Обход ошибки 26925 forcing quiet install

I’ve tried to install msxml3 on Wine Staging 3.13 and Wine 3.14, but the installer always ends prematurely. Here’s the log for msxml3 on a clean 32-bit wine prefix:

Using winetricks 20180815-next - sha256sum: 762a612d72192fd189c274d28de9e98f30063daa925d386819544a5054af743d with wine-3.14 and WINEARCH=win32
Executing w_do_call msxml3
Executing load_msxml3 
Using native override for following DLLs: msxml3
Executing wine regedit C:\windows\Temp\_msxml3\override-dll.reg
0041:fixme:ntdll:find_reg_tz_info Can't find matching timezone information in the registry for -03, bias 180, std (d/m/y): 18/02/2018, dlt (d/m/y): 4/11/2018
Executing cd /home/ivan/.cache/winetricks/msxml3
Executing wine msiexec /i msxml3.msi
0043:fixme:ntdll:find_reg_tz_info Can't find matching timezone information in the registry for -03, bias 180, std (d/m/y): 18/02/2018, dlt (d/m/y): 4/11/2018
0045:fixme:ntdll:find_reg_tz_info Can't find matching timezone information in the registry for -03, bias 180, std (d/m/y): 18/02/2018, dlt (d/m/y): 4/11/2018
0043:fixme:ntdll:NtLockFile I/O completion on lock not implemented yet
0043:err:richedit:ReadStyleSheet skipping optional destination
0043:err:richedit:ReadStyleSheet skipping optional destination
0043:fixme:msi:event_spawn_wait_dialog doing nothing
004b:fixme:ntdll:find_reg_tz_info Can't find matching timezone information in the registry for -03, bias 180, std (d/m/y): 18/02/2018, dlt (d/m/y): 4/11/2018
0043:err:msi:execute_script Execution of script 0 halted; action L"[C:\\users\\ivan\\Temp\\msod51c.tmp\00015\0001C:\\Program Files\\Common Files\\Microsoft Shared\\SFPCA Cache\\\0001msxmlx.inf\0001EOF_LIST\0001<=>S-1-5-21-0-0-0-1000<=>{D642E38E-0D24-486C-9A2D-E316DD696F4B}]Wdsfpca_DoInstallWFPFile.C8C0673E_50E5_4AC4_817B_C0E4C4466990" returned 1603
0043:err:msi:ITERATE_Actions Execution halted, action L"InstallFinalize" returned 1603
0043:fixme:msi:internal_ui_handler internal UI not implemented for message 0x0b000000 (UI level = 5)
0043:fixme:msi:internal_ui_handler internal UI not implemented for message 0x0b000000 (UI level = 5)
0043:err:msi:ITERATE_Actions Execution halted, action L"ExecuteAction" returned 1603
Note: command wine msiexec /i msxml3.msi returned status 67. Aborting.
ivan@Eldorado ~ $ ```


Олег Шевченко

2022-11-17 15:27:32 MSK

Необходимо протестировать КОМПАС-3Dv20 в ALTLinux sp8 на W@E 7.20

Comment 1

Иван Ивлев

2022-11-17 22:44:21 MSK

Склонировал шаблон 169 (ALTLinux-SP8-c9) и назвал его 234 (iviv-16071-ALTSP8c9).

Заказал сборку W@E на sales и она пришла на почту.

Зашёл в ВМ, скачал, запустил скрипт. 

W@E установился:

WINE@Etersoft 7.20.1-alt0.c9f2.1 установлен.
Пример использования (запускать под пользователем):
 $ wine setup.exe

Установленные пакеты WINE@Etersoft:
 # epm qp wine
 # rpm -qa | grep -E -i --color -- "(wine)"

Смонтировал ftp по инструкции https://wiki.office.etersoft.ru/Proxmox.%D0%98%D1%81%D0%BF%D0%BE%D0%BB%D1%8C%D0%B7%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%B5

Перешёл /var/ftp/pvt/Windows/CAD/Kompas/KOMPAS-3D_v21_x64/KOMPAS-3D_v21_x64 и запустил скрипт $ wine_install_kompas, пошла установка программы.

There is not enough disk space on your drive for the new files
to be uncompressed and installed. Please run this application
again after you have freed some space on your drive.------------------------------------------------------
warning: Note: command wine dotNetFx40_Full_x86_x64.exe /q /c:install.exe /q returned status 112. Aborting.
Ошибка: Проблемы с установкой компонента dotnet48

Появилась ошибка, оказалось, что на диске кончилось место. Расширил по той же инструкции, после чего возобновил установку.

warning: Важно: команда wine msiexec /i msxml3.msi /q вернула статус 67. Прерывание.
Ошибка: Проблемы с установкой компонента msxml3

Продолжу тестирование позднее

Comment 2

Иван Ивлев

2022-11-23 17:07:18 MSK

При попытке зайти в ВМ, она почему-то не запускается. Пересоздал ВМ, установил W@E 7.20 снова. Воспроизвёл ошибку 

warning: Важно: команда wine msiexec /i msxml3.msi /q вернула статус 67. Прерывание.
Ошибка: Проблемы с установкой компонента msxml3

Проверил $ winetricks list-installed


Весь лог, который возвращает $ winetricks msxml3 :

Executing mkdir -p /home/guest
warning: Вы используете 64-битный WINEPREFIX. Важно: многие ветки устанавливают только 32-битные версии пакетов. Если у вас возникли проблемы, пожалуйста, проверьте еще раз на чистом 32-битном WINEPREFIX до отправки отчета об ошибке.
Using winetricks 20220411-next - sha256sum: 408f2242dd62f3724cd18badb1079c562d067bc2b397f3e2c9f2876d5bb3bb88 with wine-7.20.1-alt0.c9f2.1 (WINE@Etersoft) and WINEARCH=win64
Executing w_do_call msxml3
Executing mkdir -p /home/guest
warning: Вы используете 64-битный WINEPREFIX. Важно: многие ветки устанавливают только 32-битные версии пакетов. Если у вас возникли проблемы, пожалуйста, проверьте еще раз на чистом 32-битном WINEPREFIX до отправки отчета об ошибке.
Executing load_msxml3 
rm: невозможно удалить '/home/guest/.wine/dosdevices/c:/windows/syswow64/msxml3.dll': Нет такого файла или каталога
Using native override for following DLLs: msxml3
Executing wine regedit C:\windows\Temp\override-dll.reg
0224:err:virtual:map_file_into_view failed to set PROT_EXEC on file map, noexec filesystem?
0224:err:virtual:virtual_map_section mapping 0x110000 f000 000000000 failed
0234:err:virtual:map_file_into_view failed to set PROT_EXEC on file map, noexec filesystem?
0234:err:virtual:virtual_map_section mapping 0x110000 f000 000000000 failed
Executing wine64 regedit C:\windows\Temp\override-dll.reg
Executing cd /home/guest/.cache/winetricks/msxml3
warning: Обход ошибки 26925 -- Forcing quiet install
Executing wine msiexec /i msxml3.msi /q
0254:err:virtual:map_file_into_view failed to set PROT_EXEC on file map, noexec filesystem?
0254:err:virtual:virtual_map_section mapping 0x110000 f000 000000000 failed
0264:err:virtual:map_file_into_view failed to set PROT_EXEC on file map, noexec filesystem?
0264:err:virtual:virtual_map_section mapping 0x110000 f000 000000000 failed
0264:err:winediag:gnutls_process_attach failed to load libgnutls, no support for encryption
0264:err:winediag:process_attach failed to load libgnutls, no support for pfx import/export
0264:fixme:file:NtLockFile I/O completion on lock not implemented yet
0264:fixme:ntdll:NtQuerySystemInformation info_class SYSTEM_PERFORMANCE_INFORMATION
0264:fixme:ntdll:EtwEventSetInformation (deadbeef, 2, 049C3241, 28) stub
0270:err:virtual:map_file_into_view failed to set PROT_EXEC on file map, noexec filesystem?
0270:err:virtual:virtual_map_section mapping 0x110000 f000 000000000 failed
0270:err:winediag:gnutls_process_attach failed to load libgnutls, no support for encryption
0270:err:winediag:process_attach failed to load libgnutls, no support for pfx import/export
0288:err:ole:get_stub_manager_from_ipid not found for ipid {00000001-0000-0260-b82a-9fc250d8aa5f}
0288:err:ole:get_stub_manager_from_ipid not found for ipid {00000001-0000-0260-b82a-9fc250d8aa5f}
0288:err:ole:get_stub_manager_from_ipid not found for ipid {00000001-0000-0260-b82a-9fc250d8aa5f}
0288:err:ole:get_stub_manager_from_ipid not found for ipid {00000001-0000-0260-b82a-9fc250d8aa5f}
0288:err:ole:get_stub_manager_from_ipid not found for ipid {00000001-0000-0260-b82a-9fc250d8aa5f}
0288:err:ole:get_stub_manager_from_ipid not found for ipid {00000001-0000-0260-b82a-9fc250d8aa5f}
0288:err:ole:get_stub_manager_from_ipid not found for ipid {00000001-0000-0260-b82a-9fc250d8aa5f}
0288:err:ole:get_stub_manager_from_ipid not found for ipid {00000001-0000-0260-b82a-9fc250d8aa5f}
02b0:err:virtual:map_file_into_view failed to set PROT_EXEC on file map, noexec filesystem?
02b0:err:virtual:virtual_map_section mapping 0x54e0000 1000 000000000 failed
0264:err:msi:execute_script Execution of script 0 halted; action L"[C:\\users\\guest\\Temp\\mso12a8.tmp\00012\0001C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Common Files\\Microsoft Shared\\SFPCA Cache\\\0001msxmlx.inf\0001EOF_LIST\0001<=>S-1-5-21-0-0-0-1000<=>{D642E38E-0D24-486C-9A2D-E316DD696F4B}]Wdsfpca_DoInstallWFPFile.C8C0673E_50E5_4AC4_817B_C0E4C4466990" returned 1603
0264:err:msi:ITERATE_Actions Execution halted, action L"InstallFinalize" returned 1603
02b8:err:ole:TLB_ReadTypeLib Loading of typelib L"C:\\windows\\syswow64\\msxml3.dll" failed with error 2

После этого запустил скрипт установки компаса снова, wine сообщил об ошибке и создал бэктрейс (приложу), в терминале: 

warning: Note: command wine dotNetFx40_Full_x86_x64.exe /q /c:install.exe /q returned status 99. Aborting.
Ошибка: Проблемы с установкой компонента dotnet48

После этого проверил $ winetricks list-installed

Установил вручную пакет epmi i586-libgnutls30, после этого строчки ошибок про libgnutls пропали, но остальные остались

Comment 3

Иван Ивлев

2023-01-16 21:02:43 MSK

Создал новую ВМ, её имя 268 (iviv-16071-ALTSP8), установил туда W@E с sales:

WINE@Etersoft 7.20.4-alt0.c9f2.1 установлен.
Пример использования (запускать под пользователем):
 $ wine setup.exe

Установленные пакеты WINE@Etersoft:
 # epm qp wine
 # rpm -qa | grep -E -i --color -- "(wine)"

Перешел в /var/ftp/pvt/Windows/CAD/Kompas/KOMPAS-3D_v20_x64 и запустил скрипт $ wine_install_kompas, пошла установка программы.

В процессе установки оказалось, что наблюдается проблема с подключением к web.archive.org, из-за чего в консоли: 

--2023-01-16 19:47:32--  (попытка: 4)  https://web.archive.org/web/20060718123742/http://ftp.gunadarma.ac.id/pub/driver/itegno/USB%20Software/MDAC/MDAC_TYP.EXE
Подключение к web.archive.org (web.archive.org)||:443... ошибка: Время ожидания соединения истекло.

Спустя какое-то время удалось подключиться и выяснилось, что ошибки libgnutls ушли, остальное осталось:

Executing wine msiexec /i msxml3.msi /q
02cc:err:virtual:map_file_into_view failed to set PROT_EXEC on file map, noexec filesystem?
02cc:err:virtual:virtual_map_section mapping 0x110000 f000 000000000 failed
02dc:err:virtual:map_file_into_view failed to set PROT_EXEC on file map, noexec filesystem?
02dc:err:virtual:virtual_map_section mapping 0x110000 f000 000000000 failed
02dc:fixme:file:NtLockFile I/O completion on lock not implemented yet
02dc:fixme:ntdll:NtQuerySystemInformation info_class SYSTEM_PERFORMANCE_INFORMATION
02dc:fixme:ntdll:EtwEventSetInformation (deadbeef, 2, 049D3241, 28) stub
02e8:err:virtual:map_file_into_view failed to set PROT_EXEC on file map, noexec filesystem?
02e8:err:virtual:virtual_map_section mapping 0x110000 f000 000000000 failed
0300:err:ole:get_stub_manager_from_ipid not found for ipid {00000001-0000-02d8-9f53-da342ad1677b}
0300:err:ole:get_stub_manager_from_ipid not found for ipid {00000001-0000-02d8-9f53-da342ad1677b}
0300:err:ole:get_stub_manager_from_ipid not found for ipid {00000001-0000-02d8-9f53-da342ad1677b}
0300:err:ole:get_stub_manager_from_ipid not found for ipid {00000001-0000-02d8-9f53-da342ad1677b}
0300:err:ole:get_stub_manager_from_ipid not found for ipid {00000001-0000-02d8-9f53-da342ad1677b}
0300:err:ole:get_stub_manager_from_ipid not found for ipid {00000001-0000-02d8-9f53-da342ad1677b}
0300:err:ole:get_stub_manager_from_ipid not found for ipid {00000001-0000-02d8-9f53-da342ad1677b}
0300:err:ole:get_stub_manager_from_ipid not found for ipid {00000001-0000-02d8-9f53-da342ad1677b}
0328:err:virtual:map_file_into_view failed to set PROT_EXEC on file map, noexec filesystem?
0328:err:virtual:virtual_map_section mapping 0x54f0000 1000 000000000 failed
02dc:err:msi:execute_script Execution of script 0 halted; action L"[C:\\users\\guest\\Temp\\msoe30f.tmp\00012\0001C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Common Files\\Microsoft Shared\\SFPCA Cache\\\0001msxmlx.inf\0001EOF_LIST\0001<=>S-1-5-21-0-0-0-1000<=>{D642E38E-0D24-486C-9A2D-E316DD696F4B}]Wdsfpca_DoInstallWFPFile.C8C0673E_50E5_4AC4_817B_C0E4C4466990" returned 1603
02dc:err:msi:ITERATE_Actions Execution halted, action L"InstallFinalize" returned 1603
0330:err:ole:TLB_ReadTypeLib Loading of typelib L"C:\\windows\\syswow64\\msxml3.dll" failed with error 2
warning: Важно: команда wine msiexec /i msxml3.msi /q вернула статус 67. Прерывание.
Ошибка: Проблемы с установкой компонента msxml3

Вписал $ mount | grep noexec

Зашёл в /etc/fstab

Там отредактировал 5 строку, убрав оттуда "noexec" после /home.

Запускаю скрипт ещё раз, выдаёт ошибку 
0128:fixme:heap:RtlSetHeapInformation handle 00000000, info_class 1, info 00000000, size 0 stub!
0128:err:ole:com_get_class_object class {f5078f32-c551-11d3-89b9-0000f81fe221} not registered
0128:err:ole:com_get_class_object class {f5078f32-c551-11d3-89b9-0000f81fe221} not registered
0128:err:ole:create_server class {f5078f32-c551-11d3-89b9-0000f81fe221} not registered
0128:fixme:ole:com_get_class_object CLSCTX_REMOTE_SERVER not supported
0128:err:ole:com_get_class_object no class object {f5078f32-c551-11d3-89b9-0000f81fe221} could be created for context 0x17
0128:err:ole:com_get_class_object class {f5078f32-c551-11d3-89b9-0000f81fe221} not registered
0128:err:ole:com_get_class_object class {f5078f32-c551-11d3-89b9-0000f81fe221} not registered
0128:err:ole:create_server class {f5078f32-c551-11d3-89b9-0000f81fe221} not registered
0128:fixme:ole:com_get_class_object CLSCTX_REMOTE_SERVER not supported
0128:err:ole:com_get_class_object no class object {f5078f32-c551-11d3-89b9-0000f81fe221} could be created for context 0x17

dbghelp_msc:codeview_process_info Unknown CODEVIEW signature 00000000 in module L"kernelbase"
0138:err:dbghelp_msc:codeview_process_info Unknown CODEVIEW signature 00000000 in module L"kernel32"
0138:err:dbghelp_msc:codeview_process_info Unknown CODEVIEW signature 00000000 in module L"ntdll"

warning: Note: command wine dotNetFx40_Full_x86_x64.exe /q /c:install.exe /q returned status 99. Aborting.
Ошибка: Проблемы с установкой компонента dotnet48

Также во время работы скрипта всплыло окно с ошибкой C++ exception, его лог прикреплю

После этого проверяю $ winetricks list-installed

Using winetricks 20220411-next - sha256sum: 408f2242dd62f3724cd18badb1079c562d067bc2b397f3e2c9f2876d5bb3bb88 with wine-7.20.4-alt0.c9f2.1 (WINE@Etersoft) and WINEARCH=win64

dotnet48 уже установлен и установить его не даёт, говорит что уже установлен

Вписал $ winetricks msxml3 и перезапустил скрипт

Executing cd /home/guest/.cache/winetricks/msxml4
Downloading https://web.archive.org/web/2000/https://web.archive.org/web/20210506101448/http://download.microsoft.com/download/A/2/D/A2D8587D-0027-4217-9DAD-38AFDB0A177E/msxml.msi to /home/guest/.cache/winetricks/msxml4
--2023-01-16 20:53:56--  https://web.archive.org/web/2000/https://web.archive.org/web/20210506101448/http://download.microsoft.com/download/A/2/D/A2D8587D-0027-4217-9DAD-38AFDB0A177E/msxml.msi
Распознаётся web.archive.org (web.archive.org)…
Подключение к web.archive.org (web.archive.org)||:443... соединение установлено.
HTTP-запрос отправлен. Ожидание ответа… 503 Service Unavailable
2023-01-16 20:54:01 ОШИБКА 503: Service Unavailable.

warning: Downloading https://web.archive.org/web/2000/https://web.archive.org/web/20210506101448/http://download.microsoft.com/download/A/2/D/A2D8587D-0027-4217-9DAD-38AFDB0A177E/msxml.msi failed
Ошибка: Проблемы с установкой компонента msxml4

Тут опять проблема с web.archive.org, поэтому, чтобы не ждать попусту, продолжу тестирование позднее.

Comment 5

Иван Ивлев

2023-01-18 18:55:20 MSK

Возобновил тестирование, вновь запустив скрипт $ wine_install_kompas.

Установка остановилась на том же этапе:

@Etersoft) and WINEARCH=win64
Executing w_do_call msxml4
Executing mkdir -p /home/guest
warning: Вы используете 64-битный WINEPREFIX. Важно: многие ветки устанавливают только 32-битные версии пакетов. Если у вас возникли проблемы, пожалуйста, проверьте еще раз на чистом 32-битном WINEPREFIX до отправки отчета об ошибке.
Executing load_msxml4 
Executing cd /home/guest/.cache/winetricks/msxml4
Downloading https://web.archive.org/web/20210506101448/http://download.microsoft.com/download/A/2/D/A2D8587D-0027-4217-9DAD-38AFDB0A177E/msxml.msi to /home/guest/.cache/winetricks/msxml4
--2023-01-18 16:19:12--  https://web.archive.org/web/20210506101448/http://download.microsoft.com/download/A/2/D/A2D8587D-0027-4217-9DAD-38AFDB0A177E/msxml.msi
Распознаётся web.archive.org (web.archive.org)…
Подключение к web.archive.org (web.archive.org)||:443... соединение установлено.
Не удаётся установить SSL-соединение.
Executing cd /home/guest/.cache/winetricks/msxml4
Downloading https://web.archive.org/web/2000/https://web.archive.org/web/20210506101448/http://download.microsoft.com/download/A/2/D/A2D8587D-0027-4217-9DAD-38AFDB0A177E/msxml.msi to /home/guest/.cache/winetricks/msxml4
--2023-01-18 16:20:59--  https://web.archive.org/web/2000/https://web.archive.org/web/20210506101448/http://download.microsoft.com/download/A/2/D/A2D8587D-0027-4217-9DAD-38AFDB0A177E/msxml.msi
Распознаётся web.archive.org (web.archive.org)…
Подключение к web.archive.org (web.archive.org)||:443... соединение установлено.
HTTP-запрос отправлен. Ожидание ответа… 404 NOT FOUND
2023-01-18 16:21:22 ОШИБКА 404: NOT FOUND.

warning: Downloading https://web.archive.org/web/2000/https://web.archive.org/web/20210506101448/http://download.microsoft.com/download/A/2/D/A2D8587D-0027-4217-9DAD-38AFDB0A177E/msxml.msi failed
Ошибка: Проблемы с установкой компонента msxml4

Решил попробовать прописать вручную $ winetricks msxml4

Он установился без проблем, смотрю почему так и обнаруживаю, что по какой-то причине, при установке по скрипту загрузить пытается по ссылке


Попытавшись вбить в браузере ничего не нашлось, однако в этой ссылке адрес https://web.archive.org повторяется два раза.  Убрав первую часть ссылки, чтобы она пришла к виду 


Загрузка пошла. То же самое при ручном вписывании $ winetricks msxml4
В консоли видно, что используется ссылка 


После этих действий запустил скрипт на исполнение ещё раз и теперь КОМПАС установился, проверяю его работу.

Предварительно зашёл в браузере на http://localhost:1947/_int_/config_to.html и поставил галочку напротив “Aggressive Search for Remote Licenses”. В текстовое поле ввода вписал activate.ascon.ru и нажал кнопку “Submit”.

Запускаю компас, получаю лицензию без проблем. Инструменты моделирования стали доступны.

Создать, Сохранить, Открыть ранее созданную деталь получается без проблем, однако при нажатии на "Печать" ничего не происходит. Нажал на "Предварительный просмотр", вылезла табличка:

"Вывод на устройство вывода - в данный момент невозможен. 
Некоторые способы решения проблемы:
- проверьте правильность установки драйвера устройства;
- проверьте наличие векторных шрифтов, если устройство векторное;
- выберите другое устройство вывода.

Зашёл в верхней панели в "Система" - "Администрирование" - "Параметры печати" и там не увидел ни одного принтера.

Пытался понять, как добавить принтер, смог добавить скопировав адрес принтера с локальной машины и вписав его в ВМ, проблему не решило

Comment 6

Иван Ивлев

2023-01-20 20:07:02 MSK

Зашёл и принтеры появились, видимо надо было просто перезагрузить. При попытке печати - проблем нет, файлики на рабочем столе появляются. 

Ставлю задаче "Решена"

Comment 7

Олег Шевченко

2023-01-23 11:14:58 MSK


Realtek audio driver keeps installing and uninstalling? Don’t worry. The issue can be easily fixed. Just follow the steps in this post.

First, uninstall the audio driver from Device Manager manually.

When you run the Realtek audio installer, the existing audio driver needs to be uninstalled first so the new audio driver can be installed successfully. If the existing audio driver is not uninstalled successfully, the Realtek audio driver install/uninstall loop issue can occur.

To fix the issue, you can try uninstalling the audio driver manually. Here’s how:

1) Press Win+R keys to open the Run box.

2) Type “devmgmt.msc” into the Run box and click OK. Then the Device Manager window will pop up.

how to open device manager

3) At the Device Manager window, double-click on “Sound, video and game controllers” to expand the category.

4) Right-click on the audio driver and select Uninstall device.

uninstall realtek audio driver

5) Tick the box next to Delete the driver software for this device and click Uninstall.

Second, install the Realtek audio driver.

After you’re done with uninstalling the driver, run the Realtek audio installer to install the driver again. If you’re prompted to reboot your computer, reboot it.

Some users have reported that Realtek Audio Console is missing after they install the Realtek audio driver. If you’re in this case, you can get Realtek Audio Console back by following the steps in this post: Realtek Audio Console Download and Install.

7) Check to see if the issue still occurs.

Tip: If the issue still occurs, you can try using Driver Easy to help install the Realtek audio driver. Driver Easy can detect any problem drivers and update the drivers successfully. With Driver Easy, you can expect the Realtek audio driver install loop issue can be fixed. Download Driver Easy from the vendor’s website.

Hopefully you find this article helpful. If you have any questions, feel free to drop a comment below. I’ll get back to you ASAP.


Grand Master


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I am trying to install 3DMark basic edition downloaded from futuremark directly. When I go to run the installer, UAC pops up needing permission, which I give it. However after about 10 seconds the installer starts running and I get this message:


So what do I do in this situation? Obviously if I decline UAC it will not install, but it clearly says that it won’t install with privileges!?

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11 minutes ago, jnelsoninjax said:

I am trying to install 3DMark basic edition downloaded from futuremark directly. When I go to run the installer, UAC pops up needing permission, which I give it. However after about 10 seconds the installer starts running and I get this message:


So what do I do in this situation? Obviously if I decline UAC it will not install, but it clearly says that it won’t install with privileges!?

Have you tried a non admin command prompt …

go to the installation folder and type

3dmark-setup.exe /quiet /install

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2 minutes ago, Jim K said:

Have you tried a non admin command prompt …

go to the installation folder and type

3dmark-setup.exe /quiet /install

No, I’ll try that, thanks!

Still calls UAC!

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Grand Master


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Do you have UAC turned off via regedit using the EnableLUA setting? Try undoing that.

You really do have a lot of system/OS issues lately… I suspect you are tweaking stuff and messing with settings that don’t need to be messed up honestly.

  • Circaflex

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Jim K

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Disable UAC temporarily? 

…and you’re not using the built Administrator account are you?  Reading through some of Futuremark forums … that seems to be an issue with installing 3DMark.

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Check the installer md5, it is possible your download is corrupt. Try right clicking the install file, go to properties and click unblock if the button is showing. 

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23 minutes ago, xendrome said:

Do you have UAC turned off via regedit using the EnableLUA setting? Try undoing that.

You really do have a lot of system/OS issues lately… I suspect you are tweaking stuff and messing with settings that don’t need to be messed up honestly.

No, and the only other issue I am having is most likely related to Fences, I am not ‘tweaking’ anything, this installation is 3 days old now.

23 minutes ago, Jim K said:

Disable UAC temporarily? 

…and you’re not using the built Administrator account are you?  Reading through some of Futuremark forums … that seems to be an issue with installing 3DMark.

By disable, you mean turn the slider down to do not notify? No I am not using the built in account.

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if you have steam, grab it via there, does it do the same?

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7 minutes ago, jnelsoninjax said:

No, and the only other issue I am having is most likely related to Fences, I am not ‘tweaking’ anything, this installation is 3 days old now.

By disable, you mean turn the slider down to do not notify? No I am not using the built in account.

Right click the installer and go to properties, if there is a button that says Unblock, click that and try again.

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8 minutes ago, Circaflex said:

Right click the installer and go to properties, if there is a button that says Unblock, click that and try again.

no button to unblock, and just to try and lowered UAC to do not notify, and when I ran the installer, nothing happened.

@Mando, I am going there as I type, will see what happens.

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I was installing SQL Server on my new laptop and decided to try out ‘Unattended’ or ‘Silent’ installation. Here are my learning from this exercise.

An ‘.INI’ (INItialization) file is required for silent installation. This is a configuration file which holds installation parameters and their values. To create this file, start SQL installation through GUI and continue till ‘Ready To Install’ screen. You can see path of ‘ConfigurationFile.ini’ at the bottom of the screen. Note the path and cancel the SQL Server setup.


We need to change some parameters in this .INI file for silent installation. I began with changing ‘QUIETSIMPLE’ parameter from ‘FALSE’ to ‘TRUE’.


Then I initiated silent installation from command prompt.


I received following error message –
The /UIMode setting cannot be used in conjunction with /Q or /QS.


I got this error because I had changed parameter ‘/QS’ i.e. ‘QUIETSIMPLE’ to ‘TRUE’. I commented out parameter ‘/UIMode’ to disable it and started silent installation again.


I received following error message –
The /IAcceptSQLServerLicenseTerms command line parameter is missing or has not been set to true. It is a required parameter for setup action you are running.


As mentioned in the error message, this parameter was missing from my .INI file. I added it to file and restarted installation.

This time installation started as shown in the next screen shot.


But after some progress it stopped with following error message –
Missing sa account password. The sa account password is required for SQL Authentication mode.


Since I had selected ‘Mixed Mode’ authentication, ‘sa’ password was needed. I added parameter ‘SAPWD’ to .INI file as shown in next screen shot and restarted the installation.


This time setup completed without any errors.

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