to the Adobe Creative Cloud application and delete it from your device. After that, open a web browser and download the latest and updated Adobe system files. Then install it in your device.

Solution 4: Create Required DirectoryCreate Required Directory

If you are encountering the Adobe Error code 146 issue in your device. It may a reason that there is not enough directory in your device. You can manually create the required directory to eliminate the issue.
To do that, open the File Manager and click on the Drive (C:). After that, click on Program Files and under that select the Adobe. Then, click on the Adobe Photoshop CC 2015.5 directory to fix the issue.

Solution 5: Install All Windows UpdatesInstall All Windows Update

Go to the Start menu and access Update option from the Control Panel. Your system will automatically search for the recent updates which are available for the Windows version. After finding the correct one, it will automatically download it and install those files into your system.

By implementing these solutions you can fix the Adobe error 146 problems. Despite that, if you are still facing the issue again in your system.

Wrapping Up

We hope that, after going through the procedures mentioned above, you will able to fix the Adobe error 146 issues. In the future, if you encounter the error again then revisit the website for additional information and knowledge. In case you face any disruption while performing the steps, then write it down in the comment section below. We will try to come up with a dedicated post on the subject in the question. It would be nice to hear back from you.

Get More Info Related To Adobe Issue with Solutions Visit Our Website Errorcode0x.

When you attempt to open a previously saved file in Adobe Premiere Pro, you receive the following error message: Premiere Pro has encountered an error. f:mightysilt_win64sharedadobemediacoremediafoundationapiinc/Keyframe/keyframe.h-146 Solution: Prevent further project corruption by uninstalling iCloud


  1. Upgrade to the latest version of Creative Cloud desktop app. …
  2. Temporarily disable antivirus or security software. …
  3. Remove any existing corrupt installation. …
  4. Manually create the required directory. …
  5. Verify file permissions. …
  6. Configure the controlled folder access settings in Windows 10 to allow Creative Cloud app.


What does error code 146 mean?

Error code 146 indicates that the installer is unable to move a file from the temporary folder where it was first downloaded. 1. Select the Installation failed link in the error message. 2. In the pop-up dialog box, select View error log.

How do I fix error code 46?

See how to fix error 46. Error code 46 indicates that the installation failed, as the installer wasn’t able to access a file or directory that is required for installation. Quit the installer and launch it again to retry.

Why do I get error code C105 when trying to install Adobe?

This issue occurs when you do not have read/write permissions on hdpim.db file, or the hdpim.db file is corrupt. Select Retry to install/uninstall again. For more information, see Unable to install Adobe apps | Error 105. Error code C105 indicates that the installation fails when you try to install Adobe apps, such as Photoshop or Illustrator.

What is error code 1406 and how to fix it?

Error code 1406 indicates that installation quit while you were trying to install Adobe Acrobat or Adobe Reader 7 or later on Windows. This usually happens when the product could not write value Folders to the specified key during installation.

How do I fix an adobe installation error?

To fix these errors, follow the given steps.Create a new local user account with administrator privileges for your machine. … Sign in to your machine using that account.Uninstall the Creative Cloud desktop app using the Creative Cloud desktop app uninstaller.Download the Creative Cloud desktop app.More items…•

Why are my Adobe installations failing?

The Creative Cloud desktop app fails to install or update usually because the Creative Cloud apps on your machine have become corrupted or your machine can’t connect to the Adobe servers.

How do I fix Adobe error 176?

Exit code 176 means «Unable to install on a network drive. Select another install location in your preferences and retry installing.» As you have mentioned you are getting this error, please make sure that the drive where you are trying to install the product is not a network drive. Hope this helps.

What is a 145 error?

Stkr Error 145 indicates that the installer is unable to overwrite some of the currently written files or folders. Please uninstall the current installation of Illustrator by following the steps listed in Uninstall or remove Creative Cloud apps​.

How do I repair Adobe Acrobat Reader DC?

Repair Reader or Acrobat(Reader) Choose Help > Repair Adobe Reader Installation.(Acrobat) Choose Help > Repair Acrobat Installation.

Why is Adobe Acrobat not working?

Installing the latest updates might solve the issue. Open Acrobat Reader DC or Acrobat DC. Select Help > Check for Updates. If the Updater dialog box appears, click Yes.

How do I fix Error 145?

Error 145 means that your WordPress database is damaged or corrupted. The easiest way to repair your WP database is using phpMyAdmin. Once you login to phpMyAdmin, choose your WP database. You will then need to select the checkboxes next to tables that you wish to repair.

How do I fix error 1045 in MySQL?

If you have a password, you can ignore this part.Type in: use MySQL;Press Enter.Set your MySQL password with the following command, replacing “EnterYourPasswordHere” with your new chosen password: UPDATE mysql. … Press Enter.Flush the privileges by typing: FLUSH PRIVILEGES;Exit by typing: Exit.Press Enter.

How do I fix Adobe Reader not working on Windows 10?

We can fix this by performing the following steps.Open Adobe Reader and from the menu bar click on Help, a list of options will appear.Now click on Repair Installation from the drop-down list, a prompt window will ask for your permission, just select “Yes” and continue the repairing process.More items…•

Can not install Adobe Reader Windows 10?

How can I fix Adobe Reader install does not start?Open the Program Install and Uninstall Troubleshooter. … Download the software from the distribution page. … Uninstall previous Adobe Reader software. … Run the Adobe Reader installer as administrator. … Clear the Windows file system transaction log. … Turn off McAfee VirusScan.

How do I force Adobe Reader to uninstall?

To use the uninstaller, do the following:Choose Start > Control Panel.Double-click Add/Remove Programs.Do one of the following: If you installed Adobe Reader 8.0 from the Adobe Reader 8.0 CD/DVD, then select Adobe Reader 8.0 and click Remove. Follow the onscreen instructions to remove Adobe Reader 8.0.

How do you update Adobe?

These steps are similar on Windows, Macintosh, Android, and iPhone….How to Update Adobe Reader AutomaticallyStep 1: Launch Acrobat Reader. … Step 2: Click on ‘Help’ … Step 3: Choose ‘Check for Updates’ … Step 4: Follow Instructions in the Updater Window.

Crash with keyframe.h-146 error when you open a project

When you attempt to open a previously saved file in Adobe Premiere Pro, you receive the following error message:

Solution: Prevent further project corruption by uninstalling iCloud

Apple iCloud update causes this issue. When you have this update installed, and access the File Save dialog in Adobe Premiere Pro, your projects can become corrupt. The following workarounds prevent this issue from happening to additional projects. The next section of covers how to recover files that the iCloud update damaged.

Recover corrupt projects

To recover files that the iCloud update damaged, run a user-created repair script. The script is available for download here:

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  • Adobe error 146 is related to the Creative Cloud application directly. Whenever you will attempt to install or update the Creative Cloud application, the error code 146 will pop up. This issue generally arises due to problems in the system files of the Creative Cloud application.

    Causes of the Adobe Error 146

    Some of the common reasons for the Adobe error code 146 are listed below:

    • If you are using an old version of Creative Cloud, then the error code 146 may arise.
    • The installer failing to move a file from the temporary folder where it was first installed.
    • Installed antivirus or Windows Firewall

    Fixes to Solve Adobe Error Code 146

    Luckily there are various possible methods to solve Adobe Error 146. Here you will find some of the effective and easy ways to fix it. Simply go through and try to apply them to your system for a quick resolution.
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    Fix 1: Upgrade Creative Cloud to the Latest Version

    An outdated Creative Cloud application may restrict you from installing or updating any other apps. That is why updating it is very much necessary to fix the issue.

    In order to do that, go to the search section of Windows by pressing together the Windows key and S button. Thereafter, type in the search box, ‘Creative Cloud’ and hit the Enter button. Next, browse the application and go to ‘Update’ under the Menu. 

    After that, hit the Update option and you will get the application in the updated version. On finishing the process, get your system restarted and access it without facing any problem.

    Fix 2: Temporarily Disable Firewall or Antivirus

    Sometimes, when you attempt installing the Adobe Creative Cloud app, the then installed Firewall or antivirus might create some problems. This Firewall or antivirus may mistakenly consider this app as a threat to the PC. That is the reason they block the application. As a result, you might encounter this type of error on your system. So, disabling the antivirus is the best option to eliminate the issue.

    For this, go to the installed antivirus and navigate its Menu. Within that, you can find the Disable option, tap on it and reboot your system. Doing this, you won’t face this issue again.

    Fix 3: Delete the Prevailing Damaged Files   

    If you try to install any corrupted or damaged files in your system, it will act as an obstacle for you to perform the task. Hence, it is advised to install on your device, the correct system files.

    So, open the File Manager and go to Adobe Creative Cloud app and get it deleted from your system. After doing that, go to a web browser to download and install the updated and latest Adobe system files.   

    Fix 4: Design Required Directory

    Due to a lack of directory in your system, you may encounter the error Adobe Error Code 146. You can create the desired directory manually in order to eliminate the issue. For that, go to the File Manager and tap on the C: Drive. Next, hit the Program Files and choose Adobe under that. 

    After that, you need to create the directory manually. You will get the name of the directory from the error message itself when this 146 error code pops up. For example, if you face problems with the installation of Adobe Photoshop, your directory name will include Photoshop in it.

    Fix 5: Download and Install Windows Updates

    Move to the Start menu and from the Control Panel access the Windows Update option. Your device will on its own look for the latest updates that are accessible for your Windows version. After discovering the right one, it will download and install those folders and files in your device.
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    While installing or updating Creative Cloud apps (for example, Adobe Photoshop or Adobe Bridge) using the Adobe Creative Cloud desktop app, you get Error Code 146 or Error Code 147. The error summary may read as follows:

    Exit Code: 146
    -------------------------------------- Summary --------------------------------------
    - 2 fatal error(s), 0 error(s), 1 warnings(s)

    FATAL: Error (Code = 146) executing in command 'MoveDirectoryCommand' for package: 'AdobePhotoshop17-Core_x64', version:
    FATAL: Error occurred in install of package (Name: AdobePhotoshop17-Core_x64 Version: Error code: '146'
    WARN: Failed to move directory 'C:adobeTempETR5515.tmp1Application' to 'C:Program FilesAdobeAdobe Photoshop CC 2015.5'

    This error generally occurs when the installer is unable to move a file from the temporary folder where it was first downloaded.


    Temporarily disable antivirus or security software until Creative Cloud app download and installation are complete. Certain software titles may interfere with the creation of the folders required in the installation process, resulting in this error. Details on how to adjust the security settings for two popular security software titles follow:




    Links for third-party apps are provided as a courtesy to our users and may contain out-of-date information or screen clips. For specific and latest instructions, contact your antivirus/security software vendor.

    There might be installation records of Adobe product you are trying to install on your system that may have become corrupted or may be causing problems with a new installation. Run the Adobe Creative Cloud Cleaner Tool to remove any such prior installations. See Use the Creative Cloud Cleaner Tool to solve installation problems for more information.

    Manually create the directory mentioned in the error message. In the example error at the top of this page, you could manually create the C:Program FilesAdobeAdobe Photoshop CC 2015.5 directory to resolve the error.

    For full details of the error encountered, review the Install.log file. See Find and check my installation logs for more information on reviewing this file.


    Several users with customized user directory locations or other system variables have found success with this solution.

    Verify that file permissions are set appropriately on the folders being created. See Verify file permissions for more information.

    Controlled folder access is a Windows 10 feature that helps protect your documents and files from modification by suspicious applications. To resolve this error, add the affected Creative Cloud app to the list of safe or allowed applications in controlled access folder settings.

    Follow these steps to configure controlled folder access to allow the Creative Cloud app.

    1. Quit the affected Creative Cloud app, if it’s already running.

    2. In Windows, click Start and then click the settings  icon.

      The Windows Settings dialog is displayed.

    3. In the left pane, select Windows Security and then click Virus & threat protection.

      The Virus & threat protection dialog is displayed.

    4. In the Virus & Threat Protection settings, click Manage settings.

    5. In the settings window, scroll to Controlled folder access section, and then click Manage Controlled Folder Access.

    6. Click Allow An App Through Controlled Folder Access.

    7. Click Add An Allowed App. From the drop-down list, select Recently Blocked Apps.

    8. Look for the executable file (.exe) of the affected Creative Cloud app. 

    9. To add the affected Creative Cloud app to the list of allowed apps, click the (+) sign.

      Your Creative Cloud app is successfully added to the list of allowed applications.

    Adobe error 146 is directly related to the Creative Cloud application. Whenever you try to install or update the Creative Cloud app, error code 146 will appear. This issue is usually caused by problems with the system files of the Creative Cloud application.

    Read: How to Fix Adobe Reader Error 129 (Resolved)

    Read: Adobe Assistant Services

    Cause of Adobe Error 146

    Some of the common causes of Adobe error code 146 are listed below:

    • Error code 146 may appear if you are using an older version of Creative Cloud.
    • The installer fails to move a file from the temporary folder where it was first installed.
    • Antivirus installed or Windows Firewall

    How to Fix Adobe Error Code 146

    Fortunately, there are several possible methods to resolve Adobe error 146. Here are some effective and easy ways to solve it. Just review and try to implement them on your system for a quick resolution.

    Fix 1: Upgrade Creative Cloud to the latest version

    An outdated Creative Cloud app may be preventing you from installing or updating other apps. This is why updating is so necessary to fix the problem.

    To do this, go to the Windows Search section by pressing the Windows key and the S button together. Then type in the search field, “creative cloud” and hit the Enter button. Next, browse the app and navigate to “Updates” from the menu.

    After that tap on the Update option and you will get the app in the updated version. Once the process is complete, restart your system and access it without facing any issues.

    Fix 2: Temporarily Disable Firewall or Antivirus

    Sometimes when you try to install Adobe Creative Cloud applications, the firewall or antivirus installed at that time can cause problems. This firewall or antivirus may mistakenly consider this application to be a threat to the PC. That’s why they block the app. Hence, you may see this type of error in your system. So, disabling antivirus is the best option to eliminate the problem.

    To do this, go to the installed antivirus and navigate through its menu. In this frame, you can find Disable option, tap on it and restart your system. By doing this you will no longer face this problem.

    Fix 3: Delete Existing Damaged Files

    It will prevent you from working if you try to install corrupt or damaged files in your system. Therefore, it is advisable to install the correct system files on your device.

    So, open File Manager and go to Adobe Creative Cloud Application and remove it from your system. After that, go to the web browser to download and install the updated and latest Adobe system files.

    Fix 4: Directory Required by Design

    Due to the lack of directory in your system, you may face Adobe error code 146 error. You can manually create the desired directory to eliminate the problem. To do this go to File Manager and tap on the C: drive. Then click on Program Files and choose Adobe under it.

    After that, you have to create the directory manually. You will get the directory name from the error message itself when this error code 146 appears. For example, if you’re having trouble installing Adobe Photoshop, your directory name would include Photoshop.

    Fix 5: Download and Install Windows Update

    Go to Start Menu and from Control Panel go to Windows Update option. Your device will automatically search for the latest available update for your version of Windows. After doing the right search, it will download and install those folders and files on your device.


    In the above article, you will find a brief description of the How to Fix Adobe Error Code 146. We suggest that you read these above methods very carefully and apply them. If you like the post please do share it with others and also do comment your feedback.

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    Adobe is a computer application basically helps users to do many things. With the help of this application, you can watch videos, stream videos, multimedia contents, and many more things. Many people prefer to use this Adobe application for its user-friendly interface and many advanced facilities. However, this all facilities and features do not make it an error-free technology. While installing or updating you can face the Adobe error 146 issues on your device.

    This Adobe error 146 failure message directly related to the Creative Cloud application. Whenever you try to install or update the Creative Cloud application of Adobe, this error message may appear on your computer screen. This problem basically occurs due to problems in the system files of the Creative Cloud application. Many times it is has been seen that, if you are using an outdated version of the software, then it can occur. Moreover, if there is no enough directory in your system, then it may also lead you to such problems. Also, any installed antivirus or Windows Firewall may also cause this kind of issue in your device. Due to this Adobe error code 146, you may not able to access your device properly.

    This is one of the most common problems among the Adobe application users. If you are a tech-savvy person, then you can fix the issue quickly. But if you are not a tech-savvy person, then you can opt for some help from this article.

    Adobe Error 146: Easy Solution Methods

    Whenever you face any error message on your device regarding any application. Then it is important to resolve the issue as soon as possible to access it normally. There are many possible solution methods to fix the Adobe error 146 issues.

    Here we are going to discuss some of the easy and effective ways to troubleshoot the error code. Follow the article carefully and try to implement them in your device.

    Solution 1: Upgrade To Latest VersionUpdate Creative Cloud Software

    Many times you may face this kind of problem in your system because of the outdated version on the application. Outdated Creative Cloud application may prevent you to install or update any other application. That’s why updating the application is important to fix the issue as soon as possible.

    To do that, open the search windows by pressing the Windows key and S buttons together. Then type in ‘Creative Cloud’ in the search box and tap on the Enter button. After that, open the application and navigate to the Update option under the Menu. Now, click on the update option and then it will be updated to the latest version. After finishing the procedure, restart your device and access your system without having any problem.

    Solution 2: Temporarily Disable Antivirus Or FirewallDisable Antivirus and Firewall

    Sometimes when you try to install the Adobe Creative Cloud application, then installed antivirus or Windows Firewall may create some problems. This antivirus or Firewall may think this application as a thread for the system. That’s why they block the app. For that reason, you may encounter this kind of problem on your device. So, if you are facing the problem for this reason. Then disable the antivirus is the only option to eliminate the issue.

    So, open the installed antivirus and access its Menu. Under that, you can see the Disable option, click on it and restart your device. After that, you will not face this problem anymore.

    Solution 3: Remove Existing Damage FilesRemove Existing Damaged Files

    If you are trying to install any damaged or corrupted file in your device. Then it will prevent you to do the task. That’s why it is always very important to install a correct system file on your device. So, go to the File Manager and navigate to the Adobe Creative Cloud application and delete it from your device. After that, open a web browser and download the latest and updated Adobe system files. Then install it in your device.

    Solution 4: Create Required DirectoryCreate Required Directory

    If you are encountering the Adobe Error code 146 issue in your device. It may a reason that there is not enough directory in your device. You can manually create the required directory to eliminate the issue.
    To do that, open the File Manager and click on the Drive (C:). After that, click on Program Files and under that select the Adobe. Then, click on the Adobe Photoshop CC 2015.5 directory to fix the issue.

    Solution 5: Install All Windows UpdatesInstall All Windows Update

    Go to the Start menu and access Update option from the Control Panel. Your system will automatically search for the recent updates which are available for the Windows version. After finding the correct one, it will automatically download it and install those files into your system.

    By implementing these solutions you can fix the Adobe error 146 problems. Despite that, if you are still facing the issue again in your system.

    Wrapping Up

    We hope that, after going through the procedures mentioned above, you will able to fix the Adobe error 146 issues. In the future, if you encounter the error again then revisit the website for additional information and knowledge. In case you face any disruption while performing the steps, then write it down in the comment section below. We will try to come up with a dedicated post on the subject in the question. It would be nice to hear back from you.

    Get More Info Related To Adobe Issue with Solutions Visit Our Website Errorcode0x.


    While installing or updating Creative Cloud apps (for example, Adobe Photoshop or Adobe Bridge) using the Adobe Creative Cloud desktop app, you get Error Code 146 or Error Code 147. The error summary may read as follows:

    Exit Code: 146
    -------------------------------------- Summary --------------------------------------
    - 2 fatal error(s), 0 error(s), 1 warnings(s)

    FATAL: Error (Code = 146) executing in command 'MoveDirectoryCommand' for package: 'AdobePhotoshop17-Core_x64', version:
    FATAL: Error occurred in install of package (Name: AdobePhotoshop17-Core_x64 Version: Error code: '146'
    WARN: Failed to move directory 'C:\adobeTemp\ETR5515.tmp\1\Application' to 'C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CC 2015.5'

    This error generally occurs when the installer is unable to move a file from the temporary folder where it was first downloaded.


    Temporarily disable antivirus or security software until Creative Cloud app download and installation are complete. Certain software titles may interfere with the creation of the folders required in the installation process, resulting in this error. Details on how to adjust the security settings for two popular security software titles follow:




    Links for third-party apps are provided as a courtesy to our users and may contain out-of-date information or screen clips. For specific and latest instructions, contact your antivirus/security software vendor.

    There might be installation records of Adobe product you are trying to install on your system that may have become corrupted or may be causing problems with a new installation. Run the Adobe Creative Cloud Cleaner Tool to remove any such prior installations. See Use the Creative Cloud Cleaner Tool to solve installation problems for more information.

    Manually create the directory mentioned in the error message. In the example error at the top of this page, you could manually create the C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CC 2015.5 directory to resolve the error.

    For full details of the error encountered, review the Install.log file. See Find and check my installation logs for more information on reviewing this file.


    Several users with customized user directory locations or other system variables have found success with this solution.

    Verify that file permissions are set appropriately on the folders being created. See Verify file permissions for more information.

    Controlled folder access is a Windows 10 feature that helps protect your documents and files from modification by suspicious applications. To resolve this error, add the affected Creative Cloud app to the list of safe or allowed applications in controlled access folder settings.

    Follow these steps to configure controlled folder access to allow the Creative Cloud app.

    1. Quit the affected Creative Cloud app, if it’s already running.

    2. In Windows, click Start and then click the settings  icon.

      The Windows Settings dialog is displayed.

    3. Update and security

    4. In the left pane, select Windows Security and then click Virus & threat protection.

      The Virus & threat protection dialog is displayed.

      Select virus and threat protection

    5. In the Virus & Threat Protection settings, click Manage settings.

      Click Manage Settings in Virus & threat protection settings

    6. In the settings window, scroll to Controlled folder access section, and then click Manage Controlled Folder Access.

      Manage controlled folder access

    7. Click Allow An App Through Controlled Folder Access.

      Allow an app through controlled folder access

    8. Click Add An Allowed App. From the drop-down list, select Recently Blocked Apps.

      Allow recently blocked application

    9. Look for the executable file (.exe) of the affected Creative Cloud app. 

    10. To add the affected Creative Cloud app to the list of allowed apps, click the (+) sign.

      Your Creative Cloud app is successfully added to the list of allowed applications.

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