Интенсивная эксплуатация спецтехники марки Bobcat невозможна без поломок и сбоев в работе. Основные дефекты связаны с выходом из строев узлов и агрегатов вследствие больших нагрузок и длительного использования. При наличии большого опыта и знаний оператор или механик может выявить истинную причину поломки по внешним признакам. Во многих случаях разобраться со сложной техникой помогут коды ошибок Бобкэт на панели управления.
При возникновении ошибок на панели управления погрузчиков марки Bobcat обращение в компанию АнгараГрупп – отличный вариант для своевременной диагностики и ремонта техники.
При появлении соответствующей индикации на панели приборов, водитель должен немедленно прекратить работу, обратиться к механику или сразу в сервисный центр. Квалифицированные инженеры помогут быстро и качественно устранить дефект с минимальными затратами.
нейтральном положении
замкнут на землю
замкнут на землю
замкнут на батарею
замкнут на батарею
механизма подъема ACS (AHC)
механизма наклона ACS (AHC)
механизма подъема ACS (AHC)
механизма наклона ACS (AHC)
допустимых пределов
допустимых пределов
управления, ACS (AHC)
Идентификация ошибок Бобкэт S530 позволяет быстро выявить проблемы с исполнительными механизмами, провести техническое обслуживание и ремонт агрегатов. Подобные мероприятия помогают оперативно устранить дефекты и продлить срок эксплуатации погрузчиков. Стандартными ошибками погрузчиков данной модели являются:
Актуальные коды ошибок Bobcat S175 приведены в руководстве по эксплуатации техники. На панель приборов выведены цифровые индикаторы предупреждения о внештатных ситуациях в работе погрузчика. Наиболее частыми являются следующие ошибки Бобкэт 175:
Указанные ошибки Бобкэт S175 не являются единственными. В инструкции по эксплуатации приведены все возможные индикации и предупреждения. Для собственника техники или водителя знание основных ошибок облегчает диагностику, помогает принять решение о дальнейших действиях в плане техобслуживания и ремонта.
Инженеры сервисного центра обладают большим опытом и высокой квалификацией, быстро найдут корневую причину проблемы и предложат варианты ее решения.
Для владельцев погрузчиков данной марки обращение к нам – это возможность отремонтировать агрегаты погрузчиков оперативно и с предоставлением гарантии, в том числе с выездом специалистов сервисного центра на площадку клиента.
Коды ошибок мини погрузчиков Bobcat помогут вам идентифицировать неисправный исполнительный механизм и быстрее произвести ремонт отказавшего механизма как ДВС, так и гидравлической системы
Расшифровка кодов ошибок Bobcat
01-16 | Не подсоединен воздушный фильтр |
01-17 | Засорен воздушный фильтр |
02-16 | Не подсоединен гидравлический нагнетательный фильтр |
02-17 | Засорен гидравлический нагнетательный фильтр |
03-09 | Низкое напряжение аккумуляторной батареи |
03-10 | Высокое напряжение аккумуляторной батареи |
03-11 | Предельно высокое напряжение аккумуляторной батареи |
03-14 | Предельно низкое напряжение аккумуляторной батареи |
03-22 | Напряжение аккумуляторной батареи ниже предельно допустимого |
04-09 | Низкий уровень давления масла в двигателе |
04-14 | Предельно низкий уровень давления масла в двигателе |
04-15 | Давление масла в двигателе на уровне экстренного выключения двигателя |
04-21 | Давление масла в двигателе выше предельно допустимого |
04-22 | Давление масла в двигателе ниже предельно допустимого |
05-09 | Низкое давление подпитки в гидравлической системе |
05-14 | Предельно низкое давление подпитки в гидравлической системе |
05-15 | Давление подпитки в гидравлической системе на уровне экстренного выключения двигателя |
05-21 | Давление подпитки в гидравлической системе выше предельно допустимого |
05-22 | Давление подпитки в гидравлической системе ниже предельно допустимого |
06-10 | Высокие обороты двигателя |
06-11 | Предельно высокие обороты двигателя |
06-13 | Отсутствует сигнал оборотов двигателя |
06-15 | Обороты двигателя на уровне экстренного выключения двигателя |
06-18 | Обороты двигателя вне допустимых пределов |
07-10 | Высокая температура масла в гидравлической системе |
07-11 | Предельно высокая температура масла в гидравлической системе |
07-15 | Температура масла в гидравлической системе на уровне экстренного выключения двигателя |
07-21 | Температура масла в гидравлической системе выше предельно допустимой |
07-22 | Температура масла в гидравлической системе ниже предельно допустимой |
08-10 | Высокая температура охлаждающей жидкости двигателя |
08-11 | Предельно высокая температура охлаждающей жидкости двигателя |
08-15 | Температура охлаждающей жидкости двигателя на уровне экстренного выключения двигателя |
08-21 | Температура охлаждающей жидкости двигателя выше предельно допустимой |
08-22 | Температура охлаждающей жидкости двигателя ниже предельно допустимой |
09-09 | Низкий уровень топлива |
09-21 | Уровень топлива выше предельно допустимого |
09-22 | Уровень топлива ниже предельно допустимого |
11-05 | Датчик рамы безопасности замкнут на батарею |
11-06 | Датчик рамы безопасности замкнут на массу |
12-21 | Сигнал ШИМ-контроллера передней доп. гидравлики за верхней границей диапазона |
12-22 | ШИМ-контроллер передней доп. гидравлики за нижней границей диапазона |
12-23 | ШИМ-контроллер передней доп. гидравлики не в нейтральном положении |
13-05 | Удерживающий соленоид отсечки топлива замкнут на батарею |
13-06 | Удерживающий соленоид отсечки топлива замкнут на массу |
13-07 | Разрыв цепи соленоида отсечки топлива |
14-02 | Втягивающий соленоид отсечки топлива, ошибочное включение |
14-03 | Втягивающий соленоид отсечки топлива, ошибочное выключение |
15-02 | Втягивающий соленоид блокировки тяги, ошибочное включение |
15-03 | Втягивающий соленоид блокировки тяги, ошибочное выключение |
16-05 | Удерживающий соленоид блокировки тяги замкнут на батарею |
16-06 | Удерживающий соленоид блокировки тяги замкнут на массу |
16-07 | Разрыв цепи удерживающего соленоида блокировки тяги |
17-05 | Соленоид гидравлического запорного клапана замкнут на батарею |
17-06 | Соленоид гидравлического запорного клапана замкнут на массу |
17-07 | Разрыв цепи соленоида гидравлического запорного клапана |
18-05 | Соленоид золотника замкнут на батарею |
18-06 | Соленоид золотника замкнут на массу |
18-07 | Разрыв цепи соленоида золотника |
19-02 | Соленоид позиционирования ковша, ошибочное включение |
19-03 | Соленоид позиционирования ковша, ошибочное выключение |
20-02 | Соленоид переключения скоростей, ошибочное включение |
20-03 | Соленоид переключения скоростей, ошибочное выключение |
21-02 | Свечи накаливания, ошибочное включение |
21-03 | Свечи накаливания, ошибочное выключение |
22-02 | Стартер, ошибочное включение |
22-03 | Стартер, ошибочное выключение |
23-02 | Задний базовый соленоид, ошибочное включение |
23-03 | Задний базовый соленоид, ошибочное выключение |
24-02 | Задний штоковый соленоид, ошибочное включение |
24-03 | Задний штоковый соленоид, ошибочное выключение |
25-02 | Задний вспомогательный пропорциональный соленоид, ошибочное включение |
25-03 | Задний вспомогательный пропорциональный соленоид, ошибочное выключение |
26-02 | Ошибочное включение переднего базового соленоида |
26-03 | Ошибочное выключение переднего базового соленоида |
27-02 | Ошибочное включение переднего штокового соленоида |
27-03 | Ошибочное выключение переднего штокового соленоида |
28-02 | Ошибочное включение соленоида дивертера |
28-03 | Ошибочное выключение соленоида дивертера |
29-02 | Соленоид большой подачи, ошибочное включение |
29-03 | Соленоид большой подачи, ошибочное выключение |
30-28 | Отказ памяти контроллера |
31-28 | Неисправность режима восстановления |
32-04 | Расширенное управление (ACS) не сообщается с контроллером Bobcat |
32-23 | Расширенное управление ACS не откалибровано |
32-31 | Отказ исполнительного механизма наклона |
32-32 | Неисправность электропроводки исполнительного механизма наклона |
32-33 | Неисправность электропроводки рукоятки наклона ковша |
32-34 | Исполнительный механизм наклона не в нейтральном положении |
32-35 | Рукоятка / педаль наклона ковша не в нейтральном положении |
32-36 | Отказ исполнительного механизма подъема |
32-37 | Неисправность электропроводки исполнительного механизма подъема |
32-38 | Неисправность электропроводки рукоятки подъема стрелы |
32-39 | Исполнительный механизм подъема не в нейтральном положении |
32-40 | Рукоятка / педаль подъема стрелы не в нейтральном положении |
32-41 | Нет связи |
32-49 | Исполнительный механизм подъема замкнут на массу |
32-50 | Исполнительный механизм наклона замкнут на массу |
32-51 | Исполнительный механизм подъема замкнут на батарею |
32-52 | Исполнительный механизм наклона замкнут на батарею |
32-53 | Рукоятка / педаль подъема стрелы замкнута на массу |
32-54 | Рукоятка / педаль наклона ковша замкнута на массу |
32-55 | Рукоятка / педаль подъема стрелы замкнута на батарею |
32-56 | Рукоятка / педаль наклона ковша замкнута на батарею |
32-57 | Пониженная производительность исполнительного механизма подъема |
32-58 | Пониженная производительность исполнительного механизма наклона |
32-59 | Неправильное направление исполнительного механизма подъема |
32-60 | Неправильное направление исполнительного механизма наклона |
32-61 | Блокиратор рукояток замкнут на массу |
32-62 | Блокиратор рукояток замкнут на батарею |
32-63 | Цепь блокиратора педалей замкнута на массу |
32-64 | Цепь блокиратора педалей замкнута на батарею |
32-65 | Напряжение питания датчика вне допустимых пределов |
32-66 | Напряжение аккумуляторной батареи вне допустимых пределов |
32-67 | Переключатель переключился во время работы |
32-68 | Информационная ошибка рукоятки подъема стрелы |
32-69 | Переключатель режимов управления переключился во время работы |
32-70 | Цепь правой рукоятки движения замкнута на массу |
32-71 | Цепь правой рукоятки движения замкнута на батарею |
33-23 | Главный контроллер (контроллер Bobcat) не запрограммирован |
34-04 | Панель с кнопочным запуском не сообщается с контроллером Bobcat |
35-02 | Двухскоростной переключатель вентилятора, ошибочное включение |
35-03 | Двухскоростной переключатель вентилятора, ошибочное выключение |
36-48 | Подключено несколько контроллеров ACD |
37-02 | Двухскоростной дополнительный переключатель скоростей, ошибочное включение |
37-03 | Двухскоростной дополнительный переключатель скоростей, ошибочное выключение |
38-04 | Нет связи с контроллером джойстика |
38-05 | Ось Х левого джойстика не в нейтральном положении |
38-06 | Ось X правого джойстика не в нейтральном положении |
38-07 | Ось Y левого джойстика не в нейтральном положении |
38-08 | Ось Y правого джойстика не в нейтральном положении |
38-09 | Переключатель режимов управления — замыкание на батарею или на массу |
38-11 | Исполнительный механизм подъема не в нейтральном положении |
38-12 | Исполнительный механизм наклона не в нейтральном положении |
38-13 | Отказ исполнительного механизма подъема |
38-14 | Отказ исполнительного механизма наклона |
38-15 | Неисправность проводки управления скоростью правого колеса |
38-16 | Неисправность проводки для скорости левого колеса |
38-17 | Пониженная производительность исполнительного механизма наклона |
38-18 | Пониженная производительность исполнительного механизма подъема |
38-19 | Ось X левого джойстика, за верхней границей диапазона |
38-20 | Ось X правого джойстика, за нижней границей диапазона |
38-21 | Ось Y левого джойстика, за верхней границей диапазона |
38-22 | Ось Y правого джойстика, за верхней границей диапазона |
38-23 | Сигнал переднего правого датчика управления за верхней границей диапазона |
38-24 | Сигнал переднего левого датчика управления за верхней границей диапазона |
38-25 | Сигнал заднего правого датчика управления за верхней границей диапазона |
38-26 | Сигнал заднего левого датчика управления за верхней границей диапазона |
38-27 | Сигнал исполнительного механизма подъема за верхней границей диапазона |
38-28 | Сигнал исполнительного механизма наклона за верхней границей диапазона |
38-29 | Ось X левого джойстика, за нижней границей диапазона |
38-30 | Ось X правого джойстика, за нижней границей диапазона |
38-31 | Ось Y левого джойстика, за нижней границей диапазона |
38-32 | Ось Y правого джойстика, за нижней границей диапазона |
38-33 | Сигнал переднего правого датчика управления за нижней границей диапазона |
38-34 | Сигнал переднего левого датчика управления за нижней границей диапазона |
38-35 | Сигнал заднего правого датчика управления за нижней границей диапазона |
38-36 | Сигнал заднего левого датчика управления за нижней границей диапазона |
38-37 | Питание «1» 5-вольтового датчика, за нижней границей диапазона |
38-38 | Питание «2» 5-вольтового датчика, за нижней границей диапазона |
38-39 | Исполнительный механизм подъема замкнут на массу / за нижней границей диапазона |
38-40 | Исполнительный механизм наклона замкнут на массу / сигнал за нижней границей диапазона |
38-41 | Неправильное направление исполнительного механизма наклона |
38-42 | Неправильное направление исполнительного механизма подъема |
38-43 | Соленоид левого переднего привода, ошибочное включение |
38-44 | Соленоид левого реверсивного привода, ошибочное включение |
38-45 | Соленоид правого переднего привода, ошибочное включение |
38-46 | Соленоид правого реверсивного привода, ошибочное включение |
38-47 | Передний правый соленоид управления, ошибочное включение |
38-48 | Передний левый соленоид управления, ошибочное включение |
38-49 | Задний правый соленоид управления, ошибочное включение |
38-50 | Задний левый соленоид управления, ошибочное включение |
38-51 | Соленоид давления системы управления, ошибочное включение |
38-52 | Сигнал заднего хода, ошибочное включение |
38-53 | Соленоид левого переднего привода, ошибочное выключение |
38-54 | Соленоид левого реверсивного привода, ошибочное выключение |
38-55 | Соленоид правого переднего привода, ошибочное выключение |
38-56 | Соленоид правого реверсивного привода, ошибочное выключение |
38-57 | Передний правый соленоид управления выдвижением, ошибочное выключение |
38-58 | Передний правый соленоид управления втягиванием, ошибочное выключение |
38-59 | Передний левый соленоид управления выдвижением, ошибочное выключение |
38-60 | Передний левый соленоид управления втягиванием, ошибочное выключение |
38-61 | Задний правый соленоид управления выдвижением, ошибочное выключение |
38-62 | Задний правый соленоид управления втягиванием, ошибочное выключение |
38-63 | Задний левый соленоид управления выдвижением, ошибочное выключение |
38-64 | Задний левый соленоид управления втягиванием, ошибочное выключение |
38-65 | Соленоид давления системы управления, ошибочное выключение |
38-66 | Сигнал заднего хода, ошибочное выключение |
38-67 | Нет сообщений от контроллера Bobcat |
38-68 | Углы установки колес (выравнивание) не откалиброваны |
38-69 | Исполнительные механизмы подъема и наклона не откалиброваны |
38-70 | Отключение питания |
38-71 | Напряжение батареи вне допустимых пределов |
38-72 | Насос привода не откалиброван |
38-73 | Переключатель режима управления/режима движения переключился во время работы |
38-74 | Скорость неуправляемого правого колеса, ошибочное включение |
38-75 | Скорость неуправляемого левого колеса, ошибочное включение |
38-76 | Соленоид давления системы управления — недостаточный ток |
38-77 | Передний правый соленоид управления выдвижением — недостаточный ток |
38-78 | Передний правый соленоид управления втягиванием — недостаточный ток |
38-79 | Передний левый соленоид управления выдвижением — недостаточный ток |
38-80 | Передний левый соленоид управления втягиванием — недостаточный ток |
38-81 | Задний правый соленоид управления выдвижением — недостаточный ток |
38-82 | Задний правый соленоид управления втягиванием — недостаточный ток |
38-83 | Задний левый соленоид управления выдвижением — недостаточный ток |
38-84 | Задний левый соленоид управления втягиванием — недостаточный ток |
38-85 | Питание «1» 5-вольтового датчика за верхней границей диапазона |
38-86 | Питание «2» 5-вольтового датчика за верхней границей диапазона |
38-87 | Блокировка правого переднего колеса (механическая неисправность управления) |
38-88 | Блокировка левого переднего колеса (механическая неисправность управления) |
38-89 | Блокировка правого заднего колеса (механическая неисправность управления) |
38-90 | Ошибка заднего левого управления |
38-91 | Отсутствуют импульсы датчика скорости правого колеса |
38-92 | Отсутствуют импульсы датчика скорости левого колеса |
38-93 | Датчик скорости правого колеса не отвечает |
38-94 | Датчик скорости левого колеса не отвечает |
38-98 | Контроллер в режиме калибровки привода |
38-99 | Контроллер в режиме калибровки положения колеса |
45-03 | Правый указатель поворота, ошибочное выключение |
46-02 | Левый указатель поворота, ошибочное включение |
46-03 | Левый указатель поворота, ошибочное выключение |
47-21 | Питание 8-вольтового датчика за верхней границей диапазона |
47-22 | Питание 8-вольтового датчика, за нижней границей диапазона |
48-02 | Реле переднего света, ошибочное включение |
48-03 | Реле переднего света, ошибочное выключение |
49-02 | Реле заднего света, ошибочное включение |
49-03 | Реле заднего света, ошибочное выключение |
60-21 | Сигнал рычага управления задней доп. гидравликой за верхней границей диапазона |
60-22 | Сигнал рычага управления задней доп. гидравликой за нижней границей диапазона |
60-23 | Рычаг управления задней доп. гидравликой не возвращается в нейтральное положение |
64-02 | Ошибочное включение реле мощности |
64-03 | Ошибочное выключение реле мощности |
74-72 | Сбой загрузочного кода контроллера Bobcat |
74-73 | Левая панель, ошибка приемного устройства |
80-02 | ACD, выход «A», ошибочное включение |
80-03 | ACD, выход «A», ошибочное выключение |
81-02 | ACD, выход «B», ошибочное включение |
81-03 | ACD, выход «B», ошибочное выключение |
82-02 | ACD, выход «C», ошибочное включение |
82-03 | ACD, выход «C», ошибочное выключение |
83-02 | ACD, выход «D», ошибочное включение |
83-03 | ACD, выход «D», ошибочное выключение |
84-02 | ACD, выход «E», ошибочное включение |
84-03 | ACD, выход «E», ошибочное выключение |
90-02 | Сервисный выход «C», ошибочное включение |
90-03 | Сервисный выход «C», ошибочное выключение |
91-02 | Сервисный выход «D», ошибочное включение |
91-03 | Сервисный выход «D», ошибочное выключение |
92-02 | Сервисный выход «Е», ошибочное включение |
92-03 | Сервисный выход «Е», ошибочное выключение |
93-02 | Сервисный выход «F», ошибочное включение |
93-03 | Сервисный выход «F», ошибочное выключение |
Коды ошибок мини погрузчиков Bobcat помогут вам идентифицировать неисправный исполнительный механизм и быстрее произвести ремонт отказавшего механизма как ДВС, так и гидравлической системы
Bobcat equipment is suitable for daily and intensive use. But still, one cannot do without failure and various defects. Mostly they are associated with breakdowns of components
and assemblies of equipment due to excessive loads or use for a long time. To deal with malfunctions of Bobcat special equipment, you can use the error codes that are displayed on the control
Below is a list with error codes and descriptions for them. In order to find out information on an error of interest, use the quick search function (key combination CTRL + F, then Enter) and
enter the error code for review.
The description of the errors corresponds to the models of Bobcat equipment, including the popular models S530, S770, S650, S175 and others.
The following conditional error messages may be displayed:
- [REPLY] There is no communication between one or both dashboards and the controller.
- [CODE] The controller asks for a password. For Keypad and Deluxe Instrument Panel only.
- [ERROR] Incorrect password entered. For Keypad and Deluxe Instrument Panel only.
- [SHTDN] Disabled state.
- [DOOR] The car door is open. (Boom lift and bucket tilt functions are not available.)
01-16 Air filter not connected
01-17 Clogged air filter
02-16 The filter of the hydraulic unit is not connected
02-17 The filter of the hydraulic unit is clogged
03-09 Low battery voltage
03-10 Battery voltage high
03-11 Battery voltage is very high
03-14 Battery voltage is very low
03-15 Battery voltage at shutdown
03-22 Battery voltage below the permissible range
04-09 Engine oil pressure low
04-14 Extremely low engine oil pressure
04-15 Engine oil pressure when stopped
04-21 Engine oil pressure out of range
04-22 Engine oil pressure below the permissible range
05-09 Low hydraulic boost pressure
05-10 Hydraulic boost pressure high
05-11 Extremely high hydraulic boost pressure
05-14 Extremely low hydraulic boost pressure
05-15 Hydraulic boost pressure when stopped
05-21 Hydraulic boost pressure is above the permissible range
05-22 Hydraulic boost pressure below the permissible range
06-10 Engine speed high
06-11 Extremely high engine speed
06-13 No engine speed signal
06-15 Engine speed when stopped
06-18 Engine speed out of range
07-10 High temperature of hydraulic oil
07-11 Extremely high temperature of hydraulic oil
07-15 Hydraulic oil temperature at stop
07-21 Hydraulic oil temperature out of range
07-22 Hydraulic oil temperature out of range, low
08-10 High engine coolant temperature
08-11 Extremely high engine coolant temperature
08-15 Engine coolant temperature when stopped
08-21 Engine coolant temperature out of range
08-22 Engine coolant temperature out of range, low
09-09 Low fuel level
09-21 Fuel level above the permissible range
09-22 Fuel level below the permissible range
10-16 Hydraulic filling filter not connected
10-17 Clogged hydraulic filling filter
11-05 Short circuit of the seat strip sensor to battery voltage
11-06 Short circuit of the transverse bar sensor to ground
12-21 Front auxiliary steering column switch above the permissible range
12-22 Front auxiliary steering column switch below the permissible range
12-23 Front auxiliary PWM switch not in neutral
13-05 Short circuit of the fuel supply cut-off coil to the battery
13-06 Short circuit of the fuel cut-off solenoid to ground
13-07 Open circuit of the fuel cut-off solenoid
14-02 Retraction solenoid fuel cut-off — erroneous inclusion
14-03 Retractable fuel cut-off solenoid — erroneous shutdown
15-02 Lock traction coil — erroneous inclusion
15-03 Retraction solenoid traction blocking — erroneous shutdown
16-05 Closing the traction fixing coil to the battery
16-06 Shorting of the traction control system fixing coil to ground
16-07 Open circuit of solenoid blocking traction lock
17-05 Short circuit of the hydraulic lock solenoid to battery voltage
17-06 Short circuit of the hydraulic lock solenoid to ground
17-07 Open circuit of the hydraulic lock solenoid valve
18-05 Coil blocking coil: short circuit to battery
18-06 Coil blocking coil: short to ground
18-07 Open circuit of the coil blocking coil
19-02 Solenoid position of the bucket — erroneous inclusion
19-03 Solenoid position of the bucket — erroneous shutdown
20-02 Two-speed solenoid — erroneous inclusion
20-03 Two-speed solenoid — erroneous shutdown
21-02 Glow plugs — erroneous inclusion
21-03 Glow plugs — erroneous shutdown
22-02 Starter — erroneous inclusion
22-03 Starter — erroneous shutdown
23-02 Rear base solenoid — erroneous inclusion
23-03 Rear base solenoid — erroneous shutdown
24-02 Solenoid back traction — erroneous inclusion
24-03 Solenoid back traction — erroneous shutdown
25-02 Rear auxiliary safety solenoid — erroneous inclusion
25-03 Rear auxiliary safety solenoid — erroneous shutdown
26-02 Solenoid front base — erroneous inclusion
26-03 Solenoid front base — erroneous shutdown
26-05 PWM front base, short to battery
26-06 PWM front base: short to ground
26-07 Open circuit PWM front base
27-02 Solenoid front thrust — erroneous inclusion
27-03 Solenoid front thrust — erroneous shutdown
27-05 PWM front linkage: short circuit to battery
27-06 PWM front link: short to ground
27-07 Open circuit PWM front link
28-02 Solenoid diverter — erroneous inclusion
28-03 Solenoid divertor — erroneous shutdown
29-02 High flow solenoid — erroneous inclusion
29-03 High flow solenoid — erroneous shutdown
30-28 Controller memory error
31-28 Interrupted power
32-04 No communication with the ACS controller
32-23 ACS controller not calibrated
32-24 ACS controller calibration completed
32-25 ACS controller calibration error
32-31 ACS / AHS Tilt Actuator Fault
32-32 AHS Tilt Actuator Wiring Malfunction
32-33 Malfunction of the wiring handle tilt AHS
32-34 ACS / AHS tilt actuator not in neutral
32-35 ACS / AHS Tilt Lever / Pedal not in neutral, right stick SJC X-axis not in neutral
32-36 ACS / AHS Lift Actuator Fault
32-37 AHS elevator drive wiring fault
32-38 Malfunction of the wiring handle lifter AHS
32-39 Lift drive AC / AHS not in neutral
32-40 Lift handle / pedal ACS / AHS not in neutral, right stick SJC, Y axis not in neutral
32-41 Controller AHS (no communication)
32-49 Short circuit of the ACS hoist drive to ground — erroneous shutdown
32-50 Short circuit of the ACS tilt actuator to ground — erroneous shutdown
32-51 Short circuit of the ACS hoist drive to the battery — erroneous inclusion
32-52 Short circuit of the ACS tilt drive to the battery — erroneous inclusion
32-53 Handle lift / pedal ACS short to ground, Y-axis right joystick SJC short to ground
32-54 ACS tilt handle / pedal short circuit to ground, short circuit of the X-axis of the right SJC joystick to ground
32-55 ACS lift handle / pedal short circuit to battery, short circuit on the Y-axis of the right SJC joystick to battery
32-56 ACS Tilt Pedal Short to Battery Right SJC Joystick Short to Battery X Axis
32-57 Decrease in the performance of the ACS hoist drive
32-58 ACS tilt drive reduced performance
32-59 Wrong direction of the ACS lift drive
32-60 Incorrect direction of ACS tilt actuator
32-61 Short circuit of the ACS control handle to ground
32-62 ACS handle lock from short circuit to battery
32-63 Accelerator pedal short to ground
32-64 Accelerator pedal short circuit from short circuit to battery
32-65 ACS sensor supply voltage out of range
32-66 AC battery voltage out of range
32-67 ACS operating mode switch inverted during operation
32-68 ACS lift handle information error
32-70 Y-axis of the right joystick out of range, low level
32-71 Y-axis of the right joystick out of range
32-75 Interrupted unswitched power
32-76 Joystick information error
32-97 ACS controller programmed
33-23 Bobcat controller not programmed
34-04 Deluxe Panel Error
35-02 Hydraulic fan error — erroneous inclusion
35-03 Hydraulic fan — erroneous shutdown
35-05 Short circuit of the fan of the hydraulic system to the battery
35-06 Short circuit of the fan of the hydraulic system to ground
36-48 Multiple Acds (Multiple Controllers)
37-02 Two-speed solenoid make-up — erroneous inclusion
37-03 Two-speed make-up — erroneous shutdown
37-07 Open circuit of the two-speed secondary solenoid
38-01 Joystick information error
38-02 Remote control information error
38-03 Drive Calibration Error
38-04 AWS / SJC Controller (no connection)
38-05 Left analog stick X-axis is not in neutral
38-06 Right analog stick X-axis is not in neutral
38-07 Left analog stick Y axis is not in neutral
38-08 Y-axis of the right joystick is not in neutral
38-09 Closing the operating mode switch to ground or battery
38-10 Actuator Calibration Completed
38-11 AWS / SJC lift drive not in neutral
38-12 AWS / SJC Tilt Actuator Not In Neutral Position
38-13 Aws / SJC Lift Actuator Fault
38-14 Aws / SJC Tilt Actuator Fault
38-15 Aws / SJC Right wheel speed error
38-16 Aws / SJC Left wheel speed error
38-17 AWS / SJC Tilt Drive Reduced Performance
38-18 Decrease in the performance of the drive lift Aws / SJC
38-19 X-axis of the left joystick out of range
38-20 X-axis of the right joystick out of range
38-21 Y-axis of the left joystick out of range
38-22 Y-axis of the right joystick out of range
38-23 Right front steering sensor above the permissible range
38-24 Left front steering sensor above the permissible range
38-25 Right rear steering sensor above the permissible range
38-26 Left rear steering sensor above the permissible signal range
38-27 AWS / SJC Lift Drive Out of Range
38-28 AWS / SJC Tilt Drive Out of Range
38-29 X-axis of the left joystick below the permissible range
38-30 X-axis of the right joystick below the permissible range
38-31 Left joystick Y-axis out of range, low level
38-32 Y-axis of the right joystick out of range, low level
38-33 Right front steering sensor below the permissible range
38-34 Left front steering sensor below the permissible range
38-35 Right rear steering sensor below the permissible range
38-36 Left rear steering sensor below the permissible range
38-37 Sensor power 5 Volt 1 below the permissible range
38-38 Sensor power 5 Volt 2 below the permissible range
38-39 Short circuit of the AWS / SJC hoist drive to ground
38-40 AWS / SJC tilt actuator short circuit to ground
38-41 Incorrect direction of the tilt drive
38-42 Wrong direction of the lift drive
38-43 Solenoid left front drive — erroneous inclusion
38-44 Solenoid left reverse drive — erroneous inclusion
38-45 Right front drive solenoid — erroneous inclusion
38-46 Solenoid of the right reverse drive — erroneous inclusion
38-47 Right front steering solenoid — erroneous inclusion
38-48 Left front steering solenoid — erroneous inclusion
38-49 Right rear steering solenoid — erroneous inclusion
38-50 solenoid left rear steering — erroneous inclusion
38-51 Solenoid steering with pressure control — erroneous inclusion
38-52 Backup — erroneous inclusion
38-53 Solenoid left front drive — erroneous shutdown
38-54 Solenoid left reverse drive — erroneous shutdown
38-55 Right front drive solenoid — erroneous shutdown
38-56 Solenoid of the right reverse drive — erroneous shutdown
38-57 Solenoid extension of the right front wheel — erroneous shutdown
38-58 Solenoid steering mechanism retraction of the right front wheel — erroneous shutdown
38-59 Solenoid steering mechanism extending the left front wheel — erroneous shutdown
38-60 Solenoid steering mechanism retraction of the left front wheel — erroneous shutdown
38-61 Solenoid extension of the right rear steering mechanism — erroneous shutdown
38-62 Solenoid steering mechanism retraction of the right rear wheel — erroneous shutdown
38-63 Solenoid extension of the left rear steering mechanism — erroneous shutdown
38-64 Solenoid steering mechanism retraction of the rear left wheel — erroneous shutdown
38-65 Solenoid steering with pressure control — erroneous shutdown
38-66 Short circuit backup alarm to ground
38-67 No communication with the Bobcat controller
38-68 Wheel angle sensors not calibrated
38-69 AWS / SJC Controller Not Calibrated
38-70 Interrupted power
38-71 Battery voltage out of range
38-72 Drive pump not calibrated
38-73 Mode switch pressed during operation
38-74 Uncontrolled movement with the speed of the right wheel
38-75 Uncontrolled movement with the speed of the left wheel
38-85 Sensor 1 power supply is 5.0 V above the permissible range
38-86 Sensor 2 power supply is above the permissible range
38-87 Right front steering solenoid error
38-88 Left front steering mechanism solenoid error
38-89 Right rear steering mechanism solenoid error
38-90 Left rear steering solenoid error
38-93 Right speed sensor is not responding
38-94 Left speed sensor is not responding
38-95 Left reverse speed sensor
38-96 Reverse direction of the right speed sensor
38-97 AWS / SJC Controller Programmed
38-98 Controller in drive calibration mode
38-99 AWS Controller in Wheel Calibration Mode
39-04 Malfunction of the left joystick switches
39-05 Left stick X-axis is not in neutral position
39-07 Left joystick Y axis is not in neutral
39-12 Steering column switch left joystick is not in neutral
39-13 Left grab stick (no connection)
39-16 Left stick base (no connection)
39-28 Internal malfunction of the left joystick
39-48 Left joystick multiple
40-04 Malfunction of switches of the right joystick
40-05 Right stick X axis not in neutral
40-07 Right stick Y axis is not in neutral
40-12 Right joystick lever — steering column switch not in neutral
40-13 Right stick of joystick (no connection)
40-16 Right joystick console (no connection)
40-28 Internal malfunction of the right joystick
40-48 Right stick multiple
41-09 Low generator power
41-10 High voltage generator
41-11 Generator Voltage Extremely High
44-02 Horn relay — erroneous inclusion
44-03 Horn relay — erroneous shutdown
45-02 Right direction indicator relay — erroneous activation
45-03 Right turn signal relay — erroneous shutdown
46-02 Left turn signal relay — erroneous inclusion
46-03 Left turn signal relay — erroneous shutdown
47-21 Sensor supply voltage 8 V above the permissible range
47-22 Sensor power supply 8 V below the permissible range
48-02 Front light relay — erroneous inclusion
48-03 Front light relay — erroneous shutdown
49-02 Tail light relay — erroneous inclusion
49-03 Tail light relay — erroneous shutdown
50-01 The movement pedal is above the permissible range
50-02 The movement pedal is below the permissible range
50-03 Walking pedal not calibrated
50-04 Brake pedal above the permissible range
50-05 Brake pedal below the permissible range
50-06 Brake pedal not calibrated
50-07 Lever control the direction of travel (no signal)
50-08 Direction control lever Multiple inputs
50-09 Front wheel speed sensor above the permissible range
50-10 Front wheel speed sensor below the permissible range
50-11 Rear wheel speed sensor above the permissible range
50-12 Rear wheel speed sensor below the permissible range
50-13 No front wheel speed sensor signal
50-14 No rear wheel speed sensor signal
50-15 Malfunction of the dual wheel speed sensor
50-16 Feed control not calibrated
50-19 Inclined plate sensor above the permissible range
50-20 Inclined plate sensor below the permissible range
50-21 Low rod pressure out of range
50-23 Drive controller not programmed
50-24 Overvoltage of the battery
50-25 Battery voltage below voltage
50-26 Power interrupted
50-27 Sensor 1 power supply is 5.0 V above the permissible range
50-28 Sensor power 5.0 V 1 below the permissible range
50-29 Sensor 2 power supply is 5.0 V above the permissible range
50-30 Power supply for sensor 2 is 5.0 V below the permissible range
50-31 Front-wheel drive PWM solenoid — erroneous inclusion
50-32 Forward Drive Coil: Short to Battery
50-33 Solenoid PWM front drive (no signal)
50-34 Front-wheel drive PWM solenoid not calibrated
50-35 Solenoid front drive front drive — erroneous inclusion
50-36 Solenoid front drive front drive — erroneous shutdown
50-37 Front-wheel drive reverse solenoid — erroneous inclusion
50-38 Front drive reverse solenoid — erroneous shutdown
50-39 Rear wheel drive solenoid Pwm — erroneous inclusion
50-40 Reverse drive coil: short circuit to battery
50-41 Rear-wheel drive electromagnetic PWM (no signal)
50-42 Rear-wheel drive PWM solenoid not calibrated
50-43 Solenoid front drive rear drive — erroneous inclusion
50-44 Solenoid front drive rear drive — erroneous shutdown
50-45 Reverse solenoid — erroneous inclusion
50-46 Reverse solenoid: — erroneous shutdown
50-47 Two speeds — erroneous shutdown
50-48 Two speeds — erroneous inclusion
50-49 Brake solenoid — erroneous inclusion
50-50 brake solenoid — erroneous shutdown
50-51 Brake solenoid (no signal)
50-52 Short circuit brake lights to the battery
50-53 Short circuit of brake lights to ground
50-54 Differential lock — erroneous inclusion
50-55 Differential lock — erroneous shutdown
50-56 Possible communication failure
50-57 Drive controller not calibrated
50-58 RPM software may be out of date
50-59 There are no pulses from the front wheel speed sensor
50-60 Short circuit of the remote hydraulics to the accumulator
50-61 Short circuit of the remote hydraulics to ground
50-63 Front angle sensor calibration error
50-64 Reverse drive pump drive — erroneous shutdown
50-65 Short circuit of the auxiliary base coil to ground or open circuit
50-66 Back angle sensor calibration error
50-67 Front wheel drive forward (no signal)
50-68 Front Reverse Drive (No Signal)
50-69 Rear-wheel drive forward (no signal)
50-70 Reverse reverse (no signal)
50-72 Fan coil unit: short to ground
50-73 Boom auxiliary hydraulics — erroneous shutdown
50-74 Throttle sensor, channel A, below the permissible range
50-75 Throttle sensor, channel B, above the permissible range
50-76 Throttle sensor, channel B, below the permissible range
50-77 Auxiliary switch — erroneous inclusion
50-78 Auxiliary switch — erroneous shutdown
50-79 Boom float relay — erroneous shutdown
50-80 PTO speed sensor above the permissible range
50-81 PTO speed sensor below the permissible range
50-82 Open circuit of the PTO speed sensor
50-99 In calibration mode
60-21 Rear auxiliary control element above the permissible range
60-22 Rear auxiliary control element below the permissible range
60-23 Rear auxiliary adjuster not in neutral
62-04 Load torque monitoring error
63-05 Closing the console switch to the battery
63-06 Closing the console switch to ground
64-02 Power relay switch — erroneous inclusion
64-03 Power relay switch — erroneous shutdown
64-05 Switchable power relay, short circuit to battery
64-06 Short circuit of the switched power relay to ground
64-07 Open circuit of the switched power relay
65-05 Short circuit of the blocking solenoid of the working group to the battery voltage
65-06 Short circuit of the blocking solenoid of the working group to ground
65-07 Open circuit of the solenoid blocking the working group
66-05 Short circuit of pilot pressure to the battery
66-06 Stroke Control Pressure: Short to Ground
66-07 Open circuit control pressure stroke
67-05 Bobtach Short Circuit To Battery
67-06 Bobtach short to ground
69-05 Short circuit of the operator presence relay to the battery
69-06 Short circuit of the operator presence relay to ground
69-07 Open circuit of the operator presence relay
70-28 Failure of brake pressure
74-72 Bobcat Master Controller in Boot Code
75-01 Joystick information error
75-04 No communication from the drive controller
75-05 X-axis of the left joystick is not in the neutral left position (only in ISO mode)
75-07 Y-axis of the left joystick is not in neutral
75-08 Y-axis of the right joystick is not in neutral (only h-shaped)
75-09 Closing the operating mode switch to ground or battery
75-13 The right front wheel is not responding
75-14 The left front wheel is not responding
75-15 The right rear wheel is not responding
75-16 The left rear wheel is not responding
75-17 The left swash plate is not in neutral
75-18 Right swinging plate is not in neutral
75-19 X-axis of the left joystick out of range
75-21 Y-axis of the left joystick out of range
75-23 Right front steering sensor above the permissible range
75-24 Left front steering sensor above the permissible range
75-25 Right rear steering sensor above the permissible range
75-26 Left rear steering sensor above the permissible signal range
75-27 Left tilt plate out of place
75-28 Right inclined plate out of place
75-29 X-axis of the left joystick below the permissible range
75-31 Left joystick Y-axis out of range, low level
75-33 Right front steering sensor below the permissible range
75-34 Left front steering sensor below the permissible range
75-35 Right rear steering sensor below the permissible range
75-36 Left rear steering sensor below the permissible range
75-37 Sensor power 5.0 V 1 below the permissible range
75-38 Sensor power supply 5 Volt 2 below the permissible range
75-39 Left tilt plate sensor above the permissible range
75-40 Left tilt plate sensor below the permissible range
75-41 Sensor right tilt plate above the permissible range
75-42 Sensor right inclined plate below the permissible range
75-43 Solenoid left front drive — erroneous inclusion
75-44 Solenoid left reverse drive — erroneous inclusion
75-45 Right front drive solenoid — erroneous inclusion
75-46 Solenoid of the right reverse drive — erroneous inclusion
75-47 Solenoid extension of the right front wheel — erroneous inclusion
75-48 Solenoid steering left front wheel extension — erroneous inclusion
75-49 Solenoid extension of the right rear steering mechanism — erroneous inclusion
75-50 Solenoid extension of the left rear steering mechanism — erroneous inclusion
75-51 Steering solenoid with pressure adjustment — erroneous inclusion
75-52 Backup — erroneous inclusion
75-53 Solenoid left front drive — erroneous shutdown
75-54 Solenoid left reverse drive — erroneous shutdown
75-55 Right front drive solenoid — erroneous shutdown
75-56 Solenoid of the right reverse drive — erroneous shutdown
75-57 Solenoid extension of the right front wheel — erroneous shutdown
75-58 Solenoid steering mechanism retraction of the right front wheel — erroneous shutdown
75-59 Solenoid steering mechanism extending the left front wheel — erroneous shutdown
75-60 Solenoid steering mechanism retraction of the left front wheel — erroneous shutdown
75-61 Solenoid extension of the right rear steering mechanism — erroneous shutdown
75-62 Solenoid steering mechanism retraction of the right rear wheel — erroneous shutdown
75-63 Solenoid extension of the left rear steering mechanism — erroneous shutdown
75-64 Solenoid steering mechanism retraction of the rear left wheel — erroneous shutdown
75-65 Solenoid steering with pressure control — erroneous shutdown
75-66 Backup Alarm — Erroneous Shutdown
75-67 No communication with the Bobcat controller
75-68 Angle sensors not calibrated
75-69 Battery voltage above the permissible range
75-70 Interrupted power
75-71 Battery voltage below the permissible range
75-72 Drive pump — not calibrated
75-73 Mode switch inverted during operation
75-74 Uncontrolled movement with the speed of the right wheel
75-75 Uncontrolled movement with the speed of the left wheel
75-76 No communication with the ACS controller
75-77 Left speed sensor above the permissible range
75-78 Right speed sensor above the permissible range
75-79 Left speed sensor below the permissible range
75-80 Right speed sensor below the permissible range
75-81 Solenoid steering mechanism retraction of the right front wheel — erroneous inclusion
75-82 Solenoid steering mechanism retraction of the left front wheel — erroneous inclusion
75-83 Solenoid steering mechanism retraction of the right rear wheel — erroneous inclusion
75-84 Solenoid steering mechanism retraction of the rear left wheel — erroneous inclusion
75-85 Sensor 1 power supply is 5.0 V above the permissible range
75-86 Sensor 2 power supply is above the permissible range
75-87 Software update required
75-88 Power switch — erroneous power on
75-91 Left Tilt Plate Sensor — Inverted
75-92 Right Tilt Plate Sensor — Inverted
75-93 The right speed sensor does not respond
75-94 The left speed sensor does not respond
75-95 Left reverse speed sensor
75-96 Reverse direction of the right speed sensor
75-97 Programmed Drive / Drive Plus controller
75-98 Controller in calibration mode
75-99 Drive Plus controller in wheel position calibration mode
76-73 Rx error system left panel display
77-48 Key switch multiple
78-74 Door / Transport lock open / Active
80-02 Acd / racd exit «a» — erroneous inclusion
80-03 Acd / racd exit «a» — erroneous shutdown
81-02 Acd / racd exit «b» — erroneous inclusion
81-03 Acd / racd exit «b» — erroneous shutdown
82-02 Acd / racd exit «c» — erroneous inclusion
82-03 Acd / racd exit «c» — erroneous shutdown
83-02 Acd / racd exit «d» — erroneous inclusion
83-03 Acd / racd exit «d» — erroneous shutdown
84-02 Acd / racd output «e» — erroneous inclusion
84-03 Acd / racd exit «e» — erroneous shutdown
85-02 Acd / racd output «f» — erroneous inclusion
85-03 Acd / racd exit «f» — erroneous shutdown
86-02 Acd / racd exit «g» — erroneous inclusion
86-03 Acd / racd exit «g» — erroneous shutdown
87-02 Acd / racd output «h» — erroneous inclusion
87-03 Acd / racd exit «h» — erroneous shutdown
90-02 Service output «c» — erroneous inclusion
90-03 Service exit «c» — erroneous shutdown
91-02 Service output «d» — erroneous inclusion
91-03 Service output «d» — erroneous shutdown
92-02 Service output «e» — erroneous switching on
92-03 Service output «e» — erroneous shutdown
93-02 Service exit «f» — erroneous inclusion
93-03 Service output «F» — erroneous shutdown
A0618 Wheel speed out of range
A3623 ACD (Attachment Control Device) Not Programmed
A4621 Sensor supply voltage 5 V above the permissible range
A4622 Sensor supply 5 V below the permissible range
A4721 Sensor supply voltage 8 V above the permissible range
A4722 Sensor supply 8 V below the permissible range
A7701 Machine key active
A7901 E-stop active
A8002 Acd / racd exit «a» — erroneous inclusion
A8003 Acd / racd exit «a» — erroneous shutdown
A8005 Acd output ‘a’ short to battery
A8006 ACD output short circuit to ground
A8007 Acd output ‘a’ (open circuit)
A8032 Acd output ‘a’ (over current)
A8102 Acd / racd exit «b» — erroneous inclusion
A8103 Acd / racd exit «b» — erroneous shutdown
A8105 Short circuit at the ACD output ‘b’ to battery
A8106 Acd output short circuit to ground
A8107 Acd output ‘b’ (open circuit)
A8132 Acd output ‘b’ (overcurrent)
A8202 Acd / racd exit «c» — erroneous inclusion
A8203 Acd / racd exit «c» — erroneous shutdown
A8205 Short circuit at ACD output ‘c’ to battery
A8206 Acd output short circuit to ground
A8207 Open circuit ACD output ‘c’
A8232 Acd output ‘c’ (overcurrent)
A8302 Acd output ‘d’ — erroneous inclusion
A8303 Acd / racd exit «d» — erroneous shutdown
A8305 Acd output short circuit to battery
A8306 ACD output short circuit to ground
A8307 Open circuit ACD output ‘d’
A8332 Acd output ‘d’ (overcurrent)
A8402 Acd / racd exit «e» — erroneous inclusion
A8403 Acd / racd exit «e» — erroneous shutdown
A8405 Acd output ‘e’ short to battery
A8406 Acd output short circuit to ground
A8407 Acd output ‘e’ (open circuit)
A8432 Acd output ‘e’ (over current)
A8502 Acd / racd exit «f» — erroneous inclusion
A8503 Acd / racd exit «f» — erroneous shutdown
A8505 Short circuit at the output Acd ‘f’ to the battery
A8506 Acd output short circuit to ground
A8507 Acd output ‘f’ (open circuit)
A8532 Acd output ‘f’ (overcurrent)
A8602 Acd exit ‘g’ — erroneous inclusion
A8603 Acd / racd exit «g» — erroneous shutdown
A8605 Short circuit of the ACD output ‘g’ to the battery
A8606 Acd output short circuit to ground
A8607 Open circuit ACD output ‘g’
A8702 Acd / racd exit «h» — erroneous inclusion
A8703 Acd / racd exit «h» — erroneous shutdown
A8705 Acd output ‘h’ short to battery
A8706 Acd output ‘h’: short to ground
A8707 Acd output ‘h’ (open circuit)
A8802 Reversing solenoid — erroneous inclusion
A8803 Reversing solenoid — erroneous shutdown
C0216 Hydraulic / hydrostatic filter not connected
C0217 Hydraulic / hydrostatic filter clogged
C0309 Low battery voltage
C0310 Battery voltage high
C0311 Battery voltage too high
C0314 Battery Voltage Extremely Low
C0315 Battery voltage at shutdown
C0322 Battery voltage below acceptable range
C0414 Extremely low engine oil pressure
C0415 Engine Oil Pressure When Stopping
C0610 Engine speed high
C0611 Extremely high engine speed
C0613 No engine speed signal
C0615 Engine speed when stopped
C0618 Engine speed out of range
C0710 Hydraulic oil temperature high
C0711 Extreme High Hydraulic Oil Temperature
C0715 Hydraulic oil temperature at stop
C0722 Hydraulic oil temperature out of range, low
C0810 Engine Coolant Temperature High
C0811 Extremely High Engine Coolant Temperature
C0815 Engine Coolant Temperature When Stopping
C0821 Engine coolant temperature out of range
C0822 Engine coolant temperature out of range, low
C0921 Fuel level above acceptable range
C0922 Fuel level below acceptable range
C1221 Auxiliary PWM Switch Above Range
C1222 Auxiliary PWM Switch Below Range
C1223 Auxiliary PWM Switch Not In Neutral Position
C1305 Short circuit fuel cutoff solenoid battery
C1306 Short circuit fuel cut-off solenoid to ground
C1307 Fuel cut-off solenoid open circuit Code Description
C1402 Fuel cutoff solenoid — erroneous inclusion
C1403 Fuel cutoff rod solenoid — erroneous shutdown
C2005 Two speeds — erroneous inclusion
C2006 Two speeds — erroneous shutdown
C2102 Glow plugs — faulty activation
C2103 Glow plugs — erroneous shutdown
C2202 Starter — erroneous inclusion
C2203 Starter — erroneous shutdown
C2305 Base bias solenoid valve short to battery
C2306 Basic Bias Solenoid Short to Ground
C2307 Open Bias Solenoid Circuit
C2405 Shorted Bias Stem Solenoid to Battery Voltage
C2406 Shorted Bias Bar Solenoid to Ground
C2407 Shift Rod Solenoid Open Circuit
C2505 Return bias: short circuit to battery
C2506 Offset Return: Short to Ground
C2507 Bias return open circuit
C2605 Auxiliary base solenoid short to battery voltage
C2606 Auxiliary Base Solenoid Short to Ground
C2607 Open circuit of auxiliary base solenoid
C2705 Auxiliary Traction Solenoid Short to Battery Voltage
C2706 Auxiliary Traction Solenoid Short to Ground
C2707 Auxiliary Traction Solenoid Open Circuit
C2802 Hydraulic exchange — erroneous activation
C2803 Hydraulic exchange — erroneous shutdown
C3028 Controller memory error
C3128 Intermittent power failure
C3323 Main Controller Not Programmed
C3397 Main Controller Programmed
C4021 Blade control angle out of range, high
C4022 Blade control angle below acceptable range
C4023 Angle blade not in neutral
C4105 Angle blade base solenoid valve short to battery
C4106 Angle blade base solenoid valve short to ground
C4107 Angle Blade Base Solenoid Circuit Open
C4205 Corner knife rod solenoid valve short to battery
C4206 Angle blade rod solenoid valve short to ground
C4207 Angle Knife Bar Solenoid Circuit Open
C4321 Load sensing pressure out of range
C4322 Load sensing pressure below acceptable range
C4516 Throttle valve controller (no communication)
C6021 Offset monitoring out of range
C6022 Offset monitoring below permissible range
C6023 Offset control not in neutral
C6204 Load torque monitoring error
C6305 Console Switch Short to Battery
C6306 Console Switch Short to Ground
C6405 Switched power relay short circuit to battery
C6406 Short circuit of switchable power relay to ground
C6407 Open circuit of the switched power relay
C6505 Short working group lock solenoid to battery voltage
C6506 Short circuit of the working group lock solenoid to ground
C6507 Open circuit of the working group lock solenoid
D3905 Left stick X-axis is not in neutral
D3907 Left stick Y axis not in neutral
D4007 Right stick Y axis is not in neutral
D7501 Joystick information error
D7504 Drive (no communication) with drive controller
D7505 Left X-axis drive joystick not in neutral
D7507 Left Y-axis drive joystick not in neutral
D7508 Operate the right joystick, Y axis is not in neutral
D7509 Closing the operating mode switch to ground or battery
D7510 Incorrect drive joysticks installed
D7511 Left drive speed sensor not connected
D7512 Right drive speed sensor not connected
D7513 Right front wheel not responding
D7514 Left front wheel not responding
D7515 Right rear wheel not responding
D7516 Left rear wheel not responding
D7517 Left swash plate not in neutral
D7518 Right swing plate not in neutral
D7519 X-axis of the left joystick movement out of range
D7521 Movement along the Y-axis of the left joystick out of range
D7522 Right joystick movement along the Y axis out of range
D7523 Right front steering sensor above the permissible range
D7524 Left front steering sensor above the permissible range
D7525 Right rear steering sensor above the permissible range
D7526 Left rear steering sensor above the acceptable signal range
D7527 Left tilt plate out of place
D7528 Right tilt plate out of place
D7529 Left joystick movement along the X axis below the permissible range
D7531 Move the left joystick along the Y axis out of range
D7532 Move the right joystick along the Y axis below the allowable range
D7533 Right front steering sensor below the permissible range
D7534 Left front steering sensor below the acceptable range
D7535 Right rear steering sensor below the acceptable range
D7536 Left rear steering sensor below the acceptable range
D7537 Sensor power 5.0 V 1 below the permissible range
D7538 Sensor supply 5 Volt 2 below the permissible range
D7539 Left tilt plate sensor above the permissible range
D7540 Left tilt plate sensor below the permissible range
D7541 Right tilt plate sensor above the permissible range
D7542 Right tilt plate sensor below the permissible range
D7543 Left front drive solenoid — erroneous inclusion
D7544 Left reverse drive solenoid — erroneous inclusion
D7545 Right front drive solenoid — erroneous inclusion
D7546 Right reverse drive solenoid — erroneous inclusion
D7547 Right front wheel extension solenoid — erroneous inclusion
D7548 Left front wheel extension steering solenoid — erroneous inclusion
D7549 Right rear steering mechanism extension solenoid — erroneous inclusion
D7550 Left rear steering mechanism extension solenoid — erroneous inclusion
D7551 Pressure controlled steering solenoid — erroneous activation
D7552 Backup — erroneous inclusion
D7553 Left front drive solenoid — erroneous shutdown
D7554 Left reverse drive solenoid — erroneous shutdown
D7555 Right front drive solenoid — erroneous shutdown
D7556 Right reverse drive solenoid — erroneous shutdown
D7557 Right front wheel extension solenoid — erroneous shutdown
D7558 Right front wheel retraction steering solenoid — erroneous shutdown
D7559 Left front wheel extension steering solenoid — erroneous shutdown
D7560 Left front wheel retraction steering solenoid — erroneous shutdown
D7561 Right rear steering mechanism extension solenoid — erroneous shutdown
D7562 Right rear wheel retraction steering solenoid — erroneous shutdown
D7563 Left rear steering mechanism extension solenoid — erroneous shutdown
D7564 Rear left steering wheel retraction solenoid — erroneous shutdown
D7565 Pressure control steering solenoid — erroneous shutdown
D7566 Backup alarm — erroneous shutdown
D7567 No communication from the gateway controller
D7568 Angle sensors not calibrated
D7569 Battery voltage above the permissible range
D7570 Interrupted power
D7571 Battery voltage below the permissible range
D7572 Drive pump — not calibrated
D7573 Mode switch inverted during operation
D7574 Uncontrolled movement with the speed of the right wheel
D7575 Uncontrolled movement with the speed of the left wheel
D7576 Drive no communication with the ACS controller
D7577 Left speed sensor above the permissible range
D7578 Right speed sensor above the permissible range
D7579 Left speed sensor below the permissible range
D7580 Right speed sensor below the permissible range
D7581 Right front wheel retraction steering solenoid — erroneous inclusion
D7582 Left front wheel retraction steering solenoid — erroneous activation
D7583 Right rear wheel retraction steering solenoid — erroneous inclusion
D7584 Rear left steering wheel retraction solenoid — erroneous activation
D7585 Sensor 1 power supply is 5.0 V above the permissible range
D7586 Sensor 2 power supply is above the permissible range
D7587 Software update required
D7588 Switched power is stuck on state
D7589 Drive power supply — erroneous shutdown
D7590 Actuator calibration completed
D7591 Left Tilt Plate Sensor — Inverted
D7592 Right Tilt Plate Sensor — Inverted
D7593 The right speed sensor does not respond
D7594 Left speed sensor not responding
D7595 Left reverse speed sensor
D7596 Reverse direction right speed sensor
D7597 Drive / Drive Plus controller programmed
D7598 Drive / Drive Plus controller in calibration mode
D7599 Drive Plus controller in wheel position calibration mode
E00002700 EGR control error
E00002701 EGR control error
E00002703 EGR Actuator position error
E00002704 EGR Actuator position error
E00002709 EGR Actuator position error
E00002710 EGR Actuator position error
E00002720 EGR position learning error
E00002730 EGR position learning error
E00002903 Malfunction of the throttle position sensor
E00002904 Malfunction of the throttle position sensor
E00008100 SCR error
E00008107 SCR error
E00008111 SCR error
E00009102 Malfunction of the throttle position sensor
E00009103 Malfunction of the throttle position sensor
E00009104 Malfunction of the throttle position sensor
E00009119 Malfunction of the throttle position sensor
E00009411 Rail pressure control malfunction
E00009416 Rail pressure control malfunction
E00009418 Rail pressure control malfunction
E00009703 Malfunction of the water-in-fuel sensor
E00009704 Malfunction of the water-in-fuel sensor
E00009709 Malfunction of the water-in-fuel sensor
E00009731 Water in fuel detected
E00010001 Engine oil pressure too low
E00010003 Malfunction of engine oil pressure
E00010004 Malfunction of engine oil pressure
E00010203 Intake air pressure sensor malfunction
E00010204 Intake air pressure sensor malfunction
E00010502 Intake manifold temperature error
E00010503 Intake manifold temperature sensor malfunction
E00010504 Intake manifold temperature sensor malfunction
E00010509 Intake manifold temperature sensor malfunction
E00010510 Intake manifold temperature sensor malfunction
E00010603 Malfunction of the manifold pressure sensor
E00010604 Malfunction of the manifold pressure sensor
E00010609 Malfunction of the manifold pressure sensor
E00010803 Atmospheric pressure error
E00010804 Atmospheric pressure error
E00010809 Atmospheric pressure error
E00011000 Extremely high engine temperature
E00011002 Engine coolant temperature error
E00011003 Malfunction of the water temperature sensor
E00011004 Water temperature sensor malfunction
E00011031 Malfunction of the engine coolant temperature sensor
E00013200 Malfunction of the intake air volume
E00013201 Malfunction of the intake air volume
E00013203 Maf sensor malfunction
E00013204 Maf sensor malfunction
E00013209 Maf sensor malfunction
E00013215 Boost pressure error
E00013231 Maf sensor malfunction
E00015700 Malfunction of the pressure in the rail
E00015702 Malfunction of the rail pressure sensor
E00015703 Malfunction of the rail pressure sensor
E00015704 Malfunction of the rail pressure sensor
E00015710 Malfunction of the pressure in the rail
E00015711 Malfunction of the pressure in the rail
E00015721 Malfunction of rail pressure control
E00015722 Rail pressure control malfunction
E00016803 System voltage too high
E00016804 System voltage too low
E00017103 Maf sensor malfunction
E00017104 Maf sensor malfunction
E00017200 Too high intake air temperature
E00017202 Intake air temperature sensor malfunction
E00017203 Intake air temperature sensor malfunction
E00017204 Intake air temperature sensor malfunction
E00017209 Malfunction of the intake air temperature sensor
E00017300 Exhaust gas overheating error
E00017301 Doc. Exothermic efficiency error
E00017302 Malfunction of the inlet temperature sensor Scr
E00017400 Fuel temperature too high
E00017402 Fuel temperature error
E00017403 Fuel temperature sensor malfunction
E00017404 Fuel temperature sensor malfunction
E00017409 Malfunction of the fuel temperature sensor
E00017502 Engine oil temperature error
E00017531 Malfunction of the engine oil temperature sensor
E00019000 Extremely high engine speed
E00062802 ECU error
E00062912 ECU error
E00063011 Injector data error
E00063023 ECU error
E00063024 ECU error
E00063025 ECU error
E00063031 ECU error
E00063307 Malfunction of the pressure in the rail
E00063600 Malfunction of the crankshaft position sensor
E00063601 Malfunction of the crankshaft position sensor
E00063602 Malfunction of the crankshaft position sensor
E00063607 Malfunction of the cam or crank sensor
E00063608 Malfunction of the crankshaft position sensor
E00063611 Malfunction of the crankshaft position sensor
E00063702 Cam signal error
E00063708 Cam signal error
E00063720 Cam signal error
E00063730 Cam signal error
E00063919 ECU communication error
E00064103 Boost control error
E00064104 Boost control error
E00065103 Malfunction injector No. 1
E00065105 Malfunction injector No. 1
E00065106 Malfunction injector No. 1
E00065120 Malfunction injector No. 1
E00065121 Malfunction injector No. 1
E00065131 Malfunction injector No. 1
E00065203 Malfunction injector No. 2
E00065205 Malfunction injector No. 2
E00065206 Malfunction injector No. 2
E00065220 Malfunction injector No. 2
E00065221 Malfunction injector No. 2
E00065231 Malfunction injector No. 2
E00065303 Malfunction injector No. 3
E00065305 Malfunction injector No. 3
E00065306 Malfunction injector No. 3
E00065320 Malfunction injector No. 3
E00065321 Malfunction injector No. 3
E00065331 Malfunction injector No. 3
E00065403 Malfunction injector No. 4
E00065405 Malfunction injector No. 4
E00065406 Malfunction injector No. 4
E00065420 Malfunction injector No. 4
E00065421 Malfunction injector No. 4
E00065431 Malfunction injector No. 4
E00067603 Malfunction of the glow plug relay
E00067604 Malfunction of the glow plug relay
E00067605 Malfunction of the glow plug relay
E00072302 Malfunction of the camshaft position sensor
E00072308 Malfunction of the camshaft position sensor
E00073120 Accelerometer malfunction
E00073121 Accelerometer malfunction
E00107600 Rail pressure control malfunction
E00107601 Rail pressure control malfunction
E00107603 Rail pressure control malfunction
E00107604 Rail pressure control malfunction
E00107609 Rail pressure control malfunction
E00107615 Rail pressure control malfunction
E00107616 Rail pressure control malfunction
E00107617 Rail pressure control malfunction
E00107618 Rail pressure control malfunction
E00107620 Rail pressure control malfunction
E00107631 Rail pressure control malfunction
E00107702 ECU error
E00118002 Turbo temperature error
E00118003 Turbo temperature sensor malfunction
E00118004 Turbo temperature sensor malfunction
E00118009 Turbo temperature sensor malfunction
E00118010 Turbo temperature sensor malfunction
E00118031 Turbo temperature sensor malfunction
E00122100 ECU error
E00122101 ECU error
E00122102 ECU error
E00122103 ECU safety monitoring error
E00122104 ECU safety monitoring error
E00122105 ECU error
E00122106 ECU error
E00122107 ECU error
E00122108 ECU error
E00122109 ECU error
E00122110 ECU error
E00122111 ECU safety monitoring error
E00122112 ECU error
E00122113 ECU error
E00122114 ECU error
E00122115 ECU error
E00122116 ECU error
E00122117 ECU error
E00122118 ECU error
E00122119 ECU safety monitoring error
E00122120 ECU error
E00122121 ECU error
E00122122 ECU error
E00122123 ECU error
E00122124 ECU error
E00122125 ECU error
E00122126 ECU safety monitoring error
E00122127 ECU safety monitoring error
E00122128 ECU safety monitoring error
E00122129 ECU safety monitoring error
E00122130 ECU error
E00122131 ECU safety monitoring error
E00122132 ECU error
E00122133 ECU error
E00122134 ECU error
E00122135 ECU error
E00122136 ECU error
E00122137 ECU error
E00122138 ECU error
E00122139 ECU error
E00122140 ECU error
E00122141 ECU error
E00122142 ECU error
E00122143 ECU error
E00122144 ECU error
E00122145 ECU error
E00122146 ECU error
E00122147 ECU error
E00122148 ECU error
E00122149 ECU error
E00122150 ECU error
E00122151 ECU error
E00122152 ECU error
E00122153 ECU error
E00122154 ECU error
E00122155 ECU error
E00122156 ECU error
E00122157 ECU error
E00122158 ECU error
E00122159 ECU error
E00122160 ECU error
E00122161 ECU error
E00122162 ECU error
E00122163 ECU error
E00122164 ECU error
E00122165 ECU error
E00122166 ECU error
E00122167 ECU error
E00122168 ECU error
E00122169 ECU error
E00122170 ECU error
E00122171 ECU error
E00122172 ECU error
E00122173 ECU error
E00122174 ECU error
E00122175 ECU error
E00122176 ECU error
E00122177 ECU error
E00122178 ECU error
E00122179 ECU error
E00122180 ECU error
E00122181 ECU error
E00122182 ECU error
E00122183 ECU error
E00122184 ECU error
E00122185 ECU error
E00122186 ECU error
E00122187 ECU error
E00122188 ECU error
E00122189 ECU error
E00122190 ECU error
E00122191 ECU error
E00122192 ECU error
E00122193 ECU error
E00122194 ECU error
E00122195 ECU error
E00122196 ECU error
E00122197 ECU error
E00122198 ECU error
E00122199 ECU error
E00123901 High pressure fuel leak
E00134703 High pressure pump malfunction
E00134704 High pressure pump malfunction
E00134707 High pressure pump malfunction
E00148502 Malfunction of the main relay of the ECU
E00148507 Malfunction of the main relay of the ECU
E00148511 Malfunction of the main relay of the ECU
E00161203 Malfunction of injectors No. 1 and No. 4
E00161204 Malfunction of injectors No. 1 and No. 4
E00161211 Malfunction of injectors No. 1 and No. 4
E00161303 Malfunction of injectors No. 2 and No. 3
E00161304 Malfunction of injectors No. 2 and No. 3
E00161311 Malfunction of injectors No. 2 and No. 3
E00279103 Egr Motor Fault
E00279104 Egr Motor Fault
E00279105 Egr Motor Fault
E00279107 Blocked EGR malfunction
E00279108 EGR position error
E00324200 Extremely high exhaust gas temperature
E00324203 Malfunction of the exhaust gas temperature sensor
E00324204 Malfunction of the exhaust gas temperature sensor
E00324216 Malfunction of the exhaust gas temperature sensor
E00324600 Extremely high exhaust gas temperature
E00324603 EGR temperature sensor error
E00324604 EGR temperature sensor error
E00324616 Malfunction of the exhaust gas temperature sensor
E00325100 Differential pressure sensor malfunction
E00325101 Differential pressure sensor malfunction
E00325103 EGR temperature sensor error
E00325104 EGR temperature sensor error
E00325200 Exhaust gas temperature too high
E00350903 Sensor supply voltage failure
E00350904 Sensor supply voltage failure
E00350911 Malfunction of the power supply of 5-volt sensor No. 1
E00351003 Sensor supply voltage failure
E00351004 Sensor supply voltage failure
E00351011 Malfunction of the power supply of 5-volt sensor No. 2
E00351111 Power failure 5-volt auxiliary sensor # 2
E00370100 Extremely high solids content
E00370115 Particulate matter warning
E00370116 Too high solids content
E00408203 Malfunction of the inlet metering valve
E00408204 Malfunction of the inlet metering valve
E00408205 Malfunction of the inlet metering valve
E00408206 Malfunction of the inlet metering valve
E00425600 Unknown Scr fault
E00476500 Extremely high exhaust gas temperature
E00476503 Malfunction of the exhaust gas temperature sensor
E00476504 Malfunction of the exhaust gas temperature sensor
E00476518 Malfunction of the exhaust gas temperature sensor
E00524600 Security level empty
E00524615 Security level too low
E00524616 Protection level Extremely low
E00524617 Security level too low
E00524619 Dcu May Communication Failure
E00524621 Blocked EGR error
E00524622 Interrupted batching error
E00524623 Def flow error
E00524624 Def quality error
E00524625 Hacking error
E00524626 Def flow error
E00532403 Glow plug signal error
E00532404 Glow plug signal error
E0105 Throttle actuator short circuit to battery voltage
E0106 Throttle valve drive short to ground
E0107 Open circuit of the throttle actuator
E0123 Throttle valve controller not calibrated
E0321 Sensor supply voltage 5 V above the permissible range
E0322 Sensor supply 5 V below the permissible range
E0421 The engine speed control disk is above the permissible range
E0422 The engine speed control dial is below the permissible range
E0521 Throttle actuator feedback out of range
E0522 Throttle actuator feedback below the permissible range
E52352302 Malfunction of injectors No. 1 and No. 4
E52352303 Malfunction of injectors No. 1 and No. 4
E52352304 Malfunction of injectors No. 1 and No. 4
E52352402 Malfunction of injectors No. 2 and No. 3
E52352403 Malfunction of injectors No. 2 and No. 3
E52352404 Malfunction of injectors No. 2 and No. 3
E52352501 Injector malfunction
E52352702 ECU error
E52353500 Injector malfunction
E52353602 EGR error
E52353702 EGR error
E52353802 ECU error
E52353807 ECU error
E52353902 Fuel pump malfunction
E52354002 Fuel pump malfunction
E52354103 EGR error
E52354104 EGR error
E52354302 Malfunction of the throttle position sensor
E52354403 Intake heater malfunction
E52354404 Intake heater malfunction
E52354702 ECU communication error
E52354802 ECU communication error
E52357204 EGR position sensor error
E52357403 Egr Actuator Fault
E52357404 Egr Drive Malfunction
E52357507 Egr Actuator Fault
E52357602 Egr Motor Fault
E52357702 EGR temperature sensor error
E52357802 EGR error
E52358002 Malfunction of intake throttle
E52358203 Malfunction of the intake throttle lift sensor
E52358204 Malfunction of the intake throttle lift sensor
E52358917 Low water temperature when parking regeneration
E52359016 Parked regeneration timeout
E52359102 ECU communication error
E52359202 ECU communication error
E52359302 ECU communication error
E52359402 ECU communication error
E52359502 ECU communication error
E52359602 ECU communication error
E52359800 Doc Failure
E52359802 ECU communication error
E52359900 Malfunction of the exhaust gas temperature sensor
E52360000 Pump calibration error
E52360100 Malfunction of the exhaust gas temperature sensor
E52360200 DPF error
E52360315 Malfunction of the water temperature sensor
E52360402 ECU communication error
E52370013 ECU error
H0921 Boost sensor above the permissible range
H0922 Boost sensor below the permissible range
H1221 Front auxiliary steering column switch above the permissible range
H1222 Front auxiliary steering column switch below the permissible range
H1224 Front auxiliary steering column switch not in neutral
H1321 Left thumb switch out of range — high level
H1322 Left large switch below the permissible range
H1324 Rear auxiliary steering column switch not in neutral
H2305 Shorted rear base solenoid to battery
H2306 Short of the rear base solenoid to ground
H2307 Open circuit of the rear base solenoid
H2332 Rear Base Solenoid Overload
H2405 Short circuit of the rear traction solenoid to the battery Code Description
H2406 Short circuit of the rear thrust solenoid to ground
H2407 Open circuit of the rear thrust solenoid
H2432 Rear traction solenoid overload
H2505 Short circuit divertor No. 2 to the battery
H2506 Diverter No. 2, closing to ground
H2507 Open circuit divertor No. 2
H2605 Front Base Solenoid Short to Battery Voltage
H2606 Front Base Solenoid Short to Ground
H2607 Open circuit of the front base solenoid
H2632 Front Base Solenoid Overload
H2705 Front thrust solenoid short circuit to battery voltage
H2706 Short circuit of the front thrust solenoid to ground
H2707 Open front link solenoid circuit
H2732 Front thrust solenoid overload
H2805 Short circuit of the divertor solenoid valve to battery voltage
H2806 Short circuit of the solenoid valve of the divertor to ground
H2807 Open circuit of divertor solenoid valve
H2905 High flow solenoid valve: short to battery
H2906 High flow solenoid short to ground
H2907 Open circuit of high flow solenoid
H2932 High flow solenoid over current
H3028 Auxiliary controller memory failure
H3128 Intermittent power failure
H3648 Multiple Acds (Attachment Control)
H3904 Left joystick defective
H3912 Thumb on left joystick is not in neutral
H3913 Left grab stick (no communication)
H3916 Left joystick base (no communication)
H3928 Internal malfunction of the left joystick
H3948 Left joystick multiple
H4004 Right joystick defective
H4012 Thumb on the right joystick is not in neutral
H4013 Right stick joystick (no communication)
H4016 Right joystick console (no communication)
H4028 Internal malfunction of the right joystick
H4048 Right stick multiple
H4302 Horn relay — erroneous activation
H4303 Horn relay — erroneous shutdown
H4423 Auxiliary controller not programmed
H4497 Auxiliary controller programmed
H4502 Right turn signal — erroneous inclusion
H4503 Right turn signal — erroneous shutdown
H4602 Left turn signal — erroneous inclusion
H4603 Left turn signal — erroneous shutdown
H4721 Sensor supply voltage 8 V above the permissible range
H4722 Sensor supply 8 V below the permissible range
H7404 Gateway controller (no connection)
H7604 Left Display Panel No Communication Code Description
L0102 Light button — erroneous inclusion
L0202 High flow button — erroneous inclusion
L0302 Auxiliary button — erroneous activation
L0402 Power button — erroneous activation
L7404 Gateway controller (no connection)
L7672 Left panel programming error
M0116 Air filter not connected
M0117 Clogged air filter
M0216 The filter of the hydraulic unit is not connected
M0217 Filter of hydraulic unit clogged
M0309 Low battery voltage
M0310 Battery voltage high
M0311 Battery voltage too high
M0314 Battery voltage is extremely low
M0322 Battery voltage below permissible range
M0409 Engine oil pressure low
M0414 Extremely low engine oil pressure
M0415 Engine oil pressure when stopped
M0421 Engine oil pressure out of range
M0422 Engine oil pressure below acceptable range
M0509 Low hydraulic boost pressure
M0510 Hydraulic boost pressure high
M0511 Extremely high hydraulic boost pressure
M0514 Extremely low hydraulic boost pressure
M0515 Hydraulic boost pressure when stopped
M0521 Hydraulic boost pressure above the permissible range
M0522 Hydraulic boost pressure below the permissible range
M0610 Engine speed high
M0611 Extremely high engine speed
M0613 No engine speed signal
M0615 Engine speed when stopped
M0618 Engine speed out of range
M0634 Invalid engine speed information from ECU
M0710 Hydraulic oil temperature high
M0711 Extremely high hydraulic oil temperature
M0715 Hydraulic oil temperature at stop
M0721 Hydraulic oil temperature out of range
M0722 Hydraulic oil temperature out of range, low
M0810 High engine coolant temperature
M0811 Extremely high engine coolant temperature
M0815 Engine coolant temperature when stopped
M0821 Engine coolant temperature out of range
M0822 Engine coolant temperature out of range, low
M0826 Engine coolant temperature before stopping
M0909 Low fuel level M4110 High voltage generator
M0921 Fuel level above the permissible range
M0922 Fuel level below acceptable range
M1016 Hydraulic filling filter not connected
M1017 Hydraulic filling filter clogged
M1121 Safety arc sensor above the permissible range
M1122 Safety arc sensor below the permissible range
M1128 Seat post sensor failure
M1305 Short circuit of the fuel cut-off coil to the battery
M1306 Short circuit of the fuel cut-off coil to ground
M1307 Open circuit of the holding coil for fuel cut-off
M1402 Fuel supply output — erroneous activation
M1403 Fuel supply output — erroneous activation
M1407 Open circuit of the fuel supply output
M1428 Fuel output power regulator malfunction
M1502 Lockout pull coil — erroneous activation
M1503 Traction coil interlock — erroneous shutdown
M1507 Open circuit of the output of the traction lock
M1528 Malfunction of the traction control traction control
M1605 Short circuit of the thrust latching solenoid to battery voltage
M1606 Closed traction control solenoid to ground
M1607 Open circuit of the traction interlock solenoid
M1705 Hydraulic solenoid valve lock short circuit to battery
M1706 Hydraulic solenoid valve lock short to ground
M1707 Open circuit of the hydraulic lock solenoid valve
M1732 Hydraulic solenoid valve blocking over normal
M1805 Lifting coil short circuit to battery
M1806 Closing the lift coil lock to ground
M1807 Open circuit of the lifting coil interlock
M1832 Overload of the lifting coil interlock solenoid
M2005 Two-speed solenoid short circuit to battery
M2006 Two-speed solenoid short circuit to ground
M2007 Open circuit of the two-speed solenoid
M2032 Overcurrent two-speed solenoid
M2102 Glow plugs — erroneous inclusion
M2103 Glow plugs — erroneous shutdown
M2107 Open circuit of the glow plug output
M2128 Glow plug output controller failure
M2202 Starter output — erroneous inclusion
M2203 Starter output — erroneous shutdown
M2207 Open circuit of the starter output
M2228 Starter output controller failure
M2302 Starter relay — erroneous activation
M2303 Starter relay — erroneous shutdown
M2307 Open circuit of the starter relay
M2402 Fuel supply relay — erroneous activation
M2403 Fuel supply relay — erroneous shutdown
M2407 Open circuit of the fuel supply output
M2502 Traction lockout relay — erroneous activation
M2503 Traction lock traction relay — erroneous shutdown
M2507 Open circuit of traction lockout output
M2602 Glow plug relay — faulty activation
M2603 Glow plug relay — erroneous shutdown
M2607 Open circuit of the glow plug output
M2721 Primary throttle valve sensor above the permissible range
M2722 Primary throttle valve sensor below the permissible range
M2805 Auxiliary lock output short to battery
M2806 Auxiliary interlock output short to ground
M2807 Open circuit of auxiliary interlock output
M2821 Secondary throttle valve above the permissible range
M2822 Secondary throttle valve below the permissible range
M3028 Controller memory error
M3128 Intermittent power failure
M3204 ACS (AHC), no messages to the Bobcat controller
M3304 No connection to Deluxe panel
M3323 Gateway controller not programmed
M3404 Deluxe Panel in Error State
M3505 Hydraulic fan shorted to battery
M3506 Hydraulic fan shorted to ground
M3507 Open circuit of the hydraulic fan
M3532 Overcurrent fan hydraulics
M3648 Multiple Acds (Attachment Control)
M3705 The output of the two-speed secondary winding is shorted to the battery
M3706 The output of the two-speed secondary winding is shorted to ground
M3707 Open circuit of the output of the two-speed secondary winding
M3732 Overcurrent of the output of the two-speed secondary winding
M3805 Locking add. hydraulics closed to battery
M3806 Auxiliary hydraulics blocking shorted to ground
M3807 Open circuit of blocking of auxiliary hydraulics
M3832 Overcurrent blocking auxiliary hydraulics
M4028 Wrong ECU Detected
M4109 Extremely low generator power
M4110 High speed generator
M4111 Extremely high generator power
M4304 No communication with the keypad
M4404 No signal from add. hydraulics
M4510 Water in fuel sensor is too high
M4511 Water in fuel sensor is extremely high
M4521 Water in the fuel sensor is out of the upper range
M4522 Water in the fuel sensor for the lower limit of the range
M4621 Power supply 5-volt sensor for the upper limit of the range
M4622 5-volt sensor power supply, out of range
M4721 Power supply 8-volt sensor for the upper limit of the range
M4722 8-volt sensor power supply, out of range
M4802 Front light relay, erroneous inclusion
M4803 Front light relay, erroneous shutdown
M4807 Open circuit of the front lamp output
M4902 Rear light relay, erroneous inclusion
M4903 Rear light relay, erroneous shutdown
M4907 Open circuit of the rear lamp output
M5002 Front light output, erroneous inclusion
M5003 Front light output, erroneous shutdown
M5007 Open circuit of the front headlights output
M5028 Faulty headlight output
M5102 Rear light output, erroneous activation
M5103 Rear light output, erroneous shutdown
M5107 Open circuit of the output of the rear lights
M5128 Faulty rear lights output
M5202 Forklift start button, erroneous activation
M5221 Button for switching on the loader beyond the upper limit of the range
M5222 Button for switching on the loader for the lower limit of the range
M5305 The illumination of the button for switching on the forklift is shorted to the battery
M5306 The illumination of the loader start button is shorted to the ground
M5405 Tilt spool solenoid shorted to battery
M5406 Tilt spool solenoid shorted to ground
M5407 Open tilt valve solenoid circuit
M5432 Tilt spool solenoid overcurrent
M5810 Fuel temperature too high
M5811 Extremely high fuel temperature
M5815 Fuel temperature at stop
M5826 Fuel temperature pre-cut
M5902 DPF regeneration switch, erroneous inclusion
M6002 DPF deceleration regeneration switch, erroneous inclusion
M6102 Remote parking regeneration switch, erroneous inclusion
M6402 Faulty activation of the power relay
M6403 Faulty shutdown of the power relay
M6407 Open circuit of the switched output power
M6505 ECU power supply shorted to battery
M6506 ECU power shorted to ground
M6507 Open circuit power supply ECU
M6604 No communication with ECU
M6702 Erroneous inclusion of the output of the HVAC system
M6703 Erroneous shutdown of the output of the HVAC system
M6707 Open circuit of the output of the HVAC system
M6728 HVAC system output failure
M6802 Erroneous activation of the HVAC system relay
M6803 Erroneous shutdown of the HVAC system relay
M7002 Switching power supply output, erroneous switching on
M7003 Switching power supply output, erroneous shutdown
M7007 Switching power supply output, open circuit
M7028 Error at the output of the switching power supply
M7304 Remote control — no signal
M7316 Remote control, no messages to the sensor
M7423 Main controller not programmed
M7472 Main controller needs programming
M7497 Main controller programmed
M7504 No signal from drive
M7604 No communication with the left display panel
M7748 Ignition switch, multi-mode
M7839 Hour counter value changed
M7974 Door open
M8541 DPF automatic regeneration active
M8542 DPF automatic regeneration active (turn on truck under load)
M8543 Main controller not programmed
M8551 DPF regeneration required — deceleration active
M8552 DPF regeneration required — deceleration active (turn on truck under load)
M8553 Remote Parking DPF Regeneration Required (Remote Regeneration Kit Required)
M8554 Requires DPF regeneration during service (contact your Bobcat dealer)
M8555 DPF service required
M8560 DPF service regeneration active
M8561 DPF service regeneration active
M8562 DPF service regeneration active
M8563 DPF service regeneration active
M8564 DPF service regeneration active
M8615 Decrease in engine speed when shutdown
M8625 Engine speed decreases, does not respond
P0117 Engine coolant temperature sensor below the permissible range
P0118 Engine coolant temperature sensor above the permissible range
P0119 Intermittent signal from the engine coolant temperature sensor
P0122 Accelerator sensor below the permissible range
P0123 Accelerator sensor above the permissible range
P0124 Intermittent connection of the accelerator sensor
P0217 High engine coolant temperature
P0340 No engine speed sensor signal
P0562 Low battery voltage
P0563 Battery Voltage High
P0605 E-ecu Internal Flashrom Checksum Error A (Main Software)
P0634 High signal of the temperature sensor of the electronic control unit
P0642 5 V sensor supply below the permissible range
P0643 Sensor supply voltage 5 V above the permissible range
P0668 E-ecu temperature sensor below the permissible range
P0669 The temperature sensor of the electronic control unit is above the permissible range
P1202 Strut position sensor below the permissible range
P1203 Strut position sensor above the permissible range
P1211 Stuck strut drive solenoid
P1212 Minimum rack drive solenoid current
P1213 Overcurrent solenoid drive rack
P1222 Rack drive relay — erroneous activation
P1223 Rack drive relay — erroneous shutdown
P1224 Intermittent connection of rack drive relay
P1232 Preheating relay — erroneous activation
P1233 Preheating relay — erroneous shutdown
P1234 Intermittent heating relay connection
P1242 CSD solenoid valve — erroneous activation
P1243 CSD solenoid valve — erroneous shutdown
P1244 Intermittent Csd Solenoid Connection
P1402 EGR valve Phase A — erroneous activation
P1403 EGR valve Phase A — erroneous shutdown
P1412 EGR valve Phase B — erroneous activation
P1413 EGR valve Phase B — erroneous shutdown
P1422 EGR valve Phase C — erroneous activation
P1423 EGR valve Phase C — erroneous shutdown
P1432 EGR valve Phase D — erroneous activation
P1433 EGR valve Phase D — erroneous shutdown
P1605 E-ecu Internal Flashrom Checksum Error B (Main Software)
P1606 E-ecu C internal flash memory checksum error (main software)
P1644 Intermittent sensor power supply 5 V
P1664 E-ecu temperature sensor intermittent connection
R7404 No communication with the main controller
T9002 Service tool exit ‘c’ — erroneous switching on
T9003 Service tool exit ‘c’ — erroneous shutdown
T9102 Service tool exit ‘d’ — erroneous switching on
T9103 Service tool exit ‘d’ — erroneous shutdown
T9202 Service tool exit ‘e’ — erroneous switching on
T9203 Service tool exit ‘e’ — erroneous shutdown
T9302 Service tool exit ‘f’ — erroneous inclusion
T9303 Service tool exit ‘f’ — erroneous shutdown
W3204 ACS (AHS) (no communication) with Bobcat controller
W3223 ACS controller not calibrated
W3224 ACS controller calibration completed successfully
W3225 ACS controller calibration error
W3231 ACS Tilt Actuator Fault
W3232 ACS Tilt Actuator Harness (AHS)
W3233 ACS tilt handle wiring (AHS)
W3234 ACS tilt actuator not in neutral
W3235 ACS tilt handle / pedal not in neutral
W3236 ACS Lift Actuator Fault
W3237 ACS lift drive wiring (AHS)
W3238 ACS lift handle wiring (AHS)
W3239 ACS lift drive not in neutral (ACS only)
W3240 ACS lift handle (AHC) / pedal not in neutral
W3241 No communication with ACS (AHC)
W3249 ACS lift actuator (AHC) shorted to ground
W3250 ACS tilt actuator (AHC) shorted to ground
W3251 ACS lift actuator (AHC) shorted to battery
W3252 ACS tilt actuator (AHC) shorted to battery
W3253 ACS lift handle (AHC) / pedal shorted to ground
W3254 ACS tilt handle (AHC) / pedal shorted to ground
W3255 ACS tilt handle (AHC) / pedal shorted to battery
W3256 ACS tilt handle (AHC) / pedal shorted to battery
W3257 Reduced performance of the ACS lift actuator (AHC)
W3258 Reduced performance of the ACS tilt actuator (AHC)
W3259 Incorrect direction of the ACS lift actuator (AHC)
W3260 Incorrect direction of ACS tilt actuator (AHC)
W3261 ACS handle lock (AHC) shorted to ground
W3262 ACS handle lock (AHC) shorted to battery
W3263 ACS pedal lock (AHC) shorted to ground
W3264 ACS pedal lock (AHC) shorted to battery
W3265 Sensor supply voltage ACS (AHC) out of range
W3266 Battery voltage ACS (AHC) out of range
W3267 ACS (AHC) switch switched during operation
W3268 ACS lift handle information error (AHC)
W3269 ACS (AHS) control mode switch is switched during operation
W3270 Handle of the right drive ACS (AHC) shorted to ground
W3271 Handle of the right drive ACS (AHC) shorted to battery
W3274 X-axis left joystick ACS (AHC) out of range
W3275 Interrupted unswitched ACS power supply (AHC)
W3276 Joystick information error CAN, ACS (AHC)
W3277 Remote control information error, ACS (AHC)
W3297 ACS controller (AHC) programmed
W3905 X-axis of the left joystick is not in neutral
W4005 X-axis of the right joystick is not in neutral
W4007 Y-axis of the right joystick is not in neutral
Bobcat loaders are the backbone of any construction or landscaping project, providing the necessary muscle to get the job done quickly and efficiently. However, like all machines, Bobcats are susceptible to occasional breakdowns and malfunctions.
Fortunately, the loader’s onboard computer system is equipped with error codes that provide crucial information about what’s gone wrong. By taking a few minutes to diagnose the error code, you can quickly identify the issue and get your Bobcat back up and running in no time.
Fault Code | Product | Fault Code Description |
3251-03 | ECU Bobcat Engine V1 | EGR Temperature Sensor – Fault |
3251-04 | ECU Bobcat Engine V1 | EGR Temperature Sensor – Fault |
3252-00 | ECU Bobcat Engine V1 | Exhaust Temperature – High |
3509-03 | ECU Bobcat Engine V1 | Sensor Supply Voltage Fault |
3509-04 | ECU Bobcat Engine V1 | Sensor Supply Voltage Fault |
A0803 | Telehandler | Right interlocking sensor Short to Ground or Open circuit |
A1199 | Telehandler | Overload calibration required |
A1299 | Telehandler | Tilt inclinometer calibration required |
A3623 | Attachments | ACD Not Programmed |
A4621 | M-Series Loader | 5V Sensor Supply Out of Range High |
A4622 | M-Series Loader | 5V Sensor Supply Out of Range Low |
A4722 | Attachments | 8 Volt Sensor Supply Out of Range Low |
A4722 | M-Series Loader | Loader 8V Sensor Supply Out of Range Low |
A7701 | Attachments | Cab Key Switch Active |
A7701 | M-Series Loader | Key Switch Active |
A7901 | Attachments | E-Stop Active |
A8003 | Attachments | Output A Error Off |
A8005 | Attachments | Output A Short to Battery |
A8007 | Attachments | Output A Open Circuit |
A8103 | Attachments | Output B Error Off |
A8106 | Attachments | Output B Short to Ground |
A8207 | Attachments | Output C Open Circuit |
A8302 | Attachments | Output D Error On |
A8303 | Attachments | Output D Error Off |
A8306 | Attachments | Output D Short to Ground |
A8307 | Attachments | Output D Open Circuit |
A8332 | Attachments | Output D Overcurrent |
A8402 | Attachments | Output E Error On |
A8405 | Attachments | Output E Short to Battery |
A8432 | Attachments | Output E Overcurrent |
A8503 | Attachments | Output F Error Off |
A8505 | Attachments | Output F Short to Battery |
A8507 | Attachments | Output F Open Circuit |
A8602 | Attachments | Output G Error On |
A8702 | Attachments | Output H Error On |
A8705 | Attachments | Output H Short to Battery |
A8706 | Attachments | Output H Short to Ground |
A8707 | Attachments | Output H Open Circuit |
A8803 | Attachments | Reverse Solenoid Error Off |
B1005-00 | M-Series Loader | Key Switch Multiple |
B102A-16 | Toolcat | Cab Controller Sensor Supply – Circuit Voltage Below Threshold |
B102A-17 | M-Series Loader | Cab Controller Sensor Supply Voltage Out of Range High |
B1031-11 | M-Series Loader | Front Work Light (Right Side) Short to Ground |
B1034-11 | Compact Wheel Loader | Rear Work Light Short to Battery |
B1034-11 | Toolcat | Rear Work Lights – Circuit Short to Ground |
B1034-12 | Compact Wheel Loader | Rear Work Light Short to Ground |
B1034-13 | Toolcat | Rear Work Lights – Circuit Open |
B1036-13 | Toolcat | Rear Marker Lights – Circuit Open |
B1036-14 | M-Series Loader | Rear Tail Lights Error Off |
B1037-15 | Compact Wheel Loader | Stop Light Error On |
B103B-12 | Small Articulated Loader | Light Circuit Short to Battery |
B103B-14 | Small Articulated Loader | Light Circuit Short to Ground |
B103D-11 | Compact Wheel Loader | Beacon Short to Ground |
B1041-12 | M-Series Loader | Backup Alarm Error On |
B1041-14 | Compact Wheel Loader | Backup Alarm Error On |
B104A-11 | Compact Wheel Loader | Seat Heater Short to Ground |
B104A-12 | Compact Wheel Loader | Seat Heater Short to Battery |
B1051-93 | M-Series Loader | HVAC Inside Sensor In Error |
B1052-93 | M-Series Loader | HVAC Device Sensor In Error |
B1054-12 | M-Series Loader | HVAC Clutch Output Error On |
B1055-93 | M-Series Loader | HVAC Water Valve In Error |
B1060-93 | M-Series Loader | Lift Pedal In Error |
B1060-F0 | M-Series Loader | Lift Pedal Not in Neutral |
B1061-16 | M-Series Loader | Lift Pedal Sensor A Out of Range Low |
B1062-17 | M-Series Loader | Lift Pedal Position Sensor “B” Out of Range High |
B1063-00 | M-Series Loader | Lift Pedal Sensor In Error |
B1070-93 | M-Series Loader | Tilt Pedal In Error |
B1071-17 | M-Series Loader | Tilt Pedal Sensor A Out of Range High |
B1072-16 | M-Series Loader | Tilt Pedal Position Sensor “B” Out of Range High |
B1073-00 | M-Series Loader | Tilt Pedal Sensor In Error |
B1080-09 | Compact Wheel Loader | Operator Presence Component Failure |
B1080-16 | M-Series Loader | Seat Bar Out of Range Low |
B1080-16 | Small Articulated Loader | Armrest Out of Range Low |
B1080-16 | Toolcat | Operator Presence – Circuit Voltage Below Threshold |
B1080-17 | Compact Wheel Loader | Operator Presence Circuit Voltage Above Threshold |
B1080-17 | Small Articulated Loader | Armrest Out of Range High |
B1095-17 | M-Series Loader | Window Sensor Out of Range High |
B1095-95 | M-Series Loader | Window Sensor Failure |
B10A0-12 | M-Series Loader | Wiper Output Short to Battery |
B10A1-12 | Toolcat | Washer Fluid Output – Circuit Short to Battery |
B10A1-14 | Toolcat | Washer Fluid Output – Circuit Short to Ground or Open |
B10A2-11 | Compact Wheel Loader | Front Wiper Short to Ground |
B10A3-13 | Compact Wheel Loader | Front Wiper High Speed Not connected |
B10A5-13 | Compact Wheel Loader | Rear Wiper Not Connected |
B10B3-F0 | M-Series Loader | Drive X Input Not In Neutral |
B10C0-00 | Compact Wheel Loader | Camera Not Connected |
B10C1-00 | Toolcat | Camera Software Error |
B10D0-14 | M-Series Loader | Display Switched Power Relay Error Off |
B1100-9E | M-Series Loader | Bobtach Engage Button Stuck On |
B1110-F0 | M-Series Loader | Left Primary Not in Neutral |
B1120-F0 | Compact Wheel Loader | Joystick Right Roller Not in Neutral |
B1120-F0 | M-Series Loader | Right Primary Not in Neutral |
B1121-17 | Small Articulated Loader | Right Secondary Out of Range High |
B1122-F0 | M-Series Loader | Detent Not in Neutral |
B1156-00 | Toolcat | FPR Switch Multiple |
B116F-11 | M-Series Loader | Front Left Road Light Short to Ground |
B116F-12 | M-Series Loader | Front Left Road Light Short to Battery |
B116F-13 | M-Series Loader | Front Left Road Light Open Circuit |
B1172-11 | Toolcat | Front Turn Signal Left – Circuit Short to Ground |
B1172-13 | Toolcat | Front Turn Signal Left – Circuit Open |
B1177-14 | M-Series Loader | Left Turn Signal Short to Ground or Open Circuit |
B1182-13 | Toolcat | Front Turn Signal Right – Circuit Open |
B1185-11 | Toolcat | Rear Turn Signal Right – Circuit Short to Ground |
B1185-13 | Toolcat | Rear Turn Signal Right – Circuit Open |
B1191-12 | Toolcat | Front Work Light 2 – Circuit Short to Battery |
B1191-14 | Toolcat | Work Light 2 – Circuit Short to Ground or Open |
B1192-14 | Toolcat | Front Work Light 3 – Circuit Short to Ground or Open |
B11B1-17 | Toolcat | Travel Pedal Sensor Primary – Circuit Voltage Above Threshold |
B11B6-16 | Toolcat | Brake Pedal Sensor Primary – Circuit Voltage Below Threshold |
C1001-16 | Compact Wheel Loader | Sensor Supply Out of Range Low |
C1001-17 | Compact Wheel Loader | Sensor Supply Out of Range High |
C1006-17 | Toolcat | Rear Controller Sensor Supply – Circuit Voltage Above Threshold |
C100A-12 | Toolcat | ECU Power – Circuit Short to Battery |
C100A-13 | Toolcat | ECU Power – Circuit Open |
C1016-93 | M-Series Loader | Tilt Spool Position Sensor Unresponsive |
C1021-12 | Toolcat | Front Aux Rod Solenoid – Circuit Short to Battery |
C1029-11 | M-Series Loader | Hydraulic Lock Solenoid Short to Ground |
C1029-13 | M-Series Loader | Hydraulic Lock Solenoid Open Circuit |
C102A-12 | Compact Wheel Loader | Hydraulic Fan Short to Battery |
C1030-00 | M-Series Loader | Two Speed Shift Not Allowed |
C1034-11 | M-Series Loader | Right Brake Hold Output Short to Ground |
C1034-12 | M-Series Loader | Right Brake Hold Output Short to Battery |
C1036-17 | M-Series Loader | Right Brake Pull Relay Error On |
C1039-11 | Compact Wheel Loader | High Flow Solenoid Short to Ground |
C1039-11 | Toolcat | High Flow Solenoid – Circuit Short to Ground |
C1039-12 | Compact Wheel Loader | High Flow Solenoid Short to Battery |
C1039-12 | Toolcat | High Flow Solenoid – Circuit Short to Battery |
C1040-19 | M-Series Loader | Lift Actuator Overcurrent |
C1040-77 | M-Series Loader | Lift Actuator Reduced Performance |
C1042-00 | M-Series Loader | Lift Actuator Uncommanded Motion |
C1044-11 | Compact Wheel Loader | Lift Cylinder Rod Short to Ground |
C1045-12 | M-Series Loader | Tilt Actuator Short to Battery |
C1047-00 | M-Series Loader | Tilt Actuator Uncommanded Motion |
C1060-11 | Compact Wheel Loader | Brake Short to Ground |
C1060-12 | Compact Wheel Loader | Brake Short to Battery |
C1060-13 | Compact Wheel Loader | Brake Open Circuit |
C1060-13 | Small Articulated Loader | Brake Solenoid Open Circuit |
C1061-12 | Toolcat | Brake 1 Solenoid – Circuit Short to Battery |
C1061-13 | Toolcat | Brake 1 Solenoid – Circuit Open |
C1061-19 | Toolcat | Brake 1 Solenoid – Circuit Current Above Threshold |
C1062-13 | Toolcat | Brake 2 Solenoid – Circuit Open |
C1075-11 | M-Series Loader | Rear Auxiliary Rod Solenoid Short to Ground |
C1076-11 | M-Series Loader | Rear Auxiliary Rod Lock Solenoid Short to Ground |
C1080-F9 | M-Series Loader | Low Hydraulic Pump Pressure |
C1091-16 | Toolcat | Hydraulic Main Filter Switch – Circuit Voltage Below Threshold |
C1091-95 | Toolcat | Hydraulic Main Filter Pressure Switch – Incorrect Assembly |
C1093-00 | M-Series Loader | Hydraulic Case Drain Filter Switch Plugged |
C1099-FB | Compact Wheel Loader | Hydraulic Oil Temperature Extremely High |
C1099-FB | Toolcat | Hydraulic Oil Temperature – Extremely High |
C109A-17 | Compact Wheel Loader | Hydraulic Oil Temperature Out of Range High |
C10A1-FC | M-Series Loader | Drive Motor Case Drain Hydraulic Oil Temperature Reduced Performance |
C10A6-FA | M-Series Loader | Pump Case Drain Hydraulic Oil Temperature High |
C10C6-16 | M-Series Loader | Left Swash Plate Sensor Out of Range Low |
C10CA-77 | Toolcat | Swash Plate – Commanded Position Not Reachable |
C10D1-11 | Compact Wheel Loader | Drive Pump Forward Short to Ground |
C10D2-11 | Compact Wheel Loader | Drive Pump reverse Short to Ground |
C10D2-11 | Toolcat | Drive Pump Reverse – Circuit Short to Ground |
C10D2-19 | Compact Wheel Loader | Drive Pump reverse Overcurrent |
C10E0-16 | Small Articulated Loader | Controller 8V Sensor Supply Voltage Low |
D0606 | Telehandler | Vehicle speed Short To Ground |
D0217 | Telehandler | Hydraulic filter plugged |
D0428 | Telehandler | Inching Pedal In error |
D0605 | Telehandler | Vehicle speed Short To Battery |
D0821 | Telehandler | Frame leveling Pressure Sensor Out Of Range High |
D2233 | Telehandler | Defeat valve output Controller Internal failure |
D0217 | Telehandler | Hydraulic filter plugged |
D0421 | Telehandler | Inching Pedal OOR High |
D0428 | Telehandler | Inching Pedal In error |
D0605 | Telehandler | Vehicle speed Short To Battery |
D0606 | Telehandler | Vehicle speed Short To Ground |
D0821 | Telehandler | Frame leveling Pressure Sensor Out Of Range High |
D1145 | Telehandler | Park Brake Dashboard Switch Disagree |
D1402 | Telehandler | Trailer Brake Command Line Output Error On |
D1407 | Telehandler | Brake Light Output Open Circuit |
D1607 | Telehandler | Drive Pump Forward Coil Open circuit |
D1706 | Telehandler | Drive Pump Reverse Coil Short To Ground |
D1732 | Telehandler | Drive Pump Reverse Coil Overcurrent |
D1802 | Telehandler | Stabilisers / Aux diverter output valve error ON |
D1825 | Telehandler | Stabilisers / Aux diverter output Unresponsive |
D1902 | Telehandler | Stabilisers / Aux diverter relay feedback error ON |
D1903 | Telehandler | Stabilisers / Aux diverter relay feedback error OFF |
D2203 | Telehandler | Defeat valve output (hydraulic motor) Error Off |
D2502 | Telehandler | Left stabilizer on the floor Error ON |
D2609 | Telehandler | Hydraulic Steering Pressure Low |
D2821 | Telehandler | Left stabilizer Pressure Sensor Out Of Range High |
D2922 | Telehandler | Right stabilizer Pressure Sensor Out Of Range Low |
D3005 | Telehandler | Stabilizers Right Output Short To Battery |
D3024 | Telehandler | Stabilizers Right Output Not In Neutral |
D3105 | Telehandler | Stabilizers Left Output Short To Battery |
D3106 | Telehandler | Stabilizers Left Output Short To Ground |
D3107 | Telehandler | Stabilizers Left Output Open circuit |
D3723 | Telehandler | Programming or constant data invalid |
D3797 | Telehandler | Drive Controller programmed |
D4004 | Telehandler | Joystick No communication |
D4011 | Telehandler | Joystick Right roller Out Of Neutral (Auxiliary) |
D4403 | Telehandler | Power Quicktach output Error Off |
D4407 | Telehandler | Power Quicktach Output Open circuit |
D4621 | Telehandler | Voltage Sensor 5V OOR High |
D4622 | Telehandler | Voltage Sensor 5V OOR Low |
D4705 | Telehandler | Frame leveling Output Short To Battery |
D4803 | Telehandler | Park Brake Reserve Pressure Valve Output Error Off |
D4807 | Telehandler | Park Brake Reserve Pressure Valve Output Open Circuit |
D5005 | Telehandler | Rear Aux./Hook UP Valve Short to Battery |
D5106 | Telehandler | Rear Aux./Hook DOWN Valve Short to Ground |
D5207 | Telehandler | Rear Aux./Hook ACTIVATION Valve Open Circuit |
D5328 | Telehandler | Rear Aux./Hook Dashbord Switch In Error |
D5421 | Telehandler | Auxiliary spool sensor Out Of Range high |
D5425 | Telehandler | Auxiliary spool sensor unresponsive |
D5521 | Telehandler | SwashPlate Sensor1 OORH |
D5715 | Telehandler | Swash Plate shutdown |
D6021 | Telehandler | Servo Pressure Out of Range High |
D6505 | Telehandler | Gear 1 (Gearbox) Short To Battery |
D6507 | Telehandler | Gear 1 (Gearbox) Open Circuit |
D6605 | Telehandler | Gear 2 (Gearbox) Short To Battery |