I’ve had my printer a little over 2 years and its been workign fine. Last week it started to generate an error message.
The code is 092-321 and it says remove black toner, reinsert and restart printer.
I did this,and it didn’t work. A couple of tries and it got going again.
It then happened again, so with a bit of google I found some possible issues (including through Xerox support). I checked the waste toner, one possibility,and found it was pretty full so got a replacement.
Everything started working again. Then today (I changed the waste toner yesterday) the message happens again. I have tried all the suggestions on the forums:
Turnign off and on
Tried a different toner cartridge
Taken the imaging drum out and cleaned.
The only thing I haven’t done is buy a new imaging drum (as seems an extreme fix if this isn’t the issue).
Does anyone have any ideas of what else I can try before accepting defeat and either getting a new printer or a new imaging drum.
Модератор: vetal
Добрый день. Клиент, на Xerox 6515, установил тонер картридж «Кактус», после чего появилась грязь при печати, именно чёрного цвета. Сняв ленту переноса, обнаружил в ней небольшую дырочку, как раз в том месте где появляется грязь. Обнаружил, что через эту дырку, тонер попадает на подпружиненный вал, налипает на нём, небольшим слоем. Из за этого налипания, лента переноса слегка прогибается и ракель не счищает тонер в этом месте. Так как на предыдущим картридже ХайБлэк, этого дефекта не было и лента переноса стоит бешеных денег, решил заменить тонер- картридж. Поставил ХайБлэк. Но перед этим вычистил тонер из принт картридж от тонера «Кактус». Теперь, при включении выдаёт ошибку 092-321 (передёрните чёрный картридж и перезагрузите принтер). Магнитный вал принт картриджа белый, без тонера. Искал датчик, который определяет наличие тонера в принт картридже или по пути, в трубке, но не нашёл. Подскажите, где находится этот датчик, сто бы его временно заблокировать, пока притт картридж не наполнится тонером? Или можно как то снять эту ошибку? Всё перепроверил 2 раза. Ничего не повреждено. Ставил обратно «Кактус». Не помогает.
- Понюхал тонер
- Персональный альбом
Xerox Phaser 6600 «Invalid Yellow» / «Неверный желтый»
kotya-potya в форуме Принтеры, МФУ, факсы, копиры формата A4
- 5
- 5302
Пн ноя 18, 2019 8:24 pm
Xerox Phaser 6600 «Invalid Yellow» / «Неверный желтый»
Xerox WC 3119: «Замятие 1»
kokubenko в форуме Принтеры, МФУ, факсы, копиры формата A4
- 22
- 38598
Ср ноя 23, 2011 4:47 pm
Xerox WC 3119: «Замятие 1»
Xerox 3428 «Установите Картридж»
Roller-ch в форуме Принтеры, МФУ, факсы, копиры формата A4
- 6
- 9319
Сб авг 27, 2011 6:42 pm
Xerox 3428 «Установите Картридж»
Xerox WC 3119 без признаков «жизни»
MorZ в форуме Принтеры, МФУ, факсы, копиры формата A4
- 5
- 6699
Чт окт 08, 2020 11:34 pm
Xerox WC 3119 без признаков «жизни»
Xerox 3315 «слетела» FIX прошивка
tekknik в форуме Принтеры, МФУ, факсы, копиры формата A4
- 7
- 6837
Пн июн 10, 2019 4:22 am
Xerox 3315 «слетела» FIX прошивка
Вернуться в Принтеры, МФУ, факсы, копиры формата A4
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092-312 to 315, 092-657 to 660, 092-665 to 668 ATC Sensor Fault RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 9.5 Development (2 of 2)
092-312 Toner density in the developer unit as detected by the yellow ATC sensor abnormal. This fault occurs when the difference between the maximum and minimum values in the ATC sensor measurement set is lower than the threshold value.
092-313 Toner density in the developer unit as detected by the magenta ATC sensor abnormal. This fault occurs when the difference between the maximum and minimum values in the ATC sensor measurement set is lower than the threshold value.
092-314 Toner density in the developer unit as detected by the cyan ATC sensor abnormal. This fault occurs when the difference between the maximum and minimum values in the ATC sensor measurement set is lower than the threshold value.
092-315 Toner density in the developer unit as detected by the black ATC sensor abnormal. This fault occurs when the difference between the maximum and minimum values in the ATC sensor measurement set is lower than the threshold value.
092-657 Toner density in the developer unit as detected by the yellow ATC sensor abnormal. This fault occurs when the difference between the maximum and minimum values in the ATC sensor measurement set is lower than the threshold value.
092-658 Toner density in the developer unit as detected by the magenta ATC sensor abnormal. This fault occurs when the difference between the maximum and minimum values in the ATC sensor measurement set is lower than the threshold value.
092-659 Toner density in the developer unit as detected by the cyan ATC sensor abnormal. This fault occurs when the difference between the maximum and minimum values in the ATC sensor measurement set is lower than the threshold value.
092-660 Toner density in the developer unit as detected by the black ATC sensor abnormal. This fault occurs when the difference between the maximum and minimum values in the ATC sensor measurement set is lower than the threshold value.
092-665 Toner density in the developer unit as detected by the yellow ATC sensor abnormal. This fault occurs when the average value of the ATC sensor measurement values is not between the upper and lower limit values.
092-666 Toner density in the developer unit as detected by the magenta ATC sensor abnormal. This fault occurs when the average value of the ATC sensor measurement values is not between the upper and lower limit values.
092-667 Toner density in the developer unit as detected by the cyan ATC sensor abnormal. This fault occurs when the average value of the ATC sensor measurement values is not between the upper and lower limit values.
092-668 Toner density in the developer unit as detected by the black ATC sensor abnormal. This fault occurs when the average value of the ATC sensor measurement values is not between the upper and lower limit values.
Initial Actions
• Perform IQ1 to check for a blank page image quality defect.
• Enter dC125. Check for the below faults and perform the applicable procedures as necessary:
– 024-923 to 024-925 Y/M/C Toner Cartridge Empty RAP
– 093-912 Black Toner Cartridge Empty RAP
WARNING: Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
NOTE: When this fault occurs, toner density control, by the ATC sensor, is not performed and ICDC (pixels) based toner supply control is performed instead. If the fault remains for a long time, image density error (too dark or too light) may occur.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
2. Check the wiring between the applicable ATC sensor, yellow ( P/J120), magenta ( P/J119), cyan ( P/J118), black ( P/J117) and the drive PWB ( P/J414) for an open circuit, short circuit or damage.
3. If the fault persists, replace a new cartridge CRUM (toner chip or drum chip) listed as below or install new components as necessary:
• Drum cartridge:
– Black drum cartridge, PL 90.20 Item 5.
– Yellow drum cartridge, PL 90.20 Item 8.
– Magenta drum cartridge, PL 90.20 Item 7.
– Cyan drum cartridge, PL 90.20 Item 6.
• Toner cartridge:
– Black toner cartridge, PL 90.05 Item 13.
– Yellow toner cartridge, PL 90.05 Item 10.
– Magenta toner cartridge, PL 90.05 Item 11.
– Cyan toner cartridge, PL 90.05 Item 12.
• Drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 4.
• ESS PWB, PL 3.10 Item 6.
• HVPS, PL 1.05 Item 7.
**This RAP is from Xerox Service Manual. All brand names and trademarks are their respective owner’s property.**
You may be also interested in below toner and drum chip (CRUM) for Xerox VersaLink C7020, C7025, C7030, C7000.
Toner Chip (For North America and West Europe Region):
• 106R03741 106R03744 106R03743 106R03742
• 106R03757 106R03760 106R03759 106R03758
• 106R03737 106R03740 106R03739 106R03738
Toner Chip (For South America and East Europe Region):
• 106R03749 106R03752 106R03751 106R03750
• 106R03745 106R03748 106R03747 106R03746
• 106R03765 106R03768 106R03767 106R03766
Toner Chip (For Metered Machine):
• 106R03733 106R03736 106R03735 106R03734
Drum Chip:
• 113R00780 113R00782
Xerox versalink C405 toner cartridge errors question
Hi Guys, hope you are doing good.
i have this customer that first started getting the 092-319 for (the TC/SAD patch of M is abnormally pale) reinstall the magenta and reboot machine errors. it started happening intermittently with the OEM toner.
they bought a generic and it started again.i was there a week or two ago and it looked like the toner drive motor was turning the toners. the magenta copies and developer is extremely light.
i did a few things and they said after a day it was better. but came back.
it acts like there is a CRUM problem, but i see that CRUM errors display a different service code.
and i done know this machine well enough to know if when the machine reboots, it attempts to tone up, and if that fails, it throws the 092-319? but thats all i can get now.
some machines that use CRUM counters on the toner like Ricoh and Lanier color copiers, if the machine fails to tone up after 10 times, if refuses to use the existing toner, and you have to go into service mode to clear out the counter to continue to use the existing toner, and i forget, but maybe even with a new toner. like when the toner pump fails. you change the pump and clear the count.
so, i am wondering if this machine has the same issue? or is this purely a dispensing problem?
i am going to go back armed with the service mode sim code to turn on the developer motor and magenta dispense motor and see if it is actually moving toner.
i really appreciate any help or advice, Jim
Re: Xerox versalink C405 toner cartridge errors question
Originally Posted by tonerjockey
Hi Guys, hope you are doing good.
i have this customer that first started getting the 092-319 for (the TC/SAD patch of M is abnormally pale) reinstall the magenta and reboot machine errors. it started happening intermittently with the OEM toner.
they bought a generic and it started again.
i was there a week or two ago and it looked like the toner drive motor was turning the toners. the magenta copies and developer is extremely light.
i did a few things and they said after a day it was better. but came back.
it acts like there is a CRUM problem, but i see that CRUM errors display a different service code.
and i done know this machine well enough to know if when the machine reboots, it attempts to tone up, and if that fails, it throws the 092-319? but thats all i can get now.
some machines that use CRUM counters on the toner like Ricoh and Lanier color copiers, if the machine fails to tone up after 10 times, if refuses to use the existing toner, and you have to go into service mode to clear out the counter to continue to use the existing toner, and i forget, but maybe even with a new toner. like when the toner pump fails. you change the pump and clear the count.
so, i am wondering if this machine has the same issue? or is this purely a dispensing problem? i am going to go back armed with the service mode sim code to turn on the developer motor and magenta dispense motor and see if it is actually moving toner. i really appreciate any help or advice, Jim1) bad idea mixing OEM and compat toner. Compat toner IN ANY machine tends to fuck up the dev units and drums/belts/fusers.
2) IF I go to a customer with CQ/PQ probs, I will not service the unit due to the cost of PROPER repair…
you get what you pay for. Would you put crap oil or gas in YOUR car? not if you want full protection/performance from the car.
Re: Xerox versalink C405 toner cartridge errors question
yea, i can relate. no, i dont use crap supplies in my car. when i was kid, i didnt know of could afford the difference for an old car. but now, i wouldnt even think of it.
and i do sell a lot of junk toner and a lot of OEM. i usually let them decide, and then if it messes the developer up like in the Lanier LD 235/ Ricoh, a very costly waste, then i tell them i wont sell it.
but back to this, i will go back minyanna and see if i can verify that the toner auger is pumping.
Have nice evening Phil
Современные копировальные аппараты Xerox отличаются качество, надежностью и «быстрым» стартом. Также у них существует множество особенностей, которые отличают их от принтеров других производителей. Например, используется тефлоновый вал, а не термопленка.
Однако избегать различных поломок и ошибок пока не удается ни одному устройству. К самым частым неисправностям у принтеров Xerox относятся: залипание или повреждение датчика бумаги, повреждение роликов подачи, часто требуется перепрошивка программного обеспечения.
Если у вас возникнут вопросы насчет того, как исправить код ошибки копировального аппарата Xerox, то вы можете обратиться к специалистам нашего сервисного центра.
Основные коды ошибок копировальных аппаратов Xerox и способы их устранения:
- Коды ошибок Xerox 1012, 1012(RE)
- Коды ошибок Xerox 1020
- Коды ошибок Xerox 1025
- Коды ошибок Xerox 1035
- Коды ошибок Xerox 1038
- Коды ошибок Xerox 2830
- Коды ошибок Xerox 5011, 5012, 5014
- Коды ошибок Xerox 5016, 5017, 5316, 5317
- Коды ошибок Xerox 5018, 5028
- Коды ошибок Xerox 5312, 5313, 5314
- Коды ошибок Xerox 5318, 5320, 5322
- Коды ошибок Xerox 5328
- Коды ошибок Xerox 5330
- Коды ошибок Xerox 5340, 5343
- Коды ошибок Xerox 5345
- Коды ошибок Xerox 5350, 5352
- Коды ошибок Xerox 5355
- Коды ошибок Xerox 5622
- Коды ошибок Xerox XC520, 540, 560, 580
Xerox 1012, 1012(RE)
Код ошибки | Описание |
E1 | Jam between paper feed and fuser |
E3 | Jam in fuser |
E5 | Clam shell open |
E6 | Paper feed section cover is open |
J1 | Toner cartridge near empty |
J3 | Drum cartridge not seated properly |
J7 | Waste toner full (replace drum cartridge) |
L6 | Key counter out |
L8 | Exposure area overheat |
U1 | No clock pulse (drive problem) |
U2 | Scan problem |
U3 | Lens/mirror problem (RE model only) |
U4 | Heat problem |
U8 | Exposure lamp control circuit problem |
E1 | Jam between paper feed and fuser |
E3 | Jam in fuser |
E5 | Clam shell open |
E6 | Paper feed section cover is open |
J1 | Toner cartridge near empty |
J3 | Drum cartridge not seated properly |
J7 | Waste toner full (replace drum cartridge) |
L6 | Key counter out |
L8 | Exposure area overheat |
U1 | No clock pulse (drive problem) |
U2 | Scan problem |
U3 | Lens/mirror problem (RE model only) |
U4 | Heat problem |
U8 | Exposure lamp control circuit problem |
Xerox 1020
Код ошибки | Описание |
LL | Probable bad heater lamp |
Xerox 1025
Код ошибки | Описание |
A1 | DF jam |
C1 | PF jam cass. 1 |
C2 | PF jam cass. 2 |
C3 | PF jam cass. 3 |
C9 | Bypass jam |
E1-1 | Paper jam before exit switch |
E1-2 | Paper jam |
E1-5 | Paper jam |
E1-6 | Paper jam |
E3-3 | Paper jam at exit switch |
E3-4 | Paper jam at exit switch |
E5 | Front door open |
F1 | Collator jam |
F5 | Collator interlock |
F8 | No power to collator |
F9 | Collator bin home switch |
J7 | 250 copies since toner waste was full |
L5 | Original cass. not present after clearing interrupt |
L6 | Key counter |
L8 | Platen glass too hot |
U1 | Main motor clock pulse |
U2 | Scan problem |
U3-1 | Lens problem |
U4-1 | Open thermistor |
U4-2 | Low temperature |
U4-4 | Temperature |
U4-5 | Main PWB |
U6-1 | Main PWB |
U6-2 | Main PWB |
U6-3 | Main board battery |
U6-4 | Initialization |
U8 | Exposure lamp |
Xerox 1035
Код ошибки | Описание |
A9 | Scanner location |
C1 | Paper feed — upper cassette |
C2 | Paper feed — lower cassette |
C9 | Bypass jam |
E5 | Clam shell is open |
L6 | Key counter |
U1 | Off/On |
U2 | Optics |
U4 | Low fuser temperature |
Xerox 1038
Код ошибки | Описание |
A1 | DF jam |
C1 | PF jam cass. 1 |
C2 | PF jam cass. 2 |
C3 | PF jam cass. 3 |
C9 | Bypass jam |
E1-1 | Paper jam before exit switch |
E1-2 | Paper jam |
E1-5 | Paper jam |
E1-6 | Paper jam |
E3-3 | Paper jam at exit switch |
E3-4 | Paper jam at exit switch |
E5 | Front door open |
F1 | Collator jam |
F5 | Collator interlock |
F8 | No power to collator |
F9 | Collator bin home switch |
J7 | 250 copies since toner waste was full |
L5 | Original cass. not present after clearing interrupt |
L6 | Key counter |
L8 | Platen glass too hot |
U1 | Main motor clock pulse |
U2 | Scan problem |
U3-1 | Lens problem |
U4-1 | Open thermistor |
U4-2 | Low temperature |
U4-4 | Temperature |
U4-5 | Main PWB |
U6-1 | Main PWB |
U6-2 | Main PWB |
U6-3 | Main board battery |
U6-4 | Initialization |
U8 | Exposure lamp |
Xerox 2830
Код ошибки | Описание |
A9 | Scanner location |
C1 | Paper feed — upper cassette |
C2 | Paper feed — lower cassette |
C9 | Bypass jam |
E5 | Clam shell is open |
E5 | Clam shell open |
L6 | Key counter |
U1 | Off/On |
U2 | Optics |
U4 | Low fuser temperature |
Xerox 5011, 5012, 5014
Код ошибки | Описание |
C8 | Bypass jam/no paper |
C9 | Bypass jam |
E1 | Jam |
E3 | Fuser jam |
E5 | Clamshell open |
E6 | PF section cover open |
J1 | Toner cartridge amost empty |
J3 | Copy cart (drum unit) missing/not seated right |
J7 | Copy cartridge has run 18,000 copies |
J8 | Copy cartridge. Improperly seated or possible only one of two fuses in the cartridge blew |
L6 | Key counter |
L8 | Exposure glass too hot |
U1 | Drive problem |
U2 | Scan problem |
U3 | Lens or mirror drive problem |
U4 | Fuser problem. Heat lamp, thermoswitch, SSR, thermistor |
U6 | Battery on main board |
U8 | Exposure lamp or exposure lamp circuit |
Xerox 5016, 5017, 5316, 5317
Code | Description |
A1-1 | Document feeder feed jam |
A1-2 | Document feeder belt jam |
A2-1 | Document feeder exit jam |
A2-2 | Duplex jam |
A3 | DAD interlock |
A5 | Duplex and DAD right side interlock |
A6 | Copier jams after |
A9 | Document feed belt drive motor |
C1-3 | Top cassette misfeed |
C2-3 | Middle cassette misfeed |
C3-3 | Bottom cassette misfeed |
C9-3 | Bypass misfeed |
E1-11 to E1-14 | Paper jam in machine. Did not reach exit switch soon enough |
E1-6 | Paper path jam |
E3-31 to E3-34 | Exit switch jam |
E3-6 | Fuser jam |
E5 | Front door interlock |
E6 | Right side interlock or TTM interlock |
F1 | Sorter jam |
F5 | Sorter interlock |
F8 | Sorter board to copier main board communication problem |
F9 | Sorter bins |
Xerox 5018, 5028
Code | Description |
A1 | Document is ADF |
A1-8 | Main board received reset signal |
A2 | ADF jams |
A6, A7 | ADF jams |
A9 | ADF jams |
C1 — C4 | Feed jam |
C5-1 to C5-4 | Jams in various areas |
C5-2 | Jams in various areas |
C5-3 | Jams in various areas |
C5-4 | Duplex jam |
E0 | Machine has reset |
E1 | Jam |
E1-E0 | Registration jam |
E1-E5 | Clamshell interlock |
E1-E6 | Right side interlock |
E1-E7 | Two tray interlock |
E1-E8 | Sorter interlock |
E1-E9 | Copy cartridge interlock |
E2 | Reset signal happened |
E3 | Jam |
E4 | Exit jam |
E4-10 | Exit jam |
E4-5 | Clamshell interlock |
E4-6 | Right side interlock |
E4-7 | Two tray interlock. Duplex interlock |
E4-8 | Sorter interlock |
E4-9 | Copy cartridge interlock |
E5 | Clamshell interlock |
E6 | Right side interlock |
E7 | Duplex interlock |
E9 | Copy cartridge interlock |
F3-1 | Sorter bin home switch |
F3-2 | Sorter cam switch |
F3-3 | Sorter cam switch |
J1-1 | Add toner |
J1-2 | Temporary low toner signal |
J2-0 | Replace copy cartridge |
L2 | 2000 copies left on copy cartridge |
L3 | ADF to machine communication problem |
L4 (flashing) | 1000 copies left on fuser web |
rr | Bad EPROM on main board |
U0 | Main board |
U2 | Scan problem |
U2-1 | Scan home |
U3-00 | Cam drive problem |
U3-01 | Cam movement slow |
U3-04 | Main board to duplex communication |
U3-09 | Cam problem |
U3-12 | Jogger problem |
U3-19 | Cam problem |
U3-21 | Cam problem |
U3-23 | Cam problem |
U3-29 | Cam problem |
U3-32 | Cam problem |
U3-34 | Cam problem |
U3-39 | Cam problem |
U3-43 | Cam problem |
U3-45 | Cam problem |
U3-49 | Cam problem |
U3-54 | Cam problem |
U3-56 | Cam problem |
U3-59 | Cam problem |
U4-1 | Fuser problem. Long warm up |
U4-2 | Low fuser temperature after warm up |
U4-3 | High fuser temperature |
U4-4 | Open fuser thermistor |
U4-6 | Replace fuser web |
U4-7 | Thermistor signal problem |
U7-1 | Copy cartridge belt drive problem |
U9-3 | Exposure lamp problem |
U9-4 | Toner motor |
U9-5 | Problem in warm up |
Xerox 5312, 5313, 5314
Код ошибки | Описание |
C1 | Upper paper feed problem. Did not reach feed sensor |
C2 | Lower paper feed problem. Did not reach feed sensor |
E1 | Exit jam. Paper did not reach exit sensor |
E3 | Exit jam. Paper still on exit sensor |
J1 | Add toner |
J3 | Copy cartridge (drum unit) not installed |
J7 | Copy cartridge (drum unit) must be replaced |
J8 | Copy cartridge (drum unit) problem |
L6 | Problem with an accessory. Installed but not initialized |
U1 | Drive problem. Main motor, gear etc. |
U2 | Scan problem |
U3 | Main board dip switches wrong. Lens drive problem |
U4 | Fuser problem. Heat lamp, thermal switch, overheat, thermistor. |
U6 | EPROM error |
U8 | Auto exposure sensor. No exposure lamp or weak lamp |
Xerox 5318, 5320, 5322
Code | Description |
A1-11 | Original ready switch |
A1-12 | Feed sensor |
A1-1 to A1-32 | All indicate a paper path problem, etc. in the ADF |
A1-21 | Original ready switch and document registration sensor or both the document feed sensor and document registration sensor |
A1-22 | ADF registration sensor |
A1-23 | Original did not reach ADF registration sensor quickly enough |
A1-24 | ADF sensor stuck down too long |
A1-25 | ADF sensor actuated at the wrong time during single sheet feed |
A1-26 | ADF sensor not actuated quickly enough in sheet feed mode |
A1-31 | In reverse, ADF sensor is not actuated soon enough |
A1-32 | In reverse, ADF sensor is actuated too long |
A2 | ADF exit problems |
A2-1 | Original ready sensor and ADF exit switch are actuated or ADF feed in sensor and ADF exit switch are both actuated |
A2-2 | ADF exit switch |
A2-3 | ADF exit switch is not actuated on time |
A3 | Irregular size documents |
A3-1 | Wrong size original sensed in 1:1 mode |
A3-2 | Wrong size original sensed in the 2:1 mode |
A5 | ADF interlock |
A5 | ADF interlock |
A6 | ADF single sheet document reset. |
A6-1 | Reset original |
A6-2 | Reset sheet feeder |
A7 | Document cover interlock |
A8 | ADF exit interlock |
C1 | Tray 1 jam |
C1-2 | Paper feed problem in tray 1 |
C1-3 | Paper does not reach registration |
C2 | Tray 2 jam |
C3 | Tray 3 jam |
C3-1 | Paper feed problem from tray 3 |
C3-2 | Paper feed problem from tray 3 |
C3-3 | Paper feed problem from tray 1 |
C6-1 | Duplex paper feed problem |
C6-2 | Duplex and/or tray 1 paper feed problem |
C6-3 | Paper feed problem from tray 1 |
C7-1 | Paper feed problem from HCF |
C7-2 | Paper feed problem from HCF on tray 1 |
C7-3 | Paper feed problem from tray 1 |
C8 | Paper stays in tray or duplex or HCF |
C8-1 | Paper on tray 1 feed sensor |
C8-2 | Paper on tray 2 feed sensor |
C8-3 | Paper on tray 3 feed sensor |
C8-4 | Paper on HCF feed sensor |
C8-5 | Paper in duplex section |
C9 | Bypass feed problem |
C9-3 | Paper from bypass did not reach registration sensor quickly enough |
E1-10 to E1-25 | Internal jam |
E1-6 | Paper on registration sensor |
E2 | Reset signal happened. Might read E-2 something else. |
E3-30 to E4-14 | Exit jam |
E3-30 to E3-35 | Exit switch actuated too long |
E3-6 | Exit jam |
E3-6 | Paper on exit switch |
E4-10 to E4-14 | Inverter sensor not actuated. |
E4-10 to E4-45 | Paper did not reach inverter switch soon enough |
E4-15 | Inverter sensor |
E4-40 to E4-45 | Duplex entry sensor |
E4-6 | Paper on inverter switch |
E4-6 | Inverter sensor |
E5 | Front door interlock |
E6-1 | Tray 1 interlock |
E6-2 | 2 tray or duplex interlock |
E6-3 | HCF interlock |
E7-2 | Duplex inverter interlock |
E7-3 | Duplex interlock |
E8-10 to E8-15 | Paper on duplex feed sensor is not actuated soon enough |
E8-6 | Paper in duplex |
E8-6 to E8-15 | Duplex entry sensor |
F1-1 | Paper did not reach sorter |
F1-2 | Paper stayed on sorter feed sensor |
F1-6 | Sorter exit sensor |
F3 | Paper size not available for sort/stack |
F5 | Sorter interlock |
H2-1 | Communication problem between main board and duplex board |
H2-2 | Side guard sensor problem |
H3-1 | Communication problem between main board and HCF |
H3-2 | Upper limit sensor problem on HCF |
H6-1 | ADF size sensor |
H6-2 | ADF nudgeer sensor |
H6-3 | Belt drive motor does not have 24 volts. Black toner is empty, but 100 copies have been run without changing toner |
J1 | Black toner is empty, but 100 copies have been run without changing toner |
J3 | Replace copy cartridge |
J3 | No copy cartridge (drum unit) |
J7 | Copy cartrige must be replaced |
J8-1 | Wrong copy cartridge installed |
J8-2 | Copy cartridge EEPROM must be changed |
L6 | Auditron or other counter problem |
L6 | Key counter not installed |
L8 | Platen glass temperature is too high |
L9 | Communication problem between interimage erase/edge lamps and main board |
U1-1 | Main motor drive problem |
U2-1 | Scan home problem |
U2-1 to U2-4 | Scan home sensor |
U2-2 | Scan home problem or optics problem |
U2-3, U2-4 | Scan home problem |
U3-1 | Lens sensor problem |
U4-1 | Fuser thermistor open |
U4-2 | Fuser did not warm up properly |
U4-3 | Fuser temperature too high |
U4-4 | Fuser problem. Staying on too long |
U4-6 | High fuser temperature |
U5-1 | Sorter bin home switch not activated |
U5-2 | Sorter bin home switch stayed actuated |
U5-3 | Sorter bin home switch |
U5-4 | Sorter bin home switch |
U6-1 | ROM problem |
U6-2 | RAM problem |
U6-3 | Low battery |
U6-4 | Incorrect value in NVM. Reinitialize main board with code 20-96 |
U8-1 | Exposure lamp problem |
U8-2 | Communication problem main board and exposure board |
U8-3 | Exposure lamp or exposure lamp board problem |
U8-4 to U8-6 | Problem with exposure lamp, lamp sensor, lamp board |
Xerox 5328
Code | Description |
A1 | Document in ADF |
A1-8 | Main board received reset signal |
A2 | ADF jams |
A6 | ADF registration jam |
A7 | ADF interlock |
A9 | Tray 1 jam |
C1 | Tray 2 jam |
C2 | Tray 3 jam |
C3 | Bypass feed jams |
C4 | Machine has reset |
E1 | Jam |
E1-5 | Clamshell interlock |
E1-6 | Right side interlock |
E1-7 | Two tray interlock, or duplex interlock |
E1-8 | Sorter interlock |
E1-9 | Copy cartridge interlock |
E1 or E1-0 | Registration jam |
E2 | Reset signal happened |
E3 | Jam in transfer area |
E4 | Exit jam |
E4-0 | Exit jam |
E4-5 | Clamshell interlock |
E4-6 | Right side interlock |
E4-7 | Two tray interlock |
E4-8 | Sorter interlock |
E4-9 | Copy cartridge interlock |
E5 | Clamshell interlock |
E6 | Right side interlock |
E9 | Copy cartridge interlock |
F3-1 | Sorter bin home switch |
F3-2 | Sorter cam switch |
F3-3 | Sorter cam switch |
F5 | Sorter interlock |
J1-1 | Add toner |
J1-2 | Temporary low toner signal |
J2-1, J2-2 | Replace copy cartridge |
J5, J6 | ADF to machine communications problem |
L2 | 2000 copies left on cartridge |
L3 | ADF to machine communications problem |
L4 | (flashing) 1000 copier left on fuser web |
L6 | Auditron or other counter problem |
LL | Main board. Try simulation 1.1 to initialize |
rc | Wrong operation panel installed |
rr | Bad EPROM on main board. Try 1.1 |
U0 | Main board |
U2 | Scan problem |
U2-1 | Scan home |
U2-2 | Scan home or scan encoder |
U2-4 | Scan home or scan dual page sensor |
U2-7 | Scan home |
U4-1 | Fuser problem. Long warm up |
U4-2 | Low fuser temperature after warm up |
U4-3 | High fuser temperature |
U4-4 | Open fuser thermistor |
U4-6 | Replace fuser web. |
U4-7 | Thermistor signal problem |
U7-1 | Copy cartridge belt drive problem |
U9-3 | Exposure lamp problem |
U9-4 | Toner motor |
U9-5 | Problem in warm-up |
Xerox 5330
Code | Description |
A1-1 to A1-32 | All indicate a paper path problem, etc. in the ADF. |
A2 | ADF exit problems |
A3 | Irregular size documents |
A5 | ADF interlock |
A6 | ADF single sheet document reset. |
A7 | Platen interlock |
A8 | ADF exit interlock |
C1 | Tray 1 jam |
C2 | Tray 2 jam |
C3 | Tray 3 jam |
C6-1, C6-2 | Jams related to duplex |
C6-3 | Registration sensor, re tray 1 |
C7-1, C7-2 | HCF feed problems |
C7-3 | Tray 1 feed problem |
C8 | Paper stays in tray or duplex or HCF |
C9 | Bypass feed problem |
E1-10 to E1-25 | Internal jam |
E1-6 | Paper on registration sensor |
E2 | Reset signal happened. Might read E-2 something else. |
E3-30 to E4-14 | Exit jam |
E3-6 | Exit jam |
E4-10 to E4-14 | Inverter sensor not actuated. |
E4-15 | Inverter sensor |
E4-40 to E4-45 | Duplex entry sensor |
E4-6 | Inverter sensor |
E5 | Front door interlock |
E6-1 | Tray 1 interlock |
E6-2 | 2 tray or duplex interlock |
E6-3 | HCF interlock |
E7-2, E7-3 | Duplex interlock |
E8-6 to E8-15 | Duplex entry sensor |
F1-1 | Sorter entry sensor |
F1-6 | Sorter exit sensor |
F3 | Paper size not available for sort/stack |
F5 | Sorter interlock |
J1 | Add toner |
J3 | Replace copy cartridge |
J7 | Replace copy cartridge |
J8-1 | Wrong copy cartridge installed |
J8-2 | Copy cartridge EEPROM |
L6 | Auditron or other counter problem |
L8 | Platen glass temperature is too high |
L9 | Communication problem between interimage erase/edge lamps and main board |
U1-1 | Main motor drive problem |
U2-1 to U2-4 | Scan home sensor |
U3-1 | Lens sensor |
U4-1 | Open fuser thermistor |
U4-2 | Fuser did not warm up properly |
U4-3 | Fuser temperature too high |
U4-4 | Fuser problem. Staying on too long |
U4-6 | High fuser temperature |
U5-1 | Sorter bin home switch not activated |
U5-2 | Sorter bin home switch stayed actuated |
U5-3 | Sorter bin home switch |
U5-4 | Sorter bin home switch |
U6-1 | ROM problem |
U6-2 | RAM problem |
U6-3 | Low battery |
U6-4 | Incorrect value in NVM. Reinitialize main board with code 20-96 |
U8-1 to U8-6 | Problem with exposure lamp, lamp sensor, lamp board |
Xerox 5340, 5343
Code | Description |
00-009; 030 to 033 | A door was opened while paper was being fed |
00-047 | Paper in duplex |
00-1 | Auditron |
00-2 | Diagnostic error |
00-3 | Faults error |
00-4 | Ric error |
00-5 | Job manager system error |
00-6 | LLM interface |
00-7 | Standby error |
00-8 | Communications error |
00-9 | Xerographic error |
01-300 | Front interlock |
01-310 | Right upper interlock |
01-315 | Left upper interlock |
01-320 | Left lower interlock |
01-325 | Fuser interlock |
02-910 | Key counter missing |
02-920 | Wrong combination of accessories |
03-321, 322, 326, 327 | LLM to ISIL communications problems |
03-328 | IOT communications problem with duplex or tray 4 |
03-330 | IOT communications problems with HCF |
03-335, 03-336 | LLM communications problems with edit |
03-340 | NVM memory |
03-341, 03-347 | Communications problems between IOT and sorter |
03-350, 03-354 | Communications problem with LLM and user interface |
03-363, 03-364 | Communications problem between LLM & optics |
03-370, 03-373 | Communications problem between LLM & DADF |
03-380, 384 | |
03-416, 03-422 | RAM memory problem |
03-424, 426 | NVM memory problem |
03-430, 432 | Billing problem |
03-439 | GRAIB communications problem |
03-440 | RIC communications problem |
03-441 | RIC NVM problem |
03-442 | Modem |
03-443, 03-458 | RIC problems |
03-460 | Serial communications processor problem |
04-300 | Main motor or drive problem |
05-100, 05-108 | DADF registration sensor |
05-110 | DADF exit sensor |
05-115, 120 | DADF jams |
05-305 | DADF document drive |
05-310, 312 | DADF document sensor |
05-316 | DADF registration sensor jam |
05-325 | DADF exit sensor |
05-335, 341, 345 | DADF interlock switches |
06-300, 06-310 | Scan problems |
06-315 | Scan drive |
06-320A, 320B, 320C, 325 | Scan problem |
06-330 | Lens drive |
06-340 | Exposure control problem |
06-342 | LLM CPU problem |
06-344, 06-350 | Exposure cvontrol problem |
06-352 | IOT CPU problem |
07-300, 315, 330, 345 | Tray faults |
07-360, 07-370 | HCF problems |
07-375, 380A, 380B | Duplex problems |
08-100, 08-110 | Feed problems. Lead edge of copy paper is late getting to feed sensor of tray 1 |
08-115, 08-162 | Feed problem. Lead edge of copy paper is late getting to registration sensor |
08-165 | Paper jam at registration sensor |
08-310, 08-370 | Paper at a sensor when power is turned on |
08-330 | DADF nudger sensor |
08-380 | Registration side to side problem with home position |
08-390 | Nip |
09-300 | Copy cartridge finished (drum unit) |
09-310 | Add black toner Add color toner |
09-320 | Add color toner |
09-330 | Wrong copy cartridge (wrong drum unit) |
09-340 | Drum cartridge not installed properly |
09-350 | Waste toner full |
100 | A fault has occurred |
10-100 | Exit jam |
10-105 | Exit jam |
10-110 | Vertical sensor jam |
10-120, 122, 125 | Duplex jam |
10-150, 155 | Too much or not enough paper in duplex tray |
10-300 | Fuser thermistor |
10-302 | Low fuser temperature |
10-304 | Bad fuser temp |
10-308 | High fuser temperature or open thermistor |
10-310 | High fuser temperature |
10-312 | Fuser not up to temperature after energy save |
10-314 | Fuser problem |
10-320 | Fuser web finished |
10-330, 335, 340 | Exit switch, vertical sensor switch actuated when power is turned on |
11-100, 11-116 | Sorter jam |
11-150, 11-176 | Sorter auto stapler jam |
11-310, 314, 316 | Sorter interlock |
11-325A, B, C, D, E, F, G | Sorter index |
11-352, 354, 356 | Sorter auto stapler interlocks |
11-365A, B, C, D, E | Sorter auto stapler bin |
11-370, 371, 372A, 373A, 373B, 374 | Sorter auto stapler staple failure, staple home problem or tamper home problem |
11-385A, 385B, 390A,B,C,D,E, 396A | Sorter auto stapler staple failure, staple home problem or tamper home problem |
301 | Fuser web must be replaced |
302 | Copy cartridge (drum unit) must be replaced |
501 | Tray 1 must be rebuilt |
502 | Tray 2 must be rebuilt |
503 | Tray 3 must be rebuilt |
504 | Tray 4 must be rebuilt |
505 | HCF must be rebuilt |
506 | Bypass must be rebuilt |
507 | Duplex unit must be rebuilt |
508 | Replace black developer |
509 | Replace red developer |
510 | Replace green developer |
512 | Replace brown developer |
513 | Copy cartridge (drum unit) will need replacing soon |
514 | Fuser web will need replacing soon |
515 | DADF belt should be replaced |
516 | DADF feed rollers should be replaced |
517 | Replace exposure lamp |
518 | Replace suction filter |
519 | Replace ozone filter |
520 | Replace optics filter |
521 | Replace particle filter |
522 | Replace upper fuser roller |
523 | Replace fuser pawls |
524 | Replace pressure roller |
525 | Replace pressure roller pawls |
900-905 | Key operator calls |
Xerox 5345
Код ошибки | Описание |
01-01 | Frequency monitoring and zero cross problem |
01-02 | Interlock |
01-03 | AC power problem |
01-04 | Finisher interlock |
01-05 | 24v problem |
03-01 | Optics to main board communication problem |
03-02 | Software reset problem |
03-03 | Could be punched holes in the lead edge of the original |
03-04 | Software problem |
03-06 | Low battery |
03-07 | NVM not initialized or is missing or defective |
03-17 | Communication problem between main board and finisher board |
03-18 | Initializes one NVM counter to agree to others |
03-19 | All three NVM counter to agree with others |
03-20 | Main board/interface board problems |
03-21 | Problem with RIC NVM |
03-22 | RIC modem problem |
03-23 | RIC real time clock failure. |
03-25 | RIC NVM problem or not initialized |
03-27 | NVM problem |
03-28 | Watchdog software problem |
03-29 | Microprocessor crystal not at correct frequency |
03-30 | No software response from finisher after 20 seconds have elapsed |
06-01 | Lens did not reach 1.1 position |
06-02 | 1/2 rate scanner problem |
06-03 | Scan home problem |
06-04 | Scan home problem |
06-05 | Scan home problem |
06-06 | Scan encoder |
06-07 | Scan encoder |
06-08 | Scan drive boost |
06-09 | Scan encoder |
06-11 | Scan encoder pulse phases |
06-12 | Insufficient scan damping |
07-01 | Duplex tray not home during duplexing |
07-02 | Tray 2 not home when selected |
07-13 | Tray 2 height sensor problem |
07-15 | Tray 2 empty |
07-16 | Tray 1 door open |
07-18 | Tray 1 stack sensor |
07-22 | Tray 1 empty |
07-26 | Tray 1 bypass switch actuated too long |
07-27 | Tray 1 bypass switch deactuated too early |
07-30 | Paper in duplex |
07-31 | Paper in duplex |
07-32 | Duplex tray empty, when paper should be there |
08-10 | Paper did not reach tray 2 input tray sensor |
08-11 | Paper did not reach duplex input sensor |
08-12 | Paper did not reach tray 1 |
08-14 | Paper did not leave tray 2 input sensor quickly enough |
08-18 | Trail edge did not reach tray 2 input sensor quickly enough |
08-19 | Trail edge did not reach tray 1 input sensor quickly enough |
08-20 | Paper in duplex |
08-21 | Paper in tray 2 input |
08-22 | Paper in tray 2 or duplex at wrong time |
08-23 | Paper at tray 1 input at wrong time |
08-24 | Paper in tray 1 at wrong time |
08-28 | Upper and lower nips problem |
09-08 | Low toner condition |
09-12 | Drum signals are out of range |
09-13 | Unstable drum patch readings |
09-15 | Patch is too dark |
09-16 | Patch is too light |
09-17 | Open toner container access cover |
09-18 | Low toner level |
09-21 | Low toner sensor disconnected |
09-22 | Low toner condition, even after machine has been theoretically, adding toner |
10-02 | Low fuser temperature |
10-03 | High fuser temperature |
10-06 | Paper did not reach out put switch |
10-07 | Paper stayed on output switch |
10-10 | Paper did not reach decurler sensor |
10-11 | Paper did not reach decurler sensor |
10-12 | Paper on decurler sensor |
10-13 | Paper did not reach duplex entry sensor in time |
10-14 | Paper did not reach duplex entry sensor in time |
10-15 | Paper on entry sensor at wrong time |
10-17 | Fuser temperature is too high and fuser relay has deactuated |
12-01 | Paper at finisher input sensor |
12-02 | Paper did not reach finisher |
12-03 | Paper reached finisher too soon |
12-05 | Paper at stapler |
12-06 | Paper at stapler |
12-07 | Paper did not reach stapler |
12-08 | Paper did not reach stapler |
12-10 | Complied motor not working properly |
12-15 | Eject motor problem and/or eject encoder |
12-20 | Stacker motor problem |
12-21 | Stacker interlock |
12-22 | Stacker bottom sensor |
12-23 | Stacker bottom sensor |
12-24 | Stacker bottom sensor senses full |
12-25 | Stack height sensor |
12-26 | Stack height sensor |
12-27 | Stack height sensor |
12-30 | Offset home sensor |
12-31 | Offset home sensor |
12-32 | OCT switch |
12-35 | Eject nip carriage |
12-36 | Eject cam interlock |
12-37 | Eject nip carriage open timing |
12-38 | Eject cam interlock |
12-40 | Tamper motor |
12-41 | Tamper home problem |
12-42 | Tamper home sensor |
12-43 | Staple load sensor |
12-44 | Tamper home sensor |
12-45 | Tamper home sensor |
12-50 | Low on staples |
12-51 | Stapler home sensor |
12-52 | Stapler home sensor |
12-53 | Eject cam interlock |
33-37 | Too few documents |
55-01 | RDH interlock switch open during use |
55-04 | Paper on bypass sensor |
55-05 | Paper at vacuum timing sensor |
55-06 | Paper on output sensor |
55-10 | No paper reached S31 |
55-20 | Paper did not leave S31 at correct time |
55-24 | Set counter arm problem |
55-25 | Documents in input tray not detected |
55-27 | Lead edge did not reach S35 at correct time |
55-2955-30 | Trail edge did not reach S35 at correct time |
55-31 | S32, ADF registration sensor did not see paper at correct time |
55-32 | S32 did not see trail edge at correct time |
55-33 | S36 One too many documents |
55-36 | One too many documents |
55-39 | Hole count problem on document feeder belt |
55-40 | Document belt travel problem |
55-41 | Document belt mistracking or skewing |
55-45 | Paper at inverter sensor |
55-47 | Inverter sensor did not see paper lead edge at correct time |
55-49 | More than 50 sheets in input tray |
55-50 | Right side interlock |
55-51 | Left side interlock |
55-55 | Document on glass |
93-93 | NVM has to be initialized after new software installed |
Xerox 5350, 5352
Code | Description |
00-009, 030, 031, 032, 033 | A door was opened while paper was being fed |
00-047 | Paper in duplex |
00-1 | Auditron |
00-2 | Diagnostic error |
00-3 | Faults error |
00-4 | Ric error |
00-5 | Job manager system error |
00-6 | LLM interface |
00-7 | Standby error |
00-8 | Communications error |
00-9 | Xerographic error |
01-300 | Front interlock |
01-310 | Right upper interlock |
01-315 | Left upper interlock |
01-320 | Left lower interlock |
01-325 | Fuser interlock |
02-910 | Key counter missing |
02-920 | Wrong combination of accessories |
03-321, 322, 326, 327 | LLM to ISIL communications problems |
03-328 | IOT communications problem with duplex or tray 4 |
03-330 | IOT communications problems with HCF |
03-335, 336 | LLM communications problems with edit |
03-340 | NVM memory |
03-341-347 | Communications problems between IOT and sorter |
03-350-354 | Communications problem with LLM and user interface |
03-363, 364 | Communications problem between LLM & optics |
03-370-03-373 | Communications problem between LLM & DADF |
03-380, 384 | |
03-416-422 | RAM memory problem |
03-424, 426 | NVM memory problem |
03-430, 432 | Billing problem |
03-439 | GRAIB communications problem |
03-440 | RIC communications problem |
03-441 | RIC NVM problem |
03-442 | Modem |
03-443-458 | RIC problems |
03-460 | Serial communications processor problem |
04-300 | Main motor or drive problem |
05-100-108 | DADF registration sensor |
05-110 | DADF exit sensor |
05-115, 120 | DADF jams |
05-305 | DADF document drive |
05-310, 312 | DADF document sensor |
05-316 | DADF registration sensor jam |
05-325 | DADF exit sensor |
05-335, 341, 345 | DADF interlock switches |
06-300-310 | Scan problems |
06-315 | Scan drive |
06-320A, 320B, 320C, 325 | Scan problem |
06-330 | Lens drive |
06-340 | Exposure control problem |
06-342 | LLM CPU problem |
06-344-350 | Exposure cvontrol problem |
06-352 | IOT CPU problem |
07-300, 315, 330, 345 | Tray faults |
07-360-370 | HCF problems |
07-375, 380A, 380B | Duplex problems |
08-100-110 | Feed problems. Lead edge of copy paper is late getting to feed sensor of tray 1 |
08-115-162 | Feed problem. Lead edge of copy paper is late getting to registration sensor |
08-165 | Paper jam at registration sensor |
08-310-370 | Paper at a sensor when power is turned on |
08-330 | DADF nudger sensor |
08-380 | Registration side to side problem with home position |
08-390 | Nip |
09-300 | Copy cartridge finished (drum unit) |
09-310 | Add black toner Add color toner |
09-320 | Add color toner |
09-330 | Wrong copy cartridge (wrong drum unit) |
09-340 | Drum cartridge not installed properly |
09-350 | Waste toner full |
100 | A fault has occurred |
10-100 | Exit jam |
10-105 | Exit jam |
10-110 | Vertical sensor jam |
10-120, 122, 125 | Duplex jam |
10-150, 155 | Too much or not enough paper in duplex tray |
10-300 | Fuser thermistor |
10-302 | Low fuser temperature |
10-304 | Bad fuser temp |
10-308 | High fuser temperature or open thermistor |
10-310 | High fuser temperature |
10-312 | Fuser not up to temperature after energy save |
10-314 | Fuser problem |
10-320 | Fuser web finished |
10-330, 335, 340 | Exit switch, vertical sensor switch actuated when power is turned on |
11-100-116 | Sorter jam |
11-150-176 | Sorter auto stapler jam |
11-310, 314, 316 | Sorter interlock |
11-325A,B,C,D,E,F,G | Sorter index |
11-352, 354, 356 | Sorter auto stapler interlocks |
11-365A,B,C,D,E | Sorter auto stapler bin |
11-370,371,372A,373A,373B,374 | Sorter auto stapler staple failure, staple home problem or tamper home problem |
11-385A,385B,390A,B,C,D,E,396A | Sorter auto stapler staple failure, staple home problem or tamper home problem |
301 | Fuser web must be replaced |
302 | Copy cartridge (drum unit) must be replaced |
501 | Tray 1 must be rebuilt |
502 | Tray 2 must be rebuilt |
503 | Tray 3 must be rebuilt |
504 | Tray 4 must be rebuilt |
505 | HCF must be rebuilt |
506 | Bypass must be rebuilt |
507 | Duplex unit must be rebuilt |
508 | Replace black developer |
509 | Replace red developer |
510 | Replace green developer |
512 | Replace brown developer |
513 | Copy cartridge (drum unit) will need replacing soon |
514 | Fuser web will need replacing soon |
515 | DADF belt should be replaced |
516 | DADF feed rollers should be replaced |
517 | Replace exposure lamp |
518 | Replace suction filter |
519 | Replace ozone filter |
520 | Replace optics filter |
521 | Replace particle filter |
522 | Replace upper fuser roller |
523 | Replace fuser pawls |
524 | Replace pressure roller |
525 | Replace pressure roller pawls |
900-905 | Key operator calls |
Xerox 5355
Код ошибки | Описание |
01-01 | Frequency monitoring and zero cross problem |
01-02 | Interlock |
01-03 | AC power problem |
01-04 | Finisher interlock |
01-05 | 24v problem |
03-01 | Optics to main board communication problem |
03-02 | Software reset problem |
03-03 | Could be punched holes in the lead edge of the original |
03-04 | Software problem |
03-06 | Low battery |
03-07 | NVM not initialized or is missing or defective |
03-17 | Communication problem between main board and finisher board |
03-18 | Initializes one NVM counter to agree to others |
03-19 | All three NVM counter to agree with others |
03-20 | Main board/interface board problems |
03-21 | Problem with RIC NVM |
03-22 | RIC modem problem |
03-23 | RIC real time clock failure. |
03-25 | RIC NVM problem or not initialized |
03-27 | NVM problem |
03-28 | Watchdog software problem |
03-29 | Microprocessor crystal not at correct frequency |
03-30 | No software response from finisher after 20 seconds have elapsed |
06-01 | Lens did not reach 1.1 position |
06-02 | 1/2 rate scanner problem |
06-03 | Scan home problem |
06-04 | Scan home problem |
06-05 | Scan home problem |
06-06 | Scan encoder |
06-07 | Scan encoder |
06-08 | Scan drive boost |
06-09 | Scan encoder |
06-11 | Scan encoder pulse phases |
06-12 | Insufficient scan damping |
07-01 | Duplex tray not home during duplexing |
07-02 | Tray 2 not home when selected |
07-13 | Tray 2 height sensor problem |
07-15 | Tray 2 empty |
07-16 | Tray 1 door open |
07-18 | Tray 1 stack sensor |
07-22 | Tray 1 empty |
07-26 | Tray 1 bypass switch actuated too long |
07-27 | Tray 1 bypass switch deactuated too early |
07-30 | Paper in duplex |
07-31 | Paper in duplex |
07-32 | Duplex tray empty, when paper should be there |
08-10 | Paper did not reach tray 2 input tray sensor |
08-11 | Paper did not reach duplex input sensor |
08-12 | Paper did not reach tray 1 |
08-14 | Paper did not leave tray 2 input sensor quickly enough |
08-18 | Trail edge did not reach tray 2 input sensor quickly enough |
08-19 | Trail edge did not reach tray 1 input sensor quickly enough |
08-20 | Paper in duplex |
08-21 | Paper in tray 2 input |
08-22 | Paper in tray 2 or duplex at wrong time |
08-23 | Paper at tray 1 input at wrong time |
08-24 | Paper in tray 1 at wrong time |
08-28 | Upper and lower nips problem |
09-08 | Low toner condition |
09-12 | Drum signals are out of range |
09-13 | Unstable drum patch readings |
09-15 | Patch is too dark |
09-16 | Patch is too light |
09-17 | Open toner container access cover |
09-18 | Low toner level |
09-21 | Low toner sensor disconnected |
09-22 | Low toner condition, even after machine has been theoretically, adding toner |
10-02 | Low fuser temperature |
10-03 | High fuser temperature |
10-06 | Paper did not reach out put switch |
10-07 | Paper stayed on output switch |
10-10 | Paper did not reach decurler sensor |
10-11 | Paper did not reach decurler sensor |
10-12 | Paper on decurler sensor |
10-13 | Paper did not reach duplex entry sensor in time |
10-14 | Paper did not reach duplex entry sensor in time |
10-15 | Paper on entry sensor at wrong time |
10-17 | Fuser temperature is too high and fuser relay has deactuated |
12-01 | Paper at finisher input sensor |
12-02 | Paper did not reach finisher |
12-03 | Paper reached finisher too soon |
12-05 | Paper at stapler |
12-06 | Paper at stapler |
12-07 | Paper did not reach stapler |
12-08 | Paper did not reach stapler |
12-10 | Complied motor not working properly |
12-15 | Eject motor problem and/or eject encoder |
12-20 | Stacker motor problem |
12-21 | Stacker interlock |
12-22 | Stacker bottom sensor |
12-23 | Stacker bottom sensor |
12-24 | Stacker bottom sensor senses full |
12-25 | Stack height sensor |
12-26 | Stack height sensor |
12-27 | Stack height sensor |
12-30 | Offset home sensor |
12-31 | Offset home sensor |
12-32 | OCT switch |
12-35 | Eject nip carriage |
12-36 | Eject cam interlock |
12-37 | Eject nip carriage open timing |
12-38 | Eject cam interlock |
12-40 | Tamper motor |
12-41 | Tamper home problem |
12-42 | Tamper home sensor |
12-43 | Staple load sensor |
12-44 | Tamper home sensor |
12-45 | Tamper home sensor |
12-50 | Low on staples |
12-51 | Stapler home sensor |
12-52 | Stapler home sensor |
12-53 | Eject cam interlock |
33-37 | Too few documents |
55-01 | rdh interlock switch open during use |
55-04 | Paper on bypass sensor |
55-05 | Paper at vacuum timing sensor |
55-06 | Paper on output sensor |
55-10 | No paper reached S31 |
55-20 | Paper did not leave S31 at correct time |
55-24 | Set counter arm problem |
55-25 | Documents in input tray not detected |
55-27 | Lead edge did not reach S35 at correct time |
55-2955-30 | Trail edge did not reach S35 at correct time |
55-31 | S32, ADF registration sensor did not see paper at correct time |
55-32 | S32 did not see trail edge at correct time |
55-33 | S36 One too many documents |
55-36 | One too many documents |
55-39 | Hole count problem on document feeder belt |
55-40 | Document belt travel problem |
55-41 | Document belt mistracking or skewing |
55-45 | Paper at inverter sensor |
55-47 | Inverter sensor did not see paper lead edge at correct time |
55-49 | More than 50 sheets in input tray |
55-50 | Right side interlock |
55-51 | Left side interlock |
55-55 | Document on glass |
93-93 | NVM has to be initialized after new software installed |
Xerox XC520, 540, 560, 580
Код ошибки | Описание |
H2 | Fuser thermistor |
H3 | Fuser temperature too high. Must be reset in diagnostics |
H4 | Fuser temperature too low. Must be reset in diagnostics |
L3 | Scan problem |
L4 | Min motor drive problem |
L8 | Exposure lamp not lightning or not enough light reaching auto exposure sensor |
P | Paper did not feed |
Xerox 5622
Code | Description |
A1-1 to A1-32 | All indicate a paper path problem, etc. in the ADF |
A2 | ADF exit problems |
A3 | Irregular size documents |
A5 | ADF interlock |
A6 | ADF single sheet document reset |
A7 | Platen interlock |
A8 | ADF exit interlock |
C1 | Tray 1 jam |
C2 | Tray 2 jam |
C3 | Tray 3 jam |
C6-1, C6-2 | Jams related to duplex |
C6-3 | Registration sensor, re tray 1 |
C7-1, C7-2 | HCF feed problems |
C7-3 | Tray 1 feed problem |
C8 | Paper stays in tray or duplex or HCF |
C9 | Bypass feed problem |
E1-10 to E1-25 | Internal jam |
E1-6 | Paper on registration sensor |
E2 | Reset signal happened. Might read E-2 something else |
E3-30 to E4-14 | Exit jam |
E3-6 | Exit jam |
E4-10 to E4-14 | Inverter sensor not actuated |
E4-15 | Inverter sensor |
E4-40 to E4-45 | Duplex entry sensor |
E4-6 | Inverter sensor |
E5 | Front door interlock |
E6-1 | Tray 1 interlock |
E6-2 | 2 tray or duplex interlock |
E6-3 | HCF interlock |
E7-2, E7-3 | Duplex interlock |
E8-6 to E8-15 | Duplex entry sensor |
F1-1 | Sorter entry sensor |
F1-6 | Sorter exit sensor |
F3 | Paper size not available for sort/stack |
F5 | Sorter interlock |
J1 | Add toner |
J3 | Replace copy cartridge |
J7 | Replace copy cartridge |
J8-1 | Wrong copy cartridge installed |
J8-2 | Copy cartridge EEPROM |
L6 | Auditron or other counter problem |
L8 | Platen glass temperature is too high |
L9 | Communication problem between interimage erase/edge lamps and main board |
U1-1 | Main motor drive problem |
U2-1 to U2-4 | Scan home sensor |
U3-1 | Lens sensor |
U4-1 | Open fuser thermistor |
U4-2 | Fuser did not warm up properly |
U4-3 | Fuser temperature too high |
U4-4 | Fuser problem. Staying on too long |
U4-6 | High fuser temperature |
U5-1 | Sorter bin home switch not activated |
U5-2 | Sorter bin home switch stayed actuated |
U5-3, U5-4 | Sorter bin home switch |
U6-1 | ROM problem |
U6-2 | RAM problem |
U6-3 | Low battery |
U6-4 | Incorrect value in NVM. Reinitialize main board with code 20-96 |
U8-1 to U8-6 | Problem with exposure lamp, lamp sensor, lamp board |
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- Xerox® VersaLink® C500 C505 C600 C605 Error Codes
Xerox® VersaLink® C500 C505 C600 C605 Error Codes
21st June 2021
Having problems? here’s a handy list of Xerox error codes that will help you identify the problem.
If the problem continues, send us an email to sales@xentair.com and we can help you further.
002-500 ui control panel error | 003-311 iit cdi I/f mismatch | 003-318 003-319 iit software fail | 003-320 to 003-343 iiss-ess communication fail | 003-344 iiss-ess x hotline fail 003-345 003-346 x pio mismatch error | 003-700 returned documents error | 003-701 duplication prevention code error | 003-702 different magnification error | 003-703 003-704 colour correction error | 003-705 energy saving paper size mismatch error | 003-750 insufficient documents duplex book error | 003-751 capacity error | 003-752 932 935 600dpi cannot be scanned error | 003-753 913 930 933 300dpi cannot be scanned error | 003-754 003-756 s2x error | 003-757 931 934 400dpi cannot be scanned error | 003-760 003-761 scan settings error | 003-763 adjustment chart not found error | 003-764 document insufficient (image overlay) error | 003-780 scan image compression error | 003-795 ams limit error | 003-940 insufficient memory error | 003-941 insufficient page memory error | 003-942 003-956 document size auto detect error | 003-944 repeat image count fail error | 003-946 image rotation (copy aps) error | 003-947 948 document error | 003-952 document colour mismatch error | 003-955 documents size exchange error | 003-956 documents size unknown error | 003-963 and 003-966 ats/aps error | 003-965 ats/aps error | 003-970 003-976 fax line memory error | 003-971 prevention code detect with the right to cancel error | 003-972 maximum stored page error | 003-973 image rotation error | 003-974 next original specification error | 003-977 document mismatch (multi scan) error | 003-978 colour document mismatch (multi scan) error | 005-121 123 124 900 906 908 911 940 947 948 dadf jam error | 005-194 size mismatch jam on ss mix size error | 005-198 too short size jam error | 005-199 too long size jam error | 005-210 dadf download fail error | 005-275 dadf ram fail error | 005-280 dadf eeprom fail error | 005-305 dadf jam error | 005-941 not enough documents error | 010-105 010-106 fusing assembly exit sensor error | 010-321 fusing unit nip fail error | 010-329 to 010-346 fusing assembly hr error | 010-420 and 010-421 fusing assembly life error | 011-101 and 011-102 mbx vertical sensor error | 011-210 and 011-334 mbx nvm and downloader fail error | 011-301 mbx rear cover open error | 011-912 mbx static jam error | 011-941 to 011-944 mbx static jam error | 012-122 compile tray exit sensor off jam error | 012-152 compile tray exit sensor on jam error | 012-161 finisher set eject jam error | 012-210 and 012-334 finisher nvm and downloader fail error | 012-211 to 012-213 stacker tray fail error | 012-239 to 012-240 finisher sub-paddle home sensor on/off fail error | 012-259 to 012-280 finisher eject home sensor on/off fail error | 012-283 to 012-284 finisher set clamp home sensor on/off fail error | 012-290 staple cover interlock 24v disconnect fail error | 012-291 stapler fail error | 012-405 stapler near empty error | 012-912 finisher static jam error | 013-286 and 013-287 right tamper home snr on/off fail error | 013-288 and 013-289 left tamper home snr on/off fail error | 014-302 finisher rear cover interlock open error | 014-303 staple cover interlock open error | 016-210 506 777 780 798 hdd error | 016-211 016-212 sw option fail memory low error | 016-214 sw option fail (fax card) error | 016-234 016-235 xcp error | 016-242 system gmt clock fail error | 016-244 self-signed certificate auto update fail error | 016-310 ssmm job log full error | 016-311 315 319 354 scanner/iit error | s error | 016-314 sw option fail (hybrid watermark) error | 016-320 document formatter fatal error | 016-321 fax module error | 016-323 b-formatter fatal error | 016-324 scheduled image overwrite error | 016-325 using personal certificate error | 016-326 362 607 ui cable connection fail error | 016-328 connection fail error | 016-330 to 016-332 cont system memory fail error | 016-342 to 016-345 controller fail error | 016-346 cont a4fax modem diagnosis fail error | 016-349 to 016-351 emmc card error | s error | 016-352 609 610 internal network init/pci/pciex fail error | 016-353 356 606 iot-controller communication fail error | 016-354 iot-controller communication fail error | 016-355 016-356 controller asic fail error | 016-359 360 361 controller usb fail error | 016-360 016-362 controller ui fail error | 016-366 016-367 controller hdd fail error | 016-371 controller usb 1.1 host fail error | 016-383 controller os communication fail error | 016-400 401 402 403 406 802.1x authentication failure — network1 error | 016-404 802.1x inside failure error | 016-405 certificate db file error | 016-407 to 016-412 xcp error | 016-421 input tray is removed error | 016-422 016-423 offline error | 016-424 016-425 power mode error | 016-426 dhcp error | 016-427 428 429 430 431 432 802.1x failures (network 2) error | 016-450 smb host name duplicated error | 016-453 016-454 ipv6/dynamic dns failure error | 016-455 016-456 sntp time out error | 016-461 under non-transmitted image log stagnation error | 016-500 rom write error | (during dld method) error | 016-503 to 016-505 smtp server fail for redirector error | 016-506 imagelog hdd full error | 016-507 016-508 image log send fail error | 016-509 016-510 image log no send rule error | 016-511 016-512 image log invalid send rule error | 016-513 smtp server reception error | 016-514 xps error | 016-515 xps short of memory 016-516 xps print ticket description error | 016-518 ps booklet conflict wm error | 016-519 device dv limit reached error | 016-521 smartcard not found error | 016-522 ldap ssl error | 112 error | 016-523 ldap ssl error | 113 error | 016-524 016-525 ldap ssl error | 114 and 115 error | 016-526 ldap ssl error | 116 error | 016-527 ldap ssl error | 117 error | 016-528 smart card not authorised error | 016-529 remote download server timeout error | 016-533 kerberos attestation protocol error | 37 error | 016-534 kerberos attestation protocol error | 41 and 42 error | 016-535 remote download file access error | 016-536 host name solution error | in remote download error | 016-537 remote download server connection error | 016-538 remote download file write error | 016-539 kerberos attestation other protocol error | 016-543 545 546 548 553 554 555 556 557 558 attestation agent error | 016-559 remote download parameter error | 016-560 attestation agent error | 560 error | 016-562 detected user duplication error | 016-563 imagelog memory full (exp. Kit) error | 016-564 remote download server authentication failed error | 016-565 backup restore error | 016-566 backup restore condition error | 016-567 backup capacity full error | 016-568 backup restore failed error | 016-570 job ticket out of memory error | 016-571 job ticket wrong parameters error | 016-572 job ticket media error | 016-573 job ticket parse error | 016-574 ftp host name solution error | 016-575 ftp dns server error | 016-576 ftp server connection error | 016-577 ftp service error | 016-578 ftp login name or password error | 016-579 ftp scanning picture preservation place error | 016-580 ftp file name acquisition failure error | 016-581 ftp file name suffix limit error | 016-582 016-588 ftp file creation failure error | 016-583 016-584 ftp folder creation failure error | 016-585 587 589 ftp file delete/read failure error | 016-586 ftp lock folder delete failure error | 016-590 ftp data reading failure error | 016-591 ftp scan filing policy error | 016-592 ftp dat file access error | 016-593 to 016-596 ftp error | 016-597 same file on ftp server error | 016-598 016-599 email message size error | 016-600 016-601 ko authentication locked error | 016-604 debug log created error | 016-606 016-608 controller connection fail error | 016-609 016-610 pci option fail error | 016-611 emmc card connection fail error | 016-700 password below minimum error | 016-701 out of art ex memory error | 016-702 out of page buffer error | 016-703 email to invalid box error | 016-704 mailbox full error | 016-705 secure print fail error | 016-706 maximum user number exceeded error | 016-707 sample print fail error | 016-708 annotation/watermark hdd full error | 016-709 art ex command error | 016-710 delayed print fail error | 016-711 email transmission size limit error | 016-712 panther capacity error | 016-713 016-714 security box error | 016-715 escp form invalid password error | 016-716 tiff data overflow error | 016-717 fax send result not found error | 016-718 out of pcl6 memory error | 016-719 out of pcl memory error | 016-720 pcl command error | 016-721 and 016-722 settings error | 016-725 b-formatter library image conversion error | 016-726 pdl auto switch fail error | 016-727 unstorable document error | 016-728 unsupported tiff data error | 016-729 tiff data size error | 016-731 016-732 invalid data error | 016-733 destination address resolution error | 016-735 updating job template error | 016-741 download mode fail error | 016-742 download data product id mismatch error | 016-743 device model/panel type error | 016-744 download data checksum error | 016-745 download data xpjl fatal error | 016-746 016-751 unsupported pdf file error | 016-747 drawing annotation memory error | 016-748 774 775 778 981 hdd full error | 016-749 jcl syntax error | 016-750 print job ticket description error | 016-752 pdf short of memory error | 016-753 pdf password mismatched error | 016-755 pdf print prohibited error | 016-756 auditron-prohibit service error | 016-757 auditron invalid user error | 016-758 auditron disabled function error | 016-759 auditron limit reached error | 016-760 ps decompose failure error | 016-761 fifo empty error | 016-762 print language not installed error | 016-763 pop server connect error | 016-764 smtp server connect error | 016-765 016-766 smtp server error | 016-767 invalid email address error | 016-768 invalid sender address error | 016-769 smtp server unsupported dsn error | 016-770 direct fax function canceled error | 016-772 scan data repository error | 016-776 image conversion error | 016-779 scan image conversion error | 016-781 server connect error | 016-786 hdd full scan write error | 016-788 retrieve to browser failed error | 016-790 email fragment over error | 016-792 specified job not found error | 016-794 media not inserted error | 016-795 media reader format error | 016-796 document insert operation error | 016-797 image file read error | 016-799 plw print instruction fail error | 016-910 016-911 required resource not ready error | 016-917 to 016-919 toner y/m/c life end error | 016-940 to 016-949 incorrect job settings error | 016-982 hdd access error | 2 error | 016-983 image log hdd full error | 016-985 scan to email data size error | 017-500 job limit illegal response error | 017-501 multiple permission restrictions error | 017-503 password over maximum error | 017-504 017-505 017-506 joblimit server connection fail error | 017-507 disabled direct print error | 017-713 start tls unsupported fail error | 017-714 smtp over ssl fail error | 017-715 ssl certificate fail error | 017-716 to 017-718 ssl certificate (smtp) fail error | 017-719 smtp over ssl internal fail error | 017-720 017-721 pjl command fail error | 017-722 total impressions over fail error | 017-723 docuworks unsupported character fail error | 017-725 forced annotation syntax fail error | 017-728 scan job-flow document fail error | 017-729 temporary error | in pdl transfer error | 017-730 network error | in pdl transfer error | 017-731 pop server not connected error | 017-732 offline error | in pdl transfer error | 017-733 internal error | in pdl transfer error | 017-734 ipp data error | 017-735 unauthorised auditron user error | 017-737 017-738 017-746 out of memory fail error | 017-739 017-740 transfer service not available error | 017-741 custom transfer invalid plug-in error | 017-742 to 017-744 custom transfer plug-in connection error | 017-747 custom transfer plug-in connection timeout error | 017-748 custom transfer plug-in invalid device error | 017-749 custom transfer plug-in xml fail error | 017-750 custom transfer plug-in internal fail error | 017-751 custom transfer plug-in other fail error | 017-755 software download via network fail error | 017-759 download data inspection error | 017-760 017-766 pop over ssl fail error | 017-761 017-767 ssl server cert untrusted (pop) error | 017-762 763 764 768 769 770 ssl certificate (pop) fail error | 017-765 017-771 pop over ssl internal fail error | 017-772 scan all blank page fail error | 017-773 netlog task error | 017-774 message lost error | 017-775 network api error | 017-776 017-777 syslog server error | 017-778 queue error | 017-779 link error | 017-780 held job timeout error | 017-782 784 85 786 custom image processing plug-in error | 017-783 custom image processing memory error | 017-787 google cloud print data error | 017-789 job limit estimation logic fail error | 017-790 to 017-799 print permission error | 018-400 ipsec configuration mismatch error | 018-405 user account disabled error | 018-406 setting status of ip address (ipv4) error | 018-407 setting status of ip address (ipv6) error | 018-408 018-429 018-430 duplicate ip address ipv4 (wifi) error | 018-409 412 413 duplicate ipv6 address 1 error | 018-410 018-411 dynamic dns update failure error | 018-414 duplicate ipv6 address 2 error | 018-415 duplicate ipv6 address 3 error | 018-416 duplicate ipv6 address 4 error | 018-424 wlan wpa-enterprise certificate empty failure error | 018-425 wlan wpa-enterprise certificate unavailability failure error | 018-426 wlan wpa-enterprise server certificate failure 018-427 duplicate ip address range wi-fi and wi-fi direct 018-428 wlan module connection failure error | 018-431 duplicate ipv6 address (wifi) error | 018-432 duplicate ipv6 address (wifi) error | 018-433 duplicate ipv6 address (wifi) error | 018-434 duplicate ipv6 address (wifi) error | 018-435 duplicate ipv6 address (wifi) error | 018-436 duplicate ipv6 address (wifi) error | 018-439 018-440 018-441 wi-fi direct stops error | 018-500 501 503 504 506 507 508 ca server error | 018-502 smb login failure error | 018-505 smb-dos protocol error | 018-509 template parameter conflict error | 018-524 invalid device network setting error | 018-525 hdd full or access error | 018-526 to 529 531 532 cui scan error | 018-530 authentication error | 018-543 shared name error | in smb server error | 018-547 smb scan users restriction error | 018-556 http server script error | 018-557 http invalid character in filename error | 018-558 http file not found error | 018-559 http file duplication fail error | 018-560 to 018-563 http server login fail error | 018-564 host name solution error | in http error | 018-565 proxy name solution error | in http error | 018-566 018-567 server connect error | in http error | 018-568 http server ssl access fail error | 018-569 http server certificate fail error | 018-570 http certificate fail error | 018-571 internal error | in scan error | 018-587 file duplication fail error | 018-588 scan filing policy invalid error | 018-589 nextname file error | 018-590 same name exists error | 018-591 file name suffix over limit error | 018-592 018-593 lock folder fail error | 018-595 detected user duplication error | 018-596 018-700 network error | 018-701 to 018-705 ldap protocol error | s 01 to 05 error | 018-709 active communication is unavailable now fail error | 018-710 to 018-714 ldap protocol error | s 10 to 14 error | 018-715 kerberos attestation protocol error | 73 error | 018-716 to 018-721 ldap protocol error | s 16 to 21 error | 018-722 gcp network fail error | 018-723 018-740 gcp certification fail error | 018-724 gcp ssl connection fail error | 018-725 kerberos attestation protocol error | 22 error | 018-726 kerberos attestation protocol error | 70 error | 018-727 kerberos attestation protocol error | 71 error | 018-728 kerberos attestation protocol error | 72 error | 018-729 730 731 740 738 739 743 744 745 746 gcp network fail error | 018-732 to 018-736 ldap protocol error | s 32 to 36 error | 018-737 018-741 gcp other fail error | 018-747 server not found in smb error | 018-748 750 751 752 753 754 ldap protocol error | s 48 50 to 36 error | 018-749 ldap protocol error | 49 error | 018-755 server connection error | in smb error | 018-756 server login response timeout in smb error | 018-757 host name solution error | in smb error | 018-758 018-759 picture preservation or file name error | 018-760 dfs link error | in smb error | 018-761 out of server memory in smb error | 018-762 server response timeout in smb error | 018-763 character convert error | in smb error | 018-764 to 018-769 018-771 ldap protocol error | s error | 018-770 ldap protocol error | 70 error | 018-772 shared name not found in server error | 018-773 shared name error | in server error | 018-780 to 018-784 ldap protocol error | s 80 and 82 to 84 error | 018-781 ldap protocol error | 81 error | 018-785 ldap protocol error | 85 error | 018-786 to 797 ldap protocol error | s 86 to 97 error | 01a +5vdc power fault error | 01b +24vdc power fault error | 021-210 to 021-212 usb ic card reader error | 021-214 usb ic card reader encryption setting error | 021-401 usb ic card reader connection error | 021-505 021-506 ssl error | 021-509 515 516 522 invalid message detected error | 021-523 internal error | 021-524 to 012-528 communications error | 021-533 021-534 unsupported rom set error | 023-500 ui rom download fail error | 023-600 023-601 ui key error | 024-312 313 314 315 iot nvm backup restore error | 024-322 and 024-223 seeprom refurbish fail error | 024-340 to 024-360 iot-ess communication fail 1 error | 024-361 invalid iot paper size error | 024-362 024-363 page sync illegal start or stop error | 024-364 dma transfer fail error | 024-365 overflow on loop back write error | 024-366 jbig library other fail error | 024-367 decompress other fail error | 024-368 pci error | 024-370 marker code detection fail error | 024-371 372 373 375 iot-ess communication fail 2 error | 024-376 iot-ess communication fail 25 error | 024-600 to 024-614 counter repair error | 024-615 iot unsupported drum shut off error | 024-616 to 024-618 serial number error | 024-619 to 024-621 product number error | 024-701 invalid instruction of face inversion error | 024-702 paper jam error | 024-705 forced annotation template fail error | 024-707 duplex inversion prohibited (duplex) error | 024-708 duplex inversion prohibited (face down) error | 024-746 024-747 print request failure error | 024-748 bates numbering digit exceeded error | 024-910 and 024-959 tray 1 size mismatch error | 024-911 and 024-960 tray 2 size mismatch error | 024-912 and 024-961 tray 3 size mismatch error | 024-913 and 024-962 tray 4 size mismatch error | 024-916 finisher stacker mix full stack error | 024-917 stacker tray staple set over count error | 024-920 center output tray is full error | 024-923 to 024-925 toner cartridge empty error | 024-933 024-940 024-941 drum cartridge life end error | 024-934 paper type mismatch error | 024-946 tray 1 out of place error | 024-947 to 024-949 and 028-989 tray 2 3 4 5 out of place error | 024-950 tray 1 empty error | 024-951 to 024-953 tray 2 3 4 out of paper error | 024-954 msi tray out of paper error | 024-958 bypass tray size mismatch error | 024-965 024-966 ats/aps error | 024-967 and 024-968 stapler paper mixed width and batting error | 024-976 finisher staple status ng error | 024-977 staple cartridge fault error | 024-979 finisher stapler near empty error | 024-980 finisher tray full error | 024-982 stacker lower safety warning error | 025-596 025-597 hdd diagnostics error | 026-400 usb host connection number exceeded error | 026-402 changed iot speed error | 026-403 stop printing and wait for toner cooling error | 026-700 ldap protocol error | 026-701 address book request overflow error | 026-702 address book directory service overflow error | 026-703 abort with logout error | 026-708 url data over size error | 026-709 url hdd full error | 026-710 s/mime unsupported cipher error | 026-711 multi-page file size error | 026-712 http out job overlap error | 026-718 ps print instruction fail error | 026-719 internal error | in scan error | 026-720 to 026-723 media error | 026-726 inconsistent options error | 026-727 media filepath fail error | 026-728 026-729 wsd scan error | 026-730 tray paper size not detected error | 026-731 to 026-733 pjl fail error | 026-734 pjl diag mode error | 026-739 waiting scan job deleted error | 027-442 to 027-444 duplicate ip address 1 error | 027-445 illegal ip address error | 027-446 duplicate ip address 2 error | 027-447 duplicate ip address 3 error | 027-452 duplicate ip address 4 error | 027-500 smtp server fail for mail io error | 027-501 pop server fail for mail io error | 027-502 pop authentication fail for mail io error | 027-503 504 533 773 785 786 server communication timeout error | 027-513 smb scan client access error | 027-514 host name solution error | in smb error | 027-515 dns server setup in smb error | 027-516 server connection error | in smb error | 027-518 login name or password error | in smb error | 027-519 scanning picture preservation place error | 027-520 file name acquisition failure error | 027-521 file name suffix limit over in smb error | 027-522 file creation failure in smb error | 027-523 lock folder creation failure in smb error | 027-524 folder creation failure in smb error | 027-525 027-527 file delete failure in smb error | 027-526 lock folder delete failure in smb error | 027-528 data write failure to smb server error | 027-529 data read failure from smb server error | 027-530 file name duplicate failure in smb error | 027-531 smb scan filing policy injustice error | 027-532 nextname file access error | in smb error | 027-543 smb server name specification error | 027-547 027-548 smb protocol error | s 1 error | 027-549 572 573 574 576 smb protocol error | 4-009 error | 027-564 smb protocol error | 4-024 error | 027-565 027-578 smb protocol error | s 2 error | 027-566 smb protocol error | 4-026 error | 027-569 smb (tcp/ip) not started error | 027-584 smb protocol error | 4-044 error | 027-585 smb protocol error | 4-045 error | 027-586 smb protocol error | 4-046 error | 027-587 smb protocol error | 4-047 error | 027-588 027-589 smb protocol error | s 3 error | 027-590 smb protocol error | 4-050 error | 027-591 smb protocol error | 4-051 error | 027-700 mail address domain error | 027-701 disconnected network cable error | 027-702 to 027-706 027-709 certificate for addresses error | 027-710 to 027-716 s/mime mail error | 027-717 no mx record at dns error | 027-720 027-721 extension server error | 027-722 extension server timeout error | 027-723 extension server authentication fail error | 027-724 to 027-726 extension server access fail error | 027-727 extension server parameters error | 027-728 extension server file exceeded error | 027-730 smtp mail division error | 027-732 server access error | 027-733 server ssl error | 027-734 server certificate error | 027-735 device ssl configuration error | 027-736 device certificate error | 027-737 template server read error | 027-739 invalid template server path error | 027-740 template server login error | 027-741 template server connect fail error | 027-742 hdd file system full error | 027-743 template server install error | 027-744 template server error | 1 error | 027-745 template server error | 2 error | 027-746 job template pool server not ready error | 027-750 fax document incongruent error | 027-751 job template analysis error | 027-752 required user entry not entered error | 027-753 job flow service request disabled error | 027-754 job flow service file signature mismatch error | 027-757 extension server ssl fail error | 027-758 system credential setting error | 027-759 reference server connection error | 027-760 xjt command fail error | 027-761 web print timeout error | 027-762 illegal web print job ticket error | 027-763 auditron cannot check user error | 027-764 airprint scan data transfer fail error | 027-765 host name solution error | in webdav error | 027-766 proxy name solution error | in webdav error | 027-767 webdav server ssl access fail error | 027-768 webdav server certificate fail error | 027-769 webdav server access fail error | 027-772 773 774 776 smtp server error | 027-775 too many smtp addresses error | 027-777 smtp server non support error | 027-778 no mode specified by smtp-auth error | 027-779 attestation-fails by smtp-auth error | 027-780 webdav network interface fail error | 027-781 webdav spool size over error | 027-782 webdav server redirector limit error | 027-783 webdav user authentication error | 027-784 webdav proxy server authentication error | 027-785 027-786 webdav server time-out error | 027-787 webdav file name duplication fail error | 027-788 027-793 webdav request fail error | 027-789 791 795 access forbidden error | 027-790 webdav file not found error | 027-794 webdav server internal fail error | 027-796 email not printed error | 027-797 invalid output destination error | 027-798 jfs target document not found error | 027-799 webdav server insufficient storage error | 028-910 wrong fuser type error | 028-986 and 028-987 paper size/no paper detected error | 028-988 and 028-990 tray 5 size mismatch error | 029-700 029-701 webdav server response error | 029-702 webdav client error | 029-703 airprint scan client error | 029-704 029-711 invalid pacfile error | 029-705 706 709 712 713 716 pacfile communications error | 029-707 708 714 715 pacfile not found error | 029-710 029-717 pacfile url not found error | 029-792 webdav server conflict error | 033-310 fax charge function fail error | 033-311 invalid address book data error | 033-312 318 324 fax fault error | 033-328 to 033-340 failed to initialise fax log error | 033-330 to 033-336 non-mounted channel error | 033-339 fax 2 not responding error | 033-363 fax card reset (reboot) error | 033-500 to 033-507 remote machine error | 033-508 033-511 destination polling error | 033-509 dcs/nss resend exceeded error | 033-510 fallback error | 033-514 516 517 521 522 033-526 to 033-529 remote machine error | 1 error | 033-523 033-546 line not connected error | 033-530 dtmf illegal procedure error | 033-531 532 533 544 552 578 remote machine error | 2 error | 033-535 dcn receive at phase b send error | 033-536 537 540 568 575 577 send/receive error | 033-541 033-566 no destination specified error | 033-543 567 576 702 703 dial error | 033-545 t0 timeout error | 033-547 abort during transmission error | 033-548 no manual send line error | 033-549 551 583 fax service disabled error | 033-550 cannot disable fax service error | 033-553 no folder/relay error | 033-554 wrong password/receive banned error | 033-555 033-556 incorrect password error | 033-557 033-565 destinations or services exceeded error | 033-558 033-559 remote id rejection error | 033-560 561 562 tress/rcc error | 033-563 033-569 no printable paper size error | 033-564 033-570 power off during transmission error | 033-571 033-588 manual send job canceled error | 033-572 fax report print job canceled error | 033-573 domain regulation check error | 033-580 missing voip gateway error | 033-586 t38 protocol not ready error | 033-593 canceled by remote peer error | 033-700 t1 timeout fail error | 033-701 retry timeout error | 033-710 712 713 717 718 719 721 document not found error | 033-716 no specified folder error | 033-724 fax receive memory over flow error | 033-726 728 734 737 738 751 fax printing error | 033-733 735 741 743 744 745 746 750 fax document number error | 041-310 im logic fail error | 041-340 to 041-363 mcu nvm (eeprom) fail error | 041-388 mk logic fail error | 041-603 041-604 temp/humidity sensor fail error | 042-313 rear cooling fan1 fail error | 042-325 main motor fault error | 042-335 device fault (main fan fail) error | 042-336 device fault (sub fan fail) error | 042-348 over temperature detect fail error | 044-329 shutdown fail error | 044-370 sub motor rotation failure error | 045-310 image ready ng error | 045-311 controller communication fail error | 045-370 lph dl fail power error | 045-371 lph dl fail mult error | 047-216 finisher comm fail error | 050-701 paper jam error | 058-310 311 315 316 317 fusing error | 059-314 315 326 fusing error | 059-321 059-324 fusing error | 060-341 to 060-352 lph fault error | 061-354 to 061-357 and 061-362 to 061-393 lph fault error | 061-358 to 061-361 lph config fail error | 062-277 316 399 dadf fail error | 062-300 platen interlock open error | 062-311 313 321 360 371 380 386 389 393 396-398 iit fail error | 062-345 iit eeprom fail error | 062-362 x hard fail error | 062-395 trans power failure detected error | 062-790 recognition fail error | 065-221 to 065-225 cis fail error | 071-101 paper jam in tray 1 error | 071-401 072-401 073-401 074-401 077-407 tray 1 2 3 4 5 feed roll near life error | 071-402 072-402 073-402 074-402 077-408 tray 2 3 4 5 feed roll life over error | 071-404 072-404 073-404 074-404 tray 1 2 3 4 feed roll pre near life error | 072-101 and 072-103 jam in tray 2/tray 3 error | 072-210 and 073-210 tray 2 tray 3 lift up fail error | (hcf only) 072-310 073-310 074-310 tray 2 — 4 motor fail error | 072-311 073-311 074-311 tray 2-4 mode fail error | 072-312 073-312 074-312 077-359 feeder 2 3 4 5 maker mismatch fail error | 073-101 and 074-101 jam in tray 3 tray 4 error | 073-103 and 074-108 path 3 4 paper jam error | 075-100 jam in bypass tray error | 077-101 and 077-119 paper jam error | 077-104 paper jam in the device error | 077-117 option registration on jam error | 077-123 registration sensor jam (duplex) error | 077-300 front cover open error | 077-302 device right side door is open error | 077-314 p/h module logic fail error | 077-322 option comm fail (opf 550) error | 077-323 ph motor fail error | 077-327 feeder composition fail error | 077-909 paper jam error | 082-101 paper jam in tray 5 error | 082-310 tray 5 motor fail error | 082-311 tray 5 mode fail error | 082-400 tray 5 feed roll pre near life error | 089-600 to 089-617 rc fail error | 089-623 to 089-679 led offset correction error | 091-300 device rear door open error | 091-312 hvps cc fail error | 091-313 091-402 091-480 to 482 091-913 to 929 drum/crum error | 091-316 sub motor fail error | 091-400 and 091-405 waste cartridge error | 091-401 to 400-436 drum/crum error | 091-911 waste toner bottle full error | 092-312 to 092-315 atc sensor fault error | 092-318 to 092-321 adc patch system fail error | 092-606 094-310 094-325 094-326 adc/ctd fail error | 092-675 to 092-678 adc tone patch fail error | 092-911 to 092-914 toner cartridge uncertain empty [x] error | 092-916 environment snr sensor fail error | 093-324 deve ymc motor fail error | 093-339 toner or drum crum authentication fail error | 093-400 to 093-425 cartridge near empty error | 093-912 toner cartridge empty [k] error | 093-913 to 093-939 and 096-918 crum error | 094-318 1st btr position fail error | 094-417 ibt near life end error | 094-420 ibt life over error | 094-911 transfer belt position fail error | 099-396 to 099-399 fuser temperature fault error | 102-311 to 102-319 usb dongle error | s error | 102-356 ews soft fail error | 103-314 prohibited originals error | 116-210 and 116-211 media reader error | 116-212 and 116-220 ess error | 116-312 and 116-313 hdd encrypt fail error | 116-314 ethernet address fail error | 116-321 322 328 329 338 software error | 116-323 ess nvram w/r check fail error | 116-324 116-328 exception fail error | 116-325 ess fan fail error | 116-330 336 337 339 353 354 356 361 388 hdd fail error | 116-331 invalid log info error | 116-334 ess nvram data compare fail 116-342 393 394 rom version incorrect error | 116-343 346 357 359 main pwb error | 116-348 349 redirector fail error | 116-355 358 360 363 370 374 379 395 362 117-330 118-311 soft fail error | 116-363 370 373 376 fatal error | 116-364 timer fail error | 116-365 366 368 371 372 373 375 377 sw fail error | 116-378 379 395 mcr/mcc soft fail error | 116-380 ess font rom dimm #1check fail error | 116-381 abl version fail error | 116-382 abl initialise fail error | 116-383 pit lib failure error | 116-384 116-385 dcs/idc software fail error | 116-386 incorrect usb port used for fax error | 116-391 illegal code error | 116-396 error | s140 self test fail error | 116-397 illegal setting area coverage threshold error | 116-399 under initialisation for 10 minutes error | 116-701 out of memory duplex fail error | 116-702 print with substitute font error | 116-703 postscript lang interpreter err error | 116-704 to 116-709 716 717 media reader format error | 116-710 hp-gl/2 overflow error | 116-714 hp-gl/2 commanderror | 116-719 xpif parameter cancelled error | 116-720 pcl memory low page simplified error | 116-721 to 116-728 colour print permissions error | 116-725 hdd full for image log error | 116-738 size/orientation mismatch error | 116-739 741 742 743 out of memory error | 116-740 arithmetic error | 116-746 selected form not registered error | 116-747 116-748 invalid page data error | 116-749 postscript font error | 116-749 postscript font error | 116-752 print job ticket error | 116-790 stapling canceled error | 117-310 wsd scan s/w fail error | 117-312 device self test error | 117-313 geog error | hic region change fail error | 117-314 and 117-315 contract type/geog error | hic region changed error | 117-316 contract manager software fail error | 117-317 117-318 contract manager ppp error | 117-319 and 117-320 emmc fail error | 117-321 117-324 emmc card invalid type fail error | 117-322 emmc card encrypt fail error | 117-323 emmc file access fail error | 117-325 contract manager rtc hardware fail error | 117-326 ess nvram sw access fail error | 117-327 ess nvram emmc card hw access fail error | 117-327 ess nvram emmc card hw access fail error | 117-330 118-311 soft fail error | 117-332 117-335 uninitialised or invalid nvm error | 117-333 348 364 uninitialised or used emmc error | 117-343 log sending parameter fail error | 117-344 invalid user job type fail error | 117-345 ssmm batch setting duration fail error | 117-354 356 358 job limit system fail error | 117-357 tpm fail error | 117-360 date limit exceeding fail error | 117-362 117-363 usb dongle fail error | 117-365 wifi long diag fail error | 118-310 ipsec internal fail error | 121-316 accessory conflict error | 121-318 auth/account settings not supported error | 123-310 to 123-399 ui error | 124-310-314 316 318 322 324 340 356 357 360 id/billing/data mismatch error | … 124-315 317 355 dc132 error | 02 04 and 14 error | 124-319 dc132 error | 08 error | 124-320 seeprom fail error | 124-321 backup sram fail error | 124-323 dc132 06 error | 124-325 billing restoration fail error | 124-326 iot speed not registered error | 124-327 iot speed change fail error | 124-334 to 124-335 ess rom dimm error | 124-337 ess standard ram error | 124-341 351 361 381 391 crum market fail mcu error | 124-342 343 352 362 363 382 383 392 393 crum fail sys error | 124-344 346 348 billing meter mismatch error | 124-345 billing meter type restoration fail error | 124-347 billing count type restoration fail error | 124-349 modal break points restoration fail error | 124-350 354 380 390 crum oem fail all error | 124-359 iot nvm backup restore fail 1 error | 124-372 to 124-374 iot soft fail error | 125-311 314 315 342 psw controller unexpected fail error | 127-310 ess task fatal error | 127-353 354 396 398 399 fatal error | 133-210 to 133-224 133-226 133-701 fax parameter incorrect error | 133-701 replacement character detected error | 133-710 tray select fail error | 500-030 dc612 print ng iot wait state error | 500-033 500-035 diag documents error | 500-990 dc612 printing by any reason error |
Модератор: vetal
Добрый день. Клиент, на Xerox 6515, установил тонер картридж «Кактус», после чего появилась грязь при печати, именно чёрного цвета. Сняв ленту переноса, обнаружил в ней небольшую дырочку, как раз в том месте где появляется грязь. Обнаружил, что через эту дырку, тонер попадает на подпружиненный вал, налипает на нём, небольшим слоем. Из за этого налипания, лента переноса слегка прогибается и ракель не счищает тонер в этом месте. Так как на предыдущим картридже ХайБлэк, этого дефекта не было и лента переноса стоит бешеных денег, решил заменить тонер- картридж. Поставил ХайБлэк. Но перед этим вычистил тонер из принт картридж от тонера «Кактус». Теперь, при включении выдаёт ошибку 092-321 (передёрните чёрный картридж и перезагрузите принтер). Магнитный вал принт картриджа белый, без тонера. Искал датчик, который определяет наличие тонера в принт картридже или по пути, в трубке, но не нашёл. Подскажите, где находится этот датчик, сто бы его временно заблокировать, пока притт картридж не наполнится тонером? Или можно как то снять эту ошибку? Всё перепроверил 2 раза. Ничего не повреждено. Ставил обратно «Кактус». Не помогает.
- Понюхал тонер
- Персональный альбом
Xerox Phaser 6600 «Invalid Yellow» / «Неверный желтый»
kotya-potya в форуме Принтеры, МФУ, факсы, копиры формата A4
- 5
- 5929
Пн ноя 18, 2019 8:24 pm
Xerox Phaser 6600 «Invalid Yellow» / «Неверный желтый»
Xerox WC 3119: «Замятие 1»
kokubenko в форуме Принтеры, МФУ, факсы, копиры формата A4
- 22
- 40003
Ср ноя 23, 2011 4:47 pm
Xerox WC 3119: «Замятие 1»
«Неисправность» финишера Xerox 7556
v1684 в форуме Принтеры, МФУ, копиры формата A3
- 21
- 13712
Ср сен 19, 2018 4:44 pm
«Неисправность» финишера Xerox 7556
Xerox WC3220 — Ложное замятие бумаги, Замятие 0
Romeo в форуме Принтеры, МФУ, факсы, копиры формата A4
- 25
- 11961
Пн окт 12, 2020 7:13 pm
Xerox WC3220 — Ложное замятие бумаги, Замятие 0
Xerox 3428 «Установите Картридж»
Roller-ch в форуме Принтеры, МФУ, факсы, копиры формата A4
- 6
- 9735
Сб авг 27, 2011 6:42 pm
Xerox 3428 «Установите Картридж»
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Xerox versalink C405 toner cartridge errors question
Hi Guys, hope you are doing good.
i have this customer that first started getting the 092-319 for (the TC/SAD patch of M is abnormally pale) reinstall the magenta and reboot machine errors. it started happening intermittently with the OEM toner.
they bought a generic and it started again.i was there a week or two ago and it looked like the toner drive motor was turning the toners. the magenta copies and developer is extremely light.
i did a few things and they said after a day it was better. but came back.
it acts like there is a CRUM problem, but i see that CRUM errors display a different service code.
and i done know this machine well enough to know if when the machine reboots, it attempts to tone up, and if that fails, it throws the 092-319? but thats all i can get now.
some machines that use CRUM counters on the toner like Ricoh and Lanier color copiers, if the machine fails to tone up after 10 times, if refuses to use the existing toner, and you have to go into service mode to clear out the counter to continue to use the existing toner, and i forget, but maybe even with a new toner. like when the toner pump fails. you change the pump and clear the count.
so, i am wondering if this machine has the same issue? or is this purely a dispensing problem?
i am going to go back armed with the service mode sim code to turn on the developer motor and magenta dispense motor and see if it is actually moving toner.
i really appreciate any help or advice, Jim
Re: Xerox versalink C405 toner cartridge errors question
Originally Posted by tonerjockey
Hi Guys, hope you are doing good.
i have this customer that first started getting the 092-319 for (the TC/SAD patch of M is abnormally pale) reinstall the magenta and reboot machine errors. it started happening intermittently with the OEM toner.
they bought a generic and it started again.
i was there a week or two ago and it looked like the toner drive motor was turning the toners. the magenta copies and developer is extremely light.
i did a few things and they said after a day it was better. but came back.
it acts like there is a CRUM problem, but i see that CRUM errors display a different service code.
and i done know this machine well enough to know if when the machine reboots, it attempts to tone up, and if that fails, it throws the 092-319? but thats all i can get now.
some machines that use CRUM counters on the toner like Ricoh and Lanier color copiers, if the machine fails to tone up after 10 times, if refuses to use the existing toner, and you have to go into service mode to clear out the counter to continue to use the existing toner, and i forget, but maybe even with a new toner. like when the toner pump fails. you change the pump and clear the count.
so, i am wondering if this machine has the same issue? or is this purely a dispensing problem? i am going to go back armed with the service mode sim code to turn on the developer motor and magenta dispense motor and see if it is actually moving toner. i really appreciate any help or advice, Jim1) bad idea mixing OEM and compat toner. Compat toner IN ANY machine tends to fuck up the dev units and drums/belts/fusers.
2) IF I go to a customer with CQ/PQ probs, I will not service the unit due to the cost of PROPER repair…
you get what you pay for. Would you put crap oil or gas in YOUR car? not if you want full protection/performance from the car.
Re: Xerox versalink C405 toner cartridge errors question
yea, i can relate. no, i dont use crap supplies in my car. when i was kid, i didnt know of could afford the difference for an old car. but now, i wouldnt even think of it.
and i do sell a lot of junk toner and a lot of OEM. i usually let them decide, and then if it messes the developer up like in the Lanier LD 235/ Ricoh, a very costly waste, then i tell them i wont sell it.
but back to this, i will go back minyanna and see if i can verify that the toner auger is pumping.
Have nice evening Phil
092-312 to 315, 092-657 to 660, 092-665 to 668 ATC Sensor Fault RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 9.5 Development (2 of 2)
092-312 Toner density in the developer unit as detected by the yellow ATC sensor abnormal. This fault occurs when the difference between the maximum and minimum values in the ATC sensor measurement set is lower than the threshold value.
092-313 Toner density in the developer unit as detected by the magenta ATC sensor abnormal. This fault occurs when the difference between the maximum and minimum values in the ATC sensor measurement set is lower than the threshold value.
092-314 Toner density in the developer unit as detected by the cyan ATC sensor abnormal. This fault occurs when the difference between the maximum and minimum values in the ATC sensor measurement set is lower than the threshold value.
092-315 Toner density in the developer unit as detected by the black ATC sensor abnormal. This fault occurs when the difference between the maximum and minimum values in the ATC sensor measurement set is lower than the threshold value.
092-657 Toner density in the developer unit as detected by the yellow ATC sensor abnormal. This fault occurs when the difference between the maximum and minimum values in the ATC sensor measurement set is lower than the threshold value.
092-658 Toner density in the developer unit as detected by the magenta ATC sensor abnormal. This fault occurs when the difference between the maximum and minimum values in the ATC sensor measurement set is lower than the threshold value.
092-659 Toner density in the developer unit as detected by the cyan ATC sensor abnormal. This fault occurs when the difference between the maximum and minimum values in the ATC sensor measurement set is lower than the threshold value.
092-660 Toner density in the developer unit as detected by the black ATC sensor abnormal. This fault occurs when the difference between the maximum and minimum values in the ATC sensor measurement set is lower than the threshold value.
092-665 Toner density in the developer unit as detected by the yellow ATC sensor abnormal. This fault occurs when the average value of the ATC sensor measurement values is not between the upper and lower limit values.
092-666 Toner density in the developer unit as detected by the magenta ATC sensor abnormal. This fault occurs when the average value of the ATC sensor measurement values is not between the upper and lower limit values.
092-667 Toner density in the developer unit as detected by the cyan ATC sensor abnormal. This fault occurs when the average value of the ATC sensor measurement values is not between the upper and lower limit values.
092-668 Toner density in the developer unit as detected by the black ATC sensor abnormal. This fault occurs when the average value of the ATC sensor measurement values is not between the upper and lower limit values.
Initial Actions
• Perform IQ1 to check for a blank page image quality defect.
• Enter dC125. Check for the below faults and perform the applicable procedures as necessary:
– 024-923 to 024-925 Y/M/C Toner Cartridge Empty RAP
– 093-912 Black Toner Cartridge Empty RAP
WARNING: Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
NOTE: When this fault occurs, toner density control, by the ATC sensor, is not performed and ICDC (pixels) based toner supply control is performed instead. If the fault remains for a long time, image density error (too dark or too light) may occur.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
2. Check the wiring between the applicable ATC sensor, yellow ( P/J120), magenta ( P/J119), cyan ( P/J118), black ( P/J117) and the drive PWB ( P/J414) for an open circuit, short circuit or damage.
3. If the fault persists, replace a new cartridge CRUM (toner chip or drum chip) listed as below or install new components as necessary:
• Drum cartridge:
– Black drum cartridge, PL 90.20 Item 5.
– Yellow drum cartridge, PL 90.20 Item 8.
– Magenta drum cartridge, PL 90.20 Item 7.
– Cyan drum cartridge, PL 90.20 Item 6.
• Toner cartridge:
– Black toner cartridge, PL 90.05 Item 13.
– Yellow toner cartridge, PL 90.05 Item 10.
– Magenta toner cartridge, PL 90.05 Item 11.
– Cyan toner cartridge, PL 90.05 Item 12.
• Drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 4.
• ESS PWB, PL 3.10 Item 6.
• HVPS, PL 1.05 Item 7.
**This RAP is from Xerox Service Manual. All brand names and trademarks are their respective owner’s property.**
You may be also interested in below toner and drum chip (CRUM) for Xerox VersaLink C7020, C7025, C7030, C7000.
Toner Chip (For North America and West Europe Region):
• 106R03741 106R03744 106R03743 106R03742
• 106R03757 106R03760 106R03759 106R03758
• 106R03737 106R03740 106R03739 106R03738
Toner Chip (For South America and East Europe Region):
• 106R03749 106R03752 106R03751 106R03750
• 106R03745 106R03748 106R03747 106R03746
• 106R03765 106R03768 106R03767 106R03766
Toner Chip (For Metered Machine):
• 106R03733 106R03736 106R03735 106R03734
Drum Chip:
• 113R00780 113R00782