Npm ошибка сегментирования

Whenever I run npm on the command line, whether it’s npm install or npm run build or just npm by itself I get segmentation faults. I am running windows 8.1 I tried uninstalling and reinstalling node.js with different x64 msi from the node website. All successfully install node.js but whenever I return to the command prompt, terminal, or git bash to run npm. The same recurring issue of segmentation fault keeps appearing.

Is there anyone who has experience segmentation fault on windows? What methods or approach did you take to resolve it?
I tried installing current version, then older versions and nothing sees to work. Is there an installation process I might be skipping unknowingly? Or is there still binaries in registry that need to be purged before a different installation? Or other hidden directories to delete?

Please help. Thanks

naveen's user avatar


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asked Jan 23, 2017 at 18:24

US javabc's user avatar

Use this command to check if you have segmentation faults.

npm cache verify

If you do, clean the npm cache this way.

npm cache clean —force

Then try rebuilding your project.

If it doesn’t work try to uninstall node completely then put it back. You may need to re-run the steps above after reinstalling node and npm.

answered Apr 9, 2018 at 7:31

Olivier Tonglet's user avatar

I had the same issue now.

I checked the node version and npm

node -v


npm -v


I updated the npm to the latest.

npm install -g npm@latest

npm -v


Now npm install, npm run build is working fine now. :)

answered Aug 31, 2018 at 11:59

Raphael's user avatar


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nodejs, npm works fine before. When I try to upgrade it

sudo npm cache clean -f
sudo npm install -g n
sudo n stable

And type npm -v, it throw "Segmentation fault". I restart system and I type a same command again, again it show same error. So I remove nodejs and npm package from ubuntu 14.04 through ubuntu Software Center and reinstall it again.

Then I try to install the phonegap through npm package using a command

sudo npm install -g phonegap

But it doesn’t return any progress. So I check the npm version, it throws an error «Segmentation fault». I also try sudo npm -v. It return nothing.

So I decide to remove the npm from ubuntu 14.04 using the command

sudo apt-get remove npm 

Then I type sudo npm install -g phonegap it can’t throw npm package is not available.


My Question is:

  1. The package is not there, then why i type npm -v, it return «Segmenatation Fault»
  2. If package not remove, then when i type sudo npm install -g phonegap, why It cannot install phonegap.

Help me to solve this issue. Or provide a way to unistall nodejs, npm, phonegap, expressjs, less clean way and reinstall it.




As per @chj1axr0 answer, the script throw an error after nodejs install

enter image description here

I was trying to upgrade Node by following the instruction from I did sudo npm cache clean -f, sudo npm install -g n, and sudo n stable.
After the above commands, I stupidly did sudo ln -sf /usr/local/n/versions/node/11.8.0/bin/node /usr/bin/node. After this command, I checked the /usr/local/n/versions/node folder. It had 10.15.3, so I typed sudo ln -sf /usr/local/n/versions/node/10.15.3/bin/node /usr/bin/node.

Right now, node -v gives me 10.15.3. However, npm -version gives me Segmentation fault (core dumped). Other commands like npm update -g also gives me the same error message.

Other posts about the Segmentation fault (core dumped) error don’t seem to be directly related to my problem.

How can I fix this?

I am using Ubuntu 19.04.

Thank you.

Michele Dorigatti's user avatar

asked May 9, 2019 at 0:11

Jeong Kim's user avatar

I faced The same Issue just now,
This because of conflicting the npm of node and nodejs

so remove nodejs by below commands

sudo apt-get remove nodejs

this will remove all nodejs related Packages,

after above command you have to run autoremove command just like that

sudo apt autoremove

this will solve the problem,

Now you just have node pacakge in your machine, and NPM (segmentation dumped) error will also resolves.

you can more dig about What is segmentation fault

answered May 9, 2019 at 6:42

Adarsh Sharma's user avatar


Try to run npm rebuild to recompile your dependencies.

answered Apr 17, 2020 at 11:46

Samuel Henry's user avatar


This is caused by «binary incompability» between your compiled binaries and the libraries they are linked against. My list of things that can cause this

  • Upgrading nodejs, since you need to rebuild the code from clean state
  • Docker for example if you are sharing or copying node_modules from Mac to Linux or from Ubuntu to Alpine Linux
  • Docker multistage builds forget the libraries you had in the earlier stage unless you explicitly copy them
  • Vagrant for the same reason as Docker. By chance it might work if you have the same Linux distribution running on the same version inside and outside your virtual machine, over which node_modules is shared over a shared folder or a volume, which is more common on Vagrant

Short fix that works most often:

rm -rf node_modules

answered May 11, 2021 at 19:55's user avatar

Consider using Node Version Manager. Once installed you an easily upgrade downgrade node versions on the fly, with commands like NVM use 16 or NVM use 18.Sometimes I get this segmentation fault error and just quickly switch back to Node 16.

answered Jan 5 at 14:16

Greggory Wiley's user avatar

Try to run the following two commands

sudo apt --auto-remove purge npm

sudo apt --auto-remove purge nodejs

After executing these commands npm was working without installation.

m4n0's user avatar


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answered Oct 3, 2021 at 8:46

Ganesh Kandepalli's user avatar

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emretekince opened this issue

Sep 9, 2015




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I have upgraded my node version and i typed «node app.js»

and it crashed with this

Segmentation fault (core dumped)




Try to run npm rebuild to recompile your dependencies.

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Hi. You’re most likely experiencing one of these:

  • You haven’t recompiled your native modules after upgrading from your previous version, or
  • The native module in question isn’t compatible with the more recent v8 (or through NaN)

In either case, for us to help out or point you to a relevant upstream we need to know which module in question isn’t working. Try removing your node_modules directory and recompiling your modules. If you get a build failure, please paste the relevant bits (ie, the file that fails to compile).


Maybe it would be possible on major versions to have our installers explicitly state that native addons will need to be rebuilt?


@Fishrock123 long term i’d really like to introduce subfolders in node_modules (think node_modules/$native_module_version/. That’d make node-gyp/npm compile for every new version.


solved it here 👍

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related, node_module_register should check the version prior to ADDON initialization (in the NODE_ADDON macro?) not just after.






@jbergstroem Removing the node_modules folder completely and running «npm install» again worked for me. Totally forgot I could do that. Thanks for the reminder.

npm rebuild did not work in my case (stopped half way through with an error)


Hi, I have the same problem with a dockerized node app, we are using node 4.2.2.



Hello every body
i have the same problem but npm rebuild does not work

Segmentation fault (core dumped)

i got this after npm rebuild.

felipefss, Tiagojdferreira, jeffklassen, michaelkrone, radarsu, bigthyme, yasgun, honzagula, fathrees, andyps, and 17 more reacted with thumbs up emoji


npm rebuild is also giving segmentation fault.


Hi guys iam facing same problem like
xxxx-node@1.0.0 start /opt/xxx-api

node ./app.js
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
npm info lifecycle xxxx-node@1.0.0~start: Failed to exec start script
npm ERR! Linux 4.4.0-1026-aws
npm rebuild is also giving but getting same issue.


Hi, I am trying to install Angular CLI as sudo. I am using Ubuntu 18.04 LTS and I am getting
Segmentation fault (core dumped) every time I run sudo npm install @angular/cli. I tried sudo npm rebuild but that returns the same message Segmentation fault (core dumped). Please help me fix this problem!


I have been recently facing this issue after upgrading to node v10.5, cant run any ng / npm commands, segmentation fault ( core dumped )


me also facing this issue
My node version 8.9.0
If i install to 10.6.0 then it works fine but my project other dependency stop working



Try updating your Node and npm to the available stable version. This works for me !.


I’m having the same issue although I can’t run any npm commands at all. Even npm —version gets a segmentation fault. I just upgraded Node to the latest stable version so I’m not sure what the issue is.


I’m having the same issue although I can’t run any npm commands at all. Even npm —version gets a segmentation fault. I just upgraded Node to the latest stable version so I’m not sure what the issue is.

Hey! Try using NVM for that updating/installing, that worked for me!
You can unintsal npm by following the instructions given at npm-removal
and reinstall npm using nvm from here


sudo apt --auto-remove purge npm
sudo apt --auto-remove purge nodejs

Please run this command. It works for me.

manuelQuiroz, alisson-suzigan, import-keshav, davidpicarra, sab30, ashtonbaker, misolo, danschumann, GenesisSam, simona14, and JaimeNorato reacted with thumbs up emoji


I am facing the same issue and im using Ubuntu. Every command that i run gives me same error. I tried npm rebuild ans well as sudo ng serve but nothibng works. Please Help me!


I have the same problem and solved it.(my OS is ubuntu 19.4)

the reason that this problem happens, is you installed nodejs and npm separately.

so At first, you should remove nodejs and npm.

sudo apt --auto-remove purge npm
sudo apt --auto-remove purge nodejs

and then install just nodejs

sudo apt-get install nodejs

At last, do following commands for checking nodejs and npm


I’m having the same issue although I can’t run any npm commands at all. Even npm —version gets a segmentation fault. I just upgraded Node to the latest stable version so I’m not sure what the issue is.

Hey! Try using NVM for that updating/installing, that worked for me!
You can unintsal npm by following the instructions given at npm-removal
and reinstall npm using nvm from here

sudo npm uninstall npm -g also showing segmentation fault(core dumped)
Please help me solve this:
node -v shows segmentation fault
npm -v shows segmentation fault
Removed nodejs using sudo apt-get remove nodejs
Ubuntu 18.04 LTS


I’m having the same issue although I can’t run any npm commands at all. Even npm —version gets a segmentation fault. I just upgraded Node to the latest stable version so I’m not sure what the issue is.

Hey! Try using NVM for that updating/installing, that worked for me!
You can unintsal npm by following the instructions given at npm-removal
and reinstall npm using nvm from here

sudo npm uninstall npm -g also showing segmentation fault(core dumped)
Please help me solve this:
node -v shows segmentation fault
npm -v shows segmentation fault
Removed nodejs using sudo apt-get remove nodejs
Ubuntu 18.04 LTS

Hey anyone still facing this issue, just a suggestion, I found the reason for the above problem, just check for the symbolic links, this situation may arise if you try to update the version of node.

you wanna use this command in the near future :)
sudo ln -s /usr/bin/npm /usr/local/bin/npm

Check this out once:


Due to conflict of both npm and nodejs
so remove nodejs by below commands, (Don’t worry it does not affect anything badly)

sudo apt-get remove nodejs
sudo apt autoremove

This worked for me


@AliHassan13 muchas gracias me funciono muy bien eres grande Crak!!



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Oh no, your JavaScript code isn’t just throwing an exception or crashing: it’s segfaulting. What does that mean, and how can you fix it?

You’ll know this happens because node will hard crash, exiting silently without any kind of real stack trace, perhaps printing just segmentation fault (core dumped).

(If you do get a normal JavaScript stack trace on the other hand, then you’re dealing with a normal JS error, not a segfault. Lucky you! You might be more interested in the guide on How to Debug Anything)

What is a Segmentation Fault?

A segmentation fault occurs when a program attempts to access a memory location that it is not allowed to access, or attempts to access a memory location in a way that is not allowed (for example, attempting to write to a read-only location, or to overwrite part of the operating system).

In practice, a segfault occurs when your program breaks some fundamental rule set by the operating system. In that case, the operating system sends your process a signal (SIGSEGV on Mac & Linux, STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION on Windows), and typically the process shuts down immediately.

The rules that you can break to cause this include things like reading or writing to an invalid memory address (e.g. native code somewhere trying to use a null pointer as a memory address), causing a stack or buffer overflow, or reading or writing from memory that’s not yours (maybe it was yours but it’s now been released, maybe it’s unused, or maybe it’s owned by another process or the operating system).

All of these cases involve low-level concerns, like pointers & memory management. You shouldn’t normally have to worry about this when writing JavaScript! The language runtime normally manages your memory, doesn’t expose the kinds of APIs that could cause these issues, and enforces its own rules on the APIs that are available, to guarantee that your code behaves correctly.

That all ensures that the underlying operating system’s rules are never broken, and ensures that any time you do accidentally try to take any invalid actions, you get a clear error that appears straight away, rather than random failures later.

Unfortunately, there are a few cases where you can still hit segfaults in Node:

  • When you use native addons (either directly, or because one of your dependencies uses them), so you’re effectively running your own native code as part of your application. If that native code is either buggy or just incompatible with your version of Node, you’ll often get segfaults.
  • If you manipulate parts of the internal private state of Node objects. This can break Node’s assumptions, so that Node’s built-in native code does the wrong thing, resulting in segfaults.
  • When Node.js itself has a bug somewhere, and segfaults all by itself.

How can I fix it?

Find the culprit

First, you need to work out which of the 3 cases above you have.

Native addons are always the most likely cause here. There’s a couple of things to try straight away:

  • Rebuild all your native node modules with npm rebuild. This will recompile native code with your current version of node, and should resolve any issues where your native modules are compiled for the wrong node version.

  • Find all the native modules you have installed, by searching your node_modules folder for .node files. On Linux/Mac you can list them with:

find node_modules -iname "*.node"

If you have no native modules installed, you can rule that case out entirely. If you do have modules installed there that seem related to the crash you’re seeing, then that’s probably a good place to start looking.

You can also try to get more detail on the segmentation fault itself.

To do this, you can use the Segfault-Handler module. Just run npm install segfault-handler, and then add the below right at the start of your application code:

const SegfaultHandler = require('segfault-handler');

That module listens for any SIGSEGV signal, and reports the detailed stack trace that caused it before the process shuts down. When you next hit your segmentation fault, you’ll get something like this:

PID 30818 received SIGSEGV for address: 0x20
[1] 30818 segmentation fault (core dumped) node ./bin/run start

That’s the output from a segmentation fault I was hitting recently, where the new HTTP/2 debugging support in HTTP Toolkit occasionally crashed the Node process, after certain patterns of connections & disconnections.

A trace like this doesn’t give you enough to fix the issue, but it does give a clear clue where the problem lies.

In my case, the SendPendingData method of an HTTP2Session is trying to write to a TLS stream as the session closes down, and that’s then crashing the process. That gave me some clear info: it’s an issue with HTTP/2 requests, and it’s happening in node itself, not a native addon. From there, a quick search of the Node issue tracker led me to a reported bug, and eventually to a workaround.

Find a fix

From here, you should have some pointer towards the code that’s buggy. If there’s a suspicious native addon module involved then that’s almost certainly the culprit, and you should start there.

Otherwise, if the trace is clearly pointing to Node internals (as above) and you’re not messing around with those yourself, or using any relevant native addons, then you’ve probably found a bug in Node. Congratulations! Node should never segfault if you’re writing normal JavaScript code, so something very wrong is going on.

From here, there’s a few good next steps:

  • Update to the latest version of Node/the node module in question, and make sure the same bug still appears there.

    In many cases just a quick update of the right thing will solve your issue, and if not then maintainers will be much happier to help you investigate if they know it’s definitely a current issue.

  • Double-check your code is using the failing code as intended.

    Check the documentation of the related properties and methods you’re accessing, and make sure that they are indeed documented (i.e. you’re not unexpectedly messing with internal state) and that you’re following the instructions in that documentation correctly. It’s often useful to look through the native module’s test code too, to see some examples of how it’s supposed to be accessed.

  • Report the issue to the addon maintainers/Node team.

    GitHub is your friend here: use the details you’ve found to do a quick search on the relevant repo’s issue tracker first. The Node issue tracker is available at

    If you’re lucky, you’ll find an issue with more information, and maybe even an existing workaround. You can then add any extra details you have and an upvote there to help the maintainers. Of course, if not, it’s time to file a bug for yourself.

    Either way the best way to ensure these bugs actually get fixed is to provide a reliable way for other developers to reproduce the issue. The more information on how to do so, and the simpler the steps required, the better.

  • Use your segfault trace to find the relevant code, add detailed logging or use debugging tools, and very carefully walk through the code that’s failing to try and find something that’s not quite right.

    If you’re not familiar with the code in question, and you haven’t written native addons for Node.js before this can be intimidating and difficult. It’s worth a go though, and you don’t need to understand the code perfectly to do this. In many cases you’ll quickly spot a comment or clue for why this crash could occur, that’ll lead you back to a nice clean fix in your own JavaScript.

    Especially in native addons, you’ll often find that they make certain assumptions (this method will never be called twice, this parameter will never be undefined) that aren’t always checked everywhere. Any of these can easily mean that a minor bug in your code results in the addon’s native code doing completely the wrong thing, and crashing the whole process.

  • Find a workaround: change how you’re using the module in question, use a different module entirely for now, delete the broken feature from your product entirely, or quit your job and go live in the forest.

    Hopefully that’s enough to show where the issue is, and get the information to fix or workaround it so you can get your code back on track.

Have any other suggestions or advice for others in the same place? Write a comment below, or let me know on Twitter.

Originally posted on the HTTP Toolkit blog

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