Nw 102216 2 ps5 ошибка

При подключении к PlayStation™ Network произошла ошибка.

Попробуйте следующее:

  1. Проверьте страницу статуса PlayStation™Network – возможно, у вас проблемы с сетью.
  2. Попробуйте использовать проводное соединение, если это возможно.
  3. При использовании беспроводного соединения приблизьте консоль к маршрутизатору и уберите все препятствия между ними, чтобы улучшить уровень сигнала.
  4. Выключите маршрутизатор и подождите около 5 минут, затем перезапустите его.
  5. Обновите встроенное программное обеспечение маршрутизатора до последней версии. Чтобы узнать, как обновить встроенное программное обеспечение, свяжитесь с продавцом маршрутизатора.
  6. Если это возможно, попытайтесь открыть следующие порты на маршрутизаторе:
    TCP: 80, 443, 3478, 3479, 3480
    UDP: 3478, 3479, от 49152 до 65535.
    За дополнительной информацией о том, как открыть порты, обратитесь к своему поставщику интернет-услуг.

So, while I was about to join my friends in my favorite game my PlayStation completely got disconnected from the internet resulting in error code NW-102216-2

Upon looking I found out that many other users were getting this error 2 to 3 times a day.

No need to worry because we have prepared a list of 11 quick fixes in the guide below.

What is PS5 Error Code NW-102216-2? Unable to Connect to Server?

PS5 Error Code NW-102216-2 occurs:

  1. When you are trying to join a multiplayer online game.
  2. Or trying to connect to Play Station Network the error message appears.

Why does my internet keep going out on my PS5?

Your internet keeps going out of your PS5 due to the following reasons:

  1. Internet connection must be slow
  2. The wifi signal strength must be weak
  3. The PSN server may be down

Video Guide: PS5 Error Code NW-102216-2


Solution 1: Check if the Play Station Network (PSN) is Down?

The first thing you can do is to get over PS5 Error NW-102216-2 is check the PSN servers that may have gone under maintenance, so all you can do is confirm that this problem exists.

How do I check my PSN status?

And for that, all you need to do is:

  1. Go to the PlayStation Network Service Status page.
  2. Check the service status and if there’s any issue all you have to do is wait.
  3. If the server issue is fixed then do check for system software updates.
  4. And if the site won’t load then surely it’s your internet connection problem.

ps5-psn-status-PS5 Error Code CE-113212-0

For this follow the next solution

Read More: How To Get Unbanned From PS4? 

Solution 2: Restart your Router

The next thing you need to do to get over NW-102216-2 is to power cycle your router

Restarting your router will allow you to establish a new connection with your ISP without any bugs.

Just follow the steps below:

  1. Turn off your router completely by taking out the power cable from the power switch
  2. Now leave it for 2 minutes and then plug it back in
  3. And check for your internet connection.

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After checking the internet connection make sure you set the Wi-Fi frequency band to 5GHz and for that continue to the next solution.

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Solution 3: Set the Wi-Fi frequency band to 5GHz on PS5

Before trying this solution you need to make sure that your router is a 5GHz one because many users were able to fix something went wrong NW-102216-2 by changing the band to 5GHz

And if you don’t have one then you need can get one from the Above Solution

So, follow the steps below:

  1. Click Settings > Network > Settings.
  2. Then click Set Up Internet Connection
    PS5 Slow Wi-Fi Issues? Slow Internet Issues? [FIXED]
  3. Select the network you are using and press the Options button on the controller
  4. Select Wi-Fi Frequency Bands and set it to 5GHz
    PS5 Slow Wi-Fi Issues? Slow Internet Issues? [FIXED]

Also Read: Call of Duty MW2 Dev Error 253 on PS5

Solution 4: Power Cycle Your PS5

This technique will completely shut down your PS5 making sure all the power is drained.

It will recreate all the configurations before starting up.

Check out the best Tips: PS5 Won’t Turn On?

So, here’s how to power cycle PS5:

  1. Tap and Hold the power button on the console for at least 10 seconds until the blinking LED light turns off.power button ps5
  2. Unplug the power plug from the back of the console and after a minute click on the power button of your console which will drain all the power.
  3. Now wait for 20 minutes and plugin everything back and Restart your PS5

If the above solution didn’t fix then move on to the next solution.

Also Read: PS5 Not Connecting to Controller

Solution 5: Update Your Router’s Firmware

Sometimes outdated router software leads to a drop in internet speed resulting in PS5 Error NW-102216-2

So, it’s best to update your router firmware to get over the error.

And here’s how you can update your router firmware:

  1. Go to your router login page.
  2. Sign in and look for the software update option.
  3. And then follow the on-screen instructions to complete the process

So, updating your router firmware didn’t help you fix the error then continue to the next solution.

Solution 6: Improve Your Wi-Fi Speed

Something went wrong NW-102216-2 also occurs when the router is too far from your PS5, so try bringing your router close to your PS5, and will receive strong signals leading to a stable internet connection.

AYANEO 2 Downloading Slow

Make sure you use a wireless device that is compatible with the 5GHz band instead of 2.4GHz.

Are you still, facing the error?

Then try a different network

Solution 7: Change to a Different Network

Some users reported facing NW-102216-2 when connecting to a particular network, such as their home WiFi, but it goes away when they switch to a different network.

If you’re using your home or office network to play games, try switching to mobile data hotspot to see if it works

If not then continue to the next solution.

Also Read: PS5 error code NP-107938-8

Solution 8: How to Change Your DNS Settings On PS5?

There are some faulty DNS servers that may cause PS5 Error

So, let’s change the DNS Settings:

  1. Click Settings > Network > Settings.
  2. Then click Set Up Internet Connection.
  3. Click on the network you are using.
  4. Now click Advanced Settings > DNS Settings > Manual.
  5. For Primary settings enter and for Secondary to match the Google DNS.
  6. Then click OK to save the changes.
  7. And Reboot your PS5

ps5-dns-settings-PS5 NW-102216-2

Solution 9: Use an Ethernet Cable

If not then one more thing you can do to connect your PS5 to the network is to use an ethernet cable for an uninterrupted PS5 internet connection.

  1. Click Settings > Network > Settings.
  2. Then click Set Up Internet Connection
    PS5 Slow Wi-Fi Issues? Slow Internet Issues? [FIXED]
  3. And select Set Up Wired LAN.
  4. After the connection is set up and connected your internet will work perfectly fine
    PS5 Error NW-102379-2 Not connecting to the Wi-Fi Network

Solution 10: Call Your ISP

If using an ethernet cable couldn’t help you with error code nw-102216-2 then contact your Internet Service Provider(ISP).

They will access that data that you can’t and will know what’s going wrong with your internet connection.

Moreover, tell your ISP to open the following ports:

  1. TCP: 80, 4433478, 3479
  2. UDP: 3478, 3479, 49152 ~ 65535

And if the situation is worse then they will be sending a professional and make it work for you.

Solution 11: Contact PlayStation Support

If none of the above solutions didn’t work for you then all you can do is visit the PlayStation Official Website and tell them about the PS5 Error NW-102216-2 on their support page and they will typically reply to you within 24 hours.

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Make sure you tell all the solutions you have applied to your console. This will help the support agent to identify the main reason for this error.

If still, you have a query feel free to share your experiences and question in the comments section down below.


  1. Why can’t my PlayStation connect to the server?

    Your PlayStation can’t connect to the server as the server may be down or your internet connection not working properly.

  2. How long does it take for PSN to do maintenance?

    It takes about 2 hours for PSN to do maintenance

  3. What does it mean when a DNS server Cannot be used on PS5?

    DNS server Cannot be used on PS5 when you are connecting to the internet but through the wrong DNS server as the DNS is directly related to the network.

  4. How do I fix the connection timed out on my PS5?

    You can fix the connection timed out on your PS5 by checking the PSN status and using a wired internet connection.

Алексей Герзанов aka Gerzoid 2 мин Просмотров 33

Ошибка NW-10221616-2 на PlayStation 5 возникает при попытке подключения к PlayStation™Network и может быть вызвана проблемами с сетью. В этой статье мы рассмотрим возможные причины возникновения ошибки и приведём решения для её устранения

Первый шаг в решении проблемы с ошибкой NW-102216-2 — проверка страницы состояния PlayStation™Network. Сетевые сервисы твоей PlayStation могут быть временно недоступны из-за технического обслуживания или других проблем. Поэтому рекомендуется проверять статус на официальном сайте PlayStation или в социальных сетях.

Если проблема не связана со статусом PlayStation™Network, то следующим шагом может быть использование проводного соединения. Если у тебя есть возможность подключить консоль к маршрутизатору с помощью провода Ethernet, то это может помочь в устранении проблем с подключением.

Если ты используешь беспроводное подключение, убедись, что консоль находится достаточно близко к маршрутизатору и между ними нет никаких препятствий, например стен или других электронных устройств. Избавление от любых препятствий может улучшить сигнал Wi-Fi и помочь тебе подключиться к PlayStation™Network.

Если описанные выше действия не решили проблему, ты можешь попробовать перезагрузить маршрутизатор. Выключи маршрутизатор и подожди около 5 минут, затем снова включи его. Это может помочь обновить настройки и устранить возможные конфликты.

Другой способ решения проблемы — обновить прошивку маршрутизатора до последней версии. Для этого обратись к продавцу маршрутизатора или посмотри на официальном сайте производителя, как обновить программное обеспечение маршрутизатора.

Если проблема не исчезла, возможно, потребуется открыть определённые порты на маршрутизаторе. Рекомендуется открыть следующие порты: TCP: 80, 443, 3478, 3479, 3480, UDP: 3478, 3479, с 49152 по 65535. Открытие портов поможет улучшить соединение с PlayStation™Network. Если тебе нужна дополнительная информация о том, как открывать порты, обратись к своему интернет-провайдеру.

В том случае, если ни одно из вышеперечисленных решений не помогло, рекомендуется обратиться в службу технической поддержки PlayStation и предоставить им подробную информацию об ошибке NW-102216-2. Они смогут предложить индивидуальное решение проблемы и помогут тебе восстановить подключение к PlayStation™Network.

Ошибки подключения к PlayStation™Network могут быть разными, и не всегда существует универсальное решение для каждой из них. Однако, следуя этим рекомендациям, ты сможешь снизить вероятность возникновения ошибки NW-102216-2 и улучшить свою способность наслаждаться онлайн-играми и другими возможностями PlayStation®5.

Алексей Герзанов aka Gerzoid

Алекс Гезанов

Работаю в сервисном центре по ремонту и обслуживанию бытовой техники. За более чем 10 лет трудовой деятельности, я сталкивался с решением большого количества проблем в работе ОС Windows, периферийных устройств, бытовой техники, игровых консолей Playstation и т. д.

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This error code (NW-102216-2) is showing whenever I’m connecting my PS5 through Wi-Fi and the only way to fix it is to restart the PS5 but it keeps happening , is there a way to fix it?

Title: How to Resolve PS5 Error Code NW-1022162: A Comprehensive Guide

Welcome, gamers! If you’ve encountered the PS5 error code NW-1022162 and it’s interrupting your gaming experience, don’t fret. In this guide, we’ll walk you through several effective methods to troubleshoot and fix this error step by step. Let’s get started!

Method 1: Power Cycle Your PS5, Router, and Modem

  • Press the PS button on your controller to open the control center.
  • Select the power icon from the bottom right of the screen.
  • Choose «Turn off PS5.»
  • Unplug the PS5’s power cable.
  • Turn off your router and modem by unplugging them from the power source or using the power button.
  • Wait for about 10 minutes, then plug them back in or turn them on again.
  • Allow the router and modem to reconnect to the internet, and check for signal strength and stability.
  • Turn on your PS5 console and check if the error code NW-1022162 is resolved.

Method 2: Improve Connectivity
If you’re not using a wired connection with an Ethernet cable, consider these steps:

  • Move your PS5 closer to the router.
  • If the issue persists, switch to a wired connection:
    a. Connect an Ethernet cable from your router/modem to the LAN port on your PS5.
    b. Navigate to Settings > Network > Set Up Internet Connection.
    c. Choose «Use a LAN Cable» and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the setup.
  • Check if the error code is resolved.

Method 3: Check PlayStation Network Status

  • Open your web browser and go to the PlayStation Network Service Status page.
  • Check if there are any reported issues or alerts affecting PSN services, such as gaming and social features, PlayStation Store, PlayStation Now, PlayStation Video, or PlayStation Music.
  • If issues are reported, wait for Sony to resolve them.
  • If no issues are found, proceed to the next method.

Method 4: Update System Software and Game
Ensure your system software and game are up to date:

  • Go to Settings > System > System Software.
  • Select «System Software Update and Settings.»
  • Choose «Update System Software» and select «Update Using Internet.»
  • Wait for the download and installation to complete.
  • Update the game app by selecting the game with the error, pressing Options on the controller, and choosing «Check for Update.»
  • Restart your PS5 console and the game to check if the error code is resolved.

Method 5: Try Another Network or Router

  • If possible, try using a different router or connecting to another network to rule out router-related issues. This can help eliminate strict security features as the cause of the problem. If available, you can also try connecting to a neighbor’s wireless network or using mobile data.

Method 6: Factory Reset Your Router and Modem
To factory reset your router and modem:

  • Ensure your router is plugged in.
  • Locate the reset button on the back or bottom of your router.
  • Use a paperclip or similar object to hold down the reset button for 30 seconds.
  • Release the button and wait for the router to power back on.
  • Check if the error code is resolved.
  • If the problem persists, consider contacting your internet service provider for assistance with opening ports for your PlayStation.

We hope these step-by-step methods have helped you resolve the PS5 error code NW-1022162 and get back to uninterrupted gaming. If you have further questions or need additional assistance, feel free to contact us or leave a comment. Happy gaming!

Thank you for reading, and if you found this guide helpful, please comment then we create more useful content.

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