Ora 12637 ошибка

                                                   ORA-12637 Packet Receive Failed

Issue: Sometimes when your trying to login for  oracle database  from WINDOWS client box to Linux box/Windows server box  we will face issue below issues


Trying to connect from a remote client or even loopback on the server to the database, results in an ORA-12637 Packet receive failed. Connection attempt is in the standard form:

sqlplus scott/tiger@ORCL


Check to see if you have the SQLNET.AUTHENTICATION_SERVICES=(NTS) line in the sqlnet.ora file (client and/or server). If you are passing usernames and passwords that will be authenticated via the Oracle database, then you should not have NTS authentication enabled or attempted. If this parameter is set, then authentication will be retrieved from the OS and, if the database and OS are not setup for OS or External Authentication, an abnormal condition exists and errors are likely



Only if an external authentication mechanism (OS authentication) is to be employed will this line be used.

— If this line is removed from the Server, then the database and listener will need to be restarted.
— If this line is removed from only the Client, then no Oracle processes need to be restarted.

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  • ora-12637 packet received failed

  1. ora-12637 packet received failed

    Hi friends,

    Ora 9.2 on win2000

    I’m quite confused by this error, ora-12637 in our server.
    When I use the command:

    c:\> sqlplus system/manager ( it can connect)

    but if i use

    C:\> sqlplus system/manager@ora9 (it produce ora-12637)

    the above commands is issued on the server itself.

    but when I issue the command on the client PC

    c:\> sqlplus system/manager@ora9 (it can connect ) I use the same
    tnsnames.ora on the server….

    Why am i having error on the server and not on the cliemt?

    Please help….and thank you all in advance

  2. Do a tnsping ora9 on the server and see where it is pointing to for the parameter files. It might be pointing to a previous installation directory that does not contain ora9 in the tnsnames.ora

    Rectify this and that should solve your problem.


  3. Re: ora-12637 packet received failed

    Originally posted by kris123
    I’m quite confused by this error, ora-12637 in our server.

    TNS-12637 Packet receive failed

    Cause: A process was unable to receive a packet from another process. Possible causes include:

    The other process was terminated.
    The machine on which the other process is running went down.
    Some other communications error occurred.
    Action: If the cause is not obvious, contact Oracle Support Services.


  4. Hi friend,

    I did

    c:\> tnsping ora9

    Used parameter files:

    TNS-03505: Failed to resolve name

    Why is that?….

    Thanks agaim

  5. Hi,

    Sorry, this is the correct one

    c:\> tnsping ora9

    Used TNSNAMES adapter to resolve the alias
    Attempting to contact (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS_LIST = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP) (HOST = NTSERV1)(PORT = 1521)))(CONNECT_DATA = (SERVICE_NAME = ora9))) OK (50 msec)

    I think no error here?….

    Does server domain affect the service name like NTSERV1.DOMAIN.COM
    and service name ORA9.DOMAIN.COM.

    I’m really confused on what is the right way of naming service name.

  6. In Sqlnet.ora add




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      Помогите кто может…. При соединении с БД оракл вылетает ошибка «ora-12637 packet receive fail», причем вчера все было нормально… Что делать… Первый раз с такой сталкиваюсь…






        Рейтинг (т): 2

        С файлами SQLNET.ORA и TNSNAMES.ORA все нормально т.е. правильно все отписано?
        Может сервак завис или оракл кривой, демоверсия какая-нибудь на один месяц или база остановлена?

        Сообщение отредактировано: Olega





          ExpandedWrap disabled

            ORA-12637 Packet receive failed

            Cause: A process was unable to receive a packet from another process. Possible

            causes are:

            1. The other process was terminated.

            2. The machine on which the other process is running went down.

            3. Some other communications error occurred.

            Action: If the cause is not obvious, contact Worldwide Customer Support.

          Тоесть мягко посылают обратиться в Oracle Customer Support , если ни одна из причин не подходит.




            Цитата Bas @ 29.10.04, 15:44

            ExpandedWrap disabled

              ORA-12637 Packet receive failed

              Cause: A process was unable to receive a packet from another process. Possible

              causes are:

              1. The other process was terminated.

              2. The machine on which the other process is running went down.

              3. Some other communications error occurred.

              Action: If the cause is not obvious, contact Worldwide Customer Support.

            Тоесть мягко посылают обратиться в Oracle Customer Support , если ни одна из причин не подходит.

            Это я видела и читала, ниодна из причин не подходит




              С файлами SQLNET.ORA и TNSNAMES.ORA все нормально
              и база точно не остановлена, и ыервер работает… Оверсия Оракла не демо, работаю уже год с нею…






                Рейтинг (т): 2

                Переставьте оракл вместе с ОС там где он Вас посылает, а?

                0 пользователей читают эту тему (0 гостей и 0 скрытых пользователей)

                0 пользователей:

                • Предыдущая тема
                • Базы данных: SQL
                • Следующая тема


                [ Script execution time: 0,0618 ]   [ 15 queries used ]   [ Generated: 21.09.23, 13:27 GMT ]  

                After setting up oracle server, I found I can connect to the oracle by using

                sqlplus64 user/pass@//

                in server

                but I can not sqlplus on (my local pc address)

                I check the port, actually I can

                telnet 1521

                Here, I list my server information:
                OS: Ubuntu 14.04LTS

                [oracle@2404f0da2a14 ~]$ lsnrctl status
                LSNRCTL for Linux: Version - Production on 18-JAN-2015 06:25:06
                Copyright (c) 1991, 2013, Oracle.  All rights reserved.
                Connecting to (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=IPC)(KEY=EXTPROC1521)))
                STATUS of the LISTENER
                Alias                     LISTENER
                Version                   TNSLSNR for Linux: Version - Production
                Start Date                18-JAN-2015 04:48:59
                Uptime                    0 days 1 hr. 36 min. 6 sec
                Trace Level               off
                Security                  ON: Local OS Authentication
                SNMP                      OFF
                Listener Parameter File   /opt/oracle/product/12.1.0/dbhome_1/network/admin/listener.ora
                Listener Log File         /opt/oracle/diag/tnslsnr/2404f0da2a14/listener/alert/log.xml
                Listening Endpoints Summary...
                Services Summary...
                Service "testsid" has 1 instance(s).
                  Instance "testsid", status READY, has 1 handler(s) for this service...
                Service "testsidXDB" has 1 instance(s).
                  Instance "testsid", status READY, has 1 handler(s) for this service...
                The command completed successfully

                I also checked sqlnet.ora

                # sqlnet.ora Network Configuration File: /opt/oracle/product/12.1.0/dbhome_1/network/admin/sqlnet.ora
                # Generated by Oracle configuration tools.

                It seems there is no restriction.

                What’s the possible problem? Thank you.

                I upgraded an Oracle RAC database from 12c to 19c. After a while, I identified that some jobs were having problems running. Therefore, I investigated and found out about the new default feature on the 19c client database that requires tests if Out of Bound breaks are allowed. Thus. Follow below the steps to handle this:

                The first step was to check the alert.log, and the errors messages were as below:

                opiodr aborting process unknown ospid (10883) as a result of ORA-609
                ORA-00609: could not attach to incoming connection
                ORA-12637: Packet receive failed

                I have also checked traces to understand more about the error, and this is what looked like:

                Redo thread mounted by this instance: 1
                Oracle process number: 89
                Unix process pid: 10942, image: oracle@techdatabase1
                *** 2022-03-18T11:49:06.167564+01:00
                *** CLIENT ID:() 2022-03-18T11:49:06.167591+01:00
                *** SERVICE NAME:() 2022-03-18T11:49:06.167600+01:00
                *** MODULE NAME:() 2022-03-18T11:49:06.167608+01:00
                *** ACTION NAME:() 2022-03-18T11:49:06.167615+01:00
                *** CLIENT DRIVER:() 2022-03-18T11:49:06.167623+01:00
                opiino: Attach failed due to ORA-12637

                From now, you have two solutions: one that requires a network specialist and another that you can use as a workaround. The one that requires a network specialist is to contact them to solve the underlying network’s inability to handle Out of Bound packets. On the other hand, the other solution is DISABLE_OOB=ON in the SQLNET.ORA on the server and this solution follows below:

                [oracle@techdatabasket admin]$ cat sqlnet.ora

                I hope this post helps you! If you want to know more about it, check the following sources below:

                Oracle 19c Client returns ORA-12637 when connecting to a 19c Database. Does not reproduce when

                Oracle 19c Client returns ORA-12637 when connecting to a 19c Database. Does not reproduce when using an older client version. (Doc ID 2662778.1)
                ORA-00609 and ORA-12547 Reported by JDBC Application After Upgrading To Database 19C (Doc ID 2813629.1)

                Hi! I am Bruno, a Brazilian born and bred. Former Oracle ACE, Computer Scientist, MSc in Data Science, over ten years of experience in companies such as IBM, Epico Tech, and Playtech based in three different countries (Brazil, Hungary, and Sweden) and joined projects remotely in many others. I am super excited to show you my interest in Databases, Cloud, Data Science, Data Engineering, Bigdata, AI, Programming, Software Engineering, and data in general.
                (Continue reading)

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