Odbc sql server driver ошибка безопасности ssl

I’m trying to connect to a SQL Server using pyodbc 4.0.30 with Python 3.7. Everything was going great the past couple of days until today when I get this error:

OperationalError: (‘08001’, ‘[08001] [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][DBNETLIB]SSL Security error (18) (SQLDriverConnect); [08001] [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][DBNETLIB]ConnectionOpen (SECCreateCredentials()). (1)’)`

My connection:

conn = pyodbc.connect('driver={SQL Server};server=redacted;database=uipcc_awdb;uid=redacted;pwd=redacted;trusted_connection=no;')

Please note I can connect normally to the database via SQL Server Management Studio, and no changes were made on my machine, the SQL Server, or the network.

I need to emphasize, I have tried to following which were mentioned in similar questions (but none worked):

  • adding sslverify=0 in the connection parameters
  • adding encrypt=0 in the connection parameters
  • Changing the OBDC drivers from my machine, didn’t work and ruined the connection from SQL Server Management Studio
  • Remove From My Forums
  • Question

  • When I am trying to test SQL connection from WebFOCUS Windows server ( under segment network) with SQL server 2008. I got the following error :

    Connection Failed:

    SQL State: ‘01000’

    SQL server Error: 772

    [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][DBNETLIB][ConnectionOpen (SECDoClientHandshake())

    Connection Failed:

    SQL state: ‘08001’

    SQL Server Error :18

    [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][DBNETLIB]SSL security error


  • Hi Neha,

    Could you ping the SQL Server successfully? Clients that have the Force Protocol Encryption option set ON on the client may fail to connect to SQL Server if clients specify an IP address for the server name.

    Please try:

    Use the server name to connect to SQL Server. You can use the SQL Server Client Network Utility to set up an alias for the server that is running SQL Server or implement name resolution by using WINS, DNS, or LMHOST file so that you can connect by server

    Or Set the Force Protocol Encryption option to ON on the server by using the SQL Server Server Network Utility. If you turn on encryption on the server, all the clients must connect by using encryption and you must install a certificate
    on the server. For more information, refer to the «Net-Library Encryption» topic in SQL Server 2000 Books Online.

    For more information please see:

    Best Regards,
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help.

    • Marked as answer by

      Thursday, August 9, 2012 2:11 AM

I’m trying to connect to a SQL Server using pyodbc 4.0.30 with Python 3.7. Everything was going great the past couple of days until today when I get this error:

OperationalError: (‘08001’, ‘[08001] [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][DBNETLIB]SSL Security error (18) (SQLDriverConnect); [08001] [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][DBNETLIB]ConnectionOpen (SECCreateCredentials()). (1)’)`

My connection:

conn = pyodbc.connect('driver={SQL Server};server=redacted;database=uipcc_awdb;uid=redacted;pwd=redacted;trusted_connection=no;')

Please note I can connect normally to the database via SQL Server Management Studio, and no changes were made on my machine, the SQL Server, or the network.

I need to emphasize, I have tried to following which were mentioned in similar questions (but none worked):

  • adding sslverify=0 in the connection parameters
  • adding encrypt=0 in the connection parameters
  • Changing the OBDC drivers from my machine, didn’t work and ruined the connection from SQL Server Management Studio

Форум КриптоПро
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КриптоПро CSP 4.0
Нет подключения к серверу MSSQL 2008 R2 EXP после обновления win 10 до 1803





11 мая 2018 г. 17:49:11(UTC)


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После обновления win 10 до 1803 нет подключения к серверу MSSQL 2008 R2 express. Обновление КриптоПро до 4.0.9944 ситуацию не исправляет. MSSQL установлен именованный экземпляр. Подключение локальное.

Подключение не выполнено:
SQLState: «01000»
Ошибка SQL-сервер: 772
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][TCP/IP Sockets]ConnectionOpen (SECDoClientHandshake()).
Подключение не выполнено:
SQLState: «08001»
Ошибка SQL-сервер: 18
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][TCP/IP Sockets]Ошибка безопасности SSL

Отредактировано пользователем 11 мая 2018 г. 17:55:10(UTC)
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11 мая 2018 г. 17:53:35(UTC)


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CredSSP updates for CVE-2018-0886?






14 мая 2018 г. 14:13:31(UTC)


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Обновления установлены.
Прошу разработчиков КриптоПро обратить внимание на данную проблему.

Win 10 x64 1803 домашняя, установлен именованнй экземпляр MSSQL 2008 R2 express. Без криптопро соединение с сервером SQL происходит нормально. Как только устанавливается криптопро — соединится с SQL сервером не возможно.
Tesl_odbc.pdf (46kb) загружен 8 раз(а).



Андрей Николаевич Ч



17 мая 2018 г. 7:23:10(UTC)

Андрей Николаевич Ч

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Автор: namber39 Перейти к цитате

Обновления установлены.
Прошу разработчиков КриптоПро обратить внимание на данную проблему.

Win 10 x64 1803 домашняя, установлен именованнй экземпляр MSSQL 2008 R2 express. Без криптопро соединение с сервером SQL происходит нормально. Как только устанавливается криптопро — соединится с SQL сервером не возможно.
Tesl_odbc.pdf (46kb) загружен 8 раз(а).

Присоединюсь к автору. Такая же проблема на двух ПК после обновления операционной системы (Вин 10). Нет соединения с SQL сервер при установленном продукте КриптоПро CSP. Прошу разработчика рассмотреть данный вопрос в кротчайшие сроки.



Максим Коллегин



17 мая 2018 г. 8:40:30(UTC)

Максим Коллегин

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Спасибо за обратную связь.
В качестве временного решения пока можем предложить следующее:
удалить ключ в реестре HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Cryptography\Providers\Crypto-Pro Primitive Provider\UM\00010002 и перезагрузить машину
Работоспособность SQL Server будет восстановлена, но может на некоторых сайтах не работать ГОСТ TLS.


Отредактировано пользователем 17 мая 2018 г. 12:06:12(UTC)
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Знания в базе знаний, поддержка в техподдержке







17 мая 2018 г. 12:40:31(UTC)


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Что делать у кого нет такого ключа в реестре?
not_key.pdf (37kb) загружен 7 раз(а).

Отредактировано пользователем 17 мая 2018 г. 13:05:41(UTC)
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Максим Коллегин



17 мая 2018 г. 13:25:03(UTC)

Максим Коллегин

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Переустановить CSP и удалить ключ.

Знания в базе знаний, поддержка в техподдержке







17 мая 2018 г. 14:40:39(UTC)


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После переустановки раздел появился, ключ удалил. Тест связи прошел.Applause
test_yes.pdf (67kb) загружен 5 раз(а).



Максим Коллегин



21 мая 2018 г. 17:19:23(UTC)

Максим Коллегин

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Мы выложили сборку 4.0.9948, можно тестировать, вышеуказанная проблема исправлена.

Знания в базе знаний, поддержка в техподдержке







23 мая 2018 г. 11:07:54(UTC)


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Автор: Максим Коллегин Перейти к цитате

Спасибо за обратную связь.
В качестве временного решения пока можем предложить следующее:
удалить ключ в реестре HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Cryptography\Providers\Crypto-Pro Primitive Provider\UM\00010002 и перезагрузить машину
Работоспособность SQL Server будет восстановлена, но может на некоторых сайтах не работать ГОСТ TLS.

А ошибка входа на сайт тоже связана со всем этим 1803? Версия 4.0.9948, но ошибка так и выходит.

Пример ошибки при попытке входа на защищенные странички сайта atsenergo:


Возможно, на сайте используются устаревшие или ненадежные параметры безопасности протокола TLS. Если это будет повторяться, обратитесь к владельцу веб-сайта.

Для параметров безопасности протокола TLS не установлены значения по умолчанию, что также могло стать причиной ошибки.


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Нет подключения к серверу MSSQL 2008 R2 EXP после обновления win 10 до 1803

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This article, suggests a way of resolving the below error message, when you are trying to access SQL Server using “Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server” and TLS 1.0: [DBNETLIB] [ConnectionOpen (SECDoClientHandshake()).] SSL Security Error

Prior to start writing this article, I was thinking of using a title like “How to still use TLS 1.0”, or something similar, but besides the fact that would have given a wrong message, it would not help so much because many people, usually search for such articles using the error message (SSL Security error)…

So, I anticipate that this article, with this title, would help as many people as possible 🙂

Drop me a line if you find the article useful and why not, subscribe to my newsletter to stay up to date with future articles!

A Few Words About TLS 1.0

TLS 1.0 is considered a deprecated protocol and it is not recommended anymore to be used to secure connections. That’s why many organizations (if not all) transitioned or are in the process of transitioning to newer versions of TLS such as TLS1.1 or above.

However, you may still encounter outdated applications that still need to use this protocol, even for a while for just performing a single operation. One such example, is to try and connect to a SQL Server instance via Microsoft OLE DB Driver for SQL Server using TLS 1.0.

If you are in such situation, I have good news, from a technical aspect, it is still possible to do this.

Read on to learn more.

SQL Server Support for TLS 1.0 and Above

SQL Server still supports all TLS protocols, currently from 1.0 to 1.2. However, depending on the version of SQL Server you have, especially in cases of older SQL Server versions, you might need a patch.

Read this article on SQLNetHub to learn more about SQL Server support for TLS versions.

Now let’s jump to the juicy part of this article and see how finally we can resolve the above error and manage to connect to SQL Server using Microsoft OLE DB Driver for SQL Server and TLS 1.0.

Note that if you are just trying to connect with TLS 1.0 for a while in order to perform a specific task, then make sure to revert the below changes in order to restore the security level of your systems back to their previous level.

Latest Microsoft OLE DB Driver for SQL Server

The first step towards resolving the SSL Security error, is to make sure that the version of the target SQL Server instance you want to connect to, is supported by the driver.

For example, Microsoft OLE DB Driver 18.1 for SQL Server supports connecting to SQL Server 2012 or later.

For older versions of SQL Server, you will need to find an earlier version of Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server as well.

You can find the latest version of the OLE DB driver here.

Useful details:

The Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server, allows ADO to access Microsoft SQL Server. However, This is an older driver and it is not recommended to be used driver for new development, since it is deprecated.

The new OLE DB provider is called the Microsoft OLE DB Driver for SQL Server (MSOLEDBSQL) which will be updated with the most recent server features going forward (learn more)

Registry Changes

The next step is, to edit the Windows Registry (always be careful when messing up with Windows Registry – only certified engineers should do that).

To enable TLS 1.0 in Windows

In Windows Registry, add the below dword keys:

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SecurityProviders\SCHANNEL\Protocols\TLS 1.0\Server]

  • “Enabled”=dword:00000001
  • “DisabledByDefault”=dword:00000000

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SecurityProviders\SCHANNEL\Protocols\TLS 1.0\Client]

  • “Enabled”=dword:00000001
  • “DisabledByDefault”=dword:00000000

To disable TLS 1.0 in Windows

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SecurityProviders\SCHANNEL\Protocols\TLS 1.1\Server]

  • “Enabled”=dword:00000000
  • “DisabledByDefault”=dword:00000001

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SecurityProviders\SCHANNEL\Protocols\TLS 1.1\Client]

  • “Enabled”=dword:00000000
  • “DisabledByDefault”=dword:00000001

Learn more about the above registry changes in this MS Docs article.

Local Security Policy

The next step is to check the Local Security Policy on the database server.

So, in Local Security Policy on the Database Server, make sure that the setting “System Cryptography: Use FIPS compliant algorithms for encryption, hashing, and signing” is disabled.

If you want to learn more about this security option, you can check this MS Docs article.

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(special limited-time discount included in link).

Via the course, you will learn essential hands-on SQL Server Administration tips on SQL Server maintenance, security, performance, integration, error handling and more. Many live demonstrations and downloadable resources included!

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Server Protocols, Ciphers, Hashes and Client Protocols

The last step in this troubleshooting guide, is to use IISCrypto, which is an excellent free tool, that allows you to control which protocols, ciphers, and more are enabled (or not) on a Windows server.

That being set, you will need to run IISCrypto and make sure that the “TLS 1.0” Server and Client Protocols, as well as the”SHA” hash are enabled.

Here’s a screenshot of IISCrypto, running on my PC, having TLS 1.0 and “SHA” enabled for illustration purposes:

[DBNETLIB] [ConnectionOpen (SECDoClientHandshake()).] SSL Security Error - How to Resolve - Article on SQLNetHub

Note that, if finally you need to perform any changes using IISCrypto, you will need to restart the server.

Actually, for any changes you might need to perform, it is recommended to restart the server.

A Piece of Advice

As mentioned in this article’s beginning, TLS 1.0 is considered a deprecated protocol and it is not recommended anymore to be used to secure connections.

Instead, you should be using newer versions of TLS.

In case you just need to switch to TLS 1.0 for performing an ad hoc task, you need to make sure that after you completed the task, you revoked any changes you might have applied, and disable again TLS 1.0 and the “SHA” hash.

See More

Check out DBA Security Advisor, a SQL Server security tool to assess your SQL Server instances against a rich set of security checks and get security best practice recommendations.

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Reference: SQLNetHub.com (https://www.sqlnethub.com)

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Artemakis Artemiou

Artemakis Artemiou is a Senior SQL Server Architect, Author, a 9 Times Microsoft Data Platform MVP (2009-2018). He has over 20 years of experience in the IT industry in various roles. Artemakis is the founder of SQLNetHub and {essentialDevTips.com}. Artemakis is the creator of the well-known software tools Snippets Generator and DBA Security Advisor. Also, he is the author of many eBooks on SQL Server. Artemakis currently serves as the President of the Cyprus .NET User Group (CDNUG) and the International .NET Association Country Leader for Cyprus (INETA). Moreover, Artemakis teaches on Udemy, you can check his courses here.

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