Ошибка 090 fanuc

Не буду утверждать, но всё-таки для контроля числа оборотов может использоваться оптический энкодер со стандартным интерфейсом. А что нет возможности электросхему посмотреть?

Что касается датчика обратной связи по скорости, то может использоваться магнитный сенсор с зубчатым колесом, встроенным, непосредственно в двигатель шпинделя. И если б проблема в нем была (потеря чувствительности или неверный зазор с колесом), то на малых оборотах шпиндель «давал о себе знать». А если при  задании «нулевых»  оборотов  стабильно удерживается в одном положении, да так что нельзя принудительно провернуть рукой (а насколько я понял у вас так и есть), то думаю этот датчик не причём. Но в любом случае нужна схема подключения их.  

 У меня, конечно, другой станок, поэтому давать совет не зная конфигурации станка сложно. Но с  указанным выше пришлось  повозиться.

  • #1

So, the long story is we hadn’t used this machine for a while and the battery that keeps position died. Replaced the battery, Went in the parameters to 1815 and re-established where home is on all three axis. Then got an X axis overtravel alarm. Went to the position page and found the machine position for X was +5. something. Eventually figured out that machine home position for all three axis should be zero. Eventually figured out how to change that to zero using a different bit of that same 1815 parameter. Started up the machine (for the nth time) and got no alarms, just the normal «Return all axis to zero» message I usually get upon firing up the machine. Jog all three axis a few inches from home, set switch and press button to return all axis to zero and get the 090 REFERENCE RETURN INCOMPLETE error. No axis movement. Cycle power and try one axis at a time. Get same error message on trying all three axis. When cycling power, the control (OI-MC by the way) does remember where it is, so the new battery appears functional. Can jog all three axis manually in both directions. Any ideas on what I’m missing would be greatly appreciated. I’ve been looking at this for too long!


  • #3

Oddly enough, it doesn’t appear to have limit switches. At least, I can’t find any. It seems to store the home position as the plus limit and a stroke length to define minus. I also successfully cleared the overtravel alarm that was there, that wasn’t really an overtravel anyway.


  • #4

make sure all your positions are negative numbers.
since you ‘jogged a few inches from home’, you may have already passed where the machine thinks ‘home’ is. therefore it would alarm out.
just throwin that out there, maybe you know that already

  • #5

Oddly enough, it doesn’t appear to have limit switches. At least, I can’t find any. It seems to store the home position as the plus limit and a stroke length to define minus. I also successfully cleared the overtravel alarm that was there, that wasn’t really an overtravel anyway.


I would be extremely surprised if the machine did not have limit switches. Should have a soft limit switch for your reference return position & a hard limit switch to prevent the machine from bottoming out on the ball screw. If the machine ever loses position & you do not have limit switches bad things happen fast.
Even our glass scale machines have limit switches.




  • #6

I have a Fanuc machine with Batt Back-up encoders that doesn’t have LS’s, but we don’t HOME it either.

I don’t understand a HOME routine and 1815 in the same application, but I think those guys with the Harrison lathes have a similar set-up, so ????

If you don’t have LS’s, then what exactly does your machine doo during a HOME routine?


Think Snow Eh!

  • #7

Is your Rapid rate over ride set to 0?

  • #8

During home routine, all three axis go to the plus limit, which is also home. Alignment marks are present to re-establish home if it’s lost. The tool changer rotates to T1 position and the spindle rotates. Thinking it might be either the tool changer or spindle, I tried homing the axis individually, but nothing moved.

Rapid rate set to 25%

Thanks for the suggestions so far. Keep ’em coming!


  • #9

I am not sure if this is for a OI control like yours so be careful.

Zero Return parameter setting procedure for Fanuc 16/18 and 16i/18i Controls

1.Move the axis to where you think zero return should be. If you can’t get to the position you would like, hold in «P» and «Cancel» on power up to bypass soft overtravels or you could change the soft overtravel limits to temporarily. WARNING Do not try holding in any other keys except P and Cancel. You could blow out parameters, programs or other data.
2.Select «MDI» mode

3.Press the function key “OFFSET SETTING”
4.Press the soft key “SETTING”.
5.Move the cursor to “PARAMETER WRITE” . May need to page up or down to get to the top of the Parameter numbers.
6.Turn on PWE (Parameter Write) make it a 1

7.Press the function Hard key «SYSTEM»
8.Press the softkey «PARAM»
9.Type1815 and press «No.Search» . This should bring up parameter 1815.
10.Arrow down to whichever axis you want to change X,Y,or Z.

11.Change bit 4 (APZ) (make sure you count from the right starting with first space is Zero, Bits are as shown here-76543210). This will delete the current reference zero. Alarm must power down will appear, DO NOT POWER OFF

12.Go back to the parameter 1815 and make bit 4 a one

13.Power off machine for one minute and power up. New home position will be set.

14.Check coordinates of program and see how far you are off, if they are not correct repeat the steps. Also, make sure you handwheel the axes slowly to their overtravels. Make sure nothing binds, no servo alarms occur or destroys any way covers. If you set incorrectly, severe damage can occur. Also, remember if this is an axis that the pallet changer or Tool changer is dependant on alignment then you must check this also, because it is based off of zero return. Do not change 2nd reference position to comp for this. Always change home position.

  • #11

I believe twr is on the right track. If 1815.5 (apc) absolute pulse coder is a one then you change 1815.4 to a one and where ever that slide is, that is the new home position. If parameter 1250 is zero (1st reference position) then the home position is zero. You can use your tool geometry of the tool in the spindle to get a precise measurement if you know how far that tool is from the table or program zero. Be very careful on your first tool change after setting the new home position for Z-axis. If the z-axis position is off on the tool change, you can adjust for that in parameter 1241 (2nd reference position).

Also, if you get a message saying something like «reference impossible» you need to make 1815.5 to a zero before you can make 1815.4 to a one, then make 1815.5 a one.

I have never worked on a Sharp but have worked on lots of other machines with Oi controls. I’ll pm you my number if you run into trouble or need the tool geometry explained. The tool in the spindle and it’s geometry will be a good way to re-establish where home position should be. Hope this helps.

  • #12

Stopped in this morning. Turned on machine and manually homed all 3 axis. When I went to set bits 4 and 5 of parameter 1815 to 1, I could only change bit 5. Bit 4 stayed at zero. Cycled power and got all three axis zero return required alarm. Went back to parameter 1815. Bit 5 still set at 1, bit four at zero. Was able this time to change bit four to one. So, both bits four and five of parameter 1815 are now set to one. Cycle power again and get no alarms. Manually jog all three axis away from home. Set switch for reference return and press button. Machine successfully does reference return and appears functional.

Thanks to everyone who helped!

  • #13

This was great to watch. This place, you guys rock. Good luck with the machine. Go make chips !!!!!


  • #14

Glad its working for you now!!

  • #15

Glad it is working. As I stated above, the critical position is the z-axis because of the tool changer. The other axis aren’t as critical because you can touch your tools off. An easy way to check the position of z-axis during a tool change: move z-axis to the 2nd reference position that is in parameter 1241. Orient the spindle (M19). Jog the swing arm into the tool in the spindle then use a gage block or a caliper and measure between the swing arm and the spindle face. Back the arm out and repeat this without a tool in the spindle and measure again. The measurement should be the same. If it isn’t you need to adjust parameter 1241 (2nd reference) to make the gap the same. Jog z-axis until you get the correct measurement and put that number in parameter 1241. You might have to convert it from metric to inch etc. but this is an easy way to check the tool change position for smooth tool changes. I hope I didn’t confuse you, but I know what I mean…lol.

  1. Hi all , I have this alarm in FANUC W2 EDM when I want will axes U to reference by manual or G28

    I check battery and those were changed .

    In manual about alarm 90 has told » the zero return can not be performed normally because the zero return start point is too close to zero point or the speed is too slowly «

    therefor do anybody have information and experience to related this problem .


  2. Re: Alarm 090 reference return FANUC W2 EDM

    Honestly, the description of the problem is not clear enough to give proper advice, but I will try to find a solution for you.

  3. Re: Alarm 090 reference return FANUC W2 EDM

    It seems like you need to set the zero point correctly, and this should be specified in your manual. Honestly, the description of the problem is not clear enough to give proper advice. My understanding is that the error occurs during the execution of the C coordinate enable command. Specifically during the performance of the spindle orientation and the subsequent holding in that position to mechanically engage the gears. I have not encountered such a problem; I took a good car on credit, but the tax is hefty, unfortunately, but I know how to make a check stub online, so I will not be fooled. And I wish you to solve the problem as soon as possible.

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Fanuc Alarm Description
21 Model B
The reference position return cannot be performed normally because the reference position return start point is too close to the reference position or the speed is too slow. Separate the start point far enough from the reference position, or specify a sufficiently fast speed for reference position return. Check the program contents.

1. The reference position return cannot be performed normally because the reference position return start point is too close to the reference position or the speed is too slow.Separate the start point far enough from the reference position, or specify a sufficiently fast speed for reference position return.
2. During reference position return with the absolute–position detector,if this alarm occurs even though condition 1 is satisfied, do the following:After turning the servo motor for the axis at least one turn, turn the power off and then on again. Then perform reference position return.

30i, 31i, 32i Model A
1. The reference position return cannot be performed normally because the reference position return start point is too close to the reference position or the speed is too slow. Separate the start point far enough from the reference position, or specify a sufficiently fast speed for reference position return.
2. An attempt was made to set the zero position for the absolute position detector by return to the reference position when it was impossible to set the zero point. Rotate the motor manually at least one turn, and set the zero position of the absolute position detector after turning the CNC and servo amplifier off and then on again.


Reference position return was executed when the following condition is not satisfied:
The CNC received one rotation signal at least one time when the axis is moving to the reference position at a speed higher than a speed equivalent to 128 pulses of position error amount(DGN300).

Fanuc Alarm 90 Troubleshooting

After the pulse coder or motor is exchanged, reference position or machine’s standard point may be different from former one. Please set it correctly.

A speed more than 128 pulses is required because if speed is lower that this, one–rotation signal does not function stably, causing improper position detection.
If bit 0 of parameter No. 2000 is set to 1, a speed corresponding to a positional deviation of 1280 pulses or more is required.
Parameter No. 1836 can be set to 128 or less, as the minimum positional deviation with which reference position return is possible. (If the parameter is set to 0, 128 is assumed as the minimum positional deviation.
If bit 0 of parameter No. 2000 is set to 1, a value equal to ten times the set value is used for checking.)




The reference position return cannot

be performed normally because the

reference position return start point

is too close to the reference position

or the speed is too slow. Separate

the start point far enough from the

reference position, or specify a sufficiently

fast speed for reference position

return. Check the program contents.

Принцип такой:

Станок наезжает на конечник. Затем на определённой скорости (обычно медленной) вращается обратно до тех пор пока не найдёт нулевую метку на датчике (в моторе или линейке). Если расстояние между конечником и нулевой меткой датчика слишком маленькое, то станок не успевает набрать заданную скорость.

Т.е. надо подвинуть конечник, либо скорость привязки сделать меньше.

Если раньше всё работало нормально, то надо ещё проверить не залипает ли конечник.

При смещении конечника система координат станка никуда не денется. Если он сдвинется слишком далеко и привязка сместится на один оборот, то может быть ошибка в один шаг ШВП. Это легко проверить линейкой.

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