Ошибка 099 395 versant 180

  • 06 мая 2019 12:13:40
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Блок теплового ремня термоэлемента показан только в книге деталей OEM как полный блок. Он продается под номером детали 126K34853 или 001R00620. При последней проверке он был продан за чуть более 1400 долларов.

В OEM-литературе говорится, что ожидаемая доходность составляет 650 тыс., Но в большинстве случаев они не достигают такого уровня. Наиболее распространенная ошибка — это код ошибки 099-395, тесно связанный с ошибкой 010-613. Любой код означает, что машина увидела дополнительную нагрузку на приводы термоэлемента или замедление скорости ленты. Обычно основной причиной является поломка грелки или накладного листа. Этот подобный ткани кусок находится внутри теплового ремня, прямо там, где прижимной ролик соприкасается. Когда скользящий лист рвется, он собирается внутри ремня и вызывает дополнительное трение и нагрузку на приводы. Неисправность можно сбросить, выключив и снова включив аппарат, но в конечном итоге сам тепловой ремень будет поврежден, если проблема не будет устранена.

Если клиент знает, что нужно немедленно обратиться за обслуживанием, а не продолжать эксплуатацию машины, вы, скорее всего, спасете тепловой пояс, пока он не получил слишком сильные повреждения.

Чтобы исправить это, нужно открыть блок, заменить скользящий лист (V80FHBSS) и убедиться, что на новый скользящий лист нанесено достаточное количество масла для теплового пояса (V80FHBO). В то же время вы должны сидеть два фитиля в масляной ванне с тепловым поясом в течение нескольких минут, пока они не будут полностью смазаны. Затем они могут снова выполнять свою работу в качестве масляного резервуара для компонентов внутри блока.

Если ремень достаточно сильно поврежден, что может привести к проблемам с качеством копирования, возможно, вам придется заменить его.

Фото № 1: Ориентация

Теперь давайте посмотрим, как снять тепловой пояс. Таким образом, вы можете попасть внутрь, чтобы почистить ролики и снова смазывать маслом или заменить скользящий лист и два масляных фитиля теплового ремня. Смотрите фото № 1 для ориентации некоторых частей, упомянутых в первых нескольких шагах процедуры.


  • Отвертка Phillips №2 (или гайковерт 5,5 мм)
  • Пара винтов (для использования в качестве проставок … вы увидите их назначение в процедуре)
  • Слип лист (V80FHBSS)
  • 2 унции бутылка с термомасляным маслом (V80FHBO)
  • Безворсовая салфетка для чистки / нанесения масла
  • Учетная карточка


1. Снимите пластину съемника , сначала сняв две пружины (по одной на каждом конце, см. Фото № 2). Затем поверните пластину, пока она не оторвется от своих монтажных штифтов.

Фото № 2: стриппер тарельчатые пружины

2. Далее вам нужно сбросить давление на тепловой ремень. Ролик натяжения / рулевого управления можно протолкнуть внутрь против пары тяжелых пружин, чтобы ослабить натяжение. Любой маленький винт можно использовать в качестве временной проставки для удержания давления. На обоих концах натяжного ролика поместите эти распорные винты между металлическим штифтом ролика и его черным ограничительным кольцом (см. Фото № 3 и № 4).

Фото № 3 и № 4: используйте небольшой винт в качестве временной проставки.

3. Снимите тепловой ремень с неприводного конца устройства (будьте осторожны, так как край теплового пояса захочет повесить на металлический каркас (см. Фото № 4).

Фото № 4. Осторожно снимите тепловой пояс.

4. Снимите два фитиля . Каждый держится двумя винтами. Вы должны удалить винты, только ослабьте их, чтобы металлическая часть фитиля могла выскользнуть из-под крепежных винтов.

5. Поставьте два фитиля в масляную ванну с тепловым поясом. Лучше всего использовать длинный узкий лоток (я использовал пластиковый лоток, который изначально был упаковкой для лезвия барабана). Дайте фитилям достаточно времени, чтобы высосать как можно больше масла. Если вы посмотрите на конец фитиля, то увидите, как далеко масло «впиталось» в материал резервуара (см. Фото № 6). Когда вы удалите фитили из масла, вытрите излишки масла с металла и с края материала фитиля.

Фото № 6: Обрабатывайте фитили в хорошей масляной ванне.

6. Далее вы можете удалить старый лист скольжения. Он удерживается плоской металлической пластиной с пятью винтами. Обратите внимание, что один угол обрезан на листе скольжения, чтобы указать, какой конец какой. Обратитесь к фотографии № 5 за примером того, как выглядит неисправный лист скольжения.

Фото № 5: хороший пример плохого листа

7. Установите новый противоскользящий лист и смажьте его с помощью ткани для чистки / аппликатора, чтобы тщательно нанести масло для нагревательного пояса на вплетение скользящего листа (см. Фото № 7).

Фото № 7: Нефть новый лист скольжения

8. Очистите металлические поверхности приводного и натяжного / рулевого роликовнебольшим количеством масла для теплового ремня… этот материал является великолепным чистящим материалом для этой цели (см. Фото № 8 и 9 для фотографий до и после). После этого вытрите излишки масла.

9. Используйте край индексной карты, чтобы очистить поверхности четырех термисторных головок, где они касаются двух металлических роликов. Будьте осторожны, чтобы не повредить желтую каптоновую ленту на головках термистора. Слегка надавите на голову, сдвигая карту вперед и назад несколько раз, чтобы удалить остатки.

Фото № 8 и 9: до и после очистки с помощью термомасляного масла на безворсовой ткани.

10. Снова наденьте нагревательный ремень, используя указательную карточку, чтобы помочь ослабить нагревательный ремень над концом скользящего листа (см. Фото № 10). Таким образом, лист скольжения не становится собачьим. Проехав конец листа, снимите и выбросьте карточку индекса и продвиньте нагревательный пояс до конца. Примечание . Если вы повторно используете старый тепловой ремень (при условии, что он не поврежден), при переустановке рекомендуется перевернуть конец ремня, чтобы внутренняя часть ремня износилась более равномерно.

Фото № 10: используйте учетную карточку в качестве временной подсказки, чтобы натянуть ремень на конец листа.

11. Отцентрируйте нагревательный ремень на металлических роликах, а затем удалите два винта, которые вы использовали в качестве проставок ранее , позволяя натяжному ролику снова прижаться к внутренней части ремня.

12. Установите на место съемник и пружину с обоих концов. Маленькие «ручки» пружин должны указывать на устройство. Вуаля! Вы спасли блок теплового пояса!

Это приятная дружелюбная процедура… не слишком много винтов и не слишком много времени.

← Ремонт цветных драм-картриджей Xerox Docucolor 240, 242, 250, 252, 260, WorkCentre 7655, 7665, 7675, 7755, 7765, 7775, Color 550, 560, 570, C60, C70, C75, J75, DCP700, 700i, 770
Как переделать Xerox DC 240,242,250,252,260 под драм-картриджи Xerox Color 550,560,570, Color C60,C70, DCP 700,700i,770, DC 5000 →

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  1. 01-22-2023


    azehnali is offline

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    Xerox Versant 80 error 99-395

    have a xerox versant 80 with error 99-395
    it will print one sheet then error
    replaced the whole fuser ,BTR and Btr charge board under the BTR assembly and nothing chnaged
    anyone have any other ideas

  2. 01-22-2023


    Re: Xerox Versant 80 error 99-395

    Did you adjust nvm for fuser encoder

  3. 01-22-2023


    azehnali is offline

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    Re: Xerox Versant 80 error 99-395

    I have not because I dont know what it is
    I have swapped fusers in the past many many times to narrow the causes in the past and never had issues with the encoder nvm not being changed

  4. 01-22-2023


    Re: Xerox Versant 80 error 99-395

    Fuser belt assy or complete fuser

  5. 01-22-2023


    azehnali is offline

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    Re: Xerox Versant 80 error 99-395

  6. 01-22-2023


    Re: Xerox Versant 80 error 99-395

    If you replace fuser (pressure roll, fuser belt assy and frame) then you also replace fuser encoder.
    Then should read value from encoder and adjust encoder nvm

  7. 01-22-2023


    azehnali is offline

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    Re: Xerox Versant 80 error 99-395

    the fuser assembly is from another machine that I dont know the nvm
    I have done this many times and never had an issue with the encoder nvm before
    also it does exactly the same thing with old and new fuser
    if you print one sheet it comes out and after it errors

  8. 01-22-2023


    Re: Xerox Versant 80 error 99-395

    There is eureka post with same problem.
    Try to remove nvm pwb from mcu.
    I will try yo find that post and send you

  9. 01-22-2023


    azehnali is offline

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    Re: Xerox Versant 80 error 99-395

  10. 07-24-2023


    cachondo is offline

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    Re: Xerox Versant 80 error 99-395

    Quote Originally Posted by xcopytech
    View Post

    There is eureka post with same problem.
    Try to remove nvm pwb from mcu.
    I will try yo find that post and send you

    hi i have the same proble i have changed whole and the same problem can you send me the post please

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    Book Version 1.0 February 2017 702P04572 ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…

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  • Page 3: Table Of Contents

    Power Off the Press……………….2-8 Power Saver…………………..2-8 Low Power Mode………………2-8 Sleep Mode………………..2-9 Exiting Power Saver………………2-9 Getting Help………………………2-9 Help on the Xerox Web Site…………….2-9 Print Server Customer Documentation…………2-9 3 Press Apps…………………3-1 Print……………………….3-1 Print Job Submission…………………3-1 Printing from a Computer……………….3-1 Printing a Job from the Print Server…………..3-2 Printing from the FreeFlow Print Server……….3-2…

  • Page 4
    2 Sided Book Copying…………….3-16 Original Size………………..3-16 Edge Erase………………..3-16 Image Shift………………..3-17 Image Rotation………………3-17 Invert Image………………..3-18 Original Orientation…………….3-18 Output Format Feature………………3-18 Output Format Feature Overview…………3-18 Selecting Output Format Options…………3-19 Booklet Creation………………3-20 Covers………………….3-21 Page Layout………………..3-22 ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…
  • Page 5
    E-mail……………………3-41 E-mail Overview………………3-41 E-mail Components…………….3-41 Scanning to an E-mail Address…………3-42 Network Scanning………………..3-43 Network Scanning Overview…………..3-43 Network Scanning Components…………3-43 Network Scanning Procedure…………3-44 Scan to PC…………………..3-44 Scan to PC Overview…………….3-44 Scan to PC Components…………..3-44 ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…
  • Page 6
    Job Flow Procedures……………….3-60 Creating a Job Flow Sheet…………..3-60 Linking a Job Flow Sheet with a Folder……….3-61 Starting a Job Flow Manually…………3-62 Confirming/Changing a Job Flow…………3-62 Web Applications………………….3-62 Web Applications Overview…………….3-62 Accessing Web Applications…………….3-63 ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…
  • Page 7
    Loading Envelopes in the Bypass (Tray 5)……….4-11 5 Maintenance………………..5-1 Cleaning the Press Overview………………..5-1 Cleaning the Exterior………………..5-1 Cleaning the Document Cover and Glass………….5-1 Cleaning the Document Feeder Rollers…………5-3 Cleaning the Drum Drawer Area…………..5-4 Cleaning the ROS Windows…………….5-4 ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…
  • Page 8
    Calling for Service………………..6-34 Fuser Hints and Tips………………….6-35 Extending Fuser Life………………..6-35 Preventing Fuser Damage…………….6-35 Fuser Paper Width Information…………..6-35 7 Specifications………………..7-1 First Print-Out Time………………….7-2 Press Warm-up Time………………….7-2 Document Feeder Specifications……………….7-2 Copy Specifications………………….7-2 Scan Specifications………………….7-4 ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…
  • Page 9
    Table of Contents Environmental Specifications………………7-5 ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…
  • Page 10
    Table of Contents ® ® viii Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…
  • Page 11: Product Symbols

    This symbol indicates a laser is being used and alerts the user to refer to the appropriate safety information. Pinch Hazard This warning symbol alerts users to areas where there is the possibility of personal injury. Lock Unlock ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…

  • Page 12
    Do Not Incinerate the Toner Waste Bottle Do Not Incinerate the Drum Cartridge Do Not Incinerate the Second Bias Transfer Roll Ground / Common / Earth Terminal Local Area Network Universal Serial Bus ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…
  • Page 13
    Wrinkled Paper Do Not Use Ink Jet Paper Do Not Load Postcards in the Indicated Dir- ection Do Not Use Media Attached with Staples or Paper / Metal Clips Do Not Copy Money ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…
  • Page 14
    • For more information about collection and recycling, please contact your local municip- ality, your waste disposal service, or the ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…
  • Page 15
    Product Symbols Symbol Definition point of sale where you purchased the items. ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…
  • Page 16
    Product Symbols ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…
  • Page 17: Getting Started

    Getting Started The Xerox ® Versant ® Color Press is a full color/black and white, auto-duplex copier/printer that operates at a speed of 80 prints per minute (when printing on 8.5 x 11 inch/A4 paper). Print Server Overview The print server networked with your press accepts, processes, and manages document files for job submission to the press.

  • Page 18: Locating The Press Serial Number

    1. Press the Machine Status button on the User Interface. 2. From the Machine Status screen, ensure that the Device Information tab is displayed. The press serial number is displayed under Device Serial Information near the bottom of the screen. ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…

  • Page 19: User Interface (Ui)

    6 Log In/Out button Use to log in and out of Administrator mode or Authentication mode with user ID and password. ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…

  • Page 20: Features

    Press the Guest button (or the Log in button on the Control Panel) to access the Login screen. ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…

  • Page 21: Language

    The Performance Package is comprised of the following technologies and tools: • All Stocks Rated Speed (ASRS) software • Automated Color Quality System (ACQS) software • Inline Spectrophotometer (ILS) — which is included with the Interface Cooling Module • Xerox EX 80 Print Server ® ® Xerox…

  • Page 22
    Note The ACQS suite is available only with the external Xerox EX 80 Print Server Powered by Fiery; it is not available with the Xerox EX-i 80 Print Server Powered by Fiery. ACQS takes the variability out of the color equation by incorporating standardized color…
  • Page 23: Power On/Off

    Getting Started 2. The Performance Package is not available with the Xerox EX-i 80 Print Server. Customers must order the external Xerox EX 80 Print Server. 3. If customers configure the press with the Business Ready (BR) Finisher, the Business Ready Finisher with Booklet Maker, or the Offset Catch Tray, then the Performance Package option is not available for the configuration.

  • Page 24: Power On/Off The Press

    The display goes out and the Energy Saver button on the UI lights. To use the press, press the Energy Saver button. The Energy Saver button is no longer lit, indicating that the Energy Saver feature is canceled. ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…

  • Page 25: Sleep Mode

    • The EFI Print Server Help menu on the Command WorkStation window is designed to provide information on specific work flows when using the Command WorkStation. Additional user documentation supplied by EFI is available to you from www.xerox.com under the Support and Drivers link.

  • Page 26
    Getting Started ® ® 2-10 Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…
  • Page 27: Press Apps

    Note Make sure the appropriate print drivers have been installed on your computer. Refer to your print driver documentation or the Xerox web site for more information on how to download or install print drivers. • At any remote workstation, using a Hot Folders application to submit the document file to the print server.

  • Page 28: Printing A Job From The Print Server

    2. From the EX Print Server, select File > Import Job. 3. Select Add. 4. Locate your storage device or other directory containing the document files. 5. Select and highlight one of the document files. Select Open. ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…

  • Page 29: Printing On Tabs From The Print Server

    3, 5, 6 or 7), Trays 6 and 7 should be used for best results. If you plan to apply staple or punch finishing, use Trays 5, 6 or 7 only. • Loading orientation depends on what tray you are using. ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…

  • Page 30: Copy

    The confirmation indicator lights to show that the documents are loaded correctly. 3. Press the Home button on the press UI. 4. Select Copy on the Home window. 5. Select the desired Copy features/options: • Paper Supply • Reduce/Enlarge ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…

  • Page 31: Basic Copying With The Document Glass

    Read the following list before performing the procedure: • If your machine has an optional, third-party, Document Finishing Architecture (DFA) device attached, then this profile feature is available, and specific copy options may be selected for a job. ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…

  • Page 32: Copy Feature

    The Copy feature includes the following options: • Reduce/Enlarge (R/E) • Paper Supply (Auto Select) • Output Color • Copy Output • 2 Sided Copying • Original Type • Darken/Lighten ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…

  • Page 33: Reduce/Enlarge

    Auto X-Y% ensures copies are made with the height and width ratios set automatically to match the paper size. Auto Center This option allows you to specify individually the height and width values. ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…

  • Page 34: Paper Supply

    The rest of the colors are replaced by the non-target area color that you select. Single Color This option allows you to copy in one of the preset or custom colors. More This options allow you to customize the color for the copied output. ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…

  • Page 35: Copy Output

    2-1 Sided This option will make one-sided copies from two-sided originals. Originals/Copies Select the orientation of both your original documents and the output copies. Options include Head to Head and Head to Toe. ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…

  • Page 36: Original Type

    Photo This option is specifically designed to copy photographs or magazine pictures without any text or line drawings. This option prevents faint reproduction of colors. ® ® 3-10 Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…

  • Page 37: Darken/Lighten

    • Original Type • Image Options • Image Enhancement • Color Effects • Color Balance • Color Shift 6. Select the Copy tab. 7. Select the desired Copy options including: • Paper Supply ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press 3-11 User Guide…

  • Page 38: Original Type

    • Select the Down scroll button to darken the scanned image from light originals such as pencil images. • Select the Up scroll button to lighten the scanned image from dark originals such as half tones or originals with colored backgrounds. ® ® 3-12 Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…

  • Page 39: Image Enhancement

    This option produces a soft image on the output and adding a warm, reddish tint to low density colors. Use this setting to apply a light pink tone to skin colors and to give a soft tone to dark, warm colors. ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press 3-13 User Guide…

  • Page 40: Color Balance

    The Layout Adjustment feature includes the following options: • Book Copying • 2 Sided Book Copying • Original Size • Edge Erase • Image Shift • Image Rotation • Invert Image ® ® 3-14 Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…

  • Page 41: Selecting Layout Adjustment Options

    Align the top of the bound original against the rear edge of the document glass. Book Copying options include: Both Pages Copies both pages in page order. ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press 3-15 User Guide…

  • Page 42: Sided Book Copying

    Options include: All Edges This option causes a preset amount to be erased from the top/bottom and left/right edges and from the center of the output image. ® ® 3-16 Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…

  • Page 43: Image Shift

    You can also select which edge of the original document to use as a reference for image rotation if documents are of mixed orientations. Options include: ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press 3-17 User Guide…

  • Page 44: Invert Image

    Output Format Feature Output Format Feature Overview The Output Format feature includes the following options: • Booklet Creation • Covers ® ® 3-18 Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…

  • Page 45: Selecting Output Format Options

    • Paper Supply • Reduce/Enlarge • Darken/Lighten 8. Select any other desired Copy features/options (such as Image Quality, Layout Adjustment, Output Format). 9. Enter the quantity. 10. Press Start on the UI. ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press 3-19 User Guide…

  • Page 46: Booklet Creation

    Auto Image Positioning is available for selection if you have already selected Create Left/Top Bound Booklet or Create Right Bound Booklet. ® ® 3-20 Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…

  • Page 47: Covers

    Covers is selected, enter the number of blank sheets that will be used for the covers. Note If Blank Cover is used for both the front and back covers, verify that the correct quantity is selected for both the covers. ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press 3-21 User Guide…

  • Page 48: Page Layout

    You can also change the position and appearance of the date using the Position buttons. ® ® 3-22 Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…

  • Page 49: Watermark

    You have the option to copy the entire original document onto the tabbed stock, or you can choose to copy only the edge of the original document onto the tabbed stock. Options include: ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press 3-23 User Guide…

  • Page 50: Face Up/Down Output

    Information on both sides of an ID card can be copied onto one side of a sheet of paper into the paper or bypass tray. 1. Open the document feeder and place the ID card on the top, left corner of the document glass. ® ® 3-24 Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…

  • Page 51: Transparency Options

    This option varies depending on the selected transparency option. Select the desired tray that contains the separator and/or handout stock. Folding (optional) Note This feature is available only if the appropriate, optional finishing device is attached to your press. ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press 3-25 User Guide…

  • Page 52: Job Assembly Feature

    1. Split the hard-copy document into sections for individual programming. 2. On the Home window, select Copy. 3. Select the Job Assembly tab. 4. Select Build Job. 5. Select Build Job On. 6. Select Save. ® ® 3-26 Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…

  • Page 53: Sample Job

    10. If desired, change any applicable setting and copy quantity. 11. Select either Start to finish the job or Cancel to stop the job. ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press 3-27 User Guide…

  • Page 54: Combine Original Sets

    1. Press the Home button on the press UI. 2. Select Copy on the Home window. 3. Select the Job Assembly tab. 4. Select Delete Outside/Delete Inside. The Delete Outside/Delete Inside screen is displayed. By default, Off is selected. ® ® 3-28 Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…

  • Page 55: Scan

    • Scan to PC: Scans a document and sends the scanned data to a network computer via the FTP or SMB protocol. • Store to Folder: Scans a document and saves the scanned data in a folder on the machine. ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press 3-29 User Guide…

  • Page 56: Basic Scanning

    Start button. 7. Select Job Status on the UI to view the status of the scanned job. 8. Retrieve the original documents either from the Document Feeder or Document Glass. ® ® 3-30 Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…

  • Page 57: Previewing Scanned Images

    When a scan is canceled, scan data already stored to the mailbox is deleted. Stopping a Scan Job 1. While a scan job is in process, Press either the Stop button on the UI control panel or select Delete on the UI touch screen. ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press 3-31 User Guide…

  • Page 58: Scan Options

    The machine automatically identifies the text and photo areas and scans each area with optimum quality. • Text: Select this option when scanning text clearly. • Photo: Select this option when scanning photos. ® ® 3-32 Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…

  • Page 59: Advanced Settings

    Move the slider control down (Soften) to produce an image with a smooth, uniform appearance (ideally suited for photographic scanned images). Move the slider control up (Sharpen) to produce an image with better quality text or line art. ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press 3-33 User Guide…

  • Page 60
    Use the slider to choose from good image quality with small file size, higher image quality with larger file size, or highest image quality with largest file size. Note This feature is unavailable whenever Black and White (Color Scanning) is selected. ® ® 3-34 Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…
  • Page 61: Layout Adjustment

    • Individual Edges: This option independently erases each of the four margins in differing amounts. • Presets: This option erases preprogrammed amounts as set up by the System Administrator. This includes preset options for Header/Footer Erase and Hole Punch Erase. ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press 3-35 User Guide…

  • Page 62: E-Mail Options

    Reply To Use this option to enter a reply recipient email address. Read Receipts This option requests an email with the delivery status from the recipient to the sender. ® ® 3-36 Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…

  • Page 63
    A thumbnail is a reduced, small file size image that helps you check the file contents. • Single File for Each Page: Saves each page as a single file in the specified format. ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press 3-37…
  • Page 64
    • Permissions: This option adds restrictions to the PDF file which prevents unauthorized printing or editing of the file. The recipient of the PDF must know the permissions password in order to remove these restrictions. ® ® 3-38 Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…
  • Page 65: Filing Options

    JPEG for full-color and grayscale pages, and TIFF for monochrome pages. • XPS (XML Paper Specification): Saves multiple pages into a single file. Note Options may vary and some options may not be available for your machine. ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press 3-39 User Guide…

  • Page 66: Resolving A File Name Conflict

    Flate is lossless and does not remove data during the compression process. Resolving a File Name Conflict Note This option is not available with some of the scan methods. 1. Select the Filing Options tab. ® ® 3-40 Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…

  • Page 67: E-Mail

    128 characters may be entered for the sender’s address in the From field. Recipient(s) field From this field, an e-mail address can be edited or removed by selecting a specific recipient. ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press 3-41 User Guide…

  • Page 68: Scanning To An E-Mail Address

    • To send a copy of the email to the sender, select Add Me. • Edit or remove recipients from the Recipient(s) field. • Select Subject to enter and save an e-mail subject. • Select Message to enter and save the e-mail message. ® ® 3-42 Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…

  • Page 69: Network Scanning

    Update Templates Select this button to refresh the information. If a created job template is not displayed, select Update Templates to display all the job templates. ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press 3-43 User Guide…

  • Page 70: Network Scanning Procedure

    • SMB • SMB (UNC Format): UNC stands for Universal Naming Convention and its format is as follows: host nameshared namedirectory name Address Book Specify the recipient from the Address Book. ® ® 3-44 Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…

  • Page 71: How To Use The Scan To Pc Feature

    • Yes: Continue to the next step • No: See your System Administrator; only the administrator can setup entries in the Address Book. 3. Select a recipient from the Name/Protocol list. 4. Select Add. ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press 3-45 User Guide…

  • Page 72
    10. Select inside the Password field and enter the password for the user name. Up to 32 characters are allowed. 11. Select Save. Complete the steps in the procedure Using the Scan to PC Feature. ® ® 3-46 Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…
  • Page 73: Store To Folder

    8. Retrieve the original documents from either the Document Feeder or the Document Glass. Store to USB Store to USB Overview The Store to USB allows you to scan documents and save the scanned data to a USB memory device. ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press 3-47 User Guide…

  • Page 74: Using The Store To Usb Feature

    7. Select the desired scan options. 8. If desired, select Preview. 9. Press Start to begin the scanning process. 10. Retrieve the original documents from either the Document Feeder or the Document Glass. ® ® 3-48 Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…

  • Page 75: Store And Send Link Feature (Send To Folder)

    • For more information, refer to the System Administration Guide. • You can customize the layout of the features displayed on the Store and Send Link feature. For more information, refer to System Administration Guide. ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press 3-49 User Guide…

  • Page 76: Storing And Sending A Link (Sending To Folder)

    When this option is selected a list of available computers is displayed; from this list select the computer that will receive the scanned data. — When This Device is selected, a List of Components is displayed. ® ® 3-50 Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…

  • Page 77: How To Use The Store To Web Services For Devices (Wsd) Feature

    Remove your original documents from the press Document Feeder or Documennt Glass. b) Select OK on the press UI. 12. The UI displays a standby message stating that a scan job is waiting. ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press 3-51 User Guide…

  • Page 78: Send From Folder (Folder / File Management)

    • Register/create private folders and/or shared folders File Options The following options are available: • Refresh: Displays the updated information. • List: Lists the files stored in the folder, with their stored dates and pages. ® ® 3-52 Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…

  • Page 79
    Batch Print Option The Batch Print option allows you to select batch printing. You can print multiple files as one file. A maximum of 100 files can be bound in the selected order. ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press 3-53 User Guide…
  • Page 80: Managing Folders And Scanned Files

    The Send from Folder feature allows you to configure and/or start a job flow. Refer to the following information for the various job flow settings and options that are available in the Send from Folder feature. ® ® 3-54 Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…

  • Page 81
    • Search by Name: Searches for job flows that partially match the entry. The machine searches through job flow names that were registered upon each job flow creation. The entry can be up to 128 characters. ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press 3-55 User Guide…
  • Page 82: Using Send From Folder To Link A Job Flow Sheet To A Folder

    Select Create/Change Link. d) Select any option. If Sheet Filtering is selected, select the desired filtering conditions, and then select Save. e) From the Link Job Flow Sheet to Folder window, select Save. ® ® 3-56 Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…

  • Page 83: Job Flow

    A job flow sheet can be used by only one user, can be shared by multiple users, or can be used for only certain folders. Only the Job Flow Sheets that you have permission to execute are displayed. ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press 3-57 User Guide…

  • Page 84: Job Flow Settings And Options

    The specified address appears in the SMB Transfer window. • Transfer via SMB (1), Transfer via SMB (2): Specify where SMB forwarding is to be stored. ® ® 3-58 Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…

  • Page 85: Sheet Filtering Options

    The additional settings available with the Transfer via FTP (1) / Transfer via FTP (2) option include the following: • Address Book • File Format • Resend Attempts • Name, Server, Save, User Name, and Password: The maximum number of characters for each item is: ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press 3-59 User Guide…

  • Page 86: Transfer Via Smb (1) / Transfer Via Smb (2) Options

    • When to Notify • Delete Recipient • Edit • Close Menu Job Flow Procedures Creating a Job Flow Sheet 1. Press the Machine Status button. 2. Select the Tools tab on the UI. ® ® 3-60 Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…

  • Page 87: Linking A Job Flow Sheet With A Folder

    • Auto Start: Select this option if you want the Job Flow Sheet to be automatically executed when a new document is saved to the folder. If you do not select Auto ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press 3-61 User Guide…

  • Page 88: Starting A Job Flow Manually

    • Access web applications from the press, and display the web application on the press • Store scanned documents directly in a web application folder on the press. • Print a file that is stored on a remote server. ® ® 3-62 Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…

  • Page 89: Accessing Web Applications

    • Job Progress: This option shows the details of the selected document. • Close Menu: This option closes the pop-up menu. Completed Jobs Tab 1. Press the Job Status button on the UI. ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press 3-63 User Guide…

  • Page 90: Machine Status

    Device Serial Number The Device Serial Number is displayed under the General Information area on the Device Information tab. Use this number when calling Xerox for technical information or assistance. Current System Software The version of the system software that is currently installed on the press is displayed under the Current System Software title.

  • Page 91: Faults Tab

    • Job Counter Report (available in System Administrator mode only) • Auditron Report / Meter Report (available in System Administrator mode only) Maintenance Assistant Select the Maintenance Assistant button to send the Xerox Remote Print Services diagnostic information on the press to Xerox Support. Others From the Device Information — Others window select the Overwrite Hard Disk button;…

  • Page 92: Supplies Tab

    These impressions are one side of one sheet of large media (for example 11 x17 in./A3). Large Impressions are any prints that are larger than 145 sq. in./935 sq. cm. ® ® 3-66 Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…

  • Page 93: Usage Counters

    This counter provides information on the total amounts for email images and network scanned images. All Usage Counters This view provides a complete total of all the counters, including the totals from the Impression Counters and Sheet Counters. ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press 3-67 User Guide…

  • Page 94: Tools Tab

    The Paper Tray Attributes feature allows the user to change the attributes of a paper tray, including size, type, and weight. Note The Paper Tray Attributes feature appears on the Tools tab only if the system administrator has made it available to users. ® ® 3-68 Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…

  • Page 95: Changing The Paper Tray Attributes

    A3 or tabloid. The type of Billing Impression Modes used by your press is set during system installation. A Xerox Sales Representative can confirm the Billing Impression Modes applicable for your press. There are two types of Impression Mode: •…

  • Page 96
    Press Apps ® ® 3-70 Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…
  • Page 97: Paper And Media

    Supported Paper Paper Specifications Note Always refer to the Recommended Media List (RML) for a comprehensive list of supported media. The RML can be accessed can be downloaded from www.xerox.com. ® ® Xerox Versant…

  • Page 98
    Labels (coated & uncoated) 8.5 x 11 in./A4 LEF Trays 1 to 3 106 to 256 Trays 5, 6 and 7 106 to 350 Tabbed Inserts 9 x 11 in. LEF All Trays ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…
  • Page 99: Paper Tray Information

    8.5 x 11 / A4 uncoated 64 to 256 gsm Simplex / Duplex 100 ppm / 50 ppm and coated 8.5 x 11 / A4 Labels 106 to 256 gsm Simplex 40 ppm and Transparencies ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…

  • Page 100
    8.5 x 11 uncoated 52 to 300 gsm Simplex / Duplex 60 ppm / 30 ppm and coated A4 uncoated and 52 to 300 gsm Simplex / Duplex 50 ppm/ 25 ppm coated ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…
  • Page 101: Loading Media In Trays 1, 2, And 3

    6. Adjust the paper guides by pressing in the guide release and carefully moving the Edge Guide until it lightly touches the edge of the material in the tray. Do not load materials above the MAX line located on the rear Edge Guide. ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…

  • Page 102: Loading Tab Stock In Trays 1, 2, And 3

    Edge Guide until it lightly touches the edge of the stock in the tray. Do not load materials above the MAX line located on the rear Edge Guide. 5. Gently push in the tray until it comes to a stop. ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…

  • Page 103: Loading Transparencies In Trays 1, 2, And 3

    1. Select the appropriate paper stock for your print job. 2. Pull out the tray slowly until it stops. ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…

  • Page 104: Loading Media In The Bypass (Tray 5)

    • Load a maximum of 280 sheets of 20 lb. / 75 gsm paper • Do not load mixed-size paper into the Bypass Tray • Do not load materials above the MAX line as indicated on the tray ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…

  • Page 105: Loading Paper In The Bypass (Tray 5)

    1. Gently extend the Bypass tray (Tray 5) as necessary to accommodate the tab stock. 2. Hold the center of the paper guides and slide them to the desired stock size. 3. Fan the tab paper before inserting into the tray. ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…

  • Page 106: Loading Transparencies In The Bypass (Tray 5)

    8. From the Paper Tray settings/Tray Properties window, enter the correct paper information, including size, type, weight and, if necessary, paper curl and/or alignment option. 9. Select Confirm or OK to save the information and close the Paper Tray settings/Tray Properties window. ® ® 4-10 Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…

  • Page 107: Loading Envelopes In The Bypass (Tray 5)

    Some wrinkling or embossing may occur when printing on envelopes. Successful envelope printing depends on the quality and construction of the envelopes. Try another envelope brand if problems occur. ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press 4-11 User Guide…

  • Page 108
    Paper and Media ® ® 4-12 Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…
  • Page 109: Maintenance

    2. Wipe off any excess water from the exterior with a soft cloth. Cleaning the Document Cover and Glass 1. Cleaning the document cover ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…

  • Page 110
    With the document feeder open, pull the lever that is located at the top of the document cover. Part of the document cover pulls away from the assembly, which allows better access to the second-side scanning lens assembly. ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…
  • Page 111: Cleaning The Document Feeder Rollers

    2. While turning the rollers, gently clean them with a soft cloth moistened with water. Caution Use a cloth that has been thoroughly wrung to prevent drops of water falling into the machine. Drops of water on internal components may cause a malfunction. ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…

  • Page 112: Cleaning The Drum Drawer Area

    ROS window. 4. Replace the Cleaning Wand tool into the storage area on the side panel of the open front door. 5. Close the Front Door of the press. ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…

  • Page 113: Cleaning The Fuser Assembly

    • Dry Ink/Toner cartridges (C, M, Y, K) • Drum cartridges (C, M, Y, K) • An empty Waste Dry Ink/Toner bottle • Suction Filter Refer to www.xerox.com for the latest consumable part numbers. ® ® Xerox Versant…

  • Page 114: Ordering Supplies

    The Fuser Module may be replaced by the customer only if directed to do so by Service. Note Store supply items and Xerox parts in their original packages in a convenient location. Always recycle/dispose the used CRU according to the disposal instructions supplied with the new CRU.

  • Page 115: Checking The Status Of Consumables

    The status of the Fuser and Suction Filter are not shown, but a message displays when these items require replacing. Replacing a Dry Ink/Toner Cartridge Note The dry ink/toner cartridge can be replaced while a job is printing. ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…

  • Page 116: Replacing The Dry Ink/Toner Waste Bottle

    5. Dispose of or recycle the cartridge per your local authorities and regulations. In the United States, also refer to the Electronic Industries Alliance website: www.eiae.org. For more information about Xerox environmental programs, go to www.xerox.com/environment. 6. Remove the new dry ink/toner cartridge from its packaging.

  • Page 117: Replacing A Drum Cartridge

    Do not leave the Drum Cartridge Drawer open for more than one minute. Exposing the drum cartridges to direct sunlight or strong light from indoor fluorescent lighting for more than one minute may cause image quality defects. ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…

  • Page 118
    5. Unwrap the sheet covering the new drum cartridge and place it under the cartridge. Some drum cartridges may include a protective film. Remove the film on the drum cartridge, if the film is present. ® ® 5-10 Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…
  • Page 119: Replacing The Suction Filter

    12. Return the R1-R4 handle to the original position and close the front door. 13. Insert the used drum cartridge into an empty container for recycling. Replacing the Suction Filter You will need the T10 Torx driver tool for this procedure. ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press 5-11 User Guide…

  • Page 120
    After selecting the icon in following step, there is a 4 second delay before the Technical Key Operator feature displays. e) Select the Technical Key Operator icon. The Technical Key Operator feature displays. ® ® 5-12 Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…
  • Page 121
    To return to Tools tab, select Close twice. The main Tools screen displays. b) Select the Log In / Out button on the Control Panel. c) When prompted, select Logout. ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press 5-13 User Guide…
  • Page 122
    Maintenance ® ® 5-14 Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…
  • Page 123: Troubleshooting

    Doing so might cause press malfunction or fire. The following table helps you resolve some basic problems you may encounter with the press. If the problem persists after following all the instructions, contact your Xerox Representative or the Customer Support Center.

  • Page 124
    4-color, the system requires approximately 2 minutes to make any necessary adjustments. • During this time, the touch screen displays the Adjusting Image Quality message. • The next job begins printing once the system completes its adjustments. ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…
  • Page 125
    • Remove any partially fed paper from the trays. Make sure to remove any torn pieces of paper still remaining inside the press. • Ensure the paper you are using had been stored properly. ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…
  • Page 126
    • The mass of dry ink (toner) coverage on the print output – the greater the dry ink/toner mass, the greater the paper curl. • The paper weight and whether or not it is coated or uncoated. • The humidity conditions at the press. ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…
  • Page 127
    ILS is attached, use the manual decurl buttons on the module’s control panel. Refer to the For information on these ® ® devices, refer to the Optional Devices Guide for Xerox Versant 180 Press. • Refer to Custom Paper Settings Troubleshooting table, Paper Curl.
  • Page 128
    • Check that the punch scrap container is not full. Note For more information on these devices, refer to the Optional ® ® Devices Guide for Xerox Versant 180 Press. Drilled paper holes are on Ensure that the drilled paper is loaded correctly in the paper tray the wrong side.
  • Page 129: Reducing Toner Consumption

    3. Lower Toner Consumption Pri- Set NVM to 0 (Off) No change re- No change required ority quired These settings decrease toner usage and increase productivity, but may result in degraded IQ. ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…

  • Page 130: Image Quality Problems

    (IB/OB), or color shift or inconsistent • Refer to the Custom Paper Settings Troubleshooting table, and color within the page. review the Suggested Solutions for Uneven Density / Mottle. ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…

  • Page 131
    Halo or smudges Refer to the Custom Paper Settings Troubleshooting table, and review the Suggested Solutions for Uneven Density / Mottle. ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…
  • Page 132
    Trail edge of output con- Uneven Density / Mottle. tains dry ink / toner dele- tions, density inconsistency, or is lacking in color depth; this occurs mainly when us- ing heavier or lighter weight stock ® ® 6-10 Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…
  • Page 133: Custom Paper Settings Troubleshooting

    • Use this feature to Enable (checked) or Disable (unchecked) the tray heater. The tray heater warms the air that is blown into the tray by Adjust Air Assist Values to help prevent paper jams and multifeeds by loosening contact between sheets. ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press 6-11 User Guide…

  • Page 134
    If your press configuration includes the Interface Decurler Module (IDM)s, confirm that the IDM Curl Correction option on the IDM control panel is set to Auto. Note ® ® For more information, refer to the Optional Devices Guide for Xerox Versant 180 Press, the Interface Decurler Module (IDM) chapter. ®…
  • Page 135
    • Use this feature to adjust the voltage ratio on the secondary bias transfer roll (2 BTR). For heavy-weight paper, such as 220 g/m or greater, the 2 BTR is where the image ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press 6-13 User Guide…
  • Page 136
    (faded) or heavier (thicker) on the left or right sides of the output (inboard / outboard). • For information and instructions on how to use this feature, refer to the System Admin- istration Guide, Density Uniformity Adjustment. ® ® 6-14 Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…
  • Page 137
    Alignment Adjustment Setup. Select the desired Custom Paper > Change Settings > Alignment Adjustment Setup > Change Settings. Select the Alignment Adjustment button. Select either Use Default or Select from List. ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press 6-15 User Guide…
  • Page 138
    • After each incremental adjustment, run test prints and evaluate the output to determine if additional adjustments are required. Problem Unfused Dry Ink / Toner on Output Suggested Solutions Change the Adjust Fuser Temperature setting. ® ® 6-16 Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…
  • Page 139
    • This feature is accessed from Machine Status > Tools > Setup & Adjustment > Custom Paper Settings. Select the desired Custom Paper > Change Settings > Tray Heater > Change Settings. • To Enable (check) the box for Tray Heater. ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press 6-17 User Guide…
  • Page 140
    PR Booklet Maker Finisher, or PR Finisher Plus For detailed information about these finishing devices, refer to the Optional Devices Guide for ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press. Create and/or use an existing Finisher — Fold Adjust Position. Note Before creating a new or using an existing profile or performing any alignment adjustments, read / review the entire Fold Adjustment Profile section in the System Administration Guide.
  • Page 141
    • Decrease the Adjust Image Transfer for Trail Edge in increments of 5 to 10%. After every increment adjustment run test prints and evaluate the output to determine if additional adjustment is necessary. ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press 6-19 User Guide…
  • Page 142: Custom Paper Settings — Default Settings

    Determined by test print output Side 1, Width 0.000 0.025 -0.200 to 0.200 Determined by test print output Side 2, Height 0.000 0.025 -0.200 to 0.200 Determined by test print output ® ® 6-20 Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…

  • Page 143
    Left Side of Fold 0.0 – 20.0 mm Determined by is Longer test print output Right Side of Fold 0.0 – 20.0 mm Determined by is Longer test print output On the Fold ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press 6-21 User Guide…
  • Page 144
    0.0 – 20.0 mm Determined by test print output “B” Length 0.0 – 20.0 mm Determined by test print output Z-Fold Half Sheet “A” Length 0.0 – 20.0 mm Determined by test print output ® ® 6-22 Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…
  • Page 145
    System Default Distinct Selec- System Default Determined by Values tions Available Multi Feed Sup- test print output port Table Mis-Feed Support Table Forced Off Custom 1 through Tray Heater Checked Box ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press 6-23 User Guide…
  • Page 146
    • Custom Curl Slight Upward Correction: No Curl Slight (Very Slight Downward Small) Upward Moderate Down- or Slight (Very ward Small) Down- Medium Down- ward ward • Custom Curl Severe Downward Correction: ® ® 6-24 Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…
  • Page 147
    • Custom Curl Severe Downward Correction: Moderate (Small) Up- ward or Moder- ate (Small) Downward • Custom Curl Correction: Medium Up- ward or Medi- um Downward • Custom Curl Correction: ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press 6-25 User Guide…
  • Page 148
    Moderate (Small) Up- ward or Moder- ate (Small) Downward • Custom Curl Correction: Medium Up- ward or Medi- um Downward • Custom Curl Correction: Severe (Large) Upward or Severe (Large) Downward ® ® 6-26 Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…
  • Page 149: Paper Jams

    Booklet Maker Finisher, or Standard Finisher Plus • When the printed offset output is not stapled If your system meets these two requirements, then the Jam Recovery Offset Feature may be set up and used. ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press 6-27 User Guide…

  • Page 150: Setting Up The Jam Recovery Offset Feature

    The default Login ID value is admin, and the default password is 1111. Note By default, the password prompt is not enabled. 3. Press the Machine Status button on the UI. ® ® 6-28 Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…

  • Page 151: Paper Jams In The Document Feeder

    3. If the document is not caught in the entry of the document feeder, then remove it. 4. If instructed to open the inner cover, lift up the lever, and open the inner cover. Remove the jammed document. ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press 6-29 User Guide…

  • Page 152
    To scan torn, wrinkled or folded documents, use the Document Glass, only. The already scanned document sheets are automatically skipped and scanning resumes from the document sheet last scanned prior to the jam. ® ® 6-30 Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…
  • Page 153: Document Jams Under The Document Feeder Belt

    Paper Jams Inside the Press Warning Never touch a labeled area (found on the fuser unit or nearby) indicating High Temperature andCaution. Contact can lead to burns. 1. Open the press Front Door. ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press 6-31 User Guide…

  • Page 154
    11. Push in the transfer module completely and rotate Handle 2 to the left. 12. Close the pree Front Door. 13. Run five blank sheets to clean left-over toner from the fuser roll and resume the copying/printing process. ® ® 6-32 Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…
  • Page 155: Paper Jams In Trays 1-3

    1. Remove the jammed paper and any paper that is loaded from the Bypass tray. Note If paper is torn, check inside the machine and remove it. ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press 6-33 User Guide…

  • Page 156: Troubleshooting Help

    4. If possible, use a phone near the press when calling for assistance. Follow the instructions provided by the operator. ® ® 6-34 Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…

  • Page 157: Fuser Hints And Tips

    Troubleshooting 5. For system support, user help, and service support, call the appropriate number. For the specific number in your area, go to www.xerox.com and select the Support link. Fuser Hints and Tips Extending Fuser Life To extend the life of your fuser, discuss the usage of multiple fusers with your Service Representative.

  • Page 158
    300.0 — 330.2 mm (12.09 — 13.00 in.) 13 in. 4 See Note Custom 100.0 — 330.2 mm (3.937 — 13.0 in.) Note Refer to the System Administrator Guide on how to set the NVM width. ® ® 6-36 Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…
  • Page 159: Specifications

    — Bypass Tray: 13 x 19.2 in. / 330.2 x 488 mm Printing Resolution • Print Engine Imaging Resolution: 2400 x 2400 dpi • Print Server RIP Resolution (print server to print engine): 1200 x 1200 dpi ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…

  • Page 160: First Print-Out Time

    A5, A5, A4, A4, 8.5 × 11 in., 8.5 × 14 in. (SEF), 11 × 17 in. (SEF) Paper Capacity 250 sheets When using Xerox 20 lb./75 gsm paper. Document Changing Speed Monochrome: 80 sheets/min (8.5 x 11 in./A4 portrait, 1-…

  • Page 161
    Copy Paper Trays 1-3, 6, 7: 13 — 57 lb./52 — 216 gsm Tray 5 (Bypass): 13 — 67lb./52 — 253 gsm Use Xerox recommended papers for best results. First Copy Output Time 3.5 seconds (When the Document Glass, 100% Reduction/Enlarge- Values may differ depend- ment, Tray 1, 8.5 x 11 in./A4 are used)
  • Page 162: Scan Specifications

    10 bit input, 8 bit output for each RGB color Document Scan Speed 200 copies/min (Scanning into mailbox for ITU-T No.1 chart 8.5 x 11 in./A4 200dpi) Important: Scanning speed varies by the document. ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…

  • Page 163: Environmental Specifications

    The required humidity range is 15 % to 85% (relative humidity) — (RH) J zone (Dew condensation is inhibited) Altitude The press functions at the elevation of 0 to 2,500 meters (0 to 8,200 feet) ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…

  • Page 164
    Specifications ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…

Error Code



An error occurred in the fusing unit during warm-up.


[Remedy] Switch off the machine power, make sure that the touch screen is blank, and then switch


on the machine power. If the error still is not resolved, contact our Customer Support






















An error occurred in the machine.

[Remedy] Switch off the machine power, make sure that the touch screen is blank, and then switch

on the machine power. If the error still is not resolved, contact our Customer Support




An error occurred.

[Remedy] Switch off the machine power, make sure that the touch screen is blank, and then switch

on the machine power. If the same message is displayed again, contact our Customer

Support Center.



An error occurred in the machine.


[Remedy] Switch off the machine power, make sure that the touch screen is blank, and then switch


on the machine power. If the same message is displayed again, contact our Customer


Support Center.



An error occurred in the machine.

[Remedy] Switch off the machine power, make sure that the touch screen is blank, and then switch

on the machine power. If the error still is not resolved, contact our Customer Support




The finisher’s punch waste container is full.

[Remedy] Empty the punch waste container.

For more information on how to empty the punch waste container, refer to «Emptying the Hole Punch Waste Container»

(P.675) or «Emptying the Trimmer Waste Container» (P.676).



An error occurred in the USB memory device or media reader.

[Remedy] Switch off the machine power, make sure that the touch screen is blank, and then switch

on the machine power. If the error still is not resolved, contact our Customer Support


Cause and Remedy

Error Code



Рекомендуемое решение

Вероятная причина

Код неис-


Переустановите блок бара-
бана (M); переставьте блоки
барабанов; если проблема
не устранится, замените
блок барабана (M).

Повреждение данных в

091-922, 091-

Переустановите блок бара-
бана (C); переставьте блоки
барабанов; если проблема
не устранится, замените
блок барабана (C).

Повреждение данных в

091-923, 091-

Переустановите блок бара-
бана (K); переставьте блоки
барабанов; если проблема
не устранится, замените
блок барабана (K).

Повреждение данных в

091-915, 091-

Выключите и снова включи-
те аппарат.
Если неисправность не
устранится, обратитесь в
сервисный центр.

Ошибка программного


Управление про-

Переустановите или замени-
те картридж. Убедитесь, что
дверцы закрыты. Выключи-
те и снова включите аппа-
рат. Обратитесь в сервис-
ную службу.



Выключите и снова включи-
те аппарат.
Если неисправность не
устранится, обратитесь в
сервисный центр.

Сбой ремня переноса или

094-312, 094-

Перенос изображе-

Неправильное положение
узла ремня фьюзера. Пере-
установите узел и убедитесь
в наличии датчика кромки
ремня с кромкой ремня.

Ошибка установки ремня


Выключите и снова включи-
те аппарат.
Если неисправность не
устранится, обратитесь в
сервисный центр.

Неисправности фьюзера
общего характера


Печатная машина Xerox






Руководство пользователя

Устранение неисправностей аппарата

Современные копировальные аппараты Xerox отличаются качество, надежностью и «быстрым» стартом. Также у них существует множество особенностей, которые отличают их от принтеров других производителей. Например, используется тефлоновый вал, а не термопленка.

Однако избегать различных поломок и ошибок пока не удается ни одному устройству. К самым частым неисправностям у принтеров Xerox относятся: залипание или повреждение датчика бумаги, повреждение роликов подачи, часто требуется перепрошивка программного обеспечения.

Если у вас возникнут вопросы насчет того, как исправить код ошибки копировального аппарата Xerox, то вы можете обратиться к специалистам нашего сервисного центра.

Основные коды ошибок копировальных аппаратов Xerox и способы их устранения:

  • Коды ошибок Xerox 1012, 1012(RE)
  • Коды ошибок Xerox 1020
  • Коды ошибок Xerox 1025
  • Коды ошибок Xerox 1035
  • Коды ошибок Xerox 1038
  • Коды ошибок Xerox 2830
  • Коды ошибок Xerox 5011, 5012, 5014
  • Коды ошибок Xerox 5016, 5017, 5316, 5317
  • Коды ошибок Xerox 5018, 5028
  • Коды ошибок Xerox 5312, 5313, 5314
  • Коды ошибок Xerox 5318, 5320, 5322
  • Коды ошибок Xerox 5328
  • Коды ошибок Xerox 5330
  • Коды ошибок Xerox 5340, 5343
  • Коды ошибок Xerox 5345
  • Коды ошибок Xerox 5350, 5352
  • Коды ошибок Xerox 5355
  • Коды ошибок Xerox 5622
  • Коды ошибок Xerox XC520, 540, 560, 580

Xerox 1012, 1012(RE)

Код ошибки Описание
E1 Jam between paper feed and fuser
E3 Jam in fuser
E5 Clam shell open
E6 Paper feed section cover is open
J1 Toner cartridge near empty
J3 Drum cartridge not seated properly
J7 Waste toner full (replace drum cartridge)
L6 Key counter out
L8 Exposure area overheat
U1 No clock pulse (drive problem)
U2 Scan problem
U3 Lens/mirror problem (RE model only)
U4 Heat problem
U8 Exposure lamp control circuit problem
E1 Jam between paper feed and fuser
E3 Jam in fuser
E5 Clam shell open
E6 Paper feed section cover is open
J1 Toner cartridge near empty
J3 Drum cartridge not seated properly
J7 Waste toner full (replace drum cartridge)
L6 Key counter out
L8 Exposure area overheat
U1 No clock pulse (drive problem)
U2 Scan problem
U3 Lens/mirror problem (RE model only)
U4 Heat problem
U8 Exposure lamp control circuit problem

Xerox 1020

Код ошибки Описание
LL Probable bad heater lamp

Xerox 1025

Код ошибки Описание
A1 DF jam
C1 PF jam cass. 1
C2 PF jam cass. 2
C3 PF jam cass. 3
C9 Bypass jam
E1-1 Paper jam before exit switch
E1-2 Paper jam
E1-5 Paper jam
E1-6 Paper jam
E3-3 Paper jam at exit switch
E3-4 Paper jam at exit switch
E5 Front door open
F1 Collator jam
F5 Collator interlock
F8 No power to collator
F9 Collator bin home switch
J7 250 copies since toner waste was full
L5 Original cass. not present after clearing interrupt
L6 Key counter
L8 Platen glass too hot
U1 Main motor clock pulse
U2 Scan problem
U3-1 Lens problem
U4-1 Open thermistor
U4-2 Low temperature
U4-4 Temperature
U4-5 Main PWB
U6-1 Main PWB
U6-2 Main PWB
U6-3 Main board battery
U6-4 Initialization
U8 Exposure lamp

Xerox 1035

Код ошибки Описание
A9 Scanner location
C1 Paper feed — upper cassette
C2 Paper feed — lower cassette
C9 Bypass jam
E5 Clam shell is open
L6 Key counter
U1 Off/On
U2 Optics
U4 Low fuser temperature

Xerox 1038

Код ошибки Описание
A1 DF jam
C1 PF jam cass. 1
C2 PF jam cass. 2
C3 PF jam cass. 3
C9 Bypass jam
E1-1 Paper jam before exit switch
E1-2 Paper jam
E1-5 Paper jam
E1-6 Paper jam
E3-3 Paper jam at exit switch
E3-4 Paper jam at exit switch
E5 Front door open
F1 Collator jam
F5 Collator interlock
F8 No power to collator
F9 Collator bin home switch
J7 250 copies since toner waste was full
L5 Original cass. not present after clearing interrupt
L6 Key counter
L8 Platen glass too hot
U1 Main motor clock pulse
U2 Scan problem
U3-1 Lens problem
U4-1 Open thermistor
U4-2 Low temperature
U4-4 Temperature
U4-5 Main PWB
U6-1 Main PWB
U6-2 Main PWB
U6-3 Main board battery
U6-4 Initialization
U8 Exposure lamp

Xerox 2830

Код ошибки Описание
A9 Scanner location
C1 Paper feed — upper cassette
C2 Paper feed — lower cassette
C9 Bypass jam
E5 Clam shell is open
E5 Clam shell open
L6 Key counter
U1 Off/On
U2 Optics
U4 Low fuser temperature

Xerox 5011, 5012, 5014

Код ошибки Описание
C8 Bypass jam/no paper
C9 Bypass jam
E1 Jam
E3 Fuser jam
E5 Clamshell open
E6 PF section cover open
J1 Toner cartridge amost empty
J3 Copy cart (drum unit) missing/not seated right
J7 Copy cartridge has run 18,000 copies
J8 Copy cartridge. Improperly seated or possible only one of two fuses in the cartridge blew
L6 Key counter
L8 Exposure glass too hot
U1 Drive problem
U2 Scan problem
U3 Lens or mirror drive problem
U4 Fuser problem. Heat lamp, thermoswitch, SSR, thermistor
U6 Battery on main board
U8 Exposure lamp or exposure lamp circuit

Xerox 5016, 5017, 5316, 5317

Code Description
A1-1 Document feeder feed jam
A1-2 Document feeder belt jam
A2-1 Document feeder exit jam
A2-2 Duplex jam
A3 DAD interlock
A5 Duplex and DAD right side interlock
A6 Copier jams after
A9 Document feed belt drive motor
C1-3 Top cassette misfeed
C2-3 Middle cassette misfeed
C3-3 Bottom cassette misfeed
C9-3 Bypass misfeed
E1-11 to E1-14 Paper jam in machine. Did not reach exit switch soon enough
E1-6 Paper path jam
E3-31 to E3-34 Exit switch jam
E3-6 Fuser jam
E5 Front door interlock
E6 Right side interlock or TTM interlock
F1 Sorter jam
F5 Sorter interlock
F8 Sorter board to copier main board communication problem
F9 Sorter bins

Xerox 5018, 5028

Code Description
A1 Document is ADF
A1-8 Main board received reset signal
A2 ADF jams
A6, A7 ADF jams
A9 ADF jams
C1 — C4 Feed jam
C5-1 to C5-4 Jams in various areas
C5-2 Jams in various areas
C5-3 Jams in various areas
C5-4 Duplex jam
E0 Machine has reset
E1 Jam
E1-E0 Registration jam
E1-E5 Clamshell interlock
E1-E6 Right side interlock
E1-E7 Two tray interlock
E1-E8 Sorter interlock
E1-E9 Copy cartridge interlock
E2 Reset signal happened
E3 Jam
E4 Exit jam
E4-10 Exit jam
E4-5 Clamshell interlock
E4-6 Right side interlock
E4-7 Two tray interlock. Duplex interlock
E4-8 Sorter interlock
E4-9 Copy cartridge interlock
E5 Clamshell interlock
E6 Right side interlock
E7 Duplex interlock
E9 Copy cartridge interlock
F3-1 Sorter bin home switch
F3-2 Sorter cam switch
F3-3 Sorter cam switch
J1-1 Add toner
J1-2 Temporary low toner signal
J2-0 Replace copy cartridge
L2 2000 copies left on copy cartridge
L3 ADF to machine communication problem
L4 (flashing) 1000 copies left on fuser web
rr Bad EPROM on main board
U0 Main board
U2 Scan problem
U2-1 Scan home
U3-00 Cam drive problem
U3-01 Cam movement slow
U3-04 Main board to duplex communication
U3-09 Cam problem
U3-12 Jogger problem
U3-19 Cam problem
U3-21 Cam problem
U3-23 Cam problem
U3-29 Cam problem
U3-32 Cam problem
U3-34 Cam problem
U3-39 Cam problem
U3-43 Cam problem
U3-45 Cam problem
U3-49 Cam problem
U3-54 Cam problem
U3-56 Cam problem
U3-59 Cam problem
U4-1 Fuser problem. Long warm up
U4-2 Low fuser temperature after warm up
U4-3 High fuser temperature
U4-4 Open fuser thermistor
U4-6 Replace fuser web
U4-7 Thermistor signal problem
U7-1 Copy cartridge belt drive problem
U9-3 Exposure lamp problem
U9-4 Toner motor
U9-5 Problem in warm up

Xerox 5312, 5313, 5314

Код ошибки Описание
C1 Upper paper feed problem. Did not reach feed sensor
C2 Lower paper feed problem. Did not reach feed sensor
E1 Exit jam. Paper did not reach exit sensor
E3 Exit jam. Paper still on exit sensor
J1 Add toner
J3 Copy cartridge (drum unit) not installed
J7 Copy cartridge (drum unit) must be replaced
J8 Copy cartridge (drum unit) problem
L6 Problem with an accessory. Installed but not initialized
U1 Drive problem. Main motor, gear etc.
U2 Scan problem
U3 Main board dip switches wrong. Lens drive problem
U4 Fuser problem. Heat lamp, thermal switch, overheat, thermistor.
U6 EPROM error
U8 Auto exposure sensor. No exposure lamp or weak lamp

Xerox 5318, 5320, 5322

Code Description
A1-11 Original ready switch
A1-12 Feed sensor
A1-1 to A1-32 All indicate a paper path problem, etc. in the ADF
A1-21 Original ready switch and document registration sensor or both the document feed sensor and document registration sensor
A1-22 ADF registration sensor
A1-23 Original did not reach ADF registration sensor quickly enough
A1-24 ADF sensor stuck down too long
A1-25 ADF sensor actuated at the wrong time during single sheet feed
A1-26 ADF sensor not actuated quickly enough in sheet feed mode
A1-31 In reverse, ADF sensor is not actuated soon enough
A1-32 In reverse, ADF sensor is actuated too long
A2 ADF exit problems
A2-1 Original ready sensor and ADF exit switch are actuated or ADF feed in sensor and ADF exit switch are both actuated
A2-2 ADF exit switch
A2-3 ADF exit switch is not actuated on time
A3 Irregular size documents
A3-1 Wrong size original sensed in 1:1 mode
A3-2 Wrong size original sensed in the 2:1 mode
A5 ADF interlock
A5 ADF interlock
A6 ADF single sheet document reset.
A6-1 Reset original
A6-2 Reset sheet feeder
A7 Document cover interlock
A8 ADF exit interlock
C1 Tray 1 jam
C1-2 Paper feed problem in tray 1
C1-3 Paper does not reach registration
C2 Tray 2 jam
C3 Tray 3 jam
C3-1 Paper feed problem from tray 3
C3-2 Paper feed problem from tray 3
C3-3 Paper feed problem from tray 1
C6-1 Duplex paper feed problem
C6-2 Duplex and/or tray 1 paper feed problem
C6-3 Paper feed problem from tray 1
C7-1 Paper feed problem from HCF
C7-2 Paper feed problem from HCF on tray 1
C7-3 Paper feed problem from tray 1
C8 Paper stays in tray or duplex or HCF
C8-1 Paper on tray 1 feed sensor
C8-2 Paper on tray 2 feed sensor
C8-3 Paper on tray 3 feed sensor
C8-4 Paper on HCF feed sensor
C8-5 Paper in duplex section
C9 Bypass feed problem
C9-3 Paper from bypass did not reach registration sensor quickly enough
E1-10 to E1-25 Internal jam
E1-6 Paper on registration sensor
E2 Reset signal happened. Might read E-2 something else.
E3-30 to E4-14 Exit jam
E3-30 to E3-35 Exit switch actuated too long
E3-6 Exit jam
E3-6 Paper on exit switch
E4-10 to E4-14 Inverter sensor not actuated.
E4-10 to E4-45 Paper did not reach inverter switch soon enough
E4-15 Inverter sensor
E4-40 to E4-45 Duplex entry sensor
E4-6 Paper on inverter switch
E4-6 Inverter sensor
E5 Front door interlock
E6-1 Tray 1 interlock
E6-2 2 tray or duplex interlock
E6-3 HCF interlock
E7-2 Duplex inverter interlock
E7-3 Duplex interlock
E8-10 to E8-15 Paper on duplex feed sensor is not actuated soon enough
E8-6 Paper in duplex
E8-6 to E8-15 Duplex entry sensor
F1-1 Paper did not reach sorter
F1-2 Paper stayed on sorter feed sensor
F1-6 Sorter exit sensor
F3 Paper size not available for sort/stack
F5 Sorter interlock
H2-1 Communication problem between main board and duplex board
H2-2 Side guard sensor problem
H3-1 Communication problem between main board and HCF
H3-2 Upper limit sensor problem on HCF
H6-1 ADF size sensor
H6-2 ADF nudgeer sensor
H6-3 Belt drive motor does not have 24 volts. Black toner is empty, but 100 copies have been run without changing toner
J1 Black toner is empty, but 100 copies have been run without changing toner
J3 Replace copy cartridge
J3 No copy cartridge (drum unit)
J7 Copy cartrige must be replaced
J8-1 Wrong copy cartridge installed
J8-2 Copy cartridge EEPROM must be changed
L6 Auditron or other counter problem
L6 Key counter not installed
L8 Platen glass temperature is too high
L9 Communication problem between interimage erase/edge lamps and main board
U1-1 Main motor drive problem
U2-1 Scan home problem
U2-1 to U2-4 Scan home sensor
U2-2 Scan home problem or optics problem
U2-3, U2-4 Scan home problem
U3-1 Lens sensor problem
U4-1 Fuser thermistor open
U4-2 Fuser did not warm up properly
U4-3 Fuser temperature too high
U4-4 Fuser problem. Staying on too long
U4-6 High fuser temperature
U5-1 Sorter bin home switch not activated
U5-2 Sorter bin home switch stayed actuated
U5-3 Sorter bin home switch
U5-4 Sorter bin home switch
U6-1 ROM problem
U6-2 RAM problem
U6-3 Low battery
U6-4 Incorrect value in NVM. Reinitialize main board with code 20-96
U8-1 Exposure lamp problem
U8-2 Communication problem main board and exposure board
U8-3 Exposure lamp or exposure lamp board problem
U8-4 to U8-6 Problem with exposure lamp, lamp sensor, lamp board

Xerox 5328

Code Description
A1 Document in ADF
A1-8 Main board received reset signal
A2 ADF jams
A6 ADF registration jam
A7 ADF interlock
A9 Tray 1 jam
C1 Tray 2 jam
C2 Tray 3 jam
C3 Bypass feed jams
C4 Machine has reset
E1 Jam
E1-5 Clamshell interlock
E1-6 Right side interlock
E1-7 Two tray interlock, or duplex interlock
E1-8 Sorter interlock
E1-9 Copy cartridge interlock
E1 or E1-0 Registration jam
E2 Reset signal happened
E3 Jam in transfer area
E4 Exit jam
E4-0 Exit jam
E4-5 Clamshell interlock
E4-6 Right side interlock
E4-7 Two tray interlock
E4-8 Sorter interlock
E4-9 Copy cartridge interlock
E5 Clamshell interlock
E6 Right side interlock
E9 Copy cartridge interlock
F3-1 Sorter bin home switch
F3-2 Sorter cam switch
F3-3 Sorter cam switch
F5 Sorter interlock
J1-1 Add toner
J1-2 Temporary low toner signal
J2-1, J2-2 Replace copy cartridge
J5, J6 ADF to machine communications problem
L2 2000 copies left on cartridge
L3 ADF to machine communications problem
L4 (flashing) 1000 copier left on fuser web
L6 Auditron or other counter problem
LL Main board. Try simulation 1.1 to initialize
rc Wrong operation panel installed
rr Bad EPROM on main board. Try 1.1
U0 Main board
U2 Scan problem
U2-1 Scan home
U2-2 Scan home or scan encoder
U2-4 Scan home or scan dual page sensor
U2-7 Scan home
U4-1 Fuser problem. Long warm up
U4-2 Low fuser temperature after warm up
U4-3 High fuser temperature
U4-4 Open fuser thermistor
U4-6 Replace fuser web.
U4-7 Thermistor signal problem
U7-1 Copy cartridge belt drive problem
U9-3 Exposure lamp problem
U9-4 Toner motor
U9-5 Problem in warm-up

Xerox 5330

Code Description
A1-1 to A1-32 All indicate a paper path problem, etc. in the ADF.
A2 ADF exit problems
A3 Irregular size documents
A5 ADF interlock
A6 ADF single sheet document reset.
A7 Platen interlock
A8 ADF exit interlock
C1 Tray 1 jam
C2 Tray 2 jam
C3 Tray 3 jam
C6-1, C6-2 Jams related to duplex
C6-3 Registration sensor, re tray 1
C7-1, C7-2 HCF feed problems
C7-3 Tray 1 feed problem
C8 Paper stays in tray or duplex or HCF
C9 Bypass feed problem
E1-10 to E1-25 Internal jam
E1-6 Paper on registration sensor
E2 Reset signal happened. Might read E-2 something else.
E3-30 to E4-14 Exit jam
E3-6 Exit jam
E4-10 to E4-14 Inverter sensor not actuated.
E4-15 Inverter sensor
E4-40 to E4-45 Duplex entry sensor
E4-6 Inverter sensor
E5 Front door interlock
E6-1 Tray 1 interlock
E6-2 2 tray or duplex interlock
E6-3 HCF interlock
E7-2, E7-3 Duplex interlock
E8-6 to E8-15 Duplex entry sensor
F1-1 Sorter entry sensor
F1-6 Sorter exit sensor
F3 Paper size not available for sort/stack
F5 Sorter interlock
J1 Add toner
J3 Replace copy cartridge
J7 Replace copy cartridge
J8-1 Wrong copy cartridge installed
J8-2 Copy cartridge EEPROM
L6 Auditron or other counter problem
L8 Platen glass temperature is too high
L9 Communication problem between interimage erase/edge lamps and main board
U1-1 Main motor drive problem
U2-1 to U2-4 Scan home sensor
U3-1 Lens sensor
U4-1 Open fuser thermistor
U4-2 Fuser did not warm up properly
U4-3 Fuser temperature too high
U4-4 Fuser problem. Staying on too long
U4-6 High fuser temperature
U5-1 Sorter bin home switch not activated
U5-2 Sorter bin home switch stayed actuated
U5-3 Sorter bin home switch
U5-4 Sorter bin home switch
U6-1 ROM problem
U6-2 RAM problem
U6-3 Low battery
U6-4 Incorrect value in NVM. Reinitialize main board with code 20-96
U8-1 to U8-6 Problem with exposure lamp, lamp sensor, lamp board

Xerox 5340, 5343

Code Description
00-009; 030 to 033 A door was opened while paper was being fed
00-047 Paper in duplex
00-1 Auditron
00-2 Diagnostic error
00-3 Faults error
00-4 Ric error
00-5 Job manager system error
00-6 LLM interface
00-7 Standby error
00-8 Communications error
00-9 Xerographic error
01-300 Front interlock
01-310 Right upper interlock
01-315 Left upper interlock
01-320 Left lower interlock
01-325 Fuser interlock
02-910 Key counter missing
02-920 Wrong combination of accessories
03-321, 322, 326, 327 LLM to ISIL communications problems
03-328 IOT communications problem with duplex or tray 4
03-330 IOT communications problems with HCF
03-335, 03-336 LLM communications problems with edit
03-340 NVM memory
03-341, 03-347 Communications problems between IOT and sorter
03-350, 03-354 Communications problem with LLM and user interface
03-363, 03-364 Communications problem between LLM & optics
03-370, 03-373 Communications problem between LLM & DADF
03-380, 384  
03-416, 03-422 RAM memory problem
03-424, 426 NVM memory problem
03-430, 432 Billing problem
03-439 GRAIB communications problem
03-440 RIC communications problem
03-441 RIC NVM problem
03-442 Modem
03-443, 03-458 RIC problems
03-460 Serial communications processor problem
04-300 Main motor or drive problem
05-100, 05-108 DADF registration sensor
05-110 DADF exit sensor
05-115, 120 DADF jams
05-305 DADF document drive
05-310, 312 DADF document sensor
05-316 DADF registration sensor jam
05-325 DADF exit sensor
05-335, 341, 345 DADF interlock switches
06-300, 06-310 Scan problems
06-315 Scan drive
06-320A, 320B, 320C, 325 Scan problem
06-330 Lens drive
06-340 Exposure control problem
06-342 LLM CPU problem
06-344, 06-350 Exposure cvontrol problem
06-352 IOT CPU problem
07-300, 315, 330, 345 Tray faults
07-360, 07-370 HCF problems
07-375, 380A, 380B Duplex problems
08-100, 08-110 Feed problems. Lead edge of copy paper is late getting to feed sensor of tray 1
08-115, 08-162 Feed problem. Lead edge of copy paper is late getting to registration sensor
08-165 Paper jam at registration sensor
08-310, 08-370 Paper at a sensor when power is turned on
08-330 DADF nudger sensor
08-380 Registration side to side problem with home position
08-390 Nip
09-300 Copy cartridge finished (drum unit)
09-310 Add black toner Add color toner
09-320 Add color toner
09-330 Wrong copy cartridge (wrong drum unit)
09-340 Drum cartridge not installed properly
09-350 Waste toner full
100 A fault has occurred
10-100 Exit jam
10-105 Exit jam
10-110 Vertical sensor jam
10-120, 122, 125 Duplex jam
10-150, 155 Too much or not enough paper in duplex tray
10-300 Fuser thermistor
10-302 Low fuser temperature
10-304 Bad fuser temp
10-308 High fuser temperature or open thermistor
10-310 High fuser temperature
10-312 Fuser not up to temperature after energy save
10-314 Fuser problem
10-320 Fuser web finished
10-330, 335, 340 Exit switch, vertical sensor switch actuated when power is turned on
11-100, 11-116 Sorter jam
11-150, 11-176 Sorter auto stapler jam
11-310, 314, 316 Sorter interlock
11-325A, B, C, D, E, F, G Sorter index
11-352, 354, 356 Sorter auto stapler interlocks
11-365A, B, C, D, E Sorter auto stapler bin
11-370, 371, 372A, 373A, 373B, 374 Sorter auto stapler staple failure, staple home problem or tamper home problem
11-385A, 385B, 390A,B,C,D,E, 396A Sorter auto stapler staple failure, staple home problem or tamper home problem
301 Fuser web must be replaced
302 Copy cartridge (drum unit) must be replaced
501 Tray 1 must be rebuilt
502 Tray 2 must be rebuilt
503 Tray 3 must be rebuilt
504 Tray 4 must be rebuilt
505 HCF must be rebuilt
506 Bypass must be rebuilt
507 Duplex unit must be rebuilt
508 Replace black developer
509 Replace red developer
510 Replace green developer
512 Replace brown developer
513 Copy cartridge (drum unit) will need replacing soon
514 Fuser web will need replacing soon
515 DADF belt should be replaced
516 DADF feed rollers should be replaced
517 Replace exposure lamp
518 Replace suction filter
519 Replace ozone filter
520 Replace optics filter
521 Replace particle filter
522 Replace upper fuser roller
523 Replace fuser pawls
524 Replace pressure roller
525 Replace pressure roller pawls
900-905 Key operator calls

Xerox 5345

Код ошибки Описание
01-01 Frequency monitoring and zero cross problem
01-02 Interlock
01-03 AC power problem
01-04 Finisher interlock
01-05 24v problem
03-01 Optics to main board communication problem
03-02 Software reset problem
03-03 Could be punched holes in the lead edge of the original
03-04 Software problem
03-06 Low battery
03-07 NVM not initialized or is missing or defective
03-17 Communication problem between main board and finisher board
03-18 Initializes one NVM counter to agree to others
03-19 All three NVM counter to agree with others
03-20 Main board/interface board problems
03-21 Problem with RIC NVM
03-22 RIC modem problem
03-23 RIC real time clock failure.
03-25 RIC NVM problem or not initialized
03-27 NVM problem
03-28 Watchdog software problem
03-29 Microprocessor crystal not at correct frequency
03-30 No software response from finisher after 20 seconds have elapsed
06-01 Lens did not reach 1.1 position
06-02 1/2 rate scanner problem
06-03 Scan home problem
06-04 Scan home problem
06-05 Scan home problem
06-06 Scan encoder
06-07 Scan encoder
06-08 Scan drive boost
06-09 Scan encoder
06-11 Scan encoder pulse phases
06-12 Insufficient scan damping
07-01 Duplex tray not home during duplexing
07-02 Tray 2 not home when selected
07-13 Tray 2 height sensor problem
07-15 Tray 2 empty
07-16 Tray 1 door open
07-18 Tray 1 stack sensor
07-22 Tray 1 empty
07-26 Tray 1 bypass switch actuated too long
07-27 Tray 1 bypass switch deactuated too early
07-30 Paper in duplex
07-31 Paper in duplex
07-32 Duplex tray empty, when paper should be there
08-10 Paper did not reach tray 2 input tray sensor
08-11 Paper did not reach duplex input sensor
08-12 Paper did not reach tray 1
08-14 Paper did not leave tray 2 input sensor quickly enough
08-18 Trail edge did not reach tray 2 input sensor quickly enough
08-19 Trail edge did not reach tray 1 input sensor quickly enough
08-20 Paper in duplex
08-21 Paper in tray 2 input
08-22 Paper in tray 2 or duplex at wrong time
08-23 Paper at tray 1 input at wrong time
08-24 Paper in tray 1 at wrong time
08-28 Upper and lower nips problem
09-08 Low toner condition
09-12 Drum signals are out of range
09-13 Unstable drum patch readings
09-15 Patch is too dark
09-16 Patch is too light
09-17 Open toner container access cover
09-18 Low toner level
09-21 Low toner sensor disconnected
09-22 Low toner condition, even after machine has been theoretically, adding toner
10-02 Low fuser temperature
10-03 High fuser temperature
10-06 Paper did not reach out put switch
10-07 Paper stayed on output switch
10-10 Paper did not reach decurler sensor
10-11 Paper did not reach decurler sensor
10-12 Paper on decurler sensor
10-13 Paper did not reach duplex entry sensor in time
10-14 Paper did not reach duplex entry sensor in time
10-15 Paper on entry sensor at wrong time
10-17 Fuser temperature is too high and fuser relay has deactuated
12-01 Paper at finisher input sensor
12-02 Paper did not reach finisher
12-03 Paper reached finisher too soon
12-05 Paper at stapler
12-06 Paper at stapler
12-07 Paper did not reach stapler
12-08 Paper did not reach stapler
12-10 Complied motor not working properly
12-15 Eject motor problem and/or eject encoder
12-20 Stacker motor problem
12-21 Stacker interlock
12-22 Stacker bottom sensor
12-23 Stacker bottom sensor
12-24 Stacker bottom sensor senses full
12-25 Stack height sensor
12-26 Stack height sensor
12-27 Stack height sensor
12-30 Offset home sensor
12-31 Offset home sensor
12-32 OCT switch
12-35 Eject nip carriage
12-36 Eject cam interlock
12-37 Eject nip carriage open timing
12-38 Eject cam interlock
12-40 Tamper motor
12-41 Tamper home problem
12-42 Tamper home sensor
12-43 Staple load sensor
12-44 Tamper home sensor
12-45 Tamper home sensor
12-50 Low on staples
12-51 Stapler home sensor
12-52 Stapler home sensor
12-53 Eject cam interlock
33-37 Too few documents
55-01 RDH interlock switch open during use
55-04 Paper on bypass sensor
55-05 Paper at vacuum timing sensor
55-06 Paper on output sensor
55-10 No paper reached S31
55-20 Paper did not leave S31 at correct time
55-24 Set counter arm problem
55-25 Documents in input tray not detected
55-27 Lead edge did not reach S35 at correct time
55-2955-30 Trail edge did not reach S35 at correct time
55-31 S32, ADF registration sensor did not see paper at correct time
55-32 S32 did not see trail edge at correct time
55-33 S36 One too many documents
55-36 One too many documents
55-39 Hole count problem on document feeder belt
55-40 Document belt travel problem
55-41 Document belt mistracking or skewing
55-45 Paper at inverter sensor
55-47 Inverter sensor did not see paper lead edge at correct time
55-49 More than 50 sheets in input tray
55-50 Right side interlock
55-51 Left side interlock
55-55 Document on glass
93-93 NVM has to be initialized after new software installed

Xerox 5350, 5352

Code Description
00-009, 030, 031, 032, 033 A door was opened while paper was being fed
00-047 Paper in duplex
00-1 Auditron
00-2 Diagnostic error
00-3 Faults error
00-4 Ric error
00-5 Job manager system error
00-6 LLM interface
00-7 Standby error
00-8 Communications error
00-9 Xerographic error
01-300 Front interlock
01-310 Right upper interlock
01-315 Left upper interlock
01-320 Left lower interlock
01-325 Fuser interlock
02-910 Key counter missing
02-920 Wrong combination of accessories
03-321, 322, 326, 327 LLM to ISIL communications problems
03-328 IOT communications problem with duplex or tray 4
03-330 IOT communications problems with HCF
03-335, 336 LLM communications problems with edit
03-340 NVM memory
03-341-347 Communications problems between IOT and sorter
03-350-354 Communications problem with LLM and user interface
03-363, 364 Communications problem between LLM & optics
03-370-03-373 Communications problem between LLM & DADF
03-380, 384  
03-416-422 RAM memory problem
03-424, 426 NVM memory problem
03-430, 432 Billing problem
03-439 GRAIB communications problem
03-440 RIC communications problem
03-441 RIC NVM problem
03-442 Modem
03-443-458 RIC problems
03-460 Serial communications processor problem
04-300 Main motor or drive problem
05-100-108 DADF registration sensor
05-110 DADF exit sensor
05-115, 120 DADF jams
05-305 DADF document drive
05-310, 312 DADF document sensor
05-316 DADF registration sensor jam
05-325 DADF exit sensor
05-335, 341, 345 DADF interlock switches
06-300-310 Scan problems
06-315 Scan drive
06-320A, 320B, 320C, 325 Scan problem
06-330 Lens drive
06-340 Exposure control problem
06-342 LLM CPU problem
06-344-350 Exposure cvontrol problem
06-352 IOT CPU problem
07-300, 315, 330, 345 Tray faults
07-360-370 HCF problems
07-375, 380A, 380B Duplex problems
08-100-110 Feed problems. Lead edge of copy paper is late getting to feed sensor of tray 1
08-115-162 Feed problem. Lead edge of copy paper is late getting to registration sensor
08-165 Paper jam at registration sensor
08-310-370 Paper at a sensor when power is turned on
08-330 DADF nudger sensor
08-380 Registration side to side problem with home position
08-390 Nip
09-300 Copy cartridge finished (drum unit)
09-310 Add black toner Add color toner
09-320 Add color toner
09-330 Wrong copy cartridge (wrong drum unit)
09-340 Drum cartridge not installed properly
09-350 Waste toner full
100 A fault has occurred
10-100 Exit jam
10-105 Exit jam
10-110 Vertical sensor jam
10-120, 122, 125 Duplex jam
10-150, 155 Too much or not enough paper in duplex tray
10-300 Fuser thermistor
10-302 Low fuser temperature
10-304 Bad fuser temp
10-308 High fuser temperature or open thermistor
10-310 High fuser temperature
10-312 Fuser not up to temperature after energy save
10-314 Fuser problem
10-320 Fuser web finished
10-330, 335, 340 Exit switch, vertical sensor switch actuated when power is turned on
11-100-116 Sorter jam
11-150-176 Sorter auto stapler jam
11-310, 314, 316 Sorter interlock
11-325A,B,C,D,E,F,G Sorter index
11-352, 354, 356 Sorter auto stapler interlocks
11-365A,B,C,D,E Sorter auto stapler bin
11-370,371,372A,373A,373B,374 Sorter auto stapler staple failure, staple home problem or tamper home problem
11-385A,385B,390A,B,C,D,E,396A Sorter auto stapler staple failure, staple home problem or tamper home problem
301 Fuser web must be replaced
302 Copy cartridge (drum unit) must be replaced
501 Tray 1 must be rebuilt
502 Tray 2 must be rebuilt
503 Tray 3 must be rebuilt
504 Tray 4 must be rebuilt
505 HCF must be rebuilt
506 Bypass must be rebuilt
507 Duplex unit must be rebuilt
508 Replace black developer
509 Replace red developer
510 Replace green developer
512 Replace brown developer
513 Copy cartridge (drum unit) will need replacing soon
514 Fuser web will need replacing soon
515 DADF belt should be replaced
516 DADF feed rollers should be replaced
517 Replace exposure lamp
518 Replace suction filter
519 Replace ozone filter
520 Replace optics filter
521 Replace particle filter
522 Replace upper fuser roller
523 Replace fuser pawls
524 Replace pressure roller
525 Replace pressure roller pawls
900-905 Key operator calls

Xerox 5355

Код ошибки Описание
01-01 Frequency monitoring and zero cross problem
01-02 Interlock
01-03 AC power problem
01-04 Finisher interlock
01-05 24v problem
03-01 Optics to main board communication problem
03-02 Software reset problem
03-03 Could be punched holes in the lead edge of the original
03-04 Software problem
03-06 Low battery
03-07 NVM not initialized or is missing or defective
03-17 Communication problem between main board and finisher board
03-18 Initializes one NVM counter to agree to others
03-19 All three NVM counter to agree with others
03-20 Main board/interface board problems
03-21 Problem with RIC NVM
03-22 RIC modem problem
03-23 RIC real time clock failure.
03-25 RIC NVM problem or not initialized
03-27 NVM problem
03-28 Watchdog software problem
03-29 Microprocessor crystal not at correct frequency
03-30 No software response from finisher after 20 seconds have elapsed
06-01 Lens did not reach 1.1 position
06-02 1/2 rate scanner problem
06-03 Scan home problem
06-04 Scan home problem
06-05 Scan home problem
06-06 Scan encoder
06-07 Scan encoder
06-08 Scan drive boost
06-09 Scan encoder
06-11 Scan encoder pulse phases
06-12 Insufficient scan damping
07-01 Duplex tray not home during duplexing
07-02 Tray 2 not home when selected
07-13 Tray 2 height sensor problem
07-15 Tray 2 empty
07-16 Tray 1 door open
07-18 Tray 1 stack sensor
07-22 Tray 1 empty
07-26 Tray 1 bypass switch actuated too long
07-27 Tray 1 bypass switch deactuated too early
07-30 Paper in duplex
07-31 Paper in duplex
07-32 Duplex tray empty, when paper should be there
08-10 Paper did not reach tray 2 input tray sensor
08-11 Paper did not reach duplex input sensor
08-12 Paper did not reach tray 1
08-14 Paper did not leave tray 2 input sensor quickly enough
08-18 Trail edge did not reach tray 2 input sensor quickly enough
08-19 Trail edge did not reach tray 1 input sensor quickly enough
08-20 Paper in duplex
08-21 Paper in tray 2 input
08-22 Paper in tray 2 or duplex at wrong time
08-23 Paper at tray 1 input at wrong time
08-24 Paper in tray 1 at wrong time
08-28 Upper and lower nips problem
09-08 Low toner condition
09-12 Drum signals are out of range
09-13 Unstable drum patch readings
09-15 Patch is too dark
09-16 Patch is too light
09-17 Open toner container access cover
09-18 Low toner level
09-21 Low toner sensor disconnected
09-22 Low toner condition, even after machine has been theoretically, adding toner
10-02 Low fuser temperature
10-03 High fuser temperature
10-06 Paper did not reach out put switch
10-07 Paper stayed on output switch
10-10 Paper did not reach decurler sensor
10-11 Paper did not reach decurler sensor
10-12 Paper on decurler sensor
10-13 Paper did not reach duplex entry sensor in time
10-14 Paper did not reach duplex entry sensor in time
10-15 Paper on entry sensor at wrong time
10-17 Fuser temperature is too high and fuser relay has deactuated
12-01 Paper at finisher input sensor
12-02 Paper did not reach finisher
12-03 Paper reached finisher too soon
12-05 Paper at stapler
12-06 Paper at stapler
12-07 Paper did not reach stapler
12-08 Paper did not reach stapler
12-10 Complied motor not working properly
12-15 Eject motor problem and/or eject encoder
12-20 Stacker motor problem
12-21 Stacker interlock
12-22 Stacker bottom sensor
12-23 Stacker bottom sensor
12-24 Stacker bottom sensor senses full
12-25 Stack height sensor
12-26 Stack height sensor
12-27 Stack height sensor
12-30 Offset home sensor
12-31 Offset home sensor
12-32 OCT switch
12-35 Eject nip carriage
12-36 Eject cam interlock
12-37 Eject nip carriage open timing
12-38 Eject cam interlock
12-40 Tamper motor
12-41 Tamper home problem
12-42 Tamper home sensor
12-43 Staple load sensor
12-44 Tamper home sensor
12-45 Tamper home sensor
12-50 Low on staples
12-51 Stapler home sensor
12-52 Stapler home sensor
12-53 Eject cam interlock
33-37 Too few documents
55-01 rdh interlock switch open during use
55-04 Paper on bypass sensor
55-05 Paper at vacuum timing sensor
55-06 Paper on output sensor
55-10 No paper reached S31
55-20 Paper did not leave S31 at correct time
55-24 Set counter arm problem
55-25 Documents in input tray not detected
55-27 Lead edge did not reach S35 at correct time
55-2955-30 Trail edge did not reach S35 at correct time
55-31 S32, ADF registration sensor did not see paper at correct time
55-32 S32 did not see trail edge at correct time
55-33 S36 One too many documents
55-36 One too many documents
55-39 Hole count problem on document feeder belt
55-40 Document belt travel problem
55-41 Document belt mistracking or skewing
55-45 Paper at inverter sensor
55-47 Inverter sensor did not see paper lead edge at correct time
55-49 More than 50 sheets in input tray
55-50 Right side interlock
55-51 Left side interlock
55-55 Document on glass
93-93 NVM has to be initialized after new software installed

Xerox XC520, 540, 560, 580

Код ошибки Описание
H2 Fuser thermistor
H3 Fuser temperature too high. Must be reset in diagnostics
H4 Fuser temperature too low. Must be reset in diagnostics
L3 Scan problem
L4 Min motor drive problem
L8 Exposure lamp not lightning or not enough light reaching auto exposure sensor
P Paper did not feed

Xerox 5622

Code Description
A1-1 to A1-32 All indicate a paper path problem, etc. in the ADF
A2 ADF exit problems
A3 Irregular size documents
A5 ADF interlock
A6 ADF single sheet document reset
A7 Platen interlock
A8 ADF exit interlock
C1 Tray 1 jam
C2 Tray 2 jam
C3 Tray 3 jam
C6-1, C6-2 Jams related to duplex
C6-3 Registration sensor, re tray 1
C7-1, C7-2 HCF feed problems
C7-3 Tray 1 feed problem
C8 Paper stays in tray or duplex or HCF
C9 Bypass feed problem
E1-10 to E1-25 Internal jam
E1-6 Paper on registration sensor
E2 Reset signal happened. Might read E-2 something else
E3-30 to E4-14 Exit jam
E3-6 Exit jam
E4-10 to E4-14 Inverter sensor not actuated
E4-15 Inverter sensor
E4-40 to E4-45 Duplex entry sensor
E4-6 Inverter sensor
E5 Front door interlock
E6-1 Tray 1 interlock
E6-2 2 tray or duplex interlock
E6-3 HCF interlock
E7-2, E7-3 Duplex interlock
E8-6 to E8-15 Duplex entry sensor
F1-1 Sorter entry sensor
F1-6 Sorter exit sensor
F3 Paper size not available for sort/stack
F5 Sorter interlock
J1 Add toner
J3 Replace copy cartridge
J7 Replace copy cartridge
J8-1 Wrong copy cartridge installed
J8-2 Copy cartridge EEPROM
L6 Auditron or other counter problem
L8 Platen glass temperature is too high
L9 Communication problem between interimage erase/edge lamps and main board
U1-1 Main motor drive problem
U2-1 to U2-4 Scan home sensor
U3-1 Lens sensor
U4-1 Open fuser thermistor
U4-2 Fuser did not warm up properly
U4-3 Fuser temperature too high
U4-4 Fuser problem. Staying on too long
U4-6 High fuser temperature
U5-1 Sorter bin home switch not activated
U5-2 Sorter bin home switch stayed actuated
U5-3, U5-4 Sorter bin home switch
U6-1 ROM problem
U6-2 RAM problem
U6-3 Low battery
U6-4 Incorrect value in NVM. Reinitialize main board with code 20-96
U8-1 to U8-6 Problem with exposure lamp, lamp sensor, lamp board
  • Page 1: User Guide

    Book Version 1.0 February 2017 702P04572 ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…

  • Page 2
    ©2017 Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. Xerox ® , Xerox and Design ® , FreeFlow ® ® ® ® SquareFold , CentreWare and Versant are trademarks of Xerox Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. Adobe PDF is a registered trademarks of Adobe Systems, Inc. PostScript is an Adobe registered trademark used with the Adobe PostScript Interpreter, the Adobe page description language, and other Adobe products.
  • Page 3: Table Of Contents

    Power Off the Press……………….2-8 Power Saver…………………..2-8 Low Power Mode………………2-8 Sleep Mode………………..2-9 Exiting Power Saver………………2-9 Getting Help………………………2-9 Help on the Xerox Web Site…………….2-9 Print Server Customer Documentation…………2-9 3 Press Apps…………………3-1 Print……………………….3-1 Print Job Submission…………………3-1 Printing from a Computer……………….3-1 Printing a Job from the Print Server…………..3-2 Printing from the FreeFlow Print Server……….3-2…

  • Page 4
    2 Sided Book Copying…………….3-16 Original Size………………..3-16 Edge Erase………………..3-16 Image Shift………………..3-17 Image Rotation………………3-17 Invert Image………………..3-18 Original Orientation…………….3-18 Output Format Feature………………3-18 Output Format Feature Overview…………3-18 Selecting Output Format Options…………3-19 Booklet Creation………………3-20 Covers………………….3-21 Page Layout………………..3-22 ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…
  • Page 5
    E-mail……………………3-41 E-mail Overview………………3-41 E-mail Components…………….3-41 Scanning to an E-mail Address…………3-42 Network Scanning………………..3-43 Network Scanning Overview…………..3-43 Network Scanning Components…………3-43 Network Scanning Procedure…………3-44 Scan to PC…………………..3-44 Scan to PC Overview…………….3-44 Scan to PC Components…………..3-44 ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…
  • Page 6
    Job Flow Procedures……………….3-60 Creating a Job Flow Sheet…………..3-60 Linking a Job Flow Sheet with a Folder……….3-61 Starting a Job Flow Manually…………3-62 Confirming/Changing a Job Flow…………3-62 Web Applications………………….3-62 Web Applications Overview…………….3-62 Accessing Web Applications…………….3-63 ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…
  • Page 7
    Loading Envelopes in the Bypass (Tray 5)……….4-11 5 Maintenance………………..5-1 Cleaning the Press Overview………………..5-1 Cleaning the Exterior………………..5-1 Cleaning the Document Cover and Glass………….5-1 Cleaning the Document Feeder Rollers…………5-3 Cleaning the Drum Drawer Area…………..5-4 Cleaning the ROS Windows…………….5-4 ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…
  • Page 8
    Calling for Service………………..6-34 Fuser Hints and Tips………………….6-35 Extending Fuser Life………………..6-35 Preventing Fuser Damage…………….6-35 Fuser Paper Width Information…………..6-35 7 Specifications………………..7-1 First Print-Out Time………………….7-2 Press Warm-up Time………………….7-2 Document Feeder Specifications……………….7-2 Copy Specifications………………….7-2 Scan Specifications………………….7-4 ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…
  • Page 9
    Table of Contents Environmental Specifications………………7-5 ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…
  • Page 10
    Table of Contents ® ® viii Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…
  • Page 11: Product Symbols

    This symbol indicates a laser is being used and alerts the user to refer to the appropriate safety information. Pinch Hazard This warning symbol alerts users to areas where there is the possibility of personal injury. Lock Unlock ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…

  • Page 12
    Do Not Incinerate the Toner Waste Bottle Do Not Incinerate the Drum Cartridge Do Not Incinerate the Second Bias Transfer Roll Ground / Common / Earth Terminal Local Area Network Universal Serial Bus ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…
  • Page 13
    Wrinkled Paper Do Not Use Ink Jet Paper Do Not Load Postcards in the Indicated Dir- ection Do Not Use Media Attached with Staples or Paper / Metal Clips Do Not Copy Money ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…
  • Page 14
    • For more information about collection and recycling, please contact your local municip- ality, your waste disposal service, or the ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…
  • Page 15
    Product Symbols Symbol Definition point of sale where you purchased the items. ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…
  • Page 16
    Product Symbols ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…
  • Page 17: Getting Started

    Getting Started The Xerox ® Versant ® Color Press is a full color/black and white, auto-duplex copier/printer that operates at a speed of 80 prints per minute (when printing on 8.5 x 11 inch/A4 paper). Print Server Overview The print server networked with your press accepts, processes, and manages document files for job submission to the press.

  • Page 18: Locating The Press Serial Number

    1. Press the Machine Status button on the User Interface. 2. From the Machine Status screen, ensure that the Device Information tab is displayed. The press serial number is displayed under Device Serial Information near the bottom of the screen. ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…

  • Page 19: User Interface (Ui)

    6 Log In/Out button Use to log in and out of Administrator mode or Authentication mode with user ID and password. ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…

  • Page 20: Features

    Press the Guest button (or the Log in button on the Control Panel) to access the Login screen. ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…

  • Page 21: Language

    The Performance Package is comprised of the following technologies and tools: • All Stocks Rated Speed (ASRS) software • Automated Color Quality System (ACQS) software • Inline Spectrophotometer (ILS) — which is included with the Interface Cooling Module • Xerox EX 80 Print Server ® ® Xerox…

  • Page 22
    Note The ACQS suite is available only with the external Xerox EX 80 Print Server Powered by Fiery; it is not available with the Xerox EX-i 80 Print Server Powered by Fiery. ACQS takes the variability out of the color equation by incorporating standardized color…
  • Page 23: Power On/Off

    Getting Started 2. The Performance Package is not available with the Xerox EX-i 80 Print Server. Customers must order the external Xerox EX 80 Print Server. 3. If customers configure the press with the Business Ready (BR) Finisher, the Business Ready Finisher with Booklet Maker, or the Offset Catch Tray, then the Performance Package option is not available for the configuration.

  • Page 24: Power On/Off The Press

    The display goes out and the Energy Saver button on the UI lights. To use the press, press the Energy Saver button. The Energy Saver button is no longer lit, indicating that the Energy Saver feature is canceled. ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…

  • Page 25: Sleep Mode

    • The EFI Print Server Help menu on the Command WorkStation window is designed to provide information on specific work flows when using the Command WorkStation. Additional user documentation supplied by EFI is available to you from www.xerox.com under the Support and Drivers link.

  • Page 26
    Getting Started ® ® 2-10 Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…
  • Page 27: Press Apps

    Note Make sure the appropriate print drivers have been installed on your computer. Refer to your print driver documentation or the Xerox web site for more information on how to download or install print drivers. • At any remote workstation, using a Hot Folders application to submit the document file to the print server.

  • Page 28: Printing A Job From The Print Server

    2. From the EX Print Server, select File > Import Job. 3. Select Add. 4. Locate your storage device or other directory containing the document files. 5. Select and highlight one of the document files. Select Open. ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…

  • Page 29: Printing On Tabs From The Print Server

    3, 5, 6 or 7), Trays 6 and 7 should be used for best results. If you plan to apply staple or punch finishing, use Trays 5, 6 or 7 only. • Loading orientation depends on what tray you are using. ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…

  • Page 30: Copy

    The confirmation indicator lights to show that the documents are loaded correctly. 3. Press the Home button on the press UI. 4. Select Copy on the Home window. 5. Select the desired Copy features/options: • Paper Supply • Reduce/Enlarge ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…

  • Page 31: Basic Copying With The Document Glass

    Read the following list before performing the procedure: • If your machine has an optional, third-party, Document Finishing Architecture (DFA) device attached, then this profile feature is available, and specific copy options may be selected for a job. ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…

  • Page 32: Copy Feature

    The Copy feature includes the following options: • Reduce/Enlarge (R/E) • Paper Supply (Auto Select) • Output Color • Copy Output • 2 Sided Copying • Original Type • Darken/Lighten ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…

  • Page 33: Reduce/Enlarge

    Auto X-Y% ensures copies are made with the height and width ratios set automatically to match the paper size. Auto Center This option allows you to specify individually the height and width values. ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…

  • Page 34: Paper Supply

    The rest of the colors are replaced by the non-target area color that you select. Single Color This option allows you to copy in one of the preset or custom colors. More This options allow you to customize the color for the copied output. ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…

  • Page 35: Copy Output

    2-1 Sided This option will make one-sided copies from two-sided originals. Originals/Copies Select the orientation of both your original documents and the output copies. Options include Head to Head and Head to Toe. ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…

  • Page 36: Original Type

    Photo This option is specifically designed to copy photographs or magazine pictures without any text or line drawings. This option prevents faint reproduction of colors. ® ® 3-10 Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…

  • Page 37: Darken/Lighten

    • Original Type • Image Options • Image Enhancement • Color Effects • Color Balance • Color Shift 6. Select the Copy tab. 7. Select the desired Copy options including: • Paper Supply ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press 3-11 User Guide…

  • Page 38: Original Type

    • Select the Down scroll button to darken the scanned image from light originals such as pencil images. • Select the Up scroll button to lighten the scanned image from dark originals such as half tones or originals with colored backgrounds. ® ® 3-12 Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…

  • Page 39: Image Enhancement

    This option produces a soft image on the output and adding a warm, reddish tint to low density colors. Use this setting to apply a light pink tone to skin colors and to give a soft tone to dark, warm colors. ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press 3-13 User Guide…

  • Page 40: Color Balance

    The Layout Adjustment feature includes the following options: • Book Copying • 2 Sided Book Copying • Original Size • Edge Erase • Image Shift • Image Rotation • Invert Image ® ® 3-14 Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…

  • Page 41: Selecting Layout Adjustment Options

    Align the top of the bound original against the rear edge of the document glass. Book Copying options include: Both Pages Copies both pages in page order. ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press 3-15 User Guide…

  • Page 42: Sided Book Copying

    Options include: All Edges This option causes a preset amount to be erased from the top/bottom and left/right edges and from the center of the output image. ® ® 3-16 Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…

  • Page 43: Image Shift

    You can also select which edge of the original document to use as a reference for image rotation if documents are of mixed orientations. Options include: ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press 3-17 User Guide…

  • Page 44: Invert Image

    Output Format Feature Output Format Feature Overview The Output Format feature includes the following options: • Booklet Creation • Covers ® ® 3-18 Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…

  • Page 45: Selecting Output Format Options

    • Paper Supply • Reduce/Enlarge • Darken/Lighten 8. Select any other desired Copy features/options (such as Image Quality, Layout Adjustment, Output Format). 9. Enter the quantity. 10. Press Start on the UI. ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press 3-19 User Guide…

  • Page 46: Booklet Creation

    Auto Image Positioning is available for selection if you have already selected Create Left/Top Bound Booklet or Create Right Bound Booklet. ® ® 3-20 Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…

  • Page 47: Covers

    Covers is selected, enter the number of blank sheets that will be used for the covers. Note If Blank Cover is used for both the front and back covers, verify that the correct quantity is selected for both the covers. ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press 3-21 User Guide…

  • Page 48: Page Layout

    You can also change the position and appearance of the date using the Position buttons. ® ® 3-22 Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…

  • Page 49: Watermark

    You have the option to copy the entire original document onto the tabbed stock, or you can choose to copy only the edge of the original document onto the tabbed stock. Options include: ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press 3-23 User Guide…

  • Page 50: Face Up/Down Output

    Information on both sides of an ID card can be copied onto one side of a sheet of paper into the paper or bypass tray. 1. Open the document feeder and place the ID card on the top, left corner of the document glass. ® ® 3-24 Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…

  • Page 51: Transparency Options

    This option varies depending on the selected transparency option. Select the desired tray that contains the separator and/or handout stock. Folding (optional) Note This feature is available only if the appropriate, optional finishing device is attached to your press. ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press 3-25 User Guide…

  • Page 52: Job Assembly Feature

    1. Split the hard-copy document into sections for individual programming. 2. On the Home window, select Copy. 3. Select the Job Assembly tab. 4. Select Build Job. 5. Select Build Job On. 6. Select Save. ® ® 3-26 Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…

  • Page 53: Sample Job

    10. If desired, change any applicable setting and copy quantity. 11. Select either Start to finish the job or Cancel to stop the job. ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press 3-27 User Guide…

  • Page 54: Combine Original Sets

    1. Press the Home button on the press UI. 2. Select Copy on the Home window. 3. Select the Job Assembly tab. 4. Select Delete Outside/Delete Inside. The Delete Outside/Delete Inside screen is displayed. By default, Off is selected. ® ® 3-28 Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…

  • Page 55: Scan

    • Scan to PC: Scans a document and sends the scanned data to a network computer via the FTP or SMB protocol. • Store to Folder: Scans a document and saves the scanned data in a folder on the machine. ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press 3-29 User Guide…

  • Page 56: Basic Scanning

    Start button. 7. Select Job Status on the UI to view the status of the scanned job. 8. Retrieve the original documents either from the Document Feeder or Document Glass. ® ® 3-30 Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…

  • Page 57: Previewing Scanned Images

    When a scan is canceled, scan data already stored to the mailbox is deleted. Stopping a Scan Job 1. While a scan job is in process, Press either the Stop button on the UI control panel or select Delete on the UI touch screen. ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press 3-31 User Guide…

  • Page 58: Scan Options

    The machine automatically identifies the text and photo areas and scans each area with optimum quality. • Text: Select this option when scanning text clearly. • Photo: Select this option when scanning photos. ® ® 3-32 Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…

  • Page 59: Advanced Settings

    Move the slider control down (Soften) to produce an image with a smooth, uniform appearance (ideally suited for photographic scanned images). Move the slider control up (Sharpen) to produce an image with better quality text or line art. ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press 3-33 User Guide…

  • Page 60
    Use the slider to choose from good image quality with small file size, higher image quality with larger file size, or highest image quality with largest file size. Note This feature is unavailable whenever Black and White (Color Scanning) is selected. ® ® 3-34 Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…
  • Page 61: Layout Adjustment

    • Individual Edges: This option independently erases each of the four margins in differing amounts. • Presets: This option erases preprogrammed amounts as set up by the System Administrator. This includes preset options for Header/Footer Erase and Hole Punch Erase. ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press 3-35 User Guide…

  • Page 62: E-Mail Options

    Reply To Use this option to enter a reply recipient email address. Read Receipts This option requests an email with the delivery status from the recipient to the sender. ® ® 3-36 Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…

  • Page 63
    A thumbnail is a reduced, small file size image that helps you check the file contents. • Single File for Each Page: Saves each page as a single file in the specified format. ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press 3-37…
  • Page 64
    • Permissions: This option adds restrictions to the PDF file which prevents unauthorized printing or editing of the file. The recipient of the PDF must know the permissions password in order to remove these restrictions. ® ® 3-38 Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…
  • Page 65: Filing Options

    JPEG for full-color and grayscale pages, and TIFF for monochrome pages. • XPS (XML Paper Specification): Saves multiple pages into a single file. Note Options may vary and some options may not be available for your machine. ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press 3-39 User Guide…

  • Page 66: Resolving A File Name Conflict

    Flate is lossless and does not remove data during the compression process. Resolving a File Name Conflict Note This option is not available with some of the scan methods. 1. Select the Filing Options tab. ® ® 3-40 Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…

  • Page 67: E-Mail

    128 characters may be entered for the sender’s address in the From field. Recipient(s) field From this field, an e-mail address can be edited or removed by selecting a specific recipient. ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press 3-41 User Guide…

  • Page 68: Scanning To An E-Mail Address

    • To send a copy of the email to the sender, select Add Me. • Edit or remove recipients from the Recipient(s) field. • Select Subject to enter and save an e-mail subject. • Select Message to enter and save the e-mail message. ® ® 3-42 Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…

  • Page 69: Network Scanning

    Update Templates Select this button to refresh the information. If a created job template is not displayed, select Update Templates to display all the job templates. ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press 3-43 User Guide…

  • Page 70: Network Scanning Procedure

    • SMB • SMB (UNC Format): UNC stands for Universal Naming Convention and its format is as follows: \host nameshared namedirectory name Address Book Specify the recipient from the Address Book. ® ® 3-44 Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…

  • Page 71: How To Use The Scan To Pc Feature

    • Yes: Continue to the next step • No: See your System Administrator; only the administrator can setup entries in the Address Book. 3. Select a recipient from the Name/Protocol list. 4. Select Add. ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press 3-45 User Guide…

  • Page 72
    10. Select inside the Password field and enter the password for the user name. Up to 32 characters are allowed. 11. Select Save. Complete the steps in the procedure Using the Scan to PC Feature. ® ® 3-46 Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…
  • Page 73: Store To Folder

    8. Retrieve the original documents from either the Document Feeder or the Document Glass. Store to USB Store to USB Overview The Store to USB allows you to scan documents and save the scanned data to a USB memory device. ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press 3-47 User Guide…

  • Page 74: Using The Store To Usb Feature

    7. Select the desired scan options. 8. If desired, select Preview. 9. Press Start to begin the scanning process. 10. Retrieve the original documents from either the Document Feeder or the Document Glass. ® ® 3-48 Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…

  • Page 75: Store And Send Link Feature (Send To Folder)

    • For more information, refer to the System Administration Guide. • You can customize the layout of the features displayed on the Store and Send Link feature. For more information, refer to System Administration Guide. ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press 3-49 User Guide…

  • Page 76: Storing And Sending A Link (Sending To Folder)

    When this option is selected a list of available computers is displayed; from this list select the computer that will receive the scanned data. — When This Device is selected, a List of Components is displayed. ® ® 3-50 Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…

  • Page 77: How To Use The Store To Web Services For Devices (Wsd) Feature

    Remove your original documents from the press Document Feeder or Documennt Glass. b) Select OK on the press UI. 12. The UI displays a standby message stating that a scan job is waiting. ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press 3-51 User Guide…

  • Page 78: Send From Folder (Folder / File Management)

    • Register/create private folders and/or shared folders File Options The following options are available: • Refresh: Displays the updated information. • List: Lists the files stored in the folder, with their stored dates and pages. ® ® 3-52 Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…

  • Page 79
    Batch Print Option The Batch Print option allows you to select batch printing. You can print multiple files as one file. A maximum of 100 files can be bound in the selected order. ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press 3-53 User Guide…
  • Page 80: Managing Folders And Scanned Files

    The Send from Folder feature allows you to configure and/or start a job flow. Refer to the following information for the various job flow settings and options that are available in the Send from Folder feature. ® ® 3-54 Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…

  • Page 81
    • Search by Name: Searches for job flows that partially match the entry. The machine searches through job flow names that were registered upon each job flow creation. The entry can be up to 128 characters. ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press 3-55 User Guide…
  • Page 82: Using Send From Folder To Link A Job Flow Sheet To A Folder

    Select Create/Change Link. d) Select any option. If Sheet Filtering is selected, select the desired filtering conditions, and then select Save. e) From the Link Job Flow Sheet to Folder window, select Save. ® ® 3-56 Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…

  • Page 83: Job Flow

    A job flow sheet can be used by only one user, can be shared by multiple users, or can be used for only certain folders. Only the Job Flow Sheets that you have permission to execute are displayed. ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press 3-57 User Guide…

  • Page 84: Job Flow Settings And Options

    The specified address appears in the SMB Transfer window. • Transfer via SMB (1), Transfer via SMB (2): Specify where SMB forwarding is to be stored. ® ® 3-58 Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…

  • Page 85: Sheet Filtering Options

    The additional settings available with the Transfer via FTP (1) / Transfer via FTP (2) option include the following: • Address Book • File Format • Resend Attempts • Name, Server, Save, User Name, and Password: The maximum number of characters for each item is: ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press 3-59 User Guide…

  • Page 86: Transfer Via Smb (1) / Transfer Via Smb (2) Options

    • When to Notify • Delete Recipient • Edit • Close Menu Job Flow Procedures Creating a Job Flow Sheet 1. Press the Machine Status button. 2. Select the Tools tab on the UI. ® ® 3-60 Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…

  • Page 87: Linking A Job Flow Sheet With A Folder

    • Auto Start: Select this option if you want the Job Flow Sheet to be automatically executed when a new document is saved to the folder. If you do not select Auto ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press 3-61 User Guide…

  • Page 88: Starting A Job Flow Manually

    • Access web applications from the press, and display the web application on the press • Store scanned documents directly in a web application folder on the press. • Print a file that is stored on a remote server. ® ® 3-62 Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…

  • Page 89: Accessing Web Applications

    • Job Progress: This option shows the details of the selected document. • Close Menu: This option closes the pop-up menu. Completed Jobs Tab 1. Press the Job Status button on the UI. ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press 3-63 User Guide…

  • Page 90: Machine Status

    Device Serial Number The Device Serial Number is displayed under the General Information area on the Device Information tab. Use this number when calling Xerox for technical information or assistance. Current System Software The version of the system software that is currently installed on the press is displayed under the Current System Software title.

  • Page 91: Faults Tab

    • Job Counter Report (available in System Administrator mode only) • Auditron Report / Meter Report (available in System Administrator mode only) Maintenance Assistant Select the Maintenance Assistant button to send the Xerox Remote Print Services diagnostic information on the press to Xerox Support. Others From the Device Information — Others window select the Overwrite Hard Disk button;…

  • Page 92: Supplies Tab

    These impressions are one side of one sheet of large media (for example 11 x17 in./A3). Large Impressions are any prints that are larger than 145 sq. in./935 sq. cm. ® ® 3-66 Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…

  • Page 93: Usage Counters

    This counter provides information on the total amounts for email images and network scanned images. All Usage Counters This view provides a complete total of all the counters, including the totals from the Impression Counters and Sheet Counters. ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press 3-67 User Guide…

  • Page 94: Tools Tab

    The Paper Tray Attributes feature allows the user to change the attributes of a paper tray, including size, type, and weight. Note The Paper Tray Attributes feature appears on the Tools tab only if the system administrator has made it available to users. ® ® 3-68 Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…

  • Page 95: Changing The Paper Tray Attributes

    A3 or tabloid. The type of Billing Impression Modes used by your press is set during system installation. A Xerox Sales Representative can confirm the Billing Impression Modes applicable for your press. There are two types of Impression Mode: •…

  • Page 96
    Press Apps ® ® 3-70 Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…
  • Page 97: Paper And Media

    Supported Paper Paper Specifications Note Always refer to the Recommended Media List (RML) for a comprehensive list of supported media. The RML can be accessed can be downloaded from www.xerox.com. ® ® Xerox Versant…

  • Page 98
    Labels (coated & uncoated) 8.5 x 11 in./A4 LEF Trays 1 to 3 106 to 256 Trays 5, 6 and 7 106 to 350 Tabbed Inserts 9 x 11 in. LEF All Trays ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…
  • Page 99: Paper Tray Information

    8.5 x 11 / A4 uncoated 64 to 256 gsm Simplex / Duplex 100 ppm / 50 ppm and coated 8.5 x 11 / A4 Labels 106 to 256 gsm Simplex 40 ppm and Transparencies ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…

  • Page 100
    8.5 x 11 uncoated 52 to 300 gsm Simplex / Duplex 60 ppm / 30 ppm and coated A4 uncoated and 52 to 300 gsm Simplex / Duplex 50 ppm/ 25 ppm coated ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…
  • Page 101: Loading Media In Trays 1, 2, And 3

    6. Adjust the paper guides by pressing in the guide release and carefully moving the Edge Guide until it lightly touches the edge of the material in the tray. Do not load materials above the MAX line located on the rear Edge Guide. ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…

  • Page 102: Loading Tab Stock In Trays 1, 2, And 3

    Edge Guide until it lightly touches the edge of the stock in the tray. Do not load materials above the MAX line located on the rear Edge Guide. 5. Gently push in the tray until it comes to a stop. ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…

  • Page 103: Loading Transparencies In Trays 1, 2, And 3

    1. Select the appropriate paper stock for your print job. 2. Pull out the tray slowly until it stops. ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…

  • Page 104: Loading Media In The Bypass (Tray 5)

    • Load a maximum of 280 sheets of 20 lb. / 75 gsm paper • Do not load mixed-size paper into the Bypass Tray • Do not load materials above the MAX line as indicated on the tray ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…

  • Page 105: Loading Paper In The Bypass (Tray 5)

    1. Gently extend the Bypass tray (Tray 5) as necessary to accommodate the tab stock. 2. Hold the center of the paper guides and slide them to the desired stock size. 3. Fan the tab paper before inserting into the tray. ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…

  • Page 106: Loading Transparencies In The Bypass (Tray 5)

    8. From the Paper Tray settings/Tray Properties window, enter the correct paper information, including size, type, weight and, if necessary, paper curl and/or alignment option. 9. Select Confirm or OK to save the information and close the Paper Tray settings/Tray Properties window. ® ® 4-10 Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…

  • Page 107: Loading Envelopes In The Bypass (Tray 5)

    Some wrinkling or embossing may occur when printing on envelopes. Successful envelope printing depends on the quality and construction of the envelopes. Try another envelope brand if problems occur. ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press 4-11 User Guide…

  • Page 108
    Paper and Media ® ® 4-12 Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…
  • Page 109: Maintenance

    2. Wipe off any excess water from the exterior with a soft cloth. Cleaning the Document Cover and Glass 1. Cleaning the document cover ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…

  • Page 110
    With the document feeder open, pull the lever that is located at the top of the document cover. Part of the document cover pulls away from the assembly, which allows better access to the second-side scanning lens assembly. ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…
  • Page 111: Cleaning The Document Feeder Rollers

    2. While turning the rollers, gently clean them with a soft cloth moistened with water. Caution Use a cloth that has been thoroughly wrung to prevent drops of water falling into the machine. Drops of water on internal components may cause a malfunction. ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…

  • Page 112: Cleaning The Drum Drawer Area

    ROS window. 4. Replace the Cleaning Wand tool into the storage area on the side panel of the open front door. 5. Close the Front Door of the press. ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…

  • Page 113: Cleaning The Fuser Assembly

    • Dry Ink/Toner cartridges (C, M, Y, K) • Drum cartridges (C, M, Y, K) • An empty Waste Dry Ink/Toner bottle • Suction Filter Refer to www.xerox.com for the latest consumable part numbers. ® ® Xerox Versant…

  • Page 114: Ordering Supplies

    The Fuser Module may be replaced by the customer only if directed to do so by Service. Note Store supply items and Xerox parts in their original packages in a convenient location. Always recycle/dispose the used CRU according to the disposal instructions supplied with the new CRU.

  • Page 115: Checking The Status Of Consumables

    The status of the Fuser and Suction Filter are not shown, but a message displays when these items require replacing. Replacing a Dry Ink/Toner Cartridge Note The dry ink/toner cartridge can be replaced while a job is printing. ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…

  • Page 116: Replacing The Dry Ink/Toner Waste Bottle

    5. Dispose of or recycle the cartridge per your local authorities and regulations. In the United States, also refer to the Electronic Industries Alliance website: www.eiae.org. For more information about Xerox environmental programs, go to www.xerox.com/environment. 6. Remove the new dry ink/toner cartridge from its packaging.

  • Page 117: Replacing A Drum Cartridge

    Do not leave the Drum Cartridge Drawer open for more than one minute. Exposing the drum cartridges to direct sunlight or strong light from indoor fluorescent lighting for more than one minute may cause image quality defects. ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…

  • Page 118
    5. Unwrap the sheet covering the new drum cartridge and place it under the cartridge. Some drum cartridges may include a protective film. Remove the film on the drum cartridge, if the film is present. ® ® 5-10 Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…
  • Page 119: Replacing The Suction Filter

    12. Return the R1-R4 handle to the original position and close the front door. 13. Insert the used drum cartridge into an empty container for recycling. Replacing the Suction Filter You will need the T10 Torx driver tool for this procedure. ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press 5-11 User Guide…

  • Page 120
    After selecting the icon in following step, there is a 4 second delay before the Technical Key Operator feature displays. e) Select the Technical Key Operator icon. The Technical Key Operator feature displays. ® ® 5-12 Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…
  • Page 121
    To return to Tools tab, select Close twice. The main Tools screen displays. b) Select the Log In / Out button on the Control Panel. c) When prompted, select Logout. ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press 5-13 User Guide…
  • Page 122
    Maintenance ® ® 5-14 Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…
  • Page 123: Troubleshooting

    Doing so might cause press malfunction or fire. The following table helps you resolve some basic problems you may encounter with the press. If the problem persists after following all the instructions, contact your Xerox Representative or the Customer Support Center.

  • Page 124
    4-color, the system requires approximately 2 minutes to make any necessary adjustments. • During this time, the touch screen displays the Adjusting Image Quality message. • The next job begins printing once the system completes its adjustments. ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…
  • Page 125
    • Remove any partially fed paper from the trays. Make sure to remove any torn pieces of paper still remaining inside the press. • Ensure the paper you are using had been stored properly. ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…
  • Page 126
    • The mass of dry ink (toner) coverage on the print output – the greater the dry ink/toner mass, the greater the paper curl. • The paper weight and whether or not it is coated or uncoated. • The humidity conditions at the press. ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…
  • Page 127
    ILS is attached, use the manual decurl buttons on the module’s control panel. Refer to the For information on these ® ® devices, refer to the Optional Devices Guide for Xerox Versant 180 Press. • Refer to Custom Paper Settings Troubleshooting table, Paper Curl.
  • Page 128
    • Check that the punch scrap container is not full. Note For more information on these devices, refer to the Optional ® ® Devices Guide for Xerox Versant 180 Press. Drilled paper holes are on Ensure that the drilled paper is loaded correctly in the paper tray the wrong side.
  • Page 129: Reducing Toner Consumption

    3. Lower Toner Consumption Pri- Set NVM to 0 (Off) No change re- No change required ority quired These settings decrease toner usage and increase productivity, but may result in degraded IQ. ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…

  • Page 130: Image Quality Problems

    (IB/OB), or color shift or inconsistent • Refer to the Custom Paper Settings Troubleshooting table, and color within the page. review the Suggested Solutions for Uneven Density / Mottle. ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…

  • Page 131
    Halo or smudges Refer to the Custom Paper Settings Troubleshooting table, and review the Suggested Solutions for Uneven Density / Mottle. ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…
  • Page 132
    Trail edge of output con- Uneven Density / Mottle. tains dry ink / toner dele- tions, density inconsistency, or is lacking in color depth; this occurs mainly when us- ing heavier or lighter weight stock ® ® 6-10 Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…
  • Page 133: Custom Paper Settings Troubleshooting

    • Use this feature to Enable (checked) or Disable (unchecked) the tray heater. The tray heater warms the air that is blown into the tray by Adjust Air Assist Values to help prevent paper jams and multifeeds by loosening contact between sheets. ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press 6-11 User Guide…

  • Page 134
    If your press configuration includes the Interface Decurler Module (IDM)s, confirm that the IDM Curl Correction option on the IDM control panel is set to Auto. Note ® ® For more information, refer to the Optional Devices Guide for Xerox Versant 180 Press, the Interface Decurler Module (IDM) chapter. ®…
  • Page 135
    • Use this feature to adjust the voltage ratio on the secondary bias transfer roll (2 BTR). For heavy-weight paper, such as 220 g/m or greater, the 2 BTR is where the image ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press 6-13 User Guide…
  • Page 136
    (faded) or heavier (thicker) on the left or right sides of the output (inboard / outboard). • For information and instructions on how to use this feature, refer to the System Admin- istration Guide, Density Uniformity Adjustment. ® ® 6-14 Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…
  • Page 137
    Alignment Adjustment Setup. Select the desired Custom Paper > Change Settings > Alignment Adjustment Setup > Change Settings. Select the Alignment Adjustment button. Select either Use Default or Select from List. ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press 6-15 User Guide…
  • Page 138
    • After each incremental adjustment, run test prints and evaluate the output to determine if additional adjustments are required. Problem Unfused Dry Ink / Toner on Output Suggested Solutions Change the Adjust Fuser Temperature setting. ® ® 6-16 Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…
  • Page 139
    • This feature is accessed from Machine Status > Tools > Setup & Adjustment > Custom Paper Settings. Select the desired Custom Paper > Change Settings > Tray Heater > Change Settings. • To Enable (check) the box for Tray Heater. ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press 6-17 User Guide…
  • Page 140
    PR Booklet Maker Finisher, or PR Finisher Plus For detailed information about these finishing devices, refer to the Optional Devices Guide for ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press. Create and/or use an existing Finisher — Fold Adjust Position. Note Before creating a new or using an existing profile or performing any alignment adjustments, read / review the entire Fold Adjustment Profile section in the System Administration Guide.
  • Page 141
    • Decrease the Adjust Image Transfer for Trail Edge in increments of 5 to 10%. After every increment adjustment run test prints and evaluate the output to determine if additional adjustment is necessary. ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press 6-19 User Guide…
  • Page 142: Custom Paper Settings — Default Settings

    Determined by test print output Side 1, Width 0.000 0.025 -0.200 to 0.200 Determined by test print output Side 2, Height 0.000 0.025 -0.200 to 0.200 Determined by test print output ® ® 6-20 Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…

  • Page 143
    Left Side of Fold 0.0 – 20.0 mm Determined by is Longer test print output Right Side of Fold 0.0 – 20.0 mm Determined by is Longer test print output On the Fold ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press 6-21 User Guide…
  • Page 144
    0.0 – 20.0 mm Determined by test print output “B” Length 0.0 – 20.0 mm Determined by test print output Z-Fold Half Sheet “A” Length 0.0 – 20.0 mm Determined by test print output ® ® 6-22 Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…
  • Page 145
    System Default Distinct Selec- System Default Determined by Values tions Available Multi Feed Sup- test print output port Table Mis-Feed Support Table Forced Off Custom 1 through Tray Heater Checked Box ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press 6-23 User Guide…
  • Page 146
    • Custom Curl Slight Upward Correction: No Curl Slight (Very Slight Downward Small) Upward Moderate Down- or Slight (Very ward Small) Down- Medium Down- ward ward • Custom Curl Severe Downward Correction: ® ® 6-24 Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…
  • Page 147
    • Custom Curl Severe Downward Correction: Moderate (Small) Up- ward or Moder- ate (Small) Downward • Custom Curl Correction: Medium Up- ward or Medi- um Downward • Custom Curl Correction: ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press 6-25 User Guide…
  • Page 148
    Moderate (Small) Up- ward or Moder- ate (Small) Downward • Custom Curl Correction: Medium Up- ward or Medi- um Downward • Custom Curl Correction: Severe (Large) Upward or Severe (Large) Downward ® ® 6-26 Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…
  • Page 149: Paper Jams

    Booklet Maker Finisher, or Standard Finisher Plus • When the printed offset output is not stapled If your system meets these two requirements, then the Jam Recovery Offset Feature may be set up and used. ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press 6-27 User Guide…

  • Page 150: Setting Up The Jam Recovery Offset Feature

    The default Login ID value is admin, and the default password is 1111. Note By default, the password prompt is not enabled. 3. Press the Machine Status button on the UI. ® ® 6-28 Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…

  • Page 151: Paper Jams In The Document Feeder

    3. If the document is not caught in the entry of the document feeder, then remove it. 4. If instructed to open the inner cover, lift up the lever, and open the inner cover. Remove the jammed document. ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press 6-29 User Guide…

  • Page 152
    To scan torn, wrinkled or folded documents, use the Document Glass, only. The already scanned document sheets are automatically skipped and scanning resumes from the document sheet last scanned prior to the jam. ® ® 6-30 Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…
  • Page 153: Document Jams Under The Document Feeder Belt

    Paper Jams Inside the Press Warning Never touch a labeled area (found on the fuser unit or nearby) indicating High Temperature andCaution. Contact can lead to burns. 1. Open the press Front Door. ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press 6-31 User Guide…

  • Page 154
    11. Push in the transfer module completely and rotate Handle 2 to the left. 12. Close the pree Front Door. 13. Run five blank sheets to clean left-over toner from the fuser roll and resume the copying/printing process. ® ® 6-32 Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…
  • Page 155: Paper Jams In Trays 1-3

    1. Remove the jammed paper and any paper that is loaded from the Bypass tray. Note If paper is torn, check inside the machine and remove it. ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press 6-33 User Guide…

  • Page 156: Troubleshooting Help

    4. If possible, use a phone near the press when calling for assistance. Follow the instructions provided by the operator. ® ® 6-34 Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…

  • Page 157: Fuser Hints And Tips

    Troubleshooting 5. For system support, user help, and service support, call the appropriate number. For the specific number in your area, go to www.xerox.com and select the Support link. Fuser Hints and Tips Extending Fuser Life To extend the life of your fuser, discuss the usage of multiple fusers with your Service Representative.

  • Page 158
    300.0 — 330.2 mm (12.09 — 13.00 in.) 13 in. 4 See Note Custom 100.0 — 330.2 mm (3.937 — 13.0 in.) Note Refer to the System Administrator Guide on how to set the NVM width. ® ® 6-36 Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…
  • Page 159: Specifications

    — Bypass Tray: 13 x 19.2 in. / 330.2 x 488 mm Printing Resolution • Print Engine Imaging Resolution: 2400 x 2400 dpi • Print Server RIP Resolution (print server to print engine): 1200 x 1200 dpi ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…

  • Page 160: First Print-Out Time

    A5, A5, A4, A4, 8.5 × 11 in., 8.5 × 14 in. (SEF), 11 × 17 in. (SEF) Paper Capacity 250 sheets When using Xerox 20 lb./75 gsm paper. Document Changing Speed Monochrome: 80 sheets/min (8.5 x 11 in./A4 portrait, 1-…

  • Page 161
    Copy Paper Trays 1-3, 6, 7: 13 — 57 lb./52 — 216 gsm Tray 5 (Bypass): 13 — 67lb./52 — 253 gsm Use Xerox recommended papers for best results. First Copy Output Time 3.5 seconds (When the Document Glass, 100% Reduction/Enlarge- Values may differ depend- ment, Tray 1, 8.5 x 11 in./A4 are used)
  • Page 162: Scan Specifications

    10 bit input, 8 bit output for each RGB color Document Scan Speed 200 copies/min (Scanning into mailbox for ITU-T No.1 chart 8.5 x 11 in./A4 200dpi) Important: Scanning speed varies by the document. ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…

  • Page 163: Environmental Specifications

    The required humidity range is 15 % to 85% (relative humidity) — (RH) J zone (Dew condensation is inhibited) Altitude The press functions at the elevation of 0 to 2,500 meters (0 to 8,200 feet) ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…

  • Page 164
    Specifications ® ® Xerox Versant 180 Press User Guide…

Рекомендуемое решение

Вероятная причина

Код неис-


Переустановите блок бара-
бана (M); переставьте блоки
барабанов; если проблема
не устранится, замените
блок барабана (M).

Повреждение данных в

091-922, 091-

Переустановите блок бара-
бана (C); переставьте блоки
барабанов; если проблема
не устранится, замените
блок барабана (C).

Повреждение данных в

091-923, 091-

Переустановите блок бара-
бана (K); переставьте блоки
барабанов; если проблема
не устранится, замените
блок барабана (K).

Повреждение данных в

091-915, 091-

Выключите и снова включи-
те аппарат.
Если неисправность не
устранится, обратитесь в
сервисный центр.

Ошибка программного


Управление про-

Переустановите или замени-
те картридж. Убедитесь, что
дверцы закрыты. Выключи-
те и снова включите аппа-
рат. Обратитесь в сервис-
ную службу.



Выключите и снова включи-
те аппарат.
Если неисправность не
устранится, обратитесь в
сервисный центр.

Сбой ремня переноса или

094-312, 094-

Перенос изображе-

Неправильное положение
узла ремня фьюзера. Пере-
установите узел и убедитесь
в наличии датчика кромки
ремня с кромкой ремня.

Ошибка установки ремня


Выключите и снова включи-
те аппарат.
Если неисправность не
устранится, обратитесь в
сервисный центр.

Неисправности фьюзера
общего характера


Печатная машина Xerox






Руководство пользователя

Устранение неисправностей аппарата

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