Ошибка 1016 dns

Stuck with Cloudflare error 1016? We can help you.

Cloudflare error 1016 occurs when Cloudflare is unable to send requests to the server because its origin IP cannot resolve the A or CNAME DNS record requested.

Here at Bobcares, we often get requests from our customers to fix similar errors as a part of our Server Management Services.

Today let’s see how our Support Engineers fix this error for our customers.

How to fix Cloudflare error 1016?

Sometimes the record to be specified in the DNS tab of the Cloudflare dashboard is not found or it is a CNAME record to an external domain that does not resolve.

This will cause the browser to show a 1016 error. A typical error looks as shown below:

Cloudflare error 1016

Generally, this can happen if the host had an IP address change or the server is down/offline.

Before going into the steps for fixing this error we will see some of the causes.

Causes for Cloudflare error 1016

1. The Cloudflare DNS configuration does not have an A DNS record that matches the origin IP address.
2. A CNAME record in Cloudflare DNS points to an external domain that cannot be resolved.
3. The origin hostnames (CNAMEs) in Cloudflare Load Balancer default, region, and fallback pools are unresolvable.

Methods to fix this error:

Some of the methods that our Support techs follow to fix this error are given below:

1. First we need to verify that Cloudflare DNS settings include an A record that points to a valid IP address. We can modify the existing A record or create a new one.
2. If the CNAME record is pointing to an external domain, we need to ensure that the target domain can be resolved by using command-line tools as well as third-party tools to check DNS resolution.

The following are two command-line tools:


dig subdomain.example.com

dig +trace subdomain.example.com

The +trace option outputs detailed information when the DNS response fails.

dig subdomain.example.com @

The @ option returns results from Cloudflare’s public DNS resolver.

This allows us to confirm that public resolvers can receive a DNS response.


nslookup subdomain.example.com 47
nslookup subdomain.example.com 47

[Still, facing this error? We are happy to help you!]


To conclude we saw what are the common causes for Cloudflare error 1016 and the steps that our Support Engineers follow to fix them.


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If Cloudflare can’t connect your server to your domain, you’ll see one of the dreaded 1xxx errors in your web browser.

You might see the Cloudflare Error 1016: Origin DNS Error message:

Cloudflare Error 1016

What is Cloudflare Error 1016: Origin DNS Error?

“Cloudflare Error 1016: Origin DNS Error” means Cloudflare is not able to connect to your origin server as a result of a DNS issue. In other words, Cloudflare error 1016 indicates that the Cloudflare Anycast address cannot find the DNS record that should be specified in the DNS records section of your Cloudflare control panel.

Even if a Cloudflare A record or CNAME is resolving correctly an external domain that should be included in your control panel cannot be found.

Your IP does not belong to an Anycast route—and Cloudflare can’t find it.

Don’t have time for details? Click here to go straight to the solutions.

Why Can’t Cloudflare Get Your DNS Records Automatically?

It can. But you still need to enter your IP address or domain name into your Cloudflare control panel so that the server can quickly and efficiently handle uncached pages.

Otherwise, any reverse proxy issues while looking up your IP address or resolve your DNS provider information will cause the entire operation to fail.

The Cloudflare DNS resolver also acts as another firewall to protect your site.

If the server can’t verify the origin IP address or origin host names, it can’t confirm that the connection is valid and secure.

This throws the 1016 error code to warn you that your DNS records are out of whack.

How To Fix Cloudflare Error 1016

  1. Make Sure Your IP Address And Domain Will Resolve
  2. Add Your Valid A or CNAME Record To Cloudflare
  3. Use Load Balancer To Create Fallback Pools

1. Make Sure Your IP Address And Domain Will Resolve

To resolve error 1016, check the DNS resolution of your host site IP address to determine if it can connect at all.

Cannot Connect

Verify that every A record for your website points to a valid IP address.

You can make changes yourself or contact Cloudflare support to create new entries.

For a CNAME record to point to an external domain instead of using an IP address, ensure that the target domain gets a DNS response.

It’s just a few steps using command-line tools:

dig subdomain.example.com

If the lookup fails, you can add the +trace option to get a detailed output with more information explaining the DNS error:

dig +trace subdomain.example.com

If you’ve confirmed that the domain is online and configured properly, you can check whether public resolvers are receiving a response from DNS providers by adding the option @

dig @ subdomain.example.com

You can also use the Cloudflare DNS lookup tool to help confirm that the CNAME can resolve.

2. Add Your Valid A or CNAME Record To Cloudflare

Once you’re sure the site and your Cloudflare user account are properly configured, all you should have to do is double check your CNAME record log and add the relevant records if they’re missing.

More Information
That’s your CNAME log talking.

If you’ve added the record using Cloudflare DNS and you’re seeing an error response code like NOERROR, NXDOMAIN, or SERVFAIL, this tells you the cause lies somewhere with your host or DNS provider and isn’t related to your Cloudflare DNS configuration.

3. Use Load Balancer To Create Fallback Pools

It’s still possible for your DNS resolution to fail even if everything appears to be configured properly.

The network clusters of hosting account providers can be a real headache.

We see it all the time—the server cluster of one service provider usually breaks down the next, causing performance issues for website domains.

It’s crucial to keep in mind the physical distance between servers matters.

A server can be physically located where the visitor request comes from, or it can be geographically far away.

If the server has an incorrect configuration or is undergoing heavier-than-normal traffic loads, the occasional request will get blocked or outright missed.

The Cloudflare Load Balancer attempts to circumnavigate busy servers, but your Cloudflare account DNS settings may be routing connections through an overloaded server.

Use a fallback pool as a backup in case your primary pools are unavailable.

If all pools aren’t available, you can configure your server to use a fallback pool with an IP as a backup.

The backup configuration will be applied as the first response if your primary pool cannot be reached.

If you’re looking for (free) tips to optimize your site speed with Cloudflare and rank higher on Google,
you can follow me on Twitter 👉🏻 @bitofseo.

Please DM me if you have any questions about this Cloudflare article (or have some feedback to make it better 😄️).


The errors described in this document might occur when visiting a website proxied by Cloudflare. For Cloudflare API or dashboard errors, review our 
Cloudflare API documentation. HTTP 409, 530, 403, 429 errors are the HTTP error codes returned in the HTTP status header for a response. 1XXX errors appear in the HTML body of the response.

If the resolutions within each error description below do not resolve the error, 
contact Cloudflare Support.

Error 1000: DNS points to prohibited IP

Common causes

Cloudflare halted the request for one of the following reasons:

  • An A record within your Cloudflare DNS app points to a Cloudflare IP address, or a Load Balancer Origin points to a proxied record.
  • Your Cloudflare DNS A or CNAME record references another reverse proxy (such as an nginx web server that uses the proxy_pass function) that then proxies the request to Cloudflare a second time.
  • The request X-Forwarded-For header is longer than 100 characters.
  • The request includes two X-Forwarded-For headers.
  • The request includes a CF-Connecting-IP header.
  • A Server Name Indication (SNI) issue or mismatch at the origin.


  • If an A record within your Cloudflare DNS app points to a Cloudflare IP address, update the IP address to your origin web server IP address.
  • There is a reverse-proxy at your origin that sends the request back through the Cloudflare proxy. Instead of using a reverse-proxy, contact your hosting provider or site administrator to configure an HTTP redirect at your origin.

Error 1001: DNS resolution error

Common causes

  • A web request was sent to a Cloudflare IP address for a non-existent Cloudflare domain.
  • An external domain that is not on using Cloudflare has a CNAME record to a domain active on Cloudflare
  • The target of the DNS CNAME record does not resolve.
  • A CNAME record in your Cloudflare DNS app requires resolution via a DNS provider that is currently offline.
  • Always Online is enabled for a Custom Hostname (Cloudflare for SaaS) domain.


A non-Cloudflare domain cannot CNAME to a Cloudflare domain unless the non-Cloudflare domain is added to a Cloudflare account.

Attempting to directly access DNS records used for Cloudflare CNAME setups also causes error 1001 (For example: 

Disable Always Online if using Custom Hostname (Cloudflare for SaaS) domain.

Error 1002: DNS points to Prohibited IP

Common causes

  • A DNS record in your Cloudflare DNS app points to one of Cloudflare’s IP addresses.
  • An incorrect target is specified for a CNAME record in your Cloudflare DNS app.
  • Your domain is not on Cloudflare but has a CNAME that refers to a Cloudflare domain.


Update your Cloudflare A or CNAME record to point to your origin IP address instead of a Cloudflare IP address:

  1. Contact your hosting provider to confirm your origin IP address or CNAME record target.
  2. Log in to your Cloudflare account.
  3. Select the domain that generates error 1002.
  4. Select the DNS app.
  5. Click Value for the A record to update.
  6. Update the A record.

To ensure your origin web server doesn’t proxy its own requests through Cloudflare, configure your origin webserver to resolve your Cloudflare domain to:

  • The internal NAT’d IP address, or
  • The public IP address of the origin web server.

Error 1002: Restricted

Common cause

The Cloudflare domain resolves to a local or disallowed IP address or an IP address not associated with the domain.


If you own the website:

  1. Confirm your origin web server IP addresses with your hosting provider,
  2. Log in to your Cloudflare account, and
  3. Update the A records in the Cloudflare DNS app to the IP address confirmed by your hosting provider.

Error 1003 Access Denied: Direct IP Access Not Allowed

Common cause

A client or browser directly accesses a 
Cloudflare IP address.


Browse to the website domain name in your URL instead of the Cloudflare IP address.

Error 1004: Host Not Configured to Serve Web Traffic

Common causes

  • Cloudflare staff disabled proxying for the domain due to abuse or terms of service violations.
  • DNS changes have not yet propagated or the site owner’s DNS A records point to Cloudflare IP addresses.


If the issue persists beyond 5 minutes, 
contact Cloudflare Support.

Errors 1005 Access Denied: Autonomous System Number (ASN) banned

Common causes

The owner of the website (e.g. example.com) has banned the autonomous system number (ASN) from accessing the website.


If you are not the website owner, provide the website owner with a screenshot of the 1005 error message you received.

If you are the website owner:

  1. Retrieve a screenshot of the 1005 error from your customer
  2. Search the Security Events log (available at Security > Events) for the RayID, or client IP Address from the visitor’s 1005 error message.

3. Assess the cause of the block and ensure the ASN is allowed under the 
IP Access Rules security feature.

Errors 1006, 1007, 1008 or 1106 Access Denied: Your IP address has been banned

Common causes

A Cloudflare customer blocked traffic from your client or browser.


Request the website owner to investigate their Cloudflare security settings or allow your client IP address. Since the website owner blocked your request, Cloudflare support cannot override a customer’s security settings.

Errors 1009 Access Denied: Country or region banned

Common causes

The owner of the website (e.g. example.com) has banned the country or region your IP address from accessing the website.


Ensure your IP address is allowed under the IP Access Rules security feature.

Error 1010: The owner of this website has banned your access based on your browser’s signature

Common cause

A website owner blocked your request based on your client’s web browser.


Notify the website owner of the blocking. If you cannot determine how to contact the website owner, lookup contact information for the domain via the 
Whois database. Site owners disable Browser Integrity Check via the Settings tab of the Security app.

Error 1011: Access Denied (Hotlinking Denied)

Common cause

A request is made for a resource that uses 
Cloudflare hotlink protection.


Notify the website owner of the blocking. If you cannot determine how to contact the website owner, lookup contact information for the domain via the 
Whois database.  Hotlink Protection is managed via the Cloudflare Scrape Shield app.

Error 1012: Access Denied

Common cause

A website owner forbids access based on malicious activity detected from the visitor’s computer or network (ip_address). The most likely cause is a virus or malware infection on the visitor’s computer.


Update your antivirus software and run a full system scan. Cloudflare can not override the security settings the site owner has set for the domain. To request website access, contact the site owner to allow your IP address. If you cannot determine how to contact the website owner, lookup contact information for the domain via the 
Whois database.

Error 1013: HTTP hostname and TLS SNI hostname mismatch

Common cause

The hostname sent by the client or browser via Server Name Indication (SNI) does not match the request host header.


Error 1013 is commonly caused by the following:

  • your local browser setting the incorrect SNI host header, or
  • a network proxying SSL traffic caused a mismatch between SNI and the Host header of the request.

Test for an SNI mismatch via an online tool such as: 
SSL Shopper.

Provide Cloudflare Support the following information:

  1. HAR file captured while duplicating the error.

Error 1014: CNAME Cross-User Banned

Common cause

By default, Cloudflare prohibits a DNS CNAME record between domains in different Cloudflare accounts. CNAME records are permitted within a domain (
 CNAME to api.example.com) and across zones within the same user account (
 CNAME to 
) or using our Cloudflare for SaaS solution.


To allow CNAME record resolution to a domain in a different Cloudflare account, the domain owner of the CNAME target must use Cloudflare for SaaS.

Error 1015: You are being rate limited

Common cause

The site owner implemented Rate Limiting that affects your visitor traffic.


  • If you are a site visitor, contact the site owner to request exclusion of your IP from rate limiting.
  • If you are the site owner, review Cloudflare Rate Limiting thresholds and adjust your Rate Limiting configuration.
  • If your Rate Limiting blocks requests in a short time period (i.e. 1 second) try increasing the time period to 10 seconds.

Error 1016: Origin DNS error

Common cause

Cloudflare cannot resolve the origin web server’s IP address.

Common causes for Error 1016 are:

  • A missing DNS A record that mentions origin IP address.
  • A CNAME record in the Cloudflare DNS points to an unresolvable external domain.
  • The origin hostnames (CNAMEs) in your Cloudflare Load Balancer default, region, and fallback pools are unresolvable. Use a fallback pool configured with an origin IP as a backup in case all other pools are unavailable.
  • When creating a Spectrum app with a CNAME origin, you need first to create a CNAME on the Cloudflare DNS side that points to the origin. Please see Spectrum CNAME origins for more details
  • There is no DNS record for the hostname in the Cloudflare for SaaS target zone


To resolve error 1016:

  1. Verify your Cloudflare DNS settings include an A record that points to a valid IP address that resolves via a DNS lookup tool.
  2. For a CNAME record pointing to a different domain, ensure that the target domain resolves via a DNS lookup tool.

Error 1018: Could not find host

Common causes

  • The Cloudflare domain was recently activated and there is a delay propagating the domain’s settings to the Cloudflare edge network.
  • The Cloudflare domain was created via a Cloudflare partner (e.g., a hosting provider) and the provider’s DNS failed.


Cloudflare Support with the following details:

  1. Your domain name
  2. A screenshot of the 1018 error including the RayID mentioned in the error message
  3. The time and timezone the 1018 error occurred

Error 1019: Compute server error

Common cause

A Cloudflare Worker script recursively references itself.


Ensure your Cloudflare Worker does not access a URL that calls the same Workers script.

Error 1020: Access denied

Common cause

A client or browser is blocked by a Cloudflare customer’s Firewall Rules (deprecated).


If you are not the website owner, provide the website owner with a screenshot of the 1020 error message you received.

If you are the website owner:

  1. Retrieve a screenshot of the 1020 error from your customer
  2. Search the Security Events log (available at Security > Events) for the RayID or client IP Address from the visitor’s 1020 error message.

3. Assess the cause of the block and either update the Firewall Rule or allow the visitor’s IP address in IP Access Rules.

Error 1023: Could not find host

Common causes

  • If the owner just signed up for Cloudflare it can take a few minutes for the website’s information to be distributed to our global network. Something is wrong with the site’s configuration.
  • Usually, this happens when accounts have been signed up with a partner organization (e.g., hosting provider) and the provider’s DNS fails.


Cloudflare Support with the following details:

  1. Your domain name
  2. A screenshot of the 1023 error including the RayID mentioned in the error message
  3. The time and timezone the 1023 error occurred

Error 1025: Please check back later

Common cause

A request is not serviced because the domain has reached plan limits for Cloudflare Workers.


Purchase the Unlimited Workers plan via the 
Plans page on the Workers dashboard.

Error 1033: Argo Tunnel error

Common cause

You’ve requested a page on a website (tunnel.example.com) that is on the Cloudflare network. The host (tunnel.example.com) is configured as an Argo Tunnel, and Cloudflare is currently unable to resolve it.


  • If you are a visitor of this website: Please try again in a few minutes.
  • If you are the owner of this website: Ensure that cloudflared is running and can reach the network. You may wish to enable load balancing for your tunnel.

Error 1034: Edge IP Restricted

Common cause

Customers who previously pointed their domains to will now encounter 1034 error. This is due to a new edge validation check in Cloudflare’s systems to prevent misconfiguration and/or potential abuse.


Ensure DNS records are pointed to IP addresses you control, and in the case a placeholder IP address is needed for “originless” setups, use the IPv6 reserved address 100:: or the IPv4 reserved address

Error 1035: Invalid request rewrite (invalid URI path)

Common cause

The value or expression of your rewritten URI path is not valid.

This error also occurs when the destination of the URL rewrite is a path under /cdn-cgi/.


Make sure that the rewritten URI path is not empty and it starts with a / (slash) character.

For example, the following URI path rewrite expression is not valid:

concat(lower(ip.geoip.country), http.request.uri.path)

To fix the expression above, add a / prefix:

concat("/", lower(ip.geoip.country), http.request.uri.path)

Error 1036: Invalid request rewrite (maximum length exceeded)

Common cause

The value or expression of your rewritten URI path or query string is too long.


Use a shorter value or expression for the new URI path/query string value.

Error 1037: Invalid rewrite rule (failed to evaluate expression)

Common cause

The expression of the rewrite rule could not be evaluated. There are several causes for this error, but it can mean that one expression element contained an undefined value when it was evaluated.

For example, you get a 1037 error when using the following URL rewrite dynamic expression and the X-Source header is not included in the request:



Make sure that all the elements of your rewrite expression are defined. For example, if you are referring to a header value, ensure the header is set.

Common cause

You are trying to modify an HTTP header that HTTP Request Header Modification Rules cannot change.


Make sure you are not trying to modify one of the reserved HTTP request headers.

Common causes

The added/modified header value is too long or it contains characters that are not allowed.


  • Use a shorter value or expression to define the header value.
  • Remove the characters that are not allowed. See Format of HTTP request header names and values in Developer Docs for more information on the allowed characters.

Error 1101: Rendering error

Common cause

A Cloudflare Worker throws a runtime JavaScript exception.


Provide appropriate issues details to Cloudflare Support.

Error 1102: Rendering error

Common cause

A Cloudflare Worker exceeds a CPU time limit. CPU time is the time spent executing code (for example, loops, parsing JSON, etc). Time spent on network requests (fetching, responding) does not count towards CPU time.


Contact the developer of your Workers code to optimize code for a reduction in CPU usage in the active Workers scripts.

Error 1104: A variation of this email address is already taken in our system. Only one variation is allowed.

Common cause

This error can occur if an email has been added with some variation of the email you’re trying to add. For example, [email protected] and [email protected] will be treated the same in our system.


Log in as the old user and change email to a “throwaway” address, which will free up the new email.

Error 1200: Cache connection limit

Common cause

There are too many requests queued on Cloudflare’s edge that are awaiting process by your origin web server.  This limit protects Cloudflare’s systems.


Tune your origin webserver to accept incoming connections faster.  Adjust your caching settings to improve cache-hit rates so that fewer requests reach your origin web server.  Reach out to your hosting provider or web administrator for assistance.

  • Contacting Cloudflare Support
  • Customizing Cloudflare error pages

Cloudflare Error 1016

If you own a website, you’ve likely encountered a Cloudflare Error 1016 message at some point. This error happens when Cloudflare’s DNS settings can’t find your server, which makes your website look like it can’t be reached. But don’t worry, fixing the error is easier than you might think.

Understanding Cloudflare Error 1016

Cloudflare Error 1016 means that the server can’t find the IP address of the server that runs your website. This can happen for various reasons, such as incorrect DNS settings, a misconfigured server, or an overloaded server. When this happens, people won’t be able to access your website, and you’ll have to fix the problem to get it working again.

Common Causes of Cloudflare Error 1016

Here are some of the most common causes of Cloudflare Error 1016:

  • Incorrect DNS settings
  • Misconfigured server
  • Overloaded server
  • Distance between server and visitor
  • Load Balancer routing connections through an overloaded server.
  • A record within Cloudflare DNS app points to a Cloudflare IP address.
  • X-Forwarded-For header is too long
  • Server Name Indication mismatch at the origin

Thankfully, resolving Cloudflare Error 1016 is not too complicated. Here are some steps you can take to fix the issue:

  1. Verify DNS Settings: Ensure that your DNS settings are correct and that the A record points to the correct IP address. You can use command-line tools like dig or third-party tools to check DNS resolution.
  2. Use Load Balancer to Create Fallback Pools: If your primary pools are unavailable, back them up by creating a fallback pool. This way, if your primary pool is unavailable, the backup will be used.
  3. Check Server Configuration: Review your server configuration and ensure that it’s correctly set up. Additionally, check if the server is overloaded or if there is a distance issue.
  4. Avoid Reverse Proxy: Instead of using a reverse proxy, configure an HTTP redirect at your origin.
  5. Contact Cloudflare Support: If none of the above steps works, contact Cloudflare Support for assistance.

Key Takeaways

  • Cloudflare Error 1016 happens when the server can’t find the IP address of the server that runs your website.
  • Common causes of the error include incorrect DNS settings, misconfigured servers, and overloaded servers.
  • Verify DNS settings, use Load Balancer to create fallback pools, check server configuration, avoid reverse proxy, and contact Cloudflare support if necessary to resolve the issue.

By doing these things, you can easily fix Cloudflare Error 1016 and make sure that visitors can still get to your website. 

[Fixed*] best method to fix error code 1016 cloudflare (100% fixed)? 


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Cloudflare Error 1016 : Origin DNS Error » implies Cloudflare can’t interface with your starting point server because of a DNS issue. …Spectrum CNAME origins Regardless of whether a Cloudflare A record or CNAME is settling accurately an outside space that ought to be remembered for your control board can’t be found.DNS lookup tool.

Incapacitating CloudFlare

Click the CloudFlare symbol, situated in the Domains segment of your control board. Pick your space name from the dropdown menu.Click  the Disable button to incapacitate CloudFlare .DNS lookup tool.

What is Origin DNS mistake?

This blunder shows Cloudflare can’t send solicitations to your server in light of the fact that its starting point IP can’t determine the A/AAAA or CNAME DNS record mentioned. The normal causes are : The beginning host names (CNAMEs) in your Cloudflare Load Balancer default, locale, and backup pools are unresolvable. 29-DNS lookup tool.

What does Origin DNS error mean?

✔️Foundation Error 1016/Error 530 demonstrates Cloudflare can’t send solicitations to your server in light of the fact that its starting point IP can’t determine the An or CNAME DNS record mentionedSpectrum CNAME origins

✔️CloudFlare Brasil can show mistakes that limit clients from specific areas and suppliers to get to sites.DNS lookup tool.

✔️In this article, you will figure out how to keep that from occurring!

Error code 1016: Main reason behind DNS error

✔️Cloudflare can’t determine the beginning web server’s IP address.

✔️A missing DNS A record that makes reference to beginning IP address.

✔️A CNAME record in the Cloudflare DNS focuses to an unresolvable outer space.

✔️The beginning host names (CNAME) in your Cloudflare Load Balancer default, locale, and backup pools are unresolvable. Utilize a backup pool designed with a beginning IP as a reinforcement on the off chance that any remaining pools are inaccessible.

✔️While making a Spectrum application with a CNAME beginning, you want first to make a CNAME on the Cloudflare DNS side that focuses to the beginning. Kindly see Spectrum CNAME beginnings for additional subtleties,Spectrum CNAME origins

✔️Check your Cloudflare DNS settings incorporate A record that focuses to a substantial IP address that settle by means of a DNS query device.DNS lookup tool.

✔️For a CNAME record highlighting an alternate space, guarantee that the objective space settle through a DNS query instrument.

[100% fixed*] error 1016 cloudflare how to fix (fixed)?

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To determine mistake 106, ensure the first IP address can determine through DNS. You can attempt the accompanying:Spectrum CNAME origins

🔵Confirm that your DNS Cloudflare settings incorporate A records that highlight a legitimate IP address. You can alter a current A record or make another record.

🔵. For a CNAME record to highlight an outer space, guarantee that the objective space can be settled. See the segment underneath for help checking the DNS goal of the outside record.

🔵Confirm the DNS goal of the outside record

You can utilize some order line apparatuses as well as outsider instruments to really take a look at DNS goal.


✔️dig something.anotherdomain.com dig +trace something.anotherdomain.com dig something.anotherdomain.com @

✔️The + follow choice results itemized data when a DNS reaction comes up short. This data might be helpful while working with DNS suppliers to investigate.

✔️Choice @ returns results from Cloudflare’s public DNS resolver. This is valuable in affirming whether public resolvers can get DNS reactions.


✔️nslookup something.anotherdomain.com nslookup something.anotherdomain.com

✔️Choice @ returns results from Cloudflare’s public DNS resolver. This is helpful in affirming whether public resolvers can get DNS reactions.

🔵Outsider instruments

✔️A few web-based administrations, for example, whatsmydns.net, check DNS goal around the world.

✔️Picture indicate Troubleshooting Error 1016 — Origin DNS mistakeDNS lookup tool.

✔️A reaction other than a substantial IP address (for instance, break, SERVFAIL, NXDOMAIN or NOERROR) in all probability causes your concern. To determine, contact your DNS supplier for CNAME.




Conclusion:- This article will direct you on the strategies to determine #Cloudflare mistake 1016. The primary driver of this blunder is a bombed DNS goal.

Name goal is the method involved with changing over a host name to an IP address, so a Name Resolution Failure happens when the Domain Name System (#DNS) utilized by your PC can’t change over site into the important IP address.DNS lookup tool.

To determine Cloudflare error 1016:

1. Check your Cloudflare DNS settings incorporate A record that focuses to a legitimate IP address that settle through a DNS #lookup instrument.

2. For a #CNAME record highlighting an alternate space, guarantee that the objective area settle through a DNS query instrument.

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