Ошибка 1336 mysql

I solved this by referring to https://stackoverflow.com/a/11835246/8751454

My function definition:

  x VARCHAR(255),
  delim VARCHAR(12),
  pos INT
) RETURNS varchar(255) CHARSET utf8mb4
       LENGTH(SUBSTRING_INDEX(x, delim, pos -1)) + 1),
       delim, '')

My stored procedure

CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` PROCEDURE `ABC`(fullstr varchar(100))
      DECLARE a INT Default 0 ;
      DECLARE str VARCHAR(255);
      drop temporary table if exists pmo.temp;
      simple_loop: LOOP
         SET a=a+1;
         SET str=SPLIT_STR(fullstr,",",a);
         IF str='' THEN
            LEAVE simple_loop;
         END IF;
         create temporary table temp( val char(255) );

         insert into pmo.temp(val) values (str);
         insert into pmo.meet(val)
         select val 
         from pmo.temp;
         drop temporary table if exists pmo.temp;
   END LOOP simple_loop;

My after insert trigger on Table A

    declare multi_column_data varchar(100);
    set @multi_column_data = replace(new.fieldvalue,' , ',',');
    call ABC(@multi_column_data);


Problem Description:

Error message:

Error 1366: Incorrect string value: 'xA7test for column `mycolumn` at row 1

db connection code:

db, err := sql.Open("mysql", "username:pass@tcp(")

I tried running

    `information_schema`.`TABLES` AS `tables`,
    `information_schema`.`COLLATION_CHARACTER_SET_APPLICABILITY` AS `collations`
        `tables`.`table_schema` = DATABASE()
  AND `collations`.`collation_name` = `tables`.`table_collation`

and got this:

| mytable | utf8mb4 |

The string I’m trying to insert: §test

I looked at MariaDB incorrect string value error with utf8mb4 encoding and other things, but everything I saw says to set collation to utf8mb4 and to set charset to utf8mb4 which I have done.

Solution – 1

The value should be xC2xA7test. xA7 doesn’t have a valid mapping in utf8(mb4).

select hex('§test')


ref: fiddle

Recently upgraded to mysql 5.6.30,
throwing out mysql auto incrment error

1366 — Incorrect integer value: » for column ‘s

Community's user avatar

asked Jul 28, 2016 at 8:52

Manas's user avatar

Probably your new Mysql installation runs on strict mode while your previous one did not.And you probably have an empty value in some column which is defined as integer so you get this error.

Go at your my.cnf/my.ini file and look for this line


Change it to blank:


This would disable the strict mode and the error would be converted to warning


the best aprroach would to be to change the empty field value to a valid integer value.

answered Jul 28, 2016 at 9:36

George Pant's user avatar

George PantGeorge Pant

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I solved this by referring to https://stackoverflow.com/a/11835246/8751454

My function definition:

  x VARCHAR(255),
  delim VARCHAR(12),
  pos INT
) RETURNS varchar(255) CHARSET utf8mb4
       LENGTH(SUBSTRING_INDEX(x, delim, pos -1)) + 1),
       delim, '')

My stored procedure

CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` PROCEDURE `ABC`(fullstr varchar(100))
      DECLARE a INT Default 0 ;
      DECLARE str VARCHAR(255);
      drop temporary table if exists pmo.temp;
      simple_loop: LOOP
         SET a=a+1;
         SET str=SPLIT_STR(fullstr,",",a);
         IF str='' THEN
            LEAVE simple_loop;
         END IF;
         create temporary table temp( val char(255) );

         insert into pmo.temp(val) values (str);
         insert into pmo.meet(val)
         select val 
         from pmo.temp;
         drop temporary table if exists pmo.temp;
   END LOOP simple_loop;

My after insert trigger on Table A

    declare multi_column_data varchar(100);
    set @multi_column_data = replace(new.fieldvalue,' , ',',');
    call ABC(@multi_column_data);


И посмотрите, как в реализации сохранена ошибка процедуры:

mysql> DELIMITER //
mysql> CREATE PROCEDURE ps(IN table_name VARCHAR(200))
-> SET @newname = table_name;
-> SET @s = CONCAT('create table ',@newname,'(resourceid varchar(200),',@newname,' varchar(200),time date)');
-> PREPARE stmt FROM @s;
-> EXECUTE stmt;
-> END
-> //
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
mysql> CREATE TABLE zs_resourcegroup(group_name VARCHAR(20));
-> ;
-> //
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)

mysql> DELIMITER //
mysql> CREATE TRIGGER ts AFTER INSERT ON zs_resourcegroup
-> CALL ps(new.group_name);
-> END
-> //
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> insert into zs_resourcegroup select 'dba';
-> //
ERROR 1336 (0A000): Dynamic SQL is not allowed in stored function or triggermysql>
mysql> call ps("cui");
-> //
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)
mysql> show tables;
-> //
| Tables_in_test |
| cui |
| t |
| zs_resourcegroup |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)
ERROR 1336 (0A000): Dynamic SQL is not allowed in stored function or triggermysql>
mysql> call ps("cui");
-> //
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)
mysql> show tables;
-> //
| Tables_in_test |
| cui |
| t |
| zs_resourcegroup |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Я проверил его в Интернете, я обнаружил, что триггер не поддерживает динамический SQL, а также сохраненную процедуру или поддерживаемую.

And see the execution of the stored procedure error:

mysql> DELIMITER //
mysql> CREATE PROCEDURE ps(IN table_name VARCHAR(200))
-> SET @newname = table_name;
-> SET @s = CONCAT('create table ',@newname,'(resourceid varchar(200),',@newname,' varchar(200),time date)');
-> PREPARE stmt FROM @s;
-> EXECUTE stmt;
-> END
-> //
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
mysql> CREATE TABLE zs_resourcegroup(group_name VARCHAR(20));
-> ;
-> //
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)

mysql> DELIMITER //
mysql> CREATE TRIGGER ts AFTER INSERT ON zs_resourcegroup
-> CALL ps(new.group_name);
-> END
-> //
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> insert into zs_resourcegroup select 'dba';
-> //
ERROR 1336 (0A000): Dynamic SQL is not allowed in stored function or triggermysql>
mysql> call ps("cui");
-> //
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)
mysql> show tables;
-> //
| Tables_in_test |
| cui |
| t |
| zs_resourcegroup |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)
ERROR 1336 (0A000): Dynamic SQL is not allowed in stored function or triggermysql>
mysql> call ps("cui");
-> //
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)
mysql> show tables;
-> //
| Tables_in_test |
| cui |
| t |
| zs_resourcegroup |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Checked the Internet and found that the dynamic sql is not supported in the trigger. The execution of the stored procedure alone can still be supported.

  • Error: 1300 SQLSTATE: HY000

    Message: Invalid %s character string: ‘%s’

  • Error: 1301 SQLSTATE: HY000

    Message: Result of %s() was larger than max_allowed_packet (%ld) —

  • Error: 1302 SQLSTATE: HY000

    Message: Conflicting declarations: ‘%s%s’ and ‘%s%s’

  • Error: 1303 SQLSTATE: 2F003

    Message: Can’t create a %s from within another stored routine

  • Error: 1304 SQLSTATE: 42000

    Message: %s %s already exists

  • Error: 1305 SQLSTATE: 42000

    Message: %s %s does not exist

  • Error: 1306 SQLSTATE: HY000

    Message: Failed to DROP %s %s

  • Error: 1307 SQLSTATE: HY000

    Message: Failed to CREATE %s %s

  • Error: 1308 SQLSTATE: 42000

    Message: %s with no matching label: %s

  • Error: 1309 SQLSTATE: 42000

    Message: Redefining label %s

  • Error: 1310 SQLSTATE: 42000

    Message: End-label %s without match

  • Error: 1311 SQLSTATE: 01000

    Message: Referring to uninitialized variable %s

  • Error: 1312 SQLSTATE: 0A000

    Message: PROCEDURE %s can’t return a result set in the given

  • Error: 1313 SQLSTATE: 42000

    Message: RETURN is only allowed in a FUNCTION

  • Error: 1314 SQLSTATE: 0A000

    Message: %s is not allowed in stored procedures

  • Error: 1315 SQLSTATE: 42000

    Message: The update log is deprecated and replaced by the binary
    log; SET SQL_LOG_UPDATE has been ignored. This option will be
    removed in MySQL 5.6.

  • Error: 1316 SQLSTATE: 42000

    Message: The update log is deprecated and replaced by the binary
    log; SET SQL_LOG_UPDATE has been translated to SET SQL_LOG_BIN.
    This option will be removed in MySQL 5.6.

  • Error: 1317 SQLSTATE: 70100

    Message: Query execution was interrupted

  • Error: 1318 SQLSTATE: 42000

    Message: Incorrect number of arguments for %s %s; expected %u, got

  • Error: 1319 SQLSTATE: 42000

    Message: Undefined CONDITION: %s

  • Error: 1320 SQLSTATE: 42000

    Message: No RETURN found in FUNCTION %s

  • Error: 1321 SQLSTATE: 2F005

    Message: FUNCTION %s ended without RETURN

  • Error: 1322 SQLSTATE: 42000

    Message: Cursor statement must be a SELECT

  • Error: 1323 SQLSTATE: 42000

    Message: Cursor SELECT must not have INTO

  • Error: 1324 SQLSTATE: 42000

    Message: Undefined CURSOR: %s

  • Error: 1325 SQLSTATE: 24000

    Message: Cursor is already open

  • Error: 1326 SQLSTATE: 24000

    Message: Cursor is not open

  • Error: 1327 SQLSTATE: 42000

    Message: Undeclared variable: %s

  • Error: 1328 SQLSTATE: HY000

    Message: Incorrect number of FETCH variables

  • Error: 1329 SQLSTATE: 02000

    Message: No data — zero rows fetched, selected, or processed

  • Error: 1330 SQLSTATE: 42000

    Message: Duplicate parameter: %s

  • Error: 1331 SQLSTATE: 42000

    Message: Duplicate variable: %s

  • Error: 1332 SQLSTATE: 42000

    Message: Duplicate condition: %s

  • Error: 1333 SQLSTATE: 42000

    Message: Duplicate cursor: %s

  • Error: 1334 SQLSTATE: HY000

    Message: Failed to ALTER %s %s

  • Error: 1335 SQLSTATE: 0A000

    Message: Subquery value not supported

  • Error: 1336 SQLSTATE: 0A000

    Message: %s is not allowed in stored function or trigger

  • Error: 1337 SQLSTATE: 42000

    Message: Variable or condition declaration after cursor or handler

  • Error: 1338 SQLSTATE: 42000

    Message: Cursor declaration after handler declaration

  • Error: 1339 SQLSTATE: 20000

    Message: Case not found for CASE statement

  • Error: 1340 SQLSTATE: HY000

    Message: Configuration file ‘%s’ is too big

  • Error: 1341 SQLSTATE: HY000

    Message: Malformed file type header in file ‘%s’

  • Error: 1342 SQLSTATE: HY000

    Message: Unexpected end of file while parsing comment ‘%s’

  • Error: 1343 SQLSTATE: HY000

    Message: Error while parsing parameter ‘%s’ (line: ‘%s’)

  • Error: 1344 SQLSTATE: HY000

    Message: Unexpected end of file while skipping unknown parameter

  • Error: 1345 SQLSTATE: HY000

    Message: EXPLAIN/SHOW can not be issued; lacking privileges for
    underlying table

  • Error: 1346 SQLSTATE: HY000

    Message: File ‘%s’ has unknown type ‘%s’ in its header

  • Error: 1347 SQLSTATE: HY000

    Message: ‘%s.%s’ is not %s

  • Error: 1348 SQLSTATE: HY000

    Message: Column ‘%s’ is not updatable

  • Error: 1349 SQLSTATE: HY000

    Message: View’s SELECT contains a subquery in the FROM clause

  • And see the execution of the stored procedure error:

    mysql> DELIMITER //
    mysql> CREATE PROCEDURE ps(IN table_name VARCHAR(200))
    -> BEGIN
    -> SET @newname = table_name;
    -> SET @s = CONCAT('create table ',@newname,'(resourceid varchar(200),',@newname,' varchar(200),time date)');
    -> PREPARE stmt FROM @s;
    -> EXECUTE stmt;
    -> END
    -> //
    Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
    mysql> CREATE TABLE zs_resourcegroup(group_name VARCHAR(20));
    -> ;
    -> //
    Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)
    mysql> DELIMITER //
    mysql> CREATE TRIGGER ts AFTER INSERT ON zs_resourcegroup
    -> BEGIN
    -> CALL ps(new.group_name);
    -> END
    -> //
    Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
    mysql> insert into zs_resourcegroup select 'dba';
    -> //
    ERROR 1336 (0A000): Dynamic SQL is not allowed in stored function or triggermysql>
    mysql> call ps("cui");
    -> //
    Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)
    mysql> show tables;
    -> //
    | Tables_in_test |
    | cui |
    | t |
    | zs_resourcegroup |
    3 rows in set (0.00 sec)
    ERROR 1336 (0A000): Dynamic SQL is not allowed in stored function or triggermysql>
    mysql> call ps("cui");
    -> //
    Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)
    mysql> show tables;
    -> //
    | Tables_in_test |
    | cui |
    | t |
    | zs_resourcegroup |
    3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

    Checked the Internet and found that the dynamic sql is not supported in the trigger. The execution of the stored procedure alone can still be supported.

    Server error information comes from the following source files.
    For details about the way that error information is defined, see
    the MySQL Internals manual, available at

    Because updates are frequent, it is possible that those files will
    contain additional error information not listed here.

    • Error: 1000 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: hashchk

    • Error: 1001 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: isamchk

    • Error: 1002 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: NO

    • Error: 1003 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: YES

    • Error: 1004 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Can’t create file ‘%s’ (errno: %d)

    • Error: 1005 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Can’t create table ‘%s’ (errno: %d)

    • Error: 1006 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Can’t create database ‘%s’ (errno: %d)

    • Error: 1007 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Can’t create database ‘%s’; database exists

    • Error: 1008 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Can’t drop database ‘%s’; database doesn’t exist

    • Error: 1009 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Error dropping database (can’t delete ‘%s’, errno: %d)

    • Error: 1010 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Error dropping database (can’t rmdir ‘%s’, errno: %d)

    • Error: 1011 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Error on delete of ‘%s’ (errno: %d)

    • Error: 1012 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Can’t read record in system table

    • Error: 1013 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Can’t get status of ‘%s’ (errno: %d)

    • Error: 1014 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Can’t get working directory (errno: %d)

    • Error: 1015 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Can’t lock file (errno: %d)

    • Error: 1016 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Can’t open file: ‘%s’ (errno: %d)

    • Error: 1017 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Can’t find file: ‘%s’ (errno: %d)

    • Error: 1018 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Can’t read dir of ‘%s’ (errno: %d)

    • Error: 1019 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Can’t change dir to ‘%s’ (errno: %d)

    • Error: 1020 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Record has changed since last read in table ‘%s’

    • Error: 1021 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Disk full (%s); waiting for someone to free some space…

    • Error: 1022 SQLSTATE: 23000

      Message: Can’t write; duplicate key in table ‘%s’

    • Error: 1023 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Error on close of ‘%s’ (errno: %d)

    • Error: 1024 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Error reading file ‘%s’ (errno: %d)

    • Error: 1025 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Error on rename of ‘%s’ to ‘%s’ (errno: %d)

    • Error: 1026 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Error writing file ‘%s’ (errno: %d)

    • Error: 1027 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: ‘%s’ is locked against change

    • Error: 1028 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Sort aborted

    • Error: 1029 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: View ‘%s’ doesn’t exist for ‘%s’

    • Error: 1030 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Got error %d from storage engine

    • Error: 1031 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Table storage engine for ‘%s’ doesn’t have this option

    • Error: 1032 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Can’t find record in ‘%s’

    • Error: 1033 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Incorrect information in file: ‘%s’

    • Error: 1034 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Incorrect key file for table ‘%s’; try to repair it

    • Error: 1035 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Old key file for table ‘%s’; repair it!

    • Error: 1036 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Table ‘%s’ is read only

    • Error: 1037 SQLSTATE: HY001

      Message: Out of memory; restart server and try again (needed %d

    • Error: 1038 SQLSTATE: HY001

      Message: Out of sort memory; increase server sort buffer size

    • Error: 1039 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Unexpected EOF found when reading file ‘%s’ (errno: %d)

    • Error: 1040 SQLSTATE: 08004

      Message: Too many connections

    • Error: 1041 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Out of memory; check if mysqld or some other process uses
      all available memory; if not, you may have to use ‘ulimit’ to
      allow mysqld to use more memory or you can add more swap space

    • Error: 1042 SQLSTATE: 08S01

      Message: Can’t get hostname for your address

    • Error: 1043 SQLSTATE: 08S01

      Message: Bad handshake

    • Error: 1044 SQLSTATE: 42000

      Message: Access denied for user ‘%s’@’%s’ to database ‘%s’

    • Error: 1045 SQLSTATE: 28000

      Message: Access denied for user ‘%s’@’%s’ (using password: %s)

    • Error: 1046 SQLSTATE: 3D000

      Message: No database selected

    • Error: 1047 SQLSTATE: 08S01

      Message: Unknown command

    • Error: 1048 SQLSTATE: 23000

      Message: Column ‘%s’ cannot be null

    • Error: 1049 SQLSTATE: 42000

      Message: Unknown database ‘%s’

    • Error: 1050 SQLSTATE: 42S01

      Message: Table ‘%s’ already exists

    • Error: 1051 SQLSTATE: 42S02

      Message: Unknown table ‘%s’

    • Error: 1052 SQLSTATE: 23000

      Message: Column ‘%s’ in %s is ambiguous

    • Error: 1053 SQLSTATE: 08S01

      Message: Server shutdown in progress

    • Error: 1054 SQLSTATE: 42S22

      Message: Unknown column ‘%s’ in ‘%s’

    • Error: 1055 SQLSTATE: 42000

      Message: ‘%s’ isn’t in GROUP BY

    • Error: 1056 SQLSTATE: 42000

      Message: Can’t group on ‘%s’

    • Error: 1057 SQLSTATE: 42000

      Message: Statement has sum functions and columns in same statement

    • Error: 1058 SQLSTATE: 21S01

      Message: Column count doesn’t match value count

    • Error: 1059 SQLSTATE: 42000

      Message: Identifier name ‘%s’ is too long

    • Error: 1060 SQLSTATE: 42S21

      Message: Duplicate column name ‘%s’

    • Error: 1061 SQLSTATE: 42000

      Message: Duplicate key name ‘%s’

    • Error: 1062 SQLSTATE: 23000

      Message: Duplicate entry ‘%s’ for key %d

    • Error: 1063 SQLSTATE: 42000

      Message: Incorrect column specifier for column ‘%s’

    • Error: 1064 SQLSTATE: 42000

      Message: %s near ‘%s’ at line %d

    • Error: 1065 SQLSTATE: 42000

      Message: Query was empty

    • Error: 1066 SQLSTATE: 42000

      Message: Not unique table/alias: ‘%s’

    • Error: 1067 SQLSTATE: 42000

      Message: Invalid default value for ‘%s’

    • Error: 1068 SQLSTATE: 42000

      Message: Multiple primary key defined

    • Error: 1069 SQLSTATE: 42000

      Message: Too many keys specified; max %d keys allowed

    • Error: 1070 SQLSTATE: 42000

      Message: Too many key parts specified; max %d parts allowed

    • Error: 1071 SQLSTATE: 42000

      Message: Specified key was too long; max key length is %d bytes

    • Error: 1072 SQLSTATE: 42000

      Message: Key column ‘%s’ doesn’t exist in table

    • Error: 1073 SQLSTATE: 42000

      Message: BLOB column ‘%s’ can’t be used in key specification with
      the used table type

    • Error: 1074 SQLSTATE: 42000

      Message: Column length too big for column ‘%s’ (max = %d); use
      BLOB or TEXT instead

    • Error: 1075 SQLSTATE: 42000

      Message: Incorrect table definition; there can be only one auto
      column and it must be defined as a key

    • Error: 1076 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: %s: ready for connections. Version: ‘%s’ socket: ‘%s’
      port: %d

    • Error: 1077 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: %s: Normal shutdown

    • Error: 1078 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: %s: Got signal %d. Aborting!

    • Error: 1079 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: %s: Shutdown complete

    • Error: 1080 SQLSTATE: 08S01

      Message: %s: Forcing close of thread %ld user: ‘%s’

    • Error: 1081 SQLSTATE: 08S01

      Message: Can’t create IP socket

    • Error: 1082 SQLSTATE: 42S12

      Message: Table ‘%s’ has no index like the one used in CREATE
      INDEX; recreate the table

    • Error: 1083 SQLSTATE: 42000

      Message: Field separator argument is not what is expected; check
      the manual

    • Error: 1084 SQLSTATE: 42000

      Message: You can’t use fixed rowlength with BLOBs; please use
      ‘fields terminated by’

    • Error: 1085 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: The file ‘%s’ must be in the database directory or be
      readable by all

    • Error: 1086 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: File ‘%s’ already exists

    • Error: 1087 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Records: %ld Deleted: %ld Skipped: %ld Warnings: %ld

    • Error: 1088 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Records: %ld Duplicates: %ld

    • Error: 1089 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Incorrect sub part key; the used key part isn’t a string,
      the used length is longer than the key part, or the storage engine
      doesn’t support unique sub keys

    • Error: 1090 SQLSTATE: 42000

      Message: You can’t delete all columns with ALTER TABLE; use DROP
      TABLE instead

    • Error: 1091 SQLSTATE: 42000

      Message: Can’t DROP ‘%s’; check that column/key exists

    • Error: 1092 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Records: %ld Duplicates: %ld Warnings: %ld

    • Error: 1093 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: You can’t specify target table ‘%s’ for update in FROM

    • Error: 1094 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Unknown thread id: %lu

    • Error: 1095 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: You are not owner of thread %lu

    • Error: 1096 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: No tables used

    • Error: 1097 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Too many strings for column %s and SET

    • Error: 1098 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Can’t generate a unique log-filename %s.(1-999)

    • Error: 1099 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Table ‘%s’ was locked with a READ lock and can’t be

    • Error: 1100 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Table ‘%s’ was not locked with LOCK TABLES

    • Error: 1101 SQLSTATE: 42000

      Message: BLOB/TEXT column ‘%s’ can’t have a default value

    • Error: 1102 SQLSTATE: 42000

      Message: Incorrect database name ‘%s’

    • Error: 1103 SQLSTATE: 42000

      Message: Incorrect table name ‘%s’

    • Error: 1104 SQLSTATE: 42000

      Message: The SELECT would examine more than MAX_JOIN_SIZE rows;
      check your WHERE and use SET SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1 or SET
      SQL_MAX_JOIN_SIZE=# if the SELECT is okay

    • Error: 1105 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Unknown error

    • Error: 1106 SQLSTATE: 42000

      Message: Unknown procedure ‘%s’

    • Error: 1107 SQLSTATE: 42000

      Message: Incorrect parameter count to procedure ‘%s’

    • Error: 1108 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Incorrect parameters to procedure ‘%s’

    • Error: 1109 SQLSTATE: 42S02

      Message: Unknown table ‘%s’ in %s

    • Error: 1110 SQLSTATE: 42000

      Message: Column ‘%s’ specified twice

    • Error: 1111 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Invalid use of group function

    • Error: 1112 SQLSTATE: 42000

      Message: Table ‘%s’ uses an extension that doesn’t exist in this
      MySQL version

    • Error: 1113 SQLSTATE: 42000

      Message: A table must have at least 1 column

    • Error: 1114 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: The table ‘%s’ is full

    • Error: 1115 SQLSTATE: 42000

      Message: Unknown character set: ‘%s’

    • Error: 1116 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Too many tables; MySQL can only use %d tables in a join

    • Error: 1117 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Too many columns

    • Error: 1118 SQLSTATE: 42000

      Message: Row size too large. The maximum row size for the used
      table type, not counting BLOBs, is %ld. You have to change some
      columns to TEXT or BLOBs

    • Error: 1119 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Thread stack overrun: Used: %ld of a %ld stack. Use
      ‘mysqld -O thread_stack=#’ to specify a bigger stack if needed

    • Error: 1120 SQLSTATE: 42000

      Message: Cross dependency found in OUTER JOIN; examine your ON

    • Error: 1121 SQLSTATE: 42000

      Message: Column ‘%s’ is used with UNIQUE or INDEX but is not
      defined as NOT NULL

    • Error: 1122 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Can’t load function ‘%s’

    • Error: 1123 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Can’t initialize function ‘%s’; %s

    • Error: 1124 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: No paths allowed for shared library

    • Error: 1125 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Function ‘%s’ already exists

    • Error: 1126 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Can’t open shared library ‘%s’ (errno: %d %s)

    • Error: 1127 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Can’t find function ‘%s’ in library

    • Error: 1128 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Function ‘%s’ is not defined

    • Error: 1129 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Host ‘%s’ is blocked because of many connection errors;
      unblock with ‘mysqladmin flush-hosts’

    • Error: 1130 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Host ‘%s’ is not allowed to connect to this MySQL server

    • Error: 1131 SQLSTATE: 42000

      Message: You are using MySQL as an anonymous user and anonymous
      users are not allowed to change passwords

    • Error: 1132 SQLSTATE: 42000

      Message: You must have privileges to update tables in the mysql
      database to be able to change passwords for others

    • Error: 1133 SQLSTATE: 42000

      Message: Can’t find any matching row in the user table

    • Error: 1134 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Rows matched: %ld Changed: %ld Warnings: %ld

    • Error: 1135 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Can’t create a new thread (errno %d); if you are not out
      of available memory, you can consult the manual for a possible
      OS-dependent bug

    • Error: 1136 SQLSTATE: 21S01

      Message: Column count doesn’t match value count at row %ld

    • Error: 1137 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Can’t reopen table: ‘%s’

    • Error: 1138 SQLSTATE: 22004

      Message: Invalid use of NULL value

    • Error: 1139 SQLSTATE: 42000

      Message: Got error ‘%s’ from regexp

    • Error: 1140 SQLSTATE: 42000

      Message: Mixing of GROUP columns (MIN(),MAX(),COUNT(),…) with no
      GROUP columns is illegal if there is no GROUP BY clause

    • Error: 1141 SQLSTATE: 42000

      Message: There is no such grant defined for user ‘%s’ on host ‘%s’

    • Error: 1142 SQLSTATE: 42000

      Message: %s command denied to user ‘%s’@’%s’ for table ‘%s’

    • Error: 1143 SQLSTATE: 42000

      Message: %s command denied to user ‘%s’@’%s’ for column ‘%s’ in
      table ‘%s’

    • Error: 1144 SQLSTATE: 42000

      Message: Illegal GRANT/REVOKE command; please consult the manual
      to see which privileges can be used

    • Error: 1145 SQLSTATE: 42000

      Message: The host or user argument to GRANT is too long

    • Error: 1146 SQLSTATE: 42S02

      Message: Table ‘%s.%s’ doesn’t exist

    • Error: 1147 SQLSTATE: 42000

      Message: There is no such grant defined for user ‘%s’ on host ‘%s’
      on table ‘%s’

    • Error: 1148 SQLSTATE: 42000

      Message: The used command is not allowed with this MySQL version

    • Error: 1149 SQLSTATE: 42000

      Message: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual
      that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax
      to use

    • Error: 1150 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Delayed insert thread couldn’t get requested lock for
      table %s

    • Error: 1151 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Too many delayed threads in use

    • Error: 1152 SQLSTATE: 08S01

      Message: Aborted connection %ld to db: ‘%s’ user: ‘%s’ (%s)

    • Error: 1153 SQLSTATE: 08S01

      Message: Got a packet bigger than ‘max_allowed_packet’ bytes

    • Error: 1154 SQLSTATE: 08S01

      Message: Got a read error from the connection pipe

    • Error: 1155 SQLSTATE: 08S01

      Message: Got an error from fcntl()

    • Error: 1156 SQLSTATE: 08S01

      Message: Got packets out of order

    • Error: 1157 SQLSTATE: 08S01

      Message: Couldn’t uncompress communication packet

    • Error: 1158 SQLSTATE: 08S01

      Message: Got an error reading communication packets

    • Error: 1159 SQLSTATE: 08S01

      Message: Got timeout reading communication packets

    • Error: 1160 SQLSTATE: 08S01

      Message: Got an error writing communication packets

    • Error: 1161 SQLSTATE: 08S01

      Message: Got timeout writing communication packets

    • Error: 1162 SQLSTATE: 42000

      Message: Result string is longer than ‘max_allowed_packet’ bytes

    • Error: 1163 SQLSTATE: 42000

      Message: The used table type doesn’t support BLOB/TEXT columns

    • Error: 1164 SQLSTATE: 42000

      Message: The used table type doesn’t support AUTO_INCREMENT

    • Error: 1165 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: INSERT DELAYED can’t be used with table ‘%s’ because it
      is locked with LOCK TABLES

    • Error: 1166 SQLSTATE: 42000

      Message: Incorrect column name ‘%s’

    • Error: 1167 SQLSTATE: 42000

      Message: The used storage engine can’t index column ‘%s’

    • Error: 1168 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: All tables in the MERGE table are not identically defined

    • Error: 1169 SQLSTATE: 23000

      Message: Can’t write, because of unique constraint, to table ‘%s’

    • Error: 1170 SQLSTATE: 42000

      Message: BLOB/TEXT column ‘%s’ used in key specification without a
      key length

    • Error: 1171 SQLSTATE: 42000

      Message: All parts of a PRIMARY KEY must be NOT NULL; if you need
      NULL in a key, use UNIQUE instead

    • Error: 1172 SQLSTATE: 42000

      Message: Result consisted of more than one row

    • Error: 1173 SQLSTATE: 42000

      Message: This table type requires a primary key

    • Error: 1174 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: This version of MySQL is not compiled with RAID support

    • Error: 1175 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: You are using safe update mode and you tried to update a
      table without a WHERE that uses a KEY column

    • Error: 1176 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Key ‘%s’ doesn’t exist in table ‘%s’

    • Error: 1177 SQLSTATE: 42000

      Message: Can’t open table

    • Error: 1178 SQLSTATE: 42000

      Message: The storage engine for the table doesn’t support %s

    • Error: 1179 SQLSTATE: 25000

      Message: You are not allowed to execute this command in a

    • Error: 1180 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Got error %d during COMMIT

    • Error: 1181 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Got error %d during ROLLBACK

    • Error: 1182 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Got error %d during FLUSH_LOGS

    • Error: 1183 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Got error %d during CHECKPOINT

    • Error: 1184 SQLSTATE: 08S01

      Message: Aborted connection %ld to db: ‘%s’ user: ‘%s’ host: ‘%s’

    • Error: 1185 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: The storage engine for the table does not support binary
      table dump

    • Error: 1186 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Binlog closed, cannot RESET MASTER

    • Error: 1187 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Failed rebuilding the index of dumped table ‘%s’

    • Error: 1188 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Error from master: ‘%s’

    • Error: 1189 SQLSTATE: 08S01

      Message: Net error reading from master

    • Error: 1190 SQLSTATE: 08S01

      Message: Net error writing to master

    • Error: 1191 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Can’t find FULLTEXT index matching the column list

    • Error: 1192 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Can’t execute the given command because you have active
      locked tables or an active transaction

    • Error: 1193 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Unknown system variable ‘%s’

    • Error: 1194 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Table ‘%s’ is marked as crashed and should be repaired

    • Error: 1195 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Table ‘%s’ is marked as crashed and last (automatic?)
      repair failed

    • Error: 1196 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Some non-transactional changed tables couldn’t be rolled

    • Error: 1197 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Multi-statement transaction required more than
      ‘max_binlog_cache_size’ bytes of storage; increase this mysqld
      variable and try again

    • Error: 1198 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: This operation cannot be performed with a running slave;
      run STOP SLAVE first

    • Error: 1199 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: This operation requires a running slave; configure slave
      and do START SLAVE

    • Error: 1200 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: The server is not configured as slave; fix in config file
      or with CHANGE MASTER TO

    • Error: 1201 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Could not initialize master info structure; more error
      messages can be found in the MySQL error log

    • Error: 1202 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Could not create slave thread; check system resources

    • Error: 1203 SQLSTATE: 42000

      Message: User %s already has more than ‘max_user_connections’
      active connections

    • Error: 1204 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: You may only use constant expressions with SET

    • Error: 1205 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction

    • Error: 1206 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: The total number of locks exceeds the lock table size

    • Error: 1207 SQLSTATE: 25000

      Message: Update locks cannot be acquired during a READ UNCOMMITTED

    • Error: 1208 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: DROP DATABASE not allowed while thread is holding global
      read lock

    • Error: 1209 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: CREATE DATABASE not allowed while thread is holding
      global read lock

    • Error: 1210 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Incorrect arguments to %s

    • Error: 1211 SQLSTATE: 42000

      Message: ‘%s’@’%s’ is not allowed to create new users

    • Error: 1212 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Incorrect table definition; all MERGE tables must be in
      the same database

    • Error: 1213 SQLSTATE: 40001

      Message: Deadlock found when trying to get lock; try restarting

    • Error: 1214 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: The used table type doesn’t support FULLTEXT indexes

    • Error: 1215 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Cannot add foreign key constraint

    • Error: 1216 SQLSTATE: 23000

      Message: Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key
      constraint fails

    • Error: 1217 SQLSTATE: 23000

      Message: Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key
      constraint fails

    • Error: 1218 SQLSTATE: 08S01

      Message: Error connecting to master: %s

    • Error: 1219 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Error running query on master: %s

    • Error: 1220 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Error when executing command %s: %s

    • Error: 1221 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Incorrect usage of %s and %s

    • Error: 1222 SQLSTATE: 21000

      Message: The used SELECT statements have a different number of

    • Error: 1223 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Can’t execute the query because you have a conflicting
      read lock

    • Error: 1224 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Mixing of transactional and non-transactional tables is

    • Error: 1225 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Option ‘%s’ used twice in statement

    • Error: 1226 SQLSTATE: 42000

      Message: User ‘%s’ has exceeded the ‘%s’ resource (current value:

    • Error: 1227 SQLSTATE: 42000

      Message: Access denied; you need the %s privilege for this

    • Error: 1228 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Variable ‘%s’ is a SESSION variable and can’t be used
      with SET GLOBAL

    • Error: 1229 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Variable ‘%s’ is a GLOBAL variable and should be set with

    • Error: 1230 SQLSTATE: 42000

      Message: Variable ‘%s’ doesn’t have a default value

    • Error: 1231 SQLSTATE: 42000

      Message: Variable ‘%s’ can’t be set to the value of ‘%s’

    • Error: 1232 SQLSTATE: 42000

      Message: Incorrect argument type to variable ‘%s’

    • Error: 1233 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Variable ‘%s’ can only be set, not read

    • Error: 1234 SQLSTATE: 42000

      Message: Incorrect usage/placement of ‘%s’

    • Error: 1235 SQLSTATE: 42000

      Message: This version of MySQL doesn’t yet support ‘%s’

    • Error: 1236 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Got fatal error %d: ‘%s’ from master when reading data
      from binary log

    • Error: 1237 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Slave SQL thread ignored the query because of
      replicate-*-table rules

    • Error: 1238 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Variable ‘%s’ is a %s variable

    • Error: 1239 SQLSTATE: 42000

      Message: Incorrect foreign key definition for ‘%s’: %s

    • Error: 1240 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Key reference and table reference don’t match

    • Error: 1241 SQLSTATE: 21000

      Message: Operand should contain %d column(s)

    • Error: 1242 SQLSTATE: 21000

      Message: Subquery returns more than 1 row

    • Error: 1243 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Unknown prepared statement handler (%.*s) given to %s

    • Error: 1244 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Help database is corrupt or does not exist

    • Error: 1245 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Cyclic reference on subqueries

    • Error: 1246 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Converting column ‘%s’ from %s to %s

    • Error: 1247 SQLSTATE: 42S22

      Message: Reference ‘%s’ not supported (%s)

    • Error: 1248 SQLSTATE: 42000

      Message: Every derived table must have its own alias

    • Error: 1249 SQLSTATE: 01000

      Message: Select %u was reduced during optimization

    • Error: 1250 SQLSTATE: 42000

      Message: Table ‘%s’ from one of the SELECTs cannot be used in %s

    • Error: 1251 SQLSTATE: 08004

      Message: Client does not support authentication protocol requested
      by server; consider upgrading MySQL client

    • Error: 1252 SQLSTATE: 42000

      Message: All parts of a SPATIAL index must be NOT NULL

    • Error: 1253 SQLSTATE: 42000

      Message: COLLATION ‘%s’ is not valid for CHARACTER SET ‘%s’

    • Error: 1254 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Slave is already running

    • Error: 1255 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Slave already has been stopped

    • Error: 1256 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Uncompressed data size too large; the maximum size is %d
      (probably, length of uncompressed data was corrupted)

    • Error: 1257 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: ZLIB: Not enough memory

    • Error: 1258 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: ZLIB: Not enough room in the output buffer (probably,
      length of uncompressed data was corrupted)

    • Error: 1259 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: ZLIB: Input data corrupted

    • Error: 1260 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: %d line(s) were cut by GROUP_CONCAT()

    • Error: 1261 SQLSTATE: 01000

      Message: Row %ld doesn’t contain data for all columns

    • Error: 1262 SQLSTATE: 01000

      Message: Row %ld was truncated; it contained more data than there
      were input columns

    • Error: 1263 SQLSTATE: 22004

      Message: Column set to default value; NULL supplied to NOT NULL
      column ‘%s’ at row %ld

    • Error: 1264 SQLSTATE: 22003

      Message: Out of range value adjusted for column ‘%s’ at row %ld

    • Error: 1265 SQLSTATE: 01000

      Message: Data truncated for column ‘%s’ at row %ld

    • Error: 1266 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Using storage engine %s for table ‘%s’

    • Error: 1267 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Illegal mix of collations (%s,%s) and (%s,%s) for
      operation ‘%s’

    • Error: 1268 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Cannot drop one or more of the requested users

    • Error: 1269 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Can’t revoke all privileges for one or more of the
      requested users

    • Error: 1270 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Illegal mix of collations (%s,%s), (%s,%s), (%s,%s) for
      operation ‘%s’

    • Error: 1271 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Illegal mix of collations for operation ‘%s’

    • Error: 1272 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Variable ‘%s’ is not a variable component (can’t be used
      as XXXX.variable_name)

    • Error: 1273 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Unknown collation: ‘%s’

    • Error: 1274 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: SSL parameters in CHANGE MASTER are ignored because this
      MySQL slave was compiled without SSL support; they can be used
      later if MySQL slave with SSL is started

    • Error: 1275 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Server is running in —secure-auth mode, but ‘%s’@’%s’
      has a password in the old format; please change the password to
      the new format

    • Error: 1276 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Field or reference ‘%s%s%s%s%s’ of SELECT #%d was
      resolved in SELECT #%d

    • Error: 1277 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Incorrect parameter or combination of parameters for

    • Error: 1278 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: It is recommended to use —skip-slave-start when doing
      step-by-step replication with START SLAVE UNTIL; otherwise, you
      will get problems if you get an unexpected slave’s mysqld restart

    • Error: 1279 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: SQL thread is not to be started so UNTIL options are

    • Error: 1280 SQLSTATE: 42000

      Message: Incorrect index name ‘%s’

    • Error: 1281 SQLSTATE: 42000

      Message: Incorrect catalog name ‘%s’

    • Error: 1282 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Query cache failed to set size %lu; new query cache size
      is %lu

    • Error: 1283 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Column ‘%s’ cannot be part of FULLTEXT index

    • Error: 1284 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Unknown key cache ‘%s’

    • Error: 1285 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: MySQL is started in —skip-name-resolve mode; you must
      restart it without this switch for this grant to work

    • Error: 1286 SQLSTATE: 42000

      Message: Unknown table engine ‘%s’

    • Error: 1287 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: ‘%s’ is deprecated; use ‘%s’ instead

    • Error: 1288 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: The target table %s of the %s is not updatable

    • Error: 1289 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: The ‘%s’ feature is disabled; you need MySQL built with
      ‘%s’ to have it working

    • Error: 1290 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: The MySQL server is running with the %s option so it
      cannot execute this statement

    • Error: 1291 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Column ‘%s’ has duplicated value ‘%s’ in %s

    • Error: 1292 SQLSTATE: 22007

      Message: Truncated incorrect %s value: ‘%s’

    • Error: 1293 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Incorrect table definition; there can be only one

    • Error: 1294 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Invalid ON UPDATE clause for ‘%s’ column

    • Error: 1295 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: This command is not supported in the prepared statement
      protocol yet

    • Error: 1296 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Got error %d ‘%s’ from %s

    • Error: 1297 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Got temporary error %d ‘%s’ from %s

    • Error: 1298 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Unknown or incorrect time zone: ‘%s’

    • Error: 1299 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Invalid TIMESTAMP value in column ‘%s’ at row %ld

    • Error: 1300 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Invalid %s character string: ‘%s’

    • Error: 1301 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Result of %s() was larger than max_allowed_packet (%ld) —

    • Error: 1302 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Conflicting declarations: ‘%s%s’ and ‘%s%s’

    • Error: 1303 SQLSTATE: 2F003

      Message: Can’t create a %s from within another stored routine

    • Error: 1304 SQLSTATE: 42000

      Message: %s %s already exists

    • Error: 1305 SQLSTATE: 42000

      Message: %s %s does not exist

    • Error: 1306 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Failed to DROP %s %s

    • Error: 1307 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Failed to CREATE %s %s

    • Error: 1308 SQLSTATE: 42000

      Message: %s with no matching label: %s

    • Error: 1309 SQLSTATE: 42000

      Message: Redefining label %s

    • Error: 1310 SQLSTATE: 42000

      Message: End-label %s without match

    • Error: 1311 SQLSTATE: 01000

      Message: Referring to uninitialized variable %s

    • Error: 1312 SQLSTATE: 0A000

      Message: PROCEDURE %s can’t return a result set in the given

    • Error: 1313 SQLSTATE: 42000

      Message: RETURN is only allowed in a FUNCTION

    • Error: 1314 SQLSTATE: 0A000

      Message: %s is not allowed in stored procedures

    • Error: 1315 SQLSTATE: 42000

      Message: The update log is deprecated and replaced by the binary
      log; SET SQL_LOG_UPDATE has been ignored

    • Error: 1316 SQLSTATE: 42000

      Message: The update log is deprecated and replaced by the binary
      log; SET SQL_LOG_UPDATE has been translated to SET SQL_LOG_BIN

    • Error: 1317 SQLSTATE: 70100

      Message: Query execution was interrupted

    • Error: 1318 SQLSTATE: 42000

      Message: Incorrect number of arguments for %s %s; expected %u, got

    • Error: 1319 SQLSTATE: 42000

      Message: Undefined CONDITION: %s

    • Error: 1320 SQLSTATE: 42000

      Message: No RETURN found in FUNCTION %s

    • Error: 1321 SQLSTATE: 2F005

      Message: FUNCTION %s ended without RETURN

    • Error: 1322 SQLSTATE: 42000

      Message: Cursor statement must be a SELECT

    • Error: 1323 SQLSTATE: 42000

      Message: Cursor SELECT must not have INTO

    • Error: 1324 SQLSTATE: 42000

      Message: Undefined CURSOR: %s

    • Error: 1325 SQLSTATE: 24000

      Message: Cursor is already open

    • Error: 1326 SQLSTATE: 24000

      Message: Cursor is not open

    • Error: 1327 SQLSTATE: 42000

      Message: Undeclared variable: %s

    • Error: 1328 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Incorrect number of FETCH variables

    • Error: 1329 SQLSTATE: 02000

      Message: No data — zero rows fetched, selected, or processed

    • Error: 1330 SQLSTATE: 42000

      Message: Duplicate parameter: %s

    • Error: 1331 SQLSTATE: 42000

      Message: Duplicate variable: %s

    • Error: 1332 SQLSTATE: 42000

      Message: Duplicate condition: %s

    • Error: 1333 SQLSTATE: 42000

      Message: Duplicate cursor: %s

    • Error: 1334 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Failed to ALTER %s %s

    • Error: 1335 SQLSTATE: 0A000

      Message: Subselect value not supported

    • Error: 1336 SQLSTATE: 0A000

      Message: %s is not allowed in stored function or trigger

    • Error: 1337 SQLSTATE: 42000

      Message: Variable or condition declaration after cursor or handler

    • Error: 1338 SQLSTATE: 42000

      Message: Cursor declaration after handler declaration

    • Error: 1339 SQLSTATE: 20000

      Message: Case not found for CASE statement

    • Error: 1340 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Configuration file ‘%s’ is too big

    • Error: 1341 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Malformed file type header in file ‘%s’

    • Error: 1342 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Unexpected end of file while parsing comment ‘%s’

    • Error: 1343 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Error while parsing parameter ‘%s’ (line: ‘%s’)

    • Error: 1344 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Unexpected end of file while skipping unknown parameter

    • Error: 1345 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: EXPLAIN/SHOW can not be issued; lacking privileges for
      underlying table

    • Error: 1346 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: File ‘%s’ has unknown type ‘%s’ in its header

    • Error: 1347 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: ‘%s.%s’ is not %s

    • Error: 1348 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Column ‘%s’ is not updatable

    • Error: 1349 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: View’s SELECT contains a subquery in the FROM clause

    • Error: 1350 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: View’s SELECT contains a ‘%s’ clause

    • Error: 1351 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: View’s SELECT contains a variable or parameter

    • Error: 1352 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: View’s SELECT refers to a temporary table ‘%s’

    • Error: 1353 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: View’s SELECT and view’s field list have different column

    • Error: 1354 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: View merge algorithm can’t be used here for now (assumed
      undefined algorithm)

    • Error: 1355 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: View being updated does not have complete key of
      underlying table in it

    • Error: 1356 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: View ‘%s.%s’ references invalid table(s) or column(s) or
      function(s) or definer/invoker of view lack rights to use them

    • Error: 1357 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Can’t drop or alter a %s from within another stored

    • Error: 1358 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: GOTO is not allowed in a stored procedure handler

    • Error: 1359 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Trigger already exists

    • Error: 1360 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Trigger does not exist

    • Error: 1361 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Trigger’s ‘%s’ is view or temporary table

    • Error: 1362 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Updating of %s row is not allowed in %strigger

    • Error: 1363 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: There is no %s row in %s trigger

    • Error: 1364 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Field ‘%s’ doesn’t have a default value

    • Error: 1365 SQLSTATE: 22012

      Message: Division by 0

    • Error: 1366 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Incorrect %s value: ‘%s’ for column ‘%s’ at row %ld

    • Error: 1367 SQLSTATE: 22007

      Message: Illegal %s ‘%s’ value found during parsing

    • Error: 1368 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: CHECK OPTION on non-updatable view ‘%s.%s’

    • Error: 1369 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: CHECK OPTION failed ‘%s.%s’

    • Error: 1370 SQLSTATE: 42000

      Message: %s command denied to user ‘%s’@’%s’ for routine ‘%s’

    • Error: 1371 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Failed purging old relay logs: %s

    • Error: 1372 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Password hash should be a %d-digit hexadecimal number

    • Error: 1373 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Target log not found in binlog index

    • Error: 1374 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: I/O error reading log index file

    • Error: 1375 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Server configuration does not permit binlog purge

    • Error: 1376 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Failed on fseek()

    • Error: 1377 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Fatal error during log purge

    • Error: 1378 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: A purgeable log is in use, will not purge

    • Error: 1379 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Unknown error during log purge

    • Error: 1380 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Failed initializing relay log position: %s

    • Error: 1381 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: You are not using binary logging

    • Error: 1382 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: The ‘%s’ syntax is reserved for purposes internal to the
      MySQL server

    • Error: 1383 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: WSAStartup Failed

    • Error: 1384 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Can’t handle procedures with different groups yet

    • Error: 1385 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Select must have a group with this procedure

    • Error: 1386 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Can’t use ORDER clause with this procedure

    • Error: 1387 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Binary logging and replication forbid changing the global
      server %s

    • Error: 1388 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Can’t map file: %s, errno: %d

    • Error: 1389 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Wrong magic in %s

    • Error: 1390 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Prepared statement contains too many placeholders

    • Error: 1391 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Key part ‘%s’ length cannot be 0

    • Error: 1392 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: View text checksum failed

    • Error: 1393 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Can not modify more than one base table through a join
      view ‘%s.%s’

    • Error: 1394 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Can not insert into join view ‘%s.%s’ without fields list

    • Error: 1395 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Can not delete from join view ‘%s.%s’

    • Error: 1396 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Operation %s failed for %s

    • Error: 1397 SQLSTATE: XAE04

      Message: XAER_NOTA: Unknown XID

    • Error: 1398 SQLSTATE: XAE05

      Message: XAER_INVAL: Invalid arguments (or unsupported command)

    • Error: 1399 SQLSTATE: XAE07

      Message: XAER_RMFAIL: The command cannot be executed when global
      transaction is in the %s state

    • Error: 1400 SQLSTATE: XAE09

      Message: XAER_OUTSIDE: Some work is done outside global

    • Error: 1401 SQLSTATE: XAE03

      Message: XAER_RMERR: Fatal error occurred in the transaction
      branch — check your data for consistency

    • Error: 1402 SQLSTATE: XA100

      Message: XA_RBROLLBACK: Transaction branch was rolled back

    • Error: 1403 SQLSTATE: 42000

      Message: There is no such grant defined for user ‘%s’ on host ‘%s’
      on routine ‘%s’

    • Error: 1404 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Failed to grant EXECUTE and ALTER ROUTINE privileges

    • Error: 1405 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Failed to revoke all privileges to dropped routine

    • Error: 1406 SQLSTATE: 22001

      Message: Data too long for column ‘%s’ at row %ld

    • Error: 1407 SQLSTATE: 42000

      Message: Bad SQLSTATE: ‘%s’

    • Error: 1408 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: %s: ready for connections. Version: ‘%s’ socket: ‘%s’
      port: %d %s

    • Error: 1409 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Can’t load value from file with fixed size rows to

    • Error: 1410 SQLSTATE: 42000

      Message: You are not allowed to create a user with GRANT

    • Error: 1411 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Incorrect %s value: ‘%s’ for function %s

    • Error: 1412 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Table definition has changed, please retry transaction

    • Error: 1413 SQLSTATE: 42000

      Message: Duplicate handler declared in the same block

    • Error: 1414 SQLSTATE: 42000

      Message: OUT or INOUT argument %d for routine %s is not a variable
      or NEW pseudo-variable in BEFORE trigger

    • Error: 1415 SQLSTATE: 0A000

      Message: Not allowed to return a result set from a %s

    • Error: 1416 SQLSTATE: 22003

      Message: Cannot get geometry object from data you send to the
      GEOMETRY field

    • Error: 1417 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: A routine failed and has neither NO SQL nor READS SQL
      DATA in its declaration and binary logging is enabled; if
      non-transactional tables were updated, the binary log will miss
      their changes

    • Error: 1418 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: This function has none of DETERMINISTIC, NO SQL, or READS
      SQL DATA in its declaration and binary logging is enabled (you
      *might* want to use the less safe log_bin_trust_function_creators

    • Error: 1419 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: You do not have the SUPER privilege and binary logging is
      enabled (you *might* want to use the less safe
      log_bin_trust_function_creators variable)

    • Error: 1420 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: You can’t execute a prepared statement which has an open
      cursor associated with it. Reset the statement to re-execute it.

    • Error: 1421 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: The statement (%lu) has no open cursor.

    • Error: 1422 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Explicit or implicit commit is not allowed in stored
      function or trigger.

    • Error: 1423 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Field of view ‘%s.%s’ underlying table doesn’t have a
      default value

    • Error: 1424 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Recursive stored functions and triggers are not allowed.

    • Error: 1425 SQLSTATE: 42000

      Message: Too big scale %d specified for column ‘%s’. Maximum is

    • Error: 1426 SQLSTATE: 42000

      Message: Too big precision %d specified for column ‘%s’. Maximum
      is %d.

    • Error: 1427 SQLSTATE: 42000

      Message: For float(M,D), double(M,D) or decimal(M,D), M must be >=
      D (column ‘%s’).

    • Error: 1428 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: You can’t combine write-locking of system ‘%s.%s’ table
      with other tables

    • Error: 1429 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Unable to connect to foreign data source: %s

    • Error: 1430 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: There was a problem processing the query on the foreign
      data source. Data source error: %-.64

    • Error: 1431 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: The foreign data source you are trying to reference does
      not exist. Data source error: %s

    • Error: 1432 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Can’t create federated table. The data source connection
      string ‘%s’ is not in the correct format

    • Error: 1433 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: The data source connection string ‘%s’ is not in the
      correct format

    • Error: 1434 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Can’t create federated table. Foreign data src error: %s

    • Error: 1435 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Trigger in wrong schema

    • Error: 1436 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Thread stack overrun: %ld bytes used of a %ld byte stack,
      and %ld bytes needed. Use ‘mysqld -O thread_stack=#’ to specify a
      bigger stack.

    • Error: 1437 SQLSTATE: 42000

      Message: Routine body for ‘%s’ is too long

    • Error: 1438 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Cannot drop default keycache

    • Error: 1439 SQLSTATE: 42000

      Message: Display width out of range for column ‘%s’ (max = %d)

    • Error: 1440 SQLSTATE: XAE08

      Message: XAER_DUPID: The XID already exists

    • Error: 1441 SQLSTATE: 22008

      Message: Datetime function: %s field overflow

    • Error: 1442 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Can’t update table ‘%s’ in stored function/trigger
      because it is already used by statement which invoked this stored

    • Error: 1443 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: The definition of table ‘%s’ prevents operation %s on
      table ‘%s’.

    • Error: 1444 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: The prepared statement contains a stored routine call
      that refers to that same statement. It’s not allowed to execute a
      prepared statement in such a recursive manner

    • Error: 1445 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Not allowed to set autocommit from a stored function or

    • Error: 1446 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Definer is not fully qualified

    • Error: 1447 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: View ‘%s’.’%s’ has no definer information (old table
      format). Current user is used as definer. Please recreate the

    • Error: 1448 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: You need the SUPER privilege for creation view with
      ‘%s’@’%s’ definer

    • Error: 1449 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: There is no ‘%s’@’%s’ registered

    • Error: 1450 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Changing schema from ‘%s’ to ‘%s’ is not allowed.

    • Error: 1451 SQLSTATE: 23000

      Message: Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key
      constraint fails (%s)

    • Error: 1452 SQLSTATE: 23000

      Message: Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key
      constraint fails (%s)

    • Error: 1453 SQLSTATE: 42000

      Message: Variable ‘%s’ must be quoted with `…`, or renamed

    • Error: 1454 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: No definer attribute for trigger ‘%s’.’%s’. The trigger
      will be activated under the authorization of the invoker, which
      may have insufficient privileges. Please recreate the trigger.

    • Error: 1455 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: ‘%s’ has an old format, you should re-create the ‘%s’

    • Error: 1456 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Recursive limit %d (as set by the max_sp_recursion_depth
      variable) was exceeded for routine %s

    • Error: 1457 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Failed to load routine %s. The table mysql.proc is
      missing, corrupt, or contains bad data (internal code %d)

    • Error: 1458 SQLSTATE: 42000

      Message: Incorrect routine name ‘%s’

    • Error: 1459 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Table upgrade required. Please do «REPAIR TABLE `%s`» to
      fix it!

    • Error: 1460 SQLSTATE: 42000

      Message: AGGREGATE is not supported for stored functions

    • Error: 1461 SQLSTATE: 42000

      Message: Can’t create more than max_prepared_stmt_count statements
      (current value: %lu)

    • Error: 1462 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: `%s`.`%s` contains view recursion

    • Error: 1463 SQLSTATE: 42000

      Message: non-grouping field ‘%s’ is used in %s clause

    • Error: 1464 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: The used table type doesn’t support SPATIAL indexes

    • Error: 1465 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Triggers can not be created on system tables

    • Error: 1466 SQLSTATE: HY000

      Message: Leading spaces are removed from name ‘%s’

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