No healthy upstream ошибка как исправить

This is a browser or server problem of many online services

by Vlad Turiceanu

Passionate about technology, Windows, and everything that has a power button, he spent most of his time developing new skills and learning more about the tech world. Coming… read more

Updated on

  • The no healthy upstream error is mainly caused by a bug, preventing certain apps from functioning optimally.
  • It pops up on several platforms like vCenter, Spotify, eBay, Netflix, etc. 
  • The best way to fix it is by clearing your browser cache and on streaming platforms, it’s advised that you reload the media pages. 

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Many of our readers reported getting the no healthy upstream error message in a lot of instances.

Most of them are happening on their browser, trying to reach services like eBay, Spotify, Netflix and others.

However, it is also occurring in vCenter and VMWare, and that suggests the idea that this is a server problem.

Here, we’re going to provide solutions for the general problem but also target the issues in the most occurring situations and apps.

What is the meaning of no healthy upstream? 

The key word in this error message is upstream. And upstream in terms of coding means sending a pack of code to an admin to include in a certain app.

However, the no healthy upstream is totally different in the context of an error. It is simply a but that prevents running an app.

How can I fix the no healthy upstream error?

1. Clear the cache on your browser

  1. Click the Menu button in Chrome (the three vertical dots) and select Settings.
  2. Now, select Privacy & security from the left pane and click on Clear browsing data.
  3. Mark only Cached images and files and click on Clear data.
  4. Restart the browser and try visiting the service that returned the no healthy upstream error.

We have demonstrated this solution on Chrome since this error occurs in this browser most often. However, the process is very similar in other browsers as well.

2. Try a better browser

Since the no healthy upstream may be caused by the faulty communication between the browser and the server you are trying to reach, it’s only logical to look for alternatives.

We recommend using Opera One because it’s a lot more stable and reliable than Chrome.

But the most important feature that sets it apart from Chrome is the presence of a free VPN service. You can also try to use it and see if it bypasses the no healthy upstream issue.

Besides that, you will benefit from a lot of native integrations like Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, Instagram, and Telegram that will run seamlessly right from the browser.

They are readily optimized to work in Opera One so this error shouldn’t appear.

Opera One

With the integrated apps already optimized, you should have no issues browsing the web.

3. Restart your server and check the settings from your host

If no healthy upstream occurs on your server which is hosted by a third-party service, you should try restarting it.

Should the issue reappear even after the restart, check if the IP is provided from a DHCP service and if the DNS is correctly set up.

Communicate with your provider and get that information if you don’t know exactly what to do.

Read more about this topic

  • How to Download Opera Crypto Browser for PC
  • Chrome Tabs Not Showing Names? 5 Ways to Fix This
  • Chrome Tabs are not Loading in the Background? Here’s What to do
  • Fix: Chrome Pinned Tabs not Loading on Startup
  • Chrome Tab Casting is Not Working? 5 Ways to Fix it

No healthy upstream error in vCenter

There are many readers who encountered the vCenter no healthy upstream error. But before getting into other tweaking solutions, there are some preemptive procedures you can undergo to make it work:

Stop vCenter and restart the service – It will take a little while to restart so wait a few minutes before trying to access it again on your browser

Upgrade your virtual machine – The no healthy upstream error can be caused by a problem between vCenter and your VM so upgrading your machine should help

Change the settings in vCenter – Access the VM Options button, go to General options and select VMWare Photon OS; one of our readers managed to fix the problem like that so it’s worth trying

Choose an older hardware compatibility option – Use the Change Hardware Compatibility Wizard and choose a different configuration from the drop-down menu

By changing the setting your VM will be able to adapt to usage for older and more stable versions of the app and allow you to try out different compatibility possibilities.

No healthy upstream error on eBay

However, several of our readers have experienced the no healthy upstream error on eBay on their desktops and even their mobile apps. 

However, in this case, the no healthy upstream error is caused by technical issues on eBay and can only be fixed by them.

No healthy upstream error while using Netflix

If you’re using Netflix on your browser, the first two solutions from this guide should fix the problem.

To be more specific, try clearing your browser’s cache and cookies or, better yet, try another browser.

Another possible solution would be to restart your router. You should also try to open Netflix in an incognito window or use a VPN.

Opera has both functionalities so you can try the fixes with the same tool.

No healthy upstream error on Spotify

The situation on Spotify is exactly the same as for Netflix and it can be fixed by using the same methods we suggested above.

Clear the cache and cookies of your browser or use a better browser altogether. Opening Spotify in an incognito window and using a VPN are also to be considered.

As we recommended for Netflix, you could restart your router and see if that changes the situation.

What is an upstream timeout?

Upstream is a computer network term that refers to data transfer from a local computer or client to a remote host or server.

You get an upstream time out when the transfer takes too long, and the system interprets the request as failed.

As this issue is also related to virtual machines, you might be interested in our selection of the best VMs that work perfectly on Windows 11.

Here’s to hoping that you’ve found some enlightenment with this piece. Please share your thoughts in the comments section below.

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Istio service mesh offers a multitude of solutions at network level 7 (L7) to define traffic routing, security, and application monitoring in a cloud environment. However, given the complexity of cloud-based networks, the host of devices involved, and the difficulty of visualizing effective changes made by Istio, it’s hard to debug the unpopular «no healthy upstream» error messages that often show up in Envoy logs.

This article attempts some pain relief in the form of quick guidance on how to respond to emergency calls demanding a resolution to «no healthy upstream» error messages and related errors such as «Applications in the Mesh are not available» or «Istio is broken.»

In my experience, 90% of these issues are caused by configuration problems in either the network or Istio. This article shows some troubleshooting tools you can use to identify such problems quickly, in the context of two recent cases that a Red Hat customer escalated to us.

It’s important to understand a few aspects of this customer’s architecture. The customer is running services in separate Red Hat OpenShift clusters, some of which are in the customer’s own on-premises infrastructure, while others span several countries in the EU region. Each OpenShift cluster has its own instance of a Red Hat OpenShift Service Mesh, Red Hat’s productized Istio service.

Kubernetes services make both intramesh and intermesh requests. But a service in this customer’s configuration always makes a local call. Integration and routing between services in the different clusters are performed by the mesh via a set of VirtualService, DestinationRule, and ServiceEntry resources that redirect the local call to a remote service.

A duplicate service

In our first real-life example, the customer complained that the service mesh somehow was causing cluster-to-cluster communications to fail, and reported the «no healthy upstream» message.

To identify a problem related to Istio configuration, I always use Istio’s Kiali console to visualize the network state and pinpoint where issues are occurring. Kiali allows you to «play back» network behavior, a nice feature that is very helpful if you’re dealing with a problem that is not occurring right now. Whether or not I discover the problematic service, I turn next to checking the logs of the Envoy proxy via either Kiali or OpenShift (using an oc logs <pod_name> -c istio-proxy commmand). The aim in both cases is to find the service for which the «no healthy upstream» error appears.

In this case, Kiali showed that 95% of the traffic to the destination service destination.mynamespace.svc.cluster.local was failing. My next resource was the istioctl command, which can provide a quick view of the state of the Envoy proxy and whether its configuration was updated correctly by Istio:

$ istioctl proxy-status
service-source-v1-74f955bd84-9lmnf.mynamespace SYNCED SYNCED SYNCED SYNCED istiod-86798869b8-bqw7c 1.5.0

Getting confirmation from the output that the mesh managed to keep all relevant service Envoy proxies up to date, I then checked the cluster names configured on the Envoy proxy of the client service pod. I focused only on the clusters related to the outbound service host for which logs showed the «no healthy upstream» message:

$ istioctl proxy-config cluster -i istio-system service-source-v1-74f955bd84- 9lmnf.mynamespace --fqdn service-destination.mynamespace.svc.cluster.local -o json | jq -r .[].name
inbound|80|9180-tcp|service-destination.mynamespace.svc.cluster.local   outbound|80|v1|service-destination.mynamespace.svc.cluster.local

In the output, I noticed that the Istio configuration had defined two services (v1 and v2) for the cluster in question: outbound|80|v2|service-destination.mynamespace.svc.cluster.local. I then checked for the available endpoints for the v2 service:

$ istioctl proxy-config endpoints service-source-v1-74f955bd84-9lmnf.mynamespace --cluster "outbound|80|v2|service-destination.mynamespace.svc.cluster.local"   ENDPOINT STATUS OUTLIER CHECK CLUSTER HEALTHY OK outbound|80|v2|service destination.mynamespace.svc.cluster.local HEALTHY OK outbound|80|v2|service destination.mynamespace.svc.cluster.local

Then I proceeded to check the endpoints for v1. However, for the v1 service for outbound|80|v2|service destination.mynamespace, the mesh has no endpoints, and therefore no pods:

$ istioctl proxy-config endpoints teachstore-course-v1-74f965bd84-8lmnf.development 2
cluster "outbound|80|v`|service-destination.mynamespace.svc.cluster.local"   ENDPOINT STATUS OUTLIER CHECK CLUSTER

This misconfiguration caused the «no healthy upstream» errors.

Checking the VirtualService for the destination, I noticed that 5% of the traffic is routed to v2, which agrees with what I saw also in Kiali, while 95% is routed to v1, which also explains why the customer saw 95% failures with the «no healthy upstream» message.

All the customer needed to do to fix the problem was to deploy service v1 or update the VirtualService to distribute all requests to v2.

Duplicate Envoy clusters

In a follow-up escalation, the «no healthy upstream» issue came up again. We followed the same troubleshooting approach as in the previous example, but in this case there was no VirtualService.

We saw multiple ServiceEntry definitions for multiple country destinations. We found it puzzling that all country destinations, apart from the one reported, had requests directed correctly. The following check verified that all clusters were reported as healthy except

$ oc exec istio-egressgateway-6567f7d756-4gvh8 -- curl localhost:15000/clusters |egrep 'health|'

In this case I looked for a log entry like:


Having verified the cluster as unhealthy, I turned to Istiod to ensure that no errors were being reported against this cluster. The Istiod pod reported:

2022-05-13T12:27:51.262316Z info ads Push finished: 5.709679819s {   "ProxyStatus": {
"pilot_duplicate_envoy_clusters": {
"outbound|443||": {
"proxy": "e2e-871-remote-namespace-c58f7f7f6-vljr6.e2e-871-remote namespace",
"message": "Duplicate cluster outbound|53||remote-service found while pushing CDS"   }

This output indicates that Istiod was trying to apply a cluster configuration for which there was a duplicate. This information prompted me to check the applied ServiceEntry resources, which quickly revealed that there had been duplicate definitions for

Istio administrative tools reveal the source of errors

A «no healthy upstream» error can be caused by Istio, a misconfigured network device, or actual network outages. Thus, it is difficult for the mesh operations team to pinpoint the cause or even predict its occurrence, because DevOps teams may unwittingly apply an incorrect configuration. This article provided guidance on how to establish the cause of such errors, determining whether they are or are not due to Istio configuration.

Even greater benefits can be realized when, as in the case of the customer in this example, the operations team applies observability monitoring and alerts against such occurrences, so that the team can be aware in advance of the issue and inform the relevant teams before an escalation occurs.

Last updated:
September 20, 2023

After upgrading to vCenter 7 Update 1 , when I tried to browse vCenter HTML5 UI, I faced “no healthy upstream” error. I could access to vCenter Management Interface (VAMI) https://vCenter-IPaddress:5480 without any issues. I could also connect to vCenter Server through  SSH but I realized couple of vCenter Server services could not start.

You can also check the details status of services by connecting to vCenter through SSH and run the following command:

#service-control --list 

Then I tried to force to start services by below commands:

#service-control --start --all
#service-control –-start {service-name}

After waiting for a while, I got the underneath error.

After spending couple of hours reading logs and a bit of googling, I have been pointed towards different answers. First of all I went through all DNS, NTP and IP checks and in my case everything was working as it should.

In my scenario, vCenter’s SSL certificate were
replaced with a valid signed certificate and it was one of the reason that
points me to check certification validity. Beside this SSL certificate, there
are couple of other certificates that vCenter server uses. To get familiar with
vSphere certificates you can read the following vSphere documentation:

In my case  “Trusted root certificate, Machine SSL Certificate and SMS” were still valid . But ” Machine, vpxd, vpxd-extension and vsphere-webclient” were expired.    

You can check the validity of each certificate by running below commands in vCenter server:

# /usr/lib/vmware-vmafd/bin/vecs-cli entry list --store TRUSTED_ROOTS --text | less
# /usr/lib/vmware-vmafd/bin/vecs-cli entry list --store MACHINE_SSL_CERT --text | less
# /usr/lib/vmware-vmafd/bin/vecs-cli entry list --store SMS --text | less
# /usr/lib/vmware-vmafd/bin/vecs-cli entry list --store machine --text | less
# /usr/lib/vmware-vmafd/bin/vecs-cli entry list --store vpxd --text | less
# /usr/lib/vmware-vmafd/bin/vecs-cli entry list --store vpxd-extension --text | less
# /usr/lib/vmware-vmafd/bin/vecs-cli entry list --store vsphere-webclient --text | less

Below you can find the expired certificate screen shot:

In this case you need to update the expired certificates with use of vCenter certificate manager through running following command on vCenter CLI.


choose number 6 to replace Solution User certificates.

Then you need to answer the required information

  • Do you wish to generate all certificates using configuration file : Option[Y/N] ? : Y
  • Please provide valid SSO and VC privileged user credential to perform certificate operations.Enter username [Administrator@vsphere.local]:

Note: this is an example how to address each question you need to fill it out based on your environment.

  • Enter proper value for ‘Country’ [Default value : US] :US
  • Enter proper value for ‘Name’ [Default value : CA] : CA
  • Enter proper value for ‘Organization’ [Default value : VMware] : “ vElements lab”
  • Enter proper value for ‘OrgUnit’ [Default value : VMware Engineering] : VELEMENTSIT
  • Enter proper value for ‘State’ [Default value : California]: California
  • Enter proper value for ‘Locality’ [Default value : Palo Alto] : Palo Alto
  • Enter proper value for ‘IPAddress’ (Provide comma separated values for multiple IP addresses) [optional] : you can press Enter or provide the required information
  • Enter proper value for ‘Email’ [Default value :] : Press Enter
  • Enter proper value for ‘Hostname’ (Provide comma separated values for multiple Hostname entries) [Enter valid Fully Qualified DomainName(FQDN), For Example :] :
  • Enter proper value for VMCA ‘Name’ : You are going to regenerate Solution User Certificates using VMCA
  • Continue operation : Option[Y/N] ? : Y

After I successfully updated the certificates , vCenter
services got started and I could reach the vCenter UI.

Below you can also find other solutions I found
when I was googling  

Suggested answers to check

  • Upgrade VMware Hardware version and choose the
    correct OS for vCenter

Note: Take a snapshot from
vCenter Server VM before hardware version upgrade, as it’s none reversible  task to previous versions.

  • Shutdown the vCenter > right click on the VM
    > Compatibility > Upgrade VM Compatibility.
  • Right click on the vCenter and choose Edit
    settings > VM Options > General Options > Select VMware Photon OS
  • Check DNS (you should be able to resolve FQDN
    names from vCenter)
  • Check NTP (Time should be synced and correct
    between ESXi hosts and vCenter Server)
  • vCenter Server IP address should be set Static

All of the services which are set to Automatic start are running without any errors or warnings. Hopefully this will help you to solve your issue.

Unable to access webpages on a browser or even standalone applications due to the No healthy upstream error? The most common applications and web pages that are a target of this error are eBay, Netflix, Spotify, and VMware vCenter.

No Healthy Upstream

Since these instances may seem unrelated at first, the issue is often considered to be related to server problems. It may prevent you from streaming music, binge-watching entertainment content, bidding on eBay auctions, utilizing the management software, and more.

Going forward, we’ll look into what is upstreaming, what causes the no healthy upstream error on the mentioned platforms, and how you may troubleshoot it on your own.

What Causes No Healthy Upstream Error?

Basically, upstreaming is the process of sending patches or packages to software administrators to be integrated into the source code of that particular software. Considering this, no healthy upstream error indicates that no additional data is being sent to the source, resulting in a malfunctioning of that app.

Most commonly, the problem is caused by unknown bugs or caches. Some people also encounter this issue due to misconfigured DNS settings. However, the problem may not always lie on your end as websites under maintenance may also display a similar message.

But how do you exactly resolve this matter? Let’s find out!

Fix the No Healthy Upstream Error on Spotify and Netflix

If you encounter the stated error on your browser or standalone applications like Spotify, Netflix, etc. don’t fret. There are easy fixes to resolve the problem in no time.

Fix 1. Restart Your Computer

Restarting your computer is the easiest and quickest way to get rid of any temporary glitches or bugs in your system. It deletes all temporary cache and data and refreshes all services and applications.

Follow the steps below to do so:

  1. To get started, click on the Start menu located on the taskbar.
  2. Then, click on the power icon and choose Restart.
restart Windows

2. Reboot Your Router

Power cycling the router helps clear temporary glitches in the connection and refreshes the network settings. This potentially resolves the No healthy upstream error and restores proper communication between the client and server.

Here’s how to do it:

  1. Press the unplug the power source from your router to turn it off.
  2. Wait for a minute or so.
  3. Plug the power source back in to restart the router.
  4. Wait for another minute before testing if the problem has been resolved.

3. Clear Browser Cache

You should also store temporary data files and cache that may be conflicting with the webpage from loading properly. It forces the browser to fetch fresh data and allows it to load without any error.

Use the instructions below to do so:

  1. First, launch your browser.
  2. Click on the three dots menu at the top-right corner and choose Settings.
  3. Then, go to Privacy, search, and services tab from the left pane.
  4. On the right, click on the Choose what to clear button under the Clear browsing data section.
  5. Alternatively, you may press the Ctrl + Shift + Del keys on your keyboard to directly land on the Clear browsing data window.
  6. Set the Time range to All time and check the Cached images and files option before hitting the Clear now button.
clear browsing data

4. Update Your Browser

If the stated error is appearing due to compatibility issues, you should update your browser to the latest available version. Doing so, you install the latest features, security patches, bug fixes, etc.

To do so, follow the steps below:

  1. To start, launch your browser.
  2. Then, click on the three dots menu at the top-right corner and select Settings.
  3. Go to the About Microsoft Edge tab.
  4. Your browser will automatically start fetching an update and in most cases install it as well.
  5. Once done, it may require a restart. Simply click on the Restart button to do so.
update Microsoft Edge

5. Try Private Browser

Private browsing is a quick way to disable extensions, clear temporary data, and browse without storing history and cookies. It’s an easy way to resolve the No healthy upstream error if it occurs due to interference of extensions or conflicting cached data.

Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Launch your browser and click on the three dots menu at the upper left corner of your screen.
  2. Click on New InPrivate Window to launch a private browser window. Alternatively, you may also press Ctrl + Shift + N as a keyboard shortcut.
No Healthy Upstream

6. Reset Network Settings

Restoring network configurations to their default state resolves all connectivity problems due to which you could be experiencing the No healthy upstream error. 

Here’s what you must do:

  1. Begin by launching the Settings app from the Start menu or by pressing Win key + i on your keyboard.
  2. Go to the Network & internet tab and select Advanced network settings.
Network settings
  1. From there, click on Network reset under More settings.
  2. Lastly, click on the Reset Now button.
reset Network settings
  1. If prompted, click Yes to confirm your action.

7. Use Alternative Browser

Upstreaming encounters issues when there’s faulty communication between the browser and the web server you’re trying to reach. Therefore, it only makes sense if you look for alternative browser options.

When users encounter the No healthy upstream error on eBay, they can no longer perform actions like bidding, buying, and even selling products. Unfortunately, you cannot follow the above methods to resolve the same issue on eBay. This is very much a technical issue from the end of eBay and only their official support team can resolve it.

Fix the No Healthy Upstream Error on vCenter

vCenter is no exception when it comes to the No healthy upstream error which renders the entire program inoperational. Luckily, there are fixes that you can try to resolve the problem on your own. These include upgrading the hardware of the virtual machine, tweaking settings or rebooting vCenter. 

Configure vCenter Settings

  1. In the VMware Server Management interface, click on the drop-down arrow next to Virtual Machines on the left pane.
  2. Right-click on VMware vCenter to view its context menu and choose Edit settings.
  3. Then, go to the VM Options tab.
  4. There, expand options for VMware Tools.
  5. Scroll down to the Time section and uncheck Synchronize guest time with host and click on Save.
synchronize guest time with host

Check to see whether the issue is resolved. If so, follow the same steps and enable the option again.

Shutdown vCenter

  1. To get started, click on Summary in the vCenter Server Appliance Management interface.
  2. Then, click on Actions on the top pane to view its drop-down menu.
  3. Choose Reboot or Shutdown.
  1. Click Yes on the confirmation box.

After that, you will be logged out of the system but the virtual machine will take around 10 to 15 minutes to completely shut down and/or reboot.

Update VMware

At times, the current version of VMware may be problematic, resulting in the No healthy upstream error. To deal with this, you should update it to the latest version and see if that resolves the issue.

In case you’re still unable to get rid of the error, it’s high time you contact the support team of the affected platform or your service provider. Customer service will provide technical assistance to fix the issue.

Are you getting the No Healthy Upstream Error? If your answer is YES then don’t worry you are not alone.

Many users reported that they are encountering the No Healthy Upstream Error on several platforms. This error message appears mostly on popular platforms such as Netflix, Spotify, vCenter, eBay, VMware vCenter, Kubernetes, and more.

It is a completely new error that users are encountering right now and the worst part of this error is it prevents users from accessing the service.

In this guide, we will talk about what is No Healthy Upstream Error and also show you how to fix this error message on Spotyfy, VMware Center, eBay, and Chrom Browser.

So keep reading the article and resolve your problem.

What Is A No Healthy Upstream Error?

Before we start troubleshooting this error message let’s understand a little bit about the No Healthy Upstream Error.

The No Healthy Upstream Error generally occurs when an upstream is unhealthy and data will not be sent to an administrator.

In simple words, a No Healthy Upstream Error is a software error that prevents users from performing a specific task.

If you are encountering the No Healthy Upstream Error on Spotify, you can fix this problem by using the methods mentioned below.

1. Restart Your WIFI Router

If you are encountering the No Healthy Upstream Error on Spotify, the first thing you need to do is power cycle your WIFI router.

To do that go to the location where your WIFI router is located and turn OFF the power button and unplug the pin from the soquite.

Now, wait for a few minutes and plug it back and turn ON the button. Wait for the router to start completely and check if your problem is fixed or not.

2. Open Incognito Mode

If you are using the web version of Spotify then you can try opening Spotify in Incognito mode.

Opening Spotify in incognito mode will prevent interference of cookies and extensions and also resolve all issues caused by these cookies and extensions.

To do that click on the Three Dots at the top right corner of your screen and select the New Incognito Window option from the menu.

Once you open the incognito tab, visit Spotify’s Official Website and log in to your account and see if your problem is fixed.

3. Update Browser

In some cases, it has been seen that users are able to resolve the No Healthy Upstream Error on Spotify just by updating their web browser.

If restarting your WIFI router and opening Spotify does not work for you then the last thing you need to do is update your web browser to the latest version.

How to Fix No Healthy Upstream Error On vCenter and eBay

Some users also encounter the No Healthy Upstream Error on vCenter and eBay. If you are a vCenter user and facing the same problem then we recommend you update your vCenter hardware.

You can also try closing and rebooting the vCenter and check if your problem is fixed or not.

If you are encountering the No Healthy Upstream Error while bidding, selling, and purchasing products on eBay then there is no way you can fix this error.

All you have to do is wait for the developer team to fix this problem and try again after some time.

How to Fix No Healthy Upstream Error On Browser

If you are encountering the No Healthy Upstream Error while trying to access any website on your web browser then you can fix it by using the methods mentioned below.

1. Clear Browser Cache

To fix the No Healthy Upstream Error on the web browser the first thing you need to do is clear your web browser’s cache files.

Here is how you can clear the cache on the Chrome browser:

  • Open your Chrome browser and click on Three Dots at the top right corner.
  • Select More Tools from the menu.
  • Then select Clear Browsing Data… option from the submenu.
  • This will open a new window.
  • Make sure to select Clear Cached Images and Files option from the popup window.
  • Click Clear Data to delete all cache files.

clear data 1

That’s it, close the window and visit the same website on which you will receive the No Healthy Upstream Error and check if your problem is fixed.

2. Try Accessing the Other Website

If you are encountering the issue while accessing the specific website then you can try accessing any other website.

If you are able to access the other website then there is an issue with the server of that website. In that case, you need to contact Customer Support and report your problem.

3. Try Different Browser

Sometimes issues will be browser specific. If you have tried accessing other websites but still facing the same problem then there is an issue with your default web browser.

If that is the case, then we suggest you try accessing the same website by using any other web browser such as Microsoft Edge, Firefox, and more.

If you are able to access the website using another web browser then you need to make sure that you are using the latest version of the web browser and uninstall and reinstall the web browser if the error persists.

That’s all you need t know about how to fix the No Healthy Upstream Error.

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