Ora 20001 ошибка oracle

I’m trying to create a library system (school work) using oracle 10g but i got stuck in creating the simple APEX report and form, the error message says:

ORA-20001: Unable to create modules. ORA-20001: Create pages error.
ORA-20001: Unable to create form page. ORA-20001: Error page=8
item=»P8_BRANCHID» id=»» ORA-20001: Error page=8 item=»P8_BRANCHID»
id=»» has same name as existing application-level item. ORA-0000:
normal, successful completion

Unable to create application.

This is my schema, in case I did something wrong:

create table publisher(
PublisherName varchar2(30) not null,
Address varchar2(30) not null,
Phone number(20),
constraint publisher_pk primary key (PublisherName)

create table book(
BookId number(4) not null,
Title varchar2(50) not null,
PublisherName varchar2(30) not null,
constraint book_pk primary key (BookId),
constraint book_fk foreign key (PublisherName)
references publisher (PublisherName)

create table bookauthors(
BookId number(4) not null,
AuthorName varchar2(30) not null,
constraint bookauthors_pk primary key (BookId,AuthorName),
constraint bookauthors_fk foreign key (BookId) references book (BookId)

create table librarybranch(
BranchId number(4) not null,
BranchName varchar2(30) not null,
Address varchar2(30) not null,
constraint librarybranch_pk primary key (BranchId)

create table borrower(
CardNo number(4) not null,
BName varchar2(30) not null, 
Address varchar2(30) not null,
Phone number(20) not null,
constraint borrower_pk primary key (CardNo)

create table bookcopies(
BookId number(4) not null,
BranchId number(4) not null,
No_Of_Copies number(4) not null,
constraint bookcopies_pk primary key (BookId,BranchId),
constraint bookcopies_fk foreign key (BookId) references book (BookId),
constraint bookcopies2_fk foreign key (BranchId) references librarybranch (BranchId)

create table bookloans(
BookId number(4) not null,
BranchId number(4) not null,
CardNo number(4) not null,
DateOut date,
DueDate date,
constraint bookloans_pk primary key (BookId,BranchId,CardNo),
constraint bookloans_fk foreign key (BookId) references book (BookId),
constraint bookloans2_fk foreign key (BranchId) references librarybranch (BranchId),
constraint bookloans3_fk foreign key (CardNo) references borrower (CardNo)


July 16, 2019

During the 12c database creation process , you can see ORA-20001 error in the alert log file when the “SYS.ORA $ AT_OS_OPT_SY_ <NN>” auto job runs. To fix the error, it is necessary to drop the job and recreate it. Errors will be as follows.

ORA12012: error on auto execute of job «SYS».«ORA$AT_OS_OPT_SY_72»

ORA20001: Statistics Advisor: Invalid task name for the current user

ORA06512: at «SYS.DBMS_STATS», line 47207

ORA06512: at «SYS.DBMS_STATS_ADVISOR», line 882

ORA06512: at «SYS.DBMS_STATS_INTERNAL», line 20059

ORA06512: at «SYS.DBMS_STATS_INTERNAL», line 22201

ORA06512: at «SYS.DBMS_STATS», line 47197

First of all, it is necessary to ensure that the tasks are created correctly with the following command.

SQL> EXEC dbms_stats.init_package();

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

Afterwards, it is necessary to identify the owner of the job with the following query.

SQL> select name, ctime, how_created,OWNER_NAME from sys.wri$_adv_tasks


If you see an output like the one below, you should connect with SYS. If the job owner is a different user, you should connect with that user.







In this case, you should connect with sys via sqlplus and drop and recreate the tasks correctly.

Drop operations can be done as follows.
























v_tname VARCHAR2(32767);






PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.



v_tname VARCHAR2(32767);






PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

It should then be re-created as follows.


PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

Then there will be no errors in the alert.log file.


I encountered this issue now multiple times in my own environment. And I searched MOS and tried different things. But I couldn’t solve it yet. My Upgrade fails with ORA-20001 during datapatch run – and I’d like to show you how to bring the upgrade to an successful end.

It all starts with an upgrade

In my lab environment I upgrade two databases often in parallel. An database and a The upgrades always flawless. But the occasionally fails. This is the screen AutoUpgrade is showing me – but this is not an AutoUpgrade problem. It is not even a “upgrade” but a patching problem.

Upgrade fails with ORA-20001 during datapatch run

At first, my source databases are patched to the most recent patch bundles. At the moment while I write this, it means the July 2020 patch bundles.

I use AutoUpgrade here simply because it is easier. Why should I type instead or click DBUA screens. Especially as DBUA wouldn’t be able to upgrade two databases in parallel.

This is my config file:

# Database number 1 
# Database number 2

Nothing unusual.

Upgrade is failing

And while the database upgrades nicely, the fails.

$ java -jar $OH19/rdbms/admin/autoupgrade.jar -config UP19.cfg -mode deploy
AutoUpgrade tool launched with default options
Processing config file ...
| Starting AutoUpgrade execution |
2 databases will be processed
Type 'help' to list console commands
Errors in database [DB12]
Stage     [DBUPGRADE]
Operation [STOPPED]
Status    [ERROR]
Info    [
Error: UPG-1400
Cause: Database upgrade failed with errors
For further details, see the log file located at /home/oracle/upg_logs/DB12/103/autoupgrade_20200730_user.log]

Logs: [/home/oracle/upg_logs/DB12/103/autoupgrade_20200730_user.log]

Job 102 completed

Let me find out what has happend.


As the output proposed, I will start with: /home/oracle/upg_logs/DB12/103/autoupgrade_20200730_user.log

|     DB12|UPGRADE [95%]|
2020-07-30 12:24:30.259 ERROR
         CAUSE: ERROR at Line 756922 in [/home/oracle/upg_logs/DB12/103/dbupgrade/catupgrd20200730114721db120.log]
        REASON: Error: prereq checks failed!
        ACTION: [MANUAL]
2020-07-30 12:24:30.287 ERROR Database Upgrade Error in File [/home/oracle/upg_logs/DB12/103/dbupgrade/catupgrd20200730114721db120.log] on Database [/home/oracle/upg_logs/DB12/103/dbupgrade/catupgrd20200730114721db120.log]
2020-07-30 12:24:31.945 ERROR UPGRADE FAILED [DB12]
2020-07-30 12:24:31.945 ERROR Exception Error in Database Upgrade [UPG-1400#UPGRADE FAILED [DB12]]
2020-07-30 12:24:31.945 INFO End Upgrade on Database [DB12]
2020-07-30 12:24:34.524 ERROR UPGRADE FAILED [DB12]
2020-07-30 12:24:34.533 ERROR Exception Error in Database Upgrade [DB12]
2020-07-30 12:24:34.570 ERROR db12 Return status is ERROR
2020-07-30 12:24:34.572 ERROR Dispatcher failed: AutoUpgException [UPG-1400#UPGRADE FAILED [DB12]]
2020-07-30 12:24:34.574 INFO Starting error management routine
2020-07-30 12:24:34.585 INFO Ended error management routine
2020-07-30 12:24:34.590 ERROR Error running dispatcher for job 103
Cause: Database upgrade failed with errors
2020-07-30 12:24:34.590 ERROR Dispatcher failed:
Error: UPG-1400
Cause: Database upgrade failed with errors
For further details, see the log file located at /home/oracle/upg_logs/DB12/103/autoupgrade_20200730_user.log; aborting job 103 for database DB12

Hm … CAUSE: ERROR at Line 756922 in [/home/oracle/upg_logs/DB12/103/dbupgrade/catupgrd20200730114721db120.log]

The main worker’s catupgr0.log

This is the main worker’s upgrade logfile.

Serial   Phase #:105  [DB12] Files:1    Time: 3s
Serial   Phase #:106  [DB12] Files:1    Time: 0s
Serial   Phase #:107  [DB12] Files:1     Time: 23s

Phases [0-107]         End Time:[2020_07_30 12:24:07]

Grand Total Time: 1869s


 1. Evaluate the errors found in the upgrade logs
    and determine the proper action.
 2. Rerun the upgrade when the problem is resolved

      ERRORS FOUND: During Upgrade
         FILENAME: /home/oracle/upg_logs/DB12/103/dbupgrade/catupgrd20200730114721db120.log AT LINE NUMBER: 754911
Identifier DATAPATCH_ 20-07-30 12:21:32
SCRIPT    = [/home/oracle/upg_logs/DB12/103/dbupgrade/catupgrd20200730114721db12_datapatch_upgrade.log]
ERROR     = [Error: prereq checks failed!

 LOG FILES: (/home/oracle/upg_logs/DB12/103/dbupgrade/catupgrd20200730114721db12*.log)

Upgrade Summary Report Located in:

End of Input Commands

Start of DataPatch Logs
stdout from running datapatch to install upgrade SQL patches and PSUs:
SQL Patching tool version Production on Thu Jul 30 12:19:29 2020
Copyright (c) 2012, 2020, Oracle.  All rights reserved.

Log file for this invocation: /u01/app/oracle/cfgtoollogs/sqlpatch/sqlpatch_30237_2020_07_30_12_19_29/sqlpatch_invocation.log

Connecting to database...OK
Gathering database info...done
Bootstrapping registry and package to current versions...done
Error: prereq checks failed!
verify_queryable_inventory returned ORA-20001: Latest xml inventory is not loaded into table
Prereq check failed, exiting without installing any patches.

Please refer to MOS Note 1609718.1 and/or the invocation log
for information on how to resolve the above errors.

SQL Patching tool complete on Thu Jul 30 12:21:31 2020
stderr from running datapatch to install upgrade SQL patches and PSUs:

End of DataPatch Logs

So the upgrade itself completed successfully. But datapatch had an issue in the post upgrade phase.


And this seems to be the problem:

Error: prereq checks failed!
verify_queryable_inventory returned ORA-20001: Latest xml inventory is not loaded into table

The most famous ORA-20001. On MyOracle Support you will find this note: MOS Note:1602089.1 – Queryable Patch Inventory – Issues/Solutions for ORA-20001: Latest xml inventory is not loaded into table. But I need more information to get an idea what’s wrong in my case.

And again for the records, I upgrade to an 19.8.0 home, but I saw the same issue with 19.7.0 already, too.


Ok, let’s go to the next logfile – the /u01/app/oracle/cfgtoollogs/sqlpatch/sqlpatch_30237_2020_07_30_12_19_29/sqlpatch_invocation.log. Maybe it has more details?

[2020-07-30 12:21:29] verify_queryable_inventory returned ORA-20001: Latest xml inventory is not loaded into table
[2020-07-30 12:21:29] Error: prereq checks failed!
[2020-07-30 12:21:29] verify_queryable_inventory returned ORA-20001: Latest xml inventory is not loaded into table
[2020-07-30 12:21:29] Prereq check failed, exiting without installing any patches.


[2020-07-30 12:21:29] *** END final state end of patching ***
[2020-07-30 12:21:31]
Please refer to MOS Note 1609718.1 and/or the invocation log
[2020-07-30 12:21:31] /u01/app/oracle/cfgtoollogs/sqlpatch/sqlpatch_30237_2020_07_30_12_19_29/sqlpatch_invocation.log[2020-07-30 12:21:31]
for information on how to resolve the above errors.

That is not really helpful.

But there is an sqlpatch_debug.log in the same directory. And this has this error sequence:

[2020-07-30 12:21:29] QPI: Caught error while querying opatch_xml_inv
[2020-07-30 12:21:29] QPI: in REFRESH_OPATCH_DATA, ERROR code -29913 : ORA-29913: error in executing ODCIEXTTABLEFETCH callout
ORA-29400: data cartridge error
KUP-04095: preprocessor command /u01/app
[2020-07-30 12:21:29] QPI: Releasing lock SUCCESSFUL, qp_result=0 at : 30-JUL-20 PM +02:00
[2020-07-30 12:21:29] QPI: Releasing lock FAILED, qp_result=4 at : 30-JUL-20 PM +02:00
[2020-07-30 12:21:29] QPI: in get_pending_activity, ERROR code -20001 : ORA-20001: Latest xml inventory is not loaded into table

Unfortunately this doesn’t bring me forward either as my error pattern isn’t covered in MOS Note:1602089.1.


Maybe the alert.log has more information?

SERVER COMPONENT id=DP_UPG_BGN: timestamp=2020-07-30 12:19:27

XDB initialized.
QPI: opatch file present, opatch
QPI: qopiprep.bat file present
SERVER COMPONENT id=DP_UPG_END: timestamp=2020-07-30 12:21:32


Basically I know that the inventory couldn’t be queried at the end of the upgrade. But my database is upgraded. Hence, no need to restore it. But how do I solve this?

Query the inventory or cleanup metadata

At this stage I wanted to save my upgrade. So I queried the inventory by myself – and it takes quite a bit as you can see here:

SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Thu Jul 30 15:18:48 2020

Copyright (c) 1982, 2020, Oracle.  All rights reserved.

Connected to:
Oracle Database 19c Enterprise Edition Release - Production

SQL> set timing on                
SQL> select * from OPATCH_XML_INV;

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <Inv
entoryInstance> <ora

Elapsed: 00:00:35.22

SQL> exit

It may be also a solution to cleanup metadata with:

EXEC dbms_qopatch.clean_metadata();

Complete the upgrade

AutoUpgrade still waits for me – another reason why I don’t use the DBUA which typically is non-resumable. I will resume now my upgrade:

upg> lsj           
| 102|   FTEX|POSTUPGRADE|  STOPPED|FINISHED|20/07/30 11:47|12:30:11|Completed job 102|
| 103|   DB12|  DBUPGRADE|  STOPPED|   ERROR|20/07/30 11:48|12:24:34|         UPG-1400|
Total jobs 2

upg> resume -job 103
Resuming job: [103][DB12]

The output looks promising:

And yes, my database upgrade finished now.

Alternative Workaround

You may use the following workaround – it will increase the threshold to read the inventory:

alter system set "_xt_preproc_timeout"=180 scope=both;

In this case, I set it to 180 seconds.


In a previous version of this blog post, I recommended to set _bug27355984_xt_preproc_timeout instead of _xt_preproc_timeout. Please use _xt_preproc_timeout since otherwise the upgrade to Oracle Database 21c and 23c will fail due to this parameter in your spfile.


The root cause for this issue may have been incorrect metadata from a previous patch run. Let me emphasize again that this is not an upgrade or AutoUpgrade error. It happens when datapatch gets invoked.

I’m very happy that AutoUpgrade (and the command line upgrade with “dbupgrade -R” are both resumable). Otherwise I wouldn’t have had a chance to fix this so easily. In case you still used the DBUA, you can still jump in with “dbupgrade -R” and complete the upgrade after cleaning up the metadata.

Why do I write such a blog post? Actually, when I hit such an issue with my limited number of upgrades, you may see it another day, too. And the solution is simple. But as I couldn’t find the key in MOS, I would like to show you here how easily you can resume a potentially failed database upgrade – even when the upgrade itself completed fully.

Further Links and Information

  • Opatch … oh Opatch … why is Opatch so stubborn?  – Dec 15, 2018
  • MOS Note:1602089.1 – Queryable Patch Inventory – Issues/Solutions for ORA-20001: Latest xml inventory is not loaded into table



Administrator is trying to run the staging table script. Therefore, administrator launches Oracle SQL Plus, and runs a script similar to the following:

declare xx number; begin — Call the function xx := schemaname.usp_triggerimportbatchjobs(‘IMP’,’#ST_EXTDIM1′,’1′,»,’ADM’,1,to_date(’01-NOV-2007′)); end;

However, Oracle SQL Plus retuns an error.


ERROR at line 1:
ORA-20001: -1060
ORA-05512: at «schemaname.usp_triggerimportbatchjobs», line 217
ORA-06512: at line 5


The column ‘BATCH_ID’ inside table ‘XSTAGEDIM1’ incorrectly already has its Batch ID filled in.

  • In other words, the entry is not blank (which it expects it to be).

Diagnosing The Problem

Oracle error code ‘ORA-20001’ means that there is an application-specific error code to come.

  • TIP: For more details on this, see separate IBM Technote #1347672.

In this case, the relating Controller-specific code/meaning is:

    -1060 = No rows were updated in staging table, possibly wrong importid was sent in

Resolving The Problem

Delete the entries inside BATCH_ID and re-run.

NOTE: Before proceeding, backup the Controller database (e.g. use EXP to create a DMP file) as a precaution

  1. Launch «Oracle Enterprise Manager Console» (Standalone)
  2. Locate and open Controller database
  3. Locate and open Controller schema (user) — for example «ControllerLive»
  4. Locate table ‘XSTAGEDIM1’
  5. Right-click on ‘XSTAGEDIM1’ and choose ‘View/Edit Contents’
  6. Notice that there is a column called ‘BATCH_ID’. If the rows beneath this column name are filled in (for example with ’35’) then it means that a BATCH_ID number has already been assigned.
  7. Delete the numbers inside this column
  8. Test by re-running the script.

Related Information

[{«Product»:{«code»:»SS9S6B»,»label»:»IBM Cognos Controller»},»Business Unit»:{«code»:»BU059″,»label»:»IBM Software w\/o TPS»},»Component»:»Controller»,»Platform»:[{«code»:»PF033″,»label»:»Windows»}],»Version»:»8.3″,»Edition»:»»,»Line of Business»:{«code»:»LOB10″,»label»:»Data and AI»}}]

Historical Number


ORA-00001 : unique constraint violated — Вы пытаетесь выполнить вставку или изменение поля, значение которого будет нарушать ограничение уникальности поля.
ORA-01001 : invalid cursor — Вы пытаетесь использовать несуществующий курсор. Вероятная причина – курсор не был открыт, или уже закрыт.
ORA-01012 : not logged on — Вы не авторизованы, но пытаетесь выполнить запрос. Попробуйте залогиниться и повторить запрос.
ORA-01017 : invalid username/password; logon denied — Неверная комбинация логин/пароль.
ORA-01476 : divisor is equal to zero — Вы пытаетесь выполнить деление на ноль.
ORA-01000 : maximum open cursors exceeded — количество открытых курсоров превысило значение параметра OPEN_CURSORS базы данных. Уменьшите количество используемых курсоров в БД в Вашей программе. Если это не помогло, затормозите сервис БД, увеличьте значение параметра OPEN_CURSORS в init.ora и перезапустите сервис БД.
ORA-06511 : PL/SQL: cursor already open — Вы пытаетесь открыть уже открытый курсор
ORA-12545: Connect failed because target host or object does not exist – что-то не то с хостом или ip-адресом, с которым вы пытаетесь соединиться. Проверьте существование хоста командами tnsping в unix и ping в windows.
ORA-12541 : TNS:no listener – Убедитесь, что на сервере запущен прослушивающий процесс (листенер). Если нет, то используйте команду lsnrctl, либо запустите сервис в службах Windows. Если процесс запущен, проверьте правильность настроек файла listener.ora.
ORA-12500 : TNS:listener failed to start a dedicated server process – вероятно, сервис базы данных не запущен. Для Windows проверьте что сервис запущен, обычно сервис имеет имя OracleService, где SID – название базы данных. Для Unix убедитесь, что запущен процесс smon при помощи команды ps: ps -ef | grep ora_smon
ORA-12154 : TNS:could not resolve service name – Вы пытаетесь выполнить подключение к БД, которая неизвестна Вашему клиенту. Проверьте существование и настройки файла tnsnames.ora.
ORA-12514 : TNS:listener does not currently know of service requested in connect descriptor – Во-первых, проверьте что запущен сервис базы данных. Ошибка также может возникать, если сервис БД и листенер еще стартуют, в этом случае подождите минуту-две. Если сервисы запущены, то причина ошибки – сервисы БД и листенер не настроены друг на друга. Проверьте настройки файлов tnsnames.ora и listener.ora.
ORA-12560 : TNS:protocol adapter error – вероятно, не запущен сервис базы данных. Запустите сервис в службах Windows или выполните команду startup в sqlplus.
ORA-20001 : A user specified error message – ошибки с кодами 20000-20999 отданы на откуп разработчикам приложений. Разработчики могут возбуждать такие ошибки в своих приложениях функцией raise_application_error. Обратитесь к разработчикам приложения за более подробной информацией.

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