No selection available ошибка на ауди q7

  1. Dec 20th, 2012, 06:35 AM


    Resolved [RESOLVED] No row was updated. The data in row 1 was not committed.


    I am trying to manually edit a database in Visual Studios 2010! However, when I try to insert data into the table I receive the following error:

    No row was updated.
    The data in row 1 was not committed.
    Error Source: .Net SqlClient Data Provider.
    Error Message: String or Binary data would be truncated.
    The statement has been terminated.

    I have encountered this error a while ago but I have forgotten how I solved it.



    when you quote a post could you please do it via the «Reply With Quote» button or if it multiple post click the «»+» button then «Reply With Quote» button.
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  2. Dec 20th, 2012, 07:24 AM


    Re: No row was updated. The data in row 1 was not committed.

    String or Binary data would be truncated.
    That typically means you’re trying to enter more data into a field that it can accept, e.g. 51 characters in to a varchar(50) field.

    The best argument against democracy is a five minute conversation with the average voter — Winston Churchill

    Hadoop actually sounds more like the way they greet each other in Yorkshire — Inferrd

  3. Dec 20th, 2012, 07:09 PM


    Re: No row was updated. The data in row 1 was not committed.

    Ah ok! Looking at a project that is alost identical but works the definition for the particular field which is causing problem is «nvarchar(1024)» however, in this table that particular field is set to «nvarchar(10)» definitely not big enough. However, if I try to make the change I receive the following error:

    You cannot save changes that would result in one or more tables being re-created. You can override this behavior by changing your configuration options. Open the Tools menu, click Options. In the Options dialog box, expand the Database Tools node and click Table and Database Designers. You can clear the «Prevent saving changes that require table re-creation» then retry the save operation. The save might take a long time because the data in the tables must be copied to temporary tables.

    Will try this and report back.


    Damn, there are only four node under Options, Environment, Projects and Solutions, Text Editor and Windows Forms Designer.

    Last edited by Nightwalker83; Dec 20th, 2012 at 07:14 PM.

    Reason: Adding more!

    when you quote a post could you please do it via the «Reply With Quote» button or if it multiple post click the «»+» button then «Reply With Quote» button.
    If this thread is finished with please mark it «Resolved» by selecting «Mark thread resolved» from the «Thread tools» drop-down menu.

  4. Dec 21st, 2012, 05:00 AM


    Re: No row was updated. The data in row 1 was not committed.

    Are you looking in Management Studio? My Options dialog has a Designers node and I found the flag quite easily under there. If you can’t find the option you can always carry out the steps yourself manually. Copy all the data sideways into a new table, drop the existing table and recreate it exactly as it was before but with the one column redefined. Don’t forget that the table is more than just the data it contains, you want to make sure you recreate all the same indexes, triggers, constraints etc so make absolutely sure you know exactly what’s there before you do anything. Scripting the various elements for create will do alot of the work for you.

    Be cautioned, though, that this isn’t something you should be doing lightly. What that message is telling you is that, in order to make that change, the DBMS (or you) is going to have to completely delete and recreate that table. If you get some catastrophic problem half way through that process you could get left in a right mess. So before you do anything TAKE A FULL BACKUP.

    The best argument against democracy is a five minute conversation with the average voter — Winston Churchill

    Hadoop actually sounds more like the way they greet each other in Yorkshire — Inferrd

  5. Dec 21st, 2012, 06:48 AM


    Re: No row was updated. The data in row 1 was not committed.

    Management Studio? I am referring to the Tools, Options menu in Visual Studios.


    Forgot to uncheck the «Show all settings» check box! After that I was able to located the setting I was looking for under the «Table and Database Designers» node and «Table and Diagram Option». Unchecking the «Prevent saving changes that require table re-creation» check box and clicking «OK» solved the problem.

    Last edited by Nightwalker83; Dec 21st, 2012 at 07:13 AM.

    Reason: Fixed spelling!

    when you quote a post could you please do it via the «Reply With Quote» button or if it multiple post click the «»+» button then «Reply With Quote» button.
    If this thread is finished with please mark it «Resolved» by selecting «Mark thread resolved» from the «Thread tools» drop-down menu.

  6. Nov 12th, 2013, 02:14 AM


    robertx is offline

    Frenzied Member

    Re: [RESOLVED] No row was updated. The data in row 1 was not committed.

    I’m getting this SQL Server error when I go to update a «text» field which only has a couple of hundred characters in it. How can this be? Can I safely just update the field type to «varchar(max)» without losing any data from that field?

  7. Nov 21st, 2013, 08:46 PM


    Re: [RESOLVED] No row was updated. The data in row 1 was not committed.

    Quote Originally Posted by robertx
    View Post

    I’m getting this SQL Server error when I go to update a «text» field which only has a couple of hundred characters in it. How can this be? Can I safely just update the field type to «varchar(max)» without losing any data from that field?

    You are better off starting your own thread the cause and solution to your problem is different from mine.

    when you quote a post could you please do it via the «Reply With Quote» button or if it multiple post click the «»+» button then «Reply With Quote» button.
    If this thread is finished with please mark it «Resolved» by selecting «Mark thread resolved» from the «Thread tools» drop-down menu.

Комментарии к теме Сброс ошибки no selection available в Audi Q7

Привет у меня проблема появился свободный вход рулевого колеса,но рейка не течет.В сервисе сказали проблема в рейке,но посмотрев видео я таки не понял что там может быть.

Аброр Подпивальчик

блин так зачем разобрали то не понятно. интересно же :)

Свой Толстобров

Прекрасное исполнение и подробные комментарии. Спасибо!


Так делают только официалы (это так, как не надо делать!!! Надо все почистить,смазать направляющие все и т.д.. а это какой то колхоз

Ляпик Бол

Какой артикул у этого бренда? В аналогах к моему он не бьётся. Я читал, все Nissens ставят


Зачем назиму побрился?


Профессору 2,5 тди однозначно лаке!!!


Бред сивой кабылы не нужно снимать нижнюю панель торпеды,снимаете порог а накладку стойки отгибаете.


Здравствуйте хотел узнать можно ли поставить от лады датчик дмрв на форд сиерра 2.0 если да то какой лучше.

Арий Брызнюк



У меня не тоже не активирован инженерный меню на Q7 2009 и А6 2009???


А может ли эта система влиять как то на обороты? При зажигании у меня обороты то вниз уйдут и машина чуть ли не глохнет, а потом обороты в нормальный режим переходят.Или это не то?


с ленточными хомутами все норм получается, просто нужен специальный инструмент


Какой провод использовали для наращивания?

Сталин Женавчук

это точно каждый пусть решает сам, как говориться предупреждён значит вооружён:)


Скажите мне пожалуйста что такое хамут?? Я не знаю что такое хамут напишите мне пожалуйста в каминтарии


Іван поділись підпищиками?


Полезный канал однако…


а где вода и жевачка?)


Мало рекламы. Надо еще больше.


Аулди отличная

Желицкий Алех

Кнопка за 25 рублей) Там знаешь какой пусковой ток?) Твоя кнопка через 2 дня расплавиться.


Поставьте реле и сверлить не надо будет


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При попадании на яму глохнит авто,после остановки поварачиваю ключь не загорается спираль,звонок на СТО говорят сними клему,снял подождал горит заводится. Перед этим был ремонт Генератора,замена ГРМ и замены всех свечей накала.

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Радует, что еще есть грамотные специалисты.


Здравствуйте, а датчик ОЖ влияет на работоспособность компресмора кондиционера

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Просто создала мою базу данных, но когда я вставляю некоторые строки с редактирующим интерфейсом, я получаю эту ошибку:

No row was updated.
The data in row 2 was not committed.
Error Source : .Net SqlClient Data Provider.
Error Message: The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGK KEY constraint "FK_Utilisateur_Droit". The conflict occured in database "NewNDA", table "dbo.Droit", column 'idDroit'.
The satement has been terminated.

Моя таблица Droit состоит из:

idDroit (PK, int, not null)
DRT_libelle (varchar(50), not null)
DRT_visualisation (bit, not null)
DRT_modification (bit, not null)
DRT_suppression (bit, not null)

И моя таблица Utilisateur:

idUtilisateur (PK, FK, int, not null)
USR_Nom (varchar(50), not null)
USR_Prenom (varchar(50), not null)
USR_Fonction (varchar(50), not null)
idDroit (int, not null)
idEntreprise (int, not null)

У вас есть идеи по поводу моей проблемы? Благодарю!

Изменение: Моя инструкция insert:

INSERT INTO Utilisateur(USR_Fonction, USR_Nom, USR_Prenom, idDroit, idEntreprise)
VALUES ('Test', 'Nom', 'Prenom', '2', '2')


Msg 547, Level 16, State 0, Line 1
The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "FK_Utilisateur_Droit". The conflict occurred in database "NewNDA", table "dbo.Droit", column 'idDroit'.
The statement has been terminated.

Сценарий Утилизатора:

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Utilisateur](
[idUtilisateur] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[USR_Nom] [varchar](50) NOT NULL,
[USR_Prenom] [varchar](50) NOT NULL,
[USR_Fonction] [varchar](50) NOT NULL,
[idDroit] [int] NOT NULL,
[idEntreprise] [int] NOT NULL,
[idUtilisateur] ASC

Сценарий Дроита:

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Droit](
[idDroit] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[DRT_libelle] [varchar](50) NOT NULL,
[DRT_visualisation] [bit] NOT NULL,
[DRT_modification] [bit] NOT NULL,
[DRT_suppression] [bit] NOT NULL,
[idDroit] ASC

Содержание статьи:

  • Ауди А6 С6
  • Ошибка 00473 ауди а6
  • Схема предохранителей и реле Audi A6 C6 (2004-2011)
  • Что означает загоревшийся значок ЕРС на приборной панели Ауди? Audi символы и сигнальные огни
  • Ремонт ELV на Audi A6, Q7 / Ремонт блокиратора руля ELV на Audi A6, Q7

Что является причиной кода P0306 Audi

  • повреждена или изношена свеча зажигания 6 цилиндра
  • повреждена или изношена провод свечи зажигания и / или катушка зажигания
  • повреждена или изношена крышка распределителя зажигания (трамблера)
  • поврежден или изношен «бегунок» трамблера (распределителя зажигания)
  • загрязнена или повреждена топливная форсунка 6 цилиндра
  • Засорены трубки клапана EGR или сам клапан
  • неправильно выставлен момент зажигания (позднее или ранее зажигание)
  • нарушение герметичности вакуумных трубок
  • низкое давление топлива
  • повреждена прокладка головки блока(ов) цилиндра (ГБЦ)
  • крышка трамблера треснула
  • неисправен датчик положения датчик распредвала
  • неисправен датчик положения коленчатого вала
  • неисправен датчик массового расхода воздуха (MAF sensor )
  • неисправен кислородный датчик (лямбда зонд)
  • неисправен датчик положения дроссельной заслонки
  • неисправен каталитический конвертер (катализатор)
  • неисправен блок управления двигателем
  • на приборной панели горит или моргает «Check Engine», желтый значок двигателя
  • автомобиль долго не заводится или не заводится вообще
  • автомобиль глохнет во время остановки (нет холостых)
  • автомобиль плохо набирает скорость («тупит»)
  • во время езды ощущается недостаток мощности
  • увеличился расход топлива

Ауди А6 С6 RS6
00473 Блок управления электромеханического стояночного тормоза-J540 013 опросить память неисправностей Стоп-кадр Статус неисправности 01101101 Приоритет неисправности 6 Частота появления ошибки 1 Индекс забывания 2 Пробег 101825 km Отсчет времени 0 Дата 2015.

Ауди А6 С6

Audi A6 активация функции громкой связи в автомобиле.

В модификации уже используется немного обновленный набор приборов, здесь монтируется электронный дисплей по центру и два небольших экрана под указателями скорости и оборотов двигателя.

Ошибка 00473 ауди а6

у кого изначально он был — ничего не меняем, просто добавляем пины микрофонов вам и покупать ответные фишки не надо, т. В большинстве отзывов об автомобилях Ауди А6 С6, связанных с коробками передач, проблемы наблюдались с некоторыми конструктивными особенностями и характером вождения.

Видеорегистратор — залог уверенности на дороге 💥

WMD3 4

  • Поможет доказать вашу невиновность!
  • GPS-нaвигaтoр и Wi-Fi
  • Съeмкa в Full Hd и кaмeрa зaднeго видa в кoмплeкте
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Успейте заказать по промокоду у ОФИЦИАЛЬНОГО ДИЛЕРА.

Схема предохранителей и реле Audi A6 C6 (2004-2011)

  • Используя сканер OBD-II из памяти блока управления (PCM) удаляются все ошибки
  • Проводится тест-драйв автомобиля, чтобы убедится в отсутствии кода ошибки P0306
  • Проверяется свеча, катушки зажигания и провода 6 цилиндра
  • По мере необходимости заменяются свеча зажигания, высоковольтный провод, катушка зажигания, проводка или разъемы 6 цилиндра
  • Если после всего вышеперечисленного проблема все еще осталась необходимо проверить топливную форсунку и систему подачи топлива
  • Старые автомобили имеют трамблер зажигания. Необходимо проверить крышку трамблера и бегунок на наличие повреждений, трещин или износ
  • Если есть другие связанные коды неисправности то необходимо их устранить по мере необходимости. После этого, опять провести тест-драйв автомобиля, чтобы убедится, что ошибок больше нет.
  • Если ошибка P0306 снова возвращается, необходимо проверить степень сжатия в шестом цилиндре. Повреждения цилиндров бывают редко, но вполне возможны для этой ошибки.
  • Если после всех проверок код неисправности P0306 все еще присутствует, то это может быть проблемой блока управления двигателем. Может потребоваться его замена или перепрограммирование.

Сегодняшняя публикация посвящается вопросу дооснащения автомобиля Audi A6 функционалом громкой связи, что будет полезно при активном движении по городу и одновременному общению по мобильному телефону. Необходимо проверить крышку трамблера и бегунок на наличие повреждений, трещин или износ.

Ошибка P0306 Audi — пропуски воспламенения в 6 цилиндре Основным правилом при установке новой панели является использование максимального количества заводских деталей. В этом случае вы избежите проблем как с установкой, так и работой устройства. Замена крышки распределителя и бегунка, а также провода, катушки если это установлено на автомобиле. Эта модель автомобиля оснащена тремя основными блоками предохранителей, расположенных в салоне автомобиля 2 салонных блока предохранителей и багажном отсеке 1 блок.

В этой статье рассмотрены схемы, диаграммы, назначение и расположение предохранителей и реле автомобилей Audi a6 c6 от немецкого концерна VAG в состав которго входит Audi, выпускавшихся в 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 годах.

Что означает загоревшийся значок ЕРС на приборной панели Ауди? Audi символы и сигнальные огни

В модификации уже используется немного обновленный набор приборов, здесь монтируется электронный дисплей по центру и два небольших экрана под указателями скорости и оборотов двигателя. В противном случае в ближайшие 100 км не избежать серьезных механических повреждений замены поршневой, ГРМ и пр.

Ремонт ELV на Audi A6, Q7 / Ремонт блокиратора руля ELV на Audi A6, Q7

clb Part No SW 8K0 927 155 T HW 0AW 927 156 K Компонент 0AW 18TFSIRdW H04 0011 Ревизия H04 Серийный номер 0000001171 Кодировка 000001 Мастерская WSC 06325 000 00000 ASAM Dataset EV_TCMVL381 A02017 ROD EV_TCMVL381. Audi А6 С6 Allroad Quattro универсал после рестайлинга.

Audi S6 и RS6 Также нам потребуется приобрести дополнительный коннектор для подключения к микрофонам 6Q0972706 (на схеме ниже этото коннектор имеет обозначение T6ao) Связанные коды неисправностей такие как неисправный цилиндр, неисправный топливный инжектор ы и или внутренняя ошибка блока управления также могут вызывать проблему пропусков зажигания. Комплект микрофонов 4L1035711J комплект из 2-х микрофонов 1 для акустической системы BOSE 1 для громкой связи телефона или для голосового управления, куда захотите его задействовать, тем он и будет.

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  1. You may receive an error message when you try to use SQL Server Management Studio to update a row of a table in SQL Server
  2. Symptoms
  3. Cause
  4. Workaround
  5. Thread: [RESOLVED] No row was updated. The data in row 1 was not committed.
  6. [RESOLVED] No row was updated. The data in row 1 was not committed.
  7. Re: No row was updated. The data in row 1 was not committed.
  8. Re: No row was updated. The data in row 1 was not committed.
  9. Re: No row was updated. The data in row 1 was not committed.
  10. Sql error no row was updated
  11. Answered by:
  12. Question
  13. Answers
  14. Sql error no row was updated
  15. Answered by:
  16. Question
  17. Answers
  18. Sql error no row was updated
  19. Answered by:
  20. Question
  21. Answers

You may receive an error message when you try to use SQL Server Management Studio to update a row of a table in SQL Server

This article helps you resolve the problem that occurs when you try to update a table by using SQL Server Management Studio in SQL Server.

Original product version: В SQL Server
Original KB number: В 925719


Consider the following scenario. You try to use SQL Server Management Studio to update a table in Microsoft SQL Server. In Object Explorer, you right-click the name of the table, and then you click Open Table. You update a row of the table. In this scenario, you may receive one of the following error messages unexpectedly in the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio dialog box:

Error message 1

Data has changed since the Results pane was last retrieved. Do you want to save your changes now?

(Optimistic Concurrency Control Error)

Click Yes to commit your changes to database anyway.

Click No to discard your change and retrieve the current data for this row.

Click Cancel to continue editing.

If you click Yes in this error message dialog box, the row is updated correctly.

Error message 2

The data in row X was not committed.

Error Source: Microsoft.VisualStudio.DataTools.

Error Message: The row value(s) updated or deleted either do not make the row unique or they alter multiple rows(N rows).

Correct the errors and retry or press ESC to cancel the change(s).

If you receive this message dialog box, you cannot update the row.

This issue occurs if the following conditions are true:

The table contains one or more columns of the text or ntext data type.

The value of one of these columns contains the following characters:

The table does not contain a primary key.

This issue also occurs when you try to use Table Designer in Microsoft Visual Studio to update a table that is in a SQL Server database.


This issue occurs because SQL Server Management Studio generates an incorrect SQL statement for the update operation. When the table does not contain a primary key, the values of all columns are used to identify the row to update. When SQL Server Management Studio constructs this statement, the incorrect comparison operator (=) is used to compare columns of the text, ntext, or image data types.


To work around this issue, create a new query window in SQL Server Management Studio. Then, run a SQL UPDATE statement to update the row in the table.

If you receive the first error message that is mentioned in the Symptoms section, you can click Yes to update the row.


Thread: [RESOLVED] No row was updated. The data in row 1 was not committed.

Thread Tools

[RESOLVED] No row was updated. The data in row 1 was not committed.

I am trying to manually edit a database in Visual Studios 2010! However, when I try to insert data into the table I receive the following error:

No row was updated.
The data in row 1 was not committed.
Error Source: .Net SqlClient Data Provider.
Error Message: String or Binary data would be truncated.
The statement has been terminated.

I have encountered this error a while ago but I have forgotten how I solved it.

Re: No row was updated. The data in row 1 was not committed.

String or Binary data would be truncated.
That typically means you’re trying to enter more data into a field that it can accept, e.g. 51 characters in to a varchar(50) field.

The best argument against democracy is a five minute conversation with the average voter — Winston Churchill

Hadoop actually sounds more like the way they greet each other in Yorkshire — Inferrd

Re: No row was updated. The data in row 1 was not committed.

Ah ok! Looking at a project that is alost identical but works the definition for the particular field which is causing problem is «nvarchar(1024)» however, in this table that particular field is set to «nvarchar(10)» definitely not big enough. However, if I try to make the change I receive the following error:

You cannot save changes that would result in one or more tables being re-created. You can override this behavior by changing your configuration options. Open the Tools menu, click Options. In the Options dialog box, expand the Database Tools node and click Table and Database Designers. You can clear the «Prevent saving changes that require table re-creation» then retry the save operation. The save might take a long time because the data in the tables must be copied to temporary tables.

Will try this and report back.

Damn, there are only four node under Options, Environment, Projects and Solutions, Text Editor and Windows Forms Designer.

Last edited by Nightwalker83; Dec 20th, 2012 at 07:14 PM . Reason: Adding more!

Re: No row was updated. The data in row 1 was not committed.

Are you looking in Management Studio? My Options dialog has a Designers node and I found the flag quite easily under there. If you can’t find the option you can always carry out the steps yourself manually. Copy all the data sideways into a new table, drop the existing table and recreate it exactly as it was before but with the one column redefined. Don’t forget that the table is more than just the data it contains, you want to make sure you recreate all the same indexes, triggers, constraints etc so make absolutely sure you know exactly what’s there before you do anything. Scripting the various elements for create will do alot of the work for you.

Be cautioned, though, that this isn’t something you should be doing lightly. What that message is telling you is that, in order to make that change, the DBMS (or you) is going to have to completely delete and recreate that table. If you get some catastrophic problem half way through that process you could get left in a right mess. So before you do anything TAKE A FULL BACKUP.

The best argument against democracy is a five minute conversation with the average voter — Winston Churchill

Hadoop actually sounds more like the way they greet each other in Yorkshire — Inferrd


This forum has migrated to Microsoft Q&A. Visit Microsoft Q&A to post new questions.

Answered by:


hey expert out ther..

i have encounter this error ..and i dont know what is the wrong with it..

No row was updated

Error source: .net SQLClient Data provider

Error Message:string or binary data would be trancated.

plz help me to slove this prob.

thanks in advance.


I guess you mean, that you see this error, when you put in data in tht sql management programm to the opended database table.

I have the same errormessage. There are at about 8 tables and different relations, quite a small database. When I’m trying to change table properties and klick the save button the wizard shows me the other affected tables and tells me, that there could be errors with the rowguid column. And of course there are problems and changes to the table properties aren’t able.

Besides I think, that also this rowguid column has something to do with the errormessage we get, because when entering a new row, no «uniqueidentifier» is generated in the specified column of rowguid.


This forum has migrated to Microsoft Q&A. Visit Microsoft Q&A to post new questions.

Answered by:


hey expert out ther..

i have encounter this error ..and i dont know what is the wrong with it..

No row was updated

Error source: .net SQLClient Data provider

Error Message:string or binary data would be trancated.

plz help me to slove this prob.

thanks in advance.


I guess you mean, that you see this error, when you put in data in tht sql management programm to the opended database table.

I have the same errormessage. There are at about 8 tables and different relations, quite a small database. When I’m trying to change table properties and klick the save button the wizard shows me the other affected tables and tells me, that there could be errors with the rowguid column. And of course there are problems and changes to the table properties aren’t able.

Besides I think, that also this rowguid column has something to do with the errormessage we get, because when entering a new row, no «uniqueidentifier» is generated in the specified column of rowguid.


Sql error no row was updated

This forum has migrated to Microsoft Q&A. Visit Microsoft Q&A to post new questions.

Answered by:


hey expert out ther..

i have encounter this error ..and i dont know what is the wrong with it..

No row was updated

Error source: .net SQLClient Data provider

Error Message:string or binary data would be trancated.

plz help me to slove this prob.

thanks in advance.


I guess you mean, that you see this error, when you put in data in tht sql management programm to the opended database table.

I have the same errormessage. There are at about 8 tables and different relations, quite a small database. When I’m trying to change table properties and klick the save button the wizard shows me the other affected tables and tells me, that there could be errors with the rowguid column. And of course there are problems and changes to the table properties aren’t able.

Besides I think, that also this rowguid column has something to do with the errormessage we get, because when entering a new row, no «uniqueidentifier» is generated in the specified column of rowguid.



  1. You may receive an error message when you try to use SQL Server Management Studio to update a row of a table in SQL Server
  2. Symptoms
  3. Cause
  4. Workaround
  5. Thread: [RESOLVED] No row was updated. The data in row 1 was not committed.
  6. [RESOLVED] No row was updated. The data in row 1 was not committed.
  7. Re: No row was updated. The data in row 1 was not committed.
  8. Re: No row was updated. The data in row 1 was not committed.
  9. Re: No row was updated. The data in row 1 was not committed.
  10. Sql error no row was updated
  11. Answered by:
  12. Question
  13. Answers
  14. Sql error no row was updated
  15. Answered by:
  16. Question
  17. Answers
  18. Sql error no row was updated
  19. Answered by:
  20. Question
  21. Answers

You may receive an error message when you try to use SQL Server Management Studio to update a row of a table in SQL Server

This article helps you resolve the problem that occurs when you try to update a table by using SQL Server Management Studio in SQL Server.

Original product version: В SQL Server
Original KB number: В 925719


Consider the following scenario. You try to use SQL Server Management Studio to update a table in Microsoft SQL Server. In Object Explorer, you right-click the name of the table, and then you click Open Table. You update a row of the table. In this scenario, you may receive one of the following error messages unexpectedly in the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio dialog box:

Error message 1

Data has changed since the Results pane was last retrieved. Do you want to save your changes now?

(Optimistic Concurrency Control Error)

Click Yes to commit your changes to database anyway.

Click No to discard your change and retrieve the current data for this row.

Click Cancel to continue editing.

If you click Yes in this error message dialog box, the row is updated correctly.

Error message 2

The data in row X was not committed.

Error Source: Microsoft.VisualStudio.DataTools.

Error Message: The row value(s) updated or deleted either do not make the row unique or they alter multiple rows(N rows).

Correct the errors and retry or press ESC to cancel the change(s).

If you receive this message dialog box, you cannot update the row.

This issue occurs if the following conditions are true:

The table contains one or more columns of the text or ntext data type.

The value of one of these columns contains the following characters:

The table does not contain a primary key.

This issue also occurs when you try to use Table Designer in Microsoft Visual Studio to update a table that is in a SQL Server database.


This issue occurs because SQL Server Management Studio generates an incorrect SQL statement for the update operation. When the table does not contain a primary key, the values of all columns are used to identify the row to update. When SQL Server Management Studio constructs this statement, the incorrect comparison operator (=) is used to compare columns of the text, ntext, or image data types.


To work around this issue, create a new query window in SQL Server Management Studio. Then, run a SQL UPDATE statement to update the row in the table.

If you receive the first error message that is mentioned in the Symptoms section, you can click Yes to update the row.


Thread: [RESOLVED] No row was updated. The data in row 1 was not committed.

Thread Tools

[RESOLVED] No row was updated. The data in row 1 was not committed.

I am trying to manually edit a database in Visual Studios 2010! However, when I try to insert data into the table I receive the following error:

No row was updated.
The data in row 1 was not committed.
Error Source: .Net SqlClient Data Provider.
Error Message: String or Binary data would be truncated.
The statement has been terminated.

I have encountered this error a while ago but I have forgotten how I solved it.

Re: No row was updated. The data in row 1 was not committed.

String or Binary data would be truncated.
That typically means you’re trying to enter more data into a field that it can accept, e.g. 51 characters in to a varchar(50) field.

The best argument against democracy is a five minute conversation with the average voter — Winston Churchill

Hadoop actually sounds more like the way they greet each other in Yorkshire — Inferrd

Re: No row was updated. The data in row 1 was not committed.

Ah ok! Looking at a project that is alost identical but works the definition for the particular field which is causing problem is «nvarchar(1024)» however, in this table that particular field is set to «nvarchar(10)» definitely not big enough. However, if I try to make the change I receive the following error:

You cannot save changes that would result in one or more tables being re-created. You can override this behavior by changing your configuration options. Open the Tools menu, click Options. In the Options dialog box, expand the Database Tools node and click Table and Database Designers. You can clear the «Prevent saving changes that require table re-creation» then retry the save operation. The save might take a long time because the data in the tables must be copied to temporary tables.

Will try this and report back.

Damn, there are only four node under Options, Environment, Projects and Solutions, Text Editor and Windows Forms Designer.

Last edited by Nightwalker83; Dec 20th, 2012 at 07:14 PM . Reason: Adding more!

Re: No row was updated. The data in row 1 was not committed.

Are you looking in Management Studio? My Options dialog has a Designers node and I found the flag quite easily under there. If you can’t find the option you can always carry out the steps yourself manually. Copy all the data sideways into a new table, drop the existing table and recreate it exactly as it was before but with the one column redefined. Don’t forget that the table is more than just the data it contains, you want to make sure you recreate all the same indexes, triggers, constraints etc so make absolutely sure you know exactly what’s there before you do anything. Scripting the various elements for create will do alot of the work for you.

Be cautioned, though, that this isn’t something you should be doing lightly. What that message is telling you is that, in order to make that change, the DBMS (or you) is going to have to completely delete and recreate that table. If you get some catastrophic problem half way through that process you could get left in a right mess. So before you do anything TAKE A FULL BACKUP.

The best argument against democracy is a five minute conversation with the average voter — Winston Churchill

Hadoop actually sounds more like the way they greet each other in Yorkshire — Inferrd


This forum has migrated to Microsoft Q&A. Visit Microsoft Q&A to post new questions.

Answered by:


hey expert out ther..

i have encounter this error ..and i dont know what is the wrong with it..

No row was updated

Error source: .net SQLClient Data provider

Error Message:string or binary data would be trancated.

plz help me to slove this prob.

thanks in advance.


I guess you mean, that you see this error, when you put in data in tht sql management programm to the opended database table.

I have the same errormessage. There are at about 8 tables and different relations, quite a small database. When I’m trying to change table properties and klick the save button the wizard shows me the other affected tables and tells me, that there could be errors with the rowguid column. And of course there are problems and changes to the table properties aren’t able.

Besides I think, that also this rowguid column has something to do with the errormessage we get, because when entering a new row, no «uniqueidentifier» is generated in the specified column of rowguid.


Sql error no row was updated

This forum has migrated to Microsoft Q&A. Visit Microsoft Q&A to post new questions.

Answered by:


hey expert out ther..

i have encounter this error ..and i dont know what is the wrong with it..

No row was updated

Error source: .net SQLClient Data provider

Error Message:string or binary data would be trancated.

plz help me to slove this prob.

thanks in advance.


I guess you mean, that you see this error, when you put in data in tht sql management programm to the opended database table.

I have the same errormessage. There are at about 8 tables and different relations, quite a small database. When I’m trying to change table properties and klick the save button the wizard shows me the other affected tables and tells me, that there could be errors with the rowguid column. And of course there are problems and changes to the table properties aren’t able.

Besides I think, that also this rowguid column has something to do with the errormessage we get, because when entering a new row, no «uniqueidentifier» is generated in the specified column of rowguid.


Sql error no row was updated

This forum has migrated to Microsoft Q&A. Visit Microsoft Q&A to post new questions.

Answered by:


hey expert out ther..

i have encounter this error ..and i dont know what is the wrong with it..

No row was updated

Error source: .net SQLClient Data provider

Error Message:string or binary data would be trancated.

plz help me to slove this prob.

thanks in advance.


I guess you mean, that you see this error, when you put in data in tht sql management programm to the opended database table.

I have the same errormessage. There are at about 8 tables and different relations, quite a small database. When I’m trying to change table properties and klick the save button the wizard shows me the other affected tables and tells me, that there could be errors with the rowguid column. And of course there are problems and changes to the table properties aren’t able.

Besides I think, that also this rowguid column has something to do with the errormessage we get, because when entering a new row, no «uniqueidentifier» is generated in the specified column of rowguid.


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