So you’re trying to get Techstream going, but you keep getting errors; let me help you solve all of them in one place.
Toyota Techstream 0xC0040001 Error – This error is due to a firmware limitation, there are generally two firmware versions of the J2534 connector. Version 1.4.1 and Version 2.0.4. To access data lists and active tests, for newer vehicles you need the 2.0.4 firmware cable.
There is no real way to update the 1.4.1 cable, because it does not natively support K-line. The best course of action is to order a new 2.0.4 cable.
MVCI Driver ended prematurely error – This error comes up for some Windows 7, and windows 10 people (particularly 64 bit):
Follow the below to complete the install; make sure you have the cable plugged in when you go to test FirmwareUpdateTool.exe
Download (PDF, 203KB)
Unable to connect to vim – This has to do with a misplaced path; essentially Techstream is searching for MVCI32.dll in C:\ but really it resides in C:\Program Files (x86)\XHorse Electronics\MVCI Driver for TOYOTA TIS\MVCI32.dll
What you need to do is take MVCI32.dll and make a copy of it, and paste it in the C drive so the path C:\MVCI32.dll becomes valid.
This entry was posted on October 24, 2019 at 9:10 pm and is filed under Do it Yourself. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed.
So you’re trying to get Techstream going, but you keep getting errors; let me help you solve all of them in one place.
Toyota Techstream 0xC0040001 Error – This error is due to a firmware limitation, there are generally two firmware versions of the J2534 connector. Version 1.4.1 and Version 2.0.4. To access data lists and active tests, for newer vehicles you need the 2.0.4 firmware cable.
There is no real way to update the 1.4.1 cable, because it does not natively support K-line. The best course of action is to order a new 2.0.4 cable.
MVCI Driver ended prematurely error – This error comes up for some Windows 7, and windows 10 people (particularly 64 bit):
Follow the below to complete the install; make sure you have the cable plugged in when you go to test FirmwareUpdateTool.exe
Download (PDF, 203KB)
Unable to connect to vim – This has to do with a misplaced path; essentially Techstream is searching for MVCI32.dll in C: but really it resides in C:Program Files (x86)XHorse ElectronicsMVCI Driver for TOYOTA TISMVCI32.dll
What you need to do is take MVCI32.dll and make a copy of it, and paste it in the C drive so the path C:MVCI32.dll becomes valid.
This entry was posted on October 24, 2019 at 9:10 pm and is filed under Do it Yourself. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed.
Joe333x [OP]
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Anyone that uses TechStream ever have this issue? I am able to read other data lists, customize settings, program keys ect. except read data list from Engine. Any time I try I get this error. fatal error 0xc0040001
Using this cable and tried TechStream versions 14.30.023 and 14.10.028
Most likely a driver incompatibility. Might have to find a newer driver, firmware and/or reinstall Techstream altogether. Did you contact the person you bought it from?
Joe333x [OP]
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Yeah in contact with him through email. Not sure if he will be able to help or not. Googling the error finds different threads on it, some suggesting different driver and some suggesting different cables, no definite answers though. Unfortunately I only know of one 64bit driver, not sure if there are others or where to look. The cable has firmware 2.0.4 and I checked it that it actually was.
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I was trying to test the fuel pump but received that error. Tried running tests on any of the options on that Engine/ECU list but same error. I have an old cracked version of Techstream I believe it’s 10.13 or something like that. Is this the cause? If so, where can I get a newer version of it?
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You think your fuel pump might be failing You’ve got enough miles on the car to think like that change it It’s a cheap pump should be similar to a Corolla in tank pop those things are $30 each days I’ve installed a few of the $30 pumps and they seem to work fine I haven’t had any trouble with them I’ve also only had one or two fail and when they did they weren’t weak they didn’t pump at all No noise nothing. If I believe I’m at a point where a pump might be weak I would just change it even if the tanks have full no problem no smoking and change it I’ve done it in half full tanks no problem didn’t even have to drain the tank pull the pump right up out of the mess took the sock off of it to symbol the new one new sock and everything put the hoses on and back in the hole not on a Prius this is in my Corolla which should be about the same I can’t imagine much has changed on a Prius for the fuel pump.
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omg. paragraphs and punctuation, please use them!
my prius has 155k miles
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Don’t waste your time. Pretty much everyone has told this person to use
puncuation, and paragraphs, but it won’t happen.
Just use the ignore function and you won’t have to see the mess. -
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its like witnessing an internal monologue fueled by adderall and a week of no sleep
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Нашёл на просторах интернета записи про дешевый (16-18$) китайский кабель Mini-VCI J2534 для диагностики и настроек авто, пишут что с ним можно много чего делать через сервисную программу Toyota Techstream.
И вот он ко мне приехал: ссылка на Алиэкспресс с полным описанием.
В комплекте идут драйвера для кабеля и сама программа Toyota Techstream последней 10й версии.
Если что, выкладываю ссылки для закачки: Toyota Techstream 10.10.018, драйвера MVCI_Driver
В данном после я расскажу как устанавливать драйвер и программу под Виндой 7 или 8.1 х64, ибо просто так всё не заработает, есть тонкости. Инструкцию можно найти в интернете, но я приведу её здесь.
ИНСТРУКЦИЯ ПО УСТАНОВКЕ Techstream на Windows 7, 8.1 — x64 bit
Если Вы купили кабель MINI-VCI J2534 и на диске нет распакованного драйвера, а есть только установщик MVCI Driver for TOYOTA.msi который действительно не работает при установке на любую Windows x64 и выдает ошибку, а его надо установить, иначе шнур не будет работать, и это не беда. Эта проблема решается установкой драйвера MVCI Driver for TOYOTA.msi в ручную следующим образом:
1. Создаем папку на диске С:Temp
2. Копируем в папку С:Temp наш файл драйвер MVCI Driver for TOYOTA.msi
3. С правами Администратора открываем командную строку и запускаем следующую команду:
msiexec /a «C:tempMVCI Driver for TOYOTA.msi» /qb TARGETDIR=c:tempmvci
эта команда извлечет все содержимое из файла-MSI в папку C:Tempmvci
4. Удаляем из папки C:Tempmvci файл MVCI Driver for TOYOTA.msi он нам больше не нужен, также его можно удалить и из папки C:Temp
5. Заходим в C:Program Files (x86) и создаём там папку XHorse Electronics а в ней ещё одну MVCI Driver for TOYOTA TIS и перемещаем туда все содержимое из папки C:Tempmvci
6. Подключаем МИНИ VCI-кабель к USB-порту.
ВАЖНО Когда начнётся автоматический процесс установки драйверов его нужно отменить и устройство будет не определено.
7. Откройте диспетчер Устройств и найдите два неисправных устройства в списке. На них будет значок желтого цвета указывая, что Windows не удалось установить драйверы для них (как правило, они оба “одно” под “Другим”). Теперь щелкните правой кнопкой мыши на неисправное устройство, выберите » Обновить Драйвер», затем “выполнить поиск на этом компьюторе” дальше “Обзор » мой Компьютер » …” и укажите путь к «C:Program Files (x86)XHorse ElectronicsMVCI Driver for TOYOTA TIS» (“включить вложенные папки” флажок установить). Нажмите на кнопку “Далее” и подождите, пока не будут установлены драйверы.
Теперь вы должны увидеть два новых устройства: “Контроллеры USBUSB Serial Converter” и “Порты (COM & LPT)USB Serial Port (COM—)”. Где вместо чёрточки будет стоять ваша цифра COM porta
8. Далее заходим по пути «C:Program Files (x86)XHorse ElectronicsMVCI Driver for TOYOTA TIS» и запускаем файл “FirmwareUpdateTool.exe”
В открывшейся программке нажмите Кнопку “Device Info”. Вы должны увидеть “подключённое устройство” графи заполнены.
Если вы видите это, значит, ваш МИНИ-VCI работает под 64-битной версией Windows и может использоваться другими программами, такими как Techstream.
9. Теперь установите Techstream с помощью программного обеспечения «Techstream.exe» любой версии. после установки не запускайте его пока.
10. Чтобы активировать его, нужно в файле C:Program FilesToyota DiagnosticsTechstreamEnvIT3System.ini найти строчку TISFunction=1 и «1» сменить на «0» и сохранить файл.
Теперь нужно заставить программу видеть шнурок
Чтоб Techstream увидел МИНИ-VCI под Windows x64, Реестр должен быть изменен так:
1. Открываем Редактор Реестра Windows, на Windows 8.1 x64 путь такой:
Но однозначно должна быть папка PassThruSu pport.04.04 и в ней подпапка (у меня DENSO CORPORATION — TIS Techstream VIM) в ней должны быть такие параметры
«Name»=»XHorse — MVCI»
«Vendor»=»XHorse ELECTRONICS Co., Ltd.»
«ConfigApplication»=»C:\Program Files (x86)\XHorse Electronics\MVCI Driver for TOYOTA TIS\FirmwareUpdateTool.exe»
«FunctionLibrary»=»C:\Program Files (x86)\XHorse Electronics\MVCI Driver for TOYOTA TIS\MVCI32.dll»
«ProtocolsSupported»=»J1850VPW:1, J1850PWM:1, CAN:1, ISO9141:1, ISO14230:1, ISO15765:1»
также есть раздел
Но можно вручную ничего не делать, а просто внести изменения в реестр скачав и запустив данный файлик.
2. Запустите Techstream. Перейдите на Setup | VIM select откроется меню в нем должно быть “XHorse — MVCI”
3. Подключите MVCI кабель в USB интерфейс, запустите программу, затем нажмите кнопку “Connect to Vehicle” в Techstream. Если все работает, то вам будет предложено подтвердить автомобиль/года/модель, и если подключить к авто и завести его, то вы получите доступ к диагностическому интерфейсу.
Пока всё, остальные функции и возможности шнурка и программы опишу позже, следите за обновлениями!
З.Ы. Первым делом отключил оранжевые американские ДХО, ибо они не подходят под наши нормы. Смотрите запись в БЖ Раннера: Отключение оранжевых DRL
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10-11-2021, 09:12 PM
Hello guys! Hoping I can get some help with this issue..
I’m using a Mini-VCI J2534 cable (Clear Color) that I had purchased online a while back. I found drivers that should have worked on this dongle. I am able to communicate with the car but when I go into ECU>Data List I get the error that it has disconnected. All the other data lists work except for the ECU one. The driver im using is the MVCI Autokent 1.4.8. I previously had another driver but it did the same thing. I’m running Techstream 16.00.017 but it did the same thing on older version as well. If anyone knows of another driver I can try I’d appreciate it. I have Tactrix Open Port cables I have ordered but wont be here for a while and I know those worked so for now I kind of need this one working.
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11-13-2021, 10:35 PM
try diffeent version of Techstream passthru
DIAGZONE activation
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12-09-2021, 10:43 PM
(10-11-2021, 09:12 PM)pk_jzx81 Wrote: Hello guys! Hoping I can get some help with this issue..
I’m using a Mini-VCI J2534 cable (Clear Color) that I had purchased online a while back. I found drivers that should have worked on this dongle. I am able to communicate with the car but when I go into ECU>Data List I get the error that it has disconnected. All the other data lists work except for the ECU one. The driver im using is the MVCI Autokent 1.4.8. I previously had another driver but it did the same thing. I’m running Techstream 16.00.017 but it did the same thing on older version as well. If anyone knows of another driver I can try I’d appreciate it. I have Tactrix Open Port cables I have ordered but wont be here for a while and I know those worked so for now I kind of need this one working.
Im having the same problem. Has anyone figured out this problem yet? Thank you.
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10-11-2021, 09:12 PM
Hello guys! Hoping I can get some help with this issue..
I’m using a Mini-VCI J2534 cable (Clear Color) that I had purchased online a while back. I found drivers that should have worked on this dongle. I am able to communicate with the car but when I go into ECU>Data List I get the error that it has disconnected. All the other data lists work except for the ECU one. The driver im using is the MVCI Autokent 1.4.8. I previously had another driver but it did the same thing. I’m running Techstream 16.00.017 but it did the same thing on older version as well. If anyone knows of another driver I can try I’d appreciate it. I have Tactrix Open Port cables I have ordered but wont be here for a while and I know those worked so for now I kind of need this one working.
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11-13-2021, 10:35 PM
try diffeent version of Techstream passthru
DIAGZONE activation
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12-09-2021, 10:43 PM
(10-11-2021, 09:12 PM)pk_jzx81 Wrote: Hello guys! Hoping I can get some help with this issue..
I’m using a Mini-VCI J2534 cable (Clear Color) that I had purchased online a while back. I found drivers that should have worked on this dongle. I am able to communicate with the car but when I go into ECU>Data List I get the error that it has disconnected. All the other data lists work except for the ECU one. The driver im using is the MVCI Autokent 1.4.8. I previously had another driver but it did the same thing. I’m running Techstream 16.00.017 but it did the same thing on older version as well. If anyone knows of another driver I can try I’d appreciate it. I have Tactrix Open Port cables I have ordered but wont be here for a while and I know those worked so for now I kind of need this one working.
Im having the same problem. Has anyone figured out this problem yet? Thank you.
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I was trying to test the fuel pump but received that error. Tried running tests on any of the options on that Engine/ECU list but same error. I have an old cracked version of Techstream I believe it’s 10.13 or something like that. Is this the cause? If so, where can I get a newer version of it?
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You think your fuel pump might be failing You’ve got enough miles on the car to think like that change it It’s a cheap pump should be similar to a Corolla in tank pop those things are $30 each days I’ve installed a few of the $30 pumps and they seem to work fine I haven’t had any trouble with them I’ve also only had one or two fail and when they did they weren’t weak they didn’t pump at all No noise nothing. If I believe I’m at a point where a pump might be weak I would just change it even if the tanks have full no problem no smoking and change it I’ve done it in half full tanks no problem didn’t even have to drain the tank pull the pump right up out of the mess took the sock off of it to symbol the new one new sock and everything put the hoses on and back in the hole not on a Prius this is in my Corolla which should be about the same I can’t imagine much has changed on a Prius for the fuel pump.
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omg. paragraphs and punctuation, please use them!
my prius has 155k miles
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Don’t waste your time. Pretty much everyone has told this person to use
puncuation, and paragraphs, but it won’t happen.
Just use the ignore function and you won’t have to see the mess. -
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its like witnessing an internal monologue fueled by adderall and a week of no sleep
StarCaller and Grit like this.
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