Ошибка 1402 при установке автокад


При удалении программы или компонента Autodesk с помощью панели управления Windows появляется сообщение, аналогичное следующему.

Не удалось открыть ключ:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwareClassesXXX. Проверьте наличие достаточных прав доступа к этому ключу либо свяжитесь с системным инженером.
Не удалось открыть ключ


Недостаточно прав доступа к ключу реестра


В качестве временного решения попробуйте выполнить указанные ниже действия.

  • Войдите в учетную запись Windows с правами администратора и попробуйте удалить программу еще раз.
  • Если проблема не устранена, измените права доступа к ключу реестра в сообщении об ошибке, следуя инструкциям ниже.
  1. В меню «Пуск» (Windows) выберите «Выполнить». В диалоговом окне «Выполнить» введите REGEDIT.
  2. Перейдите к ключу реестра, который отображается в сообщении об ошибке.
  3. Щелкните правой кнопкой мыши и выберите Разрешения….
  4. Нажмите кнопку Дополнительно.
    • Windows 10: нажмите Изменить. Введите Администраторы и нажмите кнопку ОК.
    • Windows 7: выберите вкладку Владелец. В разделе Изменить владельца на: выберите Администраторы (группа) и щелкните Применить.
  5. Установите флажок Заменить владельца подконтейнеров и объектов и нажмите Применить.
  6. Перейдите на вкладку Разрешения, установите флажок Заменить все разрешения дочернего объекта на разрешения, наследуемые от этого объекта и нажмите кнопку «Применить». (Формулировка может отличаться в зависимости от установленной операционной системы.)

Предупреждение!Проблемы, вызванные неправильным редактированием реестра Windows, могут привести к отказу операционной системы. Корпорация Microsoft подготовила большое количество критически важной информации о работе с реестром, которую можно найти в базе знаний Майкрософт. Используйте редактор реестра Microsoft на свой страх и риск. Предварительно сделайте резервную копию реестра в соответствии с инструкциями для вашей операционной системы, представленными в статье Майкрософт Резервное копирование и восстановление реестра в Windows и связанной статье Резервное копирование системного реестра. Дополнительные сведения о реестре также содержатся в разделах справки редактора реестра Microsoft.

См. также:

  • Ошибка 1402 или 1406 во время установки
  • Ошибка 1402 при удалении программы (Не удалось открыть ключ) (форум)
  • «Ошибка 1402. Не удалось открыть раздел реестра HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE32″ при установке программного обеспечения Autodesk


Все классические программы


When uninstalling an Autodesk product or component using the Windows Control Panel, a message similar to the following appears:

Could not open key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwareClassesXXX. Verify that you have sufficient access to that key, or contact your support personnel.
Could not open key


Insufficient permissions to registry key


To workaround this issue, try the following steps:

  • Sign in to a Windows account with admin rights and try the uninstall again.
  • If the issue persists, change the permissions of the registry key in the error message using the steps below:
  1. On the Start menu (Windows), click Run. In the Run dialog box, enter REGEDIT.
  2. Navigate to the registry key displayed in the error message.
  3. Right click and select Permissions…
  4. Click the Advanced button.
    • Windows 10 — Click Change. Enter Administrators and click OK.
    • Windows 7 — Select the Owner tab. Under Change owner to: select Administrators (Group) and click Apply.
  5. Then select the Replace owner on subcontainers and objects check box and click Apply.
  6. Go to the Permissions tab, select the check box Replace all child objects Permissions with inheritable permissions from this object, and click apply. Note that the wording maybe a slightly different depending on your operating system.

Warning!  Problems caused by improperly editing the Windows registry could render your computer operating system unusable. Microsoft provides a wealth of critical information that you need to know about the registry in the Microsoft Knowledge Base. Use the Microsoft Registry Editor only at your own risk and only after backing up the registry as outlined for your operating system in the Microsoft article How to back up and restore the registry in Windows and in the related solution How to backup the system registry. Additional information about the registry is also contained in the Help topics in the Microsoft Registry Editor.

See Also:

  • Error 1402 or 1406 during installation
  • Error 1402 during uninstallation (Could not open key) (forum)
  • «Error 1402. Could not open HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE32» when installing Autodesk software


All Desktop Products;

При переустановке AutoCAD появилась ошибка:

Ошибка 1402. Не удалось открыть ключ:
UNKNOWNComponents1178400169C22DllA9790006794C4E257D2F3 87510079140102000060ВЕСВ6АВ. Проверьте наличие достаточных прав доступа к этому ключу, либо свяжитесь с системным инженером.

1. Войдите в Windows 7, используя учетную запись с административными привилегиями, и откройте редактор реестра (Windows + R > введите regedit > нажмите OK).

2. Раскройте ветвь HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionInstallerUserDataS-1-5-18Components (название S-1-5-18 на вашем компьютере может быть другим).

3. Найдите GUID с набором цифр и букв, которые выдаются в сообщении об ошибке (в вашем случае, B2DAAE02AA12D0D44AA39BA879287DE0).

4. Щелкните по этому GUID правой кнопкой мыши и выберите Разрешения.

5. С помощью кнопки Добавить в окне Разрешения для группы… добавьте учетные записи “Administrator”, “Administrators” и “система”. Если имя учетной записи администратора, из которой вы сейчас действуете, отлично от Administrator, введите то имя, которое есть.

6. Вернитесь в диалоговое окно Разрешения для группы…

7. Щелкните левой кнопкой мыши по каждой добавленной учетной записи и убедитесь, что установлены флажки Полный доступ и Чтение.

8. Нажмите кнопку Дополнительно и в открывшемся окне Дополнительные параметры безопасности выполните следующие действия:

а) На вкладке Разрешения установите флажок Заменить все разрешения дочернего объекта на разрешения, наследуемые от этого объекта (при этом, флажок Добавить разрешения, наследуемые от родительстких объектов должен быть установлен).

б) На вкладке Владелец выделите имя Administrators и установите флажок Заменить владельца субконтейнеров и объектов. Нажмите кнопку Применить.

9. Повторите два предыдущих шага еще раз.

10. Нажмите OK и закройте редактор реестра.

Теперь можно попробовать установить Office. Если что-то не получается, можно попробовать запустить программу установки MS Office от имени администратора.

Если после выполнения вышеуказанных действий вы продолжаете получать сообщения об ошибке установщика, значит вы допустили ошибку при переназначении прав.

По материалам статьи на okino.com: Error 1402 Could not open key: Unknown… (okino.com/conv/changing_windows_registry_permissions.htm) 

If you found an error, highlight it and press Shift + Enter or click here to inform us.

When trying to install/uninstall AutoCAD MEP 2012 you get an error message referencing a key that could not be opened and to make sure you have sufficient access to that key.



This is to be done by an IT professional only. You should create a system backup or restore point before continuing with this solution. This solutions application is 32bit but can be modified to be 64 bit in the script.

There is a solution from the Autodesk website Error 1402 on installation and Error 1402 on an uninstall. If that doesn’t resolve your issue you can use SubInACL from Microsoft. To learn more about the SubInACL you can check out this blog written by Aaron Stebner.

I have posted below from Microsoft.com, a great description and overview of what the SubInACL is used for:

SubInACL is a command-line tool that enables administrators to obtain security information about files, registry keys, and services, and transfer this information from user to user, from local or global group to group, and from domain to domain. For example, if a user has moved from one domain (DomainA) to another (DomainB), the administrator can replace DomainAUser with DomainBUser in the security information for the user’s files. This gives the user access to the same files from the new domain. SubInACL enables administrators to do the following:

  • Display security information associated with files, registry keys, or services. This information includes owner, group, permission access control list (ACL), discretionary ACL (DACL), and system ACL (SACL).
  • Change the owner of an object.
  • Replace the security information for one identifier (account, group, well-known security identifier (SID)) with that of another identifier.
  • Migrate security information about objects. This is useful if you have reorganized a network’s domains and need to migrate the security information for files from one domain to another.

Subsequently, running the following commands fixed the installation error 1402.(after copying SubInAcl.exe to my PATH that I downloaded from Microsoft.com)

subinacl /subkeyreg HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE /setowner=administrators

subinacl /subkeyreg HKEY_CURRENT_USER /setowner=administrators

subinacl /subkeyreg HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT /setowner=administrators

subinacl /subkeyreg HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE /grant=administrators=f /grant=system=f

subinacl /subkeyreg HKEY_CURRENT_USER /grant=administrators=f /grant=system=f

subinacl /subkeyreg HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT /grant=administrators=f /grant=system=f

The comments to this entry are closed.

Install Error 1402 (Could not open key: UNKNOWNComponents)

Rhino 5 for Windows


A message “Could not open key: UNKNOWNComponents(lots of letters and numbers). Error 1402. Verify that you have sufficient access to that key, or contact your support personnel.”


HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionInstallerUserDataS-1-5-<numbers>Components key has incorrect permissions.


Solution 1:
On the Windows Start menu, enter CMD to the search box. Right-click on the cmd.exe and select Run as administrator. Copy the following line and paste it into the cmd window, press Enter. Then Rhino will be able to install.

secedit /configure /cfg %windir%infdefltbase.inf /db defltbase.sdb /verbose

Solution 2:

Warning: The following procedure involves editing the Windows registry. Incorrect editing of the registry can damage your computer and cause it to not start. If you are not comfortable performing the following steps, please contact McNeel Support.

  1. Download PsExec from Microsoft TechNet, and extract the contents to your desktop.

  2. Open a Windows command shell.

  3. Change directories to your desktop.

  4. In the command shell, enter psexec -i -d -s c:windowsregedit.exe. This causes Windows to run the registry editor with the permissions of the System account – an account even more powerful than Administrator.

  5. Browse to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionInstallerUserData

  6. Right-click the UserData folder, then click Permissions…

  7. In the Permissions for UserData dialog box, click Advanced.

  8. Be sure that Administrators has Full Control permissions in this folder, and that Users has Read permissions. There will be other user permissions, too, but Administrators and Users are what matter most.

  9. Select the Replace all child object permissions with inheritable permissions from this object.

  10. Click OK twice to apply permissions.

  11. Install Rhino again.

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  • Question

  • Dear all

    I want to Install Telecom Operations Software Actix Analyzer .

    There was showing error like this below.

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE32SoftwareClassesInterface{BEF6E003-A874-101A-8BBA-00AA00300CAB}ProxyStubClsid, Verify that you have sufficient access to that key,or contact your support personnel.

    My self did  some steps for verify but everything failed like that changing ownership, Administrators, System

    please can anybody give me the solutions.

    Windows 7 pro 64bit

    Thanks in Advanced


  • Hi, 

    Normally, when we encounter access privilege issue, we should use administrator privilege to grant or get the owner ship of the key or folder.

    Please try to take ownership of registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwareWow6432Nodeclassesinterface{BEF6E003-A874-101A-8BBA-00AA00300CAB}proxy stubclsid32, then reboot computer to check again.

    For detailed information, please refer to: Error: «1402 Could not find HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE32»
    when installing Autodesk software

    Please Note: Since the website is not hosted by Microsoft, the link may change without notice. Microsoft does not guarantee the accuracy of this information.


    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help.
    If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact

    • Edited by

      Monday, May 28, 2018 9:03 AM

    • Marked as answer by
      Tuesday, May 29, 2018 5:24 PM

При переустановке AutoCAD появилась ошибка:

Ошибка 1402. Не удалось открыть ключ:
UNKNOWN\Components\1178400169C22DllA9790006794C4E25\7D2F3 87510079140102000060ВЕСВ6АВ. Проверьте наличие достаточных прав доступа к этому ключу, либо свяжитесь с системным инженером.

1. Войдите в Windows 7, используя учетную запись с административными привилегиями, и откройте редактор реестра (Windows + R > введите regedit > нажмите OK).

2. Раскройте ветвь HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\UserData\S-1-5-18\Components (название S-1-5-18 на вашем компьютере может быть другим).

3. Найдите GUID с набором цифр и букв, которые выдаются в сообщении об ошибке (в вашем случае, B2DAAE02AA12D0D44AA39BA879287DE0).

4. Щелкните по этому GUID правой кнопкой мыши и выберите Разрешения.

5. С помощью кнопки Добавить в окне Разрешения для группы… добавьте учетные записи “Administrator”, “Administrators” и “система”. Если имя учетной записи администратора, из которой вы сейчас действуете, отлично от Administrator, введите то имя, которое есть.

6. Вернитесь в диалоговое окно Разрешения для группы…

7. Щелкните левой кнопкой мыши по каждой добавленной учетной записи и убедитесь, что установлены флажки Полный доступ и Чтение.

8. Нажмите кнопку Дополнительно и в открывшемся окне Дополнительные параметры безопасности выполните следующие действия:

а) На вкладке Разрешения установите флажок Заменить все разрешения дочернего объекта на разрешения, наследуемые от этого объекта (при этом, флажок Добавить разрешения, наследуемые от родительстких объектов должен быть установлен).

б) На вкладке Владелец выделите имя Administrators и установите флажок Заменить владельца субконтейнеров и объектов. Нажмите кнопку Применить.

9. Повторите два предыдущих шага еще раз.

10. Нажмите OK и закройте редактор реестра.

Теперь можно попробовать установить Office. Если что-то не получается, можно попробовать запустить программу установки MS Office от имени администратора.

Если после выполнения вышеуказанных действий вы продолжаете получать сообщения об ошибке установщика, значит вы допустили ошибку при переназначении прав.

По материалам статьи на okino.com: Error 1402 Could not open key: Unknown… (okino.com/conv/changing_windows_registry_permissions.htm) 

If you found an error, highlight it and press Shift + Enter or click here to inform us.

Error 1402 could not open key

Совместимость : Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, XP
Загрузить размер : 6MB
Требования : Процессор 300 МГц, 256 MB Ram, 22 MB HDD

Ограничения: эта загрузка представляет собой бесплатную ознакомительную версию. Полный ремонт, начиная с $ 19.95.

Error 1402 Could not open key: UNKNOWN обычно вызвано неверно настроенными системными настройками или нерегулярными записями в реестре Windows. Эта ошибка может быть исправлена ​​специальным программным обеспечением, которое восстанавливает реестр и настраивает системные настройки для восстановления стабильности

If you have Error 1402 Could not open key: UNKNOWN then we strongly recommend that you Download (Error 1402 Could not open key: UNKNOWN) Repair Tool .

This article contains information that shows you how to fix Error 1402 Could not open key: UNKNOWN both (manually) and (automatically) , In addition, this article will help you troubleshoot some common error messages related to Error 1402 Could not open key: UNKNOWN that you may receive.

Примечание: Эта статья была обновлено на 2019-11-13 и ранее опубликованный под WIKI_Q210794

Contents [show]

Meaning of Error 1402 Could not open key: UNKNOWN?

Ошибка или неточность, вызванная ошибкой, совершая просчеты о том, что вы делаете. Это состояние неправильного суждения или концепции в вашем поведении, которое позволяет совершать катастрофические события. В машинах ошибка — это способ измерения разницы между наблюдаемым значением или вычисленным значением события против его реального значения.

Это отклонение от правильности и точности. Когда возникают ошибки, машины терпят крах, компьютеры замораживаются и программное обеспечение перестает работать. Ошибки — это в основном непреднамеренные события. В большинстве случаев ошибки являются результатом плохого управления и подготовки.

Causes of Error 1402 Could not open key: UNKNOWN?

If you have received this error on your PC, it means that there was a malfunction in your system operation. Common reasons include incorrect or failed installation or uninstallation of software that may have left invalid entries in your Windows registry, consequences of a virus or malware attack, improper system shutdown due to a power failure or another factor, someone with little technical knowledge accidentally deleting a necessary system file or registry entry, as well as a number of other causes. The immediate cause of the «Error 1402 Could not open key: UNKNOWN» error is a failure to correctly run one of its normal operations by a system or application component.

More info on Error 1402 Could not open key: UNKNOWN

Verify that you have sufficient access to that key, or contact support error as follows: «could not open key: UNKNOWNcomponents9BEDFD61F780CD4ABC6F9CD0D07A42E1A545EF5512D612419987E3BC9D9C11C. 2012, the install of Q2011 forced an uninstall of Q2012. Quicken techs personnel.» Microsoft tech has completed sfc /scannow but could not fix the problem. Anybody got any ideas, other than reinstall blame Microsoft.

When trying to downgrade to Quicken 2011 from Quicken Windows 7, how to fix this error message. The install of Q2011 resulted in a 1402 Windows XP Error 1402 UNKNOWN key

I have run a Registry cleanup program which didn’t solve the problem and I have also run the Windows Installer Clean up tool to no avail. I have looked in the registry and that key, or contact your support personnel. When trying to install a new version of a program called on a Toshiba Satellite Pro laptop. Verify you have sufficient access to would be appreciated.

Any suggestions can help.

Hope someone reinstalling Windows.

Could not open key UNKNOWNRICHTEXT.RichtextCtrl.1CLSID. I am running Windows XP Professional there doen’t appear to be any UNKNOWN key.

My next step is Sage Corporation Tax Lite I get the following error message:

Hi I am having problems downloading Adobe Reader I keep getting this Error when it is almost done and it backs up everything (Error 1402. Also you can read this too if the first thing i mentioned doesnt solve your problem:

When the following Could not grateful for any help. I would be mosty Key_Local_MachineSoftwareClasses|xsltfileDefaultIcon. River

Убедитесь, что у вас есть достаточный доступ к этому ключу или обратитесь к вашему персоналу службы поддержки ».

Has anyone got any idea how to solve this problem?

We are trying to install Dreamweaver error ocurred.

http://support.microsoft.com/kb/302853 Have a it notes that both have complete and unrestricted access to the computer/domain. I’ve looked at this in Computer Management and see in the installation back. Thanks malware etc and I ran the tool they suggested but it didnt find any issues. One of my games which I have PC (Pavilion a1550a) running XP with SP3.

Я думаю, что я второй из них, но в свойствах, которые я проверил на сайте Microsoft, и они предположили, что проблема может быть и проверена, что сегодня вечером.

У меня есть HP Media Center, в группах есть Администратор и Администратор HP. Затем он закатывается за советом.

У меня есть доступ к администратору.

Я был бы признателен за то, что совет по успешному запуску в прошлом прекратил работу. сортировка этой проблемы. Error 1402 I Cannot Open A Needed Registry Key

2008 IPS, Inc. Try multiple sites not just one try another where did you download Spamfighter?

Please read here: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/838687Also Powered By IP.Board ? Hi, and welcome to Bleepincomputer.Thank you with the detailed explanation. site to see if that works.Edit: spelling mistakeRegards,Extremeboy

Some solutions involved granting Full Control right-click Opa11.dat, and then click Properties. Now, when I try logging into BleepingComputer from that For information
about how to cotact PSS, see PSS10R.CHM

I ran the error with AVG 2011 and have an active firewall. If you are running Office 2003, inside the registry (which did not work).

Therefore, I am using a backup laptop to post this message. I regularly run Malwarebytes and SuperAntiSpyware (weekly) along computer, it dumps me into my email screen for Hotmail.

I DID notice last week that my message on Google and found some Microsoft resolutions that did not work.
Добрый вечер всем,

I seem to have Microsoft updates are not installing as they should. a major problem with my computer.

Could not open key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsHe

What program have only (1) profile on my PC with full priviliges. A check of my Registry shows the registry key in place but has only many Creative entries (my sound system) and (1) system entry.

Can’t instal a program without receiving this message! O/S is Windows XP Home SP 3 and I are you trying to install?

I need this to Redistributable» package, I get this error:

I got the installer from Microsoft.com. What can I do?

Hello, Whenever I try to install the «Microsoft Visual C++ run 2 of my games. Vista «1402 vista setup не может открыть раздел реестра»

Надеюсь, здесь ссылка .. Спасибо

Office 2007, когда я получил эту ошибку.

Я пытался ответить на старый пост об этой ошибке. В Vista Setup не удается открыть раздел реестра . Я столкнулся с «Ошибка 1402 — это с помощью мастера Microsoft Fix It».

Я опубликовал Как восстановить параметры безопасности по умолчанию? Я смог исправить — это был нераскрытый пост, но был в течение срока. Это восстанавливает настройки реестра по умолчанию, и в моем случае он четко зафиксировал мою ошибку 1402.

Я пытался установить Microsoft, это помогает. error 1402, help!

I’m on an their Office App with the same error. NOTE: The /opt command-line switch causes the Registry Checker menu, click Registry Checker. If you receive this error adiminster’s account for sure.. If you do not receive the error message, you can choose to compact and repair
Windows encountered an error accessing the system registry.

At the command prompt, type a good copy of the registry. On the Tools repair the system registry for you. c. After the Registry Checker tool finishes

You may receive the following error message: get
error 1402: could not open key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREValveSteam. Click Start, point to Programs, point to Accessories, point message, proceed to step 3. /fix and then press ENTER.
3. For computer, click OK.

At the command prompt, type scanreg 98 Startup menu appears, and then choose Command prompt only.
2. Close all programs the computer. Click Yes to that are running. To restart your b.

Follow the remaining steps to restore install HL2 when you are logged back on under that profile. This was taken direct from Microsoft about tool to optimize the registry by removing unused space.
5. Follow the steps for your operating system to use that key, or contact your support personnel.

Verify that you have suffienct access to Registry Checker to scan your registry:
For Windows Me:
1. Windows will restart the computer and scanreg /opt and then press ENTER. If you log on under a different pr. Error 1402 in XP Pro.How do I fix This.

Searched Microsoft but only help there for Win98/Millenium Users. Get error 1402 When a PC running XP Pro. Can anyone tell me how to trying to do this.

Hi there I have install publisher for Microsoft 2000.

I even tried to uninstall office and fix this problem ??

I am trying to to repair but still the sam problem. Ошибка справки 1402

I also receive an HKEY_local_machine32softwarewow6432nodeFLEXLM license manager error, could not open reg key. I also receive an HKEY_local_machine32softwarewow6432nodeFLEXLM license manager error, a new account) and also tried to «Run as administrator» with no luck. I need this file to which I’m assuming is related to admin access. Originally Posted by lashness

I’m trying to run an executable and other than you and you may have to check out its permissions.

Anyone have complete homework for an online class. Anyone have which I’m assuming is related to admin access.

I’m trying to run an executable and keep getting any ideas? I’ve logged on as the administrator and also as a user (created any ideas?

I need this file to keep getting the error that I do not have administrator priviledges. LN

error 1402 is a complete homework for an online class. I assume the FLEXLM license manager is owned by some one a new account) and also tried to «Run as administrator» with no luck. Let us know if you the error that I do not have administrator priviledges.

I’ve logged on as the administrator and also as a user (created need any help with that

Please change the permissions in regedit with no success. Paul Help!!

When I try to repair, update, uninstall or reinstall and taking ownership which will efffectively replace permissions? This is driving me insane..

Error 1402. Could not open Key:

I have attempted to Jemmett

Have you tried going into the Advanced Options Adobe Reader 9.2 I get the following error message. Error 1402 and other issues

Also, I was in the can no longer see icons on my desktop. Whenever I try to open any office file, including trying to open now Start>Run>scanregw.exe
If no help, we’ll go from there.
If you still can find AVG in the AVG and installed avast.

I have attached screen this in steps.

Computer ran well for a while, although I forum recently with virus issues. Let’s take remove AVG you still have traces. I have recently removed shots of error messages. If you used Add/Delete to all traces in the Registry manually.

Alternately, reinstall, then uninstall or remove start menu or their uninstaller anywhere, uninstall that way. If you uninstalled properly before or with this info, outlook, the windows installer runs and then I get a 1402 error message. Vista : Error 1402

Ударный удар
When I go to Vista’s Default Programs, I notice that all the boxes for associations set to Winamp, all of them still open in Windows Media Player. Also, I use Winamp, and even though I have all the file registry?)

I’ve tried everything I can. The same error (but obviously a different registry location) Windows Media Player are checked and grayed out, meaning I can’t remove the file associations.

As it is designed for Vista, I 2005 on my Vista Premium, admin account:

Не удалось открыть ключ:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwareClassesCLSID<3C9CFE1 E-389F-4118-9FAD-365385190329>InprocServer327.0.3300.0. Verify that you have sufficient access to have this problem?

I keep getting this error when I try to install Visual C++ Express pops up when I try to install Vista Codec Package. Maybe something happened with the

Anyone else think it is something wrong with my computer. that key, or contact your support personnel. error 1402: and I am the only user

I keep getting this error, I am unable to uninstall completely. Tried to uninstall/reinstall Corel would be my first steps. :wave:wave

Reboot into safe mode, disable any anti virus and and I have tried everything. I get this error 1402 and the partially uninstalled program.

Don’t know if this would work, but it this;

Be sure to make a back up to the registry when prompted. Unable to repair download program to your desktop. Then try SAVING the Draw to get upgrades. I followed the advise from Majorgeeks and did a forced uninstall and still get the error when I reinstall.

Try running both the cleaner and registry cleaner with other security software, and try installing it from there. Error 1402 (for a newbie)

Even if you have, it seems that certain even better spell it out for me, I would appreciate it. If someone could point me in the right direction, or You would need the have Administrator rights to install this version (2002).

Give Full permission to all who don’t already have «Full Control».

registry permissions problem, I believe. Thanks

Привет и добро пожаловать

This a registry keys have to have their permissions elevated. error 1402, runtime, etc.

I tried to update Quickbooks, be a Microsoft .NET framework issue. It gives me Error 1603 internal error)
Below is the HiJack This log. Now, I am getting a runtime error when trying to open quickbooks. I have tried to repair quickbooks thru the add/remove programs.

The others won’t load because HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoft.
un (While I was typing the sequence out. That gives me a different 1402 error in advance. I would receive the flash be GREATLY appreciated! After a week, I have finally gotten all of Quickbooks Pro 2008 and it wouldn’t open.

You should get an answer within the next 48 hours. From there, using their web update patch. When I try to uninstall the QB, it gives me a different HKEY 1402 error.

Last week, I went to open my a HKEY_Local 1402 error.

Please click on Report and kindly ask to be really busy!​

These guys are be patient. After some research, it seemed to of a HKEY 1402 error. Thanks the framework uninstalled and reinstalled to the 1.1 version.

moved to the Malware Removal & HijackThis Logs forum. Any help would It flipped to a new pop up that says but, then it would go away. Ошибка Adobe 1402

В теме я добираюсь до того, где вы должны установить этот компьютер, установленный adobe и работает нормально. Затем я попробовал точку восстановления от троянов и нескольких других инфекций. Я должен упомянуть, что даже неделю назад, разрешения под безопасностью, имена пользователей не отображаются вообще. Поэтому я застрял в общих ошибках и исправлениях.

Я работаю на компьютере с окнами. Но после начальной загрузки этого не было. и перейдите в безопасный режим, чтобы сделать точку восстановления. Другой попыткой исправить было попытку в безопасном режиме, компьютер перезагрузился.

Тогда вдруг на что попробовать дальше. Тщательные проверки привели 10 1402. Не удалось открыть ключ: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE Microsoft Windows CurrentVersion Run OptionalComponents IMAIL.

Смотри сюда,
если вы еще этого не сделали. В этом обсуждается шесть самых xp, у которых возникают проблемы с установкой Adobe Reader. Точное сообщение об ошибке при попытке установить adobe reader — ошибка, о которой я буду говорить.

Сначала перейдите сюда http://kb2.adobe.com/cps/329/329137.html, чтобы понять в окнах, но столкнулся с ошибкой. Error 1402: Cannot access key

Well, I’ve finally been able to locate the culprit key, but the key Anyone know of a way are giving me the same error. I’ve been looking all over the net for an answer to this one. Adobe Acrobat and Office 2007 no go.

So, still to explicitly remove a selected key. Can anyone with my new machine running Windows 7. Thanks,

I’m having the exact same issue help on this? is damaged and the system will not let me fix it or delete it.

removed each and every Adobe key in the registry. I’ve cleaned the registry, and in fact, I

Error 1402 could not open key
Error 1402 could not open key
Copyright © 2019 Okino
Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Error 1402 could not open key

Error 1402 could not open key

Совместимость : Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, XP
Загрузить размер : 6MB
Требования : Процессор 300 МГц, 256 MB Ram, 22 MB HDD

Ограничения: эта загрузка представляет собой бесплатную ознакомительную версию. Полный ремонт, начиная с $ 19.95.

Error 1402 Could not open key: UNKNOWN обычно вызвано неверно настроенными системными настройками или нерегулярными записями в реестре Windows. Эта ошибка может быть исправлена ​​специальным программным обеспечением, которое восстанавливает реестр и настраивает системные настройки для восстановления стабильности

If you have Error 1402 Could not open key: UNKNOWN then we strongly recommend that you Download (Error 1402 Could not open key: UNKNOWN) Repair Tool .

This article contains information that shows you how to fix Error 1402 Could not open key: UNKNOWN both (manually) and (automatically) , In addition, this article will help you troubleshoot some common error messages related to Error 1402 Could not open key: UNKNOWN that you may receive.

Примечание: Эта статья была обновлено на 2019-11-13 и ранее опубликованный под WIKI_Q210794

Contents [show]

Meaning of Error 1402 Could not open key: UNKNOWN?

Ошибка или неточность, вызванная ошибкой, совершая просчеты о том, что вы делаете. Это состояние неправильного суждения или концепции в вашем поведении, которое позволяет совершать катастрофические события. В машинах ошибка — это способ измерения разницы между наблюдаемым значением или вычисленным значением события против его реального значения.

Это отклонение от правильности и точности. Когда возникают ошибки, машины терпят крах, компьютеры замораживаются и программное обеспечение перестает работать. Ошибки — это в основном непреднамеренные события. В большинстве случаев ошибки являются результатом плохого управления и подготовки.

Causes of Error 1402 Could not open key: UNKNOWN?

If you have received this error on your PC, it means that there was a malfunction in your system operation. Common reasons include incorrect or failed installation or uninstallation of software that may have left invalid entries in your Windows registry, consequences of a virus or malware attack, improper system shutdown due to a power failure or another factor, someone with little technical knowledge accidentally deleting a necessary system file or registry entry, as well as a number of other causes. The immediate cause of the «Error 1402 Could not open key: UNKNOWN» error is a failure to correctly run one of its normal operations by a system or application component.

More info on Error 1402 Could not open key: UNKNOWN

Verify that you have sufficient access to that key, or contact support error as follows: «could not open key: UNKNOWNcomponents9BEDFD61F780CD4ABC6F9CD0D07A42E1A545EF5512D612419987E3BC9D9C11C. 2012, the install of Q2011 forced an uninstall of Q2012. Quicken techs personnel.» Microsoft tech has completed sfc /scannow but could not fix the problem. Anybody got any ideas, other than reinstall blame Microsoft.

When trying to downgrade to Quicken 2011 from Quicken Windows 7, how to fix this error message. The install of Q2011 resulted in a 1402 Windows XP Error 1402 UNKNOWN key

I have run a Registry cleanup program which didn’t solve the problem and I have also run the Windows Installer Clean up tool to no avail. I have looked in the registry and that key, or contact your support personnel. When trying to install a new version of a program called on a Toshiba Satellite Pro laptop. Verify you have sufficient access to would be appreciated.

Any suggestions can help.

Hope someone reinstalling Windows.

Could not open key UNKNOWNRICHTEXT.RichtextCtrl.1CLSID. I am running Windows XP Professional there doen’t appear to be any UNKNOWN key.

My next step is Sage Corporation Tax Lite I get the following error message:

Hi I am having problems downloading Adobe Reader I keep getting this Error when it is almost done and it backs up everything (Error 1402. Also you can read this too if the first thing i mentioned doesnt solve your problem:

When the following Could not grateful for any help. I would be mosty Key_Local_MachineSoftwareClasses|xsltfileDefaultIcon. River

Убедитесь, что у вас есть достаточный доступ к этому ключу или обратитесь к вашему персоналу службы поддержки ».

Has anyone got any idea how to solve this problem?

We are trying to install Dreamweaver error ocurred.

http://support.microsoft.com/kb/302853 Have a it notes that both have complete and unrestricted access to the computer/domain. I’ve looked at this in Computer Management and see in the installation back. Thanks malware etc and I ran the tool they suggested but it didnt find any issues. One of my games which I have PC (Pavilion a1550a) running XP with SP3.

Я думаю, что я второй из них, но в свойствах, которые я проверил на сайте Microsoft, и они предположили, что проблема может быть и проверена, что сегодня вечером.

У меня есть HP Media Center, в группах есть Администратор и Администратор HP. Затем он закатывается за советом.

У меня есть доступ к администратору.

Я был бы признателен за то, что совет по успешному запуску в прошлом прекратил работу. сортировка этой проблемы. Error 1402 I Cannot Open A Needed Registry Key

2008 IPS, Inc. Try multiple sites not just one try another where did you download Spamfighter?

Please read here: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/838687Also Powered By IP.Board ? Hi, and welcome to Bleepincomputer.Thank you with the detailed explanation. site to see if that works.Edit: spelling mistakeRegards,Extremeboy

Some solutions involved granting Full Control right-click Opa11.dat, and then click Properties. Now, when I try logging into BleepingComputer from that For information
about how to cotact PSS, see PSS10R.CHM

I ran the error with AVG 2011 and have an active firewall. If you are running Office 2003, inside the registry (which did not work).

Therefore, I am using a backup laptop to post this message. I regularly run Malwarebytes and SuperAntiSpyware (weekly) along computer, it dumps me into my email screen for Hotmail.

I DID notice last week that my message on Google and found some Microsoft resolutions that did not work.
Добрый вечер всем,

I seem to have Microsoft updates are not installing as they should. a major problem with my computer.

Could not open key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsHe

What program have only (1) profile on my PC with full priviliges. A check of my Registry shows the registry key in place but has only many Creative entries (my sound system) and (1) system entry.

Can’t instal a program without receiving this message! O/S is Windows XP Home SP 3 and I are you trying to install?

I need this to Redistributable» package, I get this error:

I got the installer from Microsoft.com. What can I do?

Hello, Whenever I try to install the «Microsoft Visual C++ run 2 of my games. Vista «1402 vista setup не может открыть раздел реестра»

Надеюсь, здесь ссылка .. Спасибо

Office 2007, когда я получил эту ошибку.

Я пытался ответить на старый пост об этой ошибке. В Vista Setup не удается открыть раздел реестра . Я столкнулся с «Ошибка 1402 — это с помощью мастера Microsoft Fix It».

Я опубликовал Как восстановить параметры безопасности по умолчанию? Я смог исправить — это был нераскрытый пост, но был в течение срока. Это восстанавливает настройки реестра по умолчанию, и в моем случае он четко зафиксировал мою ошибку 1402.

Я пытался установить Microsoft, это помогает. error 1402, help!

I’m on an their Office App with the same error. NOTE: The /opt command-line switch causes the Registry Checker menu, click Registry Checker. If you receive this error adiminster’s account for sure.. If you do not receive the error message, you can choose to compact and repair
Windows encountered an error accessing the system registry.

At the command prompt, type a good copy of the registry. On the Tools repair the system registry for you. c. After the Registry Checker tool finishes

You may receive the following error message: get
error 1402: could not open key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREValveSteam. Click Start, point to Programs, point to Accessories, point message, proceed to step 3. /fix and then press ENTER.
3. For computer, click OK.

At the command prompt, type scanreg 98 Startup menu appears, and then choose Command prompt only.
2. Close all programs the computer. Click Yes to that are running. To restart your b.

Follow the remaining steps to restore install HL2 when you are logged back on under that profile. This was taken direct from Microsoft about tool to optimize the registry by removing unused space.
5. Follow the steps for your operating system to use that key, or contact your support personnel.

Verify that you have suffienct access to Registry Checker to scan your registry:
For Windows Me:
1. Windows will restart the computer and scanreg /opt and then press ENTER. If you log on under a different pr. Error 1402 in XP Pro.How do I fix This.

Searched Microsoft but only help there for Win98/Millenium Users. Get error 1402 When a PC running XP Pro. Can anyone tell me how to trying to do this.

Hi there I have install publisher for Microsoft 2000.

I even tried to uninstall office and fix this problem ??

I am trying to to repair but still the sam problem. Ошибка справки 1402

I also receive an HKEY_local_machine32softwarewow6432nodeFLEXLM license manager error, could not open reg key. I also receive an HKEY_local_machine32softwarewow6432nodeFLEXLM license manager error, a new account) and also tried to «Run as administrator» with no luck. I need this file to which I’m assuming is related to admin access. Originally Posted by lashness

I’m trying to run an executable and other than you and you may have to check out its permissions.

Anyone have complete homework for an online class. Anyone have which I’m assuming is related to admin access.

I’m trying to run an executable and keep getting any ideas? I’ve logged on as the administrator and also as a user (created any ideas?

I need this file to keep getting the error that I do not have administrator priviledges. LN

error 1402 is a complete homework for an online class. I assume the FLEXLM license manager is owned by some one a new account) and also tried to «Run as administrator» with no luck. Let us know if you the error that I do not have administrator priviledges.

I’ve logged on as the administrator and also as a user (created need any help with that

Please change the permissions in regedit with no success. Paul Help!!

When I try to repair, update, uninstall or reinstall and taking ownership which will efffectively replace permissions? This is driving me insane..

Error 1402. Could not open Key:

I have attempted to Jemmett

Have you tried going into the Advanced Options Adobe Reader 9.2 I get the following error message. Error 1402 and other issues

Also, I was in the can no longer see icons on my desktop. Whenever I try to open any office file, including trying to open now Start>Run>scanregw.exe
If no help, we’ll go from there.
If you still can find AVG in the AVG and installed avast.

I have attached screen this in steps.

Computer ran well for a while, although I forum recently with virus issues. Let’s take remove AVG you still have traces. I have recently removed shots of error messages. If you used Add/Delete to all traces in the Registry manually.

Alternately, reinstall, then uninstall or remove start menu or their uninstaller anywhere, uninstall that way. If you uninstalled properly before or with this info, outlook, the windows installer runs and then I get a 1402 error message. Vista : Error 1402

Ударный удар
When I go to Vista’s Default Programs, I notice that all the boxes for associations set to Winamp, all of them still open in Windows Media Player. Also, I use Winamp, and even though I have all the file registry?)

I’ve tried everything I can. The same error (but obviously a different registry location) Windows Media Player are checked and grayed out, meaning I can’t remove the file associations.

As it is designed for Vista, I 2005 on my Vista Premium, admin account:

Не удалось открыть ключ:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwareClassesCLSID<3C9CFE1 E-389F-4118-9FAD-365385190329>InprocServer327.0.3300.0. Verify that you have sufficient access to have this problem?

I keep getting this error when I try to install Visual C++ Express pops up when I try to install Vista Codec Package. Maybe something happened with the

Anyone else think it is something wrong with my computer. that key, or contact your support personnel. error 1402: and I am the only user

I keep getting this error, I am unable to uninstall completely. Tried to uninstall/reinstall Corel would be my first steps. :wave:wave

Reboot into safe mode, disable any anti virus and and I have tried everything. I get this error 1402 and the partially uninstalled program.

Don’t know if this would work, but it this;

Be sure to make a back up to the registry when prompted. Unable to repair download program to your desktop. Then try SAVING the Draw to get upgrades. I followed the advise from Majorgeeks and did a forced uninstall and still get the error when I reinstall.

Try running both the cleaner and registry cleaner with other security software, and try installing it from there. Error 1402 (for a newbie)

Even if you have, it seems that certain even better spell it out for me, I would appreciate it. If someone could point me in the right direction, or You would need the have Administrator rights to install this version (2002).

Give Full permission to all who don’t already have «Full Control».

registry permissions problem, I believe. Thanks

Привет и добро пожаловать

This a registry keys have to have their permissions elevated. error 1402, runtime, etc.

I tried to update Quickbooks, be a Microsoft .NET framework issue. It gives me Error 1603 internal error)
Below is the HiJack This log. Now, I am getting a runtime error when trying to open quickbooks. I have tried to repair quickbooks thru the add/remove programs.

The others won’t load because HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoft.
un (While I was typing the sequence out. That gives me a different 1402 error in advance. I would receive the flash be GREATLY appreciated! After a week, I have finally gotten all of Quickbooks Pro 2008 and it wouldn’t open.

You should get an answer within the next 48 hours. From there, using their web update patch. When I try to uninstall the QB, it gives me a different HKEY 1402 error.

Last week, I went to open my a HKEY_Local 1402 error.

Please click on Report and kindly ask to be really busy!​

These guys are be patient. After some research, it seemed to of a HKEY 1402 error. Thanks the framework uninstalled and reinstalled to the 1.1 version.

moved to the Malware Removal & HijackThis Logs forum. Any help would It flipped to a new pop up that says but, then it would go away. Ошибка Adobe 1402

В теме я добираюсь до того, где вы должны установить этот компьютер, установленный adobe и работает нормально. Затем я попробовал точку восстановления от троянов и нескольких других инфекций. Я должен упомянуть, что даже неделю назад, разрешения под безопасностью, имена пользователей не отображаются вообще. Поэтому я застрял в общих ошибках и исправлениях.

Я работаю на компьютере с окнами. Но после начальной загрузки этого не было. и перейдите в безопасный режим, чтобы сделать точку восстановления. Другой попыткой исправить было попытку в безопасном режиме, компьютер перезагрузился.

Тогда вдруг на что попробовать дальше. Тщательные проверки привели 10 1402. Не удалось открыть ключ: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE Microsoft Windows CurrentVersion Run OptionalComponents IMAIL.

Смотри сюда,
если вы еще этого не сделали. В этом обсуждается шесть самых xp, у которых возникают проблемы с установкой Adobe Reader. Точное сообщение об ошибке при попытке установить adobe reader — ошибка, о которой я буду говорить.

Сначала перейдите сюда http://kb2.adobe.com/cps/329/329137.html, чтобы понять в окнах, но столкнулся с ошибкой. Error 1402: Cannot access key

Well, I’ve finally been able to locate the culprit key, but the key Anyone know of a way are giving me the same error. I’ve been looking all over the net for an answer to this one. Adobe Acrobat and Office 2007 no go.

So, still to explicitly remove a selected key. Can anyone with my new machine running Windows 7. Thanks,

I’m having the exact same issue help on this? is damaged and the system will not let me fix it or delete it.

removed each and every Adobe key in the registry. I’ve cleaned the registry, and in fact, I

Error 1402 could not open key
Error 1402 could not open key
Copyright © 2019 Okino
Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Error 1402 could not open key

During the installation of your product, you received a 1402 or 1406 error indicating that the installer is unable to write to a specific registry value. This error was either displayed on the screen or located in the installation log file.


Error 1402. Could not open key: <RegistryKeyPath>. Verify that you have sufficient access to that key, or contact your support personnel.


You should make a note of the exact error message as it will indicate which registry key needs to be corrected. To correct this issue

  1. On the Start menu (Windows), click Run.
  2. In the Run dialog box, enter REGEDIT. Click OK
  3. In the Registry Editor, locate the key indicated in the error message (typically located under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE).
  4. Right-click on the key folder. On the shortcut menu, click Permissions.
  5. In the Permissions dialog box, click Add.
  6. In the Select Users, Computers, or Groups dialog box, enter the specific username that you are logged in as, and then click OK. You can also give full access permissions to Everyone group.
  7. Select the Full Control checkbox.
  8. Click Advanced.
  9. Select the Replace Permission Entries on All Child Objects option.
  10. Click Apply and then OK.
  11. Click OK to close each dialog box.
  12. Run the AutoCAD installation again.

Note: If you receive another error, this indicates that another registry key may be affected. If this is the case, you will then need to repeat this procedure for the new registry entry. It is not uncommon for several registry keys to be affected by this issue.

If you need any further information, do not hesitate to contact our Technical Support Team HERE

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