Некоторые пользователи Nintendo Switch сталкиваются с кодом ошибки коммутатора 2618-0516 (сбой процесса обхода NAT) при попытке подключиться к сети или при попытке запустить игру, которая включает компонент сетевой многопользовательской игры. Чаще всего этот код ошибки возникает в Animal Crossing и Splatoon 2.
Код ошибки коммутатора 2618-0516 (сбой процесса обхода NAT)
После тщательного изучения этой конкретной проблемы выясняется, что существует несколько различных сценариев, которые могут вызвать этот конкретный код ошибки. Вот список потенциальных виновников:
- Несогласованный диапазон DNS. Как выясняется, эта конкретная проблема часто возникает из-за несовместимого диапазона DNS, который определяет, что консоль назначает тип NAT D, что в конечном итоге блокирует входящие соединения для большинства игр P2P. Чтобы решить эту проблему, вам необходимо изменить настройки DNS и перейти на более надежный диапазон, например, предоставленный Google.
- Поврежденные кэшированные данные TCP / IP. Несогласованность в данных TCP и IP, которые хранятся на вашем маршрутизаторе, также может быть основной причиной этой ошибки. В этом случае вы можете решить проблему, обновив данные TCP / IP, перезагрузив или сбросив текущее сетевое устройство.
- Интернет-провайдер назначает диапазоны частных IP-адресов. Имейте в виду, что многие европейские интернет-провайдеры начали назначать частные IP-адреса, что может вызвать проблемы с некоторыми функциями коммутатора, построенными на одноранговых соединениях. Если этот сценарий применим, единственный способ решить проблему – связаться с вашим интернет-провайдером и попросить его переместить вас в диапазон общедоступных IP-адресов.
Теперь, когда вы знаете всех потенциальных виновников, вот список исправлений, которые другие затронутые пользователи успешно использовали для решения проблемы в своем случае:
Метод 1: изменение настроек DNS
Имейте в виду, что Nintendo решила блокировать тип NAT D (закрытый) в течение многих лет, и также известно, что тип NAT C вызывает множество основных проблем с играми P2P, такими как Splatoon 2.
Если вы застряли с типом NAT D или C и нет никаких способов обойти это, одно решение, которое может позволить вам обойти ошибку с кодом ошибки коммутатора 2618-0516 (сбой процесса обхода NAT), – это изменить текущие настройки DNS в чтобы игры P2P работали без проблем.
Многие затронутые пользователи переписали это конкретное исправление, чтобы оно было эффективным в ситуациях, когда они сталкивались с этой проблемой только при подключении к ограниченной сети колледжа / работы / общедоступной сети.
Если этот сценарий кажется применимым, следуйте приведенным ниже инструкциям, чтобы изменить настройки DNS по умолчанию на консоли Nintendo Switch:
- Перво-наперво, начните с нажатия на значок дома на контроллере Switch. Он расположен прямо под правым аналоговым джойстиком.
Нажатие кнопки House на Nintendo Switch
- Находясь в главном меню, используйте вертикальную полосу значков внизу, чтобы получить доступ к значку настроек.
Доступ к значку настроек
- Как только вы окажетесь в меню настроек, перейдите на вкладку «Интернет», а затем нажмите кнопку «Настройки Интернета» в только что появившемся меню.
- Затем вы должны увидеть список зарегистрированных сетей. Прокрутите его и выберите сеть, которую вы активно используете, затем нажмите A, чтобы получить доступ к контекстному меню, и выберите Настройки DNS из списка доступных опций.
доступ к меню настроек DNS
- После того, как вы войдете в меню DNS, выберите «Вручную» при первом запросе, затем перейдите в «Первичный DNS» и введите в качестве первичного DNS.
- Далее введите в качестве вторичного DNS и нажмите кнопку «Сохранить».
- Повторите действие, которое ранее вызывало ошибку, и посмотрите, устранена ли проблема.
Если этот сценарий неприменим или вы уже выполнили описанные выше действия, но по-прежнему сталкиваетесь с тем же сообщением об ошибке, перейдите к следующему потенциальному исправлению ниже.
Метод 2: Обновление кэшированных данных TCP / IP
Если изменение настроек DNS не помогло в вашем случае, следующим шагом должно стать устранение второй наиболее частой причины такого типа несогласованности (связанного с TCP или IP), которая препятствует возможности вашего коммутатора взаимодействовать с онлайн-сервером.
Если этот сценарий применим, у вас есть 2 разных способа решить эту проблему:
- Сброс вашего роутера
- Перезагрузка роутера
Если вы еще не пробовали это возможное исправление, начните с нажатия кнопки питания на задней панели маршрутизатора, чтобы выключить его, затем физически отключите кабель питания и держите его отключенным в течение полной минуты, чтобы убедиться, что конденсаторы питания полностью осушены.
Перезагрузка роутера
По истечении этого периода снова подсоедините кабель питания и снова нажмите кнопку питания, чтобы запустить резервное копирование сетевого устройства.
Если код ошибки коммутатора 2618-0516 (сбой процесса обхода NAT) все еще не устранен, вам следует перейти к процедуре сброса маршрутизатора.
Однако, прежде чем переходить к маршрутизатору, важно понимать, что эта операция приведет к сбросу ранее установленных вами пользовательских настроек, включая учетные данные PPPoE, перенаправленные порты, устройства из черного списка и т. Д.
Если вы понимаете последствия и хотите продолжить эту процедуру, вам понадобится острый предмет (игла, небольшая отвертка или зубочистка), чтобы перезагрузить маршрутизатор. Это необходимо, потому что в подавляющем большинстве случаев кнопка сброса встроена для предотвращения случайного нажатия.
Когда вы будете готовы, нажмите и удерживайте кнопку сброса примерно 10 секунд или пока не увидите, что все передние светодиоды одновременно мигают. После завершения процедуры сброса повторно установите подключение к Интернету и посмотрите, устранена ли проблема.
Примечание. Если ваш интернет-провайдер использует PPPoE, вам необходимо сначала повторно ввести предоставленные им учетные данные.
Если ошибка с кодом ошибки коммутатора 2618-0516 (сбой процесса обхода NAT) все еще возникает, вернитесь к следующему потенциальному исправлению ниже.
Способ 3. Связь с интернет-провайдером
Если ни один из вышеперечисленных методов не помог вам, и вы сталкиваетесь с этой проблемой при каждом действии, требующем подключения к многопользовательскому компоненту, возможно, вы имеете дело с интернет-провайдером, который использует частные IP-адреса, что может облегчить использование типа NAT. С.
В этом случае единственное, что вы можете сделать, чтобы решить проблему, – это связаться со своим интернет-провайдером и попросить его предоставить вам общедоступный IP-адрес. Это довольно распространено среди европейских интернет-провайдеров, которые находятся в авангарде применения политик для защиты анонимности пользователя.
Если вы подозреваете, что можете столкнуться с этой проблемой, вот краткое руководство, которое проведет вас через процесс определения типа NAT на вашем Nintendo Switch:
- На главной панели консоли Nintendo Switch откройте экран системных настроек.
Доступ к экрану настроек системы
- Как только вы окажетесь в меню «Параметры системы», щелкните вкладку «Интернет» в меню слева, затем перейдите к записи «Проверить соединение» в меню справа.
Доступ к меню Test Connection
- Подождите, пока тест будет окончательно завершен, затем проверьте букву, связанную с типом NAT, в списке результатов. Если это буква C, высока вероятность, что ваш интернет-провайдер использует частные IP-адреса.
Проверка буквы типа NAT с помощью функции проверки подключения
You should upgrade or use an alternative browser.
Gaming Error 2618-0516, is Anyone having it? can help please?
Thread starterXabring
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and sorry if is not in english, but it’s NOT my default language
anyway, it basically says it’s a problem with NAT, and if it goes on, my connection is insuitable for online gaming, despite being able to play PC games 95% lag free at times, (or with no issues at all). which is weird, since I have done pretty munch changed everything in the nat (from DMZ to no firewall at all) and nothing. I think it’s the IPS the problem…but I need to be sure.
have anyone have this similar problem?
it’s from the splatoon test, by the way.
Just can’t GET ENUF
but I don’t know what it is again. Which is sad since I have that problem since the original splatoon. (yes, I still have a wii u) and well…15 seconds in-game and suddenly, I am kicked out.
, Reason: Adding wii u problem
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that’s the problem! I already fixed the NAT type situation and still get the error:![]()
but I don’t know what it is again. Which is sad since I have that problem since the original splatoon. (yes, I still have a wii u) and well…15 seconds in-game and suddenly, I am kicked out.
I had the exact same problem when I had a slow connection or was too far away from the wireless access point.
I had the exact same problem when I had a slow connection or was too far away from the wireless access point.
Interesting, then I should try with the wired connection to see if there’s a problem with the router.
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Interesting, then I should try with the wired connection to see if there’s a problem with the router.
Yep. (Or if you think your DNS is the culprit (I highly doubt it) try Google DNS.)
that’s the problem! I already fixed the NAT type situation and still get the error:![]()
but I don’t know what it is again. Which is sad since I have that problem since the original splatoon. (yes, I still have a wii u) and well…15 seconds in-game and suddenly, I am kicked out.
Is UPnP enabled in your router? You might have to enable it.
Alternatively, follow these instructions: http://en-americas-support.nintendo…-port-fowarding-for-a-nintendo-switch-console
Edit: Following those instructions might be a bad idea, just realized they tell you to forward every single UDP port to the Switch, which will mess with anything you play that uses UDP port forwarding over UPnP, like a lot of games do. WTF Nintendo…
Just can’t GET ENUF
Interesting, then I should try with the wired connection to see if there’s a problem with the router.
Not even necessarily a problem, but Switch does seem to like faster dual-band routers despite the caps on dl/ul speed. Wouldn’t be a bad idea to upgrade for the benefit of all your devices if your router is aging.
Not even necessarily a problem, but Switch does seem to like faster dual-band routers despite the caps on dl/ul speed. Wouldn’t be a bad idea to upgrade for the benefit of all your devices if your router is aging.
I had to add openwrt to the router and it didn’t have any problem with absolutely nothing, NOT EVEN SMASH (on both on 3DS and WII u) but no matter what I did, Splatoon was the ONLY game that didn’t work properly.
Just can’t GET ENUF
I had to add openwrt to the router and it didn’t have any problem with absolutely nothing, NOT EVEN SMASH (on both on 3DS and WII u) but no matter what I did, Splatoon was the ONLY game that didn’t work properly.
Yeah that’s a tough one to figure out, then.
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— Manually entering IP and DNS (even using the ones recommended by Nintendo themselves)
— Attempting wired and wireless connections
— Hard resets of both console and router
— Port forwarding
— Changing NAT Type in router settings
— Disabling firewall
— Changing wifi security settings
(All of these tried when the console is both docked and undocked)
This really annoyed me, as I’ve missed the first Splatoon 2 Global Testfire, and I’m sure I’m going to miss the rest now…
I’ve been getting this too (in both Splatoon 2 and FAST RMX), and I’ve tried all of the following, but nothing has worked:
— Manually entering IP and DNS (even using the ones recommended by Nintendo themselves)
— Attempting wired and wireless connections
— Hard resets of both console and router
— Port forwarding
— Changing NAT Type in router settings
— Disabling firewall
— Changing wifi security settings
(All of these tried when the console is both docked and undocked)This really annoyed me, as I’ve missed the first Splatoon 2 Global Testfire, and I’m sure I’m going to miss the rest now…
same games for me awsell!!! i take it your trying whilst docked ?!?!? do me a favour if you try the next testfire try in HANDHELD or TABLETOP mode and let me know if it works i played the last half hour of the testfire in handheld mode and it seemed fine ,oh wait just seen that you have ?»?
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same games for me awsell!!! i take it your trying whilst docked ?!?!? do me a favour if you try the next testfire try in HANDHELD or TABLETOP mode and let me know if it works i played the last half hour of the testfire in handheld mode and it seemed fine ,oh wait just seen that you have ?»?
As far as I can tell, it seems to be an issue where my router is incompatible with online multiplayer on the Switch. I believe it has something to do with the NAT type, as whenever I game online on my PC, it notifies me that my NAT Type is Strict. This would explain why I can access the eShop etc. but not play online multiplayer. Unfortunately my router settings only permit me to change the NAT to «On» or «Off» (and if I set it to Off, I lose internet connection completely).
It may simply be coincidence that you were able to play in handheld mode, as I have heard that some people’s NAT changes randomly throughout the day.
Not even necessarily a problem, but Switch does seem to like faster dual-band routers despite the caps on dl/ul speed. Wouldn’t be a bad idea to upgrade for the benefit of all your devices if your router is aging.
I followed your advice and tried with another router, guess I have to start saving for a newer one after all. (and with stock firmware, but well, I learned to Pimp a router anyways) It was the modem rather than the router by the way. It’s a complicated matter in my particular case. TLTR, I changed the modem instead, it works now. Thank you!
im not the only one haveing issues to the op just out of interest do you get these problems still when the switch is in handheld or tabletop mode ???
Got em TREE of all, handeld, tabletop and docked (with usb adapter), but the problem wasn’t the router, it was the modem. o boy, gotta get better wifi anyways.
Saiyan Lusitano
Hahah Lol, forgot to check that one. that’s why I acclaim english is not my default language.
As far as I can tell, it seems to be an issue where my router is incompatible with online multiplayer on the Switch. I believe it has something to do with the NAT type, as whenever I game online on my PC, it notifies me that my NAT Type is Strict. This would explain why I can access the eShop etc. but not play online multiplayer. Unfortunately my router settings only permit me to change the NAT to «On» or «Off» (and if I set it to Off, I lose internet connection completely).
It may simply be coincidence that you were able to play in handheld mode, as I have heard that some people’s NAT changes randomly throughout the day.
Does your router not have a DMZ option?
To put it simply, If you set your switch to operate in the DMZ (Demilitarized Zone) your router puts it outside the NAT. If you tell me your router make/model I could possibly help you. Most routers have this option.
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Or you can just forward ALL ports to your Switch through NAT.
——————— MERGED —————————
I have heard that some people’s NAT changes randomly throughout the day.
Network Address Translation is a simple routing function (hence the name router) it does not dynamically change. What you are probably hearing about is UPnP or Universal Plug and Play in which, to put it simply, the router senses what ports you need to be open and dynamically opens them while you are playing the game.
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If you’ve ever tried to play online with a Nintendo Switch behind a pfSense or similar router/firewall, you will likely find out of the box it doesn’t quite work alright. Everytime you try to go online on either Splatoon, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe or even Fast RMX you’ll just get constant errors when trying to join with the Error Code ‘2618-0516’ Unable to connect to the other user’s console / NAT Traversal Process has failed.
This is due to pfSense’s out of the box security model with randomizing ports on outgoing connections. It can be easily resolved though by taking the following steps in your Router Config:
Static IP and Static Port
Firstly, you’ll need to give your Nintendo Switch a Static IP address in pfSense.
Assuming you are using the out of the box setup you will have your router at and a DHCP server running which is handing IP’s out between If you are using a different setup, adjust the below steps accordingly.
Browse to Services > DHCP Server > LAN and then scroll down to «DHCP Static Mappings for this Interface» and click Add.
If you are unsure of your Nintendo Switch’s Mac, you can get it from by going on the Nintendo Switch’s Settings application and selecting ‘Internet’ and Connection Status. Please remember, if you use an ethernet adaptor when in the Dock you will have a different MAC address for ethernet vs wireless. If you intend to use both methods, you should repeat this for each.
In the example I used, I gave my Nintendo Switch the IP of because it is within the subnet of the Router’s LAN interface but outside of the normal DHCP Pool of random addresses (100-200) meaning the Switch can always have it.
Apply the changes once done in pfSense, and hard reboot the Nintendo Switch (Press and hold power until the Power Options display and select ‘Power Off’ as oppose to ‘Sleep’ as this will turn off the network interface). Then boot up your Switch fresh and you should find it gets its new IP address.
Next up, we need to add a Static Port in the NAT Firewall section of pfSense. To do this, browse to Firewall > NAT like so and then select the Outbound Tab as seen below.
You need to then select ‘Hybrid Outbound NAT’ and click Save and then Apply the changes.
The Mapping section just underneath should now become available and you can click the Green ‘Add’ button to setup your Static Port rule.
For the rule, you will need to add the Nintendo Switch’s IP to the ‘Source’, tick the ‘Static Port’ in the Translation area and then give your rule a nice description. Then you can Save the rule and then click the Apply button to set the rules live on your pfSense box.
All going well, you should now be able to join other users games when playing on the Nintendo Switch.
However, all is not over — You currently won’t be able to host your own games doing this setup. But that’s solvable in the next step.
Enabling UPnP
The Nintendo Switch supports UPnP which is a really simple yet clever protocol which can be used on your home network which allows devices to request ports be opened on demand on the firewall / NAT to allow the Switch to make itself connectable to the wider world which in turn lets you become the host on games or host your own private sessions for friends.
To enable it in pfSense all you need to do is browse to Services > UPnP & NAT-PMP and enable it:
Tick the ‘Enable’ box, as well as UPnP and NAT-PMP specific boxes. You will need to make sure the External Interface is set to WAN and your local network (LAN) interface is selected at the bottom as seen above.
Click Save at the bottom and the UPnP Service will start.
Summary and NAT Types
Once these changes are made, you should find no problem connecting to Games or hosting your own on your Nintendo Switch.
An interesting point is that Nintendo has added ‘NAT Types’ to the Nintendo Switch which can be seen when doing Connection Tests:
When I first did one out of the box with pfSense; my NAT Type was D and I was unable to join games without getting the 2618-0516 Error. After making the changes in this guide, I got it to C when just doing the Static Port and could join other games and I got it to B once UPnP was also enabled and could also host my own games to.
After doing some digging, it seems NAT Type A which is perfect can only be achieved when there is no Firewall or NAT taking place (ie; the Nintendo Switch is directly connected to the internet with an external IP address). As such, a Grade B is the best you can expect when the Switch is behind any Router sharing an IP address and is a good enough grade to both join and host online games when playing on the Nintendo Switch.
I hope this guide helps, and any questions please drop below and we will do our best to assist
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This worked perfectly!
Thank you so much! ^_^ -
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Hi, my router is tp link tl wdr4300, you can see it on pic. How i can set nat?
Attached Files:
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Thanks for posting this! I need a new router anyway, so I might as well use this guide to pick one to pair with my eventual Nintendo Switch.
Leang Kah Heng
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if without pfsense i cannot solve the problem? as i dont know how to install pfsense >.< i have try every method that suggested when i search through google (set the ip at DMZ, port forwading the port 1~65535) enable UPnP. i solve it for 2 days but im still current having NAT TYPE D seriously i dont know what to do anymore……………
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Thanks for this awesome guide ! I finally learned what the f* UPnP was. xD Seems crazy but all these years I’ve never found out.
Now the remaining question is… Should I do it at work ? ^o^
UPnP should remain disabled on any sort of work related network, it’s a security risk as your allowing anything that supports UPnP to open ports in your firewall and allow remote access your network.
If you had a WiFi network for employees personal devices running on a different pfSense interface it might be acceptable, as at least that can’t access anything on your work related network. Regardless I wouldn’t personally.
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I was trying to be funny, but hey, thank you for the actually interesting answer.
I thought about it on my own and came to the same conclusion (while playing Splatoon, but don’t judge, you’d do the same, right ?).
I tested it on a different gateway we use for «dangerous experiments» and I found out that I manage to get a «B» grade just by setting a fixed port in a NAT rule. I don’t need the UPnP. I don’t know why (we don’t have a very complex setup, it’s pretty much out of the box), maybe a different version ? I’ve used pfSense 2.3.4. Absolutely not a problem, I just thought I should mention it. For science. -
Interesting, when I was doing my initial testing I was struggling not getting above Grade C before I introduced UPnP. Similarly I was struggling a bit on Mario Kart 8 joining games before I did.
The one thing I did do with my UPNP Setup though was lock it down so ONLY Games Consoles could access it: -
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Oh, so you can filter UPnP by host. I’ve missed it, thanks. I’ll keep UPnP active but filter it, just in case a game needs it (I haven’t tested with Mario Kart or any other, I only own Splatoon for now). I’ll try to dig into why I manage to have a B setup without it, though. Who knows, maybe I’ll find a security issue in our network.
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Thanks for the great info, I was attempting all sorts of complexity to push through a unique IP via a VPN just for the switch with all ports forwarded. It looks as if just changing the NAT mode to apply static ports against that single host, worked perfectly in PFSense. Previously I always had NAT Type D = No multiplayer in Mario Kart! As soon as the NAT rules were changed to apply «Static Port» to the Nintendo Switch only, it instantly changed to NAT Type B, and multiplayer worked perfectly.
Very very happy I found your post — thank you!!!!
Everything I found suggests that the Nintendo Switch does not support uPnP — has this changed now in which case I’ll enable it for that host — however given its a security risk, can anyone confirm uPNP is supported as of 2018, and does assist the switches multiplayer game hosting? (There’s a lot of outdated / miss-information on the web about this?).
Thanks again!!!
To be honest @DDDave, I don’t think anyone knows for sure.
My belief right now as of todays date from looking at the UPnP logs is the Nintendo Switch never requests open ports (at least in my setup, but I never host games — I’m always joining others), but with constant firmware updates and game updates I think it’s only time until a network implementation in some game does use it, either at a device level, or the application level itself.To put it into perspective, both the Xbox One and Playstation 4 use it — and as the Nintendo Switch online play catches up to those two, I can only assume it’s a matter of time as oppose to never — but I’m happy to be wrong!
If you look at my post a few above I’ve setup UPnP by default to be blocked on all devices, then add Games Consoles to the allow list for UPnP.
While UPnP certainly has a lot of security risks with any device being able to open ports, I think it’s safe to say Games Consoles are relatively safe to give that permission to — it’s not as if they run unsigned code or ever been hacked from having open network ports. The benefit of using pfSense is you can fine tune those settings to have UPnP Enabled but denied by default to all network devices with an exception on an ‘allowed list’ which would contain Games Consoles like below.
In this setup, my two games consoles (Xbox and Nintendo Switch), can open any ports between 80-65535 and any other devices on my network will be rejected if they request ports.Hope this helps! If anyone does have any UPnP Activity on their Nintendo Switch playing various games online, it could be good to know so we can get a proper answer to this.
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One thing that I noticed with my success is that the NAT rule ‘Nintendo Switch|Static Rule’ needs to be relatively high in this list. At first it was not working for me because it was at the bottom of the list.
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Do you have settings for globe LTE router.. If u have a time to help me. I really need it i got many errors only in pokemon works fine but in other games wont work..
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Fix: Nintendo Switch Error Code 2618-0516 (NAT Traversal Process Has Failed)
If you’re getting the Nintendo Switch error code 2618-0516, it means that the NAT traversal process has failed. This can be caused by a number of things, but there are a few things you can try to fix it.
If you’re trying to play Nintendo Switch online and you get the error code 2618-0516, it means that your NAT traversal process has failed. This can be caused by a number of things, but the most likely cause is that your router is not configured correctly.
To fix this, you’ll need to check your router’s settings and make sure that it’s configured to allow traffic on the correct ports. For more information on how to do this, please consult your router’s documentation.
Once you’ve made the necessary changes to your router’s settings, try connecting to Nintendo Switch online again. If the issue persists, please contact your Internet service provider for further assistance.
What is NAT Traversal and What Causes Error Code 2618-0516?
NAT traversal is the process of connecting devices on different networks that use private IP addresses. This process is necessary when connecting devices that are behind a NAT router, such as a home router. NAT traversal allows these devices to connect to each other without the need for a public IP address.
However, NAT traversal can sometimes fail, resulting in the error code 2618-0516. This error code means that the NAT traversal process has failed. There are a few reasons why this might happen:
-The NAT router might be configured incorrectly.
-The NAT router might be blocking the necessary ports.
-There might be a firewall between the devices that is blocking the connection.
If you are seeing the error code 2618-0516, there are a few things you can try to fix the problem:
-Check the configuration of your NAT router and make sure it is set up correctly.
-Check the NAT router’s firewall settings and make sure the necessary ports are open.
-If you have a firewall between the devices, try temporarily disabling it to see if that fixes the problem.
If you are still seeing the error code 2618-0516 after trying these steps, you might need to contact your ISP or network administrator for further help.
How to Fix Error Code 2618-0516
If you’re getting the error code 2618-0516 on your Nintendo Switch, it means that the NAT traversal process has failed. This can be caused by a number of things, but the most common cause is that your router is not configured correctly.
Here’s how to fix the error code 2618-0516:
1. Check your router’s settings
The first thing you need to do is check your router’s settings. Make sure that the following ports are open:
– UDP: 1-65535
– TCP: 80, 443, 5223, 8080
If you’re not sure how to do this, consult your router’s documentation or contact your ISP.
2. Use a different NAT type
If your router’s settings are configured correctly and you’re still getting the error code 2618-0516, try using a different NAT type. To do this, go to the Nintendo Switch Settings menu and select “Internet.” Then, select “Change Settings” and choose a different NAT type.
3. Contact your ISP
If you’ve tried the steps above and you’re still getting the error code 2618-0516, the problem may be with your ISP. Contact your ISP and explain the problem. They may be able to help you fix it.
If you receive the error code 2618-0516 on your Nintendo Switch, it means that the NAT Traversal process has failed. This process is required in order to connect to the internet and play online.
There are a few things you can do to try and fix this issue:
– Restart your Nintendo Switch and router
– Make sure your router is up to date
– Try connecting to the internet using a different router
– Contact your internet service provider for help
If you continue to have trouble connecting to the internet after trying these steps, it’s possible that there is an issue with your internet service provider. Contact them for further assistance.
If you are having trouble connecting your Nintendo Switch to the internet, you may be seeing the error code 2618-0516. This error code indicates that the NAT traversal process has failed. NAT traversal is the process of routing traffic from one network to another. In order to connect to the internet, your Switch needs to be able to route traffic through your router.
There are a few things you can try to fix this problem:
First, make sure that your router is configured to allow traffic from the Switch. Consult your router’s documentation for instructions on how to do this.
Second, try restarting your router. This will often clear up any minor networking issues.
Third, try connecting your Switch to the internet using a different method. If you are using Wi-Fi, try using a wired connection instead. If you are using a wired connection, try using Wi-Fi.
If you are still having trouble connecting your Switch to the internet, you may need to contact your internet service provider for help.
Contact Us
The Nintendo Switch error code 2618-0516 is caused by a NAT traversal process failure. This error code can be fixed by contacting your Internet service provider (ISP) and asking them to disable their NAT firewall.
Nintendo Switch is a combined home gaming system and a handheld gaming device. It is a device that has three functions: tabletop, portable, and television.
The controls are independent of the display in the TV and tabletop variants. Users can watch the games in TV mode on their televisions. It is a pioneer in bridging the gap between handheld consoles used at home and those used on the go.
It is impressive because every game played on the Nintendo Switch, not only those that support motion control or a second screen, can benefit from one key innovation that the console delivers. But at the same time, Nintendo Switch could encounter errors.
It is undeniably flawed in that it frequently fails to strike the correct balance while attempting to accomplish everything at once. We may get error codes 2618-0515 and 2618-0516 when using Nintendo Switch.
What are Nintendo Switch Error Code 2618-0515 or 2618-0516
Typically, the Nintendo Switch error codes 2618-0515 or 2618-0516 denote a network problem. Due to your NAT type, your network probably needs to be more suitable for peer-to-peer connections. Generally, this happens while playing Animal Crossing.
What Causes Nintendo Switch Error Code 2618-0515 or 2618-0516
After a thorough investigation into this issue, we discovered that several distinct situations could result in these specific error codes. Here is a list of possible offenders.
It might be connected to the DNS configurations. Unreliable DNS range. Cache data for TCP/IP that is corrupt. Or there might be a few temporary network issues from the ISP’s end, like having a private IP range.
Best Solutions to Fix Nintendo Switch Error Code 2618-0515 and 0516 Issue
These are the typical solutions to Nintendo Switch Error Code 2618-0515 or 2618-0516. Try to follow each method one at a time and check if it works.
Discover your NAT Type on Nintendo Switch
- Access the system settings.
- Next, select the internet tab and the entry for the test connection.
- Wait for the test. Additionally, look at the letter assigned to the NAT type. Connecting to anyone is possible by type A, whereas connecting to A, B, and C is doable by B. However, type Ds can only link to type A. The one hindering your connection might be your friend if it is not you.
- Therefore, modify your NAT types as necessary. If it still did not work.
Configure your DNS Settings
Switch the DNS settings to a more dependable range, like the one offered by Google. Here’s how you can do it.
- On the switch controller, click the house icon. Directly below the right analog stick is where you’ll find it.
- Access the Settings icon on the Home menu.
- Then navigate to Internet settings by clicking the Internet tab.
- You will see a list of registered networks. Choose the network that you are currently using. Press A to bring up the context menu, then choose DNS Settings from the list of choices.
- On the first try, select Manual. Then, choose Primary DNS and type as the Primary DNS.
- Enter next and click the Save button after selecting the Secondary DNS.
Other Methods to Resolve Nintendo Switch Error Code 2618-0515 or 2618-0516
If the solutions above do not work for you, check out these ways to troubleshoot the error codes on your Nintendo Switch.
- Check your internet connection.
- Ascertain the configuration of your home network and the kind of network device you are utilizing: a modem, router, or device that combines both Modem and Router.
- Refresh the TCP/IP data by turning your router on and off.
- Reset the network device you are using. Similar to returning the router’s settings to their factory defaults.
- Contact your ISP and request that they switch your private IP range to a public IP range if the two steps above this one do not solve the problem.
- Altering your MTU to 1500 can improve the volume of data you can send and receive at once, which might strengthen your connection. It will be hard to help you connect at first, but once established, it will provide a more reliable connection.
- If you still need help connecting, there might be a problem with the router or network setup. As a solution, ask the router’s maker for support.
- Update the router’s firmware.
Hopefully, one of these steps will help you connect with your friend and continue playing again. If not, contact Nintendo for support, and they might provide answers.