Ошибка 1248 sql

I cant for the life of me figure out why this is erroring

ifnull(p.address,'') as`location`,
ifnull(ShortCut,'') as `state`,
ifnull(p.zip,'') as `zip`,
min(if(pr.minrent = 0,99999999,pr.minrent)) as minrent, 
max(pr.maxrent) as maxrent,
'' as service,
ifnull(p.phone,'') as `phone`,
min(CAST(pu.fullBath AS UNSIGNED)) as`minbath`,
max(CAST(pu.fullBath AS UNSIGNED)) as`maxbath`,
min(CAST(pu.Bed AS UNSIGNED)) as`minbed` ,
max(CAST(pu.Bed AS UNSIGNED)) as`maxbed`,
'' as url,
'' as source_id,
'' as source_name,
'' as addresscode,
'' as citycode,
'' as ctime,
'' as paid,
'' as similar_url,
'' as created_at,
'' as updated_at,
'' as city_name,
'' as service_listing_id

wiki_city_list c join propertyinfo p on c.city_id=p.city 
join ynow_rentwiki.Property_Unitlayout pu on p.prop_ynow_id=pu.P_Ident
join (SELECT CAST(substring_index(if(Rent >0 ,Rent,RentLow),'.',1) AS UNSIGNED) as minrent, CAST(substring_index(if(Rent >0,Rent,Renthigh),'.',1) AS UNSIGNED) as maxrent,PRE_Ident,P_Ident,UNL_Ident,RTY_Ident from ynow_rentwiki.Property_rents where P_Ident in (3958, 4576, 4577) and (Rent!='' or (Rentlow!='' and Renthigh!='')) )  as pr on pu.UNL_Ident=pr.UNL_Ident
join state s on (p.state = s.stateid OR p.state = s.ShortCut ) 
and p.delete_date='0000-00-00'

c.city_id, p.prop_ynow_id

ifnull(p.address,'') as`location`,
ifnull(ShortCut,'') as `state`,
ifnull(p.zip,'') as `zip`,
min(if(pr.minrent = 0,99999999,pr.minrent)) as minrent, 
max(pr.maxrent) as maxrent,
'' as service,
ifnull(p.phone,'') as `phone`,
min(CAST(pu.fullBath AS UNSIGNED)) as`minbath`,
max(CAST(pu.fullBath AS UNSIGNED)) as`maxbath`,
min(CAST(pu.Bed AS UNSIGNED)) as`minbed` ,
max(CAST(pu.Bed AS UNSIGNED)) as`maxbed`,
'' as url,
'' as source_id,
'' as source_name,
'' as addresscode,
'' as citycode,
'' as ctime,
'' as paid,
'' as similar_url,
'' as created_at,
'' as updated_at,
'' as city_name,
'' as service_listing_id

wiki_city_list c join propertyinfo p on c.city_id=p.city 
join ynow_rentwiki.Property_Unitlayout pu on p.prop_ynow_id=pu.P_Ident
join (SELECT CAST(substring_index(if(Rent >0 ,Rent,RentLow),'.',1) AS UNSIGNED) as minrent, CAST(substring_index(if(Rent >0,Rent,Renthigh),'.',1) AS UNSIGNED) as maxrent,PRE_Ident,P_Ident,UNL_Ident,RTY_Ident from ynow_rentwiki.Property_rents where P_Ident in (9744) and (Rent!='' or (Rentlow!='' and Renthigh!='')) )  as pr on pu.UNL_Ident=pr.UNL_Ident
join state s on (p.state = s.stateid OR p.state = s.ShortCut ) 
and p.delete_date='0000-00-00'

c.city_id, p.prop_ynow_id

'' as prop_ynow_id, 
id as propertyid, 
0 as prop_add_value,
t.name as name,
'' as picture,  
t.address as location,
t.city as city, 
s.ShortCut as state, 
t.zip as zip,   
CAST(REPLACE(REPLACE(t.price,'$',''),',','') as UNSIGNED) as minrent, 
'' as maxrent,
t.service as service, 
'' as hood_id, 
'' as phone, 
t.latitude as latitude, 
t.longitude as longitude, 
t.bathrooms as minbath, 
'' as maxbath, 
t.bedrooms as minbed,
'' as maxbed,   
t.url as url,   
t.source_id as source_id, 
t.source_name as source_name, 
t.addresscode as addresscode, 
t.citycode as citycode, 
t.ctime as ctime, 
t.paid as paid,
t.similar_url as similar_url, 
t.created_at as created_at, 
t.updated_at as updated_at, 
SUBSTRING_INDEX(c.city_name,'_',1) as city_name,    
t.service_listing_id as service_listing_id

FROM LBCPrimary.third_party_properties as t, LBCPrimary.wiki_city_list as c, LBCPrimary.state as s
t.city in ( '230' ) 
address <> '' and 
t.city = c.city_id and 
c.city_state = s.stateid

order by t.ctime 
limit 46 as a limit 0,50

Are you writing a query in MySQL and getting an error of “1248: Every derived table must have its own alias”? If so, it’s a simple error to fix.

So you’ve got this error in MySQL. How do you fix it?

The short answer is you need to give your subqueries an alias in your SELECT statement. Add an alias after the closing bracket of the FROM clause subquery.

In other SQL vendors, this is not required, but MySQL requires you to alias your subqueries.

What does this mean?

Let’s take a look at an example.

Example of a Derived Table

A derived table is a SELECT subquery within the FROM clause of your main query. It’s treated like a table because it has columns and returns rows. It can be used in place of a table in the FROM clause, for example. It’s often called an inline view or just a subquery.

Here’s an example of a derived table:

SELECT customer_city,
COUNT(*) AS order_count,
SUM(order_amount) AS order_sum
  SELECT o.order_id,
  FROM orders o
  INNER JOIN customer c ON o.customer_id = c.customer_id
GROUP BY customer_city;

This query finds the city, number of orders, and the sum of the order amounts from the orders and customer tables.

Let’s break this query down.

The query has an outer query and an inner query. The inner query is used to get data from orders and customers:

SELECT o.order_id, o.customer_city, o.order_amount
FROM orders o
INNER JOIN customer c ON o.customer_id = c.customer_id

This gets data from two tables, joining on a common field. This is the “derived table”.

The outer query selects a few columns from this subquery. Rather than using a table, the data comes from the results of this subquery.

SELECT customer_city,
COUNT(*) AS order_count,
SUM(order_amount) AS order_sum
GROUP BY customer_city;

It shows the customer_city, two aggregate functions, and groups by the city.

This is the entire query again:

SELECT customer_city,
COUNT(*) AS order_count,
SUM(order_amount) AS order_sum
  SELECT o.order_id,
  FROM orders o
  INNER JOIN customer c ON o.customer_id = c.customer_id
GROUP BY customer_city;

What happens if you run this query in MySQL?

You’ll get this error:

Error 1248: Every derived table must have its own alias

How do you resolve this?

Solution to “Every derived table must have its own alias”

The reason you get this error is that in MySQL, every derived table (subquery that is a SELECT query) needs to have an alias after it.

The query example here did not have an alias for the subquery. The alias for a subquery is the same as a column alias. It goes after the closing brackets for the FROM clause for the subquery.

So, in this example, all we need to do to resolve this error is to add an alias after the closing bracket.

The alias can be almost anything you like: a single letter, a word, a few letters. I often use the word “sub” if it’s a small query (for subquery), or something more descriptive if it’s a longer query.

SELECT customer_city,
COUNT(*) AS order_count,
SUM(order_amount) AS order_sum
  SELECT o.order_id,
  FROM orders o
  INNER JOIN customer c ON o.customer_id = c.customer_id
) sub
GROUP BY customer_city;

Notice how the word “sub” is added after the closing bracket on the second last line? That’s the alias for the subquery or derived table. This alias is required in MySQL but not other vendors.

Running this query should work and you should not get the “Every derived table must have its own alias” error anymore.

Optional: Add the AS Keyword

You could add the AS keyword, as this is an optional part of adding an alias, but it’s up to you. This will also work:

SELECT customer_city,
COUNT(*) AS order_count,
SUM(order_amount) AS order_sum
  SELECT o.order_id,
  FROM orders o
  INNER JOIN customer c ON o.customer_id = c.customer_id
) AS sub
GROUP BY customer_city;

So, that’s how you can resolve this derived table alias error. Add an alias to your subquery.

The MySQL Error 1248 (42000) is a common error message that occurs in MySQL when you are executing a query that involves a derived table and the derived table doesn’t have its own alias. In other words, when a subquery is used in the FROM clause and doesn’t have an alias assigned to it, this error will occur. To avoid this error and ensure that your queries run successfully, you need to make sure that every derived table in your queries has its own alias.

Method 1: Assign an Alias to the Derived Table

To fix the MYSQL ERROR 1248 (42000): Every derived table must have its own alias, you can assign an alias to the derived table. Here is how you can do it in MySQL:

  FROM table1
  WHERE condition1
) AS derived_table_alias;

In the above example, we have assigned an alias «derived_table_alias» to the derived table. You can replace this alias with any name of your choice.

Here is another example:

  SELECT column1, column2
  FROM table2
  WHERE condition2
) AS t;

In this example, we have assigned the alias «t» to the derived table.

You can also use the AS keyword before the alias name, like this:

  SELECT column1, column2
  FROM table3
  WHERE condition3
) t_alias;

In this example, we have used the AS keyword before the alias name «t_alias».

In summary, to fix the MYSQL ERROR 1248 (42000): Every derived table must have its own alias, you can assign an alias to the derived table using the AS keyword followed by the alias name.

Method 2: Use a Common Table Expression (CTE)

To fix the MYSQL ERROR 1248 (42000): Every derived table must have its own alias, you can use a Common Table Expression (CTE). Here’s how to do it:

WITH cte_name AS (
   SELECT column_name FROM table_name
SELECT * FROM cte_name;

In this example, we are creating a CTE called «cte_name» that selects the «column_name» from «table_name». We then select all columns from the CTE.

You can also use a CTE to join multiple tables:

WITH cte_name AS (
   SELECT column_name FROM table_name
cte_name2 AS (
   SELECT column_name2 FROM table_name2
SELECT * FROM cte_name
JOIN cte_name2 ON cte_name.column_name = cte_name2.column_name2;

In this example, we are creating two CTEs, «cte_name» and «cte_name2», that select columns from different tables. We then join the two CTEs on matching columns.

CTEs can also be used to simplify complex queries:

WITH cte_name AS (
   SELECT column_name FROM table_name
cte_name2 AS (
   SELECT column_name2 FROM table_name2
   SELECT * FROM cte_name
   JOIN cte_name2 ON cte_name.column_name = cte_name2.column_name2
) AS derived_table;

In this example, we are using a CTE to join two tables, and then wrapping the result in a derived table. We then count the number of rows in the derived table.

By using Common Table Expressions, you can simplify your queries and avoid errors like MYSQL ERROR 1248 (42000): Every derived table must have its own alias.

Method 3: Use a Subquery in the SELECT Clause Instead of the FROM Clause

To fix the MYSQL ERROR 1248 (42000): Every derived table must have its own alias, you can use a subquery in the SELECT clause instead of the FROM clause. Here’s an example:

    SELECT col1, col2, col3
    FROM table1
    WHERE col1 = 'value'
) subquery_alias;

In this example, we’re selecting all columns from a subquery that selects specific columns from table1 where col1 equals 'value'. Notice that we’ve given the subquery an alias (subquery_alias) so that it can be referenced in the outer query.

Here’s another example:

    SELECT col1, COUNT(*) AS count
    FROM table1
    GROUP BY col1
) subquery_alias
WHERE count > 10;

In this example, we’re selecting all columns from a subquery that counts the number of rows for each distinct value of col1 in table1. Notice that we’ve given the COUNT(*) function an alias (count) so that we can reference it in the outer query’s WHERE clause.

Using a subquery in the SELECT clause instead of the FROM clause can be a useful technique for solving the MYSQL ERROR 1248 (42000): Every derived table must have its own alias. Just remember to give the subquery an alias so that it can be referenced in the outer query.

In this article, we will be discussing the below points

  • HOW TO FIX THE ERROR in MySQL : Every derived table must have its own alias
  • Every derived table must have its own alias : JOIN

Let’s get started, but first, we will look into the data we will be using in our examples. Assume that we have a table sale_details with the below rows.

figure 1.1

HOW TO FIX THE ERROR in MySQL : Every derived table must have its own alias

What is a derived table?  Well, the Derived table is an expression that creates a temporary table in the FROM clause’s scope in the query. It is a subquery in the SELECT statement and FROM clause. Let’s look into an example to get the average of the maximum no_products_sold for each salesperson for a department. Observe the below query.

        sale_person_name, MAX(no_products_sold) AS max_sales
    GROUP BY sale_person_name);

In the above query, we created a derived table from subquery “SELECT sale_person_name, MAX(no_products_sold) AS max_sales FROM sale_details GROUP BY sale_person_name,” which is within the scope of the FROM clause.

On running the query written above to get the average of the maximum no_products_sold for each salesperson per department, we get an ERROR :

Action Output Message: SELECT CEIL(AVG(max_sales)) FROM (SELECT sale_person_name, MAX(no_products_sold) AS max_sales FROM sale_details GROUP BY sale_person_name) LIMIT 0, 1000 Error Code: 1248. Every derived table must have its own alias 0.00025 sec

It is highlighting that an Error:1248 Every derived table must have its alias has occurred. The reason for the same is that we need to provide an alias for the sub-queries while working in MySQL (alias is just a temporary/false name). Observe the corrected query below:

Frequently Asked:

  • MySQL increase VARCHAR size of column without breaking existing data
  • MySQL Select where Count is greater than one [Solved]
  • What are triggers in MySQL
  • Select count(*) with distinct
    CEIL(AVG(max_sales)) AS average_of_max_sales_per_salesman
        sale_person_name, MAX(no_products_sold) AS max_sales
    GROUP BY sale_person_name) AS sales_alias;   

In the above query, we have added an alias sales_alias for the derived table. On running the query now, we get the desired result.

Action Output Message: SELECT CEIL(AVG(max_sales)) FROM (SELECT sale_person_name, MAX(no_products_sold) AS max_sales FROM sale_details GROUP BY sale_person_name)as sales_alias LIMIT 0, 1000 1 row(s) returned 0.00086 sec / 0.000018 sec.

Output :-

figure 1.2

Let’s see how to work with joins while using the derived tables. We will be using the same table sale_details to get all the columns for a salesperson corresponding to the row, which shows the maximum sale for a product department wise. We need to do an inner join of the sales_details table with a derived table for the desired result. Observe the below query, it’s output, and explanation.

    sale_details sd1
        INNER JOIN
        sale_person_name, MAX(no_products_sold) AS MaxSale
    GROUP BY sale_person_name) sd2 ON sd1.sale_person_name = sd2.sale_person_name
        AND sd1.no_products_sold = sd2.MaxSale;

Action Output Message: SELECT sd1.* FROM sale_details sd1 INNER JOIN (SELECT sale_person_name, MAX(no_products_sold) AS MaxSale FROM sale_details GROUP BY sale_person_name) sd2 ON sd1.sale_person_name = sd2.sale_person_name AND sd1.no_products_sold = sd2.MaxSale LIMIT 0, 1000 4 row(s) returned 0.00097 sec / 0.000032 sec.


figure 1.3

Explanation:- In this query, we are using an INNER JOIN with the sales_details table and the derived table.

STEP1:  The derived table created in the sub-query “SELECT sale_person_name, MAX(no_products_sold) AS MaxSale FROM sale_details GROUP BY sale_person_name” gets the sales_person_name and maximum no_products_sold grouped by sales_person_name. The alias name given to this derived table is sd2.

STEP2: Select all the details from the sales_details table in the outer-query alias name is sd1.

STEP3: Finally, doing an INNER JOIN on the derived table and sales_details table ON sale_person_name AND ON no_products_sold from sales_details table, MAX(no_products_sold) from the derived table.

We hope this article provided a good understanding of the alias while using the derived tables. Good Luck !!!

What do I do wrong with the update in mysql?

I tried many different ways and can not make it work.

Update is made on the same table. Corrected the sql as shown but I still get an described in later comment

update auctions A 
SET A.active = -1 
WHERE A.auction_id IN
    SELECT auction_id 
        SELECT B.auction_id FROM
        table auctions 
        WHERE B.auction_id = A.auction_id AND B.active = 0 AND B.ended_on < "2019-04-18" AND B.ended_on > "2018-01-06" AND B.item_id 
        not IN 
                    SELECT item_id 
                        SELECT C.item_id from auctions C 
                        WHERE C.active = 1 
                        AND C.item_id = B.item_id
                   )    AS temp_c

    )    AS temp_b

INSERT INTO `auctions` (`auction_id`, `item_id`, `active`, `created_by`, `started_on`, `buy_price`, `prefs`, `ended_on`, `bids`) VALUES (7333209574, 20354, 1, 2, '2019-08-23 16:12:51', NULL, 'a:23', NULL, 0);
INSERT INTO `auctions` (`auction_id`, `item_id`, `active`, `created_by`, `started_on`, `buy_price`, `prefs`, `ended_on`, `bids`) VALUES (7333209575, 20354, 0, 2, '2018-03-13 16:12:51', NULL, 'a:23', '2018-03-23 16:30:31', 0);
INSERT INTO `auctions` (`auction_id`, `item_id`, `active`, `created_by`, `started_on`, `buy_price`, `prefs`, `ended_on`, `bids`) VALUES (7333209576, 20752, 0, 2, '2018-02-13 16:12:51', NULL, 'a:23', '2018-02-23 16:30:31', 0);
INSERT INTO `auctions` (`auction_id`, `item_id`, `active`, `created_by`, `started_on`, `buy_price`, `prefs`, `ended_on`, `bids`) VALUES (7333209577, 20752, 0, 2, '2018-02-13 16:12:51', NULL, 'a:23', '2018-02-23 16:30:31', 0);
INSERT INTO `auctions` (`auction_id`, `item_id`, `active`, `created_by`, `started_on`, `buy_price`, `prefs`, `ended_on`, `bids`) VALUES (7333209577, 20752, 0, 2, '2018-06-13 16:12:51', NULL, 'a:23', '2018-06-23 16:30:31', 0);

CREATE TABLE `auctions` (
    `auction_id` BIGINT(20) NOT NULL,
    `item_id` INT(11) NOT NULL,
    `active` TINYINT(4) NULL DEFAULT '1',
    `created_by` INT(11) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
    `prefs` TEXT NULL COLLATE 'utf8_unicode_ci',
    `bids` INT(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
    PRIMARY KEY (`auction_id`),
    INDEX `item_id` (`item_id`),
    INDEX `created_by` (`created_by`),
    CONSTRAINT `auctions_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`item_id`) REFERENCES `data_1` (`id`),
    CONSTRAINT `auctions_ibfk_2` FOREIGN KEY (`created_by`) REFERENCES `login` (`id`)

Here is the select statement that contains the correct output for an update statement. Your answer contains auction_id that item_id has active = 1 but it shouldn’t.

SELECT * from auctions WHERE active = 0 AND ended_on < "2019-04-18" AND ended_on > "2018-01-06" AND item_id NOT IN (SELECT item_id FROM auctions WHERE active = 1);

Here is the output of EXPLAIN in the form of an INSERT

INSERT INTO `NieznanaTabela` (`id`, `select_type`, `table`, `type`, `possible_keys`, `key`, `key_len`, `ref`, `rows`, `Extra`) VALUES (1, 'SIMPLE', 'A', 'ALL', 'item_id', NULL, NULL, NULL, 20554, 'Using where');
INSERT INTO `NieznanaTabela` (`id`, `select_type`, `table`, `type`, `possible_keys`, `key`, `key_len`, `ref`, `rows`, `Extra`) VALUES (1, 'SIMPLE', 'B', 'ref', 'item_id', 'item_id', '4', 'dbauction.A.item_id', 10, 'Using where');

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