Ошибка 1090 исправить

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In this article, we will explain the solution of the event id:1090 error on the Windows Failover Cluster. This problem is usually; The cluster configuration database contains basic information for the Failover Cluster functionality. A copy of the database containing the data of the cluster configuration is kept on each “node“. If the “core” configuration for the cluster contains a “Witness” disk or common area, a copy of the cluster configuration database is also kept in the “Witness” area. The Windows Failover Cluster service also replicates this data to all locations where the latest version of this database, which holds the cluster configuration information, is stored. When this error is encountered, the following situations occur.

  • Windows Cluster service does not start.
  • Failover Cluster Manager cluster environment is not displayed.
  • If there is an Exchange Server DAG structure, all databases will be dismounted.

event id:1090 error

event id:1090 error
event id:1090
event id:1090

Resolution of Event ID 1090 Error

First, I run the PowerShell application in administrator mode with the following command. This command forcefully cleans the node when the Cluster service fails.

Cluster Node "ServerName" /ForceCleanup



Secondly, I restart the Exchange server’s operating system and run the following command in the Exchange Management Shell to add the node back to the Cluster environment.

Start-DatabaseAvailabilityGroup "DAG01" -MailboxServer "EXC01"
Start-DatabaseAvailabilityGroup "DAG02" -MailboxServer "EXC02"

Exchange Management Shell

Exchange Management Shell

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  • Question

  • I have restrat the 2nd node of active passive cluster and on 2nd node the cluster service is not starting and giving error:

    The Cluster service cannot be started. An attempt to read configuration data from the Windows registry failed with error ‘2’. Please use the Failover Cluster Management snap-in to ensure that this machine is a member of a cluster. If you intend to add this
    machine to an existing cluster use the Add Node Wizard. Alternatively, if this machine has been configured as a member of a cluster, it will be necessary to restore the missing configuration data that is necessary for the Cluster Service to identify that it
    is a member of a cluster. Perform a System State Restore of this machine in order to restore the configuration data.


    • Moved by

      Monday, October 15, 2012 2:40 AM
      (From:SQL Server High Availability and Disaster Recovery)


    • Marked as answer by
      Wednesday, October 24, 2012 8:16 AM
  • I have restrat the 2nd node of active passive cluster and on 2nd node the cluster service is not starting and giving error:

    The Cluster service cannot be started. An attempt to read configuration data from the Windows registry failed with error ‘2’. Please use the Failover Cluster Management snap-in to ensure that this machine is a member of a cluster. If you intend to add this
    machine to an existing cluster use the Add Node Wizard. Alternatively, if this machine has been configured as a member of a cluster, it will be necessary to restore the missing configuration data that is necessary for the Cluster Service to identify that it
    is a member of a cluster. Perform a System State Restore of this machine in order to restore the configuration data.


    Besides to Mayur’s posts, Generally, if one cluster server (Node 1) fails other cluster server (Node 2) takes over the cluster activities.If it is not happened, start the cluster service manually and check for the difference and
    also make «cluster service» start mode to
    manual mode
    for automatic fail over.
    Meanwhile, check for the cluster logs/event viewer and then troubleshoot accordingly.

    To troubleshoot Event ID:1090-Failover Cluster Configuration Availability: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc773472(v=ws.10).aspx

    Thanks you and write here again, if you need any other help.

    Regards, Ravikumar P

    • Marked as answer by
      Wednesday, October 24, 2012 8:16 AM

      A common configuration error is the 1090 Error, when the application is being launched or during the runtime. Error 1090 usually is an error about the related WebService maintenance, configuration or setup. Numerical Flex code indicates which area of the Flex application layer it belongs to. This WSDL invocation inconsistency is commonly caused by the following: 

A.   Issue: Incomplete configuration of the Portal template. It is usually caused by wrong WebAS port number,

Check: To validate whether or not this port number assigned correctly refer to the back-end’s transaction code SMICM, click on the icon called “Services” and look into your HTTP Service Port, then compare it to your Portal Template info you have indicated for WebAS port number field.

Fix: This port should match both places, if not adjust your information accordingly.

*                Versions Affected: V2.0 and V2.1*



B.     Issue: Incorrectly configured WebAS within the J2EE/ABAP configuration, using Java Port number and not BI-JAVA port, which should be used instead.

            Check: For this exercise involve your BASIS expert (NOTE: Your usual HTTP port should be either 4 or 5 digit port number, respective to your NW’s system initial installation. Run BI Diagnostics Tool to see whether or not your port number is consistent.

            Fix: The port number should be consistent with by appending the following URL to your existing URL [http://Versions Affected: V2.0 and V2.1

C.      Issue: Inactive default NW Webservice Services is another reason why a user gets Error 1090. NW installation comes with a lot of default content of its own (depending on the version and installation method employed). In SICF we can see many services which an end-user may not be using at all, but many ask whether or not they need those services, and the answer is YES you do, as some of these services like WebDynPro or WebFlow, Workflow are required for operational process of your portal. For this, I recommend you to activate all of these webservices respectively (unless an end-user is absolutely certain/sure that some of those services are not required for their operational process).    

Check: Login to your system in the back-end and type your SICF transaction code, then press on green check for an acknowledgment. Browse through your default_host until you reach /sap/bc area, then select “bc” as domain and right-click to activate the content under this domain.

Fix:Activate everything under the tree not just tree alone. Ensure you’re able to run your WebDynPro related services like Content Administrator / WebDynPro JCOs and SLD Setup tools).

NOTE: Also ensure you have activated SAP Spend Performance Management related services under /sap/bc/srt/rfc/sap > RS_BCT (all of them) and RS_BXT (only 1 service).

Versions Affected: V2.0 and V2.1

sicf default

<strong>!https://weblogs.sdn.sap.com/weblogs/images/252114364/SICFServiceActivationC.jpg|height=412|alt=SICF services|width=700|src=https://weblogs.sdn.sap.com/weblogs/images/252114364/SICFServiceActivationC.jpg|border=0!</strong> </div><div class=”msocomtxt”>!https://weblogs.sdn.sap.com/weblogs/images/252114364/ContentAdminWebDynProCheckC.jpg|height=318|alt=WebDynPro check|width=700|src=https://weblogs.sdn.sap.com/weblogs/images/252114364/ContentAdminWebDynProCheckC.jpg|border=0!*

D.   Issue: SOAMANAGER Transaction Code doesn’t have “Access J2EE Information”  provided. This task would require your BASIS level configuration changes to correctly setup the WebAS redirection policy.

Check: Request SOAMANAGER t-code in your back-end system, then click on Global Settings hyperlink displayed in the Technical Configuration Tab. Global Settings will bring you its menu where you can find Access J2EE Information tab.

Fix: Click on the tab and input your HTTP Port number and your domain name accordingly.

Versions Affected: V2.0 and V2.1


E.      Issue: Undefined WSADMIN for the application Webservices. WSADMIN, even though in the process of being obsolete, is still valid and for the webservice distribution processes.

Check:  If any RS_BCT, RS_BXT or OPM_DM* webservices (OPM_DM_X_API being the most critical) in WSADMIN under SOAP Application for RFC-Compliant FMs are not visible, need to create these from WSCONFIG (see side-effect F for details). If these services are available, WSADMIN t-code and clicking WebService Homepage.

*Fix: Prior to this test a user has to maintain main domain URL within GoTO -> Administration Settings as follows http(s)://<hostname>:<port number> – derived from the J2EE standalone port (your Portal Port Number and NOT BI-Java / SMICM port number). Your test has to be performed in RPC Style and including SAP Features in WSDL. Your result should be a successful redirection to the page with your selected WebService. If you were able to get this process done, then your WSADMIN definitions are set accordingly.</p><div class=”msocomtxt”>Versions Affected: V2.0 and V2.1*

!https://weblogs.sdn.sap.com/weblogs/images/252114364/WSAdminandAdministrationSettingsPortE.jpg|height=247|alt=WSAdmin Port Check|width=700|src=https://weblogs.sdn.sap.com/weblogs/images/252114364/WSAdminandAdministrationSettingsPortE.jpg|border=0!

!https://weblogs.sdn.sap.com/weblogs/images/252114364/WSAdminandlistofwebservices1E.jpg|height=422|alt=WSAdmin WS List|width=700|src=https://weblogs.sdn.sap.com/weblogs/images/252114364/WSAdminandlistofwebservices1E.jpg|border=0!

!https://weblogs.sdn.sap.com/weblogs/images/252114364/WSAdminandlistofwebservices2E.jpg|height=391|alt=WSAdmin WS List 2|width=700|src=https://weblogs.sdn.sap.com/weblogs/images/252114364/WSAdminandlistofwebservices2E.jpg|border=0!

F.      Issue: Webservices for the application not installed…

Fix: To correct this, access WSCONFIG and add the services (create new), in the following fashion: Select your desired webservice (e.g. OPM_DM_X_API, by clicking on the Web Service field and on F5/Browse) and assign it the same variable name, then click on Create New and on SAVE respectively. Check your service for consistency by clicking on the “consistency check” icon, to ensure that it’s created accordingly and not as empty string.  If a user is asked to create a local transport job, indicate the reason behind your local transport job, save it and assign every other WSCONFIG webservice you’re trying to create for Spend Performance Management (under RS_BCT and RS_BXT, besides OPM_DM_X_API) to this transport job. Once you have created those individual services 1 by 1, check whether or not they do correspond in WSADMIN respectively. Note: It’s easy enough to miss 1 webservice to be delivered from WSCONFIG to WSADMIN therefore pay close attention to your manual journey. (NOTE: In earlier versions of NW SPS 13 and below, very rarely a user will not even able to locate webservices in WSCONFIG, for further steps on this process please see installation and configuration guide / Redelivering Webservices from SCC1/SCC4).

*Versions Affected: V2.0 *

G.      Issue: Inconsistent / corrupted version of your BIBASE-S and BIWEBAPP components (your default NW components). Quite often users install different versions of components of their NW J2EE layer (portal, visual admin, configtool). This may cause an inconsistency established between J2EE level dependencies (like BIBASE-S and BIWEBAPP), please take a note of it. Always keep those two components on the same SP and Patch level (most recent upgrades available in SAP’s SMP).

*Check: Login to your index.html page and click on System Information. Ensure you login to Sys Info again with your admin user credentials. Click on “All Components” Hyperlink and find your BIBASE-S and BIWEBAPP components (ensure they are exactly off the same build e.g. meaning same release, sp and patch levels).</p><p style=”margin: 0in 0in 0pt 0.5in” class=”MsoListParagraph”>Fix: If the components are different, DO NOT downgrade, instead upgrade to the same SP level.</p><p style=”margin: 0in 0in 0pt 0.5in” class=”MsoListParagraph”>Versions Affected: V2.0 and V2.1</p><p style=”margin: 0in 0in 0pt 0.5in” class=”MsoListParagraph”> </p><div class=”msocomtxt”>!https://weblogs.sdn.sap.com/weblogs/images/252114364/SystemInfoBIBASEandBIWEBAPPG.jpg|height=445|alt=BIBase|width=700|src=https://weblogs.sdn.sap.com/weblogs/images/252114364/SystemInfoBIBASEandBIWEBAPPG.jpg|border=0! *

Если вы получили сообщение об ошибке 1090 на вашем рекордере Horizon HD, это может быть связано с неисправной проводкой. В этом практическом совете мы расскажем вам, что вы можете с этим сделать.

Horizon HD Recorder от Unitymedia показывает ошибку 1090 — что делать?

Чтобы вы могли снова быстро смотреть телевизор, мы собрали следующие советы, чтобы исправить ошибку:

  • Сначала взгляните на проводку от вашего приемника Horizon. Все соединения должны быть установлены правильно.
  • Кроме того, кабели должны быть неповрежденными и не иметь дефектов или поврежденных кабелей. В этом случае поврежденный кабель должен быть немедленно заменен.
  • Убедитесь, что антенный кабель подключен к разъему «Data» вашего антенного разъема. Если у вас нет сокета с данными, попробуйте левый сокет.
  • Адаптер для антенной розетки должен быть в комплекте с вашим приемником. Попробуйте, если ошибка не устранена.
  • Просто подключите его к антенному разъему и, наконец, подключите приемник к адаптеру. После перезапуска приемника ошибка должна исчезнуть.
  • Ошибка 1090 также означает, что приемник Horizon в данный момент настраивается. Так что подожди немного.
  • Если проблема не устранена, позвоните в службу поддержки клиентов Unitymedia по телефону. Вы можете найти номер в этой статье.



Я использую HTTPService для отправки запроса на веб-службу. веб-служба запускает запрос в SQL Server и возвращает данные набора строк f, как в формате XML. служба работает нормально, пока в заголовке любого столбца в результирующем наборе нет пробела. Однако, если в имени столбца (например, “Имя клиента”) есть пробел (пробел), возникает следующая ошибка:

Ошибка # 1090: Ошибка анализатора XML: элемент имеет неверный формат.

Используя аддон HTTPFox в FireFox, я вижу, что записи получены, как показано ниже. Я думаю, что эта проблема – это пробел в тегах XML, который извлекается службой.

<Customer Name><![CDATA[Smith Naval]]></Customer Name>

Есть ли способ решить проблему?

Лучший ответ:

Я не уверен, что сказать, что вы, похоже, уже не знаете.

Вы не можете иметь пробелы в теге XML и по-прежнему соответствовать требованиям XML. Многие утверждают, что в базе данных также не должно быть пробелов в именах столбцов.

Если возможно, я заменил бы пробелы в столбцах базы данных знаком подчеркивания. Если это невозможно, я бы выполнил обработку на стороне сервера при создании вашего XML, чтобы пробелы не отображались в имени тега XML.

Вот несколько вариантов:

  1. Назовите тег, используя каждую букву, но не включая первое пространство имени столбца
  2. Удалите пробелы в именах тегов при генерации XML.
  3. Обработайте возвращаемое значение как текст. Для меня это звучит очень сложно; но если вы в Regex, возможно, будет возможно.

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