Ошибка 092 315 xerox 5330

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Сообщение dviz » Чт май 07, 2020 11:10 pm

Изменить размер шрифта ↓ВернутьИзменить размер шрифта ↑То есть вы не знаете, рабочий ли драм?

По 093-002 вы проверяете работает ли двигатель подмеса. Если у вас аппарат выпадает сразу в ошибку (после её появления, её нужно сбрасывать каждый раз, если чо) без попыток начать подмес, то очевидно ему не нравится что-то ещё.

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Сообщение Отец Виктор » Пт май 08, 2020 12:35 pm

Изменить размер шрифта ↓ВернутьИзменить размер шрифта ↑

dviz писал(а):А драм-то на другом аппарате работает?

По поводу работоспособности именно ЭТОГО драма точно сказать не могу, но у клиента он работал. Другого аппарата что бы проверить этот драм нету.

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Отец Виктор


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Сообщение Отец Виктор » Пт май 08, 2020 1:09 pm

Изменить размер шрифта ↓ВернутьИзменить размер шрифта ↑

Goldwater писал(а):Что погоняли? Как и сколько погоняли? С какого момента висит ошибка? Похоже, это вы сами с собой о чем-то своем…
1. Нет, нельзя (говорить).
2. Да, можно проверить.
3. Что с остальным по списку?

3)Ошибка появлялась (со слов клиента) до того как пошла грязная печать и до того как погнули контакты. Ещё раз повторюсь, что аппарат обслуживали «ребята по контракту». Когда пригласили меня (после того как пытались вставить другой драм), то ошибка ещё сбрасывалась путём вкл/выкл. Я предположил что это глюк из-за гнутых контактов (коротыш) но потом он встал основательно и соответственно вкл/выкл не помогало. Какие действия делали те «ребята по контракту» я не знаю.
На Ваш вопрос 3) То там (в списке) остался этот пункт «Тонер-картридж для внутренней блокировки тонера». Если я правильно понимаю, то это проверить отодвигается ли задвижка на тонер-картридже подачи тонера? Это проверили, она отодвигается.
Что касаемо дальше по списку «Если проблем не обнаружено, замените следующие детали в последовательности: • Барабанный картридж (PL 8.1) • PWB MCU (PL 18.2» То такой возможности заменить всё это нету.
Ещё есть такой момент: Когда пытаюсь замерить «концентрацию тонера» (в диагностики захожу в MAX setup? а дальше нажимаю Adjust Toner Densiti) то он пишет «запуск не возможен». Может конечно это называется им не замер «концентрации тонера» , может и эти действия ни к чему и не приведут, но всё же.
Да, опыта с таким аппаратом (он у нас впервые) у нас мало, от этого и прошу помочь разобраться с данной проблемой у тех кто знаком с таким аппаратом.
На следующей недели планирую заказать чип на ЭТОТ драм и посмотреть измениться ли ситуация или нет.

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Отец Виктор


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Сообщение dviz » Пт май 08, 2020 3:54 pm

Изменить размер шрифта ↓ВернутьИзменить размер шрифта ↑

Отец Виктор писал(а):

dviz писал(а):А драм-то на другом аппарате работает?

По поводу работоспособности именно ЭТОГО драма точно сказать не могу, но у клиента он работал. Другого аппарата что бы проверить этот драм нету.

То есть он работал, потом начались проблемы, которые решались сбрасыванием, потом начались проблемы которые перестали решаться сбрасыванием?

Попробуйте найти хотя бы аппарат для проверки этого драма (только учтите, что он может выпасть в ошибку тоже)). Без знания работоспособности драма, дальше двигаться нет особого смысла. Может контакты в нём повреждены, может датчик концентрации, может девелопер надо менять..

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BSD 9.3 — Development and Toner Dispense Control

The frequency at which the ATC Average Fail or the ATC Amplitude Fail has been occurring

has exceeded the threshold value.


Although this Fault can be cleared by turning the power OFF and ON and it will be possi-

ble to output a few sheets of printouts, when this Fault has occurred a certain number of

times, it will no longer be clearable by turning the power OFF and ON. To clear it, clear the

value of NVM location [752-022] (ATC Average Fail) or NVM location [752-023] (ATC

Amplitude Fail) to «0»


Read/Write). If the machine is not repaired back to normal

status, this Fault will occur again during the operation.

When turning the power OFF, turn OFF the power switch first and then the main power



Check the following:

The connection between the MCU PWB


for open circuit, short circuit, and poor contact

The Toner Dispense Motor for revolution failure:

The Toner Cartridge for internal toner blockage

If no problems are found, replace the following parts in sequence:

Drum Cartridge






Initial Issue

WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation


and the Xero/Developer Cartridge

Component Control




BUS Updated 12/2011

092-323 Dispense Fail RAP


BSD 9.3 — Development and Toner Dispense Control

Toner Cartridge becomes Empty despite less use of Toner amount.

NOTE: When turning the power OFF, turn OFF the power switch first and then the main power



Check the following:

The connection between the MCU PWB


for open circuit, short circuit, and poor contact

The Toner Dispense Motor for revolution failure:

The Toner Cartridge for internal toner blockage

If no problems are found, replace the following parts in sequence:

Drum Cartridge










and the Xero/Developer Cartridge

Component Control




Status Indicator RAPs

092-315, 092-323



  1. Xerox error 092 315
  2. Xerox error 092 315
  3. Thread: Advice Needed: Workcentre 7120 / System Error 092-315 on main display
  4. Advice Needed: Workcentre 7120 / System Error 092-315 on main display
  5. Re: Advice Needed: Workcentre 7120 / System Error 092-315 on main display
  6. How to Fix 092-312 to 092-315 092-657 to 092-668 Error Code for Xerox VersaLink C7020 C7025 C7030 C7000 Printer?
  7. Thread: Xerox wc 7125 error
  8. Xerox wc 7125 error
  9. Re: Xerox wc 7125 error
  10. Re: Xerox wc 7125 error
  11. Re: Xerox wc 7125 error

Xerox error 092 315

Принтеры, копировальные аппараты, МФУ, факсы и другая офисная техника:
вопросы ремонта, обслуживания, заправки, выбора

Добрый день, данный аппарат может напечатать 1-2 листа и вываливается в ошибку 092-315.
Драм весь перебирал, шнек подачи тонера вычистил, тонер тубу также заменил (принтер госконторы, заправляли не понятно чем (тендер) поэтому сразу заменил тубу.) пока безрезультатно.

Инфа по поиску (переведено с буржуйского)
«Чтобы очистить его, очистите значение местоположения NVM [752-022] (средняя ошибка ATC) или местоположение NVM [752-023] (сбой амплитуды ATC ) до «0» ( чтение / запись NVM ).»

а что там очищать не совсем понял, буду признателен за любую информацию.

Вероятно судя по описанию от Вас требуется зайти в nvm rw и в hain link 752-023 и выставить там значение 0. А так. На ровном месте она возникнуть не могла. Тестом компонентов проверьте все ли там у Вас вращается как надо и подается ли тонер куда надо.

Да все вращается уже было проверено, компоненты также все прозванивал. а как зайти в nvm rw и в hain link 752-023 ?

(2)полагаю как обычно. Через ce mode.

Все-таки скорее всего было дело в тонере, сперва распечатал отчеты (есть с полной заливкой) несколько листов и после этого заработал, видать выгнал остатки старого тонера.
Сейчас уже 3 пачка бумаги распечатал. для уверенности пару раз выключал сабж.

Кстати тубу поставил от Xerox 3610 с заменой чипа, одинаковы.

Да у них одна архитектура. Печки тоже очень похожи.
(4) так в нем и было. Вопрос что. Но датчику тонера это явно не понравилось.


Xerox error 092 315

Принтеры, копировальные аппараты, МФУ, факсы и другая офисная техника:
вопросы ремонта, обслуживания, заправки, выбора

Всем доброго времени суток ! Проблема с МФУ XEROX WC 5325 — после печати или копирования 4-5 листов блокируется и выдаёт ошибку 092-315 . Состояние сбрасывается путём отключения питания МФУ. После включения питания нормально выходит на готовность и после печати или копирования нескольких листов всё повторяется . Подскажите , если кто сталкивался с такой бедой , с чем это связано и как лечить . Или самый лучший вариант — где можно почитать сервисмануал . Заранее всем спасибо .

092-315 ATC Fail
The frequency at which the ATC Average Fail or the ATC Amplitude Fail has been occurring has exceeded the threshold value.
NOTE: Although this Fault can be cleared by turning the power OFF and ON and it will be possible to output a few sheets of printouts, when this Fault has occurred a certain number of times, it will no longer be clearable by turning the power OFF and ON. To clear it, clear the value of NVM location [752-022] (ATC Average Fail) or NVM location [752-023] (ATC Amplitude Fail) to «0» (NVM Read/Write). If the machine is not repaired back to normal status, this Fault will occur again during the operation.
— When turning the power OFF, turn OFF the power switch first and then the main power switch.
Check the following:
— The connection between the MCU PWB P/J413 and the Xero/Developer Cartridge P/J615 for open circuit, short circuit, and poor contact
— The Toner Dispense Motor for revolution failure: Component Control [093-002]
— The Toner Cartridge for internal toner blockage
If no problems are found, replace the following parts in sequence:
— Drum Cartridge

Спасибо , почти всё понятно

3. sahrikov1945 24.12.15 22:02


Thread: Advice Needed: Workcentre 7120 / System Error 092-315 on main display

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Senior Tech 100+ Posts

Join Date Feb 2011 Location West Palm Beach, Fl. Posts 247 Rep Power 30

Advice Needed: Workcentre 7120 / System Error 092-315 on main display

I am getting a system error 092-315 on the main display on startup. Which indicates a ATC Fail (K) Black.

The error codes list states the following 092-315, 092-660, 092-668.

Upon inspection of the drum unit I found the (K) Black toner exit hole packed to the brim with toner
and piling up on top of the back of the drum. I looked at the other drum units (M,C,Y) and found no excess toner.

After vacuuming and cleaning the (K) Black drum unit area as bets as possible, and resetting NVRAM
752-368 (was at 1 reset to zero) 752-372 (was at 3 reset to zero).
Turned machine off (Top Power Button first then inside cover button next) Machine upon starting up printed several blank pages, then there was a metal clink sound and the 092-315 system error redisplayed itself on main screen.

I have determined that one of the following is at fault:
Main Drive Assembly – 007K16710
Dispense Motor -127K61161
Developer Clutch – 121K46371
Drum Drive Motor – 127K61161

Since this a time and materials call, was just looking for opinions on which one of the above would
be most likely to try first?

All help is appreciated, and thanks in advance

Re: Advice Needed: Workcentre 7120 / System Error 092-315 on main display

I am getting a system error 092-315 on the main display on startup. Which indicates a ATC Fail (K) Black.

The error codes list states the following 092-315, 092-660, 092-668.

Upon inspection of the drum unit I found the (K) Black toner exit hole packed to the brim with toner
and piling up on top of the back of the drum. I looked at the other drum units (M,C,Y) and found no excess toner.

After vacuuming and cleaning the (K) Black drum unit area as bets as possible, and resetting NVRAM
752-368 (was at 1 reset to zero) 752-372 (was at 3 reset to zero).
Turned machine off (Top Power Button first then inside cover button next) Machine upon starting up printed several blank pages, then there was a metal clink sound and the 092-315 system error redisplayed itself on main screen.

I have determined that one of the following is at fault:
Main Drive Assembly – 007K16710
Dispense Motor -127K61161
Developer Clutch – 121K46371
Drum Drive Motor – 127K61161

Since this a time and materials call, was just looking for opinions on which one of the above would
be most likely to try first?

All help is appreciated, and thanks in advance

Hello Can you check the following.
Check the following:

  • The connection between the MCU PWB P/J411 and the CRUM Reader (K) P/J123 for open circuit, short circuit, and poor contact
  • The connection terminals between the Drum Cartridge (K) CRUM PWB and the CRUM Reader (K) for damage and foreign substances
  • The Toner Dispense Motor (C,K) for revolution failure: Component Control [093-004] ( PL 5.1)
  • The Drum/IBT Drive Motor for revolution failure: Component Control [042-001] ( PL 3.2)
  • The Main Drive Motor for revolution failure: Component Control [042-006] ( PL 3.3)
  • The Dev K Clutch for failure: Component Control [042-010] ( PL 3.3)
  • The path from Toner Cartridge (K) to Developer (K) for toner blockage
  • The Developer (K) for internal toner blockage
  • The Toner Cartridge (K) for internal toner blockage

If no problems are found, replace the following parts in sequence:


How to Fix 092-312 to 092-315 092-657 to 092-668 Error Code for Xerox VersaLink C7020 C7025 C7030 C7000 Printer?

Posted by Xwk Tech on Dec 03, 2019

092-312 to 315, 092-657 to 660, 092-665 to 668 ATC Sensor Fault RAP

BSD-ON: BSD 9.5 Development (2 of 2)

092-312 Toner density in the developer unit as detected by the yellow ATC sensor abnormal. This fault occurs when the difference between the maximum and minimum values in the ATC sensor measurement set is lower than the threshold value.
092-313 Toner density in the developer unit as detected by the magenta ATC sensor abnormal. This fault occurs when the difference between the maximum and minimum values in the ATC sensor measurement set is lower than the threshold value.
092-314 Toner density in the developer unit as detected by the cyan ATC sensor abnormal. This fault occurs when the difference between the maximum and minimum values in the ATC sensor measurement set is lower than the threshold value.
092-315 Toner density in the developer unit as detected by the black ATC sensor abnormal. This fault occurs when the difference between the maximum and minimum values in the ATC sensor measurement set is lower than the threshold value.
092-657 Toner density in the developer unit as detected by the yellow ATC sensor abnormal. This fault occurs when the difference between the maximum and minimum values in the ATC sensor measurement set is lower than the threshold value.
092-658 Toner density in the developer unit as detected by the magenta ATC sensor abnormal. This fault occurs when the difference between the maximum and minimum values in the ATC sensor measurement set is lower than the threshold value.
092-659 Toner density in the developer unit as detected by the cyan ATC sensor abnormal. This fault occurs when the difference between the maximum and minimum values in the ATC sensor measurement set is lower than the threshold value.
092-660 Toner density in the developer unit as detected by the black ATC sensor abnormal. This fault occurs when the difference between the maximum and minimum values in the ATC sensor measurement set is lower than the threshold value.
092-665 Toner density in the developer unit as detected by the yellow ATC sensor abnormal. This fault occurs when the average value of the ATC sensor measurement values is not between the upper and lower limit values.
092-666 Toner density in the developer unit as detected by the magenta ATC sensor abnormal. This fault occurs when the average value of the ATC sensor measurement values is not between the upper and lower limit values.
092-667 Toner density in the developer unit as detected by the cyan ATC sensor abnormal. This fault occurs when the average value of the ATC sensor measurement values is not between the upper and lower limit values.
092-668 Toner density in the developer unit as detected by the black ATC sensor abnormal. This fault occurs when the average value of the ATC sensor measurement values is not between the upper and lower limit values.

Initial Actions

• Perform IQ1 to check for a blank page image quality defect.
• Enter dC125. Check for the below faults and perform the applicable procedures as necessary:

– 024-923 to 024-925 Y/M/C Toner Cartridge Empty RAP
– 093-912 Black Toner Cartridge Empty RAP


WARNING: Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.

NOTE: When this fault occurs, toner density control, by the ATC sensor, is not performed and ICDC (pixels) based toner supply control is performed instead. If the fault remains for a long time, image density error (too dark or too light) may occur.

Perform the steps that follow:

1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
2. Check the wiring between the applicable ATC sensor, yellow ( P/J120), magenta ( P/J119), cyan ( P/J118), black ( P/J117) and the drive PWB ( P/J414) for an open circuit, short circuit or damage.
3. If the fault persists , replace a new cartridge CRUM ( toner chip or drum chip ) listed as below or install new components as necessary:

– Black drum cartridge, PL 90.20 Item 5.
– Yellow drum cartridge, PL 90.20 Item 8.
– Magenta drum cartridge, PL 90.20 Item 7.
– Cyan drum cartridge, PL 90.20 Item 6.

– Black toner cartridge, PL 90.05 Item 13.
– Yellow toner cartridge, PL 90.05 Item 10.
– Magenta toner cartridge, PL 90.05 Item 11.
– Cyan toner cartridge, PL 90.05 Item 12.

• Drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 4.
• ESS PWB, PL 3.10 Item 6.
• HVPS, PL 1.05 Item 7.

**This RAP is from Xerox Service Manual. All brand names and trademarks are their respective owner’s property.**

You may be also interested in below toner and drum chip (CRUM) for Xerox VersaLink C7020, C7025, C7030, C7000.

Toner Chip (For North America and West Europe Region):

Toner Chip (For South America and East Europe Region):

Toner Chip (For Metered Machine):


Thread: Xerox wc 7125 error

Thread Tools

Xerox wc 7125 error

The error is 092-315 any one have ideas. Also does any one have a service manual. sigh

Re: Xerox wc 7125 error


The frequency at which the ATC Average Fail [K] or the ATC Amplitude Fail [K] has been occurring has exceeded the threshold value.

  • Although this Fault can be cleared by turning the power OFF and ON and it will be possible to output a few sheets of printouts, when this Fault has occurred a certain number of times, it will no longer be clearable by turning the power OFF and ON. To clear it, clear the value of NVM location [752-368] (ATC Fail [K]) or NVM location[752-372] (ATC Fail Continuous Count [K]) to «0». If the machine is not repaired back to normal status, this Fault will occur again during the operation.
  • When turning the power OFF, turn OFF the power switch first and then the main power switch.


Check the following:

  • The connection between the MCU PWB P/J411 and the CRUM Reader (K) P/J123 for open circuit, short circuit, and poor contact
  • The connection terminals between the Drum Cartridge (K) CRUM PWB and the CRUM Reader (K) for damage and foreign substances
  • The Toner Dispense Motor (C,K) for revolution failure: Component Control [093-004] ( PL 5.1)
  • The Drum/IBT Drive Motor for revolution failure: Component Control [042-001] ( PL 3.2)
  • The Main Drive Motor for revolution failure: Component Control [042-006] ( PL 3.3)
  • The Dev K Clutch for failure: Component Control [042-010] ( PL 3.3)
  • The path from Toner Cartridge (K) to Developer (K) for toner blockage
  • The Developer (K) for internal toner blockage
  • The Toner Cartridge (K) for internal toner blockage

If no problems are found, replace the following parts in sequence:

Service Manager 1,000+ Posts

Join Date Nov 2007 Location Somewhere in Europe near Black Sea Posts 2,038 Rep Power 60

Re: Xerox wc 7125 error

Problem with readings from ATC sensor for K.
Check K toner transport, K dispenser motor, K toner cartridge and developer for blockage, developer K clutch.

Re: Xerox wc 7125 error


The frequency at which the ATC Average Fail [K] or the ATC Amplitude Fail [K] has been occurring has exceeded the threshold value.

  • Although this Fault can be cleared by turning the power OFF and ON and it will be possible to output a few sheets of printouts, when this Fault has occurred a certain number of times, it will no longer be clearable by turning the power OFF and ON. To clear it, clear the value of NVM location [752-368] (ATC Fail [K]) or NVM location[752-372] (ATC Fail Continuous Count [K]) to «0». If the machine is not repaired back to normal status, this Fault will occur again during the operation.
  • When turning the power OFF, turn OFF the power switch first and then the main power switch.


Check the following:

  • The connection between the MCU PWB P/J411 and the CRUM Reader (K) P/J123 for open circuit, short circuit, and poor contact
  • The connection terminals between the Drum Cartridge (K) CRUM PWB and the CRUM Reader (K) for damage and foreign substances
  • The Toner Dispense Motor (C,K) for revolution failure: Component Control [093-004] ( PL 5.1)
  • The Drum/IBT Drive Motor for revolution failure: Component Control [042-001] ( PL 3.2)
  • The Main Drive Motor for revolution failure: Component Control [042-006] ( PL 3.3)
  • The Dev K Clutch for failure: Component Control [042-010] ( PL 3.3)
  • The path from Toner Cartridge (K) to Developer (K) for toner blockage
  • The Developer (K) for internal toner blockage
  • The Toner Cartridge (K) for internal toner blockage

If no problems are found, replace the following parts in sequence:

Can it be a bad transfer belt as when the machine is running it makes a funny noise which when the belt is turned by hand it sounds the same!! Any chance of getting a service cd copy.
Color copies are quite faint and black has prtetty much disappeared. comes and goes



BSD 9.3 — Development and Toner Dispense Control

The frequency at which the ATC Average Fail or the ATC Amplitude Fail has been occurring

has exceeded the threshold value.


Although this Fault can be cleared by turning the power OFF and ON and it will be possi-

ble to output a few sheets of printouts, when this Fault has occurred a certain number of

times, it will no longer be clearable by turning the power OFF and ON. To clear it, clear the

value of NVM location [752-022] (ATC Average Fail) or NVM location [752-023] (ATC

Amplitude Fail) to «0»


Read/Write). If the machine is not repaired back to normal

status, this Fault will occur again during the operation.

When turning the power OFF, turn OFF the power switch first and then the main power



Check the following:

The connection between the MCU PWB


for open circuit, short circuit, and poor contact

The Toner Dispense Motor for revolution failure:

The Toner Cartridge for internal toner blockage

If no problems are found, replace the following parts in sequence:

Drum Cartridge






Initial Issue

WorkCentre 5335 Family Service Documentation


and the Xero/Developer Cartridge

Component Control




BUS Updated 12/2011

092-323 Dispense Fail RAP


BSD 9.3 — Development and Toner Dispense Control

Toner Cartridge becomes Empty despite less use of Toner amount.

NOTE: When turning the power OFF, turn OFF the power switch first and then the main power



Check the following:

The connection between the MCU PWB


for open circuit, short circuit, and poor contact

The Toner Dispense Motor for revolution failure:

The Toner Cartridge for internal toner blockage

If no problems are found, replace the following parts in sequence:

Drum Cartridge










and the Xero/Developer Cartridge

Component Control




Status Indicator RAPs

092-315, 092-323


  1. 11-15-2017


    rockdude is offline

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    Advice Needed: Workcentre 7120 / System Error  092-315 on main display

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    Advice Needed: Workcentre 7120 / System Error 092-315 on main display

    I am getting a system error 092-315 on the main display on startup. Which indicates a ATC Fail (K) Black.

    The error codes list states the following 092-315, 092-660, 092-668.

    Upon inspection of the drum unit I found the (K) Black toner exit hole packed to the brim with toner
    and piling up on top of the back of the drum. I looked at the other drum units (M,C,Y) and found no excess toner.

    After vacuuming and cleaning the (K) Black drum unit area as bets as possible, and resetting NVRAM
    752-368 (was at 1 reset to zero) 752-372 (was at 3 reset to zero).
    Turned machine off (Top Power Button first then inside cover button next) Machine upon starting up printed several blank pages, then there was a metal clink sound and the 092-315 system error redisplayed itself on main screen.

    I have determined that one of the following is at fault:
    Main Drive Assembly – 007K16710
    Dispense Motor -127K61161
    Developer Clutch – 121K46371
    Drum Drive Motor – 127K61161

    Since this a time and materials call, was just looking for opinions on which one of the above would
    be most likely to try first?

    All help is appreciated, and thanks in advance

  2. 11-23-2017


    Mukasa is offline

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    Re: Advice Needed: Workcentre 7120 / System Error 092-315 on main display

    Quote Originally Posted by rockdude
    View Post

    I am getting a system error 092-315 on the main display on startup. Which indicates a ATC Fail (K) Black.

    The error codes list states the following 092-315, 092-660, 092-668.

    Upon inspection of the drum unit I found the (K) Black toner exit hole packed to the brim with toner
    and piling up on top of the back of the drum. I looked at the other drum units (M,C,Y) and found no excess toner.

    After vacuuming and cleaning the (K) Black drum unit area as bets as possible, and resetting NVRAM
    752-368 (was at 1 reset to zero) 752-372 (was at 3 reset to zero).
    Turned machine off (Top Power Button first then inside cover button next) Machine upon starting up printed several blank pages, then there was a metal clink sound and the 092-315 system error redisplayed itself on main screen.

    I have determined that one of the following is at fault:
    Main Drive Assembly � 007K16710
    Dispense Motor -127K61161
    Developer Clutch � 121K46371
    Drum Drive Motor � 127K61161

    Since this a time and materials call, was just looking for opinions on which one of the above would
    be most likely to try first?

    All help is appreciated, and thanks in advance

    Hello Can you check the following.
    Check the following:

    • The connection between the MCU PWB P/J411 and the CRUM Reader (K) P/J123 for open circuit, short circuit, and poor contact
    • The connection terminals between the Drum Cartridge (K) CRUM PWB and the CRUM Reader (K) for damage and foreign substances
    • The Toner Dispense Motor (C,K) for revolution failure: Component Control [093-004] ( PL 5.1)
    • The Drum/IBT Drive Motor for revolution failure: Component Control [042-001] ( PL 3.2)
    • The Main Drive Motor for revolution failure: Component Control [042-006] ( PL 3.3)
    • The Dev K Clutch for failure: Component Control [042-010] ( PL 3.3)
    • The path from Toner Cartridge (K) to Developer (K) for toner blockage
    • The Developer (K) for internal toner blockage
    • The Toner Cartridge (K) for internal toner blockage

    If no problems are found, replace the following parts in sequence:

    • Drum Cartridge (K) ( PL 8.1)
    • MCU PWB ( PL 18.1)

  3. 11-23-2017


    rockdude is offline

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    Advice Needed: Workcentre 7120 / System Error  092-315 on main display

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    Re: Advice Needed: Workcentre 7120 / System Error 092-315 on main display


    Thanks for the reply, but I already fixed it.

    Turned out replacing the Main Drive assembly was the answer.
    (and a through vacummingand cleaning)

    Gears were caked with toner, and clutch was sticking due to toner contamination.
    (Sorry I gave wrong part number for Main Drive. It was actually #007K16690)

    Thanks again for your input.

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