Oracle ошибка ins 30131

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Oracle + Windows 2008 RUS

При установке Oracle инсталлятор на втором экране выдает ошибку: «[INS-30131] Initial setup required for the execution of installer validations failed.» Cause: «Failed to access the temporary location».

Это полезно почитать — «[INS-30131] The initial setup that is required to run the installation program validation was not successful » Error While Installing Oracle Database (Doc ID 1569962.1).

Но в моем случает причина была иная, кстати этой причины нигде не нашел, интуитивно догадался.

ПРИЧИНА: Это из-за русского имени пользователя ОС под которым выполняется установка. Установка делается от имени Администратор. Если делать от Admin — все ок.

Спасибо Марку Бахтину, который в комментариях предложил обход этой ситуации. Можно запустить установку клиента со следующими аргументами:

при установке клиента

setup.exe -ignorePrereq -J"-Doracle.install.client.validate.clientSupportedOSCheck=false"

при установке сервера

setup.exe -ignorePrereq -J"-Doracle.install.db.validate.supportedOSCheck=false"

С момента написания статьи появилось больше материалов на MOS по данной теме в которых указаны и другие причины возникновения этой ошибки:

  • Windows : «[ INS-30131 ] the Initial Setup That Is Required to Run the Installation Program Validation Was Not Successful » Error While Installing Oracle Database/Client (Doc ID 1569962.1)
  • E1: DB: Error [INS-30131] While Installing Oracle 32 Bit Client ( On Windows (Doc ID 2100301.1)
  • Bug 21452473 — Windows: INS-30131 while Installing Database/Client on Windows (Doc ID 21452473.8)
  • PRKN-1040 : Failed to Remove Directory While Installing ODAC (Doc ID 2422301.1)

While Installing Oracle client 12c or database on Windows 2008 server 64bit. The Oracle Universal might show this famous error message as it is related to OS configuration. So, The issue is tracked in bug 21452473. If you are trying to install oracle in Linux read that. This article explains how to fix Oracle Installer error INS-30131 in multiple ways.

Error Message

INS-30130 Initial setup required for the execution of installer validation failed.
Cause - Failed to access the temporary location
Action - Ensure that the current user has required permissions to access the temporary location.

Oracle 12c Installer INS-30131 Error message

Though, The error message explains the cause of the failure. It is a misleading error as the user which you are using to install is an Administrator that has full access to his temporary folder.

Explanation, Why is INS-30130 error happening?

The installer is accessing the temporary location through network share as part of checking for clustered Installation or something even if you are doing a single instance Installation for database or even Oracle client.


There are Multiple approaches To fix the Oracle installer error INS-30130. In the following sections, we explain them. Assume that you have administrator privileges.

Solution 1: Enable Windows Default shares

Sometimes Domain policy or the company’s security team disable Administration default share for various reasons. If it’s enabled (example \\C$, D$, etc…) then skip this section and proceed with other solutions, if not follow these steps.

  1. Right click on the start menu and select Computer management
  2. from the left side navigate into a shared folder then shares.
  3. from Action menu select new share
  4. Type C:\ which is your operating system drive. then Next and accept the warning
  5. Enter share name C$ then next.
  6. In the Shared Folder Permission Window Select “Administrators have full access; other users have no access” then click Finish.

Start your installer it should work without issues, if not please check other solutions.

Solution 2:  Fix using Windows service and Registry Parameter.

In windows, there are some registry parameters that could fix the Oracle Installer error INS-30131.

A: Add Registry Parameter

You need to make sure that the following parameter exists and has a value of 1

Name: AutoShareWks
location: Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanServer\Parameters

If you created or updated it. You need to restart your operating system, so the changes take effect.

B: Stopping a Service

When the system starts, open Computer Management then Navigate to services.

On the right-side search for a service called OracleRemExecServiceV2 service then right-click stop

Stopping that Oracle service will delete itself.

Start Your oracle Installation it should work without any issue.

Solution 3: If you can’t enable Administrative shares

If the administrative shares setting is not enabled and the Windows user can’t enable it. Then, you could instruct the oracle installer to ignore pre-requisites checks. If you are performing a single-instance Oracle Database or Oracle Client installation for 12c.

Then we can perform the client or server installation by specifying the following options:

  • Parameters for a client installation:
-ignorePrereq -J"-Doracle.install.client.validate.clientSupportedOSCheck=false"
  • Parameter for database installation:
-ignorePrereq -J"-Doracle.install.db.validate.supportedOSCheck=false"

 To sum up, Windows configuration causes error INS-30131 in Oracle Installation. The provided solution varies between solving the cause and ignoring it though it’s not recommended.

Решил я, наконец-то, попробовать Oracle 12c. Закатал в виртуалку свежий Oracle Linux 6.4, поставил xorg + gnome, выполнил магическое комбо yum install oracle-rdbms-server-12cR1-preinstall, которое обещало мне безпроблемную установку базы данных, даже пользователю oracle изменил пароль, но, видимо, карма моя была недостаточно чиста, а индусы или кто там ещё, знали об этом заранее.

Проблема №1:
    Получаем сообщение об ошибке, что нам отказано в доступе к database/install/.oui
    chmod +x database/install/.oui решает эту проблему

Проблема №2:
    Полная аналогия с проблемой №1, только в этот раз нет доступа к database/install/unzip
     chmod +x database/install/unzip решает эту проблему

Подозреваю, что я сам виноват в этих ошибках, т.к. поленился распаковывать архивы из консоли с проставлением положенных флагов, а воспользовался гномом.

Проблема №3 (из заголовка):
    [INS-30131] Initial setup required for the execution of installer validations failed.
    Самое странное, что, судя по интернету, страдают от неё пользователи Widows, но никто из пользователей Linux даже не упоминал о ней.
    Решение: chmod -R 777 /tmp/CVU_12.*

Больше проблем не было. Разве что теперь Oracle 12c Enterpriыe Edition хочет под себя 6,5 гигов. Поэтому виртуальные диски лучше делать по 30 гигов, а не по 20, как раньше

by Jordan Fernandez

I’m receiving a lot of positive response concerning my blog post on ORACLE UTILITIES CCB V2.5 INSTALLATION ON WINDOWS ENTERPRISE 64-BIT. Reading all of your feedback and questions makes me feel glad and I just wanna say thank you for making this blog series as interactive as I want it to be.

It has come to my attention that some of you are stuck at installing Oracle Database Standard Edition (Database 12 C, RDBMS) for Microsoft Windows x64. So I’ve listed down 2 major issues that most of you have bumped into. 

Issue 1: [INS-30131] Initial setup required for the execution of installer validations failed

Cause: Failed to access the temporary location

Action: Ensure that the current user has required permissions to access the temporary location.


According to Oracle Support, this error can be caused by the following reasons:

  • Admin Share in C$ is not enabled
  • Security settings are preventing access to TEMP location
  • Corrupt software media

Usually, the first reason is always the case where the Admin Share in C$ is not enabled.

To solve this, we need to enable administrative share for C$ on our computer. You may also follow the Microsoft document

1. Run compmgmt.msc to launch Computer Management window.1b

2. Go to Shared Folders > Shares > Action > New Share.1c

3. Click Next on the Create A Share Folder Wizard.1s

4. Set the Folder Path to C:\1e

5. Click Yes to continue.1-5

6. Set the Shared Folder Permission to Administrators have full access; other users have read access.


7. Click Finish.


You may now continue your Oracle Database 12C Installation process.



While installing Oracle Client on windows, installation fails with the error below:

[INS-30131] Initial setup required for the execution of installer validations failed

Cause — Failed to access the temporary location.

Action — Ensure
that the current user has required permissions to access the temporary


Using the Task Manager, check if RemoteExecService.exe *32 is running from your temp location, for example C:\Users\<your_user_name>\AppData\Local\Temp\oraremservice. If it does, then kill the process and delete the
oraremservice folder.

Rerun your installation.

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